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Daikin Altherma

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installer catalogue

DAikin Altherma
low temperature
heat pump
Daikin Altherma
low temperature

Brand new

The new DAIKIN altherma

low temperature heat pump,
an innovative product range,
designed to deliver only the best
In climate control
Best seasonal
providing the highest savings
on running costs
• excellent COP ratings for incentive and certification
• no need for or only very limited use of electrical assistance
• best efficiencies achieved within the most relevant

p. 6
temperature range

Perfect fit
for new builds,
as well as for low-energy houses
• custom-made product for very low heat loads
• build to withstand most severe winter conditions
• heating, cooling and domestic hot water in one system

p. 14

Integrated heating
and hot water unit,
saving installation space and time
• all components and connections factory-made
• very small installation footprint required
• minimum electrical input with constant availability of hot water

p. 22

New control panel:

easy to use, commission and service
• self-explanatory controller for easy and quick commissioning
• possibility of preparing and uploading field setting via a PC
• feedback on operation conditions and energy consumption

p. 28
With many years of air-to-water heat pump experience and
over 150,000 units installed throughout Europe, we continuously strive
to optimise Daikin Altherma’s performance. This is achieved by
a constant focus on limiting electrical inputs during each
new product-development-process, resulting in further reducing
the running costs.

Best seasonal
providing the highest savings
on running costs

l efficiencies

1. High heat pump efficiencies at all outDOOR

and water temperatures

Daikin Altherma low temperature uses a range of efficient compressors, limiting electrical compressor inputs to its maximum.
This results in optimal efficiencies at several rated conditions, providing excellent ratings, complying
with incentive and certification schemes (e.g. EPBD regulations) throughout Europe.

Each capacity class has an individually sised compressor,

dimensioned to provide optimal efficiencies per capacity swing scroll
range. This avoids having an over-dimensioned compressor,
leading to lower seasonal efficiencies.
For example, the compressor of the new 4kW
class is designed to work at optimal frequencies,
delivering the low capacities needed by houses with
low heat loads more efficiently.
• Low-capacity 4-8kW range is equipped with swing
In addition to its efficient compressor range, the Daikin
compressor: integration of main moving parts in one
Altherma optimises efficiency at all outside and water
component, assuring no abrasion and no refrigerant
temperatures with the use of:
leakages, guaranteeing optimal reliability and
• a pressure sensor for detailed measurement of efficiency;
condensing pressure level to evaluate the optimal • High-capacity 11-16kW range is equipped with scroll
amount of subcool. compressors: quiet, compact and robust, guaranteeing
• an individual dimensioned plate heat exchanger optimal operational reliability (no valves and built-in
per capacity class, to offer optimal efficiencies per swing-link coupling) and efficiency (through a low
capacity range. initial flow and a constant compression ratio).

The seasonal efficiency (also called SCOP) of a heat pump is the average efficiency over a whole year, taking into account
specific climatic conditions and house specifications (heat load, required water temperatures, etc. ). This means the SCOP
value can be seen as the real operating efficiency of a heat pump system, taking into account all the required inputs and
specific application conditions.

heating output / year

Heat pump efficiency = SCOP =
electricity input / year
The total heating output per year is defined by the climatic conditions and house specifications and is independent
to the type of heating system. The total electricity input per year is the critical parameter as this is what the customer
pays for.

2. High heating capacities

down to low outside temperature

Daikin Altherma low temperature maintains its high heating capacities down to low outdoor temperatures.

The electrical back-up heater assistance is no longer required or only very limited.
These high heating capacities, available on the whole Daikin Altherma low temperature 4kW-16kW range, are achieved
thanks to the combination of:
• Optimised controls to achieve higher frequency of use at low outdoor temperatures
• Liquid injection to avoid too high discharge temperatures when high water temperatures are required
at low outdoor temperatures
• Perfectly dimensioned plate heat exchangers to maximise the heat exchange surface

This is illustrated by a typical application in Munich

Typical application: A comparison is made between a standard low-temperature air-to-water

• Location: Munich heat pump system, and the new Daikin Altherma units (ERLQ-C range –
• Design temperature: -15°C 11-16kW):
• Heat load: 14kW • New range delivers around 3kW additionally at -15°C (+40%)
• Heating off temperature: 16°C • Equilibrium temperature shifts from -5°C to -10°C
• Operation of electrical assistance (BUH) is very limited

Heating capacity (kW) 18





Less BUH
Standard HP system 0
ERLQ016CAV3 -15 -10 -5 0 5
Heat load
Outside temperature (°C)

3. Daikin Inverter compressors

with high modulating range

When the heat load is lower than the maximum capacity of the heat pump system, the compressor can turn in partial load
operation. This reduced compressor frequency results in:
• Higher compressor efficiency in partial load operation
• Delivered capacities exactly matching the actual heating demand of the building
• Obtaining the capacities needed with minimum energy consumption
• Less on/off operation, increasing the operation life cycle of the compressor

The new Daikin Altherma low temperature has a high modulating range, meaning the compressor can modulate down to
low frequencies to offer the highest efficiencies over the relevant temperature range.
Each inverter compressor has a certain maximum and minimum frequency, and works in between the optimal operation
area with the highest operating efficiencies. This is illustrated by the graph bellow.

1 Heat load > max capacity: full load

Compressor will operate at 100% frequency,
with additional electrical assistance if required

2 Max capacity > heat load > min capacity: partial

load compressor will reduce its frequency delivering
the capacities required by the house,
with high operating efficiencies

3 Min capacity > heat load: partial load with on/off

Compressor will work at its minimum frequency with high operating
efficiencies, but switching on/off to deliver the capacities required

heat load line ERLQ006CAV3 max capacity

ERLQ006CAV3 min capacity

6 Max frequency

5 Wide optimal operation

area at relevant outside
Heating capacity (kW)

temperature (-2°C to 10°C)


Min frequency

0 1 2 3
-7 -5 -3 -1 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15

Outdoor temperature (°C)


The partial load operation and optimal operation area can be illustrated by
a typical application in Paris

Typical application: Efficient partial-load operation is especially important for the temperature
• Location: Paris range where the highest heat output is required. Typically, 80% of the total heat
• Design temperature: -7°C output is required in an outdoor temperature range of -2°C to 10°C. Achieving
• Heat load: 7kW high efficiencies in this temperature range, contributes strongly to high seasonal
• Heating off temperature: 16°C efficiencies.
• Largest part of heat output delivered at optimal efficiencies
• Less on/off operation when heat load becomes lower than the minimum
capacity the heat pump can deliver, optimising efficiency and comfort

