Measuring Implicit Sexual Response Biases To Nude Male and Female Pictures in Androphilic and Gynephilic Men
Measuring Implicit Sexual Response Biases To Nude Male and Female Pictures in Androphilic and Gynephilic Men
Measuring Implicit Sexual Response Biases To Nude Male and Female Pictures in Androphilic and Gynephilic Men
DOI 10.1007/s10508-016-0725-3
Received: 27 June 2011 / Revised: 18 February 2016 / Accepted: 24 February 2016 / Published online: 14 March 2016
Ó The Author(s) 2016. This article is published with open access at
830 Arch Sex Behav (2016) 45:829–841
measures typically track spontaneous, immediate and, perhaps, with a range of explicit measures of sexual preference (ranging
more automatic responses and judgments (Friese, Hofmann, & from r = .72 to .80).
Wanke, 2008; Galdi, Arcuri, & Gawronski, 2008; McConnell & The other measure of implicit preference, the PT, also
Leibold, 2001). predicted self-reported sexual orientation, but with a slight
This distinction may be of key importance for research into drop in accuracy relative to the IAT (i.e., AUC = 0.86) and,
sexual preferences. While sexual orientation is often conceptual- once more, a range of correlations were obtained between the
ized as unidimensional in nature, there are likely multiple under- implicit and explicit measures (ranging from r = .49 to .56),
lying constructs that determine human sexual behavior. Indeed, it although again these were weaker compared to the IAT. Finally,
is probable that explicit and implicit measures can tap into dif- the two implicit measures correlated with each other (r = .59).
ferent classes of associated processes. For example, implicit mea- Based on these findings, Snowden et al. (2008) concluded that
sures may reflect fleeting thoughts and fantasies, visual interest in ‘‘male sexual orientation to men or women can be indexed by
bodies of a particular sex, and/or arousal to those bodies, whereas implicit measures’’(p. 563).
explicit measures of sexual orientation may reflect desires to act A limitation to the research reported by Snowden et al.
on one’s arousal, strong sustained attractions to specific individu- (2008) is that one of their measures, the IAT, has a widely rec-
als, and/or other complex social information. Thus, implicit mea- ognized weakness. Specifically, it provides only one relative bias
sures of sexual preference may tap into a unique aspect of sexual score, which creates a lack of precision in determining the nature
orientation that self-report methodologies cannot, which could of the attitudes under study (see De Houwer, 2003). If, for exam-
present distinct patterns of responses within certain groups. For ple, participants responded more quickly on male-attractive and
groups that display these divergent response patterns, either type female-unattractive trials than on the reversed counterparts (i.e.,
of measure could prove to be a more accurate predictor of certain male-unattractive and female-attractive), a number of interpre-
types of sexual behavior, sexual behavior within certain contexts, tations are possible. For instance, participants may (1) have found
and/or sexual behavior altogether. males attractive and females aversive or (2) found both males and
The first published study that sought to determine if sexual femalesattractive,but theformermoreso,or(3)foundbothmales
preference could be indexed with implicit measures (Snowden, and females aversive, but the latter more so, or (4) found males
Wichter, & Gray, 2008) employed two of the most well estab- attractive and females neither aversive nor attractive or (5) found
lished methodologies, the Implicit Association Test (IAT) and a females aversive and males neither aversive nor attractive.
PrimingTask(PT).Maleparticipantswhoreportedthattheywere This is particularly relevant for two reasons. Firstly, this
either primarily androphilic or gynephilic completed both mea- severely restricts the IAT’s utility with bisexual individuals,
sures. given that bisexual individuals who experience strong, but
The critical parts of the IAT involved two types of com- not equal, sexual attraction to both males and females could
puter-based tasks. In one task, participants were required to be erroneously miscategorized as gynephilic or androphilic.
