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Studies On Preparation of Shrikhand by Using Dragon Fruit Pulp

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Studies on preparation of Shrikhand by using dragon fruit pulp

Article · August 2018


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3 authors, including:

Avinash Singh Sk AKTAR Hossain

Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences


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The Pharma Innovation Journal 2018; 7(8): 455-458

ISSN (E): 2277- 7695

ISSN (P): 2349-8242
NAAS Rating: 5.03 Studies on preparation of Shrikhand by using dragon
TPI 2018; 7(8): 455-458
© 2018 TPI fruit pulp
Received: 13-06-2018
Accepted: 15-07-2018 Mohammad Sameem, Dr. Avinash Singh, Dr. SK. Aktar Hossain and
Mohammad Sameem Shaeeduddin
PG Student, Warner College of
Dairy Technology, SHUATS,
Naini, Allahabad, Uttar
The upward trend in nutritional and health awareness has increased the consumer demand for fermented
Pradesh, India
foods. The investigation was made with an attempt to develop dragon fruit pulp Shrikhand. Milk for
Dr. Avinash Singh control and treatment was standardized to 4.5% fat, 8.5% SNF, 25% sugar in treatments dragon fruit pulp
Associate Professor, Warner was added at the rate of 3%, 6% and 9% respectively. Significant difference was found within control
College of Dairy Technology, and treatment on chemical analysis fat, protein, carbohydrate, moisture, total solids, acidity percentage
SHUATS, Naini, Allahabad, due to addition of dragon fruit pulp. Organoleptic analysis for attributes like colour and appearance,
Uttar Pradesh, India Consistency, Flavour and taste, over all acceptability were judged using 9 point hedonic scale by trained
panelist revealed that treatment with 6% dragon fruit pulp scored the maximum in most of the attributes.
Dr. SK. Aktar Hossain The micro biological analysis revealed that strict hygienic condition was maintained as the coliform
Associate Professor, Warner count was found nil. All these attributes satisfied with the (FSSAI) standards. Thus treatment can be rated
College of Dairy Technology, as T2> T0> T1> T3.
SHUATS, Naini, Allahabad,
Uttar Pradesh, India
Keywords: Standard milk, Shrikhand, dragon fruit pulp, sugar
PG Student, Warner College of Introduction
Dairy Technology, SHUATS, Shrikhand is one of the important fermented milk products which derive its name from the
Naini, Allahabad, Uttar Sanskrit word “Shikharani” meaning a curd prepared with added sugar, flavouring agents
Pradesh, India (cardamom and Saffron), fruits and nuts. It is popular in western part, especially in
Maharashtra, Gujarat and Karnataka. Shrikhand is known for its high nutritive, characteristic
flavour, taste, palatable nature and possible therapeutic value. It is very refreshing particularly
during summer months. It can be recommended as health food for specific patients suffering
from obesity and cardiovascular disease due to its low fat and sugar contents. (Ramprasad
More et al. 2017) [6].
Dragon fruit (Hylocereus spp.) is a promising tropical fruit which can be cultivated in different
tropical and subtropical parts of the world such as Southeast Asia, and Central and South
America. The demand for dragon fruit extensively increases and the fruit today can be found
on almost all exotic fruit markets around the world. This success can be partly explained by
the fruit qualities, e.g. appearance, nutritional values and health benefits. Besides being
consumed fresh, dragon fruit can also be processed into, juice and puree. Dragon fruit and its
products may be used as ingredients for innovative food products that respond to consumers’
interest (Le Bellec et al., 2006; Sabbe et al., 2009) [5]. The palatability Shrikhand and goodness
of dragon fruit pulp can be combined to form dragon fruit pulp Shrikhand keeping the above in
mind and effort was made by in addition of dragon fruit pulp in different ratio and evaluate its
effect on Organoleptic, microbiological and physico-chemical quality to arrive at the best
combination by using suitable statistical tools.