Operation hours (h) Heat output (kWh)

1600 1000

1200 High efficiency crucial in
Ta range -2C° to 10°C
Heat load 7kW


  Operation hours
  kWh heat output
  Ta switch off 0 0
-10 -2 0 10 20 30
Outdoor temperature (°C)

• Modulating range doubled vs standard

air-to-water heat pumps
• New range delivers around 1kW additional in
full-load condition at -7°C (+25%)
heat load line
standard HP max capacity
standard HP min capacity
ERLQ006CAV3 max capacity
Standard heat pump Daikin Altherma ERLQ006CAV3 min capacity

8 8
7 Optimal 7
6 operation area 6
too small Wide optimal
Capacity (kW)
Capacity (kW)

5 5 operation area at
relevant Ta
4 4 (-2°C to 10°C)
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
-7 -5 -3 -1 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 -7 -5 -3 -1 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15

Outdoor temperature (°C) Outdoor temperature (°C)


4. Smart heating controls

The combined effect of the Daikin Altherma weather-dependent set-point control and the Daikin Altherma inverter
compressors maximises the efficiency at each outdoor temperature, assuring stable
room temperatures.

1 Weather-dependent set-point control: Daikin Altherma maximises efficiency at every outdoor temperature through its
weather-dependent set-point control. This control logic will always keep the water temperatures as low as possible, to
maximise the heat pump efficiency for each specific outdoor temperature. This results in:
• Higher heat pump efficiency with lower water temperatures
• No unnecessary overheating, thereby delivering the temperatures required
• Continuous heating at lower water temperatures, providing stable room temperatures
2 Inverter technology: lowering the compressor frequency with increasing outdoor temperatures, thus increasing
the efficiency

The example shown is for a typical application using under-floor heating: 1
• A water temperature of 38°C is required at a design Floating
temperature of -10°C (1) T set-point
• A water temperature of only 25°C is required at a space heating off (TLWC)
temperature of 16°C (2)
• For temperatures between -10°C and 16°C, the Daikin Altherma unit 2
calculates the required water temperature, to guarantee maximum

efficiency, with continuous heating, at each outdoor temperature. -10°C 16°C


5. Limiting electrical inputs of

auxiliary components

In addition to limiting the electrical input of the compressor and the electrical back-up heater, Daikin pays special attention
to limiting electrical inputs of auxiliary components. This also contributes to the high seasonal efficiencies achieved by
the Daikin Altherma range.
• Factory-mounted high efficiency circulating pump already qualifying for future regulations (ErP2015) with an A-energy
label (EEI ≤ 0.23)
• No standby losses of inverter drive PCB, lowering electricity consumption during standby mode
• No bottom plate heater needed on 4-8kW class
• Low-capacity bottom plate heater on 11-16kW class (ERLQ-C series), only operating during defrost cycles, results in 90%
less electricity consumption when compared with standard thermostatic controlled bottom plate heaters.

=> Thanks to all these improvements, COP of up to 5.04* is reached

* EHV(H/X)04C or EHB(H/X)04C with ERLQ004CV3 (Ta DB/WB 7°C/6°C - LWC 35°C (DT=5°C))

Applicable units: 4-8kW Advantage compared Operating hours

Conditions Yearly benefit
Location: Munich (Germany) to tradional HP system per year
High efficiency circulating pump 75W less according to EN14511 5300 hours 398 kWh

No standby losses inverter drive PCB 20W less in standby mode 3400 hours 70 kWh

No bottom plate heater 60W less when Ta below 4°C 2800 hours 170 kWh

Applicable units: 11-16kW Advantage compared Operating hours

Conditions Yearly benefit
Location: Munich (Germany) to tradional HP system per year
High efficiency circulating pump 90W less according to EN14511 5300 hours 477 kWh

No standby losses inverter drive PCB 20W less in standby mode 3400 hours 70 kWh

Low capacity bottom plate heater 60W less + smart logic when Ta below 4°C 2800 hours 160 kWh
Perfect fit for
as well as for
low energy houses
The Daikin Altherma low temperature is fully optimised to fulfill
the efficiency, comfort and application needs of newly built
houses. In addition, the extended product range now offers the perfect
solution for low-energy houses, even for very low heat loads.

new builds,

1. Optimised unit for low heat loads

The new Daikin Altherma low temperature is designed to meet the requirements of newly built and low-energy houses
characterised by low heat loads.
The low capacity 4kW unit with its high modulating range offers optimal efficiency in most relevant outdoor temperature
ranges by combining compressors and plate heat exchangers that have been specificaly designed for smaller heat loads.

The new-build house market in Europe is moving

towards smaller heat loads, due to :
1. Growing importance of low- energy houses
2. Strengthened legislation on energy consumption in
new residential constructions (e.g. EPBD regulations)
3. Decreasing size of new- build houses
4. EU member states planning to reach their
20-20-20 targets

With the new 4kW unit, Daikin Altherma low temperature offers a full product line-up with a specifically dimensioned heat
pump system (compressor, modulating range, plate heat exchanger, …) to deliver the required capacities
for the house, with the best possible efficiencies.
The new Daikin Altherma 4kW unit is developed and dimensioned to reach optimal efficiencies at the most
relevant temperature range, thanks to its high modulating range.

This is illustrated by the practical example below

Typical application: Low-energy houses have a lower space heating off temperature (12°C) than normal
insulated houses (16°C). This means that the most relevant outdoor temperature-
• Location: Paris
range for low-energy houses, shifts towards lower temperatures. A typical low-
• Design temperature: -7°C
energy house (see details below) has 80% of its total heat output in the outdoor
• Heat load: 4kW temperature range of -3°C to 7°C.
• Heating off
temperature: 12°C

Operation hours (h) Heat output (kWh)

800 1000

600 High efficiency crucial in
Ta range -3C° to 7°C 700
500 Heat load 4kW 600

400 500

  Operation hours 100
  kWh heat output
  Ta switch off 0 0
-10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Outdoor temperature (°C)

Standard heat pump Daikin Altherma

8 8 heat load line
Standard HP max capacity
7 7 Standard HP min capacity
6 6 ERLQ006CA max capacity
ERLQ006CA min capacity
Capacity (kW)

5 Optimal operation area too small

Capacity (kW)

and not in relevant Ta (-3°C to 7°C)
4 4
Wide optimal operation area
3 3 at relevant Ta (-3°C to 7°C)
2 2

1 1

0 0
-7 -5 -3 -1 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 -7 -5 -3 -1 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15
Outdoor temperature (°C) Outdoor temperature (°C)

2. Maximum comfort

Daikin Altherma
low temperature:
one system for optimal
year-round comfort

Optimal comfort conditions: Room thermostat:

Keeping the house at the desired temperature the The Daikin user interface can be installed in the living room
whole year, with both heating and cooling using the room thermostat function, which can additionally
possible lower or raise the set-point water temperature in function
of actual room temperature, to even better match the set-
• Only one outdoor unit required to provide heating point room temperature.
and cooling
• Same emitters can be used for heating and cooling
(Daikin heat pump convector or under-floor system)

Stable room temperatures:

The combined effect of the Daikin inverter compressors
and weather-dependent set-point control guarantees a
continuous heating operation.
With higher outdoor temperature, the water temperature
will be lowered and the frequency of the compressor
reduced, in order to ensure a continuous heating
operation, providing stable room temperature.

