Research PDF
Research PDF
Research PDF
The systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to
establish facts and reach new conclusions.
Research is defined as the creation of new knowledge and/or the use of existing
knowledge in a new and creative way so as to generate new concepts,
methodologies and understandings. This could include synthesis and analysis of
previous research to the extent that it leads to new and creative outcomes.
2. Business Research
Business research can be done for anything and everything. In general, when
people speak about business research it means asking research questions to know
where the money can be spent to increase sales, profits or market share. Such
research is critical to make wise and informed decisions.
For example: A mobile company wants to launch a new model in the market. But
they are not aware of what are the dimensions of a mobile that are in most demand.
Hence, the company conducts a business research using various methods to gather
information and the same is then evaluated and conclusions are drawn, as to what
dimensions are most in-demand, This will enable the researcher to make wise
decisions to position his phone at the right price in the market and hence acquire a
larger market share.
The most critical role of business research is to help all business decisions,
from product innovation to marketing and advertising planning. Business
surveys also help predict companies about competition and other types of
Business and management research is a systematic inquiry that helps to
solve business problems and contributes to management knowledge. It Is an
applied research.
4.Why it is Important
It helps businesses gain better insights about their target customer's preferences,
buying patterns, pain points, as well as demographics. Business Research also
provides businesses with a detailed overview of their target markets, what's in
trend, as well as market demand.
Business research is the first step that each business owner must take to establish
their company, survive, or succeed in the market. The fundamental reason for the
relevance of such research is that it helps firms expand in terms of remuneration,
market, and brand value.
Here is a list of the factors that contribute to the importance of business
These can help turn your business into a more aware one. It can even be a stepping
stone to searching for a new consumer market to explore. Another reason as to why
research is important is it can help you identify problem areas.
Identifies Problem Areas
By customizing online survey tools, your business can better observe the points of
improvement in each of your departments. If you opt to release a survey meant for
the consumers, you can better see what factors of your products and services need
to be improved upon. If you release a survey meant for your employees, then you
can better see the point of improvement that you can do within your current
business processes.
You could create necessary improvements, by identifying problem areas. You may
also opt to release surveys every couple of months in order to track the progress of
your changes. Besides your own data, you can also compare it to the data from
other competitor companies.
Compare your products & services and see what makes theirs more appealing to
consumers. Then, adapt to this knowledge by making the necessary changes to
your current business practices. These changes can be in the form of designing
marketing campaigns or by exploring new business opportunities.
Besides new products, with the help of research, you can even look into tapping
new consumer markets. By releasing surveys to new and unexplored target markets
for your company, you can discover what works and does not work for them. This
way can help you effectively reduce your losses as online surveys are free to
Minimizes Loss
By first sending out surveys to consumers, you are saving your company a lot of
money. This is because you can already pinpoint the potential issues that could
arise before you even launch a new product or service. After making the necessary
changes, you can confidently release products that you know consumers will enjoy.
In the case of a pre-existing product, you could send out surveys to help you find
points of improvement in each one. By catering to the concerns of the consumers,
it increases the chance of a product’s success.
Take note of these key reasons as to why research can be extremely beneficial to
your business. This can better optimize your business processes as well as your
5.Criteria of Business Research
The need for the research should be well justified. The purpose of the research
should be clearly defined. The research method should be selected according to the
nature of the problem and designed scientifically to ensure a valid and reliable
The selection of a research problem is based on the key criteria of: (1) interest; (2)
expertise; (3) data availability; (4) relevance and; (5) ethics.
1. Validity
Validity refers to the accuracy and correctness of the research findings. A research
study should be valid in the sense that it measures what it intends to measure. To
ensure validity, researchers must use appropriate research instruments, collect
reliable data, and analyze the data using sound statistical techniques.
2. Reliability
Reliability refers to the consistency and stability of the research findings. A
research study should be reliable in the sense that it yields consistent results when
repeated under similar conditions. To ensure reliability, researchers must use
standardized research instruments, collect data in a consistent manner, and analyze
the data using sound statistical techniques.
3. Objectivity
Objectivity refers to the absence of bias in the research study. A research study
should be objective in the sense that it is free from personal, political, or
ideological biases. To ensure objectivity, researchers must use objective research
instruments, collect data in a neutral and unbiased manner, and analyze the data
using sound statistical techniques.
4. Generalizability
Generalizability refers to the ability of the research findings to be applicable to a
larger population beyond the sample studied. A research study should be
generalizable in the sense that the findings can be applied to other settings and
populations. To ensure generalizability, researchers must use appropriate sampling
techniques, collect data from diverse populations, and analyze the data using sound
statistical techniques.
5. Ethical Considerations
Research should be conducted in an ethical manner that protects the rights and
well-being of the participants. Researchers should obtain informed consent from
the participants, ensure confidentiality and privacy, and use ethical research
procedures. Additionally, researchers should follow institutional and national
guidelines and regulations.
In conclusion, the criteria of good research are essential to ensuring the quality and
reliability of research findings. By meeting these criteria, researchers can ensure
that their research is valid, reliable, objective, generalizable, and ethical. Adhering
to these criteria is vital in producing research that is useful, accurate, and credible.
6. Empirical Research
For example: A research is being conducted to find out if listening to happy music
while working may promote creativity? An experiment is conducted by using
a music website survey on a set of audience who are exposed to happy music and
another set who are not listening to music at all, and the subjects are then observed.
The results derived from such a research will give empirical evidence if it does
promote creativity or not.
This is the step where the researcher has to answer questions like what exactly do I
want to find out? What is the problem statement? Are there any issues in terms of
the availability of knowledge, data, time or resources. Will this research be more
beneficial than what it will cost.
Before going ahead, a researcher has to clearly define his purpose for the research
and set up a plan to carry out further tasks.
Researcher will also need to define the units of measurements, tolerable degree for
errors, and find out if the measurement chosen will be acceptable by others.
In this step, the researcher has to define a strategy for conducting his research. He
has to set up experiments to collect data which will enable him to propose the
hypothesis. The researcher will decide whether he will need experimental or non
experimental method for conducting the research. The type of research design will
vary depending on the field in which the research is being conducted. Last but not
the least, the researcher will have to find out parameters that will affect the validity
of the research design. Data collection will need to be done by choosing
appropriate samples depending on the research question. To carry out the research,
he can use one of the many sampling techniques. Once data collection is complete,
researcher will have empirical data which needs to be analysed.
Data analysis can be done in two ways, qualitatively and quantitatively. Researcher
will need to find out what qualitative method or quantitative method will be needed
or will he need a combination of both. Depending on the analysis of his data, he
will know if his hypothesis is supported or rejected. Analyzing this data is the most
important part to support his hypothesis.
Step #6: Conclusion
A report will need to be made with the findings of the research. The researcher can
give the theories and literature that support his research. He can make suggestions
or recommendations for further research on his topic.
The ideal research proposal should be comprehensive enough to enable the reader
to know everything that could be expected to happen if the project were actually
carried out--including anticipated obstacles as well as anticipated benefits. In order
to design a research project, you may wish to ask yourself the following series of
Ethical Conduct: