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Emergency Neurological Life Support: Traumatic Spine Injury

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Emergency Neurological Life Support:

Traumatic Spine Injury

Jeff W. Chen, MD, PhD, FAANS, FACS, FCCM1*†, William
J. Meurer, MD, MS2, Neha S. Dangayach, MD, MSCR3, Kerri
L. LaRovere, MD4, Deborah S. Tran5,6 and Stephanie Qualls CNS,
1Department of Neurological Surgery, University of California, Irvine
2Department of Emergency Medicine and Neurology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
3Neurocritical care Division, Departments of Neurosurgery and Neurology Care Icahn

School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Mount Sinai Health System

4Department of Neurology, Harvard Medical School, Boston Children’s Hospital,

Boston MA USA
5Department of Neuroscience, Texas Health Dallas, Dallas, TX
6College of Nursing and Healthcare Professions, Grand Canyon University, Phoenix, AZ
7Neuroscience Intensive Care Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA

Traumatic spine injuries (TSIs) are associated with significant short- and long-term neu-
rological sequelae that may lead to high morbidity and mortality. Early critical care sta-
bilization and interventions may mitigate some of the secondary sequelae of TSI. Key
tenets of the rapid physical and medical stabilization are reviewed as well as recent data
that suggest that early surgical decompression may have a role in improving the neuro-
logical outcome. The role of the intensivist/neurointensivist in the early identification of
spine cord injury (SCI) and stabilization of the patient for definitive surgical intervention
is emphasized. The prevention of the long-term complications of SCI are also reviewed.
Key words: Spinal Cord Injury (SCI), Traumatic Spine Injury (TSI), Neurogenic shock,
NEXUS, Canadian C-Spine Rules

*Corresponding author.
†E-mail: jeffewc1@hs.uci.edu


1 Introduction
The World Health Organization approximates between 250,000 to 500,000 people develop
spinal cord injuries each year with another global estimated incidence as high as 10.5 per
100,000 people, and 768,473 injuries annually.1,2 Most injuries are preventable with the
etiologies including road traffic accidents (39.5%; SD 16.6), falls (38.8%; SD 17.7), and
sports- related injuries, especially in high income countries (8.6%; SD 5.8).2 Therapeu-
tics for spinal cord injuries have centered on surgical interventions and the prevention of
secondary injury.3
In over 50% of patients, injuries to the spine are isolated,4 while nearly 25% have
concomitant brain, chest, and/or major extremity injuries.5 The multi-trauma patient with
concurrent spine injury poses a particular challenge because of the increased opportunities
for secondary insults to the spine. For example, injuries to the chest, abdomen, or extrem-
ities may lead to hypoxia and hypotension which may adversely affect the injured spine.
Thus, the critical care management of these patients in their first hours after presentation
is important to stabilize the patient particularly if there is a plan for surgical intervention
on the spine.6
Though classically thought to be an injury of young males, recent epidemiological
studies of patients with TSI depict a bimodal distribution. The first peak occurs in ado-
lescents and young adults, as expected, however, the second peak occurs in the elderly
population (age > 65 years).7 The patterns of injury are different for these groups with
vehicular accidents prominent in the younger group and falls in this latter group.8,9
The life expectancy for a patient who sustains a TSI is significantly lower than for
the general population.1,2 There has been some improvement with advances in medical
care and rehabilitation, but the average life expectancy continues to remain lower than
expected and is profoundly affected by the degree and level of the injury.1,2,3 Average
lifetime costs (in 2017 U.S. dollars) for a patient with TSI range from approximately $1.1
million to 4.8 million.3
Injuries to the spine tend to occur at areas of maximal mobility. Cervical injuries ac-
count for over 50% of traumatic TSIs and are associated with a much higher short- and
long-term morbidity than injuries affecting the cord at the thoracic or lumbar level.10−12
The most frequent injuries are incomplete tetraplegia (31%), followed by complete para-
plegia (25%), complete tetraplegia (20%), and incomplete paraplegia (19%).13
The ENLS Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury algorithm is shown in Figure 1. Given the
necessary attention to airway, breathing and circulation, as well as spinal motion restric-
tion, the detailed steps of the algorithm are described in this module. A patient with
a suspected spinal cord injury should be maintained in strict spinal motion restriction
throughout their evaluation. Immediate attention to adequate airway protection, ventila-
tion/oxygenation support, and shock prevention and treatment are paramount to the man-
agement of these patients. A thorough trauma secondary survey to evaluate for concomi-
tant traumatic injuries is essential. Finally, clearance from spinal motion restriction as
soon as medically feasible is recommended to allow for early mobility, as well as removal
of unnecessary lines, indwelling tubes and devices.
Traumatic Spine Injury checklist for the first hour

 Spinal motion restriction with cervical collar, and
maintain spine precautions with “flat/bedrest” until seen
by spine specialist
 Keep SBP > 90 mmHg with IV fluids and
vasoactive medications as needed
- Consider keeping MAP >85 mmHg if spinal cord injury
 Administer supplemental O2 if SpO2 < 92%
 Consider early intubation for failure of ventilation
as per Table 1
 Rule out other causes of hypotension such as
hemorrhage, pneumothorax, cardiac dysfunction
- Do not assume neurogenic shock

Traumatic Spine Injury communication regarding assessment and transfer/referral

Communication Checklist
 Mechanism of injury
 Vital signs
 Basic neurologic exam including any sensory
deficit, motor deficit, “level” of deficit, and rectal tone
and sensation
 Additional traumatic injuries
 Interventions and medications administered
including IV fluids and blood products administered and
any vasoactive infusions with dose
 CT scan including location of fractures,
displacement of fragments, dislocation and/or MRI scan
including spinal cord signal change and ligamentous
injury noted

ENLS Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury protocol

2 Diagnosis
Traditional teaching to evaluate a blunt trauma victim is that medical personnel must
assume the patient has a spinal column injury until proven otherwise. Recently, a number
of organizations have suggested a change in the term “spinal immobilization” to "spinal
motion restriction" and have suggested that spinal motion restriction, including the use
of cervical collars and backboards should not be used in patients at low risk of spinal
column injury.14−16 The change in terminology was proposed with realization that it is

very challenging to accomplish true spinal immobilization, without any movement of the
spine during the nursing and medical evaluation of a patient that sustained trauma. Spinal
motion restriction reflects the true approach to patients with suspected TSI. Spinal motion
restriction should be considered for patients with plausible blunt mechanism of injury and
any of the following:

• Altered level of consciousness or clinical intoxication

• Focal mid-line spine/bony pain and/or tenderness

• Focal neurologic signs and/or symptoms (e.g., numbness and/or motor weakness)

• Anatomic deformity or step-off of the spine

• Distracting non-spine traumatic injury (Long bone fractures, large lacerations, de-
gloving or crush injuries, large burn(s), visceral injuries needing surgical consulta-
tion, any injuries producing acute functional impairment