press the same button as quickly as possible if a picture of a Secondly, the IAT’s potential for exploring sexual aversion to
nude male or a word indicating sexually attractive was pre- the non-preferred gender in gynephilic and androphilic indi-
sented (e.g.,‘‘arousing,’’‘‘erotic,’’etc.); pressing a different button viduals is also limited. One might expect that such sexual
(as quickly as possible) was required if the computer presented a aversion can be assumed, however self-report data suggests
pictureofanudefemaleorawordindicatingsexuallyunattractive that while gynephilic males and females display aversion to
(e.g.,‘‘repulsive,’’‘‘repelling,’’etc.). In the other task, the catego- sex with those of their non-preferred gender, androphilic females
rization responses were reversed; pressing one button for male do not, and results for androphilic males are mixed (Freund,
pictures and unattractive and pressing the other button for female Langevin, Chamberlayne, Deosoran, & Zajac, 1974a; Freund,
pictures and attractive. As predicted, the androphilic participants Langevin, Cibiri, & Zajac, 1973; Freund, Langevin, & Zajac,
responded significantly more quickly when they were asked to 1974b; Israel & Strassberg, 2009; Rullo, Strassberg, & Israel,
categorize the male pictures with sexually attractive words and 2010). Additionally, phallometric testing suggest that aversion
the female pictures with sexually unattractive words then vice does not exist at the level of genital arousal in androphilic or
versa (male with unattractive and female with attractive). Also as gynephilic men (Freund et al., 1973, 1974a, 1974b), whereas
predicted, the gynephilic participants produced the opposite viewing time research suggests that it does exist in gynephilic
pattern to the androphilic participants; male pictures were cate- men, but not in androphilic or gynephilic women (Israel &
gorized more rapidly with unattractive and females with attrac- Strassberg, 2009; Rullo et al., 2010).
tive then vice versa. The relative difference in response latency To measure implicit attitudes to individual types of stim-
between the two types of task was thus consistent with the par- uli, an alternative non-relative measure is thus required. In
ticipants’ self-reported sexual preferences. Furthermore, the IAT fact, a number of researchers have attempted to develop such
data successfully predicted self-reported sexual orientation with non-relative tests, including, for instance, the Extrinsic Affective
an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.97 and correlated strongly Simon Test (De Houwer, 2003), the Go/No-Go Association Task
Arch Sex Behav (2016) 45:829–841 831
(Nosek & Banaji, 2001), and the Implicit Relational Assessment gynephilic group?). Third, would both groups show significant
Procedure (IRAP) (Barnes-Holmes et al., 2006). As an aside, the IRAP effects consistent with aversion to their self-reported non-
PT employed by Snowden et al. (2008) could have yielded sep- preferred gender? Fourth, would the two IRAP bias scores pro-
arate bias scores for male and female pictures but these were not duce similar or different levels of predictive validity in terms of
reported in the article, presumably because they could not be identifying the sexual orientation of the participants? Fifth, would
compared meaningfully with the single relative IAT scores. the IRAP bias scores correlate with the explicit measures
The present study sought to replicate and extend the research employed in the study?
conducted by Snowden et al. (2008) by assessing both relative and
individual implicit biases for male and female pictures using the
IRAP. Research has shown that the IRAP (1) compares well with Method
the IAT as a measure of individual differences (Barnes-Holmes,
Murtagh, Barnes-Holmes, & Stewart, 2010c; Barnes-Holmes, Participants
(McKenna, Barnes-Holmes, Barnes-Holmes, & Stewart, 2007), Given that the current study was a ‘‘first test’’ of the validity and
(3) may be used as a measure of implicit self-esteem (Timko, utility of the IRAP as a measure of sexual orientation, participants
England, Herbert, & Forman, 2010; Vahey, Barnes-Holmes, were 16 gynephilic men (M age = 23.8 years; range, 18–54) and
Barnes-Holmes, & Stewart, 2009), and (4) produces effects that 16 androphilic men (M age = 22.8; range, 18–39). Gynephilic and
indicate levels of bias not recorded with explicit measures androphilic men tend to display category-specific sexual respon-
(Barnes-Holmes, Murphy, Barnes-Holmes, & Stewart, 2010b; ses at both a subjective and genital arousal level, whereas this is
Dawson, Barnes-Holmes, Gresswell, Hart, & Gore, 2009; Power, less so the case in gynephilic women (Chivers, Rieger, Latty, &
Barnes-Holmes, Barnes-Holmes, & Stewart, 2009; Roddy, Ste- Bailey, 2004; Chivers, Seto, & Blanchard, 2007; Chivers, Seto,
wart, & Barnes-Holmes, 2010). Lalumiére, Laan, & Grimbos, 2010). This makes gynephilic and
One feature of the IRAP that was particularly important for androphilic men ideal to test the discriminability of the IRAP at
the current study is that it consists of multiple trial-types, this early stage.
