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3 authors, including:
Wisam S. Al-Rekabi
University of Basrah
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Abstract: This review paper intends to provide an overall vision of SBR technology as an alternative method
for treating wastewater. This technology has been gaining popularity through the years, mainly because of
its single-tank design and ease of automation. The bibliographic review carried out here shows the efficiency
and flexibility of this technology, as it is able to treat different kinds of effluents such as municipal, domestic,
hyper saline, tannery, brewery, and dairy wastewater; landfill leachates; etc.; under different conditions. The
review includes relevant experiments carried out at the laboratory, pilot-plant, and industrial scales.
Key words: Sequencing batch reactor, nutrient removal, laboratory SBR scale, pilot-scale SBR
Al-Rekabi et al.: Review on Sequencing Batch Reactors
a discrete period of time and then operated as a batch tank, which may have a volume more than ten times that
reactor. After desired treatment, the mixed liquor is of the secondary clarifier used for conventional
allowed to settle and the clarified supernatant is then continuous-flow activated sludge plant. This major
drawn from the tank. advantage in the clarification process results from the
The cycle for each tank in a typical SBR is divided into fact that the entire aeration tank serves as the clarifier
five discrete time periods: Fill, React, Settle, Draw and during the period when no flow enters the tank. Because
Idle as shown in Fig.1. There are several types of Fill all of the biomass remains in the tank until some
and React periods, which vary according to aeration and fraction must be wasted, there is no need for underflow
mixing procedures. Sludge wasting may take place near hardware normally found in conventional clarifiers. By
the end of React, or during Settle, Draw, or Idle. Central way of contrast, mixed liquor is continuously removed
to SBR design is the use of a single tank for multiple from a continuous-flow activated-sludge aeration tank
aspects of wastewater treatment. A detailed discussion and passed through the clarifiers only to have a major
of each period of the SBR is provided in the following portion of the sludge returned to the aeration tank.
subsections, along with a description of typical process
equipment and hardware associated with each (Irvine Draw (Decant): The withdrawal mechanism may take
and Ketchum, 2004). one of several forms, including a pipe fixed at some
predetermined level with the flow regulated by an
Fill: The influent to the tank may be either raw automatic valve or a pump, or an adjustable or floating
wastewater (screened and degritted) or primary effluent. weir at or just beneath the liquid surface. In any case, the
It may be either pumped in or allowed to flow in by withdrawal mechanism should be designed and
gravity. The feed volume is determined based on a operated in a manner that prevents floating matter from
number of factors including desired loading and being discharged.
detention time and expected settling characteristics of The time dedicated to Draw can range from 5 to more
the organisms. The time of Fill depends upon the
than 30% of the total cycle time. The time in Draw,
volume of each tank, the number of parallel tanks in
however, should not be overly extended because of
operation, and the extent of diurnal variations in the
possible problems with rising sludge.
wastewater flow rate.
Virtually any aeration system (e.g., diffused, floating
mechanical, or jet) can be used. The ideal aeration Idle: The period between Draw and Fill is termed Idle.
system, however, must be able to provide both a range Despite its name, this “idle” time can be used effectively
of mixing intensities, from zero to complete agitation, to waste settled sludge. While sludge wasting can be as
and the flexibility of mixing without aeration. Level infrequent as once every 2 to 3 months, more frequent
sensing devices, or timers, or in-tank probes (e.g., for sludge wasting programs are recommended to
the measurement of either dissolved oxygen or maintain process efficiency and sludge settling.
ammonia nitrogen) can be used to switch the aerators
and/or mixers on and off as desired. Continuous-flow system: SBR facilities commonly
consist of two or more basins that operate in parallel but
React: Biological reactions, which were initiated during single basin configurations under continuous-flow
Fill, are completed during React. As in Fill, alternating conditions. In this modified version of the SBR, flow
conditions of low dissolved oxygen concentrations (e.g., enters each basin on a continuous basis. The influent
Mixed React) and high dissolved oxygen concentrations flows into the influent chamber, which has inlets to the
(e.g. Aerated React) may be required. While Fig. 1 react basin at the bottom of the tank to control the
suggests that the liquid level remains at the maximum entrance speed so as not to agitate the settled solids.
