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ManualDrenaje SANRAL

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The South African National Roads Agency Limited

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The South African National Roads Agency Limited

Ditsela Place, 1204 Park Street, Hatfield, 0083
PO Box 415, Pretoria, 0001 South Africa
Tel + 27 (0) 12 426 6000 Fax +(0) 12 362 2116/7

ISBN: 1-86844-328-0

5th Edition - Fully Revised Creating wealth through infrastructure

Published by The South African National Roads Agency Ltd,  © 2006 

1204 Park Street, Hatfield, Pretoria, 0001, South Africa  
P.O. Box 415, Hatfield, Pretoria, 0001, South Africa 
First edition in Afrikaans called “Handleiding vir Paddreinering”      Pretoria, 1981 

Second edition translated into English called “Manual on Road Drainage”  Pretoria, 1983 

Third partly revised edition                Pretoria, 1986 

Fourth partly revised edition               Pretoria, 1993 
Fifth Edition – Fully revised and called the “Drainage Manual”      Pretoria, 2006 

ISBN  1‐86844‐328‐0 


i o
Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of research or private study, or criticism or 

t 6
review, as permitted under the Copyright Act, this publication may not be reproduced 

a 0
in whole, or in part, for commercial purposes. Additional copies may, however, be 

printed off the PDF version, or obtained from the website, www.nra.co.za 

l i 0

The copyright does not extend to the methods or intellectual property rights of any of 

b -
the authors. 

u 4

p 0
In addition, photocopies of the whole, or parts of the publication may be made by 

e -
academic institutions for students. 

r 9
Editor:       Edwin Kruger 

P 1
Sub‐editor:      Nuno Gomes 

Publishing Manager    Connie Nel 

Design and Production  Brand Connection 

Printing      Paarl Web, Linbro Park, Johannesburg 

Although  every  effort  has  been  made  as  to  the  accuracy  and  applicability  of  the 
information contained in this publication, the publisher, The South African National 
Roads Agency Ltd (SANRAL), and the authors, cannot accept any legal responsibility 
or liability for any errors, omissions or for any other reason whatsoever. 



Water is often thought of as the source of civilization; hence the hypothesis that the development of
hydraulics is related to the evolution of ancient societies such as those of Mesopotamia and Egypt.
Owing to the structure of the early states, which entailed a closed system of absolute monarchy and
monopoly with only a small number of literate scholars, the pace of technological advancement was

cumbersome. The basket remained the only water-lifting device in Egypt until the sheduf was

introduced during the time of the New Kingdom – almost 3 500 years after the commencement of

agriculture in Egypt and 1 500 years after the rise of the nation-state. The development of the
waterwheel and the Archimedes clean water screw followed 1 000 years later in Alexandria.

Founded by the Egyptian ruler, Ptolemies (323 BC to AD 30), the Mouseion in Alexandria hosted
scholars such as Euclid and Archimedes (287 to 212 BC) who made significant advances in

mathematics of cones and cylinders as well as differential equations leading to major advances in
hydraulic engineering. These Alexandrian scholars laid the foundations of theoretical hydrology in

i o
connection with practical applications. Around the same time the Persians too had already made an

t 6
ingenious contribution to hydraulic engineering by developing a water delivery system known as
qanats – a subterranean system of tunnels connecting wells. However, it is the Romans who were

a 0
instrumental in expanding the science of hydraulic engineering to various parts of their empire.

l i c 0
Through the ages, civil engineers have always had to cope with unforeseen natural forces. The

external forces created by climatic change, and further exacerbated by human induced variables, can

b -
unexpectedly and significantly influence the hydrological cycle with serious socio-economic effects.

u 4
Although mathematical analysis and modelling cannot cater for every eventuality, we can certainly
attempt to scientifically predict the behaviour of these natural forces and minimise their impacts on

p 0
our environment.

r e 9 -
South Africa, for instance, is known for its low average annual rainfalls and large seasonal variations.
Despite the latter, abnormal rainfalls have historically had disastrous consequences. Although our

P 1
problems are not without precedent, societies are always inter-linked and local catastrophes could have
serious regional and national repercussions.

The channeling of water by societies for usage and development has remained an ongoing challenge
since the days of the early mathematicians through to modern-day engineers. We trust that this
manual, published as a guide to both students and practitioners will assist in meeting these challenges.
It must, however, be emphasised that it is merely an aid and should ultimately not replace sound
engineering analysis and judgement.

Nazir Alli

Drainage Manual i

The South African National Roads Agency Ltd (SANRAL) wishes to thank all parties involved in
extensively revising and updating the Road Drainage Manual (first published in 1981) and now known
as the Drainage Manual. The previous editors and authors of the original manual, J Bosman, A
Rooseboom, MS Basson, CH Loots, JH Wiggit, assisted by ZP Kovacs and AM van Vuuren (maiden
name Mouton), are hereby also acknowledged.

The co-operation between SANRAL, co-editors, authors and reviewers was critical in realising the
goals of producing a manual of such high standard. In particular, we wish to thank the following:

Professor Albert Rooseboom (University of Stellenbosch), Professor Fanie van Vuuren (University of

Pretoria) and Marco van Dijk (University of Pretoria). In addition, we also extend our gratitude to Ms.

Anna Jansen van Vuuren, Professor Willie Pienaar (University of Stellenbosch), Dr Pine Pienaar,
Professor Will Alexander (Emeritus Professor University of Pretoria), Zoltan Kovàcs, GM James,
J Maastrecht and DW Stipp for their valuable contributions.

Edwin Kruger

n D
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The South African National Roads Agency Limited

l i c 0
April 2006

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Drainage Manual ii
Foreword i
Acknowledgements ii
Table of Contents iii



ra f

2.2.1 Economic value of resources 2-3

n Need for shadow pricing 2-3 Shadow pricing of market items 2-3

i o Shadow pricing of non-market items 2-4

t 6
2.2.2 Future inflation 2-4
2.2.3 The evaluation base date 2-4

a 0
2.2.4 The time value of money 2-5

c 0
2.2.5 The discounting procedure 2-6

l i

2.3.1 Present Worth of Cost (PWOC) technique 2-7

b -
2.3.2 Net Present Value (NPV) technique 2-7

u 4
2.3.3 Benefit/Cost Ratio (B/C) technique 2-8
2.3.4 Internal Rate of Return (IRR) technique 2-8

p 0

e -
2.4.1 Overview of the evaluation process 2-9

r 9
2.4.2 Establish the purpose of the economic evaluation 2-9 LEVEL 1: To determine the economic viability 2-9

P 1 LEVEL 2: To establish specific design criteria/details of a specific
project. 2-10
2.4.3 Selection of appropriate economic evaluation technique(s) 2-10
2.4.4 Definition of project alternatives 2-10 Define the null alternative (Alternative 0) 2-10 Define the project alternative(s) (Alternative 1 through n) 2-11
2.4.5 Calculate recurring user costs / project benefits 2-11 General 2-11 User cost classification 2-12 Reduction in vehicle running costs 2-13 Time savings 2-13 Reduction in accident cost 2-14 Cost of abnormal floods 2-14 Calculation of recurring transport infrastructure cost savings 2-14 Total project benefit projection for use in cost-benefit analysis 2-14 Treatment of non-user benefits in economic evaluation 2-16
2.4.6 Determination of project investment costs 2-16 General 2-16 Opportunity cost of investment 2-16 Sunk cost 2-17 Analysis period and service life 2-18

Drainage Manual iii Unforeseen expenses 2-19 Interest payable on the investment amount 2-20
2.5.1 Overview of the flood damage evaluation procedure 2-20
2.5.2 The minimum design standard 2-20
2.5.3 Construction cost estimates 2-22
2.5.4 Maintenance and operation cost 2-22
2.5.5 Additional costs associated with abnormal floods 2-22
2.5.6 Economic evaluation 2-24

2.7.1 Selection criteria 2-25

2.7.2 Mutually exclusive projects 2-26

2.7.3 Independent projects 2-27
2.7.4 Mutually exclusive and independent projects 2-28
2.7.5 Timing of project implementation 2-30

2.8.1 Introduction 2-31

2.8.2 The National Water Act (Act No 36 of 1998) 2-31
2.8.3 The Environmental Conservation Act (Act No 73 of 1989) 2-31

i o

t 6
2.9.1 Example 2.1 – Net Present Value 2-32
2.9.2 Example 2.2 – Present Value 2-33

a 0
2.9.3 Example 2.3 – Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 2-33

i c 0
2.10 REFERENCES 2-34

b l 2


u 4
3.2.1 Terminology 3-1

p 0
3.2.2 Different methods in use for the calculation of flood peaks 3-3

e -

r 9
3.3.1 Topographical factors 3-5

P 1 Size of catchment Catchment shape 3-5 Catchment slope 3-5 Stream patterns 3-6 Infiltration 3-6 Soil type and geology 3-6 Seasonal effects of vegetation 3-6
3.3.2 Developmental Influences 3-7 Land use 3-7 Storage 3-8 Reservoirs 3-8
3.3.3 Climatological variables 3-8 Climate 3-8 Rainfall as a flood parameter 3-8 Time and area distribution of storms 3-8
3.4.1 Applicability of statistical methods 3-10
3.4.2 Annual and partial series 3-10
3.4.3 Overview of probabilities 3-11
3.4.4 Methods of calculation used in statistical analysis 3-11
3.4.5 Use of short records in statistical analysis 3-13

Drainage Manual iv
3.5.1 Rational method 3-14 Background and principles 3-14 Run-off coefficient (C) 3-15 Rural areas 3-15 Urban areas 3-17 Rainfall intensity (I) 3-17 Time of concentration (TC ) 3-17 Effective catchment area (A) 3-21 Simplified hydrograph for the rational method 3-21
3.5.2 Alternative Rational method 3-22


f Background and principles Rainfall intensity (I) 3-22

3.5.3 Unit Hydrograph method 3-25 Background 3-25 Lag time and catchment index 3-26

D Rainfall input 3-28 Calculation of the peak flood with the Unit Hydrograph procedure 3-31

n Changes in hydrograph duration 3-36

o Determination of design hydrographs

3.5.4 Standard Design Flood Method 3-37

t 6 Introduction 3-37

a Theoretical base of the SDF method

0 General 3-38

i c 0 Regional definition of the runoff coefficient 3-38

l The development of the SDF method 3-39


b Design hydrograph form

- Maximum design flood 3-40

u 4 SDF calculation procedure 3-41

p Additional SDF comparison


e -
3.6.1 General 3-43

r 9
3.6.2 Empirical peak flow calculation for rural area 3-43
3.6.3 Empirical deterministic peak discharge formula for return periods up to 100

P 1
years 3-46
3.6.4 Experience curves of maximum flood peaks for the calculation of the flood
peaks for return periods more than 100 years 3-46
3.7.1 SCS method 3-49
3.7.2 Run hydrograph method 3-51
3.8.1 Worked Example 3.1 - Small catchment 3-51 Rational method 3-53 Alternative Rational method 3-59 Unit hydrograph method 3-61 SDF method 3-65 Empirical methods 3-66 Comparisons of solutions 3-67
3.8.2 Worked Example 3.2 - Large catchment 3-68 Statistical method 3-70 SDF method 3-73 Empirical methods 3-73 Comparisons of solutions 3-74
Appendix 3A – Statistical analysis 3-A1

Drainage Manual v
Appendix 3B – Standard Design Flood Method 3-B1
Appendix 3C – Standard Flood Calculation Forms 3-C1
Appendix 3D – QT/QRMF ratios for different catchment areas 3-D1


4.1 GENERAL 4-1
4.2.1 Introduction 4-3
4.2.2 General definitions associated with open channel flow 4-3
4.2.3 Principle of continuity of mass (Conservation of mass) 4-5
4.2.4 Principle of conservation of energy (Energy principle) 4-6

4.2.5 Defining controls in open channel flow 4-9

4.2.6 Friction losses 4-12

4.2.7 Transition losses 4-21
4.2.8 Rules for the application of the energy equation 4-22
4.2.9 Conservation of momentum (Momentum principle) 4-25

4.2.10 Rules for the application of the momentum equation 4-26
4.2.11 Analysis of transition conditions 4-27

4.3 PIPE FLOW 4-31
4.3.1 Introduction 4-31

i o
4.3.2 Principle of continuity 4-31

t 6
4.3.3 Energy principle 4-31
4.3.4 Application of the energy equation 4-32

a 0
4.3.5 Principle of momentum conservation 4-33

i c 0

4.4.1 Example 4.1 - Flow characterisation, energy gradient and normal depth 4-35

4.4.2 Example 4.2 - Gradually varying river flow (backwater calculation – simple

b -
sectional details) 4-38

u 4
4.4.3 Example 4.3 - Gradually varying river flow (backwater calculation) 4-41
4.4.4 Example 4.4 – Negligible energy losses (converging flow over short distance) 4-43

p 0
4.4.5 Example 4.5 – Transition losses 4-44

e -
4.4.6 Example 4.6 – Identification of acting controls 4-44

r 9
4.4.7 Example 4.7 – Pipe flow 4-47

P 1


5.2.1 General 5-1
5.2.2 Vehicle speed 5-3
5.2.3 Depth of flow 5-3
5.2.4 Road surface 5-3
5.2.5 Wheel load, tyre type and tyre pressure 5-3
5.2.6 Further requirements regarding surface drainage 5-3
5.3.1 General 5-5
5.3.2 Use of kerbs, berms and outlets 5-5
5.3.3 Hydraulics of kerb and berm flows 5-6
5.3.4 Kerb and berm outlets 5-7
5.3.5 Hydraulic design of drop outlets (grid outlets) 5-11 General 5-11 Sub-critical approach flows 5-11
5.3.6 Hydraulic design of side outlets 5-13
5.3.7 Kerb inlets with transitions 5-14

Drainage Manual vi
5.4.1 Introduction 5-23
5.4.2 Freeboard and provision for wave action 5-23
5.4.3 Permissible slopes of drains 5-24
5.4.4 Calculation of hydraulic capacity of channels 5-25
5.4.5 Permissible velocities : soils and grass covers 5-25
5.4.6 Channel linings: Solid materials 5-27 Concrete linings 5-27 Rip-rap and stone pitching 5-28 Prefabricated paving blocks 5-30 Gabions 5-30

5.4.7 Indirect protection and stepped energy dissipation 5-33


5.5.1 Introduction 5-37
5.5.2 Stepped energy dissipation in very steep channels of chutes 5-40

5.6.1 Introduction 5-46
5.6.2 Underground connector pipes 5-46

5.6.3 Discharge pipes down side slopes 5-46

i o
5.7.1 Introduction 5-46

t 6
5.7.2 Stepped energy dissipation on steep slopes 5-47
5.7.3 Direct protection 5-48

a 0

i c 0
5.8.1 Worked Example 5.1 5-49

5.8.2 Worked Example 5.2 5-49

5.8.3 Worked Example 5.3 5-50

b -
5.8.4 Worked Example 5.4 5-51

u 4
5.8.5 Worked Example 5.5 5-51
5.8.6 Worked Example 5.6 5-52

p 0

r e 9 -

P 1
6.1.1 Definition of low-level river crossings 6-1
6.1.2 Terminology 6-1
6.1.3 Classification 6-1
6.1.4 Application of LLRC’s 6-5
6.1.5 Key focus areas that need to be considered in the design of LLRC’s 6-5 Basic characteristics and limitations 6-5 Road network aspects 6-5
6.1.6 Key focus areas that need to be considered in the design of LLRCs 6-6
6.2.1 Straight river section 6-6
6.2.2 River channel cross-section 6-6
6.2.3 Angle of crossing 6-8
6.3.1 Methods to calculate run-off 6-8
6.3.2 Selection of appropriate return period 6-9
6.3.3 Determination of design flow rate 6-9
6.4.1 LLRC’s and culverts 6-10
6.4.2 LLRC’s and high-level bridges 6-11
6.4.3 Road type 6-11

Drainage Manual vii

6.5.1 Flow over the structure 6-11
6.5.2 Flow passing through the structure 6-12
6.5.3 Total flow 6-15
6.6.1 Structural dimensions 6-15 Number of lanes 6-15 Width of structure 6-16 Cross-sectional and longitudinal slope of surface 6-16 Length of structure 6-17 Size of openings 6-17 Guide-blocks 6-17


f Apron slabs and wing-walls Inclined buttresses on upstream side 6-19

6.6.2 Road geometry 6-19 Vertical alignment 6-19 Horizontal alignment 6-19

6.6.3 Foundations 6-18
6.6.4 Structural design 6-19

n Structural design approach 6-21

o Construction materials

6.6.5 Approach fills 6-22

t 6
6.6.6 Erosion protection 6-22
6.6.7 Safety 6-23

a 0
6.6.8 Warning signs 6-23

i c 0
6.6.9 Regulatory signs 6-23


6.7.1 Community considerations 6.23

b -
6.7.2 Labour-intensive construction 6-23

u 4
6.7.3 Environmental considerations 6-23
6.7.4 Legal aspects 6-24

p 0
6.7.5 Economic justification 6-24

e -

P r 1 9
7.1 OVERVIEW 7-1
7.2.1 Introduction 7-1
7.2.2 Practical measures 7-2
7.8.1 Example 7.1 – Determination of the required culvert size 7-19
7.8.2 Example 7.2 – Level pool routing 7-26
7.8.3 Example 7.3 – Erosion protection downstream from a culvert 7-29


8.4.1 General remarks 8-12

Drainage Manual viii

8.4.2 Concepts and definitions 8-13
8.4.3 Scour estimation 8-18
8.4.4 A check method for total scour based on applied stream power principles 8-26
8.4.5 Special cases of scour 8-27
8.4.6 Lateral movement of rivers 8-28
8.4.7 Procedures for initial estimation of scour at bridges 8-29
8.4.8 Concluding remarks on the relationships for scour at bridges 8-31
8.5.1 Introduction 8-32
8.5.2 General considerations for the consideration of scour countermeasures 8-32
8.5.3 Spurs, Berms and Dykes 8-35

8.5.4 Revetments: Riprap protection 8-37

8.5.5 Local scour armouring 8-40

8.5.6 Structural countermeasures 8-42
8.5.7 Maintenance measures 8-43

8.7.1 Worked Example 8.1 - Backwater at a bridge 8-44

8.7.2 Worked Example 8.2 - Scour at a bridge 8-49

t i o 6

a 0
9.1.1 General 9-1

i c 0
9.1.2 Sub-surface interception drainage (Trench drains) 9-3

9.1.3 Herringbone sub-surface drainage 9-3

9.1.4 Layer sub-surface drainage 9-3

b -
9.1.5 Structural sub-surface drainage 9-3

u 4

p 0
9.3.1 General 9-5

e -
9.3.2 Sub-surface intercept drains 9-5

r 9 Introduction 9-5

P 1 Design capacity of intercept drains Designing a granular filter layer 9-7 Designing a geotextile filter 9-7 Retention criteria 9-9 Dynamic (multidirectional) flow conditions 9-10 Permeability / permittivity criteria 9-10 Clogging resistance 9-11 Survivability criteria 9-12 Durability criteria 9-13
9.3.3 Design of underground pipes 9-13 Slope of pipes 9-13 Pipe diameter and outlet spacing 9-14 Pipe perforations 9-17 Pipe material 9-17 Pipe bedding 9-17
9.4.1 Spacing of laterals 9-18
9.4.2 Design of laterals 9-19
9.4.3 Main drainage pipes 9-20
9.5.1 General 9-20
9.5.2 Open-graded base and subbase 9-20

Drainage Manual ix
9.5.3 Filter layer and collector drain 9-21
9.5.4 Design formulas 9-21
9.6.1 Outlets 9-22
9.6.2 Markers 9-22
9.6.3 Inspection requirements 9-22
9.6.4 Manholes 9-22
9.7.1 Example 9.1 - Herringbone drainage system 9-23


10.3.1 Utility programs for Drainage (UPD) 10-3

10.3.2 HEC-RAS 10-4
10.3.3 EPA Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) 10-5

10.3.4 BridgeLCC 10-5
10.4 FEEDBACK 10-6

t i o 6
l i c a 0 0
u b 4 - 2
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Drainage Manual x
Chapter 2
AF = the damage cost of abnormal floods
AFxn = damage cost of an abnormal flood to design alternative X in year n
AFQD = damage cost of a design flood, QD
AFRMF = damage cost of an RMF
B/C = benefit/cost ratio
CA = all costs incurred in establishing a facility
CA = investment (capital) cost that is required to implement the alternative A
CA = the construction cost of alternative x
F = Future value

FA = future amount at the end of year n
i = annual discount rate as a decimal fraction

IRR = internal rate of return technique
M = the normal annual cost of maintenance and operation of alternative x
n = discount period in years

NPV = net present value
PQD = probability of an SDF in year n, i.e. (1/TSDF), where TSDF is the return period

of the SDF
PRMF = probability of an RMF in year n, i.e. (1/TRMF), where TRMF is the return period

i o
of the RMF

t 6
PW = present worth (value in year zero)

PWOC = present worth of cost

PWOCx = present Worth of Cost of alternative x

i c 0
PW(M0+U0) = the present worth of facility maintenance costs and user costs of the null


b 2
PW(MA+UA) = the present worth of facility maintenance costs and user costs of a proposed


u 4
PW(CSA) = consumer surplus gained through additional usage induced by the proposed


- 0
r = rate at which the left-hand and right-hand sides of the equation are equal,

resulting in a NPV of zero

P r 1 9
Chapter 3
a = constant
A = area of catchment (km²)
ARF = area reduction factor (%)
ARFiT = area reduction factor (%)
b = constant
C = run-off coefficient (dimensionless)
C = catchment parameter with regard to reaction time
C1 = runoff coefficient for rural area with a value between zero and one
C1D = rural run-off coefficient incorporating the effect of dolomites
C1T = Rural run-off coefficient incorporating the effect of dolomites and initial
saturation factor
C100 = calibration coefficient (SDF method)
C2 = calibration coefficient (SDF method)
C2 = runoff coefficient for urban area with a value between zero and one
C3 = runoff coefficient for lakes with a value between zero and one
CP = runoff coefficient according to average soil permeability
CS = runoff coefficient according to average catchment slope
CT = combined run-off coefficient for T-year return period (dimensionless)
CV = runoff coefficient according to average vegetal growth
D = storm duration (hours)
F = lag coefficient

Drainage Manual xi
FT = adjustment factor for initial saturation for return period T
fiT = flood run-off factor (%)
H = height (m)
H = height of most remote point above outlet of catchment (m)
H0,10L = elevation height at 10 % of the length of the watercourse (m)
H0,85L = elevation height at 85% of the length of the watercourse (m)
heiT = effective rainfall (mm)
I = rainfall intensity (mm/hour)
IT = average rainfall intensity for return period T (mm/h)
K = regional constant
KRP = constant for T-year return period

KT = constant for T-year return period

Ku = dimensionless factor

L = hydraulic length of catchment (watercourse length)(km)
LC = distance from outlet to centroid of catchment area (km)
m = order number

m = number, in descending order, of the ranked annual peak floods
M = 2-year return period daily rainfall from TR102 (3.16)

M = mean of the annual daily maxima
MAR = mean annual rainfall (mm/a)

i o
n = design life (years)

t 6
n = length of record (years)
P = mean annual rainfall (mm/annum)

a 0
P = probability (%)

i c 0
P1 = probability of at least one exceedence during the design life

PAvgT = average rainfall over the catchment for the T-year return period (mm)

PAvgiT = average rainfall for T-year storm duration (mm)

b -
PiT = point intensity for the return period T (mm/h)

u 4
PT = point rainfall for the return period T (mm)
Px = probability of x exceedances over the design life (n)

p 0
Pt,T = the precipitation depth for a duration of t minutes and a return period of T

e -

r 9
Q = peak discharge (m³/s)
Qe = peak discharge of unit hydrograph (m³/s)

P 1
QiT = peak discharge for T-year return period (m³/s)
Qp = unit hydrograph peak discharge (m³/s)
QRMF = regional maximum flood peak flow rate (m³/s)
QT = peak discharge for T-year return period (m³/s)
r = roughness coefficient
R = average number of days per year on which thunder was heard (days/year)
S = slope (m/m)
Sav = average slope (m/m)
T = time (hours)
T = return period (years)
TC = time of concentration (hours)
TL = lag time L (hours)
Tp = time to peak
TSD = storm duration (hours)
t = duration (minutes)
x = number of exceedences
α = area distribution factor
β = area distribution factor
γ = area distribution factor

Drainage Manual xii

Chapter 4
A = sectional area (m²)
A1 = upstream sectional area (m²)
A2 = downstream sectional area (m²)
B = channel width (m)
Cc = contraction coefficient (≈ 0,6)
CL = loss coefficient for sudden transitions
f = roughness coefficient
Fx and Fy = force components exerted by the solid boundary on the water
g = gravitational acceleration (m/s²)
hf = energy loss over distance L (m)

ks = roughness coefficient, representing the size of irregularities on bed and sides


hl = transition loss (m)
hf = friction losses (m)
hl = transition losses occurring where the flow velocity changes in magnitude or

direction (m)
ks = measure of absolute roughness (m)

L = distance (m)

Mg = weight of the enclosed fluid mass (N)

p = intensity of pressure at centre-line (Pa)

t 6
p1 and p2 = intensities of pressure on either side of the bend (N/m2)

a 0
q = discharge per unit width (m³/s/m)

Q = discharge (m³/s)

i 0
rc = centre line radius (m)

l 2
R = hydraulic radius i.e. area divided by wetted perimeter (m)

b -
S = energy slope, which is equal to bed slope only when flow is uniform (m/m)
v = uniform channel velocity (m/s)

u 4
v = average flow velocity (m/s)

p 0
V = volume stored (m³)

v = average velocity (m/s)

r e
v1 and v2 = upstream and downstream velocities (m/s)

vx = velocity component in x direction (m/s)

P 1
w = vertical sluice opening
y = depth of flow measured perpendicular to the streambed, (m)
y = distance between water surface and centre of gravity of section (m)
z = bed level at point where depth of flow = y, (m)
z = centre line elevation (m)
α = coefficient compensating for variations in velocity across a section
β1 and β2 = angles of direction (°)
(γ yΑ ) x = force component in x direction
γ = specific weight (value for water 9,8 x 103 N/m3)
v = average velocity (discharge divided by area) (m/s)
L = pipe length (m)
θ = longitudinal bed slope angle, (°)
ρ = mass density = 1 000 kg/m3 for water
υ = kinematic viscosity (≈ 1 x 10-6 m²/s for water)

Chapter 5
A = effective cross-sectional plan area of the opening (m²)
B = total flow width (m)
C = inlet coefficient (0,6 for sharp edges or 0,8 for rounded edges)
CD = discharge coefficient

Drainage Manual xiii

D = depth of flow (m)
E = specific energy
F = blockage factor (say, 0,5)
H = total energy head above grid (m)
H = energy head ≈ flow depth for upstream conditions (m)
H = head (m)
KL = discharge coefficient
s = energy gradient (m/m)
v = average velocity (m/s)
Vs = settling velocity (m/s)
x = distance between obstructions (m)

y = depth of flow at deepest point (m)

y2 = equivalent sequent jump depth with a horizontal bed (m)

z = height of obstructions (m)

Chapter 6

Aover = area of flow over structure at the flow depth selected
B = the width of the channel (or the length of the structure)

d = depth of flow over the structure (m)
fi = a dimensionless factor related to the design level

i o
g = greavitational acceleration (9,81 m/s²)

t 6
n = Manning n value. For a concrete deck nconcrete can be taken as 0,016
Pover = wetted perimeter at the flow depth selected

a 0
Q2 = discharge with a 1:2 year return period (m³/s)

i c 0
Qdesign = design discharge (m³/s)

Qo = discharge that can be accommodated over the structure within the acceptable

flow depth (m³/s)

b -
Qover = the discharge that could be accommodated over the structure within the

u 4
selected flow depth (m³/s)
Qu = discharge capacity of the openings through the structure (m³/s)

p 0
SB = slope in direction of flow (m/m)

r e 9 -
Chapter 7
B = width (inside) (m)

P 1
D = inside diameter (m)
D = height (inside) (m)
h f 1− 2 = friction losses between cross section 1 and 2 (m)
∑ h 1 1− 2 = transition losses between cross section 1 and 2 (m)
H1 = upstream energy level, relative to the invert level (m)
H2 = downstream energy level, relative to the invert level (m)
I = average inflow (m3/s)
I1 = inflow to the ponded area at time t1 (m³/s)
I2 = inflow to the ponded area at time t2 (m³/s)
Kin = inlet secondary loss coefficients
Kout = outlet secondary loss coefficients
O = outflow through culvert (m³/s)
O1 = outflow at t1 (beginning of time step Δ t ) (m³/s)
O = average outflow (m³/s)
S = temporal storage or ponding volume (m³)
S0 = natural slope (m/m)
Sc = critical slope (m/m), where Fr = 1
yn = normal flow depth (m)
yc = critical flow depth (m)

Drainage Manual xiv

ΔS = change in storage volume (m³)
Δt = time step that is used (s)
I1 + I 2
Δt = average volumetric inflow (m³)
O1 + O 2
Δt = average volumetric outflow (m³)

Chapter 8
A1 = flow area at section 1 (m²)
A4 = flow area at section 4 (m²)

An = flow area at for normal flow conditions (m²)

An2 = flow area at section 2 below normal water level (m²)

B = mean channel width (m)
Bn = mean channel width for normal flow conditions (m)
Bn = total flow width for the normal stage (m)

b = pier width (m)
C = Chézy coefficient

C = a constant
C = coefficient for specific gravity and stability factors

Cb = backwater coefficient

t i
D = flow depth (m)

d50 = average particle diameter (m)

a 0
D50 = median size of bed material (m)

D50 = riprap size (m)

l i 0
D50 = median riprap size (m)

davg = average depth in the main channel

b -
Dc = critical particle size for the critical velocity Vc (m)

Dm = effective mean bed material size (1,25D50) (m)

ds = local scour depth at pier (m)

p 0
e = voids ratio of soil mass

e -
F = constant obtained from measured data

r 9
Fr1 = Froude number directly upstream of the pier
Fs = side factor to describe bank resistance to scour

P 1
g = gravitational acceleration (9,81 m/s2)
h* = backwater damming height, afflux (m)
h*1A = backwater damming height abnormal stage conditions (m)
k = absolute roughness of river bed (m)
K* = secondary energy loss coefficient
K = pier shape coefficient (1,5 for round-nosed and 1,7 for rectangular piers)
K = factor applied for abutments
K1 = a factor defined
K1 = correction for pier nose shape
K2 = correction factor for angle of attack of flow
K3 = correction factor for bed condition
K4 = correction factor for armouring due to bed material size
Ku = 0,0059 (SI units)
L = pier length (m)
Ls = spacing between spurs (m)
n = Manning’s coefficient of roughness (s/m1/3)
Q = total discharge (m³/s)
Q = equivalent steady discharge which would generate the channel geometry
QT = design flood (m³/s)
S = energy slope (m/m)

Drainage Manual xv
s = specific gravity of soil particles
Ss = specific gravity of riprap
SF = required stability factor to be applied
q = discharge per unit width (m³/s.m)
q = discharge through the sub-channel
V = velocity on pier (m/s)
v = average velocity through sub-channel (a, b or c)
v1 = average velocity through Section 1 (m/s)
v1 = mean velocity upstream of the pier (m/s)
V1 = approach velocity (m/s)
v2A = velocity in constriction during abnormal stage conditions (m/s)

v2c = critical velocity in constriction (m/s)

Vn2 = flow velocity at section 2 based on An2

Va = average velocity in the main channel
V* = shear velocity (m/s)
V*c = critical shear velocity (m/s)

Vi = approach velocity when particles at pier begin to move (m/s)
V = characteristic average velocity in the contracted section

Vss = particle settling velocity (m/s)
VR = velocity ratio

i o
Vc50 = critical velocity for D50 bed material size (m/s)

t 6
Vc90 = critical velocity for D90 bed material size (m/s)
y = mean depth of flow (m)

a 0
y = depth of flow in the contracted bridge opening (m)

i c 0
y = projected normal flow depth in the constriction (m)

l 2
y0 = depth upstream of pier (m)

b -
y1 = flow depth directly upstream of pier (m)
y2 = flow depth under bridge (m)

u 4
y2c = critical depth in constriction (m)

p 0
ys = scour depth (m)

e -
Yt = total maximum scour depth (m)

Y0 = maximum general scour depth (m)

Ys = local scour depth (m)

P 1
α1 = velocity coefficient
α2 = velocity head coefficient for the constriction
θ = bank angle with the horizontal (°)
ρ = density of water (kg/m3)
ρd = dry bulk density (kg/m3)
ρs = saturated bulk density (kg/m3)
φ = riprap angle of repose (°)
τc = critical tractive stress for scour to occur (N/m²)
ν = kinematic fluid viscosity (m²/s)

Chapter 9
A = surface area (m2)
Ag = geotextile area available for flow
At = total geotextile area
AOS = apparent opening size (mm)
B = a coefficient (dimensionless)
B = width of collector drain
Cu = the uniformity coefficient
d = diameter of pipe (m)
D85 = soil particle size for which 85% of openings are smaller (mm)
Dx = the sieve size through which x% of the material passes

Drainage Manual xvi

g = longitudinal slope of the road (m/m)
i = hydraulic gradient (m/m)
I = design infiltration rate (mm/h)
k = Darcy coefficient of permeability (m/s) and
ks = permeability of material
kb = permeability of an open-graded layer (m/day)
kt = permeability of the channel backfill (m/day)
L = length of the pipe (m)
L = length of paving (1 m wide) subject to infiltration (m)
n = Manning’s n (s/m1/3)
nb = porosity of an open-graded layer

O95 = opening size in geotextile for which 95% of openings are smaller (mm)

P = 1h duration/1 year return period rainfall intensity (mm/h)

q = drainage rate (mm/day)
q = discharge per meter width (m3/s.m)
S = spacing (m)

S = cross-slope of a drainage layer (m/m)
So = slope of the pipe (m/m)

t = depth of flow in material (mm)
T = drainage period for layer (h)

i o
tb = thickness of drainage layer (mm)

t 6
tb = effective thickness of drain layer (mm)
W = width of the drainage layer (m)

a 0
ψ = geotextile permittivity

b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Drainage Manual xvii



When the Road Drainage Manual (RDM) was first published in Afrikaans in 1981(1.9), its purpose was
defined as:

“om nuttige inligting aangaande paddreinering in ‘n bruikbare vorm saam te vat” (to combine useful
information on road drainage in a usable format).

It was realised at that stage that many road drainage components were not being designed optimally.

This could be attributed largely to the fact that it typically took a designer a while to accumulate
enough separate pieces of information, which were required to undertake road drainage design. The

large numbers of copies of the RDM that have been sold since then, as well as the large number of
persons who have attended courses on the application of the manual, were proof of the need for such a

It is especially necessary in the Southern African context to provide manuals for the local designers

since they have fewer opportunities to consult with specialists. Whilst a Drainage Manual must cater

for this reality, it remains true that only persons with the necessary insight and experience may deal

with major drainage components, as well as with complex situations such as scour at bridges.

a t 6
As in the original RDM, recommendations are made regarding methods of calculation, coefficients

c 0
and design criteria for general use. In contrast with textbooks, theories are quoted only briefly with

i 0
the emphasis rather on the application of the theories. Wherever possible, available information has

been sorted through so that only the most useful information giving reliable answers, is given in this

b - 2

u 4

p - 0
The South African National Road Agency Limited (SANRAL), generally known as the Agency, was

formed on 1 April 1998, as an independent, statutory company registered in terms of the Companies

r 9

P 1
The South African Government, represented by the Minister of Transport, is the sole shareholder and
owner of the Agency. Its mandate is to develop, maintain and manage South Africa's proclaimed
national roads. (1.1)

In striving to reach the key objectives, SANRAL is being and has been pro-active in compiling
relevant information, developing manuals and participating in capacitating the role players in the roads
industry to ensure a sustainable road infrastructure network.

Compiled SANRAL manuals and standards that have been well accepted and which are widely used
• Procedure for road planning and design, (2003) (1.2)
• Policy in terms of road planning and design, (2003) (1.3)
• Geometric Design Manual, (2002) (1.4)
• Code of procedure for the planning and design of highway and road structures in South
Africa (2002) (1.5) .

As a result of the core value to be pro-active to the needs of the customers and other stakeholders and
the wide use of the earlier Road Drainage Manual (1981 – Compiled by the South African Roads
Board), SANRAL decided to revise and upgrade this document as a user tool for all persons involved
in the design of drainage structures and systems. This document is titled: Drainage Manual.

Introduction Drainage Manual 1-1

The purpose of the Drainage Manual is to provide a reference document with regard to drainage and to
contain software required for the modelling and analysis of drainage problems in general, but covers
road drainage in particular detail. Revisions and additions to the original RDM, include:
• Clarifying points, which have proven to be open to misinterpretation.
• Adding new useful local information, which has become available since the publication
of the RDM during 1981
• Filling in gaps in information, which have been identified
• Deleting information, which has become obsolete because of changes in policy or practise
and replacing it with material in accordance with new requirements(1.5)
• Illustrating hand calculations for verification and reinforcing of the analysis procedures

and theories

• Referring to appropriate computer software.

The Drainage Manual therefore contains the following:
• A Road map at the beginning of each chapter to guide the user to specific sections to

indicate typical problems and to provide references to other chapters
• Theoretical description of the applicable calculations for drainage problems

Hand calculations of typical problems
• Reference to applicable software utilities and user manuals for the programs.

t i o
The Drainage Manual should be read in conjunction with the Code of Procedure for the Planning and

Design of Highway and Road Structures in South Africa (February 2002 or later editions). The Code

a 0
covers the procedures to be followed and design requirements to be met in the planning and design of

structures for the South African National Roads Agency Limited (SANRAL), including structures

l i 0
being designed for other authorities, but funded by SANRAL or structures built for other authorities

that are proclaimed national roads.

u b 4 -
The reader is also referred to the Guidelines for the Hydraulic Design and Maintenance of River
Crossings Volumes I to VII (1.6), compiled by the Committee of State Road Authorities during the

p 0
period 1992 – 1994 and published by the Department of Transport, as well as the Design Manual for

e -
Standard Box Culverts (1.7), published by the National Transport Commission and the Natal Provincial

r 9
Administration in 1981. The content of the Drainage Manual (this document) takes precedence over
the documents indicated above.

P 1

The Drainage Manual contains ten chapters. These chapters have been structured to provide the user
with the relevant theoretical bases, worked examples as reinforcement of the application of the theory,
as well as design procedures and reference to utility software. Photographs of different aspects of
drainage and drainage structures have also been included to provide further background to the topics
covered in this document. The focuses in the different chapters are:

Chapter 1: (This chapter): Provides an introduction to the Drainage Manual.

Chapter 2: Reviews the planning, economic and legal considerations.
Chapter 3: Discusses the methods that can be used to calculate floods for different
recurrence intervals.
Chapter 4: Reflects procedures for hydraulic calculations.
Chapter 5: Discusses surface drainage design.
Chapter 6: Includes details of low-level crossings.
Chapter 7: Contains design information for lesser culverts and storm water pipes.
Chapter 8: Focuses on bridges and major culverts and scour at these structures.
Chapter 9: Discusses sub-surface drainage.
Chapter 10: Reflects relevant web links and refers to supporting software for drainage.

Introduction Drainage Manual 1-2

Each chapter ends with analytical and calculation procedures for different typical drainage

At the start of each chapter a “Road Map” is included. This Road Map reflects the topics covered in
the chapter, provides a quick reference to other topics, refers to typical problems and hand calculations
and contains reference to utility programs. Table 1.1 (Road Map 1) provides the road map for the
Drainage Manual and reflects the different aspects covered in the Drainage Manual.

It is trusted that the document will provide valuable assistance in the design of drainage systems.
Users are invited to comment on any aspect that they feel should be extended or reviewed.

Supporting drainage utility software and user manuals for this software are being developed. These
will be contained in a separate document (1.8).

Table 1.1: Overview of the Road Maps

Topic Schematic

i o n
a t 6
1 Chapter 1 - Introduction

l i c 0 0
u b 4 - 2
p 0
Chapter 2 - Economic analysis

e -
2 procedures and legal aspects with regard

r 9
to road drainage

P 3
1 Chapter 3 - Flood Hydrology

4 Chapter 4 - Hydraulic calculations

Introduction Drainage Manual 1-3

Topic Schematic

5 Chapter 5 - Surface drainage

D ra
Chapter 6 - Low-level crossings and

i o n
a t 0 6
i c 0
Chapter 7 - Lesser culverts and storm

water pipes

u b 4 - 2
r e p 9 - 0
P 1
8 Chapter 8 - Bridges and major culverts

9 Chapter 9 - Sub-surface drainage

Chapter 10 - Web based links and

supporting software

Introduction Drainage Manual 1-4


1.1 South African National Roads Authority Ltd (SANRAL), Annual Report 2003. (2003).
[Online]. Available: http://www.nra.co.za/ downloads.html [17 February 2006]

1.2 SANRAL. Procedure for road planning and design. (2003). [Online]. Available:
http://www.nra.co.za/ downloads.html [17 February 2006]

1.3 SANRAL. Policy in terms of Road Planning and Design. (2003). [Online]. Available:
http://www.nra.co.za/ downloads.html [17 February 2006]

1.4 SANRAL. Geometric Design Manual. (2002). [Online]. Available:
http://www.nra.co.za/downloads.html [17 February 2006]

1.5 SANRAL, Code of Procedure for the Planning and Design of Highway and Road Structures
in South Africa. (2002).

1.6 Committee of State Road Authorities. (1994). Guidelines for the Hydraulic Design and
Maintenance of River Crossings. Volumes I to VII, 1992 to 1994.

1.7 National Transport Commission and the Natal Provincial Administration. (1981). Design

i o
Manual for Standard Box Culverts.

a t 6
1.8 Van Vuuren S.J. and Van Dijk, M. (2006). Utility Programs for Drainage. [Online].

Available: http://www.sinotechcc.co.za [17 February 2006]

l i c 0
1.9 Rooseboom, A., Basson, M.S., Loots, C.H., Wigget, J.H. and Bosman, J. (1983). National

b 2
Transport Commission road drainage manual. Second edition. Pretoria: Director-General:

Transport. Chief Directorate: National Roads.

p u - 0 4
P r e 1 9

Introduction Drainage Manual 1-5


W J Pienaar and S J van Vuuren (An earlier document on Legal Aspects by J Scott, has been
appended electronically)


The aim of this chapter is to provide comprehensive guidelines for the economic evaluation of
drainage systems and hydraulic structures for road projects by practising transport engineers and
transport economists. In this respect the guidelines should achieve the following objectives:

• Ensure that the results of evaluations conform to an acceptable degree of accuracy

• Standardise the approaches without prescribing the extent of investigations and the levels
of detail of reports thereon

• Offer systematic techniques for testing the proposed projects in terms of quantified

technical and economic efficiency criteria.

i o
As is the case with any other infrastructure improvement project, the economic evaluation of drainage

t 6
systems and hydraulic structures measures costs and benefits from the point of view of society as a
whole. It therefore requires a precise identification, quantification and evaluation of all the costs and

a 0
benefits associated with a project. It further requires ascertaining as to whether the scale, the scope

i c 0
and the timing of project implementation are adequate to ensure the most appropriate use of the

country's resources. Another aspect of the economic evaluation is that it can provide an input during

the design phase of a project and thus contribute to optimisation of the project design.

u b 4 -
The project evaluation process as conceptualised in this chapter is primarily concerned with
methodological and quantitative consistency and standards of the analysis. At the same time it

p 0
addresses, to the maximum possible extent, the basic practical aspects with the aim of achieving an

e -
acceptable degree of uniformity in approach and comparability of results when the project evaluation

r 9
is carried out by different professional entities and/or in different regions of the country.

P 1
Given the serious consequences that inadequate drainage designs might have, the legal issues are of
major importance. Designers need to be aware of the basic legal principles, and should seek expert
legal advice when justified. It is appropriate that the legal aspects are covered, together with economic
evaluations, as the risk that is accepted in design, is increasingly being determined by limited available

Aspects, which are covered, include:

• Legislation
• Wrongfullness and negligence
• Court judgements and
• Professional liability.

Table 2.1 reflects the Road Map that provides a reference to the aspects that are covered in this

Economic Evaluation and Legal Aspects Drainage Manual 2-1

Economic Evaluation and Legal Aspects


Typical Problems Par Input variables

calculations #

Economic value of the resource, future inflation, base

Determination of the economic value of a project 2.2.1 Par 2.9
date, time value of money, discounting procedures

a t 6
Present worth

Par 2.9
Net present value

Economic evaluation techniques 2.3 Example
Benefit/Cost ratio

i 0
Internal rate of return

l 2
Drainage Manual

b -
Design standard, maintenance and operation costs and
Risk of flood damage 2.5 other additional costs relating to the reinstatement of the

u 4

p - 0
Mutually exclusive projects Par 2.7.2

r e 9
Economic selection of project alternatives 2.7 Independent projects Par 2.7.3

P 1
Mutually exclusive and Independent projects Par 2.7.4


# Supporting utility software can be used to determine the NPV, IRR and conduct a Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCA).


2.2.1 Economic value of resources Need for shadow pricing

In order to assess the economic efficiency of the application of resources, an economic evaluation, based
on the consideration of social cost, has to be conducted. Social cost is the opportunity cost to society of
the resources it uses. It is equal to the value of whatever society forgoes by using resources for a certain
purpose instead of another. This involves determining the scarcity value of inputs in a project and of the
outputs produced as a consequence.

The prices obtained under perfectly competitive market forces are indicators of people's willingness to

pay for different goods and services and thus serve as a measure of value to society. Competitive
market prices are signals between producers and consumers that, in the absence of any market failure,
mediate the efficient (i.e. optimal) allocation of resources. In reality, markets are of course different:

governments (acting on behalf of societies) distort prices for all kinds of reasons, and market failure
does occur.

When goods and services, appearing in a cost-benefit analysis, are traded in a competitive market with

i o
few distortions and failures, their market prices are a relatively good guide of the willingness to pay for

t 6
the goods and services, and are usually accepted and used in the evaluation as they stand. When they are

not so traded, the economic price can either be estimated directly by finding out what people would be

willing to pay if there were an effectively working market, or by taking the distorted market price and

i c 0
adjusting it by shadow pricing.

b l 2
An economic evaluation of transport projects must be based on shadow prices, because:

u 4 -
• whenever (i) transaction prices in the market do not reflect the social opportunity cost of

resources exchanged, and (ii) non-market items (such as life, comfort, convenience and the

external effects of activities) are assessed, shadow prices need to be determined that

e -
represent, or act as proxy for, their scarcity value. (In economics literature shadow prices of

r 9
market items are sometimes referred to as factor costs or accounting costs or economic
costs, while the shadow prices of non-market items are sometimes labelled surrogate

P 1

• double counting will occur if those government levies included in the price of vehicle
operating inputs, and used by the government for investment in and maintenance of
infrastructure, are treated as if they form part of vehicle running costs.

• cost exaggeration will occur if indirect tax serving as general state revenue (e.g. value-
added tax and customs and excise duties that the government might opt to spend on non-
infrastructure related items) is included in the economic cost of a transport project.

• indirect taxation will lead to a distorted cost comparison if modes or projects are compared
and their inputs are not taxed proportionately or if the inputs of some are not taxed at all. Shadow pricing of market items

The shadow price of a market item is equal to its transaction price, minus indirect taxes and user
charges, plus subsidies and other refinements that reflects the effect of price distortions in order to
represent the item's economic (or resource) cost. The transaction price includes the normal profit, and
not above-normal profit that will be realised in a competitive market. The distortions results from
market and government regulatory failures.

Economic Evaluation and Legal Aspects Drainage Manual 2-3

Taxes and subsidies do not represent economic resources but simply involve transfers of funds between
the public and private sectors. Benefits and/or costs may be under- or over-emphasised if user charges,
indirect taxes and subsidies are not excluded from an analysis of public projects.

Transfer payments are financial payments between different parties within the defined entity on whose
behalf an evaluation is performed, for example, a nation in the case of a cost-benefit analysis. From the
point of view of a nation as a whole, domestic transfer payments have no significance. Individuals,
households, firms and other sub-groups may experience them as costs and benefits, but for the national
economy they are like funds transferred internally from one accounting category to another within a
firm. So transfer payments within a nation, whether linked with costs or with benefits, should be
omitted from any cost-benefit analysis. They are like cash moved from one's left pocket to one's right


In a financial evaluation for an entity that pays taxes or duties or receives subsidies, the income and
payments should be considered as inflows and outflows like any other revenues and expenditures, and
should be included in the financial evaluation. In a cost-benefit analysis, however, where the defined

entity is a nation, or society as a whole, taxes and subsidies and other international transfer payments
should not be counted. The government is only a sub-group within the nation or society as a whole, and

these transfers between the government and particular citizens do not increase or decrease the welfare of
the nation, because they do not represent the opportunity cost of specific resources sacrificed or gained.

t i o 6 Shadow pricing of non-market items

a 0
The shadow price of a non-market item (or an intangible item, such as comfort, convenience and time)

i c 0
represents the utility gained through its beneficial effects and/or the disutility suffered in the form of

external costs created by its supply and use. This is defined by what consumers are willing to pay or

b 2
sacrifice for its benefits, and what they are willing to pay not to suffer its disutility (As mentioned above

this type of shadow price is sometimes called a surrogate price).

p u 4
2.2.2 Future inflation

e - 0
Based on the assumption that the relative scarcity of the resources used in the supply and operation of a

r 9
facility will not change in the long run, it is customary to disregard inflation in cost-benefit analysis and

P 1
to base all future values in real value on a specific base date.

2.2.3 The evaluation base date

In economic evaluation, the principle is to express the value of all costs and benefits in a common unit,
usually referred to as constant pricing. To avoid problems the analyst should use the price levels
pertaining to a defined base date, which should be stated, for example "rands at mid-2004 prices" or
"rands at the prices of 1 January 2005". All costs and benefits should be expressed in real terms with
respect to a base date, whatever the future periods they are expected to occur. The defined base date
itself can be fixed according to the analyst's convenience, for instance the date on which most of the cost
estimating was finalised. The base date for inflation is independent of "year zero" for discounting (Year
zero is the present time when the analysis is performed). However, for easy value interpretation and
present relevance it is desirable that the base date should be set as close to year zero as is possible (i.e.
as recently as possible). Setting the base date at some point in the future, i.e. after year zero, should be
avoided. Firstly, estimating future values is more prone to error than estimating present or recent values
of resources. Secondly, the convention of assuming that no differential inflation will occur in the future
makes the choice of a future base date meaningless.

Economic Evaluation and Legal Aspects Drainage Manual 2-4

2.2.4 The time value of money

In order to evaluate and compare different projects on an economic basis, it is necessary that benefits
and costs be assessed on a common time basis, since money has a time value. An amount X would be
more valuable now than say in a year's time if it is assumed that inflation or other factors will result in a
change of the monetary value of goods, resources and services. This greater relevance of present power
of disposal over funds, compared with eventual power of disposal over the same amount, is referred to
as the time preference propensity.

Time preference is the tendency to prefer desirable things to happen sooner rather than later and
undesirable things later rather than sooner. This may be ascribed to three aspects:

• uncertainty,

• decreasing marginal utility, and
• greed.

Goods now may be preferred to goods in future decades, because of uncertainty as to whether one will
be alive to enjoy them; because one expects one’s total income to be higher than at present so that the

expected addition to utility from an equal addition to consumption is less; or through impatience.

i o
Although the prevalence of inflation influences the intensity of individuals' time preference propensity

t 6
for money, inflation itself is not the only reason why money has a time value. Even in non-inflationary

periods, people value present consumption more highly than identical consumption in the future. The

c 0
intensity of this time preference is related to a society's average income that it receives on its capital (i.e.

i 0
all savings and investments). The average time preference of an amount may, therefore, be equated with

its opportunity or alternative cost, as reflected in the average or expected return on capital over a period.

b - 2
One can observe people's behaviour and deduce approximately what their individual time preference

u 4
rate, or unconscious discount rate, is. When decisions are made on behalf of a large number of people,

p 0
as a society, there is again an observable time preference rate: this collective societal rate is called the

social time preference rate.

r e 9
Because of the time preference attached to the power of disposal over money, the present worth of

P 1
benefits achieved and costs incurred several years into the future become increasingly smaller as the
evaluation process incorporates values that lie further and further in the future. An economic assessment
is meaningful only after all future values have been expressed in equivalent terms; in other words after
being reduced to their worth at a common point in time by means of a social discount rate.

There are three broad approaches toward the determination of the social discount rate:

• One emphasises the social time preference rate.

• Another is the social opportunity cost of capital.
• Thirdly is a synthesis of the above two.

The social time preference rate is not equal to the social opportunity cost of capital, because of
imperfections in the capital market and because individuals’ collective behaviour toward the future
differs from their behaviour as individuals.

The social time preference rate is generally lower than the time preference rate of individuals acting in a
market situation. Society as a whole, or the government as its agent, is more aware of desirable goods
and services that a free market cannot provide without government mediation, and is conscious,
although perhaps only vaguely, of the ethical rights of future generations.

Economic Evaluation and Legal Aspects Drainage Manual 2-5

Governments are responsible firstly for reflecting this difference between individual rates and collective
rates, and secondly for representing the interests of future generations. This implies taking a long-term
view. Therefore, the social time preference rate is generally lower than the time preference rate of

By applying the opportunity cost principle to discounting; it may be argued that the social discount rate
ought to reflect what society forgoes elsewhere if it uses resources for a period of time in a certain
project. In theory, this is the return on the last (i.e. marginal) investment that consumes the last of
society’s available capital. This is the real rate that would reflect the choice made by society between
present and future investment returns. The real interest is also known as the social opportunity cost of

The specific rate of discount used in economic evaluation will influence the balance between the cost of

investment, which takes place early in the analysis period, and the value of the benefits achieved in
future. For example, the present worth of benefits may exceed the present worth of an investment using
a low rate of discount and vice versa using a high rate. The rate of discount used is thus significant in

the outcome of an economic evaluation. Although economic efficiency requires that the rate of discount
should reflect the social opportunity cost, the choice is usually a political one. Therefore, the decision

maker normally prescribes the social discount rate.

i o
2.2.5 The discounting procedure

a t 6
The basic formula for discounting a single future amount to its present worth becomes more

comprehensible if discounting is regarded as the reverse of compound interest computation; in other

i c 0
words the conversion of present worth into future worth by making use of a specific rate of interest.

b l 2
If, say, the time value of an amount = i percent per annum, its present worth (PW) in a year's time will

increase to PW(1 +i/100).

u 4
After two years its worth would equal PW(1 +i/100)(1 +i/100) = PW(1 +i/100)2.

e p - 0
After three years the PW would have increased to an amount equalling PW(1 + i/100)3, and so on, until

r 9
after n years it would equal PW(1 + i/100)n.

P 1
Since discounting is the reciprocal of interest or future amount computation, the calculation applied to
determine the future amount PW(1 +i/100)n for a number of years (n) at an interest rate of i percent,
would have to be inverted. In other words, one would have to multiply the future value by 1/(1 +i/100)n
to obtain its present worth.

The term (1 +i/100)n is known as the interest function, whereas its reciprocal, namely 1/(1 +i/100)n, is
known as the discount function or the present worth factor.

The following formula is used to compute the PW of a future amount (FA) at the end of year n at a
discount rate of i percent per annum:
PW =
(1 + i )n …(2.1)

PW = present worth (value in year zero)
FA = future amount at the end of year n
i = annual discount rate as a decimal fraction
n = discount period in years

Economic Evaluation and Legal Aspects Drainage Manual 2-6


Various techniques, all based on the principle of discounted cash flows, can be used for cost-benefit
analysis. The four most commonly applied techniques are:

• present worth of cost (PWOC) technique;

• net present value (NPV) technique;
• benefit/cost ratio (B/C) technique; and
• internal rate of return (IRR) technique.

Use of these four techniques in the economic choice of projects is discussed in Section 2.7 below.

2.3.1 Present Worth of Cost (PWOC) technique

This technique selects the lowest cost alternative among mutually exclusive projects. All economic costs
(i.e. the opportunity costs) associated with the provision, management, maintenance and use of each

possible alternative project are discounted to their present worth. Given the objective of economic
efficiency the alternative that yields the lowest PWOC is regarded as the most cost-effective (beneficial)

proposal. This method can be expressed as follows:

i o
PWOC = C A + PW(M + U)


a 0 6

PWOC = present worth of cost

l i 0
CA = all costs incurred in establishing a facility (i.e. the opportunity cost of the


b -
PW(M + U) = present worth of all facility maintenance costs and user costs.

u 4
[Note that in the case of the null alternative (i.e. the existing facility whose possible replacement

p 0
or upgrading is being investigated, and against which the other mutually exclusive alternatives are

e -
measured), PWOC = PW(M + U)]

r 9
When a proposed project will, because of lower user cost, induce additional traffic over and above

P 1
normal-growth traffic, the abovementioned criterion of lowest total transport cost presents a
contradiction in terms. Any induced traffic will inflate the facility’s PWOC, thus defeating the objective
of minimum cost.

2.3.2 Net Present Value (NPV) technique

This technique provides an economic performance measure that is used to:

• select the best alternative among the mutually exclusive projects, and
• to help establish an overall economic viability of independent projects.

Net present value (NPV) is a technique whereby the present worth of investment cost is subtracted from
the present worth of all the future project benefits. The present worth of both costs and benefits is
calculated by using an official (social) discount rate. All projects reflecting a positive NPV are
economically viable, while the project alternative with the highest such value is most suitable for
implementation, as this will maximise the net benefit for the society as a whole.

The technique may be expressed thus:

NPV = PW(M 0 + U 0 ) − PW(M A + U A ) + PW(CS A ) − C A …(2.3)

Economic Evaluation and Legal Aspects Drainage Manual 2-7

NPV = net present value of benefits
PW(M0+U0) = the present worth of facility maintenance costs and user costs of the
null alternative
PW(MA + UA) = the present worth of facility maintenance costs and user costs of a
proposed alternative
PW(CSA) = consumer surplus gained through additional usage induced by the
proposed alternative. This is equal to one-half of the benefit accruing
to each existing journey multiplied by the number of induced trips.
CA = investment (capital) cost that is required to implement the alternative A

If the NPV >0 then the project should be implemented, but should the NPV be <0 the investment does
not provide an acceptable return.

2.3.3 Benefit/Cost Ratio (B/C) technique

This technique provides an economic performance measure used for the selection of the most
advantageous independent project(s) by determining the ratio between the present worth of the future

project benefits and the present worth of the project investment costs. The future project benefits are
associated with the annual savings, relative to the null alternative, plus the consumer surplus gained

i o
through additional usage induced by the proposed facility.

a t 6
The ratio between the sum of the discounted benefits and the sum of the project investment costs is

obtained by dividing the former by the latter. All proposals with a ratio value greater than one are viable,

i c 0
while the one with the highest ratio value is economically the most advantageous. However, when

mutually exclusive projects are compared, incremental analysis should be used to identify the best

b 2

u 4 -
The method may be expressed as follows:

p 0
PW(M 0 + U 0 ) − PW(M A + U A ) + PW(CS A )

e -
B/C = …(2.4)

r 9

P 1
B/C = benefit/cost ratio

2.3.4 Internal Rate of Return (IRR) technique

This technique provides an economic performance measure used for the selection of the most
advantageous independent project(s). The distinctive feature of this technique is that its application does
not entail a singular discounting procedure with one official rate only. Future benefits ("returns") for the
period under review are discounted to the beginning of the period. The benefit of each year is calculated
in the same manner as is done with the NPV and B/C techniques. The sum of these discounted amounts
is compared with the discounted project investment cost. Different rates of discount are selected
iteratively and applied until at a certain rate the sum of the annual discounted returns equals discounted
investment costs. This rate is then referred to as the internal rate of return.

The project with the highest internal rate of return can be regarded as the most advantageous, although
the actual criterion is to compare the rate thus obtained with the opportunity cost of capital as
represented by the prevailing real discount rate.

If the prevailing real discount rate exceeds the prevailing social discount rate, the alternative is
economically viable. However, when mutually exclusive projects are compared, incremental analysis
should be used to identify the best alternative.

Economic Evaluation and Legal Aspects Drainage Manual 2-8

The method could be expressed as follows:

IRR = r

When PW(M 0 + U 0 ) − PW(M A + U A ) + PW(CSA ) = C A …(2.5)


IRR = internal rate of return

r = rate at which the left-hand and right-hand sides of the equation are equal,

resulting in a NPV of zero.


ra f
2.4.1 Overview of the evaluation process

The economic evaluation process of drainage systems and hydraulic structures is a process of

investigation and reasoning designed to assist decision makers in reaching an informed and rational

choice. The process involves engineering and economic considerations, organised in a number of

t i
defined activities. The activities involved in the project evaluation process can be broadly divided into

the following tasks:

c a 0
1. Define the purpose of the economic analysis (Section 2.4.2).

l i 0
2. Select the appropriate economic evaluation techniques (Section 2.4.3).

3. Identify project alternatives (Section 2.4.4).

b -
4. Calculate recurring user costs / project benefits (Section 2.4.5).

5. Estimate project implementation and maintenance costs (Section 2.4.6).

6. Incorporate the cost of abnormal flood damage (Section 2.5).

p 0
7. Calculate the economic performance by means of one or more of the economic evaluation

e -
techniques (Section 2.3).

8. Undertake sensitivity and risk analyses (Section 2.6).

9. Identify other considerations (Section

P 1
10. Choose between mutually exclusive alternatives and independent projects (Section 2.7).
11. Presentation of the results.

2.4.2 Establish the purpose of the economic evaluation

The economic evaluation of drainage systems and hydraulic structures could be performed at the
following levels:

• LEVEL 1: To determine the economic viability.

• LEVEL 2: To establish specific design criteria/details of a specific project. LEVEL 1: To determine the economic viability

The objectives of this type of evaluation are twofold:

• to inform the decision maker whether or not to proceed with detailed design and/or
implementation of a project
• to provide a basis for prioritising independent projects.

Economic Evaluation and Legal Aspects Drainage Manual 2-9

This type of evaluation is usually undertaken for a specified road section, including ancillary services
and structures. Drainage systems and hydraulic structures are in most cases considered to be an integral
component of the road, and would thus not be evaluated separately from the rest of the road. However,
there may be instances where major hydraulic structures, such as bridges and viaducts, may be evaluated
as stand-alone projects. There are cases where an existing bridge, for example, is considered for
replacement because of structural failure, capacity constraints or improved road alignment. In such
instances the bridge, and the corresponding road realignment, should be economically justified in its
own right. LEVEL 2: To establish specific design criteria/details of a specific project

This type of evaluation is usually undertaken to compare different design and route alignment options in
order to select the most appropriate route alignment, or to optimise the efficiency of the design.

Drainage systems and hydraulic structures may be subjected to this type of evaluation to ensure
selection of the most appropriate design criteria that will in turn ensure the greatest total net benefit.

2.4.3 Selection of appropriate economic evaluation technique(s)

The individual economic evaluation techniques establish the economic viability of prospective projects
on the basis of either:

t i o 6
• Minimum total costs, which can be determined through the present worth of cost (PWOC)

technique. This technique is suitable for a LEVEL 2 evaluation.

• Net benefit, which is determined by the net present value (NPV) technique. This technique

i c 0
is suitable for a LEVEL 1 evaluation.

• Relative benefit, which is usually determined either by (i) the benefit/cost ratio (B/C)

b - 2
technique or (ii) the internal rate of return (IRR) technique. This technique is suitable for a
LEVEL 1 evaluation.

p u 0 4
These techniques could be classified into two groups on the basis of their underlying philosophy. For

the first group (first bullet above), only the cost of each alternative is calculated, the argument being that

the alternative with the lowest cost would be superior. The PWOC technique falls into this group. In

r 9
working with the second group of techniques (the second and third bullet above), both benefits and

P 1
investment costs of alternatives are calculated.

2.4.4 Definition of project alternatives Define the null alternative (Alternative 0)

The null alternative is usually defined as the do-nothing alternative, which represents the existing
facility that road users currently use. In the definition of this alternative one usually assumes that no
further improvements other than normal routine and periodic maintenance are performed over the
evaluation period.

Sometimes the do-minimum option, instead of using the do-nothing option, is used as the basis for
evaluating the proposed project. In such cases the do-minimum option becomes the null alternative.
The do-minimum option is used when a certain minimum level of expenditure is required for the
facility to continue to perform its function to an acceptable standard. It is not compulsory to define
an Alternative 0 when a Level 2 evaluation is undertaken.

Economic Evaluation and Legal Aspects Drainage Manual 2-10 Define the project alternative(s) (Alternative 1 through n)

For the definition of project alternatives, a range of possible solutions should be examined to ensure
that the best possible solution is arrived at, given the various applicable physical, economic and
other constraints. Preliminary screening may be necessary, with a limited number of alternatives
evaluated in depth.

In a climate of economic stringency, this part of the process is particularly important. Creative low-
cost solutions, even where these depart from ideal standards, may facilitate the improvement of
traffic conditions where full-scale road construction may have to be deferred. Such low-cost
solutions could be considered as separate alternatives.

Staging and phasing of project implementation, and also its appropriate timing on grounds of both

technical and economic considerations, should be carefully assessed.

Staging of implementation or delayed implementation of a project may commend itself as a possible

solution worth evaluating only after the initial project evaluation has been carried out. Whilst it is
obviously preferable to attempt to identify staging or deferring of implementation as a project

alternative at an early stage in the evaluation process, an iterative process may well assist in arriving
at the most suitable approach to implementation from an economic perspective.

t i o 6
2.4.5 Calculate recurring user costs / project benefits

a 0 General

l i c 0
Benefits are defined as savings in user costs of existing, normal-growth, diverted and transferred traffic,

b 2
and facility recurring costs relative to the null alternative (i.e. the existing situation or present facility

whose improvement or replacement is being investigated), plus the consumer surplus gained through

u 4
additional (i.e. induced) usage generated and/or developed by the proposed facility. The underlying

philosophy of techniques falling into this group is that an alternative will be economically viable if

- 0
benefits exceed its investment costs. The investment cost of a project can be defined as the opportunity

cost of the economic resources sacrificed in establishing the project.

P r 1 9
Transport infrastructure provides access and facilitates mobility. In areas that lack adequate
accessibility and mobility, the supply of new transport facilities is consequently often used as an
instrument of development by activating investment in and business interaction between economically
dormant areas or regions. However, when transport facilities are built primarily with a view to
improving existing mobility (such as in already developed areas) the prime objective is to reduce user
costs (i.e. vehicle running costs, accident costs and travel time, including any other disutility resulting
from poor quality of service when travelling). In order to determine how efficiently proposed facilities
will fulfil their intended role, it is necessary that their provision should be subject to economic

The total costs of transport infrastructure supply and usage comprise one-off and recurring costs. One-
off costs comprise the investment or initial costs. Recurring costs are incurred continuously throughout
the service life of a facility, and consist of the facility user costs and facility maintenance costs. An
increase in one-off costs (i.e. greater investment) generally gives rise to a decrease in recurring costs,
and vice versa. Determining the optimum trade-off between investments and recurring costs could,
therefore, achieve minimisation of total societal cost per trip undertaken.

In a societal sense transport cost is composed of the total costs involved in transport operations and the
provision of infrastructure that makes transport possible. The word "cost" is used here in its widest
possible sense, and includes all the negative side-effects of transport operations, whether or not they are
measurable in monetary terms.

Economic Evaluation and Legal Aspects Drainage Manual 2-11 User cost classification

User costs could be categorised as follows:

• Vehicle running costs in relation to:

o existing traffic; and
o additional traffic that would be the result of:
ƒ normal-growth traffic;
ƒ diverted traffic;
ƒ transferred traffic;
ƒ development traffic; and

ƒ generated traffic.

• Travel time cost in relation to:

o individuals; and
o vehicles
• Accident cost suffered:

o by people;
o to vehicles; and

o to goods and other property.

Cost of abnormal floods.

t i 6
To determine the benefits accruing to the various categories of users under vehicle running costs, it is

a 0
necessary to differentiate between the following components of the anticipated traffic:

i c 0
Existing traffic is the current traffic on a facility that is due to be replaced or improved. When a new

l 2
transport facility is to be introduced, without any changes to the existing transport network in the area,

b -
the existing traffic equals zero. When a new facility replaces an existing one, the current traffic of the
existing facility is taken as the existing traffic of the new facility.

p u 0 4
Normal-growth traffic is traffic growth that would have occurred in spite of the creation of the new

facility. The growth may be attributable to the following factors:

r e 9
• general population growth;

P 1
• an increase in the per capita ownership of vehicles; and
• an increase in average use per vehicle.

Diverted traffic is traffic of the same transport mode diverted from other facilities because of the
opening of a new facility. When a new facility is introduced without any changes to existing facilities in
the network, all the traffic transferred from the existing facilities to the new facility is regarded as
diverted traffic.

Transferred traffic is traffic attracted from other modes to a new or improved facility.

Development traffic is traffic developed after implementation of a new facility because of any
changing use of the land served by the facility. The supply of new transport facilities in a developing
region usually stimulates economic development and settlement as a result of greater accessibility.
Improved access generally results in changed and more intensive land use, which in turn attracts and
"develops" more traffic to the corridor through which the facility passes. The volume of development
traffic can be estimated by means of appropriate trip attraction and trip development indices for the new
land uses.

Generated traffic is traffic that did not exist previously and is generated solely through a reduction of
the disutility of travel, brought about by lower user costs and higher service quality offered by the
improvement or provision of the transport facility.

Economic Evaluation and Legal Aspects Drainage Manual 2-12

Generated traffic consists of previously potential transport users who have been encouraged to join the
traffic as a result of the reduction of the generalised cost of travel to below the price they are willing to
pay for travelling. This puts new destinations within their reach.

(Development traffic and generated traffic are collectively known as induced traffic. Whereas
development traffic is attributable to improved accessibility, generated traffic is attributable to the
easing of mobility). Reduction in vehicle running costs

Where new transport facilities will not induce a significant volume of additional traffic, savings in

running costs attributable to new facilities could normally be measured with a fair degree of accuracy by
calculating the difference between vehicle running costs with and without a new or improved facility.

Vehicle running costs consist of:

• energy/fuel consumption,

• tyre wear (in the case of road vehicles),
• oil consumption,

• vehicle capital costs, and

• vehicle maintenance costs.

t i 6 Time savings

c a 0
Time savings mean that trip (journey) times using a new facility are shorter compared with trips using

i 0
the existing facility between the same origin and destination points. When evaluating the effects of

l 2
facility improvements, users' travel time savings should be assessed in terms of their alternative value;

b -
i.e. the utility that is sacrificed by not being in a position to perform something else than travelling. The
question arises whether short time-savings (for example, single minutes or fractions of minutes) have

u 4
any value. Do sixty savings of one minute each have the same value as a saving of one hour? It is

p 0
generally accepted that all time-savings, irrespective of whether they are “useful” or not are added up.

The reasons for this is firstly that each person would have a different definition of what a useful amount

r e
of time is. Secondly, seconds saved whilst travelling on a particular road section under investigation

may be insignificant, but the hours saved if the entire route is upgraded would be useful. The fact that

P 1
time savings on a particular section are disregarded could mean that all time-savings are disregarded,
which is an underestimation of road improvement benefits.

In recognition:

• that short time-saving incidences may lead to substantially longer and utilisable time
opportunities later (as cited in the example above), and
• that a series of short time-saving incidences during a single trip may add up to a long
enough period to utilise productively after completion of the trip, it has become customary
to assign an economic value to very short time savings.

Time-savings in relation to vehicles may be measured from two angles:

• whether the same trip could be covered in less time, or

• whether a longer distance could be covered or more journeys can be made in the same time.

Both have the potential of generating greater income and/or saving money, provided of course that the
time-saving is uses by scheduling additional or longer trips (i.e. market expansion). If time-savings are
not enough to expand vehicle operations, a benefit can still be gained by using the idle time for
maintenance work on the vehicles. These benefits are realised in the form of decreasing vehicle capital
cost per kilometre travelled.

Economic Evaluation and Legal Aspects Drainage Manual 2-13 Reduction in accident cost

One of the main objectives in the planning of a new facility or a facility improvement may be to reduce
the number and severity of accidents. This particular benefit may even be the deciding consideration in
creating a facility, such as a freeway.

To calculate the benefits of accident prevention it is necessary to predict the accident rate and the
severity of the accidents (usually on the basis of similar/comparable facility standards and traffic
conditions). The cost of the anticipated benefits is then deducted from the current cost of accidents.

The cost of the anticipated benefits poses two problems:

• to what extent are accidents (with respect to number and severity) in fact attributable to poor

infrastructure conditions and quality, and
• what value is placed on loss of human life and personal injury?

D Cost of abnormal floods

The cost of abnormal floods is dealt with in Section 2.5.

i o Calculation of recurring transport infrastructure cost savings

a t 6
The establishment of a new or improved transport facility may lead to an increase (negative saving) or a

decrease (positive saving) of recurring supply costs. Recurring facility supply costs (notably

i c 0
maintenance cost) will increase when:

b l 2

the new facility is an addition to the existing network, and
• when the new facility replaces an old facility but the new one is much more elaborate; for

u 4
example, when more traffic lanes are added to a road, or a single-carriageway road is

p 0
replaced by a dual-carriageway road.

r e -
An example of obtaining a positive recurring cost saving is when the surface of an unpaved road, which

suffers from the onslaught of severe and chronic rainy weather, is replaced with durable weather-proof

P 1
paving material so that its maintenance cost decreases (Note that a negative saving is deducted from
project benefits and not added to project cost). Total project benefit projection for use in cost-benefit analysis

The benefits of a new facility are estimated by means of a "with and without" comparison. Recurring
cost is first projected for a continuation of the existing situation. In other words, the analyst assumes that
no expenditure will be incurred on improvements other than those related to routine and periodic

The potential savings in recurring costs, which may be affected by the introduction of a new facility, can
be estimated in the following two ways:

• If the proposed project will replace some existing facilities completely, a projection is made
of recurring infrastructure and user costs, assuming (i) a continuation of the existing
situation, and (ii) the introduction of the new facility. Savings in recurring costs are
estimated by subtracting the proposed facility's projected recurring cost from the existing
situation's projected recurring cost.

Economic Evaluation and Legal Aspects Drainage Manual 2-14

• If the addition of a new facility to an existing transport network is investigated (in other
words, existing routes and transport services are retained), savings in recurring
infrastructure and user costs are determined by projecting these costs for a network "with"
the additional facility and subtracting the result from projected cost for the existing network
"without" the additional facility.

In the cases above, the benefit accruing to induced traffic (i.e. generated plus developed traffic) is not
considered. On the assumption that demand for a transport facility is represented by a linear demand
schedule, half of the benefit accruing to each existing journey is added to the project benefits for each
induced trip. This is based on the additional or extended consumer surplus accruing to existing users
(i.e. their saving) and the new consumer surplus created with respect to induced traffic.

The consumer surplus is the difference between the price a consumer or user actually pays for a product
(i.e. a good or a service) and the amount that he/she would be willing to pay for the product; i.e. the

value he/she attaches to the product. (A user's willingness to pay for a product is reflected by the
satisfaction or utility he/ she derives from the product, which is taken to be greater than the price
actually paid; i.e. the utility sacrificed to obtain the product). In Figure 2.1 the willingness of users to

make use of a transport facility at different prices is represented by the linear demand curve reflected as
line UABD. At a generalised user cost per journey (the utility sacrificed plus disutility suffered) of U0

the traffic volume equals T0 with a resultant consumer surplus represented by area UAU0.

t i o 6
a 0

c 0
User cost per journey

b l i - 2
A A1

u 4

p - 0
U1 B


r 9

P 1
0 T0 T1
Traffic volume

Figure 2.1: Potential user benefits over a specific period in respect of a new or improved facility

If, for example, the facility referred to above is improved so that the user cost for existing traffic is
reduced to U1 and the existing traffic volume is T0, the saving for existing users is represented by
rectangle U0ACU1 in Figure 2.1. This rectangle is the area by which the consumer surplus or net utility
of the existing users increases. If T1 - T0 represents the induced traffic volume, the "saving" achieved by
induced traffic is not represented by rectangle AA1BC; instead, the demand curve halves the "saving" to
the area of triangle ABC, which represents the consumer surplus or net utility gained by the induced

The benefits achieved by each individual traffic component are calculated as follows:

• The savings accruing to existing traffic, normal-growth traffic and diverted traffic are computed
by subtracting each traffic component's user cost between origin and destination with the new
facility from what it would have been without the new facility.

Economic Evaluation and Legal Aspects Drainage Manual 2-15

• The benefit of traffic transferred from other transport modes is calculated by subtracting the cost
of transferred journeys from the cost saving effected by those transport modes from which
traffic was transferred (This is often a negative saving. For example, in the case of a new
freeway between two cities, some commuter rail users may transfer to freeway use, thus adding
to road user costs, while the volume of commuter rail patronage lost may not be enough to
reduce incrementally the supply of rail commuter services — thus additional costs accrue).

• The benefit accruing to induce traffic is equal to the consumer surplus, created with respect to
this traffic component. Treatment of non-user benefits in economic evaluation

Care should be taken not to regard user benefits (savings accruing to users) as total transport benefits.

Non-user benefits are an important consideration in many decisions about proposed transport facility
construction or improvement, especially when a facility has the potential of stimulating economic
activity and development. Non-user benefits do not involve savings as user benefits do, but represent a

group of plus factors or returns that are partly the consequence of incentives and investments in other
sectors of the economy. They can be seen as general economic benefits, above and beyond the direct

user benefits, that contribute to the welfare of everyone within the geographical sphere of influence of

the facility.

t i 6
The developmental or regional economic benefits of a transport facility often amount to a distribution or

spatial transfer of economic activities to the location or vicinity of the transport facility. These apparent

benefits are not credited to a transport facility in cost-benefit analyses. Even in cases where a transport

i c 0
facility will be instrumental in helping to develop and generate new economic activity (i.e. induced

activity that has not been distributed or transferred from elsewhere), the general regional economic

b - 2
returns of such activities are not credited to the facility in a cost-benefit analysis. It should be
remembered that additional investment (above and beyond that necessary for the transport facility) is a

u 4
prerequisite for the realisation of general economic and community benefits.

p - 0
A road that opens up a water-rich and fertile area for agricultural development, for example, will not be

credited in terms of the economic benefit of the agricultural returns in a cost-benefit analysis - it will be

r 9
regarded as a benefit of the agricultural investment whereby it came into being (above and beyond the

P 1
investment in the transport facility). Similarly, the additional investment in the non-transport-related
sections of a transport facility (such as commercial areas where goods and services not related to
transport are traded) will receive the credit for returns from commercial activities that may occur there,
and not the investment in the transport facility itself.

2.4.6 Determination of project investment costs General

In economic evaluation, enlargement of the existing consumer surplus through a lowering of user costs,
plus the generation and development of new consumer surplus, plus the savings in recurring
infrastructure maintenance costs, form the basis for calculating benefits.
As opposed to this the opportunity cost of the investment needed to establish a facility (the so-called
one-off cost) is the cost component in economic evaluation. Opportunity cost of investment

The opportunity costs of an investment in transport infrastructure include:

• the costs incurred in direct planning and design (traffic surveys, studies of use and
establishing a facility, environmental impact studies, compilation and recording of the
construction details, etc.),

Economic Evaluation and Legal Aspects Drainage Manual 2-16

• the opportunity costs of the land reserve and preparation of the site for development
(demolishing, levelling, reinforcement, etc.), and

• the construction of the facility (including the construction of access links, installation of
traffic control devices and other appurtenances as well as landscaping). These costs in their
totality are often referred to as project implementation costs.

Each of the above-mentioned items includes the opportunity costs for materials and equipment used,
labour, contractor operating and overhead costs and normal profit as well as the costs of the needed
project management. The actual scarcity value of all inputs that are inevitably or unavoidably needed to
create the facility and to link it to the existing transport network (that is, to supply it complete and ready

for use).

Care should be taken to include in the analysis only the costs of that part of the facility that is necessary
for the functioning of the facility for transport purposes. Constructions that are used for commercial
activities and entertainment, for example, are non-transport economic considerations and the costs

associated with them are omitted from the evaluation.

