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Comparative Assessment of The Stabilization of Lime-Stabilized Lateritic Soil As Subbase Material Using Coconut Shell Ash and Coconut Husk Ash

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Geotech Geol Eng (2019) 37:3065–3076

https://doi.org/10.1007/s10706-019-00825-0 (0123456789().,-volV)
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Comparative Assessment of the Stabilization of Lime-

Stabilized Lateritic Soil as Subbase Material Using Coconut
Shell Ash and Coconut Husk Ash
Chijioke C. Ikeagwuani

Received: 19 June 2018 / Accepted: 4 February 2019 / Published online: 8 February 2019
Ó Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

Abstract The effect of two agro-based admix- 1 Introduction

tures—coconut shell ash (CSA) and coconut husk
ash (CHA)—on lime-stabilized lateritic soil were Lateritic soil is a complex compound consisting of
assessed and their results were compared with respect materials that varies widely in its chemical composi-
to the most potent stabilizer that can be used for the tions and physical characteristics. Significant amount
stabilization of lateritic soil as sub-base material in of quartz and kaolinite are present in lateritic soil
this study. Engineering properties such as California while primary silicates and bases are absent from it
bearing ratio (CBR) and unconfined compressive (Dowling 1965). It is a naturally occurring soil found
strength (UCS) were determined for both stabilizers. in most part of the earth crust such as Australia, India
The peak values of the CBR and UCS for the CSA and some sub-Saharan countries especially Nigeria
were obtained when the soil was treated with a (Osinubi et al. 2015). Lateritic soils found in Nigeria
combination of 4% CSA ? 4% lime content while are used extensively for road construction. Most of
that of the CHA were observed at a combination of them have been used successfully as base or sub-base
16% CHA ? 4% lime content. However, the CBR and material in highway construction. Despite its success-
UCS values for the CSA were found to be higher than ful usage, it has been reported in most cases that the
that of the CHA treated soil. The UCS and CBR for the criteria for specifications of road base or sub-base are
soil specimens treated separately with CSA and CHA not often met thus caution is applied when utilizing it
did not meet the criteria necessary to be qualified as as sub-base material (IFG 2007). Several limitations
sub-base material but they adequately satisfy the affect the utilization of lateritic soil for road construc-
requirement as subgrade material. tion particularly when used as sub-base material. Such
limitations include the climate, hydrological regime of
Keywords California bearing ratio  Coconut husk the engineering site, its nature and strength of the
ash  Coconut shell ash  Compaction  Lateritic soil available gravel particles present in it (Joel and
Agbede 2011). Remediation of the soil can be
achieved through stabilization. Different stabilization
methods are available for improving engineering
properties of lateritic soils (Ghasemzadeh and Tabai-
yan 2017).
C. C. Ikeagwuani (&)
Stabilization of lateritic soil is not a new concept in
Civil Engineering Department, University of Nigeria,
Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria geotechnical engineering or in highway construction.
e-mail: chijioke.ikeagwuani@unn.edu.ng Stabilization is done primarily to improve the