While not typically considered for spinal motion restriction, some patients with penetrat-
ing trauma and/or active cardiac arrest may have spine or spinal cord injuries. Priorities
may be different at this point and concern is appropriately focused on airway, breath-
ing and circulation issues to stabilize the patient. However, concern may be highest for
gunshot wounds directed at the neck, middle of the back, or central chest.17,18
In a patient with any of the above risk factors, the spinal column should be restricted
until an unstable injury can be excluded. In the prehospital setting, patients with risk
factors for TSI are typically fitted with a cervical collar to provide restriction of spinal
column movement, and patients are subsequently transferred to the hospital using spinal
protection techniques. Different types of collars provide different amounts of restriction
of movement.19 Spinal protection techniques may include the use of a cervical collar
and/or backboard to assist with transfer or transportation. Patients should be maintained
in a supine position, using log-roll technique to assist with movement when necessary.
If necessary, the patient can be placed in reverse Trendelenburg position, with the body
supine on an incline with the head elevated or the feet/legs lowered or placing material
under a backboard.
If the patient is intoxicated and uncooperative with medical evaluation, chemical se-
dation or physical restraints may be indicated to assure proper protection of the spinal
column and, more importantly, the spinal cord. It is important to assess patient com-
fort and prevent pressure-related injuries, particularly in unresponsive patients while they
are being transported from the scene to the emergency department (ED) or during inter-
hospital transfers on long backboards. Additional challenges arise finding the balance
between comfort, maintenance of their airway, and ability to reassess the neurological
Once in the ED, the immediate evaluation of a patient with a suspected cervical spinal
injury is no different from any other trauma patient. The ABCDEs––airway, breathing,
circulation, disability, and exposure––take utmost priority. Generally, the diagnosis and
treatment of most spine injuries can be deferred to address other life-threatening injuries,

such as hemorrhage or traumatic brain injury, as long as spinal protection is maintained.

Importantly, the physician should fully expose the patient looking for signs of injury.20
During the disability portion of the primary survey, clinicians should quickly perform
a basic neurologic assessment. In trauma patients, this can be abbreviated to the patient’s
Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), pupil size and reactivity, and ability to move all four ex-
tremities. If the patient is intubated before these three items can be assessed, it becomes
more difficult to assess prognosis.
After the primary survey is conducted to assess for potential life-threatening injuries,
the secondary survey should be completed. The secondary survey entails a complete
head-to-toe evaluation, including a more thorough history of present illness (if possible to
obtain). In patients with suspected spine injury, the entire spinal column and paravertebral
musculature should be examined for deformity and palpated in a search for areas of focal
tenderness. Vertebral fractures or subluxations may cause step-offs appreciated via palpa-
tion of the spinal column or areas of focal tenderness along the midline of the back/neck.
The presence of priapism in male patients, or loss of bowel and/or bladder control in any
patient should always prompt further investigation of TSI. As during the primary survey,
spinal precautions should be maintained while evaluating the patient. When assessing the
cervical spine, it may be safer for the front portion of the rigid cervical collar to remain on
the patient, keeping the head and neck stabilized while a clinician slips their hand behind
the neck to assess the spinal column.6,15
If transported on a backboard, the patient should be removed as soon as possible,
ideally at the conclusion of the primary or secondary survey. Leaving a patient on the
backboard can quickly lead to complications and additional pain. Pressure ulcers or deep
tissue injuries can develop when the pressure applied to the skin is greater than the di-
astolic blood pressure. Studies have shown that skin breakdown can occur quickly even
within the first hour.21−23 Tissue injury is more likely in elderly patients, obese patients,
those who are on harder surfaces, and those who have suffered hypotension. Additionally,
in other studies, a lower Glasgow Coma Score, ICP monitoring, pain from the immobi-
lization device, and a higher injury score have also been found to be risk factors for
pressure ulcers.22,23 Pressure ulcers and deep tissue injuries have been associated with
higher mortality rates, the need for costly medical treatments, and longer hospital stays.
In addition to injuries related to the backboard, increased pain complaints from lying on
a hard board can result in unnecessary imaging, along with elevated cost and additional
radiation exposure risks.22,23 Pressure related injuries are not an insignificant problem. If
one considers all pressure related injuries in the United States, it has been estimated that
there are 2.5 million hospital-acquired pressure injuries (HAPIs) that lead to about 60,000
deaths/year. The cost of treatment according to Medicare is about USD $22 billion.24
Although these are total figures of the costs for all HAPIs, certainly patients with SCI are
particularly prone to pressure ulcers at all stages of their acute treatment.

2.1 Who to Image?

To avoid unnecessary radiation exposure, patients with low or moderate pre-test probabil-
ity of cervical spinal injury should undergo evaluation with a clinical decision rule before

imaging. Both the NEXUS criteria25 and the Canadian C-Spine Rules (CCR)26,27 are
widely used within clinical practice in the evaluation of patients with suspected cervical
spine injuries.

2.2 NEXUS (National Emergency X-Radiography Utilization Study)

Low-Risk Criteria (NLC)
In the NEXUS study, a clinical clearance protocol consisting of five criteria was validated
with 100% sensitivity for the exclusion of cervical spinal injury.25 The NEXUS criteria
are delineated:

1. The practitioner should identify signs of intoxication in the patient. In the original
study, this included the detection of the smell of alcohol on a patient.

2. The practitioner assesses for the presence of focal neurologic deficits.

3. Identification of painful distracting injuries. A distracting injury has no specific

definition in the NEXUS study, but examples in the study that prevented clinical
clearance were:

• Long bone fractures

• Large lacerations

• De-gloving or crush injuries

• Large burn(s)

• Visceral injuries needing surgical consultation

• Any injuries producing acute functional impairment

4. The practitioner assesses whether the patient has a normal level of alertness. Specifi-
cally, there should be no delay or inappropriate response to external stimuli by the patient.
5. Presence of posterior midline tenderness to palpation––the physician should un- hook
the strap of the cervical collar and, with the anterior collar still in place, push on each
vertebra, monitoring the patient for a response to pain. Using the NEXUS criteria, if no
painful response is elicited, and the patient has met all prior criteria, the C-collar can be
removed, and C-spine imaging is not required.

2.3 Canadian C-Spine Rules (CCR)

The CCR offers a more complex but more sensitive (99.4 percent vs. 90.7 percent,
P<0.001) and more specific (45.1 percent vs. 36.8 percent, P<0.001) test validated for
cervical spinal injury.27,29 It includes criteria that allow for clearance in patients 16–65
years old with GCS of 15. Patients can be included if they are able to sit or have been
ambulatory at any time and if there is no midline cervical tenderness. CCR excludes pa-
tients with dangerous mechanisms of injury including falls from greater than 3 feet, high

impact motor collisions, axial load injuries, motorized recreational vehicle collision, and
bicycle injuries. In the CCR, the final stage of clearance is to have the patient rotate their
head 45 degrees to the left and right. The inability of the patient to perform this maneu-
ver is an indication for further imaging. Though this stage was not a reported part of the
NEXUS criteria, it is still recommended as an appropriate final step in clearance. During
this portion of the evaluation, the clinician should remember that minimal pain during ac-
tive range of motion may be experienced by the patient. However, if the action proves too
painful to complete, ligamentous injury is a possibility and the C-collar should be left in
place and advanced imaging pursued.26,27 In general, the greater specificity of the CCR
may allow additional patients to be cleared when compared to the NEXUS criteria.26,27,29
The presence of posterior neck tenderness may be one of the deciding points for which
rule to choose. If the patient has posterior tenderness, NEXUS will not be usable, but the
patient may still avoid imaging with the CCR.

