Ocean History
Ocean History
Ocean History
the history
Compiled by
Chris Wilkins & Roger M. Kean
First published 2013 by Revival Retro Events
Revival Retro Events, 51 Dencer Drive, Kenilworth, CV8 2QR
Every effort has been made to contact the copyright holders of the material reproduced in
this book. If any have been inadvertently overlooked, the publishers will be pleased to offer
restitution at the earliest opportunity. Copyright © in any individuals’ photographs
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All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced
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photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the publisher.
Any person who does any unauthorized act in relation to this publication may be liable to
criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages. Foreword by David Ward ...................................................... 6
Ocean – the History ............................................................. 8
Printed and bound by Harrier plc An Oceanic Aftermath ....................................................... 88
Memories Are Made of This ............................................... 94
Simon Butler 96 Kevin Oxland 170
Paul Owens 104 Julian Hicks 172
In the making of this book, I would like to thank:
Mark Jones Jnr 110 Dawn Drake 174
n o n J on Woods and David Ward for generously giving us Ocean, and their time to
Tony Pomfret 116 Brian Flanagan 180
reminisce; Gary Bracey for believing in the project and rallying support from the
Ocean gang early on in the production of the book; Paul Patterson for his thoughtful Brian Beuken 120 Stephen Thomson 184
insights; and Paul Finnegan for his time, filling in many gaps and making top-notch Ivan Davies 124 Mark Jones Snr 188
ham rolls. Lee Clare 128 Paul Millar 192
nonM ark Jones ( Jnr) for supplying a great deal of the visual content and helping with the Simon Cobb 132 John Palmer 194
proof-reading (above and beyond the call of duty, really something of a Decathlon). John Gibson 136 David Selwood 198
nonS imon Butler for helping to locate many of the elusive Ocean dungeon crew Steve Lavache 138 Richard Kay 200
and always being there for a helpful opinion. Richard Palmer 140 Peter Johnson 204
nonM artyn Carroll for proof-reading and for being an inspiration from his Live Michael Lamb 142 Jon Ritman 208
Publishing Retro Gamer magazine days. John Meegan 148 Steve Wahid 214
nonR oger Kean for being a professional, a gentleman and the individual who gave us Paul Hughes 150 Ian Richardson 216
Crash, Zzap 64! and Amtix! magazines. Gareth Betts 158 Bill Harbison 220
nonO liver Frey for the kind permission to use his artwork, and for also giving us Crash, James Higgins 162 Jim Bagley 224
Zzap 64! and Amtix! magazines. Jayne Millar 166 Colin Porch 226
nonD ave and Anna from Attic Bug for their continuing support of the project and Bob Wakelin – The Artist .................................................. 229
supplying the Bob Wakelin art and postcards. You two are great friends.
The Sound and Music of Ocean ......................................... 248
nonA nd the family – my wife Nomita, daughters Amber and Sienna, and son Milan,
Jonathan Smith – A Tribute ............................................... 254
who gave me the time and support in putting this book together. Love you guys.
Allan Shortt – A Tribute .................................................... 257
A Rogues’ Gallery .............................................................. 258
Ocean Games Index .......................................................... 260
by David Ward
he story of Ocean ten years the Ocean team grew from represent the primary engagement of harder. As the company’s events diary
parallels the evolution a handful of enthusiasts contacted a demographic of young players – as became fatter and more glamorous,
of interactive software through specialist magazines to nearly important as film or music in shaping and the out-of-hours activity ever more
as mainstream 300 staff, embracing art and design, and stimulating the interests of the new risqué, working to play became almost
entertainment with the adoption of software development, marketing, computer generation – was the key to as important as playing to work.
personal computers by the general sales and administration. A new kind understanding this new market. Ocean was a company very much of
public, which created a paradigm shift of company with few of the rules or It triggered an enormous amount its time, it could only really have existed
in the use of information technology. constraints of traditional business and of experimentation, of trial and error, at the dawn of an era; the driving force
From dots on a screen to immersive little appreciation of what couldn’t be and produced an ever widening behind its growth and importance was
simulation, the company’s time-line achieved. variety of gaming categories from the necessary change and invention for
spans the emergence of a global By the 1990s the computer and sports simulation to fiendish puzzles, its survival. It succeeded in bridging
industry using computer processing to video games market had become action adventure to role playing. the chasm between an untrained,
deliver fun and games. global and Ocean’s products were sold Anything that could be imagined informal development resource and the
Formed at the beginning of the in all the major markets of the world; by programmers and designers requirements of sophisticated business
1980s alongside the birth of home subsidiary companies were formed barely older than their audience was finance, to invent a new industry and
computers and not long after Pong was in Europe and the United States. sanctioned; success was quickly built on bring it to market.
sprung on an unsuspecting world, the The bottom line got bigger and the with the software cul-de-sacs quietly To all those who worked with the
Ocean pioneers had the good fortune corporate structure more sophisticated consigned to history. company it left an indelible stamp on
to be able to blaze a trail through and yet the essence of the business Of course the work/life balance for their young lives. That most remember
uncharted territory in a world where was still its people, its assets the talent a group of young talented individuals those times with affection, even
anything seemed possible. of the individuals who made up the was always going to be a challenge and advantage, is testament to the skill
Harnessing raw development workforce. The mission statement so it proved to be. and humour used to address the many
and marketing talent, the company was to provide innovative, compelling Ocean’s social calendar became obstacles that stood along the way.
invented its way to success, honing entertainment to a waiting world and a symbol of the spirit of freedom
a new business; one in which there Ocean did just that! which characterised the production
were few guidelines and little or no The ability to recognise that this and marketing process, as those who
descriptive language. In the space of new kind of entertainment would worked hard inevitably wanted to party
raconteur and visionary, or ‘the Brains’. then,’ Jon joins in. ‘So to a great extent
ver a period of a decade and a The company which started life we could make the rules up as we went
half, Ocean became Europe’s as Spectrum Games, then to become along, within reason. Obviously there actually spoke to a magazine to buy space David Ward (seated) and
Jon Woods, appearing
largest video games developer Ocean, altered a lot over the years, were other software houses creating or to discuss editorial.’
in the May 1984 edition
Above: This shiny and, more importantly, eventually to disappear into the French Joined at the hips, then? Jon shakes of Crash magazine,
publisher. The company’s creators were corporation Infogrames. In that time, his head. ‘No, we’re like chalk and cheese, photographed outside
Ocean logo was fixed
Jon Woods and David Ward, and their rumours, as they will, circulated to
“It was an invented completely different. I did what I did the Ralli Building,
to the exterior wall
of the company’s story is one of growth and commercial suggest the two towering figures of the thing…we made it up and David did what was needed to take
the first home of
Ocean Software.
Miner by Matthew Smith (who moved to Software Projects Is there a market? was Your Computer. So we took a punt Software, the company
they founded with
and took the game with him in the autumn of 1983) and the The sudden success of Liverpool’s games and bought the magazine’s back page for Eugene Evans, would
text adventure Twin Kingdom Valley. software houses was being compared in six months to advertise four games. The become an important
label for Ocean.
Bug-Byte failed to make the grade in the mid-1980s, as the press to Beatlemania all over again. ones we chose were versions of famous
the consolidation of software houses into larger groups with It gave Jon and David pause for thought. games… like Missile Command and
bigger financial clout squeezed the smaller developers out, and ‘Liverpool was swamped with the two Frogger. It was a kind of ridiculous thing
was liquidated in May 1985. Argus Press Software, a subsidiary then quite large companies,’ Jon says, ‘not to do but we had no market in which to
of newspaper owners Argus Press, purchased the rights to the to forget Software Projects as well. So we sell anything, and no actual game to sell
games and brand and continued to release games under the Bug- made a conscious decision to locate our at that time… it was just an idea.’
Byte name. Argus had already swallowed Quicksilva, Starcade company in Manchester.’ And of the various computers on
and MC Lothlorien by then. In 1987 a management buy-out Knowing that Bug-Byte, Imagine the market, who owned what? No one
headed by Argus managing director Stephen Hall took all the and the less prolific but very successful had any idea, but David came up with a
brands under the GrandSlam Entertainment banner. Software Projects were making sales was marketing wheeze to find out.
one thing, discovering the best way of ‘There was no research at all, nothing
was,’ David Ward says. ‘A logo you could “We wanted something you stamp on
literally stamp on the side of a steer – like
branding. It would stand out on boxes,
the side of a steer – like branding. It
crates, in shops, everywhere.’ would stand out on boxes, crates, in shops,
Bob Wakelin took that basic flat everywhere.”
logo and made it more elaborate for
colour packaging. ‘I did the airbrushed kilograms. Huge! And it had punched
version with the highlights, flashes and tape in it. You got a message in hand. The
reflections. David Ward asked me to fax machine put Telex out of business
make it more like the Imagine logo, overnight. But faxes were expensive
which Steve Blower had done.’ machines, which most offices couldn’t
‘Yes, we had all sorts of 3-D versions afford, so there were bureaux on the high
of the logo drawn,’ David recalls. ‘Bob street where you could go and send a fax.
Wakelin did a fantastic version, with a That was all thanks to the Japanese, who
picture of me leaning on it.’ invented it because of their character set,
empty. And I think from memory the With growing confidence in their new David agrees. ‘Atari as a games
price was forty pence a square foot that market, and with the mail order money console never really took off here. The
we rented it at. It’s gone now, demolished underpinning expansion, Jon and David games were 20, 30 pounds at the time
for new offices occupied by HMRC.’ scoured the market for a suitable arcade and our market – British teenagers on
And there in the Ralli Building, candidate. pocket money – couldn’t possibly afford
Ocean conceived of buying its first ‘Hunchback was the game that we that. But our computer games sold at
licence. David understood the benefit looked at for the very first licence £4.99, on a cassette. So we licensed
of having an official status for an arcade we bought,’ David says. ‘We found Hunchback—’
coin-op conversion, so rather than this company in Oldham, Century
copying existing arcade games, licensing Electronics, who were in the arcade
Manchester Library
the real thing appeared to be the best way industry. And they had developed the
forward. Hunchback game, which was very popular
‘What quickly became clear to in the arcades.’
The Ralli Building – which you couldn’t reproduce successfully. me,’ Steve Blower remembers, shortly Jon interjects, ‘Everything was totally
swept away like almost
So they had to have something where after joining Ocean, ‘was how astute arcade-driven then.’
all of the Industrial
Revolution warehouses, you could write on a piece of paper and an entrepreneur David Ward was. He ‘Finding an arcade company from
mills and factories, send it to whoever it was supposed to go had realised very early on that the big Manchester, we thought, “Oh wow,
and the later Victorian
– something like a logo.’ opportunities lay in licensing. From what that’s great, we’ll nip over and see them.”
emporia – stood on
the banks of the River The business of Ocean couldn’t have I remember, in the early days of Ocean, Which we did, and offered them a deal
Irwell, in the heart been further removed from what David the prime target for licensing were the they could not refuse even though I don’t
of Manchester.
and Jon had been doing up until then, as already well-established arcade games remember what it was—’
Paul Finnegan says. ‘When we started ‘I remember exactly what it was.
Paul Finnegan looks we were in an old warehouse, because the Three thousand.’ Jon laughs at the
over the shoulder of
guys used to provide theatrical props for thought of such a cheap deal. ‘You see,
16-year-old wannabe,
Jonathan ‘Joffa’ Smith the BBC and Granada TV productions. the machine, the upright, was just a
as he demonstrates to That was their main thing at the time, screen inside a cabinet and they put this
David Ward Pud Pud,
and we had a couple of offices in there thing inside with the chips on which
the Spectrum game
he wrote at home. for Ocean.’ The offices were situated in the game resided – which we just didn’t
Finnegan and Smith the Ralli Building, a huge warehouse on understand it at all. No-one could get
were to form a firm
the banks of the River Irwell built by into it (especially their competitors) to
working relationship.
the Manchester-based Greek shipping see how it worked and they’d flog these
company Ralli Brothers, one of the most machines around to arcade operators.
must be a digit wrong, or two digits with an order for a game on whatever Software Projects first, then joined Bethesda Softworks Europe. And this
high street retailer will
open at least 11 more
wrong on this…!” machine, we had a repeat order from us as operations director. Gary Bracey was the pushy sales guy in Microdealer!’ Computer Shops by the
beginning of September,’
WH Smith…’ had a little computer shop in Liverpool, ‘I think perhaps by this time those
reported Crash
campaigns.’ With Steve’s help, Hunchback Jon does his astonished face. ‘A cheque Blue Chip, and I used to drop off games. shops had had their day,’ Jon says. ‘People magazine in June 1984.
proved to be a big seller in spite of (or just dropped through the letterbox, you And he was good, Gary, because he’d tell were beginning to go elsewhere, to the These were an addition
to the already existing
perhaps because of ) the Granada TV know, for twenty-five grand. We couldn’t me what was going on, what the kids mainstream shops, to buy the stuff – the
35 Computer Shops and
advertisement. Its success coincided with believe it. I thought there must be a digit were buying. And then he had a chat micro shops began to have difficulties.’ 220 Computer Know-
the real get-going of retail interest in the wrong, or two digits wrong on this…!’ with Jon and he came and joined us as ‘I knew Jon – David to a lesser how departments. The
major retail chains were
new games ‘fad’ from high street giants He feels there was another element to the software development manager.’ extent,’ Gary says. ‘Jon had a wine bar in
catching on fast, and
WH Smith, J Menzies and Boots – and Ocean’s early success with retail sales As a shop-keeper Gary also dealt Liverpool and I used to go there quite Ocean was gearing up
Ocean speedily felt the beneficial impact. which for a while kept the micro shops in with Microdealer, from his own side of regularly. I used to get stay behinds, as we to supply the numbers.
‘In the early days money was so business. ‘Our distributor, Microdealer – the counter. ‘There was a really pushy called them. I started Blue Chip – the
tight we used to run a lot of it on Mike then in Hounslow and later St. Albans – sales guy who kept pushing and pushing first solely computer games seller in
Barnes’s credit card,’ says Paul. ‘But they were a very pushy wholesaler. They – and I was only a little shop and he was Liverpool – in 1983, with a video game
when we got one or two of the titles were able to supply shops that began dealing with all the big chains like WH library in Allerton Road, and I sold
did a good job. He tidied it all up, made established as a standard, so you just
Colin Stokes, formerly it a bit more professional.’ got on and did it. And you know, I had
of Imagine Software
At the time of his hiring Gary no technical background. I couldn’t
and Software Projects,
became Ocean’s had no clear view of Ocean’s forward program, I couldn’t draw, so I was in awe
operations director and momentum compared to other software of these talents. I like to think of myself
then persuaded Gary
houses he knew well. ‘The big one for me as a creative person, but I had maximum
Bracey – pictured right
doing his Buy A Game was Software Projects. I knew them well admiration for the people who had these
Just Around The Corner because I was friendly with Alan Maton amazing skills, like programming skills,
From This Cinema
and Tommy Barton. Matthew Smith and technical skills, graphical skills, audio
number – to come
aboard as software Paul Patterson worked there, Paul was skills, because I don’t. I wish I had! And I
development manager, a sales manager, and later became sales tried to make that clear with everyone.’
and turn into a Suit.
director of Ocean. So I knew Software
in with cheap cassettes for me was Pogo. don’t have to be a techie to play games, Projects well, and I knew Bug-Byte well. Changes in the sales team
That would be early 1984. but they didn’t even play. There was no I was very friendly with Paul McKenna Steve Blower recalls the sheer energy of
‘A bit later I was chatting to Colin actual interest in the product, it was a of Thor, who later renamed themselves the early days. ‘It was relentless, hard and
Stokes and he said, “You know about commodity, and I’m sure they would be as Odin. They did Nodes of Yesod and totally exhilarating. At that time Ocean’s
games. Why not come and work for us?” the first to admit that.’ Robin of the Wood. Quite a few of those offices were situated in Ralli Building,
Well, I was getting a bit fed up of this ‘Yeah, I remember David saying it’s programmers went on to work at Ocean.’ a warehouse which also housed another
retail lark, it wasn’t for me. I saw Jon, like toothpaste,’ Paul Finnegan agrees. Asking if he was provided with a business owned by Jon, David and Mike
call it an interview if you like, and there ‘Jon and David really didn’t know clearly defined job description provokes Barnes supplying theatrical props. They
it was. I started at the very beginning of anything about computer games, so they another laugh. ‘The industry was still sold this business shortly after I joined.
1986 for the princely sum of £13,000 a did as smart people do, they took on in its infancy, you see, so there were After the rock’n’roll craziness of Imagine,
year. Tony Kavanagh, the sales manager, good people to do the work. And Gary no protocols or roles that had been with Ferraris and Porsches arriving
wanted to set up more than that.” David is a great talker, Upstairs and Downstairs was given the sales manager role. We
Jonathan ‘Joffa’ Smith his own games software house but this and he started going on and on, and I Paul Patterson recalls that, while they simply had a two-man sales team and
becomes a company
plan unsettled Jon and David, with thought, “I’m losing this five grand here.” overlapped working at Ocean, he never a small accounts/admin department.
some cause. ‘I got on well with all the So I looked at the both of them and said, worked with Paul Finnegan. ‘I originally Gary Bracey headed up the strong
programmers,’ Paul explains. ‘I used to “Shall we toss for it?” And we’re sat there reported to Colin Stokes and David development team together with the
spend a lot of time down there. I loved around the board table, and we looked at Ward. Paul had arranged his departure testing department. And Steve Blower
watching the things being developed. I each other and went, “Okay!” So, we were with Jon and David and was finalising headed up the art department.’
should have been out selling but I was like three school kids… and it bounced things when I arrived. He was agreeing ‘My description as creative
down in the dungeon talking to Gary on the table and then the floor, and a deal with Ocean to have the rights to director related only to the marketing,
and the gang, and when I did leave quite we’re all searching round, and I shouted, sell the games he would be developing advertising and packaging, etc. I had
a number of the programmers wanted to “Heads!” And when I got down there, it at this new company. I spent several no input regarding games design and
“If you add up all the sales of the titles anything, out of it because as an amateur Daley proved to be the catalyst which
from number twenty to number two, it’s he wasn’t allowed to benefit. If he’d began Ocean’s global licensing reach,
still going to be number one”. It was just taken any money he would have lost his even though at the start, as David says,
a… phenomenon.’ amateur status and wouldn’t be allowed they had – once again – to do it by trial
Daley Thompson’s Decathlon was a to compete in the Olympics. So they and error. ‘At the time we were inventing
huge success and it was the first game to were going to keep the money for him the licence process. No one knew the
truly challenge the increasingly available until he retired. Whether he ever got it is parameters for any of this stuff. If you pay
In winning gold, Daley Jon concedes that their massive hit joysticks. Many a player reckoned the another thing.’ twenty per cent is that too much? Five ‘The time may come
had it easy – back when you can buy a
Daley Thompson’s Decathlon – effectively game’s programmers, Paul Owens Probably not, Jon thinks. ‘They did per cent, is that too little? Nobody knew
at Manchester base 1000K machine with
everyone was biting based on Konami’s Track & Field coin-op (Spectrum) and Dave Collier (C64), go bust, the AAA.’ In spite of the way what business model would emerge.’ built-in disk drive for
nails, wondering – was a major turning point in Ocean’s owed them the money for broken the game changed Ocean’s fortunes, its £200. But you may
whether they had a
local fortunes. ‘It was the 1984 Olympics, joysticks. But the man at the centre of success was only in Britain, as he points Buying a brand then have to pay £50
game winner on their for each piece of
hands or an also-ran. which were held in Los Angeles,’ Jon says. the game’s success may not have received out. ‘The obvious problem with Daley One business model David and Jon software to run on it.’