The shadow price of existing constructions/buildings used as part of the evaluated project should be

calculated on an opportunity-cost (i.e. alternative-use) basis and that of new constructions/buildings on

the basis of construction/building costs. Where building costs serve as a basis for these calculations,

t 6
adjustments have to be made for indirect taxes and distorted labour prices that serve as an input.

a 0
In developed countries the labour market is often fairly unrestricted, and shadow pricing of the labour

i c 0
component of costs is seldom considered necessary. However, in developing countries, such as in South

Africa and neighbouring countries, the market price for labour, especially unskilled labour, is usually a

b - 2
poor guide to the economic price because of minimum wage legislation and restrictive practices. A more
reliable guide to the economic cost of labour may then be obtained from the opportunity-cost principle,

u 4
based on its use in alternative revenue- earning opportunities. At times of high unemployment this

p 0
value would be low, probably equal to the minimum living level wage at which people will find it

worthwhile to endure the disutility of working for a subsistence wage.

r e 9
The shadow wage of semi-skilled and skilled workers (excluding professionals and managers) should be

P 1
based on the minimum living level wage determined for the lowest paid workers in the study area
concerned. In general it is unlikely that a lower shadow wage will apply, so that the possibility of over-
estimating the opportunity cost of the labour involved is small. Even under conditions of unemployment
the labour of professionals and managers should still be valued at market prices.

Under conditions of full employment the market price of labour is used, although full employment
remains a theoretical possibility only. Sunk cost

All costs related to a project's implementation incurred in the past should be taken into account at the
value of their respective present alternative application possibilities, should these exist.

Costs incurred prior to the evaluation of items that have no alternative use are regarded as sunk costs,
and are disregarded in the economic analysis. If work on a project was abandoned and the question is
whether the project should be completed, only future costs — the cost of resources needed to complete
the project — are relevant for the economic analysis, if the assets reflected in the work already done
have no alternative uses. For example, in an economic evaluation of a road of which the location falls
within a road reserve which has already been purchased and that is denied alternative application, the
opportunity cost of such land is zero, and thus it is excluded from the analysis.

Economic Evaluation and Legal Aspects Drainage Manual 2-17

Similarly, planning, design and other project development costs incurred prior to the time of evaluation
(i.e. before year zero) are excluded from the analysis as their dedication to the project is irreversible -
they cannot be avoided or salvaged by trading them or using them elsewhere. This is also the reason
why no initial cost is assigned to the null alternative in a cost-benefit analysis. Analysis period and service life

For each cost-benefit analysis a choice has to be made regarding the period to be analysed. In principle
this is related to the expected lifetime of the project being evaluated. In practice this principle may not
always be of much help, since many transport facilities can last almost indefinitely. With effective
maintenance (the cost of which is counted in an evaluation) many bridges, viaducts, tunnels, retaining

walls and such like might physically be able to serve for many decades, though their use may cease
earlier for economic reasons.

The opportunity cost principle excludes the possibility of a transport facility, such as an arched bridge
spanning a ravine, possessing an additional value over and above the best alternative application

opportunity of its land reserve during its service life. The reason is that investment in transport facilities
is regarded as sunken; i.e. it is taken that the development itself has no possible alternative application.

For this reason it is desirable that the analysis period should stretch over the entire design period or
planned lifespan of a facility. However, there are practical reasons why the analysis period should

i o
sometimes be shorter than the intended service life.

a t 6
A pragmatic way to decide on an analysis period for most economic evaluations is to note that, unless

the discount rate is very low, benefits (and disbenefits) in the distant future will make little difference to

i c 0
the outcome of the analysis. At a discount rate of ten percent per annum, a stream of benefits valued at

R1 million per year will have a present value of R8,514 million if discounted for the next 20 years,

b 2
while the corresponding figure for discounting over 30 years is R9,427 million, for 40 years R9,779, for

50 years R9,915 million, for 100 years R9,999 million, or R10 million if discounted indefinitely. This

u 4
illustrates that at a discount rate of ten percent per annum, for periods longer than 30 years, the

diminishing discounted value of costs and benefits becomes negligible. Since the estimates of annual

- 0
net benefits usually contain uncertainties at least in the order of five percent, the accuracy of an

evaluation is hardly affected if the discounting is terminated after 30 years, even if the benefits really

r 9
continue much longer. For discount rates higher than ten percent, this period will be shorter than 30

P 1
years and vice versa for discount rates lower than ten percent.

Because of uncertainties, all forecasts are speculative owing to the difficulty of predicting future traffic
volumes, changes in technology, land use, demographic features, etc. The reliability of projections that
extend beyond two decades is always doubtful. For this reason decision-makers often request that
analysis periods must not exceed 20 years, even though the logical solutions to certain transport
problems may be durable and indivisible projects with service lives substantially longer than 20 years.
To be fair when considering such projects, a departure is then often made from the opportunity cost rule
by introducing a second best valuation convention in the form of a residual value. This value purports to
represent an artificial opportunity cost of a project during its service life.

If it is foreseen during the planning of a facility that the site on which it is to be erected will be
permanently allocated to accommodating a transport facility, the site naturally has no terminal (or end)
value. This is so because the site will be reserved from being used for an alternative application and thus
will have no opportunity cost at the end of the facility's service life.
However, as the service periods for roads extend over several decades, it is unlikely that one could
establish with certainty at the time of an economic evaluation for what purpose a facility's site will be
used after its service period had come to an end. For this reason it is recommended that, in dealing with
terminal value in an economic evaluation, two sensitivity analyses be executed: one in which the
terminal value is equal to the current opportunity cost of the land occupied, and one in which the
terminal value is equal to nil, (i.e. there is no alternative application opportunity).

Economic Evaluation and Legal Aspects Drainage Manual 2-18

The end value of other facility remnants on the site should be regarded as nil in all cases because they
cannot be expected to have any alternative application possibilities: on the one hand, the structure is a
specialised transport facility that excludes alternative non-transport-related use and, on the other hand, at
the end of its service life it is by definition functionally completely worn-out, which makes re-use of
structural components impractical.

When the analysis period of a proposed project is shorter than its expected lifespan, the estimate of
residual value is more complicated than the estimate of terminal value. The reason is that the facility's
implementation cost needs to be apportioned between the expired part of the expected service life at the
end the analysis period and the unexpired portion of the expected service life.

Assuming that the expected service life of a transport facility, such as an arched bridge, is 50 years and
the analysis period is 20 years, its structure will have a residual value at the end of the analysis period of

approximately 30/50 x initial cost, since it will still be serviceable for 30 years more.
The residual value in this example is based on the assumption that structural deterioration of the bridge
will progress linearly as time passes.

If different alternatives are investigated for an existing facility (referred to as the null alternative), the

same period of analysis should be used in each case, since consistency ensures equal treatment of all the
alternatives under consideration. A low-cost solution generally has a short service life, soon

i o
necessitating additional capital investment in a replacement project, while a costly structure may ensure

t 6
an extended benefit period before reconstruction or replacement becomes essential. If a number of

mutually exclusive alternatives are investigated and the analysis period is (say) 20 years, provision

should be made for replacement within the period of analysis of projects with a service life of less than

i c 0
20 years (necessitating a second set of capital expenditures) to permit comparison with projects that

have a service life of more than 20 years.

b - 2
Note that the time when the evaluation is carried out is referred to as year zero. If the project

u 4
requires a construction period of two years subsequent to year zero and if the period of analysis is 20

years, the service life of the facility under consideration is only 18 years. The shorter the construction

- 0
period, the sooner benefits can begin to accumulate and the sooner problems created by the existing

facility can be eliminated.

P r 1 9 Unforeseen expenses

In dealing with implementation costs of a project, a provision may have to be made for unforeseen
expenses. There are two instances of possible corrections in this regard:

• The actual costs may be higher than those estimated during the design, particularly in view
of the complexity of works involved (for example, in the case of cost of drainage systems
and hydraulic structures). In order to eliminate the possibility of under-estimating the
investment cost in project evaluation, a provision is made in terms of a physical
contingency. The amount to be added to the project implementation costs in this regard is
usually taken as a percentage of design costs, varying between 5 and 15 percent, depending
on the level of design (conceptual, preliminary or final) and the related level of confidence
in the estimated costs.

• The actual costs may be higher than the estimated costs in cases where the project design
has been completed some time before the project evaluation takes place. In such cases
estimated costs must be brought up to the date of conducting the project evaluation (the
base date) by means of applying an inflation rate for the intervening period. However, it is
incorrect to make provision for cost escalation on account of inflation during the analysis
period; i.e. for future years (the period beyond the base date).

Economic Evaluation and Legal Aspects Drainage Manual 2-19 Interest payable on the investment amount

Interest payable on the investment amount (or on any other borrowed funds) should not be included in
the economic cost of a project. It is sometimes included when a project is financed by loans, but is
excluded when a project is financed from allocations from general state income. However, the manner
in which a project is financed has no relation to its economic cost, as the alternative application
possibilities of the resources actually used are the same regardless of the method of finance.


2.5.1 Overview of the flood damage evaluation procedure

The optimal design of drainage systems and hydraulic structures could be defined as that which

maintains a proper balance between the cost of the project and the cost of potential flood damage
(economic risk).
In Section 8.2 a discussion is provided on the selection of freeboard for bridges, reflecting the need to

conduct a risk assessment. The optimal design would thus be that with the lowest total PWOC. The
following object function is proposed for determining the PWOC of a particular design alternative:

PWOC x = C A + PW[AF + M ]


t i 6

c a 0
PWOCx = present Worth of Cost of alternative x

l i 0
CA = the construction cost of alternative x

AF = the damage cost of abnormal floods

b -
M = the normal annual cost of maintenance and operation of alternative x

u 4
The following steps are proposed for calculating PWOCx in the economic evaluation of drainage

p 0
systems and hydraulic structures:

e -
1. Establish the minimum design standard of the structure based on the design flood (QD).

2. Establish the regional maximum flood (RMF) for the particular area where the structure is


P 1
3. Define all technically feasible mutually exclusive alternatives, each representing a
technically feasible structure option, ranging from a structure that is designed according to
the design flood (QD) (Step 1) to a structure that will withstand the RMF.
4. Estimate the implementation cost of each of the alternatives defined in Step 3.
5. Estimate the normal routine and periodic maintenance and operating cost of each of the
alternatives defined in Step 3.
6. Calculate the average annual damage cost of an abnormal flood for each of the alternatives
identified in Step 3.
7. Perform the economic analysis.

A detailed discussion of each of the above steps follows in Sections 2.5.2 through 2.5.7.

2.5.2 The minimum design standard

It is established practice to design a facility for a specific flood event, commonly referred to as the
“standard design flood” or “design flood” (QD). The minimum design life of the structure is determined
by the choice of QD. A structure is designed to withstand a maximum flow expected with a 10-, 20-, 50-
or 100-year return period and the expectancy is determined by analysis of records of past rainfalls and
flows. From an economic perspective the minimum design standard should be based on the return
period that corresponds to the design life of the road.

Economic Evaluation and Legal Aspects Drainage Manual 2-20

The reason is that the majority of culverts and bridges become obsolete long before they are worn out by
corrosion or erosion. This obsolescence could be ascribed to:

• increased traffic volume exceeding their traffic carrying capacity,

• road design standards that change, particularly with regard to lane and shoulder width, and
• realignment of the road to provide more favourable geometric characteristics, or to shorten
travel distance.

The design flood (QD) may be estimated by means of the following methodology. Standard flood
frequencies are used for various structures, which from years of experience, more or less represent the
optimum design values. Numerous inconsistencies are found if the type and span of the structure, the

stream cross-sectional area, or catchment size are used to classify design frequencies. The rate of flow
varies very little over short distances along a watercourse, and constitutes the most significant parameter

in quantifying the amount of damage done to a road as well as the extent of traffic obstruction.

For this reason the peak flow calculated for a flood with a return period of 20 years (frequency = 1:20) is

used as the basis for selection of the appropriate design return period. This aspect is discussed in
Chapter 9 of the “Code of Procedure for the Planning and Design of Highway and Road Structures

in South Africa” (2.1), while Chapter 3 contains details of flood peak calculations.

i o
Proposed design return periods are given in Table 2.2.

a t 6
Table 2.2: Proposed design return periods, T, for different road classes

i c 0 0
Proposed return period (T) based on the magnitude of the Q20 flood

Road class

b - 2
Q20 < 20 m3/s 20 m3/s <Q20 < 150 m3/s Q20 > 150 m3/s

u 4
Strategic and

divided or

A 25 T = 13 + 0,58Q20 100

undivided dual

carriageway roads

P r 1 9
B 20 T = 15,5 + 0,23Q20 50

C 10 T = 7 + 0,12Q20 25

D 5 T = 4 + 0,04Q20 10

The design return periods given in Table 2.2 are adapted where necessary in accordance with the
Category, as obtained from Table 2.3. It remains the responsibility of the designer to motivate the
design return period to be used in the planning stage by allowing for the influence of possible future
developments, such as urbanisation and afforestation on the flood peak.

If the potential damage and the impact of disruption, because of failure of the structure are high
(Category 3 in Table 2.3), the design flood given in Table 2.2 should be enlarged as deemed necessary
based on local incidences in the past, and vice versa for Category 1 cases. Where important structures
are concerned, the possible influence of particularly large floods (such as the probable maximum flood)
should also be taken into consideration.

Economic Evaluation and Legal Aspects Drainage Manual 2-21

There are far fewer factors influencing the design return period in road surface drainage, and some
guidance is given in Sections 5.2.3 and 5.2.5.

Table 2.3: Factors to be considered to determine the risk category of the structure, which is then
used to determine the design flood

1 2 3
Extent of possible damage

Potential damage to the road and associated cost of Low Medium High

Potential other damage such as saturation of Low Medium High
agricultural land, etc.
Extent of loss of use

Time needed for repairs to make route trafficable Short Medium Long

Availability of detours Good Medium None

i o
Obstruction of traffic flow

Period of flooding Short Medium Long

Traffic density Low Medium High

a 0
Depth and velocity of floodwaters Low Medium High

c 0
Strategic and economic importance of route

l i
Strategic and economic importance: military,

police, fire brigade, medical services, etc. Low Medium High

b -
Economic importance Low Medium High

u 4
2.5.3 Construction cost estimates

e p - 0
The estimate of construction cost (CA) of each of the alternatives follows the approach described in

r 9
Section 2.4.6 above.

P 1
2.5.4 Maintenance and operation cost

The estimate of normal maintenance and operation cost (M) of the structure designed for the specified
return period of each of the alternatives follows the approach described in Section 2.4.6 above. These
costs may include minor damage to the structure that would occur with expected minor flood damage
associated with the design flood, QD, of the specified return period. Such damage is regarded as part of
the normal routine and periodic maintenance.

2.5.5 Additional costs associated with abnormal floods

The following additional costs are associated with abnormal flood damage (AF):

• external costs, such as damage to private property, upstream and downstream of the
structure. It should be noted that these costs could be attributed directly or indirectly to the
failure of the structure. It consequently excludes costs which would have occurred as a
result of the flood if the structure had not been there.
• capital and maintenance expenses, including damage to road pavement, shoulders, culverts
and other roadway items. The capital and maintenance dependent on the discharge past the
structure and the capacity of the culvert or span of the bridge (Operational expenses for
flagmen, barricades, signage and the marking of traffic detours).

Economic Evaluation and Legal Aspects Drainage Manual 2-22

• road user costs as a result of the disruption, including VOC for travel along the detour and
stopping, travel time cost for lower travel speed and longer travel distance, and accident
costs as a result of conflict at and along detours, and also caused by unexpected obstructions
and hazards.

Some approaches suggest that the average annual damage to a particular structure should be based on
the flood damage cost in a particular year and the probability of a flood in that year. However, these
respective approaches require that both the risk and damage cost of all sizes of floods (from a RMF
down to a two-year design flood, Q2) in a particular year be determined for each of the mutually
exclusive design alternatives. Such a detailed approach is cumbersome and is not practical for the
evaluation of a large number of design alternatives.

The approach proposed in these guidelines is much simpler, without sacrificing a significant degree of

accuracy. Instead of calculating flood damage for all return periods, all structure designs that do not
conform to the SDF of the minimum return period (which corresponds to the design life of the roadway)
are discarded, thus reducing the distance between the outer limits of the probability function. For the

remaining structure designs, i.e. those that fall within the limits of withstanding a RMF and the QD of
the minimum return period, the damage cost of the RMF (AFRMF) is determined. The annual expected

damage cost is the area abc below the Damage-Flood Probability curve in Figure 2.2, where PRMF and

PSDF is the probability of an RMF and design flood, QD, respectively in a particular evaluation year. By

reducing the distance between the outer limits, this curve can be adequately represented by a straight-

t 6
line function, as the minimum requirement is for the structure to withstand the design flood, QD. A

flood of this magnitude would cause no damage to any of the structure alternatives, which are not

accounted for under normal routine and periodic maintenance. As mentioned above, all operational and

i c 0
maintenance costs of structures not attributable to abnormal floods are regarded as normal.

b l - 2

p u - 0 4
Area abc = Average annual expected damage cost

Damage cost of a

flood (AF) on

structure X in year n

P 1
b c

Probability of an Abnormal Flood

Figure 2.2: Damage-flood probability curve

The damage cost of a structure design alternative in a particular year can be expressed by the following

⎡ (AFRMF + AFQ D ) ⎤
AF x n = (PQ D − PRMF ) ⎢ ⎥ …(2.7)
⎣ 2 ⎦

AFxn = damage cost of an abnormal flood to design alternative X in year n.
PQD = probability of an SDF in year n, i.e. (1/TSDF), where TSDF is the return period of
the SDF
PRMF = probability of an RMF in year n, i.e. (1/TRMF), where TRMF is the return period
of the RMF

Economic Evaluation and Legal Aspects Drainage Manual 2-23

AFRMF = damage cost of an RMF.
AFQD = damage cost of a design flood, QD. (This would normally be zero, as the
standard structure would be designed according to the return period of QD. The
return period of the QD would be equal to the design life of the road.)

2.5.6 Economic evaluation

The incorporation of the flood damage cost procedure can serve either as an input to a Level 1
economic evaluation in order to optimise the economic viability of a road or major structure, or it can be
a stand-alone Level 2 evaluation to refine the design of an already approved project.

In the case of a Level 1 evaluation the additional cost of flood damage (AF) for a particular alternative is
calculated and added to the recurring cost of that alternative for each year of the evaluation period

(Section In this way it is incorporated in the net benefit stream for the purpose of calculating
the economic performance measures (NPV, IRR or B/C Ratio).

In the case of a Level 2 evaluation, the PWOC of each alternative is calculated by means of
equation 2.6. The alternative with the lowest PWOC is selected as the most efficient design among

those that were evaluated. The economically optimum design could be determined by plotting the
PWOC for the evaluated alternatives. A curve may be fitted through the PWOC data points

i o
(Figure 2.3). The theoretical optimum design is found where the PWOC is at its lowest.

a t 0 6 Alternative designs

b l i c 2 0

p u - 0 4
Theoretical optimum

r 9
design return period

P 1

Variable size used in the design

(culvert size or span of bridge

Figure 2.3: Optimum design curve


All aspects of project evaluation involve uncertainty and risk. Not only are data collected in the field
subject to a certain degree of error, but long term projections of 20 years and longer also suggest that
unforeseen factors could cause major deviations from the projections.

Projects should consequently not only be appraised with the recognition of uncertainty, but the designs
of a project should be approached so as to optimise the total cost of the project. Sensitivity analysis is
undertaken to test the sensitivity of the evaluation results for possible deviations in the input parameters.
Sensitivity analysis usually considers the variations of input parameters independent from one another.
Risk analysis is more specific and involves a formal probability analysis of a likely range of outcomes,
where several parameters are identified whose estimated accuracy is critical to the outcome of the

Economic Evaluation and Legal Aspects Drainage Manual 2-24

Sensitivity analyses are conducted as found appropriate within the context of the evaluated project.
These analyses are carried out for the purpose of testing the sensitivity of the findings and results
obtained in the basic evaluation scenario, to changes in some of the initially used basic parameters or
assumptions (particularly those for which the level of confidence is lower), or where more than one
approach may reasonably be argued and applied. They usually include:

• Combining the VOC savings separately with time cost savings and with accident cost
• Variations in traffic growth rates for the combined savings.
• Variations in the base year AADT.

Variations in construction costs, depending on the level of design of the investigated

• Postponement of project implementation if the basic evaluation scenario indicates that the

project is non-viable, or is a marginally viable proposition for immediate implementation.
• Impact of complementary projects.

Impact of the project on stimulating new developments.

Not all of these sensitivity analyses are always absolutely necessary. It is up to the best judgement of the

professional evaluator and/or the client as to what should be included. Care should be taken to limit

sensitivity analyses to relevant concerns, in order to inform the decision maker. Attempts to be

t i
exhaustive may therefor cause confusion.


c a 0 6

l i 2 0
2.7.1 Selection criteria

u b -
Candidate transport projects should not only be evaluated economically, but those chosen for

implementation also need to be selected in such a fashion that net social benefit is maximised. The

p 0
question is how to compile an investment budget of a given size; i.e. how to allocate a fixed sum of

e -
funds between alternative and independent projects. There is also the more complex issue of

determining the appropriate size of the investment budget when projects are indivisible, as most

transport projects are.

P 1
The selection and prioritisation of projects on an economic basis usually takes place with reference to
the following general criteria:

• The economic principles need to be strictly observed during evaluation.

• All projects must be evaluated in the same manner.
• All alternatives, i.e. the whole range of technically feasible substitute projects, should be
• The benefits of a project should exceed its investment cost.
• The financial investment cost of any chosen project must be within the scope of the capital

Proposed projects to be evaluated could be divided into two groups, namely mutually exclusive
proposals and independent projects.

Mutually exclusive proposals are substitutes; i.e. alternative methods of fulfilling the same function. The
choice of any one of the proposals will, therefore, exclude all the others. The cost-benefit analysis of
mutually exclusive proposals involves the selection of the most efficient; i.e. most cost-effective,
alternative. Independent projects fulfil different functions and are consequently not alternatives or
substitutes for one another. Examples of independent projects are a proposed embankment and retaining
wall in area X, a proposed bridge in area Y, and a proposed viaduct in area Z.

Economic Evaluation and Legal Aspects Drainage Manual 2-25

More than one independent project may be selected for implementation. In fact, it is possible that all
independent projects may be selected if they are all economically justified and sufficient funds are
available. The economic evaluation of independent projects involves the ranking of the economically
justified projects in terms of their economic merit. The economic choice of a specific project for
implementation involves two steps, namely, project selection and project prioritisation.

• Project selection involves the selection of the best (in economic terms) of the mutually
exclusive projects, or in other words, the most advantageous way of solving a specific
problem. If there are three routes by which to link the two points, the selection of one will
exclude the implementation of the other two.


Project prioritisation is the arrangement of all functionally independent projects in an order
of priority according to their respective degrees of economic viability. The choice of one

independent project could at most postpone, but not exclude, the choice of another. The
projects will be prioritised from most to least attractive up to the point where the capital
budget has been exhausted.

A project that yields a B/C ratio value greater than one, always has a positive NPV and an IRR that

exceeds its opportunity cost of capital. Provided the initial costs of projects do not differ, any one of the

four evaluation techniques discussed may be used to select the best alternative among a number of

mutually exclusive projects. When the initial costs of projects do not differ, the alternative with the

t 6
smallest PWOC will have the highest B/C ratio, the highest IRR and the highest NPV. However, if the

initial costs differ significantly (that is generally the case), incremental analysis should be used to

identify the most suitable alternative.

l i c 0
The PWOC and NPV techniques cannot be used to prioritise independent projects. The absolute value of

b - 2
a project's benefits depends on its scope. The benefits of a large project may, for instance, have a larger
absolute value than the benefits of a smaller project, whereas the relative return of the larger project may

u 4
be considerably lower than that of the small project. Hence it is better to use the IRR and B/C ratio

p 0
techniques for the prioritisation of independent projects, also taking into account the results of the

investment timing analyses. The reduction of generalised travel cost afforded by new and improved

transport facilities may induce additional traffic over and above normal-growth traffic. In such cases the

r 9
criterion of lowest total social transport cost presents a contradiction in terms that complicates the

P 1
interpretation of the answer indicated by the PWOC technique (equation 2.2). Furthermore, this answer
does not give an indication of the size of the economic benefit offered by an alternative, unless the
answer is subtracted from the PWOC of the null alternative. The latter difference is equal to an
alternative's NPV. However, use of the PWOC technique is appropriate in project selection when a
chosen alternative:

• will not induce additional usage, and

• a null alternative does not exist.

Examples of the latter situation are when the construction of a new airport on vacant land is
contemplated or when the establishment of a new seaport at a presently inaccessible wetland location on
the coastline is being considered, and the most economic ways of linking these facilities to an adjacent
urban region have to be evaluated. Under these circumstances, the PWOC of each alternative transport
link may be calculated using equation 2.2, as the complication that occurs with the treatment of induced
traffic is not present.

2.7.2 Mutually exclusive projects

Whenever the opportunity occurs to solve a specific problem when the investment timing of the solution
project is not challenged by any independent projects elsewhere, the NPV measure is the preferred
selection criterion.

Economic Evaluation and Legal Aspects Drainage Manual 2-26

Suppose, for example that:
• an amount of R5 million has been allocated to rectify a specific problem situation,
• that unused funds cannot be transferred to other projects, and
• that a choice has to be made among the three economically viable alternatives shown in
Table 2.4.

Table 2.4: Present value of benefits and investment costs for three alternative projects
Present value of Present value of Net present value of
Project benefits investment cost benefits (NPV) B/C ratio
(R'000) (R'000) (R'000)

A 5 400 3 000 2 400 1,80

B 7 000 4 000 3 000 1,75
C 8 100 5 000 3 100 1,62

Regardless of the fact that alternative C shows the smallest relative return, it maximises welfare by

having the greatest NPV. Incremental B/C analysis using Table 2.5 shows that a move from alternative
A to alternative B, as well as a move from alternative B to alternative C will both be beneficial:

(7 000 000 − 5 400 000)
(B/C) B:A = = 1,6 ; and

(4 000 000 − 3 000 000)

t i 6
(8100 000 − 7 000 000)

(B/C) C:B = = 1,1

(5 000 000 − 4 000 000)

l i c 0
Thus a move from alternative A to alternative C will yield the greatest net benefit. Note that in a

b 2
mutually exclusive situation, incremental analysis will always indicate that the alternative with the

greatest NPV is the best project.

p u 4
2.7.3 Independent projects

e - 0
When a choice has to be made among a number of independent projects, given a fixed budget, the B/C

r 9
ratio measure is the preferred criterion. Suppose, for example, a roads authority with a fixed budget of

R10 million has to make a choice among 14 independent projects, five of which are indicated in

Table 2.5.

Table 2.5: Present value of benefits and costs for a number of independent projects
Present value of Present value of Net present value of
Project benefits investment cost benefits (NPV) B/C ratio
(R'000) (R'000) (R'000)
A 700 300 400 2,33
B 2 700 1 500 1 200 1,80
C 840 450 390 1,87
D 1 280 600 680 2,13
. . . . .
. . . . .
N 1 800 900 900 2,00

In this situation the B/C ratio criterion is the preferred measure to apply, because selection of those
projects that yield the highest relative return on capital invested will ensure that total benefit is
maximised. The project with the highest B/C value is selected first, followed by the one with the second
highest B/C value, and so on until the budget is exhausted. Thus the five projects in Table 2.5 will be
chosen in the order A, D, N, C and B. In this way the benefit per rand spent is maximised.

Economic Evaluation and Legal Aspects Drainage Manual 2-27

2.7.4 Mutually exclusive and independent projects

Suppose the objective of the decision-maker is to maximise social benefit subject to the restriction of a
fixed budget and that both mutually exclusive and independent projects are under consideration. A
method of project assessment based on the incremental principle is recommended. The method consists
of the following seven steps:

1. Determine the size of the budget. Where there is some degree of latitude as to the total
amount available, the amount can be expanded incrementally, and the incremental benefits
compared with the incremental expenditure to determine whether any expansion of the
budget is justified.

2. Eliminate all projects that exceed the budget limit and all projects that do not satisfy the
minimum acceptance criteria as set out above.

3. Determine which project has the highest B/C ratio within each group of mutually exclusive
alternatives and then leave out the rest of the possible projects in the group.
4. From the projects under consideration choose the one with the highest B/C ratio.

5. Review the choice of the best project in each group of mutually exclusive projects by,
firstly, reconsidering all the more expensive projects and noting the incremental B/C ratios.

Within each group of mutually exclusive projects the project with the highest incremental
B/C ratio is identified and compared with the rest of the independent projects. Secondly, the

i o
available budget is adjusted to reflect the effect of the projects already chosen, and all

t 6
remaining projects that exceed the balance of the budget are omitted.

6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for as long as possible. The iteration process ends when the budget is

exhausted or when no acceptable projects remain for consideration.

i c 0
7. Consider adjustments to chosen projects when the budget is not completely exhausted and a

small adjustment in a chosen project may provide incremental benefits.

b - 2
The following example demonstrates this procedure. Suppose an agency has R5 million to spend. The

u 4
projects under consideration are summarised in Table 2.6. Projects A1 to A6 are six mutually exclusive

projects; B1 and B2 are mutually exclusive; D1 to D3 are mutually exclusive; and F1 to F4 are mutually

- 0
exclusive. Groups A, B, C, D, E and F are independent.

r e 9
Table 2.6: PVOC, Benefits and cost-benefit ratios of a number of projects

P 1
Present value of
Present value of benefits
Project investment cost B/C
A1 500 880 1,76
A2 1 000 1 920 1,92
A3 1 500 2 680 1,79
A4 2 000 3 320 1,66
A5 2 500 4 120 1,65
A6 3 000 4 680 1,56
B1 550 700 1,27
B2 750 940 1,25
C 750 1 000 1,33
D1 1 250 1 260 1,01
D2 1 400 1 620 1,16
D3 3 000 3 560 1,19
E 300 560 1,87
F1 675 1 120 1,66
F2 850 1 480 1,74
F3 1 050 1 760 1,68
F4 1 350 2 120 1,57

Economic Evaluation and Legal Aspects Drainage Manual 2-28

There is no project that exceeds the budget limit of R5 million and, furthermore, there is no project with
a B/C ratio of less than one. All projects are, therefore, included in further analyses. In Step 3 the best
projects are chosen from groups A, B, D and F, and the projects that enjoy consideration in the next step
are reduced to the following:

Project Present cost Present benefit B/C ratio

A2 1 000 1 920 1,92
B1 550 700 1,27
C 750 1 000 1,33
D3 3 000 3 560 1,19
E 300 560 1,87

F2 850 1 480 1,74

A2 is chosen from these six projects. The more expensive projects in group A, are now considered in
terms of their incremental B/C ratios. The incremental B/C ratios of the four projects more expensive
than A2 are as follows:

Project Incremental cost Incremental benefit Incremental B/C ratio

A3.A2 500 760 1,52

A4.A2 1 000 1 400 1,40

A5.A2 1 500 2 200 1,47

t 6
A6.A2 2 000 2 760 1,38

c a 0
The greatest incremental benefit is achieved by replacing A2 with A3. This replacement within group A

i 0
should now be considered together with the other projects. There is now R4 000 000 left and none of the

l 2
projects exceeds this limit. The six alternatives now under consideration are as follows:

b -
Project Present cost Present benefit B/C ratio

u 4
A3.A2 500 760 1,52

p 0
B1 550 700 1,27

C 750 1 000 1,33

r e
D3 3 000 3 560 1,19

E 300 560 1,87

P 1
F2 850 1 480 1,74

Project E is consequently chosen and R3 700 000 of the budget is left. The next project to include is F2,
which immediately places the more expensive projects in group F under the spotlight. The relevant
incremental B/C ratios are as follows: F3.F2 = 1,40 and F4.F2 = 1,28. The former B/C ratio is compared
with the remaining projects. There is R2 850 000 left to spend, and this eliminates project D3, that is
more expensive. D2 takes the place of D3 on the basis of the B/C ratio criterion. The list under consider-
ation is now as follows:

Project Present cost Present benefit B/C ratio

A3.A2 500 760 1,52
B1 550 700 1,27
C 750 1000 1,33
D2 1 400 1 620 1,16
F3.F2 200 280 1,40

A3.A2 has the best B/C ratio and A3 replaces A2 as chosen project. This costs an additional R500 000,
leaving R2 350 000, for spending. The incremental B/C ratios within group A are as follows: A4.A3 =
1,28, A5.A3 = 1,44 and A6.A3 = 1,33. The list of competing projects is now as follows:

Economic Evaluation and Legal Aspects Drainage Manual 2-29

Project Present cost Present benefit B/C ratio
A5.A3 1000 1 440 1,44
B1 550 700 1,27
C 750 1000 1,33
D2 1 400 1 620 1,16
F3.F2 200 280 1,40

Project A5.A3 has the largest B/C ratio, which means that A3 is replaced at a cost of R1 000 000. This
leaves only R1 350 000, and means that D1 now replaces D2 on the list of competing projects.

Project Present cost Present benefit B/C ratio

A6.A5 500 560 1,12
B1 550 700 1,27

C 750 1000 1,33
D1 1 250 1 260 1,01
F3.F2 200 280 1,40

Project F3 is chosen to replace project F2, which leaves R1 150 000, and eliminates D1. The following

projects remain for consideration:

i o
Project Present cost Present benefit B/C ratio

t 6
A6.A5 500 560 1,12

a 0
B1 550 700 1,27

C 750 1 000 1,33

i 0
F4.F3 300 360 1,20

b l - 2
Project C is now chosen, leaving R400 000. Since only F4.F3 falls within this limit, F4 replaces F3,

leaving another R100 000 in the budget. Therefore, it is decided to fund A5, C, E and F4 at a total cost of

R4 900 000. Benefits to the value of R7 800 000 are gained in the process.

e p - 0
In the last step small adjustments are made to increase the total benefits. The most attractive project

eliminated on the grounds of the budget limit was B1. Sufficient funds may be acquired to pay for B1 if

F2 is funded instead of F4. This leaves R60 000 of additional benefits at R50 000 of additional cost, and

P 1
the final list of projects is thus A5, B1, C, E and F2.

Underlying this selection procedure is the notion that the decision-maker should try to achieve the
greatest possible benefit for every Rand spent.

2.7.5 Timing of project implementation

Unfortunately project viability itself does not reveal the optimum timing of project implementation. For
the timing of project implementation, the project should be analysed with a range of investment timings
to ascertain which one would yield maximum viability. The question posed here is not "whether" but
"when". A project may pass the test of showing a positive net present value, but it may be a better
project if it were delayed by one year. Delaying implementation would defer the capital expenditures
but lose a year’s benefit.

When benefits are expected to grow continuously in the future, the First-Year Rate of Return (FYRR)
could be applied as an investment-timing criterion. If the benefits accruing in the first year of operation
exceed the time cost of the investment, i.e. the FYRR is higher than the prescribed discount rate, the
project is timely and should go ahead right away. If the FYRR is lower than the prescribed discount rate,
but the NPV is positive, commencement of project implementation should be postponed. If budgetary
constraints limit the construction programme, the FYRR can be used as an aid to prioritising the projects
showing similar degrees of economic viability.

Economic Evaluation and Legal Aspects Drainage Manual 2-30

The FYRR is calculated by dividing the sum of the benefits accruing in the first year of operation (i.e.
the year subsequent to project completion) by the worth of the project's investment cost at the time of
project completion, expressed as a percentage.

Alternatively defined the FYRR is the year-one worth of the benefits of a project accruing in the first
year of operation expressed as a percentage of the present worth of its investment costs.


2.8.1 Introduction

The verdict in the leading case of Administrator, Natal v Stanley Motors (1960 1 SA 699 (A)) has been
of major concern to designers of bridges and roads. The finding that:

“any one who designs and constructs a bridge and its approaches is under a duty to members of
the public to do so in such a manner that it will be capable of resisting all the violence of the

weather which may be expected to occur - although perhaps rarely”

has placed a serious question mark behind designs that have been based on design floods with limited
return periods.

t i o 6
In order to clarify the legal aspects related to the hydrological and hydraulic design and maintenance of

river crossings Prof T J Scott prepared a document (Committee of State Road Authorities, TRH 25 :

1994) in which he addresses the typical concerns which confront designers. This useful document

i c 0
reflects the changing situation as at 1994 and is appended electronically.

b l 2
The most important developments since 1994 concerning the legal aspects of drainage have been the

implementation of the new National Water Act of 1998 as well as the Environmental Conservation Act

u 4
of 1989.

p - 0
2.8.2 The National Water Act (Act No 36 of 1998)

r e 9
The Department of Water Affairs and Forestry has published general authorisations, which establish
when licenses are required for activities that may have impacts by (2.2):

P 2.8.3

impeding or diverting the flow of water in a watercourse
altering the bed, banks or characteristics of a watercourse
removing, discharging or disposing of water found underground if it is necessary for the
efficient continuation of an activity or for the safety of people.

The Environmental Conservation Act (Act No 73 of 1989)

This Act (2.3) applies inter alia to:

The construction and upgrading of roads, railways, airfields and associated structures outside the
borders of town planning schemes.

Schedules have been prepared, but not finalised, with respect to:

• identification of geographic areas in which specified activities require environmental

• activities that require environmental impact assessment
• activities that require initial assessment.

Economic Evaluation and Legal Aspects Drainage Manual 2-31

Until the schedules have been finalised provincial governments are dealing with all applications.

In a document titled, “Guidelines for the Hydraulic Design and Maintenance of River Crossings –
Volume II: Legal aspects,” (2.4) an overview of the legal aspects and cases are provided to reflect an
understanding of the issues involved. A copy of the said document is included in an electronic
format on a CD, which is attached to this document.

Other relevant documents that is included on the CD:

The National Water Act (Act No 36 of 1998)

The Environmental Conservation Act of 1989.


The following three simple examples have been included to illustrate the use of the economic evaluation

procedures. The supporting software is capable of determining the NPV, IRR and LCA for more
complex income and expenditure streams. It is suggested that the supporting software be used to

conduct sensitivity analyses.

i o
2.9.1 Example 2.1 – Net Present Value

a t 6
Evaluate which of the future income streams S1 or S2 is more favourable if the cost of capital is 10% on

a yearly basis.

l i c 0
Year S1 S2

b 2
1 250 100

2 350 400

u 4
3 600 350

p 0
4 100 600

5 400 250

r e 9
Solution Example 2.1

P 1
If you assume year 1 to be the base year then the NPV of the two income streams is:
NPVS1 = R1 412.39
NPVS2 = R1 374.43

These calculations reflect that the income stream S1 is more favourable when comparing the Net Present
Values (NPV).

The NPV was calculated using the following formula:

NPV = …(2.8)
(1 + i )n
F = future value
i = interest rate
n = periods

Each future value was brought back to present values and accumulated to obtain the total NPV for each
income stream.

Economic Evaluation and Legal Aspects Drainage Manual 2-32

2.9.2 Example 2.2 – Present Value

Determine the current investment that should be made for the replacement of a R1,5 mil installation
(current cost) after 15 years, if the expected CPIX is 15 % and the return on a fixed investment is 8%

Solution Example 2.2

First the future value (F) of the investment should be determined. The current installation (P) is worth
R1 500 000 and the escalation will be 15 % for a 15-year period.

F = P(1 + i )


F = 1 500 000 (1 + 0,15) = R12 205 592

Now the current investment (P) should be calculated by discounting the future required value (F) by 8%
per annum for the 15-year period.

o n

(1 + i )n

12 205 592

a t 0 6= R3 847 712

(1 + 0,08)15

b l i - 2 0
2.9.3 Example 2.3 – Internal Rate of Return (IRR)

p 0 4
Determine the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) for the following cash flow.

r e 9 -
Year Cash flow
0 -1300

P 1
1 250
2 350
3 600
4 100
5 400

Solution Example 2.3

The internal rate of return is the rate where the NPVincome = NPVexpenditure

250 350 600 100 400

NPVincome = + + + + …(2.11)
(1 + i )
(1 + i ) 2
(1 + i )3
(1 + i ) 4
(1 + i )5
NPVexpenditure = …(2.12)
(1 + i )0

Economic Evaluation and Legal Aspects Drainage Manual 2-33

Equation (2.11) = Equation (2.12)

250 350 600 100 400 1300

+ + + + =
(1 + i )1
(1 + i ) 2
(1 + i )3
(1 + i ) 4
(1 + i )5
(1 + i )0
Solving from this equation for “i”

IRR = 9,525%


ra f
2.1 SANRAL. (2002). South African National Road Agency. Code of Procedure for the Planning
and Design of Highway and Road Structures in South Africa.

2.2 Department of Water Affairs and Forestry. (1998). National Water Act. Act No 36 of 1998.

2.3 Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism. (1989). Environmental Conservation Act.
Act No 73 of 1989.

t i o 6
2.4 CSRA. (1994). Committee of State Road Authority. Guidelines for the Hydraulic Design and
Maintenance of River Crossings – Volume II: Legal aspects.

l i c a 0 0
u b 4 - 2
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Economic Evaluation and Legal Aspects Drainage Manual 2-34


M van Dijk and SJ van Vuuren


This chapter covers the procedures that could be used to determine the design flood peaks for hydraulic
structures and specific return periods. To be able to use these procedures a theoretical introduction is
given which is then reinforced through worked examples.

Table 3.1 provides a road map for this chapter.

Table 3.1: Road Map for flood calculations

Typical problems Other topics
examples Supporting

Example software
Topic Par. information Topic Par.
Calculate flood 3.5.1, Catchment area, Design of lesser 7

peaks for a 3.5.2, slopes, run-off culverts or storm

small 3.5.3 & characteristics, water conduits

t i
catchment area 3.5.4 mean annual Design of surface 5

rainfall 3.1 drainage structures

a 0
or components

Utility Flood line 4.4

l i 0
Programs for determination

Drainage Flood routing 7.5

b -
Calculate flood 3.4, Catchment area, Design of bridges 8.2 &

peaks for a 3.5.4 & slopes, historical and major culverts 8.3

large catchment 3.6 flood records, Scour estimation at 8.4


area mean annual major structures

e -
rainfall Flood line 4.4

r 9
Back 3.4, 3.5 Flood event Risk and legal 2.5, 2.8

P 1
calculating & 3.6, information, river aspects & 8.2
flood event 4.2, 4.4 characteristics, Utility
return period catchment area, Programs for
slopes, run-off Drainage &
characteristics, HEC-RAS
mean annual


3.2.1 Terminology

The run-off that is generated within a catchment through precipitation will depend on the:
• characteristics of the storm event;
• the response characteristics of the catchment;
• and the influence of temporal storage on the run-off.

The temporal distribution of the run-off is reflected in a hydrograph, such as plotted in Figure 3.1.
The flood peak (QP) is reached as soon as the entire catchment contributes to the flood, which is also
referred to as the time of concentration (TC).

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-1

D ra
i o n
Figure 3.1: Typical flood hydrograph

a 0 6
The potential damage that a flood could cause to human and other activities may be related to one or

more of the following parameters:

l i 2 0
• High flood level (HFL) - the maximum water level reached at a given point during the

b -


Peak discharge (QP) - the maximum flow rate during the flood.
• Maximum flow velocity - the maximum calculated flow velocity associated with a given

p 0
flow rate.

e -
• Flood volume - the volume of water that is released from a catchment, responding to a

r 9
given storm event and catchment characteristics.
• Flood duration - the period of time during which the discharge does not drop below a

P 1
given limit.

Peak discharge is the most useful parameter in the calculation of the required cross sectional area to
convey a flood and to determine the backwater effect (upstream influence) of any structure that
influences the normal flow conditions. The peak discharge is directly related to the characteristics and
response of the contributing catchment area.

Although the peak discharge does not remain constant as the flood progresses along a watercourse,
changes are fairly gradual where there are no tributaries or local temporary storage. It could, therefore,
be postulated that the peak discharge is independent of local changes in the watercourse, such as bed
slope and cross sectional shape. With the peak discharge having been determined, the high-flood
level (flood line) and associated flow velocities may be determined by means of hydraulic calculations
(uniform or gradually varied flow relationships). The flood volume and temporal variance of the flow
rate can be derived from the hydrograph.

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-2

3.2.2 Different methods in use for the calculation of flood peaks

There are different hydrological calculation methods in use that can be applied to road drainage. The
proven and most used methods in Southern Africa have been selected for inclusion in this Manual,
and they are:

• Statistical methods
• Rational method
• Alternative Rational method
• Unit Hydrograph method
• Standard Design Flood (SDF) method

• Empirical methods.

ra f
These methods have been developed by various institutions, and are either based on measured data
(statistical); or on a deterministic basis (Rational, Unit Hydrograph and SDF methods); or are
empirical relationships. Except for the statistical method, the methods were “calibrated” for certain

regions and flood events, and are limited in terms of the size of the catchment areas on which they
could be applied. Table 3.2 lists the methods, input data requirements, maximum recommended

catchment area for which each procedure can be used and references related to the procedures.

i o
Table 3.2: Applications and limitation of flood calculation methods

t 6
Return period of

floods that could Reference

Method Input data maximum area
be determined paragraph


i 0

2 – 200

Statistical No limitation
Historical flood peak record (depending on the 3.4

b -
method (larger areas)
record length)

u 4
Catchment area, watercourse
length, average slope,

p 0
Rational method < 15 2 – 100, PMF 3.5.1
catchment characteristics,

e -
rainfall intensity

r 9
Catchment area, watercourse
Alternative length, average slope,

P 1
< 15 2 – 100, PMF 3.5.2
rational method catchment characteristics,
rainfall intensity
Catchment area, watercourse
Synthetic length, length to catchment
2 – 100
hydrograph centroid (centre), mean annual 15 to 5000 3.5.3
method rainfall, veld type and
synthetic regional unit graphs
Standard Design Catchment area, slope and 2 – 200
No limitation 3.5.4
Flood SDF basin number
Catchment area, watercourse
Empirical No limitation
length, distance to catchment 10 – 100, RMF 3.6
methods (larger areas)
centroid, mean annual rainfall

Methods that are not included in this manual are the SCS and Run hydrograph methods (see
Section 3.7).

It is good practice in the determination of design floods for bridges or large culverts to use more than
one of the above methods, and historical records, if available, should also be evaluated. The
procedures on which these methods are based are briefly discussed below.

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-3

Statistical methods (section 3.4) involve the use of historical data to determine the flood for a given
return period. Their use is thus limited to catchments for which suitable flood records are available, or
for which records from adjacent catchments are comparable and may be used, as described in detail in
Section 3.4. Where accurate records covering a long period are available, statistical methods are very
reliable. The method lends itself to extrapolation of data to determine flood magnitudes for longer
return periods.

The Rational method (section 3.5.1) is based on a simplified representation of the law of
conservation of mass. Rainfall intensity is an important input in the calculations. Because uniform
aerial and time distributions of rainfall have to be assumed, the method is normally only
recommended for catchments smaller than about 15 km2. Only flood peaks and empirical

hydrographs can be determined by means of the rational method. Judgment and experience on the part

of the user are important in this method, but thanks to improved methods for determining run-off
coefficients, subjective judgment is becoming less important.

The Alternative Rational method (section 3.5.2) is an adaptation of the standard rational method.
Where the rational method uses the depth-duration-return period diagram to determine the point

precipitation, the alternative method uses the modified recalibrated Hershfield equation as proposed
by Alexander (3.1) for storm durations up to 6 hours, and the Department of Water Affairs’ technical

report TR102 for durations from 1 to 7 days.

i o
The Unit Hydrograph method (section 3.5.3) is suitable for the determination of flood peaks as well

t 6
as hydrographs for medium-sized rural catchments (15 to 5 000 km2). The method is based mainly on

a 0
regional analyses of historical data, and is independent of personal judgment. The results are reliable,

although some natural variability in the hydrological occurrences is lost through the broad regional

i 0
divisions and the averaged form of the hydrographs. This is especially true in the case of catchments

smaller than say 100 km2 in size.

b - 2
The Standard Design Flood (SDF) method (section 3.5.4) was developed by Alexander (3.14) to

u 4
provide a uniform approach to flood calculations. The method is based on a calibrated discharge

p 0
coefficient for a recurrence period of 2 and 100 years. Calibrated discharge parameters are based on

historical data and were determined for 29 homogeneous basins in South Africa.

P r e 1 9
Empirical methods (section 3.6) alone are not suitable for the determination of design floods. They
usually consist of a combination of experience, historical data and/or the results of other methods.
These methods are more suited to check the order of magnitude of the results obtained by means of
the other methods. It should be possible to explain any significant differences analytically.


In flood hydrology it is essential to be familiar with and to understand the influence of the various
factors affecting run-off before an attempt is made to undertake hydrological calculations. Such
factors may be broadly classified as:

• topographical factors;
• developmental influences and;
• climatological variables.

These factors are mutually dependent. Only the most important factors in the above mentioned classes
are discussed below.

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-4

3.3.1 Topographical factors Size of catchment

The size of a catchment has an important influence on the rainfall/run-off relationship, and
consequently on the suitability of calculation methods. In small catchments for example, the
relationship between rainfall intensity and infiltration rate of the soil is very important, whereas in
large catchments the quantity of rainfall relative to the water storage capacity of the ground is more
important. The peak discharges of small streams within the same geographical area are approximately
proportionate to the sizes of the catchments (catchment area < 10 km²). As the catchment becomes
large, the peak run-off becomes proportionate to A . The effect of other factors, however, often
decreases the influence of size alone.

Topographical maps (1: 50 000) are usually used to determine the area of a catchment. However, for
small catchments the accuracy and contour intervals on these maps are not acceptable and topographic

detail on a smaller scale, say 1: 10 000, should be obtained. Ortho-photographs should be used, if
available. However, it is considered essential for the designer to visit a catchment personally to obtain

an impression of developments and other important characteristics of the catchment.

n Catchment shape
Even if all other characteristics are the same, fan-shaped catchments will give rise to higher peak

flows than long, narrow catchments. The slope of the main watercourse and other factors may,

t i
however, neutralise this influence. When reduction factors are used to adjust rainfall intensities, the

movement and intensity of a storm passing over the catchment should be considered, because using

a 0
only the size of the catchment could be misleading as is illustrated in Figure 3.2.

b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1
Figure 3.2: Catchments of the same size, but producing different peak discharges Catchment slope

The slope of a catchment is a very important characteristic in the determination of flood peaks. Steep
slopes cause water to flow faster and to shorten the critical duration of a flood-causing storm, thus
leading to the use of higher rainfall intensities in the run-off formulae. On steep slopes the vegetation
is generally less dense, soil layers are shallower, and there are fewer depressions, which cause water
to run off more rapidly. The result is that infiltration is reduced and flood peaks are consequently even

Generally there is a good correlation between the slopes of the main watercourse, tributaries and the
surrounding landscape. The slope of the main watercourse is usually determined from topographical
maps in the manner described in Paragraph

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-5 Stream patterns
Well-drained catchments have shorter times of concentration and consequently give rise to larger peak
flows. The hydraulic effectiveness of a watercourse, whether it is natural or man-made, affects the
flow rates and, therefore, has to be taken into account.

Some streams have numerous tributaries, and others may have only one main watercourse, which
receives run-off from overland flow. The meandering of watercourses, marshes and flows outside of
river banks affect the flood’s progress and increase attenuation of flood peaks. Infiltration
Infiltration is the movement of water through the ground surface into the soil. Usually the infiltration

rate is considerably higher at the start of precipitation than a few hours later. Soil moisture tension in

the upper layers beneath the surface initially reinforces the effect of gravity to draw water into the
soil. In time, however, the soil becomes increasingly saturated so that the tension decreases, capillary

spaces become filled with water and infiltration takes place more slowly. Once the soil has become
saturated, the surface infiltration rate becomes equal to the deeper infiltration rate to ground water
(with interflow and evapotranspiration not considered).

n D Soil type and geology
Soil type has an important influence on the run-off, mainly because of the effect of the infiltration

rate. The effect of the soil type also often depends on the volume, duration and intensity of rainfall.

The condition of the soil at the onset of a storm will affect run-off. Freshly ploughed or unsaturated

t 6
soil, for example, will produce a smaller run-off volume and peak discharge than compacted or

a 0
saturated soil of the same type.

i c 0
Underlying rock formations and other geological factors, such as riverine deposits, may have

l 2
significant effects on run-off. Medium to large catchments with underlying dolomite, for instance,

b -
result in considerably reduced run-offs.

u 4 Seasonal effects of vegetation

p 0
Seasonal vegetation and falling leaves retard the flow of water and increase infiltration. Normally no

provision is made in road drainage calculations for such seasonal effects.

P r e 1 9

Photograph 3.1: Variation in catchment cover

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-6

3.3.2 Developmental influences Land use

Since human activities may well have a considerable effect on the run-off characteristics of a
catchment, present and future conditions should be properly taken into account, particularly with
regard to urbanisation. The effect of urbanisation depends on the percentage of the surface area that is
made impermeable and on changes in the drainage pattern caused by storm water systems.
Urbanisation usually increases the size of flood peaks by 20 to 50 per cent of those under natural
conditions. Where there is industrial or other high-density building development, this figure may rise
to 100 per cent or more. Examples of the influence of urbanisation on the peak discharge from a
catchment as a function of impermeable surface area, return period and percentage area with storm
water drainage are given in Tables 3.3 and 3.4 (3.2). The type of urban development in South Africa,

where wall boundaries are common could, however, reduce the peak discharge rate while it increases
the flow volume. Preliminary results support this conclusion. This is however dependent on the

topographical characteristics as discussed in paragraph 3.3.1 and is site specific.

Table 3.3: Possible influence of % of impermeable surface area on peak flow, for different
return periods, expressed as multiples
Return Percentage area consisting of man-made impermeable surfaces

1 10 25

50 80

2 1,0 1,8 2,2 2,6 3,0

t 6
5 1,0 1,6 2,0 2,4 2,6

a 0
10 1,0 1,6 1,9 2,2 2,4

25 1,0 1,5 1,8 2,0 2,2

l i 0
50 1,0 1,4 1,7 1,9 2,0

100 1,0 1,4 1,6 1,7 1,8

u b 4 -
Table 3.4: Possible influences on peak flow of % of impermeable surface area and % area with
storm water drainage, expressed as multiples

p 0
Percentage of impermeable surface area

Percentage area with

storm water drainage 0 20 40 60 80 100

r 9
0 1,0 1,3 1,5 1,8 2,0 2,4

P 1
20 1,3 1,5 2,1 2,5 2,9 3,7
40 1,4 2,1 2,5 2,9 3,7 4,7
60 1,5 2,2 2,8 3,6 4,5 5,5
80 1,6 2,3 3,0 4,2 5,0 6,2
100 1,7 2,4 3,2 4,4 5,6 6,8

Photograph 3.2: Developmental influences

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-7 Storage
Storage in a catchment occurs as detention storage (the filling up of small depressions in the ground
surface), storage in overland (sheet) and river flows, as well as in pans, lakes, vleis and marshes.
Storage could have a considerable effect on the attenuation and translation of flood peaks. Reservoirs
Reservoirs may intercept large volumes of run-off and thus considerably reduce peak flows.
Generally it is realistic to assume that reservoirs would be reasonably full when conditions that favour
large floods (large catchments) occur. The effect of interception by reservoirs can be investigated by
assuming that the reservoir is full and conducting routing calculations. Chapter 7 refers to the
procedures (flood routing) that can be employed to undertake these calculations. Uncertainty

regarding the operation of sluice gates during a flood, or prior to a flood event, to create storage

volume for flood attenuation, complicates the assessment. The operational guidelines and policy for
the release strategy should be investigated. A general assumption, however, is that the maximum

controlled release from a dam should not be higher that the inflow peak.

3.3.3 Climatological variables Climate

Climate has an important influence on many of the factors that affect run-off. Vegetation growth and

soil formation, for example, are strongly affected by rainfall and temperature. There is a clear

relationship between rainfall intensity and mean annual precipitation in different regions of South

t 6
Africa. The wetter parts of the country generally experience higher rainfall intensities.

c a 0
Areas with high rainfall generally also have wetter antecedent soil moisture conditions with

i 0
correspondingly higher run-off from rainfall.

b l - 2 Rainfall as a flood parameter
In South Africa, rainfall is the most important form of precipitation, and together with hail, is mainly

u 4
responsible for flood run-off.

p 0
Snow does not contribute significantly to floods in SA, but hydrologically speaking contributes to low

flow in certain regions. In large catchments the quantity, intensity and distribution of rainfall are

r e
important factors, but in the determination of flood run-off for small catchments, rainfall intensity

remains the dominant factor.

P 1
The relationship between rainfall and run-off depends on many factors, which will be discussed later,
and consequently cannot be simplified. Although the correlation between the rainfall return period and
the resulting flood peak is poor, it has been found that when the peak run-off and rainfall are
considered separately, the relationship between peak run-off for a given period and the rainfall
intensity for the same return period remains reasonably constant for different return periods (3.3).
Rainfall could thus be used to determine design floods, although a rainstorm of a given return period
very seldom results in a flood peak with the same return period. Time and area distribution of rain storms

The run-off from a catchment depends not only on the intensity and quantity of rain, but is also
affected by the duration, size, uniformity, velocity and direction of any storm passing over the
catchment. Rain rarely falls evenly over a catchment, with the result that the rainfall inputs and flood
run-offs vary across such an area. The point-to-point differences in the area and time distribution of
rainfall depend, in turn, on the type of rain, for example, convection, orographic, frontal or cyclonic

Convection rain occurs in the form of thunderstorms and tends to be extremely uneven and
unpredictable; orographic rain also shows significant point-to-point differences but the distribution is
more predictable; frontal rain is fairly evenly distributed along the longitudinal direction of the front,
but there are marked differences in the direction of movement.

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-8

In contrast, cyclonic rains show fairly even distributions with the heaviest precipitation and intensity
at the centre. The type of rain that would cause floods depends largely on the location and size of the

In most of the methods of calculation used in road drainage, it is assumed that the flood-causing storm
has a precipitation duration just long enough to allow run-off from all parts of the catchment to
contribute simultaneously to the flood peak, hence the relationship between the critical duration of a
storm and the so-called time of concentration (TC) as well as other methods used to measure
catchment response time. In large catchments heavy rainfall over only a part of the area may also
cause flooding, but the design floods for large catchments are mainly obtained via statistical analyses
of measured discharges.

Storms that move over a catchment in the downstream direction often cause larger flood peaks than
stationary or other storms, since in effect they shorten the time of concentration. Where the prevailing

direction of storms is usually downstream, particularly within a long catchment, an indication of the
possible effect of such storms could theoretically be obtained by shortening the time of concentration
by the time the storm takes to move across the catchment. Whilst storms may move at speeds of up to

50 km/h, it is difficult to determine a design speed. Storms also rarely move in a straight line. Such
adjustments are generally not made in practice.

i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1
Photograph 3.3: Rainfall over catchment (frontal)

Photograph 3.4: Convection rain

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-9


3.4.1 Applicability of statistical methods

Statistical methods are based on the fitting of probability distributions functions to measured values of
maximum annual flood peaks. The accuracy of these methods depends a great deal on the reliability
of the measured values, particularly the accuracy with which flow rates are measured, and on the
length of the historical record. The latter should preferably be longer than half of the design return
period, and should include both wet and dry periods. Statistical methods are reliable only when
applied to a catchment of the same stream or at least of the same hydro meteorological region
(possessing the same flood-causing characteristics and factors) as those on which the statistical fitting

was done. The more compatible the catchment characteristics of the monitored catchment and those

of the catchment under consideration, the more reliable the calculations are likely to be.

Since statistical methods are based on the use of historical events to predict future floods, any changes
in the flood-causing factors within a catchment will also affect the reliability of the methods. Such
changes should consequently be investigated and, where possible, be provided for.

n D
In SA measured flow records for the hydrological years (October to September) are available from the
Directorate of Water Affairs and Forestry, some local authorities, bodies such as the Rand Water

Board and some universities. However, the measurements usually pertain to large catchments, and the

statistical methods are thus only applicable to such areas.

a t 0 6
3.4.2 Annual and partial series

i c 0
An annual series is formed when the largest discharge value for every year during the recorded period

l 2
is used as a basis for calculation. For a 20-year period there would thus be 20 values, representing the

b -
highest peak in every hydrological year, but not necessarily representing the 20 highest peaks.

u 4
In a partial series, all the recorded flood peaks are ranked in a descending order and the first number

p 0
(equal to the number of years of data) of peaks is selected for the calculation. This selection

procedure means that some of the annual peaks may not be included in the series, whereas more than

r e
one flood peak from some years may be included.

P 1 9
In road design, annual series are usually used that give considerably lower flood peak values for small
return periods in comparison with partial series (Figure 3.3). The economic considerations are,
however, based on annual series so that the prescribed return periods implicitly allow for the

Figure 3.3: Comparison between annual and partial series

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-10

3.4.3 Overview of probabilities

The return period (T) is the average period over a large number of years during which an event (peak
flow) repeats or exceeds itself. The annual probability of the occurrence of an event having a T-year
return period equals:

P=⎜ ⎟ … (3.1)

The probability of an event with a return period of T to occurring over a given design life of n years

may be determined as follows (3.4):

⎛ 1⎞

P1 = 1 − ⎜1 − ⎟ … (3.2)
⎝ T⎠

P1 = probability of at least one exceedence during the design life
n = design life in years

T = return period in years

i o
PX is the probability of x exceedences over the design life (n), and can be determined:

t 6
PX = n c xP x (1 − P ) n − x

… (3.3)

c 0
⎛ 1⎞

i 0
or PX = n c xP x ⎜1 − ⎟ n − x … (3.4)

⎝ T⎠

b 2

x = number of exceedences

u 4
n x = number of combinations of n events taken x at a time

p 0
ncx = … (3.5)

x! (n − x ) !

P r e 9
A summary of the design return periods needed in order not to exceed an allowable risk of occurrence

is given in Table 3.5.

Table 3.5: Return periods

different design lives
needed in order not to exceed given probabilities of occurrence for

Probability of Life of project (years)

occurrence (%) 1 10 25 50 100
1 100 910 2440 5260 9100
10 10 95 238 460 940
25 4 35 87 175 345
50 2 15 37 72 145
75 1,3 8 18 37 72
99 1,01 2,7 6 11 22

3.4.4 Methods of calculation used in statistical analysis

There are various statistical distribution functions that could be applied in the analysis of extreme
values (flood peaks), but most of them are time-consuming unless performed by means of a computer.
The graphic method is consequently recommended for hand calculations. The method aims to
represent the distribution functions as a linear relationship on paper by means of specific divisions on
the horizontal axis of the graph paper. Special graph paper is available for Normal and Gumbel
distributions. The vertical scale may be linear or logarithmic.

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-11

Log-normal distribution functions are usually suitable for distributions in most parts of South Africa.
However, the Gumbel distribution functions (a special case of the General Extreme Value (GEV)
distribution functions)(3.1) yield better results in areas with relatively regular and high rainfall, such as
the eastern parts of the country and the South and South-Western Cape.

The position in which every point should be plotted on the graph is calculated using the Weibull
formula. The general equation is given below and the values for the constants a and b are provided in
Table 3.6.
Τ= … (3.6)

T = return period in years

n = length of record in years

m = number, in descending order, of the ranked annual peak floods
a = constant (see Table 3.6)
b = constant (see Table 3.6)

If the horizontal axis has a probability classification, the probability (P) is calculated as:

Ρ= … (3.7)

i o
Once the points have been plotted, a straight line is drawn through them to obtain the best fit. If it is

t 6
not possible to obtain a good fit, another type of probability graph could be attempted. It is

recommended that more than one type be tried to determine which type fits the historical data the best.

Poor fits may occur as a result of changes that have taken place with time in the catchment, or because

i c 0
of the unsuitability of the method being used. If the differences are explicable, correction factors

should, where possible, be applied to the data on a deterministic basis. Otherwise alternative methods

b - 2
such as the Log-Pearson Type III (standard in the USA) or the "General Extreme Value" method (UK
Flood Studies) (3.23) should be tried. Some of the commonly used plotting positions recommended for

u 4
use in hydrological analyses are given in Table 3.6. If several distributions are plotted on a single

p 0
graph then the general purpose Cunane plotting position should be used.

e -
Table 3.6: Commonly used plotting positions (3.1)

r 9
Type Plotting position Distribution

P 1
Weibull (1939) a=1&b=0 Normal, Pearson 3
Blom (1958) a = 0,25 & b = 0,375 Normal
Gringorten (1963) a = 0,12 & b = 0,44 Exponential, EV1 & GEV
Cunane (1978) average
a = 0,2 & b = 0,4 General purpose
of above two
Beard (1962) a = 0,4 & b = 0,3 Pearson 3
Greenwood (1979) a = 0 & b = 0,35 Wakeby, GEV

Detailed descriptions of direct statistical analysis methods are provided in Alexander’s book Flood
Risk Reduction Measures (3.1) (also see Appendix 3A). The reliability and accuracy of the historical
record is extremely important, as well as the selection of the probability distribution function that best
fits the data taking into account the outliers (high and low), zero flows, missing data and trends.
Figure 3.4 represents a typical example of a fitted distribution function; in this example Log Pearson
Type 3 using Cunane plotting positions.

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-12

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
Figure 3.4: Example of graphical frequency analysis

l i c 0
If different statistical methods provide conflicting results for medium and large catchments where the

impact in terms of the flood size is significant, it is recommended that an independent investigation by

b -
an experienced person be undertaken.

p u 4
3.4.5 Use of short records in statistical analysis

e - 0
Where the available flow records cover only a short period (± 5 years), these records could be

r 9
extrapolated if reliable records from neighbouring measuring station(s) with comparable, long records
are available. It is good practice to limit the extrapolation of flow records to a maximum of two to

P 1
three times that of the observed period.

If two flood records are available, record A with a limited record length and record B with a
substantial length. Then record A may be extrapolated by considering the partial series of all floods
above a prescribed minimum for the short record (A) and for the corresponding period of the long
record (B). In order to obtain a larger sample, all floods above the prescribed minimum are used,
instead of simply a number equal to the number of years. The values of corresponding ranked order
numbers are then plotted against one another on double logarithmic paper, and a straight line is fitted
to show the relationship between flood peaks for stations A and B. The peak discharge of the desired
return period is then computed for the long record in the usual manner, and is transferred to the station
with the short record by using the determined logarithmic relationship between flow record A and B.
Figure 3.5 displays the logarithmic relationship between the two records used to obtain flow peaks for
station A for longer recurrence intervals.

For greater reliability relationships could be determined with more than one long-term record.

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-13

D ra
i o n
Figure 3.5: Example of extrapolation of record


c a 0 6

l i 0
3.5.1 Rational method

b - 2 Background and principles

u 4
This method was first proposed in 1851 by the Irish engineer, Mulvaney. Since then it has become

p 0
one of the best-known, and apparently the most widely used, methods for determining peak flows

from small catchments. The basis of the relationship is the law of the conservation of mass and the

r e
hypothesis that the flow rate is directly proportional to the size of the contributing area and the rainfall

intensity, with the latter a function of the return period. The peak flow is obtained from the following

P 1
Q= … (3.8)
where: Q = peak flow ( m³/s )
C = run-off coefficient (dimensionless)
I = average rainfall intensity over catchment (mm/hour)
A = effective area of catchment (km²)
3,6 = conversion factor

The rational formula represents outflow in the hydraulic continuity equation, and its application is
based on the following assumptions:
• The rainfall has a uniform area distribution across the total contributing catchment.
• The rainfall has a uniform time distribution for at least a duration equal to the time of
concentration (TC).
• The peak discharge occurs when the total catchment contributes to the flow, occurring at
the end of the critical storm duration, or time of concentration (TC).
• The run-off coefficient, C remains constant throughout the duration of the storm.
• The return period of the peak flow, T, is the same as that of the rainfall intensity.

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-14

Despite this method’s shortcomings and despite widespread criticism, it provides realistic results if it
is used circumspectly, and it has generally given good results in studies when compared with other
methods. Although it is generally recommended that the method should only be applied to catchments
smaller than 15 km², it can in some cases be used by experienced engineers for larger catchments (3.25).

Many of the assumptions listed above are to a greater or lesser degree also applicable to other
methods of flood calculation. Run-off coefficient (C)

The run-off coefficient in the rational method is an integrated value representing the many factors

influencing the rainfall-run-off relationship. It reflects the part of the storm rainfall contributing to the

peak flood run-off at the outlet of the catchment. There is no objective theoretical method for
determining C, and as a result the subjective elements of experience and engineering judgment play a

very important part in the successful application of this method.

Table 3.7 (3.5) provides a description of recommended values of C.

n D
Table 3.7: Recommended values of run-off factor C for use in the rational method
Rural (C1) Urban (C2)

Component Classification Mean annual rainfall (mm) Use Factor

t i
600 -

< 600 > 900

a 0
Vleis and pans (<3%) 0,01 0,03 0,05 Lawns


i 0
Flat areas (3 to 10%) 0,06 0,08 0,11 - Sandy, flat (<2%) 0,05 - 0,10

Hilly (10 to 30%) 0,12 0,16 0,20 - Sandy, steep (>7%) 0,15 – 0,20

Steep areas (>30%) 0,22 0,26 0,30 - Heavy soil, flat (<2%) 0,13 – 0,17

b -
- Heavy soil, steep (>7%) 0,25 – 0,35

u 4
Very permeable 0,03 0,04 0,05 Residential areas

p 0
Permeability Permeable 0,06 0,08 0,10 - Houses 0,30 – 0,50

(Cp) Semi-permeable 0,12 0,16 0,20 - Flats 0,50 – 0,70

Impermeable 0,21 0,26 0,30

r 9

- Light industry 0,50 – 0,80

Thick bush and 0,03 0,04 0,05 - Heavy industry 0,60 – 0,90
Vegetation Light bush and farm 0,07 0,11 0,15 Business
(Cv) lands - City centre 0,70 – 0,95
Grass lands 0,17 0,21 0,25 - Suburban 0,50 – 0,70
No vegetation 0,26 0,28 0,30 - Streets 0,70 – 0,95
- Maximum flood 1,00 Rural areas

In rural areas there are five main factors affecting the value of C, namely catchment slope,
permeability of the soil, vegetation, mean annual rainfall and return period.

Accurate and time-consuming calculation of the slope is not necessary. It may be determined with
sufficient accuracy by selecting a representative part of the catchment on a contour map and
determining a slope according to these contours. Steeper slopes give rise to higher run-off

The following classification could be used as a qualitative guide to the permeability of the soil:

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-15

• Very permeable - gravel, coarse sand
• Permeable - sandy, sandy loam
• Semi-permeable - silt, loam, clayey sand
• Impermeable - clay, peat rock

The classification could be made from a visual inspection of the terrain and/or by using the soil maps,
available from the Government Printers. Where dolomite occurs, the following reduction factors are
recommended for the dolomitic parts of a catchment to be applied to Cs in Table 3.7 on a pro rata
• Steep areas (slopes >30%) - 0,50
• Hilly (10 to 30%) - 0,35

• Flat areas (3 to 10%) - 0,20

• Vleis and pans (slopes <3%) - 0,10

Vegetation could be classified as follows:
• Forestry plantations

• Dense bush or bushveld
• Light bush and cultivated lands

• Grasslands

No vegetation.

t i 6
As described in Section 3.3, the run-off increases as the density of the vegetation decreases. The

vegetation should be determined by inspections in loco, although the publication by Acocks (3.6), "Veld

types of South Africa" may also be useful.

l i c 0
Where the periodic felling of trees in forestry plantations could have a considerable influence on the

b 2
run-off from a specific catchment, the C value should be increased by taking into account the

proportionate part that would be left without effective plant cover. Where this proportionate part is

u 4
greater than about 30 per cent of the catchment area covered with trees, the return period should be re-

p 0

e -
The mean annual rainfall also affects the run-off, as discussed previously. Recommended values of C

r 9
in terms of slope Cs, permeability Cp and vegetation Cv are given in Table 3.7 for different classes of

P 1
mean annual rainfall.

The return period has an important effect on the run-off percentage. The relationship between rainfall
and run-off is not linear and a catchment is often more saturated at the start of a storm with a long
return period than is the case with storms of shorter return periods. It is thus recommended that the C
value C1 = Cs + Cp + Cv be multiplied by the appropriate factor (Ft) from Table 3.8.

The influence of initial saturation is, however, also dependent on the catchment characteristics. The
influence of the return period will thus be smaller for steep and impermeable catchments than for flat
permeable catchments. For these cases the factors are given in Table 3.8.

Table 3.8: Adjustment factors for value of C1

Return period 100 50 20 10 5 2
Factor (Ft) for steep and 1,00 0,95 0,90 0,85 0,80 0,75
impermeable catchments
Factor (Ft) for flat and 1,00 0,83 0,67 0,60 0,55 0,50
permeable catchments

For the probable maximum flood (PMF), C1 = Cs + Cpmax + Cvmax; C2 = 1; and Ft = 1. Where Cpmax and
Cvmax are in this case the maximum values from Table 3.7.

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-16 Urban areas
Recommended values of C for urban areas are given in Table 3.7. Because of the fairly large
percentages of impermeable surface area in urban areas, it is normally not necessary to adjust the
value of C according to the return period. Adjustment is, however, possible in accordance with
Table 3.8. Rainfall intensity (I)

The intensity of a design storm increases as the return period becomes longer and as the duration of
the storm decreases. To obtain the largest possible peak discharge for a given return period using the
rational method, the storm rainfall should have a duration equal to the time required for the whole

catchment to contribute to runoff, defined as the time of concentration, TC. If the storm has a shorter

duration, it will not be possible for all the parts of the catchment to contribute simultaneously to run-
off at the point of measurement. Consequently, the effective catchment area would be smaller than the

actual area of the catchment. If the storm lasts longer than the time of concentration, it should have a
lower intensity resulting in a lower flood peak per catchment area.

Apart from the duration and return period, the intensity of rainfall is also related to the mean annual
rainfall and to the rainfall region. The “depth-duration-return period” relationship depicted in

Figure 3.6 (3.7) may be used to determine point rainfall, which is then converted to intensity by

dividing the point rainfall by the time of concentration ( PiT = PT TC ) . In road drainage the volume

t i
of water that runs off as a result of a storm of less than 15 minutes duration is usually not large, and

much of this run-off is absorbed in filling of the watercourses. Times of concentration of less than 15

a 0
minutes are thus generally not significant, and the maximum intensity is assumed to occur at

approximately this time. It is difficult to calculate the rainfall intensity for storms less than 15 minutes

l i 0
(i.e. time of concentration of less than 15 minutes) and thus the intensity of a 15 minute storm is

assumed. The mean annual rainfall could be obtained from the simplified Figure 3.7 or from the

b -
Weather Service (3.8) as well as other alternative sources (3.9) such as the Hydraulic Research Unit

reports (3.25).

p 0 4 Time of concentration (TC)

The time of concentration, TC, is defined as the required time for a storm of uniform area and

r 9
temporal distribution to contribute to the runoff from the catchment. In calculating the time of
concentration, distinction is made between overland flow (sheet flow) and flow in defined

P 1

(i) Calculation of the time of concentration for overland flow

This type of flow usually occurs in small, flat catchments or in upper reaches of
catchments, where there is no clearly defined watercourse. Run-off, then, is in the form
of thin layers of water flowing slowly over the fairly uneven ground surface. The Kerby
formula is recommended for the calculation of TC in this case. It is only applicable to
parts where the slope is fairly even.

⎛ rL ⎞
ΤC = 0,604 ⎜ 0,5 ⎟ … (3.9)
⎝S ⎠
TC = time of concentration (hours)
r = roughness coefficient obtained from Table 3.9
L = hydraulic length of catchment, measured along flow path from the
catchment boundary to the point where the flood needs to be
determined (km)
S = slope of the catchment H (m/m) (see Figure 3.8)
1000 L
H = height of most remote point above outlet of catchment (m)

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-17

Table 3.9: Recommended values of r
Surface description Recommended value of r
Paved areas 0,02
Clean compacted soil, no stones 0,1
Sparse grass over fairly rough surface 0,3
Medium grass cover 0,4
Thick grass cover 0,8

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1
Figure 3.6: Depth-Duration-Return period diagram of point rainfall

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-18

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Figure 3.7: Average annual rainfall in Southern Africa

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-19

Figure 3.8: Slope definition for overland flow

(ii) Defined watercourse
In a defined watercourse, channel flow occurs. The recommended empirical formula for

calculating the time of concentration in natural channels was developed by the US Soil
Conservation Service.

⎛ 0,87L2 ⎞
ΤC = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ … (3.10)

⎝ 1 000 S av ⎠

a t iwhere:

0 6
TC = time of concentration (hours)
L = hydraulic length of catchment, measured along flow path from

the catchment boundary to the point where the flood needs to

l i 0
be determined (km)

Sav = average slope (m/m)

u b -
The average slope may be determined graphically in two ways. The first procedure is

based on the balance of areas obtained by balancing the areas above and below the line of

p 0
average slope, as shown in Figure 3.9. Alternatively the formula developed by the US

e -
Geological Survey, and referred to as the 1085-slope method could be used

r 9
(Figure 3.10).

P 1
Figure 3.9: Slope according to weighted area method

In most cases the longest water path includes both overland and channel flow. In large
catchments the channel flow is usually dominant, but in small catchments it may be
necessary to determine TC as the sum of the flow times, for overland and channel flow.
To obtain a broad indication, it may usually be accepted that a defined watercourse exists
when the average slope of the catchment is greater than 5 per cent, and the catchment
itself is larger than 5 km².

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-20

Figure 3.10: 1085-Slope according to “US Geological survey”

The formula for determining the slope according to the 1085 slope method reads:

H 0,85L − H 0,10L

S av = or S av = … (3.11)
(1 000)(0,75L ) (1 000)(0,75L )


Sav = average slope (m/m)

H0,10L = elevation height at 10% of the length of the watercourse (m)

t 6
H0,85L = elevation height at 85% of the length of the watercourse (m)

L = length of watercourse (km)

c 0
H = H0,85L – H0,10L (m)

l i 0
The height of waterfalls and high rapids are subtracted from the gross H value.

u b

- 2
Urban areas

p 0
In urban areas the time of concentration should be determined, where applicable, by

means of the flow velocities according to the Chezy or Manning equation for uniform

flow through representative cross sections with representative slopes.

P r 1 9
In road drainage the volume of water that runs off as a result of a storm of less than
15 minutes’ duration is usually not large, and much of this run-off is absorbed in filling
of the watercourses. Times of concentration of less than 15 minutes are thus generally
not significant.

It is sound practice to calculate the average flow velocity (V = L TC ) after determining

TC in order to ensure that it falls within realistic limits. Typical values of the flow
velocity range from 0,1 to 4 m/s, depending on the natural conditions. Effective catchment area (A)

This is that part of the total catchment which would contribute to the peak flow. Pans or areas that are
artificially cut off should consequently be excluded. Simplified hydrograph for the rational method

Although the rational method is not strictly suitable for determining hydrographs, a simple triangular
hydrograph could be used for low-risk application, such as flood routing through a culvert or the
determination of the run-off volume. A typical triangular hydrograph is shown in Figure 3.11.

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-21

Figure 3.11: Simplified (triangular) hydrograph for the rational method

This is a highly idealised hydrograph with a shape, which is only approached in a long catchment of
uniform slope and width. It should also be noted that the run-off volume is greater than the
proportionate part of the storm rainfall that runs off during the time of concentration. As a result, real

storms are usually of lower intensity both before and after their theoretical durations.

t i o
3.5.2 Alternative Rational method

a 0 6 Background and principles

l i c 0
This method is an adaptation of the traditional rational method. The main difference is in the

calculation of the point precipitation. The rational method uses the depth-duration-return period

b -
diagram (Figure 3.6) to determine the point precipitation, whilst the alternative method uses the
modified recalibrated Hershfield equation as proposed by Alexander(3.1) for storm durations up to 6

u 4
hours, and the Department of Water Affairs’ technical report TR102(3.15) for duration from 1 to 7 days.

e p - 0
The alternative procedure will thus be the same as the traditional procedure in determining the

catchment area and run-off coefficients. The method of calculating the average rainfall intensity over

the catchment is the main difference, and this is discussed in the following paragraphs.

P 1 Rainfall intensity (I)

As described for the rational method, the intensity of a design storm increases as the return period
becomes longer and as the duration of the storm decreases. The time of concentration, based on the
average catchment slope and distance that the water particles have to travel, is still calculated in the
same manner.

The intensity of rainfall is related to the mean annual rainfall and to the rainfall region. The modified
recalibrated Hershfield relationship (3.1) could be used to determine point rainfall, which is then
converted to intensity by dividing the point rainfall by the time of concentration for storm durations of
up to 6 hours.

