AG 102 Principles of Soil Science Module 2
AG 102 Principles of Soil Science Module 2
AG 102 Principles of Soil Science Module 2
Guihulngan Campus
This course aims to provide an understanding and appreciation of soils and is meant to provide essential
information for those who want to acquire knowledge about soils and how to use and manage them. Going
through this course would afford the student to become familiar with soils as natural units or entities and with
their inherent characteristics.
1. Understand the definition of soil science, soil properties, soil relation to plants and soil concepts as
basic medium for crop production.
2. Familiarize with the terms in soil science and their functions.
3. Sate clearly the nature of the parent materials from which soils are formed, the soil-forming factors
and processes soil classification and survey.
4. List those parameters used for soil classification.
5. State clearly, soil reaction and its effects on plant growth, Explain briefly the application of lime to
ameliorate acid soils and the role of organic matter in soil productivity.
6. Identify the individual roles of essential nutrient elements in plant growth and the need to use
fertilizer amendments.
7. Enumerate the principles and practices of soil testing and plant analysis as a tool for profitable
crop production.
8. Identify the many ways of maintaining soil productivity and even making problems soils
The course principles of soil science are meant to provide essential information for those who
want to acquire knowledge about soils and how to use and manage them. Going through this course
would afford the student to become familiar with soils as natural units or entities and with their inherent
Second, it will develop in the student an understanding of the significance of fundamental soil
properties; third, to set forth basic relationships between soils and plants; and fourthly to give the student
an understanding of the principals involved in the use of proved soil management practices. General
principles of soil science are emphasized and explained in unambiguous terms while most of the technical
detailed are retained for students pursuing soil science at higher levels.
This module will bring you to the aspects of soil science including soil habitat such
as the mineral component of the soil, soil origin and development, fundamental
concepts of soil physics, soil classification and survey and a run-down of plant
requirements for growth. As a Facilitator of learning, I will enrich our discussion by
presenting you the information with citations. Please if you have some questions don’t
hesitate to call text or chat with me.
At the end of the module, the students are expected to understand the concept of soil, familiarized
with the soil’s entities and properties that meet the curriculum requirements (
In order to benefit the profoundly from this module, please be guided by all the key points
presented below.
1. This module contains two (2) lessons. Each lesson is explained substantively. Read
the explanations thoroughly so that you would understand the lesson entirely.
2. On the first page of each lesson, you will find the specific learning outcomes
(SLOs) of each lesson. SLOs are knowledge and skills you are expected to
acquire at the end of the lesson. Read them heartily.
3. You must answer the learning Activities/Exercises (LAEs). The LAEs are designed to
help you acquire the SLOs.
4. Feel free to chat, call, text or send mean email if you have questions, reactions,
or reflections about the module’s contents or activities.
5. The practice Task/Assessment and the Assignment shall be checked by me.
Motivation/Prompting Questions:
As you learnt in our module 1 of this course, soil physics is a branch of soil science which deals with the
study of soil physical conditions. It is necessary that persons dealing with soil in any way should be
acquainted with the physical nature of different soils-such as moisture retention capacity, plasticity, ease
of penetration by roots or compaction. The knowledge of the physical concepts will enable the user of soil
to know how to alter these properties to an advantage. That is, knowing about physical properties of soil
will form a basis for much of what you learn about and do with soils.
Soil Physical Properties
Soil texture could be defined as the relative proportion of particle size groupings in the soil on percentage
basis. It describes the sand, silt and clay composition of the soil.
The smaller the particles in a soil, the larger the internal surface area. Similarly, the smaller the particles
in a soil the more water and nutrients the soil can retain.
In the field a soil is composed of a mixture of separates which are groups of soil particles of a given size
ranges (i.e. different size particles which together make up a given soil).
Physical test for these three groups reveals that sandy soil is generally coarse, gritty, non-sticky with low
cohesion; silt is smooth like flour while clay is sticky and plastic when wet but very hard when dry. A
loam texture soil usually exhibits a combination of the three properties.
A soil sample usually contains a combination of at least two separates thus there are classes of soil
texture. These combinations are therefore classified into twelve different combinations called soil textural
Table 1 show two schemes of classification used for defining various separates in soils.