David nods at the memory. ‘We’d any financial benefit, as David points out. Thompson is that it was only a British- had no intention of following was David Ward, November
1985 – Amstrad Action.
developed the game ahead of the ‘Ironically at the time, because of the understood thing. It wasn’t Carl Lewis, that practised by their Liverpool rivals
goes into a coin-op game so we took development and for various different
Transformers – don’t the core game then we adapted that and machines, it could be a tedious task
show the licensor
incorporated new elements of our own.’ to prepare the final artwork, as Steve
the Spectrum version
in development! And of course there was a great recalls. ‘This was before digital design so
gulf in the quality of graphics between the process was really time consuming:
‘RoboCop made us a global player,’ a dedicated coin-op arcade machine laying out the artwork on art board; would look like, and that was essential
Gary says. ‘We’d done very well and the humble Spectrum, or even the resizing elements using a photographic to winning the rights to Ocean’s next
previously with the Imagine-Konami Commodore 64. Tactics became an process; cutting and pasting paper based grand-slam game, as Gary Bracey
games and the arcade games, but they’d important part of getting the conversion graphics – and all this so that it will fold remembers.
always been on computers, the Spectrum to the 8-bit environment approved down correctly into the page size of an ‘We had already done Batman in 1986
and 64 and to a lesser extent the ST and by fussy licence holders. ‘We did fear audio cassette. – Jon Ritman and Bernie Drummond
Amiga, and with those we sometimes showing the Japanese stuff early on,’ Jon ‘When Apple Macs emerged as did that one – and Batman: The Caped
struggled to find wider distribution says. ‘In that era we were making games the digital alternative for graphics Crusader in 1988, which we put out
because we didn’t distribute in the US. principally for the ZX Spectrum, of production I had no resistance to Special FX to develop. Jon wanted
RoboCop became a catalyst for us to which they had no knowledge – in fact whatsoever from David and Jon to fund to relaunch the franchise with a third
seriously consider starting Ocean of no understanding of the domestic UK all the equipment I, and my department follow-up for another European licence.’
America. Up until then Data East was market at all. We couldn’t tell them this required. My department grew from Jon takes up the story. ‘I got Batman
our partner in distributing Ocean games is it, this is what can be done within this just myself to a team of eight, producing through having a relationship with
over there. They got the rights for the technology. They’d say it would damage advertising and packaging design for all Warner Brothers in London where we’d
RoboCop coin-ops from us and they the brand, and all this kind of nonsense. of Ocean’s titles.’ licensed The Neverending Story, and it
Ocean and Amstrad Amstrad’s computer range, and it seems vertically up the monitor, not laterally the product was, it was just make “f***ing
When Amstrad went up against Sinclair clear looking back that Alan Sugar held to across… And intially the only way you money, f***ing this, f***ing that”. And for
and Commodore with a range of home the theory that the most use of computers could play these games was to turn the this meeting I put a suit on! No, he was
computers, Ocean were among the major in the home was for word processing. monitor on its side. Someone in our R and obnoxious. I’m not taking away from his
software houses asked to prepare some Ironically, the designation CPC (Colour D department figured out with a couple success, but it didn’t really impress. But he
games to run on the CPC464. There Personal Computer) was hollow, for the of pokes you could actually get the game predicted that Amstrad
was a deal of muddled thinking behind first machines were not colour – at least, to run on a lateral basis. And presumably would make us a lot of
not unless the owner splashed out another the industry then figured out you could do money.’
£110 for a colour monitor. As David these few pokes to make it happen.’ In general terms, while
After a successful Ward well remembers, there was another Gary Bracey also recalls that dealing Amstrad products were
launch, the Amstrad
big problem for games developers. with the boss of Amstrad could be difficult. a useful revenue stream,
never knocked
the Spectrum or ‘I don’t know why the screen was this ‘He was so, so rude! I took John Ritman Ocean made more money
Commodore 64 off green and brown, only Alan Sugar knew and Mike Lamb along with me to meet with the games in France,
the spot, but went
that, perhaps he didn’t think of it as a Alan Sugar and it was all “Oh, I tell you where the machine became more popular Sir Clive Sinclair sold
big in France. his computer business
games machine. We wrote a few games what you f***ing do, you’re going to make than it ever did in Britain.
to Amstrad boss Alan
for the machine but the problem we found f***ing great games, you going to make But in attempting to tackle the Sugar in 1986.
was the way the screen responded to the a f***ing lot of money.” He didn’t give a growing Japanese console threat, Amstrad
programming meant that games moved shit about what the games were or what came unstuck. David Ward again: ‘When
Juggling the new formats created from there. I think what happened knew machine code you were in. That box, but…’ He waves his hands in a way
was the machines arrived first, but the was the only way to get the thing looking that suggests that Ocean’s early packaging
At the height of the 8-bit era, how did 16-bit era enabled much more deliberate any good at all. The 16-bit machines efforts for PC games were unhappy ones.
Ocean react to the 16-bit Atari ST programming to take place. It was less allowed the beginnings of a structured Added to the hardware problems, the 16-
and Commodore Amiga coming over serendipitous than the 8-bit market. We environment. Also, at the time the 16-bit bit market was a very different one to the
the horizon, particularly in respect of set up the facilities for the people in- market was emerging we were beginning 8-bit, as David points out.
programming teams familiar with Z80 house to work on those machines. We to interview people who actually had ‘Because it was a much wider demo-
and C64 assembler? Paul Patterson’s view moved to a studio production. We had a learned programming at university.’ graphic of audience, the PC market was a
is very much that of the music studio, graphic artists’ studio and The new programming-designing- much more difficult one for us to identify. Just one of numerous
expansion cards to
sales person. the beginnings of what you may call a music-writing studio may have been more I mean, there were women suddenly play-
beef up IBM PC clones
‘I think we always collaborative creative process, like making structured, but the 16-bit machines came ing games!… People who wanted flight to give brighter, better,
wanted to produce films. That wasn’t so in the 8-bit era. If with their own problems for developers. simulators!… The American companies faster graphics, or
louder, crisper sound,
product for the most you look at the way 8-bit games were ‘The PC with all those cards and add- tended to be better at PCs because they
as this one promised.
successful platform. I’m written, the way the programmers created ons was a headache because there was no had a bigger domestic audience. And
First 16-bit and then sure Gary and the developers might have the images onscreen was quite different, simple user-base. Ignoring all the amaz- they were able to address the fact
32-bit machines
had a favourite platform or a cost might with the sprites.’ ing bolt-ons, we had to write for the low- that, for instance, lots of
promised ever better
graphics… one day. be cheaper from one platform to another Jon joins in: ‘You know originally est common denominator, otherwise people want to
They also promised an but as far as I was concerned I wanted with those back bedroom programmers the game wouldn’t work for those
escalation in costs to an
product for a hardware platform that everything was done in Basic. The only with the basic machine and they’d
unprecedented level.
most of retail would give shelf space to.’ efficient way to write a game was in want their money back. The PC
David Ward says they responded to the machine code where you wrote to the was a nightmare! Whether you had
devices in the market place. ‘Demand was device, you wrote to the metal. If you a VGA card or not, and you put it on the
was always a more the game which made promoting it and And America couldn’t get enough…
difficult market. selling it much more difficult. At that time and it was the same in Europe. The
Development we could say to ourselves that on the one machines and the games sold out quickly
costs went to mil- hand I’ve got Nintendo and we just carry
lions as opposed on cracking these cartridges out – even
to tens of thou- though having to gamble on numbers
F-29 Retaliator needed sands of pounds. I’m not sure we were ever when ordering them three months in
so many PC versions
successful at doing that. It was difficult for advance – but on the other hand we’ve got
it made the game
virtually unviable. a UK company to develop in-house PC to make 18 different versions of any PC
product to a very high standard because game.’ became known in the UK. Nintendo Mario Bros was a coup
for Ocean, but the real
was determined no one would get their
prize, Super Mario Bros,
hands on their new Mario game and escaped the company.
ended up becoming programming houses they published it themselves in all the
again; although sizeable companies territories, including the USA, within
as opposed to the individual bedroom which they dramatically increased their
programmers of the early eighties.’ presence. As David recalls, Nintendo was
Ocean’s broad relationships with the rebuffed in America…
Japanese coin-op producers led naturally ‘When Nintendo decided to sell the
to a deal with Nintendo. ‘In 1986, having Famicom under the Nintendo brand,
had a very successful Kong game on the they went first to Warner Brothers and
In Europe – and Spectrum, we went back to Nintendo said, “Look here, we’ve got this thing,
with a very different
‘Obviously with disks, and more and licensed Donkey Kong for real,’ Jon it’s like the Atari but it’s better, would with Ocean capitalising on their early
appearance – the
Famicom was recently downloads, it’s changed again,’ says. ‘And I got Mario Bros, and of course you represent it? You can call it what connections to the Japanese giant. David
named the Nintendo adds David, ‘but the way in which those I wanted the new Super Mario Bros, but you like, you can call it Atari, brand it as continues, ‘By that time we were able to
chip-based games were ordered, bought, they wouldn’t let us have it and we didn’t Atari.” And they were so badly dismissed license some of the Nintendo products
System, or NES as
players knew it. distributed and sold meant that a lot know why at that time.’ by Warners in a “don’t ever talk to us for Europe. But eventually, like most of
of the smaller software houses who set ‘That was before they’d launched again” manner that against their better the Japanese companies, Nintendo set
themselves up as publishers just had to their Famicom in America,’ David judgement at the time, they set up in up their own offices in each European
back out because they didn’t have the interjects, referring to the Nintendo America to launch Nintendo products. country and the ability to represent them
acumen or the financial resources. They Entertainment System or NES as it “We’ll do it ourselves,” they said. And was gone. We could still license games
“When I received the phone call to tell Ocean decided to compete by relying
on its by now extensive back list of titles
me that the deal for the Ninja licence
which had already earned their keep at
had fallen through, it was certainly no the full price, as Jon points out.
laughing matter.” ‘We had our back catalogue, which
we could compile as the Greatest Hits, or
November 1991. The muddle gave Paul whatever, under the label The Hit Squad.
Patterson a headache too. But more than our own titles, we’d gone
‘That was one of the most round and licensed specially for this – we
embarrassing stories with licensing. I was had the whole Activision catalogue from
told we had agreed a deal to sign Ninja Rod Cousens, for instance, and a few
Turtles. I immediately rushed off and others, and we just kept this collection
persuaded Kelly Sumner at Commodore buried in the ground, waiting as it were
that together with Ninja Turtles and the for oil to go up in price, ready to release
Amiga he would have the best pack on it. There was nothing in it for Ocean
‘Or they told you what was wrong “For us, the challenge
with it,’ Jon says. ‘It had to be perfect for of cartridge software they had all gone, so we were left with it was more a question of getting The console battle
heated up with the
them or they wouldn’t let it go onto their a market that was either PC-based or the cartridges out of them. It was
was that it was all release of the 16-bit
system.’ cartridge-based: Nintendo or Sega. There complicated enough dealing with one
controlled by the device
Super Nintendo, or
‘They couldn’t, because obviously you were others who tried to compete with let alone two, and we were much closer SNES, and Sega’s
The Amiga CD32 can’t have bugs in a cartridge product.’ manufacturers.” these systems in the market, but of no to Nintendo. You see, by September you MegaDrive.
‘What might have been quantity to order. And you just knew that to creating original product, but as David
true in 1986 sounded
Nintendo wouldn’t deliver the complete Ward explains, that all changed in 1991.
ironical a decade later.
David Ward on the order. So you often ordered more than ‘When Trip ran EA they wouldn’t
advantages of being you thought you’d need in the hope that touch anything to do with licensing at
Ocean’s size: ‘There’s no
you’d get as much as you really wanted. all. And in a sense it was the success we
politics here. We’re too
small. You pass everyone ‘There is a good story about over- had with creating licensed product which
else in the corridor 25 ordering of cartridges which goes turned them into a licensing house when
times a day.’
back to the Atari days. Having been Trip left. And of course, Electronic Arts’
David Ward, November
1985 – Amstrad Action. under-supplied for three consecutive success when they began to make their
years – 1979, 80 and 81 – every retailer real headway was to do with licensing
in America ordered five times as much sports franchises. They adopted our modus
as they wanted of Atari’s E.T. game, operandi which had been heavily criticised
believing it was going to be the greatest by the artistic community, that we were
thing since sliced bread in terms of sales. undermining the creative process. And
And lo and behold Atari delivered it EA simply copied it. And because of the
all, without checking the fact that they volume of the American business they
were delivering software three and a half were more difficult to compete with.
times more in quantity as the hardware Having said that, when we merged with
base had sold cumulatively since the Infogrames the value of the Infogrames
E.T. – a time capsule beginning! They buried all those unsold company was virtually the same as EA.
buried in the burning
cartridges out in the desert somewhere At the start of the 1990s we foresaw the
Nevada desert.
near Las Vegas. In a million years, when necessity of having a public company
aliens land, they’ll dig them up and play to have access to funds to compete with
them, because silicon doesn’t degrade!’ Electronic Arts. That was why the merger
took place, to give us that access to public partner, made a merger with France’s company had become massive. You see, A new American force
in original games, such
funding. We had no choice. We could most powerful imformatique company the the music publishing industry, or book
as 1988’s Powerdrome
either go public in America, which would best option. publishing industries never needed to (above), Electronic
have been very difficult without more ‘Informatique [computing] was a employ creatives directly as we did. Arts began to threaten
Ocean’s dominance
American personnel, without a finance very important cultural part of French The problem with hiring two or three
when it started to
director, without an MD, without a political life and the French have always hundred creatives is that you have to find license properties
CEO, and all the rest of the stuff. Or we had this kind of affection for technology. something for them to do, and you get in competition.
y a mixture of luck and design,’ the games, the staff, who our competitors it’s legendary now, it really is.” And he
Paul Patterson says, ‘most of the were, and so on. So he stands up and comes comes back, “Is Woody still there?” We’re
Ocean staff from top to bottom out talking about people. I’ll never forget six months later and with all the people
had the same passion, personality, loyalty, one industry joke that just cracked us all he’s met in between, he still remembers
work ethic and most importantly was up. “You have Ocean, who are a sixteen- Woody. Amazing guy.’
a party animal! Ocean was known for bit company and then you have US Gold, Paul Patterson remembers a party at
working hard and playing hard, and this which is a two-bit company!” And he had which the hired entertainer caused Ocean
went right up to the Chairman, David this running joke. One of the girls in PR embarrassment with some of its invited
Ward.’ was Danielle Woodyatt, who everyone in foreign guests. ‘It was in London and
Those magazine journalists who were the whole business new as “Woody”, and we’d invited UK and European retailers,
invited to an Ocean ‘do’ knew they were in distributors and journalists. We booked
for a good time. the Drifters to play and for some obscure
‘The parties were great,’ David reason we decided the evening needed
reminisces with a grin that can only be
Smart Bob Monkhouse described as sly. ‘We spent a lot of ill-
turned the party air blue,
gotten gains on them.’
but Stan Boardman
made Ocean’s German ‘There was the riverboat on the
guests feel blue. Thames in 1989…’ Jon adds.
‘Some of the artists we had… We had Bob was briefed about this and… well,
a couple of the hottest Tamla Motown you can imagine the amount of “woody”
groups. We had a great party once with running jokes, you know Woody this and
After a week of an Abba group. It wasn’t Abba themselves, Woody that. Then about six months later
unending pressure to
it was Abbalike.’ David turns to Jon. ‘Do
get games finished
and out the door, the you remember the party when we had “The night before I’d gone
Bob Monkhouse? He was the filthiest…
to a nightclub and got
Ocean staff tended to
party hard as well.
he had a line of blue conversation, as blue a comedian. Quite why we decided that
as you could imagine.’ so drunk that I couldn’t Liverpool comedian Stan Boardman
‘The sharpest guy I ever met.’ stand up.” would fit the bill when we were mostly
‘Yes, very sharp.’ entertaining Europeans and UK people
Gary Bracey remembers it well, as I was flying to the States, and I was in the from the south of England, I have no idea.
if anyone could ever forget. ‘It was at a lounge and Bob Monkhouse was there, A short way into his performance Stan
London hotel during the annual ECTS I think he was flying out to Barbados. I asked if there were any Germans in the
[European Computer Trade Show]. Bob went up to him and I said, “Bob, I just room and would they put their hand up
Monkhouse was brilliant, a legend. About got to say I haven’t seen you since you and they did. He immediately asked them
as to say the Ocean brand had better
he merger with Infogrames, in visibility than the Infogrames brand. I
visionary terms,’ David says, would say that at one point we were the
‘was the correct thing to do. It biggest games company in the world
made us part of a worldwide and the most prolific, we were the most
company – you couldn’t compete any profitable, we had the biggest turnover,
longer on a national basis only. You had and we had the best image.’
to be a worldwide player to get access Jon Woods agrees. ‘Ours was a
to creative resources and access to the much stronger name. Infogrames had
product categories – you needed a global all the money in the world because of
footprint. And Infogrames were very their own stock market evaluation, and
motivated about that and they had a being French the market would support
second string to their agenda which was them. If they’d been in the States they
would have just withered on the vine…
“Infogrames had acquired a very well and ultimately they ended up owning
loved brand and just didn’t use it.” Hasbro and Atari and God knows what.
Atari was a great name, great brand, but
to buy GT Interactive. And GT already it ended up being owned by so many
had a quote on the NASDAQ and we people it’s not really much use any more.’
had a Bourse quote and so we had the And Paul Patterson had more reason
global company. For all those reasons it than the others to bemoan Infogrames’
was the right thing to do. And within short-sighted policy. ‘Their message
two years of joining we pushed up the at the beginning was that they wanted
share price of Infogrames so that in keep the heart and soul of Ocean but
market capitalisation terms it was the make one or two sensible cutbacks.
same as EA. We had the same potential Unfortunately, within a year they set
and opportunities.’ about dismantling all that was good
Gary Bracey’s perception of the about Ocean and replaced it with a
merger is that of an outsider, since he subsidiary of Infogrames. Change was
had left Ocean before it took place. ‘I absolutely necessary and the overheads
was terribly upset that Infogrames had needed to be reduced but all this could
acquired a very well loved brand and just have been done without destroying the
didn’t use it. It’s not about the products, brand – Ocean. I stayed for three years
some of that’s history, but you’ve got a as Managing Director after the sale to
brand there, which was recognised, that Infogrames.’
was built up over a substantial period Infogrames was all big money, not big
and Infogrames just never used it. To games; Ocean was big games. And with
that our real forté was in publishing. In a was always my philosophy, to look after
sense, that’s where we started, envisioning them because they’re the lifeblood. If it’s
a business to support a publishing going to work it’s going to be because
operation.’ of the programmers.’ Finnegan rejects
Steve Blower stuck it for a while, but completely the popular notion that
eventually he lost heart. ‘Towards my the company was named Rage because
last two years at Ocean things became he was so angry at the way he’d been
a lot less enjoyable. There were people treated. ‘No. I wanted to call it Elephant
in management positions that were Software until they all got me round a
either not adequately taking on their table and gave me a good kicking. No, it
responsibilities and others who were was Joffa Smith who came up with Rage,
more interested in increasing their power just off the top of his head, short and
footprint. The sale of the company to sharp, like Crash or Zzap!; there was no
Infogrames had also changed some of the malice in it. My motto is that you’ll meet
Simon Butler non-existent title there and then. Not the working on a number
of ‘turkeys’ – a screen
greatest of games, but it did contain some from Highlander on the
Simon joined Ocean for the very first time in 1987 – mighty fine toad animation by Steve Commodore 64 to the
his history with Ocean is colourful, with credits on a Cain and some tasty cover art by Bob left and the cassette
cover of Legend of
number of high-profile games ranging from the fulsome Wakelin. Kage below.
graphics of The Never Ending Story on the Spectrum to ‘I also recall another time when
the design of Platoon on the Commodore 64. David was waxing lyrical to John Gibson Adventure. All of these were Ocean
about his latest automotive acquisition, games and reasonably well received for
a Porsche if I remember rightly. John, the most part.
imon was called on to create the strange gun-wielding frog type creature. being a fan of such things, was green ‘Somewhere in the midst of all of
graphics for the less-than-stellar He asked me what it was, and being with envy, but managed to hide his mirth this Steve Cain and Ian came together
Transformers on the Commodore the card I thought I was at the time, I when David returned to the office shortly again to form a small independent team
64. He was working in-house at Denton merrily quipped that it was a Cosmic War after to ask if he could use the phone to called Canvas, who developed a slew of
Designs in Liverpool, a company Toad. When he enquired if a full game report the theft of said motor.’ titles of rapidly diminishing quality for
originally founded in 1984 by former design existed, I never thought twice Simon moved on from Denton Ocean that contained such “gems” as It’s
Imagine employees, Steve Cain, Ian and assured him that was indeed the Designs due to more than a smidge a Knockout, Miami Vice, Legend of Kage
Weatherburn, Ally Noble, John Gibson, case, which could not have been further of friction between himself and Karen (an Ocean/Imagine title) and the woeful
Karen Davies and Graham ‘Kenny’ from the truth. Satisfied with this he Davies. Highlander.