Pt,T = 1,13(0,41 + 0,64lnT )(− 0,11 + 0,27lnt ) 0,79M 0,69 R 0,20 ) … (3.12)

Pt,T = precipitation depth for a duration of t minutes and a return period of T years
t = duration in minutes
T = return period
M = 2-year return period daily rainfall from TR102 (3.15)
R = average number of days per year on which thunder was heard (Figure 3.12)(3.28)

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-22

For storm durations between 6 and 24-hours, linear interpolation is used between the calculated point
rainfall from the modified Hershfield equation and the 1 day point rainfall from TR102(3.15). For
storm durations longer than 24 hours, linear interpolation is used between n-day rainfall values from
TR102. Because two different methods are used to derive the point rainfall values, the calculated
6-hour rainfall value may be higher than the 24-hour value (from TR102). If the time of concentration
is less than 24 hours and the Hershfield value is higher than the 24-hour value (from TR102), then it is
reduced to equal the 24-hour value. This assumption is realistic as the storm precipitation
mechanisms are such that short duration rainfalls exceeding 4 hours are often close to the 24-hour

A typical Weather Service station’s particulars, together with data as provided in TR102, are shown in

Table 3.10 below.

Table 3.10: Typical format of the TR102 rainfall data

Weather Services station Pretoria (Waterkloof)
Weather Services station nr 513437

Mean annual precipitation 761 mm
Coordinates 25° 47' & 28° 15'

Duration Return period
(days) 2 5 10 20 50 100 200

69 98 121 146 183 215 250

1 day

86 121 149 178 222 259 301

2 days
3 days 96 137 169 204 255 299 347

a 0
7 days 120 170 208 247 305 353 405

b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Figure 3.12: Average number of days per year on which thunder was heard (Alexander (3.1))

Detailed information on the number of days on which thunder was heard can be obtained from
Climate tables of South Africa (WB42)(3.28).

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-23

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Figure 3.13: Weather Services rainfall station numbers (reference grid) (TR102(3.15) )
Note: The reference grid refers to the first couple of digits of the rainfall station number

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-24

The area reduction factor may be calculated using a graphical relationship (Figure 3.14) proposed by
Alexander (3.1), which is based on that given in the UK Flood Studies Report see equation 3.13.

ARF = (90000 − 12800lnA + 9830ln(60TC ))

… (3.13)

ARF = area reduction factor as a percentage (should be less than 100%)
A = catchment area (km²)
TC = time of concentration (hours)

The area reduction factor may also be calculated based on the adjustment curves for point rainfall

shown in Figures 3.20 and 3.21.

ra f
The peak flow rate is obtained using the standard Rational method equation (equation 3.8).

n D
t i o 6
l i c a 0 0
u b 4 - 2
r e p 9 - 0
P 1
Figure 3.14: Area reduction factors (Alexander (3.1))

3.5.3 Unit Hydrograph method Background

Unit hydrographs are applicable to catchments of between 15 and 5000 km2. The specific
recommended method is described in detail in Report 1/72 of the Hydrological Research Unit,
University of the Witwatersrand (3.7). Although the concept could also be extended to catchments
larger than 5 000 km2, this should be done only by engineers with the necessary skill and experience.

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-25

In large catchments the physical characteristics become increasingly complex and difficult to describe
empirically. As discussed in Section 3.3, the roles played by many of the characteristics of a
catchment change in importance as the size of the catchment increases.

By using the concept of a unit hydrograph, the constant unique physical parameters of a catchment are
established in the typical form of a hydrograph, and the size and duration may be further determined
by considering the intensity and duration of rainfall. A unit hydrograph is a characteristic of a specific
catchment, and is defined in metric terms as the hydrograph of one millimetre of run-off following
rainfall of unit duration with uniform spatial and time distribution over the catchment. The duration of
the hydrograph is thus proportional to the duration of the rainfall and the volume of the hydrograph is
proportional to the intensity of the rainfall.

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0 Figure 3.15: Unit Hydrograph with confidence bands

P 1
The Hydrological Research Unit has used historical data to derive unit hydrographs for 96 river
measuring stations in South Africa. From these 96 unit hydrographs, nine synthetic hydrographs have
been derived for nine regions in South Africa with similar catchment characteristics such as
topography, soil type, vegetation and rainfall. A typical regional unit hydrograph with confidence
bands is shown in Figure 3.15 and the regional division in Figure 3.16 (3.7). Lag time and catchment index

Because of the general complexity of medium to large catchments, the lag time is not calculated
arithmetically, but according to empirical curves. The ratios of lag time to catchment area indexes for
the nine different regions are given in Figure 3.17 (3.7). The catchment index is calculated by means
of the following formula:
Index = … (3.14)
L = hydraulic length of catchment (km)
LC = distance between outlet and centroid of the catchment area (km)
S = average slope of stream as for the rational method (m/m)

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-26

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Figure 3.16: Regions with generalised veld types in South Africa

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-27

Figure 3.17: Ratio of lag time to catchment index

D Rainfall input

The annual average rainfall for the area should be obtained from the Weather Services or from the

simplified southern Africa rainfall map (Figure 3.7). The duration of storms that cause the maximum

peak flows are obtained by trial and error. Point rainfall for various durations, normally shorter than or

t 6
equal to the lag time, are obtained from Figure 3.6.

c a 0
To calculate the probable maximum flood, the point rainfall could be obtained from Figure 3.18a and

i 0
b, and the maximum effective run-off from Figure 3.19 (3.7). However, where the probable maximum

l 2
flood is of greater importance, it is best to use the more accurate methods as described in paragraph

b -
4.4(iii) of Report 1/72 (3.7).

p u - 0 4
P r e 1 9

Figure 3.18a: Maximum observed point rainfall in South Africa

Note: Regions in Figure 3.18a are according to Figure 3.18b (3.7)

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-28

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Figure 3.18b: Areas experiencing similar extreme point rainfalls

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-29

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1
Figure 3.19: Minimum storm losses

Because of the large sizes of the catchments for which the unit hydrographs are applicable, and also
because of the area distribution characteristics of rainfall, the point rainfall should be adjusted to be
representative for a catchment. A further distinction could be drawn between storms in small areas,
smaller than 800 km², and storms in medium-sized areas, between 800 and 5 000 km². Adjustment
curves for point rainfall, or so-called area reduction factors, are given in Figure 3.20 for small and in
Figure 3.21 (3.7) for medium and large areas.

The percentage run-off from rainfall is not calculated empirically, but is determined from historical
data for each region. The ratio between storm rainfall and percentage run-off for the different regions
is given in Figure 3.22 (3.7).

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-30

It should be noted that run-off as determined by means of the unit hydrograph method applies mostly
to undisturbed rural areas. The percentage run-off as determined with the aid of Figure 3.23, and
which is analogous to the rational C value, would thus have to be proportionately adjusted where
considerable changes take place in the hydrological characteristics of a catchment. Calculation of the flood peak with the Unit Hydrograph procedure
The KU value is obtained from Table 3.11 for calculating the peak flow of the unit hydrograph
using the formula:
Qp = K u … (3.15)


QP = unit hydrograph peak discharge (m³/s)

A = size of catchment (km²)
TL = lag time (hours)

Table 3.11: Values of KU for various veld types
Regional number Factor Ku

(Figure 3.16)

1 0,261

2 0,306

t 6
3 0,277

a 0
4 0,386

i c 0
5 0,351

5a 0,488

b - 2
6 0,265
7 0,315

u 4
8 0,367

p 0
9 0,321

r e 9 -
The appropriate unit hydrograph is obtained from the regional classification in Table 3.12 (3.7). The

unit hydrograph may then be dimensionalised by using the values of QP and TL.

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-31

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Figure 3.20: Adjustment curves for point rainfall

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-32

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1
Figure 3.21: Rainfall over an area as percentage of point rainfall

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-33

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Figure 3.22: Average storm losses

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-34

Table 3.12: Dimensionless one hour unit hydrographs for various veld-types
Time as Run-off as Q/QP for veld-type regions
T/TL 1 2 3 4 5 5a 6 7 8 9
0 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
0,05 0,035 0,012 0,010 0,011 0,018 0,004 0,024 0,006 0,006 0,011
0,10 0,070 0,024 0,023 0,024 0,038 0,011 0,052 0,014 0,014 0,027
0,15 0,112 0,036 0,039 0,038 0,063 0,019 0,087 0,024 0,025 0,043
0,20 0,163 0,052 0,057 0,041 0,095 0,027 0,140 0,032 0,035 0,065
0,25 0,228 0,072 0,074 0,070 0,142 0,037 0,260 0,044 0,050 0,093
0,30 0,306 0,091 0,106 0,089 0,220 0,05 0,700 0,058 0,069 0,142
0,35 0,414 0,121 0,139 0,111 0,315 0,064 0,983 0,074 0,100 0,225
0,40 0,524 0,152 0,184 0,138 0,500 0,083 1,000 0,095 0,150 0,350
0,45 0,709 0,198 0,261 0,175 0,685 0,107 0,970 0,121 0,245 0,570
0,50 0,921 0,258 0,376 0,220 0,810 0,140 0,915 0,160 0,655 0,772
0,55 0,983 0,342 0,518 0,350 0,936 0,210 0,848 0,275 0,905 0,930
0,60 0,996 0,472 0,670 0,700 0,985 0,425 0,795 0,480 0,980 0,982
0,65 0,998 0,676 0,809 0,980 1,000 0,885 0,754 0,700 0,994 1,000

0,70 0,964 0,940 0,970 1,000 0,960 0,958 0,714 0,950 0,991 0,985
0,75 0,893 0,991 1,000 0,987 0,800 0,993 0,678 0,975 0,966 0,945

0,80 0,826 0,995 0,990 0,885 0,675 0,991 0,641 0,993 0,860 0,900
0,85 0,758 0,973 0,935 0,760 0,588 0,955 0,605 1,000 0,755 0,814

0,90 0,700 0,888 0,840 0,670 0,524 0,740 0,572 0,995 0,655 0,750
0,95 0,652 0,807 0,755 0,580 0,473 0,535 0,540 0,980 0,565 0,670
1,00 0,605 0,741 0,675 0,530 0,432 0,440 0,514 0,900 0,500 0,600
1,05 0,563 0,678 0,612 0,470 0,397 0,385 0,488 0,805 0,440 0,530
1,10 0,525 0,622 0,546 0,430 0,365 0,340 0,465 0,730 0,392 0,472

1,15 0,491 0,567 0,500 0,393 0,340 0,300 0,443 0,655 0,355 0,413
1,20 0,463 0,513 0,460 0,364 0,315 0,265 0,422 0,590 0,322 0,364
1,25 0,437 0,467 0,424 0,336 0,295 0,235 0,402 0,530 0,294 0,316
1,30 0,411 0,425 0,395 0,310 0,276 0,209 0,382 0,477 0,270 0,280

1,35 0,387 0,394 0,368 0,288 0,260 0,187 0,365 0,432 0,250 0,260
1,40 0,362 0,364 0,347 0,271 0,242 0,169 0,347 0,388 0,231 0,241

1,45 0,341 0,338 0,325 0,252 0,228 0,152 0,330 0,350 0,215 0,225

1,50 0,321 0,313 0,305 0,235 0,214 0,140 0,315 0,308 0,200 0,210
1,55 0,302 0,291 0,290 0,218 0,200 0,128 0,300 0,280 0,186 0,198

t 6
1,60 0,283 0,272 0,276 0,201 0,187 0,116 0,287 0,255 0,174 0,188
1,65 0,265 0,253 0,264 0,187 0,174 0,105 0,274 0,232 0,164 0,176

1,70 0,252 0,236 0,252 0,172 0,163 0,097 0,260 0,211 0,155 0,168

1,75 0,238 0,220 0,238 0,159 0,152 0,088 0,249 0,194 0,146 0,158

1,80 0,226 0,206 0,228 0,147 0,143 0,081 0,237 0,177 0,137 0,151

i 0
1,85 0,215 0,192 0,216 0,136 0,134 0,074 0,225 0,164 0,130 0,144

1,90 0,204 0,181 0,208 0,125 0,126 0,067 0,214 0,152 0,122 0,137
1,95 0,194 0,171 0,200 0,115 0,120 0,061 0,203 0,140 0,115 0,131

2,00 0,183 0,160 0,194 0,108 0,112 0,055 0,193 0,130 0,110 0,124

b -
2,05 0,174 0,152 0,186 0,098 0,106 0,050 0,183 0,120 0,103 0,119
2,10 0,165 0,143 0,178 0,089 0,100 0,046 0,173 0,111 0,098 0,113
2,15 0,157 0,136 0,171 0,081 0,094 0,041 0,164 0,102 0,091 0,108

u 4
2,20 0,149 0,130 0,165 0,074 0,088 0,038 0,155 0,094 0,086 0,103
2,25 0,142 0,123 0,158 0,068 0,084 0,034 0,147 0,087 0,081 0,097

p 0
2,30 0,135 0,118 0,152 0,062 0,079 0,031 0,138 0,081 0,075 0,093
2,35 0,128 0,114 0,147 0,056 0,074 0,028 0,130 0,075 0,070 0,087

2,40 0,121 0,108 0,142 0,052 0,070 0,025 0,122 0,069 0,066 0,085

2,45 0,116 0,104 0,139 0,047 0,066 0,023 0,115 0,063 0,062 0,079

2,50 0,110 0,100 0,132 0,043 0,062 0,021 0,109 0,058 0,058 0,075

2,55 0,105 0,096 0,128 0,039 0,058 0,019 0,102 0,053 0,054 0,071
2,60 0,100 0,093 0,124 0,035 0,055 0,017 0,097 0,049 0,050 0,070

P 1
2,65 0,096 0,089 0,120 0,032 0,051 0,015 0,090 0,045 0,047 0,063
2,70 0,091 0,085 0,114 0,029 0,048 0,013 0,085 0,041 0,044 0,061
2,75 0,087 0,081 0,111 0,026 0,045 0,012 0,080 0,039 0,041 0,055
2,80 0,082 0,078 0,107 0,023 0,042 0,011 0,075 0,036 0,038 0,053
2,85 0,078 0,074 0,103 0,021 0,039 0,010 0,069 0,033 0,035 0,049
2,90 0,074 0,070 0,099 0,019 0,036 0,009 0,064 0,030 0,032 0,045
2,95 0,070 0,066 0,095 0,017 0,033 0,008 0,059 0,029 0,029 0,041
3,00 0,066 0,063 0,091 0,016 0,030 0,006 0,054 0,026 0,026 0,038
3,05 0,062 0,060 0,087 0,012 0,027 0,004 0,049 0,023 0,024 0,035
3,10 0,057 0,056 0,084 0,011 0,025 0,003 0,044 0,021 0,022 0,030
3,15 0,054 0,053 0,081 0,009 0,022 0,002 0,040 0,019 0,020 0,027
3,20 0,050 0,050 0,078 0,008 0,020 0,001 0,036 0,017 0,019 0,022
3,25 0,047 0,047 0,075 0,006 0,018 0,000 0,031 0,015 0,017 0,018
3,30 0,043 0,044 0,071 0,004 0,016 0,000 0,027 0,013 0,015 0,014
3,35 0,039 0,040 0,068 0,003 0,013 0,000 0,022 0,011 0,013 0,010
3,40 0,036 0,037 0,064 0,002 0,011 0,000 0,018 0,010 0,011 0,007
3,45 0,032 0,034 0,062 0,001 0,010 0,000 0,013 0,008 0,009 0,004
3,50 0,029 0,031 0,059 0,000 0,008 0,000 0,010 0,006 0,007 0,002
3,55 0,025 0,027 0,056 0,000 0,006 0,000 0,005 0,005 0,005 0,000
3,60 0,022 0,024 0,051 0,000 0,004 0,000 0,000 0,004 0,004 0,000
3,65 0,019 0,021 0,048 0,000 0,002 0,000 0,000 0,001 0,002 0,000
3,70 0,016 0,018 0,046 0,000 0,001 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,001 0,000
3,75 0,012 0,015 0,043 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
3,80 0,009 0,011 0,040 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
3,85 0,005 0,008 0,037 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
3,90 0,003 0,005 0,035 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
3,95 0,000 0,002 0,032 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
4,00 0,000 0,000 0,029 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
4,05 0,000 0,000 0,027 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
4,10 0,000 0,000 0,024 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
4,15 0,000 0,000 0,021 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
4,20 0,000 0,000 0,011 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
4,25 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-35 Changes in hydrograph duration

Since the standard duration of a unit hydrograph is one hour (from the one-hour rainfall), the duration
should be increased or decreased to make provision for other rainfall durations. (Hydrographs of half
an hour or other durations can also be used as units).

To increase the duration of a unit hydrograph, a one-hour hydrograph may be added to a second
(similar) hydrograph, with the second hydrograph one hour later on the time scale. The resulting
added values should then be divided by two to obtain a two-hour unit hydrograph. The principle is
illustrated in Figure 3.23 and may also be applied to other multiples of whole numbers.

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
e p - 0
Figure 3.23: Increasing unit hydrograph duration

r 9
However, when the duration has to be decreased, or increased in fractions of the original unit

P 1
hydrograph duration, the S-curve technique should be used. An S-curve is obtained by
staggering/lagging a number of unit hydrographs by the unit duration and then summing them as
shown in Figure 3.24.

In practice there are often fluctuations in the horizontal part of the S-curve, particularly in the case of
small catchments. This can normally be ascribed to time intervals being too large for accurate
calculation, or to the duration of the unit hydrograph being too long in relation to the lag in the

Once the S-curve is known, a unit hydrograph of any duration could be calculated by
staggering/lagging a second S-curve by the duration of the first one and then subtracting the one from
the other. The resulting values then only have to be multiplied by a proportionate factor to obtain
another unit run-off. This unit hydrograph may then again be dimensionalised using the values of QP
and TL.

Usually the method is applied arithmetically rather than graphically. It is consequently advisable to
calculate the run-off values for the original unit hydrograph at such time intervals that the duration of
the required hydrographs would be divisible by these time intervals.

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-36

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
Figure 3.24: Illustration of S-curve

l i c 0 Determination of design hydrographs

b - 2
Once the hydrographs of different durations have been dimensionalised, the peak discharge can be

u 4
determined for each duration. A curve of peak discharges vs durations should then be plotted, and the
turning point determined, which also represents the peak discharge. If a turning point is not reached,

p 0
hydrographs with other durations should also be determined. By setting the storm duration equal to

e -
the lag time, an approximation of the peak discharge could usually be obtained. Storm durations

r 9
shorter and longer than the lag time should, however, be evaluated. Where only the peak discharge is
important, it is sufficient to dimensionalise the unit hydrographs only in the vicinity of the peak.

P 1
With flood attenuation, both peak discharge and flood volume are important. To obtain the highest
resultant flow rate, consequently not only the hydrograph with the highest peak discharge, but also
those of shorter and longer duration should be used in the routing calculations.

A standard form for calculations involved in the application of the unit hydrograph method is given in
Appendix 3C (3.5).

3.5.4 Standard Design Flood Method Introduction

The unacceptably frequent severe damage to civil engineering structures by floods in South Africa is
largely due to the wide band of uncertainty around all estimates of the flood magnitude-frequency
relationship, combined with steep increases in flood magnitudes with an increase in return periods.
These uncertainties are not always accommodated in current design flood estimation procedures, and
hence the Standard Design Flood Method (SDF), which is a simple and robust method, has been
proposed. The SDF Method relieves one from having to evaluate the relative applicability of
alternative methods for determining the design flood. It encourages one to use engineering factors of
safety to accommodate uncertainties in the hydrological analyses, rather than investigate, evaluate and
apply alternative hydrological procedures (3.14).

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-37

The method is based on historical data that sufficiently define the flood frequency relationships and
need no update in future. The river flow and rainfall records used for the development and calibration
of the method are sufficiently long and extensive to provide stable values for the parameters of C
(discharge coefficient) and rainfall intensity. Theoretical base of the SDF method General
The different flood calculation methods were reviewed, and it was found that the rational method,
which was developed in 1850 and which is the most widely used method in South Africa and abroad,
should be the basis for the SDF.

The conventional rational, unit hydrograph and other rainfall-runoff methods rest on the assumption
that catchment characteristics play a dominant role in the flood magnitude-frequency relationship. It is

apparent that destructive floods in South Africa are caused by rainfall events that have durations well
in excess of the catchment response times for all but the largest catchments. Heavy rainfall during the
first part of the storm brings the catchment close to saturation, and streams and rivers commence

flowing strongly as the heavy rainfall continues. It has also been observed that the severe rainfall
events are often preceded by above normal seasonal rainfall. In these circumstances catchment

characteristics have only a minor influence on flood magnitude.

i o
The rational formula, which has been discussed in Section 3.5.1, reads:

t 6

… (3.16)


i c 0
In the conventional rational method the runoff coefficient C is determined by giving numerical values

to the catchment characteristics that influence runoff. In the SDF method the runoff coefficient is a

b 2
calibrated value, based on the statistical analysis of recorded data within the region. This makes the

runoff coefficient a regional parameter and not a site-specific value.

p u 4
The SDF is a numerically regionally calibrated version of the rational method. The only

- 0
information required for its application is the area of the catchment, the length and slope of the

main stream, and the drainage basin in which it is located according to Figure 3.25.

r 9 Regional definition of the runoff coefficient

P 1
A major component in the development of the SDF was the identification of regions with
homogeneous flood-producing characteristics. The geographical requirement was that the boundaries
had to follow catchment watersheds.

This ensured that they could be readily identified on topographical maps of any scale, and could be
related to the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry’s (DWAF) drainage region numbering

The regions were called 'basins' to avoid confusion with the DWAF's drainage regions, and the South
African Weather Service's rainfall districts. The second requirement was that, where possible, each
basin should contain at least one gauging station from the DWAF publication “Catalogue of
hydrological catchment parameters”(3.26). This publication contains a list of selected representative
flow gauging stations.

The delineation of the drainage basins was based on the need for homogeneous flood-producing
characteristics. A number of experience-based criteria were used for this identification. One
representative rainfall station from TR102 was then selected for each basin (3.15). Average values
may superficially appear to be preferable, but there are hydrological reasons for choosing
representativeness rather than averages. There was no need to update the TR102 data for the same
reason. The 29 drainage basins are shown on Figure 3.25.

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-38

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
p - 0
Figure 3.25: Standard Design Flood drainage basins

r e 9 The development of the SDF method

P 1
Substantial studies were undertaken with the planning and design objectives in mind. All relevant
hydrological and meteorological records were assembled in a standard computer-readable format.
These included annual flood maxima at 152 representative flow-gauging stations with a combined
record of 6728 years. They had an average record length of more than 40 years and several records
approached 100 years in length. There were a number of stations with intermittently observed maxima
dating back to the 1840s.

The 29 daily rainfall stations in Table 3B.1 (in Appendix 3B) were selected from the 2400 sites in the
Department of Environment Affairs (now Department of Water Affairs and Forestry) technical report
TR102, Southern African storm rainfall. These are the representative rainfall stations for the 29

Many of the flow records have single, and occasionally more, exceptionally high values that appear as
high outliers on probability plots. Other records at sites within regions vulnerable to these severe
events have not yet experienced them. The calculated frequency-magnitude relationships at the sites
with and without these high outliers are very different. This creates conceptual problems with both
statistical analysis methods as well as with rainfall-runoff models.

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-39

The remaining components that are unique to each drainage basin are listed in Tables 3B.1 and 3B.2.
These are the statistical properties of the daily rainfall at the representative rainfall station for each
drainage basin derived from TR102, and the representative percentage runoff coefficients C2 and C100
for return periods of 2 and 100 years respectively. The runoff coefficients for other return periods are
derived by interpolation between these two values. The method is amenable to hand calculation. Design hydrograph form

Similar to the rational method, it is assumed that the SDF has a fixed triangular hydrograph shape
with the duration of the rising limb equal to the time of concentration, TC, the peak value equal to the
estimated flood peak; and the duration of the falling limb equal to twice the time of concentration.

ft Maximum design flood

The maximum design flood is set equal to the RMF based on the maximum applicable value of K in
the catchment.

Design flood calculations are performed for three broad purposes:
• important structures and structures where public safety is at risk (for example road and

rail bridges);

• structures where the risk of loss of life is minimal (for example minor urban drainage

t i
works); and

• applications where the purpose is to regulate development (for example designated flood

a 0
lines in urban areas).

l i c 0
The use of the 50-year flood for bridge design has resulted in a probability that the bridge

superstructures and approach embankments directly in the path of severe floods might experience

b -
floods with higher magnitudes during their design lives. Where public safety is at risk, a conservative

design philosophy should be applied. Economic considerations should not be used to relax the design

flood requirements, and the RMF should be considered for the design.

e p - 0
Where public safety is not at risk, cost optimisation procedures should be used to optimise the design

r 9
flood. These procedures should include the value of the structure to users and the socio-economic
benefits and consequences of failure.

P 1
In situations where hydrologically unusual conditions are present, such as dolomitic areas, sound
judgement should be used, and consideration should be given to consulting other professionals.

The SDF meets the requirements of robustness, consistency, simplicity and sufficient accuracy. It
does not require an advanced knowledge of flood hydrology for its application or interpretation.
Large values of C2 and C100 pairs indicate that a large proportion of the representative rainfall
contributes to the flood peak. Large proportional differences between C2 and C100 indicate the
presence of factors - principally antecedent soil moisture status - that introduce additional variability
(coefficient of variation) into the rainfall-runoff process.

There are many factors that influence the rainfall-runoff relationship. Factors that have a large
influence on the SDF and need the designer's consideration, are catchments in dolomitic areas where
the flood runoff may be less than half of the SDF values, and catchments in the south-western Cape
such as the Breë River, that have very flat growth curves; i.e. low coefficients of variation. In these
rivers the SDF may appreciably over-estimate the flood magnitude for long return periods. Otherwise,
the SDF produced satisfactorily conservative results in the representative catchments used in the
development of the method.

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-40 SDF calculation procedure

Refer to Tables 3B.1 and 3B.2 (in Appendix 3B) for the information required for the calculation of
flood magnitudes with the SDF method.

The second and third columns in Table 3B.1 are the SAWS station identification numbers from
TR102. This publication provides the information required for determining the point rainfall for the
specified return period and the calculated time of concentration in step 6 below. M is the average of
the annual daily maximum rainfalls, and R is the average number of days per year on which thunder
was heard. These two values are used in the modified Hershfield equation (step 6). C2 and C100 are the
runoff coefficients as used in the equation in Step 8. MAP is the mean annual precipitation and MAE

is the mean annual Symons Pan evaporation. These two values are supplied for information only, and

are not used in the analysis. They indicate the substantial role played by antecedent evaporation in the
flood rainfall-runoff process, and how annual evaporation varies inversely with annual rainfall.

The calculation sequence is as follows.
Step 1 - Identify the drainage basin in which the site is located from Figure 3.25.

Step 2 -

Identify the site on a topographical map, preferably 1:50 000 scale, and demarcate the

catchment boundary. Copy the boundary onto tracing paper and place over 5mm or

similar squared paper. Count the number of squares within the catchment including

squares more than halfway into the catchment. Apply a factor to convert the number of

t 6
squares to the catchment area A (km2). GIS software packages or a planimeter can also

a 0
be used.

i c 0
Step 3 - Identify the main channel on the map from the site to the catchment boundary, and

l 2
measure its length using dividers set at 0,2 km, (1,0 km on a 1:250 000 map) or use a

b -
wheel. In the latter case multiply the length by a scale factor of 1,2 to compensate for the
loss of resolution. Derive the length of the main channel L (km).

p u 0 4
Step 4 - Determine the elevation of the main channel in metres at two points located at 10% and

85% of the main channel length upstream of the site. Divide the difference in elevation

r e
between these two sites by 75% of the main channel length. This is the 1085-slope S


P 1
Step 5 - Apply the US Soil conservation Service formula to determine the time of concentration
TC (hours) as suggested in HRU1/72 (3.23).
⎡ 0,87L2 ⎤
Tc = ⎢ ⎥ … (3.17)
⎣ S ⎦
TC = time of concentration (hours)
L = watercourse length (km)
S = average slope (m/km)

Step 6 - Convert TC (hours) to t (minutes). Determine the point precipitation depth Pt,T (mm) for
the time of concentration t (min) and the return period T (years). If the time of
concentration is more than 24 hours use linear interpolation of the values for the
reference rainfall station from TR102 listed in Table 3B.2. Otherwise use the modified
Hershfield equation.
( )
Pt,T = 1,13(0,41 + 0,64lnT )(− 0,11 + 0,27lnt ) 0,79M 0,69 R 0,20 … (3.18)
M = mean of the annual daily maxima from Table 3B.1.
R = average number of days per year on which thunder was heard from
Table 3B.1.

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-41

Step 7 - Multiply the point precipitation depth Pt,T (mm) by the area reduction factor ARF (%) to
determine the average rainfall over the catchment for the required return period T (years).
The corresponding rainfall intensity IT (mm/h) is obtained by dividing this value by the
time of concentration.
ARF = (90000 − 12800lnA + 9830lnt )
… (3.19)

Step 8 - The above steps constitute the standard procedure used in the conventional rational
method. The SDF uses calibrated runoff coefficients C2 (2-year return period) and C100
(100-year return period) from Table 3B.1 instead of determining them from catchment
characteristics. The runoff coefficients for the range of return periods T (years) are
derived by applying the return period factors YT in Table 3.13, using the relationship in

the equation below:

ra f
Table 3.13: Return period factors
T= 2 10 20 50 100 200

YT = 0 1,28 1,64 2,05 2,33 2,58

C 2 ⎛ YT ⎞⎛ C100 C 2 ⎞
CT = +⎜ ⎟⎜ − ⎟ … (3.20)

100 ⎝ 2,33 ⎠⎝ 100 100 ⎠

Step 9 -

a t i 6
Finally, the flood peak QT (m³/s) for the required return period T is calculated from:


QT = … (3.21)

i 0

l 2
which is the standard format used in the rational method.

u b -
Step 10 - The SDF hydrograph is triangular in shape with the duration of the rising limb equal to

the time of concentration TC (hours), and that of the falling limb equal to twice the time

p 0
of concentration. Use linear interpolation between these values.

r e 9 -
Note: It is essential that the above procedure and equations be used to determine
the SDF. Under no circumstances should alternative sources of information or

P 1
equations be used, as these would invalidate the calibration and verification
procedures on which they are based. Additional SDF comparison

Given the limited experience with the SDF method, the authors of this document requested a
specialist, Mr D van Bladeren, to perform further analyses of records that had not been used by the
developer of the SDF method, Prof WJR Alexander, in developing the method. Van Bladeren
selected approximately 5 stations in each of Alexander’s 29 basins, and found significant differences
in some of the basins between the fitted distribution function (LP3) values, based on the recorded data
and those calculated by means of the SDF method. The differences did not follow clear patterns. It is
believed that the Van Bladeren results can serve as valuable additional information in the application
of the SDF method.

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-42


3.6.1 General

Empirical methods are mostly based on simple correlations between peak flow rates and other
catchment characteristics derived in order to establish general regional parameters. The peak
discharges determined according to these methods are thus likely to be less accurate than those
obtained by using statistical or deterministic methods.

The reliability of empirical methods depends largely on the realistic demarcation of comparable flood-
producing areas. Parameters for every region should preferably be based on historical data for the

same region. Since the characteristics of a given catchment often differ markedly from the general

conditions in the region, the results should be adjusted subjectively according to the indications given
in Section 3.3.

These methods are based mainly on flow measurements at measuring stations covering catchments
that are seldom smaller than 10 km2 and usually larger than 100 km2. Consequently these methods are

only applicable to medium and large catchments. As more data become available, the methods may
be improved or replaced by new methods.

o n
3.6.2 Empirical peak flow calculations for rural areas

t i 6
From a study of the frequency distribution of annual maximum flood peaks at 83 measuring stations

in South Africa, Midgley and Pitman (3.10) compiled regional curves of flood peaks, with the size of

c 0
the catchment and the return period as variables. This method is suitable for rural catchments

i 0
larger than 100 km2. The following relationship was determined:

b l - 2
Q T = K RP A 0,5 … (3.22)

u 4

p 0
QT = peak flow for T-year return period (m³/s)

e -
KRP = constant for T-year return period (Original text referred to KT but resulted in

r 9
confusion with KT used in equation 3.23). The value of KRP can be
calculated if required from Figure 3.27.

P 1
A = size of catchment (km²)

To establish the temporal flow rate variation it was required to include other characteristics of the
catchment. Considering the topography, rainfall characteristics, soils, drainage patterns and plant
cover, the country was divided into seven homogeneous flood regions with similar K values. The
regional distribution according to homogeneous flood characteristics is shown in Figure 3.26, and the
flood peak probability curves in Figure 3.27 (3.7).

Although the 83 measuring stations represent only a small sample, and although the frequency
distributions also contain inaccuracies, this method generally yields good estimates of the peak
discharges in undeveloped area. It is particularly suitable for obtaining an advance indication of
the order of magnitude of peak discharges, or to serve as a rough check on the results of non-
statistical methods.

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-43

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Figure 3.26: Homogeneous flood regions in South Africa

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-44

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Figure 3.27: Peak discharge probability diagram

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-45

3.6.3 Empirical deterministic peak discharge formula for return periods up to 100 years

Peak discharges for return periods less than or equal to 100 years may be determined by means of
an empirical deterministic method developed by Midgley and Pitman (3.10, 3.11). The formula reads:

Q T = 0,0377K T PA 0,6 C 0,2 … (3.23)

where: QT = peak flow for T-year return period (m³/s)

KT = constant for T-year return period (obtained from Table 3.14)
A = size of catchment (km²)
P = mean annual rainfall over catchment (mm/a) (see Figure 3.8)


Α S (catchment parameter with regard to reaction time) … (3.24)

and where:

S = average slope of stream
L = hydraulic length of catchment (km)
LC = distance between outlet and the centroid of the catchment (km)

o n
Values of KT have been compiled for the different veld type regions of South Africa as shown in

Figure 3.16 and are given in Table 3.14 (3.5).

a t 0 6
Table 3.14: Constant values of KT

Return Veld type (Figure 3.16)

l i 0
period T in 1 2 3 4& 5 6 7 8 9

years All 5A All

Winter Winter

year year
10 0,17 0,42 0,83 0,29 0,59 0,59 0,33 0,67 0,67 0,42 0,50

u 4
20 0,23 0,52 1,04 0,40 0,68 0,80 0,45 0,91 0,91 0,57 0,68

50 0,32 0,68 1,36 0,55 0,95 1,11 0,63 1,26 1,26 0,79 0,95

100 0,40 0,80 1,60 0,70 1,20 1,40 0,80 1,60 1,60 1,00 1,20

r e 9 -
The formula usually yields results that are comparable to those of the synthetic hydrograph method. It

should preferably be applied to catchments larger than 100 km2, but could be applied with caution

to catchments larger than 10 km2.

3.6.4 Experience curves of maximum flood peaks for the calculation of flood peaks for
return periods of more than 100 years

In road drainage, floods with return periods of more than 100 years are rarely required. However, it is
sometimes desirable or necessary to obtain realistic values for extreme peak floods and the
accompanying water levels; particularly where human lives may be endangered and/or valuable
property may be damaged. Most of the existing methods are not very reliable to predict flood peaks
for return periods in excess of 100 years and generally yield excessively large peak discharges. With
statistical methods this lack of reliability is due to poor fits of statistical distributions and records that
are too short. With deterministic methods, such as the unit hydrograph method, the problem arises that
there is very little information available on area reduction factors for extreme rainfall, and the relative
importance of the factors influencing run-off also changes. This lack of information consequently
affects the reliability of the methods.

In an investigation for the Directorate of Water Affairs, Kovács (3.11) studied the approximately 300
highest flood peaks observed in SA between 1894 and 1979. The information was processed using
the Francou-Rodier relationship (3.12), and five regional curves with confidence bands were compiled.
The Francou-Rodier relationship, which is used to determine the regional maximum flood (RMF),

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-46

1 − 0,1K
⎛ Α ⎞
Q RMF =10 ⎜ 8 ⎟
… (3.25)
⎝ 10 ⎠
QRMF = regional maximum flood peak flow rate (m³/s)
K = regional constant (Obtainable from the regional classification detailed
in Figure 3.28 and simplified in Table 3.15)
106 = total world MAR (m³/s)
108 = total world catchment area (km²)

The values of K vary from 0 to 6 with the latter value being the K value that envelopes world record
floods, which have occurred in the high-rainfall cyclone-ravaged areas. The formula was also tested

on more than one thousand reliably measured floods from all over the world.

The regional classification for maximum peak discharges in South Africa are named Kovács regions
K1 – K8 in this document, and are depicted in Figure 3.28 (3.13). This regional classification of
Kovács regions supersedes the earlier work done by Kovács where only 5 regions were identified with

linked K-values.

Table 3.15: RMF region classification in southern Africa

Kovács K* Number Transition zone Flood zone

t i
region of Area range QRMF Area range QRMF

floods # (km²) (m³/s) (km²) (m³/s)

30A0,262 1,74A0,72

K1 2,8 6 1 – 500 500 – 500 000

K2 3,4 12 1 – 300 50A0,265 300 – 500 000 5,25A0,66

i 0
70A0,34 15,9A0,60

K3 4,0 26 1 – 300 300 – 300 000

K4 4,6 55 1 – 100 100A0,38 100 – 100 000 47,9A0,54

b -
K5 5,0 155 1 – 100 100A0,50 100 – 100 000 100A0,50

5,2 61 1 – 100 100A0,56 100 – 30 000 145A0,48

K7 5,4 34 1 – 100 100A0,62 100 – 20 000 209A0,46

p 0
K8 5,6 25 1 – 100 100A0,68 100 – 10 000 302A0,44

e -
Note: * RMF K value as used in Equation 3.25

r 9
# Recorded flood data are reflected in the DWAF report TR105 – Maximum flood peak discharges
in South Africa: An empirical approach

P 1
There are two regions where the K value used in Equation 3.25, is smaller than K1 and K2. For these
regions Equation 3.25 should be used with a K value less than 2,8 for the region designated as “<K1”
(Central Botswana) and a K-value less than 3,4 for the region “<K2” (West coast of Namibia), see
Figure 3.28.

In using the values obtained from Table 3.15, it should be borne in mind that they represent the upper
realistic limits for every region. For a specific catchment with much lower run-off characteristics than
the average for the region, the K-value may be adjusted downwards. The following conditions may,
for example, be present in a catchment:
(i) An unusually flat catchment with wide flood plains and pans.
(ii) A very permeable surface or dolomite.
(iii) Dense bush or plantations, different from the rest of the area.
(iv) A clear decrease in the mean annual rainfall in the downstream direction of catchments
larger than 1 000 km2.

Such conditions occur in all the regions, except for region K1. As a rule of thumb it may be stated
that the K value should not be adjusted any lower than the value for the following region. Where
catchments fall within two regions, the peak discharge should be adjusted proportionately, or the
highest value may be accepted. For urban areas and catchments smaller than 10 km2, it is better to
determine the probable maximum flood by means of other methods that were discussed in
paragraph 3.5.

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-47

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Figure 3.28: Maximum flood peak regions in southern Africa from Kovács (1988)(3.13)

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-48

Knowledge of 50 year to 200 year peak discharges is required in practice for the design of bridges and
dams. According to Kovács(3.13) a simple unorthodox analysis of the K value and the representative
return period of entirely independent flood peaks has provided coefficients which represent the 50 to
200 year peaks as fractions of RMF. These QT/QRMF ratios are provided in Appendix 3D and are
dependent on the region as well as the effective catchment area.


3.7.1 SCS method

The SCS method (United States Soil Conservation Service Hydro-graph Generating Technique)(3.16) is

particularly suitable for computing flood peaks and run-off volumes for catchments smaller than
10 km² and with slopes of less than 30 per cent. It is mainly applicable to rural catchments but may

also be used for urban areas. The basic method requires a considerable amount of calculation, but this
may be greatly reduced by using nomograms.

The SCS method takes into account most of the factors that affect run-off, such as quantity, time
distribution and duration of rainfall, land use, soil type, prevailing soil moisture conditions, and size

and characteristics of the catchment. An advantage of the SCS method is that it enables empirical

hydrographs to be fully calculated.

t i 6
A detailed description of the SCS method and its application in South Africa is given by Schulze and

Arnold (3.17, 3.18).

i c 0 0
In contrast to the rational and some other methods, the SCS method does not contain rainfall intensity

l 2
as a basic variable, but 24-hour rainfall data for different return periods are used to calculate the storm

b -
volume for design purposes. However, in determining the peaks, typical time distributions of the 24-
hour storm rainfall are taken into account.

p u 0 4
The typical time distribution of 24-hour storms for two climatic regions is given in Figure 3.29 (3.19).

Type I distribution applies to coastal areas with winter rainfall or rainfall throughout the year, and

r e
Type II to areas where convection activity (summer thunderstorms) is the main cause of flood rainfall

over small catchments. The distribution areas of Type I and II storms are shown in Figure 3.30 (3.19).

P 1
Below is a useful graph (Figure 3.29) to determine the rainfall intensity, especially when working
with very small catchments, which have a short time of concentration.

Figure 3.29: The SCS 24 – hour distribution of rainfall

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-49

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Figure 3.30: Area distribution of SCS storm types in SA

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-50

3.7.2 Run Hydrograph method

The Run Hydrograph method is based mainly on statistical regional analyses of historical data. A
number of hydrographs with the same return period, but with different run-off volumes and peak
discharges, may be calculated by means of this method. The method is not widely used and its
application to road drainage is mainly as an alternative to or checks on the unit hydrograph method.

The run hydrograph theory was originally developed for determining average compound hydrographs
with known return periods from records of river flow. For every given return period, however, there
is a group of hydrographs with different run-off volumes and peak flows that fulfil this criterion.
Hiemstra and Francis (3.20) give a detailed description of this method in a publication (3.20) obtainable

from the Water Research Commission and a full description of the method is consequently not

repeated here.

The results are similar to those obtained by means of the unit hydrograph method. However, the latter
method tends to belong to the deterministic group of methods, whereas the run hydrograph method is
statistically orientated. The run hydrograph method is generally more applicable to larger catchments

than the synthetic hydrograph method.

Hydrographs with different peak discharge and run-off volumes, but with the same return period are

required particularly for flood routing calculations for average and large catchments.

t i 6
Practically their only field of application in road drainage is in routing calculations for reservoirs.


l i c a 0

b - 2
The main aim of this section is to provide the reader with a step-by-step explanation of the procedures
used to calculate flood magnitudes for different return periods. This section is supported by the Utility

u 4
Programs for Road Drainage software package.

p - 0
In the two paragraphs below flood peaks will be calculated for a small as well as a large catchment

r e
using the various relevant deterministic, statistical and empirical methods as described in previous


P 1
3.8.1 Worked example 3.1 - Small catchment

The first worked example is the flood calculation for a small bridge on the Moretele Spruit, which
runs through the eastern part of Pretoria in a north-westerly direction (see Figure 3.31).

The small bridge as shown in Photograph 3.5 is located in Pretoria East (location indicated on
Figure 3.31). The flooding of the bridge has to be analysed for the 1:20 year and 1:50 year
recurrence interval flood peaks to determine the risk of flooding Hans Strydom Drive, which has
become an important artery in the eastern suburbs of Pretoria.

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-51

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
Figure 3.31: Moretele Spruit catchment area (shown on a 1:50 000 topographical map)

P 1

Photograph 3.5: Small bridge across the Moretele Spruit (Hans Strydom Drive)

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-52 Rational method

Data requirements

The Rational method requires the following data:

• Area of catchment
• Length of longest watercourse and average slope to calculate time of concentration
• Catchment characteristics to calculate run-off coefficients
• Mean annual rainfall and rainfall region to determine average rainfall intensity

Calculation procedure

Step 1: Determine the catchment area (km²).

Topographical maps (1: 50 000) are usually used to determine the area of a catchment.
However, the accuracy and contour intervals on these maps are not always as required and it
is often useful to obtain 1: 10 000 maps if available. Ortho-photographs should also be

used, if available. Use graph paper or a planimeter to measure the total catchment area,
which will contribute to the peak flow. Pans or areas that are artificially isolated should thus
be excluded.

o n
The catchment area, of the Moretele Spruit up to the small bridge, is 28,5 km² as shown in

Figure 3.32.

c a 0 6
b l i - 2 0
p u - 0 4
P r e 1 9
Figure 3.32: Determined catchment area

Step 2: Determine the length of the longest watercourse (km).

For the defined catchment area as required for step 1, the longest watercourse is determined
and its length determined. The length of the watercourse for this example is L = 7,25 km.

Step 3: Determine the average slope of the longest watercourse.

Utilising the 10-85 method (m/m) as developed by the US Geological Survey, and tested by
the UK Institute of Hydrology, calculate the average slope. A longitudinal profile of the
Moretele Spruit along the longest watercourse is shown in Figure 3.33.

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-53

D ra
i o n
Figure 3.33: Longitudinal profile of the Moretele Spruit

H 0,85L − H 0,10L

S av = … (3.26)

(1 000)(0,75L)

c 0

l i 0
Sav = average slope (m/m)

H0,10L = elevation height at 10 % of the length of the water course (m)

b -
H0,85L = elevation height at 85% of the length of the watercourse (m)

u 4
L = length of watercourse (km)
The elevation at 10 % of the length of the longest watercourse is H0,10L = 1 412,1 m and at

p 0
85 % of the length the elevation is H0,85L = 1 528,8 m.

r e 9 -
The calculated average slope for this example is 0,02146 m/m.

P 1
Step 4: Calculate the time of concentration from catchment characteristics. The recommended
empirical formula for calculating the time of concentration in natural channels has been
developed by the US Soil Conservation Services.
⎛ 0,87L2 ⎞
ΤC = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ … (3.27)
⎝ 1 000 S av ⎠
TC = time of concentration (hours)
L = length of watercourse (km)
Sav = average slope (m/m)

In most cases the longest water path includes both overland and channel flows. In large
catchments the channel flow is usually dominant, but in small catchments it may be
necessary to determine TC as the sum of the flow times for both the overland and channel
flow stretches. To obtain a broad indication, it may usually be accepted that a defined
watercourse exists when the average slope of the catchment is greater than 5 per cent and the
catchment itself is larger than 5 km².

The time of concentration of the Moretele Spruit up to the specific point is TC = 1,338

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-54

Step 5: Obtain the mean annual rainfall (MAR), from the South African Weather Service or from
the simplified Figure 3.7 (less accurate).

When there are two or more rainfall stations in the catchment area the Thiessen method or
weighted area method can be used to determine the representative rainfall for the catchment.
The catchment area in this example contains one rainfall station within the catchment and
two just outside as shown in Figure 3.34.

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
Figure 3.34: Rainfall stations used in determining the representative MAR

P 1
The weighted area method was used to determine the representative mean annual rainfall as
shown in Table 3.16 based on the applicable areas. All the stations in this example fall in a
straight line and thus the Thiessen method could not be utilized in this example.

Table 3.16: Mean annual rainfall of catchment area (3.21)

Weather Service rainfall Latitude Longitude MAR Area
station D M D M (mm) (km²)
0513529 – Garsfontein 25° 49' 28° 18' 771,8 16,53
0513531 - Rietvlei Agr 25° 51' 28° 18' 714,0 9,69
0513528 - Constantia Park 25° 48' 28° 18' 702,5 2,28
Total 746,6 28,5

Also determine the rainfall region in which the catchment falls.

The mean annual rainfall (MAR) for this catchment is 746,6 mm (see Table 3.16) and the
catchment falls in the summer rainfall region.

Step 6: Determine the point rainfall values (PT) (mm) for the required return periods. Based on the
mean annual rainfall (MAR), the rainfall region, the time of concentration (TC) and the
required return period Figure 3.6 can be used to determine the point rainfall. As shown in
Figure 3.35 (which is a copy of Figure 3.6) the point rainfall for the 1:20 year and 1:50 year
return periods are determined using the co-axial diagram (Figure 3.35).

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-55

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1 Figure 3.35: Determining the point rainfall

The point rainfall for the 1:20 and 1:50 year return periods is P20 = 88 mm and P50 =
108 mm respectively.

Step 7: Calculate the point intensity (mm/hour)

The point intensity (PiT) is the point rainfall divided by the time of concentration (if TC >
0,25 hours). If TC ≤ 0,25 hours divide by 0,25 hours.
PiT = … (3.28)
PiT = point intensity for the different return periods (mm/h)
PT = point rainfall (mm)
TC = time of concentration (hours)

The point intensity for the 1:20 and 1:50 year return periods is Pi20 = 65,8 mm/h and Pi50 =
80,7 mm/h respectively.

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-56

Step 8: Determine the area reduction factors (ARF) for the different return periods either from
Figure 3.20 or 3.21.

In this example the catchment area is small and thus Figure 3.20 is used. The resulting
ARFs are ARF20 = 94 % and ARF50 = 92 % for the 1:20 and 1:50 years return periods

Step 9: Determine the average rainfall intensity or effective catchment precipitation

⎛ ARFT ⎞
I T = PiT ⎜ ⎟ … (3.29)
⎝ 100 ⎠

IT = rainfall intensity averaged over the catchment in millimetres/hour
for the return period T.

ARFT = area reduction factor as a percentage for return period T (should be
smaller than 100 %)
PiT = point intensities for the different return periods (mm/h)

The average rainfall intensities are I20 = 61,82 mm/h and I50 = 74,26 mm/h.

o n
Step 10: Identify the catchment characteristics to determine the run-off coefficient.

The run-off coefficient in the rational method is an integrated value representing the many

t 6
factors influencing the rainfall-run-off relationship. There is no objective theoretical method

for determining C and as a result the subjective elements of experience and engineering

judgement play a very important part in the successful application of this method.

l i c 0
Table 3.7 gives a chart for the calculation of the run-off coefficient, with recommended

b - 2
values of C.

u 4
The Moretele Spruit catchment is classified as 70 % rural and 30 % urban based on the latest

p 0
information available (topographical maps and confirmed with a visit to the catchment (see

Figure 3.32)) i.e. α = 0,7; β = 0,3 and γ = 0,0.

r e 9
Based on the available data from the catchment the following table is compiled to

P 1
characterise the catchment (Table 3.17 and 3.18).

Table 3.17: Catchment characteristics (Rural)

Rural (C1)
Component Classification %

Vleis and pans (<3%) 20

Surface slope Flat areas (3 to 10%) 70
(CS) Hilly (10 to 30%) 10
Steep areas (>30%) 0
Very permeable 0
Permeability Permeable 50
(CP) Semi-permeable 50
Impermeable 0
Thick bush and plantation 0
Vegetation Light bush and farm lands 45
(CV) Grass lands 50
No vegetation 5

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-57

Utilising Table 3.7 the run-off coefficient for the rural area is calculated using the
following formula:

C1 = C S + C P + CV … (3.30)
C1 = runoff coefficient with a value between zero and one
CS = runoff coefficient according to average catchment slope
CP = runoff coefficient according to average soil permeability
CV = runoff coefficient according to average vegetal growth

The average rainfall falls between 600 and 900 mm, and thus:

C1 = (0,20 x 0,03 + 0,70 x 0,08 + 0,10 x 0,16)

+ (0,50 x 0,08 + 0,50 x 0,16 )
+ (0,45 x 0,11 + 0,50 x 0,21 + 0,05 x 0,28)

C1 = 0,3665

If it is estimated that up to 10% (D%) of the area could be dolomitic then the run-off factor

should be reduced as described earlier in this chapter. Based on the defined slopes, the

following factors (Dfactor) are used to adjust the run-off coefficient.

t 6
• Vleis and pans (slopes <3%) - 0,10

• Flat areas (3 to 10%) - 0,20


Hilly (10 to 30%) - 0,35

i 0
• Steep areas (slopes >30%) - 0,50

b l - 2
C1D = C1 (1 − D % ) + C1 D % (∑ (D factor x C S% ))

C1D = 0,3665(1 − 0,1) + 0,3665(0,1)(0,10 x 0,20 + 0,20 x 0,70 + 0,35 x 0,1)

p 0 4
C1D = 0,337

r e 9 -
Where C1D is the rural run-off coefficient that incorporates the effect of the dolomitic area.

P 1
The influence of initial saturation is incorporated by means of an adjustment factor as
detailed in Table 3.8. Using these adjustment factors (FT) for rural areas the run-off
coefficients (C1D) for the 1:20 and 1:50 year return periods are adjusted as follows with
F20 = 0,67 and F50 = 0,83.
C1T = C1D x FT … (3.31)

Thus C1(20) = 0,2258 and C1(50) = 0,2797

The run-off coefficient for the urban area (C2) is calculated using the defined catchment
characteristics (Table 3.18) and the most conservative coefficients of Table 3.7 (for this

C 2 = (0,20 x 0,10 + 0,10 x 0,20 )

+ (0,40 x 0,50 + 0,05 x 0,70 )
+ (0,50 x 0,80 )
+ (0,10 x 0,70 + 0,10 x 0,95)
C 2 = 0,48

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-58

Table 3.18: Catchment characteristics (Urban)
Urban (C2)
Use %
- Sandy, flat (<2%) 20
- Sandy, steep (>7%) 10
- Heavy soil, flat (<2%) 0
- Heavy soil, steep (>7%) 0
Residential areas
- Houses 40
- Flats 5

- Light industry 5

- Heavy industry 0
- City centre 0

- Suburban 10
- Streets 10

- Maximum flood 0

i o
The combined run-off coefficient is calculated as follows:

t 6
C T = α C1T + β C 2 + γ C 3 … (3.32)

a 0
With α = 0,7; β = 0,3 and γ = 0,0.

C20 = 0,3021

l i 0
C50 = 0,3398

b - 2
Step 11: Determine the peak flow for each of the required return periods utilising the simple linear

u 4

QT = T T … (3.33)


e -

r 9
QT = peak flow rate for T-year return period (m³/s)
CT = combined run-off coefficient for T-year return period

P 1
IT = average rainfall intensity over catchment for a specific return
period (mm/hour)
A = effective area of catchment (km²)
3,6 = conversion factor

The peak flow rates based on the rational method, for the 1:20 year and 1:50 year return periods
(calculated by means of equation 3.33) are:
Q20 = 148 m³/s
Q50 = 200 m³/s Alternative Rational method

Data requirements

The Alternative Rational method requires the following data:

• Area of catchment
• Length of longest watercourse and average slope to calculate time of concentration
• Catchment characteristics to calculate run-off coefficients
• Mean annual rainfall and to determine average rainfall intensity based on the modified
Hershfield relationship or TR102 (Equation 3.12)

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-59

Calculation procedure

Step 1: The first four steps of the Alternative Rational method are exactly the same as that of the
standard Rational method. From these steps the TC = 1,338 hours and A = 28,5 km was
determined. The combined run-off coefficient is also calculated (see Step 10, C20 = 0,3021
and C50 = 0,3398)
Step 2: Determine the representative rainfall from the available TR102 Weather Services
stations in and around the catchment (see Table 3.19).

Table 3.19: Representative rainfall station from TR102

Weather Service station Pretoria (The Willows)

Weather Service station nr 513524
647 mm

Mean annual precipitation
Coordinates 25° 44' 28° 18'
Duration Return period

(days) 2 5 10 20 50 100 200
1 day 60 83 101 121 150 175 202

2 days 75 105 129 155 192 224 259
3 days 83 117 143 171 211 245 282

i o
7 days 110 160 199 241 303 355 412

t 6
Step 3: Based on the calculated time of concentration and representative rainfall, determine the

a 0
precipitation depth. In this example the time of concentration is 80 minutes, in other words

less than 6 hours, and thus the modified Hershfield relationship will be used (3.1).

b l i - 2 0 (
Pt,T = 1,13(0,41 + 0,64lnT)(− 0,11 + 0,27lnt ) 0,79M 0,69 R 0,20 ) … (3.34)

u 4

p 0
Pt,T = precipitation depth for a duration of t minutes and a return period of T

years (mm)

r e
t = duration (minutes)

T = return period

P 1
M = 2-year return period daily rainfall from TR102 (3.15)
R = average number of days per year on which thunder was heard (days/year)
(Figure 3.12)

The average number of days on which thunder was heard (R) is equal to 61 and M is
60 (from Table 3.19). The calculated precipitation depths are:
Pt20 = 85,62 mm and Pt50 = 107,20 mm

Step 4: Calculate the point intensity (mm/hour)

The point intensity (PiT) is the point rainfall divided by the time of concentration (if TC >
0,25 hours). If TC ≤ 0,25 hours divide by 0,25 hours.
PiT = tT … (3.35)
PiT = point intensity for the different return periods (mm/h)
PtT = precipitation depth for a duration of t minutes and a return period of T
years (mm)
TC = time of concentration (hours)

The point intensity for the 1:20 and 1:50 year return periods is Pi20 = 63,99 mm/h and Pi50 =
80,12 mm/h respectively.

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-60

Step 5: Determine the area reduction factors (ARF) for the different return periods from Figure 3.13
or equation 3.36 below.

ARF = (90000 − 12800lnA + 9830ln(60TC ))

… (3.36)

ARF = area reduction factor as a percentage (should be less than 100%)
A = catchment area (km²)
TC = time of concentration (hours)

The resulting ARF = 96 % for the 1:20 and 1:50 years return periods.

Step 6: Determine the average rainfall intensity or effective catchment precipitation

⎛ ARFT ⎞ … (3.37)
I T = PiT ⎜ ⎟
⎝ 100 ⎠

IT = rainfall intensity averaged over the catchment (mm/h) for the
return period T.

ARFT = area reduction factor as a percentage for return period T (should

be smaller than 100 %)

PiT = point intensities for the different return periods (mm/h)

a t 0 6
The average rainfall intensities are I20 = 61,4 mm/h and I50 = 76,9 mm/h.

i c 0
Step 7: Determine the peak flow for each of the required return periods utilising the simple linear

l 2

b -
QT = T T … (3.38)

u 4

p 0
QT = peak flow rate for T-year return period (m³/s)

e -
CT = combined run-off coefficient for T-year return period

r 9
IT = average rainfall intensity over catchment for a specific return
period (mm/hour)

P 1
A = effective area of catchment (km²)
3,6 = conversion factor

The peak flow rates based on the rational method, for the 1:20 year and 1:50 year return
periods (calculated by means of equation 3.38) are:
Q20 = 196 m³/s and Q50 = 256 m³/s Unit Hydrograph method

Step 1: The first three steps of the Rational method described above are also applicable to the Unit
Hydrograph method, thus A = 28,5 km, L = 7,25 km and S = 0,02146 m/m.

Step 2: Determine the veld type zone in which the catchment falls from Figure 3.16. The
catchment of the Moretele Spruit falls in Zone 8.

Step 3: Calculate the catchment index from the following formula:

Index = … (3.39)
where: L = hydraulic length of catchment (km)
LC = distance between outlet and centroid of catchment (km)
S = average slope (as for rational method in m/m)

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-61

The measured length from the catchment outlet along the watercourse and then
perpendicular to the centroid is LC = 4,65 km. The calculated catchment index is 230,1.

Step 4: Determine the lag time in hours from Figure 3.17, based on the catchment index and veld
type zone. The Lag time (TL) equals 1,35 hours.

Step 5: From Table 3.11 obtain the value of KU for the specific veld type. For this example Ku =

Step 6: The peak flow rate for the unit hydrograph according to the regional classification given in
Table 3.11, in zone 8 is calculated using the following formula:

Qp = K u … (3.40)


QP = peak flow rate of unit hydrograph (m³/s)
A = size of catchment (km²)

TL = lag time (hours)
The unit hydrograph peak discharge is 7,75 m³/s.

Step 7: Obtain the mean annual rainfall (MAR), as described for the Rational method. The

i o
determined MAR for this catchment is 746,6 mm/a.

a t 6
Step 8: This step has to be repeated for different storm durations as well as for different return

periods. The main aim is to determine the effective rainfall (heiT) for the different storm

i c 0
durations with which the dimensionalised unit hydrograph peak flow could then be


b - 2
Step 8.1: Determine the point rainfall for the required return periods (PT), based on the mean

u 4
annual rainfall (MAR), the rainfall region, and the storm duration (TSD). Point rainfall

for various durations, normally shorter than or equal to the lag time, is obtained.

Figure 3.6 may be used to determine the point rainfall. To calculate the probable

e -
maximum flood, the point rainfall could be obtained from Figure 3.18a and b, with

r 9
the maximum effective run-off from Figure 3.18 (3.7). For this example the point

rainfalls for the 0,5 hour, 1 hour and 2 hour storms have been determined for the

different return periods,1:20 year and 1:50 year, see Table 3.20.

Step 8.2: Calculate the point rainfall intensity (mm/hour). The point intensity (PiT) is the point
rainfall divided by the storm duration (TSD).
PiT = … (3.41)
PiT = point intensities for the different return periods (mm/h)
PT = point rainfall (mm)
TSD = storm duration (hours). If duration < 0,25 hours use 0,25 hours.
See solution in Table 3.20.

Step 8.3: Determine the area reduction factors (ARFiT) for the different return periods based on
the catchment area and different storm durations from either Figure 3.20 or 3.21. In
this example the catchment area is small, and thus Figure 3.20 will be used. The
determined ARFiT values are shown in Table 3.20.

Step 8.4: Calculate the average rainfall (PAvgiT) for the different return periods and storm
durations. This is the area reduction factor (ARFiT) multiplied by the point rainfall
(PT). The average rainfall values are shown in Table 3.20.

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-62

Step 8.5: Determine the flood run-off factor from Figure 3.22. This factor is based on the
average rainfall, veld type zone and catchment area. The flood run-off factors (fiT) are
given in Table 3.20.

Step 8.6: Calculate the effective rainfall (heiT) for each return period and selected storm
duration by multiplying the flood run-off factors (fiT) with the average rainfall values

Table 3.20: Calculation of effective rainfall values (heiT)

Return period
1:20 1:50
Description Unit

Storm duration (TSD) hours 0,25 0,5 1 2 0,25 0,5 1 2

Point rainfall (PT) mm 41 63 84 97 50 77 102 118

Point intensity (PiT) mm/hour 164 126 84 48,5 200 154 102 59
Area reduction factor
% 84 88 92 95 80 85 90 94

Average rainfall
mm 34,44 55,44 77,28 92,15 40,00 65,45 91,80 110,92

Flood run-off factor
% 12 16 19 22 13 18 22 24

i o
Effective rainfall (heiT) mm 4,13 8,87 14,68 20,27 5,20 11,78 20,20 26,62

a t 6
Step 9: The maximum flood peak is obtained by multiplying the effective rainfall for specific storm

durations with the unit hydrograph peak flow. The duration of storms that cause the

i c 0
maximum peak discharge is obtained by trial and error. Since the standard duration of a unit

hydrograph is one hour (from the one-hour rainfall), the duration should be increased or

b 2
decreased to make provision for other rainfall durations.

u 4 -
An S-curve is obtained by staggering a number of unit hydrographs by the unit duration and

then summing them as shown in Figure 3.24. It is recommended that an S-curve be

constructed in all cases.

r e 9 -
Once the S-curve has been drawn, lagging an identical second S-curve by the duration and
then subtracting one from the other provides a unit hydrograph of the lagged duration. The

P 1
resulting values only need to be multiplied by a proportionate factor to obtain a new unit
run-off hydrograph. This unit hydrograph could again be dimensionalised using the values
of QP and TL. It is thus advisable to calculate the run-off values for the original unit
hydrograph at such time intervals that the duration of the required hydrographs will be
divisible by these time intervals.

The dimensionless one-hour unit hydrograph for veld type zone 8 is shown in Figure 3.36
and the constructed S-curve in Figure 3.37.

The rising and falling limbs of the unit hydrograph used to construct the S-curve are not
equal. If the ordinates of the staggered unit hydrographs are summed, the constructed
S-curve is not constantly increasing until it reaches the maximum value thereof. This leads
to an uneven S-curve as shown in Figure 3.37. It is suggested that this be rectified as shown
by preventing the S-curve values for example (Q/Qp)t being less than (Q/Qp)t-1. This
approach is conservative, which could probably lead to an over estimation in calculating the
volume of discharge but provide a conceptually correct answer in terms of the flood peak

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-63

D ra
Figure 3.36: Dimensionless one-hour unit hydrograph for veld type Zone 8

t i o 6
l i c a 0 0
u b 4 - 2
r e p 9 - 0
P 1 Figure 3.37: S-curve for veld type Zone 8 and lagged by 0,25 hour

Step 10: The 0,25, 0,5 and 2 hour unit hydrograph peaks are obtained by multiplying the maximum
obtained values from the previous step with the peak flow rate of the unit hydrograph (Qp),
see Table 3.21.

Step 11: The last step is to calculate the peak flows for the different return periods and storm
durations. The maximum peak flow for each return period is then used as the design peak
flood for that specific return period as shown in Table 3.21. The peak values are adjusted as
indicated to for QPiT/QP < 1 in this case 0,9923.

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-64

Table 3.21: Peak flows utilising the discharge unit hydrograph method
Return period
1:20 1:50
Variable Unit
Storm duration
hours 0,25 0,5 1 2 0,25 0,5 1 2
Effective rainfall
mm 4,13 8,87 14,68 20,27 5,20 11,78 20,20 26,62
Unit hydrograph peak
m³/s 24,52 14,48 7,68 4,77 24,52 14,48 7,68 4,77
Peak flow
m³/s 101,34 128,42 112,73 96,64 127,50 170,56 155,05 126,91

Adjusted for QPiT/QP < 1 m³/s 102,12 129,42 113,60 97,39 128,49 171,88 156,26 127,89

ra f
The peak flow rates, based on the unit hydrograph method, for the 1:20 year and 1:50 year
return periods are:
Q20 = 129 m³/s and Q50 = 172 m³/s

D SDF method

The calculation sequence to determine the flood peaks based on the SDF method is as follows:

t i o
Step 1: Identify the drainage basin in which the site is located from Figure 3.25. The catchment

falls in drainage basin number 4.

c a 0
Step 2: Determine the area of the catchment. In this example it has already been calculated as

l i 0
A = 28,5 km².

b - 2
Step 3: Determine the length of the main channel. In this example it has already been calculated as

u 4
L = 7,25 km.

p 0
Step 4: Determine the average slope of the catchment as described for the rational method. The

e -
calculated average slope (S) for this example is 0,02146 m/m.

r 9
Step 5: Apply the US Soil conservation Service formula to determine the time of concentration

P 1
TC (hours) as suggested in HRU1/72 (3.23).
⎡ 0,87L2 ⎤
Tc = ⎢ ⎥ … (3.42)
⎣ 1000S ⎦
The time of concentration is as calculated earlier TC = 1,338 hours.

Step 6: Convert TC (hours) to t (minutes) and determine the point precipitation depth PtT (mm) for
the different the return period T (years). In this example the modified Hershfield equation
will be used.

Pt,T = 1,13(0,41 + 0,64lnT )(− 0,11 + 0,27lnt )(0,79M 0,69 R 0,20 ) … (3.43)

M = mean of the annual daily maxima from Table 3B.1 equals 58 mm
R = average number of days per year on which thunder was heard from
Table 3B.1 equals 20.

Table 3.22: Calculating point precipitation

Return period 1:20 1:50
PtT (mm) 66,92 83,78

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-65

Step 7: Multiply the point precipitation depth PtT (mm) by the area reduction factor ARF (%) to
determine the average rainfall over the catchment for the required return period (PAvgT). The
corresponding rainfall intensity IT (mm/h) is obtained by dividing this value by the time of
ARF = (90000 − 12800lnA + 9830lnt )
… (3.44)

Table 3.23: Calculating point intensity

Return period 1:20 1:50
ARF (%) 96 96
PAvgT (mm) 64,2 80,4
IT (mm/hour) 48,0 60,1

Step 8: The above steps constitute the standard procedures used in the conventional rational method.

The SDF uses calibrated runoff coefficients C2 (2-year return period) and C100 (100-year
return period) from Table 3B.1 instead of determining them from catchment characteristics.
The runoff coefficients for the range of return periods are derived by applying the return

period factors YT in Table 3.13, using the equation below:

C 2 ⎛ YT ⎞⎛ C100 C 2 ⎞
CT = +⎜ ⎟⎜ − ⎟ … (3.45)

100 ⎝ 2,33 ⎠⎝ 100 100 ⎠

t i 6
With the calibrated coefficients being C2 = 10 % and C100 = 50 %, and the return period

a 0
factors Y20 = 1,64 and Y50 = 2,05 the run-off coefficients are calculated for the 1:20 and

c 0
1:50 year return periods:

l i
C20 = 0,3815 and C50 = 0,4519

b - 2
Step 9: Finally, the flood peak QT (m³/s) for the required return period is calculated:

u 4
QT = … (3.46)

p 0

e -
Table 3.24: Calculating flood peaks

r 9
Return period 1:20 1:50
0,3815 0,4519

P 1
IT (mm/hour) 48,0 60,1
QT (m³/s) 145 215

Step 10:The SDF hydrograph is triangular in shape with the duration of the rising limb equal to the
time of concentration TC (hours), and that of the falling limb equal to twice the time of
concentration. Use linear interpolation between these two values. Empirical methods

Peak discharges for return periods less than or equal to 100 years can be determined by means of an
empirical deterministic method developed by Midgley and Pitman (3.10, 3.11). The formula reads:

Q T = 0,0377KT PA 0,6 C 0,2 … (3.47)

QT = peak flow for T return period (m³/s)
KT = coefficient based on veld type region (see Figure 3.16 and Table 3.14).
P = mean annual rainfall over catchment (mm/a) (see Figure 3.7)
and Α S (Catchment parameter with regard to reaction time) … (3.48)

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-66

A = area of catchment (km²)
S = average slope of stream (m/m)
L = hydraulic length of catchment (km)
LC = distance between outlet and centre of gravity of catchment (km)

With the catchment being in veld type zone 8, the KT values are 0,57 and 0,79 for the 1:20 and 1:50
year return periods respectively.

The calculated catchment parameter C with regard to reaction time is 0,1238.

The flood peaks as determined with the empirical method for the 1:20 and 1:50 year return periods are

78,85 m³/s and 109,28 m³/s respectively.

ra Comparison of solutions

Table 3.25 summarises the results for the five methods used in this example.

n D
Table 3.25: Comparison of solutions
Return period

i o

1:20 1:50

a 6
Rational 148 200

Alternative Rational 147 207

i c 0
Unit Hydrograph 129 172

SDF 145 215

b 2
Empirical 79 109

u 4 -
Table 3.26 illustrates the effects/sensitivity with regard to some of the catchment parameters assumed

or determined in this example, assuming the other parameters were calculated correctly.

r e - 0
Table 3.26: What if…

Question Comment

P 1
1 What if the area of the catchment is The area is directly proportional to the flood peak. An
actually 30 km² (1,5 km² larger), increase in area results in an increase in flood peak.
what will be the effect on the Some of the other parameters such as time of
floods calculated with the rational concentration will, however, also change. New flood
method? peaks will be: Q20 = 155 m³/s and Q50 = 209 m³/s
2 What will the effect of future The run-off coefficient will increase resulting in an
urbanisation (increase of 15% of increase in flood peak. This however depends on the
the total area) be? topographical characteristics see paragraph 3.3.2. New
flood peaks will be: Q20 = 166 m³/s and Q50 = 217 m³/s
3 How does the 1:50 year flood peak The QRMF = 534 m³/s using Figure 3.28 and Table 3.15.
obtained using the QT/QRMF From Appendix 3D the QT/QRMF = 0,416 resulting in
relationship in Appendix 3D the Q50 = 222 m³/s very similar in magnitude as the
compare with the other calculated Rational and SDF methods.
flood peaks?
4 What effect will an increase of It has an influence on the anticipated rainfall intensity
10% of the MAR have on the for the specific return period storms. New flood peaks
floods calculated with the rational will be: Q20 = 155 m³/s and Q50 = 209 m³/s, i.e.
method? approximately 5% larger in magnitude.
5 What effect does the dolomites Where dolomite occurs reduction factors are
have on the calculated flood peaks? recommended for the dolomitic parts of a catchment to
be applied to Cs. With no dolomites the flows will
increase to Q20 = 154 m³/s and Q50 = 209 m³/s

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-67

3.8.2 Worked example 3.2 - Large catchment

The second worked example is a design flood calculation for a new low-level bridge across the Tsitsa
River, which runs through the Eastern Cape in a south-easterly direction (see Figure 3.38).

The position of the proposed Tsitsa low-level river bridge is shown on Figure 3.38.

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
Figure 3.38: Proposed Tsitsa Low Level River Bridge position

e - 0
The catchment characteristics were determined (see Table 3.27), and are used in the calculation of the

r 9
flood peaks for various recurrence intervals.

P 1
Table 3.27: Catchment characteristics
Description of characteristic Determined value Comment
Catchment area (see Figure 3.39) 4318 km² Catchment area may be clearly
Length of longest water course 179,5 km Starts at Antelope Spruit, joins the
(see Figure 3.39) Tsitsana River and further
downstream joins the Ixnu River to
form the Tsitsa River
Height difference 500 m Total height difference equals
(1085-method) 1 814 m, very steep slopes along
(See Figure 3.40) the upper reaches of the water
Average catchment slope 0,37% See detailed description below
Distance to catchment centroid 85 km
SDF Drainage basin number 23
Average rainfall 860 mm Based on calculated average from a
number of weather stations in the
T35 drainage basin (3.21)
RMF K-factor 5,0 – 5,2 Catchment area falls within regions
K5 and K6 (assume highest value).
(see Figure 3.28)

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-68

Table 3.27: Catchment characteristics (continued)
Description of characteristic Determined value Comment
Description of catchment run-off Rural area only with a
characteristics combination of flat and hilly
zones, steep slopes along
perimeter of catchment and
pans with slopes <3%;
permeability varying from
permeable to semi
permeable, light bush and
cultivated lands as well as


Generalised veld type zone Zone 5
(Figure 3.16)

Gauging station (see T3H016 Tsitsa River @ This gauging station is close to the
Photograph 3.6) Xonkonxa N2 river bridge approximately

Latitude: 31°14’13’’ 5 km upstream of the proposed
Longitude: 28°51’15’’ bridge site

i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Figure 3.39: Catchment area and longest watercourse (3.21)

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-69

D ra
i o n
Figure 3.40: Watercourse profile and average slope

c a 0 6
b l i - 2 0
p u - 0 4
P r e 1 9
Photograph 3.6: Gauging station (T3H016 Tsitsa River @ Xonkonxa)(3.22) Statistical method

There is a gauging station approximately 5 km upstream of the proposed bridge site, and flow data
from 1951/52 until 1997/98 are available. Historical flood data for the gauging station were obtained
from the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (3.21). The gauging station, T3H016, is situated at
the N2 bridge. The data unfortunately contain periods, full hydrological years and parts thereof, when
the flow was not measured. The hydraulic capacity of the structure, which is 1091 m³/s, was exceeded
on at least three occasions. The data as used in the statistical analysis are shown in Table 3.28.

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-70

Table 3.28: Historical annual maximum flood peaks for T3H016
Year Discharge Comment Description Adopted peak flow
(m³/s) value (m³/s)
1951/52 60 60
1952/53 112 112
1953/54 120 Incomplete year Includes summer period 120
1954/55 197 Incomplete year Too short year -1
1955/56 126 126
1956/57 188 188
1957/58 188 188
1958/59 274 274

1959/60 185 185
1960/61 52 Incomplete year Too short year -1

1961/62 338 338
1962/63 788 788

1963/64 488 488
1964/65 322 322

1965/66 343 343
1966/67 492 492

i o
1967/68 111 111

t 6
1968/69 380 Incomplete year Includes summer period 380

1969/70 303 Incomplete year Too short year -1

1970/71 660 660

i c 0
1971/72 1091 Rating limit exceeded From TR105 1364

1972/73 229 229

b - 2
1973/74 326 326
1974/75 297 297

u 4
1975/76 1091 Rating limit exceeded From TR105 1699

p 0
1976/77 1091 Rating limit exceeded From TR105 1347

e -
1977/78 926 926

r 9
1978/79 82 Incomplete year Too short year -1
1979/80 97 Incomplete year Includes summer period 97

P 1
1980/81 -1 Missing data -1
1981/82 -1 Missing data -1
1982/83 -1 Missing data -1
1983/84 295 295
1984/85 851 851
1985/86 443 443
1986/87 332 332
1987/88 881 881
1988/89 904 904
1989/90 672 672
1990/91 90 90
1991/92 301 301
1992/93 110 110
1993/94 580 580
1994/95 273 273
1995/96 995 Incomplete data Includes summer period 995
1996/97 486 Incomplete data Includes summer period 486
1997/98 709 Incomplete data Includes summer period 709
1998 - 2004 -1 Missing data -1

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-71

The flood peak of March 1976 measured at the Tsitsa River gauging station was one of the flood
peaks used in the derivation of the Francou-Rodier K-values for this specific region. The historical
data indicated that the flood peak was higher than 1091 m³/s, which is the maximum capacity of the
gauging station. In a technical report entitled, “Maximum flood peak discharges in South Africa: An
empirical approach”, Report No. TR105, by Kovács(3.11), a peak flow of 1699 m³/s was used in
deriving the Francou Rodier K-value. The maximum recorded water level was 3,48 m. This
represented the highest peak flow recorded up to March 1976. The other high peak flow of February
1972 was less than this peak flow (i.e. between 1091 and 1699 m³/s), and it was estimated as
1364 m³/s.

Another peak flow event, during which the measuring weir was overtopped, occurred in October

1976. It is estimated that this peak flow was 1347 m³/s.

Based on the historical flow records the results from statistical analyses are shown in Table 3.29.

Equations and statistical tables are included in Appendix 3A.

Table 3.29: Statistical analyses for Tsitsa river gauging station T3H016
Return Extreme value General Log Pearson Log extreme
Log normal
period Type 1 extreme value Type 3 value

2 415 410 348 356 304

5 749 749 702 706 635

t i
10 970 971 1012 998 1033

20 118 1191 1366 1320 1649

a 0
50 1458 1481 1922 1796 3021

100 1664 1703 2428 2196 4754

l i 2 0
The frequency distribution curve that fitted the data the best, was the Log Pearson Type 3 curve (LP3)

b -
(see Figure 3.41).

p u - 0 4
P r e 1 9

Figure 3.41: Log Pearson Type 3 fit through historical data points

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-72

The following gauge record information relates to Figure 3.41.
YT (record length in years) = 53
NA (peaks ≥ high threshold) = 1
NB (peaks between thresholds excluding missing data) = 39
LW (non-zero peaks below low threshold) = 0
ZR (zero flows) = 0
NC (missing data) = 13 SDF method

The calculation sequence to determine the flood peaks has been described in the first worked example,

and will not be repeated here. The main results are presented in Table 3.30. In this example the point

precipitation is obtained from the Weather Services station selected for this basin from TR102; i.e.
Station nr. 180439 @ INSIZWA.

Table 3.30: Results of SDF calculation

Description Answer obtained
Area (km²) 4318

L (km)
S (m/m) 0,0037


TC (hours)

M (mm) 60

R (days) 45

a 0
C2 (%) 10


C100 (%)

l i
Return period 1:10 1:20 1:50 1:100

PtT 103 120 145 166

b -
ARF (%) 80 80 80 80

u 4
PavgT (mm) 82 95 116 132
2,63 3,05 3,72 4,24

IT (mm/hour)

0,485 0,593 0,716 0,80


QT (m³/s) 1530 2169 3195 4069

P r 1 9 Empirical methods

Peak discharges for return periods less than or equal to 100 years could be determined by means of an
empirical deterministic method developed by Midgley and Pitman (3.10, 3.11). The formula reads:

Q T = 0,0377K T PA 0,6 C 0,2 … (3.49)

where: QT = peak flow for T-year return period (m³/s)

KT = constant for T-year return period (Obtained from Table 3.14) and in
this example the catchment falls within Zone 5 with KT values of K10
= 0,59, K20 = 0,80, K50 = 1,11 and K100 = 1,40
A = size of catchment (km²)
P = mean annual rainfall over catchment = 860 mm/a (See Table 3.27)
Α S (Catchment parameter with regard to reaction time) … (3.50)
L Lc
A = area of catchment = 4318 km²
S = average slope of stream = 0,0037 m/m
L = hydraulic length of catchment = 179,5 km
LC = distance between outlet and centroid of catchment = 85 km

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-73

The calculated catchment parameter C with regard to reaction time is 0,01721.

The flood peaks as determined using the empirical method (equation 3.44) for the different return
periods are shown in Table 3.31.

Table 3.31: Flood peaks based on empirical method

Return period Peak flows (m³/s)
10 1288
20 1747
50 2424
100 3057

The regional maximum flood may be calculated as follows:

Step 1: Determine the catchment area: 4318 km².