2.4 Imaging
Historically, a 3-view cervical spine radiograph series was the standard initial evaluation
for cervical spine injury and may be appropriate in resource limited settings.30,31,33 How-
ever, if imaging is deemed necessary by the NEXUS and CCR criteria, the Eastern Asso-
ciation for the Surgery of Trauma (EAST) and the American College of Radiology have
recommended that computed tomography (CT) with multi-planar reconstruction should
be the initial imaging modality.32,33,34 Implementation of evidence-based interventions
(i.e., teaching sessions, posters, computerized decision support) has been shown to be ef-
fective in decreasing unnecessary C-spine imaging in the ED.35 Patients with radiographic
evidence of cervical spine injury should be screened for blunt cerebrovascular injury with
either CT or MR angiography of the head and neck particularly if there are indications
of vertebral foramina involvement. Recent studies have proposed that patients with a se-
vere mechanism involving the neck should be screened for possible carotid and vertebral
artery injuries.36,37 This is clearly an area where recommendations are being studied and
are evolving.
If imaging is negative (radiograph or CT scan), the clinician should re-attempt to clin-
ically clear the patient from the collar. If the patient cannot participate in the clinical exam
due to impaired sensorium or if the patient continues to have persistent midline tenderness
at the time of collar clearance, the collar should be left in place. If there is not any sig-
nificant midline tenderness, the patient should be asked to range left and right 45 degrees
as mentioned above. If the patient is unable to range, the collar should be replaced. At
this point, MRI can be used to determine soft tissue and/or ligamentous injuries as there
is greater sensitivity for detection of these injuries with MRI than with CT.33 Additional
consultation or discharge in a cervical collar combined with appropriate region-specific
follow-up (neurosurgeon, orthopedic spine surgeon, primary care physician, trauma sur-
geon, etc.) may be appropriate.

2.5 Thoracolumbar Spinal Column Injuries

Clinical judgment must be used for the clearance of possible thoracolumbar (TL) spinal
column injuries, as well as their evaluation. There has been a recent systematic review and
development of evidence-based guidelines put forth from the Congress of Neurological
Surgeons.38 The authors have several guidelines for specific aspects of thoracolumbar
trauma. The salient features of some these evidence-based guidelines are listed here:
1. Classification Scheme: an accepted scheme such as the Thoracolumbar Injury Clas-
sification and Severity Scale or the AO Spine Thoracolumbar Spine Injury Classification
System is recommended. Strength of Recommendation: Grade B39
2. Neurologic Assessment: There are several assessment scales (i.e., Functional Inde-
pendence Measure, Frankel Scale for SCI) that have demonstrated reliability in prognosis.
Strength of Recommendation: Grade C. ASIA grading scale for Thoracolumbar injuries
can be predictive. Strength of Recommendation: Grade B40
3. Radiologic Assessment: MRI has been shown to influence management in up to
25% of patients with thoracolumbar injuries particularly for posterior ligamentous in-
volvement. It is an important imaging modality to consider in these patients. Strength of
Recommendation: Grade B41
4. Hemodynamic Targets: There is insufficient evidence to recommend active blood
pressure management; however, in light of pooled data (both cervical and thoracolumbar
spine injuries) a target of MAP>85 mm Hg is something to be considered to improve
neurologic outcome. Strength of Recommendation: Grade Insufficient42
5. Timing of Surgical Intervention: There is some data that early surgery (inconsis-
tently defined as from <8 hours to <72 hours) may reduce length of stay and complica-
tions. Strength of Recommendation: Grade B43
There are additional Guidelines that the reader may find of interest but may not be
as pertinent to the upfront care of these patients. These are listed with their references:
Pharmacological Treatments44, Prophylaxis and Treatment of Thromboembolic events45,
Nonoperative care46, Operative vs Nonoperative care47, Novel Surgical Strategies48, Sur-
gical Approaches.49
Focal tenderness over the TL spine, neurologic deficit, and high-energy mechanism
are risk factors that have been identified to be associated with TL spinal column injuries.34
Because of the increased rigidity of the cervical and thoracic spine in patients with anky-
losing spondylitis (AS) and diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH), patients with
these entities are at increased risks of having fractures. This is particularly important to
keep in mind for the elderly population who are more likely to have these conditions in
addition to cervical stenosis that predispose them to SCI. After a fracture, they have asso-
ciated spinal cord injury in 19-97.3% of the cases. It is important to have a high index of
suspicion in these patients.9,50,51
Additionally, in patients with one vertebral column fracture, the presence of a second
non-adjoining fracture has been estimated to have an incidence of up to 15%. As a result,
when one vertebral fracture has been identified, it is recommended that the entire spinal
column undergo imaging to assess for concomitant fracture.52

2.6 Motor and Sensory Exams

If any neurological abnormalities are discovered during initial screening, a detailed neuro-
logic examination of motor and sensory function at all spinal levels should be performed
and the patient should be maintained with spinal motion restriction.
The neurological examination in any patient with suspected TSI should focus on the
motor and sensory exams, as well as rectal tone and perineal sensation findings. If the
patient has abnormality in any of these areas, the lesion should be localized to the highest
spinal level where dysfunction is noted. As a general guide, some of the commonly
referred to motor and sensory levels are:


1. C4 – deltoid

2. C5 – biceps

3. C6 – wrist extensors

4. C7 – triceps

5. T1 – finger abduction

6. L2 – hip flexors

7. L3 – knee extension

8. L4 – ankle dorsiflexion

9. S1 – plantar flexion


1. C4 – deltoid

2. T4 – nipple

3. T10 – umbilicus

The levels above refer to the respective myotomes and dermatomes for these regions of
dysfunction. A rectal exam is of utmost importance in any patient with a suspected TSI,
as decreased or absent rectal tone may be the only sign of a TSI and helps differentiate
complete from incomplete lesions, which is of vital importance in prognostication for
recovery of function.

2.7 American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) Scale

The full examination recommended by the American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) (
http://www.asia-spinalinjury.org) includes a detailed motor and sensory examination. It
is the preferred evaluation tool as recommended by the American Association of Neuro-
logical Surgeons and the Congress of Neurological Surgeons.53

ASIA also defines a five-element scale, the ASIA Impairment Scale (AIS), that is
prognostic of neurologic recovery3,53−56:
A. Complete – No motor or sensory function in the lowest sacral segment.
B. Incomplete – Sensory but not motor function is preserved in the lowest sacral seg-
C. Incomplete – Less than 1/2 of the key muscles below the neurological spinal level
have grade 3 or better strength.
D. Incomplete – At least 1/2 of the key muscles below the neurological level have
grade 3 or better strength.
E. Normal – Sensory and motor functions are normal.
Complete injuries, defined by absence of sensory or motor function below a spinal
level, have a worse prognosis for functional recovery. One caveat is that in the setting
of significant spinal shock, absence of sensation or function may be a manifestation of
the spinal shock itself as opposed to the primary injury. Once the spinal shock resolves,
incomplete injuries may become unmasked57. Incomplete injuries have a much better
prognosis for functional recovery.