throughout react, sludge wasting can take place during Continuous-flow systems are not true batch reactions
this period as a simple means for controlling the sludge because influent is constantly entering the basin. The
age. By wasting during React, sludge is removed from
design configurations of SBR and continuous-flow
the reactor as a means of maintaining or decreasing the
systems are otherwise very similar. Plants operating
volume of sludge in the reactor and decreases the
under continuous flow should operate this way as a
solids volume. Time dedicated to react can be as high
standard mode of operation. Ideally, a true batch-
as 50% or more of total cycle time.
The end of React may be dictated by a time specification reaction SBR should operate under continuous flow only
(e.g. the time in React shall always be 1.5 h) or a level under emergency situations.
controller in an adjacent tank. Plants that have been designed as continuous-inflow
systems have been shown to have poor operational
Settle: In the SBR, solids separation takes place under conditions during peak flows. Some of the major
quiescent conditions (i.e., without inflow or outflow) in a problems of continuous-inflow systems have been
Al-Rekabi et al.: Review on Sequencing Batch Reactors
Table 1: Operating conditions of the bench scale reactors SBRs produce sludges with good settling properties
(Keller et al., 1997) providing the influent wastewater is admitted into the
Reactor Q Reactor N aeration in a controlled manner. Controls range from a
Pond 1 : Pond 2 feed mixture 1:1 3:1 simplified float and timer based system with a PLC to a
HRT ( hours) 18 24
PC based SCADA system with color graphics using
SRT (days) 20 20
Reactor Sequence (hours)
either flow proportional aeration or dissolved oxygen
Non-aerated, non-mixed Fill 2.5 2.5 controlled aeration to reduce aeration to reduce energy
Aerated, mixed React 1 1.0 1.0 consumption and enhance the selective pressures for
Non-aerated, non-mixed React 0.5 0.5 BOD, nutrient removal, and control of filaments
Aerated, mixed React 2 1.5 1.5 (Norcross, 1992). An appropriately designed SBR
Settle 0.33 0.33 process is a unique combination of equipment and
Decant 0.17 0.17
software. Working with automated control reduces the
number of operator skill and attention requirement.
In this investigation we will overview recent experiments
carried out by the laboratory SBR and pilot – scale plant
SBR to treatment various wastewater.
Al-Rekabi et al.: Review on Sequencing Batch Reactors
Table 2: Effluent quality of the reactors (Keller et al., 1997) studied under four different air fluxes. Special attention
Parameters Reactor Q Reactor N was paid to the operating characteristics of SBR under
TCOD (mg/L) 92-118 80-105
limited aeration or low dissolved oxygen (DO)
SCOD (mg/L) 80-104 70-92
BOD5 (mg/L) 5-10 5-10
conditions. At the air flux of 40 l/h, COD and NH4-N had
SS (mg/L) 13-35 17-39 been removed just before the cycle was over, and during
NH4-N (mg/L) 1-5 0.2-3.0 the cycle DO was about 0.5 mg/l most of the time Fig. 2,
NOX-N (mg/L) 4-12 2-7 3 and 4. Operational parameters, such as DO, ORP and
TN (mg/L) 14-22 11-19
pH, were monitored during the whole cycle. The effect of
PO4-P (mg/L) 3-10 0.5-5
TP (mg/L) 5-14 2-7 these parameters on the removal efficiency of COD and
pH 7.0-7.5 6.8-7.6 NH4-N was discussed (Hu et al., 2004).
In a laboratory scale sequencing batch reactor (SBR)
granules were cultured under aerobic conditions Fig. 5.