Step 2: Identify the region in which the site is located (Figure 3.28). In this example, as shown in
Table 3.27, the region is K6 (higher K-value). Note that the regions on the map refer to the
location of the site and not to the catchment. Only if the site is located near a boundary

between regions will it be necessary to consider adjusting the K-factor.

t i o
Step 3: Utilise the equation provided in Table 3.15 to calculate the RMF as 8059 m³/s

a 0 6 Comparisons of solutions

l i c 0
Comparing the calculated flood peaks below (Table 3.32) provides an overview of the range of

expected floods. Based on the flood calculations above, a structurally sound low-level bridge structure

b -
was designed to withstand the high floods and provide a safe crossing during the lower floods

(Photograph 3.7). Further analysis was also performed on the historical flow data to ensure that the

bridge will not be inundated for prolonged periods, cutting off communities from each other.

e p - 0
Table 3.32: Comparison of calculated peak flows (m³/s)

r 9
Return Empirical Standard Regional Statistical
period design flood maximum (LP3)

P 1
flood (RMF)
10 1288 1530 999
20 1747 2169 1323
50 2424 3195 3951* 1790
100 3057 4069 4796* 2202
*Using QT/QRMF ratios as detailed in Appendix 3D.

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-74

D ra
Photograph 3.7: Tsitsa crossing



i o 6
c a 0
3.1 Alexander, W.J.R. (2001). Flood Risk Reduction Measures incorporating Flood Hydrology

l i 0
for Southern Africa. S.A. National Committee on Large Dams. Pretoria.

b - 2
3.2 Todd, D.K. (1974). Lecture notes. University of California.

u 4
3.3 Schaake, J.C., Geyer, J.C. and Knapp, J.W. (1967). Experimental Examination of the Rational

p 0
Method. Journal of the Hydrology Division, Volume 93, No HY6.

r e 9 -
3.4 Riggs, H.C. (1961). Frequency of Natural Events. Journal of the Hydrology Division, Volume
87, No HY1.

P 1
3.5 Directorate of Water Affairs. Standard calculation forms. Pretoria.

3.6 Acocks, J.P.H. (1953). Veld Types of South Africa. Botanical Research Institute. Department
of Agriculture. Pretoria.

3.7 Hydrological Research Unit. (1972). Design flood determination in South Africa. Report 1/72.
University of Witwatersrand. Johannesburg.

3.8 Weather Bureau. Climate of South Africa. Weather Bureau 22 Part 4, Department of
Transport. Pretoria.

3.9 Van Heerden, W.M. (1978). Standaard intensiteitskrommes vir reënval van kort duurtes.
Siviele Ingenieurswese in Suid-Afrika, Volume 20, No 10.

3.10 Pitman, W.V. and Midgley, D.C. (1971). Amendments to design flood manual HRU 4/69.
Report No 1/71, University of Witwatersrand. Johannesburg.

3.11 Kovács, Z.P. (1980). Maximum flood peak discharges in South Africa: An empirical
approach. Technical report No 105. Department of Water Affairs and Forestry.

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-75

3.12 Francou, T. Rodier, J.A. (1967). Essai de classification des crues maximales. Proceedings of
the Leningrad Symposium on floods and their computation, UNESCO.

3.13 Kovács, Z.P. (1988). Regional maximum flood peaks in Southern Africa. Technical report
No 137. Department of Water Affairs and Forestry.

3.14 Alexander, W.J.R. (2002). The standard design flood. Journal of the South African
Institution of Civil Engineering. Volume 44, No 1. SAICE.

3.15 Adamson, P.T. (1981). Southern African Storm Rainfall. Department of Water Affairs and
Forestry. Technical Report No. TR102. Pretoria.

3.16 US Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. (1972). National Engineering
Handbook – Hydrology. Washington DC.

3.17 Schulze, R.E. and Arnold, H. (1979). Estimation of Volume and Rate of Runoff in small
catchments in South Africa. Based on SCS Technique. University of Natal. Pietermaritzburg.


Smithers, J.C. and Schulze, R.E. (2000). Development and evaluation of techniques for

estimating short duration design rainfall in South Africa. Water Research Commission. WRC

Report No 681/1/00. Pretoria.

t i 6
3.19 Schulze, R.E. (1980). Potential flood producing rainfall of medium and long duration in

a 0
Southern Africa. Water Research Commission of South Africa.

i c 0
3.20 Hiemstra, L.A.V. and Francis, D.M. (1979). The Run hydrograph. Theory and application

l 2
for flood prediction. University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg.

b -
3.21 Midgley, D.C., Pitman, WV and Middleton, B.J. (1990). Surface Water Resources of

u 4
Southern Africa. WRC Report No 298/1.1/94. Water Research Commission. Pretoria.

p - 0
3.22 Department of Water Affairs and Forestry. Internet website http://www.dwaf.gov.za.

P r e


1 9
Alexander, W.J.R. (1976). Flood frequency estimation methods.
Department of Water Affairs and Forestry.
Technical note 65.

Campbell G.V., Ward, A.D. and Middleton, B.J. (1987). An evaluation of hydrological
techniques for making flood estimations on small ungauged catchments. WRC Report No
139/2/87. Water Research Commission. Pretoria.

3.25 Hydrological Research Unit. (1978). Design flood determination in South Africa. Report 2/72.
University of Witwatersrand. Johannesburg.

3.26 Petras V. and Du Plessis P.H. (1987). Catalogue of hydrological catchment parameters.
Department of Water Affairs and Forestry. Division of Hydrology. Technical Note No 6.

3.27 Schulze, B.R. (1965). Climate of South Africa. Part 8: General survey (WB28). South
African Weather Bureau, Pretoria.

3.28 Weather Bureau. (1992). Climate tables of South Africa (WB42). South African Weather
Bureau, Pretoria.

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3-76


D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3A-1

Single station direct statistical analysis

The following frequency distributions are discussed for untransformed and log10-transformed data:
• Untransformed data
Normal, Extreme Value Type 1 and General Extreme Value
• Log10-transformed data
Log-Normal, Log-Gumbel and Log-Pearson Type III

Step 1: Determine the mean, standard deviation and skewness coefficient of the raw data and the log10
transformed data as follows:


Mean x= …(3A.1)
( ) ⎤⎥

∑ x −x

Standard deviation s=⎢ …(3A.2)
⎢ N −1 ⎥
⎣ ⎦

⎛ N (
⎞⎛⎜ ∑ x − x ) ⎞⎟

Skewness coefficient g = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ …(3A.3)
⎝ (N − 1)(N − 2 ) ⎠⎜⎝ ⎟




Coefficient of variation cV = …(3A.4)


l i c 0

b 2
x = observed value (or of the logarithm of the observed value for the log


u 4
x = mean of observed values (or of the logarithm of the observed value for the

p 0
log distributions)

N = the total number of observations

r e
s = the standard deviation of the observed values (or of the logarithm of the

observed values)

P 1
g = skewness coefficient
cV = coefficient of variation

Step 2: The peak value for the desired return period and assumed distribution function can be derived
for each of the frequency distributions as follows:

• Normal distribution

The normal distribution is applicable where the observed values represent the effects of a
large number of independent processes. The distribution is symmetrical about the mean and
is therefore only suitable for data where the skewness coefficient (g) is equal to, or close to
zero. The spread about the mean is a function of the coefficient of variation, Alexander (3.1).
For high coefficient of variation values, the bottom tail may extend below zero and may result
in negative flows being generated when the distribution is applied to untransformed data.

The standarized normal distribution has a cumulative distribution function:

e −0,5[y ]dy
G( y ) = ∫
y 2

where y is the standarized variable and is related to x by:

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3A-2

(x − x ) …(3A.6)

The value of y for a given value of G(y) cannot be solved directly from Equation 3A.4, and
hence published tables have to be used. Based on the return period, read from Table 3A.1b
the value of G(y) and obtain y from Table 3A.1a.

Q T = x + sy …(3A.7)

• Extreme Value Type 1 (EV1/MM) distribution

From Table 3A.4 (g = 1,14) read the value of WT for the required return period. Calculate QT

directly using:

Q T = x + s(0,780WT − 0,450)


• General Extreme Value (GEV/MM) distribution

i o
For the known value of the skewness coefficient (g) read of the value of WT from Table 3A.4

and the values of k, E(y) and var(y) from Table 3A.2 by using linear interpolation.

a 0 6
For EV2 distribution:

i c 0
(1 − E(y) − kWT )

QT = x + …(3A.9)


u b 4 -
For EV3 distribution:


QT = x + (1 − E(y) + kWT ) …(3A.10)

e -

r 9
• Log-normal distribution (LN/MM) distribution

P 1
For this distribution, the logarithms of the data are assumed to be normally distributed. Based
on the skewness coefficient (g), obtain the value WT for the required return period from
Table 3A.3.

Q T = antilog log(x) + s log WT ] …(3A.11)

slog = the standard deviation of the logarithms of the observed values as shown
in equation 3A.11
( )

∑ log(x ) − log(x ) ⎤

s log =⎢ ⎥ …(3A.12)
⎢ N −1 ⎥
⎣ ⎦
log(x ) = the logarithm of the mean of the observed values

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3A-3

Confidence bands
The confidence, with which the values of the magnitude-return period relationships are
estimated, depends on the number of observations contained in the data set. The greater the
number of observations the greater the degree of assurance, and subsequently the narrower the
confidence band (3.1). The displacement of the two-sided 95% confidence band about the
estimated value can be read from Table 3A.3 where N is the number of observations. The
95% confidence limits are:
Q T(95%) = antilog log(x) + s log (WT ± Wα ) ] …(3A.13)


Wα = displacement of the confidence band (column 5 in Table 3A.3)

ra f
• Log-Gumbel (Log-Extreme Value Type 1) (LEV1/MM) distribution

From Table 3A.4 (g = 1,14) read the value of WT for the required return period. Calculate QT

directly using:

[ ]

Q T = antilog log(x) + s log (0,780WT − 0,450 ) …(3A.14)

t i o
• Log-Pearson Type III (LP3/MM) distribution

a 0 6
From Table 3A.3 determine the value of WT for the known skewness coefficient (g) of the

log-transformed data by linear interpolation.

b l i 2 0[
Q T = antilog log(x) + s log WT

] …(3A.15)

u 4
Based on an example from Flood Risk Reduction Measures by WJR Alexander(3.1) the incorporation

p 0
of the influence of historical information, missing data and outliers is required to determine the

e -
confidence of the results.

r 9
It is thus required to calculate the historically weighted mean ( x h ), standard deviation ( s h ) and

P 1
skewness coefficient ( g h ).

((WT ) ∑ x b + ∑ x a )
xh = …(3A.16)
(YT − (WT )(LW ))
⎡ ((WT ) ∑ d 2b + ∑ d a2 ) ⎤

sh =⎢ ⎥ …(3A.17)
⎣ (YT − (WT )(LW ) − 1) ⎦
⎡ (YT − (WT )(LW ))((LW ) ∑ d 3b
+ ∑ d 3a ⎤ )
⎢ ⎥
gh = ⎢ s3 ⎥ …(3A.18)
⎢ ((YT )(WT ) − 1)(YT − (WT )(LW ) − 2 ) ⎥
⎢⎣ ⎥⎦

YT = total time span (= NA + NB + NC)
WT = weight applied to data = (YT – NA) / NB
NA = floods equal to or above the high threshold
NB = floods between high and low thresholds
NC = missing data

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3A-4

LW = low outliers including zero flows
ZR = zero flows
and where: xa = is the value of a peak equal to or above the high threshold
xb = is the value of a peak below the high threshold
da and db = are deviations of xa + xb from x h

All values being the logarithms of the data.

These historically weighted values of the mean, standard deviation and the skewness coefficient are
then used in the equations for the LN/MM, LP3/MM, EV1/MM and GEV/MM distribution in the
usual way (3.1).

For a detail description of the adjustment required when:

• low outliers are removed from the data;
• gauged zero flows exist or,

• how to handle missing data,
see Flood Risk Reduction Measures by Alexander (3.1).

Using the data set as provided in Chapter 3, Section, Example 3.2 for the Tsitsa River will

provide the following results, and utilizing Equations 3A.1 to 3A.15 (if the missing data is not

t i
included in the statistical analysis).

a 0 6
Table 3A.5a: Summary of parameters - Example 3.2 (missing data excluded)

Variable Untransformed data Transformed data

l i 0
x 484,550 2,5463

YT 40 40

b -
NC 0 0

u 4
s 390,677 0,366

g 1,344 -0,1462

- 0
cV 0,8063 0,1437

r e 9
Table 3A.5b: Summary of results – Example 3.2 (missing data excluded)

P 1
Return period N/MM EV1/MM GEV/MM LN/MM LEV1/MM LP3/MM
2 485 421 414 352 307 358
5 715 778 758 714 645 719
10 985 1019 991 1035 1057 1022
20 1127 1257 1221 1401 1696 1359
50 1287 1573 1527 1980 3126 1850
100 1394 1819 1764 2507 4953 2286

The next set of results is based on the historically weighted mean ( x h ), standard deviation ( s h ) and
skewness coefficient ( g h ) (Table 3A.6a and b) which incorporates the missing data.

Table 3A.6a: Summary of parameters - Example 3.2 (missing data included)

Variable Untransformed data Transformed data
xh 476,912 2,542
YT 53 53
NC 13 13
sh 378,305 0,362
gh 1,304 -0,157
cV 0,793 0,142

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3A-5

Table 3A.6b: Summary of results - Example 3.2 (missing data included)
Return period N/MM EV1/MM GEV/MM LN/MM LEV1/MM LP3/MM
2 477 416 418 348 304 355
5 700 749 726 702 635 706
10 962 971 934 1012 1034 999
20 1099 1183 1137 1367 1651 1323
50 1254 1457 1407 1924 3022 1790
100 1357 1664 1615 2429 4764 2202

Step 3: Graphical representation of historical data

Arrange the observed data in descending order of magnitude and assign to each value a rank
number starting from one. Determine the plotting position (return period) for each value

using the Weibull formula. The general equation is given below and the values for the
constants a and b are provided in Table 3A.7.

Τ= … (3A.19)


i o

T = return period in years

n = length of record in years

a 0
m = number, in descending order, of the ranked annual peak floods

a = constant (see Table 3A.7)

l i 0
b = constant (see Table 3A.7)

b - 2
If the horizontal axis has a probability classification, the probability (P) is calculated as:

u 4

p 0
Ρ= … (3A.20)

r e 9 -
Some of the commonly used plotting positions recommended for use in hydrological analyses

P 1
are given in Table 3A.7. If several distributions are plotted on a single graph then the general
purpose Cunane plotting position should be used.

Table 3A.7: Commonly used plotting positions (3.1)

Type Plotting position Distribution
Weibull (1939) a=1&b=0 Normal, Pearson 3
Blom (1958) a = 0,25 & b = 0,375 Normal
Gringorten (1963) a = 0,12 & b = 0,44 Exponential, EV1 & GEV
Cunane (1978) average of
a = 0,2 & b = 0,4 General purpose
above two
Beard (1962) a = 0,4 & b = 0,3 Pearson 3
Greenwood (1979) a = 0 & b = 0,35 Wakeby, GEV

Plot the values against their estimated return periods on log-probability paper, draw the best
fitting straight line through the plotted points and extrapolate to determine the estimated
maximum value for the required return period.

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3A-6

Table 3A.1: Properties of the standardized normal distribution
Table 3A.1a Table 3A.1b
Standardized normal distribution Standardized normal distribution
y G(y)% y G(y)% T G(y)% WT
0,00 50,00 -0,00 50,00 1000 0,1 -3,09
0,05 51,99 -0,05 48,01 500 0,2 -2,88
0,10 53,98 -0,10 46,02
0,15 55,96 -0,15 44,04
200 0,5 -2,58
0,20 57,93 -0,20 42,07 100 1,0 -2,33
0,25 59,87 -0,25 40,13 50 2,0 -2,05
0,30 61,79 -0,30 38,21 20 5,0 -1,64
0,35 63,68 -0,35 36,32
0,40 65,54 -0,40 34,46 10 10,0 -1,28
0,45 67,36 -0,45 62,64 5 20,0 -0,84

0,50 69,14 -0,50 30,86 2 50,0 0,00

0,55 70,88 -0,55 29,12
0,60 82,57 -0,60 27,43
5 80,0 0,84
10 90,0 1,28

0,65 74,22 -0,65 25,78
0,70 75,81 -0,70 24,19 20 95,0 1,64
0,75 77,34 -0,75 22,66 50 98,0 2,05
0,80 78,81 -0,80 21,19
0,85 80,24 -0,85 19,76 100 99,0 2,33

0,90 81,59 -0,90 18,41 200 99,5 2,58
0,95 82,89 -0,95 17,11 500 99,8 2,88
1,00 84,13 -1,00 15,87
1000 99,9 3,09

1,05 85,31 -1,05 14,69
1,10 86,43 -1,10 13,57 5000 99,98 3,55
1,15 87,49 -1,15 12,51 10000 99,99 3,72

i o
1,20 88,49 -1,20 11,51
1,25 89,44 -1,25 10,56

t 6
1,30 90,32 -1,30 9,68
1,35 91,15 -1,35 8,85

1,40 91,26 -1,40 8,08

1,45 92,65 -1,45 7,35

1,50 93,32 -1,50 6,68

i 0
1,55 93,94 -1,55 6,06

1,60 94,52 -1,60 5,48

1,65 95,05 -1,65 4,95

1,70 95,54 -1,70 4,46

1,75 95,99 -1,75 4,01
1,80 96,41 -1,80 3,59

u 4
1,85 96,78 -1,85 3,22
1,90 97,13 -1,90 2,87

p 0
1,95 97,44 -1,95 2,56
2,00 97,72 -2,00 2,28

e -
2,05 97,98 -2,05 2,02
2,10 98,21 -2,10 1,79

r 9
2,15 98,43 -2,15 1,57
2,20 98,61 -2,20 1,39

2,25 98,78 -2,25 1,22

2,30 98,93 -2,30 1,07
2,35 99,06 -2,35 0,94
2,40 99,18 -2,40 0,82
2,45 99,29 -2,45 0,71
2,50 99,38 -2,50 0,62
2,55 99,46 -2,55 0,54
2,60 99,53 -2,60 0,47
2,65 99,60 -2,65 0,40
2,70 99,65 -2,70 0,35
2,75 99,70 -2,75 0,30
2,80 99,74 -2,80 0,26
2,85 99,78 -2,85 0,22
2,90 99,81 -2,90 0,19
2,95 99,84 -2,95 0,16
3,00 99,86 -3,00 0,14
3,05 99,88 -3,05 0,16
3,10 99,90 -3,10 0,10
3,15 99,92 -3,15 0,08
3,20 99,93 -3,20 0,07
3,25 99,94 -3,25 0,06
3,30 99,95 -3,30 0,05
3,35 99,96 -3,35 0,04
3,40 99,97 -3,40 0,03
3,45 99,97 --3,45 0,03
3,50 99,98 --3,50 0,02
3,55 99,98 --3,55 0,02
3,60 99,98 --3,60 0,02
3,65 99,99 --3,65 0,01
3,70 99,99 --3,70 0,01
3,75 99,99 --3,75 0,01

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3A-7

Table 3A.2: Parameters of the standardized general extreme value distribution
Standardized general extreme value distribution
g k E(y) var(y)
-2,000 1,406 -1,247 3,204
-1,900 1,321 -1,182 2,505
-1,800 1,240 -1,127 1,984
-1,700 1,163 -1,080 1,590
-1,600 1,089 -1,041 1,287
-1,500 1,018 -1,008 1,052
-1,400 0,950 -0,980 0,868
-1,300 0,885 -0,957 0,721
-1,200 0,824 -0,938 0,602
-1,100 0,765 -0,922 0,507

-1,000 0,708 -0,910 0,428

-0,900 0,655 -0,901 0,362
-0,800 0,604 -0,894 0,307

-0,700 0,555 -0,889 0,261
-0,600 0,509 -0,887 0,222
-0,500 0,465 -0,886 0,188
-0,400 0,424 -0,886 0,159

-0,300 0,384 -0,888 0,134
-0,200 0,346 -0,892 0,112
-0,100 0,311 -0,896 0,094

0,000 0,277 -0,901 0,077
0,100 0,245 -0,907 0,063

0,200 0,215 -0,914 0,050

0,300 0,187 -0,922 0,039

0,400 0,160 -0,930 0,030

0,500 0,134 -0,938 0,022

0,600 0,110 -0,947 0,016

0,700 0,088 -0,956 0,010

0,800 0,067 -0,966 0,006

i 0
0,900 0,047 -0,975 0,003

1,000 0,028 -0,985 0,001

1,100 0,010 -0,994 0,000

b -
1,200 -0,006 1,004 0,000
1,300 -0,022 1,013 0,001

u 4
1,400 -0,037 1,023 0,002
1,500 -0,050 1,032 0,005

p 0
1,600 -0,063 1,041 0,008

1,700 -0,075 1,049 0,011

1,800 -0,086 1,058 0,016

r 9
1,900 -0,097 1,066 0,021
2,000 -0,107 1,074 0,026

2,100 -0,116 1,082 0,032

2,200 -0,125 1,089 0,038
2,300 -0,133 1,097 0,044
2,400 -0,140 1,104 0,051
2,500 -0,148 1,110 0,058
2,600 -0,154 1,116 0,065
2,700 -0,160 1,123 0,072
2,800 -0,166 1,128 0,080
2,900 -0,172 1,134 0,087
3,000 -0,177 1,139 0,094
3,100 -0,182 1,145 0,102
3,200 -0,187 1,150 0,110
3,300 -0,191 1,154 0,117
3,400 -0,195 1,159 0,125
3,500 -0,199 1,163 0,132
3,600 -0,203 1,168 0,140
3,700 -0,207 1,172 0,148
3,800 -0,210 1,176 0,155
3,900 -0,213 1,180 0,163
4,000 -0,217 1,183 0,170
4,100 -0,220 1,187 0,178
4,200 -0,223 1,191 0,186
4,300 -0,225 1,194 0,193
4,400 -0,228 1,197 0,201
4,500 -0,231 1,201 0,208
4,600 -0,233 1,204 0,215
4,700 -0,236 1,207 0,223
4,800 -0,238 1,210 0,230
4,900 -0,240 1,213 0,237
5,000 -0,242 1,215 0,244

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3A-8

Table 3A.3: Values of the standardized variate WT for the normal, exponential and Pearson Type 3 distributions
Flood calculations

Return Non- Normal distribution Pearson Type III distribution (Values of WT)
period exceedance Distribution Confidence limits Wα g
(years) probability WT 75% 95% -1,0 -0,8 -0,6 -0,4 -0,2 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0

2 0,50 0,00 1,63 2N 2,77 2N 0,69 0,16 0,13 0,10 0,07 0,03 0,00 -0,03 -0,70 -0,10 -0,13 -0,16
5 0,80 0,84 1,89 2N 3,23 2N 1,61 0,85 0,87 0,86 0,86 0,85 0,84 0,83 0,82 0,80 0,78 0,76

10 0,90 1,28 2,30 1,13 1,17 1,20 1,23 1,26 1,28 1,30 1,32 1,33 1,34 1,34

2,20 2N 3,74 2N
20 0,95 1,64 2,49 2N 4,25 2N 3,00 1,32 1,39 1,46 1,52 1,59 1,64 1,70 1,75 1,80 1,84 1,88

t 6
50 0,98 2,05 2,87 2N 4,89 2N 3,91 1,49 1,61 1,72 1,83 1,94 2,05 2,16 2,26 2,36 2,45 2,54
100 0,99 2,33 3,13 2N 5,34 2N 4,61 1,59 1,73 1,88 2,03 2,18 2,33 2,47 2,62 2,76 2,89 3,02

a 0
200 0,995 2,58 3,38 2N 5,76 2N 5,30 1,66 1,84 2,02 2,20 2,39 2,58 2,76 2,95 3,13 3,31 3,49
500 0,998 2,88 6,21 2,88

3,69 2N 6,27 2N

i 0
1000 0,999 3,09 3,91 2N 6,66 2N 6,91 1,79 2,02 2,27 2,53 2,81 3,09 3,38 3,67 3,96 4,24 4,53

Drainage Manual

10000 0,9999 3,72 4,58 2N 7,80 2N 9,21 1,88 2,18 2,53 2,90 3,30 3,72 4,15 4,60 5,05 5,50 5,96

b 2
Table 3A.4: Values of the standardized variate WT for the general extreme value distribution

General extreme value (Values of WT)


period g
-1,0 -0,8 -0,6 -0,4 -0,2 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,14 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,5 3,0 3,5 4,0 4,5 5,0 5,5 6,0

p 0

2 0,33 0,34 0,34 0,34 0,35 0,35 0,36 0,36 0,36 0,37 0,37 0,37 0,37 0,37 0,37 0,37 0,38 0,38 0,38 0,38 0,38 0,38 0,38 0,38

5 1,01 1,06 1,12 1,17 1,23 1,28 1,33 1,38 1,43 1,47 1,50 1,51 1,55 1,58 1,60 1,63 1,68 1,72 1,75 1,77 1,79 1,80 1,82 1,83

r 9
10 1,28 1,37 1,46 1,57 1,67 1,78 1,89 2,00 2,10 2,19 2,25 2,28 2,35 2,43 2,49 2,55 2,67 2,76 2,84 2,90 2,94 2,98 3,01 3,04

P 1
20 1,44 1,57 1,71 1,86 2,02 2,19 2,37 2,54 2,71 2,86 2,97 3,01 3,15 3,28 3,40 3,50 3,73 3,91 4,05 4,16 4,25 4,33 4,39 4,45

50 1,58 1,74 1,93 2,15 2,38 2,64 2,90 3,18 3,45 3,72 3,90 3,97 4,22 4,45 4,66 4,86 5,28 5,62 5,89 6,12 6,30 6,46 6,59 6,70

100 1,64 1,83 2,05 2,31 2,60 2,92 3,26 3,62 3,99 4,35 4,60 4,71 5,05 5,38 5,68 5,97 6,59 7,10 7,52 7,86 8,15 8,39 8,59 8,77

200 1,68 1,89 2,14 2,44 2,77 3,16 3,58 4,02 4,49 4,97 5,30 5,44 5,90 6,34 6,76 7,16 8,04 8,77 9,38 9,89 10,31 10,67 10,97 11,24

500 1,72 1,95 2,23 2,56 2,96 3,42 3,94 4,51 5,13 5,76 6,21 6,41 7,05 7,68 8,29 8,87 10,19 11,32 12,26 13,06 13,74 14,32 14,81 15,24

1000 1,74 1,98 2,27 2,64 3,07 3,59 4,19 4,86 5,58 6,35 6,91 7,15 7,95 8,75 9,53 10,29 12,02 13,53 14,82 15,92 16,86 17,66 18,36 18,96

10000 1,76 2,02 2,36 2,78 3,32 4,00 4,83 5,81 6,96 8,24 9,21 9,64 11,13 12,68 14,25 15,82 19,65 23,19 26,34 29,13 31,58 33,73 35,63 37,31

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3A-9


D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3B-1

Table 3B.1: Information required for the calculation of the SDF
Basin station SAWS site
(mm) (days) (%) (%) (mm) (mm)
1 546 204 Struan 56 30 10 40 550 1800
2 675 125 Autoriteit 62 44 5 30 450 1900
3 760 324 Siloam 64 28 5 40 470 1700
4 553 351 Waterval 58 20 10 50 630 1600
5 680 059 Leydsdorp 78 10 15 70 620 1700

6 369 030 Siloam 51 54 15 60 670 1500

7 328 726 Olivine 49 39 15 60 510 1700
8 322 071 Danielskuil 47 39 5 20 380 2100

9 258 452 Jacobsdal 43 47 15 60 380 1800
10 233 049 Wonderboom 54 55 10 50 560 1600

11 236 521 Mashai 39 66 40 80 430 1400

i o
12 143 258 Scheurfontein 39 52 5 30 290 2100

t 6
13 284 361 Wilgenhoutsdrif 40 55 5 15 70 2600

a 0
14 110 385 Middelpos 25 13 10 30 140 2400

l i c 0
15 157 874 Garies 22 11 5 20 130 2100

b 2
16 160 807 Loeriesfontein 28 11 10 40 210 1900

u -
17 84 558 Elandspoort 45 1 40 80 500 1500

p 4
18 22 113 La Motte 59 4 30 60 810 1400

e - 0
19 69 483 Letjiesbos 34 16 10 35 160 2200

r 9
20 34 762 Uitenhage 53 12 15 60 480 1600

P 1
21 76 884 Albertvale 45 23 10 35 460 1700
22 80 569 Umzoniana 84 26 15 60 820 1200
23 180 439 Insizwa 60 45 10 80 890 1200
24 240 269 Newlands 76 15 15 80 910 1200
25 239 138 Whitson 55 9 10 80 830 1200
26 336 283 Nqutu 61 17 15 50 760 1500
27 339 415 Hill Farm 85 17 30 80 890 1400
28 483 193 Maliba Ranch 75 54 15 60 740 1400
29 556 088 Mayfern 66 11 15 50 740 1600

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3B-2

Flood calculations

Table 3B.2: Daily rainfall from TR102
Basin Station Name Latitude Longitude Years of Mean annual Duration Minimum annual Maximum annual Maxima for return periods (years for the duration) (mm)
number number record rainfall (mm) (days) recorded recorded 2 5 10 20 50 100 200

1 546204 STRUAN 25°24' 26°07' 48 549 1 23 111 56 80 99 119 150 177 206
2 32 155 71 105 132 161 205 243 286

3 42 216 80 117 146 177 224 263 308
7 42 284 102 154 196 242 310 369 435

2 675125 AUTORITEIT 23°35' 28°05' 45 452 1 24 178 62 93 117 145 187 223 264

2 32 216 74 111 140 173 222 265 313

3 32 254 80 122 156 193 250 300 355
7 37 254 94 144 183 225 289 344 405

3 766324 SILOAM 22°54' 30°11' 46 472 1 25 188 64 95 119 146 187 222 262

2 32 268 76 112 142 174 221 263 309
3 33 329 84 129 165 205 266 319 378

7 36 381 103 165 215 271 356 432 517

i 0
4 553351 WATERVAL 25°21' 29°42' 51 627 1 36 100 58 76 89 102 122 138 155

2 40 140 69 90 106 123 146 165 185
Drainage Manual

3 45 140 76 99 115 132 156 175 195
7 53 184 98 131 154 178 211 238 266

b -
5 680059 LEYDSDORP 23°59' 30°22' 45 625 1 23 195 78 116 146 181 233 279 331
2 23 330 99 156 203 257 341 416 503
3 27 357 105 165 215 271 358 435 524

u 4
7 27 377 135 225 301 389 528 653 798
6 369030 SYLVAN 28°00' 29°01' 44 668 1 37 92 51 65 74 84 97 108 120
2 42 115 64 85 99 113 133 149 166

p 0
3 42 134 74 98 116 134 160 181 204
7 50 145 92 121 142 164 193 217 242

e -
7 328726 OLIVINE 28°06' 26°55' 45 507 1 22 103 49 68 82 96 118 137 157
2 25 110 62 87 107 128 158 184 213

3 34 119 68 94 115 136 167 193 221

7 39 150 84 118 144 172 211 243 279
8 322071 DANIELSKUIL 28°11' 23°33' 61 377 1 11 116 47 69 86 104 132 156 183
2 21 156 60 91 116 144 187 224 267

P 1
3 21 186 65 100 128 160 208 250 297
7 22 245 79 126 164 207 272 329 393
9 258458 JACOBSDAL 29°08' 24°46' 86 376 1 16 99 43 61 75 91 114 133 155
2 20 141 54 78 98 119 151 179 210
3 20 181 59 87 109 134 171 203 238
7 27 239 70 104 131 160 203 240 280

RDM - Flood calculations SANRAL Drainage Manual 3B-3

Flood calculations

Table 3B.2: Daily rainfall from TR102 (continued)

Basin Station Name Latitude Longitude Years of Mean annual Duration Minimum annual Maximum annual Maxima for return periods (years for the duration) (mm)
number number record rainfall (mm) (days) recorded recorded 2 5 10 20 50 100 200
10 233049 WONDERBOOM 29°49' 27°02' 66 560 1 23 127 54 73 88 103 124 143 162

2 37 148 66 88 105 122 146 166 188
3 37 169 75 102 123 144 175 200 227
7 37 238 97 140 172 206 256 298 343

11 236521 MASHAI 29°41' 28°48' 45 429 1 9 160 39 53 64 75 92 106 122

2 15 160 47 65 79 93 113 130 149

3 15 160 53 73 88 104 127 147 167

7 15 160 69 97 118 141 173 199 228
12 143258 SCHEURFONTEIN 31°18' 24°09' 64 288 1 16 84 39 54 66 79 97 112 129

2 17 116 47 67 82 99 123 143 165

3 17 130 51 75 93 113 143 168 195
7 26 179 62 92 116 141 179 218 245

13 284361 WILGENHOUTSDRIFT 28°31' 21°43' 40 270 1 9 117 40 59 73 90 115 135 159

i 0
2 10 117 49 75 97 120 157 188 224

3 10 132 52 82 106 133 175 212 250
7 11 218 62 99 129 163 213 257 301
Drainage Manual

14 110385 MIDDELPOS 31°55' 20°13' 65 143 1 9 71 25 38 50 62 82 99 118

b -
2 9 71 30 49 65 84 113 139 170
3 9 71 31 51 68 88 119 147 179
7 10 87 34 57 76 98 131 161 196

u 4
15 157874 GARIES 30°34' 18°00' 63 130 1 5 58 22 32 39 46 57 66 76
2 5 61 26 37 46 55 69 80 93
3 5 61 27 40 50 61 78 92 107

p 0
7 9 69 30 45 57 70 88 104 122
16 160807 LOERIESFONTEIN 30°57' 19°27' 47 212 1 13 66 28 39 48 57 70 81 93

2 16 93 35 48 58 69 84 97 110

3 16 93 37 51 63 74 91 105 120

7 16 106 43 60 73 85 104 118 134

17 84558 ELANDSFONTEIN 32°18' 18°49' 51 498 1 26 101 45 59 69 80 96 108 122
2 29 137 60 83 101 119 146 169 193
3 31 149 68 96 118 141 174 202 234

P 1
7 44 179 86 126 157 190 240 281 328
18 22113 LA MOTTE 33°53' 19°04' 58 812 1 35 180 59 77 91 105 125 142 160
2 48 230 82 111 134 158 193 223 254
3 50 277 93 129 155 184 225 260 297
7 64 418 126 183 227 275 345 405 471
19 69483 LETJIESBOS 32°33' 22°17' 62 165 1 5 183 34 55 72 92 124 152 185
2 8 200 38 64 87 112 153 190 233
3 8 203 40 68 93 121 166 206 254
7 8 225 45 79 110 145 202 254 315

RDM - Flood calculations SANRAL Drainage Manual 3B-4

Flood calculations

Table 3B.2: Daily rainfall from TR102 (continued)

Basin Station Name Latitude Longitude Years of Mean annual Duration Minimum annual Maximum annual Maxima for return periods (years for the duration) (mm)
number number record rainfall (mm) (days) recorded recorded 2 5 10 20 50 100 200
20 34762 UITENHAGE 33°42' 25°26' 61 475 1 22 191 53 80 103 129 170 206 248

2 26 204 65 102 132 167 221 269 325
3 26 204 70 110 144 182 242 296 358

7 26 228 82 131 171 217 287 350 422

21 76884 ALBERTVALE 32°44' 26°00' 73 457 1 22 163 45 64 80 97 123 145 170
2 23 199 56 82 102 126 161 191 225

3 27 228 60 86 107 130 165 194 227

7 30 256 71 104 130 158 199 234 273

22 80569 UNZONIANA 32°59' 27°49' 57 821 1 24 386 84 134 178 229 312 389 480

2 29 638 109 182 248 326 455 576 721
3 36 733 121 205 280 371 521 661 830

7 39 866 140 227 302 385 523 661 830

i 0
23 180439 INSIZWA 30°49' 29°15' 63 890 1 28 124 60 80 95 111 135 154 175

2 39 173 76 102 121 140 169 193 218
Drainage Manual

3 44 173 85 113 134 156 187 212 240

7 60 205 108 141 165 189 222 249 277

b -
24 240269 NEWLANDS 29°59' 30°39' 58 912 1 34 242 76 114 145 181 235 284 340
2 45 288 95 142 181 224 290 348 415
3 51 314 105 154 192 235 298 354 415

u 4
7 64 315 126 179 219 262 325 378 436
25 239138 WHITSON 29°48' 30°05' 42 829 1 36 179 55 71 83 95 113 127 143

2 45 230 71 94 111 129 155 176 199

3 50 245 80 108 129 150 181 207 235

7 60 257 104 138 162 187 221 250 279

26 336283 NQUTU 28°13' 30°40' 52 760 1 28 124 61 84 102 121 150 175 202
2 35 133 76 105 128 152 187 217 250

r 9
3 35 148 84 117 141 168 205 237 272
7 44 198 108 151 182 215 263 302 345
27 339415 HILL FARM 28°25' 32°14' 56 893 1 26 376 85 130 167 210 278 339 410

P 1
2 35 395 107 167 218 277 369 453 550
3 36 397 119 188 246 314 420 517 628
7 39 407 143 223 290 364 480 581 698
28 483193 MILIBA RANCH 26°13' 31°37' 40 740 1 34 237 75 104 127 151 187 218 252
2 40 281 89 126 154 185 230 268 310
3 40 281 99 142 175 212 265 311 361
7 58 353 122 171 209 248 305 353 405
29 556088 MAYFERN 25°28' 31°03' 46 737 1 31 333 66 93 113 135 168 196 227
2 39 352 78 108 130 154 189 218 250
3 44 360 89 125 153 183 227 265 306
7 45 416 113 159 194 232 286 331 380

RDM - Flood calculations SANRAL Drainage Manual 3B-5


D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3C-1


Description of catchment
River detail
Calculated by Date
Physical characteristics
Size of catchment (A) km² Rainfall region
Longest watercourse (L) km Area distribution factors
Average slope (Sav) m/m Rural (α) Urban (β) Lakes (γ)
Dolomite area (D%) %
Mean annual rainfall (MAR)0# mm
Rural1 Urban2
Surface slope % Factor Cs Description % Factor C2

Vleis and pans Lawns

Flat areas Sandy, flat (<2%)

Hilly Sandy, steep (>7%)
Steep areas Heavy soil, flat (<2%)
Total 100 - Heavy soil, steep (>7%)

Permeability % Factor Cp Residential areas
Very permeable Houses
Permeable Flats

Semi-permeable Industry

Impermeable Light industry

Total 100 - Heavy industry

t 6
Vegetation % Factor Cv Business

Thick bush and plantation City centre

Light bush and farm-lands Suburban

i c 0
Grass lands Streets

No vegetation Maximum flood

Total 100 - Total (C2) 100 -

b -
Time of concentration (TC) Notes:

u 4
Overland flow3 Defined watercourse
0,467 0,385
⎛ 0,87L2 ⎞

⎛ rL ⎞

TC = 0,604⎜ ⎟ TC = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟

⎜ S ⎟ ⎝ 1000Sav ⎠

⎝ av ⎠

r 9
hours hours
Run-off coefficient

P 1
Return period (years), T 2 5 10 20 50 100 Max
Run-off coefficient, C1
(C1 = CS + CP + CV)
Adjusted for dolomitic areas, C1D
(= C1(1 - D%)+C1D%(∑(Dfactor x CS%))4
Adjustment factor for initial saturation,
Adjusted run-off coefficient, C1T
(= C1D x Ft)
Combined run-off coefficient CT
(= αC1T + βC2 + γC3)
Return period (years), T 2 5 10 20 50 100 Max
Point rainfall (mm), PT6
Point intensity (mm/hour), PiT (= PT/TC)
Area reduction factor (%), ARFT7
Average intensity (mm/hour), IT
(= PiT x ARFT)
Return period (years), T 2 5 10 20 50 100 Max
Peak flow (m³/s), Q T =
Note: # Reference to the appropriate figures and tables are described in the legend table of this method R - Page 1/2

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3C-2



Rational method Rural (C1)
ID Reference
0 Component Classification Mean annual rainfall (mm)
Figure 3.7
1 Table 3C.1 600 600 - 900 900
2 Table 3C.2 Vleis and pans (<3%) 0,01 0,03 0,05
3 Table 3C.3 Surface slope Flat areas (3 to 10%) 0,06 0,08 0,11
4 Table 3C.4 (CS) Hilly (10 to 30%) 0,12 0,16 0,20
5 Table 3C.5
Steep areas (>30%) 0,22 0,26 0,30
6 Figure 3.6

Very permeable 0,03 0,04 0,05

7 Figure 3.20 or
3.21 Permeability Permeable 0,06 0,08 0,10

(CP) Semi-permeable 0,12 0,16 0,20
Impermeable 0,21 0,26 0,30
Thick bush and plantation 0,03 0,04 0,05

Vegetation Light bush and farm-lands 0,07 0,11 0,15
(CV) Grass lands 0,17 0,21 0,25

No vegetation 0,26 0,28 0,30

t i o
Table 3C.2

Table 3C.3

Surface description Recommended

Urban (C2)
value of r

Use Factor

i 0
Paved areas 0,02

Lawns Clean compacted soil, no stones 0,1

Sandy, flat (<2%) 0,05 - 0,10 Sparse grass over fairly rough surface 0,3

b -
Sandy, steep (>7%) 0,15 - 0,20 Medium grass cover 0,4

u 4
Heavy soil, flat (<2%) 0,13 - 0,17 Thick grass cover 0,8
Heavy soil, steep (>7%) 0,25 - 0,35

p 0
Residential areas Table 3C.4

e -
Houses 0,30 - 0,50 Adjustment factor to Cs

r 9
Flats 0,50 - 0,70 Surface slope classification Dfactor
Steep areas (slopes >30%) 0,50

P 1
Hilly (10 to 30%) 0,35
Light industry 0,50 - 0,80 Flat areas (3 to 10%) 0,20
Heavy industry 0,60 - 0,90 Vleis and pans (slopes <3%) 0,10
City centre 0,70 - 0,95
Suburban 0,50 - 0,70
Streets 0,70 - 0,95
Maximum flood 1,00

Table 3C.5
Return period (years) 2 5 10 20 50 100
Adjustment factor (Ft) for
steep and impermeable 0,75 0,80 0,85 0,90 0,95 1,00
Adjustment factor (Ft) for
flat and permeable 0,50 0,55 0,60 0,67 0,83 1,00

R - Page 2/2

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3C-3


Description of catchment
River detail
Calculated by Date
Physical characteristics
Size of catchment (A) km² Days of thunder per year (R)2 days/year
Longest watercourse (L) km Weather service stationl
Average slope (Sav) m/m Weather service numberl
Dolomite area (D%) % Area distribution factors
Mean annual rainfall (MAR)0# mm Rural (α) Urban (β) Lakes (γ)
2-year return period rainfall (M) 1 mm
Rural3 Urban4

Surface slope % Factor Cs Description % Factor C2

Vleis and pans Lawns

Flat areas Sandy, flat (<2%)
Hilly Sandy, steep (>7%)
Steep areas Heavy soil, flat (<2%)

Total 100 - Heavy soil, steep (>7%)
Permeability % Factor Cp Residential areas
Very permeable Houses

Permeable Flats

Semi-permeable Industry

Impermeable Light industry

t 6
Total 100 - Heavy industry

Vegetation % Factor Cv Business

Thick bush and plantation City centre

i c 0
Light bush and farm-lands Suburban

Grass lands Streets

No vegetation Maximum flood

b -
Total 100 - Total (C2) 100 -

u 4
Time of concentration (TC) Notes:
Overland flow5 Defined watercourse

p 0
0,467 0,385
⎛ rL ⎞ ⎛ 0,87L2 ⎞

TC = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟

TC = 0,604⎜ ⎟
⎜ S ⎟ ⎝ 1000Sav ⎠

r 9
⎝ av ⎠
hours hours

P 1
Run-off coefficient
Return period (years), T 2 5 10 20 50 100 Max
Run-off coefficient, C1
(C1 = CS + CP + CV)
Adjusted for dolomitic areas, C1D
(= C1(1 - D%)+C1D%(∑(Dfactor x CS%))6
Adjustment factor for initial saturation,
Adjusted run-off coefficient, C1T
(= C1D x Ft)
Combined run-off coefficient CT
(= αC1T + βC2 + γC3)
Return period (years), T 2 5 10 20 50 100 Max
Point rainfall (mm), PTj
Point intensity (mm/hour), PiT (= PT/TC)
Area reduction factor (%), ARFTk
Average intensity (mm/hour), IT
(= PiT x ARFT)
Peak flow (m³/s) Q T =
Note: # Reference to the appropriate figures and tables are described in the legend table of this method AR - Page 1/2

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3C-4

LEGEND TABLE TR102 n-day rainfall data
Alternative Rational Weather Services station
method Weather Services station nr
ID Reference Mean annual precipitation (MAP) mm
0 Figure 3.7 Coordinates &
1 TR102 (3.15) Duration Return period (years), T
2 Figure 3.12 (3.28) (days) 2 5 10 20 50 100 200
3 Table 3C.1 1 day
4 Table 3C.2 2 days
5 Table 3C.3 3 days

6 Table 3C.4 7 days

7 Table 3C.5
j Table 3C.6

k Figure 3.14
l Figure 3.13,

Selection criteria

n D Table 3C.6
Calculation method

Modified Hershfield equation

TC < 6 hours = 1,13(0,41 + 0,64lnT )(− 0,11 + 0,27lnt )(0,79M 0,69 R 0,20 )


a 6
Linear interpolation between calculated modified Hershfield

6 hours ≤ TC < 24 hours
equation point rainfall and 1-day point rainfall from TR102

l i c 0
TC ≥ 24 hours Linear interpolation between n-day point rainfall values from TR102

u b 4 - 2
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

AR - Page 2/2

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3C-5


Description of catchment
River detail
Calculated by Date
Physical characteristics
Size of catchment (A) km² Veld type1
Longest watercourse (L) km Lag (TL)2
Average slope (Sav) m/m Coefficient (KU) 3
Length to catchment centroid (LC) km Peak discharge K A m³/s
Mean annual rainfall (MAR)0# mm of unit Qp = U
Catchment L LC hydrograph (QP)
IC =
index S av

Return period (years), T T=
Storm duration (hours), TSD

Point rainfall (mm), PT4
Point intensity (mm/hour), PiT (= PT/TSD)
Area reduction factor, ARFiT5

Average rainfall (mm), PAvgiT (= PT x ARFiT)
Flood run-off factor (%), fiT6
Effective rain (mm), heiT (= fiT x PAvgiT)

TSD = 1 hour TSD = hours TSD = hours
t 7

Time Q 7 S1 - S 2T S1 - S 2T
S-curve, Lagged S- Lagged S-

(hours), t TL S1 – S2T S1 – S2T

Qp S1j curve, S2T TSD curve, S2T TSD

c a 0 6
b l i - 2 0
p u - 0 4
P r e 1 9
Return period (years) T=
Storm duration (hours), TSD
Unit hydrograph peak (m³/s), QPiTk
Peak discharge (m³/s), QiT (= QPiT x heiT)
Adjusted peak for QPiT/Qp < 1 (m³/s)
Unit Hydrograph method
ID Reference ID Reference
0 Figure 3.7 5 Figure 3.20 or 3.21
1 Figure 3.16 6 Figure 3.22
2 Figure 3.17 7 Table 3.12
3 Table 3.11 j Paragraph
4 Figure 3.6 k QPiT = Qp x [(S1 – S2T)/TSD]max
Note: # Reference to the appropriate figures and tables are described in the legend table of this method U - Page 1/1

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3C-6


Description of catchment
River detail
Calculated by Date
Physical characteristics
Size of catchment (A) km² Time of ⎛ 0,87L2 ⎞

TC = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
Longest watercourse (L) km concentration ⎝ 1000Sav ⎠ hours
Average slope (Sav) m/m (TC)
SDF basin0# Time of concentration, t (= TC /60) minutes
2-year return period rainfall (M)1 mm Days of thunder per year (R)1 days/year
TR102 n-day rainfall data
Weather Services station Mean annual precipitation (MAP) mm

Weather Services station nr Coordinates &
Return period (years)

Duration (days)
2 5 10 20 50 100 200
1 day
2 days

3 days
7 days

Return period (years), T 2 10 20 50 100 200

i o
Point precipitation depth (mm), Pt,T2

Area reduction factor (%), ARF

( = (90000 − 12800lnA + 9830lnt)

a 0
Average intensity (mm/hour), IT

c 0
(= Pt,T x ARF)

l i
Run-off coefficients

Calibration factors1 C2 (2-year return period) (%) C100 (100-year return period) (%)

b -
Return period (years) 2 10 20 50 100 200

Return period factors (YT) 0 1,28 1,64 2,05 2,33 2,58

Run-off C ⎛ Y ⎞⎛ C C ⎞

C T = 2 + ⎜ T ⎟⎜ 100 − 2 ⎟

coefficient (CT), 100 ⎝ 2,33 ⎠⎝ 100 100 ⎠

e -

Peak flow (m³/s), Q T =


P 1
Standard Design Flood method
ID Reference ID Reference
0 Figure 3.25 2 Table 3C.7
1 Table 3B.1

Table 3C.7
Criteria Calculation method
Modified Hershfield equation
TC < 6 hours Pt,T = 1,13(0,41 + 0,64lnT )(− 0,11 + 0,27lnt )(0,79M 0,69 R 0,20 )
Linear interpolation between calculated modified Hershfield
6 hours ≤ TC < 24 hours
equation point rainfall and 1-day point rainfall from TR102

TC ≥ 24 hours Linear interpolation between n-day point rainfall values from TR102

Note: # Reference to the appropriate figures and tables are described in the legend table of this method S - Page 1/1

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3C-7


Description of catchment
River detail
Calculated by Date
Physical characteristics
Size of catchment (A) km² Veld type1
Longest watercourse (L) km Catchment parameter (C) Α S
Length to catchment centroid (LC) km with regard to reaction time L LC
Average slope (Sav) m/m Kovács region2
Mean annual rainfall (P)0# mm
Return period (years), T 10 20 50 100

Constant value for KT e

Peak flow (m³/s), QT based
Q T = 0,0377K T PA 0,6 C 0,2
on Midgley & Pitman

Peak flow (m³/s), QRMF based on Kovácsf
Return period (years), T 50 100 200
QT/QRMF ratiosg

Peak flow (m³/s), based on QT/QRMF ratios

Empirical methods

i o
ID Reference ID Reference ID Reference

0 Figure 3.7 2 Figure 3.28 f Table 3C.9

1 Figure 3.16 e Table 3C.8 g Table 3D.1 or 3D.2

i c a 0 0
Table 3C.8

Constant values of KT

b 2
Return period Veld type (Figure 3.16)

T in years 1 2 3 4& 5 6 7 8 9

u 4
All 5A Winter
year year

p 0
10 0,17 0,42 0,83 0,29 0,59 0,59 0,33 0,67 0,67 0,42 0,50

20 0,23 0,52 1,04 0,40 0,68 0,80 0,45 0,91 0,91 0,57 0,68

50 0,32 0,68 1,36 0,55 0,95 1,11 0,63 1,26 1,26 0,79 0,95

r 9
100 0,40 0,80 1,60 0,70 1,20 1,40 0,80 1,60 1,60 1,00 1,20

P K1

K* Number of
floods #

Table 3C.9
RMF region classification in southern Africa
Transition zone
Area range
1 – 500
Flood zone
Area range
500 – 500 000
K2 3,4 12 1 – 300 50A 300 – 500 000 5,25A0,66
K3 4,0 26 1 – 300 70A 300 – 300 000 15,9A0,60
K4 4,6 55 1 – 100 100A 100 – 100 000 47,9A0,54
K5 5,0 155 1 – 100 100A 100 – 100 000 100A0,50
K6 5,2 61 1 – 100 100A 100 – 30 000 145A0,48
K7 5,4 34 1 – 100 100A 100 – 20 000 209A0,46
K8 5,6 25 1 – 100 100A 100 – 10 000 302A0,44
* RMF K value as used in Equation 3.25
# Recorded flood data are reflected in the DWAF report TR105 – Maximum flood peak discharges
in South Africa: An empirical approach

Note: # Reference to the appropriate figures and tables are described in the legend table of this method E -Page 1/1

Flood calculations Drainage Manual 3C-8


D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Flood calculations Drainage Manual

Flood calculations

Table 3D.1: QT/QRMF ratios for different catchment areas in South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland

Return period Effective catchment area - Ae (km )
Region KT
(years) ≤ 10* 30* 100 300 1000 3000 10000 30000 100000 300000

50 5,06 0,537 0,508 0,474 0,503 0,537 0,570 0,607
100 5,25 0,668 0,645 0,617 0,640 0,668 0,695 0,724

200 5,41 0,803 0,788 0,769 0,784 0,803 0,821 0,838

50 4,70 0,447 0,416 0,380 0,411 0,447 0,482 0,523


100 4,89 0,556 0,525 0,492 0,523 0,556 0,588 0,623
200 5,04 0,661 0,635 0,607 0,633 0,661 0,687 0,716

a 0
50 4,50 0,447 0,416 0,380 0,411 0,447 0,482 0,526 0,566
100 4,69 0,556 0,528 0,494 0,524 0,556 0,588 0,626 0,660

200 4,86 0,676 0,650 0,624 0,650 0,676 0,701 0,733 0,758

l i 0
K5 50 4,30 0,447 0,416 0,380 0,411 0,447 0,482 0,525 0,567 0,617
Drainage Manual

(5 - except 100 4,48 0,550 0,521 0,488 0,517 0,550 0,582 0,619 0,657 0,699

in SW Cape) 200 4,64 0,661 0,636 0,608 0,633 0,661 0,687 0,718 0,748 0,780

b -
K5 50 4,45 0,531 0,502 0,468 0,497 0,531 0,564
(5 - G, H in 100 4,63 0,654 0,629 0,600 0,625 0,654 0,680

u 4
SW Cape) 200 4,78 0,777 0,758 0,738 0,757 0,777 0,795
50 3,84 0,416 0,385 0,350 0,381 0,416 0,453 0,496 0,541 0,591

p 0
100 4,04 0,524 0,495 0,462 0,491 0,524 0,558 0,597 0,636 0,679

200 4,20 0,629 0,603 0,576 0,602 0,629 0,660 0,692 0,724 0,758

50 3,26 0,426 0,426 0,426 0,390 0,426 0,463 0,506 0,548 0,602 0,651


100 3,50 0,562 0,562 0,562 0,529 0,562 0,595 0,631 0,666 0,710 0,749
200 3,68 0,692 0,692 0,692 0,665 0,692 0,718 0,745 0,771 0,804 0,831

P 1
50 2,40 0,317 0,317 0,317 0,281 0,317 0,353 0,398 0,444 0,500 0,560
100 2,66 0,428 0,428 0,428 0,391 0,428 0,463 0,506 0,549 0,598 0,651
200 2,91 0,570 0,570 0,570 0,536 0,570 0,600 0,638 0,672 0,710 0,753
Note: * Guessed ratios
** Ratios of this region may also be used in region K1 (2,8)

Flood calculations Drainage Manual

Table 3D.2: QT/QRMF ratios for different catchment areas in Namibia and Zimbabwe
Flood calculations

Return period Effective catchment area - Ae (km )
Region KT
(years) ≤ 10* 30* 100 300 1000 3000 10000 30000 100000 300000


K5 50 4,50 0,562 0,534 0,501 0,529 0,562 0,594 0,631

(5) 100 4,70 0,708 0,686 0,661 0,683 0,708 0,732 0,759

200 4,85 0,841 0,828 0,813 0,826 0,841 0,855 0,871

K4 50 4,14 0,589 0,561 0,530 0,558 0,589 0,620 0,654 0,690 0,727

(4.6) 100 4,34 0,741 0,721 0,699 0,719 0,741 0,763 0,787 0,811 0,835

200 4,48 0,871 0,860 0,848 0,860 0,871 0,883 0,895 0,909 0,920

K3 50 3,50 0,562 0,562 0,562 0,529 0,562 0,595 0,631 0,666 0,710

i 0
(4) 100 3,66 0,676 0,676 0,676 0,648 0,676 0,703 0,731 0,759 0,793

200 3,77 0,767 0,767 0,767 0,746 0,767 0,788 0,809 0,829 0,856
Drainage Manual

K2 50 2,88 0,550 0,550 0,550 0,517 0,550 0,585 0,619 0,656 0,696

b -
(3,4) 100 3,01 0,639 0,639 0,639 0,610 0,639 0,669 0,698 0,729 0,762
200 3,13 0,733 0,733 0,733 0,711 0,733 0,758 0,779 0,803 0,828

u 4

K6 50 4,65 0,531 0,502 0,468 0,497 0,531 0,564 0,603 0,640

(5,2)** 100 4,86 0,676 0,652 0,625 0,649 0,676 0,702 0,731 0,759

e -
200 5,03 0,822 0,807 0,791 0,806 0,822 0,838 0,855 0,871
Note: * Guessed ratios

r 9
** In region K5 use the same ratios as in South Africa

P 1

Flood calculations Drainage Manual


SJ van Vuuren and A Rooseboom


Hydraulic calculations are performed in order to determine the values of variables that describe flow
conditions, e.g. flow depths, flow velocities and pressures. Only three fundamental laws or principles
are generally applied in hydraulic calculations:

• Conservation of mass (continuity principle);

• Conservation of energy; and
• Conservation of momentum.

Depending on what information is available and what answer is required, every hydraulic calculation
involves the application of one or more of these fundamental laws or principles.

n D
This chapter contains the basic equations together with empirical information, as well as guidance on
the application of the equations in drainage analyses.

i o
A distinction is made between open-channel flow and pipe flow. These aspects are respectively

t 6
covered in paragraphs 4.2 and 4.3. In open-channel flow the pressure at the water surface remains

a 0
atmospheric, whereas a conduit under pipe flow conditions basically flows "full". The pressure varies,

and could be higher or lower than atmospheric pressure.

l i 2 0
The laws of conservation of energy and momentum are both derived from Newton’s second law.

b -
They can be transposed and simplified in numerous ways, and care should be taken to ensure that the
format being used is indeed valid.

p u 0 4
Virtually all calculations involve the law of conservation of mass. The law of conservation of energy

is used where energy losses can be calculated, or are small enough to be disregarded. The law of

r e
conservation of momentum may be used to calculate forces that act upon bodies of fluid or to analyse

flow conditions where all the forces that act upon a body of fluid may be quantified.

P 1
Table 4.1 provides the Road Map for this Chapter, and reflects the different problems and procedures
that are covered in this chapter.

Hydraulic calculations Drainage Manual 4-1

Table 4.1: Road Map 4 – Hydraulic calculations
Hydraulic calculations


Typical Problems Supporting software Hand calculation
Input Information

Topic Paragraph Example

ti 6
Conservation of mass 4.2.3

4.1 to 4.6

Discharge and conduit
Conservation of energy 4.2.4


l i 0
Controls 4.2.5 4.4 to 4.6

Drainage Manual

b -
Friction losses 4.2.6 Conduit roughness The supporting software

u 4
utility program can handle
these problems

p 0
Discharge and transition
Transmission losses 4.2.7 4.1 to 4.6


r e 9
Conservation of momentum 4.2.9

Discharge and conduit

Pipe flow 4.3 4.7

Hydraulic calculations Drainage Manual 4-2


4.2.1 Introduction

The general design problems in open channel flow read as follows:

• For a given discharge (from hydrological or other calculations), calculate the flow
depths and/or velocities at given sections.
• For a given discharge calculate the required conduit size to convey the flow.

In the reversed form of the problem, the flow depth is known and the discharge needs to be calculated.

This is a flow measurement problem.

Analyses of flow conditions should always begin at a section where the depth of flow and the velocity
for the given discharge can be uniquely determined; i.e. at a control.

The following may be used as controls (see paragraph 4.2.5):

• a section where the flow characteristics have already been determined starting at another


• a section where the flow changes from subcritical flow upstream (Fr < l) to supercritical

t 6
flow downstream (Fr > l);


a section where the flow is uniform, i.e. the average velocity does not change with


l i 2 0
In all other cases where the depth of flow is forced away from the normal (uniform) depth, e.g. with

b -
damming upstream of a bridge, the depth of flow cannot be determined directly and has to be
determined from the flow depth at an appropriate control section. At a control there is usually some

u 4
uncertainty about the precise value of the depth of flow. Under these conditions it is assumed that:

p - 0
• the most conservative value (maximum or minimum flow depth) that could realistically be

r e
expected may be accepted, or, preferably,

• the maximum and minimum possible values of the depth at the control section may be

P 1
calculated and then tested to see whether the effect of the difference has been sufficiently
attenuated (reduced) up to the area where the results are important.

Starting at a control section, calculations are performed upstream in the case of subcritical flow
and downstream in the case of supercritical flow, in accordance with the direction in which control
is exercised. Current state-of-the-art software for flow profile calculations is:

• able to identify the directions in which control is exercised,

• select the correct surface profiles and
• perform the appropriate calculations.

If flow is supercritical upstream and subcritical downstream, calculations should proceed from both
sides to find the position where transition occurs. The transition (hydraulic jump) could be analysed
by means of the momentum equation.

4.2.2 General definitions associated with open channel flow

The following definitions are important, and are listed here for ready reference.

Control: Section at which depth of flow for a given flow (discharge) can be uniquely determined.

Hydraulic calculations Drainage Manual 4-3

Convergent flow: Downstream cross-sectional area < upstream cross-sectional area.

Critical flow: Open channel flow corresponding with the lowest possible energy level. Characterised
by = 1 with Q = discharge, B = sectional width at the water surface and
gΑ 3
A = sectional area as depicted in the schematic.

Divergent flow: Downstream sectional area > upstream sectional area


(Froude number)2 = Fr 2 = applicable to any shape of cross section.

gΑ 3

Fr 2 = for rectangular channel sections with v = velocity and y = depth of flow.

Flow line: Line tangential to direction of flow at any point. No sustained flow possible across a flow

o n
Friction losses: Represent the application of energy to maintain flow without taking transition losses

t i
into account.

a 0 6
Hydrostatic pressure distribution: Pressure intensity increases rectilinearly downwards from zero at

a free surface, so that the pressure intensity (p) at a point at depth h equals γh . This applies where

l i 0
flow lines are parallel or where flow velocities are low.

b - 2
Laminar flow: Occurs at very low velocities. Rarely encountered in practice. Characterised by

u 4
< 500 ; v = velocity, R = hydraulic radius; ν = kinematic viscosity with the value for water ≈ 1 x


10-6 m²/s for general design purposes.

r e 9 -
Non-uniform flow: Flow conditions change with distance.

P 1
Open channel flow: Flow surface open to the atmosphere.

Pipe flow: Full flow conditions. (Pressures normally ≥ atmospheric pressure, but could also
be < atmospheric pressure)

Sheet flow: Flow in a broad stream of shallow depth.

Steady conditions: Conditions do not change with time.

Subcritical flow: Downstream control prevails and analyses should be performed in the upstream
direction; Fr < 1

Supercritical flow: Upstream control prevails and analyses should be performed in the downstream
direction; Fr >1. Cannot be dammed without changing to subcritical flow.

Transition losses: Energy losses associated with a change of velocity in magnitude or direction.

Turbulent flow: Most common type of flow; > 2000

Hydraulic calculations Drainage Manual 4-4

Uniform flow: Conditions do not change with distance.

Unsteady flow: Conditions change with time.

In the following paragraphs the continuity of mass, energy and momentum will be discussed.

4.2.3 Principle of continuity of mass (Conservation of mass)

The application of the principle of continuity is usually the simplest and the most accurate method of
calculation and, therefore, forms the cornerstone of most hydraulic calculations.

According to the continuity equation the difference between the sum of the inflows and the sum of the

outflows that enter and leave a defined space (control volume) should be equal to the rate of change in

the volume of fluid contained within the space.

The complete continuity equation for cases where the flow may be regarded as incompressible

(virtually all cases of road drainage) reads:

∑ Inflows - ∑ Outflows = storage accumulation per unit time = … (4.1)


t i 6
In road drainage the complete equation 4.1 is usually only applied where flood attenuation, e.g. due to

a 0
temporary storage upstream of culverts, is taken into consideration. In most other cases the flow

condition may be regarded as steady, and then the following is valid:

l i 0
∑ Inflows = ∑ Outflows

… (4.2)

u b or

4 -
p 0
∑Q = ∑ Q out

… (4.3)


r 9
Q = vA … (4.4)

P 1
Q = flow rate (m³/s)
v = average flow velocity (m/s)
A = sectional area (m²)
V = volume stored (m³)

The following rules are important in applying the principle of continuity:

Choose a control volume. This is the three-dimensional space for which the mass balance is being
calculated. The space should be shaped so that:

• flow sections are taken across flows where discharges are known or have to be calculated;
• flow sections are taken where the flow lines are parallel or nearly parallel;
• flow sections are perpendicular to the flow lines. This means that a section is not
necessarily straight. In the case of subcritical sheet flow, for instance, flow lines could be
drawn perpendicular to the contour lines and then the principle of continuity should be
satisfied between successive flow lines as shown in Figure 4.1.

Hydraulic calculations Drainage Manual 4-5

Figure 4.1: Choice of sections, where the direction of the flow changes across a section

(Plan view with the flow direction as indicated by the flow lines)

4.2.4 Principle of conservation of energy (Energy principle)

i o
The energy principle should always be satisfied, and it is often applied together with the principle of

t 6
continuity (mass), to:

a 0
• determine relationships between velocities and depths at different sections when energy

i c 0
losses are calculable or are small enough to be neglected;

b l 2

calculate energy losses between sections where the values of the energy components may
be calculated.

p u 0 4
In its "complete" form, expressed in terms of energy per unit weight, the Bernoulli equation for open

channel flow applies along a flow line. It reads as follows:

P r e

α1 v12
+ y1Cos θ1 + z 1 =

α 2 v 22
+ y 2 Cos θ 2 + z 2 + Σh f1− 2 + Σh l1- 2 …(4.5)

coefficient compensating for variations in velocity across a section

v = average velocity across a section (m/s)
g = gravitational acceleration (a value of 9,81 m/s² is generally used for design
purposes) (m/s²)
y = depth of flow measured perpendicular to the streambed (m)
θ = longitudinal bed slope angle (°)
z = bed level at point where depth of flow = y (m)
Σh f1− 2 = friction losses between sections 1 and 2 (m)
Σh l1− 2 = sum of transition losses between 1 and 2 (m)
1, 2 subscript 1 refers to the upstream section and 2 to the downstream section.

Each term represents either energy content or energy loss per unit weight, with the resulting dimension
being length as illustrated in Figure 4.2. It is recommended that in order to obtain a clear picture, the
different terms be represented graphically as in Figure 4.2.

Hydraulic calculations Drainage Manual 4-6

Figure 4.2: Longitudinal section along the flow path that reflects the different energy

Depending on the circumstances, the energy equation may take on different forms as shown in
Table 4.2.

o n
Table 4.2: Different simplifications in the application of the energy equation

Simplified energy equations

a 0 6
(i) The first simplification that arises where slopes are not very steep (θ < 10˚ or < 1: 5) is that:

yCos θ ≈ y


b l i 2 0
In the case of complex cross sections, α may be assumed to be equal to 1,05 with vm =

average velocity in the main (deepest) channel :

u 4
α ≈ 1 , 05

r e p 9 - 0
P 1
Figure 4.3: Complex cross-section

v 2m1 v 2m2
1,05 + y1 + z1 = 1,05 + y 2 + z 2 + ∑ h f 1− 2 + ∑ h l 1− 2 …(4.6)
2g 2g
αv 2m v 2m
represents the total kinetic energy with the translational energy component and
2g 2g
v 2m
(α − 1) the rotational energy component(4.1). The most accurate estimate of the kinetic
energy component is obtained where the highest flow velocity occurs, and the rotational
energy component has its lowest value. It is not yet practicable to allow for variations in
rotational energy, as well as for the associated curved shape of the water surface across a
section. The surface line is assumed to be horizontal across the section.

(iii) In the case of single channels it is generally assumed that α = 1.

v12 v 22
+ y1 + z1 = + y 2 + z 2 + ∑ h f 1− 2 + ∑ h l 1− 2 …(4.7)
2g 2g

Hydraulic calculations Drainage Manual 4-7

Table 4.2: Different simplifications in the application of the energy equation (continued)
Simplified energy equations

(iv) With near uniform flow, where the sectional area does not increase by more than 40%
downstream within a distance of 20 times the average hydraulic radius, the transition losses
can be neglected, and it follows that:
v12 v2
+ y1 + z1 = 2 + y 2 + z 2 + ∑ h f 1− 2 …(4.8)
2g 2g
(Refer to Section 4.2.7 for applicable transition energy loss coefficients.)

(v) In the case of converging flow over a short distance, the downstream velocity is mainly

determined by conversion of potential energy into kinetic energy. Energy losses may be

ignored without causing much of an error in the calculation of v2 and y2.

n D
t i o 6
l i c a 0 0
Figure 4.4: Strongly converging flow

b - 2
In these cases

u 4
v12 v2
+ y1 + z 1 = 2 + y 2 + z 2


2g 2g

e -

r 9
q = C c w 2gy 1 …(4.10)

P 1
y1 + y 2

the orifice formula with

Cc = contraction coefficient (≈ 0,6)
w = vertical sluice opening

(vi) When v1 = v2 (uniform flow)

z1 − z 2 = ∑h f 1− 2 …(4.11)

v 2 L (Chézy equation) …(4.12)

hf 1 − 2 =
C 2R

λv 2 L
hf 1− 2 = (Darcy-Weisbach equation) …(4.13)

n 2v2L
hf 1− 2 = 4
(Manning equation) …(4.14)
R 3

Hydraulic calculations Drainage Manual 4-8

Table 4.2: Different simplifications in the application of the energy equation (continued)
Simplified energy equations

(vii) In the case of uniform man-made water courses, it is often convenient to define the energy
level relative to the bed, and the energy thus defined is the specific energy:
E=y+α …(4.15)
Critical conditions are associated with =1
gA 3

(viii) In open channel flow a given discharge cannot move past a section with less specific energy
than the critical specific energy. This condition is referred to as critical and is characterised by
a Froude number = 1. [The condition occurs where the channel slope increases from < critical

slope to > critical slope, and the energy level is drawn down to the lowest possible value].


i o n
Defining controls in open channel flow

t 6
All flow calculations should begin at controls; i.e. sections at which the energy level for a given

a 0
discharge is known. Three types of control are identified:

l i c 0
• sections where the energy level has been determined by previous calculation, starting

at a more remote control; as for example when an analysis has been done for a river

b -
upstream of a dam and the depth of flow in a tributary, which joins within the

u 4
backwater of the dam, has to be calculated
• obstructions (man-made or natural) that induce flow to change from subcritical flow

p 0
(upstream) to supercritical flow (downstream)

e -
• sections where there is uniform open-channel flow, and where the depth of flow can

r 9
be determined by using the Chézy or Manning equation.

P 1
One control could invalidate another, in that the local depths of flow may be forced higher or lower.
For example, a barrier across a river serves only as a control as long as the downstream water levels
are low enough not to increase the water levels higher up in the river by drowning out the control.

The various controls are discussed below, and the most basic formulae are given. In important cases,
more sophisticated formulae should be used.

Points of release

Here the normal (uniform) depth of flow decreases from greater than critical to less than critical; for
example at rapids or at the edges of road shoulders. To identify a point of release, determine whether
y n1 > y c > y n 2 (The normal depth, y n is determined by means of the Chézy or Manning

Hydraulic calculations Drainage Manual 4-9

Figure 4.5: Point of release as a control

Just upstream of the point where the slope increases from mild (yn > yc) to steep (yn < yc), critical

conditions occur, and here:

=1 …(4.16)
gA 3

Broad-crested conditions

Broad-crested conditions (L > 3H (with H= h+ )) occur for example at fully silted-up weirs in

i o
streams or where water flows across an embankment. This condition is equivalent to a release point

t 6
with a very steep downstream slope.

l i c a 0 0
u b 4 - 2
r e p 9 - 0
Figure 4.6: Broad crested weirs

In this case critical conditions occur near the downstream end, and hence
= 1 at this section.

P 1
gΑ 3
This control is valid (4.2) as long as Hl < 0,8 h1 (not drowned).
With H1 = h1 + and V = gy c , since Fr = 1 it follows:
⎛2 ⎞
Q = C D gy c A = C D g b ⎜ H1 ⎟ …(4.17)
⎝3 ⎠

Hydraulic calculations Drainage Manual 4-10

Sharp-crested weir (b << H)

Figure 4.7: Sharp crested weirs

This condition occurs where water flows over a thin-walled weir. The discharge for long weirs (wide
streams) is given by (4.2):

2⎛ Η⎞
q= ⎜ 0,611 + 0,08 ⎟ 2g Η 2 …(4.18)

3⎝ W⎠

t i o 6
q = discharge per unit width (m /s/m)

a 0
With "short" weirs a value of 0,2H should be subtracted from the total length of the overflow section

i c 0
(B) to obtain the effective overflow width (B-0,2H). This is a valid control as long as the downstream

water surface is below the crest of the weir.

b - 2
Cases between broad-crested and sharp-crested conditions

u 4
In such cases one may interpolate between the results of the equations for broad-crested and sharp-

crested weirs.

e - 0
Culvert inlets

r 9
Culverts with inlet control are discussed in Chapter 7. With high damming levels, orifice flow occurs.

P 1
General contractions
Where a contraction of section occurs (either in width or as a result of a local raising of the bed, or
through both width reduction and bed raising), a control may be formed. A control comes into being
when the upstream energy level would be lower than the minimum energy level (critical condition)
that is needed at the contraction to pass the full discharge. Such conditions may be found, for
example, at bridges with small openings or at rocky contractions across rivers.

Under-outlets (Orifices)
Orifice flow conditions may occur in road drainage at grid inlets (Chapter 5) and at culvert inlets
(Chapter 7).

Uniform flow conditions

True uniform conditions only occur in long straight sections of a channel with a uniform cross-section.
When a uniform control section needs to be found, one should ensure that uniform flow conditions do
in fact prevail. This means that the depth of flow depends only on the local slope, roughness and
sectional shape and is not affected by controls or obstructions upstream or downstream.

Either the Chézy or Manning equation is then used to determine the normal depth of flow. With Q
(discharge) known, the slope (S), roughness coefficient (ks or n) and section dimensions should be
determined. For this purpose the longest possible "straight" section of the watercourse should be
selected so that the slope can be determined with sufficient accuracy.

Hydraulic calculations Drainage Manual 4-11

The cross-section should also be fairly uniform so that the transition losses can be limited between two
consecutive reaches. In estimating the overall roughness coefficient, greater weight should be given to
the roughness along the deeper parts than to shallower parts of a cross section.

Moreover, the minimum and maximum possible values for the variables should be determined so that
minimum and maximum possible "uniform" depths of flow may be obtained. Once these depths are
known, one may determine the depths upstream (Fr < 1) and downstream (Fr > 1) at the specific cross
sections of interest. Fortunately, if an incorrect depth is used at the control, the error will diminish
with progressive analyses away from the control section. It is thus possible to test whether the
maximum and minimum possible control depths eventually give the same results, or whether one
should start calculations with the most conservative value.

When the Froude number at the control section is between say 0,8 and 1,2, the flow could easily

change from subcritical to supercritical or vice versa, and it cannot simply be accepted that the flow
will be purely supercritical or subcritical. In such a case a conservative value (maximum or
minimum) should be accepted for the depth of flow.

Combination conditions

An example of a combined control condition that occurs in road drainage is where water flows
simultaneously over a road and through a culvert underneath the road.

t i o 6
In this case the flow over the road is analysed according to release conditions, taking energy losses

into account, and the culvert flow is analysed separately according to culvert flow formulae. The

upstream flow depth is varied until the total flow equals the design discharge.

l i c 0
4.2.6 Friction losses

b - 2
Strictly speaking, the various expressions for friction losses are only applicable to uniform flow

u 4
conditions, but they are used to determine approximate energy losses in gradually changing non-

uniform flow.

e - 0
When analysing friction losses, a distinction must necessarily be made between three different flow

r 9
The different conditions are roughly identified according to the Reynolds number, which is defined

P 1
Re =

v = average flow velocity (m/s)

R = hydraulic radius (m) and
ν = kinematic viscosity, with a general design value of 1 x 10-6 m²/s for water.

The value of Re is then used to define the flow as follows:

• Laminar flow (Re< 500)

• Transition flow (500 <Re< 5000)
• Turbulent flow (Re> 5000)
• Usually flow at Re< 500 is completely laminar and at Re> 5000 completely turbulent with
a transition somewhere in between.

Hydraulic calculations Drainage Manual 4-12

Friction loss calculation for laminar flow (Re< 500)

Laminar open channel flow of water occurs only at extremely low velocities, and is only of practical
interest where very shallow flow conditions occur; for example with shallow run-off over paved

In such cases energy losses are expressed in terms of the Darcy-Weisbach formula (4.3), even though
this formula is strictly speaking only applicable to turbulent flow.
f L v2
hf = …(4.19)


ra f
hf = energy loss over distance L (m)
f = roughness coefficient
L = distance (m)

v = average velocity (m/s)
g = gravitational acceleration (m/s²)

R = hydraulic radius i.e. area divided by wetted perimeter (m)

i o
In laminar flow the roughness coefficient, f, is expressed in terms of the R e number and a resistance

t 6
coefficient K0

a 0
f = …(4.20)


b l i - 2 0
Useful values of K0 for application to drainage are as follows (4.3):

u 4
Table 4.3: Typical values of K0

Surface K0

- 0
Smooth 24

Concrete and bitumen 24 - 108

r 9
Pure sand 30 - 120

P 1
Gravel surface 90 - 400
Pure clay or loam 100 - 500
Eroded ground with little vegetation 1 000 - 4 000
Short prairie grass 3 000 - 10 000
Blue-grass 2 000 - 40 000

In interpreting these values it should be borne in mind that an increased value of K0 mainly represents
a decrease in effective flow area.

Friction loss calculation for transition conditions (500 <Re< 5000)

It is seldom possible to calculate friction losses for flow accurately in this range. Maximum possible
values for losses are obtained by applying the relationships for turbulent flow, and minimum values
according to the relationships for laminar flow.

Friction loss calculation for turbulent flow (Re > 5000)

Complete theoretical analysis (4.1) as well as experimentation has shown that the following equation is
fundamentally correct and, as given here, may be generally applied for design purposes:

Hydraulic calculations Drainage Manual 4-13

v = 5,75 gRS log …(4.21)
ks +
v = average velocity (m/s)
R = hydraulic radius (m)
S = energy slope, which is equal to bed slope only when flow is uniform (m/m)
ks = roughness coefficient, representing the size of irregularities on bed and sides (m)
υ = kinematic viscosity (≈ 1 x 10-6 m²/s for water)

As given here the equation is generally applicable to turbulent flow with "rough" or "smooth-wall"

Since "smooth-wall" conditions rarely occur in open channel flow (only with plastic pipes, etc), the
equation can often be applied in the following simplified form:

⎛ 12R ⎞
v = 5,75 gRS log⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ …(4.22)

⎝ ks ⎠
which is equivalent to the Chézy equation

v = C RS

t i o 6

a 0

⎛ 12R ⎞

i 0
C = 5,75 g log⎜⎜ ⎟⎟


⎝ s ⎠

b -

u 4
⎛ 12R ⎞
C = 18 log⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ …(4.25)

p 0
⎝ ks ⎠

r e -
with the units of C being m0,5/s, if SI units are used.

P 1 9
Another formula that is not fundamentally correct, but which is generally used, is the Manning


n = roughness coefficient with units of s/m , even in handbooks which use the imperial

Note that the roughness coefficient n is not a constant, but varies with roughness as well as with the
hydraulic radius.

Information available from various sources on k values and n values is given in Figures 4.10a, 4.10b
and 4.10c for practical use. The descriptions of different conditions are given opposite the applicable
average ks values. When estimating a ks value for practical use, it is useful to bear in mind that the ks
value represents the effective average size of eddies formed to fit in with the irregularities on the bed.
In this way a realistic estimate of extreme ks values may be made for any condition. As the velocity
equation for "rough-wall" conditions (equation 4.20) is rather insensitive to changes in the k value, a
satisfactory and realistic answer can usually be obtained when calculating the velocity. Where the ks
value is very low, for example in the case of plastic pipes, one should test to see whether rough-
turbulent conditions are indeed present:

Hydraulic calculations Drainage Manual 4-14

gRSk s
> 30 …(4.27)

If the value obtained in the above equation is less than 30, the complete Equation 4.19 should be used
to calculate the flow velocity.

The Manning equation as such does not compensate sufficiently for changes in the n value with
hydraulic radius. Applicable n values may be read off Figure 4.8c.