3. All types of heat emitters possible

The Daikin Altherma low temperature has an operation range up to 55°C leaving water temperature, allowing for connection
to all types of low-temperature heat emitters.

Under-floor heating 25°C 35°C

Heat pump convector 35°C 45°C

The Daikin heat pump convector is specifically designed to offer optimal efficiencies and comfort for residential applications.
• Small dimensions compared to low-temperature radiators
• Low sound level, optimal for bedroom applications
• High-capacity cooling with water temperatures down to 6° C

Low-temperature radiators 40°C 55°C

Thanks to the multiple set-point function, a combination of Tset Thermo status

different types of heat emitters operating at different water
Space 1
temperatures is possible. When there is no heating request low-temperature 45°C OFF ON ON OFF
from the higher temperature zone, the water temperature radiator
will be lowered to the temperature required by the Space 2
low temperature zone. This ensures keeping the water 35°C OFF ON OFF ON
under-floor heating
temperatures as low as possible, while always guaranteeing
Heat pump OFF 45°C 45°C 35°C
the highest efficiency.

Radiateur standard basse température



balancing 600mm
vessel Low-temperature radiator
45°C Console

mixing valve 700mm


4. Daikin Altherma is suitable for all climates,

even withstanding severe winter conditions

Daikin is renowned for

its know-how related to frost protection
on its heat pump range.
The outdoor units are specifically
designed to avoid ice build-up
problems, even in the most severe
winter conditions.

Daikin Altherma low temperature has a guaranteed

operation down to an outside temperature of -25°C.
This ensures sufficient heat pump operation for even the
coldest climates.
1. The 4-8kW range of Daikin Altherma has a specifically
designed casing to avoid the risk of ice formation on the
outdoor unit coil.
• The outdoor unit has a free hanging coil,ensuring
no ice accumulates in the lower part of the
outdoor unit. This is key to offering appropriate
frost protection and has the additional advantage
that no electrical bottom plate heater is required.
• The discharge grille is also specifically designed to
avoid ice accumulation.

This adequate frost protection results in one product

offering throughout Europe, from the south of Spain to
the north of Finland. New discharge grille

2. The 11-16kW range of Daikin Altherma (ERLQ-C) has

specific frost protection to avoid the risk of ice forming on
the outdoor unit coil.
• Hot gas pass: hot gaseous refrigerant coming from
the compressor runs through the bottom plate
to keep the base free of ice and all the drain holes
• Sub-cool pass: before the refrigerant pipe is split
by the distributor to the hairpins, the refrigerant
passes through the bottom of the coil to keep
this lower part free of ice

Only a small capacity bottom plate heater is installed

(35W) on the ERLQ-C range, with smart operation
logic only operating during defrost cycles. This saves
around 90% of electricity consumption compared to
a traditional heat pump system with a thermostatically
controlled bottom plate heater.

Hot gas pipe

Sub-cool pass
heating and
saving installation space and time

all in ONE

hot water unit,

The new Daikin Altherma low temperature integrated indoor unit is
an all-in-one floor-standing heat pump unit including the domestic
hot water tank (available in 180l and 260l). This makes it the easiest
and fastest installation when domestic hot water is required,
and provides the highest domestic hot water heating
efficiency and comfort for the end user in a compact, sleek design.
When domestic hot water is preferred in combination with
the Daikin Altherma low temperature , the integrated indoor unit
is the best solution, for the installer and the end user!
A wall-mounted indoor unit is available as well, to offer the best solution
in specific situations, e.g. when no domestic hot water heating is
required or a combination with thermal solar energy is preferred.

1. Easiest and fastest installation,

domestic hot water tank included

• The stainless steel domestic hot water tank is included

in the unit, with all connections between heat pump
module and tank factory made. This allows for a fast
installation compared to a traditional set-up (wall-
are accessible
mounted with separate domestic hot water tank) with
from the front
only water and refrigerant pipes to be connected.
• All hydraulic components are included (circulating
pump, expansion vessel, back-up heater, etc. No need to
look for third party components.
• The electric PCB board and hydraulic components are
accessible from the front. This ensures easy serviceability
and avoids the risk of any damage to electrical
components due to water leakages.
• All water and refrigerant connections are at the top of
the unit, assuring easy connection and accessibility.
This means no connections are required at the back
of the unit, resulting in a lower installation footprint.

2. Compact indoor unit with sleek design

Thanks to the all-in-one design, the installation space is minimised both in terms of
footprint and height

Compared to the traditional split-up version for a wall-mounted indoor unit and separate domestic hot water tank,
the integrated indoor unit greatly reduces the installation space required.

1732 mm
DHW tank
by more
VS than

580 mm X 370 mm 8m
m m
600 m
950 mm + X

Smaller footprint: with a width of only 600 mm and a depth

of 728 mm, the integrated indoor unit has a similar footprint
compared to other household appliances.
728 mm
Smaller installation footprint: almost no side clearances are
required, and no space is required behind the unit for the
piping, as the piping connections are at the top. This results
in an installation footprint of only 0.45 m².

600 mm + 10 mm
clearance on both sides
Low installation height: both the 180l and 260l version come with a height of 173 cm. The required installation hight is less
than 2 m.

The compactness of the integrated indoor unit is emphasised by its sleek design and modern look, easily fitting with other
household appliances.

