LVL TimberSpecs
LVL TimberSpecs
LVL TimberSpecs
Design Guide
MARCH 2020
Information contained within is specific to the Futurebuild® LVL range of products and must not be
used with any other LVL products no matter how similar they may appear.
Design Guide
1.0 Laminated Veneer Lumber....................... 3
1.1 Futurebuild® LVL................................................... 3
1.2 Residential Buildings.............................................. 3
2.0 Engineering Design Tools........................... 4
2.1 computeIT® Software Suite.................................. 4
2.2 computeIT for Beams........................................... 4
2.3 computeIT toolkIT®.............................................. 4
3.0 Futurebuild® LVL Product Range.............. 5
3.1 Grades................................................................... 5
3.2 Cross Banded Futurebuild LVL (X-Band)............ 5
3.3 Purlin Design.......................................................... 6
3.4 Pre-fabrication Network....................................... 6
3.5 Non Standard Sizes & Lengths............................. 6
3.6 Futurebuild LVL Range Specifications.................. 6
4.0 General Design Considerations................. 6
4.1 Characteristic Stresses.......................................... 6
4.2 Capacity Factor..................................................... 7
4.3 Duration of Load Factor...................................... 7
4.4 Moisture Content.................................................. 7
4.5 Bearing Area.......................................................... 7
4.6 Load Sharing.......................................................... 7
4.7 Stability................................................................... 7
4.8 Temperature.......................................................... 7
4.9 Size Factor............................................................. 7
4.10 Fire Resistance....................................................... 8
4.11 Joint Group............................................................ 8
5.0 Characteristic Properties........................... 8
5.1 Standard Section Sizes & Characteristic
Material Properties................................................ 8
5.2 hySPAN® Limit State Design
Characteristic Properties...................................... 9
5.3 hySPAN+® Limit States Design
Characteristic Properties.................................... 10
5.4 hy70® Limit States Design
Characteristic Properties.................................... 11
5.5 truFLOOR® Limit States Design
Characteristic Properties ................................... 12
5.6 hySTRUCT™ Limit States Design
Characteristic Properties.................................... 13
6.0 References........................................................... 13
Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL) is an engineered wood material with defined and reliable
strength and stiffness properties. It is suited to a wide range of structural applications,
including critical elements such as large span portal frames and primary or secondary beams in
commercial buildings.
For designers Futurebuild® LVL offers: • Long lengths and large cross-sectional
• Consistent structural performance with dimensions.
low variability. • Dimensionally stable product, which is
• Third party certification of conformance easily installed on site.
with AS/NZS 4357 by the Engineered
Wood Products Association of Australasia
This literature contains general design information and material properties intended for use
where members are specifically engineered for applications not covered by Futurebuild LVL
product brochures.
The information contained in this document is current as of March 2020 and is based on data available to
Carter Holt Harvey (CHH) LVL Ltd trading as Futurebuild® LVL at the time of going to print. Futurebuild LVL
reserves the right to change the information contained in this literature without prior notice.
It is important that you confirm that you have the most up to date information available, refer to
Futurebuild LVL has used all reasonable endeavours to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information
contained in this document. This information does not replace professional advice and we recommend
that professional advice should be obtained specific to your circumstances. To the extent permitted by law,
Futurebuild will not be liable for any inaccuracies, omissions or errors in this information nor for any actions
taken in reliance on this information.
• Enter complex beam design situations, including statically • Design connections using a number of common
indeterminate beams and cantilevers. connection details.
• Enter a number of different load types including point loads, • Analyse a number of different members to produce cost
UDL’s and trapezoidal/triangular loads. effective design solutions.
• Enter beam restraint information for calculation of capacities in • View graphical representation of beam geometry, loading and
accordance with AS1720.1-2010. design action effect diagrams.
• Make engineering decisions based on engineering outputs • Select loading combinations to AS/NZS 1170.
including, deflection, bending moment and shear • Apply design actions from other members within a job.
force diagrams. • Create a job specific Engineering Analysis Report including
designed members and connections.