2.8 Syndromes
A number of discrete neurologic syndromes have also been described. The regional
anatomy and the location of the insult to the spine dictate the neurologic findings. These
are reviewed and the pertinent anatomy depicted and described in the publication of Diaz
and Morales, 2016.58 If present, these syndromes help indicate the extent and nature of
the injury:
Anterior Cord Syndrome (ACS)
Described as a loss of pain, temperature, and motor function with preservation of light
touch below the level of the injury. It is caused by injury to the anterior spinal cord, com-
monly from contusion or occlusion of the anterior spinal artery. ACS is associated with
axial compression causing burst fractures of the spinal column with fragment retropulsion.
Central Cord Syndrome (CCS)
Described as a loss of cervical motor function with relative sparing of lower extremity
strength. This is most often due to hyperextension injury, commonly seen in elderly pa-
tients with cervical stenosis or a posteriorly protruding calcified disc or osteophyte.59,60 It
is usually not associated with a fracture, but with a “pinching” of the spinal cord be-
tween the posterior ligamentum flavum and the osteophytes that results in cord contusion
or ischemia within the central part of the cord.61,62 The upper extremities are more pro-
foundly affected than the lower extremities and distal weakness is more profound than
proximal weakness. This is because of the topography of the corticospinal tracts where
the fibers for the hands/fingers are more centrally placed. The amount of damage to the
laterally-located corticospinal tracts is variable and determines the amount of lower ex-
tremity weakness.58 CCS is the most common acute incomplete spinal cord injury.62An
acute herniated disc may also result in a CCS. Figure 2 is an example of a patient that
had the acute onset of central cord syndrome after an injury that resulted in a posteriorly
protruding herniated cervical disc. Figure 3 is an example of a patient with multilevel

cervical stenosis that is long-standing. The narrowing of the spinal canal and impinge-
ment on the spinal cord is noted. A mild fall can readily result in CCS with transient
compression (usually with hyperextension) of the spinal cord that can result in significant


MRI depicting an acute cervical herniated disc at C4-5. This leads to focal stenosis and
signs and symptoms of a central cord syndrome after the patient had a fall.

Central Cord Syndrome – long-standing onset. Cervical spine stenosis with focal
narrowing for central cord.

Brown-Séquard Syndrome
Described as a hemiplegia with loss of ipsilateral light touch and contralateral
pain/temperature sensation. More specifically, there is ipsilateral vibration and pro-
prioception loss below the level of the injury, ipsilateral flaccid paralysis at the level
of the injury, and contralateral loss of pain and temperature. This is due to traumatic
hemisection of the cord. It is most frequently seen with penetrating cord injury, often

from missiles or knife wounds, or a lateral mass fracture of the spine. It may also result
from acute bleeding or an acute disc that is herniated laterally.

Posterior Cord Syndrome

The symptoms include loss of proprioception, vibration, and touch sensation below
the level of the injury. This can occur with posteriorly directed penetrating trauma that
leads to damage of the posterior spinal artery.

3 Management
3.1 Initial Management in confirmed or suspected TSI
Once a fracture has been diagnosed, the patient should be maintained with spinal motion
restriction during all treatments. As opposed to patients with spinal column injuries with-
out deficit or patients with thoracolumbar injuries, patients with cervical TSIs often have
life-threatening issues that are a direct consequence of their spine injury. These issues
require emergent attention and take priority in the acute management of these patients.

3.2 Airway
Patients with cervical TSI can be at exceptionally high risk of airway compromise due
to several factors. Airway and soft-tissue edema or hematomas from direct neck trauma
and local bleeding can contribute to airway compromise. Trauma patients are at risk
of aspiration, especially with concurrent intoxication, vomiting, or TBI causing coma.
Additionally, having a protected airway aids in assisted ventilation when bag mask ven-
tilation is insufficient. When in doubt, it is better to electively intubate a patient with a
cervical TSI than to wait until it must be performed emergently. Patients will typically
develop worsening of their primary injury shortly after admission due to cord edema and
progressive loss of muscle strength; therefore, vigilance in monitoring these patients for
worsening of respiratory status is essential. As a general recommendation, all patients
with a complete cervical TSI above C5 should be intubated as soon as possible.66,67
Patients with cervical TSI who require non-urgent intubation should be intubated by
an experienced provider using an awake fiberoptic approach or an in-line stabilization
technique. This will minimize movement of the cervical spine and the risk of exacer-
bation of spinal cord injury in the setting of ligamentous or fracture instability. It will
also allow for a neurological examination following intubation to document any changes.
Patients who require urgent or emergent intubation should be intubated using rapid se-
quence intubation (RSI).68 Providers should strongly consider video laryngoscopy and/or
airway adjuncts that help minimize cervical spine mobility, while optimizing visualiza-
tion of the vocal cords. The cervical collar should be removed with in-line stabilization
carefully maintained, and extreme care must be taken to avoid hyper-extending the neck
to minimize the risk of worsening the injury.
No particular RSI medication regimen is recommended, but it should be considered
that many of these patients may already be vasodilated from loss of sympathetic tone.
Therefore, medications that further diminish the catecholamine surge may result in ex-

acerbation of hypotension and bradycardia.69−71 Tracheal or laryngeal manipulation can

also stimulate a bradycardic response in these patients, as can any degree of hypoxia.72
Atropine and a vasopressor such as bolus doses of phenylephrine should always be im-
mediately available when manipulating the airway of a patient with an acute cervical TSI.
Though traditionally avoided in patients with TSI due to the risk of hyperkalemia from
depolarization, succinylcholine is safe to use in the first 48 hours after injury, prior to up-
regulation of acetylcholine receptors.73,74 Indications for intubation for traumatic spinal
cord injury mirror those with Acute Non traumatic weakness (Refer to ENLS ANTW
module for more information). Table 3 provides some absolute and relative indications
for urgent intubation in patients with an acute cervical TSI.

Indications for intubation in patients with traumatic cervical spine injury

Indications for Intubation of the Patient with Traumatic Cervical Spine Injury
Absolute Indications
Complete SCI above C5 level
Respiratory distress
Hypoxemia despite adequate attempts at oxygenation
Severe respiratory acidosis

Relative Indications
Complaint of shortness of breath
Development of "quad breathing"
Paradoxical abdominal work of breathing
Vital capacity (VC) of < 10 ml/kg or decreasing VC
Functionally decreased VC: Inability to hold breath for 12 seconds or inability to
count to 20 on 1 breath.