3066 Geotech Geol Eng (2019) 37:3065–3076

engineering properties of soil either mechanically or used as subgrade materials. Similarly, Amadi (2010)
by using additives as stabilizing agents to mitigate the studied the influence of fly ash on the plasticity of
adverse effect of soils. The type of additive used lateritic soil. Findings from his study revealed that
depends largely on the nature of the soil. In the maximum compressive strength was attained at 5%
selection of the type of additive needed for stabiliza- flyash content and a reduction in the compressive
tion of lateritic soils, cost implication is usually strength of the lateritic soil as the curing days
considered. Recycling of available and economical increased. The reduction in compressive strength
agro-wastes that are pozzolanic when reduced to ash was attributed to the low calcium oxide present in
has gained wide acceptance lately among researchers the flyash which prevented the continuous formation
in stabilization of soil, particularly when the cost of of any cementitious products. It was suggested that
agro-wastes materials are compared with other con- adding lime to the soil–flyash mixture could further
ventional admixtures such cement and lime that are improve the geotechnical properties of the soil. This
used for soil stabilization as well. Despite showing sentiment was shared by Lyon Associates (1971) in
marked improvement in the geotechnical properties of their lateritic soil improvement study where the
lateritic soil, these conventional admixtures are fast pronunciation that lime should be combined with
losing their popularity in most parts of the world other admixture for effective result was made.
particularly Africa due to their soaring costs. Another This present study therefore combines lime and
drawback in the use of these admixtures is that some agro-based additives in the treatment of lateritic soil.
conventional admixtures are difficult to obtain in The agro-based additives are coconut shell ash (CSA)
commercial quantity in some regions across the world. and coconut husk ash (CHA). Effective comparisons
Notwithstanding the shortcomings of these con- between each of the agro-based additives added
ventional admixtures, Ola (1977a) stabilized most separately with the lime-stabilized lateritic soil were
Nigerian lateritic soils ranging from A-1-a to A-7-6 made to determine the most potent additive that would
with lime and observed substantial improvement in the significantly and better improve the engineering
geotechnical properties of the soils used largely as properties of the poor lateritic soil used in this study.
base materials. In addition, it was clearly revealed that Both coconut shell and coconut husk are described as
only the lateritic soil classified as A-1 met the criteria agro-wastes materials that are often disposed indis-
as material for use as base course at 6% lime content. criminately once the copra (meat) from the coconut
Other categories of lateritic soils, despite showing has been removed thereby constituting nuisance to the
appreciable improvement in geotechnical properties environment. This has spurred researchers to harness
after the addition of lime, fell short of the requirement the beneficial use of coconut husk and shell in soil
for use as base material due to their low CBR value. A improvement especially when reduced to ash due to
related research conducted by Joel and Agbede (2011) their pozzolanic potential as noted by most researchers
on the improvement of both the physical and strength (Oyediran and Fadamoro 2015). Oyediran and Fada-
properties of lateritic soil using sand and lime as moro (2015) evaluated the strength characteristics of
admixtures showed that 45% sand and 6% lime compacted shales treated with coconut husk ash and
content improved the engineering properties of the reported significant improvement in the geotechnical
soil. Furthermore, the sand was observed to effectively properties of the compacted shale used in their study.
alter the gradation of the soil thus improving its The optimal value of the geotechnical properties of the
physical properties. soil was observed when between 6 and 10% CHA was
Other attempts were also made recently to stabilize added by dry weight of the compacted shale. Simi-
lateritic soil with economical agro-waste materials as larly, Amu et al. (2011) conducted a study on the
admixtures. Osinubi et al. (2009) treated lateritic soil determination of the potentials of coconut shell and
with bagasse ash, a by-product from sugar processing coconut husk ash on lateritic soil to be used as
factories and reported little improvement in the static subgrade material and stated that there was significant
strength properties after 2% bagasse was added by air- improvement in the static strength properties deter-
dried weight of the soil. This prompted them to mined for the soil.
recommend that 2% bagasse content will be sufficient
to boost the strength properties of the lateritic soils