Materials and methods

Standardized milk (4.5% fat/ 8.5% MSNF) was heated to 63 ºC for 30 min. and cooled to 35
ºC curd was prepared using (ZAHI-1) culture which was added in milk. The inoculated at 35-
40 ºC till desire acidity in the dahi (0.6-0.9% LA) was obtained. Dragon fruit and sugar was
obtained from the local market in Allahabad, the research work was carried out in student
Correspondence training dairy of Warner College of Dairy Technology, Sam Higginbottom University of
Dr. Avinash Singh Agriculture Technology and Sciences, Allahabad, U.P. (India). Four treatment were studied
Associate Professor, Warner
College of Dairy Technology,
each replicated five time were studied.
SHUATS, Naini, Allahabad,
Uttar Pradesh, India
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The Pharma Innovation Journal

Preparation of Shrikhand appearance, body and texture, flavor, consistency and overall
Fresh sweet good quality standardized milk (4.5% and 8.5% acceptability sensory parameter were include for study.
MSNF) and was converted to Shrikhand as follows. The
standardized milk was heated to 63 oC for 30 minutes; it was Statistical analysis
cooled to 35 oC. And then inoculated by lactic starter culture The data obtained during different phases of this study was
@ of 2% and incubated, at 35-40 ºC for 5 to 6 hours until a analyzed using Randomized Block Design. The experiment
firm coagulum (Dahi) was formed. The Dahi, so formed was was designed and responses were analyzed using software
broken and transferred to muslin cloth and hanged for 16 Design Expert Version 8.0.10.
hours, for drainage of whey the coaglum so obtained is called
chakka, was mixed with 25% sugar and dragon fruit pulp was Result and discussion
mixed in chakka, as per the treatment 3%, 6% & 9% to obtain Different label of dragon fruit pulp was studied for feasibility
the final product dragon fruit pulp Shrikhand. and suitability for use in Shrikhand.

Physico- chemical analysis Sensory evaluation of Control and dragon fruit pulp
Moisture was determined by procedure described in IS: 1010 Shrikhand
(1968). Fat was determined as per the procedure described in Colour and Appearance
IS: 2311 (1963). In this method, the sample is treated with The highest mean score for colour and appearance in dragon
ammonia to dissolve the proteins and ethyl alcohol to help fruit pulp Shrikhand (8.4) was obtained from T 2 followed the
precipitate the proteins. Thereafter, the fat is extracted with treatment by T0 (7.8), T1 (7.2). The minimum score (7.00) was
diethyl ether and petroleum ether. The mixed ethers are then obtained in T3. There were significant differences found
evaporated and the residue weighed. Total nitrogen/protein of among the treatments. F Value was 4.80, indicating
Shrikhand was determined by Semi Micro Kjeldahl method significant effect of treatment on colour and appearance.
(IS:1479 Part II,1961).Ash content of all the samples was
determined by procedure described in IS:1547 (1985). The Flavour and Taste
acidity of Shrikhand was obtained by method described in The highest mean score for flavour and taste in dragon fruit
BIS (IS: 1166 1968) for condensed milk. Carbohydrate pulp Shrikhand (8.164) was obtained from the treatment T 2
content was calculated by differential method (AOAC, 1980). followed by T0 (7.562), T1 (7.294). The minimum score
(6.896) was obtained in T 3. There were significant differences
Microbiological analysis found among the treatments. F Value was 6.14, indicating
The yeast and mold count (YMC) was determined as per the significant effect of treatment on flavour and taste.
procedure described in IS: 5403 (1969) using Potato Dextrose
Agar (PDA) and coliform count by the methods as described Body and Texture
in IS: 5550 (2005) and (FSSAI 2017) respectively. The highest mean score for body and texture in dragon fruit
pulp Shrikhand (7.9) was obtained from the treatment T 2
Sensory evaluation followed by T0 (7.6), T1 (7.3). The minimum score (6.6) was
Sensory evaluation of Shrikhand samples were carried out by obtained in T3. There were significant differences found
a trained panel of six judges of the institute by using 9- point among the treatments. F Value was 3.84, indicating
hedonic scale described by Lim (2011). Colour and significant effect of treatment on body and texture.

Table 1: Sensory evaluation of dragon fruit pulp Shrikhand

Scores/ values based on mean value of different parameters of treatments

Parameters F Value CD
T0 T1 T2 T3
Color & appearance 7.8 7.2 8.4 7 4.80* 0.89
Flavor 7.562 7.294 8.164 6.896 6.14* 0.66
Body and texture 7.6 7.3 7.9 6.6 3.84* 0.88
Overall acceptability 7.562 7.294 8.164 6.896 6.14* 0.31
* Significant at 5% level
** Non- Significant at 5% level

Overall Acceptability (6.896) was obtained in T 3. There were significant differences

The highest mean score for overall acceptability in dragon found among the treatments. F Value was 6.14, indicating
fruit pulp Shrikhand (8.164) was obtained for the treatment T 2 significant effect of treatment on overall acceptability.
followed by T0 (7.562), T1 (7.294). The minimum score

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The Pharma Innovation Journal