Consideration Should be Given

Need to “travel” remote from ED (MRI, transfer to another facility)

3.3 Breathing
Patients with cervical TSI are at high risk of inadequate oxygenation and ventilation due
to a combination of factors.66 In patients with high cervical TSI (C3-C5), loss of di-
aphragmatic innervation, as well as loss of chest and abdominal wall strength, contribute
significantly to a patient’s inability to maintain adequate oxygenation and ventilation.132
Patients with high (above C3) complete TSI will almost invariably suffer a respiratory
arrest within minutes of initial injury and, if adequate airway protection and ventilation is
not provided by prehospital providers, typically present in cardiac arrest.
Normal inspiration involves the external intercostal muscles contracting to lift the
ribcage, expanding the antero-posterior (AP) diameter of the chest. The diaphragm, the
principal muscle of inspiration, performs three actions:
1. As a pure piston contracting downward, increasing intrathoracic volume
2. By flattening, it functions as a piston governed by Laplace’s law
3. Interacting through the zone of apposition with the lower ribcage, the abdominal
contents act as a fulcrum to expand the lower ribcage132,133,134
After SCI, intercostal muscle function is lost, with consequent failure of AP expansion
of the ribcage. More importantly, without intercostal contraction, as the diaphragm con-
tracts, the chest wall is sucked in causing paradoxical chest wall movement. Although in-
nervation to the diaphragm is usually intact (lesions below C3), its function is also greatly
affected post-SCI. Lost innervation to the lower thoracic segments causes the diaphragm
to start at a more caudal position which increases its radius of curvature and, from Laplace,
will reduce trans-diaphragmatic pressure on contraction. Additionally, as the diaphragm
descends, due to lost abdominal muscle tone, abdominal contents are pushed out and fail
to provide the fulcrum needed to expand the lower chest. The lower ribcage is pulled in
while the abdomen is pushed out resulting in the ‘see-saw’ pattern of respiration seen.
Finally, the diaphragm is pulled down by the weight of the abdomen, especially when
upright, dramatically reducing apposition between diaphragm and chest wall.133,134
With this pathophysiology, hypoventilation with inability to generate an effective
cough to clear secretions ensue. Up to 65% of patients with cervical TSI will have evi-
dence of respiratory dysfunction on admission to the intensive care unit (ICU).75 Aspira-
tion, retention of secretions and the development of atelectasis contribute to decompensa-
tion, while concomitant injuries such as pulmonary contusions and pneumothoraces are
often found in the polytrauma patient.
Supplemental oxygen should be supplied to all patients with cervical TSI to main-
tain an arterial saturation >92%, as hypoxemia is extremely detrimental to patients with
neurological injury. Hypoxemia can cause severe bradycardia in patients with high cer-
vical TSIs due to unopposed vagal stimulation.72,73 Non-invasive methods of ventilation
should be used with caution in this patient population, as the inability to cough and clear
secretions may lead to an increased risk of aspiration.

3.4 Circulation
Patients with TSI above the T6 level are at high risk of the development of neurogenic
shock. The preganglionic sympathetic fibers arise from T1-T4 and synapse in the stel-
late ganglia of T2-T4.76 The patient suffers an interruption of this sympathetic chain,
resulting in unopposed vagal tone. This leads to a distributive shock with hypotension
and bradycardia, though variable heart rates have also been described.76 Bradycardia is a
characteristic finding of neurogenic shock and may help to differentiate from other forms
of shock. Care should be taken to avoid assuming that a patient has neurogenic shock
because of a lack of tachycardia. Young healthy patients, elderly patients, and patients on
pre-injury beta-blockers will often not manifest tachycardia in the setting of hemorrhage.
Patients with neurogenic shock are generally hypotensive with warm, dry skin, as op-
posed to patients with hypovolemic shock from hemorrhage who are cool and may be
hypothermic. This is due to the loss of sympathetic tone in TSI, resulting in an inability
to redirect blood flow from the periphery to the core circulation. However, in the pa-
tient with multiple injuries, other causes of hypotension, such as hemorrhagic shock or
tension pneumothorax, can be present. These causes must be identified and immediately
As a general rule, the higher and more complete the injury, the more severe and re-
fractory the neurogenic shock.77 These signs can be expected to last from 1 to 3 weeks.
Patients may develop manifestations of neurogenic shock within hours to days following
injury due to progressive edema and ischemia of the spinal cord, resulting in ascension
of their injury.78,79 Of note, the term “spinal shock” is not related to hemodynamics, but
rather refers to the loss of spinal reflexes below the level of injury.79−81
First line treatment of hypotension is fluid resuscitation to ensure euvolemia; however,
caution should be used to avoid fluid overload.74 The loss of sympathetic tone leads to
vasodilation and the need for an increase in the circulating blood volume. Once euvolemia
is established, second line therapy includes vasopressors and/or inotropes74,82 (also see
the ENLS Pharmacotherapy manuscript). There is currently no established recommended
single agent, though potential agents include:

Has both alpha and some beta-1 activity, thereby improving both peripheral
vasoconstriction and inotropy, contributing to both blood pressure and brady- cardia,
and is most likely the preferred agent.

A pure alpha-1 agonist that is very commonly used, and easily titrated. Phenylephrine
lacks beta activity, does not treat bradycardia and may actually worsen the heart rate
through reflexive mechanisms.74 This is best used in patients with lesions below T6 in
whom bradycardia is less of a concern.

High doses (>10 mcg/kg/min) are needed to obtain beta effect while lower doses have
more significant alpha effects. Once a frequently used vasopressor, dopamine has fallen
out of favor with a randomized control trial demonstrating an associ- ation with increased
arrhythmic events in all patients, and increased mortality in patients with cardiogenic

An alpha and beta-1,2 agonist that causes vasoconstriction and in- creased cardiac
output. The high doses that may be required can lead to inadvertent mucosal ischemia.
In most centers, epinephrine is rarely used or needed.
Can be useful, as it is a pure beta agonist and inotrope that can affect bradycardia and
may be helpful for treatment of hypotension if the loss of sympathetic tone causes
cardiac dysfunction. Caution should be taken in patients who are not ade- quately
volume loaded, as it may cause hypotension.

All inotropes and vasopressors may be administered through a 20-gauge peripheral

IV or larger proximal to the wrist in an emergency until definitive central access is
established.6,84,135 The site must be visible and monitored hourly for extravasation.135
The American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS) and the Congress of
Neurological Surgeons’ (CNS) Guidelines for the Management of Acute Cervical Spine
and Spinal Cord Injuries recommend maintenance of mean arterial blood pressure (MAP)
at 85-90 mmHg for the first 7 days following acute traumatic spinal cord injury to improve
spinal cord perfusion.85 This is based on uncontrolled studies that demonstrated benefit
in patients who were maintained with a MAP above 85 for 7 days following injury.57,86
Providers should maintain caution when inducing elevated blood pressure in patients with
concomitant injuries, especially traumatic brain injuries.6,87 An overall risk/benefit analy-
sis should be applied to each individual patient prior to reflexively starting or protocolizing
an elevated MAP goal in a patient with spinal cord injury.