Table 1. Size Limits of Soil Separates in the USDA and ISSS Schemes.
Apart from the modification of sandy textures with terms such as gravelly, coarse, very fine, fine, etc.
there are twelve basic soil textural classes recognized. In order of increasing proportions of the fine
separates, the classes include: sand, loamy sand, loam, loam, silt, loam, sandy clay loam, clay loam, silty
clay loam, sandy clay, silty clay and clay.
The basic soil textural class names, in use presently, are defined in terms of particle-size distribution as
determined in the laboratory by a procedure termed Particle Size Distribution Analysis or Mechanical
Analysis or Gravometric Analysis. The percentage of size fractions combined to determine the texture
using a standard soil textural triangle as shown in Fig. 1.
Sand - Soil material that contain 85% or more of sand and a percentage of silt plus 1 ½ times the
percentages of clay not exceeding 15.
Loamy Sand- Soil material that contains at the upper limit 85 to 90% sand, and the percentage of silt plus
1 ½ times the percentage of clay is not less than 15; at the lower limit it contains not less than 70 to 85%
sand, and the percentage of silt plus twice the percentage of clay does not exceed 30.
Sandy Loam- Soil material that contains either 20% clay or less and the percentage of silt plus twice the
percentage of clay exceeds 30, and 52% or more sand; or less than 7% clay, less than 50% silt, and
between 43% and 52% sand.
Loam- Soil material that contains 7 to 27% clay, 28 to 50% silt, and less than 52% sand.
Silt Loam- Soil material that contains 50% or more silt and 12 to 27% clay (or) 50 to 80 percent silt and
less than 12% clay. Silt - Soil material that contains 80% or more silt and less than 12% clay.
Sand Clay Loam – Soil material that contains 20 to 35% clay, less than 28% silt and 45% or more sand.
Clay Loam- Soil material that contains 27 to 40% clay and 20 to 45% sand.
Silty Clay Loam – Soil material that contains 27 to 40% clay and less than 20% sand.
Sandy Clay- Soil material that contains 35% or more clay and 45% or more sand.
Silty Clay- Soil material that contains 40% or more clay and 40% or more silt.
Clay- Soil material that contains 40% or more clay, less than 45% sand, and less than 40% silt.
In the field however, a method known as the “Feel Method” is used in assessing soil texture. In this
method, a sample of the soil usually moist or wet is rubbed between the fingers and the texture assessed
by the behaviour of the soil particles using a knowledge of the behaviour of the various quantities of the
separates present in the soil sample. In otherwords, the differing sizes of the constituent particles give
each soil a characteristic feel. Thus, a soil composed mainly of coarse sand particles feels light and gritty;
one composed mainly of clay feels heavy and sticky. In general, the twelve textural class names already
established, form a more or less graduated sequence from soils that are coarse in texture and easy to
handle to the clays that are very fine and difficult to manage, while the loams are in between the two
Figure 1
The soil triangle is drawn to show fine-, medium-, and coarse-textured soils. An exception is very fine
sandy loam, which is considered medium textured
1. The rate at which water enters the soil (infiltration) and drains through (percolation) depends on
whether it is sandy, silt or clay soil.
2. The rate of nutrient leaching also depends on rate of water infiltration e.g. clay soils have the best
holding ability for water and chemical nutrients.
3. Soil texture influences the ease at which a soil can be worked; clay soils are more difficult than
sandy soils.
4. The knowledge of soil texture and crop requirement of soil enable the grower to select suitable
soils/land for his crop.
5. Growers would be able to know management practices suitable for the soil types especially in
terms of fertilization, irrigation and organic materials incorporation.
Soil structure may be defined as the organization of sand, silt, clay and humus particles into somewhat
stable groupings (peds). It can also be defined as the aggregation of primary soil particles (sand, silt and
clay) into compound particles termed peds or aggregates, which are separated by adjoining peds by lines
of weakness.
Type- which refers to the shape of the soil aggregate e.g. granular, platty, crumb, etc.
Class- refers to the size of the peds e.g. fine, medium, coarse, etc.