which, in principle, permits the assessment of more than one Gynephilic participants were students of Maynooth Univer-
response bias (see Barnes-Holmes et al., 2010b). In the pre- sity. Androphilic participants were recruited through the Lesbian,
sent research, each IRAP trial presented either a picture of a Gay, Bisexual and Transgender society at Maynooth University
nude male or female as a label stimulus with either a positive and via snowball sampling through those participants. Consistent
(e.g.,‘‘arousing’’) or negative (e.g.,‘‘repulsive’’) target word. with Snowden et al. (2008), gynephilic men were operationally
The IRAP thus allowed us to determine separate responses defined as men with a relatively stable preference for sexual part-
biases for the male and female pictures for gynephilic and ners of the opposite gender and androphilic men were defined as
androphilic participants, as well as an overall relative IRAP men with a relatively stable preference for sexual partners of the
effect, similar to that reported by Snowden et al. (2008) for the same gender. Such preference was confirmed by a modified ver-
IAT and PT. sion of the Klein Sexual Orientation Grid (KSOG) (Klein, 1993;
The first aim of the current study was to replicate the find- Klein, Sepekoff, & Wolf, 1985), which showed all participants to
ings reported by Snowden et al. (2008) with the IRAP. That is, we be either primarily gynephilic or androphilic (see next section for
predicted that the overall relative IRAP effects would differ sig- details).Volunteersreceivedachocolatebrowniefortheirpartici-
nificantly between men who reported being primarily gynephilic pation, but no other rewards or incentives were offered.
versus androphilic and that this measure would successfully
discriminate between the groups at a level similar to that obtained Measures
with the IAT and PT. We also predicted that the overall IRAP
effect would yield similarly high correlations with the explicit An information and consent booklet was used to brief par-
measuresofsexual orientationtothosereportedbySnowdenetal. ticipants. This consisted of the following brief summary of the
The second aim of the present research was more exploratory. general nature ofthestudy,as well asreproductionsofthe10 nude
Specifically, we sought to examine the separate IRAP effects stimuli to be used in the study and a copy of the consent form:
generated by the male and female pictures by addressing the ‘‘Our research investigates cognitive processes that are used in
following five questions. First, would the IRAP effects for the decisions that involve memory. We are seeking to develop and
male and female stimuli differ significantly for both the gyne- test theories of cognitive processes that occur inside and outside
philic and androphilic groups? Second, would both groups show of awareness in the routine use of memory. In this case, the cog-
significant IRAP effects consistent with their self-reported sexual nitive processes involved in making decisions about the sexual
orientation (i.e., an attraction bias for males only for the appeal of males and females are being investigated. As such, nude
androphilic group and an attraction bias for females only for the images of both males and females will be presented multiple
832 Arch Sex Behav (2016) 45:829–841
times during the experiment. Your identity as a subject is con- The semantic differentials involved two identical sets of
fidential. Further, you are free to discontinue participation at any six bipolar Likert scales, one for the concept‘‘sex with men is
time, without penalty.’’ (to me)’’ and another for the concept ‘‘sex with women is (to
The same five male and four of the five female picture stimuli me).’’The Likert scales each had a pair of opposite adjectives
used by Snowden et al. (2008), taken from the International at either end. These pairs were‘‘good/bad,’’‘‘beautiful/ugly,’’
Affective Picture System (IAPS) (Lang, Bradley, & Cuthbert, ‘‘pleasant/unpleasant,’’‘‘exciting/boring,’’‘‘nice/awful,’’ and
1997), were employed in the current study (male picture num- ‘‘attractive/unattractive.’’The scales ranged from 1 to 7, with
bers: 4460, 4500, 4534, 4550, 4561; female picture numbers: 4 as the neutral point. Higher numbers indicated a more favorable
4141, 4142, 4210, 4240). A fifth female picture (picture number: attitude, except in the case of the‘‘pleasant/unpleasant’’scales, in
4235) was chosen from the IAPS in lieu of the original fifth which the labels were reversed (to control for repetitive respond-
picture used by Snowden et al. (picture number: 4332) due to its ing). The data for this scale were recoded before the data analysis
unavailability. All pictures chosen by Snowden et al. were picked to render the direction of effects consistent with the other data.