3.5 Immobilization of Confirmed Injuries

Confirmed cervical spinal column fractures should be kept stabilized in a cervical collar
with “log-roll” precautions off the backboard as discussed above until definitive manage-
ment can be arranged. The initial goal of treatment should be to prevent further injury
caused by spine motion with resultant worsening of neurologic outcome. An additional
goal would be to minimize skin breakdown while maintaining spinal stabilization.
Studies have demonstrated that PhiladelphiaTM collars, Miami JTM, and AspenTM col-
lars are more effective than standard emergency medical services (EMS) collars, and
they certainly are more effective than no collar in reducing cervical spinal column range
of motion.19,88 Miami JTM collars have also been shown to apply the least amount of
pressure to the facial tissues of the patient compared to other cervical immobilization
collars.19 Miami JTM collars are indicated for stable cervical spinal column injuries from
C2–C5. A thoracic extension can be added if immobilization is needed for a stable injury
from C6–T2. It should be noted that there is not a cervical collar that will prevent a de-
termined or delirious patient from moving his or her head, potentially worsening injury.
Agitated patients may require aggressive pain control and sedation to minimize mobility
of the cervical spine.
Patients with spinal column injuries have historically been moved only with “log-
roll” precautions once in the hospital, and this remains the standard of care in many
centers. Other methods including the 6-plus–person (6+) lift or lift-and-slide (LS) tech-
niques can be used to stabilize the spine when transitioning to or from a board. More
details are provided in the Nursing Considerations Section. The High Arm In Endangered
Spine (HAINES) position is useful for recovery in patients with suspected spinal cord
injury.16,25 With the patient lying supine, the knees are bent, and one arm is abducted to
180 degrees with the other arm across the patient’s chest. With a clinician providing inline
stabilization while on the side of the patient with the arm across the chest, the patient can
be gently rolled to their side, and a transfer device can be placed underneath the patient.89

3.6 Definitive treatment

The mainstay of treatment for TSIs is decompression of the spinal cord to minimize ad-
ditional injury from cord compression by surgical stabilization of unstable ligamentous
and bony injury. Traditionally, there has been a bias that patients with a complete (ASIA
A) injury did not improve with early surgery. There were arguments that early surgical
interventions on the injured cord worsened the neurological outcome because of spinal
cord edema and systemic hypotension. However, several recent studies with early surgery
(within 8-24 hours of injury) have demonstrated improvement in neurologic outcome. The
rationale for early surgery is to decrease injury from the compression and to improve the
surrounding environment. This could speed and enhance the recovery.90,91,136 Bourassa-
Moreau et al found that patients with complete cervical spine injuries demonstrated more
benefit from early surgery than those with complete TL injuries. They hypothesized that
the forces needed to inflict a TL complete spinal injury were greater than in the cervical
spine, thus the decreased recovery.92
After the completion of the surgery, it is important to minimize the effect of secondary
complications, such as venous thromboembolic disease, pressure ulcers, respiratory fail-
ure, and infections. Early consideration should be given to placement of indwelling uri-
nary catheters, both to monitor volume status and prevent urinary retention.6,66 Once an
indwelling urinary catheter is removed, the care team should initially perform frequent
bladder urine volume assessments, and straight catheter for urine greater than 400 ml to
prevent bladder distension and overflow incontinence.93 Additionally, stress ulcer prophy-
laxis should be initiated early following injury, due to an increased risk of gastrointestinal
bleeding in patients with cervical TSI.94−96 There are few therapeutic options for the
injured spine itself. Though there has been extensive research in the field, no neuropro-
tective therapy has been definitively proven effective in improving outcome following
traumatic spinal cord injury.3,74

3.7 Steroids
The use of steroids following TSI was based on experimental work in animal models that
suggested methylprednisolone has neuroprotective effects through an anti-inflammatory
mechanism.97,98 This led to the National Acute Spinal Cord Injury Studies (NASCIS) tri-
als. NASCIS II concluded there was no overall benefits of high dose methylprednisolone;
however post-hoc analysis demonstrated improvement in patients who had received the
drug within eight hours after injury.99,100 As a result, this regimen quickly became the
standard of care. However, there has been extensive debate and discussion about the va-
lidity of the results, as well as an inability to confirm the results in additional trials.100−104
Moreover, extensive concerns have been raised about increased complications, such as
pneumonia and gastrointestinal bleeding in patients treated with steroids following acute
cervical TSI.105,106 Steroids are not currently recommended in the setting of traumatic
spinal cord injury.