Geotech Geol Eng (2019) 37:3065–3076 3067

2 Materials and Method of Testing specifies a maximum plasticity index of 35% for soils
to be used as subbase material. The CBR (soaked and
2.1 Materials unsoaked) for the natural lateritic soil which is low
imply that the soil cannot adequately be used as a
2.1.1 Lateritic Soil subbase material. To mitigate this detrimental effect of
the soil, it has to be adequately stabilized before it can
Lateritic soil used in this study was obtained from a be used as a subbase material.
borrow pit through disturbed sampling method close to
the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu main gate. 2.1.2 Lime
According to the geographical map of Nigeria, Nsukka
lies between latitude 6°840 2900 N and Longitude Lime used in this study was quicklime sourced locally.
7°370 3300 E. Lateritic soils found mainly in Enugu are Nigeria does not produce quicklime so the quicklime
categorized under the ferrisols groups (Osula 1989). used was actually an imported one that was sold in a
These groups of lateritic soils are characterized by clay local store close to the University of Nigeria, Nsukka,
fraction that are virtually kaolinite. Occasionally, Enugu, main gate.
minute quantities of lattice clays and gibbsite in the
ratio of 2:1 are present as well (D’Hoore 1964). Result 2.1.3 Coconut Shell Ash and Coconut Husk Ash
of the conducted preliminary test used in identification
of the natural soil is summarized in Table 1 while the Both the coconut shell ash (CSA) and the coconut husk
particle size distribution curve for the soil is shown in ash (CHA) used in this present study were sourced
Fig. 1. The preliminary investigations carried out on locally from Nsukka market where very large quan-
the natural soil sample showed that the soil is reddish tities of coconuts are sold. Production of coconut husk
brown in colour and it has a specific gravity of 2.57. ash and coconut shell ash were from the incineration of
This value for the specific gravity is consistent with the the husk and the shell in a separate furnace with
values of lateritic soil found in most tropical regions of temperature set at 500 °C for approximately 6 h.
the world (Gidigasu 1974). More than 50% coarse Coconut husk used in the production of the CHA is a
fraction passed through BS. No 4 sieve which 5–10 mm thick fibrous cover that envelops the coco-
indicated that the soil has a high quantity of sand nut shell (Tejano 1984). The coconut shell was
present in it. The plasticity index of the lateritic soil skimmed from the coconut and ground into powdery
obtained as 38.4 signified that the plasticity of the soil form prior to incineration. X-ray fluorescence was
is very high. Nigerian General Specification (1997) performed on representative samples of CSA and
CHA to determine their oxide composition. These
Table 1 Properties of the natural lateritic soil admixtures were sieved using BS No 200 sieve before
usage. The oxide composition of the admixtures are
Property Description
presented in Table 3.
Specific gravity 2.57
Natural moisture content (%) 17.0
Liquid limit (%) 52.0 3 Method of Testing
Plastic limit (%) 13.6
Plasticity index (%) 38.4 3.1 Index Properties of Soil
AASHTO classification A-2-7(1)
USCS classification SW Determination of index properties of the soil speci-
CBR mens were done in accordance with BS 1377 (1990b).
Unsoaked 9.15 Collected moist soil specimens were air-dried for
Soaked 6.89 3 days before usage to simulate the actual field
Group index 1 conditions the soil will be subjected to in practice.
Colour Reddish brown Particle size distribution for soil specimen passing BS
No. 200 was carried out using sodium hexametaphos-
phate as dispersant because it is known to produce a

3068 Geotech Geol Eng (2019) 37:3065–3076

Fig. 1 Particle-size 100

distribution curve of the
natural lateritic soil

Percentage passing (%)

0.01 0.1 1 10
Particle size (mm)

Table 2 Variation of the lime content with plasticity index of test with the soil specimens being compacted in three
the soil layers with a 2.5 kg rammer allowed to fall freely from
Lime 0 2 4 6 8 10 a height of 310 mm. Each layer received 25 blows of
the rammer. Soil–lime–admixture mixtures were
Plasticity index 38.4 30.4 26.1 29.5 32.1 31.6 achieved by mixing thoroughly the admixture in the
ratio of 0, 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20% by weight of the
lateritic soil. The lime added was kept constant at the
percentage obtained from the Atterberg limits test of
better result (Gidigasu and Kuma 1987) when com-
soil specimen with the least plasticity index.
pared with other dispersants.
3.4 California Bearing Ratio Test
3.2 Atterberg Limits
The California bearing ratio (CBR) was conducted in
The procedure described by BS 1377 (1990c) Part 2
accordance with BS 1377 (1990d) Part 4. Soaked and
was used for the determination of the Atterberg limits.
unsoaked CBR were determined on the soil–lime–
The soil–lime mixture was achieved by adding lime in
admixture mixtures. British standard Light (BSL)
the ratio of 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10% by weight of the
energy level were used for the compaction of the
lateritic soil. The mixing time of the soil–lime mixture
mixture at their optimum moisture content. CBR test
was kept well under 5 min as it has proven to produce
specimens were cured for a duration of 6 days. The
better and reliable Atterberg limits result (Goswami
cured specimens compacted at moisture content
and Singh 2005). During the combination of the
corresponding to their optimum moisture content
mixtures, hand mixing was employed throughout the
were placed in a CBR machine driven at strain rate
duration of the test and adequate precaution was taken
of 1 mm/min. The CBR value was measured as the
to obtain a homogenous mix at every stage involved in
ratio of the test load at either 2.5 mm or 5 mm
the mixing.
penetration from a standard cylindrical plunger of
49.65 mm diameter to the standard load which is given
3.3 Compaction Test
as 13.2 kN and 20.5 kN for 2.5 mm and 5 mm
penetration respectively. The lower of both CBR
Compaction test to determine the moisture-density
values reported in percentage represents the CBR of
relationship was conducted in accordance with BS
the tested specimen. CBR test was performed at the
1377 (1990d) Part 4. Soil specimens were air-dried for
top and bottom of the mould and the resulting values
a 3-day period to eliminate moisture. British standard
were averaged and reported as the CBR for each
proctor mould was used throughout the compaction