for their erotic, but not pornographic content, as was the fifth The IRAP software, which was run on a standard personal
female picture in the current study; subjects in the pictures were computer, was written by the second author and is available
completely or almost completely nude, while not visibly sexu- upon request. Participants completed the study alone in a
ally aroused nor engaged in sexual activity. small quiet room free of distraction.
The five word stimuli pertaining to‘‘sexually attractive’’orig-
inally used by Snowden et al. (2008) were also employed in the Procedure
current study (i.e.,‘‘arousing,’’‘‘erotic,’’‘‘attractive,’’‘‘sensual,’’and
‘‘exciting’’). However, only four of the five original words per- Participants were informed that the study would consist of a short
taining to‘‘sexually unattractive’’were used (i.e.,‘‘repulsive,’’ questionnaire about their sexual orientation and behavior, fol-
‘‘repelling,’’‘‘repugnant,’’and‘‘repellent’’). During pilot testing, lowed by a computerized task. For ethical reasons, participants
the fifth word (‘‘forbidding’’) was deemed to be ambiguous in were also informed that both were intended as measures of sexual
the context of the IRAP because it had moralistic connotations, preference, but that the data were being collected anonymously
which applied to all of the nude images (both male and female) and as such could not be directly traced to them. In addition, the
irrespective of sexual orientation. Consequently, the word participants were informed they had the right to cease participa-
‘‘awful’’ was used in its place. tion at any time, as well as retract their data afterwards. Partici-
The explicit attitude measures consisted of the semantic dif- pants who inquired further as to how the IRAP measures sexual
ferential measures used by Snowden et al. (2008), as well as a preference were informed that it determines it based on their
version of the KSOG, modified to reflect the results of a factor responses to the stimuli, but no more specific information was
analysis of the instrument (Weinrich et al., 1993). The KSOG given.
consisted of five dimensions of sexual orientation (sexual attrac- If participants confirmed they were willing to continue, they
tion, sexual behavior, sexual fantasies, hetero/gay lifestyle, and were presented with the information and consent booklet,
self identification), all of which were assessed on a seven point described previously. Participants were then offered a minimum
scale across two temporal dimensions (past, defined as up to a of a 24-h ‘‘change-of-mind’’ period to allow them to reconsider
year ago, and present, defined as the last 12 months), as well as a their participation. To avoid inconveniencing participants unnec
third dimension of ideality (defined as what the participant would essarily, those who wished to continue with the study immedi-
like). Higher scores indicated a more androphilic attitude and ately were allowed to do so.
lower scores indicated a more gynephilic attitude. This resulted No participants chose to cancel their participation after the
in a total of 15 scores of sexual orientation (Cronbach’s alpha for change-of-mind period, and, upon their return, they were again
present study = .98). presented with the booklet and asked to sign the consent form
Mean scores were rounded off to the nearest whole number, if they wished to continue. Having signed, participants then com-
and this final score was used as a screening measure for the study pleted the explicit measures (the KSOG and semantic differ-
(KSOG scores were not rounded off to the nearest whole number entials).
for anything other than this screening). Scores of 1–3 were Subsequently, participants were seated in front of the com-
deemed to represent an overall sexual preference for women, puter, which presented the instructions and stimuli and recorded
scores of 5–7 an overall sexual preference for men, and a score of all responses. The IRAP software began by presenting a set of
4 a relative lack of definite preference for either men or women. instructions, which explained the IRAP task using illustrative
No participant had a score of 4 and all participants’ scores were in examples of the different types of trials, and giving a detailed
accordance with their reported sexual orientation, with gyne- account of what participants were required to do.