In cases of extreme roughness, for example where willow trees grow in a river, the Manning and

Chézy equations are not strictly applicable, because large-scale transition losses dominate rather than

friction losses. In such cases roughness coefficients should be handled carefully.

In sand bedded rivers roughness could vary greatly as different bed-forms develop. Roughness
coefficients in such rivers need to be determined through an iterative process (4.5).

Photographs 4.1 to 4.5 reflect some typical roughness values in South African rivers.

i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1
Photograph 4.1: River section in the Komati River. Estimated roughness = 0,4 m

Hydraulic calculations Drainage Manual 4-15

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
Photograph 4.2: River section in the Klip River. Estimated roughness = 0,10 m

b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Photograph 4.3: River section in the Limpopo River. Estimated roughness = 0,50 m

Hydraulic calculations Drainage Manual 4-16

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
l i c 0
Photograph 4.4: River section in the Berg River. Estimated roughness = 0,25 m

u b 4 - 2
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Photograph 4.5: Concrete side drain. Estimated roughness Manning n-value = 0,016 s/m

Hydraulic calculations Drainage Manual 4-17

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Figure 4.8a: Average roughness coefficients for rough turbulent flow (Refer to Figure 4.8c)
(A copy of this diagram has been included on the supporting CD)

Hydraulic calculations Drainage Manual 4-18

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Figure 4.8b: Average roughness coefficients for rough turbulent flow (Refer to Figure 4.8c)

Hydraulic calculations Drainage Manual 4-19

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Figure 4.8c: Average roughness coefficient for rough turbulent flow

Hydraulic calculations Drainage Manual 4-20

4.2.7 Transition losses

Transition losses occur where there are changes in the magnitude and/or direction of flow velocities.
Unlike friction losses, which represent overall application of energy to maintain flow, transition losses
represent energy applied to maintain local eddies in separation zones. These eddies develop locally
where the stream breaks away from the solid boundary. There is a particular tendency to break away
where the cross section becomes larger downstream, or where other major changes in flow direction
take place, for example at bends. Convergence losses are usually much smaller than divergence

Losses may be diminished by shaping a conduit so as to decrease the sizes of the separation eddies.

Uniform open channel flow along a channel is only possible if the channel bed drops across each

transition by a height equal to the local transition loss.

It is much more difficult to quantify transition losses in open channel flow than in pipe flow, because
there is a range of possible values of the hydraulic radius for given dimensions of the conduit.

The following formulae are recommended for general use, because they are fundamentally correct and

usually provide conservative but realistic answers.

i o
Divergence losses (downstream section A2 larger than upstream section A1)

a t 6
The recommended equation is applicable to subcritical flow Fr < 1) and reads as follows:

c 0

i 0
v2 ⎛ A ⎞

h l = C L 1 ⎜⎜1 − 1 ⎟⎟ …(4.28)

2g ⎝ A2 ⎠

b -

u 4
hl = transition loss (m)

p 0
CL = loss coefficient with maximum value = 1 for sudden transitions and a minimum

value of 0,3 for gradual transitions (taper of 1:4)

v1 = upstream velocity (m/s)

r 9
A1 = upstream sectional area (m²)

P 1
A2 = downstream sectional area (m²)

If CL =1, this implies that there is no recovery of kinetic energy whilst the velocity decreases from v1
to v2. If the value of CL lies between 0,3 and 1,0, this implies some recovery of energy. A value of 0,3
is only applicable if the taper is at least equal to the optimum practical value of 1:4, as shown in
Figure 4.9.

Figure 4.9: Divergence loss coefficient

Since supercritical flow is subject to upstream control, it is not able to spread over a short distance or
to rapidly change direction without changing to subcritical flow (hydraulic jump). In the latter case
the energy losses are very high, and an analysis should be performed by means of the momentum
principle rather than by means of the energy principle.

Hydraulic calculations Drainage Manual 4-21

Convergence losses (subcritical flow)

The recommended formula reads:

v 22
h l = CL …(4.29)

hl = transition loss (m)

v2 = downstream velocity (m/s)
CL = 0,35 for sudden contractions (0,18 for rounded contractions)

Bend losses (subcritical flow)

The recommended formula reads (4.4) :

2B v
hl = …(4.30)
rc 2g


t i o
hl = transition loss (m)

B = channel width (m)

a 0
rc = centre line radius (m)

v = uniform channel velocity (m/s)

l i 2 0
This equation has been found to be valid for direction changes between 90° and 180°mainly because

b -
the losses at bends are concentrated where the stream initially breaks away from the solid boundary.

The losses at bends vary very little for directional changes between 90° and 180°. It was also

established that the losses at clear direction changes of less than 90° can also described by his

p 0

r e 9 -
4.2.8 Rules for the application of the energy equation

P 1
Practical application of the energy equation (together with the continuity principle) typically consists
of working in steps along the flow route, starting at a point where flow conditions are known (control)
and ending where flow conditions need to be known. Cross sections are selected so that energy losses
can be calculated between successive sections, either as transition losses or as friction losses. It is
practicable in the selection of sections to start off by selecting sections just upstream and downstream
of significant transition losses, and thereafter to sub-divide the rest of the channel into reaches in
between cross sections, which may be regarded as near uniform.

The following steps may be followed:

• Identify every possible control that may affect the depth of flow in the area of interest.
• In the case of subcritical flow, analyses may only be performed upstream and in the case
of supercritical flow, only downstream.
• Choose consecutive sections from the control(s) to the end of the area in which the depths
of flow are required. Sections are chosen perpendicular to flow lines, and only where the
flow lines do not curve sharply. Sections are chosen at controls and otherwise upstream
and downstream of areas with significant transition losses. Sections outside regions of
transition losses, are chosen such that the sectional areas and hydraulic radii do not
vary by more than 40 per cent from one section to the next. This ensures that friction
losses are calculated with sufficient accuracy.

Hydraulic calculations Drainage Manual 4-22

• If the sectional areas do not increase by more than 40 percent in the stream direction
within a distance of 20 times the mean hydraulic radius, there is no need to allow for
transition losses.
• Start with the most likely control and determine the energy level. (Later ensure that the
controls being used are indeed valid.)

With (y1 + z1) or (y2 + z2) known at the control, estimate the value of
⎛ Q2B ⎞ ⎛ Q2B ⎞
(y 2 + z 2 ) , if ⎜⎜ 3 > 1⎟⎟ or (y1 + z1 ) , if ⎜⎜ 3
< 1⎟⎟
⎝ gA ⎠ ⎝ gA ⎠

and calculate the corresponding energy level at the next section, as well as the energy losses between
the two sections. Then test whether the estimated and calculated energy levels agree within say

10 mm. If not, choose an improved value of (y + z) and repeat.

n D
t i o 6
l i c a 0 0
b - 2
Figure 4.10: Energy components

u 4
Choose subsections such that the depth and roughness measure ks do not vary by more than a factor of

p 0
2 across every subsection. Roughness coefficients are obtained from Figure 4.8. Every subsection

e -
should be more or less perpendicular to the direction of flow. Table 4.4 reflects some of the

calculation steps required for the application of the conservation of energy law.

P 1 9
Table 4.4: Calculation steps in applying the law of conservation of energy
Subcritical flow (Fr < 1) Supercritical flow (Fr > 1)

Determine z2 + y2 (at control) Determine z1 + y1 (at control)

Estimate z1 + y1 (upstream) Estimate z2 + y2 (downstream)
(≈ z 2
+ y 2 + ΔxS f 2 ) (≈ z 1
+ y1 − ΔxS f1 )
v12 v 22
Calculate α 1 Calculate α 2
2g 2g

Test to see whether equation 4.5 is satisfied:

α1 v12 α 2 v 22
( )
+ z 1 + y1 = + (z 2 + y 2 ) + Σh f1− 2 + Σh 11− 2 …(4.31)
2g 2g

Single streams
v= …(4.32)

Hydraulic calculations Drainage Manual 4-23

R= …(4.33)
⎛ v12 v 22 ⎞ Δx
h f = S f Δx = ⎜⎜ 2 + 2 ⎟⎟ (Chézy) …(4.34)
⎝ C1 R 1 C 2 R 2 ⎠ 2

⎛ 12R ⎞
C = 18 log⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ …(4.35)
⎝ s ⎠


⎛ 2 2 ⎞
⎜ v1 n 1 v 22 n 22 ⎟ Δx

hf = ⎜ 4 + 4 ⎟
(Manning) …(4.36)
⎜ R3
⎝ 1 R 23 ⎟⎠

For ks and n values consult Figure 4.8. Transition losses, hl approach the value of 0, if A2 < 1,4A1,

and Δx > 20 R . Otherwise see Section 4.2.7 for the determination of transition losses, hl .

i o
Complex sections

a t 6
α = 1,05

i c 0 0
where v = highest velocity in main (deepest) channel (e.g. vc in the schematic layout, Figure 4.11)

b - 2
vc = Cc R c Sf …(4.37)

p u 4
From the above calculations the conveyance, K, can be determined if the above relationship is

reorganized/rewritten as shown below.

r e 9 -
P 1

Figure 4.11: Complex section

Hydraulic calculations Drainage Manual 4-24

⎛ ΣQ ⎞
Sf = ⎜ ⎟ …(4.38)
⎝ ΣK ⎠

Rc = …(4.39)

Κ c = C c Α c R c (Chezy) …(4.40)

⎛ 12R c ⎞
C c = ⎜⎜18 log

⎟ (m1/2/s) …(4.41)
⎝ k sc ⎟⎠


A R3

Κ c = c c (Manning) …(4.42)
(ΣQ )

hf = Δx …(4.43)
(ΣΚ )2

t i o

a 0 6
Σ Q = Total Discharge

Σ Q = (K a + K b + K c +........ ) S f 2



b l - 2
Branched flows

u 4
When a stream branches into two or more streams for some distance, as illustrated in Figure 4.12, the

p 0
following procedure should be applied.

r e 9 -
P 1 Figure 4.12: Branched Flows

Perform the analysis as before up to just downstream (Fr < 1) or upstream (Fr > 1) of the division.
Then estimate what fraction of the total flow passes through each branch. Calculate the energy losses
for flow through each branch and adjust the flows until the same energy losses are obtained through
each branch between (1) and (2).

4.2.9 Conservation of momentum (Momentum principle)

The momentum equation can be used to analyse flow conditions where:

• It is necessary to calculate the forces exerted on obstructions, or

• The relationships between flow conditions have to be determined in areas where large
unknown energy losses occur, e.g. with hydraulic jumps.

Hydraulic calculations Drainage Manual 4-25

In the general form for steady conditions, the momentum equation for a chosen x direction could be
defined as follows:

Sum of all the external force components acting on a flow system (control volume) in the x
direction = (Sum of the momentum components of the outflows in the x direction) – (Sum of the
momentum components of the inflows in the x direction).

The momentum equation is always applied across a control volume as shown in Figure 4.13.

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
Figure 4.13: Momentum flux (ρρ v) and the forces (ρρ y A) acting on the control volume

b l i c 0
In the typical case shown above:

x – direction: (γy1A1 )x − (γy 2 A 2 )x − Fx = ρQ(v 2x − v1x ) …(4.45)

p u 0 4
y – direction:

(γy1A1 )y − (γy 2 A 2 )y − Fy − Mg = ρQ(v 2y − v1y ) …(4.46)


P r γ

1 9

(γ yΑ ) x
external hydrostatic force with
specific weight for water (9,8 x 103 N/m³)
distance between water surface and centre of gravity of section (m)
sectional area (m²)
force component in x direction
vx = velocity component in x direction (m/s)
Fx = size of force component exerted on flow by the solid boundary and
obstructions in x direction (N)
Mg = weight of the enclosed fluid mass (N)

4.2.10 Rules for the application of the momentum equation

• Choose axes. It is convenient to work with horizontal and vertical axes.

• Choose sections perpendicular to the direction of flow at sections where the flow lines are
parallel. The sections are chosen such that either all the external forces operating on the
enclosed fluid are known, or so that the body of the fluid is included on which the
operating forces have to be determined.

• Identify all external forces, namely:

Hydraulic calculations Drainage Manual 4-26

o weight of enclosed fluid;
o hydrostatic forces exerted on sections by fluid located outside of the sections;
o forces exerted on fluid by the boundary and obstructions.

In open channel flow it is usually realistic to accept that the variation in pressure is hydrostatic where
the flow lines are parallel and/or where the fluid moves very slowly (e.g. break-away eddies). Where
supercritical flow penetrates partially right up to an obstruction, the pressure may be greater than
hydrostatic as illustrated (4.2) in Figure 4.14.

D ra
Figure 4.14: Pressure distribution at a step

i o
Once the equations have been compiled one can solve the unknowns. (The momentum equation is

generally used with the continuity equation.) It should be remembered that the force components in

the momentum equation are those that are exerted on the fluid. The force components exerted by the

a 0
fluid on obstructions are equal and opposite of the calculated values.

b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1
Photograph 4.6: Hydraulic jump

4.2.11 Analysis of transition conditions

Table 4.5 (a) to (c) is a summary of the most common transition relationships.

Hydraulic calculations Drainage Manual 4-27

Table 4.5 (a): Summary of the analysis of transition conditions (Slope increase, bed drop or the channel widens)
Hydraulic calculations

Froude Longitudinal section Control Appropriate equations Energy loss #
4. Downward slope increase, bed drop or the channel widens

Slope changes Section widens
V2 A

V12 V2 h1− 2 = C L (1 − 1 ) 2
+ Y1 + Z1 = 2 + Y2 + Z 2 + h 1− 2

Fr1 < Fr2 Y2 determined by 2g A2
2g 2g 1
<1 downstream conditions

t 6
or equations 4.45 and 4.46 can be used
0,3 > CL< 1,0

a 0
Y2 determined by
Small slopes

Fr1 > 1 downstream conditions

i 0
Fr2 < 1 Y1 determined by (γ Y1 A 1 ) X − (γ Y2 A 2 ) X + FX = ρQ(V2 − V1 ) X Large energy loss

upstream conditions

Drainage Manual


=1 Critical conditions at the release point
Fr1 < 1 Critical conditions at gA 3


Fr2 > 1 Not possible point of release V12 V22 Small energy loss
+ Y1 + Z1 = + Y2 + Z 2

2g 2g

e - 0
Fr1 > 1 Y1 determined by V12 V2
+ Y1 + Z1 = 2 + Y2 + Z 2

Small energy loss 4

Fr2 > 1 upstream conditions 2g 2g

P 1
Note: #
1 If the downstream channel is long, y2 will approach yn.
2 Due to high-energy losses, the momentum equation should be used. At a stable hydraulic jump the forces are balanced.
3 Under conditions where the floor drops and the section widen, the flow might not follow the channel sides.

Possibility of back circulation near the sides might be experienced when the cross sectional area increases rapidly.
Table 4.5 (b): Summary of the analysis of transition conditions (Slope decreases, bed steps upwards or the channel converges)
Hydraulic calculations

Froude Longitudinal section Control Appropriate equation Energy loss #
Downward slope decreases, bed steps or the channel converges
Floor rises Section converge

Y2 determined by downstream V12 V22 V2
Fr1 < 1
+ Y1 + Z1 = + Y2 + Z 2 + h 1− 2 h 1− 2 = C L

conditions 5
Fr2 < 1 2g 2g 2g

0,18 > CL< 0,35

t 6
Y2 determined by downstream

(γ Y1 A 1 ) X − (γ Y2 A 2 ) X + FX = ρQ(V2 − V1 ) X

Fr1 > 1 conditions Large energy loss 6
Fr2 < 1 Y1 determined by upstream

conditions applicable for small slopes. Difficult to determine Fx

l i 0

Fr1 < 1 Critical conditions at point of V12 V22 h 1− 2 = C L
+ Y1 + Z1 = + Y2 + Z 2 + h 1− 2

Drainage Manual

Fr2 > 1 release
2g 2g 2g
0,18 > CL< 0,35

u 4
Energy loss is small
V12 V22

Y1 determined by upstream unless dammed – then
+ Y1 + Z1 = + Y2 + Z 2 + h 1− 2 ,

Fr1 > Fr2 > 1 conditions Damming can when
2g 2g large energy loss will 8

the criteria in Note 8 is met occur across the

for limited damming hydraulic jump

r 9
Note: #

P 1
5 If the downstream channel is long, y2 will approach yn.
6 If Fx > than the hydrostatic force, refer to paragraph 4.2.9
7 Analysis may be conducted upstream and downstream from the critical section. Critical conditions will occur at the section of maximum
V12 V2
8 Damming occurs when + y1 + Z1 < 2 + y 2 + Z 2 + hf 1− 2 of if the force Fx is high.
2g 2g
Table 4.5 (c): Summary of the analysis of transition conditions (Bends)
Hydraulic calculations

Froude Longitudinal section Control Appropriate equation Energy loss #
Bends in channel sections

Y2 determined
V12 V2 2b V12

Fr1 < 1 by downstream
Fr2 < 1 conditions
+ y1 + Z1 = 2 + y 2 + Z 2 + hf1− 2 h 1− 2 = 9
2g 2g rc 2g

a t 0 6
i c 0
Y1 determined V12 V2 Losses is high

Fr1 >1
Fr2 > 1
by upstream + y1 + Z1 = 2 + y 2 + Z 2 + hf 1− 2 when damming 10

conditions 2g 2g occurs
Drainage Manual

u b 4 -
Note: #

p 0
9 Refer to Section 5.4 for the required raising of the channel wall on the outside of the bend

e -
10 Stream might overtop the channel or a hydraulic jump can be form. Changing the flow direction under supercritical conditions should be
avoided at all times. Experienced persons can conduct the analyses.

P r 1 9

4.3.1 Introduction

The general design problem reads: given a discharge, what difference in energy level is needed to pass
the fluid through a pipe or culvert; or: what size of conduit is needed to convey the fluid with a
predetermined difference in energy levels?

Just as with open channel flow, only the continuity, energy and momentum equations are used.
Virtually all analyses of flow conditions are done by means of the combination of continuity and
energy equations, whereas the momentum equation is used mainly in drainage pipes to determine

forces at bends and other transitions.

ra f
Flow analyses should again begin at controls; i.e. at sections where the energy levels for given
discharges are known and calculations essentially proceed upstream. Since the hydraulic radius can
only have one value under full flow conditions, pipe flow analyses are simpler than those for open

channel flow.

The most important applications of pipe flow theory in road drainage pertain to culverts and storm
water pipes under full-flow conditions.

t i o 6
4.3.2 Principle of continuity

a 0
Except where flood attenuation is considered, only the continuity equation for steady incompressible

i c 0
flow is typically of use in drainage.

b l 2
It reads:

Σ Inflows = Σ Outflows …(4.47)

u 4

Σ Qin = Σ Qout


r e 9 -
Again, sections are taken perpendicular to the direction of flow and only where the flow lines are
straight and parallel.

P 1
4.3.3 Energy principle

The energy principle is represented by the Bernoulli equation for pipe flow.

Figure 4.15: Energy components for a pipe

Hydraulic calculations Drainage Manual 4-31

v12 p1 v 22 p 2
+ + z1 = + + z 2 + h f1− 2 + h ι1− 2 …(4.49)
2g γ 2g γ
α = velocity coefficient with a value of 1 in most practical applications
v = average velocity (m/s)
Q = discharge (m³/s)
πD 2
A = cross-sectional area ( for round pipes with diameter D) (m²)
p = intensity of pressure at centre-line (Pa)
specific weight (value for water 9,8 x 103 N/m3)

γ =

z = centre line elevation (m)
hf = friction losses, which may be expressed in terms of the Chézy or Manning

equations (m)
hl = transition losses occurring where the flow velocity changes in magnitude or

direction (m)

4.3.4 Application of the energy equation

i o
Start at a control. The following could be used as controls:

t 6
• Energy levels determined by drowned open channel flow conditions; or

a 0
• Free outflow where p/γ = 0 and the energy levels may be calculated

l i c 0
Calculations also begin with a known or estimated conduit size. Friction losses (for the normal case of

turbulent flow) could be calculated by means of the Chézy or Manning equations (See Figure 4.8 for

b -
roughness coefficients).

u 4

p 0

e -
h f1− 2 = …(4.50)


P 1 9
v = 5,75 gRS log …(4.51)
ks +
v = average velocity (discharge divided by area) (m/s)
L = pipe length (m)
R = hydraulic radius (m)
R= = for circular pipes …(4.52)
P 4
ks = measure of absolute roughness (from Figure 4.8)
υ = kinematic viscosity with a design value of 1 x 10-6 m²/s for water
S = energy gradient =
If "rough" pipes are used, i.e. pipes not made of plastic or similar smooth material, the value of C may
be calculated as follows:
⎛ 12R ⎞
C = 5,75 g log⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ …(4.53)
⎝ ks ⎠

Hydraulic calculations Drainage Manual 4-32


v2n 2
h f 1− 2 = 4
R 3

Should be applied only to "rough" conduits.

Refer to Figure 4.8c for n values.

Table 4.6: Transition losses in pipe flows

Description Sketch ks - value

Protruding 0,9

h1 =
2g Oblique 0,7
(v= Velocity in

conduit) Blunt 0,5

Well-rounded 0,2

Diverging sections Sudden 1,0

k (v 1 − v 2 )


h1 = Cone 45° < θ < 180° 1,0


c 0
θ = 30° 0,7

l i 2 0
θ = 15° 0,2

b -
Converging sections

kv 2 0,5

h1 =


Cone 0,25

e -

r 9
kv 22 θ = 90° 0,4
h1 =

P 1
2g θ = 45° 0,3
kv 2 ⎛ A ⎞
h1 = 1 ⎜⎜1 − 1 ⎟⎟ Sudden 1,0
2g ⎝ A2 ⎠

4.3.5 Principle of momentum conservation

Since the principle of momentum conservation has limited application here, only the case in which
forces at bends need to be determined is analysed, as shown in Figure 4.16.

Hydraulic calculations Drainage Manual 4-33

Figure 4.16: Forces acting on an isolated bend

Analytical procedure:

i o
Calculate p1 and p2, the values of the intensities of pressure, by means of the Bernoulli equation. Take

t 6
Fx and Fy as the components of the force exercised on the fluid by the bend (opposite of the force

exercised on the bend by the fluid).

i c
Compile equations:

l 0 0
x – direction: − Fx + p 1 A 1 cosβ 1 − p 2 A 2 cosβ 2 = ρQ (v 2 cosβ 2 − v 1cosβ 1 )

b -

u 4
y – direction: − p1 A 1sinβ1 + p 2 A 2 sinβ 2 − Mg − Fy = ρQ(− v 2 sinβ 2 + v1sinβ1 ) …(4.56)

e p

r 9 - 0
p1 and p2 = intensities of pressure on either side of the bend (N/m2)

sectional areas on the upstream and downstream sides (m2)

A1 and A2 =
Fx and Fy = force components exerted by the solid boundary on the water (opposite and
equal to the force exercised by the water on the solid boundary) (N)
β1 and β2 = angles of direction (°)
ρ = mass density = 1 000 kg/m³ for water
Q = discharge (m³/s)
v1 and v2 = upstream and downstream velocities (m/s)
Mg = weight of enclosed fluid (N)

Solve for Fx and Fy and invert to obtain the force exerted on the bend. (If horizontal forces are
considered, the Mg term will, of course, fall away).

Unless the pipe itself and its joints are strong enough, anchors should take up the resulting force
components. Concrete anchor blocks are often used for this purpose.

Fy should be ≤ W = weight of the anchor block + weight of the pipe section

Fx should be ≥ Wtanδ + passive resistance force, where W = weight of the anchor block +
weight of the enclosed water volume + weight of the pipe section and δ = friction angle

Where the surrounding soil could become saturated, W should be reduced by the weight of an equal
volume of water.

Hydraulic calculations Drainage Manual 4-34


4.4.1 Example 4.1 - Flow characterisation, energy gradient and normal depth

Problem description Example 4.1

The total discharge through a channel section is 477 m³/s. The dimensions and absolute roughness
values for the channel are shown below (Figure 4.17).

D ra
i o n
Figure 4.17: Cross section of channel

a 0 6

l i c 0
(i) the energy gradient (Sf).

(ii) whether the flow is sub- or super-critical.

b -
(iii) the average velocity through section 3.

(iv) whether the flow is laminar or turbulent.

(v) the normal flow depth.

e p - 0
Solution Example 4.1

r 9
Divide the channel as shown above and derive the following information:

P 1
1 2 3
Area (A) 28,5 m² 9,0 m² 49,25 m²
Wetted perimeter (P) 12,24 m 3,0 m 15,42 m
Hydraulic radius (R = A/P) 2,33 m 3,0 m 3,19 m
Absolute roughness (ks) 0,3 m 0,7 m 0,7 m
⎛ 12R ⎞
C = 18 log ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ 35,4 m½/s 30,8 m½/s 31,3 m½/s
⎝ ks ⎠

• The energy gradient (Sf )

By assuming uniform flow conditions the local slope of the channel, S0 may be set equal to the energy
slope, Sf .

Continuity of mass and energy (Chézy equations) combined provide the following relationships:

Q total = ∑ Q

Hydraulic calculations Drainage Manual 4-35

Q total = A 1 C1 R 1S f + A 2 C 2 R 2 S f + A 3 C 3 R 3S f

∴Q total = (28,5)(35,4) 2,33 + (9,0)(30,8) 3,0 + (49,25)(31,3) 3,19 S f )
∴ Q total = (1540 + 480 + 2753) S f

Q 2total
∴ Sf = = 0,01 m/m (Energy gradient)
4773 2

• Determine the flow regime

Q 2 B (477 ) (25,5)

(Froude)² = = = Fr2 = 0,91 < 1,0 ∴ Sub − Critical

gA 3
(9,81)(86,75) 3

Determine the average velocity through section 3

Q 3 2753 477

v3 = = × = 5,59 m/s

t 6
A 3 4773 49,25

a 0

Identify the flow type

l i 0
Calculate the Reynolds Number

b - 2
Re =




V= = = 5,50 m/s

28,5 + 9 + 49,25

r e
∑A =

R= = 2,83 m
∑ P 12,24 + 3,0 + 15,42

P 1
υ = 1 x 10-6 m²/s (kinematic viscosity of water)

Re =
V R (5,50) (2,83)
1 x 10 −6
= 15,5 × 10 6

Re >> 2000 ∴ Highly turbulent

• Calculation of normal flow depth

The normal (uniform) flow depth for a given discharge is calculated by the same procedure,
except that the flow depth is the unknown quantity and the energy gradient, Sf is equal to the
average (near constant) bed slope, S0.

Q total = 477,0 = A 1 C1 R 1S f + A 2 C 2 R 2 S f + A 3 C 3 R 3S f

As it has been shown above the area, wetted perimeter and hydraulic radius can be written in
terms of the unknown depth, Y. If Y is the depth in section 3, then the variables may be written
as shown below.

Hydraulic calculations Drainage Manual 4-36

1 2 3
1 1 Y2
Area (A) (m2) (16 + 18 (Y − 2))(Y − 2) 2Y (7Y + (2Y − 2).2 + )
2 2 4
Wetted perimeter (P) (m) (8 + 18 (Y − 2)) 3,0 ( 8 + 7 + 5Y)
Hydraulic radius (R = A/P) 2Y
(A/P) * (A/P) m *
(m) 3
Absolute roughness (ks) (m) 0,3 0,7 0,7


⎛ 12R ⎞
C = 18 log ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ (m½/s)

* * *
⎝ s ⎠

* The relationship was not documented, but could be obtained from the combination of the

given relationships.

i o
With a known slope, S0 and flow rate, Q, Y can be solved. In this case Y = 5 m.

a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Hydraulic calculations Drainage Manual 4-37

4.4.2 Example 4.2 - Gradually varying river flow (backwater calculation – simple sectional details)
Hydraulic calculations

Problem description Example 4.2

Determine the flood level at Section 3 for a river of trapezoidal section with side slopes 1:2 and varying bed width. The characteristics of the cross sections
are reflected below.

i o
Q50 = 43,3 m³/s

t 6
Section Base width (m) Bed level (m) Chainage (m) Manning, n (s/m0,33) Remark

1 6 1203,02 0 0,032 Downstream

2 4,8 1203,24 65 0,026

3 5,6 1203,75 147 0,024 Site

i 0
4 5,4 1203,99 214 0,028

5 5,6 1204,42 280 0,024 Upstream

Drainage Manual

b -
Using the principle of conservation of mass and energy solves this problem. It is assumed that the flow rate is constant at 43,3 m³/s. It is necessary to
determine the type of flow, to establish the control, and then to work away from the control.

u 4
Although the assumption that uniform flow will be present at the cross sections is incorrect, calculation of the “normal flow depth” at each section will give

p 0
an indication of the type of flow. In the next table the “normal flow depths” have been calculated. This is not the solution to the problem but merely a way to
establish the type of flow!

r e 9 -
P 1

Results Example 4.2

Hydraulic calculations

Calculation based on uniform flow assumption

Section Position Invert Slope (local) Yn A P R Cal Q Fr
ID ID (m) (m/m) m m² m m (m³/s)

a b c d e f g h i j
1 Downstream 3,02 0,003 2,258 23,750 23,649 1,004 43,3 0,463

i o
2 3,24 0,006 2,109 19,017 19,554 0,973 43,3 0,606

t 6
3 Site 3,75 0,004 2,379 26,305 25,626 1,027 43,3 0,408

a 0
4 3,99 0,007 2,020 19,874 20,748 0,958 43,3 0,581

l i c 0
5 Upstream 4,42

b 2
From the above table it could be concluded (Fr-number << 1) that the flow will be subcritical and hence that the control will be downstream!

Drainage Manual

Now start with the assumption of a flow depth at section 1 and work your way upwards by applying the continuity of energy. Assume that the secondary

losses will be negligible.

p 0
The flow depth at section 1 is assumed to be 2,258 m. The total energy level at this section is then equal to 2,427 m.

e -
Section Del X H total energy Fr Area P Velocity E1 Sf (So-Sf)avg E2' Del (E2'-E2) Water

r 9
ID (m) (m) (m²) (m) (m/s) (m) (m/m) (m/m) (m) (m) level (m)
a k l m n o p q r s t u v

P 1
1 2,427 0,463 23,75 16,10 1,82 5,447 0,002 5,278
65 -0,0007 5,496 0,0000
2 2,160 0,740 16,28 13,28 2,66 5,496 0,006 5,355
82 -0,0030 5,740 -0,0000
3 1,633 0,936 13,88 12,98 3,12 5,740 0,012 5,755
67 -0,0057 6,125 -0,0000
4 2,044 0,715 16,95 13,86 2,55 6,125 0,006 6,032
66 -0,0061 6,526 -0,0003
5 1,360 1,207 11,32 11,68 3,83 6,526 0,019 6,210

D r
Hydraulic calculations

Notes: A brief description of the columns content for the above tables.
Column ID Description of the variable
a Section identification

b Description of the position
c Invert level (m)

Local slope that was calculated from the level difference between that of the section and

the upstream section divided by the distance between the sections

e Yn is the calculated flow depth assuming that uniform flow characteristics will occur

f Calculated area for the given Yn

g Calculated wetted perimeter for the given Yn

h Calculated hydraulic radius for the given Yn

i Calculated flow rate

i 0
j, m Froude number

k Distance between the sections

n Calculated area

b -
Drainage Manual

o Calculated wetted perimeter

p Calculated velocity

u 4
q Calculated total energy
r Calculated energy slope

p 0
s Calculated difference of the energy slope and the channal slope

t Specific energy

u Difference in the specific energy

r 9
v Calculated water level

P 1

4.4.3 Example 4.3 - Gradually varying river flow (backwater calculation)
Hydraulic calculations

Problem description Example 4.3

Adapted (4.2) (Example 5-4).

The discharge in a river with a single watercourse is 2 549 m³/s and the value of the Manning roughness coefficient is 0,033 s/m⅓ for the whole area under

i o
consideration. The flow is subcritical (Fr<1). Determine the depth of flow upstream and downstream of a bridge. The bridge is located between chainages

2,462 and 2,495 km and it is estimated that the secondary loss coefficient at the bridge, KL = 0,18. Details of the cross sectional characteristics (Area and

wetted perimeter for a given flow depth) were obtained from the surveyed data and are not repeated here.

a 0
Solution Example 4.3

i c 0
In this example the solution will be based on the conservation of energy.

l 2
Drainage Manual

Firstly, a control should be found. By predetermination from the acting control (downstream for subcritical flow), it is found that the level of the water

b -
surface at chainage 1 819 m is 19,875 m. Since one is dealing with a single watercourse α = 1, and the calculations progress as in the table. Where flow spills
over the banks and the velocity changes considerably over the section, the methods of calculation for multiple sections should be applied.

u 4
Sections are chosen just upstream and downstream of areas with large transition losses (e.g. bridges), and otherwise such that consecutive sectional areas do

not differ by more than 40 per cent. The head loss of 0,116 m at the bridge may be calculated by means of the formulae in Chapter 8.3.

r e 9 - 0
P 1

Hydraulic calculations

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Cross V2
Chainage z A H P R Sf Sf Δx hf hℓ H

(m) (m) (m²) (m) (m) (m) (x 103) (x 10 )3 (m) (m) (m) (m)
number (m)
1 1 819 19,875 1 110 0,269 20,144 189,9 5,845 0,545 - - - -

i o
2 060 19,963 994 0,336 20,299 156,7 6,343 0,610 0,578 241 0,139 20,283

2 060 19,946 991 0,338 20,284 156,7 6,324 0,616 0,581 241 0,140 20,284

2 462 20,239 715 0,648 20,887 152,4 4,692 1,762 1,189 402 0,478 20,762

2 462 20,114 692 0,692 20,806 151,5 4,568 1,950 1,283 402 0,516 20,800

Bridge 4 2 495 20,230 715 0,648 20,878 152,4 4,692 1,762 0,116 -

2 704 20,730 827 0,485 21,215 167,9 4,926 1,234 1,490 209 0,313 21,191

i 0
2 704 20,706 822 0,491 21,197 167,6 4,905 1,257 1,509 209 0,315 21,193

l 2
Column ID Description of the column contents
Drainage Manual

b -
0 Cross section number
1 Chainage

u 4
2 Water surface elevation (estimated)
3 Cross-sectional flow area

p 0
4 Kinetic energy head
5 Total energy head = 2 + 4 (estimated

e -
6 Wetted perimeter

7 Hydraulic radius

8 Local energy gradient
9 Average energy gradient between sections

P 1
10 Distance increment
11 Friction head loss
12 Transition head loss
13 Calculated energy head = previous head + losses

4.4.4 Example 4.4 – Negligible energy losses (converging flow over short distance)

Problem description Example 4.4

A concrete chute with a stream width of 0,6 m conveys water down the side of an embankment 3,0 m
high with a slope of 1,5 vertical to 1,0 horizontal. The discharge is 0,1 m³/s and the water flows away
from a trough in the road profile.

Calculate the flow velocity, depth of flow and Froude number at the toe.

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
Figure 4.18: Concrete chute down embankment

Solution Example 4.4

p u 0 4
Since the water has to dam in order to run off, a control is created at the upper end (Fr = 1)

r e -
Q 2Β

∴ =1
gΑ 3c

P 1
Q = 0,1 m³/s
B = 0,6 m
Ac = Bcyc = 0,6yc
g = 9,81 m/s²
yc = 0,14 m
vc = 1,190 m/s
and E c = y c + c = 0,14 +
(1,190 )2 = 0,212 m
2g 2(9,81)

Since the channel is very steep, the energy losses will be small in relation to the change in level.
Consequently H = 3,0 + 0,212 = y 2 + 2 can be assumed
q = v 2 y 2 = 0,167 m 3 /sm
v2 = 7,9 m/s; y2 = 0,021 m and Fr2 = = 17
gy 2
The actual velocity will be slightly lower. (If H>> y2, then v 2 ≈ 2gH )

Hydraulic calculations Drainage Manual 4-43

4.4.5 Example 4.5 – Transition losses

Problem description Example 4.5

The normal (uniform) flow depth in a long 2 m wide, rectangular canal is 2 m and the normal flow
velocity 2 m/s. The Manning n = value is 0,02 s/m⅓. There is a 90° bend with a centre-line radius of 7
m. Calculate the Froude number for uniform flow conditions.

Solution Example 4.5

Calculate the flow depths just upstream and just downstream of the 90° bend.

vn 2,0

Frn = = = 0,452 (based on the normal flow depth)
gy n (9,81)(2,0)

∴ Downstream control and the depth just downstream of the bend will be 2 m.

2B v 2 (2,0)(2,0 )(2,0)

Energy head loss through bend: h l = . = = 0,1165 m

rc 2g

Energy equation:

a t i 0 6 v2

Upstream energy head: H1 = H 2 + h l = + y2 + h l

i 0

l 2
(2,0)2 + 2,0 + 0,1165 = 2,321 m

b -
H1 =

u 4
∴ y1 + = 2,321 m

p 0

e -
Write the velocity in terms of the upstream flow depth (y1).

r 9
Q (2,0 )(2,0 + 2,0 ) 4,0

P 1
Using continuity: v1 = = =
A1 (y1 )(2,0 ) y1
⎛ 4,0 ⎞
⎜⎜ ⎟
⎝ y1 ⎟⎠
∴ y1 + = 2,321 m . Solving the only unknown term - y1
y1 = 2,143 m (depth upstream of bend)

4.4.6 Example 4.6 – Identification of acting controls

Problem description Example 4.6

Water flows across a 16 m wide road. The road has crossfalls of 2%.

Calculate the discharge per unit width that would flow across the road when the adjacent level rises
0,5 m above the shoulder, see Figure 4.19 below.

Hydraulic calculations Drainage Manual 4-44

Figure 4.19: Flow across the road

Solution Example 4.6

Assume that the control (point of release) occurs at the crown (B). If there are no energy losses
between A and B, the specific energy at the top of the crown will be 0,5 – 0,16 = 0,34 m and the

critical depth yc = 0,227 m (two thirds of the specific energy).

The corresponding discharge per unit width:


q = v c y c = g y c2 = 0,338 m 3 /s.m

a t 6
Assume that the actual discharge is 0,3 m³/s.m

yc = 3

l i

= 0,209 m

0 0 and Ec =
y c = 0,314 m



u 4 -
With this discharge, the normal flow depth (Manning) will be given by:

p - 0
5 1

y S
3 2

r 9

P 1
With a Manning n-value = 0,013 s/m1/3
5 1
y (0,02 ) 2
0,3 =
y n = 0,116 m < y c = 0,209 m

The slope of 2% is thus hydraulically steep and the control is indeed at B. If yn were found to be
greater than yc this would mean that the control was at C, and the depth there would be yc, from which
point calculations would then progress upstream.

Because the depths of flow are small, one should test to see whether the flow is indeed turbulent.

vy 0,3
Re = = = 3 × 105 >> 2000 , indicating the flow is turbulent.
υ 1 × 10− 6

Now determine the depth yA at A

v 2A v 2A
0,5 = y A + + 0,35 (Energy equation with provision for transition losses)
2g 2g

Hydraulic calculations Drainage Manual 4-45

and yAvA = 0,3 (continuity)

Thus yA = 0,472 m

The depth varies from 0,209 to 0,472 m and because the cross sectional areas differ by more than
40%, more than one increment should be used. Use three increments; i.e. depths of: 0,209; 0,297;
0,384 and 0,472 m (see Figure 4.20).

D ra
i o n
t 6
Figure 4.20: Increments of flow depth across the road

c a 0

i 0
= So − Sf (Energy equation for prismatic channels)


dx =

u b
So − Sf

4 - 2
r e p ⎛

9 - 0
v2 ⎞ ⎛ v2 ⎞
dE = ⎜⎜ y1 + 1 ⎟⎟ − ⎜⎜ y 2 + 2 ⎟⎟
⎝ 2g ⎠ ⎝ 2g ⎠

P Sf = 1
So = -0,02 m/m (uphill)

v2n 2


y E R Sf Sf(average) Δx
(m) (m) (m) (m/m) (m/m) (m)
0,209 0,314 0,002810
0,035 0,001840 1,60
0,297 0,349 0,000870
0,066 0,000620 3,20
0,384 0,415 0,000370
0,078 0,000278 3,85
0,472 0,493 0,000186

ΣΔx = 8,65 m

ΣΔx = 8,65 > 8,0 thus the discharge per unit width should be less (i.e. q should be smaller).
Choose smaller q and repeat until ΣΔx ≈ 8,0 m for a more accurate answer.

Hydraulic calculations Drainage Manual 4-46

4.4.7 Example 4.7 – Pipe flow

Problem description Example 4.7

Water flows from a submerged catch pit at a kerb inlet through a 20 m concrete drain pipe where it
releases into a river stream. The diameter of the pipe is 0,3 m (inside diameter). The pipe has a slope
of 0,5 % and the depth of the water in the catch pit above the top of the pipe is 0,2 m (i.e. available

Calculate the discharge rate for this set-up.

Solution Example 4.7

ra f
To solve this problem the conservation of energy principle will be used equation 4.49 (repeated
below). The entrance (point 1) and exit (point 2) is open to atmosphere and thus p1/γ = p2/γ = 0 if the
stream line is selected at the top of the water surface.

2 2
v p v p
+ 1 + z1 = + 2 + z 2 + h f1− 2 + h ι1− 2

2g γ 2g γ

i o n
The velocity in the catch pit (v1) is negligible (large catch pit area in comparison with pipe area). If

the datum line is selected through the invert of the pipe outlet (point 2) z2 will be zero and z1 can be

calculated as follows:

c a 0
z 1 = (0,2) + (20 )(0,005) = 0,3

l i 0
b 2
The first term is the height above the pipe inlet and the second term the length of the pipe multiplied

by the slope of the pipe to obtain the vertical height difference between inlet and outlet.

p u 4
The last two terms in the energy equation are the loss terms. The friction loss can be calculated using

- 0
the Chezy equation (equation 4.50) with the C-value determined with equation 4.53. The absolute

roughness value of the pipe can be obtained from Table 4.10b, ks = 0,0004 m.

P r 1 9 ⎛ 12R ⎞
C = 5,75 g log⎜⎜
⎝ ks ⎠
⎛ ⎛D⎞⎞
⎜ 12⎜ ⎟ ⎟
or C = 5,75 g log⎜
⎜ k

⎝ 4 ⎠ ⎟ for circular pipes.

⎛ ⎛ (0,3) ⎞ ⎞
⎜ 12⎜ ⎟⎟
⎜ ⎝ 4 ⎠⎟
C = 5,75 9,81 log = 60,37
⎜ 0,0004 ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎠
v L
h f1− 2 = 2

v 22 (20 )
h f1− 2 = = 0,07317v 22
(60,37 )2 ⎛⎜ ⎞⎟
⎝ 4 ⎠

Hydraulic calculations Drainage Manual 4-47

As the inlet is submerged a secondary inlet loss will occur at the entrance. From Table 4.6, an inlet
coefficient of k = 0,5 will be used for a blunt entrance. The diameter does not change and the velocity
where the water enters the pipe can be assumed to be defined as v2.
kv 22 (0,5) v 22
h1 = = = 0,02548v 22
2g 2(9,81)
The energy equation is simplified to the following:

(0)2 + 0 + (0,3) = v 22 + 0 + 0 + (0,07317v 2 ) + (0,02548v 2 )

2(9,81) 2(9,81)
2 2

v2 = 1,416 m/s

⎛ ⎛ 0,3 ⎞ 2 ⎞
Q = v 2 A 2 = (1,416 )⎜ π⎜ ⎟ = 0,1 m 3 /s
⎜ ⎝ 2 ⎟⎠ ⎟
⎝ ⎠

This pipe system can discharge 100 l/s if it is allowed to dam at the entrance up to 500 mm above the
pipe inlet level.


i o n

a t 6
The theoretical overview presented in this chapter forms the basis for a number of typical problems

that can be solved with the use of the supporting software. Typical problems, which have been

i c 0
included in the software, include:

l 2

Determination of the flow regime for a given cross section and discharge

• Transfer of forces onto a partially obstructed flow path

u 4
• Calculation of the normal flow depth for a simple or complex cross section


Calculation of friction and secondary losses

• Analysis of diverging and converging flows


Estimation of the friction parameter.



Rooseboom, A. (1974). Open Channel Flow. Technical Report No 62, Department of Water
Affairs, Government Printer, Pretoria.

4.2 Henderson, F.M. (1966). Open Channel Flow. Macmillan.

4.2 Woolhiser, D.A. (1975). Simulation of Unsteady Overland Flow. Water Resources Publications,
Fort Collins.

4.3 Mockmore, C.E. (1944). Flow Round Bends in Stable Channels. Trans Am Soc Civ Engrs
Vol 109.

4.4 Rooseboom A., Le Grange, A. du P. (2000). The hydraulic resistance of sand streambeds under
steady flow condition. Journal of Hydraulic Research. Vol 38, No1.

Hydraulic calculations Drainage Manual 4-48


A Rooseboom


Surface road drainage systems serve to transfer storm water flows that collect on and along road
structures to limit the risk to:

• road users
• road structures and


the environment.

This chapter deals with the design of components of surface drainage systems, excluding culverts, low
level crossings, and bridges, which are dealt with in separate chapters. Table 5.1, Road Map 5,
reflects the aspects that are covered in this chapter. Sub-surface drainage is essentially different from

surface drainage and is, therefore, also covered in a separate chapter.

Surface road drainage design begins with the consideration of local precipitation that runs off across a

road surface in a thin stream. It ends where each accumulated stream, impacted upon by roadworks,

may be released into an existing natural or man-made waterway without any increased risk of erosion

t 6
damage or flooding further downstream.

a 0
Acceptable risk in surface road drainage is often expressed in terms of water surface levels not to be

i c 0
exceeded during flood events with given return periods.


b l - 2

p u 0 4
5.2.1 General

e -
The accumulation of run-off on roadways and shoulders constitutes the most common hydraulic road

r 9
surface risk. Dangerous conditions arise when the pressure within the water contained between a

P 1
vehicle’s wheel and the road surface is equal to the pressure exerted by the wheel. As the water
pressure increases, the wheel increasingly loses contact with the road surface, and control over the
vehicle diminishes. This condition is known as hydroplaning (5.1).

In the design of roads, the flow depth of surface run-off across road surfaces is not a primary design
variable, because the normal geometric standards would generally ensure that this depth remains
within acceptable limits. It is nevertheless important for the designer to be conversant with the
variables involved in the assessment of the hydroplaning risk. The most important factors that need to
be considered are:

• vehicle speed
• depth of flow
• type of road surface
• wheel load
• type of tyre and
• tyre pressure.

Each of these aspects is briefly discussed below.

Surface drainage Drainage Manual 5-1

Surface drainage

Table 5.1: Road map for surface drainage


Typical Theme Hand calculation
Input Information

Topic Par. Problem Example

ti 6
Runoff from roads and shoulders 5.2 Road surface, depth of flow and vehicle speed Flow depth on road surface 5.1

a 0
Cross sectional parameters, hydraulic
Kerbs berms and outlets 5.3 description and applicable formulae, flow Flow depth in side channel 5.2

c 0

l i
Drop grid capacity for sub-

critical flow

Freeboard, permissible slopes for erosion

Discharge channels 5.4
protection, slope, roughness and flow rate
Drainage Manual

Erosion potential 5.5

p 0 4
Flow rate, profile detail and orientation Dissipation of energy on Design procedure
Discharge chutes 5.5
steep slopes discussed in the text

r e 9 -
Erosion protection on steep slopes
Flow rate, erosion potential of material and Select appropriate protection Guide indicates the
slope detail options use of plant bundles

P 1

Surface drainage Drainage Manual 5-2

5.2.2 Vehicle speed

There is an appropriate design speed for each type of road. This design speed represents the expected
vehicle speed at which the risk will be acceptable. Under whet conditions the vehicle speed for safety
will reduce due to possible hydroplaning. Hydroplaning rarely occurs if the vehicle speed is lower than
80 km/h.

5.2.3 Depth of flow

Depth of flow is the primary variable in the analysis of run-off on roadways and shoulders. The
following norms are recommended for surface flow on travelled lanes.

• The flow depth during a 1:5-year storm should not exceed 6 mm.

• The minimum slope along the flow path should be 2%. In the case of wide road surfaces,
the normal crossfall may be increased to 2,5%.

It is not possible to apply these guidelines strictly in every case; e.g. where there is a change in super-

The flow depths on the road surface for different slopes and rainfall intensities can be obtained from

i o
Figure 5.1.

a t 6
5.2.4 Road surface

i c 0 0
Road surfaces are given a rough finish to improve road holding and skid resistance without causing

excessive tyre wear and road noise.

b - 2
Figure 5.1 is based on a road surface of average roughness.

p u 0 4
5.2.5 Wheel load, tyre type and tyre pressure

e -
Wheel load, the type of tyre and the type of pressure also affect hydroplaning. However because of the

r 9
wide variations possible and because it would not be practical to relate different speed limits to

different types of tyre, these aspects are ignored, and only the geometric road elements are considered,

using a typical wheel load, tyre type and tyre pressure.

5.2.6 Further requirements regarding surface drainage

In the design of any drainage element it is essential to consider connected elements and to determine
whether such elements will influence each other. Road surface run-off is allowed to discharge freely
over the side of an embankment only where the erosion potential is low.

Where the erosion potential is not low, run-off is allowed to accumulate alongside berms or kerbs
along the side of a road to be released at regular enough intervals so that the maximum permissible
water levels are not exceeded.

In the case of flow over roadways and shoulders, maximum water levels linked to return periods
should be determined for flow along berms and side channels. The normal requirements for freeways
are shown schematically in Figure 5.2.

Surface drainage Drainage Manual 5-3

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Figure 5.1: Depth of sheet flow on road surface (Laminar flow conditions assumed)

Surface drainage Drainage Manual 5-4


5.3.1 General

The purposes of kerbs, berms and outlets are to collect surface run-off and to discharge flows at
specific points in a controlled manner to limit traffic risk as well as to protect erodible areas, such as
embankments slopes.

5.3.2 Use of kerbs, berms and outlets

Kerbs are rarely found along freeways because they are expensive and may be dangerous to traffic

where there are no guardrails. At cross-roads and junctions as well as on bridges kerbing is used, to

channel traffic, to prevent vehicles from crossing sidewalks, and to form storm water channels with

capacities greater than those created by berms.

A berm is a small ridge placed at the top of an embankment to prevent erosion by run-off down the

side of the embankment. Berms may be temporary (earth) or permanent (asphalt or concrete) and are
normally used under the following conditions:

• if surface water would flow down an embankment and cause erosion;

i o
• if the road gradient > 0,5%; and

t 6
• if fills are more than 3 m high.

a 0
To ensure traffic safety, permanent berms are normally only used together with guardrails. This

i c 0
combination should be aligned so that the wheel of a vehicle cannot be caught between the rail and the


b - 2
Outlets in berms and kerbs should be spaced to ensure that:

p u 4

the requirements with regards to the permissible flow depths in Figure 5.2 are satisfied;

• adequate freeboard is allowed along each kerb or berm;

• deep, rapid flow along the road shoulder is prevented;

r 9
• intermediate outlets intercept at least 80% of oncoming flows, and lowest outlets may

P 1
accommodate 100%;
• the total cost of the combination of outlets plus discharge chutes (lengths are important) is
kept to a minimum;
• unnecessary concentration of water is prevented; as a rule of thumb the following
spacings should not be exceeded between outlets:

° side channels and median drains - 200 m

° channels above cuttings - 300 m.

It is important that the drainage system should always be considered as a whole; for example the
placing of an outlet above a culvert means lower expenditure on the discharge chute and exit structure.

It is also important that the shape and layout of kerbs, berms and outlets are hydraulically correct to
ensure satisfactory operation of drainage systems.

Surface drainage Drainage Manual 5-5

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 5.3.3 1Figure 5.2: Maximum permissible depths of flow alongside freeways

Hydraulics of kerb and berm flows

Kerb and berm flows are open channel type flows as described in Chapter 4.2. The limits in terms of
maximum depths of flow are shown in Figure 5.2.

The known variables are usually the cross-section of the kerb or berm, the road crossfall and the
longitudinal slope. The unknown variables are the maximum capacity of the kerb or berm and the
catchment that would yield this maximum discharge.

Cross-sectional details of some of the typical kerbs are given in Figure 5.3. For these typical cross-
sections, the nomogram in Figure 5.4 could be used for determining the hydraulic discharge capacities
through triangular channel sections. The catchments that would yield these discharges could then be
determined through hydrological calculations; e.g. Rational method or other procedures as discussed
in Chapter 3.

Surface drainage Drainage Manual 5-6

(a) (b)

D ra


t i 6
Figure 5.3: Typical triangular cross-sectional detail of kerbs

a 0
The nomogram in Figure 5.4 is used as follows:

l i c 0
• Connect the values of the z/n Ratio and the slope with a straight line.

• Use the intersection of this line with the turning line to determine the discharge, Q

b -
for a given flow depth y, or alternatively determine the flow depth y for a given

u 4
discharge Q.

p 0
In the case of a triangular channel section (Figure 5.3(b)) the value of Z = T/y.

r e 9 -
5.3.4 Kerb and berm outlets

P 1
Outlets along kerbs and berms are divided into two main groups: drop outlets and side outlets. Two
types of side outlets are identified, giving a total of three types of outlets that are different in terms of
hydraulic design (Table 5.2). The hydraulics of outlets is covered in the sections that follow.

Surface drainage Drainage Manual 5-7

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Figure 5.4: Nomogram for flow in triangular channels (5.2)

Surface drainage Drainage Manual 5-8

Table 5.2: Some physical details of the Outlet Types
Type Remarks

Special provision to be made for

high oncoming velocities

Not practical to discharge full

oncoming flows at high velocities

i o n
a t 0 6
Radius of bend dependent on change

in direction, cross fall and Froude-

l i 0
number of oncoming flow

u b 4 - 2
p 0
Drop outlets (Type I) feed oncoming flows downwards into underground drainage systems.

r e 9 -
Side outlets with overspill sections (Type II) discharge oncoming flows sideways (past berms or
kerbs) into collector channels and/or chutes.

P 1
Side outlets with bends (Type III) steer oncoming flows past kerbs or berms to be released some
distance away where erosion can be limited.

Photographs 5.1 and 5.2 show typical kerb inlets.

Surface drainage Drainage Manual 5-9

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
Photograph 5.1: Detail of a typical kerb inlet

u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Photograph 5.2: Kerb inlet with deposited debris

Surface drainage Drainage Manual 5-10

5.3.5 Hydraulic design of drop outlets (grid outlets) General

Drop outlets (Type I outlets) discharge storm water downwards into an underground drainage system,
and the outlets are made safe for pedestrians and traffic by placing grids over the openings. Such
outlets are thus also known as grid outlets.

Drop outlets function under the following flow conditions:

Sub-critical approach flows - free or submerged outflows

Supercritical approach flows - free outflows.

ra f
To determine whether the oncoming flow is sub-critical or supercritical, the Froude number (Fr) needs
to be calculated, as was indicated in Section 4.2.2.

The discharge Q is calculated by means of hydrological methods (Chapter 3) and the flow depth for a
given uniform flow section could be calculated by using the Manning or Chézy equation.

o n Sub-critical approach flows

t i 6
Outflows may be either free-flow or drowned.

a 0
Free outflow conditions: These conditions are reflected in Figure 5.5 and may be analysed by

i c 0
applying the broad-crested weir formula as described below.

b l - 2
p u - 0 4
P r e 1 9
Figure 5.5: Section through drop outlet with a free outflow and sub-critical approach flow

Broad-crested weir formula:

Q = C D bH gH …(5.1)
Q =1,7bH 2

This is a theoretical relationship for critical conditions along the crest and a contraction coefficient, CD
of 0,6.
Q = flow rate (m³/s)
CD = discharge coefficient

Surface drainage Drainage Manual 5-11

B = total flow width (m)
H = energy head ≈ flow depth for upstream conditions (m)

With allowance for sideways contraction of oncoming flows the formula becomes:

Q =1,45bH 2

Sub-critical submerged flow conditions: Such conditions are analysed by applying the orifice
formula (Also refer to Figure 5.8).

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
i c 0
Figure 5.6: Section through outlet: Drowned conditions

b l
Q = CFA 2gH

- 2

u 4

e p - 0
C = inlet coefficient (0,6 for sharp edges or 0,8 for rounded edges)

r 9
F = blockage factor (say, 0,5)
A = effective cross-sectional plan area of the opening (m²)

P 1
H = total energy head above grid (m)

Super-critical approach (also see Figure 5.8): These conditions are dealt with basically by providing
an opening in the direction of flow of at least the same area as the sectional area of the oncoming

Figure 5.7: Drop outlet for super-critical approach flow

Surface drainage Drainage Manual 5-12

In practice, dealing with super-critical approach flows is not always simple, because a grid is placed
across the flow, and because changes in direction need to take place. The grid is not always as wide as
the channel. The higher the Froude number of the oncoming flow, and the greater the change in
direction that this flow has to undergo, the greater the deviation from the simplified approach shown in
Figure 5.7. For example Figure 5.9 shows that for Froude numbers > 5 the effective opening should
be larger than the section of the approaching stream.

Figures 5.8 and 5.9 were prepared for the design of grid inlets. The following should be borne in

Under conditions of sub-critical flow towards a drop outlet:

• Figure 5.8 applies to sub-critical oncoming flows and horizontal grids.

• The direction of the bars relative to the flow direction of the oncoming water is not very
important if flow velocities are low. However, with high velocities the bars should be
placed in the flow direction.

• In the case of the quoted broad-crested weir formula no blockage factor is included.

When supercritical flow conditions prevail, Figure 5.9 (based on physical modelling) should be

used to determine the discharge capacity and the following aspects need to be kept in mind:

t i 6
• The graph on the left of Figure 5.9, was developed for supercritical oncoming flows as a


dimensionless Fr : graph. (The discharge Q for a d-value is determined via the


l i 0
Manning or Chezy equation)

• The graph with discharges given in l/s, only applies to standard 900 x 900 mm grids.

b -
• The layout is such that the bed slope of the channel increases to 1 : 10 just upstream of

u 4
the grid, to increase the specific energy of the flow without changing the overall slope of
the channel.

p 0
• The experimental grid was square.

e -
• The experimental graph was converted into a Q : s graph for a specific grid and channel

r 9
shape. When changes of direction occur, or if the flow section is changed

P 1
significantly, the graph in Figure 5.9 should not be used.
• No blockage factor was taken into account.
• In the case of super-critical flow it is very important for grid bars to be placed in the
direction of flow.

NOTE: In all cases it should be emphasised that a problem should be viewed as a whole; for
example, in the case of super-critical flow through an outlet that is, say, 50% blocked,
and where flow is contained by a berm, damming could occur, This damming would
then change the conditions from supercritical to sub-critical.

5.3.6 Hydraulic design of side outlets

Side outlets (Types II and III) discharge stormwater into drainage systems above or below ground
level. Typical side outlets are berm outlets, kerb outlets and outlets at the lowest points of side

Hydraulically, side outlets are not as effective as drop outlets, especially for the discharge of
supercritical flow. These outlets are in general use, however, and have practical advantages such as
low blockage risks. In addition, in some cases they are cheaper than drop outlets.

Surface drainage Drainage Manual 5-13

Sub-critical flow (Type II)

The calculations to be performed for different flow conditions are indicated below:

• Sub-critical flow conditions can be analysed approximately by applying the broad-crested

weir formula, provided that oncoming velocities are low.
• However, the use of Figures 5.11 and 5.12 is recommended, because they are based on
experimental results and were re-calibrated (5.3) after full-scale tests.

Supercritical flow (Type II or Type III)

A side outlet for supercritical flow may be one of two types, i.e. (see Table 5.2):

ra f
Type II - Energy is dissipated in a collecting trough and changes in flow direction are brought about
where sub-critical conditions occur (Figure 5.10).

Type III - The direction of flow is changed by means of a gradual horizontal curve so that water does
not spill over the side of the channel.

The left half of Figure 5.11 provides depths of flow alongside berms for a 2% cross-slope. The depths

i o
of flow thus obtained on the vertical axis can be transposed into the right hand figure to obtain the

t 6
minimum length of side opening required to pass either 80% or 100% of oncoming flow over the side.

a 0
It is generally economical to allow some 20% of the oncoming flow to pass if there is a lower outlet

i c 0
further along the kerb or berm. A lowest outlet should accommodate all the flow, and no water

flowing alongside the kerb or berm may flow over the road, ramp or crossroad, nor flow freely over

b 2
the embankment.

u 4 -
The radii recommended for Type III outlets are shown in Figure 5.14. This type of outlet is typically

found at the end of a cutting. A drop outlet or stilling basin may be used to finish off this type of outlet

to limit erosion downstream.

r e 9 -
The most important differences between Type II and Type III outlets are as follows:

P 1
• Type II is often hydraulically less effective than Type III.
• The design of a Type II outlet is less critical because direction change occurs
under sub-critical conditions.
• In the case of embankments where space is limited, it is easier to accommodate
Type II outlets.

Type II outlets should be used on high embankments, and either Type II or III may be used in other
positions such as at the end of a cutting or on a low embankment. The design of discharge chutes and
pipes is discussed in Sections 5.5 and 5.6.3. Because outlet water velocities tend to be high in both
cases, the necessary erosion protection measures should be considered downstream.

5.3.7 Kerb inlets with transitions

Figure 5.12 may be used to design any type of side outlet where a minimum length of overspill length
is required as in the case of box inlets. As box inlets that are strong enough to withstand traffic wheel
loads, are expensive, less costly transitions were developed. These to be used in conjunction with
shorter box sections to provide the long overspill lengths, which are required for discharging water on
steep slopes (Figure 5.13). Grobler (5.3) has built on earlier work (5.4,5.5,5.6) and has improved on the
accuracy of earlier results (Figure 5.11) by performing full-scale tests. A single diagram
(Figure 5.12), which can be used to design outlets with transitions, was developed (5.3).

Surface drainage Drainage Manual 5-14

It was established that the capacities of Type II outlets are not sensitive to variations in cross-slope,
and Figures 5.11 and 5.12 may be used for a wide range of conditions.

Figure 5.13 contains detailed drawings of the Pretoria-type outlets, which have been widely used.
Photographs 5.3 and 5.4 show some grid inlets.

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
e p - 0
Photograph 5.3: Concrete side drain with grid inlet

P r 1 9

Photograph 5.4: View of a combined grid inlet and kerb inlet

Surface drainage Drainage Manual 5-15

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Figure 5.8: Drop outlet: Capacity for sub-critical approach flow

Surface drainage Drainage Manual 5-16

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Figure 5.9: Grid capacities for supercritical flow

Surface drainage Drainage Manual 5-17

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1
Figure 5.10: Details of Types II side outlets

Surface drainage Drainage Manual 5-18

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Figure 5.11: Required total side outlet lengths for Type II kerb outlet

Surface drainage Drainage Manual 5-19

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Figure 5.12: Design curves for Type II kerb outlets with transitions (5.3)

Surface drainage Drainage Manual 5-20

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Figure 5.13: Pretoria Type II outlets (The standard drawing is available in electronic format on the
supporting CD)

Surface drainage Drainage Manual 5-21

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Figure 5.14: Maximum Radii for Type III kerb outlets

Surface drainage Drainage Manual 5-22


5.4.1 Introduction

Discharge channels are open waterways, typically with longitudinal slopes of less than 10%. Such
channels are excavated canals or natural gullies, and are often protected against scour by grassing,
concrete linings, stone pitching, and so on.

It is sometimes necessary to use linings even if scour is not a problem; e.g. in the case of culvert
outlets, where lush growth of vegetation may obstruct the outflow. When it is important for channels
to retain the same position and depth after cleaning, and where sedimentation is a problem, lining

should be considered.

ra f
Although, from theoretical hydraulics and considerations of erosion, the ideal channel section would
have an approximately parabolic form, other considerations generally result in the use of trapezoidal
sections, except where the width has to be restricted, in which case rectangular sections are often used.

To calculate the capacity of a channel, the freeboard as well as permissible slopes and velocities

should be determined.

i o
5.4.2 Freeboard and provision for wave action

t 6
Where there are no other restrictions, the following minimum values for freeboard are

a 0
recommended for road drainage.

l i c 0
Table 5.3 Freeboard: Straight portions of channels

b 2
Channel Section Fr < 1 Fr > 1

Rectangular 0,15 E 0,25 y

u 4
Trapezoidal 0,20 E 0,30 y

p - 0

where: Fr = Froude number = …(5.5)

r 9
gA 3

P 1
E = specific energy
E = y + …(5.6)
y = depth of flow at deepest point (m)
v = average velocity (m/s)

If the Froude number lies between about 0,8 and l,2, flow conditions are unstable, and both the
normal depth of flow and the freeboard height should be calculated conservatively.

In addition to the freeboard indicated above, the following additional freeboard heights should be
provided at curves to allow for surging and wave action:

Surface drainage Drainage Manual 5-23

Table 5.4: Additional freeboard around bends
Channel section Fr < 1 Fr > 1
3v b 1,2v 2 b
4 gr gr
v 2 (b + 2Ky) v 2 (b + 2Ky)
2(gr − 2Kv 2 ) gr − 2Kv 2

In the case of sub-critical flow (Fr < 1), the additional freeboard would be required at the outside of

the curve only, but for supercritical flow (Fr > 1) it is necessary on both the inside and the outside.

ra f
v = average velocity in straight portion of channel
b = width of channel bed
r = centreline radius of channel (r should not be smaller than three times the width at the

water surface)
K = co-tangent of side slope (K = 0 for rectangular channel sections)

y = depth of flow in straight portion of channel.

i o
Where stormwater canals flow at full capacity only rarely, it has become acceptable practice in South

Africa to design these canals without freeboard, provided that barriers are provided alongside the

canals. These barriers are placed perpendicular to the edges of the canal, and they prevent erosion

a 0
gulleys from forming alongside the edges of the canal when intermittent spillage occurs over the edges

because of wave action.


b l i 2 0
Permissible slopes of drains

u 4
The slopes of unpaved median drains may not be less than 0,5%, and those of paved drains not less
than 0,25% (5.8) . On very small longitudinal slopes the local slope of the median drain may be made

p 0
greater than that of the road by the use of a longitudinal saw-tooth pattern and the draining away of

e -
water at the low points.

r 9
Acceptable maximum side slopes for unlined channels are reflected in Table 5.5.

P 1
Table 5.5: Acceptable maximum side slopes for unlined channels
Maximum slide slope
Material type
Rock Almost vertical
Stiff clay, soil with concrete lining 1 : 1 up to 1: 2
Soil with stone pitching, large earth channels 1:1
Firm clay or small earth channels 1 : 1,5
Loose, sandy soil 1 : 2,5
Sandy clay, porous clay 1:3
Grassed channels* 1 : 3 to 1 : 4
(Lined channels **)

* For maintenance purposes the side slopes of grassed channels should not be steeper than
1 (vert.) : 4 (hor.), and they should not be steeper than 1 : 3.
** Side slopes for lined channels should not be much steeper than the above values.

Surface drainage Drainage Manual 5-24

5.4.4 Calculation of hydraulic capacity of channels

The maximum discharge capacity of a channel under uniform flow conditions could be calculated by
means of formulas such as those of Manning or Chézy (Chapter 4.2.6).

Uniform flow conditions apply only if:

• the depth of flow is not forced to deviate from the normal depth by a secondary control;
• the channel drops at each transition by the energy head loss for the transition (Section

5.4.5 Permissible velocities: soils and grass covers

At velocities that are too low, sediment may be deposited, and at velocities that are too high erosion
and structural damage to channels may occur.

Figure 5.15 indicates the minimum recommended average velocities at different depths to prevent the
deposition of fine sandy material. The figure also contains graphs of the maximum permissible

velocities for different types of soil. These graphs were developed from data from (5.8). The figures
should be conservatively applied where gullies may form.

t i o 6
Grass covers could provide extra protection against soil erosion, and recommended design values are
given in Table 5.6. The effectiveness of grass covers depends on the type of grass, the type of soil, as

a 0
well as the annual rainfall. First of all, one should determine how well the grass would establish itself,

i c 0
and then a design velocity may be decided upon by the combined use of Figure 5.15 and Table 5.6.

The permissible velocity for soil with grass cover must be limited to a maximum of 1,3 times the

allowable velocity for unprotected soil. (5.20).

u b 4 -
Table 5.6: Permissible maximum velocities (m/s) for grass covers (5.9)

Mean annual

<600 600 – 700 >700

rainfall (mm)

r e 9
Type of % Clay content in the soil

P 1
>15 6-15 <6 >15 6-15 <6 >15 6-15 <6
Kikuyu – – – 1,8 1,5 0,8 2,5 2,0 1,2
NK 37 2,0 1,5 0,8 2,0 1,5 1,0
K11 – – – 1,5 0,8 0,6 2,0 1,5 1,0
Rhodes – – – 1,2 0,8 0,6 .1,5 1,0 0,8
*E Curvula 1,0 0,8 0,8 1,2 0,8 0,6 1,5 1,0 0,8
Blue Buffalo 1,0 0,8 0,8 1,2 0,8 0,6 – – –
Paspalum didatum – – – 1,2 0,8 0,6 2,0 1,5 1,0

These values are valid for a depth of flow of 0,3 m and on slopes of less than 3%. For other depths the
permissible velocities may be adjusted proportionally to the curves in Figure 5.15.

Surface drainage Drainage Manual 5-25

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Figure 5.15: Permissible velocities, erosion and deposition

Surface drainage Drainage Manual 5-26

5.4.6 Channel linings: Solid materials

A channel may be directly or indirectly protected against erosion. For direct protection, the bottom
and sides of the channel are covered with a lining that is less erodible than the in-situ material. For
indirect protection, introducing obstructions that cause damming, reduces the flow velocity or erosive

Construction materials generally used for channel linings are:

• concrete
• rip-rap and stone pitching

• prefabricated paving blocks and

• gabions.

ra Concrete linings

Table 5.7: Thicknesses of channel linings (5.10)
Total channel depth Thickness of concrete lining

0 - 0,5 m 60 mm
0,5 - 1,5 m 75 mm

i o
> 1,5 m 100 mm

a t 6
The minimum channel lining thicknesses given in Table 5.7 are based on past experience. Water

velocities over linings with joints or cracks should not be higher than about 2,5 m/s (5.10) for a thickness

i c 0
of 60 mm, because pulsating pressure changes at joints may cause pieces to break away. Where such

failure cannot occur, for example with heavily reinforced sections, velocities of up to 8 m/s and even

b 2
higher are acceptable, if they occur only occasionally. In this case overlapping joints should be used.

The safe velocity over shale is 3 m/s, over dolomite, sandstone or limestone 3 to 7 m/s, and over hard

u 4
rock such as granite, up to 15 m/s or even higher 5.11) .

p 0
Unbalanced hydraulic forces acting on concrete linings could cause serious damage in the form of

e -
cracking and displacement, which is very difficult and costly to repair. The following situations may

r 9
be particularly harmful:

P 1
• When a canal empties rapidly, whilst the water table below the concrete lining drops at a
lower rate, the lining may pop up and suffer serious damage, especially during re-filling
of the canal. To prevent this from happening the pressure difference could be relieved by
providing drainage below the lining or by installing valves in the lining. Measures to
prevent concrete canals from emptying rapidly (long-weirs), should also be considered
during the design.

• Where active soils occur below concrete linings and they shrink during dry periods, gaps
tend to form between the linings and the soils as the soils shrink. When surface run-off
from alongside the canal fills these gaps, whilst the flow depth within the canal is low,
serious cracking may occur (5.11). For this reason, seals should be provided to prevent the
entry of water along the canal lining edge.

• Serious cracking could also occur when canals are filled rapidly and gaps are present
between the lining and the supporting soil. Cracking problems could be particularly
severe where the in-situ soils are active as well as dispersive.

To overcome the problem with active soils, it is often prescribed that canals should be over-excavated
by 600 mm and backfilled with selected compacted material. Flexible linings such as pre-cast
concrete panels on top of plastic linings are, however, to be preferred where active soils are

Surface drainage Drainage Manual 5-27 Rip-rap and stone pitching

Protective stone layers are often an economical means of combating erosion. A major advantage of
stone layers is their ability to deform and remain effective with subsidence and limited undermining.

The Shields parameters (5.12) are the best-known criteria for determining whether non-cohesive particles
would be lifted off the bed by a given flow. When ordinary stones (relative density 2,65) with
diameters > 6 mm are used, the required diameters of stone d1 that would just resist lifting from
the bed and d2, the required diameter to resist lifting from the sides, may be calculated via the
following equations:

d1 > 11 Ds …(5.7)

ra f
(50% of the mass of the stone used for protection should be ≥ d1 . The general form of equation 5.7 is:

d1 > 11 Rs)


D = depth of flow in channel (m)

i o
s = slope in longitudinal direction of channel (m/m)

t 6
R = the hydraulic radius (m)

a 0
By using a relationship deduced by Lane (5.12) the diameter of stone required to protect the sides of

i c 0
trapezoidal channels can be calculated:


d2 ≥ …(5.8)

b -
⎡ tan θ ⎤ 2 2
cos θ ⎢1 −

u 4
2 ⎥
⎣ tan φ ⎦

p 0

r e 9 -
θ = angle of slope of sides of the channel (°)
Ø = natural angle of slope of stone material (°)

P 1

Figure 5.16: Required sizes of the stone for erosion protection of loose bed channels
(The side slope, θ, should always be smaller than the angle of repose, Ø, to ensure stability.)

Values of Ø (the natural slope) for different stone sizes are given in Figure 5.17 (5.12) . The lines were
extended according to Shen (5.13) .

Surface drainage Drainage Manual 5-28

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1
Figure 5.17: Natural slope angles (Ø) for different sizes of stone

Because flow around bends has increased erosive capability, the value for stone sizes calculated
according to the above formulas should be increased where the protective layers are used around
curves (5.14) , as reflected in Table 5.8.

Table 5.8: Multiplication factor to increase the required particle size to prevent scour in curved
Channel curvature Factor
Gentle 1,3
Sharp 1,6

Surface drainage Drainage Manual 5-29

Because flowing water tends to lift fine material out from under coarse material, care should be taken
that the protective layer is not undermined. This can be achieved by providing filters.
Where stone alone is used, successive layers of adequate thickness and appropriate material sizes
based on the following criteria may be used (5.14):

• The thickness of the protection layers should be two to three times the diameter of the
• If the stones are hand-packed the layer should at least be 1½ times if the stone diameter,
but always at least 200 mm thick.
• The ratio of stone sizes (diameters) in successive layers should be between 1:5 and 1:10,
depending on the size-distribution curves of the material. An adequate number of layers

should be placed between the natural material and the final protective layer to ensure

stable protection.

Synthetic meshes (Geofabrics) are commonly used to form filters.

D Prefabricated paving blocks

Where any loose units, regardless of shape, are used for bed protection, the settling velocity, Vs, in
water of individual units should be greater than (5.15) :

Vs ≥

t i

o 6


c 0



i =

- 2
settling velocity (m/s)
depth of flow (m)

u 4
s = energy gradient (m/m)

p 0
If the effectiveness of the units depends on interaction between different blocks or anchoring by grass,

e -
precautions should be taken against the large-scale failure of the protective layer resulting from a local

r 9
failure, or before the grass becomes established.

P 1
Filters should be provided, where necessary, so that underlying material cannot be washed out from
underneath the protective units. Gabions

The use of gabions for direct protection may be advantageous, especially where available or
manageable stone sizes are not adequate for the stones to function as separate units. It is very
important to use the correct stone sizes in relation to the mesh sizes, so that it will not be possible for
stones to be washed out. The wire boxes should be tightly packed with stones according to the
supplied guidelines.

Design consists of calculating the required size for single stones, as before, and then determining the
equivalent size of gabions. The mass of gabions per unit area covered should be at least 1,5 to 2 times
that of the stone calculated in accordance with equations 5.7 and 5.8.

Cut-off walls, suitable filter material (as in Section or linings should be provided where
necessary. The life of the wire cages should be guaranteed, and plastic coverings should not be used
where there is a danger of veld fires.

The corrosion potential should be taken into consideration, especially in industrial and mining areas.

Surface drainage Drainage Manual 5-30

Photographs 5.5 and 5.6 provide details of mattresses whilst Photograph 5.7 shows gabions that can
be used for erosion protection.

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
l i c 0
Photograph 5.5: Flexible concrete mattress for erosion protection in channels

u b 4 - 2
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Photograph 5.6: Flexible concrete mattress failure due to weak supporting soils

Surface drainage Drainage Manual 5-31

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
l i c 0
Photograph 5.7: Gabions used for bank stabilisation (Courtesy: Land Rehabilitation Systems)

u b 4 - 2
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Photograph 5.8: Gabions used for erosion protection (Courtesy: Land Rehabilitation Systems)

Surface drainage Drainage Manual 5-32

5.4.7 Indirect protection and stepped energy dissipation

Where considerations of safety permit, it is sometimes more economical to protect a channel

indirectly, rather than directly. This is done by the concentrated dissipation of energy at successive
structures; the erosive capacity of the flow between the structures is thus decreased, so that continuous
direct protection is not required here. Because problems are sometimes experienced with the
calculations for indirect protection, methods of calculation and design data are treated in a fair amount
of detail here.

Three of the variations for indirect protection of channels that may be used are shown schematically in
Figure 5.18. These variations of stepped energy dissipaters will be referred to Layouts I, II and III.

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Figure 5.18: Layouts I, II and III for stepped energy dissipaters

Surface drainage Drainage Manual 5-33

Photographs 5.9 and 5.10 depict examples of stepped energy dissipators.

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
Photograph 5.9: Stepped energy dissipator (Hout Bay River, Cape Town)

b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Photograph 5.10: Stepped energy dissipator along the N3

Surface drainage Drainage Manual 5-34

Layout I sometimes presents an economical solution, especially where the watercourse is not deep
and a large area has to be protected against erosion. Construction is quite simple, because no
formwork and little reinforcement are required. Table 5.7 gives the required concrete thickness.

Layout II offers an effective but expensive solution, and is rarely more economical than Layout I.
Layout II could, however, be used to good effect, for example between the culverts under the
carriageways of a freeway.

Especially where deep existing watercourses are to be protected from scour, Layout III often provides
the best solution. The dams may be masonry, gabions or concrete.

When energy has to be dissipated at the bottom of a long slope, a conventional stilling basin may be

used (Chapter 7). However, it is often more economical to use stepped energy dissipation for the

layouts shown in Figure 5.18, especially on steep slopes for which the design calculations are done as
described below.

Design procedures for energy dissipation as an indirect way to protect channels

Layout I – Hydraulic analysis

i o
In each case the starting point is to determine the design discharge, Q (obtained from hydrological

t 6
calculations). Then calculate a flow depth (y3) and a flow velocity (v3) at which unprotected soil
would not be eroded under the design discharge. (Figure 5.15 and Table 5.6) A detailed analysis is

a 0
given below.

b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1 Figure 5.19: Longitudinal section through Layout I dissipator

Calculate both the required step height Δz and damming height, H1 taking into account whether broad-
crested or sharp-crested conditions apply (Section 4.2.5). The depth y3 = Δz + H1. Then calculate y2w,
the depth just downstream of the step, in accordance with the y3 value at the following step
(Section 4.2.4), (If the floor slope as well as the distance are small, y2w ≈ y3 – from the conservation
of energy principle).
y 2w
Now assume: y2 =

y2 = equivalent sequent jump depth with a horizontal bed (5.16)

Then calculate y1. For a “wide” stream, in accordance with the momentum principle:
y1 ⎡ 8v 2 ⎤
= ½ ⎢ 1 + 2 −1⎥ …(5.10)
y2 ⎢⎣ gy 2 ⎥⎦

Surface drainage Drainage Manual 5-35

Select the slope of the step, α on the basis of considerations of soil mechanics, e.g. 20°.
L2 and z2 could now be calculated (5.16), from the following relationships:

L2 = 0,82y2 (tan α)-0.78 …(5.11)

z2 = L2 tan α …(5.12)

(If the value of y2w is increased to more than the minimum value of 1,3 y2, the front of the jump would
advance up the slope by the same vertical distance. It is not normally practical, however, to make the
value of y2w greater than 1,3 y2.)