Everett. Denton Designs developed then took the “Jolly Dents”, as the upper ‘I then found myself working with Ian ‘Canvas, while developing some
numerous titles for the Ocean label, and echelon were known, away into their Weatherburn. It was during this period fairly ropey products, was instrumental
Simon regularly bumped into David that I started learning my craft, such as in attracting Dawn Drake into the
Ward. ‘He was far more hands-on in industry. Gary Bracey
the formative years of what would was a regular visitor to
become Europe’s leading developer/ Canvas – I had met him
publisher. I knew David and Jon previously when he ran Screens from The
Neverending Story on
prior to the games explosion when his own software store
the Spectrum –released
they ran a hippie clothes shop in south of the city. Ian in 1985.
the centre of Liverpool, something I Weatherburn introduced
was “asked” somewhat strongly not us and Gary asked me
to mention ever again once I was to sign a few copies of
ensconced in the bowels of Central Shadowfire.
The advertisement for Street. Steve Cain departed
N.O.M.A.D. The game
‘During the Denton era I Canvas for pastures new
was released on the
Spectrum, Commodore remember David calling in to check and the general theory
64 and Amstrad in 1986. on the progress of something they it is, on titles like The Neverending Story, among the remaining management at
were working on and he noticed a Hunchback the Adventure, N.O.M.A.D Canvas was that the quality of a game
rough doodle of mine depicting a and the never released Batman the was not its main selling point – Ocean, it
same day and I left Ocean forever, his development staff and what little After a period of freelancing for a year N.O.M.A.D (Amstrad)
and Hunchback the
he didn’t know was intended that way or so, Simon found himself working once
or so I thought.” Adventure (Spectrum).
because we got into trouble enough as again in Manchester, less than a mile
the shy and reserved, managed to create it was. He was as daft as a brush when from his old chums in Central Street.
things that people truly liked on a level he wanted to be, but a total professional ‘Imagine my surprise when I was told
we could never have suspected. We when needed. that our main project was a movie tie-in
seldom gave our product any further ‘Being one of the oldest members of for none other than Ocean Software. It
thought than getting it finished; we never the dev-team (Colin “Fossil” Porch was was one fresh hell after another on what
considered our public let alone how they my senior), there were times when I was was intended to be Ocean’s Christmas
would receive our games or if they would less understanding than I could have chartbuster, Total Recall. Matters reached
potentially treasure them. Everything been, to put it mildly. I had yet to grow a head after weeks of inanity followed
had a feeling of impermanence about up and out of the role of general galoot by bewildering numbskullery until my
it. It was the 1980s and fads came and and all-round loud-mouth, so my ready only course was to quit and walk across
went. We didn’t think we were teetering quips got me into scrapes on more than to inform Mr Bracey of the situation.
on a knife-edge by any stretch of the one occasion. It can only be expected I was met initially with slight derision
imagination, but I never thought that I when you put so many people from regarding my doom-mongering over said
was involved in the formative years of different walks of life, of varying ages, project, but was told to sit tight while
a career that would still be in progress into a confined space and expect them to Gary went to inspect matters. On his
three decades later. If it had all fallen be creative that there will be sparks from return, and once he managed to get his
round our ears we would have been time to time, and Ocean certainly had its breathing under control, heart rate and
duly disgruntled, but not thought much fair share of times. pulse back to something near normal, he
aul Owens was a part of the few weeks. I couldn’t afford a Sinclair Paul converted Frogger
Ocean legacy for 13 years, ZX80 when it was launched, but when to the Spectrum. It was
starting in the early Spectrum the ZX81 came out I managed to buy released by Spectrum
Games days and staying past the one of those. I wrote a Frogger clone for Games as Road Frog and
Infogrames merger in 1997. He started it as well as Space Invaders – just for fun. sold well enough to give
with David Ward as Spectrum Games’ I wrote the games in machine code – and David confidence in the
only developer, based at David’s theatrical this was the time when I learned how the new emerging market. He
props agency in the Ralli Building in Z80 processor worked. then approached his friend
Manchester. ‘I answered an advert for ‘I purchased a ZX Spectrum the day Jon Woods and invited
the job and I believe I was the him to inject some money
only one to reply. I was doing into the business to help get that broke the game, which I Above: loading screen
and first level of Kong on
a degree in chemistry at the it off the ground. fixed. The tapes arrived at the
the ZX Spectrum.
time and thought I would get Paul started work on a Ralli Building and Jon pulled
six weeks’ worth of work during new game, with speed being me outside by the scruff of my
the summer break. I actually of the essence, unaware of neck, gave me a hammer, and Left: The original Donkey
Kong arcade game.
never went back to college the problems he was about told me to smash the tapes. A
full-time – writing games and to face. ‘Donkey Kong was hard lesson learned.’
The earliest advert doing a degree course was never the big arcade game at On the other hand, as
promoting the first
really on, and I wasn’t that keen the time, so I started to write Kong. But Paul recalls, he had reason enough to
four Spectrum Games
offerings, including on chemistry anyway, if I am David was convinced that the arcades be grateful to Jon Woods. ‘When I left
Paul’s Frogger clone, perfectly honest. were a temporary fad and wouldn’t last college abruptly to join Ocean, I had
Road Frog.
‘There were Commodore very long, so I was given only four weeks an overdraft of £850 at the bank that
Pets at university which we used to produce the game. I came up with they started to chase. Jon learned of this
for some of the course work, and the best I could in that time. They just and went into the bank to pay it off for
I also remember there being a wanted to get the game onto the shelves me – he did this without me knowing.’
Tandy TRS-80. I wrote Space as quickly as possible – no one was However, in respect of another financial
Invaders for that machine in my really worrying about quality back then. arrangement, Paul came off less well.
spare time over the course of a I remember when the game was done ‘Kong went out and sold well, so Jon
hile at school, Mark used and started to experiment. ‘In my I had the interview with Gary Bracey lateness. I went downstairs to see Gary,
to visit a local computer spare time I produced graphics on the with my mum sitting next to me. who duly introduced me to where I
shop in his home town Spectrum – copying images from comics, Originally I had not thought of moving was going to be sitting, and asked Lee
of Northampton where over time he the monsters from Trap Door [a British to Manchester – the idea was to work
got to know the staff and the owner animated television series] and such, and from home. Gary insisted I had to move
‘‘On my f irst day at Ocean I produced a
extremely well. ‘I used to buy games from putting them onto a loading screen just to Manchester if I was to take the job.
the shop in town for my ZX Spectrum to see if I could do it. I took the work I’d As it was Ocean, and they were offering rubbish-loading screen of two children
and found myself spending most of each done to the shop one Saturday, and those me £120 a week, I could not refuse. Time talking to a stranger in a car.”
Saturday afternoon there watching and I showed what I’d created were gob- would show, though, that after tax £90 a
smacked. They said I should try and get a week didn’t go very far. Cowley to sort me out with a computer. ‘Once my parents had
left I felt alone – my
job doing it. ‘I started at Ocean in February. Gary I remember thinking – what now?’
Crash magazines kept
‘So I put all the screens on a tape put me up in a hotel while I looked for Mark was not enamoured with his me company.’
and sent it along with a letter in somewhere to live. The night before, first assignment. ‘I was given a loading Cartoon by Simon Butler.
October 1986 to all the software houses my parents drove me up and dropped screen for Say No To Strangers. On my
which advertised the games I liked in me off at the hotel. All I had was some first day at Ocean I produced a rubbish-
Crash magazine. I didn’t appreciate clothes and a bunch of my beloved Crash loading screen of two children talking to
at the time that the likes of Piranha magazines. Once my parents had left I a stranger in a car to be used by Thetford
and Mastertronic only published and felt alone – my Crash magazines kept me Crime Prevention Panel. I never saw the
distributed games and did not have in- company and without them I may have game until 25-years later, and it was not
house development teams – they all got just rang my parents to come and save too good. I did the loading screen, and it
the tape though.’ me and take me home. was “thank you”, and that was it.’
Mark did hear from Elite and ‘Monday morning came. Breakfast The technical staff worked in the
Mark’s first task at playing games. When I left school, the Ocean just before Christmas and both was included at the hotel, so I pretty basement, originally the Quaker meeting
Ocean, creating a
shop needed staff, so I worked there each companies asked him to visit their offices much ate everything. I got on a bus to house’s cellar, and at the rear beside it
loading screen for
promotional title Say Saturday and got paid for it – I was 16 at to attend interviews. These took place in get to Central Street from the hotel – I a car park covered the Quaker burial
No To Strangers on the the time.’ January 1987. remember having to go upstairs because ground, behind Steve Lavache’s office.
At home Mark was becoming ‘I went first to Elite in Walsall, on the lower deck was full and up there The upper two floors had no internal
you worked downstairs, you typed in a The basement was a noisy place to of Wizball on the Commodore 64 and not finished and a lot of my graphics
security number which unlocked a huge work. ‘The noise of arcade machines I was asked to do the Spectrum version were not used. To my surprise, Wizball
door. Once that opened you went down playing their tunes on attract mode; with a programming guy called Steve got fantastic reviews in all the gaming And his design for the
Ocean’s Arcade Alley, ten steps or so. The door then slammed Martin and Jonathan’s work in progress Watson. The initial demo was basic – magazines.’ Wizard’s Lair.
pictured in 1988. shut with a huge bang after you’d gone music coming out of their office; the the Sensible Software guys
sounds of games loading by tape for the would send a more advanced
testers; the phones ringing; the door to demo each week, from which
the basement continually slamming with I copied the graphics. On
people going back and forth; the chatter occasions the Sensible guys
of the programmers and artists as they visited with their big hair
worked on their games. and unique joss-stick smell.
‘If you were on a roll and had stuff to I remember after working
finish, we put on our headphones to focus on the game for a week I
on what we were doing. If you had your had to do mock-up screens
headphones on, you were telling others for Sinclair User. During the
you did not want to be disturbed. During development, weeks passed
breaks people would wander about and with the game making little
check out what others were doing or visit progress, and then Steve
ony joined Ocean at the computer market had really started, release. ‘I knew of nearly every title of the and some of the late versions of the
age of 18 and stayed with and it cost a bloody fortune at the time as I sold them to an ever-increasing original Hunchback.
the company for four years. time and offered little less than 8Kb of number of customers. Ocean titles ‘It was incredible working for the
Prior to that he worked at Summlock usable memory, and a rather slow 6502 seemed to appear out of nowhere and company. We were all so young and
Screens from
Electric Services – his father’s shop processor at its heart. Learning how this sold by the bucket load – my first Ocean enthusiastic, and the magic just seemed Hunchback II on the
in Manchester’s Deansgate – selling computer ticked ultimately led me on to experience was that of Chinese Juggler to propagate like wildfire. Ocean was Commodore 64.
rian joined the gaming Commodore 64 versions of Konami’s big Commodore 64 version was a struggle.
industry back in the days of the 1985 coin-op, Yie Ar Kung-Fu. ‘Now at ‘The programmer I hired was
Sinclair ZX81. When the next that time I wasn’t really a coder, I’d done good but this was in the days before
generation of computers came along some work on the Texas Instruments multiplexing sprites, which Yie Ar Kung-
he started a small company in Scotland TI99/4a and basic on the Amstrad but Fu needed. We came up with an idea
developing games for the Amstrad CPC. was not at that point a competent Z80 on how to multiplex, but no matter how ‘Not long after that Colin Stokes
He sold the games in the local coder. they tried the C64 developers could asked me to come down to meet him
computer shops and via adverts ‘I had my coder friend with me, and I not get it implemented. This is when and Jon Woods about some further work.
in the back of Computer & Video was learning fast, so we said yes we would I first met Colin Stokes who came up I thought it was another contract and
Games magazine. take the contract. Even so, we didn’t have to Scotland to visit us and check on popped down for what turned out to
‘This was just at the point the resources to do three projects, so I progress. He was impressed with the be a job interview – something which
when people stopped buying placed adverts for Commodore 64 coders Amstrad and Spectrum versions of surprised but intrigued me. As my other
games from ads in the back of in the local papers and quickly employed course, but was worried, as was I, that the attempts at contracting hadn’t gone very
C&VG. Unable to sell enough three guys to help, two local and one in Commodore 64 was going down a dead well, the job offer was tempting. I was
to make a living, I decided to Edinburgh. end. Colin reported back to the Ocean broke and needed work. But I think I
try and get some contract work ‘The Amstrad and Spectrum management and it was duly decided to over-priced myself on salary.
and put out a few phone calls versions were done by a couple of young stop the Commodore 64 version and pass ‘It was decided I would do the
to people. I managed to hook programmers who were really great coders it over to someone in-house at Ocean.’ Spectrum 128K version of Yie Ar Kung-
The C64 version of up with a chap in England who was but both of them struggled with the sprite David Collier progressed with the Fu as a trial and port the original 48K
Yie Ar Kung-Fu was
talking to Ocean about some projects. systems for different reasons. By this time Commodore 64 version of Yie Ar Kung- Spectrum version to the new machine. I
eventually completed
in-house at Ocean by He arranged a meeting with David Ward I was becoming quite good at coding, so Fu while Brian and his team continued had family in the area so I came down to
David Collier. and then invited a coder friend I was I came up with two different methods with the other two platforms. live in Manchester. The game took about
working with and I to drive down to of storing and drawing the sprites. I was ‘We proceeded to finish the Amstrad four to five months to write, though.
Manchester for a meeting.’ especially proud of the Amstrad code. I and Spectrum versions and delivered I was still learning and the original
The meeting evidently went well did all the graphics too, by stop/starting them to pretty good feedback, though I Spectrum code was not in an easy format
and soon after Brian got a call to tell a videotape of the arcade game and did make a small cock-up when detailing to transfer to Ocean’s development
him he had the contract to produce doing my best to copy pixel by pixel.’ the controls for the Spectrum so the systems – I had to rewrite it from scratch.
the Spectrum, Amstrad CPC and Development of the Amstrad and information on the inlay was wrong. Just as I was finishing the game, Sinclair
van stumbled, literally, into the was contractually bound to give Ocean of sorts – a side-scrolling game where the
games industry when he abandoned first refusal on all their products. main character punched people. We were conversion. They were easier to do Special FX designed
RoboCop 2 for the PC.
ambitions to become an architect – ‘We used to go to Manchester under pressure to get the thing out in line because we got the arcade machine in
he had completed a foundation course regularly and show the Ocean guys with the release of the movie. a silver briefcase. We couldn’t freeze or
and realized it was not for him. ‘I updates on the games I was working ‘Cabal came next – an arcade jump to levels, so we had to play through
went for an interview at Special FX in on and they provided us with technical the game continuously, again and again,
Liverpool, all suited up with a portfolio support if we ever needed it. The main to see what we had to replicate on the
of work I had put together in college on point of contact was Gary Bracey, but 8-bit machines.
a souped-up 32-bit graphics station. I we did work with Tim Welch as well in ‘Midnight Resistance followed on
thought the interview would be a breeze QA. There were 15 of us at Special FX, the Commodore 64 – another arcade
– I didn’t realise Special FX was a video and all the games we produced went out conversion on which I was the artist.
games company before walking into under the Ocean label.’ Special FX was given the PC version of
that interview room, so I asked where His first Special FX game for Ocean RoboCop 2 because Ocean did not have
the drawing board was. What must they the capacity in Manchester to do it. Steve
have thought of me? I started talking to Cain and Joffa were the designers – it
Paul Finnegan, who was interviewing was such a rush job that all five artists
me, about football and my fortunes at Special FX worked on it. I did the
started to turn since he’s a big football menus; others did the objects, hi-score Midnight Resistance –
produced by Special FX
fan [Everton]. He asked me to stay for table and main graphics.
and released by Ocean
a month at Special FX to see if I would ‘With Hudson Hawk Charles Davies in 1990.
like it and that was it. Twenty-four years worked with Joffa on the game design
Red Heat – produced later I am still in the industry, thanks to the day after a booze-up so he was all
by Special FX and
Paul.’ hung over. That’s why you have nuns on
published by Ocean in
1989. Ivan started at Special FX in January roller skates and little sausage dogs. Let’s
1989 at the age of 20. The company face it, the script for the Hudson Hawk
was run and owned by ex-Ocean sales movie did not lend itself to a game. We
director Paul Finnegan and programmer had been playing New Zealand Story in
Jonathan “Joffa” Smith, but Special FX the office and were big into platform
Valiant in 1992, a cartoon licence, for the but we kept up the Ocean mentality.