Geotech Geol Eng (2019) 37:3065–3076 3069

penetration (2.5 mm or 5 mm). Prior to subjection of stroke movement at a revolution of 6 rpm. After the
the soaked CBR specimens to axial load in the pelletization, the sample was loaded onto the cassette
California bearing ratio machine, the specimens were of the XRF equipment by means of a spring attached to
immersed in water for duration of 24 h under ambient the cassette. The cassette was locked manually by
temperature. This was performed in accordance with turning in a clockwise direction to prevent the pellet
the recommendation stipulated in the Nigeria General sample from falling off or scattering on the goniometer
Specification (1997). when the analysis was on. After about 20 min, the raw
data was generated and analysed. Table 3 shows the
3.5 Unconfined Compression Strength Test oxide composition of the soil and the admixtures used
in this study. The oxide composition of the soil from
The procedure described by BS 1377 (1990a) was Table 3 shows that the lateritic soil is rich in
adopted for the determination of the unconfined sesquioxide (Al2O3 ? Fe2O3). Also, using the silica-
compressive strength test for the soil–lime–admixture alumina ratio classification of the soil as proposed by
mixes. Cylindrical specimens whose diameter and Martin and Doyne (1927), the soil was identified as
length were 38.1 and 76.2 mm respectively were used lateritic soil because its silica-alumina ratio is 1.36.
to perform unconfined compressive strength (UCS) The classification states that soils whose silica-
test. Cured specimens were produced by sealing in alumina ratio is less than 1.33 should be grouped as
polythene bags at duration of 7, 14, and 28 days before laterite soil. Those whose silica-alumina ratio falls
the determination of the unconfined compressive between 1.33 and 2.00 should be grouped as lateritic
strength. The cured specimens were placed in an soil why soils with silica-alumina ratio greater than
unconfined compression strength machine set at a 2.00 should be called non-lateritic soil. However, it
strain rate of 0.10%/min and subjected to compression
until it failed. The results obtained from three spec- Table 3 Oxide compositions (%) of the soil, coconut shell ash
imens were averaged to obtain a reliable data. (CSA), coconut husk ash (CHA) and lime
Resistance to strength loss of the specimens Element oxide (%) Soil CSA CHA Lime
performed in accordance with BS 1377 (1990a) was
used for ascertainment of the durability of the Silica (SiO2) 41.45 39.02 23.42 –
mixtures. The durability of the mixtures were obtained Iron oxide (Fe2O3) 21.34 0.08 2.56 0.1979
by determining the ratio of the unconfined compres- Alumina (Al2O3) 30.41 13.98 3.01 12.1905
sive strength of specimens cured for 7 days and then Phosphorus oxide (P2O5) 0.01 2.35 0.02 –
completely immersing in water for an additional Sulphur dioxide (SO2) – 1.51 0.53 –
7 days to the unconfined compressive strength of the Soda (Na2O) 0.06 – 9.20 –
specimen that was cured for 14 days. In this study, the Potash (K2O) 0.15 27.24 30.61 –
proposed maximum allowable 20% by Ola (1978a, b) Lime (CaO) 1.16 1.91 0.03 80.4695
was used as a criterion for determining the resistance Magnesia (MgO) 0.06 3.00 0.02 6.7915
to loss of strength since no value was specified by BS Titanium oxide (TiO2) 1.21 0.05 0.01 –
(1990a). Magnesium oxide (MnO) 0.01 0.08 0.01 –
Zinc oxide (ZnO) – 0.02 0.01 –
3.6 X-Ray Fluorescence Loss on ignition (LOI) 4.14 10.76 30.57 –
(P2O3) – – – 0.2541
The X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) analysis was per- (SrO) – – – 0.383
formed using the ARL ADVANT-X 1200 model. (MoO) – – – 0.0072
Samples were mixed with BORAX that acts as a (Ag2O3) – – – 0.0042
binder. The mixture of the borax and the sample were (CdO) – – – 0.0197
in the ratio of 4:1. Homogeneous mixture was obtained (SbO) – – – 0.0077
by using Herzog vibrating cup miller at the speed of (BaO) – – – 0.0191
8 rpm. The mixture was loaded onto an aluminium cup (HfO) – – – 0.0003
of size 22 mm 9 40 mm and placed in a pelletizing
machine operated by allowing upward and downward

