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Structural Timber Design To Eurocode 5 - 2007 - Porteous - Frontmatter

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to Eurocode 5

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To Margaret and John
Dawn and Romi

October 6, 2007
10.1002/9780470697818.fmatter, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/9780470697818.fmatter by Readcube (Labtiva Inc.), Wiley Online Library on [13/06/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

Abdy Kermani BSc, MSc, PhD, CEng,

Jack Porteous BSc, MSc, DIC, PhD,

Professor of Timber Engineering
CEng, MIStructE, FICE

Napier University, Edinburgh

to Eurocode 5

Jack Porteous Consultancy

MIStructE, FIWSc
October 6, 2007

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C 2007 by Jack Porteous and Abdy Kermani
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First published 2007 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd
ISBN: 978-14051-4638-8
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Porteous, Jack.
Structural timber design to Eurocode 5 / Jack Porteous & Abdy Kermani.
p. ; cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN-13: 978-1-4051-4638-8 (hardback : alk. paper)
1. Building, Wooden–Standards–Europe. 2. Structural frames–Design and construction–Standards–Europe.
3. Timber–Standards–Europe. I. Kermani, Abdy. II. Title.
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Preface xi

1. Timber as a Structural Material 1

1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 The structure of timber 2
1.3 Types of timber 3
1.3.1 Softwoods 3
1.3.2 Hardwoods 3
1.4 Natural characteristics of timber 4
1.4.1 Knots 4
1.4.2 Slope of grain 5
1.4.3 Reaction wood 5
1.4.4 Juvenile wood 6
1.4.5 Density and annual ring widths 6
1.4.6 Conversion of timber 7
1.4.7 Seasoning 11
1.4.8 Seasoning defects 11
1.4.9 Cracks and fissures 11
1.4.10 Fungal decay 11
1.5 Strength grading of timber 11
1.5.1 Visual grading 12
1.5.2 Machine grading 12
1.5.3 Strength classes 13
1.6 Section sizes 16
1.7 Engineered wood products (EWPs) 16
1.7.1 Glued-laminated timber (glulam) 18
1.7.2 Plywood 20
1.7.3 Laminated veneer lumber (LVL) 22
1.7.4 Laminated Strand Lumber (LSL), TimberStrand® 22
1.7.5 Parallel Strand Lumber (PSL), Parallam® 25
1.7.6 Oriented Strand Board (OSB) 25
1.7.7 Particleboards and fibre composites 35
1.7.8 Thin webbed joists (I-joists) 37
1.7.9 Thin webbed beams (Box beams) 39
1.7.10 Structural insulated panels (SIPs) 40
1.8 Suspended timber flooring 41
1.9 Adhesive bonding of timber 43
1.10 Preservative treatment for timber 45

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vi Contents

1.11 Fire safety and resistance 46

1.12 References 48

2. Introduction to Relevant Eurocodes 50

2.1 Eurocodes: General structure 50
2.2 Eurocode 0: Basis of structural design (EC0) 52
2.2.1 Terms and definitions (EC0, 1.5) 52
2.2.2 Basic requirements (EC0, 2.1) 53
2.2.3 Reliability management (EC0, 2.2) 53
2.2.4 Design working life (EC0, 2.3) 54
2.2.5 Durability (EC0, 2.4) 54
2.2.6 Quality management (EC0, 2.5) 55
2.2.7 Principles of limit state design: General (EC0, 3.1) 55
2.2.8 Design situations (EC0, 3.2) 56
2.2.9 Ultimate limit states (EC0, 3.3) 56
2.2.10 Serviceability limit states (EC0, 3.4) 56
2.2.11 Limit states design (EC0, 3.5) 57
2.2.12 Classification of actions (EC0, 4.1.1) 58
2.2.13 Characteristic values of actions (EC0, 4.1.2) 58
2.2.14 Other representative values of variable actions (EC0, 4.1.3) 59
2.2.15 Material and product properties (EC0, 4.2) 60
2.2.16 Structural analysis (EC0, 5.1) 60
2.2.17 Verification by the partial factor method: General (EC0, 6.1) 62
2.2.18 Design values of actions (EC0, 6.3.1) 63
2.2.19 Design values of the effects of actions (EC0, 6.3.2) 63
2.2.20 Design values of material or product properties (EC0, 6.3.3) 64
2.2.21 Factors applied to a design strength at the ULS 68
2.2.22 Design values of geometrical data (EC0, 6.3.4) 68
2.2.23 Design resistance (EC0, 6.3.5) 70
2.2.24 Ultimate limit states (EC0, 6.4.1–6.4.5) 70
2.2.25 Serviceability limit states: General (EC0, 6.5) 74
2.3 Eurocode 5: design of timber structures – Part 1-1: General – Common
rules and rules for buildings (EC5) 76
2.3.1 General matters 76
2.3.2 Serviceability limit states (EC5, 2.2.3) 77
2.3.3 Load duration and moisture influences on strength (EC5, 79
2.3.4 Load duration and moisture influences on deformations (EC5, 80
2.3.5 Stress–strain relations (EC5, 3.1.2) 82
2.3.6 Size and stress distribution effects (EC5, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 and 6.4.3) 83
2.3.7 System strength (EC5, 6.6) 85
2.4 Symbols 87
2.5 References 92