NES. It was important for Ocean to get Infogrames had no idea how we got Left: Ivan was lead artist
on Zoiks, a game which
a completed game, so Gary Bracey hired games out on time and consistently got
looked fantastic but
us with the promise of a completion Working on Zoiks, Ivan was notorious review scores of over 85%. We had to lacked design. It was
bonus. With a mortgage to for visiting the pub for lunch on a Friday go over to Lyon to teach their producers never released.
pay I couldn’t afford to be out and having two or three pints, perhaps how to make games. I stayed at Ocean/
to get over the stress of the game. ‘I used Infogrames until 2002 – and became
to get back to the office and just fall senior producer during that time.’
asleep under the desk. Gary would come non
looking for me and someone said I was
FX. ‘I was never invited to the parties or fixing the plug under the desk. I was just
out with guys of an evening. It was only fast asleep.’
after Prince Valiant was finished and I’d On the other hand, the problems
worked on a couple more titles did I feel he encountered had a silver lining. ‘I
of work, so I accepted and accepted as part of the Ocean company. remember talking to Jon Oldham and
The Legend of Prince travelled back and forth to Manchester I worked on Jurassic Park, Lethal Weapon complaining that the designer was not
Valiant NES cartridge
from Liverpool over a six-month period and The Shadow. In February 1996 I listening to me – he told me I needed
box and game screen.
until the game was done. Ocean then was promoted to lead artist and took on to become a producer, a person who was
asked me to work on more titles, and a cartoon licensed PC title called Zoiks, in charge of the whole process. This
that’s when I became a full-time Ocean which is the worst game I ever worked sounded like a good idea, so during the
employee. If it wasn’t for Prince Valiant on: two-dimensional Hanna Barbera Zoiks development I went to work with
I would have most likely stayed till the cartoon graphics that looked very nice, John. My first titles as a producer were
dying moments at Special FX and then but the game design was rubbish.’ F22 Air Dominance Fighter and EF2000
Europe’s answer to Final
ee Clare was 24 when he joined Asking Lee which of Ocean’s huge commercial operation. To support this a lot of meat on its bones, and Sam Fantasy VII – it never
Ocean’s Quality Assurance output by that time he was aware of growth, the QA department had grown provided a lot of support to get the game quite lived up to the
team. Over the next five years results in a short answer: ‘Which games? from a modest five-man team to over 25 finished, with everybody else kind of
he assumed many roles, from the Ocean All of them – I knew all of Ocean’s when I was there.’ filling the gaps where the design was still
Helpline through to associate producer output. I followed them that keenly.’ The list of games Lee handled is unclear.’
and producer in 1999. An enthusiasm he extends to those he impressively long, though some stand By the end of the 1990s, pre-publicity
‘I was in my first year of university, worked with. ‘I was aware of Jonathan out more than others. ‘In QA I worked in the video-games magazines for a
doing an HND course in software Dunn, Martin Galway, Dave Collier, on Jurassic Park, Addams Family Values, major release had become essential,
engineering, and by that time I’d applied Tony Pomfret, Paul Hughes, Allan Jurassic Park 2, Inferno, TFX, EF 2000, but Lee was uneasy about his project’s
Shortt, Dave Ward, and Jon Woods. Mighty Max… I could literally could go prospects… and there were internal
‘‘I was f inally a part of the one company These were almost like famous people on and on. My first as a producer, though,
to me – especially Jonathan Dunn and was Silver, and by that point Ocean had
I always wanted to work for, the great Martin Galway. I was finally a part of become Infogrames.
Ocean Software.” the one company I always wanted to ‘Silver had been running for about
work for, the great Ocean Software. I 12 months. I was brought on to finish
to Ocean for a job position at least was proud; my first impressions were it a few months pre-alpha [the internal
three times. Before university, I was an exceeded. I used to go in and out of testing phase; beta is testing undertaken
unemployed Commodore 64 demo coder the development rooms and meet the by a selection of the customer base]. I
and founding member of the Manchester guys and would be in awe – it felt like believe I was chosen for Silver because
Commodore 64 demo group. For me as a I was finally part of the Ocean family. I I was really enthusiastic about that
local boy, Ocean was the Mecca of video absolutely loved it.’ particular title. It showed a lot of promise
Loading screen from game development and I’d wanted to During his first year, Lee found and I was very vocal in defending the doubts as well. ‘Silver had been ticking In-game screen of
Jurassic Park – a title Inferno, produced by DID
work there since 1986 – it was everything himself working alongside some iconic game whenever we did code reviews along for quite some time and confidence
that went through and published by Ocean
quality assurance when to me.’ names of the time. ‘Being in Quality with senior management at Infogrames. was low about the concept. A lot of time in 1994.
Lee was a part of the Fourth time lucky, then: ‘I got the job Assurance meant I was sitting among the Bobby Earl was the lead programmer had been spent on it but there were
QA team.
after being interviewed at Castlefield by then-growing internal QA team of Roy and was kind of my go-to-man. From art still questions about what we actually
Frank Parkinson, a tough no nonsense Fielding, Paul Johnson, Paul Flanagan, I had Jack Wikeley as lead environment, had. Did we have a fun game? Could
Evertonian and ex-Royal Marine.’ Gareth Betts and many others. I reported Christian Johnson lead character, Dean the game ever be finished without its
imon’s introduction to computing these guys were making games for my ‘I phoned them up and explained offices to work.
started with Clive Sinclair’s ZX81 beloved machine. I visited a few times what I had been doing. I was invited ‘I started at Ocean and one of the first
– he was first in the queue, a year when they were at the old Ralli Building into the Manchester office – it was things they wanted me to do was convert
later, to buy Sinclair’s follow up, the ZX just to say hello really and see what they not an interview as such, I just showed Spectrum screens to the Amstrad. I really
Spectrum. were doing. I am sure they stored props them Lazy Jones and they took me on. did not have a clue how to do this and
Simon recollects, ‘I started writing or something there as well – it was a I remember going back to finalise and panic was about to set it again. I then
machine code on the ZX81. I bought strange place. sign the contract and on the way out Jon had a brain wave and in ten minutes I
a book on “Mastering Machine Code ‘Having been down to the building Woods handed me some Ocean games, had this program written that did the job
on your ZX81” that I had to read five two or three times, I remember David one being Match Day. I got home and perfectly – I impressed the others that
times before it made any sense – it just Ward taking me to the arcades in Oxford played the game thinking to myself that worked there so the panic subsided, and I
eventually clicked. I then got myself a Road to play the arcade machines there. I would not have a clue how to write a settled into my new job.
ZX Spectrum, which became my first He took out a handful of coins, I was game as good as that – the panic set in.’ ‘Thereafter I wrote Hunchback 2
love. I used to buy the gaming magazines 16 at the time, and handed them to me. Simon battled with his unsettling on the Amstrad with Jonathan Smith
at the time and I saw an advert placed Looking back on it now I am sure a doing the graphics and Martin Galway
by Spectrum Games, and with being in man taking a load of 16-year-olds to an the sound. I remember Jonathan being
Manchester I went down there one day arcade and giving money to them would busy with his own projects so I had to
not sure what to expect and unsure why be construed a different way – non- persuade him to do the graphics for me.
I was really going. I think it was because the-less it happened and was fantastic. There were no teams or structure and
I was devoted to all things Spectrum and I remember Paul Owens being there as very little management so you had to try
I was a big fan of Hunchback, one of his and get things done yourself or persuade
titles.’ others to help.
Di-Lithium Lift, was Simon had a couple of titles ‘I then wrote parts of Hyper
released on the
published at the time, one being Di- Sports – the archery, triple jump and
Spectrum by Hewson
Consultants in 1983. Lithium Lift by Hewson Consultants on swimming sections for the Amstrad
the Spectrum. Paul goes on to say, ‘They version. I remember never having seen Two screens from the
Amstrad version of
wanted a sequel but subsequently would someone doing a triple jump before so
Hunchack II, published
not publish it as they thought it was too implemented that section of the game in 1984.
similar to Rift. I therefore went on as a as just three jumps, as opposed to a hop,
the Amstrad Galivan box
ohn Gibson was a freelance Designs was formed Ocean became a to time. Some freelance programmers art, above; and a screen
programmer for Ocean between benefactor. Ocean bankrolled Denton were prepared to take the considerable from the original coin-op
arcade, left.
1985–87. At 38 John was somewhat Designs in exchange for our software advances and fail to deliver; others, like
more experienced than the vast majority development skills. We designed and Denton Designs, were extraordinary, and
of other employees at the time. But produced the games Gift from the produced spectacular results in the time
his professional story starts a few years Gods, Frankie Goes to Hollywood and required. Perhaps Ocean’s failure to use
earlier. ‘I began my career as a games Transformers for Ocean.’ John’s skills to the extent of which he was
programmer at Imagine Software in Although John never worked on capable was born from the ‘once bitten’
Denton Designs tackled
Liverpool in 1983. After Imagine went site at Central Street for Ocean (being fear of those who had let them down in
one of the oddest tie-ins
Ocean licensed: Frankie bust I formed the independent software a freelancer he worked mainly from the past.
Goes to Hollywood for development house Denton Designs home) he did, however, receive a nice non
the Spectrum, 1985.
with four other ex-Imagine employees. I perk, something reminiscent of the
left Denton Designs in 1985 when David spending spree at Imagine: ‘They gave what he saw. ‘I did visit on a number
Ward made me an offer I couldn’t refuse. me a Porsche for my company car!’ And of occasions. I remember that the
‘While I was at Imagine, we regarded the times when he was present at Central developers were housed in the basement
Ocean as a rival but when Denton Street, he wasn’t too impressed with and that their working environment
made one think of a Dickensian
workhouse! I certainly remember being
glad I didn’t work there.’
Despite John’s evident experience in Gift from the Gods,
published by Ocean in
the games industry, he feels the breadth
of his abilities were never fully realised.
‘When I worked directly for Ocean
– rather than as a member of Denton
Designs – I only produced one game,
an arcade game called Galivan, which I
converted to the Spectrum and Amstrad
CPC. To this day I can’t fathom out why
teve Lavache had a solid CV that is how it was. I had my own office no one knew how the ROM-switching He ponders then settles for an
in the video games business by in the dungeon to start with. Gary worked. I re-engineered the console anecdote worthy of a Stephen King
the time he started at Ocean in novel. ‘There was one instance when my Steve pictured in his
used to give me a hard time for buying and invented my own ROM-switching
office in Central Street
1986. At Psygnosis – the Liverpool electronics – the essential bits.’ His job that we showed Nintendo. They liked partner at the time decided she would catching up on the latest
software publisher founded in 1985–86 at that time was to keep the Ocean kit it so much we were invited to their put me on a very low-fat diet. Some technology.
by Jonathan Ellis, Ian Hetherington going – repairing machines all too often headquarters in Japan to talk things
and David Lawson from the ashes of broken or burnt-out by the developers. through. Paul Booth, Gary Bracey and
Imagine Software – he fulfilled the role It isn’t surprising that others remember myself attended the meeting with the
of R&D manager. Prior to that he’d been Steve in his office surrounded by bits of head of Nintendo, some of their technical
hardware manager at Imagine, and before Spectrums, Commodores and Amstrads. guys and an interpreter. The conversation
that, Steve says, ‘I used to work for the ‘We often had new machines come took place via interpreters initially –
Liverpool Computer Centre and build in, like the Famicom from Nintendo, eventually the atmosphere became
interfaces for the guys at Bug Byte which became the NES over here. Gary friendlier and English was used.’
for their development computers. I would come in and ask me if anything There were at least two happy
also hung around at Micro Digital could be done on this, and hand over consequences of that first meeting:
while I was at college – Bruce a big cardboard box. That was all the Nintendo handed over documentation months later at the Christmas party we
Everiss owned the shop and Tim information I had – a Japanese Famicom explaining the Famicon’s make-up; were served a very rich, creamy, fatty,
Best used to run it. console in a brown box with a cartridge. and the Japanese formed an on-going sauce with chicken. Afterwards – and
‘Gary Bracey interviewed me at Ocean wanted to write software for it, so relationship with Ocean. However, several very large drinks later – I was
the Central Street Quaker meeting I had to take it apart and work out how relations were not so straightforward sitting close to Jon Woods and Ray
The striking Famicom house and half way through he took me it worked: what the processor was; work with Nintendo’s rivals. ‘Sega didn’t want Musci. Ray was president of Ocean of
(Family Computer)
to meet operations director, Colin Stokes. out how we could write software for it, Ocean to produce Megadrive software at America and used to be a bare-knuckle
console from Japan,
better known as the On seeing me, Colin asked if I was etc. In the day you heard of programmers the time, but I managed to get around all prizefighter. Let’s just say the vomit
Nintendo Entertainment coming to join them, and I said yup. That writing games for the Spectrum in the patents – legally – in order for us to explosion was immense and resulted in
System or NES in
concluded the interview! their bedrooms – in a professional create a development environment for it. Jon Woods washing his clothes in the
‘Basically, I was on the hardware environment you just couldn’t do it that Once Sega saw that we had a legal way of gents while hiding me from a very angry
side – a hardware engineer for a software way. So I designed the hardware, and developing on their machine they started Ray.’
house, which is a bit of a misnomer but Dave Collier and Paul Owens wrote the talking to us. non
he youngest of five brothers started my career at Ocean in 1987 at the and Jonathan Dunn did the sound and Baddie Editor. It’s
remembers well when he was age of 17 and stayed for four years.’ He music. I programmed the throwing still a part of the
13 and his older brother was doesn’t recall attending any interviews events and weight-training section over a delivered game, so
working to save up for a Commodore because with John already working there three-month period. Then I was another it can be activated,
64. ‘John came home one day with a his brother got him in. Like so many programmer who worked on the rescue if you know how. The media loved the Richard’s ‘finest
moment’, 1988’s The
boxed 64 and told me he was going who remember Central Street with of Operation Thunderbolt, for which I game – the best response so far to any
New Zealand Story.
to do graphics for the computer and its basement and first floor separated rewrote the horizontal scrolling sections. game that I had worked on.’
I was going to do the programming. by the Quaker meeting house on the ‘My finest moment came with New Beat ’em up games sometimes spilled
Who was I to argue? I taught myself ground floor, Richard’s first impressions Zealand Story. This was the only game I out into real life, as Richard recalls an
how to program the machine, mainly of Ocean were of those Upstairs and did at Ocean where I was present at the incident which occurred towards the
from reference guides and hacking Tony those Downstairs. ‘Who were they? start. My team-mates were Steve Wahid end of his time at Ocean. ‘It was a fight
Crowther games [Crowther worked Those mysterious creatures on the on graphics and Jonathan Dunn again that broke out at Yates’s pub. I think
Daley Thompson’s for Alligata, Quicksilva and Gremlin upper floor that scurried about running on sound and music. I was the main a racist comment sparked it. It started
Olympic Challenge on
the C64 – published by
Graphics]. I still have the reference the company? You know I thought it programmer on this arcade conversion inside then sprawled out onto the road.
Ocean in 1988. guides to this day, a little worse for wear was all really cool working down in the but credit has to be given to Paul Hughes Steve Wahid, whom I was working with
and covered in dirty basement. Others may have thought for his sprite multiplexer. I remember the on New Zealand Story, saw me looking
finger prints on each differently, I don’t know. The “dungeon” challenge of having no design document bewildered (I was no fighter) and
and every page.’ was a great arrangement and fun to work and so having to use the arcade machine shuffled me into a taxi and told me to
When John in. It was like constantly gigging at the as reference for every level. To overcome get out of there. I think he could see me
started at Ocean, Cavern and I was in the headline band.’ this disadvantage I built a level editor considering joining in and knew I would
Richard was studying The 1960s Merseybeat culture lived get properly beaten up. There was this
to get a BTEC on in the Liverpool-Manchester games “we’re in this together feeling” that nearly
National Diploma in creators, but headliner or not, Richard had me joining in. There were a lot of
Computer Studies and reported like all other inmates of the people fighting. Next morning, Ocean
hammering out games. people started rolling into work looking A jolly looking Richard
dungeon to Gary Bracey. ‘It was Dave
photographed in the
‘After several magazine Collier, though, who took me under horrendously beaten up. But they were all dungeon of Central
game publications, and his wing. I have great memories of laughing and coping really well with it.’ Street.
a tape publication, I working with Dave. I was a naive teenage non
ike’s early interest in Mike wrote Spectrum Pool and Steve surprise Mike. ‘I remember there were they stopped
computers started at Davis Snooker (1984) for the Spectrum, two older programmers who’d always paying cash.’
school programming both published by CDS Software (now come in late – they were gone in four Gary also
the Commodore Pet – he could have Indigicon Ltd). The royalties kept him months. It was my first professional job made good on
owned a ZX81 but decided to get a afloat for a couple of years, but as he says, and I suppose it wasn’t very different his promise of
motorbike instead. And then he ordered ‘I needed more steady work.’ from a lot of offices at the time but I can changing people’s
a ZX Spectrum as soon as they were remember thinking it was a bit slack. A perception of
Right: Combat School announced but almost gave up on it lot of the original programmers would Ocean.
on the Spectrum –
because he was too impatient to wait also have a beer or two over lunch. ‘Over time the people Gary hired Dawn Drake’s graphics
published by Ocean in
for the 1988 Spectrum
1987. for its delivery. Fortunately, a friend’s ‘We used to get paid in cash on turned Ocean’s reputation around. We
version of RoboCop.
Thursday. At least half the staff would were getting good reviews and even
go down the pub at 5:30 and stay till better sales. We’d joke how the marketing
closing time. Eventually Ocean wised up department were meeting to decide
and moved paydays to Friday so we could which game was going to be Christmas
be hung over on our own time. Today number one. We used to get kids coming
For its success, Ocean was a natural you’d say a lot of us were functioning by the offices on weekends. One lad
choice, but his view of Ocean at the time alcoholics.’ wanted to return a game that wasn’t The arcade version of
was not positive. ‘I thought Ocean had It seems as though hard cash was working. We gave him a copy of every RoboCop by Data East.
great licences, good marketing and crap the only method of payment in the Spectrum game we
games (it was a fairly common view in company’s early years. ‘Ocean used to could find (must
the press it seemed at the time). I met pay us bonuses in cash too. I remember have been about
Prior to joining Ocean, experience inspired him – the lad had Gary Bracey at their offices in Central counting a couple of thousand pounds in 20). We’d also get
Mike programmed the
two games published by Arctic Software Street, Manchester and he explained they ten-pound notes in the bathroom after the odd letter or
highly successful Steve
Davis Snooker, above, and made a nice amount of money for his were trying to change that.’ we finished Combat School. We didn’t two. We used to
and Spectrum Pool. Both trouble. Thinking he could do better and ‘When I first joined Ocean back in get rich but we were a lot better off than joke about them,
games were published
make more money, Mike taught himself 1986 I was 21 and for me it was a bit like most.’ but it was nice to
by CDS Micro Systems
in 1984. how to program his Spectrum when it going to university. Ocean had hired a But things did get better, as Mike be appreciated.
eventually arrived. bunch of developers all about the same explains. ‘Over my time there, the place ‘We had small
game because they wanted me to start on three months. A shame, but we had to
RoboCop for Christmas. Fortunately they get it out for Christmas. I took the game
got someone good in to finish it and was home at Christmas to play with my mates
Jon O’Brien. – they weren’t all that impressed. It had
‘Next are the Renegade games. The potential but in retrospect it was tough
original was a great conversion that I got doing the game in only three to four
to load in one go on the 48K Spectrum. I months. With a six-month development
teams and there wasn’t a lot of need for scenes from a movie. There wasn’t time also had the balls to make it a one-button time it could have been good. And then out again
at budget price: the
top-heavy management. Gary would to try something really original, find game instead of three like the original. ‘The Batman game was a big licence
Spectrum Hit Squad
come by every so often and play the out it wasn’t working and start again. Ronnie Fowles did a great job on the but only an average game on the Amiga cover for Top Gun.
games, make sure the game being worked Sometimes we used the same game- pixels. With Target Renegade Ronnie left and ST – one warehouse section too
on was on track. To a large extent, we’d mechanic throughout with different and Dawn Drake took over, and did a many in my opinion. Darkman was a bit
get more pressure and suggestions from levels but later we had three or four game fantastic job on the graphics.’
colleagues. If a game wasn’t so good types in Batman or RoboCop. We used There are many classic games that ‘‘The aim with Top Gun was to make
Gary might say to get a lot of feedback from the testers Mike contributed to or programmed a 3D combat game on 8-bit machines in
something.’ on the quality, gameplay and look of the in full while at Ocean. He is his own
three months.”
Mike talks games we produced, which improved harshest critic and talks down many of
about the titles the overall quality of the game. When the titles he worked on even though of a drag to finish, and with the movie
he worked on at I went to America I met people who the reviewing magazines of the time not being as good as RoboCop or Batman,
Ocean. started as testers and were now producers acclaimed them. I had already decided I wanted to work
‘The games or designers. We never made use of the ‘The aim with Top Gun was to make in the US at that time.
