Sensors 08 05619
Sensors 08 05619
Sensors 08 05619
ISSN 1424-8220
Libuse Trnkova 1, Vojtech Adam 2, 3, Jaromir Hubalek 4, Petr Babula 5 and Rene Kizek 1, *
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Kotlarska 2, CZ-611 37 Brno,
Czech Republic
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, and 3 Department of Animal Nutrition and Forage
Production, Faculty of Agronomy, Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry, Zemedelska 1,
CZ-613 00 Brno, Czech Republic
Department of Microelectronics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication, Brno
University of Technology, Udolni 53, CZ-602 00 Brno, Czech Republic
Department of Natural Drugs, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical
Sciences, Palackeho 1-3, CZ-612 42 Brno, Czech Republic
Received: 31 July 2008; in revised form: 9 September 2008 / Accepted: 11 September 2008 /
Published: 15 September 2008
Abstract: Chloride ion sensing is important in many fields such as clinical diagnosis,
environmental monitoring and industrial applications. We have measured chloride ions at a
carbon paste electrode (CPE) and at a CPE modified with solid AgNO3, a solution of
AgNO3 and/or solid silver particles. Detection limits (3 S/N) for chloride ions were 100 µM,
100 µM and 10 µM for solid AgNO3, solution of AgNO3 and/or solid silver particles,
respectively. The CPE modified with silver particles is the most sensitive to the presence
chloride ions. After that we approached to the miniaturization of the whole electrochemical
instrument. Measurements were carried out on miniaturized instrument consisting of a
potentiostat with dimensions 35 × 166 × 125 mm, screen printed electrodes, a peristaltic
pump and a PC with control software. Under the most suitable experimental conditions
(Britton-Robinson buffer, pH 1.8 and working electrode potential 550 mV) we estimated the
limit of detection (3 S/N) as 500 nM.
Keywords: Chloride Ions; Silver; Carbon Paste Electrode; Screen Printed Electrode;
Voltammetry; Amperometry
Sensors 2008, 8 5620
1. Introduction
Chloride ions sensing is important in many fields such as clinical diagnosis [1, 2] environmental
monitoring [3-5] and various industrial applications [6, 7]. Considering the fact that chloride channels
play crucial role in physiological processes it is not surprising that missregulation of chloride ions
transport by these channels can cause serious disorders. Cystic fibrosis is a disease in which gene
encoding of a protein, called cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator, and which functions as a chloride
channel in epithelial membranes, is mutated and thus its function is altered [8]. Besides the importance
of monitoring of chloride ions in patients with this disease, monitoring of chloride ions in the
environment is needed. Chloride ions content in concrete plays important role in the quality of
reinforced concrete, as these ions induce depassivation of the steel rebars and initiation of the corrosion
process leading to degradation of the structure. Chloride ions in concrete come from cement, aggregate
materials and water used for creating concrete, or by diffusion of chloride ions from outside of the
structure through water pores in the concrete. Determination of chloride ions in materials for concrete
is thus necessary [3, 9]. The content of chloride ions in waters is also monitored well [10, 11].
Numerous analytical methods for chloride ions in a variety of samples have been developed, such as
ion chromatography [17, 18] near-infrared spectrometry [12] spectroscopy [13] light scattering [14] ion-
selective electrode method [6, 9, 15, 16] turbidimetric method [17] and flow based methods coupled
with different detectors [9, 18, 19]. On the other hand, sensors and biosensors have the advantages of
specificity, low cost, ease to use, portability and the ability to furnish continuous real time signals [20-66].
Several sensors or biosensors for selective chloride ions detection have been suggested [1, 3, 6, 10, 15,
67-71]. The main aim of this paper was to test various carbon paste electrodes for detection of chloride
ions. Moreover, we adopted the results obtained to suggest miniaturized device for in situ monitoring
of chloride ions.
Chemicals used were purchased from Sigma Aldrich Chemical Corp. (USA) in ACS purity unless
noted otherwise. The stock standard solutions was prepared with ACS water (Sigma-Aldrich, USA)
and stored in the dark at -4 °C. Working standard solutions were prepared daily by dilution of the stock
solutions. The pH value was measured using WTW inoLab Level 3 with terminal Level 3 (Weilheim,
Germany), controlled by the personal computer program (MultiLab Pilot; Weilheim, Germany). The
pH-electrode (SenTix-H, pH 0–14/3M KCl) was regularly calibrated by set of WTW buffers
(Weilheim, Germany).Deionised water underwent demineralization by reverse osmosis using the
instruments Aqua Osmotic 02 (Aqua Osmotic, Tisnov, Czech Republic) and then it was subsequently
purified using Millipore RG (Millipore Corp., USA, 18 MΏ) – MiliQ water.