philic individuals scoring between 1 and 3 and androphilic The IRAP was presented in blocks of 40 trials. Trials consisted
individuals scoring between 5 and 7. of the simultaneous presentation of either a male or female nude
Arch Sex Behav (2016) 45:829–841 833
picture stimulus at the top of the screen, either an attractive or the words‘‘Too Slow’’appeared towards the center bottom of the
unattractive word stimulus in the middle of the screen and screen and remained there until the participant chose one of the
response options of‘‘True’’and‘‘False’’in the bottom left- and response options.
right-hand corners, with the instructions‘‘Press ‘D’ for’’and Participants were first presented with a set of two practice
‘‘Press ‘K’ for’’directly above the left and right response options, blocks. Participants were required to achieve an accuracy crite-
respectively. The left–right positioning of the two response rion of C80 % correct responses and a median response latency of
options, and therefore the keys required to select them, varied ran- B2000 ms. If these criteria were achieved, participants were then
domly across trials, with the constraint that they could not appear exposed to fixed set of six test blocks. If they were not achieved,
in the same positions across more than three successive trials. The the practice blocks were repeated until they were. Participants
different combinations of male/female and positive/negative were not required to achieve any performance criteria during the
words resulted in four possible trial types: Male-Attractive, Male- test blocks in order to proceed. However, accuracy and latency
Unattractive, Female-Attractive, and Female-Unattractive (see feedback were presented at the end of each block to encourage
Fig. 1). participants to maintain the performance criteria achieved during
During each block, participants had to respond in accordance the practice blocks.
with one of two rules, regardless of their own personal feelings: Blocks were presented in one of two possible sequences, each
(1)‘‘all females are attractive and all males are unattractive’’(de- alternating between the presentation of a female-attractive and a
fined as a female-attractive block) or (2)‘‘all males are attractive male-attractive block. In one sequence, participants were first
and all females are unattractive’’ (defined as a male-attractive exposed to a female-attractive block, whereas in the other
block). The trials were presented quasi-randomly with the con- sequence participants were first exposed to a male-attractive
straint that each of the four trial-types appeared 10 times within block. Block sequence was counterbalanced across participants.
each 40-trial block, all 10 picture and 10 word stimuli were pre- Upon completion of the IRAP, participants were thanked and
sented twice within each block and the same trial-type was not debriefed and reminded that if they wished they could still revoke
presented across successive trials. their data.
Choosing the response option deemed correct cleared the
screen for a 400 ms inter-trial interval and then the next trial was Data Analysis
presented. If the incorrect response option was chosen, a red X
appeared directly underneath the target word and remained there The primary datum for the IRAP was response latency defined as
until the participant chose the correct response option. If a par- time in milliseconds from the onset of a test trial until the emission
ticipant failed to respond within 2000 ms from the start of a trial, of a correct response. Consistent with the majority of published
Female-Attractive Male-Attractive
Attractive Attractive
Females Females Males Males
Attractive Unattractive Attractive Unattractive
Select ‘d’ for Select ‘k’ for Select ‘d’ for Select ‘k’ for
True False True False
Female-Unattractive Male-Unattractive
Awful Awful
Females Females Males Males
Unattractive Attractive Unattractive Attractive
Select ‘d’ for Select ‘k’ for Select ‘d’ for Select ‘k’ for
True False True False
Fig. 1 The four IRAP trial-types. The nude picture stimuli, word stimuli and response options (‘‘True’’and‘‘False’’) appeared simultaneously on each
trial. Arrows with superimposed text show which responses indicate which bias (text and arrows did not appear on screen)
834 Arch Sex Behav (2016) 45:829–841
Arch Sex Behav (2016) 45:829–841 835
Differential Preference Scales preference). All 12 t tests (six for the gynephilic group and six for
the androphilic group) proved to be highly significant (all ps\
To make the semantic differential measures compatible with .0001). A further 24 one-sample t tests were employed to deter-
the overall D-IRAP scores, the scores for the‘‘Sex with Men’’ mine if the‘‘Sex with Women’’and‘‘Sex with Men’’Likert ratings
Likert scales were subtracted from the scores for the‘‘Sex with differed significantly from 4 (i.e., a neutral preference). For the
Women’’Likert scales. Positive scores thus indicate a preference gynephilic group, 11 of the t tests were significant (ps\.01,
for women and negative scores a preference for men. These ds[1.5). Similarly, for the androphilic group, 11 of the t tests
measures arereferred toas Differential Preference Scales(DPSs), were significant (ps\.02, ds[1.4).