• Design moment resisting connections with commonly • Analyse different members to determine cost effective options.
available materials and connectors. • Design solid and I-beam purlins and girts, including support and
• Design solid and built up members subject to combined restraint details.
actions, easily considering the effects of alternate • Create a job specific Engineering Analysis Report including
restraint options. designed members and connections.
• Select loading combinations for analysis to AS/NZS 1170,
with automatic adoption of duration of load factor.
CHH LVL Ltd produce a wide range of Futurebuild LVL products These products are available for design and specification in any
suitable for use in LVL structural systems including: of the thicknesses specified above1, however for commercial
applications we recommend the use of hySPAN for primary
hySPAN+® (E=14.0 GPa)
members and hySTRUCT or i-beam for secondary members.
hySPAN® (E=13.2 GPa)
These tend to be more efficient from a design and cost
hy70® (11.9 GPa)
perspective. For the complete range of Characteristic Design
hySTRUCT™ (E=11.0 GPa)
Properties refer below.
truFLOOR® (E=11.0 GPa)
Purlin design in LVL buildings is currently limited to readily Table 2: Purlin Span Guidance
available i-joists and solid sections. Typically i-joists have weight, Product Span
strength (lateral restraint) and stiffness advantages over solid
i-Beams >7.0mm
section purlins, however for smaller bays, solid sections can (LVL flanged i-beams)
have installation advantages. The software package computeIT®
hySPAN® <7.0mm
toolkIT® includes the ability to design and specify Futurebuild® (Solid LVL Section)
LVL products as purlins and girts. MGP
(Sawn Timber Sections)
• Characteristic Stresses may be different for use on flat or on • Selection of Characteristics Stress Values should take into
edge as detailed. account the allowance for the representativeness of the
• MoE is a mean value which includes an allowance for shear sample population, allowance for levels of control of process
deformation. and quality, amongst other things. Substitution with similar
• Because of the low variability of LVL a lower bound E is not properties from alternate manufacturers may not provide the
required for most applications, however where required, the calculated design performance. These characteristic stresses
lower 5th percentile Modulus of Elasticity may be taken are not for use with products from alternative manufacturers.
as 0.85 E.
Stability factor k12 - as per AS1720.1. Appendix E of AS 1720.1 provides alternate solutions for the determination of slenderness
coefficients for beams where built up sections are used, or where the distribution of design action effects may provide more accurate,
less conservative, results. Clause 8.4.7 Stability Factor includes equations for the determination of material constraint.
The provisions of Clause 2.4.3 of AS 1720.1 for seasoned timber apply to the Futurebuild® LVL range.
• For beam sections of depth 95mm or less – no adjustment • For tension members with width 150mm or less
• For beam sections of depth exceeding 95mm – multiply the – no adjustment.
published characterised value for bending by (95/d)0.154, • For tension members with the largest cross-sectional
where d is the depth of the beam. dimension exceeding 150mm – multiply the published
characterised value for tension by (150/d)0.167, where d is the
largest cross-sectional dimension of the tension member.
is described in AS 1720.4. Recommendations derived from a layer of wood below the char line.
testing programme on Futurebuild® LVL at the University of • Design using the char rate ß = 0.65mm/minute (complying with
AS 1720.4) to calculate a reduced cross section which can be
Canterbury are:
used with normal temperature properties, with an allowance
• The design method used for predicting the fire performance for a 7.5mm zerostrength layer of Futurebuild LVL below the
of Futurebuild LVL exposed to post-flashover fires is to use char line.
the experimentally found char rate ß = 0.72mm/minute to This data has not been tested on, and is not applicable to LVL
determine a reduced cross-section, and design using normal made by other manufacturers.
STRUCTURAL hySPAN+® offers an alternative to F17 STRUCTURAL hySTRUCT™ is an all-purpose LVL product
hardwood beams. It provides the extra targeted at traditional timber sizes for
performance of LVL with modified properties high load applications where strength and
and sizes to suit F17 conversion. predictable deflection performance
are paramount.
capacities for hySPAN are detailed in Table 6.