To enhance the growth of granular the SBR was
operated with very short sedimentation and draw
phases resulting in the washout of slow biomass. Fast
settling granules were retained in the reactor and thus
had an advantage over flocs with a slower settling
velocity. After 40 days of operation granules were the
dominant from of microbial aggregates in the reactor,
even though some pin- point flocs remained in the
system. Granules taken from the reactor were stored for
weeks without disintegrating. After about 130 days of
operation the granule quality and COD- removal
worsened. The reasons for that are yet to be investigated
(Morgenroth et al., 1997).
Fig. 2: Variation of COD with time under different air
Kargi and Uyur (Kargi and Uygur, 2003) operated
flux (Hu et al., 2004).
laboratory SBR to Nutrient removal from synthetic
Table 3: Ratios of COD: N: P and BOD5: N: P for different series
wastewater by sequencing batch operation was studied
of experiments (Ros and Vrtovsek, 2004). at different specific nutrient loading rates (SNLR).
Parameter Series 1 Series 2 Series 3 Series 4 Nutrient removal in a sequencing batch reactor (SBR)
COD 100 100 100 100 was a five-step process consisting of anaerobic (An),
N 10.1 10.3 10.5 11.1 anoxic (Ax), oxic (Ox), anoxic (An) and oxic (Ox) phases
P 1.0 1.9 2.0 2.2 with hydraulic residence times (HRT) of 2/1/4.5/1.5/1.5 h,
BOD5 100 100 100 100 respectively. The settling step used at the end of the
N 15.2 15.9 14.7 15.4 operation was 45 min for all experiments. The initial
P 1.5 3.0 2.8 3.0
COD concentration was varied between 600 and 4800
mg/l at eight different levels with constant COD/N/P ratio
of 100/3.33/0.7. Effects of SNLRs on COD, NH4-N and
PO4-P removal were investigated. Percent nutrient
removals decreased and effluent nutrient levels
increased with increasing nutrient loading rates. The
highest COD (99%), NH4-N (99%) and PO4-P (97%)
removal efficiencies were obtained with the initial COD
concentration of 600 mg/l at COD loading rate of nearly
40 mg COD /(g biomass)/ h. However, the sludge
volume index (SVI) decreased with increasing COD
loading rate resulting minimum SVI of 46 mg/l at COD
loading rate of nearly 86 mg COD /(g biomass)/ h.
Biomass concentration increased with increasing SNLR
resulting in biomass concentration of 3.84 mg/l at COD
Fig. 3: Variation of NH4+-N with operation time under loading rate of 86 mg COD /(g biomass) /h.
different air flux (Hu et al., 2004). Sarioglu (Sarioglu, 2005) investigates the effect of pure
cultures on the enhancement of biological phosphorus
and the BOD5: N: P ratio was 100:15:2.6 as shown in removal capability of a Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR)
Table 3. inoculated initially with a mixed culture. For this purpose,
The performance of sequence batch reactor (SBR) was three anaerobic/aerobic SBRs with mixed cultures were
Al-Rekabi et al.: Review on Sequencing Batch Reactors
Table 4: Chemical and biochemical properties of the influent same time, sodium acetate is used as the external
and effluent (Zhu et al., 2004). carbon source to promote denitrification in the latter part
Parameters Influent Effluent Reduction (%) of each cycle. Other than nitrogen and phosphorus
TS (%) 1.053 0.237 77.5 removal, discussions are also presented on changes
TVS (%) 0.540 0.016 97.0
resulted from the treatment in total solids (TS), total
TSS (%) 0.766 0.001 99.9
TVSS (%) 0.442 0.004 99.1 volatile solids (TVS), total suspended solids (TSS), total
COD (%) 8800 226 97.4 volatile suspended solids (TVSS), chemical oxygen
BOD (%) 3660 0 100 demand (COD), and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)
Turbidity (FTU) 2175 120 94.5 as shown in Table 4.
An SBR operated with anaerobic and aerobic cycle
stages could be considered a suitable technology for
organic load removal from wool dyeing effluents. Soluble
COD and BOD5 degradation efficiencies of 85 ± 6% and
95 ± 4%, respectively, were achieved. The residual
suspended solids levels were in general acceptable
(lower than 100 mg/l), and could be attributed to the
operation with no biomass wastage, which led to high
MLVSS concentrations (Goncalves et al., 2005).