3. Using Mathcad® for Design Calculations 94

3.1 Introduction 94
3.2 What is Mathcad? 94
3.3 What does Mathcad do? 95
3.3.1 A simple calculation 95
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Contents vii

3.3.2 Definitions and variables 95

3.3.3 Entering text 96
3.3.4 Working with units 96
3.3.5 Commonly used Mathcad functions 98
3.4 Summary 100
3.5 References 100

4. Design of Members Subjected to Flexure 101

4.1 Introduction 101
4.2 Design considerations 101
4.3 Design value of the effect of actions 103
4.4 Member Span 103
4.5 Design for Ultimate Limit States (ULS) 104
4.5.1 Bending 104
4.5.2 Shear 115
4.5.3 Bearing (Compression perpendicular to the grain) 119
4.5.4 Torsion 123
4.5.5 Combined shear and torsion 125
4.6 Design for Serviceability Limit States (SLS) 125
4.6.1 Deformation 125
4.6.2 Vibration 129
4.7 References 133
4.8 Examples 133

5. Design of Members and Walls Subjected to Axial or Combined Axial

and Flexural Actions 148
5.1 Introduction 148
5.2 Design considerations 148
5.3 Design of members subjected to axial actions 150
5.3.1 Members subjected to axial compression 150
5.3.2 Members subjected to compression at an angle to the grain 157
5.3.3 Members subjected to axial tension 162
5.4 Members subjected to combined bending and axial loading 163
5.4.1 Where lateral torsional instability due to bending about the major
axis will not occur 163
5.4.2 Lateral torsional instability under the effect of bending about the
major axis 167
5.4.3 Members subjected to combined bending and axial tension 168
5.5 Design of Stud Walls 169
5.5.1 Design of load-bearing walls 169
5.5.2 Out of plane deflection of load-bearing stud walls (and columns) 174
5.6 References 176
5.7 Examples 177

6. Design of Glued Laminated Members 205

6.1 Introduction 205
6.2 Design considerations 205
6.3 General 207
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viii Contents

6.3.1 Horizontal and vertical glued-laminated timber 207

6.3.2 Design methodology 207
6.4 Design of glued-laminated members with tapered, curved or pitched
curved profiles (also applicable to LVL members) 211
6.4.1 Design of single tapered beams 212
6.4.2 Design of double tapered beams, curved and pitched cambered beams 216
6.4.3 Design of double tapered beams, curved and pitched cambered
beams subjected to combined shear and tension perpendicular
to the grain 222
6.5 Finger joints 222
Annex 6.1 Deflection formulae for simply supported tapered and double
tapered beams subjected to a point load at mid-span or to a uniformly
distributed load. 222
Annex 6.2 Graphical representation of factors k and kp used in the derivation
of the bending and radial stresses in the apex zone of double tapered
curved and pitched cambered beams. 225
6.6 References 226
6.7 Examples 227

7. Design of Composite Timber and Wood-Based Sections 248

7.1 Introduction 248
7.2 Design considerations 249
7.3 Design of glued composite sections 249
7.3.1 Glued thin webbed beams 249
7.3.2 Glued thin flanged beams (Stressed skin panels) 260
7.4 References 268
7.5 Examples 268

8. Design of Built-Up Columns 292

8.1 Introduction 292
8.2 Design considerations 292
8.3 General 293
8.4 Bending stiffness of built-up columns 294
8.4.1 The effective bending stiffness of built-up sections about the
strong (y–y) axis 295
8.4.2 The effective bending stiffness of built-up sections about the
z–z axis 297
8.4.3 Design procedure 299
8.4.4 Built-up sections – spaced columns 303
8.4.5 Built-up sections – latticed columns 308
8.5 Combined axial loading and moment 311
8.6 Effect of creep at the ULS 312
8.7 References 313
8.8 Examples 313