3. Best solution for domestic hot water heating:

high efficiency – high comfort
The domestic hot water tank of the integrated indoor unit Daikin Altherma uses a smart control principle to heat-up
is equipped with thick polystyrene insulation which results the domestic hot water tank, maximising efficiency and
in 50% less heat loss compared to a standard insulated tank. comfort for the end-user. The combination of the reheat
This results in high savings on running costs as less energy and schedule function guarantees minimum electrical
is required for the next heat-up cycle. input and ensures the constant availability of hot water.
• Heat loss from the 180l tank: only 1.4kWh per 24h • Schedule function: heat-up the tank at a specified time
(temperature difference of 45°C between tank and room during the day, up to a pre-set tank temperature. This
temperature). action can be repeated four times per day, with the
possibility of setting two different tank temperatures
Daikin Altherma low temperature can heat the domestic (storage comfort and storage economic.)
hot water tank up to high tank temperatures with heat • Reheat function: when the tank temperature goes
pump operation only . This avoids the use of electrical below a specified minimum reheat temperature, Daikin
assistance for heating up the hot water tank, maximising Altherma switches automatically to domestic hot water
the efficiency of hot water production. heating, heating up the tank to a specified maximum
• Tank temperature up to 55°C with heat pump only reheat temperature.
operation is possible. Tank temperature can be further • These two control functionalities can be used
raised to 60°C with the standard back-up heater of the individually, but also in combination to provide the best
heat pump module. efficiency and maximum comfort.
The schedule function can be used to heat up the tank
This results in high hot water volumes. Following volumes during the night with the low electricity tariff, up to
can be achieved with only one heat-up cycle. a relatively low tank temperature (e.g. 50°C avoiding
the use of electrical assistance). When higher hot water
• Hot water volume of 300l is available at 40°C, sufficient
consumption occurs during the day, lowering the tank
for six showers, without any electrical assistance
temperature to the minimum reheat temperature,
required (260l tank, tank temperature 50°C, cold water
the heat pump will switch automatically to domestic hot
temperature 10°C, one heat-up cycle)
water heating with the reheat function to guarantee the
• The hot water volume can be further increased to 375l
constant availability of hot water. 
using the standard back-up heater (260l tank, tank
Thanks to the large coil surface of the tank (coil surface
temperature up to 60°C).
of 1.56m2) heating up the tank with the scheduled
function or reheat function occurs very quickly.

4. Wall-mounted indoor unit including

all hydraulic components

The wall-mounted indoor unit is 3. Connection to DAIKIN solar system

the perfect solution, in certain • Pressurised thermal hot water

• Separate domestic hot water tank can be used
(stainless and enamel)
• Specific designed solar kit selects most relevant source
1. When no domestic hot water is required in combination (solar or heat pump) to heat up the tank, assuring
with the Daikin Altherma system: optimal efficiency and maximum comfort.
• All hydraulic components are included in the heat pump
unit (circulating pump, expansion vessel, back-up heater,
etc), no need to look for third-party components
• All hydraulic components and the PCB board, are
accessible from the front for easy serviceability
• Compact unit: 890 mm (height) x 480 mm (width)
x 344 mm (depth)
• Small installation space as almost no side clearances are
• Modern outlook easily fits in with other modern
household appliances.

2. The wall-mounted indoor unit can be combined with

a separate domestic hot water tank.
• stainless steel tank: 150l, 200l or 300l
• enamel tank: 150l, 200l or 300l.
New control
easy to use,
commission and service

The Daikin Altherma low temperature is equipped with a new user-

interface. Commissioning, servicing and day-to-day operation become
straightforward the multi-lingual and graphical interface that provides
full-text representation, easy menu navigation and intelligent
control features.


1. QUICK AND EASY commissioning

At the first start-up, a quick configuration wizard will guide the installer through the commissioning process.
Through a series of short questions, the set-up of basic parameters will automatically be completed. Fine-tuning these
parameters remains possible using the menu-based navigation. As a result of the quick configuration wizard,
only the parameter settings relevant to the installation will be shown in the menus. The irrelevant parameters will be hidden
and thus inaccessible.
The parameters can be downloaded to a PC as a back-up, or be duplicated to other similar installations. If preferred,
the parameter settings can also be prepared on beforehand and uploaded to the units during commissioning.
Before the actual test-run of the unit, an actuator test mode allows all the wired components to be activated
one by one. This allows for a quick and easy check of all connections and wirings made to ensure a correct operation. An
automatic screed-drying function can be activated to proceed through a gradual heat-up of an Under-
floor heating system to avoid cracks in the floor during the first heat-up. Individual and easy-to-programme schedule
timers for heating, cooling, domestic hot water operation and recirculation noise-sensitive operation and electrical
booster heater allow to adjust the operation of the unit to match the end-user’s typical daily schedule.
After the commissioning, access to the installer’s menu can be restricted (manually or automatically after one hour) to avoid
wrong manipulation of the unit by the end-user.

2. Easy serviceability

In case something goes wrong, full-text error

Graphical screen
messages will guide the end-user to take appropriate with backlight
action to try and resolve the problem. If the problem persists
and a site intervention is necessary, the service engineer
will be able to review the last 20 error occurrences.

Detailed information on the operational

conditions of the unit, such as the running hours of
the different elements, operating temperatures or number
of starts, can easily be read out from the extended end-
user’s menu.

Information On/Off

Home Menu back

Confirm Navigational buttons

3. Room temperature control functionality

The user interface itself is equipped with a temperature sensor and can be installed remotely from the Daikin Altherma low
temperature indoor unit.
• Installed on the unit, it will allow quick and easy access to the unit’s operating information and settings.
• Installed remotely (e.g. in a living room) it will also act as a room thermostat with more advanced features than
a standard room thermostat, resulting in more stable room temperatures, increased efficiency
and operation life cycle. A second optional interface can still be installed on the unit for service purposes.

4. User-friendly with intuitive controls

In the detailed display mode, the large graphical display of the user interface displays the actual room temperature
and the operation mode of the unit. Depending on the end-user’s preference, a simplified basic display is available that
shows just the actual room temperature and only allows the room temperature set-point to be changed.

User settings can be accessed through an intuitive and self-explanatory menu. This menu will also give
access to additional information such as the energy consumption and heat production of the
system, split up between heating, cooling and domestic hot water operation, enabling close monitoring of the unit’s
efficient operation.

Heat pump in practice

1. Example on running cost and CO 2 comparison

Daikin provides a web-based tool to give a quick estimation traditional heating systems. This comparison includes
of savings on running costs and savings on CO2 emissions. the space heating and domestic hot water heating.
Based on a few inputs from the customer (location, house This is available for both new builds and refurbishment
type, floor area, number of people), a comparison is made applications.
between the Daikin Altherma heat pump system and

Energy savings calculator

Go to ecocalc.daikin.eu and see how a Daikin Altherma
heat pump saves on both running costs and CO2 emission.