Grade- describes how distinct and strong the peds are. It expresses the differential between
cohesion within aggregates and adhesion between aggregates e.g. weak, moderate, strong or
structureless terms are used for grade. A structureless condition exist when there is no observable
degree of aggregation.
Thus, the full description of the structure of a given ped could be strong, coarse, prismatic structure;
moderate fine granular structure; weak fine crumb structure or structureless (massive) or structureless
Soil structure is important in agriculture from the point of view that a well aggregated soil is often well
drained, has good permeability of water, air and roots. Such a soil is also easily worked or tilled and thus
serves to control erosion. All these are made possible because of the numerous macrospore spaces created
by the existence of numerous lines of weakness between aggregates or peds.
Common agents of aggregation which are responsible for binding primary soil particles into peds include
the following:
i. Colloidal clay minerals which consist of the finer, more reactive part of clay in soils.
ii. Colloidal oxides of iron, aluminium and manganese, which are collectively termed sesquioxides.
These are especially typical of tropical soils.
iii. Microbial gums; which are gums secreted by micro-organisms in soils.
iv. Organic compounds, especially humus which are also colloidal in nature.
v. Carbonates.
Soil consistence refers to the behaviour of soil when pressure is applied, especially at various moisture
contents, usually when the soil is wet, moist, or dry.
i. Wet Soil: Often described in terms of stickiness, as non sticky, slightly sticky, sticky, very sticky;
and in terms of plasticity as non plastic, slightly plastic, plastic, and very plastic.
ii. Moist Soil: This is very important because it best describes the condition of soils when they are
tilled in the field. Consistence of a moist soil is described in the following terms; going from the
material with least coherence to that which adheres so strongly as to resist crushing between the
thumb and forefinger: loose, very friable, friable, firm, very firm and extremely firm.
iii. Dry soil: Terms used to describe the degree of rigidity or brittleness to crushing or manipulations
include the following: loose, soft, slightly hard, hard, very hard and extremely hard.
Cementation is also a type of consistence and is caused by cementing agents such as calcium carbonate,
silica or oxides of iron and aluminium. Cementation is little affected by moisture content. The terms used
to describe cementation include: weakly cemented i.e. cemented units can be broken in the hand. Strongly
cemented – units cannot be broken in the hand but can be broken easily with a hammer. Indurated – units
breakable only with sharp blows of a hammer.
Cutans may be defined as modifications of the fabric of natural surfaces in soil materials due to
concentration of particular solid constituents such as clay, sesquioxides and organic materials notably
The presence of cutans in subsoil horizons (B or C) of a soil profile is of specific pedological
significance. For instance, the presence of recognizable amounts of clay cutans or clay skins on ped faces
or in pores is a direct indication that an argillic horizon (Bt) is present and that such a soil is mature. The
presence of both Fe-oxyhydroxide (sesquioxides) and humus (organic) in the B-horizon may indicate the
occurrence of a spodic horizon and the onset of the process of podzolization in a soil.
Soil Compaction
This is the natural packing of soil particles by natural force into a more dense or closer pack. The forces
acting to compact soil are:
Pores are spaces or voids between solid soil materials. The occurrence or abundance of pores in soils are
of pedological significance because a soil with many coarse pores will be much more aerated and better
drained than one with few very fine pores.
When describing pores in detail, a definite sequence of terms should be consistently followed. The usual
sequence is number (Few, common, many), size (very fine, fine, medium, coarse), continuity
(discontinuous, constricted, continuous), orientation (vertical, horizontal, random, oblique), shape
(vesicular, irregular, tabular) and location (impede, exped).
The pores allow the soil to act as medium for air and water transport and it is within the pores that
physical, chemical and biological processes occur in the soil.
Pore Space could also be defined as the portion of given volume of soil which is not filled with solid
Pore Space could also be defined as the portion of given volume of soil which is not filled with solid
Porosity (pore space) refers to total pore space per volume of soil. Mathematical expression is
Macropores are the big pores which are mainly meant for aeration while micropores (small pores) are
meant to transmit water after wetting. Pores are connected with one another in the soil and are usually
described by their retention of water and air. An ideal soil for agricultural purposes has fairly equal
proportion of macropores and micropores. This is usually put at 25% for each of the two pore sizes.