I was involved testing department like that at Ocean a 3D combat game on 8-bit machines in ‘RoboCop was OK – nice graphics by
in were made and in my opinion it was a big mistake.
on three- ‘The Ocean game I am most proud of
Wec Le Mans on the to six-month schedules and I was working on was Wec Le Mans. I developed
Spectrum – published
programmer on all the games. For the the road drawing routines that ran at Dawn Drake’s graphics
by Imagine in 1988.
for the 1988 follow-up,
arcade conversions there was not a lot of 25 frames/sec. We looked at Outrun on
Target Renegade.
design to be done – the movie licences the Spectrum and you could count the
were much more challenging. Usually frames 1...2...3 frames a second. It was
we’d try to adapt a proven arcade game the difference between a game that was
concept and make games out of the key fun and unplayable. I didn’t finish the
the C64.
rior to starting at Ocean, John and Bill Barna, I got hired on the spot!’ Creating games at Ocean was a finger
Meegan worked in a medical John moved south of the border in the air guess, then just trying to get
records office in Glasgow, but as a fresh-faced 21-year-old, with the on with it – planning never happened.
even then he created video games in his dream job developing games for what Ocean management, though, did take a after the original programmer bailed
spare time. This he did with a friend he thought of as the country’s most particular interest in what staff were up out. In reality, pretty much everything
until events caused them to split. ‘My prestigious software house. to when deadlines were looming!’ was written from scratch. I
friend got a full-time gig at Alligata ‘Ocean was the big boy in the UK. Work pressures aside, the staff still programmed all the 3D sections
Games, leaving They did the top licensed games and found room for fun, and in particular and Richard Palmer and Paul
me quite bereft in made sure the public were aware of them with the Friday afternoon pint liable to Hughes worked on the scrolling
Glasgow.’ It was through high-quality advertising. Plus, as become two or three, on occasion things sections.’ Rastan and Total Recall
time to make a a wannabe Commodore 64 programmer, got out of hand. ‘Simon Butler had been proved similarly difficult. Of
decision: give up I knew of Dave Collier and Martin watching the John Cusack movie The Rastan, John says, ‘A nightmare
the job and go full- Galway.’ Sure Thing and discovered “shot-gunning project. The game was way too
time in the games The working reality was a little less beer” [If in doubt consult Youtube]. For big and technically demanding
industry – or stick impressive. ‘The space where I worked some reason – while Gary was absent for the Commodore 64. But
with the records lacked natural light, which made it feel – we thought it a good idea to have a despite its tight deadline,
office. ‘I answered like a tomb. It could smell stale at times, session in his office. As you can imagine, RoboCop was a pleasure to work on. It
the notorious job adding to the tomb vibe. But I instantly there was spillage. While there was no was Steve Thomson’s first title and his
advert featuring a made friends with Mike Lamb and the malice at all in this, I did feel awful at the first time away from home but you’d
catalogue model first few days I shared a room with Bill way it obviously hurt Gary’s feelings. We think he’d been doing it for decades.
walking past David Barna, Allan Shortt and Zach Townsend. didn’t intend any disrespect, but he felt it.’ The Untouchables was probably the
Ward’s Porsche. A The latter spent his day printing out all Despite working among such most enjoyable project I worked on – we
few months later his source code to the noisiest dot-matrix illustrious company at the biggest name had the time to design and refine the
John’s first challenge: I sent demos to Ocean and received an printer in the world.’ John reported in UK video gaming, John says he never game. Navy Seals had some great work
1987’s Short Circuit on
invitation to visit Gary Bracey for an directly to Gary Bracey. ‘He had to go off felt special working at Ocean. ‘It was from Steve and was his last game with
the Commodore 64.
interview. It was in the dingy dungeon on licensing trips so we didn’t see him a job like any other.’ And sometimes me. Other memorable games include
beneath the Quaker church on Central as much as we’d have liked. Gary hired tough when things didn’t go to plan. Slapfight and The Vindicator.’
Street. With input from Dave Collier Lorraine Starr to interact and manage ‘Operation Thunderbolt was a rescue job non
aul started in the industry at a of luck – Paul landed himself a full- office with Jonathan “Joffa” Smith, who Different teams worked in their own A screen from Cobra on
the Spectrum, finished
young age. ‘From the day I left time position at Ocean in 1986 at the had just finished both Terra Cresta and idiosyncratic ways – which always got
by Jonathan Smith just
school at 16, I went straight into tender age of 18. ‘I was working, briefly, Cobra for the Spectrum. Joffa had a the job done. There was, however, a as Paul joined Ocean.
freelance game programming. I’d already for the newly set up Software Creations new idea he was playing with and so I lot of camaraderie and a lot of sharing
had a few titles published on VIC-20 and in Manchester run by Richard Kay was tasked with doing the C64 version of ideas and techniques between the
the Texas Instruments TI99/4A while (himself a former Ocean programmer). of whatever it was he came up with.
I was at school, so the day I did my last I mentioned this in passing to my aunt, Alas, just a few weeks in he decided to
O-Level examination I started pitching who rather nonchalantly mentioned that leave Ocean to form Special FX with
“my wares” and got commissioned to do her other nephew, on my uncle’s side, Paul Finnegan and his room went to
An early version of soundtracks for Elite Systems and then did some programming at Ocean too. the understated but utterly brilliant
Paul’s loader was used
Superior Software. I also did some work It was only David Collier! My uncle Mike Lamb. I got turfed out to share
for Hewson Consultants’
Uridium. for Hewson Consultants on their tape mentioned this to David (who knew desks with Allan Shortt who went on to
protection, thanks to a friendship I struck Richard Kay) and he invited me to have become one of my best friends there.
up with Graftgold, and Andy Braybrook a look around Central Street. He was just ‘At the same time, Johnny Meegan
[Paradroid, Gibbly’s Day Out and Uridium demoing Terra Cresta to Paul Finnegan, was just finishing Short Circuit, with John
among others] in particular.’ and we got talking about multiplexing Brandwood developing the Amstrad
Even before joining Ocean, Paul was sprites, colour scrolls and various ways I’d version, Allan Shortt was finishing off
aware of the games software company. stopped freeze cartridges. Mario Bros for the C64, Dave Collier had
‘When I was at school I worked in a local ‘The next thing I know he says to just finished Terra Cresta and was starting
computer shop at the weekends, so I saw me, “Barbara (my aunt) didn’t tell me work on Arkanoid on the C64 – as was
all the Ocean and Imagine titles the day you knew all this stuff ”, and promptly Mike Lamb on the Spectrum, and Zach
they were released. Immediately, certain drags Gary Bracey in with himself and Townsend was just finishing off Cobra for programmers. There was also an awful lot Paul, relaxing with the
latest issue of Amiga
names sprang out for creating the best Paul and says, “Can we offer this lad ’ere the C64. of beer drinking… and the results of too
software: David Collier; Steve Wahid a job?”.’ With each deadline a challenge, Paul much drinking come Friday evenings at
‘…the understated but and Martin Galway on the Commodore Paul had little compunction in found working at Ocean hard work but Tommy Ducks pub and then on to the
utterly brilliant Mike
64; and the late Jonathan “Joffa” Smith abandoning Software Creations at the ultimately enjoyable. ‘Without a shadow Square Albert [in Albert Square]. Lock-
on the ZX Spectrum.’ drop of the proverbial hat, but looks back of a doubt it was fun, albeit if many ins, and…’ he adds coyly, ‘…various levels
With some good demos – and a bit less certainly. ‘It was a bit of a crappy times a hard, hard slog to hit deadlines or of debauchery were to be had.’
Gareth Betts implemented it, and could manager, which it seemed produced by DID and
published by Ocean in
hand it over to others, we everyone did in the team at 1994.
Gareth joined Ocean in 1991 on a three-month would be promoted into the some point in their career.
contract in the warehouse to cover the Christmas rush. quality assurance department. I then set up compatibility
He was soon taken on full time as QA manager and was And that’s what we did. we labs – the PC market
subsequently promoted to the position of producer on started in QA in 1992. was exploding, with new
titles developed by external supplier, DID . ‘We tested too many graphics cards and sound
games to remember to list cards and such. We had to
– we ensured there were no bugs and make sure Ocean games worked with all
fter school Gareth became a returns that needed sorting. So I jacked also fed back any gameplay problems, the PC peripherals,
trainee accountant at a local in my accounting job, to my relief, and or suggested to the developers where so I had to blag the
builders merchant and wasn’t returned in January. On arriving in the it could be improved. We often tested kit off the suppliers
particularly enjoying it. ‘So my mate, New Year, I remember there being two and signed off two to three games a and get them to
Lee, and I went to the job centre in huge fellas in the warehouse who came week – we rarely got design documents, send it to us.’
Manchester. There was a small ad in the over to Lee and me, questioning us about so we just had to play through the game Not
window advertising a temporary position postal-order fraud. Obviously we knew ourselves. With arcade conversions it was everything went
at Ocean Software at the Quakers’ nothing about it – as it transpired two a little simpler because we had the coin- smoothly in
building. We were both keen for it, and of the girls working in the warehouse op board, so we could play the conversion those early
the way we settled who would apply was had been fiddling postal orders and were and see how close it was to the original.’ days, as Gareth
sacked on the spot under caution. The Gareth and Lee had further highlights
‘‘I remember there being two huge fellas two fellas were from the police – the suggestions to improve Ocean’s customer one famous
fraud squad. As a result, Lee and I were experience. example. ‘We were all ready one Friday
in the warehouse who came over to Chase HQ II game box
above with the cartridge
called upstairs and offered permanent ‘We used to get loads of random evening to go down the pub. Chase HQ
Lee and me, questioning us about contracts at Ocean to take over the questions coming through to us from was just about to go
inside below.
postal-order fraud.” department, and that is how we became those who had bought our games. out on cartridge on the
full time.’ After a short time on the team, we C64GS. The cartridge
by flipping a coin – he won and went to As the newbies in the department suggested putting in a helpline to the QA was meant to have two
work in Ocean in the warehouse, packing Gareth and Lee had big aspirations. department. At the time, the building slots cut out on the front
games into jiffy bags for the Christmas ‘Lee and I set up a mail-order system only had two or three lines and one of face to click in place into
rush. After he was there for about four and created a database in the warehouse was to the QA room. It was annoying the machine, but for some
weeks, the Ocean management asked –there was nothing like that there at the that whoever answered the phone was reason these hadn’t been
him if he knew anyone that would come time, unbelievably. Previously Ocean asked things like “how do you get past a made, so there we were for hours using
in and do the same job to help out – so would just throw quantities of games in certain level?” or “we are stuck on this”. files to cut these slots out on thousands
that’s how I got into Ocean. That was the the back of an Ocean van to be delivered So we documented walkthroughs of all of cartridges.’
end of November 1991 when I was 18. to various retailers and hope that enough the games and then put in a dedicated While working in the QA section,
‘I was asked to stay on into January by stock had been provided. Our system phone line to help gamers with our Jon Oldham offered Gareth a job in
Paul Harrison as there were likely to be made things more accurate. We elicited games. production, which he accepted. ‘I worked
an incompetent. Everyone else in
ames Higgins was a 20-year- (or regressed) to Z80 programming, comparison seemed so much more
old with a deal of programming for which I wrote a game called The capable and mature than me, although arcade conversions .’ Ocean considered
experience behind him when he Apprentice, a clone of Sorcery, which sold I soon learnt that age and confidence a conversion complete, he says, when
started work at Ocean in 1988. His some 60,000 units over time.’ were indeed no indicators of ability. it roughly matched the content of the
career, like so many programmers of that James’s introduction to Ocean may I was hired initially as an Amstrad coin-op original and – more importantly
time, had humble beginnings. ‘I started never have happened when he applied programmer, but eventually added – it didn’t crash. ‘Original stuff was a
around 14 years old, when I managed to after seeing a recruiting advertisement. ‘I Spectrum, MSX, Atari ST, Amiga and little different in that there was a rough
get a Sinclair ZX81. I tinkered with that called the number on the ad and spoke SNES (Super Nintendo Entertainment four-to-five page design document, and
in basic and typed a few listings in from to Gary Bracey, who sounded less than System) as the platforms faded and new sometimes a mock-up screen or two.
Your Computer. I then sold my 2000AD interested…” which might have been it ones emerged. With something like Addams Family we
comic collection to get a 16K RAM-pack until James mentioned he could code in ‘I moved around a bit within the
but by that time the ZX81 was already 6809. Immediately, Gary invited him to dungeons of Central Street – my first
kind of defunct. I then got a Dragon Manchester. ‘A few days later I turned up station was squeezed between Mike
32 for Christmas, and soon learned to at 6 Central Street. It was a combination Lamb and Ronnie Fowles. Eventually
code in 6809 and wrote my first game, of scary/exciting and I managed to though, Mike had me evicted – in the
The Thomson M05 was Jumbo’s Troubles, which went on to sell an somehow convince Gary that I could nicest possible way – as it was a bit of
launched in France
amazing three copies! A year or so later I handle converting Green Beret for the a squeeze. I then moved in with Paul
in 1984 as a direct
competitor to the got an Amstrad CPC 464 and progressed Thompson range of computers. And Owens, who smoked like a chimney. I
Commodore 64 and the then I headed back to Glasgow and was don’t smoke at all, so that was unpleasant
ZX Spectrum.
soon followed by the M05 development – although Paul himself was nice
system. About 10-12 weeks later I went enough.’
back with a finished Green Beret and they Many of the staffers testify that the just had a framework and kept adding James pictured at his
desk in 1988.
cut me a cheque for £2,500. The most development teams were left to their stuff, fairly informally, with a push to
money I’d ever had in my life at that own devices, and James’s experience wrapping it all up sometime before a
point.’ matches the others. ‘I reported to Gary specified date. The last few weeks were
What was his perception of Ocean Bracey, and nearing completion of a a bit hectic usually – what people call a
before joining the company? ‘Funnily game he would ask “How long to go?” “crunch” these days.
enough I don’t really remember playing every day or so. There wasn’t really any ‘For the most part the atmosphere
following years. He never had me break the production slots slowed right down
ayne worked for the Royal National clairvoyant was right after all. down in tears, but he did have many of after, so we could afford to relax a little
Institute for the Deaf before joining Jayne admits to not knowing much the admin girls (and probably some of
Ocean at the age of 21. ‘I only left about Ocean before joining. ‘To be the men) in tears at one time or another.
because they were relocating to another honest I had no view of Ocean prior to I remember one colleague calling the
city. An agency I had registered with working with them and I knew no one warehouse to ask whether it was possible
phoned through details for the position there. I’d played a few games growing for someone to count the number of
of export sales administrator at Ocean. up – Frogger, Donkey Kong, etc., but I promotional pens we had sitting on the
I’d been to a clairvoyant that week certainly wasn’t a gamer. I read a few of shelves and his response turned the air
and she told me that I was about to be the UK games magazines before I went blue in a tirade of expletives which were
offered a job which I would be reluctant for the interview and, to be honest, I was screamed down the phone in a five-
to take, but she advised me to take it, astonished that adults actually read them minute response, which resulted in said
and it would end up being one of the – they just looked like comics to me! colleague fleeing to the bathroom in
‘My first interview was in the job floods of tears.
‘‘I was bawled out of the off ice by the agency’s office in central Manchester We often slammed the telephone
with Tony Emmett, who was then down on one another but it was all
production director, Paul Harrison
international sales manager. The second forgotten the next time we spoke. He
(now sadly deceased), the very f irst took place at the Central Street building, sent me a Christmas card one year and
week I was there.” where I met again with Tony Emmett signed it “I’m really sorry for all the
and also Colin Stokes. I also briefly swearing, Love Father Christmas xxxx”.
best things that ever happened to me. I visited the “dungeon”, where I briefly met ‘As sales manager, I reported to and have a laugh. In the early 1990s, the Jayne, with Pat
Kavanagh and Liz
had two interviews and actually turned with the musicians and programmers. I Paul Patterson, and when he was later Monday morning production meetings
Dodds in the Hit Squad
the job down twice. I really didn’t feel remember feeling a little scared by this – promoted to MD (when Infogrames could go either way. If it were a February department at Ocean’s
it was right for me. I then recalled what the building was dark and dank and the took over) I reported to Martin Defries, meeting with nothing looming on the Eastgate Castlefield
the clairvoyant told me, so when I was guys I met briefly downstairs seemed a and when he left the company to Roy calendar, we would laugh and joke our
made a final offer, I accepted and the rest little alien to me back then.’ Campbell. In the early days I spoke way through the full schedule. But if
is history. I ended up working at Ocean It did not all go according to plan in directly to Jon Woods or David Ward if it were an October meeting with ten
for ten years and I also met my husband the first week at Ocean. it was concerning customers they were products to get released in four weeks,
Paul Millar at the company. I guess the ‘The very first week I was there particularly close to. Anything to do with the pressure took its toll and there
fter working as a graphic was assigned to Hook. I had a couple of and direction were totally in the hands of on time, which we
designer for a small friends – John Palmer and Bobby Earl – the developers. Steve Lavache was my line did. I do remember
independent developer, who already worked there, and I worked manager, but for more important things we had issues with
Kevin joined Ocean in 1990. ‘My role with Bobby on Hook; and I still work we always went to see Gary Bracey. There using the likeness
at Ocean was pretty much the same as with both of them today.’ of the actors in the
I’d been doing: background artist and “We faced a wall that movie and we had
level designer.’ But as he points out, he
backed onto a graveyard.” to change the art
was also a competent programmer. ‘I so it didn’t look like
got into the industry by purchasing a wasn’t a rigid management structure in Robin Williams. I
Commodore 64 after seeing my friend place. I think that’s probably one reason believe we had a huge following for Hook Hook on the PC –
published by Ocean in
had one, and from that moment on I Ocean was as successful as it was. The in France. I remember a French journalist
was hooked. I started as a programmer, creative people knew what they were mentioning it when he came to visit us
writing my own games at home, totally doing and were left to get on with it.’ in the basement. As far as I remember
self-taught. Before joining Ocean, my Joining at the end of the 8-bit scene, we weren’t paid any royalties, although
time was split between coding, art and Kevin worked on the still popular 16-bit we did get a bonus. We were promised
design, as it was in those machines, and the rising gaming power a figure at the start, but I had to bug
days, but when I joined of the PC. In recalling some of the games Gary for it once we had finished. I got it
Ocean I dedicated my A friend recommended he apply he worked on, as his first Hook remains though, so all was good.’
career to art and design and to Ocean. ‘They needed people to join an enduring memory. ‘I wasn’t present And other titles? ‘Lemmings on the
dropped coding.’ the Hook team and asked me over to from the very start, but joined soon after Game Boy – I had a very limited role
By the time Kevin started see them. I was living in Leeds at the work on Hook began. Bobby Earl was on this. Gerald Weatherup was the
at Ocean, the software house time, so it wasn’t such a great hike to the lead programmer and I became the programmer, and all I did was convert
had been in operation for travel across the Pennines (which I did lead background artist, and together we some Lemmings graphics so he could use
The Nintendo Game Boy almost a decade, so as he says it was not every day subsequently). Steve Lavache designed most of the game. There were them. I started design work on Jurassic
Lemmings came out in
an unknown quantity. ‘Ocean was always interviewed me, and it was pretty straight various 2D animators on the project too, Park after Hook, but I left to work for
the big publisher in the UK renowned forward. I got the job there and then. but I can’t remember how many now. Virgin Interactive in London during that
for delivering licensed games or the big The Hook team was in the basement, and By today’s standards, we were a very time.’
movie conversions. When I joined, I I can remember Bobby and I sitting in a small team. Dean Evans joined us in the non
remove as many as possible in the time
ulian Hicks started work at Ocean company are memorable. ‘It was a hive available, but I always knew a few little
shortly after the move from of activity. Ocean was a place where ones would slip through – it was the
Central Street to Castlefield. In his everyone both worked hard and had lots nature of the beast.’
twenties, he had substantial experience of fun. There were wonderful moments Aside from vague recollections of Julian fondly remembers
testing Sleepwalker on
of the games industry through working of silliness, from airsoft guns to strippers. the odd office party, Julian’s memories
a multitude of systems,
in and managing computer games shops. There was a work-hard, play-hard of Ocean also include burnt-out four Amiga screens and
He reported to Gary Bracey, an Ocean approach and mentality. The testers cartridges… ‘Some of the titles going one from the PC version
at the bottom. The game
name with which he was already familiar, were often expected to play games all through test in my time were for
was made to promote
and the person who interviewed him. night, and all weekend, especially when cartridge-based games systems. When the charity Comic Relief,
titles had slipped a little. Some even had a new version arrived, EPROMs were and all profits from sales
‘‘There were wonderful moments of sleeping bags under their desks, and we blown and installed in a test cartridge of the game went to the
charity in 1993.
silliness, from airsoft guns to strippers.” did have a pretty huge pizza bill.’ before being plugged in. The cry of “Oh
Although Julian only worked at the little lights came on” still echoes in
On day-to-day business, however, he Ocean for 12 months, his job meant he my head as chips inserted the wrong way
had more contact with others. ‘Lorraine play-tested so many games they became round lit up as they were powered up.’
