1 s2.0 S101060300400067X Main
1 s2.0 S101060300400067X Main
1 s2.0 S101060300400067X Main
Received 11 August 2003; received in revised form 1 December 2003; accepted 27 January 2004
Photo-catalytic reduction of CO2 to methane was studied in CO2 -saturated aqueous solution in presence of TiO2 photo-catalyst (0.1%,
w/v) as a suspension using 350 nm light. CO2 methanation rate was very much enhanced in the presence of 2-propanol as a hole scavenger.
In addition to CO2 reduction, photo-catalytic reduction of methanol in N2 -purged system was also tried but no methane was generated in
presence of TiO2 without 2-propanol. The yield of methane was quite low even in presence of 2-propanol in this system. In the methanol
photolysis CO2 was found to be the main product with a yield of 60 × 10−8 mol to 200 × 10−8 mol. This shows that the generation of CH4
from CO2 does not proceed via methanol as an intermediate under these conditions. In the aerated system also, methane was produced
during photolysis of TiO2 suspension in presence of 2-propanol and its yield was comparable to that in CO2 -saturated system. This suggests
that surface-adsorbed as well as in situ generated CO2 are equally responsible for methane formation through photo-reduction in presence
of TiO2 . In the aerated system, 45 mol CO2 was produced by photo-degradation of 2-propanol. In O2 -saturated system, the methane yield
was lower as compared to that in aerated system whereas CO2 yield was higher. Overall, the yield of methane was quite high if extrapolated
to per gram of TiO2 .
© 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: CO2 -reduction; Methane; TiO2 ; Methanol; Hole scavenger
1010-6030/$ – see front matter © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
504 G.R. Dey et al. / Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 163 (2004) 503–508
strong reductant, are the reactive species generated on pho- The results show methane can be produced under these
tolysis of TiO2 in aqueous medium [10–12]. In the presence experimental conditions with good yield.
of an OH or an h+ scavenger, it is possible to use TiO2 for
photo-reduction processes.
Conversion of CO2 into methane or other organic sub- 2. Experimental
stances is of importance not only for the development of
alternative fuel sources, but also for the prevention of rise TiO2 (anatase, −325 mesh) was purchased from Aldrich
in temperature due to green house effect. Photo-catalytic re- and used as received. A quartz cell of 16.5 ml capacity hav-
duction of CO2 using photosensitive semiconductor powders ing a gas purging inlet and a gas sampling port was used for
has been studied in aqueous solutions [13], liquid CO2 [14] photo-irradiation with 350 nm light using Rayonet photore-
and high pressure CO2 [15]. Electrochemical reduction of actor having photon flux 4 × 1015 photons cm−2 s−1 . The
CO2 has also been extensively studied using various kinds amount of solution used for photolysis experiments was
of metals as cathode, producing CO or formic acid as the 5 ml. The ambient gas after photolysis of sample was anal-
main product depending on the kind of cathode materials ysed by gas chromatography (GC) using a poropak Q-S col-
[16,17] and the route for the electrochemical reduction reac- umn of 2 m length and diameter 1/8 in. Helium was used
tion has been established. Kaneco et al. [15] have reported as a carrier gas. Five hundred microlitres of gaseous sam-
that CO2 reduction does not take place in the absence of ple was injected into the GC for the analysis of CH4 and
electron donors. They tried 2-propanol as a hole scavenger CO2 . Thermal conductivity detector (TCD) and flame ion-
during photo-catalytic reduction of high pressure CO2 us- ization detector (FID) were used for analyzing the gaseous
ing TiO2 suspensions in water and reported the formation samples. Gases such as CO2 , N2 and O2 used in the exper-
of methane. In the work on photo-reduction of liquid CO2 , iments were of the best quality available from Indian oxy-
no gaseous products were observed; only formic acid was gen. The purged/saturated systems were photo-irradiated at
reported as a reduction product [14]. Methanol, formalde- normal atmospheric pressure and at room temperature. The
hyde and traces of formic acid in liquid phase and CO in the estimated values of methane yield have an error of ±10%.
gas phase were reported as the products for photo-catalysed
reduction of CO2 in the TiO2 suspension containing copper
powder [18]. Low yield of methane was observed after a long 3. Results
illumination time when KHCO3 was used in the system.