4 Unique Pediatric Considerations

Pediatric anatomy impacts the spinal cord differently than adults. Younger children have
head sizes that are relatively larger than the remainder of the body and are at risk for high
cervical spine injury whereas older children are more likely to have lower cervical and
thoracolumbar injury.137 The vertebral column is more flexible in children 9 years old
and younger, making the spinal cord more susceptible to injury, including an increased
risk of atlanto-axial dislocation.109,115−117 Motor vehicle collisions are the leading cause
of TSI in children, followed by falls particularly in children younger than age eight years,
and sports-related injuries in adolescence.114 Firearm injuries and other forms of violence
in adolescents may also result in SCI. Some genetic conditions in children (e.g., Trisomy
21, Klippel-Feil syndrome, skeletal dysplasia(s), and mucopolysaccharidoses) are associ-
ated with atlantoaxial instability due to odontoid hypoplasia or ligamentous laxity, which
increases the risk of TSI. Children with underlying genetic diseases may have multiple
pathologies that affect spine function.
In infants and young children, TSI is an appreciable portion of injury in inflicted, non-
accidental trauma (iNAT), and may contribute to morbidity and mortality.107,108 Mecha-
nisms of injury to the brain and spine from abusive etiologies involve a complex interplay
between biomechanical forces and development stage. The infant’s large head, in combi-
nation with weak neck muscles and shallow angles of the facet joints in the spine, lead to
acceleration/deceleration rotational forces on the brain and neck from shaking alone, or in
combination with, direct impact.109 In children with iNAT, neurologic deficits on exami-
nation can often be mild despite evidence of significant brain and spinal cord injury (SCI)
on imaging. Greater than 60% of children with iNAT have evidence of spinal subdural
hematoma (SDH) on imaging compared to 1% of children with accidental traumatic brain
injury, so this finding is highly suggestive of an abusive etiology.110
Unique differences in anatomy (large head size and highly flexible spine) also pre-
dispose pediatric trauma patients to spinal cord injury without radiologic abnormality
(SCIWORA). SCIWORA occurs in up to one-quarter of all pediatric SCIs, with a peak
incidence in children under age 8 years.111 Cervical spine injury commonly occurs from
hyperextension mechanism that results in deformation of the spinal cord without frac-
ture, leading to contusion or ischemia from temporary occlusion of the vertebral arteries,
followed by return of the spine to its original position.112 This condition should always
be considered in children with neurologic changes, concern for TSI, or with an unreli-
able exam, in the absence of abnormalities on plain films or CT scan imaging.113 Spine
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the most accurate imaging study for SCIWORA
because of its superior ability to diagnose cord edema, hematomas and ligamentous in-
While there is no validated prediction rule for cervical spine imaging in children, on-
going research is focused on this space. The Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research
Network (PECARN) conducted a recent 17-center, 5-year retrospective case control study
to identify risk factors for cervical spinal injury in pediatric patients. Fourteen variables
were independently identified as high risk: diving, axial load, clotheslining, loss of con-
sciousness, neck pain, reported inability to move neck, altered mental status, intubation,
basilar skull fracture, substantial torso injury, substantial thoracic injury, respiratory dis-
tress, decreased oxygen saturation, and focal neurologic deficits.
If the initial radiographs are inconclusive, spine motion should be restricted until SCI
is reliably excluded with CT or MRI. Given concerns of radiation exposure, expert con-
sensus advises that CT should be used sparingly in children. In children with TSI whose
mechanism involves high-energy thoracic trauma, injury to the carotid or vertebral arter-
ies should be considered. Angiography should be pursued in children with unexplained
coma, ischemic changes on brain imaging, or clinical signs of stroke. Skull base fractures
or several facial traumata are additional risk factors that suggest that the traumatic forces
that result in the head injury may also involve significant neck movements
Although much less frequent now because of better restraining devices in motor vehi-
cles, a word should be mentioned about patients, particularly pediatric age patients with
the “seatbelt sign.” This is characterized by a history of wearing a lap belt during the
injury. There is a high association with abdominal wall ecchymosis, and intra-abdominal
organ injuries with vertebral fractures (usually thoracolumbar). In some studies, the find-
ing of abdominal wall ecchymosis was associated with a 50% incidence of vertebral
As is the case in adult TSI, there are no established neuroprotective treatments for
pediatric SCI. Once the spinal trauma has been diagnosed, children should be treated like
adults with spinal motion restriction. Children can be more challenging to maintain in
a restricted position, and patient selection is important. Special attention to positioning
is important, as the large head size predisposes young children to flexion of the neck.
Careful selection of an appropriate-sized neck collar is also important to prevent skin
lesions, inadvertent neck movement, or obstruction of the child’s cerebral venous cir-
culation. Clinicians should approach pediatric patients with the same algorithm as adult
patients, with priority given to the airway, breathing and circulation, and avoidance of sec-
ond insults that may aggravate the initial injury (i.e., hypoxia and hypotension). In small
infants subgaleal hematomas can cause blood loss sufficient to cause hypotension and be
life-threatening. Hypotension in children is defined as systolic blood pressure (SBP) be-
low the 5th percentile for age or by clinical signs of shock. The 5th percentile for age
of SBP can be estimated by 70 mm Hg + [2x age in years]. While the optimal blood
pressure range for children with SCI has not been established, SBP greater than the 5th
percentile for age should be maintained, with similar considerations as with adults with
concomitant brain injury. There should be a suspicion for an upper C-spine injury that is
underlying neurogenic shock if there is significant bradycardia and hypotension that does
not respond to fluid resuscitation. If necessary, an intravenous bolus of 20 mL/kg 0.9%
sodium chloride solution should be administered as soon as vascular access is obtained.
Subsequent doses of fluid should be guided by serial assessment of blood pressure, per-
fusion and hematocrit. Lack of compensatory tachycardia also occurs in children and is a
useful way to differentiate neurogenic shock from hypovolemia. The initial approach in-
cludes surgical decompression in selective cases. The role of operative treatment, such as
decompression and fusion, should be determined by a multidisciplinary team of pediatric
specialists in trauma surgery, emergency medicine, neurosurgery, neurology, orthopedic
surgery and critical care medicine. The main systemic complications of TSI in children
include respiratory failure, hemodynamic instability, autonomic dysreflexia, pain, venous
thromboembolism, psychological distress, neurogenic bladder and bowel, hypercalcemia
and skin pressure ulcers. Early stabilization even in cases of complete SCI may be bene-
ficial to facilitate early mobilization and maintain spinal alignment.
TSI in children can be complex and heterogeneous. Early evaluation and treatment
from rehabilitation services including occupational and physical therapy aid in recovery.
Because of the need for multidisciplinary care of pediatric trauma patients, considera-
tion for early transfer to a specialized pediatric center should be made early after initial
systemic stabilization.121

5 Prehospital Considerations
The evidence base for safe extrication techniques and the benefits of spinal immobiliza-
tion in the prehospital setting is limited and largely dated.122 Overall, systematic reviews
have not confirmed the benefits of immobilization; therefore, a shift to the concept of
spinal motion limitation is reasonable although clearly this is an area where more evi-
dence is needed. In addition, it is unclear how much harm has been induced in recent
years through strict adherence to immobilization through airway aspiration and soft tis-
sue pressure injuries. Interestingly, standard extrication techniques emphasizing a lack of
patient movement may induce more spinal disruption than directed self-extrication, but
more prospective research on patients with acute injury is needed.123 As noted above,
patients may have concomitant injuries, comorbidities, and intoxicants. The prehospital
providers must emphasize the safe and careful movement of these patients to definitive
care. In short, the emphasis of care in the prehospital setting should emphasize protecting
and when necessary, securing the airway, ensuring adequate ventilation and maintaining
adequate perfusion pressure. The emergence of airway adjuncts in the field, such as the
laryngeal mask airway (LMA), may allow for prehospital providers to temporize with
interventions that put less strain on the neck than standard endotracheal intubation. As

in the hospital, the emphasis should be on limitation of movement, and protection from
secondary injury as opposed to the prior paradigm of strict “immobilization.”

6 Nursing Considerations
It is anticipated that the patient will arrive via emergency medical services (EMS) or
via triage with acute injury and will receive rapid imaging protocols to attempt to clear
the patient from spinal precautions, yet some patients may now be medically cleared per
guidelines. For those that remain on spinal precautions, frequent neurological, respiratory,
bowel, bladder and skin integrity assessments must be maintained to identify and prevent
advancement of spinal injury or secondary concerns. Neurologic assessment should be
performed every two hours and is especially critical in the first 24 hours.139 A systematic
sensory/motor assessment should be completed to monitor the level of injury as ascend-
ing spinal cord edema can occur rapidly causing respiratory compromise.124 Frequent
focused respiratory assessment of non-intubated patients with injury above T6 should be
performed to monitor for respiratory distress, respiratory fatigue, chest wall expansion,
abdominal wall movement, cough, and aspiration. Endotracheal intubation should be
considered if respiratory distress occurs.139 A dual registered nurses’ handoff should be
completed to ensure consistency of neurological assessment from one shift to another and
during handoff between care locations (emergency department, operating room/theatre,
post-operative recovery unit, intensive care unit, etc.).125

6.1 Gastrointestinal
For cervical spinal involvement, central cord injury, or any spinal injury with concur-
rent traumatic brain involvement, a standardized bedside swallow evaluation such as the
“Standardized Swallowing Assessment” should be completed prior to anything given by
mouth. For failed swallow evaluations, the physician or representative should be made
aware, and the patient should have nothing by mouth, until further testing can be com-
pleted by a speech language pathologist.124,126 After TSI patients may suffer from gastric
dilatation, ileus superior mesenteric artery syndrome, peptic ulceration, and pancreatitis.
Consider placing a nasogastric tube and connected to low suction to avoid emesis if there
is a concern for aspiration of gastric contents.140