Size factors:
1. For beams exceeding 95mm - multiply the published characteristic value for bending by (95/d)0.154, where d is the depth of the beam.
2. For tension members with the largest cross-sectional dimension exceeding 150mm - multiply the published characteristic value for tension by (150/d)0.167, where d is
the largest cross-sectional dimension of the tension member.
Size factors:
1. For beams exceeding 95mm - multiply the published characteristic value for bending by (95/d)0.154, where d is the depth of the beam.
2. For tension members with the largest cross-sectional dimension exceeding 150mm - multiply the published characteristic value for tension by (150/d)0.167,
where d is the largest cross-sectional dimension of the tension member.
capacities for hy70 are detailed in Table 10.
Size factors:
1. For beams exceeding 95mm - multiply the published characteristic value for bending by (95/d)0.154, where d is the depth of the beam.
2. For tension members with the largest cross-sectional dimension exceeding 150mm - multiply the published characteristic value for tension by (150/d)0.167, where d is
the largest cross-sectional dimension of the tension member.
Table 11: Characteristic Design Stresses and Elastic Modulis for truFLOOR ®
Edge Flat
(MPa) (MPa)
Modulus of Elasticity E 11,000 11,000
Modulus of Rigidity G 550 550
Characteristic stresses
Bending (characterised to 95mm) fb1 40.0 40.0
Tension (characterised to 150mm) ft2 25.2 25.2
Compression parallel to grain fc 32.6 32.6
Shear in beams fs 4.4 2.5
Bearing perpendicular to grain fp 11.1 11.1
Shear at joint details fsj 4.4 2.5
Size factors:
1. For beams exceeding 95mm - multiply the published characteristic value for bending by (95/d)0.154, where d is the depth of the beam.
2. For tension members with the largest cross-sectional dimension exceeding 150mm - multiply the published characteristic value for tension by (150/d)0.167, where d is
the largest cross-sectional dimension of the tension member.
capacities for hySTRUCT are detailed in Table 14.
Table 13: Characteristic Design Stresses and Elastic Modulis for hySTRUCT™
Edge Flat
(MPa) (MPa)
Modulus of Elasticity E 11,000 11,000
Modulus of Rigidity G 550 550
Characteristic stresses
Bending (characterised to 95mm) fb1 40.0 40.0
Tension (characterised to 150mm) ft2 25.2 25.2
Compression parallel to grain fc 32.6 32.6
Shear in beams fs 4.4 2.5
Bearing perpendicular to grain fp 11.1 11.1
Shear at joint details fsj 4.4 2.5
Size factors:
1. For beams exceeding 95mm - multiply the published characteristic value for bending by (95/d)0.154, where d is the depth of the beam.
2. For tension members with the largest cross-sectional dimension exceeding 150mm - multiply the published characteristic value for tension by (150/d)0.167,
where d is the largest cross-sectional dimension of the tension member.
AS/NZS 4357.0:2005 “Structural Laminates Veneer Lumber - AS/NZS 4357.4:2005 “Structural Laminates Veneer Lumber -
Specifications”. Determination of Formaldehyde Emissions”.
AS/NZS 4357.1:2005 “Structural Laminates Veneer Lumber - AS 1720.1-2010 Timber Structures - Design Methods.
Methods of Test for Manufacturer of Dimensions and Shape”.
AS/NZS 4063.2:2010 Characterisation of structural timber -
AS/NZS 4357.2:2006 “Structural Laminates Veneer Lumber - Determination of characteristic values.
Determination of Structural Properties - Test Methods”.
AS 1649-2001 Timber - Methods of test for mechanical
AS/NZS 4357.3:2006 “Structural Laminates Veneer Lumber - fasteners and connectors - Basic working loads and
Determination of Structural Properties - Evaluation Methods”. characteristic strengths.
© March 2020