3070 Geotech Geol Eng (2019) 37:3065–3076

has to be stated that the use of silica-alumina ratio for before the gradual increase observed afterwards from
the identification of lateritic soil has generated the curve. Reduction in the plasticity index was
controversy (Ola 1977b; Gidigasu 1976) with several brought about by the kaolinite mineral, which is
authors opting rather to identify the soil based on its known to be electrically neutral. However, it loses
morphology to eliminate any kind of confusion that hydrogen ions after the dissociation of hydroxyl ions
may arise from the use of such method in engineering. in the presence of moisture. This leaves the soil with a
In this study, however, the silica-alumina ratio was net negative charge thereby making its flat surface to
adopted because it is still commonly used by most be attracted to cations and water, thus leading to the
researchers for identification of the soil. The chemical formation of a thick layer of water being adsorbed on
composition of Table 2 gave a clear indication that the the surface. This process is known as Base Exchange.
CSA is a pozzolan of class C accordingly to the ASTM The cation (Ca2?), which is from the quicklime,
C618-12 classification (2012). A Class C pozzolan has quickly replaced hydrogen ions (H?) forming more
a combination of SiO2 ? Al2O3 ? Fe2O3 greater than stable complexes known as calcium alumino silicate.
50%. In contrast, the CHA did not fall into any of the The calcium alumino silicate, which is a natural
class of pozzolan. However, it possesses a high cement, causes cementing action. This resulted in the
percentage of potash which could influence the flocculation and agglomeration of the clay particles
response of the soil when subjected to different static that brought about reduction in water content and
strength tests. decrease in the plasticity index that was observed from
Fig. 2. Oyediran and Okosun (2013) observed a
3.7 X-Ray Diffraction similar trend in their study on the improvement of
geotechnical properties of some selected highway
Determination of the clay minerals was performed lateritic soils stabilised with lime. The soil properties
using the Schimadzu 6000model X-ray diffractome- were found to improve significantly with lime content
ter. The soil sample used for the XRD was air-dried for ranging from 6 to 10%. The increase in the plasticity
3 days because it was in moist state when it was index after the addition of 4% lime content could be
collected and the sample passing BS No. 200 sieve was attributed to the enlarged flocs formed. These large
used for the analysis. The XRD analysis conducted on particle size flocs resulted in the increase in the void
soil samples revealed that the predominant clay ratio and this finding is in agreement with the works of
mineral present in the soil is the kaolinite group with Kinuthia et al. (1999), Abdi and Wild (1993) and
some other clay minerals such as the montmorillonite Locat et al. (1990). However, it has to be stated that the
present in trace quantity. The montmorillonite clay lime in their study was used to stabilised pure kaolinite
mineral found in the lateritic soil could have been but in this present study the soil specimens comprised
formed from the existing poor drainage at the location largely of kaolinite and other trace quantities of other
(Gidigasu 1976). The montmorillonite clay mineral, clay minerals. They enunciated that the large flocs was
which has the ability to undergo alternate drying and as a result of cation exchange process that took place
swelling depending on the moist condition of the soil, in the mixture. The increased void ratio invariably
often result in the unpredictable behaviour of the soil. increases the moisture content of the soil–lime mixture
leading to an increase in the liquid limit and a
reduction in the plastic limit of the mixture. The
4 Results and Discussion reaction taking place in the soil–lime mixture:
CaO þ H2 O ! CaðOHÞ2
4.1 Plasticity Characteristics
CaðOHÞ2 ! Ca2þ þ 2ðOHÞ
4.1.1 Atterberg Limits
Ca2þ þ OH þ SiO2 ! CSH
The variation of the lime content with the plasticity
index of the soil is shown in Table 2. Plasticity index Ca2þ þ OH þ Al2 O3 ! CAH
of the natural lateritic soil decreased from 38.4 to
26.1% when 4% lime content was added to the soil