De Sousa and Foresti (De Sousa and Foresti, 1996)
investigated treating domestic sewage in tropical
regions by using a combined anaerobic-aerobic system
composed of an USAB reactor followed by two
sequencing batch reactors (SBR). In such a system, the
USAB reactor removes considerable fraction of the
Fig. 4: Variation of DO with operation time under
influent organic matter, while the SBRs oxidize part of the
different air flux (Hu et al., 2004).
remaining organic matter and ammonium nitrogen. A
proper system operation would also permit the removal
started in parallel and operated for a while. At the end of
of nutrients (N and P). This system was efficient in
this period, pure cultures of Acinetobacter lwoffii, A.
removing COD (95%), TSS (96%) and TKN (85%). In
lwoffii-Pseudomonas aeruginosa mixture and P.
order to investigate on the performance of this system
aeruginosa were added into the first, second and third
for sewage treatment, a bench scale installation fed with
reactors, respectively. All reactors were operated at a
synthetic substrate simulating domestic swage was
constant solid retention time (SRT) of 10 days and the
operated continuously during 38 weeks. The results
food/microorganism (F/M) ratio was changed between
permit to confirm the hypothesis proposed, since the
0.43-0.50 mg COD /mg VSS /day. The total cycle time
system has consistently produced high quality effluents
was 14 h throughout the experimental study. The
addition of A. lwoffii to the mixed culture in the first (BOD5 and VSS lower than 10 mg/l). The result also
reactor significantly enhanced the biological phosphorus indicates that such combined anaerobic-aerobic system
removal (EBPR) rate. Complete removal (E = 100%) of compete favorably with conventional aerobic systems in
20 mg /l PO4-P was achieved within 35 days of three essential cost features: energy consumption,
operation. Corresponding removal efficiencies obtained excess sludge production and nutrient removal.
using A. lwoffii-P. aeruginosa mixture (second reactor) A study was undertaken to examine the feasibility of
and P. aeruginosa alone (third reactor) were 25% and biologically treating a combined waste stream of landfill
20%, respectively. The COD removal efficiency was 90% leachate and municipal sewage. The ratio of sewage to
in all reactors. Fig. 6 shows change of daily phosphate leachate was 9 to 1 by volume. The combined waste had
profile with the development of phosphorus removal an average BOD5 430 mg/l, COD 1090 mg/l, and TKN
during full cycle by using A. lwoffii culture and 133 mg/l (80% of which was in the form of ammonia). A
wastewater. laboratory-scale sequencing batch activated sludge
Zhu et al. (2004) developed and evaluated a lab-scale, reactor was used to carry comparative performance
(AO)2 SBR for treating swine wastewater aiming at evaluations of biological treatment, including nitrification
removing nutrients and organic materials. The SBR was and dentrification. The SBR reactor was operating in
operated on 3 cycles per day with 8 hours per cycle at daily time cycles employing the following sequential
constant 20oC. Unlike previous research, this SBR operation phases: filling phase, anoxic phase, aeration
employs two alternating anaerobic/oxic phases to reaction phase, settling phase, and drain phase. In
enhance nitrification and phosphorus removal. At the particular, the anoxic and aeration periods were tailored
Al-Rekabi et al.: Review on Sequencing Batch Reactors
Table 5: Adjustment of phases duration according to the organic load in the activated sludge SBR (Rodrigues et al., 1998)
Organic Load Influent Fill Anaerobic- Aerobic Settling Draw
(kgCODt/kgTSS.d) Per cycle (min) Anoxic phase Phase (min) (min)
(l) (min) (min)
0.13 212 7 218 218 30 7
0.25 421 15 210 210 30 15
0.35 602 25 200 200 30 25
Al-Rekabi et al.: Review on Sequencing Batch Reactors
Al-Rekabi et al.: Review on Sequencing Batch Reactors
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