Starr, Dawn Drake, Martin McDonald, a blur. ‘I don’t actually know how many And truths best left unsaid… ‘In
and of course the awesome testers Lee, games went through test in the year. I my hazy memories, I think the final
Gareth and Kane stick in my mind. was there for dozens, sure, and most of straw which brought my employment
And then there was Barry Leitch, who those on multiple platforms. Of course, to an end was admitting to a magazine
produced some great audio and Gerald every title had to come through test. And interviewer that all games had bugs, and
Weatherup, a prolific programmer. They each platform version of each title took that while testing might flag many so
were very good at their jobs, and always its own path through the teams of testers. we could fix them, it wasn’t possible to
unflappable! So many others were great Ensuring testing was done to the latest promise there were none in the released
to work with. I got to know a huge range versions was pretty key.’ game. Despite the truth of my words, it
of great people while at Ocean. All a The testing process of any product was just something you just couldn’t say
really good bunch of people to work must adhere to rigid standards, and to the press.’
with.’ as Julian is quick to point out he non
Initial impressions of working at the worked with Lorraine Starr in devising
n her early twenties, Dawn went an advert for a board game artist I took somewhat “fragrant” men, I had my own
to Ocean as an artist/animator the job. Some time later I joined Canvas room and a programmer! The offices, ‘On joining Ocean I was Mike Stark but stylish
graphics for the Amstrad
and game designer after gaining Software in Crosby [on Liverpool’s though, were somewhat to be desired Lamb’s assigned artist and joined him
loading screen of Miami
experience with another games developer. northern outskirts] as an artist/animator. – in summer we use to have a trail of half-way through the making of Target Vice.
‘I started life as a graphic designer when Steve Cain and Ian Weatherburn, both ants walking up the wall. I never worked Renegade on the Spectrum and Amstrad
I left college, but I needed something ex-Imagine employees, who started the too late after someone told me that the (as the previous artist had left for the
Dawn contemplating her
next move in the office a little more challenging than doing company, and Simon Butler who also Quakers buried their dead underneath army). It was a success, and I got to stay.
of Steve Lavache. adverts for the local paper, so when I saw worked there, interviewed me for the the meeting house. I found out later this ‘I remember when I was doing the
position. Ian was concerned because he wasn’t true, but even the thought scared intro screen for Miami Vice on the
thought I would be a distraction as the me. The office was really was dark and Amstrad CPC, I sketched out the face
only female in the company. But Simon reminiscent of working in dungeons, but designs and tried to replicate what I’d
and Steve thought my work was good the atmosphere and morale more than drawn on the screen. I was so angry
enough to gain me my first step into the made up for it. with myself for not being able to get the
world of computer games. image I wanted that I turned the monitor
‘Canvas often developed third-party screen side-up and traced the image on
titles for Ocean and US Gold, so I was to it to speed the process up – much to
aware of Gary Bracey and Steve Lavache, the horror of the others in the office!
since they both visited – Gary for But deadlines being deadlines, you didn’t
progress updates and Steve to help with really have the luxury of wasting time.
any machine/technical problems that we Those were the days when you had to Target Renegade
presented in Ocean’s
had. When the company hit hard times, work 24/7 with pizza on the side and a
1988 catalogue.
Simon left for Ocean and recommended promise of a bonus.
I follow him.’ ‘Steve Wahid was the head of the
Duly, Dawn found herself being artists, but Lorraine Starr and Gary
interviewed again, this time by Gary Bracey were also very pro-active within
Bracey, Lorraine Starr and Steve Wahid the department as a whole. I can honestly
– and she was in. ‘It was a pretty steep say that we all worked well together. I
learning curve due to my lack of actual consider it overall as a collective team
graphics for the PC version of the game. poor reviews in UK, but sold well in
The team had to be split into sections USA. I then worked on Desert Strike for
for various formats to work on such a the Game Boy and Hook on the PC.
big title and the deadline for delivering ‘Dreadnought was my final project at
the game was crucial in that it had to tie Ocean. This was the first time I dabbled
in with the film’s release. This is the first in 3D graphics. I was part of a very large
game I worked on at Ocean where I was team for the time, at least 17 personnel,
paid royalties and the first time working which meant there were too many
rian Flanagan was a 19-year-old As it was his first ‘real’ job, Brian’s wall very close to his head.’
graphic artist when he joined perception of Ocean, and its current staff Brian recounts his position at
Ocean in 1989. However, his were apparent. ‘I held Ocean in pretty that time. “Even though I reported
story with Ocean starts a little earlier in high regard as they were really high to Steve Wahid and Lorraine Starr,
his life, while at school, as Brian explains. profile at the time, and guys like Steve it was the programmers who were
‘In the UK, we have a system Wahid, John Meegan, Steve Thompson often self-appointed art directors and
whereby secondary school pupils were names I was already aware of. I had made the decisions on the look of the
(generally 14-year-olds) get a so-called no idea what to expect. To be sat working game. Lorraine tended to take care of
work experience placement at a company on graphics, and getting paid was mind scheduling and getting review builds
for a week or two. Most of the time, the blowing to me initially. sorted whilst Gary would oversee projects
school gives you a list of crappy office ‘It was all very seat of the pants as in general, asking for changes when he
jobs to choose from within which you well, there were scant design documents saw fit.’
will be making cups of tea the entire time for the games and as far as arcade During his eight years at Ocean,
conversions were concerned we just Brian worked on a large number of Brian blowing onto a the development work behind some of
partition window in the
‘‘I had to draw one of the sprites from videoed the game and set about copying titles, some of which never made it to
‘dungeon’ at Central
the games he was involved in. “I started
the art. We figured out what could and the shelves. He then goes on to explain on Operation Thunderbolt from about a
New Zealand Story as a test.” couldn’t be done on the fly — real sit
quarter of the way into development,
down design meetings were quite rare.’ it was my first game at Ocean and
you’re there. I got my careers officer to It wasn’t all work and no play to my horror the programmer was as
call Ocean instead. I then thereafter did though in the Ocean offices. ‘It was inexperienced as I was. I guess I was
intern work for them during the school fun with always plenty to talk about. chosen as there was no one else available
holidays. After going to college for a year, There was lots of lunchtime and after to work on the game. Unfortunately the
and on Simon Butler’s advice, I started hours drinking and often some of the game was canned and rebooted in the
working full-time at Ocean. staff would always be getting new toys, last few weeks of development, which
‘Steve Wahid interviewed me whether it be consoles or stacks of was a great relief for me.
for the Central Street office job; I had graphic novels or videos. Simon Butler, ‘Steve Thomson, John Meegan and
to draw one of the sprites from New Martin McDonald and Bill Harbison Paul Hughes were pulled in to do a
Zealand story as a test.’ were also always drawing comics and whole new version of the game and none
had amassed quite a lot of on this than most of the other images like that I got a full-time job. I cancelled
bitmaps screens, mainly of games I’d done up to that point. It turned out my place at university and headed up to how dingy the place was.”
I enjoyed playing and images from really well. I considered it the best work Manchester, a member of the gaming
popular culture, which seemed to be the I’d done in pixels up to that point, so I industry at last.’ Quaker Church, so the windows we had
thing for a computer artist to do back in added it to the rest of the images on my He may have buttered up Gary, but were tiny. Today’s Health and Safety
those days,’ Steve says with a mischievous portfolio floppy and went to the CES the truth is that Steve wasn’t all that would have shut us down’.
smile. ‘It was a totally self-taught skill, show in London. I hoped to show off impressed by Ocean’s output in his early Steve’s first assignment was with John
although I did apply some of the lessons this and the other pieces I’d done. My teen playing years. Meegan, who at the time was starting
learned at art college to some of my later dream was to get into the games industry. ‘If I’m being totally honest, I wasn’t work on the Commodore 64 version of
non-professional pieces.’ I’d tried a few times to get some work, blown away by the majority of Ocean RoboCop. ‘I recall him using Spectrum
Steve dabbled in the games market but I really wanted to do this full- games. A few really stood out as classics. assets as placeholders, which looked
briefly before joining Ocean. ‘My first time and I was becoming less and less Wizball, Parallax and Rambo I loved, bizarre. He did make me feel really
contribution to a game title was a loading interested in “real” art at this point. mainly due to the amazing Galway welcome and chatted about the area and
and in-game screen for Mirrorsoft’s ill- ‘I walked straight up to the Ocean soundtracks. I was aware of all the pubs etc.
fated Tetris.’ As the story goes, Mirrorsoft Commodore 64 development teams, ‘Being from Birmingham and not
had a faulty agreement with Atari to because Ocean tended to put the authors’ used to other regional accents, I then
distribute Tetris – Nintendo sent a cease- names on the title screen or the high- went on to really put my foot in it –
and-desist letter to Atari advising them score tables within the game. I really games tester Kane Valentine wandered in
that they indeed had sole rights to the wanted to meet Steve Wahid – I loved to say hello and being stupid I asked him,
game – so for Steve not the best of starts his loading screens and looked forward to “What part of Liverpool are you from?”
Stephen at his Ocean to make his name known in the games learning some tips from him.’
workstation with Trevor
industry. After his move to Manchester, Steve Cover art for the 1989
Brown at Central Street. Beach Volley Amiga
Trevor left the company But he remained undeterred. ‘I was wondered initially if he had made the
game inlay and C64
after working on working on an image of RoboCop I right decision. screen, left.
Operation Thunderbolt.
found in a movie magazine. I tried to ‘I was in awe and very quiet the first
get the bitmap as close to the original as few weeks; and I was surprised to see
I possibly could with the Commodore how dingy the place was. Everybody
64’s limited palette, spending more time smoked (including me) and if you
here were two Mark Joneses grammar school and Ocean was my first arcade room was later moved but I
at Ocean, a concatenation of job. I was frustrated with the quality of do think back on that white-washed
coincidences at which Mark artwork found in many Amstrad games, basement very fondly.’
smiles. ‘I shared a flat with another artist, as they were mostly bad ports from the And on payday… ‘I used to walk
a Spectrum artist, with the name of Spectrum and Commodore 64 versions. down to visit a comic shop nearby called
Mark Jones. So, two artists working for I knew the CPC could do better, so I keep plugging away. Ocean was one of Odyssey 7 and pick up the latest copy of
the same company, living in the began working on my own versions of the first companies to reply.’ Watchmen.’
same flat, with the same names, graphics seen in the popular games at Ubiquitous Gary Bracey interviewed ‘I was extremely happy to be working
working on the same titles, but the time. I was also using the Amstrad to Mark (and also John Brandwood, for Ocean. It was one of the major labels
on different machines. I started create art –painting with pixels, one pixel a fellow Amstrad developer) in the and it was my first job. I was working
at Ocean before he did so I got at a time: choose a colour, place the pixel, Central Street dungeon and soon after with talented people,
the title “Senior” and he got move to next pixel, etc. It was laborious he joined the company. ‘Everyone at producing great
“Junior”, even though I was only but a great way to learn the trade. I’d Ocean loved making games. I had a little games that were
18 at the time.’ hoped to take a computer graphics degree corner to myself from which I could well received by the
Some claimed Senior was course at art college but I remember hear Martin Galway working on the gaming public and
a little older and the wiser, but being told, quite bluntly, that there was Short Circuit music in his tiny studio/ the press. Yes. It
both produced graphics and no such thing as computer graphics. So, I office. There were no windows in the was a special time.’
loading screens for some of Ocean’s best- began to submit the artwork I finished to arcade game-testing area where I would Mark sat next to
known games. various software companies. I even sent spend hours playing the arcade games and reported to John
Mark was at Ocean for just 12 my work to Amstrad Action magazine and we needed to convert. I actually got very Brandwood, who
Arkanoid, published by
months in 1986–87. ‘Before Ocean, I was received a very nice hand-written letter good at Arkanoid and videotaped it for with Mark formed
Imagine in 1987. simply a very keen amateur. I had just left back from them, which inspired me to reference. It was the first game I worked Ocean’s Amstrad
on, converting it for the Commodore 64. team during his year at the company.
The arcade machines had much more Mark worked on the graphics for the
clout than the small home computers, so arcade conversions of the C64 Arkanoid,
it was a huge challenge to recreate the and for the Amstrad on Renegade and
“feel” of the original in the conversion Gryzor, as well as their loading screens.
with the limited power of the platforms ‘The games took weeks to make, not
on the Atari ST, and the
efore joining Ocean Paul Millar R Us contract for the budget label Hit a monopoly on the charts with WWF and restraints crept in, there was plenty Sega Genesis/Megadrive
worked for Impact, a sales and Squad. We had four 1 x 2-metre bays to Wrestlemania and The Simpsons. of light-hearted fun. ‘Neil Critchlow box.
marketing agency, of which fill with Hit Squad products and needed ‘The whole company, top-to- and I scanned a face of Jesus
Ocean was one of the clients. He visited a team of merchandisers to fill them. bottom, was really young, so it had from a book ever so faintly –
retail shops all over the north-west After an initial twelve months of madness that excitement and dynamism about think Turin Shroud. We then
promoting and selling games. A key part trying to set it up and understand it, it it. We were managing multi-million- photocopied this multiple times
was installing point of sales displays. All then became fairly self-running. I had a dollar accounts and authorising and placed the copies back
those poster displays of RoboCop, Total marketing initiatives in the hundreds of into the machine at random
Recall and the Hollywood Collection thousands, so there was a very serious intervals. The screaming from
were Paul’s doing. work ethic involved. The fun side was the accounts department as
‘Growing up in the mid 1980s, I knew in the products we were selling and the they printed out over the face
Ocean Software was the daddy of games people we were selling to. Having the of Jesus was a delight. The IT
WWF Wrestlemania on companies. I had only one ambition back biggest and best titles was the first step, guy wanted to call an engineer.
the Commodore Amiga. then and thankfully I was able to achieve then getting your customers/partners We told them they probably
it. Given that my enthused was the next, and was a ton needed a priest. Obviously this went on
brother-in-law was very informal interview in the basement of fun. Character dressing-up days at all day with people then afraid to use it.’
Ocean’s sales director of the Italian restaurant just over the our distributor was the norm. Booze- Jon Woods, involved with Everton
I was well up to date road from the Central Street office. “Do fuelled incentive nights out were regular football club, brought the FA Cup into
with the complete you want the job?” “Yes please.” “Pasta or occurrences. All in the name of getting the office, and all the footie-mad Ocean
Ocean catalogue.’ Pizza?” That’s how it worked. the sale you understand. crew wanted photos. ‘On another day
And that contact ‘Ocean was exactly as I imagined it. ‘In the Central Street office, and Radio 1 held their road show in our
made it relatively easy Exciting, busy, fast-paced and a work- for the first year of Castlefield, there building and Ian Broudie turned up
to get himself hired. hard, play-hard ethic. My role was a new was a very flat structure, meaning that from the Lightning Seeds. I asked him
‘After serving my position in the company and I spent a you walked freely among departments to autograph something off of my desk,
time with Impact, I lot of time out of the office. I was very asking for updates, etc. As the business discovering the next day he had signed
was recruited by Pat much the office magpie, grabbing a grew and matured and more structures my FA Cup photos with the words “You
Kavanagh to manage desk wherever I could. In the first year I were put in place, this tended to happen jammy bastards, Ian Broudie”.’
the recently won Toys sat with the Nintendo department, the much less – the introduction of inter- non
ailing from the West Country, for work while Richard went to college.’ few weeks later I received a letter from on the Commodore 64. ‘It had already
John – older brother of John enjoyed playing Ocean games Gary inviting me for an interview. They been started, and I guess they needed
programmer Richard Palmer and recalls the last one he bought before thought my demo was impressive. I was somebody to help out. John Meegan was
– carried out any paying jobs he could his employment started was Rambo. ‘I over the moon and was really chuffed.’ the programmer and I joined Jane Lowe
find to make ends meet. In his spare knew of Ocean. They were one of the John made the lengthy journey from and Martin McDonald on the graphics.
time he learned his craft: sketching, biggest games companies at the time, Devon up to Manchester, and Central The sound and music were created by
painting and creating animations. In and I bought their games. I was a fan of Street. ‘Gary showed me around and of Martin Galway. I worked on the sprites
his early work he took inspiration from Dave Collier and Martin Galway before course interviewed me. I was offered the and animations, creating the main Rastan
Disney, Chuck Jones, Tex Avery and Ray joining the company. I attended the job and was ready to go but soon after
Harryhausen, but finances were always 1987 Personal Computer World Show accepting I had a sudden death in my
‘‘I remember being very nervous and
a stumbling block. ‘I didn’t have access in London with my graphics demo on a family so I called to say I couldn’t go. very shy most of the time, being the
to, or could afford, film equipment to C64 floppy disk in my bag, and wearing a Gary was very sympathetic and held the little country bumpkin that I was.”
animate, but I saw in a magazine an new pair of trousers to look for work.’ position for me until I was ready, which
advertisement for a sprite editor on the It was the age of wizkid games- was very good of him and appreciated. character and a number of the baddies.