Physio-chemical quality of Control and dragon fruit pulp Shrikhand

Fat percentage differences found among the treatments. F Value was

The highest mean value for fat percentage in dragon fruit pulp 1462.58, indicating significant effect of treatment on moisture
Shrikhand (11.2) was obtained from the treatment T 0 (control) percentage.
followed by T1 (10.86), T2 (10.52). The minimum score
(10.19) was obtained in T 3. There were significant differences Carbohydrates
found among the treatments. F Value was 447.15, indicating The highest mean value for carbohydrates percentage in
significant effect of treatment on fat percentage. dragon fruit pulp Shrikhand (35.33) was obtained from the
treatment T0 (control) followed by T 1 (34.62), T2 (33.96). The
Protein percentage minimum score (33.29) was obtained in T 3. There were
The highest mean value for protein percentage in dragon fruit significant differences found among the treatments. F Value
pulp Shrikhand (9.1) was obtained from the treatment T 0 was 1610.51, indicating significant effect of treatment on
(control) followed by T1 (8.87), T2 (8.64). The minimum score Carbohydrate percentage.
(8.41) was obtained in T3 There were significant differences
found among the treatments. F Value was 187.26, indicating Ash percentage
significant effect of treatment on protein percentage. The highest mean value for ash percentage in dragon fruit
Shrikhand (1.7) was obtained from the treatment T 0 (control)
Moisture percentage followed by T1 (1.66), T2 (1.63). The minimum score (1.59)
The highest mean value for moisture percentage in dragon was obtained in T3. There were significant differences found
fruit pulp Shrikhand (46.52) was obtained from the treatment among the treatments. F Value was 27.37, indicating
T3 followed by T2 (45.25), T1 (43.98). The minimum score significant effect of treatment on ash percentage.
(42.7) was obtained in T0 (control). There were significant

Table 2: Physico-chemical qualities of dragon fruit pulp Shrikhand control and experiments.
Scores/ values based on mean value of different parameters of treatments F Value CD Values
T0 T1 T2 T3
Fat 11.2 10.86 10.52 10.19 447.15* 0.06
Protein 9.1 8.87 8.64 8.41 187.26* 0.07
Moisture 42.7 43.98 45.25 46.52 1462.58* 0.13
Carbohydrate 35.33 34.62 33.96 33.29 1610.51* 0.07
Ash 1.7 1.66 1.63 1.59 27.37* 0.03
Total solids 57.33 56.02 54.75 53.48 1242.34* 0.14
T. Acidity# 0.93 1.08 1.19 1.26 93.77* 0.05
* Significant at 5% level
** Non- Significant at 5% level
# As per lactic acid.

Total Solids percentage score (53.48) was obtained in T 3. There were significant
The highest mean value for total solids percentage in dragon differences found among the treatments. F Value was
fruit Shrikhand (57.33) was obtained from the treatment T 0 1242.34, indicating significant effect of treatment on total
(control) followed by T1 (56.02), T2 (54.75). The minimum solids percentage.

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The Pharma Innovation Journal

Titrable acidity percentage dragon fruit pulp Shrikhand. The highest mean score for yeast
The highest mean value for titrable acidity percentage in and moulds in dragon fruit Shrikhand (8.20) was obtained
dragon fruit Shrikhand (1.26) was obtained from the treatment from the treatment T3 followed by T2 (7.8), T1 (7.2) the
T3 followed by T2 (1.19), T1 (1.08). The minimum score minimum score (6.2) was obtained in T 0 (control). There were
(0.93) was obtained in T 0 (control). There were significant significant differences found among the treatments. F Value
differences found among the treatments. F Value was 93.77, was 5.10, indicating significant effect of treatment on yeast
indicating significant effect of treatment on titrable acidity and mould count.
percentage. None of the samples of dragon fruit pulp Shrikhand showed
presence of the coliforms at 0 day. Which indicates, proper
Average of microbial analysis of Control and dragon fruit hygienic conditions were maintained during the preparation
pulp Shrikhand and storage of the product.
Table shows Average of microbial analysis of control and

Table 3: Microbiological analysis

Scores/ values based on mean value of different parameters of treatments
Parameters F Value CD
T0 T1 T2 T3
Yeast & mould (cfu/gm) 6.2 7.2 7.8 8.2 5.10* 1.19
Coliform count (101/ml) Nil Nil Nil Nil - Nil
* Significant at 5% level
** Non- Significant at 5% level

Conclusion 5. Le Bellec F, Vaillant F, Imbert E. Pitahaya (Hylocereus

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