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User Interest Evaluation V4

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User Interest What is this task about?

Determining whether the

What is the ultimate goal?
Training the algorithm to detect
OK, how do I perform it well?

Familiarize yourself with the rating

Evaluation business would want to
the relevance of the business'
products and services in relation options based on the user’s current
advertise to a particular user. to the user’s current interests. interests and business products,
services and target customers.
Use this infographic as a mental
Reminder Hmm, but why?
model while determining whether
To be able to improve the the business would want to
In the entrance exam, you will relevancy of displayed ads and advertise to the user.
be asked to solve example satisfy user’s current interests.
tasks of this type!


Business Page
The webpage of the advertiser’s
You may also check the business
Top Search Queries Visit the business page category or ad creative if this data
Typical search queries by which users is available.
have chosen to navigate to the
business page.

User’s Current Page You may also check the top search
Assess the products, services
The webpage a user is currently queries for the business if this data
and customer base of the business
visiting. is available.

User’s Current Interests

The types of products, services, ideas
and activities a user who is visiting this
page is seeking or might be interested in.
Check if any of the below applies:
The business page is NOT rateable if:

there is no information available to make a

judgement about the business. For
example, if the landing page does not load
but the business ad creative is available,
continue to rate the task
the business page is in a foreign language

Tick checkbox:
Is the business page No Business Unrateable
Wrong Language


Visit the user’s current page Lorem ipsum

Evaluate the user’s current interests

Check if any of the below applies:

The user’s current page is NOT rateable
if any of the below applies:
The user’s current page is:

in a foreign language
shows error
does not load

Tick checkbox:
Is the user’sLorem ipsum page
current No Unrateable User Page
Wrong Language


Given the user’s

current interests, how likely
is it that the business would want
to advertise to this user?

There is no reason to believe that the It is plausible that the user might There are good reasons to believe
user might be interested in the become interested in the products or the user is researching the type of
business more than any random services offered by the business, products or services offered by the
internet user. It is unlikely that the user perhaps impulsively, even though the business.
is the type of customer targeted by the connection with the business is weak.
business, or that the user is in the The user appears to match the type of
correct state of mind to consider the customers targeted by
products or services of the business as the business.
an impulse buy.

Unlikely Possible Likely


Send feedback about this decision map


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This file is intended solely for the individual to whom they are delivered within Ads Quality Rater Training Program and contains confidential or legally
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