The value of z1 is now calculated (Section 4.2.4):

2 2
v v1
z1 + y3 + 3 ≈ + y1 Cos α (energy principle) …(5.13)
2g 2g

and v3 y3 = v1 y1 (continuity)

When the values of z1 and z2 are known, the effective step height may be calculated (z = z1 + z2), and
the spacing of the steps is fitted in with the topography. Because the flow between each jump and

i o
crest is sub-critical, the flow may be turned gradually in plan in these areas, and the crests of the steps

t 6
need not be parallel.

i c a 0 0
Layout II – Hydraulic analysis

b l - 2
p u - 0 4
P r e 1 9
Figure 5.20: Layout II – Waterfall structure

Start by calculating yc = 3 and then determine the required step height Δz to ensure an acceptable
value for y3.
v 32 3y c
y3 + ≈ Δz + (energy principle Section 4.2.4)
2g 2
y 3 v 3 = y cv c = y c gy c (from continuity and critical relationship)

Next y2 should be calculated from y3, by means of backwater calculation (Section 4.2.8).

The following relationships should all be satisfied (5.16) .

Surface drainage Drainage Manual 5-36


y1 ⎛y ⎞
= 0,54 ⎜ c ⎟ …(5.14)
z ⎝ z ⎠

y1 ⎛y ⎞
= 0,54 ⎜ c ⎟ …(5.15)
yc ⎝ z ⎠

y2 ⎛y ⎞
= 1,66 ⎜ c ⎟ …(5.16)
z ⎝ z ⎠

Ld ⎛y ⎞

= 4,30 ⎜ c ⎟ …(5.17)

z ⎝ z ⎠
L j = 6,9(y 2 − y1 )


Layout III – Hydraulic analysis

Calculate the damming level H (Section 4.2.5), as well as the dam height z to find the required depth

y3 at the most critical section. In cases where flow through the dam (gabions) occurs, allowance may
be made for the through-flow.

t i o 6
l i c a 0 0
u b 4 - 2
r e p 9 - 0
P 1
Figure 5.21: Section through Layout III energy dissipater

In the spacing of the weirs, the water downstream of each weir should be as deep as possible. Under
sharp-crest conditions, however, the surface downstream may not be higher than the crest of the dam;
i.e. no submergence is allowed. Under broad-crested conditions σ, the submergence ratio, may not be
greater than 0,8 (the modular limit), otherwise additional damming would take place.

The length of channel protection that is required downstream may be estimated from the design
procedure for Layout II structures (Figure 5.20).


5.5.1 Introduction

Discharge chutes (Figure 5.22) are often used to discharge water down very steep slopes. Metal
chutes cannot be used on slopes steeper than 4 Vertical : 1 Horizontal (5.8) , and separate concrete
chute sections that fit into one another should not be used on slopes steeper than 1 Vert. : 1½ Hor.

The most important consideration in chute design is that the flow cannot easily change direction
downstream of the point of release; i.e. where supercritical flow occurs.

Surface drainage Drainage Manual 5-37

Consequently the flow upstream of the point of release should be sub-critical. Where the flow across
the shoulder is supercritical, sub-critical flow can be ensured by the use of a collector channel. The
channel should be long enough to intercept the oncoming flow. Its depth should be more than 1½ yc
so that it will not become submerged. In calculating the approximate velocity at the bottom of the
chute, energy losses may be ignored.

3 v2
Then: yc + z = y2 + 2
2 2g
⎛3 ⎞
and if y 2 << z it follows v 2 = ⎜ y c + z ⎟ 2g

⎝2 ⎠

⎡3 ⎛q 2
⎞ ⎤

⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
v2 = ⎢ 3
+ z⎥ 2g
⎣2 ⎝ g ⎠ ⎦

The same basic erosion protection measures as for culverts may be used at the outlet of a discharge

o n
Photograph 5.11 depicts an example of discharge chute.

a t i 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Photograph 5.11: Discharge chute, prefabricated blocks

Surface drainage Drainage Manual 5-38

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1
Figure 5.22: Collector channel and discharge chute

Surface drainage Drainage Manual 5-39

5.5.2 Stepped energy dissipation in very steep channels of chutes

The energy in a very steep channel or chute can also be dissipated stepwise as shown in Figure 5.23.
For slopes of up to about 40° and a rectangular section (width B), the system is designed as described
below (5.17).

This system was earlier seen as a solution for very steep culverts, but has not found wide application,
mainly because of trash being trapped. The principle has been applied in small chutes down the sides
of embankments.

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
l i c 0
Figure 5.23: Section through stepped energy dissipater

u b 4 - 2
For a given discharge, Q, the following equation applies:

p - 0

Q =KL 2g BH 2 …(5.19)

P r 1 9


In addition,
discharge coefficient

x = distance between obstructions

z = height of obstructions

In design an estimated value for H/B is used and the appropriate Z/B value is read off from Figure 5.24
for the slope angle α. For these values of H/B and d, a value for KL may be read off from Figure 5.25.
Test whether the above equation for discharge is satisfied. If not, select a new value for H/B and repeat
the procedure. If the slope becomes steeper than 40°, simple obstructions are no longer effective (5.17),
and obstructions with openings placed alternately left and right in the channel are to be used.

Surface drainage Drainage Manual 5-40

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Figure 5.24: Energy dissipaters in very steep channels: Optimum dimensions

Surface drainage Drainage Manual 5-41

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Figure 5.25: Discharge coefficients for energy dissipaters in very steep channels

Surface drainage Drainage Manual 5-42

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1
Figure 5.26: Discharge coefficients for energy dissipaters in very steep channels

In this case the discharge equation reads as follows:

Q = KL gB 2 …(5.20)

and the ratios below were standardised at approximately optimum values:

Surface drainage Drainage Manual 5-43

X z
= 0,5 = 0,3
= 0,4 β = 45°

For a given value of α, the value of KL could be read off from Figure 5.26, and the required value of B
and those of other dimensions may be calculated directly.

A similar system was developed for trapezoidal channels with slopes of up to 45°.

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
l i c 2 0
Figure 5.27: Definition sketch – Stepped energy dissipation in trapezoidal channels

b -
The discharge equation in this case (with side slopes standardised at 1:1.5 and x at 3B is:

p u 0 4
Q = K L 2g (B + 3z)H 2


P r e 1 9
With Q known, values are estimated for B and H/B.

From Figure 5.28 values for KL and z/B can now be read off. The value of z/B is 0,5 below the dashed
line and 0,75 above it.

Now test whether the values for KL, B, z and H satisfy the equation above and select improved values
for H and B until the equation is satisfied.

Surface drainage Drainage Manual 5-44

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Figure 5.28: Discharge coefficients for obstructions in trapezoidal channels

Surface drainage Drainage Manual 5-45


5.6.1 Introduction

Discharge pipes are normally laid underground and serve:

• as connector pipes from draw-off structures, such as grid inlets, to stormwater mains,
culverts, etc.;
• to discharge water down erodible slopes.

5.6.2 Underground connector pipes

The following criteria should be applied when underground connector pipes are used:

• Pipes running in the same direction as the road should not be placed under the travelled
way and the minimum allowable diameter for such pipes is 450 mm.

• Manholes should be provided at least every 200-350 m for diameters ≥ 1 200 mm and at
least every 100-200 m for diameters < 1 200 mm.

• Manholes should also be provided at:
o all changes in direction > 10°,

i o
o changes in size of the pipes,

t 6
o at all junctions as well as

o all slope reductions. Slope reductions should however be avoided if at all possible.

• Where it is impractical or dangerous to deal with supercritical flow in median and side

i c 0
drains, the water may be drained off or discharged at regular intervals into underground

stormwater mains.

b - 2
5.6.3 Discharge pipes down side slopes

p u 4
As in the case of discharge chutes (Section 5.5), the greatest problem here is to transfer supercritical

flows into the down-pipes. This may be achieved by using a collector channel in which the flow depth

e -
is greater than the critical flow depth (sub-critical flow). Fitting a cone inlet, which would improve the

r 9
inlet conditions, could increase the capacity of a steep discharge pipe. The sectional area at the release

point will control the capacity. Test the available specific energy value at different sections to

determine where the minimum value occurs; i.e. where the control is formed.

The following criteria should be incorporated in the design of down pipes:

• Diameters < 200 mm should not be used, and where necessary a grid should be provided
(on top of the collector channel) to prevent blockage. When used on steep slopes, lengths
greater than 20 m should be well anchored.

• Where the danger of erosion is not great, a T-piece could be fitted at the lower end of a
steep downpipe to dissipate energy. In other cases the same measures as for culverts may
be adopted.


5.7.1 Introduction

The erosion potential or rainfall runoff on embankments increases rapidly down slopes, because:

• rates of flow increase as rainwater accumulates

• flow velocities tend to increase.

Surface drainage Drainage Manual 5-46

With large-scale work, it is possible to determine beforehand, using the method described by (5.18), in
what combinations of slopes and heights of embankments and cuts serious erosion would take place.
With high embankments the water could be diverted by a stepped system of berm channels if
necessary, and the areas in between protected from erosion as described below.

5.7.2 Stepped energy dissipation on steep slopes

For erosion protection on steep slopes of typical cuts and embankments, vegetative protection along
the contours is generally the best solution, especially if the flow velocity of the water is repeatedly
reduced. Where streams of water become too large, the methods given in 5.4.7 may be employed, or
the water may be discharged through berm channels.

Hedges are established by a combination of vegetative and structural materials. They may sometimes

be used on slopes steeper than 1 Vert. : 1½ Hor., but are more effective on flatter slopes such as 1
Vert. : 2 Hor. Their effectiveness is based on the fact that the speed of the water is repeatedly reduced
and the flow absorbed to some extent. A good vegetative cover enhanced by the use of the hedges

could be aesthetically pleasing.

The most important aspects (5.19) are summarised here:
• The slope should be given a stable finish; the maximum slope is often 1:1,5 but a slope of

i o
1:2 is preferable. Water should be diverted at the top, as far as possible.

t 6
• Underground drainage should be provided at potential wet spots.
• Toe protection should be constructed, as for example where:

a 0
o there is little space (Figure 29a), or

i c 0
o where more space is available (Figure 5.29b).

• Form erosion hedges along contours Figure 5.29c.

u b 4 - 2
r e p 9 - 0
P 1
Figure 5.29a: Toe protection options Figure 5.29b: Toe protection options

Figure 5.29c: Slope protection option and spacing of hedges

Surface drainage Drainage Manual 5-47

If the water is dammed effectively at each hedge, the spacing may be determined approximately as
follows: read off the permissible flow velocity (Vc) for the given soil from Figure 5.20 (depth of flow
≈ 0).
Equate: Vc = 2gH or …(5.22)

v c2
The spacing may now be determined in terms of the slope.

l= …(5.23)

sin α

It is often possible to determine the value of H by observing the vertical distance down existing nearby
slopes where serious erosion has developed.

If plant bundles are used to restrict erosion on steep slopes, the procedure is as follows:

o n
Step I

t i 6
Begin at the bottom of the slope and knock in wooden pegs along the contour line.

a 0
Step II

l i c 0
Dig a furrow above the pegs, with a sectional area of half that of the bundles to be used (diameter of

b 2
bundles e.g. 200 mm). The bundles should preferably contain shoots that may take root, or reeds,

grass, and so on.

p u 4
Step III

e - 0
Place the bundles in the furrows.

P r 1 9
Step IV

Knock in more pegs through and next to the bundles. If necessary, cover the bundles with soil tamped
down so as to stimulate the growth of shoots.

Planks may be used instead of bundles (Tree trunks have also been successfully used in a staggered

Step V

Suitable vegetation has now been established. To keep subsequent maintenance to a minimum,
vegetation from the surrounding environment should preferably be used, and should be chosen,
established and cared for in consultation with botanists.

Step VI

Maintenance is carried out where necessary, especially during the early stages.

5.7.3 Direct protection

Solid direct protection is used mainly where vegetation protection would not be successful; for
example, where too little sunlight penetrates (such as under bridge decks) or in very dry areas.

Surface drainage Drainage Manual 5-48

Continuous paving, such as paving blocks or grouted stone, often provide the best solution in this case.
Erosion caused by people, where the public has access, should also be taken into account or be
prevented by providing proper access in the form of well proportioned steps.


A number of typical problems are included below.

5.8.1 Worked Example 5.1

Problem description Example 5.1

Determine the depth of flow if the rainfall intensity is 100 mm/h on a roadway with a width of 10 m

and a -fall of 2%. The road gradient is 6%.

The aim should always be to limit the flow depth on the road surface to a maximum of 6 mm to
prevent water plaining.

Solution Example 5.1

t i o
Figure 5.1 provides the relationship between the road gradient and road cross-fall, width of the

roadway, the energy slope and the flow depth.

c a 0
Figure 5.1 could be used to determine the flow depth by starting with the road gradient (n2) and

l i 0
moving anti-clockwise on the monograph.

b - 2
Sf, the energy slope is dependant on n1 and n2 and may be calculated as follows:

u 4
S f = n 12 + n 2

p 0
Sf = 2 2 + 6 2

e -
S f = 6,32%

P r 1 9
Calculate the flow path length, Lf
L f = W n 12 + n 22
L f =10 4 2 + 6 2
L f = 63,35
d = 4,6x10 − 2 )((L )(I)) (S ) = 6,35 mm
0,5 − 0.2

5.8.2 Worked Example 5.2

Problem description Example 5.2

Determine the flow capacity in a side channel with the

dimensions reflected below:
Manning roughness, n = 0,015 s/m
Flow depth, Y = 100 mm
Y1 = 40 mm
1/ZA = 1/20
1/ZB = 1/40
Road gradient = 5 %

Surface drainage Drainage Manual 5-49

Solution Example 5.2

The following relationships could be obtained for geometry (units in mm):

X = Z A (Y − Y 1 )
X = (20 )(100 − 40 )
X =1200
Z B Y 1 = (40)(40)
Z B Y 1 = 1600

Top width, T = 1 200 + 1 600 = 2800 mm


From the graph (for a simple triangular channel), Figure 5.4: Q = ± 0,28 m³/s

Q = QA+ QB
S = 0,05 m/m

Manning n = 0,015 s/m

t i o
Parameter Section A Section B

A A = (0,5)(0,1 + 0,04 )(1,2 ) A B = (0,5)(0,040 )(1,6 )

a 0
Cross-sectional area (m²)
A A = 0,084 A B = 0,032

i c 0
PA = 0,1 + (0,06 ) + (1,2 ) ]
2 0,5
PA = (0,04 ) + (1,6 ) ]
2 0,5

2 2

Wetted perimeter (m)

PA = 1,302 PA = 1,6005

u 4 -
Hydraulic radius (m) RA = 0,06454 RB= 0,06454

e p - 0
Flow rate from Manning

r 9
R 0,667 S 0,5 QA = 0,2015 QB = 0,03514
Q= A

P 1

The total capacity of the channel is:

Qtotal = 0,2366 m3/s

5.8.3 Worked Example 5.3

Problem description Example 5.3

Determine the flow capacity of a drop grid inlet, dimensions of 0,9 by 0,6 m and a submergence of
0,2 m if the approaching flow is sub-critical. For comparison with Figure 5.6 assume that the
discharge coefficient = 0,8 and the blockage factor, F = 0,5.

Solution Example 5.3

Figure 5.6 provide the relationship of flow rate for an orifice control or a broad crested weir.

Q = 1,77A H

Surface drainage Drainage Manual 5-50

A = (0,9 )(0,6 ) = 0,54 m²

Q = 1,77(0,54 ) 0,2

Q = 0,428 m³/s

The calculation of the flow rate was based on the orifice equation.

5.8.4 Worked Example 5.4

Problem description Example 5.4

Determine the kerb flow rate if the flow depth is 100 mm and the road gradient is 4%. The road cross-
fall is 2% and the Manning roughness is 0,015 s/m .

Solution Example 5.4

The Manning equation should be used.


1A 3

Q= S

n 23



A = YT = (0,5) (0,1) (5,0 ) = 0,25 m²

l i 0

b - 2
P = Y + Y 2 + T 2 = 0,1 + (0,1)2 + (0,5)2 = 5,101 m

p u 0 4
S= = 0,04 m/m

e -

r 9

1 (0,25) 3 0,04 = 0,446 m³/s
(0,015) (5,101) 23

P 5.8.5
1 Worked Example 5.5

Problem description Example 5.5

Determine the maximum flow depth in a wide channel if the slope, S is 4% and the stones with
relative density (RD) of 2,65 is slightly angular and has a representative size (more than 50 % by
mass) of 2,5 mm.

Solution Example 5.5

For a wide channel it is known that:



R = hydraulic radius (m)

D = y = flow depth (m)

Surface drainage Drainage Manual 5-51

From Chezy:

⎛ 12R ⎞
V = 18log⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ RS
⎝ ks ⎠


S = slope (m/m)

From Shields (Equation 5.7) it follows that for a stable channel:

d1 > 11 DS

(0,0066) =1,2 m
Now V can be calculated.

n D
⎛ 12(1,2) ⎞

V = 18 log⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ (1,2)(0,0005)

⎝ (0,0066) ⎠

V = 1,472 m/s

c a 0 6
l i 2 0
From Figure 5.15, this result is confirmed.

u b -
5.8.6 Worked Example 5.6

p 0 4
Problem description Example 5.6

r e -
Determine the required diameter of stones to protect the sides and bottom of a trapezoidal channel

with side angles of 25° and a flow depth of 1,8 m. The stones are slightly angular, and have an angle

P 1
of repose of 30°. The channel slope is 0,1 %

Solution Example 5.6

For a stable bed the particle size (d1) should at least be:
d 1 = 11DS = (11) (1,8) (0,001) = 0,0198 m

For stable side slopes the particle size (d2) should be at least:

d2 =
tan 2 θ
cosθ 1 −
tan 2 φ

d2 =
(8,3) (1,8) (0,001) = 0,028 m
tan 2 (25)
cos (25) 1 −
tan 2 (30)

Surface drainage Drainage Manual 5-52


5.1 Martinez, J.E. et al. (1972). A study of variables associated with wheel spin-down and
hydroplaning. Higher Res. Rec. 396. Highway Research Board, Washington DC.

5.2 Nomogram of the FHA, USA

5.3 Grobler, P. (1994). Verification of the inlet capacities of modified stormwater kerb inlets and
the development of new design kerbs. MEng thesis. University of Stellenbosch.

5.4 Zwamborn, JA (1966). Stormwater inlet design.Proc. Annual Municipal Conf. Johannesburg.

5.5 Forbes, H.J.C. (1976). Capacity of lateral stormwater inlets.The Civil Eng in South Africa.

5.6 Rooseboom, A., Van Schalkwyk, A. and Kroon, C. (1988). Modified kerb inlet design for
improved hydraulic performance. The Civil Eng in South Africa.

5.7 US Department of Agriculture SCS. (1966). Engineering Design Standards.

5.8 State of California. (1979). Highway design – Manual of instructions. Department of

i o

t 6
5.9 Crosby, C. (1981). Grassed channels. RSA Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Division

a 0
of Agricultural Engineering, Pretoria. (In Afrikaans).

l i c 0
5.10 Directorate of Water Affairs. (1980). Guidelines for the design of canals. Chief Engineer,

Design Division, RSA Directorate of Water Affairs.


u b 4 -
Kovács, Z.P. (1974). Scour and protective measures at drainage works. Van Niekerk, Kleyn
and Edwards Consulting Engineers. Pretoria.

r e

p - 0
Henderson, F.M. (1966). Open Channel Flow. MacMillan Series in Civil Engineering.

Shen, H.W. (1971). River Mechanics. Colorado State University, Fort Collins.

P 1
5.14 Van Bendegom, L. and Zanen, A (1968). Lecture notes on revetments. ICHED Courses, Delft.

5.15 Rooseboom, A. and Le Grange, A. du P. (2000). The Hydraulic Resistance of Sand Streambed
under Steady Flow Conditions. Journal of the Int. Ass. for Hydraulics Research. Vol 38 No 1.

5.16 Bradley, J.N. and Peterka, A.J. (1957). The hydraulic design of stilling basins. Proc. Am. Soc.
Civ. Engrs. Vol. 83, No. H Y 5.

5.17 Van der Vyver, I.C. and Van der Walt, A.K.H. (1978). Guidelines for the design and use of
energy dissipators in steep drainage channels. Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pretoria.
(In Afrikaans).

5.18 Mulke, F.J. (1981). Erosion prevention and prediction. Symposion on road, rail and airport
drainage, CSIR, Pretoria. (In Afrikaans).

5.19 Gray, D.H., Leiser, A.T. and White, C.A. (1980). Combined vegetative –structural slope
stabilization. Civ. Eng Jl. ASCE
5.20 US Department of Commerce. (1965). Design of roadside drainage channels. Bureau of
Public Roads.

Surface drainage Drainage Manual 5-53


P A Pienaar


6.1.1 Use of these guidelines

The designer referring to this chapter should keep in mind that it contains guidelines only. The
applicability of recommendations in this chapter should be evaluated in terms of the specific
conditions and circumstances being designed for. Table 6.1, Road Map 6, reflects aspects that are

covered in this chapter.

6.1.2 Definition of low-level river crossings

ra f
A low-level river crossing (LLRC) is a submersible road structure, designed in such a way as to

experience no or limited damage when overtopped. This type of structure is appropriate when the
inundation of a road for short periods is acceptable. The different aspects that need to be considered,

and references to sections in this chapter are reflected in the Table 6.1 (Road Map 6).

i o
6.1.3 Terminology

a t 6
A number of terms are used to describe these structures, such as:

• low-level river crossing

i c 0
• low-level bridge

• low-level structure

b 2

low-water structure
• submersible structure

u 4
• low-water stream crossing

p 0
• causeway


vented causeway and even


small bridge.

P 1
In this Chapter, the term low-level river crossing, abbreviated as LLRC, is used generically.

6.1.4 Classification

LLRCs are classified as follows:

• Drift - A drift is defined as a specially prepared surface for vehicles to drive over when
crossing a river. A drift does not contain any openings underneath the surface for
allowing passing water through. The surface layer may consist of gravel, concrete,
grouted stone, or commercial products such as Armorflex (concrete blocks held together
longitudinally with polyester, galvanised steel or stainless steel cables) and Hyson Cells.
These are mats comprising square, hollow geocells - fabricated from thin plastic film –
and filled in-situ with grout to form a layer of interlocking concrete blocks. Drifts are
also referred to in the literature as fords.

Figure 6.1 depicts examples of drifts.

• Causeway - A vented causeway (referred to as a causeway) in essence also consists of a

suitable surface layer over which vehicles may drive, but contains openings underneath
allowing water to pass through the structure.

Low level crossings Drainage Manual 6-1

These openings may be of circular or rectangular shape, and could be formed by means
of pre-cast pipes or portal culverts, corrugated iron void formers, short span decks (less
than 2 m), etc. Vented causeways are also referred to in the literature as vented fords.

Figure 6.2 (a) to (c) depicts examples of causeways.

Table 6.1: Road map 6 – Low Level Crossings


Typical topics

Description Par Input information Example problem

Low level river Foundation conditions, traffic
crossings loads and foundation conditions

Implementation of a LLC for a

river section on a tertiary road
Cost benefit analysis including the
Application of linking rural settlements on both

6.1.5 cost of capital, discount rate,

LLRC’s banks of a river. The route is
economic life and yearly costs.

inaccessible for motorcars.

Motorcars use an alternative route

a 0
via the main road with a length of
Road usage and user cost

Selection of the
6.4 45 km. Current traffic volume is

i 0
structure type relationships.

50 vehicles per day and it is

expected to increase to 300

b -
vehicles per day, should a proper
Hydraulic Flood peaks and recurrence

u 4
6.5 river crossing structure be
considerations interval.
provided. The expected traffic

p 0
growth rate for the next 20 years

e -
is 2 percent per year.

Road usage, flows, foundation

Structural design
6.6 conditions, available shapes and

P 1
erosion protection.

Figure 6.1 (a): Examples of drifts (cross-sections through drifts)

Figure 6.1 (b): Examples of drifts (cross-sections through drifts)

Low level crossings Drainage Manual 6-2

Figure 6.1 (c): Examples of drifts (cross-sections through drifts)

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Figure 6.2: Examples of causeways

• Low-level bridge - A low-level bridge is defined as a structure consisting of a short-span

deck (typically between 4 and 8 m) supported by a sub-structure consisting of two
abutments and any number of piers. The height of the deck above the riverbed is typically
less than 2 m.

Low level crossings Drainage Manual 6-3

Figure 6.3 depicts a typical low-level bridge.

Figure 6.3: Example of a low-level bridge

Photographs 6.1 and 6.2 show examples of low-level structures.

i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1
Photograph 6.1: A low level river crossing provides safe access across the wide river

Photograph 6.2: A low level crossing constructed with stone

Low level crossings Drainage Manual 6-4

6.1.5 Application of LLRCs Basic characteristics and limitations

LLRCs are designed to be inundated from time to time. It is a basic characteristic of these structures
that, when inundated, they are not available for use. It is necessary for the users of these structures to
be aware of this limitation, and to accept and respect it. The second basic characteristic is that the cost
of construction is generally considerably lower than that of a conventional bridge.

LLRCs are appropriate under the following circumstances:


when the inundation of the structure, and the associated disruption in traffic flow, is
acceptable for short periods of time

• where alternative routes that can be used during flooding are available
• where traffic volumes are low, typically on the tertiary road network
• where high-level bridges are not economically justified

• where funding available for construction is limited.

Limitations of LLRCs, therefore, are:

i o
• the fact that they are not available for use from time to time

t 6
• that they have a risk associated with them in that road users may try to use them during

a 0
periods of inundation, and be washed away

• they may require maintenance after floods; e.g. to remove debris.

l i 2 0 Road network aspects

u b -
The road network aspects to be considered are:

p 0 4
• If a particular community or land use has one access road only and the access road

e -
crosses a river without a structure, the decision whether to construct a LLRC or a high-

r 9
level bridge depends on the acceptability of short periods of inaccessibility, the
construction cost and the economic justification of the options. Under low traffic volume

P 1
conditions, say less that 500 vehicles per day, the return on investment of a LLRC is
generally better than that of a high-level bridge. The reason is the considerably lower
construction cost, while disruption in traffic is generally of a limited nature.

• If an alternative access route to a community or land use is available during periods of

flooding, the impact of using the alternative route in terms of travel cost and travel time
should be assessed in relation to the possible savings in construction cost associated with

With larger rivers, attention should be paid to the total road network in the area, the number and
locations of river crossing structures, as well as the levels of these structures, in terms of design return
periods. Rather than designing all river-crossing structures for the same return period, variation in the
return periods used for design could be considered. In this way the number of accessible structures
during flooding will be reduced, whilst alternatives will remain available. In contrast with the first
option, a situation may occur where all the structures under consideration are overtopped at the same
time. Generally, one would prefer structures on the primary road network to be open at all times,
while inundation of structures on the tertiary network is acceptable.

Low level crossings Drainage Manual 6-5

6.1.6 Key focus areas that need to be considered in the design of LLRCs

In the design and construction of any river crossing structure a number of aspects need to be
considered. These include:

• site selection
• interaction with the river: hydrology and hydraulics
• interaction with the road passing over the bridge: geometric alignment and width
• interaction with road users: vehicles and pedestrians
• interaction with the sub-soil: foundation conditions

elements of the structure itself:

- sub-structure (Abutments, Piers and Foundations)
- super-structure (Deck , guide blocks etc)

- approach fills
- erosion protection measures.

This manual is, in essence, a drainage guide. Although reference will be made to all of the above
aspects, the emphasis will be on those that relate to drainage: that is location, hydrology and

hydraulics, as well as erosion protection. For detailed guidelines on foundation investigations,

structural design of bridges, etc, the reader is referred to documentation specifically focussed on those



a t

0 6
l i c 0
6.2.1 Straight river section

b - 2
A LLRC should be located within a straight section of a river where the river flow is as uniform as
possible. Riverbanks on the outsides of bends tend to erode which might lead to the floodwater by-

u 4
passing the structure during flooding. Refer to Figure 6.4 in this regard.

r e p 9 - 0
P 1
Figure 6.4: Location of LLRC in river

6.2.2 River channel cross-section

Where the width of a river channel varies, the advantages of locating the structure in a narrower
section should be compared to those associated with location in a wider section. Benefits of a
narrower section are shorter length and, therefore, lower construction cost. Benefits also cover the
possibility that the narrower section is associated with less weathered in-situ material, which may
offer better founding conditions. Benefits of a wider section in the river are that flow velocity is
relatively low with shallower depth. These two benefits reduce the risk that the structure may be
damaged and increases the safety of vehicles crossing the structure. Refer to Figure 6.5 in this regard.

Low level crossings Drainage Manual 6-6

Figure 6.5: Wide versus narrow section in river

Generally speaking, a LLRC should be as low as possible, to minimise the impact on water flow by

the obstruction placed in the river channel. The depth of the natural river channel, compared to the

width, should be considered. With narrow, deep sections the depth-to-width ratio may not allow the

t 6
structure to be placed at a low level due to the geometric alignment limitations of the road that crosses

the structure. LLRCs are generally more suitable for river cross-sections with low depth-to-width

ratios. Refer to Figure 6.6 in this regard.

b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1
Figure 6.6: Effect of cross-section shape

Where the river cross-section consists of a channel located within a wider flood plain, it may be
appropriate to place the structure at that height where overtopping of the structure occurs at the same
time when river flow exceeds the channel capacity and extends onto the flood plain. The benefit of
this approach is that the flow velocity over the structure is relatively lower. In such a case the access
road should be designed as close to ground level as possible to minimise the obstruction to water flow.
Attention should also be paid to erosion protection of the road. Refer to Figure 6.7 in this regard.

Low level crossings Drainage Manual 6-7

Figure 6.7: Effect of flood plain

6.2.3 Angle of crossing

Crossing of a river at an angle should be avoided. A skew approach, coupled with the possible
blocking of openings with debris, tends to direct the full force of the river towards one of the

riverbanks, which increases the possibility of the approach being washed away.

The structure should also be straight. A horizontally curved structure will be subject to similar

problems of undesirable concentration of flow. Generally it is also extremely dangerous for road users

to cross such a structure when inundated. Refer to Figure 6.8.

a t i 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1
Figure 6.8: Avoid skew or curved LLRCs

Low level crossings Drainage Manual 6-8


6.3.1 Methods to calculate run-off

Chapter 3 deals with a number of hydrological calculation methods that may be applied. With LLRCs
a high level of accuracy in the determination of the design flood is not necessary, as the structure is
designed to be over-topped.
Very often, therefore, only the rational method will be used, which is one of the most commonly used
methods in South-Africa, especially if the catchment area does not exceed 500 km². If there is a need
to determine the expected period of inundation, more sophisticated methods should be used, for
example statistical analysis of nearby gauging station data.

6.3.2 Selection of appropriate return period

As discussed in Chapter 3 of this manual, the return period is the average period over a large number
of years during which an event (flood) repeats or exceeds itself. A flood is considered to be a wave

that progresses along a watercourse and causes changes in water level, discharge, flow velocity and
water surface slope along the course.

The decision on the return period to be used for a LLRC is influenced by:

t i o 6
the characteristics of river flow in the catchment area; for example, some rivers are

perennial, and are less suitable for low-level structures

• the classification of the associated road

i c 0
• the availability of alternative routes

• the cost of the structure

b - 2
• anticipated maintenance and repair costs after flooding.

u 4
6.3.3 Determination of design flow rate

p - 0
The basic principle of a LLRC is that it should be provided at as low a level as is possible, in order to

r e
limit the impact of water flow on the structure under flooded conditions. However, there is also a limit

as to how low the structure can be placed, depending on:

P 1
• geometric design parameters of the road crossing the LLRC
• the discharge that needs to be accommodated underneath the structure, or within
acceptable depth over the structure, to provide a certain level of service and access.

The design approach for LLRCs is based on the definition of design levels, which provide an
indication of the level of service to be provided by the structure. Three design levels, with the
associated frequency and duration, are defined as indicated Table 6.2. If, for example, design level 1
is selected the design flow could be expected to be exceeded 1,3 times per year on average, with the
average flood duration (period during which the design flow is exceeded) being 9 hours. The range of
these values as observed in practice is also shown (minimum and maximum values). Table 6.2 is
based on an analysis of river flow data over 20 years at 41 hydrological gauging stations (Department
of Water Affairs) located in the northern provinces of South Africa.

Low level crossings Drainage Manual 6-9

Table 6.2: Levels of design for low-level structures
Average no of times flow can be Average length of period flow is
Design expected to be exceeded per year exceeded (hours)
level Min Max Average Min Max Average
value value value value value value
1 0,25 0,0 4,2 1,3 0,0 30 9,0
2 0,50 0,0 2,4 0,8 0,0 13 5,5
3 1,00 0,0 1,4 0,5 0,0 6 3,4

The suggested approach for the determination of the design level is as follows:

• design level 1 is taken as the initial choice

• the design level is increased to design level 2 if:

o traffic volume passing over the structure exceeds 250 vehicles per day
o the additional travel distance along an alternative route exceeds 20km.

• the design level is increased to design level 3 if:

o traffic volume passing over the structure exceeds 500 vehicles per day

t i
o the additional travel distance along an alternative route exceeds 50km

o there is no alternative route available.

c a 0
The designer must use his judgement in applying this approach, and should clarify the selected design

l i 0
level with the owner of the structure.

b - 2
Once the design level has been determined, the design discharge is calculated as follows:

u 4
Q design = f i Q 2 …(6.1)

e p - 0

r 9
Qdesign = design discharge (m3/s)
fi = a dimensionless factor related to the design level chosen as shown

P 1
in Table 6.2
Q2 = discharge with a 1:2 year return period (m3/s)

The structure should be designed in such a way that:

Q o + Q u ≥ Q design …(6.2)

Qo = discharge that can be accommodated over the structure within the
acceptable flow depth as defined below
Qu = discharge capacity of the openings through the structure, if any

With regard to flow depth, it is accepted that a vehicle should not pass over a LLRC if the depth of
flow over the structure exceeds the under-body ground clearance height of the vehicle. The flow
velocity, however, also needs to be taken into account. Design depth values are as follows:

• Super-critical flow: Maximum depth 100 mm

• Sub-critical flow: Maximum depth 150 mm

Low level crossings Drainage Manual 6-10


6.4.1 LLRCs and culverts

A decision needs to be made whether a culvert or a LLRC is more appropriate. The following
guidelines are provided in this regard:

• The cost of a culvert should be compared to the cost of a LLRC. For small catchment
areas (typically smaller than 10 km²) culverts tend to cost less. In the case of larger
catchment areas, LLRCs generally offer the lowest cost solutions. Culverts or high level
bridges will, however, be used in larger catchment areas where it is not possible to

construct LLRCs, for example due to geometric road alignment limitations, the
unacceptability of inundation during flooding or very poor founding conditions.

• As far at topography is concerned, culverts tend to be more appropriate in mountainous
terrain where fills are required at low points in the road alignment. In rolling and flat

terrain LLRCs are generally more appropriate.

• Culverts are designed for higher return periods than LLRCs. They will, therefore, be

preferred on roads where occasional disruption of traffic flow due to flooding is not


a t 0 6
6.4.2 LLRCs and high-level bridges

i c 0
The cost of bridge structures may form a significant portion of the cost of a road construction project.

The construction costs of LLRCs are generally considerably lower than those of high-level bridges. In

b - 2
the light of the rainfall characteristics and the tendency of short, high intensity rainfalls encountered in
smaller catchments in South Africa, there is considerable room for cost savings by using LLRCs. The

u 4
following guidelines are provided with regard to the choice between a high-level bridge and a LLRC:

p - 0
• On high order roads (the primary and secondary road network) high-level bridges are

generally required because of the unacceptability of disruptions because of flooding.

P r 1

On tertiary (low volume) roads the cost of the LLRC option should be compared to the
cost of the high-level bridge option. If there is a significant difference, a LLRC could be
opted for, except in cases where it is not practical to construct a LLRC, for example due
to geometric alignment constraints, or where inundation is unacceptable.

Where the additional cost of providing a high-level bridge is marginal, for example
where the cost of the sub-structure is relatively high due to poor founding conditions, a
high-level bridge may be warranted.

6.4.3 Road type

Any type of LLRC may be used with either paved or unpaved roads. In both cases it is important to
ensure that the approaching road user is informed about the presence of such as structure, either by
means of road signage, road layout (curved alignment) and/or good visibility of the structure.

Low level crossings Drainage Manual 6-11


The capacity of a structure is determined as the sum of the discharge that could be accommodated
over the structure within acceptable depth, and the discharge to be accommodated underneath the
structure. The sum is then compared to the design discharge, Qdesign, in order to evaluate the adequacy
of the structure, as discussed in Section 6.3.3.

6.5.1 Flow over the structure

The approach suggested is as follows:


Decide on the maximum flow depth over the structure through which a vehicle will still
be able to pass safely (100 mm for super-critical flow due to the high momentum transfer

associated with the velocities, and 150 mm for sub-critical flow over the structure).

• Determine the discharge that could be accommodated over the structure. As a first

assumption, especially if the slope in the direction of flow is 1 to 2 percent as
recommended elsewhere, assume this flow to be super-critical. For super-critical channel

flow over the structure:

i o
A 5/3 1/2
over S B

Q over =

n Pover


l i c a 0 0
Qover = the discharge that could be accommodated over the structure within the

selected flow depth (m3/s)

b -
Aover = area of flow over structure at the flow depth selected

u 4
SB = slope in direction of flow, for example 0,01 or 0,02 m/m
Manning n value. For a concrete deck nconcrete can be taken as 0,016 s/m1/3

n =

Pover = wetted perimeter at the flow depth selected

r e 9 -
Aover and Pover are calculated as follows:

P 1
1 1
A over = d 800K 1d + dL 2 + d 800K 3 d …(6.4)
3 3


1 1
Pover = 800K 1d + L 2 + 800K 3 d …(6.5)
2 2


d = depth of flow over the structure, (m)

Figure 6.9a defines the symbols K1, L2 and K3, and Section defines the symbol K. This
parameter K should not be confused with Kin1 and Kout on the next page.

Establish whether the flow is indeed super-critical, by calculating the Froude number, Fr:

Q over B
Fr = 3
g A over

Low level crossings Drainage Manual 6-12


B = L1 + L2 + L3, the width of the channel (or the length of the structure)
g = 9,81 m/s², the gravity constant

1 1
L1 = 800K 1d and L 3 = 800K 3 d
2 2

Refer to the definition sketch (Figure 6.9a) for L1, L2 and L3

If Fr ≥ 1,0 it indicates that flow over the structure is super-critical at the selected flow depth, and that
the methodology described here is applicable.

If Fr < 1,0 it indicates that flow over the structure is sub-critical, and the analysis must be done as

described elsewhere in this manual.

6.5.2 Flow passing through the structure

Assume outlet control (Refer to Figure 6.9b for a definition of the symbols):

t i 6
The flow passing through the structure is defined as Qunder, where:

c a 0
Q under = Vunder A eff …(6.7)

b l i
and where:

- 2 0
p u 4
H1 − H 2

Vunder = …(6.8)

e -
C n eff LB

r 9
2g R

P 1

A eff = the effective inlet area through the structure (m²) = ΣAcell (the effective
inlet area through the structure)
Vunder = the velocity of flow through the structure (m/s)

Determine the total energy height (H1) upstream of the structure and the water level at the
outlet of the structure:

Assumption: Since the water is dammed by the structure, the velocity V1 ≈ 0 m/s

H1 = h + x + D …(6.9)


x = the thickness of the deck (depending on the structural design outcome) (m)
D = the height of the soffit of the deck above the river invert level (m)

Low level crossings Drainage Manual 6-13

By applying the conservation of energy principle, determine the depth upstream of the structure (h)
required to pass Qover :

h= +d …(6.10)
Q over
V2 =
A over

H 2 = D − L BS B

ra f
LB = the total width of the deck of the structure (m)

C is a factor representing the local or transition losses due to flow convergence/divergence at
the inlet/outlet:

C = ∑ (K inl + K out )each cell

t i o 6
Kinl and Kout are determined as follows for rectangular sections:

c a 0
Kinl at outlet control: Sudden transition: Kinl = 0,5

l i 0
Gradual transition: Kinl = 0,25

b - 2
Kout at outlet control: Sudden transition: Kout = 1,0

Gradual transition: Kout = 1,0 for 45º < θ < 80º

0,7 for θ = 30º

p 0
0,2 for θ = 15º

e -

r 9
θ is the diversion angle.

P 1
Also refer to Section 4.3.4 of this document in this regard.

neff is the effective Manning n value for flow through the structure:

n eff =
∑ (n cell Pcell )
Pconcrete n concrete Priver n river
n cell = +
Pcell Pcell

where: Pconcrete – the part of the wetted perimeter that has a concrete surface per cell
Priver – the part of the wetted perimeter that is made up by the riverbed per cell
Pcell – the total wetted perimeter of each cell
Peff = Σ Pcell (the effective wetted perimeter for the flow passing through the structure)
nconcrete – the Manning roughness coefficient of concrete (typically 0,016 – Refer to
Section 4.2.6 for more detail)
nriver – the Manning roughness coefficient of the river bed (typically 0,03 – Refer to
Section 4.2.6 for more detail)
R = Aeff / Peff (Hydraulic radius)

Low level crossings Drainage Manual 6-14

Figure 6.9a: Definition of symbols

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1
Figure 6.9b: Definition of symbols

6.5.3 Total flow

The total discharge needs to exceed the design discharge:

Determine if Qover + Qunder > Qdesign

If so, the capacity of the structure meets the design capacity. If not, the design height and or length of
the structure would have to be increased, and the flow capacity be checked again.


6.6.1 Structural dimensions Number of lanes

LLRCs are particularly appropriate on a tertiary road, characterised by low traffic volumes. As tertiary
roads under most conditions have two lanes (one per direction) LLRCs will generally also be provided

Low level crossings Drainage Manual 6-15

with two lanes. In certain instances, however, the provision of a single lane structure may be justified.
A single lane structure may be considered where:
• The approach gradients are moderate and there is no significant curvature on the
immediate approach roads.

• The LLRC is long and considerable savings associated with a single lane structure are

• There is good visibility on approaches to the structure, and LLRCs are infrequent on an
otherwise good section of road.

• Traffic volume is not expected to exceed 500 vehicles per day during the life of the

• Pedestrian volume is low, less than 100 pedestrians in the peak hour.

D Width of structure

The following widths are recommended (Figure 6.10):

i o
• two-lane structure: 8,0 m between the guide-blocks

t 6
• single-lane structure: 4,0 m between guide-blocks.

c a 0
Widths of between 4,0 and 7,0 m should be avoided, as these widths create the impression that it is

i 0
a two-lane structure, although vehicles cannot pass each other safely within this space.

b l - 2
p u - 0 4
P r e 1 9
Figure 6.10: Width of LLRC Cross-sectional and longitudinal slope of surface

A crossfall of 1 to 2 percent in the direction of flow is recommended to prevent sediment being

deposited on the driving surface (Refer to Figure 6.11).

In the travel direction it is imperative that the structure is level (with the exception of short vertical
curves at both ends of the structure). From the road user’s perspective a variation in water depth when
the structure is overtopped, is undesirable. From a hydraulic point of view concentration of water

Low level crossings Drainage Manual 6-16

flowing over a LLRC is undesirable, especially if one end of the structure is lower than the other end
(Refer to Figure 6.11).

D ra
i o n
a t 6
Figure 6.11: Cross-sectional and longitudinal slopes

i c 0 0 Length of structure

b l 2
It is imperative that the length of the structure equals the total width of the river. If the structure

protrudes significantly above the river bed, the total length of the structure should be provided with

u 4
openings underneath, so as not to create a dam wall across the river (Refer to Figure 6.12).

r e p 9 - 0
P 1 Figure 6.12: Cross-sectional area Size of openings

The size of the openings through the structure depends on the design discharge. However, in the
design of openings it is desirable to provide as much waterway area as possible within the river
channel, so that the structure minimises obstruction of the river flow (Refer to Figure 6.12).

As a general guideline openings should be as large as possible to allow as much debris as possible to
pass through the structure.

Low level crossings Drainage Manual 6-17


Guide-blocks are to be provided on all LLRCs. Guide-blocks are placed along the edges of the deck
with the objective of guiding the road user, and of assisting him in gauging the depth of flow over the
structure. Guide-blocks should be designed to withstand debris blockages. Although a wide range of
guide-block sizes and spacing are encountered in practice, the following are recommended: 250 mm
blocks (cubical) at 2,0 m spacing. Photograph 6.3 reflects the use of guide blocs.

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
Photograph 6.3: A low level crossing near Steytlerville, showing the guide blocks

p u 0 4 Apron slabs and wing-walls

e -
The use of apron slabs on both the upstream and downstream sides of a LLRC is recommended to

r 9
absorb the energy of water flowing over the structure, and to protect the foundations of the structure.

P 1
These slabs also contribute towards increased stability of water flows in the immediate vicinity of the
structure. Apron slabs should have toe walls (cut-off walls) to prevent scouring and undermining of
the slabs.

Apron slabs should preferably be built high enough to accommodate the 1:5 to 1:10 year flow. In
remote areas where regular maintenance is not possible, consideration could be given to increase the
return period that is used in designing the apron slab.

Aprons would normally be constructed using concrete. Reno mattresses or gabions could be
considered under certain circumstances.

Wing-walls assist in directing water flow, and in protecting the abutments of the structure.

Low level crossings Drainage Manual 6-18

D ra
Figure 6.13: Apron slab on approach roads

i o Inclined buttresses on upstream side

a t 0 6
It is considered good practice to provide LLRCs with inclined buttresses on the upstream side of each

pier, to assist in lifting floating debris over the structure – not that this is always effective. It also

i 0
provides additional stability in the case of debris loads. Figure 6.14 shows an example of inclined

l 2

u b 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 6.6.2
1Road geometry
Figure 6.14: Inclined buttresses on upstream side Vertical alignment

Generally, it is acceptable to use reduced geometric road design standards on the approaches to, and
over, LLRCs, provided that road users are warned; e.g. by means of speed reduction road signage, and
provided that the environment changes sufficiently for them to realise that they are approaching a
river. The maximum gradients suggested are shown in Table 6.3.

Table 6.3: Maximum gradients for LLRC approach roads

Desirable maximum Absolute maximum
Road type
grade (%) grade (%)
Paved roads 10 12
Unpaved roads 8 10

Low level crossings Drainage Manual 6-19

Vertical curves in the alignment of the approach road are parabolic, as is normal for vertical road
design. The K value is defined as the horizontal length of road required for a 1 percent change in
gradient. Minimum K values are functions of design speed. Where practical, the design speed over a
LLRC should be the same as for the associated road section. This is, however, often not possible.
Where not possible, consideration may be given to lower the design speed over the LLRC, preferable
by not more than 20 km/h, and in extreme cases up to an absolute maximum of 40 km/h. The
necessary traffic signage must be provided. Horizontal alignment

The horizontal alignment of the approach roads should be designed according to the same standards as

the road passing over the structure. The designer should specifically pay attention to the sight distance

towards a LLRC, to ensure that the road user observes the structure in good time. Sharp horizontal

curves in close proximity of a LLRC should be avoided for this reason.

6.6.3 Foundations

Ideally LLRCs should be founded on solid rock. Stiff clay may also offer suitable founding

conditions, subject to the structure being designed to accommodate relative movement. Founding of
LLRCs on unstable or sandy material is undesirable because of the tendency for riverbed material to

i o
become liquid under conditions of flooding. As a rule of thumb, one may assume that the depth of this

t 6
instability may be as much as the depth of water flowing in the river channel at that point. The general

scour equations, given in Chapter 8 (Section 8.4.3), may also be applied.

i c 0 0
Where rock is not available, raft foundations are recommended. The raft should consist of a slab (the

floor slab of the LLRC) and toe walls on all sides of the slab to form a closed cell, as shown in

b 2
Figure 6.15. The horizontal dimensions of the raft should generally not exceed 6 to 8 m. Toe walls

should extend to non-erodable material, or to a depth equal to the depth of water flow with the 1:50

u 4
flood. Between the toe walls the raft should be filled with properly graded and compacted material

which can withstand seepage water. With longer structures multiple rafts are to be provided, which

should then be secured to one another by means of dowels, for example. Refer to Figure 6.15 in this

e -

P r 1 9

Low level crossings Drainage Manual 6-20

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
Figure 6.15: Raft foundation

u 4 -
Table 6.4 provides guidelines with regard to the effect of founding conditions on the selection of the
LLRC structure type. Where more expensive foundations are required, for example piling, longer

p 0
spans may be justified (8 to 15 m, versus the 6 m typically used in the case of good founding

e -

r 9
Table 6.4: The selection of LLRC type according to founding conditions

P 1
Foundation LLRC type
condition Drift Causeway Low-level bridge
Uneven rock Unsuitable Unsuitable Very suitable
Even rock Very suitable Very suitable Very suitable
Spread footings, or
Suitable – use raft Suitable – use raft piling/caissons may
Stiff clay
foundation foundation be required. Consider
longer spans.
Consider a raft Consider a raft
Sand required. Consider
foundation foundation
longer spans.

6.6.4 Structural design Structural design approach

In the case of drifts and causeways it is advisable to limit the dimensions of units of construction to
between six and eight metres, to allow for thermal and other movement. These units should then be
properly linked together by using dowels or keying them into each other.

Low level crossings Drainage Manual 6-21

In the case of low-level bridges (pier and deck construction) either a continuous beam approach or a
simply supported slab approach may be used. It is important, however, to properly tie down the deck
slab(s) to the piers by using dowels.

The use I-beam slabs or slabs with voids which can trap air and induce buoyancy forces should
be avoided.

Figure 6.16 shows various shapes, which could be considered for causeway openings. The use of arch
shaped openings could be considered for the labour intensive construction option, as it generally only
requires relatively simple steel reinforcement (Refer to Figure 6.16). The benefit of the arch type
shown, compared to circular or semi-circular openings, is that it allows a higher percentage of

openings underneath the deck, which reduces the extent of the obstruction to water flow.

ra f
n D
t i o 6
l i c a 0 0
u b 4 - 2
r e p 9 - 0
P 1
Figure 6.16: Various shapes of openings for causeways

With regard to the impact of the structure on water flow, it is recommended that the impact be kept as
low as possible. Specifically, the ends of piers should be properly finished-off to minimise obstruction
to river flow.

Low level crossings Drainage Manual 6-22 Construction materials

The most commonly used material for LLRCs are concrete and stone masonry. The advantage of
concrete is its durability and ability to withstand abrasion forces. The advantage of stone masonry
construction is its suitability for labour-intensive construction.

In causeways pre-fabricated pipe and box-culverts are often used as void-formers. These elements
have structural strength in themselves, but are relatively expensive. Where void-formers are totally
encased in concrete or stone masonry work, consideration should be given to lower-cost options, such
as corrugated iron void-formers. Armco-type elements should preferably not be used, based on cost

ft Structural loading

TMH 7 Parts 1 and 2: Code of practice for the design of highway bridges and culverts in South Africa
(1981 as revised 1988) distinguishes between the following types of traffic loading on road bridges:

• normal loads (NA)

• abnormal loads (NB)

super loads (NC).

t i 6
The Code stipulates that while NC loading may be omitted on certain routes, all road bridges should

be designed for both the NA and at least the NB24 load. These values are recommended for LLRCs,

provided that the design engineer ascertains the applicability in each case. Obtaining the prior

i c 0
approval of the owner or responsible authority is considered essential.

b l - 2
6.6.5 Approach fills

u 4
The abutments of LLRCs should be keyed into the river banks where possible. In the case of flat river

p 0
cross-sections the approach road should be constructed as close to natural ground level as possible, to

avoid embankments being breached when overtopped by floods. Where the overtopping of

embankments is likely, provision should be made for erosion protection by suitably cladding the

r 9
upstream and downstream faces and the road formation. Flow depth and velocity for the 1:5 or 1:10

P 1
year flood should be determined, and provision should be made to accommodate their impact on the
approach roads and structures.

In certain circumstances it may be necessary to protect banks downstream of the structure to a level
calculated on the basis of a chosen design flood, preferably the 1:5 year flood.

6.6.6 Erosion protection

Because they are designed to be overtopped, erosion protection is particularly important with LLRCs.
Attention should be given to:

• The downstream apron slab area

• Approach roads to the structure
• The banks downstream of the LLRC.

Chapters 7 and 8 of this manual deal with this topic.

Low level crossings Drainage Manual 6-23

6.6.7 Safety

Driver safety and convenience should be addressed in the design of LLRCs. Human life may not be
endangered. On the structure itself this can be accomplished by providing an adequate warning system
in the form of guide-blocks. Guide-blocks indicate both the limits of the structure and the depth of
water flow over the structure. Guide-blocks are also spaced in such a way as to prevent a motor
vehicle from sliding down the structure.

On the approach roads the necessary road signage should be erected, specifically some or all of the
following (Refer to the Road Traffic Signs Manual, 3rd Edition, Volume 1: Uniform Traffic Control
Devices, Part 1, of the Southern African Development Community):

ft Warning signs

The following warning signs should be considered for LLC’s:

• W350: Drift
• W326: Narrow bridge

• W327: One vehicle width structure

• W328: Road narrows both sides

• W202 and W203: Gentle curve

t 6
• W204 and W205: Sharp curve

a 0
• W348: Jetty edge or river bank

• W401 and W402: Danger plate

l i 2 0 Regulatory Signs

u b -
The following regulatory signs could be applicable near LLC’s:

p 0 4
• R1: Stop

e -
• R6: Yield to oncoming traffic

r 9
• R201: Speed limit

P 1

6.7.1 Community considerations

The perceptions of rural communities regarding LLRCs are sometimes not positive, the reasons being
both the safety risks in the event of flooding and the lack of all-weather access. These concerns can
only be addressed through proper communication and information being made available. Road users
should be made aware of the safety risks, and the need to use alternative routes during periods of

LLRCs offer more job creation potential during construction than most other elements of a roads
project. This will benefit the local community in cases where workers are employed locally.

6.7.2 Labour-intensive construction

The suitability of LLRCs for labour intensive construction methods is well known and is referred to in
the text.

The use of local materials, specifically sand and stone for stone masonry construction, is encouraged,
subject to its being environmentally and functionally acceptable.

Low level crossings Drainage Manual 6-24

6.7.3 Environmental considerations

Aspects to be addressed include:

• the environmental impacts of a LLRC, such as accelerated flow velocity, possible impact
on the river banks and visual appearance

• the need for regular maintenance, especially after periods of flooding, to remove debris,
sand, and to repair minor damage.

6.7.4 Legal aspects

The legal aspects pertaining to drainage in general are covered in Chapter 2. With regard to LLRCs

designs should be weighted against appropriate guidelines; such as those contained in this document.
The acceptance of lower design standards than those indicated in the guidelines needs to be justified in
terms of the risk involved and the financial and legal position of the “owner” of the structure.

6.7.5 Economic justification

o n
Generally the level of economic justification of LLRCs is high when compared to high level

structures. The main reason for this is the relatively low construction cost of these structures, while the

t 6
negative impact on road users is restricted to a maximum of a few days per year.

a 0
Costs to be considered in the economic evaluation of alternatives are:

l i c 0
• cost of construction

u b

- 2
the useful life and cost of replacement or extension

p 0
• the cost and inconvenience to road users because of delays in the case of the crossing not

being accessible (with no alternative route available)

P r e 1

the cost to road users associated with the use of alternative routes in the case of the
crossing not being accessible (where available)

maintenance cost, especially maintenance and/or repairs after flooding.

The delays (length of period the design flow is exceeded) to be expected may be determined from
Table 6.2. By considering the time cost of road users, the cost of delays can be quantified. The cost of
using alternative routes may include direct travel cost, as well as time cost of road users. Maintenance
costs would need to be estimated from experience, while road construction costs may be estimated
quite accurately.

Low level crossings Drainage Manual 6-25


6.8.1 Problem description Example 6.1

A river crossing structure is to be provided for a tertiary road linking rural settlements on both
banks of a river. No structure exists and vehicles such as tractors, four-wheel drive vehicles, LDVs
and donkey carts cross via the sandy riverbed. The route is not accessible for motorcars. Motorcars
use an alternative route via the main road with a length of 45 km. Although the current traffic volume
is 50 vehicles per day, it is expected to increase to 300 vehicles per day, should a proper river crossing
structure be provided. The expected traffic growth rate for the next 20 years is 2 percent per year.

At the point of the crossing the river has a catchment area of 360 km². The 1:2 year flood has been

determined as 120 m³/s.

Test pits were excavated in the sandy riverbed. Solid rock was encountered at depths varying between
1,2 m and 2,0 m. Rock is also day lighting in places.

The approach gradients of the road are moderate and there is no horizontal curvature. The preliminary

design of the vertical alignment of the road across the structure to be provided has also been done. The
straight section in the middle (L2) has a length of 20 m, and K1 and K3 are both 4 m (refer to

i o
Figure 6.9a). The slope of the road on the southern bank is -5,6%, and on the northern bank 7,0%.

a t 6
The deck thickness is taken as 500 mm, and the soffit of the deck is on average 1400mm above the


l i c 0
6.8.2 Solution Example 6.1

b - 2
• Design flow rate

p u 4
The design level is determined as per Section 6.3.3. Design level 1 is taken as the initial choice.

- 0
Because of the expected traffic volume of 300 vehicles per day exceeding the suggested 250 vehicles

per day, the design level is increased to level 2. This is supported by the availability of an alternative

r 9
route of length less than the suggested 50 km. As the criteria suggested for design level 3 are not met,

design level 2 is selected.

P From Table 6.2 follows that f2 is 0,50. The design flow rate is determined from equation 6.1:

Qdesign = 0,5 x 120 m³/s
= 60 m³/s


With a design period of 20 years and 2 percent growth in traffic per year the anticipated 300 vehicles
per day is expected to increase to 446 vehicles per day after 20 years. Because of this being less than
the suggested 500 vehicles per day and visibility being good a single lane structure is opted for
(section The cross fall in the direction of flow is taken as 1 percent.

• Selection of structure

Because of good, but uneven, founding conditions a low level bridge is opted for. Six spans of 6 m
each fit the river cross-section well. Piers are 300 mm thick.

Low level crossings Drainage Manual 6-26

• Hydraulic calculations

The capacity of the structure is determined as the sum of the flow that can be accommodated over the
structure (section 6.5.1) and through the structure (section 6.5.2).

Flow over the structure

Assume supercritical flow and decide on a maximum flow depth of 0,1 m (d). The flow that can be
accommodated over the structure is determined from equation 6.3. SB is 0,01 (1% as above) and
Manning n for concrete is 0,016 s/m-1/3. The cross-section area of flow is determined as follows
(equation 6.4):

Aover = d/3 (800 K1 d)1/2 + d L2 + d/3 (800 K3 d)1/2 where K1 and K3 are both 4 and L2 is 20m

Aover = 3,19 m2

1/2 1/2
Pover = 0,5 x (800 K1 d) + L2 + 0,5 x (800 K3 d) , that is 37,89 m (equation 6.5)

From equation 6.3:

i o
Qo = 3,8 m³/s

a t 6
Establish whether flow is indeed super-critical by calculating the Froud number (equation 6.6):

i c 0 0
B = L1 + L2 + L3, L1 = L3 = 8,94 m and L2 is 20 m, giving B equal to 37,89 m

b l 2
Fr = 1,32, which is > 1,0 m, confirming super-critical flow over the deck of the structure.

u 4 -
Flow passing through the structure

p - 0
Assume outlet control, then Qu = Vunder x Aeff

r e 9
Vunder is determined from equation 6.8, for which the following is required:

P 1
Equation 6.8: h = V22/2g + d, where V2 = Qo/Aover = 1,20 m/s
h = 0,174m

H1 = h + x + D, where h is as above, x = 0,5 m and D = 1,4 m

H1 = 2,074 m

H2 = D – LB SB, where LB = 4,0 m + 2 x 0,25 m (for the guideblocks)

H2 = 1,4 – 4,5 x 0,01
H2 = 1,355 m

Assume Kinl = 0,5 and Kout = 1,0 (both sudden transitions), then
C = 6 x (0,5 + 1,0)

neff = Σ (ncell x Pcell) /Peff

Pcell = 5,7 x 2 + 1,4 x 2 = 14,2 m

ncell = Pconcrete/Pcell x nconcrete + Priver/Pcell x nriver and assume nriver to be 0,03 s/m-1/3

ncell = [(5,7+ 2 x 1,4) / 14,2 x 0,016 ] + 5,7 / 14,2 x 0,030 ]

Low level crossings Drainage Manual 6-27

ncell = 0,022 s/m-1/3

Peff = ΣPcell = 85,2 m

neff = 6 x (0,022 x 14,2) / 85,2 = 0,022 s/m-1/3

R = Aeff/Peff where Aeff is 6 x 5,7 x 1,4 = 47,88 m2

R = 0,56 m

Vunder from equation 6.8 is 1,25 m/s

Also from equation 6.8 Qu = Vunder Aeff = 59,6 m³/s

Design discharge

The capacity of the structure at the design level Qo + Qu = 63,4 m³/s

ra f
As Qo + Qu is slightly bigger than Qdesign (60 m³/s), the design is complete as the structure is adequate.

If this was not the case, the level of the deck would have to be adjusted, and the calculation be redone.

t i o 6

a 0
6.1 Van Zyl, G.D. et al. (1993). Towards appropriate standards for rural roads: discussion

i c 0
document. Report RR 92/466/1 (ISBN: 1-874844-89-5), Department of Transport, Pretoria.

b l 2
6.2 Rossmiller, R.L. et al. (1983). Design manual for low water stream crossings. Iowa DOT

Project HR-247, ERI Project 1599, ISU-ERI-Ames 84029, College of Engineering, Iowa State

u 4
University, Ames, Iowa, USA.

p 0
6.3 Parry, J.D. (1992). Overseas Road Note 9: A design manual for small bridges. Transportation

e -
and Research Laboratory, Crowthorne, Berkshire, UK.

r 9
6.4 Pienaar, P.A. (1993). The management of tertiary road networks in the rural areas. PhD

P 1
dissertation, University of Pretoria, Pretoria.

Low level crossings Drainage Manual 6-28


A Rooseboom and SJ van Vuuren


This chapter covers the practical aspects of culvert design as well as the tools, that are required for the
hydraulic design of lesser culverts. The tools may also be used for the hydraulic design of storm water
pipes and networks, as the same principles and formulae are applicable.

Low-level crossings, lesser culverts and storm water pipes, as well as bridges and major culverts, have

a great deal in common in terms of hydrological and hydraulical design calculations. The different

hydrological design procedures being applied depend more on the catchment size than on structure

type. In hydraulic design calculations for all these structures a distinction is drawn between upstream
(inlet) and downstream (outlet) control. There are also, however, major and distinct differences
between these types of structures and they are, therefore, dealt with in separate chapters.

The term “lesser culverts” refers to culverts that are small enough to be designed by means of

simplified hydraulic and hydrological analyses. More sophisticated procedures used in the hydraulic
design of bridges are also applied to major culverts.

t i o
The SANRAL Code of Procedure (2002) defines a major culvert as: “A cellular structure with

dimensions less than those defining a bridge but with clear span length equal to or longer than 2,1 m,

a 0
or diameter equal to or longer than 2,1 m, or a cross-sectional opening equal to or larger than 5 m2 “.

l i c 0
Lesser culverts thus generally have opening widths of less than 2,1 m. Judgment is required, however,

as a very steep, long culvert of lesser width, for instance, may require more sophisticated hydraulic

b -
and hydrological calculations for optimal design.

u 4
Whereas earlier guidelines on freeboard for bridges and culverts gave staggered values, this manual

p 0
prescribes freeboard in terms of design peak discharge, without drawing distinctions between lesser

e -
culverts, major culverts and bridges (Section 8.2 refers)

r 9
Table 7.1 (Road Map 7) reflects typical problems that are associated with lesser culvers and which

P 1
are addressed in this chapter.


7.2.1 Introduction

Most of the serious cases of water-related damage to culverts and endangerment of traffic in the past
could be attributed to one or more of the following conditions:

• scour on the downstream side of a culvert because of inadequate erosion protection and
inadequate energy dissipation, which could ultimately lead to failure
• overtopping and scour on the downstream side resulting from supercritical flow
approaching the culvert entrance at an angle, forming a hydraulic jump at the entrance
and then overtopping the structure
• overtopping and scour of the embankment and surface layers, because of the blockage of
culvert inlets by debris
• scour around inlets, often due to water from a wide flood plain flowing strongly alongside
the road towards the culvert inlet
• piping where a flow path develops between the culvert structure and fill, especially where
the fill material is dispersive

Lesser culverts Drainage Manual 7-1

• popping up of a light-weight (metal) culvert inlet section as a result of a high water table
in the fill around the culvert.

A number of practical measures may be effected to limit risk and damage.

7.2.2 Practical measures

A culvert serves to convey water from the upstream to the downstream side of a road. In flat areas
where embankments are constructed mainly to provide vertical space for culverts, the optimum
balance between fill costs and drainage costs should be sought.

Every natural watercourse reflects the prevailing pattern of equilibrium between flow and erosion

processes. In good design this balance is disturbed as little as possible.

With regard to culvert design, this means that:

• Flow is concentrated as little as possible. Culverts should preferably not be further apart
than 100 m.

• The direction of flow should be changed as little as possible. Oncoming flow

approaching at an angle to the inlet reduces the capacity of a culvert. On the downstream

side the flow should be released in the original direction of flow to prevent alteration of

t 6
the erosion pattern.

• Water velocities should be altered as little as possible. Retardation of flow may cause the

deposition of sediment, and acceleration may cause scour. Deposition should be

i c 0
prevented where it may lead to a reduction in the capacity of a culvert, especially inside

the culvert. Flow velocities through culverts should, therefore, not be lower than 1 m/s,

b 2
and the slope of a culvert should accordingly not be less than about 1%. Where the

stream returns to a natural watercourse, its erosive capacity should not be significantly

u 4
higher than under the original conditions. If necessary, the velocity of flow should be

p 0
reduced by means of energy dissipaters.

e -
It should always be borne in mind that supercritical oncoming flow must be allowed to pass virtually

r 9
undisturbed, otherwise considerable damming and erosion may take place. Supercritical flow can only

P 1
change direction very gradually unless it switches to subcritical flow.

If the oncoming flow is supercritical and it is uncertain whether or not damming may occur, the case
should be treated as an inlet-controlled case or should be analysed by an expert.

A culvert should be placed at the lowest point of each embankment. Because long-lasting damming
may lead to the saturation of fill and foundation material, all low points need to be properly drained.

Lesser culverts Drainage Manual 7-2

Table 7.1: Road map of lesser culverts (and storm water conduits)

Typical theme Worked examples

Input information Other topics
Topic Par. Problem Example

7.2 n/a


ra f
Design flow rate,
Determine the
Determination maximum water
required culvert
of the required 7.4 level, control 7.1
size for a given

culvert size characteristics and
flow rate
available culvert sizes

Inflow hydrograph,
Flood discharge

Level pool flood Programs for Flood

attenuation at 7.5 characteristics and 7.2
routing Drainage calculations -

culverts the storage height

& Chapter 3


Selection of

c 0
Erosion Flow velocities at the erosion

l i
protection exit, geometric data protection

7.7 7.3
downstream of and downstream measures

b -
culverts normal flow depth downstream of a

u 4

p 0
For a given head, and inlet control, an H/D ratio of 1,2 approximately yields the optimum hydraulic

e -
section (maximum Q for a given head). Because this is also a good practical value from the point of

r 9
view of preventing inlet erosion and determining the minimum height of an embankment over a
culvert, it is the value generally aimed at in culvert design.

P 1
The minimum acceptable recommended practical size for a culvert up to 30 m long is 600 mm
diameter or a rectangular section of 750 mm (wide) x 450 mm (high), and for a culvert longer than 30
m a minimum diameter of 900 mm or a rectangular section of 900 mm (wide) x 450 mm (high) should
be considered with the aim of being able to conduct maintenance.

Where a great deal of debris will be transported, the culvert should be large enough to allow it to pass,
or otherwise a debris grid needs to be provided upstream of the culvert.

The available flow area through the grid should be at least four times that of the culvert. The loss of
energy or extra head resulting from the presence of the grid may be put at , with V = water
velocity through the grid, allowance being made for blockage.

Provision should be made to prevent culvert misalignment when differential settlement can occur, by
way of upward cambers and or steeper culvert slopes. Differential settlement can be minimized when
the culvert is installed after sufficient fill has been placed.

Lesser culverts Drainage Manual 7-3

The large hydrostatic buoyant forces (7.1) that may arise at culvert inlets should be taken into account in
structural design. They arise when a culvert empties rapidly, but the surrounding soil remains
saturated with water.

Where piping in soils may be a problem, all culvert joints should be watertight and collars, enclosed in
impervious material, should be provided. In this case the H/D ratio for metal pipes should not be
greater than 1.

In culvert design the water level at the design discharge may not rise higher than the shoulder,
especially where the culvert inlet is on the outside of a curve with super elevation. The possibility of
soil mechanical failure should be taken into account in the determination of maximum heads,

especially in the case where non-cohesive materials have been used for fill. A flood of two times the

design flood magnitude should be accommodated below the shoulder break point (7.1)

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 7.3
1 Photograph 7.1: Typical culvert with wingwalls


A distinction should be made between UPSTREAM (INLET) CONTROL and DOWNSTREAM

(OUTLET) CONTROL. The former occurs most often and is preferred, because:

• it yields the smallest culvert cross-section for a given upstream head;

• the higher flow velocities through the culvert prevent the deposition of sediment inside.

The theory of culvert flow is relatively simple, but its strict application is difficult. Therefore, aids
have been developed to simplify design calculations.

The basis of culvert design is that the energy equation is satisfied, together with the continuity

Lesser culverts Drainage Manual 7-4

Figure 7.1: Energy components of flow through a culvert

Regardless of flow conditions through the culvert, the following equation must be satisfied:

v12 v2
z1 + y 1 + = z 2 + y 2 + 2 + h f 1− 2 + ∑ h 11− 2 …(7.1)

2g 2g


h f 1− 2 = friction losses between cross section 1 and 2 (m)

t i
z1 and z2 are the upstream and downstream bed elevation (m)

y1 and y2 are the upstream and downstream water depths (m) and

a 0
v1 and v are the upstream and downstream average flow velocities (m/s)


i 0
∑ h11− 2 = transition losses between cross section 1 and 2

b l - 2
It is convenient to set z1 = 0, and then:

u 4
H1 = H2 + hf 1-2 + h1 1-2 …(7.2)

e p - 0

r 9
H1 and H2 are the upstream and downstream energy levels, measured relative to the inlet invert

P 1

Because flow past a section is not possible with less specific energy than the critical value in open
channel flow, this restriction often applies at the inlet.

In simplified culvert capacity determinations, for a given discharge Q:

• H1 is calculated for full-flow conditions through the culvert (Outlet Control/Downstream

• The minimum H1 required at the inlet is calculated (Inlet Control/Upstream Control).
• The greater of these values of H1 is accepted as representing the controlling flow level for
the flow rate, Q.

Conversely, for a fixed value of H1, the lower value of Q obtained by the two methods would apply.

Downstream (Outlet) control

In practice, the culvert should be full-flowing for at least part of its length for outlet or downstream
control to apply.

Lesser culverts Drainage Manual 7-5

Figure 7.2: Section of a culvert partially flowing full

As before:

H1 must be = H 2 + h f1− 2 + ∑h 11− 2 − S0 L …(7.3)

H2 must be determined beforehand according to downstream conditions. (Its value may be

numerically negative.)

i o
By substitution in equation 7.3 for friction losses and transition losses, the following equations are

t 6

a 0
K in V12 K out V22 V 2 n 2 L

H1 − H 2 = + + (Manning)



2g 2g R 3


u b
H1 − H 2 =

4 -
K in V12 K out V22 V 2 L
+ + 2 (Chezy) …(7.5)

p 0
2g 2g C R

r e 9 -
Where Kin and Kout = inlet and outlet secondary loss coefficients.

P 1
The required roughness coefficients may be obtained from Figure 4.10.
If H2 is known, as well as the dimensions and roughness of a culvert, the value of H1 for a given
discharge (Q) can be determined through step-by-step calculation. (Section 4.2.8)

These calculations have been performed with a value of n = 0,016 s/m1/3, which is a realistic design
value for concrete culverts, and the results are given in Figure 7.4 (It has conservatively been assumed
that the culvert is flowing full over its entire length.)

Upstream (Inlet) control

With upstream (inlet) control, flow passes from sub- to super-critical at the inlet and theoretically the
Froude number is equal to 1, as depicted below.

=1 …(7.6)
gA 3

In order to determine H1, allowance should be made for contraction effects and energy losses at the
entry as shown in Figure 7.3. Table 7.2 provides a summary of the equations for inlet control in round
and rectangular culverts(7.3).

Lesser culverts Drainage Manual 7-6

Figure 7.3: Flow through a culvert with upstream control

Table 7.2: Relationships for the flow rate under inlet control (7.3)


i o n
D = inside diameter (m) D = height (inside) (m)

t 6
B = width (inside) (m)

a 0
For : For:

i c 0
0 < H1/D < 0,8 0 < H1/D ≤ 1,2

2 2

Q = C B BH1 gH 1

0,05 1,9
⎡S ⎤

Q ⎡ H1 ⎤ 3 3
= 0,48⎢ 0 ⎥ ⎢D⎥

D2 gD ⎣ 0,4 ⎦ ⎣ ⎦

Where CB = 1 for rounded inlets (r > 0,1B)

e p - 0
and CB = 0,9 for square inlets

P r 1 9
And for: 0,8 < H1/D ≤ 1,2 *

⎡S ⎤
= 0,44⎢ 0 ⎥
⎣ 0,4 ⎦
⎡ H1 ⎤
⎣ ⎦
And for: H1/D > 1,2

Q = C B BD 2g (H 1 − C h D )

Where Ch = 0,8 for rounded inlet

And Ch = 0,6 for square inlet.
(S0 = slope of culvert bed with slight
effect on capacity.)


* For H1/D > 1,2, the orifice formulae

applies Q = C D A 2 gH 1 with CD ≈ 0,6

For a H/D ratio of 1,2 and with inlet control, the equations in Table 7.2 are represented graphically in
Figure 7.4 (Inlet control procedure).

Lesser culverts Drainage Manual 7-7

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Figure 7.4: Diagram for the determination of sizes of culverts and storm water pipes (A copy of
this diagram has been included on the supporting CD)

Lesser culverts Drainage Manual 7-8


In the typical design problem, Q is known from hydrological calculations (Chapter 3), the maximum
value for H1 is known on the basis of the vertical road alignment and considerations of soil mechanics,
and a suitable culvert has to be provided.

First of all, the maximum probable value of the downstream energy level, H2, should be determined in
accordance with downstream conditions (Chapter 4 – Hydraulic Calculations).

The sizes of culverts with adequate capacity may then be determined directly from Figure 7.4. The
size required for inlet control is determined first, and then the required size for outlet control.

The larger H1 value applies.

ra f
Especially in the case of very long culverts where inlet control applies, it is often possible to affect
considerable savings by using a special inlet together with a smaller culvert section. In the following
sections the notation is as follows:

yn = normal flow depth (m)

yc = critical flow depth (m)
S0 = natural slope (m/m) and

i o
Sc = critical slope (m/m), where Fr = 1

t 6

l i c a 0 0
Rounding-off of inlet corners normally only gives a small (5 to 10%) increase in culvert capacity.
However by adapting the inlet section the capacity of long culverts with inlet control can often be


u b 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1
Figure 7.5: Steep culvert with dimensional and slope variations to increase the capacity
(Changes at the entrance)

Lesser culverts Drainage Manual 7-9

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Figure 7.6: Diagram for the determination of outlet velocities for steep culverts and storm water
pipes (A copy of this diagram has been included on the supporting CD)

Lesser culverts Drainage Manual 7-10

The slope downstream of B (control at the inlet), has to be hydraulically steep (yn < yc or S0 > Sf) and it
should be ensured that the specific energy values at all sections upstream of B are higher than
those for critical conditions. To achieve this it is necessary to increase the sectional area along the
inlet portion.

The procedure for the determination of the layout for steep culverts is as follows:

As indicated in Figure 7.5, A and C are the natural levels at the culvert inlet and outlet.

Step 1:

For the given design discharge, Q and available head H1, the required culvert section for inlet control

is determined (Table 7.1 or Figure 7.4). Select a smaller culvert section and determine the minimum

slope required for the flow to be just sufficiently supercritical ( ≈ 1,2 ) and for the culvert to be
gA 3

almost full-flowing according to the Manning or Chézy equations.

Step 2:

o n
Apply this section between B and C at the required slope.

t i 6
Step 3:

a 0
v 2n

Now draw in the energy line UVW (V and W are at a distance y n + above the culvert bed, and

i 0

l 2
U corresponds with the energy level at the inlet). Gradually increase the culvert section upstream of B

b -
(make it wider and/or deeper) so that the distance (vertical) between the culvert invert and the energy

line everywhere is

v c2 Q 2 Bc

p 0
≥ yc + and =1

2g gA 3c

P r e
Step 4:

1 9
Ensure that the specific energy at the entrance, where contraction occurs, is sufficient to pass the
discharge through – see Figure 7.4 or Table 7.2. If not, the inlet dimensions should be further

If the invert level at the entrance is lowered beyond the natural ground level at the inlet, care must be
taken that the overflow edge at A will be long enough for the specific energy above A to be enough
v c2
( H1 ≥ y c + ) to pass the discharge.


When the stage storage relationship upstream from the reservoir is favourable for temporary storage, a
smaller culvert section could be considered. The attenuation of the flow through the smaller culvert,
will reduce the peak discharge from the culvert. The effect of the temporary storage on the inflow
hydrograph is not limited to the reduction of the flow rate (attenuation), but would also result in the
peak flow to occur at a later point in time.

Lesser culverts Drainage Manual 7-11

The relationship that forms the basis of flood attenuation calculations is the continuity equation. This
is applied for a given time step, Δt over which the average inflow, I, minus the average outflow, O,
should be equal to the change in the storage volume, ΔS. This can be written as follows:
IΔt − OΔt = ΔS …(7.7)
I = average inflow (m³/s)
O = average outflow (m³/s)
ΔS = change in storage volume (m³) and
Δt = time step that is used (seconds)
N = auxiliary function (m³/s)

This relationship may be written as:

I1 + I 2 O + O2
Δt − 1 Δt = S 2 − S1 …(7.8)
2 2

I1 + I 2

Δt = average volumetric inflow (m³)

O1 + O 2

Δt = average volumetric outflow (m³)


S 2 − S1 = change in storage volume (m³)

i c a 0 0
This relationship may also be written as follows:

l 2
I1 + I 2 O + O2

b -
S 2 − S1 = dt − 1 dt …(7.9)
2 2

p u 0 4
If the known terms are grouped together it follows that:

r e -
⎛ S 2 O 2 ⎞ ⎛ S1 O1 ⎞ I1 + I 2

⎜ + ⎟=⎜ + ⎟+ − O1 …(7.10)
⎝ Δt 2 ⎠ ⎝ Δt 2 ⎠ 2

P 1
It is helpful to develop a graphical relationship between the function ⎛⎜ S1 + O1 ⎞⎟ and the outflow O1
⎝ Δt 2 ⎠
for a selected time step Δt. This is referred to as the auxiliary function, N vs O, which is used
to simplify the solution of the outflow time relationship, as shown in Figure 7.7.

With ⎛⎜ S 2 + O 2 ⎞⎟ = N 2 and ⎛⎜ S1 + O1 ⎞⎟ = N 1 , the solution could then be written as follows:

⎝ Δt 2 ⎠ ⎝ Δt 2 ⎠

I1 + I 2
N 2 = N1 + − O1 …(7.11)

The inflow hydrograph, is normally given or could be obtained from the methods given in Chapter 3.
Furthermore, for a given stage at the culvert entrance the outflow rate, O, may be determined from the
methods described in sections 7.3 and 7.4. Figure 7.7 reflects a typical example of an auxiliary curve.

Beginning at time T = 1, with a known outflow, O1 and known inflow relationship, I1, I2, I3. .........., In
and storage value, S1 and the relationship for Ni determined from equation 7.10, N2 can be solved and
from the auxiliary function (Equation 7.11 or Figure 7.7) O2 can be determined.

Lesser culverts Drainage Manual 7-12

In summary the routing analysis is performed as follows:

• Using hydrological calculations (Chapter 3) obtain an inflow hydrograph (discharge - time

curve) for run-off from the culvert catchment.
• Determine the storage volume (S) for different water levels at the site, and assume that the
storage volume = 0 at the invert level of the culvert (Assume that any storage volume
below this invert will not result in any attenuation)
• Select a culvert with suitable dimensions smaller than those required for the peak
discharge according to Figure 7.4 (because temporal storage will result in a smaller
outflow rate).
• Determine the outflows for different heads in accordance with Figure 7.4.