* Simulation for a new build detached house (room in roof ) with low temperature emitters, for 4 people and a heated surface of 125m2, taking into account
Belgian climate conditions, an electricity price of 0.17EUR/kWh and a gas price of 0.06 EUR/kWh.

2. Simulation software

The Daikin Altherma simulation software provides for every Based on the specific house and location details, the
specific application and appropriate heat pump selection, software provides a full dimensioning assuring a correct
taking into account the needs of the building and specific material selection.
climate data. An installer can provide the following data:
As well as a full material selection, the software provides
• house application: heat/cool load, water temperatures,
detailed information for the installer and the end-user, on
power supply
the expected outcome of the specified Daikin Altherma
• climate conditions: location, design temperature
unit for its specific application and climate:
• domestic hot water requirements: tank volume,
material, solar connection • seasonal efficiency of the heat pump system
• preferences: “heating off“ temperature, • amount of back-up heater operation
night setback function • energy consumption and energy cost per month
• savings on running costs compared to traditional
heating systems
All this information will be summarised in a detailed report.

Heat pump


Whether you have a newly built house or live in an existing

low energy home, the Daikin Altherma low temperature
split allows for completely integrated components for total
climate control. Whether you opt for the integrated floor
standing indoor unit to provide heating and domestic
hot water or go for a wall mounted indoor unit, whether
you use under-floor heating or heat pump convectors,
whether your electricity comes from the grid or from
a renewable eco-friendly resource like solar power,
the Daikin Altherma low temperature
is a total solution 4 you.

Oudoor unit:
4,6,8 kW and
11,14,16 kW

Solar connection

hot water

Integrated Under-floor
indoor unit heating

Technical specifications
1. Daikin Altherma low temperature

Heating only
Casing Colour White White
Material Precoated sheet metal Precoated sheet metal
Dimensions Unit HeightxWidthxDepth mm 1,732x600x728 1,732x600x728
Weight Unit kg 115 116 126 120 129
Operation range Heating Ambient Min.~Max. °C -25~25 -25~25 -25~35
Water side Min.~Max. °C 15~55 15~55
Domestic hot Ambient Min.~Max. °CDB -25~35 -20~35
water Water side Min.~Max. °C 25~60 25~60
Sound power level Nom. dBA 42 47
Sound pressure level Nom. dBA 28 33


Heating capacity Min. kW 1.801 / 1.802 1.801 / 1.802 1.801 / 1.802 -
Nom. kW 4.401 / 4.032 6.001 / 5.672 7.401 / 6.892 11.38 14.55 16.10
Max. kW 5.121 / 4.902 8.351 / 7.952 10.021 / 9.352 -
Power input Heating Nom. kW 0.871 / 1.132 1.271 / 1.592 1.661 / 2.012 2.64 3.43 3.83
COP 5.041 / 3.582 4.741 / 3.562 4.451 / 3.422 4.31 4.24 4.20
Dimensions Unit HeightxWidthxDepth mm 735x832x307 1,345x900x320
Weight Unit kg 54 56 113 /114
Operation range Heating Min.~Max. °CWB -25~25 -25~35
Domestic hot water Min.~Max. °CDB -25~35 -20~35
Refrigerant Type R-410A R-410A
Charge kg 1.45 1.60 3.4
Sound power level Heating Nom. dBA 61 62 64 66
Sound pressure level Heating Nom. dBA 48 49 51 52
Power supply Name/Phase/Frequency/Voltage Hz/V V3/1~/50/230 V3/1~/50/230 // W1/3N~/50/400
Current Recommended fuses A 20 40/20

(1) cooling Ta 35°C - LWE 18°C (DT = 5°C); heating Ta DB/WB 7°C/6°C - LWC 35°C (DT = 5°C)
(2) cooling Ta 35°C - LWE 7°C (DT = 5°C); heating Ta DB/WB 7°C/6°C - LWC 45°C (DT = 5°C)

Heating only
Casing Colour White White
Material Precoated sheet metal Precoated sheet metal
Dimensions Unit HeightxWidthxDepth mm 1,732x600x728 1,732x600x728
Weight Unit kg 120 129 120 129
Operation range Heating Ambient Min.~Max. °C -25~35 -25~35
Water side Min.~Max. °C 15~55 15~55
Domestic hot Ambient Min.~Max. °CDB -20~35 -20~35
water Water side Min.~Max. °C 25~60 25~60
Sound power level Nom. dBA 47 47
Sound pressure level Nom. dBA 33 33


Heating capacity Nom. kW 11.2 14.0 16.0 11.32 14.50 16.05
Power input Heating Nom. kW 2.55 3.26 3.92 2.63 3.42 3.82
COP 4.39 4.29 4.08 4.30 4.24 4.20
Dimensions Unit HeightxWidthxDepth mm 1,170x900x320 1,345x900x320
Weight Unit kg 103 108
Operation range Heating Min.~Max. °CWB -20~35 -20~35
Domestic hot water Min.~Max. °CDB -20~43 -20~43
Refrigerant Type R-410A R-410A
Charge kg 3.7 2.95
Sound power level Heating Nom. dBA 64 66
Sound pressure level Heating Nom. dBA 49 51 53 51 52
Power supply Name/Phase/Frequency/Voltage Hz/V V3/1~/50/230 W1/3N~/50/400
Current Recommended fuses A 32 20

Heating & Cooling

Casing Colour White White
Material Precoated sheet metal Precoated sheet metal
Dimensions Unit HeightxWidthxDepth mm 1,732x600x728 1,732x600x728
Weight Unit kg 115 117 126 121 129
Operation range Heating Ambient Min.~Max. °C -25~25 -25~25
Water side Min.~Max. °C 15~55 15~55
Cooling Ambient Min.~Max. °CDB 10~43 10~46
Water side Min.~Max. °C 5~22 5~22
Domestic hot Ambient Min.~Max. °CDB -25~35 -20~35
water Water side Min.~Max. °C 25~60 25~60
Sound power level Nom. dBA 42 47
Sound pressure level Nom. dBA 28 33