Porosity also depends on both the texture and structure of the soil and on the shape of the particles.
Bulk Density
Where Vs indicates volume of solids (Solid space) and solid space is bulk volume – air space. Organic
matter which promotes soil aggregation tends to lower the bulk density.
Soil Density and Permeability
The density of a soil is its weight per natural volume or bulk volume and it is related to the amount of
empty space in the soil. Soil density is expressed in two ways; namely, particle and bulk density.
Particle Density
Is the mass per unit volume of soil solids. For example, one cubic centimeter of soil solids weighing 2.0g,
has particle density of 2.0g cm-3.
Mineral soils have particle density range of 2.60-2.75g cm-3 with an average value of 2.65gcm-3. organic
matter tends to lower particle density.
Is the ease with which air water and roots move through the soil. The number, size, and continuity of soil
pores determine the permeability of the soil. Since pore space depends on texture and structure
permeability also depends on soil texture and structure. Permeability of a soil is measured by measuring
movement of water through the soil; this is known as Hydraulic conductivity.
Soil Tilth
Tilth is the physical condition of the soil in relation to ease of tillage and permeability. It is a function of
texture and structure of the soil. Soil with good tilth makes room for rapid root growth and ease of
seedling emergence.
Tilth can be improved by improving soil structure and avoiding compaction by adopting the following
Soil Colour
Soil colour is an important indicator of soil conditions. It reveals considerable information about any
given soil. The soil can take several shades of colours such as:
Brown-Black where dark soils result from the level of organic matter contents which is usually
high in
waterlogged soils.
White-Light grey which indicate leaching of colouring materials such as organic matter, or due
to accumulation of lime or salts.
Yellow-Red soils contain iron oxides in well-drained soils
Mottling Colour develops when the soil is waterlogged for part of the year. Patches of different
colours are shown.
Soil colour is described by using the munsell system in a soil colour chart.
b. soil aggregation/granulation
c. porosity
d. Bulk density
e. Soil tilth.
2. Discuss the agricultural practices that could improve soil physical properties and enhance crop
production in your area.
3. Talking about Permeability, what will happen to the water when pours down to a coarse texture soil?
Owing to the existence of several thousands of types of soils throughout the world, it is necessary to
classify them into groups that have similar observed properties. This practice helps us to understand and
remember the traits of a particular soil and be able to develop good land policy for efficient soil
management. This lesson deals with the practice of soil classification which is normally derived from soil
survey reports. Soil maps are produced to define areas with similar soils and the location of other land
1. Explain the concepts and meanings of soil classification, soil survey and soil mapping
2. Describe one or two soil classification systems
3. Explain how soil surveys are prepared and used
4. Describe different types of soil survey
Motivation/Prompting Questions:
Why classifying soils more important? So in this lesson we will be discussing the
classification of Soils.
Soil Classification
According to Esu (1999) soil classification is defined as the systematic arrangement of soils into groups
or categories on the basis of their observed properties. Observed properties are those that can be seen in
the field or measured in the laboratory. Classification systems based on observed properties are usually
called natural classification or soil taxonomy. When soils are classified based on inferences from the
observed properties, the classification system is called technical classification. For example, it could be
inferred that crops grown on dark loam soils would have high yields. Therefore, soils classified on the
basis of potential yield are a technical system.
The current system worldwide has six levels of classification. The soil order is the highest level and
broadest group which are 10 in number. The soil order is divided into suborder which is further divided
into Great Group, Subgroup, Family and Series which is the lowest soil grouping similar to species in
animal and plant grouping. The order and suborder levels of soil classification are usually used at state
and regional levels and by soil scientists. Soil series group is more relevant to farmers, builders, extension
workers and those that require information on soils at local level.
i. To organize information and knowledge on the soil that are understandable and useful.
ii. Soils are classified into groups to help us remember their names and important properties.
iii. Organizing soils into groups with similar properties minimizes the problem of locating
information about any one soil.
iv. It makes us to easily understand the relationships among individual soils being classified.
v. Soil classification enables us to predict soil behaviour and even estimate their productivity.
vi. By means of soil map, extrapolation of knowledge and information of one soil to others in other
places by different soil scientists, becomes possible.
vii. Soil classification helps us to identify the best use of a particular soil.