We have studied the photo-reduction of CO2 , and The yield of methane obtained from the photolysis of
methanol in the presence of TiO2 semiconductor in aqueous different solutions containing various concentrations of
medium at room temperature under normal pressure condi- 2-propanol in the presence of 0.1% (w/v) TiO2 is given
tions and observed the formation of methane in presence in Table 1. The amount of solution used for photolysis
of 2-propanol. The main objective of this work is to elu- experiments was 5 ml and it contained 5 mg of TiO2 . In
cidate the mechanism of CO2 methanation in the presence the CO2 -saturated system, the yield of methane observed
of 2-propanol as a hole scavenger at ambient conditions after 5 h photolysis was 5.4 × 10−8 mol and was found to
and also to compare the results with deoxygenated and increase with the time of photolysis as shown in Fig. 1.
oxygenated systems where methane was also produced. It may be mentioned here that this yield of methane was
Table 1
The yield of methane obtained from photolysis of 5 ml solutions containing 0.1% TiO2 (w/v) in the presence and absence of 2-propanol
Systems Photolysis time (h) Yield of CH4 and CO2 (×108 mol−1 ) from a solution containing 2-propanol
0M 0.05 M 0.5 M
CO2 -saturated 0 0 – 0 – 0 –
5 2.2 – 2.1 – 5.4 –
10 12.2 – 11.7 – 29.7 –
N2 -saturated 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 0 2.2 20
10 0 0 2.3 20 11.3 50
Aerated 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 12.4 2930 22.1 3150
10 0 0 11.3 4350 31.5 4650
O2 -saturated 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 10.2 3740 11.3 4000
10 0 0 13.2 6500 15.3 5870
G.R. Dey et al. / Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 163 (2004) 503–508 505
60 50
Methane Yield (x10 mol )
yield of methane (x10 mol )
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
0 4 8 12 16 20
Photolysis time/hr [TiO2] in % w/v
Fig. 1. Plot of yield of methane vs. photolysis time obtained for CO2 - Fig. 2. The yield of methane obtained from various concentrations of
saturated 2-propanol solutions containing 0.1% TiO2 . TiO2 in CO2 -saturated system containing 0.5 M 2-propanol after 10 h
Table 2
The yield of methane with respect to photolysis time from N2 -purged system containing various concentrations of methanol and 2-propanol in presence
of 0.1% TiO2
Systems containing Photolysis time (h) Photolysis yield (×108 mol−1 )
0 0 0 0 0
0.5 0 10 0 63.2
0.005 0.5 10 7.7 76.5
0.05 0.5 10 6.3 135.0
0.5 0.5 10 7.7 202.5
in the reduction of CO2 under this condition. Whatever methane depends on both the concentrations of oxygen and
yield of methane was obtained in this system may be com- the hole scavenger (2-propanol). This can be explained in
ing from the photo-reduction of dissolved CO2 or CO2 better way by the following proposed mechanism:
produced during photolysis of methanol and 2-propanol.
h+ + 2-propanol → organic radical + H+ (4)
TiO2 (w/v), less light is absorbed by the system due to the semiconductor. In the oxygen-saturated system, the yield of
opacity leading to low methane yield as observed earlier methane was lower due to competition for e− by both O2
[15]. and CO2 .
Polychromic light sources, such as Xe arc lamps, medium
pressure mercury lamps and blacklight bulbs were used
in most of the photolysis experiments in the presence Acknowledgements
of the semiconductor catalyst. In such systems quantum
efficiency or photonic efficiency cannot be calculated The authors are thankful to the referees for their useful
because of scattering/reflection of the incident light by suggestions. The authors also thank to Dr. D.B. Naik for
TiO2 semiconductor particles [28]. Hence, in our stud- useful discussions, Dr. T. Mukherjee, Head RC & CDD and
ies we do not report the quantum yield of the reduction Dr. N.M. Gupta, Head ApCD for their encouragement.
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