Commodore 64. This seemed like a more makers, sporting all the trappings of When the time came, Gary arranged a I also created a few drawings for the
convenient way of animating things, and glamour: fame and – above all – fast van with a couple of guys to pick me and manual.’
it’s what sparked my interest. my belongings up from Devon. I don’t Next up, John worked on the C64
‘Eventually I managed to think many people or companies would Dragon Ninja. ‘Again I was pulled onto
scrape together enough funds do that these days.’ the team to help with creating sprites at
to buy a Commodore 64 and And so in 1987, aged 21, John a time when development was well under
John’s high-tech desk at teamed up with my brother to Palmer started at Ocean as a pixel artist/ way, with David Collier programming,
Central Street, complete
make some games. He coded animator. ‘The atmosphere was fun in Steve Wahid doing the graphics, and
with state-of-the-art
reference-card stacking them, did the music, and I did the early days, and we managed to get Jonathan Dunn the sound and music.
box. the visuals and game ideas and the work done as well, so there was a The game was a conversion of the arcade
design. We had some games good balance. Later on when we’d all machine and we used single-coloured
published but never really made been working at Ocean for some time, we sprites to try and improve the look of the
any money, so I decided to mucked about far more than we should characters. I remember coming up with
prepare a graphics demo to look have done. It was all very new to me and the idea of the hero having to answer a
hile at school in 1983 David found Spectrum Games’ office
David purchased a game a strange place. ‘You see David Ward was
called Road Frog published also running a successful props business
by Spectrum Games for his Commodore for Granada TV Studios. His props often
VIC-20. appeared on the likes of great shows Anyway it was a complete disaster, Paul
‘The game should have been great as such as Coronation Street. However, the didn’t even manage to get out of the car
it was meant to be a homage to Frogger, business was never really that glamorous. park without damaging the car.
a popular game in the arcades at the The propmaster offices were extremely ‘One of the most enjoyable aspects
time. However after playing it, I decided of writing various
it was anything “One of the most games for Spectrum
but great, so after enjoyable aspects of Games and Ocean
school the next was working with
writing various games
day I went to other developers – I
the company’s for Ocean was working have to say they were
Manchester office with other developers.” all great to get on
to let them know with, always good for
my thoughts. I met large. I used to wonder around looking a laugh and happy to
David Ward and at all the strange bits and pieces just to share knowledge and new ideas.
he said if I could amuse myself.’ ‘But it had its downsides as well
create a better one, David remembers that when they and the main one was cash flow. In the ‘Joystick Compatible’
Eskimo Eddie for the
they would sell it were attending one of the first London- newspapers there were often articles
Spectrum, with the
on my behalf. So Earls Court computer games fairs in on games developers being super rich loading screen and two
after school, and 1983 it became apparent from the public - the reality was somewhat different. I typical in-game screens.
at the weekends, that the name Spectrum Games confused and other developers were being taken
In the pre-licence days, I wrote a new Road Frog game for people, since they also sold games for advantage off, which resulted in the good
popular arcade coin-op
them. Dave Ward and Jon Woods were other machines, so soon after the name ones moving to business IT for a better
games were fair game
for the developing obviously impressed because they started Ocean was born. deal in life.’
software companies. selling it immediately. ‘It was during this time that Mike non
ichard joined Spectrum Games Studies and Applied Mathematics. ‘I ‘The early days of
in 1982, before it was rebranded ended up getting chucked out of the Ocean were great fun
Ocean, and he stayed for mathematics class when I proceeded to – you could wander in
three years. ‘I was doing four A-Levels stick pencils in every facial orifice and when you wanted and
at college – mathematics, English pretended to be an alien. The final straw as long as you got your
Literature, History and Art – and hating was when I said, “the probability of me game done, everything was fine – Paul Mr Wimpy on the BBC,
and the Spectrum
it. I was a bit of a loner in those days passing this exam is very slim.” The Finnegan used to wind me up about
version inlay above.
and preferred my own company, so I teacher was so rubbish I often ended up saw it. I remember seeing Kong in packs completing my games and I used to tell
welcomed the discovery of the ZX81 taking the computer studies class myself of a hundred tapes, and my job was to him “just the music left”, knowing full
as a plaything. I remember seeing the – he ended up sitting in the back of the package up the orders into the Jiffy bags well I had so much more than that to
commercial for the computer on the TV room, feet up, reading the paper, while and send them off to the likes of Boots do. The development times were short
and thinking I must have one of those. I showed the class how to do a bubble- and John Menzies. though – more like weeks than months.
‘So I got one and it was the first sort routine. I got Fs in all except the ‘At home I taught myself how to
time in my life I actually computer studies O-Level – my form program the BBC Micro in machine “Paul Finnegan used to wind me up
understood what teacher asked for consistency, and that code – the graphics, the music and the about completing my games and I used
I was doing with was what he got. coding. I went in one day to the office at to tell him ‘just the music left’.”
something new, it ‘I remember being one of first the Ralli Building, next to the Granada
was one of those students to use the RML 380 machines TV studios, and showed them a game ‘As a publisher, I can recall the father
things I found at college and do something with them. I had developed on the BBC, a three- of the Stamper brothers from Ultimate
natural. Just touching [Research Machines 380Z, was an quarters-complete version of Mr Wimpy. bringing in Sabre Wulf to distribute. Each
the keyboard and early 8-bit Z80 computer which, with As a result I was promoted from my master wore out at 200,000 units, and we
seeing the response 56Kb or memory cost a mere £3,266 in warehouse job to programmer within went through two or three of them for
on the TV screen – I just 1979] They were green and black and Ocean on the same salary.’ this game.
loved the interaction and the I wrote a driving test game that was Richard remembers going on visits ‘I believe the success of Daley
The RML 380 computer control you had of it.’ quite graphical. I remember the teacher with David Ward down to the arcades Thompson’s Decathlon contributed to
that Richard used in
With Richard’s love of computers telling me that I was not an academic in Oxford Road. ‘He would give us a the fortunes of the company. If Daley
he soon dropped A-Level history to and it would be best if I went out into pocketful of money and send us in to see Thompson himself had not won gold
backtrack and take O-Level Computer the real world. So I left and sat around if there was anything we liked. There was at the Olympics in 1984, I am sure
eter, before joining Ocean, was a appealed to me.’ conversion from a special suitcase
prolific programmer with many Peter reported to Gary Bracey after containing a power supply and a cost of £400 for a 10Mb Supra hard Peter’s conversion
of Wizball to Amiga
successful titles under his belt Gary became software development JAMMA [ Japanese Amusement drive for the Atari ST, about £950 in
and Atari ST included
for the BBC Micro/Electron platforms, manager, but he never worked at the Machinery Manufacturers Association] today’s money. You could buy about 120 programming and the
published through Superior Software. Central Street offices. Instead he enjoyed interface and the original arcade board 16Gb flash drives for that now! fine graphics.
The likes of Q*Bert, Deathstar, Spitfire the luxury of working from his Newcastle – this was the case for Arkanoid and its ‘I did all coding, graphics and
Command and Space Pilot were top selling home on a contract-by-contract basis sequel Revenge of Doh, for example, and
titles that, as Peter for the games he produced. Only in several other of the arcade conversions.
confesses, look crude 1990 – his final year with Ocean – did he I received a Japanese MSX cartridge of
now but dominated become a full time employee. However, Yie Ar Kung-Fu II and an imported Sony
chart positions in the intervening years he worked MSX HitBit computer on which to
when they were exclusively for the company and their base this conversion. I still have them in
released. He joined family of labels. the loft! RoboCop was converted from a
Ocean after applying ‘For most of that time it was a fairly suitcase version of the Data East arcade
to a recruitment painless experience for me. I completed a game. To create the graphics I mostly
advertisement in the game and then came down to the office overdrew them from the Spectrum
magazine Zzap!64 in Manchester from Newcastle to hand version of the game. I also often got a
for programmers – he it over. I’d then take a look at what other play-through of a game on VHS tape, music for most of my titles,
subsequently met games they had in the arcade downstairs provided by the guys in Manchester, and worked all the way
Colin Stokes on his and in development on the Commodore but I never saw source code, graphics or through. For something
visit to the office and 64 and pick one I liked, one I thought design documentation from the arcade like the animation of the
was offered a position. I could do justice to on the platform I version, or from other platforms. I just main character in Impossible
‘I regarded Ocean was working on. And then I’d head back had to replicate what I saw. The code was Mission I drew each frame by hand, The Sony MSX HitBit-
10-P home computer.
as pretty much the home after agreeing the fee, and crack on. compiled on the machine itself, I didn’t stop-framing the video taken from the
As a platform, MSX
Peter’s conversion of leading company at the time, and the ‘I worked mostly without an advance use a remote compiler or debugger then, C64. The animation tools available were never made it big in
Mikie onto the BBC
opportunity to work on licensed games, and – partly because of this, and my the only luxury item was extra RAM, a crude at the time – I could probably view Europe.
with a good marketing push behind speed and track record, and maybe also floppy disk drive, then later a hard drive.’ an animation running on the spot, but I
them, was something that very much because the BBC Micro wasn’t a truly Peter can only grimace wryly at the really had to see the frames animate in
Peter did the total only one was held up. ‘I converted
conversion of RoboCop
Crystal Castles to the BBC and Electron
for both the Amiga and
Atari ST versions (above) for AtariSoft, but they kept raising
and of Arkanoid, right, objections to small details to avoid it
for the BBC Micro
being regarded as complete so that remembered me writing for Ocean from
payment would become due. Why they when he was involved there. I started on
were doing this became apparent when a game for Rage, and even before it was
AtariSoft announced that they were completed I was asked to set up their
cancelling all conversions for other Newcastle studio, which I managed for
manufacturers’ platforms, so it was nine years.’
mothballed. After completion of my non
first title for US Gold, Beach Head, on
Jon Ritman distributors was that they wanted to see a on the Spectrum 128K.
lthough his name is almost the ZX81, so I had to start again typing Alexandra Palace at Muswell
synonymous with Ocean, Jon it all into the assembler but in proper Hill] and he asked me what I was
Ritman never actually worked instruction format this time – no more working on. I told him a football
for the company. His professional laborious hex.’ game and it was going to be so
career began with a venerable software He submitted the end result to Artic, much better than Artic’s World
house noted in the early days for its text who accepted it, and the game was Cup Football. This was a big claim
adventure games: Artic Computing. released in 1981. With the arrival of the considering I had only started
Not that Jon followed the ‘What Now?’ ZX Spectrum, Artic sent Jon a machine to give up my day job and write games programming a week or two before.
route; he preferred action. His first game, in order for him to get to grips with it. full time.’ David phoned me almost eight
Namtir Raiders for Jon programmed two further games months later and asked me how it
the Sinclair ZX81, for Artic. 3D Combat Zone (Battlezone) was going. I was close to finishing
was a simple Space was an early 3D Spectrum game for and when he offered me an advance Jon Ritman with Head
and Heels… perhaps
Invaders clone he which Jon had to learn 3D mathematics. of £20,000 I accepted on the spot.
there might be a game
produced after ‘These were the days when computers ‘I produced Match Day from start in that.
learning how to did not do multiplication, they just added to finish without even looking at
program on the up. When I created a cube on the screen International Soccer.
machine over a spinning around on the Spectrum it I didn’t want to
two-week period. was an amazing feeling – I just sat there produce the same
You don’t get much Namtir Raiders (which takes its name Another popular arcade clone followed and watched it spinning and laughed to game so I only
more simple than the
from his spelled backwards) took three in the form of Cosmic Debris, a version myself with satisfaction. There were no loaded it finally
graphics for Jon’s
Namtir Raiders for the months to write during the evenings of Asteroids. Jon recalls, ‘The game again game books back then, so you had to just after I’d submitted
Sinclair ZX81, but the (he worked as a TV repairman during took three months to create and 5,000 sit down and learn it.’ His last game for the Match Day
loading screen for 3D
the days). ‘Developing a game was very copies were sold, so with the percentage Artic was Bear Bovver, which he based master to Ocean.
Combat Zone shows
more elaboration on the different in those days. I wrote most of it of around 25% of takings coming to on Burger Time – he aimed to produce I’m not mad on football but doing the International Soccer on
the Commodore 64.
Spectrum, right. on paper before typing hexadecimal into me as royalties I couldn’t complain. graphics to the quality of Ultimate game did make me more of a fan. I had
the computer – it was very hard work. I’d My annual wage as a TV engineer was games. But his real aim at that point was to learn all the rules and put them into
written more than half the game when £6,000. Seeing that I was earning that to create the ultimate football game. the game the best way I could. At the
a primitive assembler was released for kind of money in three months I decided ‘I visited many of the gaming shows time I probably knew the offside rule
teve Wahid joined Ocean in 1985 soundtrack to round it all off. days. Jon Woods would tell Dave Collier And to finish on a pleasant memory,
and was very aware of how high ‘Ocean was a great company to what projects were in the pipeline and Steve recalls a Harbison moment.
profile the company had become in work for – it was a no frills working we’d decide between us who was doing ‘It was Bill Harbison’s birthday. We
such a short time. environment with less than ten in the what. There was one programmer on got him soooo drunk that Friday night.
‘I produced a scrolling demo as a development team in those early days. each project and an artist could have one, When we got him home he just lay on
proof of technology that I showed the In fact the sales, marketing and other two or more titles on the go at any one
guys at Ocean and it got me the job office staff far outnumbered those who time. And Martin Galway was working
as an artist. After joining, both Colin made the games. Almost immediately on sound and music for everything.
after I started all of the development ‘With the arcade conversions, Tony,
“It was all seat-of-the-pants stuff: team were moved down to the ‘dungeon’ Dave, Colin and I collaborated very
to make space for the upper echelons closely on what gameplay elements and
there was no reporting structure in
of management. The ‘dungeon’ was in graphics could be taken across to the
those days.” the basement of the building with four Commodore 64. It was a constantly
or five rooms retro-fitted with long evolving process as graphics compression
Gresty and I were asked to produce a (kitchen) worktops fixed to the walls. routines improved and sprite
Commodore 64 conversion of Konami’s these acted as our desks. multiplexing got better (it has to be said
Comic Bakery. We used the MSX version ‘It was such an exciting time. The that our graphical background and sprite
for reference and the game turned games industry was very much in its editors were very basic at first).
out really well, with a Martin Galway infancy and it didn’t feel like a job, it was ‘The biggest challenge we had was to
more like being paid to do something fit a game into the C64’s memory. Arcade the pavement outside his flat saying, Steve with Alex Lavelle
relaxing at Ocean’s
you loved doing, a frame of mind that game conversions were always very tricky “Leave me, just leave me.” We got him
Central Street local, the
because we had to find the right balance on my shoulder and I carried him up Square Albert. Alex was
of what we could get into the game and three flights of stairs. I plonked him on in the art department
and used to photograph
Comic Bakery on the still have it resemble the original; this his couch and put a waste bin in front of
all the screenshots in
C64 – published by
was always the biggest compromise. The him – when he proceeded to be violently the dungeon.
Imagine in 1986.
development period always took around sick. How lucky was I not to get covered
six to twelve weeks – there was a huge in puke that night!’
demand for sales from the management non
an’s previous job prior to joining customers due to the licences they had 9:30am like most of the other sales and distributors at
Ocean was UK sales and marketing plus the amount of advertising they did marketing people. It was a very laid back Christmas or
manager at Gremlin Graphics. in all of the specialist press. I knew all environment you were also very focused on the day of
‘I got involved in the games industry of their products from the high profile on getting your job done. release of one
in July 1984. I was leaving school games to the more obscure titles that ‘The first new release title that I sold of our games.
looking to join either ICI or British Steel they occasionally launched.’ was Hook, not the greatest of games to We constantly took alcohol into the sales Ocean waves at ECTS
1993 – Paul Millar at the
as an apprentice (the done thing at the Before joining Ocean, Ian formed start your Ocean sales career with but departments and served it to the staff –
top with Ian below to
time in the North East) but my father a strong relationship with many who we sold a fair amount into retail and even at breakfast just so that there was a the right.
who had spent ten years in Libya decided worked at the company. distributors. buzz about the place.’
he wanted to work in the UK again and ‘I’d got to know the staff at Ocean ‘At Central Street I shared an office Ian did notice
wanted to open a shop. I persuaded him really well in 1989 when I left the family with a couple of the sales admin girls an us and them
to open a computer retail outlet in our business and worked for a sales and who worked for me called Kelly and between the Suits
home town and I worked there buying marketing company called Impact. One Sherrie, then when we eventually moved (as the management
of our key clients (and the one all of our to Eastgate I was given my own office. was known) and
rivals wanted) was Ocean. That’s when The person who I reported into was Paul the developers.
I first struck up a friendship with Paul Patterson who was the sales director and ‘This did get better
Patterson and a few others. Even when a thoroughly lovely man. In fact he was when we moved
I left Impact to join Gremlin we always Mr Ocean in a lot of our customers’ eyes. to Eastgate. There was a production Hook wasn’t the easiest
of sell-ins, even on the
met up for drinks at the various shows ‘Ocean was a brilliant place to work, meeting held every Monday when Gary
16-bit machines like the
and I attended their infamous parties stressful sometimes but always fun. The Bracey, Colin Gordon,Lorraine Starr Amiga.
at ECTS [European Computer Trade saying “Work Hard Play Hard” was the and Jon Oldham would update sales,
Show]. perfect description of Ocean culture. marketing, PR and production on how
‘Paul had heard that I may be looking People wanted to do business with the development of the various games was
to leave Gremlin and invited me over to company because they were great fun to going. They were sometimes fun but on
Ian with Adele Welch and selling the software and hardware. his house to stay one weekend as there be around and they had the key titles in other occasions they could be very fiery
and Paul Millar.
‘I was very aware of Ocean back was quite a few industry people coming the market, they also strived to be always especially if there was a big release that
in the mid-1980s, there was always a up from London for the Everton vs one step ahead of their competitors in had been delayed yet again.’
big buzz about their games from our Chelsea game and they were having a whatever they did. non
ill was in the process of applying create portraits and mockups of arcade After Daley Thompson’s Olympic
to Glasgow School of Art, but games I had seen in the monthly C&VG Challenge Bill was moved on to Bad
he was thwarted by only having magazine just to see how they would Dudes Vs Dragon Ninja with Mark Jones.
two A-Levels, when he needed three to translate onto the Spectrum. Most were ‘The game had to be done very quickly
qualify. His plan was to study further to OK, others I thought were quite good so I helped out a little with the sprites
get the extra result he needed. so I wrote off blindly to companies such for the main game and Mark did the
‘At the time I had bought a ZX as Electronics Arts, Elite and US Gold background. After that I helped out
Spectrum and was experimenting with to see if there were any jobs going where Mike Lamb on WEC Le Mans on the Daley Thompson’s
Olympic Challenge – the
the graphical capability of the machine. I could use my new skills. I did become the phone asking for William – and sure Spectrum. The engine for the game was
digitised loading screen,
I had seen some loading screens done disheartened, though, by the negative enough it was Lorraine Starr offering me already in place with the track scrolling with Daley and Bill’s
by others, especially the early titles responses I received. a job interview at Ocean. – all I had to do was create the graphics mate Colin below.
published by Ocean ‘A friend suggested I apply to Ocean,’ ‘I was pretty much offered a job on for the cars. John
like Eskimo Eddie, so I Bill says with a laugh. ‘I had no intention the spot by Gary Bracey, and two weeks Brandwood had
thought I would have of applying to them because I thought after the interview I arrived at my paid- written a sprite
a go myself in my the company was rubbish. At the time for hotel in Manchester and started at editor on the
spare time to see if I Ocean wasn’t doing too well – Street Ocean the next day. Atari ST so I used
could do something Hawk and Knight Rider had just been ‘The first project given to me was that to produce
similar. I can honestly released, which were terrible. Daley Thompson’s Olympic Challenge on the graphics and
say there was no ‘But after the rejections from the the Spectrum. I was asked to design Sentient Software
intention of taking other companies, I had nothing to lose, the game and handle its animation. It put the game
Spectrum tape inlay it up a career – it was just something to so I sent a two-page letter, along with a was a pretty steep learning curve to say together. The
for Daley Thompson’s
keep me occupied while I was doing the cassette with some of my screens on it, the least. I’d promised my best friend in reviews were good
Olympic Challenge.
extra A-Level. to Ocean in Manchester. We didn’t have Scotland I would put him into a game at – but the scores
‘As time went on I realised I was a telephone in the house at the time so Ocean so the little guy you see walking given for the
getting better and better at producing I listed our neighbour’s telephone as a around picking up the dumb-bells is my graphics were not
pretty good static screens on the contact number. Two weeks later the lady mate Colin from back home. as high as I would
Spectrum so decided to buy The Artist 2 next door came knocking on our door ‘It was important to me to make have liked.
to further develop my skills. I started to saying there was an English woman on Daley black. We had to use a video as ‘I was then
t the age of 17, Jim asked a machines, plus the original Game Boy. other with the effects we created in our had to share it. If that wasn’t bad enough,
local computer shop if there ‘Thankfully, all the games had great games. it turned out that this room was the
were any game companies reviews in the magazines at the time, and ‘We always joked at Special FX that bridal suite (which thankfully had two
local to where he lived and was surprised the scores they received represented the we did the games the Ocean team didn’t beds, presumably in case the bridal night
to find that there were. He applied, only feedback we developers got from the want to do… There may very well be didn’t go well!) – although it did have a
and got his first job in 1986 at Consult outside world on our games, so they were some truth in this but we still had the swing at the bottom of the master bed…
Computer Systems where his first game very important. It was not until 2009, opportunity to work on some great titles. What’s wrong with jumping off the
was published, Throne of Fire. He then when I went to my first retro event, that I I remember when I converted the arcade wardrobe? Just for info, we left the swing
went on to work Canvas Software Ltd found out that there were huge numbers games Cabal and Midnight Resistance to and the wardrobe alone that night.’
where he wrote two further games and of people who enjoyed my games which the Spectrum and Amstrad, we were just non
helped finish a third. He then started at Ocean published, and they still play them given a briefcase containing the arcade
Special FX where his relationship with to to this very day! PCB inside, with a joystick control
Ocean began. ‘Although Special FX was not actually panel. I didn’t have access to any of the
‘I’ve always stated that I never worked Ocean itself, it was founded by two ex- code which made the things tick, so I
for Ocean but had to play through both just to see the
while working action and then I had to reproduce what
at Special FX, I could see as closely as possible on the
I did write 11 destination machine. I refer to this form
Ocean games on of game development as a “Visual Port” Cabal on the Amstrad
above and the Spectrum
which I was the exercise, and I can now play any game
only programmer. and get a good idea of what the code is
These were doing in the background.