The following steps as articulated by Esu (1999) constitute general process of carrying out a natural soil
classification especially those meant for agricultural purposes.
a. A comprehensive study of the physical environment in which the soils to be classified are located.
The parameters so studied include the geology, geomorphology, vegetation, land use, drainage,
and climate of the area.
b. A field mapping, soil characterization and field sampling of soils is then carried out.
c. More adequate knowledge of the soil characteristics is then sort through morphological and micro
morphological study of the soils; laboratory characterization of the fine earth fraction of each
horizon within pedons; elucidation of genetic factors of soil formation and the relation between
the soils and the environment in which they are located.
d. Armed with an adequate knowledge of the characteristics of the soils, the soil classifier
(pedologist) then formulates differentiate at the lowest category.
e. The next step involves the clustering of soil individuals at lower categories into higher level taxa
or classes on the basis of similar characteristics (Hierachial or Multiple Category system).
f. This is followed by the regrouping of higher classes into yet higher class.
g. More extensive soil mapping is then carried out in areas of similar environmental setting to test
the classification carried out at a different location.
h. The classification is then tested and adapted several times so as to discover and learn new
relationships. At this point, the classification is sent out to colleagues for necessary inputs and
valid criticisms.
i. The new relationships learnt, the criticisms and other ideas are finally incorporated into the
classification and a Final Classification is thus obtained.
In general, two broad kinds of soil classification are recognized; a Natural or Taxonomic Classification
also termed Scientific classification and a Technical Classification.
A Natural Classification is one in which the purpose of the classification is, to bring out relationships of
the most important properties of the population being classified without reference to any single specified
and applied objective. In a natural classification, all the attributes of a population are considered and those
which have the greatest number of covariant or associated characteristics are selected as the ones to define
and separate the various classes. Most soil classification systems try to approach a natural classification
system as an ideal, though some more weight tend to be given to properties of higher agricultural
relevance. The most common examples of a natural soil classification system are the USDA Soil
Taxonomy System (Soil Survey Staff, 1975) and the FAO – UNESCO Soil Map of the World Legend
(FAO – UNESCO, 1988).The salient features of these systems of soil classification will be briefly
discussed later.
A technical Classification, on the other hand, is one which is aimed at a specific, applied, practical
purpose. For example, classifying soils for agriculture or engineering purposes or even more specifically
classifying soils for maize production or for irrigated agriculture. The most common examples of a
technical classification which are widely used worldwide are the USDA Land Capability Classification
System and the FAO Land Suitability Classification for rainfed agriculture.
In 1951, the Soil Survey Staff, Soil Conservation Service of the United States Department of Agriculture
(USDA) started the development of a new system of soil classification. The system was developed by a
series of approximations, testing each one to discover its defects and thus gradually approaching a
workable system. In 1960, the 7th Approximation was published to secure the widest possible criticism. It
was adapted and changed in various supplements and in 1975, the final text was published under the title
“Soil Taxonomy: A basic System of Soil Classification for Making and interpreting Soil Surveys”. In the
1975 edition, ten Soil Orders were recognized (Soil Survey Staff, 1975), but several revisions have since
been carried out and in 1994, one additional Soil Order of Andisols was added making it a total of eleven
Soil Orders (Soil Survey Staff, 1994).
The System is a multiple category or Hierarchical System and contains six categories. From highest to
lowest levels of generalization, they include; the Order, Suborder, Great group, Subgroup, Family and
Series. Table 4.1 contains a listing of the categories, the number of taxonomic classes (taxa) they each
contain and the nature of the differentiating characteristics. A brief description of the eleven soil orders
are given as follows:
In response to a recommendation of the International Society of Soil Science (ISSS) at its 7th congress
held at Madison, Wisconsin in 1960, the preparation of the FAO/UNESCO Soil Map of the World project
at scale of 1:5,000,000 was started in 1961. Successive drafts of the soil map and of the legend were
prepared from a compilation of existing materials combined with systematic field identification and
correlation. The first draft of the Soil Map of the World was presented to the 9th Congress of the ISSS
held at Adelaide (Australia) in 1968. Since then, the Legend of the map has undergone many revisions,
the latest being in 1988 (FAO-UNESCO, 1988).
