Section 2 and 3 of Contracts
Section 2 and 3 of Contracts
Section 2 and 3 of Contracts
Onerous Contracts – a contract in which the aggregate cost Article 1351. The particular motives of the parties in entering
required to fulfill the agreement is higher than the economic into a contract are different from the cause thereof. (n)
benefit to be obtained from it.
Motive and Causes, Difference
In this type of contract, something is given or promised as a The cause of a contract is the objective and juridical reason
consideration for the engagement or gift, or some service, for the establishment of a contract and is always the same.
interest, or condition is imposed on what is given or promised, while motive is the psychological or personal purpose of a
although unequal to it in value. party in getting the object and differs with each person. Each
party may have his own personal reasons or motives in
Now, the cause here is deemed for both parties in good faith. entering into a contract. Motive or even with illegal motives
does not affect the validity of the contract.
Remuneratory Contract - is one where a party gives
something to another because some service or benefit given or Exception: If the motive predetermines the purpose of the
rendered by the latter to the former. contract, motive may be regarded as cause.