Geotech Geol Eng (2019) 37:3065–3076 3071

Fig. 2 Variation of 1.61

maximum dry density
(MDD) with varying

Maximum Dry Density (g/cm3)

percentages of admixtures 1.59
(CSA and CHA) and lime 1.58
1.55 Coconut shell ash
1.53 Coconut husk ash

0 5 10 15 20 25
Admixture (%) + 4% lime

4.1.2 Compaction Characteristics content may have been brought about by the admix-
tures occupying the available void spaces in the soil–
The variation of MDD with varying percentages of lime mixtures which also requires less water to occur.
admixtures is shown in Fig. 2 while their correspond- In addition, the increase in the MDD observed could
ing moisture content with varying percentages of also have been brought about by the rich quantity of
admixtures is shown in Fig. 3. Maximum dry density potash found in the CHA as seen from Table 3. The
obtained for the CSA and CHA curves are 1.56 g/cm3 potassium rich ash when added to lateritic soil occurs
and 1.60 g/cm3 respectively while the corresponding in various forms such as soluble, exchangeable as well
optimum moisture content as shown in Fig. 3 are 24.8 as exchangeable form (Sparks and Huang 1985).
and 27.3% for CSA and CHA curves respectively. The Being in soluble form, the extractant needed to cause
peak MDD obtained from the CSA addition to the the solubility is the pore water. This reaction results in
lateritic soil was because of the pozzolanic action that the dissociation of the KOH to its constituent ions
took place between the soil specimens and the CSA (potassium ions, K? and hydroxyl ion, OH-).
plus lime content and this action requires less water
K2 O þ H2 O ! 2KOH
thus increasing the strength of the lateritic soil.
However, the peak MDD observed at 16% CHA

Fig. 3 Variation of
Optimum moisture content 29
with varying percentages of
Optmimu moisture conture (%)

admixtures (CSA and CHA)

and lime 27


23 Coconut shell ash

Coconut husk ash


0 5 10 15 20 25
Admixture (%) + 4% lime

3072 Geotech Geol Eng (2019) 37:3065–3076

KOH ! Kþ þ OH the soil. This value represents about 124% increment
in the unsoaked CBR value. Similarly, a gradual
The K?, thus generated, enters the absorbed increase in the unsoaked CBR to a peak value of 18.1
position on the clay mineral which already has calcium was observed in the CHA curve as evinced in Fig. 4
ions from the lime added to the soil. The reaction but this peak unsoaked CBR for the CHA curve was
taking place in the absorbed position could be in two observed when 16% CHA content was added to the
fold. Firstly, the K? being higher than Ca2? (from soil. The significance of this value is that a 98%
quicklime) in the electrochemical series could natu- increment in unsoaked CBR for the CHA admixture
rally displace some of calcium ion that initially was attained. In Fig. 5, the peak soaked CBR of the
bonded with the soil to form a cementing compound CSA curve was 15.3 (about 122% increment in the
as explained earlier in the Atterberg limits result. This CBR) at 4%CSA content while the observed peak
results in a higher concentration in the diffuse double soaked CBR of the CHA curve was 13.1 (about 90%
layer. According to Olphen (1963), with a higher increment in the CBR value) at 16% CHA content.
concentration at the diffuse double layer, the thinner Both Figs. 4 and 5 showed a decreasing trend after
would be the diffuse double layer. This thinner diffuse attaining their peak CBR value. The increase in the
double layer coupled with the fact that the hydration CBR to its peak value for the soil specimen admixed
energy of potassium which is about 34 K Cal g-1 - with CSA could be attributed to the pozzolanic action
ion-1 (Spark 1980) increases the strength of the soil experienced within the soil–lime–admixtures. The
because it has little ability to cause any swell to the reaction happened quickly in the presence of water. In
soil. Secondly, the K? reacts with the kaolinite contrast, the peak CBR obtained at 16% CHA content
(Al2Si2O5(OH)4) clay mineral present in the soil to could be attributed to the formation of potassium
form a new compound known as potassium feldspar feldspar which increases the strength of the mixture as
(KAlSi3O8). Potassium feldspar is known to have high noted in the compaction result. The decrease in the
energy which may explain why the strength increased. CBR value for the lateritic soil admixed with CHA
This process is a gradual process compared with that after attaining its peak CBR may be attributed to the
of the CSA stabilized soil where the peak MDD was complete formation of potassium feldspar when all the
observed at 4% CSA content due to pozzolanic action K? ion present in the solution has been used up
that occurred quickly on the addition of CSA. The resulting in the flocculation of the soil samples. This
decrease in the MDD afterward for both the CSA and flocculated samples increased the size of the particles
CHA stabilized soil was as a result of the soil–lime– and invariably the void spaces and this accounted for
admixtures turning into fluid with the addition of more the loss in strength observed. Comparatively, the CSA
quantity of water after they got to a fixation point and performed better in terms of its CBR and this may not
this subsequently decreased the MDD. The reaction be unconnected with the increased pozzolanic activity
taking place between potassium and kaolinite. from the CSA which generated more strength than that
Al2 Si2 O5 ðOHÞ4 þ2Kþ þ 4SiO2ðaqÞ obtained during the formation of potassium feldspar
Kaolinite from the lateritic soil–lime–CHA mix. Despite the
! 2KAlSi3 O8 þ 2Hþ þ H2 O increase in CBR value obtained from both admixtures,
Potassium feldspar
both of them fell short of the specification by the
Nigerian General Specification (1997) that recom-
4.1.3 California Bearing Ratio Result mends a minimum CBR of 30% for soils that should be
used as sub-base material.
Figure 4 shows the variation of the unsoaked CBR
with varying percentages of admixture while the 4.2 Unconfined Compression Strength Result
curves showing variation of the soaked CBR with
varying percentage of admixture is presented in Fig. 5. Figures 6, 7 and 8 show the variation of UCS with
It is pellucid from Fig. 4 that there was a gradual varying percentages of admixtures and lime cured for
increase in the unsoaked CBR of the CSA curve to a 7, 14 and 28 days respectively. The trend observed in
peak value of 20.5 when 4%CSA content was added to Figs. 6, 7 and 8 is similar to that obtained in Figs. 5
and 6 for the CBR curves. Remarkably, from the CSA

Geotech Geol Eng (2019) 37:3065–3076 3073

Fig. 4 Variation of 25
unsoaked CBR with varying
percentage of admixtures 20

Unsoaked CBR (%)

(CSA and CHA) and lime

10 CSA

0 5 10 15 20 25
Admixture (%) + 4% lime

Fig. 5 Variation of soaked 18

CBR with varying
percentage of admixtures 16
(CSA and CHA) and lime 14
Soaked CBR (%)

0 5 10 15 20 25
Admixture (%) + 4% lime

Fig. 6 Variation of 7 days 1000

UCS with varying
percentages of admixtures 800
UCS (kN/m2)

(CSA and CHA) and lime


400 CSA

200 CHA

0 5 10 15 20 25
Admixture (%) + 4% lime

curve in Figs. 6, 7 and 8, an increasing trend was by dry weight of the soil specimen. Marginal decrease
observed in the UCS until an optimum value was in the UCS values was observed for subsequent
attained at 920 kN/m2, 986 kN/m2 and 1259 kN/m2 addition of the admixtures in all the curves present
for samples cured at 7, 14 and 28 days respectively at in Figs. 6, 7 and 8. The increasing trend in the UCS
4% CSA content. Similarly, for the CHA curves value to its peak value observed in the CSA curves
presented in Figs. 6, 7 and 8, a gradual build in the could be explicated in terms of the pozzolanic
UCS to optimal values of 610 kN/m2, 994 kN/m2 and potential of the coconut shell ash. Development of
1154 kN/m2 were observed for samples cured at 7, 14 strength when pozzolanic reaction was taken place in
and 28 days respectively when 16% CHA was added the soil–lime–admixture mixture could have increased

3074 Geotech Geol Eng (2019) 37:3065–3076

Fig. 7 Variation of 14 days 1200

UCS with varying
percentages of admixtures 1000
(CSA and CHA) and lime

UCS (kN/m2)

0 5 10 15 20 25
Admixture (%) + 4% lime

Fig. 8 Variation of 28 days 1400

UCS with varying
percentages of admixtures 1200
(CSA and CHA) and lime 1000
UCS (kN/m2)