The objective for developing a soil map of the world legend was to correlate all units of the various soil
maps in the world (and they are numerous) and to obtain world wide inventory of soil resources with a
common legend. The nomenclature has, however, been drawn from a number of national systems in a
successful exercise of international diplomacy. It was perceived that this exercise will provide for ready
transfer of land use and management knowledge.
The soil Map of the World Legend thus has a bicategorical system, with the highest or upper class being
approximately but not completely equivalent to the Great group level of Soil Taxonomy (USDA). The
lower category is composed of intergrades or soils with special horizons or features of note. The latest
revisions also includes phases to subdivide the secondary classes according to difference in characteristics
or qualities important in use and management of the soils such as texture, stoniness, presence of indurated
(pan) layers, presence of hard rock, slope and presence of salinity.
Today, the Legend consists of 28 major soil groupings, subdivided at the second level into 153 soil units.
Additional information is contained in the texts recommended for further reading.
Before soils could be classified, knowledge of individual soils which constitute the group is very
essential. Soil survey makes us to know the properties of soils in an area with a view to classify them if
need be. It involves a systematic examination, description, classification and mapping of soils in an area.
Soil surveys help the extension and adaptation of research knowledge from one area to others. However,
soil surveys emphasize only the less changeable properties of pedon and site such as the physical and
mineralogy of the pedon and its climate. Changes such as fertilizer and lime regimes are not usually
indicated in a survey report. 3.6.2 Types of Soil Survey
Soil surveys are of six types; namely, Schematic soil surveys, Exploratory soil surveys, Reconnaissance
soil surveys, Semi-detailed soil surveys, detailed soil surveys and Very Detailed soil surveys. The type
adopted depends on the level of details required from the soil map.
These are soil surveys which result in very generalized soil maps which have essentially taxonomic
significance. They are often derived from intuitive extrapolation about the soils in areas where no soil
surveys have taken place. Thus, such survey maps are often interpretations of climatic, geologic and
vegetation maps. Most often, road-traverses linking “mapping units” are used for soil checking.
Invariably, the mapping units employed in these surveys are broad; normally the Soil Orders or the Great
Soil Groups of the World, and a very general picture of soil distribution pattern is given.
Generally, many national soil maps are compilations obtained through Schematic Soil Surveys and their
publishing scales lie in the region of 1:1,000,000 or smaller, just like in the case of atlas maps. Indeed, a
very good example of a schematic soil survey is the one that has resulted in the publication of the
FAO/UNESCO Soil Map of the World at a scale of 1:5,000,000 (FAO/UNESCO, 1974).
Schematic soil surveys, also termed Syntheses or Compilations, are useful in promoting public awareness
about soils of a broad region and has only some direct practical value at global and international levels of
These are soil surveys often undertaken to identify the forms of development that are physically possible
within large regions of a country. The level and nature of national effort required to implement such
development are assessed in general terms, providing a basis for establishing priorities and a timetable for
the use of limited facilities in development.
The surveys are often undertaken at a final mapping scale of 1:250,000 to 1:1,000,000 as general
inventory maps of soils as a natural resource. At these small scales, the surveys rely on satellite imageries
or extensive air-photo reconnaissance as most boundaries are drawn in the laboratory on the evidence of
interpretative methods. The soil mapping units often consist of land units of various kinds, preferably
enclosing identified soil Orders and Great Soil Groups.
This type of soil survey fulfill a similar purpose to those described under Exploratory surveys. However,
they are often commissioned for more specific purposes rather than as a general inventory survey. Their
major purpose is to identify possible areas for further intensive soil survey work as might be done before
locating new irrigation or farm settlement schemes. Aerial photographic interpretation is the basis of soil
boundary location, but the soil observations become slightly more numerous than in exploratory surveys
and the mapping units comprise individual great groups or association of great groups.