9. Design of Stability Bracing, Floor and Wall Diaphragms 338

9.1 Introduction 338
9.2 Design considerations 338
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Contents ix

9.3 Lateral bracing 339

9.3.1 General 339
9.3.2 Bracing of single members (subjected to direct compression) by
local support 341
9.3.3 Bracing of single members (subjected to bending) by local support 344
9.3.4 Bracing for beam, truss or column systems 345
9.4 Floor and roof diaphragms 348
9.4.1 Limitations on the applicability of the method 348
9.4.2 Simplified design procedure 349
9.5 The in-plane racking resistance of timber walls under horizontal and
vertical loading 351
9.5.1 The in-plane racking resistance of timber walls using
Method B in EC5 352
9.6 References 357
9.7 Examples 358

10. Design of Metal Dowel Type Connections 372

10.1 Introduction 372
10.1.1 Metal dowel type fasteners 372
10.2 Design considerations 375
10.3 Failure theory and strength equations for laterally loaded connections
formed using metal dowel fasteners 375
10.3.1 Dowel diameter 382
10.3.2 Characteristic fastener yield moment (My,Rk ) 382
10.3.3 Characteristic Embedment strength ( f h ) 383
10.3.4 Member thickness, t1 and t2 386
10.3.5 Friction effects and axial withdrawal of the fastener 388
10.3.6 Brittle failure 390
10.4 Multiple dowel fasteners loaded laterally 396
10.4.1 The effective number of fasteners 396
10.4.2 Alternating forces in connections 399
10.5 Design Strength of a laterally loaded metal dowel connection 400
10.5.1 Loaded parallel to the grain 400
10.5.2 Loaded perpendicular to the grain 400
10.6 Examples of the design of connections using metal dowel type fasteners 401
10.7 Multiple shear plane connections 401
10.8 Axial loading of metal dowel connection systems 403
10.8.1 Axially loaded nails 403
10.8.2 Axially loaded bolts 406
10.8.3 Axially loaded dowels 406
10.8.4 Axially loaded screws 406
10.9 Combined laterally and axially loaded metal dowel connections 408
10.10 Lateral stiffness of metal dowel connections at the SLS and ULS 409
10.11 Frame analysis incorporating the effect of lateral movement in metal
dowel fastener connections 415
10.12 References 416
10.13 Examples 417
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x Contents

11. Design of Joints with Connectors 452

11.1 Introduction 452
11.2 Design considerations 452
11.3 Toothed-plate connectors 452
11.3.1 Strength behaviour 452
11.4 Ring and shear-plate connectors 459
11.4.1 Strength behaviour 459
11.5 Multiple shear plane connections 465
11.6 Brittle failure due to connection forces at an angle to the grain 466
11.7 Alternating forces in connections 466
11.8 Design strength of a laterally loaded connection 466
11.8.1 Loaded parallel to the grain 466
11.8.2 Loaded perpendicular to the grain 467
11.8.3 Loaded at an angle to the grain 468
11.9 Stiffness behaviour of toothed-plate, ring and shear-plate connectors 468
11.10 Frame analysis incorporating the effect of lateral movement in
connections formed using toothed-plate, split-ring or shear-plate connectors 469
11.11 References 469
11.12 Examples 470

12. Moment Capacity of Connections Formed with Metal Dowel Fasteners

or Connectors 483
12.1 Introduction 483
12.2 Design considerations 483
12.3 The effective number of fasteners in a row in a moment connection 484
12.4 Brittle failure 485
12.5 Moment behaviour in timber connections: rigid model behaviour 485
12.5.1 Assumptions in the connection design procedure 486
12.5.2 Connection design procedure 488
12.5.3 Shear strength and force component checks on connections
subjected to a moment and lateral forces 490
12.6 The analysis of structures with semi-rigid connections 497
12.6.1 The stiffness of semi-rigid moment connections 497
12.6.2 The analysis of beams with semi-rigid end connections 500
12.7 References 503
12.8 Examples 504