and the overall means for these data along with the overall means
from the two separate Likert scales are shown in Table 1. Klein Sexual Orientation Grid
In all cases, the direction of the effects was consistent with
predicted group differences. The data for the DPSs were entered The data for the KSOG were similarly entered into an unpaired t
into a 2 9 6 multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) with test. As would be expected, given that the KSOG was used as a
sexual orientation as a between-participant variable and the 6 screening measure, it too produced a large and significant differ-
DPS scores as within participant variables. The MANOVA ence (see Table 1).
yielded a significant main effect, F(1, 30) = 57.26, p\.001,
gp2 = .93. Six unpaired t tests were used to explore the nature of Relationship Between the Measures
this main effect and all 6 t tests were significant (see Table 1).
Twelve one-sample t tests were used to determine if the results Pearson correlation coefficients were computed to examine the
for the DPSs differed significantly from zero (i.e., a neutral relationships between the variables (see Table 2). The Overall D-
Fig. 3 Receiver operating characteristics of the ability of the overall under the curve (AUC) is 1.0 (p\.001) for the overall D-IRAP scores,
mean D-IRAP, female and male picture bias scores to predict sexual 0.95 (p\.001) for the female picture bias scores and 0.94 (p\.001) for
orientation. The straight diagonal lines represent chance level. The area the male picture bias scores
836 Arch Sex Behav (2016) 45:829–841
IRAP scores were correlated with the DPSs and the two D-IRAP attraction bias to one gender predicted an aversion bias to the
picture bias scores were correlated with their corresponding gen- opposite gender).
der-specific Likert scales (i.e., male picture bias scores with‘‘Sex
with Men’’ratings and female picture bias scores with‘‘Sex with
Women’’ratings). The three D-IRAP measures were also corre- Discussion
lated with the KSOG. All correlations with the Overall D-IRAP
scores were very high and significant, ranging between r = .77 The results of the current study supported Snowden et al.’s
(‘‘Pleasant’’Differential Preference Scale) and r = .84 (‘‘Good’’ (2008) conclusion that implicit measures can be used to dis-
Differential Preference Scale). All of the correlations between tinguish between men of different sexual orientations. In addi-
each of the two picture bias scores and the explicit measures were tion, the data indicated that the IRAP had a level of predictive
also significant, although in general they were slightly weaker validity that compared favorably with the levels reported by
than the overall D-IRAP correlations. Finally, a Pearson corre- Snowden et al. for the IAT and the PT. Furthermore, high
lation coefficient was calculated between the two D-IRAP pic- correlations between the IRAP and the explicit measures were
ture bias scores and this proved to be negative and significant, found, which again compared favorably with those reported
r = -.65, p\.0001 (the correlation was negative because an for the IAT and the PT, which Snowden et al. pointed out were
Preference 4.4 1.7 -3.7 1.4 14.41*** 5.09
Sex w/women 6.8 0.4 3.1 1.2
Sex w/men 2.4 1.6 6.8 0.5
Preference 3.6 1.1 -2.4 1.8 11.42*** 4.04
Sex w/women 6.0 0.9 2.8 1.4
Sex w/men 2.4 1.3 5.3 1.4
Preference 4.7 1.7 -3.6 1.8 13.64*** 4.82
Sex w/women 6.9 0.3 2.8 1.4
Sex w/men 2.2 1.6 6.4 1.1
Preference 2.7 1.6 -3.6 1.7 10.85*** 3.84
Sex w/women 6.3 1.0 2.9 1.6
Sex w/men 3.6 1.0 6.5 0.6
Preference 3.9 1.3 -2.9 2.0 11.44*** 4.05
Sex w/women 6.9 0.3 3.4 1.6
Sex w/men 3.0 1.3 6.3 1.1
Preference 4.9 1.2 -3.4 2.0 13.99*** 4.95
Sex w/women 6.8 0.5 2.8 1.6
Sex w/men 1.9 1.2 6.2 1.3
KSOG 1.5 0.4 5.9 0.5 27.47*** 10.03
Range for preference differentials, -6.0 to 6.0. Range for‘‘Sex with Women’’and‘‘Sex With Men’’differentials, 1.0–7.0. Range for KSOG-m, 1.0–7.0
*** p\.0001
Arch Sex Behav (2016) 45:829–841 837
Table 2 Correlations (Pearson r) between D-IRAP scores and explicit orthogonal pattern for the IRAP was somewhat reflected in the
measures KSOG scores, in which the mean for the androphilic group was