• Draw a graph showing the relationship between outflow (O) and the auxiliary function

N= + …(7.12)
Δt 2

S = temporal storage or ponding volume (m³)
Δt = selected time increments (say, 0,1 of time from the start of the inflow to

the peak inflow (time of concentration or the lag time)), seconds

O = outflow through culvert (m³/s)

t i 6
• For each time increment Δ t, calculate

a 0
I1 + I 2
− O1 = ΔN


l i 0

I1 and I2 = the inflows into the ponded area at times t1 and t2 respectively

b -
With ( Δ t = t2 - t1) and O1 = the outflow at t 1 (beginning of time step Δ t ).

p u 4
• Calculate successive values of N by putting N2 = N1 + Δ N . Corresponding values of the

- 0
outflow, O, for a known N, can be read off from the graph.


When the maximum discharge has been determined, the maximum head (stage at the

culvert inlet) may be calculated by means of the appropriate equations in Section 7.3 or

P 1
interpolated from Figure 7.4.

If necessary, new culvert dimensions are selected and the process is repeated until a
satisfactory head is obtained.

Figure 7.7: A typical example of the auxiliary function

Lesser culverts Drainage Manual 7-13


Erosion is generally found where:

• water velocities are high, and

• the direction of flow changes rapidly.

When conventional inlets with wing-walls (standard design) are used, scour upstream of culverts is
rarely a problem. The provision of pitching over a distance of twice the vertical dimension upstream
of the culvert inlet (or upstream of the concrete slab between the wing walls), with stones 200 mm in
size is usually sufficient (7.2).

Where problems are expected, additional protective measures may be required (Chapter 8).


Before erosion protection at a culvert outlet can be designed, the water velocity at the outlet needs to

be determined. (The depth of flow may then be calculated from the continuity equation.)

i o
Outlet velocities

a t 6
In the case of outlet control, the downstream flow depth determines the sectional area at the outlet


and the corresponding velocity can be calculated for a given value of Q with (V = ).

i 0

b l 2
More important is the case in which inlet control applies and the flow is supercritical at the outlet

(upstream control).

p u - 0 4
P r e 1 9
Figure 7.8: Definition sketch of the energy components through a culvert

For section 2 (just inside or outside the culvert) the following equation applies in the case of non-
submerged conditions (free outflow):

v 22
H1 + z1 = y 2 + + h f 1− 2 + h 11− 2 …(7.13)

Once again, hf can be calculated according to the Manning or Chézy roughness coefficients, and h1 =
entry loss at 1.

Lesser culverts Drainage Manual 7-14

Outlet velocities just inside or outside the culvert outlet may be read off from Figure 7.6 when inlet
control applies. Figure 7.6 is based on a conservatively low value for n of 0,014 s/m1/3 to allow for
the most unfavourable conditions. Differences in the value of n do not have a great effect where
slopes are steep. (The outlet velocity cannot be higher than that given by the Manning equation for
uniform flow through the culvert, and in the case of steep slopes is limited by the difference in height
between the inlet and the outlet, while the equilibrium uniform velocity has not yet been reached.)

Protective measures

The primary aim of downstream erosion protection is to release water into the natural channel at a
velocity no greater than the original velocity and in the same direction.

Energy dissipation normally takes place downstream of the culvert, but may also take place in steps

inside the culvert.

For effective energy dissipation and erosion protection downstream of the culvert, the following

alternatives are available for consideration:

• Grass covers (Refer to Section 5.4.5)
• Types II, III, IV of stone pitching as developed by the US Waterways Experiment Station

i o
(Figure 7.10)

t 6
• Type V stilling basin with baffle developed for culverts at the University of Pretoria from

the US Bureau of Reclamation’s stilling basin for dam outlets(7.5). (Figure 7.11)

i c 0 0
Taking into account different aspects, such as maximum permissible water velocities, maximum stone

sizes that can be handled by labourers, and relative costs, Figure 7.9 approximately indicates the

b 2
optimum solutions for different flow conditions.

u 4 -
The following procedure is used when applying Figure 7.9:

p - 0
• Determine the outlet velocity at the entrance to the stilling basin in accordance with

Figure 7.6.

r 9
• Calculate the depth of flow from the continuity equation.

P 1
• Calculate the Froude number, Fr as well as where D = height or diameter of culvert
and y1 is the outlet flow depth.
• Read off which type, is the most suitable, and obtain the required dimensions from the
detailed data.

If another type of protection is preferred, it has to be checked to see whether it may be used under the
prevailing conditions.

Where a grass cover is used the outlet should be above ground level, and if necessary the area around
the outlet should be paved to prevent grass and/or deposits of sediment from blocking the outlet.

Lesser culverts Drainage Manual 7-15

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Figure 7.9: Limiting values for different methods of erosion protection at culvert outlets (A copy
of this diagram has been included on the supporting CD)

Lesser culverts Drainage Manual 7-16

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1
Figure 7.10a: U S Army waterways Figure 7.10b: U S Army waterways stone stilling
stone stilling basins – Type 1 basins – Type II

Lesser culverts Drainage Manual 7-17

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1
Figure 7.10c: U S Army waterways stone stilling basins – Type III

Lesser culverts Drainage Manual 7-18

D ra
i o n
Figure 7.11: Type V Stilling Basin


c a

0 6
l i 2 0
7.8.1 Example 7.1 - Determination of the required culvert size

u b -
Problem description Example 7.1

p 0 4
The required culvert size, to handle the calculated 1:20 year flood (Q20) of 44,5 m3/s needs to be

e -
determined. The client favours the use of circular (pipe) culverts. The final level of the roadwork’s

across the river will be at a level of 2,5 m above the riverbed.

P 1 9
The absolute roughness, ks, for the trapezoidal river channel, is 0,1 m. The cross-sectional details are
provided below in Figure 7.12. The natural slope of the river, S0, is 0,0015 m/m upstream from the
culvert and it is 0,004 m/m downstream from the culvert. The culvert will be placed at the same slope
as the upstream river section. The submergence of the culvert should be limited to a H/D ratio of
about 1,2.

Figure 7.12: Cross sectional details of the natural channel

Solution Example 7.1

First calculate the normal flow depth, Yn and flow conditions in the channel upstream and downstream
of the planned culvert.

Lesser culverts Drainage Manual 7-19

• Determine the upstream normal flow depth

For a uniform channel the relationship of Chèzy can be used.



Q = flow rate, (m3/s)

⎛ 12R ⎞
chèzy constant = 18 log⎜⎜ ⎟⎟

C =

⎝ ks ⎠

R = hydraulic radius, (m)
A = area, (m2)
Yn upstream = Y = upstream normal flow depth (notation used here)

⎛ 12R ⎞
44,5 = 18 log⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ RS A

⎝ ks ⎠

⎛ 12A ⎞ AS

44,5 = 18 log⎜⎜ ⎟⎟


⎝ ksP ⎠ P

c a 0
Substituting the values for A, P, S and ks in the above equation provides:

l i 2
⎛ (12) 8Y + (2)(0,5)(Y 2 )(2) ) ⎞⎟ (8Y + (2)(0,5)(Y ) (8Y + (2)(0,5)(Y )
)(2) (0,0015)

b -
44,5 = 18 log⎜⎜ ⎟
⎝ (0,1)(8 + (2) 5 Y) ⎠ (8 + (2) 5 Y)

u 4
Solve for the upstream normal flow depth Y in the above equation.

e p - 0
Y = 2,0 m and A = 24 m2, hence V = 1,8505 m/s.

r 9
The flow type can be determined by the calculation of the Froude number, Fr2 = Q B = 0,2327 and
gA 3

P 1
Fr = 0,482

The flow is thus sub critical (Fr < 1) and therefore the cross sectional area of the river may be reduced,
resulting in a deceleration of the flow and some damming upstream from the intended structure (Note:
In the case of supercritical flow it is not allowed to decelerate the flow because it might lead to the
creation of a hydraulic jump that might breach the downstream structure).

• Determine the downstream normal flow depth

In a similar way as above, the downstream normal flow depth can be determined. In this case
the downstream normal flow depth, Yds = 1,541 m

Total energy head upstream of the culvert, H 1 = V + Y = 2,1745 m


• Determine the size of the culverts to handle the flow

For a culvert with a diameter of 1,8 m and the downstream flow depth of 1,541 m, the system will
probably be inlet control and the flow can be determined based on the relationship for inlet control
(Table 7.2).

Lesser culverts Drainage Manual 7-20

Table 7.2 reflects that for a circular culvert, under submerged conditions with H/D ≥ 1,2, the flow rate
can be determined as follows:

Q = C D 2gH 1 A

H 2,1745
In this case; = =1,21 and the flow rate through one such a culvert can be determined.
D 1,8

(2)(9,81)(2,1745) ⎜⎜ π (1,8)
⎛ 2

Q = (0,6 ) ⎟ = 9,97 m³/s

4 ⎟
⎝ ⎠

The number of culverts required = 44,5/9,97 = 4,45 ≅ 5.

Determine if it is practical to install 5 culverts in the cross section of the river.

ra f
n D
Assume the distance between the pipes is 100 mm and the wall thickness of the pipes are about 78 mm
then the total width of five culverts will be = (5)[1,8+(2)(0,078)] +(4)(0,1) = 10,18 m. With some

groundwork it is possible to place the culverts as is shown in Figure 7.13.

a t i 0 6
b l i c 2 0
Figure 7.13: Positioning of the 5 pipe culverts

p u 0 4
There are however also box culverts that could have been used here.

e -
Figure 7.4 reflects the required culvert size for a given (design) flow rate and a H/D ratio of 1,2.

r 9
Reference to pipe and portal (box) culverts are reflected here.

P 1
By means of Figure 7.4 and by assuming that a portal (box) culvert could be used as an alternative to
the calculation above, the required culvert size for Inlet Control conditions could be obtained.

Assume that 5 culverts will be used, the flow per culvert = 44,5/5 = 8,9 m³/s.

Using Figure 7.4 for a square culvert and following the lines for Inlet Control (clockwise) the value
for H1 = 2,4 m for the flow of 8,9 m³/s, a 1800 x 1800 mm portal culvert could be selected (as shown
in Figure 7.14). The H/D ratio will however be 1,33 and 5 of these culverts will be sufficient to
transfer the flow.

This result can be checked with the following formula (Table 7.2):

2 2
Q = C B BH1 gH 1
3 3

Where CB = 1 for rounded inlets (r > 0,1B) and CB = 0,9 for square inlets.

2 2
Q = (0,9)(1,8)(2,4) (9,81)(2,4 ) = 10,27 m³/s, and hence 5 culverts will be sufficient.
3 3

Lesser culverts Drainage Manual 7-21

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Figure 7.14: Determining culvert size (inlet control)

Lesser culverts Drainage Manual 7-22

• Evaluation of the same problem with the upstream slope equal to the downstream slope

It follows from the new slope details (S0 upstream and S0 downstream is 0,0015 m/m) that the upstream and
downstream normal flow depths will be 2,0 m, as was determined before. If the upstream water level
is limited to + Y = 2,1745 as before, the calculated inlet control flow through a 1800 pipe culvert
will be 9,97 m³/s.

For inlet control conditions the length, roughness, slope and hydraulic radius of the culvert has no
influence on the discharge rate. For outlet control these variables do influence the flow rate and have

to be considered.

ra f
Assume that the following additional information was obtained for the pipe culvert:

Slope of the culvert, S0 = 0,0015 m/m

Roughness of the culvert, ks = 0,002 m
Diameter of the culvert, D = 1 800 mm

Length of the culvert, L = 25 m

i o
It was reflected above that the flow is sub-critical, Fr = 0,482, hence downstream control will be

experienced in the channel prior to the placing of the culvert.

a 0 6
By applying the energy equation between the upstream/inlet (Position subscript 1) and the

c 0
downstream/outlet (Position subscript 2) the required upstream energy, H1 can be determined by using

l i
the continuity of energy principle, as follows:

b - 2
H1 + S0L = H2 + hl + hf (between Positions 1 and 2):

u 4
For the flow of 9,97 m³/s the flow velocity in the culvert can be determined:


e p 9,97

9 -
π( 0,9) 2
0= 3,92 m/s

P 1
The secondary losses, hl can be determined as follows:

hl = hl inlet + hl outlet
V2 V2
h l = (K inlet + K outlet ) = (0,5 + 1) = 0,7832 m
2g 2g

The friction losses, hf can also be determined, assuming that full bore flow conditions in the culvert
will prevail:
λLV 2
hf =
For rough turbulent conditions,

1 3,7D
= 2log( )
λ ks
λ = 0,02015

hf = 0,8702 m

Lesser culverts Drainage Manual 7-23

For outlet control conditions, the upstream conditions can now be determined:

H1 = H2 - Z1 + hl - hf

H1 = 2,0 - 0,0015(25) + 0,7832 + 0,8702

H1 = 3,62 m

The value of H1 for outlet control is more than H1 required for inlet control; hence outlet control will
control the flow through the culvert.

The only way to reduce the upstream flow depth is to consider more culverts. Figure 7.4 can again be

used to verify the calculations.

From Figure 7.4 start of with the flow of 9,97 m³/s and the value of the losses,

HL = 0,7832 + 0,8702 = 1,6534 m

The required culvert size is equal to an 1800 mm pipe culvert (as shown in Figure 7.15).

i o
It has however been indicated that the upstream level should not breach the road surface and hence it

t 6
follows that H1 should be limited:

a 0
H1 = H2 - Z1 + hl - hf

l i c 0
H1 = 2 - 0,0015(25) + hl + hf

b 2
Assume H1 is limited to V + Y = 2,1745 , and then it follows:


p u 0 4
HL = hl + hf = 2,1745 – 2 + hl + hf = 0,1745 m

r e 9
If the flow is selected to be 9,97 m³/s then the culvert size can be determined from Figure 7.4 as

P 1
Start at Q = 9,97 m³/s per culvert and HL = 0,1745 m then the 3000 x 1800 mm box culvert will be
sufficient to transport the flow. This will however result in a section of about 5(3,0) m = 15 m, which
is much wider than the river base of 8,0 m.

An economic/technical assessment of the alternatives:

• re-alignment of the road against

• provision of practical culvert design

have to conducted to select the solution for implementation.

Lesser culverts Drainage Manual 7-24

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Lesser culverts Drainage Manual 7-25

Figure 7.15: Determining culvert size (outlet control)

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Lesser culverts Drainage Manual 7-26

7.8.2 Example 7.2 – Level pool routing

Problem description Example 7.2

You have to determine the attenuation and translation that results from the routing of a given inflow
hydrograph through a dam (The methodology is the same as for a culvert, using an outflow equation
from Table 7.2). The following is known:

Outflow stage relationship of the spillway of the dam is given by:

Q = C d LH1,5


Q = discharge (m3/s)
Cd = discharge coefficient

L = length of the spillway (m)
H = total energy head (measured above the spillway level) (m)

In this case the outflow can be determined by the following relationship: Q = 110H1,5

t i o 6
Area- volume relationship of the storage volume is given as indicated below:

a 0
Surface area at the spill level = 7,5 km2

i c 0
Surface area at a level above spill level = 7,5 + 1,5h km2

h = reflects the difference between the free surface level and the spill level i.e. total energy (m)

u b 4 - 2
r e p 9 - 0
P 1
Figure 7.16: Section through the spillway of the dam

The inflow hydrograph is given in Figure 7.17.

Lesser culverts Drainage Manual 7-27

Figure 7.17: Inflow hydrograph

Solution Example 7.2

n D
i o
It is known that the storage relationship is:

t 6

a 0
S = ∫ Adh = 10 6
∫ (7,5 +1,5h)dh

i c 0

b l 2
S = 106 (7,5 h + 0,75 h 2 + k)

u 4 -
It is known that S = 0, when H=0 and hence the integration constant, k = 0

e p - 0
Assume that the time step, Δt = 2 hours = 7200 seconds then it follows:

r 9
It has been shown that for N = +

P 1
it follows that:
Δt 2

I1 + I 2
N 2 = N1 + − O1 and by substituting the known relationships, it follows:
A distance away from the spill section where the velocity approaches zero in the dam the difference
between the water level and the spillway level reflects the total energy: i.e. h = H
10 6
N= (7,5 H + 0,75 H 2 ) + 55 H1,5
7 200
N = 1041,7H + 104,17H 2 + 55 H1,5

N = 104,17H(10 + H + 0,53 H )

Determine the relationship for N and H to be used in the auxiliary function, shown in Table 7.3 (and
graphically in Figure 7.18).

Lesser culverts Drainage Manual 7-28

Table 7.3: Relationship of N versus O, for different H values
H O 104,17 H 0,53H0,5 10H+0,53H0,5 +H N
0,2 9,8 20,8 0,2 10,4 217,4
0,4 27,8 41,7 0,3 10,7 447,3
0,6 51,1 62,5 0,4 11,0 688,1
0,8 78,7 83,3 0,5 11,3 939,4
1,0 110,0 104,2 0,5 11,5 1200,9
1,2 144,6 125,0 0,6 11,8 1472,3
1,4 182,2 145,8 0,6 12,0 1753,7
1,6 222,6 166,7 0,7 12,3 2044,7

1,8 265,6 187,5 0,7 12,5 2345,4

2,0 311,1 208,3 0,7 12,7 2655,6

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
Figure 7.18: Auxiliary diagram

e - 0
If the inflow and outflow hydrographs are plotted (Figure 7.19) it will be observed that:

r 9
P 1
• the intersect of the hydrographs coincides with the maximum storage and
• the maximum outflow rate will be associated with the time of the intersect.

Figure 7.19: The inflow and calculated outflow hydrographs

Lesser culverts Drainage Manual 7-29

Summary of the results:

Attenuation = 360-180 = 180 m3/s

Translation = 24-12 = 12 h

7.8.3 Example 7.3 - Erosion protection downstream from a culvert

Problem description Example 7.3

In Example 7.1 it was indicated that for inlet control it is possible to convey 8,9 m3/s through a 1,8 m
diameter circular culvert. You are now requested to design the protection works for a single 1,8 m

diameter culvert, functioning under inlet control conditions with H/D= 1,2. The concrete culvert is

28 m long with an estimated absolute roughness of 0,003 m. The culvert will be installed at a slope of

0,01 m/m.

The flow releases into a natural trapezoidal river section with a base width of 2,0 m and side slopes of

1V:2H. The natural slope of the river is 0,004 m/m and the roughness is 0,05 m. Details of the cross
section are given in Figure 7.20.

i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
e p - 0
Figure 7.20: Upstream view of the culvert

r 9
Solution Example 7.3

P 1
The uniform flow equations of Manning and Chezy can only be used if uniform flow occurs. Uniform
flow will occur if the cross-sectional parameters, roughness and slope remain constant. With the
culvert length only 28 m it is unlikely that the normal flow depth will be reached within the culvert.
By assuming that the normal flow depth will be reached, the analysis is conservative, resulting in a
flow depth that is less (for the slope steeper that the critical slope, S0 > Sc) or the flow depth will be
greater for a sub critical slope (S0 < Sc).

Table 7.4 reflects the cross sectional parameters for a circular pipe

Lesser culverts Drainage Manual 7-30

Table 7.4: Sectional parameters for a circular cross-section
Variable Y < D/2 (θ < π radials) Y > D/2 (θ > π radials)

Cross sectional


ft ⎛θ⎞

Area, A (m2) R 2 θ − 2(0,5)(R − Y )Sin ⎜ ⎟R πR 2 − (R 2 θ) − 2(0,5)(R − Y )Sin ⎜ ⎟R
⎝2⎠ ⎝2⎠
Wetter perimeter,
R (θ ) R(2π − θ)

P (m)
Hydraulic radius, A

R (m) P

t i o 6
Firstly the normal flow depth, Yn downstream from the culvert in the river is determined by using the
Chezy formula:

V = C RS

l i c a 0 0
⎛ 12R ⎞

Q = VA =18 log⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ RSA

⎝ ks ⎠

u 4

= flow rate (m3/s)


V = average velocity (m/s)

R = hydraulic radius (m)

r 9
ks = absolute roughness (m)

P 1
S = slope of the river section (m/m)

By substituting the known values:

⎛ 12R ⎞
8,9 = 18 log⎜ ⎟ R (0,004 )A
⎝ 0,05 ⎠

A = (2 )(Yn ) + 2(0,5)(Yn )(2Yn )
P = 2 + (2 ) 5 (Yn )
Yn = the unknown normal flow depth (m)

Solving for Yn:

Yn = 1,068 m

Lesser culverts Drainage Manual 7-31

This indicates that the normal flow depth in the river section downstream from the culvert will have no
backwater influence on the culvert flow (Yn<D).

Now the flow depth at the outlet of the culvert is determined (Refer to the reasoning above where the
influence of assuming uniform flow in the culvert was explained).

The critical slope in the culvert can be determined.

Critical conditions will occur when Fr = 1, and the critical slope Sc can be determined for full flow
conditions as follows:

V2 Q2

Sc = =
C2R C2A 2R

Sc = 0,00792 m/m

This indicates that the flow depth in the culvert will reduce downstream from the position where
critical flow occurs near the inlet of the culvert because S0 > Sc.

o n
If it is assumed that the flow depth in the culvert, Y is more than D/2, solve for a potential flow depth,


a t 0 6
It is found that:

i c 0
Y = 1,329 m; A = 2,015 m² ; B = 0,997 m (top width of flow); V = 4,417 m/s and Fr = 0,984.

b l - 2
Y/D = 1,3294/1,8 = 0,738

u 4
Figure 7.9 can now be used to select the appropriate erosion protection.

p - 0
Figure 7.9 reflects that the appropriate protection is at the border of Type II, hence type III is selected.

r e
Figure 7.21 can now be used to obtain dimensions for outlet erosion protection.

P 1 9
Using Figure 7.6 with a flow of 8,9 m³/s in a circular culvert the values of Froude and the flow depth
can also be obtained which will correspond with the calculated values.

Lesser culverts Drainage Manual 7-32

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0 Figure 7.21: Dimensions for the outlet erosion protection

P 7.9


SANRAL. (2002). Code of Procedure for the Planning and Design of Highway and Road
Structures in South Africa. Pretoria

7.2 Edgerson, R.C. (1961). Culvert inlet failures – a case history. Bulletin 286 Highway Research
Board. Washington DC.

7.3 Henderson, F.M. (1966). Open Channel Flow, MacMillan Series in Civil Engineering.

7.4 Shaw, E.M. (1994). Hydrology in Practice. Chapman & Hall, Chapter 16 – Flood Routing.

7.5 Bohan, J.P. (1970). US Army Engineer Waterways Experimental Station, Research Report H-
70-2 January 1970.

7.6 Coetsee, J. and Bredenkamp, B. (1980). Bed protection and Energy dissipation at Culvert
Outlets. University of Pretoria, (original in Afrikaans).

Lesser culverts Drainage Manual 7-33


AM Jansen van Vuuren, A Rooseboom and EJ Kruger


The hydraulic design of bridges and major culverts, as well as the practical aspects of bridge site
location and of scour protection, are covered in this chapter.

Definitions applicable in this chapter are as follows:

• Bridge

A waterway structure shall be classified as a bridge if any one or more of the following

o The clear span (as measured horizontally at the soffit along the road or rail centre
line between the faces of its supports) exceeds 6 m.

o The individual clear spans (as measured horizontally at the soffit along the road or
rail centre line between the faces of its supports) exceed 1,5 m and the overall

length measured between abutment faces exceeds 20 m.
o The opening height, which is the maximum vertical distance from the streambed or

i o
structure floor at the inlet, to the soffit of the superstructure, exceeds 6 m.

t 6
o Where the total cross-sectional opening is equal or larger than 36 m².

a 0
• Major culvert

i c 0
A cellular structure with dimensions less than those defining a bridge but with clear span

(as measured horizontally at the soffit perpendicular to the faces of its supports) length

b 2
equal to or larger than 2,1 m, or diameter equal to or larger than 2,1 m, or a culvert with a

total cross-sectional opening equal to or larger than 5 m².

p u 4
• Backwater (or damming; afflux)

- 0
The maximum rise in flood level upstream of the waterway constriction, as shown in

Figure 8.1.

r 1 9

The height difference between the design high flood level (that includes the backwater)
and the lowest level along the soffit of the superstructure as defined in Figure 8.1. Note
that the freeboard is positive if the design high flood level is below the soffit, and
negative if the design high flood level is above the soffit (the latter typical in lesser

• Shoulder breakpoint – Defined in Figure 8.1.

Important Note: It must be noted by the reader that the definitions for bridges and major culverts are
purely for categorisation purposes for structures management from a risk viewpoint and do not refer to
the form of the structure. Thus a bridge may take the structural form of a culvert and a culvert may
have the structural form of a bridge. If will be noted that in this chapter no distinction is made
between bridges and culverts for freeboard or other requirements. This is the major departure from
previous editions of this manual.

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-1

Table 8.1: Road map for bridges and major culverts
Bridges and major culverts

Typical problems Other topics
examples Supporting

Input information
Example software Par.
Topic Par. Topic

i o
Determination of the

Road Class, Q20 and QT (design peak discharge), associated Risk of overtopping 2.5 and

required freeboard at
8.2 social, environmental and structural impact associated with - - and failure (LCC) 2.6
bridges and major

overtopping. Flood calculations Chapter 3

l i c 0 0
Flow rate, cross sectional parameters, representative roughness, Sub or super critical
Calculation of the
8.3 eccentricity and orientation of the opening, flows in the left, 8.1 in 8.7.1 flow conditions in 8.3

right and centre channels (where applicable). the bridge

b -
Drainage Manual

u 4
Flow rate, cross sectional parameters, representative particle
Long and short term
characteristics, longitudinal channel characteristics and

general scour

sediment loads. Physical properties of clay.


Scour estimation at HEC-RAS
8.4 Pier dimensions and shape, orientation, form of the pier nose. 8.2 in 8.7.2 Local scour

r 9
Dimensions of narrowed section. Contraction scour
Influenced by all the above factors. Total scour

P 1
Procedures for
Summary of all the steps required 8.4.7
estimation of scour

Scour countermeasures Countermeasures at

8.5 Erodeability, topography and alignment of the road. - Table 8.11
at bridges. bridges
D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
Figure 8.1: Illustration of the hydraulic definitions

p u 4
Freeboard requirements are depicted in Section 8.2 and the selected design flood frequency depends

on the classification of the road, the four road classes having been defined as follows:

r e

9 -Strategic roads (Class A)

Roads that are specifically classified by the responsible road authority as being of

P 1
strategic importance.
• Dual carriageway roads (Class A)
Roads on which the carriageways are separated by a median island, or single carriageway
roads forming one carriageway of an eventual dual carriageway.
• Primary roads (Class B)
Single carriageway roads on national and provincial major roads, generally designated as
“N” or “R” roads.
• Secondary roads (Class C)
Surfaced or unsurfaced roads linking primary roads.
• Tertiary roads (Class D)
Predominantly unsurfaced roads that cannot be classified as secondary roads.

Design flood, QT, is the flow rate (m3/s) with a return period of T years for which the hydraulic
structure will be designed. The selection of the return period is normally influenced by the cost of the
structure, the importance of the system, a risk of failure that can be managed and other factors.

It is recommended that, before any detail design work is undertaken, the designer shall obtain in
writing the classification of the road and approval of the design flood return periods from the road
authority or funding agency. The applicable design flood is determined according to the methodology
described in Chapter 3 and the determination of the natural or “normal” flow depths is set out in
Chapter 4 of this Manual.

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-3


The freeboard requirements as shown in Figure 8.3 are dependent on the magnitude of the design
flood, QT , which is in turn dependent on the road classification(8.26) as given in Figure 8.2 below. The
20-year flood is used as the “indicator” flood and it in essence reflects the risk classification of the
river at the bridge site as the indicator flood size increases with catchment area.









i o


a 0 6

i c 0

b l 2

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200


20-YEAR FLOOD (m /s)

Figure 8.2: Design flood frequency estimate

e - 0
The required freeboard is shown in Figure 8.3 (8.26). It should be noted that the maximum discharge

r 9
capacity of the largest lesser pipe culvert size (2,1 m diameter) operating as inlet control, with

H/D = 1,2 is in the order of 10 m³/s. This discharge coincides with the transition between lesser and

major culverts. From Figure 8.3 it is evident that major structures with design flood magnitudes of
between 10 and 42 m³/s may have negative freeboards. This implies that such structures act
hydraulically as culverts and not as bridges, provided that the requirement below is also complied

The capacity of a conduit has to be increased if it is not able to accommodate a flood having twice the
recurrence interval of the design flood, QT, below the lowest shoulder break point (Figure 8.1) at the
waterway crossing.

The design flood, QT, and freeboard requirements above should be regarded as minimum standards.
The engineer should investigate the impacts of debris, wave action, and super-elevation of the flow on
the freeboard to be provided. Additional freeboard shall be provided where sediment build-up is likely,
e.g. if the structure is positioned upstream of an existing or a planned dam. Such build-up often
extends above the full supply level of the dam.

The design flood return period may have to be increased if the relative risk to the structure, associated
embankment or the road user is deemed to be higher than normal.

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-4

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Figure 8.3: Freeboard from the calculated backwater to the deck’s soffit of bridges and culverts

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-5

Crossings at estuaries and across dam basins require additional allowances for tidal effects and wave
action, as well as freeboard for small craft. Section 7 of Volume II of TRH 25 (CSRA, 1994) (2-2)
contains detailed design guidelines on this topic.


A bridge often reduces the available cross-sectional flow area of a stream. This leads to additional
energy losses and causes upstream damming of sub-critical flow. The flow patterns through a normal
(sub-critical) crossing are shown in Figure 8.4 (8.4). Where supercritical flow is maintained, the depth
of flow increases where the stream section narrows. Because urban or agricultural development often

limits permissible backwater levels, land use plays a part in the determination of bridge openings. The

sizing of a bridge opening is also affected by the scour or sediment build-up that may take place.

Scour at bridges is dealt with in Section 8.4.

Once the backwater, h* (or afflux) has been determined, the freeboard of the proposed bridge or

culvert openings should conform to the minimum requirements in Section 8.2, adjusted for factors
such as a high debris load.

The following design limit criteria should be implemented (8.26) :

t i o 6
• Backwater generally not more than 0,6 m.

• The design flow velocity through the constriction to be generally less than 4 m/s.

• In addition to the above, the ratio of the design flow velocity through the structure to the

i c 0
natural flow velocity should not exceed 1,67.

• A minimum freeboard of 0,3 m for all bridges and culverts should be provided where

b 2
debris is anticipated. Local conditions should be studied when freeboard is determined

and local maintenance teams should be consulted.

p u 0 4
Detailed backwater calculations are described by Bradley in the publication Hydraulics of Bridge
Waterways (8.4). Full details of the methodologies to be applied to four types of flow through a

e -
constriction are contained in Volume I of TRH25 (8.7). In this manual, only the more common cases of

r 9
slight backwater (Type I bridge flow) and more severe backwater (Type II flow) are dealt with to

P 1
illustrate the concepts and to assist in hand calculations. Software to determine the bridge backwater is
available. HEC-RAS, for example, incorporates this methodology (referred to as the WSPRO method),
as well as solves the standard step energy equation, or the momentum balance, or the empirical
Yarnell equations, and is widely used. The software is distributed with this manual.

In the analysis of backwater the following procedures should be followed:

⎛ Q Bn
⎞ 2
Determine the normal Froude number: ⎜ ⎟ …(8.1)
⎜ gA 3n ⎟
⎝ ⎠
for normal flow in the river, where:

Q = design discharge (m3/s)

Bn = total flow width for the normal stage (m)
An = total flow area for normal stage (m2)

If the normal flow is subcritical, Type I or Type II flow may occur at the structure (Figures 8.5 and
8.8 illustrate the flow patterns through the structure). Determine the backwater for both cases, and
adopt the greater value.

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-6

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Figure 8.4: Water levels and flow distribution at normal crossings (8.4)

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-7

Backwater height, h1* for Type I bridge flow

Figure 8.5 serves as a definition sketch. The backwater height is given by:

Vn22 ⎧⎪⎛ A ⎞ 2 ⎛ A ⎞ 2 ⎫⎪ V 2
h = K α2
+ α1 ⎨⎜⎜ n2 ⎟⎟ − ⎜⎜ n2 ⎟⎟ ⎬ n2 …(8.2)
2g ⎪⎩⎝ A 4 ⎠ ⎝ A 1 ⎠ ⎪⎭ 2g
K* = secondary energy loss coefficient
α1, α2 = velocity coefficients (see Figure 8.6 and the description below)


Vn2 = (m/s) where Q = design discharge (m³/s)
A n2

An2 = flow area at constricted section 2 below normal water level (m²)
A1 = flow area at section 1, including the influence of the backwater on the flow
depth (m²)

A4 = flow area at section 4 (m²)

i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1
Figure 8.5: Type 1 bridge flow

Figure 8.6: Estimation of the velocity coefficient, α2

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-8

Calculation of velocity coefficients:

α1 =
∑ (qv 2
Qv 1
v = average velocity through sub-channel (a, b or c) (m/s)
q = discharge through the sub-channel (m³/s)
Q = total discharge (m³/s)
v1 = average velocity through Section 1 = (m/s)


and α2 is read from Figure 8.6 with M = (from Figure 8.4)

The loss coefficient K* can be determined from the chart in Figure 8.7 (8.22), which summarises the
graphs in Hydraulics of Bridge Waterways (8.4). The designer may consult the reference for more

detailed charts. The graphs were compiled from the results of laboratory tests where a straight channel
with uniform section and a constant bed slope was used. The slope of the bed was adjusted until
uniform flow was obtained. Although bridges are usually built in rivers with non-uniform flow depths

and velocities, equation 8.2 and Figure 8.7 can still be used as a good estimate for these conditions.

i o
In complex cases, such as double bridges, consult TRH 25 (8.7). Note, however, that there is often

t 6
more uncertainty about the undisturbed (normal) flow depth than about the increase in the flow depth

a 0
that would be caused by a bridge.

i c 0
The calculation procedure for Type II flow (Figure 8.8) is illustrated below:

b l - 2
Backwater height, h1* for Type II bridge flow

u 4
Figure 8.8 serves as a definition sketch. The backwater height is given by:

e p - 0
v 22c v2
h 1* = α 2 (C b + 1) − α1 1 + y 2c − y …(8.3)

r 9
2g 2g

P 1
A n2
y = projected normal flow depth in the constriction = (m)
A 2c
y2c = critical depth in constriction = (m)
v2c = critical velocity in constriction = (m/s)
A 2c
α2 = velocity head coefficient for the constriction (Figure 8.6)

(other terms as previously defined for Equation 8.2)

The value of the backwater coefficient, Cb, can be read off the curve in Figure 8.9.

If the normal flow is supercritical, the flow section should preferably not be constricted. Also
ensure that the freeboard is adequate, so that the superstructure will not affect the flow and cause a
hydraulic jump to occur. If the section is constricted, treat as Type II flow or obtain expert opinion.

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-9

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Figure 8.7: Chart to determine the Backwater Coefficient, K* (8.4; 8.22)

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-10

Figure 8.8: Type II bridge flow with substantial damming and critical flow through the bridge

n D
t i o 6
l i c a 0 0
u b 4 - 2
r e p 9 - 0
P 1
Figure 8.9: Estimation of the Backwater Coefficient, Cb (8.4, 8.22)

Note that where abnormal stage conditions are caused by downstream hydraulic controls, the
unconstricted flood water level at the bridge should be determined by computing the flow profile as
described in Section 4.2. The backwater is then calculated using a contracted version of the original
Equation 8.2:
v 22A
h 1A = K *α 2 …(8.2a)
where the subscript A refers to abnormal stage conditions.

In order to compute the flow profile sufficient information in the form of river cross sections of the
downstream river reach (for subcritical flow conditions) should be available.

Other points also to be borne in mind in the analysis of backwater are as follows:

• To determine the undisturbed (normal) flow depths, the prevailing controls should be
properly identified.

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-11

• The presence of sand-spits at river mouths has to be considered carefully, because spits
often block river mouths. A spit may wash away only after severe damming has taken
place. This impact tends to become more serious as more water is extracted from a river
and the spit is broken through less frequently.

• River channels are often in a state of change. Changes in the position of the main channel
and flood plains may have an effect on backwater, especially if the angle of approaching
flow is increased. The morphological changes of a river channel may be traced by
studying aerial photographs taken over a period of time, if available.

• Man-made influences affecting backwater at a bridge site may include additional

damming resulting from the sediment delta at the upper end of a dam basin well above
the full supply level. On the other hand, when a dam far upstream attenuates flood peaks

through storage, the river channel far downstream tends to become shallower and
narrower, which could lead to increased flood levels.

• Excavation of material under a bridge to reduce damming is not recommended because
sediment build-up and bed forms rapidly reduce the extra capacity. The effect of scour

whereby a greater opening is created, is to be ignored when determining the required

waterway opening, because the most reliable damming formulae have been calibrated in

the field and they automatically allow for scour under flood conditions.

a t 6
The methodology (8.4) described above is based on a number of assumptions, such as normal flow in

relatively straight reaches of streams with subcritical flow conditions prevailing. In view of the

i c 0
limitations and assumptions inherent in the method, a list of references to other methods is given in

CSRA (8.7). It was found (8.1) that the Bradley equations provide realistic answers in cases where the

b 2
bridge opening ratio (M) was less than 0,85. However, the equations lead to underestimation of

backwater where M>0,85. It was recommended that the d’Aubuisson equation should be used in these

u 4
cases. This equation is described in the literature (8.6, 8.30).


r p 9 - 0

P 1
8.4.1 General remarks

Scour is a major mechanism responsible for the failure or partial failure of bridges during flood events.
This section provides practising engineers with simple process descriptions and selected equations that
could be applied to assess the potential effect of scour on bridge structures.

Scour is a complex process. Some of the factors contributing to the complexity are:

• non-homogenous mixtures of water and sediment;

• three-dimensional flow patterns at bridges during floods;
• difficulties in establishing the actual geometrical properties of rivers under extreme flood
• difficulties in observing actual scour depths and processes in rivers during floods and
• highly variable properties of in-situ bed materials around bridge foundations.

Various researchers have attempted to address the complexity by assuming dominant variables and
then deducing simplified relationships to describe scour. The result has been a multitude of divergent
approaches for determining scour. Generally, more weight should be attached to relationships that are
fundamentally sound, i.e. that are based on a sound understanding of the underlying mechanisms
involved in scour and which have been calibrated against actual prototype data for rivers, rather than
laboratory data.

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-12

Total scour is often described in terms of the components of long-term and short-term general scour,
contraction scour and local scour. This approach is used in this section.

Local scour is dealt with for both piers and abutments. As is common practice, distinction is drawn
between scour in alluvial materials and scour in cohesive materials. Whereas the scour resistance in
alluvial materials is linked to grain size, particle shape and armouring effects, the scour resistance in
cohesive materials such as clay, is linked to the physiochemical properties of the material. Scour in
cohesive materials consequently only takes place when the physiochemical bonds are broken (8.20).

Many equations for scour estimation in the literature have been derived as envelope curves from
experimental data. Practical experience has been that due to scale effects laboratory conditions rarely

provide proper simulation of sediment transport and scour processes in actual rivers under flood

conditions. This implies that such equations have to be treated with circumspection. The focus in this

section is on equations that have been either deduced from studies on actual rivers or have been
calibrated against available prototype data.

8.4.2 Concepts and definitions

Incipient motion
Various relationships exist that define the boundary conditions under which a stream will begin to

i o
erode materials along its bed and banks. The best known of these is probably the Shields diagram,

t 6
which is currently still in use.

a 0
However, it has been argued (8.22) that particle size is neither a representative, nor a unique measure of

c 0
transportability of sediments. Rooseboom (8.22) recommends instead the use of settling velocity of

l i
particles in alluvial streams and critical tractive strength of clay in cohesive materials as

representative of the transportability of sediments.

u b 4 -
Analysis of incipient movement in terms of power considerations, has led to the representation of
incipient motion of cohesionless materials as shown in Figure 8.10 (Modified Liu Diagram), which

p 0
expresses the boundary between sediment movement and no sediment movement in terms of a plot of

e -
a ‘shear Reynolds number’ against the ratio between shear velocity and settling velocity. For turbulent

r 9
boundary conditions, the ratio between shear velocity and settling velocity (which represents the ratio
of applied power over power required to suspend particles) is constant, i.e.

P with 1 V*C
= 0,12

V* = gDS


V* = ‘shear velocity’ (m/s)
V*c = ‘critical shear velocity’ (m/s)
g = gravitational acceleration (9,81 m/s2)
D = flow depth (m)
S = energy slope (m/m)
Vss = particle settling velocity (m/s) (Figure 8.11)

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-13

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1
Figure 8.10: Modified Lui Diagram showing the relationships for incipient sediment movement

For laminar boundary conditions, the critical condition between sediment movement and no
movement is given by

V*C 1,6
= …(8.6)
Vss V* d 50
d50 = average particle diameter (m)
υ = kinematic fluid viscosity (m²/s)

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-14

The boundary between turbulent and laminar conditions is defined by

V* d 50
= 13 …(8.7)

For values less than 13, the boundary flow condition is laminar and for values more than 13, boundary
flow is turbulent. This boundary coincides with a particle size in the order of 5 mm.

The relationship between settling velocity and particle diameter is shown in Figure 8.11.

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1
Figure 8.11: Settling velocity as a function of the sediment size (Shape factor not taken into

Sediment loads
consideration) (8.13)

South African rivers generally carry a significant amount of fine sediments in suspension. There is no
singular relationship between discharge and suspended sediment load. Instead, the limiting factor
tends to be the availability of transportable materials in upstream catchments. The amount of
transportable material may be related to various factors such as rainfall, soil erodibility, slope and
land-use (8.25). These factors vary both in space and time. This means that the same discharge may be
associated with sediment concentrations that vary by a factor of a thousand or more (8.7).

Total scour
Most approaches to scour determination, consider total scour as the sum of separate components that
have been referred to before. These are long-term general scour, short-term general scour, contraction
scour and local scour (8.7).

Long-term general scour results in permanent deformation of the riverbed. The mechanisms that
trigger long term general scour may be natural (geomorphological changes due to events such as
floods) or man-made (directly downstream of major dams). Determination of these long-term effects
needs to be done by specialists as part of the feasibility studies for dams and other major projects.

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-15

Short-term general scour often makes the most significant contribution to the total scour at a
bridge (8.7). An estimation of the effects of short-term general scour could be made by using
relationships for determining equilibrium flow depths and widths. Some of these relationships based
on regime considerations and applied stream power considerations, are provided in further sections of
this manual.

Contraction scour takes place because of a decrease in channel width at a bridge site, which increases
the unit width discharge. The effect of contraction scour is automatically discounted in the short-term
general scour relationships, provided that the width of flow at the bridge is carefully determined (8.7).

Local scour results from the obstruction caused by piers, piles and abutments on the stream flow.

This has proven to be a fertile research area for many years, with numerous relationships in existence

that describe the local scour depth at piers of different configurations. The resulting scour depths

calculated by means of the different relationships tend to vary greatly. There are many reasons for this,
the main being that calibrations tend to be based on laboratory tests, which are subject to serious scale
effects. An additional complicating factor is that actual river flow patterns differ significantly from

laboratory conditions, with the result that some directives on scour strongly discourage the use of local
scour formulae that are solely based on laboratory results (8.10).

In terms of Equation 8.7, physical models for studying bed scour should not contain particles smaller

i o
than about 5 mm. For hydraulic similarity, the plotted values of the functions on the vertical and

t 6
horizontal axes in Figure 8.10 for a prototype and a model should coincide.

a 0
Some areas of local scour are under-researched. These include scour in cohesive materials and scour

i c 0
at abutments. More prototype calibrations of scour formulae are needed in general.

b l - 2
p u - 0 4
P r e 1 9

Photograph 8.1: General scour

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-16

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
Photograph 8.2: Local scour at pier

b l i - 2 0
p u - 0 4
P r e 1 9

Photograph 8.3: Constriction scour (Photo by: Free State Department of Transport)

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-17

8.4.3 Scour estimation

General remarks

The equations presented for the purpose of scour estimation have been selected to represent prototype
conditions as far as possible. For short-term general scour, the regime equations (8.2,8.9) are
recommended. A method based on applied stream power and calibrated on a limited number of South
African prototype data is presented as a check method for total scour in alluvial rivers. For scour at
piers and abutments, the regime equations of Blench and the HEC-18 equations (Colorado State
University, or ‘CSU’ equations) are recommended. Although the CSU equation was derived on the
basis of model studies, it has also been calibrated with limited prototype data.

Scour at abutments is problematic, with limited information being available. Regime equations and

some rough factors presented by Faraday and Charlton (1983) (8.9) are presented for an initial estimate
of the scour depth at abutments.

It is recommended that, where possible, scour depths should be calculated by more than one method
and the answers compared. Judicious selection of the most representative scour depths should then be

made, using other available data such as the results of Penetration Tests and engineering judgment.

i o
Long term general scour

t 6
Long-term general scour should be considered as part of the domain of specialists. Specialists will

a 0
typically use procedures developed in the field of large dam engineering to determine the influence of

i c 0
major structures and make use of fairly sophisticated modelling tools in order to quantify long term

river aggradation or degradation effects. In addition, a multi-disciplinary team should do some long-

term scour predictions, as knowledge of hydraulics, geomorphology, geology etc. is required.

u b 4 -
Short-term general scour

p - 0
Short-term general scour in alluvial channels:

r e 9
Faraday and Charlton (8.9) recommend the following relationships for the equilibrium dimensions for a
channel, based on the work of Blench (8.2):

P 1
y = 0,38q 0,67 D 50 …(8.8)


0,25 −0,5
B = 14Q 0,5 D 50 Fs …(8.9)


B = mean channel width (m)

y = mean depth of flow (m)
Q = equivalent steady discharge which would generate the channel geometry (m3/s)
q = discharge per unit width (Q/B) (m3/s.m) (Note: To estimate channel geometry
conditions under flood conditions the design flood flow may be used) (8.9)
D50 = median size of bed material (m)
Fs = side factor to describe bank resistance to scour (Table 8.2)

The following side factors may be applied in the channel width equation (Equation 8.9):

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-18

Table 8.2: Side factors
Bank type Value of Fs
Sandy loam 0,1
Silty clay loam 0,2
Cohesive banks 0,3

It is necessary to calculate the equilibrium width before the equilibrium depth can be calculated.

Short-term general scour in cohesive bed channels:

For cohesive bed channels, the equilibrium depth equation becomes

y = 51,4n 0,86 q 0,86 τ c−0,43



y = mean depth of flow (m)
n = Manning’s coefficient of roughness (s/m1/3)
discharge per unit width (m3/s.m)

q =
τc = critical tractive stress for scour to occur (N/m2)

t i o
Table 8.3: A guide to assessing the physical properties of clay (8.9

Voids ratio 2,0-1,2 1,2-0,6 0,6-0,3 0,3-0,2

a 0
Dry bulk density
880-1200 1200-1650 1650-2030 2030-2210


l i 0
Saturated bulk
1550-1740 1740-2030 2030-2270 2270-2370

density (kg/m3)

b -
Type of soil Critical tractive stress (N/m2)

u 4
Sandy clay 1,9 7,5 15,7 30,2
Heavy Clay 1,5 6,7 14,6 27,0

p 0
Clay 1,2 5,9 13,5 25,4

e -
Lean clay 1,0 4,6 10,2 16,8

r 9
The bulk densities in this table assume a specific particle density = 2,64 and the relationship with the

P 1
voids ratio reads as follows:

ρd = …(8.11)
e +1


ρ(s + e)
ρs = …(8.12)
e +1
ρ = density of water (kg/m3)
ρd = dry bulk density (kg/m3)
ρs = saturated bulk density (kg/m3)
s = specific gravity of soil particles
e = voids ratio of soil mass

Detail descriptions of the type of soil (e.g. clay, lean clay etc.) have not been provided (8.9). It is
proposed that the Casagrande classification be followed where ‘lean clay’ is clayey silts (CL), ‘clay’ is
clay of medium plasticity (CI), ‘heavy clay’ is taken as clays of high plasticity (CH) and ‘sandy clay’
is well graded sands with small clay content (SC).

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-19

The mean flow depth (y) calculated by means of the equations 8.8 and 8.10, needs to be adjusted in
order to calculate maximum flow depths. The recommended factors are provided in Table 8.4.

Table 8.4: Factors to convert mean flow depth (y) to maximum channel depth
Description Multiplying factor
Straight reach of channel 1,25(*)
Moderate bend 1,50
Severe bend 1,75
Right-angled abrupt turn 2,00
* Neill (8.20) recommends that this factor be increased to 1,50 in cases where dune


movement takes place on the riverbed.

The basic assumptions for which the Blench equations are valid include:

• steady flow,

• negligible bed transport,
• sediment transport through turbulent suspension that is sufficiently limited not to

influence the calculations,

• channel sections and slopes that are uniform,


viscosity that does not vary significantly,

• conditions under which the equations are applied that are similar to conditions for which

a 0
the equations had been deduced. These conditions represent the ideal situation, which is

not often found in rivers under extreme flood conditions (8.2). Nevertheless, the equations

l i 0
are approximately valid as long as discharge and bed transport of sediment do not vary

too quickly and

b -
• flow is in the rough turbulent phase.

u 4
Contraction scour

e p - 0
Rooseboom in TRH 25 (8.7) indicated that the formulas for short-term general scour may take

r 9
contraction scour into account. The flow width that is used and the contraction flow width that is
adopted should be carefully considered.

P 1
Where an existing bridge is evaluated which has a width less than the equilibrium flow width of the
channel, or where fixed banks occur, the contraction scour depth has to be determined. Normally
distinction is made between sediment-laden or clear water flow.

To test whether sediment-laden flow occurs, determine the average particle size, d50, of the sediment
in the river upstream of the bridge area. Use Figure 8.11 (8.13) to determine its settling velocity Vss.
Calculate the value of equation (8.7) to determine if the flow is in the laminar or turbulent region. To
calculate the critical shear velocity, apply equation (8.6) for laminar flow or (8.4) for turbulent flow.
The velocity at the boundary between sediment movement and no sediment movement (the ‘critical’
velocity), Vc, is determined from the logarithmic relationship,

Vc = 5,75V*c log …(8.13)

R and ks represent the hydraulic radius and the absolute roughness value just upstream of the bridge.

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-20

If the approach velocity V > Vc, sediment-laden flow takes place, else clear water flow occurs. The
latter tends to occur at bridge openings on flood plains (relief bridges) where the velocity is lower and
the resistance to scour greater. Velocity and sediment size become important in clear water scour
estimates and therefore a different set of equations is used to estimate constriction scour for clear
water flow conditions.

Sediment-laden flow:

For definition of terms see Figure 8.12. The equation below is applicable to a constriction of the river
and was adapted from HEC 18 (8.10), based on the assumption that in Southern African conditions the
mode of bed material transport is mostly suspended bed material discharge:

6/7 2/3 1/3
y2 ⎛ Qt ⎞ ⎛ B1 ⎞ ⎛ n2 ⎞

=⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ …(8.14)
y1 ⎜⎝ Q c ⎠ ⎝ B2 ⎠ ⎝ n1 ⎠

n D
t i o 6
l i c a 0 0
u b 4 - 2
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Figure 8.12: Long constriction in sediment-laden flow: definition of terms

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-21

The depth of scour is given by:

⎛ V 2 − V12 ⎞
d s = (y 2 − y1 ) + (1 + K )⎜⎜ 2 ⎟⎟ …(8.15)
⎝ 2g ⎠

where K is the secondary energy loss coefficient for the constriction (refer to Section 4.2.7). If the
degree of constriction is slight, it will be found that the last term in equation 8.15 is negligible, and can
be neglected.

The equations above apply to subcritical flow, with uniform flow upstream and downstream of the

transition. The bed material is non-cohesive and is identical in both the wide and the constricted parts.

The effect of varying sediment characteristics has been investigated (8.32) and found to play only a

significant part in the case of severe constrictions.

Clear water flow:

For a definition of terms see Figure 8.13. The equation below was taken from HEC 18 (8.10).


⎡ Q2 ⎤

y2 = ⎢ ⎥ ...(8.16)

t 6
⎢⎣ 40D m B 22 ⎥⎦

c a 0
and ds is calculated from equation 8.15.

b l i - 2 0
p u - 0 4
P r e 1 9

Figure 8.13: Long constriction in clear water flow: definition of terms

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-22

Note that equation 8.16 is based on a Shields parameter of 0,039 and an assumption of homogeneous
bed material. The term Dm is the effective mean bed material size and is equal to 1,25D50.

The equations above for scour in constrictions should be regarded as the first level of analysis and
experts using sediment transport models can make a more detailed analysis.

Local scour

Local scour is difficult to quantify. However, its contribution to total scour in Southern Africa is
mostly not as critical as the contributions of short term general and contraction scour.

The mechanism causing local scour is complex and is characterised by a downward flow at the

upstream face of the pier (caused by stagnation pressure), a horse-shoe vortex at the base of the pier

(which removes sediments) and oscillating slipstream vortices at the back of the pier that further
remove sediments (8.18).

The Blench equation for local scour showed reasonable agreement when calculated values and a
limited number of measured South African prototype values were compared (8.17).

The regime family of equations, of which this equation is a member, has the advantage of having been

i o
calibrated against actual observations of stream behaviour (mainly irrigation canals in India, whose

t 6
behaviour corresponds largely with that of prototype rivers). This equation is recommended for use
under South African conditions.

c a 0 0
The second set of equations are the CSU equations, which is the most frequently used formula in the

l i
USA (HEC 18) (8.10), and is provided for comparative purposes. The formula was derived from

laboratory data and compared with limited prototype data.

u b 4 -
A comparison was made between most of the existing formulae with published sets of prototype data
by Johnson (8.15). Unfortunately the regime formulae were not included in this study. In addition, the

p 0
prototype data used contained no information on bed forms, sediment grading and flow direction and

e -
consequently a number of assumptions had to be made. The findings tentatively indicated that some

r 9
of the formulae should not be used as they potentially under-predict local scour. These include the
equations of Shen et al. (1969) (8.27) and Hancu, as quoted (8.3). The equations by Melville and

P 1
Sutherland (8.19) were found to over-predict scour significantly. The CSU equations (8.10) are
conservative, although it predicted local scour reasonably well under most conditions.

Local scour at piers in alluvial channels (cohesionless material):

Blench (8.3) presented the following equation for calculating local scour in cohesionless material at
bridge piers:

d s = 1,8y 0,75
0 b
− y0 …(8.17)
ds = local scour depth at pier (m)
y0 = depth upstream of pier (m) (calculated by means of regime equation 8.8)
b = pier width (m)

This depth is recommended for local scour at cylindrical piers. Corrections for other pier shapes
should be done by multiplying the value obtained from Equation 8.17 with the correction factors in
Table 8.5. To take the angle of attack into account, the correction factors in Table 8.6 have to be

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-23

The conditions under which the Blench formula is valid were discussed under the section on general
short-term scour.

The CSU equation (8.10) is recommended for comparative purposes:

ys ⎛y ⎞
= 2,0 K 1 K 2 K 3 K 4 ⎜ 1 ⎟ Fr10,43 ...(8.18)
b ⎝ b⎠

ys = scour depth (m)

y1 = flow depth directly upstream of pier (m)

K1 = correction for pier nose shape

K2 = correction factor for angle of attack of flow
K3 = correction factor for bed condition
K4 = correction factor for armouring due to bed material size

b = pier width (m)
L = pier length (m)

Fr1 = Froude number directly upstream of the pier

i o

Fr1 = …(8.19)


a 0

c 0
v1 = mean velocity upstream of the pier (m/s)

l i
g = gravitational acceleration (9,81 m/s2)

b - 2
The correction factors are given in Tables 8.5 to 8.7.

u 4
Table 8.5: Correction factor K1, for pier nose shape

p 0
Shape of pier in plan # Length/Width ratio (L/b) K1

e -
Circular 1,0 1,0

r 9
2,0 0,91
3,0 0,76

P 1
4,0 0,67-0,73
7,0 0,41
Parabolic nose 0,8
Triangular 60º 0,75
Triangular 90º 1,25
2,0 0,91
3,0 0,83
Ogival 4,0 0,86-0,92
2,0 1,11
Rectangular 4,0 1,11 (Hec 18) - 1,40 (F&C)
6,0 1,11
Note: # This table is based on the list by Faraday and Charlton (1983) (8.9), which is more
complete than the list in HEC 18 documentation (8.10)

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-24

Table 8.6: Correction factor K2, for angle of attack of the flow
Angle (skew angle
L/b = 4 L/b = 8 L/b = 12
of flow)
0 1,0 1,0 1,0
15 1,5 2,0 2,5
30 2,0 2,75 3,5
45 2,3 3,3 4,3
90 2,5 3,9 5,0
Note: In the case of L/b larger than 12, the ratio’s for L/b = 12 should be used.

Table 8.7: Correction factor K3, for bed conditions

Bed condition Dune Height (m) K3
Clear-water scour Not applicable 1,1

Plane bed and anti-dune flow Not applicable 1,1
Small dunes 0,6 m – 3 m 1,1

Medium dunes 3m–9m 1,1 – 1,2
Large dunes ≥9m 1,3

The value of the correction factor for armouring, K4, could be determined from the following sets of


t i 6
K 4 = [1 − 0,89(1 − VR ) 2 ]0,5

a 0

i c 0

l 2
V1 − Vi

b -
VR = [ ] …(8.21)
Vc90 − Vi

p u

- 0 4
⎡D ⎤

Vi = 0,645⎢ 50 ⎥

Vc50 …(8.22)
⎣ b ⎦

P 1

VR = velocity ratio
V1 = approach velocity (m/s)
Vi = approach velocity when particles at pier begin to move (m/s)
Vc90 = critical velocity for D90 bed material size (m/s)
Vc50 = critical velocity for D50 bed material size (m/s)
b = pier width (m)

Vc = 6,19y1/6 D1/3
c …(8.23)


Dc = critical particle size for the critical velocity Vc (m)

Local scour at piers in cohesive bed channels

The limited data were used to compile a rough guide on the expected scour depths at piers in cohesive
material. Table 8.8 reflects the findings (8.20):

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-25

Table 8.8: Local scour depths at piers in cohesive materials (8.20)
Depth of local scour
Pier shape (plan) Inclination of pier faces
(b=pier width)
Circular Vertical 1,5b
Rectangular Vertical 2,0b
Lenticular Vertical 1,2b
Rectangle with semicircular Vertical 1,5b
Rectangle with semicircular Inclined inwards towards top. 1,0b
noses (Angle more than 20˚ to vertical)
Rectangle with semicircular Inclined outwards towards top 2,0b

noses (Angle more than 20˚ to vertical)

Local scour at abutments in alluvial channels (cohesionless material)

Local scour at abutments is difficult to quantify. Approximate estimates of scour may be made by

applying an appropriate factor selected from the following table (Table 8.9) to the general (short term)
average scour depth in order to obtain a maximum depth.

o n
Table 8.9: Factors for estimating scour depth at abutments and training works (8.9)

Description Factor

t 6
Nose of groynes or guidebanks 2,0 to 2,75

a 0
Flow impinging at right angles on bank 2,25

Flow parallel to bank 1,5 to 2,0

l i 2 0
In cases where the abutments protrude into the river channel, a conservative approach is recommended

b -
in which the local scour level is taken as the lower value of the maximum scour at piers and the
general scour level multiplied by a factor of 2,0 (8.9).

p u 0 4
Local scour at abutments in cohesive bed channel:

r e
In cases of cohesive scour at abutments, Faraday and Charlton (8.9) recommended the use of the

appropriate Blench normal depth equation for cohesive beds, with the correction factors for maximum

P 1
depth given in Table 8.9. Although these factors were derived for alluvial materials, they provide a
first estimate of the scour in cohesive soils.

8.4.4 A check method for total scour based on applied stream power principles

The equation presented in this section was derived from applied stream power principles.

The assumptions for which the equation is valid are the following:

• Flow is one-dimensional. There is increasing evidence that general and contraction scour
are dominant in sand-bedded rivers (8.21, 8.23, 8.31), which means that this assumption is
approximately valid for extreme flood conditions.
• Flow is uniform and steady. Flow changes during floods, but under the assumption that
these changes take place relatively slowly, flow may be considered uniform and steady at
any specific moment in time.
• Flow is in the rough turbulent flow zone. Plotting the design flow data used on
Figure 8.10 and confirming whether the design flow conditions are rough turbulent may
check this assumption.
• Equilibrium conditions prevail. This is not the case, but the use of the instantaneous
flood peak value for calculations is thus conservative.

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-26

The total scour values calculated by means of this equation were compared with limited observed
prototype data for five South African rivers. For this limited data set, the results were consistent. The
equation is recommended as a check method to be used in conjunction with the other equations for
alluvial rivers provided in previous sections.

The form of the equation recommended for the calculation of scour in rivers is (8.17):

C(Yt )(Vss k)1/3

=F …(8.24)
q g


ra f
C = Chézy coefficient

Yt = Y0 + Ys …(8.25)


n D
Yt = total maximum scour depth (m)

Y0 = maximum general scour depth (m)

t 6
Ys = local scour depth (m)

a 0
Vss = particle settling velocity (m/s)

k = absolute roughness of river bed (m)

i 0
q = discharge per unit width (m³/s.m)

l 2
g = gravitational acceleration (9,81 m/s²)

b -
F = constant obtained from measured data

u 4
The value of the constant, F, as calibrated on limited South African prototype data, is recommended at

p 0
0,8 as an envelope value. The depth of scour was assumed to be equal to the depth of piers, which

failed, whilst their neighbours remained intact.

r e 9
Estimation of the bed roughness in rivers under extreme flood conditions is obviously important in the

P 1
case of this equation. In this regard, it is interesting to note the size of bed forms that were
calculated (8.16, 8.29) based on observations of eyewitnesses, as well as evidence on video recordings of
both the Domoina and 1987 Kwazulu-Natal floods. Typical bed form sizes varied between 1m and
3m, while at a number of bridges (notably the John Ross bridge), waves of up to 5m were observed. It
was stated (8.20) that bed forms might be as high as half the depth of flow. The size of bed forms and
associated absolute roughness could, however, be determined (8.24) and the results may be used to
calculate the depths to which piers become exposed as bed forms move past. A number of piers,
which went down 10 m in sand beds of rivers in South Africa, have failed due to scour. A depth of
scour of 10 m is thus not unprecedented.

8.4.5 Special cases of scour

Scour at bridges in tidal areas

The mechanisms that cause scour at bridges in tidal zones are similar to those at bridges across non-
tidal rivers. The implication is that the same relationships are valid to describe these scour mechanisms
in tidal rivers (8.10). The challenge lies in describing tidal flow conditions, which differ from non-tidal
conditions. For a more detailed discussion of tidal effects at bridges, references that deal with tidal
effects at bridges should be consulted (8.7, 8.10).

Where tidal processes are found to be complex, it is recommended that a specialist should quantify the
flow conditions and recommend input variables to determine the effects of scour.

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-27

Pressure scour

One of the fundamental assumptions underlying most scour equations is the assumption of free-
surface flow conditions. However, many bridges are designed to be overtopped at flows with
recurrence intervals of between 20 and 50 years. It has been argued (8.14) that, while it may be
economically feasible for bridges to overtop at these intervals, a bridge foundation failure at
these recurrence intervals would probably not often be found to be economically acceptable.

At the stage when a bridge starts to be overtopped, the flow pattern at the bridge starts to resemble
culvert flow, i.e. the flow becomes pressurised. In limited laboratory experiments conducted on
pressure scour, it was found that scour increases relative to the depth at free-surface flow conditions.

This could be ascribed mainly to the influence of the submerged bridge deck. The correction factors

for this (8.14) are unfortunately based on a limited number of clear-water scour laboratory tests and are

consequently not necessarily representative of the actual flood conditions in South African rivers. It is
suggested that the assistance of a specialist should be enlisted in cases where pressure scour is
considered to be problematic. The scour protection measures as described for lesser culverts can also

be considered for smaller culverts.

8.4.6 Lateral movement of rivers

i o
Lateral movement of the main channel of a river within a floodplain may have serious impacts on

t 6
scour and bridge stability. These may include increased scour depths at piers and abutments, erosion
of approaches to the bridge structure and changed angles of flow relative to piers and abutments.

a 0
Lateral movement is influenced by factors such as the geomorphologic properties of the stream, bridge

location, flow characteristics and characteristics of the bed and bank materials (8.10). Inspection of the

l i 0
river is crucial in understanding the potential for lateral movement at the bridge site.

b - 2
The common-sense understanding of these processes underlying the regime theory may be used as a

u 4
framework to consider the potential impact of lateral stream movement at a bridge site.

p 0
In this regard, the following points may be useful (8.20):

r e 9 -
• the equilibrium geometry of rivers is established under high, but not extreme, flow

P 1
• a constriction in channel width would lead to increased scour of the river bed
• straightening of the river (e.g. in the case of river training) may result in large-scale local
erosion if care is not taken and
• fixing the channel geometry at one point in an alluvial channel (e.g. at a bridge site) would
probably lead to increased channel movement at another location.

The typical scour related problems that could be encountered as part of the dynamic processes in rivers
was summarised and are shown in Table 8.9.

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-28

Table 8.9: Typical scour related problems that may be encountered in rivers (8.20)
Materials Potential scour-related
River type Stream type geomorphologic
typically exposed problems
‘Downcutting’ and
Boulder torrent Bedrock/boulders Erosion of river banks
Steep Braided gravel Sand, gravel, Movement of coarse Scour, choice of length of
mountainous river cobbles alluvium openings
rivers Deposition of coarse
Sand, gravel, Control of approach
Alluvial fan alluvium; sudden channel
cobbles channel geometry; scour

Entrenched river Thin layer of material is
Bedrock, shale Few

channel transported
Streams with
Bank erosion and

Laterally Sand, gravel, Widening of river valley, outflanking of bridge
meandering river cobbles sediment transport openings; scour; erosion of
bridge approaches

Migration of meanders;
Sand and silt
Meandering erosion of river banks

alluvial river Degradation, erosion of
Plains and Clay, silt, cobbles
river banks

streams with

Low velocity
flat slopes

stream with Silt, sand Relatively inactive

multiple windings

a 0
Lake crossings Silt, clay, organics Soft foundations

Deposition and frequent Location of bridge

i 0
Deltas Silt, sand
movement of meanders openings, soft foundations

l 2
Sediment deposition and

Tidal areas

Tidal estuaries Silt, sand multi-directional flow Soft foundations, scour

u 4
Sand, pebbles, clay, Sediment transport, Abutment scour due to
Tidal basins

rock multi-directional flow wave action

r e

9 - 0
Procedures for initial estimation of scour at bridges

P 1
Seven steps that need to be undertaken to conduct an initial estimation of scour at bridges are
discussed in the following paragraphs.

Step 1: Data acquisition phase

The following information may be relevant in estimating the effects of scour at bridges and should
thus be gathered (8.10):

• Borehole logs define the geology of the bridge site (obtain advice from a geotechnical
expert in defining the spacing and depth of drilling required). In addition to valuable
information on the properties of the bed material and strata, the logs may potentially yield
clues as to previous scour depths at the site (8.20).
• Bed material size, gradation and distribution in the vicinity of the bridge.
• Existing stream and floodplain cross-sectional survey information from upstream to
downstream of the bridge, including all channel geometry details needed inter alias to
perform backwater calculations for the site. The normal principles for defining
geometries and calculating backwater profiles are valid and cross-sections should be
selected with these in mind.
• Catchment characteristics. Remember to make a catchment inspection part of the site
• Any available scour data at structures in the vicinity of the site.

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-29

• Energy slope of the river for design flows. This is derived from backwater calculations
for the bridge design.
• Historical flooding information. In the case of South Africa, valuable information may
often be gleaned for the major rivers from reports compiled by the Department of Water
Affairs and Forestry (DWAF) after major flood events.
• Location of the bridge site relative to other bridges, river features such as tributaries,
confluences, etc. and human-made controls such as dams, training work, etc.
• Character of the river and its flows. Is it a stable perennial stream, or is it subject to flash
floods, etc.?
• Geomorphology of the site.
• Erosion history of the stream where available.

• Development history of the stream and the catchment.
• Other relevant factors

• Aerial photographs of the area may yield valuable insights. Also useful may be a
comparison of older photographs with more recent ones, where these are available.

From the above information an initial qualitative assessment of the potential scour impact on the
bridge should be made.

o n
Step 2: Analyse long-term change

t i 6
Preferably consult an expert, especially if there are any major dams constructed or being planned in

a 0
the vicinity of a bridge. The expert may use techniques, such as extrapolation of existing trends,

worst-case scenarios or sophisticated computer modelling and good engineering judgment to make

l i 0
recommendations on potential long-term effects.

b - 2
Step 3: Determine short term general and contraction scour effects

u 4
The following parameters feed into the scour equations and need to be determined:

e p - 0
• Estimate the design flood for the site and use this value for further calculations (as

r 9
described in Chapter 3).
• Estimate the contracted flow width at the bridge site for the purpose of determining short

P 1
term general and contraction scour effects. The unit width discharge could be calculated
by dividing the design flood by the flow width.
• Make estimates of the bed roughness under flood conditions and representative sediment
material sizes to be used in calculations.

For alluvial material:

• Use Equation 8.8 to determine mean scour depth and Equation 8.9 to determine mean
channel width (if width is required), with side factor values from Table 8.2.
• Convert mean scour depth to maximum scour depth using the factors in Table 8.4.

For cohesive material:

• Estimate cohesive material properties using Table 8.3 and Equations 8.11 and 8.12.
• Use Equation 8.10 for mean scour depth.
• Convert to maximum scour depth using Table 8.4.

Contraction scour is factored into step 3 through the judicious choice of flow width at the bridge site.
If an existing bridge or a channel with fixed banks are considered, apply the set of constriction scour
equations 8.13 to 8.16.

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-30

Step 4: Determine local scour effects

For piers in alluvial cohesionless materials:

• Use Equations 8.17 and 8.18 to compute local scour in two different ways. Obtain the
factors needed for Equation 8.17 from Tables 8.5 and 8.6. Obtain the factors needed for
Equation 8.18 from Tables 8.5, 8.6 and 8.7 and Equations 8.20, 8.21, 8.22 and 8.23.
Compare answers obtained from Equations 8.17 and 8.18 and select a conservative
answer using good engineering judgment.

For piers in cohesive materials:

• Use Table 8.8 as a rough guide to estimate local scour at the piers.

For abutments in alluvial cohesionless materials:

• Apply factors in Table 8.9 to the general short-term average scour depth obtained from
Equation 8.8.

o n
For abutments in cohesive materials:

t i 6
• Apply the factors in Table 8.9 to the short-term average scour depth obtained from

Equation 8.9. This is a preliminary indication only.

i c 0 0
Step 5: Determine total scour

b l 2
Total scour is the sum of long-term general scour (where applicable), short-term general scour,

(contraction scour) and local scour.

p u 0 4
For total scour at piers in alluvial rivers, check the answer against values obtained by means of

Equations 8.24 and 8.25. Select design values on the basis of good engineering judgment. Try and

corroborate calculations with available published and on-site evidence.

P r 1 9
Step 6: Plot design values

Plot the design scour depth values using the design water level (e.g. 1:50 year return period water
level, as determined by the methods described in Chapter 4 for a fixed-bed configuration).

Step 7: Assess the results obtained

Assess the results, taking into account all available qualitative and quantitative information available.
In cases of significant complexity, or cases where significant financial and other risks exist, consider
consulting an expert or doing a hydraulic scale model study of the bridge site.

8.4.8 Concluding remarks on the relationships for scour at bridges

The equations presented in this section provide bridge designers with simple methods in which an
initial estimate of the potential effects of scour at bridges may be made. If serious problems are
foreseen, expert advice should be acquired.

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-31


8.5.1 Introduction

Scour countermeasures at bridges are aimed at reducing the negative impact of shear stresses and
turbulence and velocity variations near the boundary of the structure-water interface and of
macroturbulent flow processes, such as eddies and helicoidal flows around bends (8.20).

This section does not attempt to provide a comprehensive coverage of all available scour
countermeasures. Instead, it provides information on some of the frequently considered options that
are available and potentially useful under local conditions.

The scour countermeasures are described below. These countermeasures broadly follow the categories

into which these countermeasures have been divided previously (8.12):

Hydraulic countermeasures (mainly river training structures and revetments) are designed to either

modify erosive flow characteristics or to provide resistance against hydraulic and turbulence effects.
River training structures may have to be put into place to counter the effects of bank erosion,

migrating meanders and other dynamic river processes at bridge sites (8.9). They are divided into
transverse, longitudinal and areal types, depending on their orientation relative to the flow direction.

i o
The structures that are broadly discussed in following sections are spurs (transverse) and dykes and

t 6
berms (or guide banks) (longitudinal). Revetments and bed armouring protect channel beds and
banks against the erosive effects of river flow through the provision of a protective layer, covering a

a 0
specified area of the channel. Appropriate revetment types may include riprap, gabions, precast

i c 0
concrete blocks, in situ concrete and steel sheet piling. Considerations that need to be taken into

account when making a selection include the extent of protection needed, cost, ease of construction

and maintenance and environmental issues (8.9). A fairly comprehensive subsection on riprap

b -
protection has been included. Some of the issues related to the use of gabions are also discussed.

u 4
Local scour armouring uses similar protective layers to revetments, but has to take into account local
flow patterns around structural elements, such as piers and abutments. Riprap protection of local

p 0
elements is dealt with fairly comprehensively in the following sections.

r e 9 -
Structural countermeasures involve the design of structural elements and foundations of bridges to
minimise scour effects. These are broadly discussed.

P 1
Countermeasures during the maintenance phase include monitoring and implementation of further
scour countermeasures when scour problems are identified.

Table 8.11, which was adapted from available information (8.12) provides a broad overview of the
applicability of various scour countermeasures and is shown on separate pages.

8.5.2 General considerations for the consideration of scour countermeasures

Scour countermeasures at bridges should be seen as an integrated approach aiming to reduce the risk
of scour damages to vulnerable structures. The approach should be a considered one in which design
and construction of scour countermeasures are complemented with actions, such as continuous
monitoring and where necessary, ongoing maintenance and expansion of scour protection
measures (8.12).

The effective design and implementation of scour countermeasures should be an interdisciplinary

effort, with inputs from hydraulic, geotechnical and structural engineers (8.12).

Selection of scour protection measures should be undertaken with environmental impact, construction
and maintenance implications kept in mind (8.12).

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-32

Table 8.11: Overview of the applicability of various scour countermeasures (8.12)
Bridges and major culverts

Contrac- Stream Bend Bed Debris Bank Resource
Local scour Instability River type Velocity Flood plain
tion scour size radius material load condition allocation

Type B=braided W=Wide L=long F=Fast C=Coarse H=high V=Vertical H= High
Abutm Verti Late M=Med
Piers M=Meander M=Med M=Med M=Med S=Sand M=Med S=Steep M=Med
ents cal ral N=Narrow/

S=Straight S=Small S=Short S=Slow F=Fine L=Low F=-Flat L=Low

Transverse structures


□ □ x x ■ B,M W,M L,M ● ● ● ● ● M-L

Permeable spurs □ □ x x ■ B,M W,M L,M M,S S,F L ● ● H-M

Drop structures □ □ □ ■ x ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● M

Longitudinal structures

i 0
Guide banks ■ □ □ x □ ● W,M ● ● ● ● ● W,M M-L

Areal structures

Canalisation □ □ x x ■ B,M ● ● ● ● ● ● ● M

b -
detention basin
x x x ■ □ ● ● ● ● C,S ● ● ● H-M
Drainage Manual

u 4
Revetments and bed armour

Soil cement ■ □ □ □ ■ ● ● ● ● S,F ● S,F ● L


■ □ ■ □ ■ ● ● ● ● ● ● S,F ● M

Rigid grout

r 9
filled mattress/ ■ □ □ □ ■ ● ● ● ● ● ● S,F ● M
concrete mat

P 1
Riprap ■ □ □ □ ■ ● ● ● ● ● ● S,F ● M
■ □ □ □ ■ ● ● ● ● S,F M,L ● ● M

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-33

Bridges and major culverts

Table 8.11: Overview of the applicability of various scour countermeasures (8.12) (continued)

Contrac- Bend Bed Debris Bank Resource
Local scour Instability River type Stream size Velocity Flood plain
tion scour radius material load condition allocation
B=braided W=Wide

Type W=Wide L=long F=Fast C=Coarse H=high V=Vertical H= High
Abutm Ver- Late M=Meand M=Med
Piers M=Med M=Med M=Med S=Sand M=Med S=Steep M=Med
ents tical ral er N=Narrow/
S=Small S=Short S=Slow F=Fine L=Low F=-Flat L=Low
S=Straight None

Local scour armouring

Riprap ■ □ N/A N/A N/A ● ● ● ● ● ● S,F ● H-M

t 6
Gabions ■ □ N/A N/A N/A ● ● ● ● ● ● S,F ● H-M
Foundation strengthening


x ■ ■ ■ x ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● L


i 0
■ ■ □ □ □ ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● M

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● L


b -
Pier geometry modification
Drainage Manual

N/A ■ N/A N/A N/A ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● L


Pier shape
N/A ■ N/A N/A N/A ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● M

p - 0
Legend for the notation used in Table 8.11.

r e 9
■ primary use/well suited □ secondary use/potential application

x not suitable/ seldom used N/A not applicable

● suitable for the full range of the characteristic

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-34

Most importantly, the benefits of scour protection should be weighed against the cost of provision of
these countermeasures (8.12, 8.20). For new bridges, the most economical options tend to be the
lowering of foundation depths to levels well below estimated scour depths and ensuring that
abutments are placed back from eroding river banks (8.12).

It is important to keep in mind that countermeasures themselves are often damaged and that erosion
processes may take place in locations where this may not have been envisaged. This means that a
large component of scour protection measures may often be implemented during the maintenance
phase, as an economical option (8.12).

The FHWA(8.10, 8.11, 8.12)

recommends the following principles in the design of bridge scour


ra f
• Comparison of costs against benefits is of prime importance except in certain cases where
routes are of strategic importance.
• Designs should be based on ‘channel trends’ and experience of similar field situations is

extremely valuable.
• The environmental impacts of scour countermeasures have to be assessed.

• The designer should personally undertake a field inspection trip of the site and the river

and catchment upstream and downstream of the bridge site.

• Any previous evidence of dynamic changes in the vicinity of the site (such as early

t 6
photographs) is useful.

• Geotechnical and soil characteristics that may impact on the design of countermeasures

c 0
should be determined and taken into account.

i 0
• Many of the countermeasures induce complex interaction with the river and its

l 2
environment. This means that a hydraulic scale model study may often be justified to

b -
study the impact of these complex interactions and to determine potential unforeseen

u 4
• Often the dynamic nature of scour processes implies that not all effects may be foreseen

p 0
at the stage that the bridge is initially designed and constructed. This means that an

inspection and maintenance plan is usually essential in order to affect ongoing

r e
countermeasures as and when required.

P 1 9
In the following paragraphs some of the scour countermeasures are discussed in more detail.

8.5.3 Spurs, Berms and Dykes

Spurs (groynes) are intended to control the movement of river meanders and erosion of river
banks (8.9). They may be placed either upstream or downstream of the area to be protected. Spurs
should preferably be used in groups to either ‘repel’ or ‘attract’ flow. Spurs usually require some
scour protection themselves. Examples of spur lay-outs are given in Figures 8.14 to 8.16.

It is recommended that the following formula for spacing groups of spurs should be used (8.9).

Ls < …(8.26)
2gn 2

Ls = spacing between spurs (m)
C = a constant (approximately 0,6)
y = mean depth of flow (m)
n = Manning’s roughness coefficient
g = gravity acceleration (m/s2)

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-35

D ra
i o n
t 6
Figure 8.14: Plan view of repelling flow spur layout (8.9)

l i c a 0 0
On smaller narrow rivers it should be carefully considered whether spurs offer the most appropriate

form of erosion protection, as the use of these on one bank may result in erosion on the opposite bank.

u b -
The interaction of factors influencing the layout and spacing of spurs is complex and a model study is

recommended for most cases. An expert should preferably be involved in the design of spurs.

e p - 0
Economic considerations should feature strongly in the final layout decision.

P r 1 9

Figure 8.15: Plan view of attracting spur layout (8.9)

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-36

D ra
i o n
Figure 8.16: Plan view of groups of spur for repelling flow (8.9)

a t
Berms (Guide banks)

0 6
i c 0
Berms may have various uses, including (1) protecting the bridge and approaches from erosion

l 2
through elimination of lateral stream movement patterns; (2) improving flow distribution through the

b -
bridge opening and in the process also reducing the effects of contraction scour and (3) changing the
angle of the approach flow.

p u - 0 4
The main design issues are orientation relative to the bridge opening, shape, length upstream and
downstream of the bridge and crest levels (8.12) .