Heating capacity Min. kW 1.801 / 1.802 1.801 / 1.802 1.801 / 1.802 -
Nom. kW 4.401 / 4.032 6.001 / 5.672 7.401 / 6.892w 11.38 14.55 16.10
Max. kW 5.121 / 4.902 8.351 / 7.952 10.021 / 9.532 -
Cooling capacity Min. kW 2.001 / 2.002 2.501 / 2.502 2.501 / 2.502 -
Nom. kW 5.001 / 4.172 6.761 / 4.842 6.861 / 5.362 11.72 12.55 13.12
Power input Heating Nom. kW 0.871 / 1.132 1.271 / 1.592 1.661 / 2.012 2.64 3.43 3.83
Cooling Nom. kW 1.481 / 1.802 1.961 / 2.072 2.011 / 2.342 4.31 5.09 5.74
COP 5.041 / 3.582 4.741 / 3.562 4.451 / 3.422 4.31 4.24 4.20
EER 3.371 / 2.322 3.451 / 2.342 3.421 / 2.292 2.72 2.47 2.29
Dimensions Unit HeightxWidthxDepth mm 735x832x307 1,345x900x320
Weight Unit kg 54 56 113/114
Operation range Heating Min.~Max. °CWB -25~25 -25~35
Cooling Min.~Max. °CDB 10~43 10~46
Domestic hot water Min.~Max. °CDB -25~35 -20~35
Refrigerant Type R-410A R-410A
Charge kg 1.45 1.60 3.4
Sound power level Heating Nom. dBA 61 62 64 66
Cooling Nom. dBA 63 64 66 69
Sound pressure Heating Nom. dBA 48 49 51 52
level Cooling Nom. dBA 48 49 50 50 52 54
Power supply Name/Phase/Frequency/Voltage Hz/V V3/1~/50/230 V3/1~/50/230 // W1/3N~/50/400
Current Recommended fuses A 20 40/20
(1) cooling Ta 35°C - LWE 18°C (DT = 5°C); heating Ta DB/WB 7°C/6°C - LWC 35°C (DT = 5°C)
(2) cooling Ta 35°C - LWE 7°C (DT = 5°C); heating Ta DB/WB 7°C/6°C - LWC 45°C (DT = 5°C)

Heating & Cooling

Casing Colour White White
Material Precoated sheet metal Precoated sheet metal
Dimensions Unit HeightxWidthxDepth mm 1,732x600x728 1,732x600x728
Weight Unit kg 121 129 121 129
Operation range Heating Ambient Min.~Max. °C -25~35 -25~35
Water side Min.~Max. °C 15~55 15~55
Cooling Ambient Min.~Max. °CDB 10~46 10~46
Water side Min.~Max. °C 5~22 5~22
Domestic hot Ambient Min.~Max. °CDB -20~35 -20~35
water Water side Min.~Max. °C 25~60 25~60
Sound power level Nom. dBA 47 47
Sound pressure level Nom. dBA 33 33


Heating capacity Nom. kW 11.2 14.0 16.0 11.32 14.50 16.05
Cooling capacity Nom. kW 10.0 12.5 13.1 11.72 12.55 13.12
Power input Heating Nom. kW 2.55 3.26 3.92 2.63 3.42 3.82
Cooling Nom. kW 3.69 5.38 6.04 4.31 5.09 5.74
COP 4.39 4.29 4.08 4.30 4.24 4.20
EER 2.71 2.32 2.17 2.72 2.47 2.29
Dimensions Unit HeightxWidthxDepth mm 1,170x900x320 1,345x900x320
Weight Unit kg 103 108
Operation range Heating Min.~Max. °CWB -20~35 -20~35
Cooling Min.~Max. °CDB - 10~46
Domestic hot water Min.~Max. °CDB -20~43 -20~43
Refrigerant Type R-410A R-410A
Charge kg 3.7 2.95
Sound power level Heating Nom. dBA - 64 66
Cooling Nom. dBA - 64 66 69
Sound pressure Heating Nom. dBA 49 51 53 51 52
level Cooling Nom. dBA - 50 52 54
Power supply Name/Phase/Frequency/Voltage Hz/V V3/1~/50/230 W1/3N~/50/400
Current Recommended fuses A 32 20

Heating only
Casing Colour White White
Material Precoated sheet metal Precoated sheet metal
Dimensions Unit HeightxWidthxDepth mm 890x480x344 890x480x344
Weight Unit kg 44 46 48 45 48
Operation range Heating Ambient Min.~Max. °C -25~25 -25~35
Water side Min.~Max. °C 15~55 15~55
Domestic hot Ambient Min.~Max. °CDB -25~35 -20~35
water Water side Min.~Max. °C 25~80 25~80
Sound power level Nom. dBA 40 47
Sound pressure level Nom. dBA 26 33


Heating capacity Min. kW 1.801 / 1.802 1.801 / 1.802 1.801 / 1.802 -
Nom. kW 4.401 / 4.032 6.001 / 5.672 7.401 / 6.892 11.38 14.55 16.10
Max. kW 5.121 / 4.902 8.351 / 7.952 10.021 / 9.352 -
Power input Heating Nom. kW 0.871 / 1.132 1.271 / 1.592 1.661 / 2.012 2.64 3.43 3.83
COP 5.041 / 3.582 4.741 / 3.562 4.451 / 3.422 4.31 4.24 4.20
Dimensions Unit HeightxWidthxDepth mm 735x832x307 1,345x900x320
Weight Unit kg 54 56 113 / 114
Operation range Heating Min.~Max. °CWB -25~25 -25~35
Domestic hot water Min.~Max. °CDB -25~35 -20~35
Refrigerant Type R-410A R-410A
Charge kg 1.45 1.60 3.4
Sound power level Heating Nom. dBA 61 62 64 66
Sound pressure level Heating Nom. dBA 48 49 51 52
Power supply Name/Phase/Frequency/Voltage Hz/V V3/1~/50/230 V3/1~/50/230// W1/3N~/50/400
Current Recommended fuses A 20 40/20
(1) cooling Ta 35°C - LWE 18°C (DT = 5°C); heating Ta DB/WB 7°C/6°C - LWC 35°C (DT = 5°C)
(2) cooling Ta 35°C - LWE 7°C (DT = 5°C); heating Ta DB/WB 7°C/6°C - LWC 45°C (DT = 5°C)

Heating only
Casing Colour White White
Material Precoated sheet metal Precoated sheet metal
Dimensions Unit HeightxWidthxDepth mm 890x480x344 890x480x344
Weight Unit kg 45 48 45 48
Operation range Heating Ambient Min.~Max. °C -25~35 -25~35
Water side Min.~Max. °C 15~55 15~55
Domestic hot Ambient Min.~Max. °CDB -20~35 -20~35
water Water side Min.~Max. °C 25~80 25~80
Sound power level Nom. dBA 47 47
Sound pressure level Nom. dBA 33 33