Appendix A: Weights of Building Materials 528

Appendix B: Related British Standards for Timber Engineering in Buildings 530
Appendix C: Outline of Draft Amendment A1 to EN 1995-1-1 532
Index 536
The Example Worksheets Disks Order Form 542
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As a natural material, timber is unique, innovative and easy to handle. It is sustainable,

environmentally friendly, can be readily recycled, and as sawn sections or quality-
controlled engineered products, timber has a large potential market for use as a structural
and building material. However, the existing civil and structural engineering curricula
neglect, to a large extent, the importance of timber as a viable engineering material and
as a consequence relatively few textbooks provide information on the design of timber
structures. Also, most books have tended to concentrate on designs in accordance with
BS 5268, a permissible stress-based design, with limited information on designs to
Eurocode 5, which is based on a limit states design philosophy.
BS 5268 is to be replaced by Eurocode 5 in the very near future and all timber designs
in the United Kingdom will have to be carried out in accordance with this code. This
book is based solely on the use of Eurocode 5: Design of Structures. Part 1-1: General –
Common Rules and Rules for Building, referred to as EC5 in the book, and incorporates
the requirements of the associated UK National Annex. There is a pressing need for
practising engineers as well as specialist contractors, postgraduate and undergraduate
students of civil and structural engineering courses to become familiar with the design
rules in EC5 and this book offers a detailed explanation and guide to the use of the code.
It provides comprehensive information and a step-by-step approach to the design of
elements, connections and structures using numerous worked examples and encourages
the use of computers to carry out design calculations.
Chapter 1 introduces the nature and inherent characteristics of timber and gives an
overview of timber and its engineered products as structural and building materials,
and includes design-related information on the strength and stiffness properties re-
quired for design in accordance with the requirements of EC5. In Chapter 2 the design
philosophy used in Eurocodes is explained. It includes information on the relevance
of the requirements of Eurocode 0 to EC5 as well as the significance of the effects of
moisture content, load duration, creep behaviour and size factors etc., in the design
Chapter 3 gives an overview of Mathcad® , a computer software package used to
carry out mathematical calculations, and details its simplicity and the advantages that
it provides when used for design calculations. The software is commonly used in design
offices and universities and the aim is to encourage readers to use computing as a tool to
increase their understanding of how design solutions vary in response to a change in one
or more of the variables and how alternative design options can be easily investigated.
The design of basic elements is explained and illustrated in Chapters 4 and 5 whilst
the design of more specialised elements such as glued-laminated straight, tapered and
curved beams and columns, thin webbed and thin flanged beams and built-up columns
is covered in Chapters 6–8 using numerous worked examples.

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xii Preface

In Chapter 9, the lateral stability requirements of timber structures are addressed, and
the design of stability bracing and the racking resistance of floor and wall diaphragms
using the rules in EC5 are explained.
The design of connections using metal dowel type fasteners is covered in Chapter
10. It includes an overview of the theory used for connection design together with
a comprehensive coverage of the lateral and axial strength requirements of nailed,
screwed and bolted joints. The lateral stiffness behaviour of these types of connections
is also covered in Chapter 10 as well as the design of connections with multiple shear
planes. Several step-by-step worked examples are provided to illustrate the design
methods explained in this chapter.
Chapter 11 covers the strength and stiffness behaviour of connectors such as toothed
plates, split-rings and shear plates. In Chapter 12, the design of rigid and semi-rigid
connections subjected to combined moment and lateral forces is addressed with ex-
amples showing the significant effect on joint and member behaviour when semi-rigid
behaviour is included in the design process.
At the time of publication of the book a Draft Amendment A1 to EC5 is being
processed. An outline of the proposed changes being considered is given in Appendix
C and where an amendment will result in a change to the design procedure described
in the book, reference is made to the draft proposal in the text.
All design examples given in this book are produced in the form of worksheet files
and are available on a CD to run under Mathcad Version 11, or higher. Details are
given at the back of the book (see page 542). The examples are fully self-explanatory
and well annotated and the authors are confident that the readers, whether practising
design engineers, course instructors or students, will find them extremely useful to
produce design solutions or prepare course handouts. In particular, the worksheets
will allow design engineers to undertake sensitivity analyses to arrive at the most
suitable/economic solution(s) very quickly.
To prevent any confusion between the numbering system used in the book and that
used in the Eurocodes, where reference is made in the text to a specific section, item
number, or table in a Eurocode and/or its accompanying UKNA, it is given in italics.
For example 6.4.2 refers to item 6.4.2 of EC5 whereas 6.4.2 refers to Section 6.4.2 in
Chapter 6 of the book.
Permission to reproduce extracts from British Standards is granted by BSI. British
Standards can be obtained from BSI Customer Services, 389 Chiswick High Road,
London W4 4AL. Tel: +44 (0)20 8996 9001. email: cservices@bsi-global.com

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