Sensors 2008, 8 5621
The carbon paste electrode (CPE) was made of 70 % (140 mg, w/w) graphite powder (Sigma-
Aldrich) and 30 % (70 mg, w/w) mineral oil (Sigma-Aldrich; free of DNase, RNase, and protease).
This carbon paste was housed in a Teflon body with a 2.5-mm diameter disk surface. Before
measurements the electrode surface was renewed by wiping with wet filter paper. Then, the surface
was ready for measurement of a 5 µL sample volume [72-75]. The silver modified-CPE was prepared
in the same way as described above, with the exception of adding solution of AgNO3, solid form of
AgNO3 or Ag particles (units of µm) into graphite powder and mineral oil. This mixture was ground to
perfection for 10 min using agate grinding mortar.
Amperometric measurements were carried out with multi-mode potentiostat BioStat (ESA, Inc.
USA). It is four-channel system with three operating modes per channel (amps, volts, and temp). The
system was connected through data bus USB to personal computer. The home made apparatus was
connected to the first channel of the potentiostat. This apparatus consists of a basic plate on which the
connector TX721 1115 with 2.54 pin spacing and the 0039532035 connector (Molex) with 1.25 mm
pin spacing are placed. The connectors are designed for connection of two different screen-printed
electrodes. Miniaturised electrode system consisted of working (silver), auxiliary (carbon) and
reference (Ag/AgCl) electrode. Screen-printed electrodes are fabricated using standard thick-film
techniques [76] on an alumina substrate forming the three-electrodes electrochemical sensor with
dimensions of 25.4 × 7.2 mm [27]. Thick-film paste used for leads and contacts was AgPdPt based
paste type ESL 9562-G (ESL Electroscience, UK). For auxiliary electrode Pt based paste type ESL
5545 was used. The working electrode was fabricated from Ag based paste type ESL 9912-K. Finally
the reference electrode was fabricated from DuPont (DuPont, USA) paste type 5874 (Ag:AgCl ratio:
Sensors 2008, 8 5622
Data were processed using MICROSOFT EXCEL® (USA). Results are expressed as mean ± S.D.
unless noted otherwise. The detection limits (3 S/N) were calculated according to Long and
Winefordner [77] whereas N was expressed as standard deviation of noise determined in the signal
domain unless stated otherwise.
We measured chloride ions at the carbon paste electrode. The signal obtained was not well
developed. The detection limit (3 S/N) was estimated down to 10-4 M. Therefore it was necessary to
modify a working electrode (Figure 1). It is a common knowledge that silver (I) ions form a non-
soluble AgCl precipitate with chloride ions. We used this feature to select suitable CPE modifiers to
detect chloride ions. Primarily we choose solid silver (I) nitrate as the modifier (6 mg of AgNO3 was
added to CPE).
Figure 1. Chloride ion sensor. Sensor is based on modification of a carbon paste electrode
with silver (I). Reaction between silver (I) and chloride ions provides high selectivity and
sensitivity for detection of chloride.
f ca
Selectivity ast
t rod
Carbon paste electrode
Modification of CPE Ag+
Carbon powder Ag+
AgNO3 (l)
Carbon Ag+
paste Sensor
AgNO3 (s) Cl- Cl-
The CPE modified by solid silver (I) nitrate didn’t give a signal in the presence of Britton-Robinson
buffer (pH 1.8) only (not shown). Signal detected using modified CPE probably relates to formation of
AgCl and its dissociation. Chlorides can be also adsorbed on the mercury electrode surface at +100 mV
under formation of products with mercury similarly to silver electrodes surface. It was generally
considered that this bond is too strong to be pure sorption. Their common superficial concentration is
about 1.5 nmol/m2 [11, 78]. Therefore we tested the influence of accumulation of AgCl on the surface
of modified CPE. Differential pulse voltammetric analysis was initiated by the accumulation of
reaction product at potential +250 mV. The quantity of accumulated product increased with the time of
accumulation up to 60 s, and then the signal declined (Figure 2A). The dependence of peak height on
NaCl concentration within the range from 125 µM to 1 mM was studied (Figure 2B). The obtained
signals were well developed and decreased from 1.2 µA to 0.2 µA with decreasing concentration of
chloride ions. Potential of peak shifted to more positive potentials from 218 to 290 mV. Limit of
detection (3 S/N) was estimated as 100 µM NaCl.
Figure 2. Electrochemical analysis of chloride ions using a CPE modified with solid
silver(I) nitrate. (A) Dependence of signal height (100 µM NaCl) on accumulation time.
Accumulation potential 250 mV. (B) DP voltammograms of NaCl (0.125, 0.250, 0.500 and
1.00 mM).