P r e 9
The plan layout of berms should conform to good hydraulic principles, in addition to providing

adequate protection against lateral stream movement. Their height should normally allow for the
design water level plus freeboard (8.20). Guide banks normally need some protection against
undermining. An expert should preferably undertake or review the design of guide banks.


Dykes are linear structures that prevent or control overbank flow. They may typically be used to
prevent flood flow from bypassing the bridge opening. Hydraulic model studies to optimise the layout
of dykes are usually justified for major bridges (8.9).

8.5.4 Revetments: Riprap protection

General comments

Riprap is defined as follows (8.5):

"A flexible channel or bank lining or facing consisting of a well graded mixture of rock, broken
concrete, or other material, usually dumped or hand-placed, which provides protection from

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-37

Riprap protection serves its main purpose in reducing the effects of local scour (8.12). It has been fairly
popular because of the availability of materials, ease of construction and low costs (8.12) .

Riprap layers may fail in various ways, which should be considered during the design process. Some
of these failure modes may even cause riprap protection to fail where the stone sizes are adequate (8.12).
The failures that might be encountered with riprap layers, are summarised below:

• Riprap particle erosion. Various factors may contribute to this type of failure. These
include inadequate stone sizing, removal of particles through various causes and steep
slopes where the angle of repose of the material could be easily overcome (8.5). This
failure mode is limited by sizing of particles to withstand hydraulic and turbulent forces,

but factors such as slope, waves and vandalism may not be addressed in this way.

ra f
Mass failure. This failure mode happens when a large mass of the riprap slides or slumps
because of the effect of gravity. This may happen because of pore water pressure, steep
slopes or loss of support (such as undermining of toe support at abutments) that may be

ascribed to erosive processes. Undermining and failure of toe support is considered to be
a primary reason for revetment failure (8.5) and significant attention should be paid to this

aspect during design and construction.

i o
• Substrate particle erosion or base material failure. In this case, the underlying

t 6
materials are displaced through erosion or fails and slumps (8.5). This may be countered

through the use of filters. However, care has to be exercised in the design of the filters to

ensure that water pressure does not build up due to filter blockages.

l i c 0
Special care should be taken with the edges of revetments, such as the head, toe and flanks, to ensure

b 2
that undermining does not occur (8.12).

u 4 -
Riprap stone sizing for revetments

p - 0
Much of the understanding of riprap design is based on laboratory experiments, with limited field data

to verify this understanding. This should be kept in mind when using the design formulae presented

r 9
for use.

P 1
A relationship for the required particle size that was derived from tractive force theory has been
recommended for the determination of the riprap size (8.5). The formula was derived for straight
channels with uniform flow conditions, but a coefficient in the formula allows for flow conditions that
deviate from these ideal conditions. The formula is:

K u CVa3
D 50 = …(8.27)
d 0,5 1,5
avg K 1


D50 = median riprap size (m)

Ku = 0,0059 (SI units)
C = coefficient for specific gravity and stability factors
Va = average velocity in the main channel (m/s)
davg = average depth in the main channel (m)
K1 = a factor defined by equation 8.28

⎡ ⎛ sin 2θ ⎞⎤
K1 = ⎢1 − ⎜⎜ 2 ⎟⎟⎥ ...(8.28)
⎣ ⎝ sin φ ⎠⎦

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-38


θ = bank angle with the horizontal (°)

φ = riprap angle of repose (°)

The angle of repose for various riprap types may be read from Figure 5.17.

The coefficient for specific gravity and stability factors may be obtained from the following equation:
C= …(8.29)
(Ss − 1)1,5

Here the following values for the variables are used:

Ss = specific gravity of riprap (Usually approximately 2,65)
SF = required stability factor to be applied (typically varies between 1,2 and 2,0)

The recommended values for stability factor, SF is shown in Table 8.12.

Table 8.12: Recommended values for stability factor, SF (8.5)

i o
Flow description Stability Factor

t 6
Uniform flow, no significant bends, little
1,0 –1,2
uncertainty regarding parameters involved.

a 0
Gradually varied flow, moderate bend

1,3 – 1,6

i 0
curvature, moderate debris impact

Rapidly varied flow; significant bends; high

turbulence (e.g. at abutments); high parametric 1,7 – 2,0

b -

p u 0 4
Grading of riprap and stone characteristics

r e 9
Riprap should in general be well graded in order to ensure maximal interlocking of particles.
Individual stones should have a length to width ratio of not more than 1:3 (8.5). Also materials should

P 1
not weather easily or be prone to chemical wear.

Table 8.13 reflects the grading, which is recommended for riprap.

Table 8.13: Recommended grading of riprap (8.12)

Diameter Weight Percentage passing
1,5 D50 to 1,7 D50 3,0 W50 - 5,0 W50 100
1,2 D50 to 1,4 D50 2,0 W50 – 2,75 W50 85
1,0 D50 to 1,15 D50 1,0 W50 – 1,5 W50 50
0,4 D50 to 0,6 D50 0,1 W50 – 0,2 W50 15

It is recommended (8.12) that the 85% requirement be dropped in the case where the above specification
would overburden certain smaller quarries.

Riprap layer thickness

Guidelines (8.5) stipulate that riprap layer thickness should generally not be less than the greater of the
D100 stone diameter or 1,5 times the D50 stone diameter. The layer should have a minimum thickness
of 300 mm for practical purposes. In cases where the riprap is placed under water, layer thickness
should be increased by 50% because of uncertainties involved in the placement process (8.5).

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-39

Design of filters and filter materials

Filters have a dual purpose to fulfil as part of a scour protection system. Firstly the filters have to
prevent fine materials from leaching out underneath riprap layers or other protection layers. Secondly,
the filter material has to provide for drainage to prevent build-up of pore pressure (8.12).

A geotechnical specialist should preferably undertake the design or be consulted on the design results.

As a broad guideline, the following formula may be used for the design of filter material (8.12):

D15(Coarser Layer)/D85(Finer layer) < 5 < D15(Coarser Layer)/D15(Finer Layer) < 40

The left side of the inequality provides for erosion prevention and the right side for sufficient


Revetments: Gabions and stone mattresses

Gabions and stone mattresses may be an option where available rock is of small and of lesser quality

than would be required for riprap. The manufacture of gabions and rock mattresses is labour
intensive, which may be considered an advantage in instances where local job creation is considered

i o
an important component of projects.

t 6
However, the disadvantages of gabions and stone mattresses have to be carefully considered prior to

a 0
use (8.5). These include the higher costs of installation and maintenance relative to riprap and the

i c 0
decrease in flexibility of the system that is created. Whereas riprap particles may move individually to

adapt to geometrical deformations, gabions and stone mattress systems are more rigid. More rigid

systems generally have a higher potential for catastrophic failure.

u b 4 -
The failure mechanisms that need to be considered in the case of gabions and stone mattresses are (1)
Failure of the wire mesh of the baskets and (2) movement of stones within the baskets that exposes

p 0
base materials, with the potential of subsequent base material erosion and system failure.

r e 9 -
For these reasons, gabions and stone mattresses are only recommended for small streams, preferably
with no vertical stability problems (8.12).

P 1
8.5.5 Local scour armouring

Sizing of riprap at piers

The standard Isbash formula, recommended by FHWA in HEC-11(8.5) is:

0,692(KV) 2
D 50 = …(8.30)
2g(Ss − 1)


D50 = riprap size (m)

V = velocity on pier (m/s)
Ss = specific gravity of riprap (approximately 2,65)
K = pier shape coefficient (1,5 for round-nosed and 1,7 for rectangular piers)

The velocity on the pier may be calculated by multiplying the average channel velocity by a
coefficient that varies between 0,9 for a pier near the bank of a uniform reach to 1,7 for a pier in the
main current at a bend in the river.

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-40

Riprap mat dimensions at piers

The following may be considered as guidelines to the dimensions of riprap protection that are required
(Table 8.14):

Table 8.14: Recommended riprap protection dimensions

Dimension Recommended
Horizontal Twice pier width
Thickness At least three stone diameters (D50)
Maximum rock size Not more than twice D50

The following should be considered when deciding on the level at which the riprap should be placed:

FHWA (8.5, 8.12) considers it to be disadvantageous to place riprap at such a depth that the top of the
riprap is buried below stream level, as this creates problems during inspections to determine the extent
to which riprap has been damaged or removed. The top level of the riprap layer should, therefore, be

at the invert level of the streambed. This is in contrast with the view of other references (8.9) that the
top of the riprap should be below the expected general scour levels.

Riprap should, however, never be placed at levels higher than the streambed invert (8.12).

t i o 6
Sizing of riprap at abutments

a 0
Two equations are recommended, HEC-11 (8.5), for the sizing of riprap at abutments:

l i c 0
For Froude numbers less or equal to 0,80 - the Isbash relationship is recommended:

u b

4 - 2
K ⎡ V2 ⎤
Ss − 1 ⎢⎣ gy ⎥⎦

r e p 9 -
0 = median stone diameter (m)

P 1
V = characteristic average velocity in the contracted section (m/s)
Ss = specific gravity of riprap
g = gravitational acceleration (m/s2)
y = depth of flow in the contracted bridge opening (m)
K = 0,89 for a spill-through abutment
= 1,02 for a vertical wall abutment

For Froude numbers in excess of 0,80 - the recommended equation reads:

D50 K ⎡ V2 ⎤
= …(8.32)
y (Ss − 1) ⎢⎣ gy ⎥⎦

with the symbols having similar meanings as in the previous equation and

K = 0,61 for spill-through abutments or

K = 0,69 for vertical wall abutments

The characteristic average velocity in the contracted section method of calculation is as follows:

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-41

A setback ratio (SBR) is calculated for each abutment. (This is the ratio of the distance from the near
edge of the main channel to the toe of the abutment to the channel flow depth).

If the SBR is less than five for both abutments, the characteristic velocity is based on the entire
contracted area through the bridge opening.

If SBR is greater than five for one abutment, the characteristic velocity could be based on the
overbank flow only. It should be assumed that the entire overbank flow passes through the bridge
section in the overbank section only.

In cases where the SBR on one side is less than 5 and on the other side it is more than five, the

characteristic velocity for the side less than 5 should be based on a flow area bounded by the abutment

and an imaginary boundary along the opposite main channel bank.

It is recommended that the HEC-11 equations described in the previous sections be used as well as a
control method before an engineering judgment is made. In this case, the velocity in the vicinity of the

abutment should be used, instead of the main channel velocity, with a stability factor of between 1,7
and 2,0 to allow for high turbulence. It should be remembered that all these equations are mainly

based on laboratory data and should be treated as such.

i o
In complex cases or where damage may be costly, scale model studies may be an attractive option. It

t 6
should be remembered that riprap is not generally the preferred method of scour protection for new
structures and alternative protection measures should be considered.

i c a 0 0
Dimensions of riprap protection at abutments

l 2
The extent to which riprap should be placed is as follows (8.12):

u b

4 -
The apron at the toe of the abutment should extend along the entire abutment toe around

curved portions to the tangent point with the embankment slopes.

e - 0
• The horizontal dimension of the riprap into the overbank area of the river should be twice

r 9
the flow depth on the overbank area in the vicinity of the abutment, but not less than
1,5 m (8.22) or more than 7,5 m (8.12).

P 1•

For spill-through abutments, riprap layers should be placed to a height of at least 0,6 m
above the high water level for the design flood. Downstream placements should extend
back from the abutment for twice the flow depths or 7,5 m (to 15 m) whichever are

Riprap layer thickness should not be less than the larger of 1,5 times D50 or D100. If the
riprap is placed under water, this thickness should be increased 1,5 times. The minimum
thickness should be 300 mm.

Abutments should be inspected after every major flood event for scour damage.

8.5.6 Structural countermeasures

Adherence to certain general principles during the design of the bridge may reduce the effects of
scour (8.20). These may include:

• Locating the invert levels of pier footings well below the maximum estimated scour
levels and preferably on rock, where possible (8.22);
• Putting piers on piles or columns that extend to a great depth below scour levels;

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-42

• Designing slender structural elements that do not provide a significant flow obstruction
and orienting piers and abutments to ensure good hydraulic flow patterns.
• Reduction of number of piers and widening of bridge opening to reduce contraction
scour (8.12).
• Designing the bridge superstructure to be above water (and debris) level at design flood
levels will reduce the risk of pressure scour, which could have severe effects.

8.5.7 Maintenance measures

It is important to note that maintenance measures include not only the continuous monitoring of scour
patterns at bridges, but also knowing which actions need to be taken, once a problem has been

identified (8.12).

ra f
Maintenance measures include continuous inspection of scour prone bridges after flood events, the
removal of debris caught on piers and the repair of any scour damage observed after major flood
events (8.20).


n D

i o
A number of design aspects are described below (TRH 25: Volume 1, Chapter 5) (8.7).

a t 6
Piers and pier spacing

i c 0 0
The number of piers and alignment of piers should be chosen to minimise contraction effects at the

bridge site (8.11). Lateral scour has been identified as the major cause of serious hydraulic problems at

bridges in the USA (8.7). Ideally, the total opening width should not be less than the equilibrium

b -
channel width corresponding to the design discharge. Alignment should be in the flow direction at the

u 4
flood stage, which may differ from the flow direction at low flows. Local scour depths are determined

by the projected pier widths at the levels where scour occurs.

e - 0
Pier footings should be located below the maximum estimated scour depth and should preferably be

r 9
placed on piles that extend to a significant depth below the expected scour depth. Piers should be
designed to be stable when partially exposed due to scour. Piers on flood plains should be protected

P 1
against bank scour and meandering (by ensuring sufficient foundation depths). Foundation depths
may well be similar to those of the piers in the main river channel (8.11).

Piers should not encroach on the main channel of small rivers, where possible (8.11).

Design piers and abutments to minimise the entrapment of debris, as this may impact on both
contraction and local scour.

Pier footings may reduce local scour should they remain below the general scour levels for the bridge
and if their horizontal dimensions are sufficient to cover the area over which the local vortex action
takes place (8.20). Should the pier footing be above general scour levels, the effect would be similar to
that of a larger pier, with resulting increases in local scour depths.

Provision of additional capacity

In areas with significant bank stability problems, consideration should be given to the provision of
extra bridge spans as an alternative to extensive bank and channel stabilisation measures (8.10), but not
on the inside of bends, because of sediment build-up.

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-43


The complex nature of scour processes may lead to unforeseen scour effects becoming visible after
design and construction of a bridge. Monitoring of structures after construction is thus important in
order to detect any developing scour problems.


Where bridges are constructed close to each other, the effect on induced scour at the other should be
carefully considered (8.20).

Scour depths determined by means of the equations presented in this section should always be

compared to the depths at which scour-resistant strata are situated, as these may impose limits on the

scour depths (8.20). Good geotechnical knowledge is required to interpret the resistance to scour of
different types of bed materials.

In cases where scour impact is deemed significant, but is difficult to predict and in cases where
structures are expensive or of strategic importance, it may be useful to build a scale model of the

structure and to do laboratory tests to determine scour patterns (8.20).

i o
Drainage of bridge decks

t 6
Adequate discharge capacity should be provided to meet the requirements of Section 5.2. Refer to

a 0
applicable design procedural codes. Water discharged from bridge decks should not be released

c 0
directly onto railway lines, roads, streets, etc.

l i 2
Forces acting on bridge structures

b -
u 4
Besides provision for the normal hydrostatic and hydrodynamic forces acting on a bridge, provision
should be made for forces as a result of debris and impact forces which result from debris colliding

p 0
with the piers and overtopping forces (if appropriate). The effects of buoyancy should also be

e -

P r


1 9

Worked Example 8.1 – Backwater at a bridge

Problem description Example 8.1

Determine the backwater caused by a proposed bridge across the Broekspruit. Details of the bridge
are shown below in Figure 8.17.

Design discharge Q = 188 m3/s

Average bedslope So = 0,00082 m/m
Angle of skew ø = 15º
Bridge span on skew bs = 17,6 m
Projected bridge span b = 17,0 m
No of rows of piers Np = 1
Projected width of pier Wp = 2,00 m

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-44

8.17: Upstream view of the bridge


(i) Characteristics of the unconstricted flood state

(ii) The flow type

t i
(iii) Bridge opening ratio

(iv) Velocity head coefficients

a 0
(v) Calculate backwater

l i c 0
Solution Example 8.1

b - 2
(i) Characteristics of the unconstricted flood state:

u 4
Sub- ni Ai Pi A AR
q i = K i S0
qi q i Vi

3 2

Ri = i Vi =

section Ki = i i
Pi (m3/s) Ai




P 1

9 0,030 25,57 13,49

0,030 59,67 17,00

0,030 14,68 9,07



1 307,51

4 593,81








99,92 6 575,82 188,32 750,43

A n = ∑ Ai K = ∑ Ki Q = ∑ qi ∑ (q V )
i i

Flood stage level = 84,91 m
Width at flood stage = 38,32 m

(ii) Determine flow type:

⎛ (188)2 (38,32 ) ⎞
1 1

⎛ Q2B ⎞
2 2

Frn = ⎜⎜ 3 ⎟⎟ = ⎜ ⎟
⎜ (9,81)(99,92)3 ⎟
⎝ gA n ⎠ ⎝ ⎠

= 0,37 < 1

Flow is Type I or type II.

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-45

Calculate specific energy of unconstricted normal flow:

yn = Flood stage level – river bed level

= 84,91 – 81,40
= 3,51 m

Q 188
Vn = =
A n 99,92
= 1,882 m/s

E sn = yn +

= 3,51 +

2g 2(9,81)
= 3,690 m

Calculate specific energy of constricted flow critical depth:

⎛ (188)2
1 1

⎛ Q2 ⎞ ⎞
3 3

y 2c = ⎜⎜ 2 ⎟⎟ = ⎜ ⎟

⎜ (9,81)(17 )2 ⎟
⎝ gb ⎠ ⎝ ⎠

t 6
= 2,319 m

c a 0
Q 188

i 0
V2c = =

y 2c b (2,319 )(17 )

b 2
= 4,769 m/s

u 4 - (4,769)
2 2
E sc y 2c + = 2,319 +


2g 2(9,81)

e -
= 3,478 m < Esn indicating Type 1 flow.

r 9
Because the values of Esn and Esc are fairly close, and other losses are so far ignored, it would be

P 1
prudent to check Type I and Type II flow.

(iii) Calculate bridge opening ratio:

Q b 131,55
M = =
Q 188
= 0,70

(iv) Calculate velocity head coefficients:

α1 =
∑ (qV ) 2

= 1,13
α2 = 1,08 (from Figure 8.6)

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-46

(v) Calculate backwater

For Type I flow:

Determine secondary energy loss coefficient K * from Figure 8.6:

Projected area of piers in flow direction.

Ap = Wp y n
= (2)(3,51)

= 7,02 m²

ra f
Ap 7,02
J = =
A n2 59,67
= 0,12


Qa 21,15
e = 1− = 1−



t 6
= 0,45

c a 0
From Figure 8.7

l i 0
K* = 0,86

b - 2
Approximate backwater (to estimate A1 in eqn 8.2):

u 4

*1 *

h1 = K α 2 n2

r e 9

- = Q

P 1
A n2 59,67
= 3,151 m/s

= (0,86)(1,08) (3,151)

= 0,470 m

A n + h 1 B = (99,92 ) + (0,470 )(38,32 )

A1 =
= 117,93 m²

Final estimate of backwater:

⎡⎛ A ⎞ ⎛ A n2 ⎞ ⎤ Vn2 2
2 2

+ α 1 ⎢⎜⎜ n2 ⎟⎟ − ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎥
*1 *1
h1 = h1 (Equation 8.2)
⎢⎣⎝ A 4 ⎠ ⎝ 1 ⎠ ⎥⎦ 2g
⎡⎛ 59,67 ⎞ 2 ⎛ 59,67 ⎞ 2 ⎤ ⎡ (3,151)2 ⎤
= (0,470) + (1,13)⎢⎜ ⎟ −⎜ ⎟ ⎥⎢ ⎥
⎢⎣⎝ 99,92 ⎠ ⎝ 117,93 ⎠ ⎥⎦ ⎣ 2(9,81) ⎦
= 0,528 m

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-47

For Type II flow:

bc = (b − ∑ W ) = 17,0 − 2,00

= 15,0 m

Cb = 0,16 from Figure 8.9

1 1

⎛ Q 2 ⎞ 3 ⎛ (188)2 ⎞3
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ gb 2 ⎟ = ⎜ (9,81)(15)2
y 2c =

⎝ c ⎠ ⎝ ⎠

= 2,521 m

A n2 59,67
y = =
b 17

= 3,51 m

In 1st iteration, take

Q 188
V1 = =

i o
A n 99,92

t 6
= 1,882 m/s

a 0
for V2c based on the net width:

c 0
(gy 2c )0,5 = ((9,81)(2,521))0,5

V2c =

l 2
= 4,973 m/s

u b -
2 2

α 2 2c (C b + 1) − α1 1 + y 2c − y
h1 =

2g 2g

r e 9 - 0 =
(1,08)(4,973)2 (0,16 + 1) − (1,13)(1,882)2 + (2,521) − (3,51)
2(9,81) 2(9,81)

P 1
= 1,579 – 0,204 + 2,521 -3,51
= 0,386 m

Adjust result for improved value of V1 :

A n + h 1 B = (99,92 ) + (0,386 )(38,32 )
A1 =
= 114,71 m²

V1 =
= 1,639 m/s

= 1,579 −
(1,13)(1,639)2 + 2,521 − 3,51
= 0,435 m

Although the difference in this case is negligible, to be conservative the higher value should be used,
i.e. take h 1 = 0,435 m for Type II flow.

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-48

This value is less than the backwater calculated for Type I flow, thus Type I flow prevails.

Note that this example was also modelled in HEC-RAS (provided on the CD) and that the highest
backwater was obtained by the Standard Step Energy Method. The backwater is 385 mm, which is
less than the value of 528 mm obtained above. However, in this model the ineffective flow area
option had been used. The model was then re-run, with this option cleared and a higher backwater of
585 mm was obtained in the revised model.

Users of HEC-RAS should therefore carefully consider the option where the bridge approach
conditions are “smoothed”, thereby reducing the backwater.

8.7.2 Worked Example 8.2 – Scour at a bridge

ra f
Problem description Example 8.2

Consideration is being given to construct a bridge across the Sand River, which is some 730 m wide at

the proposed bridge site. The potential scour at the bridge should be determined. The project file of
this example that was also evaluated with HEC-RAS, is contained on the CD as Example2.prj.

Figure 8.18 shows a plan view (obtained from the HEC-RAS problem evaluation) and the position of

i o
the bridge relative to the other cross sections. The cross sectional information for all the sections is

t 6
available. The bridge will be positioned at cross section 6.5 (downstream from cross section 7 and
upstream of cross section 6).

l i c a 0 0
u b 4 - 2
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Figure 8.18: General layout of the cross sections and the position of the bridge

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-49

The bridge data are described below and the bridge cross-section is shown in Figure 8.19.

The bridge opening between the sloping abutments is approximately 126,61 m wide and the bridge is
supported by five piers, each with a width of 1,5 m (equally spaced). The high (road surface) and
low cord (bridge soffit) values for the bridge deck are 6,7 and 5,5 m respectively. The user can open
the project (Example2.prj) in HEC-RAS and by selecting the appropriate icons, review the bridge data
that are not repeated here in detail.

The design flow rate for which the scour analyses have to be conducted is the 1:100 year flood (Q100)
which has been determined to be 850 m³/s.

The flow in the river is downstream control and the normal flow depth, Yn, could be calculated at the

bridge, assuming a representative slope of 0,002 m/m.

Bed material characteristics

The sieve analyses of the bed material revealed the following:

D50 = 0,0020 m
D90 = 0,0045 m

t i o 6
l i c a 0 0
u b 4 - 2
r e p 9 - 0
P 1
Figure 8.19: Upstream and downstream Bridge cross section from the HEC-RAS analysis

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-50

Cross section details

The cross section details are given in the Table 8.16 below. These details can be obtained from
analysis of the surveyed cross section information, using software such as HEC-RAS, or computing
the variables by hand, as illustrated in Example 8.1.

Slope of the river

The general slope of the river is 0,2 %.


(i) Short term general scour

(ii) Local scour at the piers and abutments
(iii) Total scour
(iv) Verify the scour depth with the method based on the principle of applied stream power (section


Solution Example 8.2

i o
For this analysis the design flood of 850 m3/s will be used (Chapter 3 of this Manual describes

t 6
procedures to determine the design flood).

a 0
The contracted width at the bridge will be 126,61 m. This will result in a discharge per unit width of

c 0
850/126,61 = 6,713 m3/s.

l i 2
The normal flow depth (fixed bed), Yn, of the river can be determined by the assumption of the energy

b -
slope to be equal to the bed slope 0,002 m/m and by using the Chezy equation.

u 4
It is estimated that the bed roughness under flood conditions will be 0,002m, equal to D50 the

p 0
representative sediment material size.

r e 9 -
Table 8.16: Cross section details of the cross section 6.5
Wetted perimeter

P 1
Section Yn (m) Area (m²) Flow rate (m3/s)
Left Bank 99,00 274,33 142,84
Main channel 2,181 160,91 126,66 566,76
Right bank 97,31 269,63 140,40
Total 357,22 670,62 850,00

R = 0,533 m and V = 2,38 m/s

Top flow width = 713 m for the calculated normal flow depth of 2,181m.

It is assumed that the bed material consists of deep alluvial sand with no cohesion.

(i) Short term general scour

The regime equations are applied to establish equilibrium conditions at the design flow:

From equation 8.9:

0,25 −0,5
B = 14Q 0,5 D 50 Fs

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-51

With Fs = 0,1 from Table 8.2 for silty clay loam, the width B can be calculated.

B = 273 m, which is wider than the proposed bridge of 126,61 m.

Use Equation 8.8 to determine mean flow depth at the equilibrium width:

y = 0,38q 0,67 D 50

q = 850/273 = 3,114 m³/s.m

Mean depth y = 2,34 m. The maximum depth, Ymax = 1,25y = 2,92 m.

The maximum live-bed depth, Ymax, is slightly more than the fixed bed depth, Yn of 2,18 m.

To determine the scour in the contracted bridge opening, two approaches are followed:

• the regime equations will be applied on the reduced flow width, and
• the contraction equation 8.14 will be used after checking that the flow is indeed


t i o
Regime Equations: From Equation 8.8 with q = 850/126,6 for the narrowed section, q = 6,714 m³/s.m,

and the mean depth y = 3,915 (assuming S0 = Sf for the narrow section) and the maximum depth, Ymax

a 0
can be determined as follows:

l i c 0
Ymax = (1,25)(3,9144) = 4,893 m.

b - 2
The scour depth is therefore = 4,893 – 2,181 = 2,712 m.

u 4
Contraction equations: Check flow conditions to establish if the flow will be sediment laden:

e p - 0
V* can be determined using equation 8.5. V* = gDS = 9,81(2,181)(0,002) = 0,21 m/s and the term,

r 9
V*D50/ν = 420 >> 13, thus in turbulent flow region (see Figure 8.10).

P 1
The critical shear velocity V*C = 0,12 x Vss (equation 8.4). The settling velocity, Vss can be obtained
from Figure 8.11 for the representative particle, D50 and the relative density of 2,65, it follows:

Vss = 0,24 m/s, and

V*c = 0,029 m/s

12R ⎛ ⎛ (0,533) ⎞ ⎞
From equation 8.13: Vc = 5,75V*c log = 5,75⎜⎜ (0,029) log⎜⎜12 ⎟⎟ ⎟⎟
ks ⎝ ⎝ (0,002) ⎠ ⎠
Vc = 0,586 m/s

The average approach flow velocity of 2,38 m/s >> ‘critical’ velocity of 0,586 m/s, thus sediment will
be entrained and equation 8.14 can be used to estimate contraction scour.

6/7 2/3 1/3 6/7 2/3

y2 ⎛ Qt ⎞ ⎛ B1 ⎞ ⎛ n2 ⎞ y ⎛ 850 ⎞ ⎛ 713 ⎞
=⎜ ⎟ ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ = 2 = ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ = 4,48 (n-values are equal for the
y1 ⎜⎝ Q c ⎟⎠ ⎝ B2 ⎠ ⎝ n1 ⎠ y1 ⎝ 566,8 ⎠ ⎝ 126,6 ⎠

y2 = (4,48)(2,181) = 9,8 m

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-52

Assuming a level bed with a total depth of 9,8 m, the velocity in the contraction can be determined:
V2 = = 0,73 m/s
(9,8)(126,6 − 5(1,5))
Note that in this case the downstream area is 1 161 m², which is larger than the upstream area of
357 m², thus the flow is expanding and equation 8.15 has to be amended as indicated below.
⎛ V 2 − V12 ⎞
Amended equation 8.15: d s = (y 2 − y1 ) + ⎜⎜ 2 ⎟⎟ + h l and with K = 1 for a sudden transition
⎝ 2g ⎠
as reflected in equation 4.28;

ds = 7,5 m

This scour depth is substantially more than that obtained with the regime theory (See discussion in (iii)

(ii) Local scour at piers and abutments

For piers in alluvial cohesionless materials:

i o
Use Equations 8.17 and 8.18 to compute local scour in two different ways. Obtain the factors needed

t 6
for Equation 8.17 from Tables 8.4 and 8.5. Obtain the factors needed for Equation 8.18 from

a 0
Tables 8.4, 8.5 and 8.6 and Equations 8.20, 8.21, 8.22 and 8.23. Compare answers obtained from

Equations 8.17 and 8.18 and select a conservative answer using good engineering judgment.

l i 2 0
From equation 8.17, with depth y0 in the bridge section as determined from regime equation 8.8 above:

b -
d s = 1,8y 0,75 0,25

0 b ..

p 0 4
d s = 1,8 (3,9150,75 )(1,50,25 ) − 3,915

P r e 1 9
d s = 1,629 m

Note that the scour level is (3,915+1,629) = 5,544 m below the design flood level.

From equation 8.18, for the longest piers close to the minimum river invert:

ys ⎛y ⎞
= 2,0 K 1 K 2 K 3 K 4 ⎜ 1 ⎟ Fr10,43
b ⎝ b⎠

b = 1,5 m
y1 = 2,181 m
Fr1 = 0,76 based on main channel data, with v1 =3,5 m/s and y1 as indicated above
K1 = 1,0 for round nose
K2 = 1,0 for zero skew angle
K3 = 1,1 for small dunes
K4 = 1,0 for uniform sediment (no armouring), then
ys ⎛ 2,18 ⎞
= (2,0)(1,0)(1,0)(1,1)(1,0)⎜ ⎟ (0,76)0,43 = 2,23 m
b ⎝ 1,5 ⎠
ys = 3,34 m

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-53

Note that the scour level is (2,18 + 3,34) = 5,52 m below the design flood level associated with the
normal flow depth and a fixed bed level.

For abutments in alluvial cohesionless materials:

Apply factors in Table 8.8 to the general short-term average scour depth obtained from Equation 8.8.

From Table 8.8 the factor for flow that impinges at right angles on bank = 2,25; hence the scour at the
abutments can be determined as shown below:

d s (abutments) = (2,25)(3,915 − 2,181) = 3,9 m

(iii) Total scour

Total scour is the sum of long-term general scour (where applicable), short-term general scour
(contraction scour), and local scour.

Review of the contraction or short-term scour using different analyses procedures

o n
A substantial contraction of the total river section has been used to calculate the potential general

scour at the bridge in (i) using equation 8.14. A more correct approach is to estimate contraction scour

t 6
separately for the main channel and over banks, as is done in HEC-RAS where the over bank flows

may then reflect clear water scour. If this approach is followed, the contraction ratio for the main

channel is only about 1,03 and not the large 5,6 ratio used in the regime equation in (i) above. The

i c 0
scour depth in the channel calculated in the approach used in HEC-RAS is less than 2 m. With the

regime theory reflecting a scour depth of 2,71 m and the HEC-RAS result of less than 2,0 m, the

b - 2
contraction scour calculation is to conservative and hence discarded.

u 4
Based on this comparison the calculated regime scour depth results of 2,71 m is accepted.

e p - 0
Total scour at piers in main channel

r 9
Total scour level at piers, below design flood level (not accounting for backwater)

P 1
= 2,71 + average of equations 8.17 and 8.18 = 2,71 + 5,53 = 8,24 m below design flood level

Total scour at abutments

With the right abutment on the edge of the main channel, the scour would be the sum of main channel
contraction scour plus abutment scour, thus:

Total scour at abutments = 2,71 + (3,9 + 2,18) = 8,79 m below design flood level

The scour for the left bank abutment would be less.

(iv) Verify the scour depth with the method based on the principle of applied stream power
(section 8.4.4)

For total scour at piers in alluvial rivers, check the answer against values obtained by means of
Equations 8.24.

Equation 8.24 reflected the following relationship:

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-54

C(Yt )(Vss k)1/3
q g

With F = 0,8; k = 0,002 m ; Vss = 0,24 m/s and C calculated from the Chezy relationship, C = 69,6; it
follows that:

Yt = 3,3 m below design flood level, which is substantially less than obtained above.

The designer will experience these conflicting results, which reflect amongst other the complexities
involved in the mathematical description of scour estimates and the shortcoming in the assumption

that the material is cohesionless.

ra f
Considering the risk of failure of the structure due to scour and the potential consequences, these cases
require further evaluation by experienced persons.

The problem is also evaluated using HEC-RAS, and the data files are contained as Example 2
(on supporting CD).


i o n
t 6
8.1 Basson, G.R. (1991). Opdamming by brûe en hidrouliese kragte op brugstrukture. University

a 0
of Stellenbosch. M-thesis. Unpublished.

l i c 0
8.2 Blench, T. (1969). Mobile-bed fluviology. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press.

b - 2
8.3 Breusers, H.N.C., G. Nicollet and H.W. Shen. (1977). Local scour around cylindrical piers. In

u 4
Journal of Hydraulic Research, No 3, Vol 15, pp211-252.

p 0
8.4 Bradley, J.N. (1973). Hydraulics of bridge waterways. Hydraulic Design Series No 1. Second

e -
edition. FHWA. Washington DC.

r 9
8.5 Brown, S.A. and Clyde, E.S. (1989). Design of riprap revetment. Report No FHWA-IP-89-

P 1
016. HEC 11. Georgetown: Federal Highway Administration.

8.6 Chow, V.T. (1959). Open channel hydraulics. New York. McGraw Hill.

8.7 CSRA. (19940. Guidelines for the hydraulic design and maintenance of river crossings.
(TRH 25 : 1994) Volume I. South Africa: Committee of State Road Authorities.

8.8 CSRA. (1994). Guidelines for the hydraulic design and maintenance of river crossings.
(TRH 25 : 1994) Volume III. South Africa: Committee of State Road Authorities.

8.9 Farraday, R.V. and Charlton, F.G. (1983). Hydraulic factors in bridge design. Wallingford:
Hydraulics Research Station Limited.

8.10 FHWA. (1995a). Evaluating Scour at Bridges. HEC 18. Third Edition.

8.11 FHWA. (1995b). Stream stability at highway structures. HEC 20. Second edition.

8.12 FHWA. (2001). Bridge Scour and Stream Instability Countermeasures: Experience, Selection
and Design guidance. Second edition. Publication No. FHWA NHI 01-003. Washington DC:

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-55

8.13 Graf, W.H. (1977). Hydraulics of sediment transport. New York, McGraw-Hill.

8.14 Jones, J.S., Bertoldi, D.A. and Umbrell, E.R. (1995). Interim procedure for pressure flow
scour. FHWA. Evaluating Scour at Bridges. HEC 18, Third Edition.

8.15 Johnson, P.A. (1995). Comparison of pier-scour equations using field data. In Journal of
Hydraulic Engineering, Vol 121, No 8, pp. 626-629.

8.16 Kovàcs, Z.P et al. (1985). Documentation of the 1984 Domoina floods. Pretoria. Department
of Water Affairs Technical Report TR122.

8.17 Lotriet, H.H. (1991). Uitskuring by brûe - ‘n Vergelykende studie van berekende en

waargenome dieptes. University of Stellenbosch. M-thesis. Unpublished.

8.18 Melville, B.W. (1988). Scour at bridge sites. Civil engineering practice 2 –
Hydraulics/Mechanics. Lancaster. Technomic Publishing Co Inc.

8.19 Melville, B.W. and J. Sutherland. (1988). Design method for local scour at bridge piers. In

Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol 114, No 10, pp. 1210-1226.

i o
8.20 Neill, C.R. (ed.) (1973). Guide to bridge hydraulics. Toronto. Toronto Press.

t 6
8.21 Nouh, M. (1985). Flood damages to structures - A case study in Saudi Arabia. Proceedings of

a 0
the 2nd International Conference on the hydraulics of flood and flood control. Cambridge.

l i c 0
8.22 Rooseboom, A. et al. (1983). National Transport Commission road drainage manual. Second

edition. Pretoria: Director-General: Transport. Chief Directorate: National Roads.


u b 4 -
Rooseboom, A. and Basson, G.R. (1990). Report on the hydraulic model investigation of the
proposed Tugela river bridge B351 on National Route 2 Section 27. Pretoria: Director

p 0
General: Transport. Chief Directorate: National Roads.

r e 9 -
8.24 Rooseboom, A and Le Grange, A. (2000). The hydraulic resistance of sand streambeds under
steady flow conditions. In Journal of Hydraulic Research, Vol 38, 2000 No 1.

P 1
8.25 Rooseboom, A. Verster, E., Zietsman, H.L. and Lotriet, H.H. (1992). The development of the
new sediment yield map of southern Africa. Pretoria: Water Research Commission. Report No
WRC 297/2/92.

8.26 SANRAL. (2002). Code of procedure for the planning and design of highway and road
structures in South Africa. Pretoria, South Africa.

8.27 Shen, H.W. V.R. Schneider and S. Karaki. (1969). Local scour around bridge piers. In
Journal Hydraulics Div, ASCE, Nov 1969, p1919-1940.

8.29 Van Bladeren, D. en Burger, C.E. (1989). Documentation of the September 1987 Natal
floods. Pretoria: Department of Water Affairs Technical Report TR139.

8.30 Webber, N.B. (1971). Fluid mechanics for civil engineers. London. Chapman and Hall.

8.31 Hopkins, G.R., Vana, R. W. and Kasraie, B. (1980). Scour around bridge piers. Springfield.
National Technical Information Service.

8.32 Komura, S. (1966). Equilibrium depth of scour in long constrictions. In Journal Hydraulics
Div, ASCE, Sep 1966, pp 17-37.

Bridges and major culverts Drainage Manual 8-56


A Rooseboom, GM James, J Maastrecht and DW Stipp


9.1.1 General

Water in the structural layers of a pavement is the chief cause of road failures. This water causes the
mechanical properties of the material to weaken, because excessively high pore pressures develop
under traffic conditions. This weakening of mechanical properties and the washing out of underlying

foundation materials is generally known as “pumping” (Figure 9.1). The purpose of subsurface

drainage is to remove from the road structure, as rapidly as possible, any infiltrated water occurring in

damaging quantities.

n D
t i o 6
l i c a 0 0
u b 4 - 2
p 0
Figure 9.1: Schematic visualisation of the pumping phenomenon under pavements

r e 9 -
Table 9.1: Road map for Sub-surface drainage

P 1
Typical problems Worked examples
Input information
Topic Paragraph. (Example number)
Road horizontal and vertical
Planning of subsurface
9.2 alignment, surface drainage
and maintenance requirements
Spacing of intercept Material size distribution, soil
drains permeability
Design of a herringbone
Gradient of pipes, pipe
Design of underground drainage system (9.1) perforations and layout of the
drainage system
Design of layer drainage 9.5 Grade of the sub-base
Outlets for sub-surface Topography and erosion
drainage potential at the outlets

Important sources of underground water are:

• the natural water table
• irrigation, canals and dams
• rainfall infiltration.

Sub-surface drainage Drainage Manual 9-1

Such water may enter the pavement layers by infiltration, either sideways or through the road surface.
The following types of underground drainage systems to remove water are generally used:

• interception drainage
• herringbone drainage
• layer drainage
• structural drainage.

Photograph 9.1 reflects the typical problems associated with poor subsurface drainage design, and
Photograph 9.2 shows the installation of subsurface drainage to improve the situation.

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p - 0
Photograph 9.1: Typical conditions associated with poor subsurface drainage design

P 1

Photograph 9.2: Installation of subsurface drainage to improve the subsurface drainage

Sub-surface drainage Drainage Manual 9-2

9.1.2 Sub-surface interception drainage (Trench drains)

This type of drain intercepts mainly groundwater moving horizontally, and lowers the water table. It
is used in the following cases:

• at the toe of a cut where the side slope is stable

• at the toe of a fill to prevent or limit groundwater inflow into the road prism
• across the road on the downhill side of a cut.

Trench drains could consist of conventional drains incorporating granular material. This material
could act as a natural filter; as a permeable collector, or as a geocomposite incorporating a synthetic


Permeable collector drains consist of single sized aggregates between 9,5 and 25 mm encapsulated
within a geosynthetic filter material.

Geocomposite drains consist of a geospacer synthetic collector encapsulated within a geosynthetic
filter material. The main advantages of geocomposite drains are:


smaller dimensions (narrow trenches)

• speed and ease of construction

t 6
• pre-assembly before installation into the trench

c a 0
The total cost of geocomposite drains are usually lower than a conventional drain of the same depth.

l i 2 0
9.1.3 Herringbone sub-surface drainage

b -
This type of sub-surface drainage reduces a generally high groundwater table to an acceptable level. It

u 4
is used in the following cases:

p - 0
• in areas, cuts or fills where there is a high groundwater table that is undesirable

r e
• to stabilise areas where a high water table interferes with construction.

P 1 9
The herringbone subsurface drainage may be installed below the road prism or within the pavement

9.1.4 Layer sub-surface drainage

This type of sub-surface drainage removes, in particular, water that seeps in through the road surface.
In many cases an attempt is made to make the road surface impermeable which, from the point of view
of drainage, makes the construction of an open-graded layer unnecessary.

Blanket drains could consist of either natural filters or permeable collectors. A geosynthetic filter
material is placed at the interface between the permeable collector (sand, gravel or aggregate) and the
subgrade, and functions as a filter and a separator to prevent two dissimilar materials from
intermixing. These drains may consist of a thick geosynthetic material where flow may occur both
perpendicular to and transversely in the plane of the geotextile.

9.1 5 Structural sub-surface drainage

These drains are used for structures, such as bridge abutments and retaining walls. Geocomposite
drains or thick non-woven geotextiles tied into a collector pipe are especially useful in these
applications because of the speed and ease of installation, pre-assembly benefits and narrower

Sub-surface drainage Drainage Manual 9-3


In the planning of an underground drainage system, the first step is to undertake a groundwater
investigation in the area. There are two basic groundwater conditions for which drainage systems are

• Groundwater with a hydraulic gradient smaller than the slope of the ground. Typical
warning signs here are wet patches and visible outflows on the side of a cut. Interception
drains are installed in such cases.
• A groundwater table close to the surface. Signs of this are collapsing wet spots in flat
areas. This condition arises where water infiltrates from higher areas or through a

“leaking” surface layer. Herringbone or layer drainage is installed in such cases.

Observations should be carried out on:

ra f
geology – fractured, fissured or jointed rock, impermeable dykes or alternating layers of

permeable and impermeable material
• vegetation – variations in colour and vigorous growth, or hydrophilic vegetation

• topography – Shape of the land, depressions, valley lines, catchments, etc

• road surface failures – crocodile cracking, pumping, rutting, tension cracks.

t i 6
A design method should now be chosen to calculate the capacity of the drainage system. (Note: Storm

water may not be discharged into a subsurface drain.)

i c 0 0
In the case of ground water intercepted from cuts, it is generally not practical to carry out a

l 2
sophisticated calculation, probably because too wide a variety of material is found in a cut, and

b -
seasonal changes also have a strong influence on the groundwater discharge. In practice, the capacity
of an intercept drain may be determined by in-situ flow measurement (during the wet season after the

u 4
channel has been excavated!) or, if excessive quantities of groundwater have not been observed, or

p 0
there is no groundwater in the dry season, nominal drainage may be provided. In calculating the

capacity of herringbone drainage, Table 9.3 may be used to determine the depth/spacing of the

system. Layer drainage is designed with the aid of formulas such as those described in section 9.5.

r 9
During the planning and design of a drainage system the following points should be borne in mind:

P 1
• A thorough investigation of the subsurface drainage requirements is essential. Such an
investigation should be performed during the rainy season, because the dry season may
present a completely false picture of groundwater conditions.
• A subsurface drainage system should ensure that the road structure is without free water
for about 1 metre below the road surface most of the time.
• It is, therefore, advisable to provide subsurface drainage in all cuts and underneath some
low embankments.
• Intercept drains should be provided at the end of a cut.
• Water should be able to escape from an embankment that drains towards a solid bridge
• The capacity of the drainage network should be adequate.
• The drainage network should require minimum maintenance.
• The drainage network should not become blocked.
• Repairs and alterations are extremely expensive.
• The drainage network should be economical.

Sub-surface drainage Drainage Manual 9-4


9.3.1 General

Intercept drains may be open (above ground) or covered (below ground). Open channels normally
occupy greater space and require more maintenance than underground drains.

9.3.2 Sub-surface intercept drains Introduction

Subsurface drains require less maintenance than surface drains, but blockages are difficult to rectify.

Rodding eyes may be provided for long lengths of drains in problem soil areas.

The theory discussed below regarding subsurface drains also applies in general to open intercept
channels. The use of intercept drains is normally recommended where investigations have shown a

definite inflow of water, and they are then placed across the direction of flow. The length of the flow-
path should also be limited to approximately:

• 200 to 300 m for conventional subsoil drains (9.1)

i o
• 50 to 150 m for geocomposite drains (9.2) .

a t 6
Unusual formations or groundwater conditions may be responsible for a high water table in certain

localities, and likewise sudden changes in the topography may cause a high water table in some areas.

i c 0
These conditions are difficult to describe, and no fixed rules can therefore be laid down.

b l 2
Subsurface intercept drains consist of a mechanism for interception, such as a filter, and a discharge

system, which is usually a system of pipes. Figure 9.2 shows typical, subsurface intercept drains.

p u - 0 4
P r e 1 9

Sub-surface drainage Drainage Manual 9-5

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Figure 9.2: Typical sub-surface drain details

Sub-surface drainage Drainage Manual 9-6 Design capacity of intercept drains

The capacity of an intercept drain may be calculated by using the Darcy methods, but normally not all
the accepted assumptions would apply in practice. If visible ground water is present, a guide ditch may
be used to measure the yield accurately. When little or no ground water is present, nominal sizes are
used (Refer to paragraph Designing a granular filter layer

Groundwater moving along a hydraulic gradient is intercepted by a filter layer (coarser material).
Water usually flows from the fine to the coarse material, and the following should be ensured:

• Fine material should not wash into the coarse material and so clog it.

• The grading of each layer should be uniform to ensure good quality.
• Adequate through flow should take place.
• The minimum layer thickness for construction purposes should be 100 mm.

Table 9.2 reflects the requirements that should be satisfied when a filter material is selected.

o n
Table 9.2: Criteria for filter material

Requirement Criteria *

t 6
D15 coarser material


D 85 finer material

D 60 fine material

i 0
< 20

D10 fine material

b - 2
D15 coarser material
3 ≥5

D15 finer material

D 5 0 coarser material

p 0
4 <5

D 50 finer material

r e
Note: Dx = the sieve size through which x% of the material passes.

P 1 9
The D15 value of a filter material may not be < 0,1 mm, and if D15 > 0,4 mm it would not be necessary
to meet requirement 1, provided that 2 applies. Designing a geotextile filter

Designing with geotextiles for filtration is essentially the same as designing graded granular filters. A
geotextile is similar to a soil in that it contains voids (pores) and particles (filaments and fibres).
However, because of the shape and arrangement of the filaments and the compressibility of the
structure of geotextiles, the geometric relationships between filaments and voids are more complex
than in soils. In geotextiles, pore size is measured directly, rather than using particle size as an
estimate of pore size, as is done with soils. Since pore size may be directly measured, relatively simple
relationships could be developed between the pore sizes and particle sizes of the soil to be retained.
The following three simple filtration concepts are used in the design process:

• If the size of the largest pore in the geotextile filter is smaller than the larger particles of
soil, the soil will be retained by the filter. As with graded granular filters, the larger
particles of soil will form a filter bridge over the hole which, in turn, filters smaller
particles of soil which then retain the soil and prevent “piping”. Photograph 9.3 indicates
the failure of a road surface due to “piping” that occurred around the installed culvert.

Sub-surface drainage Drainage Manual 9-7

• If the smaller openings in the geotextile are large enough to allow smaller particles of soil
to pass through the filter, then the geotextile will not blind, block or clog.
• A large number of openings should be present in the geotextile so that proper flow could
be maintained even if some of the openings later become blinded, blocked or clogged.

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
Photograph 9.3: Failure of a road surface due to “piping”, occurring around the culvert

u 4
These simple concepts, which are synonymous with soil filter design criteria, can also be summarised

p 0
as follows:

e -

The geotextile should retain the soil (retention criteria), while

• allowing water to pass (permeability criterion), throughout

P 1
• the life of the structure (clogging resistance criterion).

To perform effectively, the geotextile should also survive the installation process (survivability

These design criteria (9.3) provide an excellent prediction of filter performance, particularly for granular
soils (<50% passing a 0,075 mm sieve).

There are six criteria that should be considered for the design and selection of geotextile filters. These
criteria are:

• Retention criteria
• Dynamic (multidirectional) flow conditions
• Permeability/permittivity criteria
• Clogging resistance
• Survivability criteria and
• Durability criteria.

These criteria are briefly discussed below.

Sub-surface drainage Drainage Manual 9-8 Retention criteria

Steady state (unidirectional) flow conditions

AOS or O95(geotextile) ≤ B D85(soil)

AOS = apparent opening size (mm)
O95 = opening size in geotextile for which 95% of openings are smaller (mm)
AOS ≈ O95
B = a coefficient (dimensionless)

D85 = soil particle size for which 85% of openings are smaller (mm)

ra f
The coefficient B ranges from 0,5 to 2,0, and is a function of the type of soil to be filtered, its density,
the uniformity coefficient Cu (if the soil is granular), the type of geotextile (woven or non-woven) and
the flow conditions.

For sands, gravelly sands, silty sands and clayey sands (with less than 50% passing the 0,075 mm

sieve per the United Soil Classification System), B is a function of the uniformity coefficient, Cu.
Thus for:

t i o 6
Cu ≤ 2 or ≥ 8 : B=1
2 ≤ Cu ≤ 4 : B = 0,5 Cu

a 0
4 < Cu < 8 : B = 8 / Cu

i c 0

Cu = D60 / D10

b - 2
Sandy soils that are gap graded or well graded tend to bridge across the openings; thus the larger pores

u 4
may actually be up to twice as large (B ≤ 2) as the larger soil particles because, quite simply, two
particles cannot pass through the same hole at the same time. Consequently use of the criterion B = 1

p 0
would be quite conservative for retention, and such a criterion has been used by, for example, the US

e -
Corps of Engineers.

r 9
If the protected soil contains any fines, only the portion passing the 4,75 mm sieve for selecting the

P 1
geotextile is used (i.e. scalp off the +4,75 mm material).

For silts and clays (with more than 50% passing the 0,075mm sieve) B is a function of the type of
for wovens B = 1; O95 ≤ D85
for non-wovens B = 1,8; O95 ≤ 1,8 D85
for both AOS or O95 ≤ 0,30 mm

Due to their random pore characteristics and, in some types, their felt-like nature, non-wovens would
generally retain finer particles than a woven geotextile of the same AOS. Therefore, the use of B = 1
would be even more conservative for non-wovens.

In absence of detailed design, the AASHTO M288 Standard Specification for Geotextiles (2000) (9.4)
provides the following recommended maximum AOS values in relation to percent of in situ soil
passing the 0,075 mm sieve:

• 0,43 mm for less than 15% passing

• 0,25 mm for 15 to 50% passing and
• 0,22 mm for more than 50% passing.

Sub-surface drainage Drainage Manual 9-9

In the case for cohesive soils, with a plasticity index greater than 7, the maximum AOS size is
0,30 mm. These default AOS values are based upon the predominant particle sizes of the in-situ soil.
The engineer may require performance testing based on engineering design for drainage systems in
problematic soil environments. Site-specific testing should be performed, especially if one or more of
the following problematic soil environments are encountered:

• unstable or highly erodible soils such as non-cohesive silts

• gap graded soils
• alternating sand/silt laminated soils
• dispersive soils and/or
• gold or coal-ash tailings.

ft Dynamic (multidirectional) flow conditions

Soil particles may move behind the geotextile, if it is not properly weighted down and intimate contact
with the soil to be protected, or if dynamic, cyclic or pulsating loading conditions produce high,

localised hydraulic gradients. Thus the use of B = 1 is not conservative because the bridging network
would not develop and the geotextile would be required to retain even finer particles. When retention

is the primary criterion B, should be reduced to 0,5 or:

i o
O95 ≤ 0,5 D85

a t 6
Dynamic flow conditions may occur in pavement drainage applications; e.g. a road fill across the

upper reaches of a dam. For reversing inflow-outflow or high-gradient situations it is best to maintain

i c 0
sufficient weight or load on the filter to prevent particle movement.

b l - 2
Stable versus unstable soils

p u 0 4
The above retention criteria assume that the soil to be filtered is internally stable – it will not pipe

internally. If unstable soil conditions are encountered, performance tests should be conducted to select

suitable geotextiles. Broadly graded (Cu > 20) soils with concave upward grain size distributions, gap

r 9
graded soils and dispersive soils tend to be internally unstable.

P 1 Permeability/permittivity criteria

Permeability requirements

As long as the permeability of the geotextile (kgeotextile) is greater than the permeability of the soil (ksoil)
the flow of water will not be impeded at the soil/ geotextile interface. To provide for an additional
level of conservatism apply the following formula to all critical applications and severe conditions:

kgeotextile > 10 ksoil

By applying a factor of safety of 10 to ksoil allowance is made for the potential reduction in
permeability of the geotextile through the pores becoming blinded, blocked or clogged by migrating
soil particles.

Permittivity requirements (optional)

ψ ≥ 0,5 sec-1 for < 15% passing 0,075 mm

ψ ≥ 0,2 sec-1 for 15 to 50% passing 0,075 mm
ψ ≥ 0,1 sec-1 for > 50% passing 0,075 mm

Sub-surface drainage Drainage Manual 9-10

In these equations:
k = Darcy coefficient of permeability (m/s)
ψ = geotextile permittivity which is equal to kgeotextile / tgeotextile (s-1) and is a function of
the hydraulic head where tgeotextile is the thickness of the geotextile

In very critical applications, to minimise the risk of the geotextile filter not being sufficiently
permeable, performance testing should be conducted. For actual flow capacity the permeability
criteria for non-critical applications is conservative, since an equal quantity of flow through a
relatively thin geotextile takes significantly less time than through a thick, granular filter. Even so,
some pores in the geotextile may become blocked, blinded or clogged with time.

The AASHTO M288 Standard Specification for Geotextiles (2000) presents recommended minimum

permittivity values in relation to percent of situ soil passing the 0,075 mm sieve. The values are the

same as presented in the Equations above. The default permittivity values are based upon the
predominant particle size of the in-situ soil. Again, the engineer may require performance testing
based on engineering design for drainage systems in problematic soil environments.

The required flow rate, q, through the system should also be determined, and the geotextile and

drainage aggregate selected to provide adequate capacity. As indicated above, flow capacities should
not be a problem for most applications, provided the geotextile permeability is greater than the soil

i o
permeability. However, in certain situations, such as where geotextiles are used to span joints in rigid

t 6
structures and where they are used as pipe wraps, portions of the geotextile may be blocked. For these
applications the following criteria should be used together with the permeability criteria:

l i c a 0 0
qrequired = qgeotextile (Ag / At)

Ag = geotextile area available for flow (m²);

b -
At = total geotextile area (m²)

u 4 Clogging resistance

e p - 0
Less critical / less severe conditions

r 9
For less critical / less severe conditions:

P 1
O95 (geotextile) ≥ 3 D15 (soil)

This applies to soils with Cu > 3. For Cu ≤ 3 select a geotextile with the maximum AOS value.

In situations where clogging is a possibility (e.g., gap-graded or silty soils) the additional criteria in
Table 9.3 should be considered:

Table 9.3: Additional criteria to be considered when there is a potential for clogging
Material Additional criteria
for non-woven material porosity (void ratio) of the geotextile, n ≥ 50%
woven monofilament and slit
percent open area, POA ≥ 4%
film wovens

Most common non-wovens have porosities much greater than 70%, while most woven monofilaments
easily meet the criteria. Tightly woven slit films do not, and are thus not recommended for
subsurface drainage applications.

Performance type filtration tests, provide another option for consideration, especially by inexperienced

Sub-surface drainage Drainage Manual 9-11

Critical / severe conditions

For critical / severe conditions, select geotextiles that meet the retention and permeability criteria.
Then conduct a performance filtration test using samples of on-site soils and hydraulic conditions.

One type of performance filtration test is the Gradient ratio test that is well described in literature (9.2).

Although several empirical methods have been proposed to evaluate geotextile filtration
characteristics (i.e. the clogging potential) the most realistic approach for all applications is to perform
a laboratory test that simulates or models field conditions. This test utilises a rigid-wall soil
permeameter (Figure 9.3) with piezometer taps that allow for simultaneous measurement of the head

losses in the soil and the head loss across the soil/geotextile interface. The ratio of the head loss across

this interface (nominally 25 mm) to the head loss across 50 mm of soil is termed the gradient ratio. As

fine soil particles adjacent to the geotextile become trapped inside or blind the surface, the gradient
ratio will increase. A gradient ratio of less than 3 is recommended.

n D
t i o 6
l i c a 0 0
u b 4 - 2
r e p 9 - 0
P 1
Figure 9.3: Typical “gradient ratio permeameter”

These filtration tests are performance tests. They should be conducted on samples of project site soil
by the specifying agency or its representative. Survivability criteria

To be sure that the geotextile will survive the construction process, certain geotextile strength and
endurance properties are required for filtration and drainage applications. These minimum
requirements are included as a typical example in Table 9.4.

It is important to realise that these minimum survivability values are not based on any systematic
research, but on the properties of existing geotextiles that are known to have performed satisfactorily
in drainage applications. The values are meant to serve as guidelines for inexperienced users in
selecting geotextiles for routine projects. They are not intended to replace site-specific evaluation,
testing and design.

Sub-surface drainage Drainage Manual 9-12

Table 9.4: Typical requirements for drainage geotextiles 1
Geotextile Class
Class 1 2 Class 2
Strength Type Test methods Units
Elongation Elongation

< 50% 3 ≥ 50% 3 < 50% 3 ≥ 50% 3

Grab strength 4 ASTM D4632 N 750 450 1100 700

Tear strength 4 ASTM D4533 N 300 180 400 250

Penetration load 5 SABS 0221-88 kN 2,2 1,5 3,6 2,4

All numerical values represent minimum average roll value (MARV) in the weaker principal direction.

The engineer may specify a Class 1 geotextile if the subsurface drainage depth is less than 2,0m, drain
aggregate diameter is less than 25 mm and compaction requirement is equal or less than 95% MOD AASHTO.

As measured in accordance with Grab strength test method ASTM D4632.
After AASHTO M288, 2000.

After TRH 15, 1994.

t i 6 Durability criteria

c a 0
Geotextile endurance relates to its longevity. Geotextiles have been shown to be basically inert

l i 0
materials for most environments and applications. However, certain applications may expose the

geotextile to chemical or biological activity that could drastically influence its filtration properties or

b -
durability. For example, in drains granular filters and geotextiles could become chemically clogged by

iron or carbonate precipitates, and biologically clogged by algae, mosses, etc. Biological clogging is a

potential problem when filters and drains are periodically inundated and then exposed to air. Excessive

p 0
chemical and biological clogging may significantly influence filter and drain performance. These

e -
conditions are present, for example, in landfills.

r 9
Biological clogging potential could be determined with the ASTM D5322-92, Standard test Method

P 1
for biological clogging of geotextile or soil/geotextile filters (1991). If biological clogging is a
concern, a higher porosity geotextile may be used, and/or the drain design and operation may include
an inspection and maintenance programme to flush the drainage system.

9.3.3 Design of underground pipes Slope of pipes

The slope of a pipe is largely influenced by the road alignment or the final contours.

Changes in slope, especially a reduction in slope, should be avoided as far as possible. The following
minimum slopes and flow velocities are recommended.

• A minimum slope of 0,5%, with an absolute minimum of 0,2% for laterals and 0,25% for
• The design flow velocities should be between 0,5 and 3,0 m/s.
• The absolute minimum of the half-full velocity should not be less than 0,6 m/s (9.3) .

For slopes steeper than 2%, pipes with couplings should be used, to prevent erosion of the material
around the joints caused by excessive eddying at the joints.

Sub-surface drainage Drainage Manual 9-13 Pipe diameter and outlet spacing

Under normal to dry conditions the pipe diameters and maximum pipe lengths, without outlets, given
below are used if no design data are available.

• Diameter 100 mm, lengths up to 200 m

• Diameter 150 mm, lengths up to 300 m

In freeway drainage systems 100 mm diameter pipes are mainly used, but where high inflows of water
are encountered, 150 mm diameter pipes are more suitable.

In cases where the maximum discharge is known, the pipe diameter is calculated according to

Figure 9.4. A subsurface drainage pipe should preferably not flow more than 70% full under

maximum discharge conditions, so that excessive pressure conditions do not develop.

The capacity of different pipes may also be calculated by means of the Manning formula, and typical

design values of Manning-n for underground drainage pipes are given in Table 9.5.

i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Sub-surface drainage Drainage Manual 9-14

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Figure 9.4: Nomogram for the discharge rate of drainage pipes

Sub-surface drainage Drainage Manual 9-15

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1
Figure 9.5: Infiltration index of drainage pipes

Table 9.5: Roughness parameters of drain pipes

Pipe type n value (s/m1/3)
PVC 0,010
Corrugated polyethylene 0,025
Smooth-bore polyethylene (9.6) 0,010
Open-lattice HDPE 0,010

Sub-surface drainage Drainage Manual 9-16 Pipe perforations

The pipe perforations should satisfy the following requirements to prevent penetration of filter

• diameter of openings, slots or perforations < D85 filter

• 1,2 x width of openings, slots or perforations < D85 filter.

Simply put, the smaller sized particles of the filter material should be larger than the largest size
openings, slots or perforations of the pipe.

ft Pipe material

Pipe materials generally used are HDPE and PVC. It is important that the pipes be installed in
accordance with manufacturers’ instructions.

D Pipe bedding

Figure 9.6 is a recommended way of laying of subsurface drainage pipes.

t i o 6
l i c a 0 0
u b 4 - 2
r e p 9 - 0
P 1 Figure 9.6: Typical drainage pipe bedding details

The purpose of the bedding is to provide a working surface, and to ensure that the drainage pipe does
not come into contact with rocks or clay material. Drainage pipes are flexible, and consequently their
load-bearing capacity depends less on the on the inherent strength of the pipe, and more on the quality
of the backfill surrounding the pipes.

Where the in-situ material is reasonable, the bedding thickness should be 100 mm. In softer, saturated
conditions the bedding layer should be between 150 and 200 mm thick (SABS 1200).

Proper compaction of the bedding will ensure that the grade (fall) of the drainage pipe is maintained.
The side fill and the compaction thereof are most important and require special care during placement
in the haunch areas beneath the drainage pipe. If selected backfill material is not placed beneath the
drainage pipe, voids will result and, when loaded, the drainage pipe will deform into these voids. The
degree of compaction for bedding should be 90% Mod AASHTO.

Sub-surface drainage Drainage Manual 9-17

Granular soils are normally graded. It gives uniform support to the drainage pipe, and readily
accommodates the haunch support material, which is compacted adjacent to and above it, after the
drainage pipe is placed.

Two classes of crushed aggregate or selected granular fill recommended for drainage pipe installation
are described in Figure 9.6.

The drainage pipe being flexible, will deform slightly under vertical load (vertically downwards and
horizontally outwards). This outward movement develops horizontal earth pressures against the wall
of a pipe and enables the pipe, to carry loads far in excess of its crushing strength.

If any trench is left open for too long, it may cause local instability or sloughing failures, thereby

negatively influencing the drainage pipe placement and/or backfilling. In the event of trench wall

collapse or dynamic lateral loading (induced by compaction or other equipment) occurring before
proper bedding has been provided, the drainage pipe could well deform (vertically upwards and
horizontally outwards). These situations depend largely on the soil type and depth of trench. In some

cases trench support systems may be required. Local conditions and safety considerations will govern
each situation.

Correct selection and placement of bedding and padding will ensure that deformation is kept within

i o
acceptable limits. Also the backfilling should be done in a reasonably symmetric manner so the

t 6
drainage pipe is not pushed laterally out of alignment. This should preferably be done in 100 mm

l i c a 0 0
Indiscriminate dumping of backfill soil adjacent to and above the drainage pipe will severely
jeopardise the integrity of the drainage pipe. Also rocks bearing against the drainage pipe result in

high stress concentrations. Such practices should not be permitted under any circumstances.

u b 4 -
A layer of selected granular material is placed above the drainage pipe again to protect the pipe from
rocks etc and to provide support and load transfer to the top of the drainage pipe and support for the

p 0
subsequent backfilling operations. The thickness of this layer should be at least equal to the diameter

e -
of the drainage pipe. It is recommended that hand compaction is carried out up to 300 mm above the

r 9
drainage pipe; thereafter mechanical compaction may be used. A minimum overall compacted cover
layer of 450 mm is recommended (Figure 9.6).

P 1
Bad compaction of this latter material would not adversely affect the performance of the drainage
pipe, but it could lead to consolidation of these layers, settlement of the surface and some deformation
of the drainage pipe if not adequately bedded.

Following the placement of this backfill material, natural soil or the soil being used to construct the
structure or facility, is brought up to final grade in lifts/layers as per the plans and specifications. This
aspect follows standard earthworks procedures.


9.4.1 Spacing of laterals

For the general case the spacing of laterals may be determined with the aid of Table 9.6, which is self-

Sub-surface drainage Drainage Manual 9-18

Table 9.6: Recommended depth and spacing of laterals for different types of soil
Soil composition Spacing of laterals
% sand % silt % clay 0,9 m 1,2 m 1,5 m 1,8 m
deep deep deep deep
Clean sand 80-100 0-20 33-45 45-60
Sandy loam 50-80 0-50 0-20 15-30 30-45
Loam 30-50 30-50 9-18 12-25 15-30 18-36
Clayey loam 20-50 20-50 20-30 6-12 8-15 9-18 12-25
Sandy clay 50-70 0-20 4-9 6-12 8-15 9-18
Silt/clay 0-20 50-70 3-8 4-9 6-12 8-16
Clay 0-50 0-50 30-100 4 max 6 max 8 max 12 max

In more complex cases, and if feasible, the spacing of the laterals may be designed according to the

methods for steady or unsteady groundwater flow.

9.4.2 Design of laterals

n D
The diameter of laterals may be read off Figure 9.4. However, if the drainage rate is known, the area
that could be drained by a pipe of a certain diameter may be calculated by means of Equation 9.1



(26,92 x 10 ) d

6 3
A= (0,7 ) (for 70 % of full capacity) …(9.1)

a 0


l i 0
S = spacing (m)

A = surface area (m2) = S (L+0,5 S)

b -
d = diameter of pipe (m)

u 4
L = length of the pipe (m)
q = drainage rate (mm/day)

p 0
n = Manning’s n (s/m1/3)

e -
So = slope of the pipe (m/m)

P r 1 9

Figure 9.7: General view of a herringbone drainage system

Sub-surface drainage Drainage Manual 9-19

9.4.3 Main drainage pipes

The capacity of the main pipe is not the sum of the capacities of the lateral pipes, unless non-porous
pipes are used. The surface drained by a pipe of a certain diameter is calculated in the same way as for
lateral pipes.


9.5.1 General

Once again it should be stressed that the provision of layer drainage should be regarded not as the

basic point of departure, but as a solution to the problem of a permeable road surface.

Layer drainage consists of:
• a permeable, open-graded sub-base or base below the surface layer
• filter layer or impermeable layer

• a collector drain and perforated pipe
• outlet pipes and

• markers.

t i o 6
l i c a 0 0
u b 4 - 2
e p - 0
Figure 9.8: Typical section through a layer-drainage

r 9
It is essential to investigate the possibility of providing layer drainage whenever:

P 1
• the average annual rainfall > 300 mm a year
• the horizontal drainage coefficient (HDC) < 100 times the design infiltration rate (DIR).
The DIR = 0,33 to 0,67 times the one-hour yearly rainfall (T=1) intensity and the HDC =
the layer thickness x the permeability of the drainage layer.
• more than 250/10 t wheel loads/day would use the road during its design life.

9.5.2 Open-graded base and sub-base

Open-graded layers should be constructed directly underneath the surface layer and should extend
approximately 300 mm and 600 mm past the inner and outer shoulders, respectively. Over these parts
and underneath the layer, the open-graded layer should be protected from penetration by fine material.
The minimum thickness of this drainage layer is 75 mm, and with such thin layers strict care should be
taken that undesirable material is not mixed in.

Open-graded layers should be designed to convey water. The inflow consisting of water that has
infiltrated through the surface and water from other sources such as channels, cuts, and so on, should
be estimated.

Sub-surface drainage Drainage Manual 9-20

The effectiveness of a drainage layer is determined by the permeability of the layer. Adequate
permeability may be ensured by setting the following requirements:

• minimum sieve size : 4,75 mm (no 4 sieve)

• maximum sieve size : 19 – 37,5 mm
• permeability (laboratory): > 3 000 m/day
• design permeability: 0,33 to 0,5 of laboratory permeability.

9.5.3 Filter layer and collector drain

The filter layer and collector drain are similar to those described in section 9.3.

9.5.4 Design formulas

For the purposes of this manual only formulas from Cedergren are given. The symbols that are
used are defined below.

q = discharge per metre width, (m3/s.m)

B = width of collector drain

L = length of paving (1 m wide) subject to infiltration, (m)

S = cross-slope of a drainage layer, (m/m)

t 6
W = width of the drainage layer, (m)

g = longitudinal slope of the road, (m/m)

kb = permeability of an open-graded layer, (m/day)

i c 0
kt = permeability of the channel backfill, (m/day)

nb = porosity of an open-graded layer

b - 2
V Volume of pores
= e =

V Total volume of material

P = 1h duration/1 year return period rainfall intensity, (mm/h)

p 0
I = design infiltration rate, (mm/h)

e -
tb = thickness of drainage layer (mm)

r 9
t 'b = effective thickness of drain layer, (mm)

P 1
T = drainage period for layer, (h)
i = hydraulic gradient, (m/m)
ks = permeability of material
t = depth of flow in material (mm)

The following formulas are used:

• The minimum thickness of a drainage layer:

tb = Effective thickness + say 25 mm

24 IW
tb = + 25 …(9.2)

• The time required for the drainage layer to drain:

24 Wn b
T= …(9.3)
⎡ t 'b ⎤
k b ⎢S +
⎣ (
2000W 1 + (g/s) ⎦ )
2 ⎥

Sub-surface drainage Drainage Manual 9-21

• The minimum width of the collector drain

0,48 IW …(9.4)

• The inflow into a drainage layer, according to Darcy:

q = ks i t …(9.5)


9.6.1 Outlets

Outlets should be provided at regular intervals so that the system will always flow freely, and to
facilitate maintenance. The following general principles should also be observed:

• Outlets should be provided at the lowest points on the pipes.

• Water should flow freely from an outlet, because a pump outlet is generally not

i o
• The outlet should be about 200 mm above the invert of the outlet channel, to prevent

t 6
silting up, and should be protected from penetration by plants.

• The area directly surrounding the outlet should be pitched to limit damming resulting

from the growth of vegetation at the outlet.

i c 0
• The final 6 m of the drainage pipe should be back filled and compacted with an

impermeable material, or should be provided with a cut-off or a storm water manhole

b 2
outlet to prevent flow and erosion alongside the pipe.

• Wire netting or gauze should be provided at the outlet to keep out rats and mice.

u 4
• When an excavation passes from a wet area to a dry area, a cut-off should be

p 0
provided to force water from the wet area up to the pipe so that the dry area remains


r e 9
Figure 9.11 shows a typical outlet.

P 1
9.6.2 Markers

The beginnings and the outlets of subsurface drainage pipes should be clearly visible to ensure proper
maintenance. They should be clearly numbered on galvanised plates that are conspicuously mounted
on the road fencing. The construction of a conspicuous outlet is also acceptable as a proper marker.

9.6.3 Inspection requirements

Sound construction and maintenance practices ensure the effective working of a drainage system.

At the upper end of a filter drain an inspection eye could be installed. The inspection eye may be
built into a storm water inlet or may rise to the surface at an angle of 45° by means of a rising
limb. Inspection eyes are not normally used to clean seepage drains, but are very useful during
construction for testing through-flow.

9.6.4 Manholes

Manholes should be placed not more than 150 m apart, if there are no other outlets.

Sub-surface drainage Drainage Manual 9-22

Figure 9.9: Detail of the outlet for subsurface drainage collector


t i o
9.7.1 Example 9.1 - Herringbone drainage system

a 0 6
Problem description Example 9.1:

l i c 0
Calculate the maximum infiltration rate (mm/day), which may be discharged via the depicted sub-

surface herringbone system to a main drainage pipe. The diameter of the central pipe is 150 mm and

b -
its slope 1:500. The diameter of the laterals is 100 mm and their slopes 1: 100. The Manning n-value

for the pipes is 0,011s/m1/3. Figure 9.10 reflects the layout.

p - 0 4
P r e 1 9

Figure 9.10: Layout of the herringbone drainage system

Sub-surface drainage Drainage Manual 9-23

Solution Example 9.1

For each lateral, flowing 70% full:

q =
(26,92 x 10 )d (50 )(0,7 )
6 8/3 1/2

A = S (L + ) Refer to Figure 9.7

L = 15 2 + 15 2 = 21,21m

S = = 10,61m

∴ A = 10,61(21,21) + )

= 281,3 m 2

i o
(26,92 x 10 )(0,1 )(0,01 )(0,7)

6 8/3 1/2

∴ q =

l i

c a =

0 01312 mm/day

b - 2
Flow rate, Q, for 14 laterals:

u 4
Q = (1,312)(281,3)(14)

e p - 0
Q = 5167 m³/day

r 9
Hence Q ≅ 0,06 m³/s

P 1
Capacity of central pipe: (Manning Formula)

2/3 1/2
0,15 2 ⎜ (
⎛ 0,15 ⎞ ⎛ 1 ⎞
⎟ ⎜ ⎟
4 ⎠ ⎝ 500 ⎠
Q = ⎝

Q = 0,00805 m³/s

But this <<0,06 m³/s !

Q ≅ 695 m³/day

∴ q max =
q max = 177 mm/day (<< 1312 mm/day)

Sub-surface drainage Drainage Manual 9-24


9.1 CSRA. (1994). Committee of State Road Authority. Guidelines for the Hydraulic Design and
Maintenance of River Crossings – Volume II: Legal aspects.

9.2 Koerner, R.M. (2002). Designing with Geosynthetics. 4th Edition. Prentice Hall

9.3 Holtz, R.D., Christopher, B.R. and Berg, R.R. (1998). Geosynthetic Design and Construction
Guidelines. FHWA.

9.4 AASHTO. (2000). Standard Specification for Highway Applications. Designation M288-00

9.5 Cedergren, H.R. et al. (1974). Development of Guidelines for the Design of Subsurface

Drainage Systems for Highway Structural Sections. Report No FHWA-RD-72-30.

n D
t i o 6
l i c a 0 0
u b 4 - 2
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Sub-surface drainage Drainage Manual 9-25


M van Dijk and SJ van Vuuren


The purpose of this chapter is to provide relevant web based links and details of the supporting
material. A supporting CD at the back of the Drainage Manual contains some additional material,
supporting documentation and computer software. These items are briefly described in the following


Due to the evolving nature of the internet only a single link is provided in this document which will be
kept unchanged. On this website a list of useful links will be provided relevant to this manual and

issues relating to drainage.


o n

t i 6
The CD contains additional material and supporting documentation on a number of the aspects that can

a 0
be viewed (pdf format) or downloaded. The visual material that have been included, will aid in

describing some drainage structures, potential problems and emphasize the importance of these

l i 0
structures ensuring an optimal road infrastructure. Figure 10.1 reflects the supporting CD “Intro

Screen” which could be used to link to the supporting documentation, software and links. Figures 10.2

b -
to 10.4 indicate the contents covered in each of the subsections.

p u - 0 4
P r e 1 9

Figure 10.1: Supporting CD

Web based links and supporting software Drainage Manual 10-1

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
l i c 2 0
Figure 10.2: Supporting material

u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1

Figure 10.3: Visual material

Web based links and supporting software Drainage Manual 10-2

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
Figure 10.4: Software

u 4
Software programs were developed in parallel to the Drainage Manual to assist engineers/designers in

p 0
the analysis and design of road drainage structures. Examples based on the material of each chapter

have been included to demonstrate the use of the supporting software.

r e 9
The supporting software includes the following:
• Utility Programs for Drainage

P 1
• EPA Storm Water Management Model
• BridgeLCC

These software programs are briefly discussed in the following paragraphs.

10.3.1 Utility programs for Drainage (UPD)

Utility Programs for Drainage is distributed as a demo version on the distribution CD. The CD
contains all the files and libraries necessary to install and review the program, UPD. The
Utility Programs for Drainage is a suite of programs that will assist in the design and analyses
of drainage structures. It consists of the following components:
• Economic calculations
• Flood calculations (Deterministic, empirical and statistical methods)
• Water surface profiles
• Basic hydraulics
• Surface drainage
• Culverts and bridges

Web based links and supporting software Drainage Manual 10-3

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
p 0
Figure 10.5: Utility Programs for Drainage

e -
The software’s user manual is also distributed on the CD in Adobe Acrobat format and the

r 9
software has a user friendly help file.

P 1
10.3.2 HEC-RAS

HEC-RAS is public domain software i.e. freeware and is also included on the distribution CD.
HEC-RAS was developed by the Hydrological Engineering Centre and allows the performing
of one-dimensional steady flow and unsteady flow calculations as well as sediment transport
calculations. The HEC-RAS User’s Manual, Hydraulic Reference Manual and Application
Guide are all included in the package.

Figure 10.6: HEC-RAS software

Web based links and supporting software Drainage Manual 10-4

10.3.3 EPA Storm Water Management Model (SWMM)

The EPA Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) is a dynamic rainfall-runoff simulation
model used for single event or long-term (continuous) simulation of runoff quantity and quality
from primarily urban areas. The runoff component of SWMM operates on a collection of
subcatchment areas that receive precipitation and generate runoff and pollutant loads. The
routing portion of SWMM transports this runoff through a system of pipes, channels,
storage/treatment devices, pumps, and regulators. SWMM tracks the quantity and quality of
runoff generated within each subcatchment, and the flow rate, flow depth, and quality of water
in each pipe and channel during a simulation period comprised of multiple time steps. This
software is freeware.

D ra
i o n
a t 0 6
b l i c 2 0
u 4 -
r e p 9 - 0
P 1
Figure 10.7: EPA Storm Water Management Model (SWMM)

10.3.4 BridgeLCC

BridgeLCC is user-friendly life-cycle costing software developed by the National Institute of

Standards and Technology (NIST) to help bridge engineers assess the cost effectiveness of
new, alternative construction materials. The software uses a life-cycle costing methodology
based on both ASTM standard E 917 and a cost classification developed at NIST.

BridgeLCC is specifically tailored for comparing new and conventional bridge materials, for
example, high-performance concrete versus conventional concrete but works equally well when
analysing alternative conventional materials. Also, it can be used to analyze pavements, piers,
and other civil infrastructure. This software is freeware.

Web based links and supporting software Drainage Manual 10-5

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Figure 10.8: BridgeLCC

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Web based links and supporting software Drainage Manual 10-6

The South African National Roads Agency Limited

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The South African National Roads Agency Limited

Ditsela Place, 1204 Park Street, Hatfield, 0083
PO Box 415, Pretoria, 0001 South Africa
Tel + 27 (0) 12 426 6000 Fax +(0) 12 362 2116/7

ISBN: 1-86844-328-0

5th Edition - Fully Revised Creating wealth through infrastructure

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