Heating capacity Nom. kW 11.2 14.0 16.0 11.32 14.50 16.05
Power input Heating Nom. kW 2.55 3.26 3.92 2.63 3.42 3.82
COP 4.39 4.29 4.08 4.30 4.24 4.20
Dimensions Unit HeightxWidthxDepth mm 1,170x900x320 1,345x900x320
Weight Unit kg 103 108
Operation range Heating Min.~Max. °CWB -20~35 -20~35
Domestic hot water Min.~Max. °CDB -20~43 -20~43
Refrigerant Type R-410A R-410A
Charge kg 3.7 2.95
Sound power level Heating Nom. dBA - 64 66
Sound pressure level Heating Nom. dBA 49 51 53 51 52
Power supply Name/Phase/Frequency/Voltage Hz/V V3/1~/50/230 W1/3N~/50/400
Current Recommended fuses A 32 20

Heating & Cooling

Casing Colour White White
Material Precoated sheet metal Precoated sheet metal
Dimensions Unit HeightxWidthxDepth mm 890x480x344 890x480x344
Weight Unit kg 44 46 48 45 48
Operation range Heating Ambient Min.~Max. °C -25~25 -25~35
Water side Min.~Max. °C 15~55 15~55
Cooling Ambient Min.~Max. °CDB 10~43 10~46
Water side Min.~Max. °C 5~22 5~22
Domestic hot Ambient Min.~Max. °CDB -25~35 -20~35
water Water side Min.~Max. °C 25~80 25~80
Sound power level Nom. dBA 40 47
Sound pressure level Nom. dBA 26 33


Heating capacity Min. kW 1.801 / 1.802 1.801 / 1.802 1.801 / 1.802 -
Nom. kW 4.401 / 4.032 6.001 / 5.672 7.401 / 6.892 11.38 14.55 16.10
Max. kW 5.121 / 4.902 8.351 / 7.952 10.021 / 9.532 -
Cooling capacity Min. kW 2.001 / 2.002 2.501 / 2.502 2.501 / 2.502 -
Nom. kW 5.001 / 4.172 6.761 / 4.842 6.861 / 5.32 11.72 12.55 13.12
Power input Heating Nom. kW 0.871 / 1.132 1.271 / 1.592 1.661 / 2.012 2.64 3.43 3.83
Cooling Nom. kW 1.481 / 1.802 1.961 / 2.072 2.011 / 2.342 4.31 5.09 5.74
COP 5.041 / 3.582 4.741 / 3.562 4.451 / 3.422 4.31 4.24 4.20
EER 3.371 / 2.322 3.451 / 2.342 3.421 / 2.292 2.72 2.47 2.29
Dimensions Unit HeightxWidthxDepth mm 735x832x307 1,345x900x320
Weight Unit kg 54 56 113 / 114
Operation range Heating Min.~Max. °CWB -25~25 -25~35
Cooling Min.~Max. °CDB 10~43 10~46
Domestic hot water Min.~Max. °CDB -25~35 -20~35
Refrigerant Type R-410A R-410A
Charge kg 1.45 1.60 3.4
Sound power level Heating Nom. dBA 61 62 64 66
Cooling Nom. dBA 63 64 66 69
Sound pressure Heating Nom. dBA 48 49 51 52
level Cooling Nom. dBA 48 49 50 50 52 54
Power supply Name/Phase/Frequency/Voltage Hz/V V3/1~/50/230 V3/1~/50/230 // W1/3N~/50/400
Current Recommended fuses A 20 40/20
(1) cooling Ta 35°C - LWE 18°C (DT = 5°C); heating Ta DB/WB 7°C/6°C - LWC 35°C (DT = 5°C)
(2) cooling Ta 35°C - LWE 7°C (DT = 5°C); heating Ta DB/WB 7°C/6°C - LWC 45°C (DT = 5°C)

Heating & Cooling

Casing Colour White White
Material Precoated sheet metal Precoated sheet metal
Dimensions Unit HeightxWidthxDepth mm 890x480x344 890x480x344
Weight Unit kg 45 48 45 48
Operation range Heating Ambient Min.~Max. °C -25~35 -25~35
Water side Min.~Max. °C 15~55 15~55
Cooling Ambient Min.~Max. °CDB 10~46 10~46
Water side Min.~Max. °C 5~22 5~22
Domestic hot Ambient Min.~Max. °CDB -20~35 -20~35
water Water side Min.~Max. °C 25~80 25~80
Sound power level Nom. dBA 47 47
Sound pressure level Nom. dBA 33 33


Heating capacity Nom. kW 11.2 14.0 16.0 11.32 14.50 16.05
Cooling capacity Nom. kW 10.0 12.5 13.1 11.72 12.55 13.12
Power input Heating Nom. kW 2.55 3.26 3.92 2.63 3.42 3.82
Cooling Nom. kW 3.69 5.38 6.04 4.31 5.09 5.74
COP 4.39 4.29 4.08 4.30 4.24 4.20
EER 2.71 2.32 2.17 2.72 2.47 2.29
Dimensions Unit HeightxWidthxDepth mm 1,170x900x320 1,345x900x320
Weight Unit kg 103 108
Operation range Heating Min.~Max. °CWB -20~35 -20~35
Cooling Min.~Max. °CDB - 10~46
Domestic hot water Min.~Max. °CDB -20~43 -20~43
Refrigerant Type R-410A R-410A
Charge kg 3.7 2.95
Sound power level Heating Nom. dBA - 64 66
Cooling Nom. dBA - 64 66 69
Sound pressure Heating Nom. dBA 49 51 53 51 52
level Cooling Nom. dBA - 50 52 54
Power supply Name/Phase/Frequency/Voltage Hz/V V3/1~/50/230 W1/3N~/50/400
Current Recommended fuses A 32 20

Domestic hot water tank

Stainless steel domestic hot water tank EKHWS150B3V3 EKHWS200B3V3 EKHWS300B3V3 EKHWS200B3Z2 EKHWS300B3Z2
Casing Colour Neutral white
Material Epoxy-coated mild steel
Weight Unit Empty kg 37 45 59 45 59
Tank Water volume l 150 200 300 200 300
Material Stainless steel (DIN 1.4521)
Maximum water temperature °C 85
Heat exchanger Quantity 1
Tube material Duplex steel LDX 2101
Booster heater Capacity kW 3
Power supply Phase/Frequency/Voltage Hz/V 1~/50/230 2~/50/400

Casing Colour RAL9010
Material Epoxy coated steel
Weight Unit Empty kg 80 104 140 104 140
Tank Water volume l 150 200 300 200 300
Material Enamel coated steel acc.DIN4753TL2
Maximum water temperature °C 75
Booster heater Capacity kW 3.0
Power supply Phase/Frequency/Voltage Hz/V 1~/50/230 2~/50/400