600 CSA
400 CHA
0 5 10 15 20 25
Admixture (%) + 4% lime

the value the UCS value. Formation of cementitious 4.3 Durability Characteristics
compounds is often observed when pozzolanic reac-
tion occurs and this could also explain the increase in Figure 9 shows the variation of the resistance to loss of
the strength values observed. Decrease in the UCS strength with the admixture. From the curves there was
values shortly after the attainment of the peak UCS no combination of the admixtures that met the
values in the CSA curves may have resulted from the requirement by Ola (1978a, b). However, at 4% CSA
exhaustion of the silica and alumina present in the content the resistance to loss in strength was 18%,
CSA that are responsible for the pozzolanic action which is an indication that the loss in strength was 82%
experienced in the mixture. In the CHA curves, the while from the curve of the lateritic soil stabilized with
increasing trend observed in the CHA curves could be CHA admixture, it was observed that the resistance to
explicated in terms of the rich quantity of the potash loss in strength in the 16% CHA content gave a 16%
present in the CHA. As noted in the explanation in the signifying a loss in strength of 84%. The CSA showed
compaction analysis, the potassium ion, K? from the a promising result in its durability than the CHA
potash could have reacted with the kaolinite present in admixture from the durability test conducted. This
the soil to form a new compound by its displacement may not be unconnected with the fact the CHA with a
of the calcium ion to produce a more stable complex higher loss in strength may have started experiencing a
which ultimately increased the strength of the mixture reverse reaction which is known to be associated with
to a peak value. Reduction observed after the attain- potassium reacting with kaolinite to form potassium
ment of the peak values in the CHA curves could have feldspar. The reverse reaction will be pronounced if
resulted from the depletion of the potassium ion in the the agents of weathering are present in the mixture. In
mixture. this case the agent of weathering is water.

Geotech Geol Eng (2019) 37:3065–3076 3075

Fig. 9 Variation of 120

resistance to loss of strength

Resistance to loss of strength (%)

of the soil–lime–admixture 100


40 CHA


0 5 10 15 20 25
Admixture (%) + 4% lime

5 Conclusions and 1154 kN/m2 were the optimal values attained

respectively at 7, 14 and 28 days of curing.
Effective comparisons between two agro-waste addi- 4. Optimal values in all the tests (Compaction, CBR,
tives (CSA and CHA) were evaluated with respect to UCS) conducted in this study were obtained at 4%
the most potent additive that can be applied to CSA and 16% CHA addition by weight of the
reinforce lateritic soil for its potential use as subbase lateritic soil.
material. The lateritic soil used in this study was pre- 5. The resistance to loss in strength at 4% CSA and
stabilized with 4% lime. Results obtained from the 16% CHA content were 18% and 16% respec-
various tests conducted clearly show that: tively. This clearly evince that the loss in strength
are correspondingly 82% and 84% for the 4% CSA
1. CHA performed better in terms of its compaction
and 16% CHA content.
characteristics when compared to the CSA. The
6. It can be rightly asserted that the CSA is a better
peak MDD (1.60 g/cm3) for CHA gave a higher
modifier than the CHA, however the optimal
value than that obtained for CSA (1.56 g/cm3).
values attained from the strength tests when both
However, the peak MDD values were obtained at
stabilizers were added to the lateritic soil fell short
OMC of 27.3 and 24.8% for CHA and CSA
of the specification by the Nigeria General Spec-
ification (1997) which stipulated a much higher
2. Both the CHA and CSA significantly improved the
values for subbase materials. The stabilizers could
soaked and unsaoked California bearing ratios of
still be used to stabilize the soil as subgrade
the soil. CHA addition to the lateritic soil resulted
material or a more potent stabilizer could be added
in peak values of 18.1 and 13.1 for unsoaked and
to improve the geotechnical properties of the soil.
soaked CBR respectively while CSA addition to
the lateritic soil resulted in peak values of 20.5 and
15.3 for the unsoaked and soaked CBR respec- Acknowledgements The author is highly indebted to his
former undergraduate project student, Alago Paschal Obinna,
tively. CSA performed better than CHA in both
for his immense assistance during the laboratory experiments. In
the soaked and unsoaked CBR. addition, the author greatly appreciates the contributions of the
3. UCS of the lateritic soil was found to increase reviewers of this paper.
appreciably for soil specimens added with CSA
and CHA at different days of curing (7, 14 and
28 days). When CSA was added to the lateritic References
soil, 920 kN/m2, 986 kN/m2 and 1259 kN/m2
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kaolinite: I. Physical characterisitcs. Clay Miner
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added to the lateritic soil, 610 kN/m2, 994 kN/m2

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