Semi-detailed soil surveys are also termed Medium Intensity soil surveys. They are carried out to identify
specific areas apparently suited to specific forms of agricultural development. A reliable interpretation is
obtained of the overall proportion and general distribution of soils of differing potential for the
development purpose (s) in view. Such information may be sufficient to assess the economic feasibility
and even permit implementation, of the less intense forms of agricultural development. However, for
more intensive land utilization on types such as irrigation, these surveys usually serve only a “pre-
investment” purpose – to identify “project areas” within which expenditure on more intense studies for
investment feasibility assessment and implementation appears to be justified (FAO, 1979).
Final maps are often published at scales of 1:25,000 to 1:100,000 and mapping units often consist of
associations of soil series, and physiographic units (enclosing identified soil series).
These are high intensity soil surveys which are carried out at scales between 1:10,000 and 1:25,000. At
such scales, it becomes possible for the cartographer to indicate field boundaries upon the topographical
map. Consequently, in a soil survey produced at these scales, soils can be related directly to the parcels of
land which enclose them. The soil surveyor can indicate with considerable accuracy, the location of soils
on the landscape and can show the intricacy of their boundaries on the map.
Detailed soil surveys are very useful in areas where soil-related problems are known to exist as one can
see at a glance if a particular field is likely to have a soil with a specific problem. Also, extrapolation of
information from one area to another is possible and it is also possible to indicate whether or not a
development scheme is feasible. Detailed soil surveys are therefore also known as “Feasibility Surveys”
(Bridges, 1982).Soil mapping units in detailed soil surveys often consist of phases of soil series and soil
These are very high intensity soil surveys which are carried out at scales larger than 1:10,000. They are
concerned with the precise location of high-cost projects or management problems of specialized crop
Surveys in this category have specific objectives and the data to be collected would be contractually
agreed on. Boundary lines between different soil series, or even phases of soil series occupy zones less
than 2m wide and so the soil surveyor can show the soil boundaries with exactitude
The processes of surveying and mapping enable us to recognize and correlate different soil categories.
Soil surveying is the process of studying and mapping the earth surface in terms of soil types. A soil
survey report consists of two parts:
i. the soil map which is accompanied by ii. a description of the area shown on the map. Two main
conventional methods of soil survey are
Free Survey
In this procedure, observations are also made along traverses, but the soil surveyor uses his judgement in
siting soil observations in relation to landform and other environmental features. In other words,
observations are not made at fixed intervals. This method of survey is only convenient in open country
where both access and visibility are almost unrestricted.
Although this is an effective and relatively rapid method of soil surveying, it can lead to a concentration
of observations around the edge of soil mapping units within which “impurities” of other soils could
occur. The great advantage of the method is that the surveyor is free to vary the intensity of his
observations according to the intricacy of the soil pattern. This results in a greater accuracy when soil
patterns are
The Soil Survey Report
A soil survey report is a written report which accompanies the soil map when a soil survey project is
undertaken. Such a report explains in detail the mapping units, their properties and relationships.
According to the Soil Survey Manual (Soil Survey Staff, 1951), every soil survey report should contain.
Amundson, R., Harden, J., and Singer, M.J., (1994). Factors of Soil Formation: A 50th Anniversary
Retrospective. Soil Science Society of America, Special Publication 33.
Birkeland, P.W., (1984). Soils and Geomorphology. New York: Oxford University Press.
Dixon, J.B., and Weed, S.B., eds., (1989). Minerals in Soil Environments, 2nd ed. Madison, Wis: Soil
Science Society of America.
Fanning, D.S., and Fanning, M.C.B., (1989). Soil: Morphology, Genesis and Classification. New York:
Jenny, H., (1941). Factors of Soil formation. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Jenny, H., (1980). The Soil Resource – Origin and Behaviour. New York: Springer-Verlag.
Smalley, I.J., and Vita-Finzi, C., (1968). The Formation of Fine Particles in Sandy Deserts and the Nature
of “Desert” Loess. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology 38:766-774.
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Millar, C.E; and Turk, L.M. (2002). Fundamentals of Soil Science. New Delhi: Biotech Books.
a. Soil Classification
b. Technical classification
2. Describe the procedure you would follow in conducting a detailed soil survey of an area where no
aerial photographs are available.