6.2 Genitourinary
Atonic bladder may be present in patients with TSI requiring placement of a foley urinary
catheter.141 Priapism may be present in the male patient due to vasodilatation from unop-
posed parasympathetic innervation. This generally resolves without any treatment. There
is no contraindication to placing a urinary catheter if a patient with a TSI has priapism.142

6.3 Positioning
If placing or changing the cervical collar, the cervical collar should be removed with in-
line stabilization carefully maintained, and extreme care must be taken to avoid hyper-
extending the neck to minimize the risk of worsening the injury. One clinician should be

at the head of the bed, placing hands either side of the patient’s head, stabilizing the head
and neck while another person replaces the collar. To ensure stabilization, the clinician
slides both hands downwards so the thumb rests either below the jaw or above the clavicle
and the fingers are spread behind the neck encompassing C7. Once a patient is removed
from the backboard, ensure thorough skin assessment with attention paid to the sacrum,
occiput, shoulders, elbows and heels if the patient can tolerate as there is high risk for
pressure injury.143 Patients are at risk for pressure injuries that are difficult to heal due to
loss of vasomotor tone, paralysis, and bedrest. Early use of a specialty mattress should be
considered to prevent pressure injury.139
Attempts should be made to minimize repositioning and transfer of the patient with
an unstable spine. If necessary, the team can use the 6-plus–person (6+) lift, lift-and-slide
(LS), or logroll (LR) techniques to place or remove the spine board. In a four-person
LR maneuver, one person is positioned at the head of the patient, one person at the hip
and pelvis and one person at the knees. In synchronization, the team turns the patient
laterally while a fourth person can either place or remove the board under the patient. The
team then returns the patient to the supine position in coordination. Alternatively, the 6
+ lift employs one person to maintain in-line stabilization of the head and neck, while
six people are positioned on each side of the chest, pelvis, and legs to lift the patient. In
synchronization, the team lifts the patient 4-6 inches off the surface to place or remove
the spine board from the foot end of the patient. The LS technique may also be used.
One person ensures manual, inline stabilization of the head and neck while three other
people straddle the patient and lift the upper torso, hips, pelvis, and lower extremities in
synchronization. A fifth person slides or removes the board beneath the patient from the
feet. In simulation the LS method as well as the 6+ lift method have been found to provide
better stabilization in cadavers.144

6.4 Pain
Assessment of location, duration, intensity, and pain characteristics are important in the
patient with TSI. Somatic pain may be present from additional trauma and should be
evaluated and treated if necessary. If possible, use the visual analog scale or numeric
rating scale. If the patient cannot use these scales, the Critical Care Pain Observation Tool
may be used. Both pharmacological and non- pharmacological methods of pain control
may be used. Pharmacological approach may involve opiates and non- opiate adjuncts.
An individualized approach should be used for the treatment of pain and should be focused
on the specific features of a patient’s pain.145

6.5 Psycho-social
Early assessment for suicidal thoughts and plans is important as patients with acute TSI
have been found to have increased rates of suicidality, especially if they suffer from a
depressive disorder. If a patient is found to be suicidal, consider using a constant observer
to protect against self-harm.146
In addition to the patient’s physical well-being, consideration must be made for their

family and the need to keep them informed of the patient’s condition, particularly as it
may be changing over time.127

7 Special Considerations in the Elderly

Most statistics indicate that with an aging population, there are an increasing number of
ground level falls. In most series, about 40-50% of these patients suffer brain or spine
injuries. As discussed previously, a fall with a hyperextension injury is a common mecha-
nism for central cord injuries. In fact, central cord injury is the most frequent incomplete
spinal cord injury.58,61,62 Another common cervical spine injury that occurs in the el-
derly from a ground level fall is a Type II Odontoid or Dens fracture. The osteoporotic
neck of the odontoid process pre-disposes this region to fracturing. Also, because it is
in a “watershed” vascular territory, healing is problematic.8 Different surgical techniques
have evolved over the last two decades to treat these fractures. Anterior approaches have
complications with swallowing and aspiration. Posterior procedures have issues with the
placement of screws very close to the vertebral arteries.8,128,129 Many have advocated
long term treatment in a rigid collar with a more sedentary existence. Because most of
these occur with ground level falls, and because there is a good deal of space at the C1-2
region, these fractures may be missed as the patients may not have neurological deficits.
Their only symptom may be neck pain. This is deceptive as inappropriate movement of
the fracture site may lead to impingement on the brainstem.130 Proper limitation of spinal
mobility starts with a rigid collar.8,131

Clinical Pearls
The psychosocial impact of a spinal cord injury is tremendous.
Improvement in neurological outcome by the avoidance of secondary
insults may have significant benefits for the patient in the long term.
There are classic neurological examinations that are expected with
specific spinal cord syndromes such as central cord, anterior cord,
posterior cord, and Brown- Sequard. Recognition of these and their
natural histories are important in the planning of therapies and
treatment paradigms.
Improved neurological outcomes are associated with early surgical
decompression and stabilization (8-24 hours after the injury).
The anatomy of the pediatric patient is different from adults. The
larger head relative to the spine and body lead to occipital-atlanto
dislocations which may have devastating consequences. Recognition
of this possibility is important in the initial stabilization and
immobilization of these patients after an injury.
The ASIA grading scale for spinal cord injury is important for
following the progression and improvement of patients with spinal
cord injury. The initial evaluation is particularly important as
prognosis, interventions, and clinical trials may be planned based on
ASIA score.

8 Starred References
#1 - World Health Organization Spinal cord injury fact sheet. https://www.who.int/news
-room/fact-sheets/detail/spinal-cord-injury. This website describes the worldwide impact
of spinal injury and provides details about the incidence and prevalence of TSI as well as
the epidemiology and statistics about the economic impact of TSI.
#6: Yue JK et al. This article is important in highlighting and reminding us that TSI
frequently does not occur in isolation. The effects of secondary insult and the measures
we must take to avoid their effects on the injured spine are nicely discussed.
#8: Iyer S et al. This very pertinent article discusses this common spine fracture that
occurs in the elderly population. There are very nice radiographs pointing out the fracture
as well as the complex anatomy of this region. The treatment paradigms and pitfalls are
nicely discussed.
#9 Ikpeze T.C. et al. This discusses some of the pre-existing factors that predispose
the population>65 to spinal cord injury.
#44: Diaz E, Morales H. This article reviews the spinal cord anatomy and via very nice
diagrams points out the pertinent spinal cord anatomy that describes the more common
spinal cord syndromes: Central cord, Brown-Sequard, Anterior and Posterior.

#77: Bourassa-Moreau E et al. This is one of several studies that were done on early
decompression of the spine with stabilization after an injury. These are among some more
recent data that suggests that early (<24hr) intervention may improve the neurological

9 References
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The authors are grateful for the contributions and insight of the following reviewer(s):
Christopher Morrison, PharmD, BCCCP, FNCS.

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