Room thermostat
Dimensions Unit Height/Width/ mm
Weight Unit g 215
Outdoor Storage Min./Max. °C -20/60
temperature Operation Min./Max. °C 0/50
Temperature Heating Min./Max. °C 4/37
setting range Cooling Min./Max. °C 4/37
Clock Yes
Regulation function Proportional band
Power supply Voltage V Battery powered 3* AA-LR6 (alkaline)
Connection Type Wired


Dimensions Thermostat Height/Width/ mm
Receiver Height/Width/ mm
Weight Thermostat g 210
Receiver g 125
Outside Storage Min./Max. °C -20/60
temperature Operation Min./Max. °C 0/50
Temperature Heating Min./Max. °C 4/37
setting range Cooling Min./Max. °C 4/37
Clock Yes
Regulation function Proportional band
Power supply Thermostat Voltage V Battery powered 3x AA-LRG (alkaline)
Receiver Voltage V 230
Frequency Hz 50
Phase 1~
Connection Thermostat Wireless
Receiver Wired
Maximum distance Indoor m approx.30m
to receiver Outdoor m approx.100m

Solar connection
Dimensions Unit HeightxWidthxDepth mm 770x305x270
Weight Unit kg 8
Operation range Outdoor Min.~Max. °C
Sound pressure Nom. dBA
Thermal Zero loss collector efficiency η0 %
Power supply Phase/Frequency/Voltage Hz/V 1~/50/220-240
Power supply intake Indoor unit

Mounting On wall
Dimensions Unit HeightxWidthxDepth mm 332x230x145
Thermal Zero loss collector efficiency η0 %
Control Type Digital temperature difference controller with plain text display
Power consumption W 2
Sensor Solar panel temperature sensor Pt1000
Storage tank sensor PTC
Return flow sensor PTC
Feed temperature and flow sensor Voltage signal (3.5V DC)
Power supply Frequency/Voltage Hz / V 50/230

Solar collector
Dimensions Unit HeightxWidthxDepth mm 2,000x1,300x85 1,300x2,000x85
Weight Unit kg 43
Volume l 1.7 2.1
Surface Outer m² 2.601
Aperture m² 2.364
Absorber m² 2.354
Coating Micro-therm (absorption max.96%, Emission ca. 5% +/-2%)
Absorber Harp-shaped copper pipe register with laser-welded highly selective coated aluminium plate
Glazing Single pane safety glass, transmission +/- 92%
Allowed roof angle Min.~Max. ° 15~80
Operating Max. bar
Stand still Max. °C
Thermal Zero loss collector efficiency η0 % 78.7
performance Heat loss coefficient a1 W/m².K 4.270
Temperature dependence of the W/m².K²
heat loss coefficient a2
Thermal capacity kJ/K 6.5
Incident angle AM at 50°
Installed position Vertical Horizontal

Heat pump convector

Heating capacity Total capacity Nom. kW 2.0 1.5
Cooling capacity Total capacity Nom. kW 1.7 1.2
Sensible Nom. kW
1.4 0.98
Power input Heating Nom. kW 0.015 0.013
Cooling Nom. kW 0.015 0.013
Dimensions Unit Height/Width/ mm
Weight Unit kg 15
Piping Drain/OD/Inlet/Outlet mm/
18/G 1/2/G 1/2
connections inch
Sound pressure Heating Nom. dBA 29 19
level Cooling Nom. dBA 29 19
Power supply Phase/Frequency/Voltage Hz/V 1~/50/60/220-240/220

(1)Cooling: indoor temp. 27°CDB, 19°CWB; entering water temp. 7°C, water temperature rise 5K.(2)Heating: room temperature 20°CDB and entering water temperature 45°C, water temperature drop 5K.

Daikin Altherma is the market creator of
the air-to-water heat pump business
• first inverter-driven split low-temperature heat pump system

• first heat pump system for true high-temperature applications
• first inverter-driven split heat pump system for apartment and
commercial applications

• full range of heating solutions for any kind of application, including
solar collectors, domestic hot water tanks, under-floor heating, heat
pump convector etc.

Daikin Altherma is the reference

on quality and reliability
Daikin in general • 50 years of heat pump experience
• 6 years of air-to-water heat pump experience
• Daikin Altherma is the most sold air-to-water heat pump system
throughout Europe, with over 150,000 systems sold
Daikin is known worldwide as
one of the biggest AC players, A clean environment
with a wide product range In producing your customer’s climate-control system, we strive for
sustainable energy consumption, product ­recycling and waste reduction.
for residential, commercial and
Daikin rigorously ­applies the principles of eco-design, thus restricting the use
industrial applications of materials that are harmful to our environment.

Today, Daikin leads the way towards more efficient, cost-effective and environmentally friendly comfort solutions, introducing
products optimised for all seasons. In fact, Daikin products reduce energy and costs in a smart way. They are designed to
perform under all conditions and reflect the actual performance you can expect over an entire heating and cooling season.
So, with Daikin you make the right choice for your wallet... and the environment.

Daikin’s unique position as a manufacturer of air Daikin Europe N.V. participates in the Eurovent
conditioning equipment, compressors and refrigerants Certification programme for Air conditioners
has led to its close involvement in environmental issues. (AC), Liquid Chilling Packages (LCP) and Fan coil
Resp. Ed.: Daikin Europe N.V., Zandvoordestraat 300, B-8400 Oostende

For several years Daikin has had the intention to become Units (FCU), Check ongoing validity of certificate
Printed on non-chlorinated paper. Prepared by La Movida, Belgium

a leader in the provision of products that have limited online: www.eurovent-certification.com or using:
impact on the environment. This challenge demands www.certiflash.com
the eco design and development of a wide range
of products and an energy management system,
resulting in energy conservation and a reduction
The present publication supersedes ECPEN12-724_P

of waste. Daikin products are distributed by:

ECPEN12-724 • XXX • 07/12 • Copyright Daikin

The present leaflet is drawn up by way of information only and does not FSC
constitute an offer binding upon Daikin Europe N.V.. Daikin Europe N.V. has
compiled the content of this leaflet to the best of its knowledge. No express or
implied warranty is given for the completeness, accuracy, reliability or fitness
for particular purpose of its content and the products and services presented
therein. Specifications are subject to change without prior notice. Daikin Europe
N.V. explicitly rejects any liability for any direct or indirect damage, in the broadest
sense, arising from or related to the use and/or interpretation of this leaflet. All
content is copyrighted by Daikin Europe N.V.

Naamloze Vennootschap - Zandvoordestraat 300, B-8400 Oostende - Belgium - www.daikin.eu - BE 0412 120 336 - RPR Oostende

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