A Spectrophotometric Study of The Complex Formation Between Iron (III) and Salicylic Acid
A Spectrophotometric Study of The Complex Formation Between Iron (III) and Salicylic Acid
A Spectrophotometric Study of The Complex Formation Between Iron (III) and Salicylic Acid
A spectrophotometric study of the complex formation between iron(III) and salicylic acid was
carried out over the pH range up to 6; further, an attempt was made to test the applicability of
salicylic acid as a reagent for the spectrophotometric determination of iron(III) in the presence
of iron(II). The absorption maxima of the mixture of iron(III) and salicylic acid are found at
530mμ independently of the pH between 0.7 to 2.5, while they shift to shorter wavelength when
the pH rises above 3. The isosbestic point occurs at 550mμ between pH values from 3 to 6. It was
concluded that three complex species, Fe(Sa)+, Fe(Sa)2-, and Fe(Sa)33-, are formed successively
in acid solutions; their stability constants were determined to be:
228 Kin'ya OGAWA and Nobuko TOBE [Vol. 39, No. 2
where Sa2- denotes the salicylate anion, C6H4(O-)(COO-). If the pH of the solution is adjusted
from 2 to 3 and if absorbancy measurements are made at 515 to 500mμ, salicylic acid can be used
as a reagent for determining iron(III) in the presence of iron(II). The optimum concentration of
iron(III) is 2 to 12p.p.m.; iron(II) does not interfere, even at a concentration of 100p.p.m.
Salicylic acid has been known as a reagent1) mixture of iron(III) and salicylic acid at different
for determining iron(III), since it gives characteristic pH values. The absorption maxima are found
colors with iron(III). The initial investigation at 530mμ, independently of the pH values when
of the nature of the complex formation between those values are between 0.7 to 2.5, while they
iron(III) and salicylic acid was undertaken by shift to a shorter wavelength when the pH rises
Babko,2,3) who demonstrated the formation of
more than one complex in an aqueous solution.
Afterward, Agren4) determined the equilibrium
constants for the complex-forming reaction.
The present authors were interested in the color
variations, from violet through red to yellow with
a rise on the pH values, which had been noted in
earlier analytical studies.5,6) For the present
paper, therefore, the color-forming reaction between
iron(III) and salicylic acid was studied spectro-
photometrically, and, further, an attempt was
made to test the applicability of salicylic acid as a
reagent for the spectrophotometric determination
Fig. 1. Absorption curves. Solutions were 1.83
of iron(III) in the presence of iron(II).
×10-4M in iron(III) and 7.3×10-3M (for dot-
ted line) or 1.45×10-2M (for full line) in
7) K. Ogawa and N. Tobe, This Bulletin, 39, 223 (1966). pH 4.58 for 480mμ; 5, at pH 5.96 for 475mμ
February, 1966] The Complex Formation between Iron(III) and Salicylic Acid 229
to iron(III) in their mixture were obtained at competes with hydrogen ions in taking away
different pH values. The results are shown in salicylate anions.
Fig. 2. There is neither a sharp break nor a The Stability Constant of the Complex. -
leveling-off to a constant absorbancy at any pH The method described by McConell and Davidson9)
value for ratios up to as high as ten moles of salicylic was used for determining the stability constants
acid to one mole of iron(III); this shows that the of the complexes. Since there are three complex
colored complexes are appreciably dissociated and species in the acid solution, the reaction for the
that, hence, a large excess of salicylic acid over complex formation may be written in general in
iron (III) is required to bring the reaction to comple- terms of the following successive steps:
Fe3++Sa2-Fe(Sa)+ (1)
The Composition of the Complex. -The
compositions of the complexes were determined by Fe(Sa)++Sa2-Fe(Sa)2- (2)
applying the continuous variation method.8) Fe(Sa)2-+Sa2-Fe(Sa)33- (3)
Figure 3 shows the results obtained at different
where Sa2- denotes the salicylate anion, C6H4(O-)-
pH values by plotting Y, the difference between
the observed absorbancy and that which would (COO-). The corresponding equilibrium con-
stants are, then;
be obtained if no reaction had taken place, against
the ratio of the total concentration of salicylic
acid, CSa, to the sum of the total concentration
of iron(III) and that of salicylic acid, CFe+CSa.
The maximum value of Y in curve 1 occurs at a (5)
ratio of 0.5, indicating that salicylic acid combines
with iron(III) in a molar ratio of 1 to 1. In each
of the curves from 2 to 5 the maximum of Y is (6)
found in the neighborhood of a ratio of 0.7, while When salicylic acid is present in a large excess
in curve 6 it is found at a ratio of about 0.75. over iron(III), the concentration of the salicylic
This indicates that complex species in which salicylic acid combining with iron(III) is negligible com-
acid combines with iron(III) in molar ratios of
two to one and/or three to one are formed in addition pared with its total concentration. Therefore,
Eqs. 4, 5, and 6 are converted into the following:
to the 1 to 1 complex, and that the molar ratio of
salicylic acid to iron(III) in the complex increases K1=
with the rising pH values. This behavior is
interpreted as taking place because iron(III)
8) A. E. Martell and M. Calvin, "Chemistry of the Metal 9) H. McConell and N. Davidson, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 72,
Chelate Compounds," Prentice-Hall, New York (1952), p. 28. 3164 (1950).
230 Kin'ya OGAWA and Nobuko TOBE [Vol. 39, No. 2
becomes zero, and, from Eqs. 7, 8 and 11, it follows ing CFe at 1.83×10-4M and varying CSa from
First, in order to determine the K1 value, plots In Table I are tabulated the results of the cal-
of Eq. 16 were applied to the data at pH 2.04 and culation of the desired constants from Figs. 4, 5
2.81; the results are shown in Fig. 4. Next, and 6. The values of the first and the second acid
plots of Eq. 14 were applied to the data at pH dissociation constants of salicylic acid used in these
3.51 in order to determine β2; the results are given calculations were those described in the literature.10)
in Fig, 5. Finally, β3 was determincd from the The logarithmic values of the stability constants
results of the application of Eq. 12 to the data at calculated above are given in Table II, where they
pH 5.96, as is shown in Fig. 6.
are also compared with those determined by
February, 1966] The Complex Formation between Iron(III) and Salicylic Acid 231
* The two abbreviations , "sp." and "pol." mean "spectrophotometric" and " polarographic"
Agren.4,10) The present va-ues of log K1 and log The Spectrophotometric Determination of
β2 agree reasonable well those obtained by Agren, Iron(III) in the Presence of Iron(II). -Calibra-
while there are considerable discrepancies between tion Curves-The calibration curves prepared for
them in the two values of log β3. These discrep- different pH values with a series of solutions con-
ancies may be due to the difference in ionic strength taining up to 10p.p.m. of iron(III) are shown in
and temperature, and also to some unknown factor Fig. 7. A linear or nearly linear relation is found
such as the influence of buffer components in the between the absorbancy and the concentration of
equilibria. iron(III) at each pH value.
The Effects of Iron(II). -As is shown in Table
III, the determination of iron(III) at pH 2.80