G.U.T.Z. for ‘The funniest story I have while was
G.U.T.Z. above on the the Spectrum; Batman Caped Crusader Ocean employees, namely Paul Finnegan at Special FX involves Cabal. I had to
for the Amstrad; Red Heat, Cabal and the late Jonathan Smith, who helped go to Ablex, the cassette duplicators in
Midnight Resistance on and Midnight Resistance for both the us keep our games to Ocean Software’s Telford. I couldn’t drive at the time, so
the Spectrum, right.
Spectrum and Amstrad, and Hudson high standard. While I was working at Ivan Davies, one of the C64 artists, gave
Hawk again for both of the 8-bit Special FX I made many trips with Paul me a lift. We were given instructions to
olin joined Ocean in the mid- the two joystick controllers together, I showed them California Gold Rush the holiday pay, and they did.
80’s after being head hunted each with their own keypad, and then and, as primitive as it was, I was given a ‘When I joined Ocean in 1986, Gary
from Software Projects. Colin’s feed the code in one byte at a time. job. Imagine informed the press of their
story starts a little earlier though, in the There was a little DIN socket on the “awesome” new C64 programmer and
late 1970s. back of the cartridge so you could save mentioned me by name – I subsequently
‘At the time there were many games onto tape via a cable. There was got lots of angry mail from customers
unaffordable consoles on the market also an instruction book that came in who had purchased Gold Rush and had
like the Atari 2600. There was another the packaging that told you how to never received their copy. I ended up
console called the Radofin that was program. Unfortunately there were so sending them tapes to make them happy. California Gold Rush –
published by Anik Micro
somewhat cheaper so I got one of those. many mistakes in the text I would be ‘A few months later Imagine went
Systems in 1984.
I saw an advert for a cartridge for the amazed if anyone could do anything with bust and a large number of us applied
console called a it. I designed and programmed a couple for jobs at Software Projects – they took
“hobby module” of games on the Radofin – I had truly four of us on, myself included. They did
and the blurb caught the game-making bug. not pay as well as Imagine, and I was
suggested that ‘I was undecided which computer struggling with my overheads.
with the device I was going to get next, so after some ‘I went to Tommy Barton, one of the
you could put your investigation I went for the C64 as owners of Software Projects, asking if I
own games onto Commodore had promised to help with was going to get a Christmas bonus as I Bracey was development manager. I often
the machine. So I technical support if needed after you was making commitments that the bonus talked to Jon Woods and David Ward,
went to the local bought the machine. I bought a couple of would cover – we had all got one the year they were very approachable.
shop and ordered disk drives as well. before. I was assured I would get one, but ‘Steve Wahid used to drive this big
one – the module ‘I saw an advert in the local paper nothing came of it, which put me in an white car, I can’t remember what it was,
was £85. for programmers needed for the awkward position. a top of the range thing. We used to
‘When I got Commodore VIC-20, Commodore ‘When Colin Stokes phoned me from park our cars right next to the Quakers’
The Radofin 1292 the cartridge I soon realised you could 64 etc. In the interview I spoke about Ocean early the next year inviting me to building when we were down in the
not program the console in anything the games that I had developed on the join Ocean he made me a terrific offer, dungeons. There was a pylon in the car
Programmable Video
System. but machine code – you had to hand Radofin and that I could transfer them to including travel expenses from Liverpool park with a cable attached to it and a
assemble the code on paper then join the Commodore 64 and make them look to Manchester, that I could not refuse. So group of us manhandled his car around
The Artist
Parasol Stars and I was asked if I could
do a C64 version. Others had been
asked, but again no one thought it could
be done. I developed the game over a
number of months. Ocean had given
me a £17,000 advance payment for the
game. Unfortunately I was having marital
problems at the time in the course of
which the disks containing the game data
were wiped. I explained this to Gary. He
was very understanding and let me keep
the advance payment, but that was the
last work I ever did for Ocean.’
The Artist
n the first years of the 1980s, the he knew Dave Ward and Jon Woods. I
fledgling software houses only don’t know how he knew them, but he’d
had mail order as a sales outlet, done something for them… Armageddon
and it hardly mattered what kind maybe? He thought we could do more
of artwork they employed on the small for them as they seemed to be doing
audio cassettes which carried the data. a lot. We went along to meet them at
And then a few so-called micro shops the pub round the corner from Peter
began to open up the market, soon Kavanagh’s [a famous Toxteth hostelry at
Moon Alert was a followed by the chain stores, WH Smith, 2–4 Egerton Street].’
Crash Smash and the
J Menzies and Boots. Suddenly, there Ocean’s founders, keenly aware of
reviewers agreed that:
‘Ocean’s packaging was competition for shelf space and the the importance of marketing and the
and title screens have attention span of the swelling customer quality of artwork they required, signed
been delightful recently,
base. Brand, design, style became the up Blair-Wakelin on the spot, although
and Moon Alert is no
exception.’ new watchwords. And in those primitive the partnership fell apart rapidly. ‘Moon
years, the inlays of three companies stood Alert [1984] was the first thing I did in
out: first Imagine, then Ultimate Play the conjunction with Blair and then Gilligan’s
Game, and Ocean. Gold. I think he drew the background on
As occurs so much in the history that one and I did the main character.
of British video games, Bob’s long And then after that he kind of fell apart
association with Ocean came about really. He was a bit of a hippie, bit of an
largely through serendipity and acid casualty. He couldn’t meet deadlines
happenstance. ‘I’d been working with so I started to take everything on. We
this guy Blair, who was a decent artist were working from my flat in Liverpool,
himself, quite a few years older than me. and by the time he turned up in the mid-
We were working on some projects but afternoon I’d drawn the damned thing
getting nowhere, and then he mentioned myself. So I encouraged him to move
Skipping out
Ocean’s management was aware that not
every game developed or converted from
an arcade original came up to scratch, I did, and they’d already printed posters
and also that good presentation could and point-of-sale stuff for it. But then
help to sell a product less than perfect, as the licensor knocked it back because
Bob’ experience shows. ‘I wasn’t aware at Don Johnson’s agent wouldn’t allow
first that that was what they were hoping illustrations of his face – we had to use
for. I wasn’t into gaming. If a game photographs. Well, look where he is now!
was crap or good it was meaningless So, Don, if you’re reading this, f***k you!’
to me. But eventually they said to me, For Wizball, which many consider
the epitome of Wakelin game art, there was no fun in doing it. The cartoony ones
was more support from the development were more enjoyable to do.’ Even Daley
team. ‘Sometimes, Dave dragged me Thompson’s Decathlon gets short shrift.
down to the dungeon and these spotty ‘That’s rubbish. Technically it’s crap.
kids were all sitting there, rattling their I can understand why it’s iconic. The
chains, and they’d show me a demo. I can design and the layout of it works really
well, and Daley’s coming right at you,
“New Zealand Story… aarrgh. That but technically… But then, it was 1984…
was a nightmare. That was a pain in I was still trying to get a grip on what I
the arse, and there was no fun in was doing.’
And then, finally, a handful Bob finds
doing it.” acceptable. ‘Athena I like; I like Batman,
remember the shots and there was like a that’s pretty good; I like Billy the Kid,
cat and a wizard… I can remember there apart from Steve’s lettering; Central
was a ball whizzing round. And that’s Intelligence, that was a waste of time the
about it really. And I reflected some of amount of work I put in there, to get
those pipes. And I got some screenshots released in Taiwan or somewhere. There’s
in the post.’ a lot I like. If it’s a great game and if the
When pushed to name a favourite cover captured the game.’
game in terms of his artwork, Bob gums The last Bob Wakelin commission
up. It seems he remembers more the for Ocean came a little under two years
horrors. ‘The second Rainbow Islands before Infogrames acquired the company.
one – Parasol Stars. Absolutely drove He had seen the writing on the wall for
me crazy. What was the other one, some time.
New Zealand Story… aarrgh. That was ‘I was getting less work and we
a nightmare. That was one I had loads were producing fewer games for a start.’
of screenshots for, and they wanted me Suddenly, it seemed money was tight,
to get in as many characters as possible. Ocean needed to make savings and Bob
That was a pain in the arse, and there had become a considerable cost factor.
hen it comes to music and candidate when Martin applied for planned to continue his education while Interface Device) chip and the Amstrad/Spectrum General
sound design, the early work at the end of 1984; by late January working on freelance projects. Ocean’s Instrument’s AY programmable chip. But was there a clear
part of the Ocean story is the following year he had been hired Gary Bracey had different ideas. ‘I got a winner?
dominated by one man: Martin Galway. by David Collier (head of software letter inviting me to Manchester and to
‘I didn’t know that much about Ocean to development prior to Gary Bracey) my surprise, Gary offered me a job!’ Fred Gray: The C64 was far superior to the rival 8-bit
be honest,’ Martin surprisingly admits. purely as a programmer and with no So began Jonathan Dunn’s illustrious machines with their AY chips. At that point even arcade
‘The only games which interested me particular emphasis on audio. nine-year career at Ocean. machines mostly used AY technology. With the AY chip
were BBC games such as Elite, Aviator Until this point, all Ocean’s sound Joining around the same time was you could only have white noise or square waves. There was
and Revs.’ One thing the fledgling and music had been handled by third- Gari Biasillo, who had been working for no pluse-width or ring-modulation filters, unlike the SID
musician did recognise, however, was parties. ‘There was no audio staff of any Hampshire-based Interceptor Software, which had all the features of a modern synth.
the power of advertising. ‘Ocean did a kind,’ Martin recalls, ‘just a Seiko music designing music and sound effects for
lot of it, and they were often back-cover keyboard sitting in Dave Collier’s office. games such as Joe Blade. ‘A friend of mine Gari Biasillo: The SID chip was, and still is, an amazing
advertisers. It was basically their high So I decided to make a generalised called David Blake had joined Ocean piece of audio technology. To this day I wish I had composed
quality advertising that told me they were music program that could play any tune. after Software Projects closed down,’ more music for it. I was never keen on the AY. I found its
Martin Galway in his
serious about selling games.’ I sat down with the Commodore 64 Gari recalls, ‘and one day he suggested it sounds to be far too mellow and it was difficult to create the
Central Street studio,
from a poor magazine With Ocean also based in nearby programming manual and proceeded would be a good idea to work with him raw and gritty sounds achievable with the SID.
reproduction. Manchester, they became the first to write the software that would exploit and that I talk to Gary Bracey.’
every feature of its music chip.’ Gari accepted his chance with glee Jonathan Dunn: I think the fact that people still have such
With Ocean Software fast becoming and, together with the demo disks for the fond memories of the music and sounds from the SID chip
the premier software house in the UK, work he had just completed on Joe Blade, speaks volumes. It was awesome and always fun to try to
Martin began to find himself very busy. visited Ocean headquarters, meeting one extract new original sounds. The other systems were an
‘I was unhappy that there weren’t enough of his heroes in the process. ‘I chatted afterthought for me.
other audio staff and that I had a long with a few of the guys there, including
backlog of games to work on,’ he says Martin Galway whose brain I picked
somewhat ruefully. ‘I was a disillusioned for some of his audio techniques,’ Gari
kid and shouldn’t have left. But I’ve says proudly. ‘I learned quite a lot from
enjoyed my life since, so it’s just a case of my brief chat with him that day and still
wondering what would have happened to remember it fondly.’
myself and Ocean if I hadn’t left.’ Gari was offered a job the very same
a tribute
I would hang on his every word: what Joffa in the middle being
pulled by Tony Pomfret
was he up to, what new crazy ideas had
and Jim Bagley at
he come up with. He always joked that I Special FX.
by Paul Hughes was his biggest fan, and I guess I was.
He used to chuckle over a beer at
how other Spectrum programmers used
hen you start working at guess that’s why we got on. In 1987, Joff to disassemble his games to try and
Ocean, there are people, had just finished Cobra and Terra Cresta figure out how he did his smooth scrolls,
gaming celebrities in their and had an idea for a new original game or got so many masked sprites on the
own right, that you just can’t wait to called Angel. Gary Bracey wanted me screen. As he always said, ‘All they have the closure of Acclaim Studios in
meet. For me there were several big to work with Joff concurrently on a C64 to do is ask!’ That was Joffa; incredibly Manchester I hired him to come and
names in-house: David Collier, Steve version of the game. clever, painfully modest, but always keen work for me on Game Boy Advance and
Wahid, Martin Galway and Jonathan We only worked together for a few to share his bright ideas. then Xbox titles at our games company
‘Joffa’ Smith. short weeks, as Joff was about to leave Years later when Special FX was Warthog. Other than being a little
Those guys were the hit makers; all Ocean with Paul Finnegan to be a about to close down, I was asked to chunkier (aren’t we all) it was still the
the quality Ocean titles in the 1980s bore director of a new games company called complete a conversion he had been doing same old Joff – still painfully shy, but still
their names, and so, never in my wildest Special FX. Talk about a baptism of of Universal’s Mr Do! for the Game Boy oozing with drive and talent.
dreams did I think, day one, I would be fire! While he never let on about his – working with his code took me back to What was ironic (and despite us
sat sharing an office with the guy that imminent departure, we blasted out code those Spectrum days; even then his code telling him over and over again), it
programmed and provided the graphics and ideas at a breakneck speed, and had a was littered with puns and in-jokes, but wasn’t until the Internet dawned and
for the likes of Cobra, Hyper Sports, Green right laugh – he had a wicked, dry sense still, as always, beautifully crafted. retro gaming forums started to spring
Beret, Terra Cresta, Mikie and a host of of humour. We stayed in touch all the way up all over the place that Joff finally
other classic titles. I learned all about his methods, his through the different companies that realised just how much people loved his
Joff was an outwardly quiet and shy philosophies about game play, and all our careers took us to: in 2004 with work (he really didn’t have a clue) and
lad, but then, at the time, so was I – I about creating a plethora of core reusable were inspired to start a career in the
Although it wasn’t David routines – that was his key to churning games industry after playing his games
Ward’s Spectrum ‘big hit
out quality games at such speed. It as children. It was wonderful to see. It Cobra on the Spectrum.
for Christmas’ in 1984, Everyone wanted
he was happy to publish turned my way of thinking about game reinvigorated him to the point that he
to know how Joffa
Pud Pud, Jonathan’s first code on its head: make it tight but make turned up at a couple of Retro Gaming achieved such smooth
game for the company,
it reusable – spend the time upfront to events, which was colossally difficult scrolling effects.
as seen on the BBC
TV Commercial Breaks reap the rewards later on; a mantra I still for him as his shyness had become
documentary. pass on to this day. debilitating to the point of being almost
Even though he trundled off to completely agoraphobic.
Liverpool and Special FX, the company But on the forums, he could be
oday’s post is a very sad one. he worked after, will remember Allan
Allan Shortt, who was a and spare a thought for his family and
Commodore 64 coder for friends.
Ocean during its glory years in the late non
1980s, died this morning, 25 September ‘Although I hadn’t spoken to Al for a
2012,’ Mark wrote. number of years,’ Gary wrote, ‘we did stay
Allan was already working on his in touch via email and I’d like to think
weeks and he had been away from huge floral display spelling out ‘Frobush’, we remained friends beyond the Ocean
the Spectrum forums that he used to the name of his little software company, years.
regularly frequent. It transpired to adorn his coffin. This comes as a terrible – and
he had been in hospital and now In the ever eloquent words of painful – shock. I will remember Allan
was back at home in Widnes Dr Seuss, ‘Don’t cry because it’s for his dry sense of humour, and I will
with his parents. over, smile because it happened’. remember him as a gruff, no-nonsense
It was a shock to say the least. It was truly a pleasure to work guy with an intimidating exterior but a
We knew he hadn’t been too well on multiple occasions with such good, loyal heart within. He loved his job
and that the demon that was his a giving, talented and genuinely second title, Mario Bros, when I started at and was passionate about his work. One-
shy demeanour had taken its toll funny guy. He leaves us not only Ocean January 1987. He had completed of-a-kind, I’m sure he will be greatly
on him, but I don’t think anyone with many happy memories but his first title, Yie Ar Kung Fu II, for missed by his family and everyone else
really realised just how bad it was a permanent, irrefutable legacy the company, previously. He went on whose life he touched. I am privileged to
or what affect it was having on that is his vast body of work. to work on Arkanoid II – Revenge Of be counted among the latter. RIP, mate.
his health. I contacted as many You may no longer be around Doh, Athena and Combat School, all on
of the old gang that I knew to to crack a pun, but I’ll always be the Commodore 64. Today all his ex-
let them know, and a few of us ‘your biggest fan’. workmates from Ocean, and the places Allan gets in some
Combat School moves.
planned to rally round and go see him.
Just two days later while organising
a visit, Christine contacted me again to Jonathan M. Smith, 1967 – 2010
tell me the sad news that Jonathan had Rest in Peace.
passed away that morning.
Colin Porch
by Simon Butler
James Higgins
by Bill Harbison
by Simon Gary Bracey
Butler by Simon Butler
Jon Dunn
by Simon Butler
John Meegan
by Bill Harbison Mark Jones Jnr, TV Star Dean Evans
by Simon Butler by Bill Harbison
Jane Lowe
by Simon Butler
1 3 8
4 7 10
2 6
14 15
11 13
12 16 17
21 23
Missing from the photograph at the time: David Collier; John Meegan;
Simon Butler; Ronnie Fowles; Steve Wahid; Gari Biasillo