Overall Female Male 5.9 (i.e., 1.1 away from maximum exclusivity) whereas the mean
D-IRAP score picture bias picture bias for the gynephilic group was 1.5 (i.e., 0.5 away from maximum
exclusivity). On balance, five of the six one-sample t tests for the
Likert scales were significantly different from neutral in a nega-
tive direction for the androphilic group when rating ‘‘Sex with
Preference .84***
Women.’’ Thus, although the androphilic group produced self-
Sex w/women .79***
reports that suggested a lower level of exclusivity relative to the
Sex w/men .70***
gynephilic group in terms of general sexual preference, the rat-
ings of the androphilic group with respect to sexual attraction to
Preference .82***
women were far from neutral. How might we account for this
Sex w/women .68***
apparent divergence between the implicit and explicit measures?
Sex w/men .56**
One important factor that might have served to reduce the
Pleasant implicit female picture bias for the androphilic group to near zero
Preference .77*** is the life-long repeated media presentations of women as sexual
Sex w/women .71*** objects and as possessing great sexual appeal. For example, in
Sex w/men .55** advertising not only is the sexual appeal of women portrayed
Exciting more often than men, but also the female models used for this pur-
Preference .82*** pose tend to be more attractive, more slender, and younger than
Sex w/women .69*** males who are used for their sex appeal (Lin, 1998). Almost daily
Sex w/men .76*** exposure to this focus on females as attractive, sexual beings may
Nice thus have impacted upon the automatic responses to the female
Preference .82*** stimuli. For the gynephilic group, the portrayal of women as pri-
Sex w/women .62*** marily sexual would only serve to support those automatic
Sex w/men .68*** responses that were consistent with self-reported sexual orien-
Attractive tation. In the case of the androphilic group, however, constant
Preference .80*** exposure to females as sexual in the wider culture may influence
Sex w/women .72*** automatic responses in a manner that diverges from self-reported
Sex w/men .57** levels of attraction to the opposite sex.
KSOG .82*** .81*** .69*** Alsoofnoteisthatandrophilic menaremorelikelyto havehad
sexual experience with their non-preferred gender than gyne-
** p\.001; *** p\.0001
philic men (Layte et al., 2006). It is possible that this exposure
may have affected the implicit bias in the androphilic men in this
sample or even vice versa. However, without non-relativistic
already higher than all previously published comparisons. Criti- information on numbers of same and opposite sex partners,
cally, the level of predictive validity and correlation with explicit this hypothesis was untestable using the current data set.
measures remained high even when bias scores were calculated Of course, both explanations remain speculative, but there is
only using the implicit responses to either the male or female considerable evidence that implicit measures are sensitive to the
pictures. The current findings thus supported the conclusion impact of evaluative conditioning (Olson & Fazio, 2001, 2002)
that the sexual orientation of gynephilic and androphilic men and other iterative learning procedures (Cullen, Barnes-Holmes,
may be distinguished based not only on relative preference scores Barnes-Holmes, & Stewart, 2009; Hughes & Barnes-Holmes,
for male and female erotic stimuli, but also on scores obtained 2011). Consequently, exposure to women in a sexual context in
separately for each gender. the above-described ways may indeed impact on measures of
Although implicit responses to both types of stimuli (male and implicit sexual response biases. In any case, the fact that the IRAP
female) yielded very high levels of predictive validity, the pattern yielded an effect that diverged somewhat from the explicit ratings
ofbiasesshownforthetwotypesofstimulifortheandrophilicand serves to highlight the potential utility of employing such mea-
gynephilic men was not strictly orthogonal. Specifically, the sures in the investigation of sexual orientation.
gynephilic group showed clear attraction and aversion biases for Of key interest would be to investigate to what degree implicit
the female and male pictures, respectively, whereas the andro- sexual orientation as measured by the IRAP predicts sexual
philic group only showed the opposite pattern for the male stim- behavior and arousal, especially in the context of a discrepancy
uli. Interestingly, the female nudes produced a near neutral IRAP with explicit attitudes, such as that displayed by the androphilic
effect for the androphilic group. It is worth noting that the non- men in this study. As discussed previously, explicit and implicit
838 Arch Sex Behav (2016) 45:829–841
Arch Sex Behav (2016) 45:829–841 839
specifically with the IAT in order to measure individual implicit Additionally, and as mentioned previously, the IRAP is in
sexual responses to male and female stimuli (Snowden & Gray, essence a verbal measure (Barnes-Holmes et al., 2010a) which
2013). This was performed as a follow up to an IAT which mea- suggests that it (7) may measure a construct that is distinct from,
sured sexual responses relatively. However, this solution still has albeit related to, that tapped into by the alternative measures and
some inherent issues. Firstly, research suggests that exposure to a (8) is more directly comparable with explicit measures. Indeed,
single IAT results in vulnerability to faking in subsequent IATs, these qualities also make the IRAP a good potential candidate to
even without explicit instructions on how (Fiedler & Bluemke, utilize in tandem with genital response or other measures to
2005), which may limit this form of the IAT’s ability to index an produce more detailed and perhaps even more accurate results.
individual’s full profile of implicit sexual responses to male and As such, future research should compare the IRAP with other
female stimuli. measuresto determinewhether they measurethe sameconstructs,
Secondly, unlessanother non-relativeimplicit measure is used their comparative performance and their complementary utility.
to assess them in advance, the neutrality of the replacement stim- In conclusion, we have shown that the IRAP has a powerful
uli is somewhat of an a priori assumption, which can complicate ability to identify the sexual orientations of gynephilic and
interpretation. For example, according to the mentioned IATs androphilic men, and critically its accuracy in this regard was
utilized by Snowden andGray(2013), gynephilic malesappeared maintained when measuring separate response biases for male
to be more sexually attracted to female pictures versus male pic- and female stimuli. Indeed, these separate measurements indi-
tures, equally sexually attracted to male pictures versus neutral cated that the response biases of the two sexual orientations tar-
pictures, and more sexually attracted to female pictures versus geted here are not strictly orthogonal. This finding raises some
neutral pictures. This was interpreted as category-specific attrac- interesting questions concerning the variables responsible for the
tion to the female stimuli, as it is quite unlikely that these partici- absence of a negative bias among the androphilic men for the
pants would display sexual attraction to the neutral stimuli at a female stimuli, especially given that this group rated sex with
group level. However, it was unclear whether these men had no females negatively on the explicit measure. In any case, these
biases to both the male and neutral stimuli or aversion biases to findings provide further support for Snowden et al.’s (2008)
boththemaleandneutral stimuli,bothofwhichcouldbepossible. conclusion that implicit measurements could prove to be of
Intuitively, a neutral score implies a neutral attitude to the male considerable utility in the study of sexual orientation and sexual
stimuli on the male versus neutral IAT; however, the data from preferences.
the IRAP imply that gynephilic men may have an implicit aver-
sion bias to male stimuli. Follow up research could test this by Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.
administering the IRAP and these IATs to gynephilic male par- org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
ticipants, and indeed the IRAP could potentially beused to test the reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the
validity of the male versus neutral and female versus neutral IATs original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons
used by Snowden and Gray. license, and indicate if changes were made.
Finally, one might ask why the IRAP should be used in
research on sexual preferences when other established alterna-
tives exist, such as genital response measures, or are in develop-
ment, such as eye tracking (Rupp & Wallen, 2007), eye dilation Arkes, H. R., & Tetlock, P. E. (2004). Attributions of implicit prejudice,
(Rieger & Savin-Williams, 2012), and functional magnetic res- or ‘‘Would Jesse Jackson ‘fail’ the Implicit Association Test?’’
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Stewart, I. (2006). Do you really know what you believe? Developing
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