Peak height (µA)
0.125 mM
0.250 mM
1 µA
0.500 mM
1.00 mM
50 150 250 350
10 20 30 60 70 80
Potential (mV)
Time of accumulation (s)
In the following experiments the CPE was modified by aqueous silver(I) nitrate solution (0.4 µL of
solution of AgNO3 1 g/mL was added to the CPE). The CPE modified like this didn’t give a signal in
the presence of Britton-Robinson buffer (pH 1.8) only. After addition of 1 mM NaCl into the
supporting electrolyte, a peak at 225 mV was determined. We observed that NaCl concentrations
higher than 1 mM resulted in inhomogeneous saturation of modified CPE electrode surface by AgCl
Sensors 2008, 8 5624
precipitate. This phenomenon caused nonlinearity of calibration curve in the range of the higher NaCl
concentrations. The dependence of peak height on NaCl concentration within the range from 125 µM
to 1 mM was linear, which shows on optimal ratio of aqueous silver (I) nitrate solution into CPE and
concentration of chloride ions in supporting electrolyte. Therefore it can be also assumed that layer of
AgCl precipitate on the surface of modified CPE is more homogenous. With increasing NaCl
concentration potential of peak shifted to more positive potentials from 230 mV to 290 mV. Limit of
detection (3 S/N) was estimated as 100 µM NaCl.
1.00 mM
0.500 mM
1 µA
0.250 mM
0.125 mM
0.0625 mM
Potential (mV)
The CPE modified with silver microparticles (units of µm) is the most similar to a silver electrode.
The additions of silver microparticles from 0.4 mg to 200 mg into carbon powder were tested. Silver
microparticles additions below 50 mg didn’t provide sufficient sensitivity for chloride ion detection,
because the detection limit (3 S/N) was higher than 250 µM NaCl. Silver microparticles contents
higher than 160 mg made the CPE physical conditions worse; particularly a shorter shelf life of the
working electrode and lower sensitivity were observed. We determined that the optimal composition of
the modified CPE was 140 mg of Ag particles per 140 mg carbon powder (1:1, w/w). This rate
provided sufficient sensitivity and shelf life longer than four weeks. Chloride ions were measured
within the concentration range from 100 µM to 1 mM NaCl. DP voltammetric peaks were well
Sensors 2008, 8 5625
developed with relative standard deviation below 5 % (Figure 3). Peak height decreased proportionally
(from 8 µA to 0.2 µA) with decreasing chloride concentration and its potential shifted to more positive
potentials (from 230 mV to 290 mV). Limit of detection (3 S/N) was estimated as 10 µM NaCl. Ten
times lower detection limit may relate with larger active surface of silver on the surface of CPE,
because silver particle probably homogenously saturated CPE. Considering principle of a measurement
stripping of AgCl on the surface of CPE modified by silver particle can be expected.
It can be concluded that CPE modified by silver particles is the most sensitive to the presence of
chloride ions. Therefore we optimized basic experimental conditions and used the CPE modified with
silver particles. The type of supporting electrolyte was the first condition to be optimized. The highest
current response of chloride ions (100 µM) was measured in Britton-Robinson buffer. The height of
the chloride peak measured in the presence of acetate and/or borate buffer was for more than 50 %
lower compared to Britton-Robinson peak (Figure 4A). The pH of the supporting electrolyte also
influenced the chloride ion signal. Hence, optimization of pH of Britton-Robinson buffer was our
second step. Higher current responses were determined at lower pH values. Moreover relative standard
deviation enhanced with increasing pH of the buffer from 1.2 % to 4.5 % (n = 5). Dependence of
chloride ions peak height on its concentration measured in Britton-Robinson buffer (pH 1.8) is shown
in Figure 4B. The dependence was strictly linear (y = 0.0011x + 0.0317, R2 = 0.9952). Due to
optimisation steps limit of detection (3 S/N) was lowered and estimated as 1 µM NaCl.
Figure 4. Electrochemical analysis of chloride ions using CPE modified with silver
microparticles. (A) Effect of type of supporting electrolyte (Britton-Robinson, Acetate and
Borate buffer) on chloride ions response. (B) Calibration curve.
A pH 1.8 1.4
80 1.0
Peak height (µA)
Peak height (%)
pH 5.0
pH 8.0
30 0.4
10 y = 0.0011x + 0.0317
R = 0.9952
Britton-Robinson buffer Acetate buffer Borate buffer
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
After we successfully optimized the modifications of CPEs which were connected to a standard
laboratory potentiostat, we approached the miniaturization of the whole electrochemical instrument.
The measurements were carried out on miniaturized instrument consisted of a Biostat potentiostat with
dimensions 35 × 166 × 125 mm, screen printed electrodes, a peristaltic pump and a PC with control
software (Figure 5). The electrochemical flow cell was connected to the peristaltic pump via capillary
tubing. The pump introduced the supporting electrolyte and samples. Screen printed electrodes with
silver electrode as working one were inserted into the cell. The electrodes were connected to
miniaturized potentiostat controlled by PC, where electrochemical responses were recorded. To obtain
well repeatable responses full immersing of screen printed electrodes was needed.
Computer control
Flow cell
Screen-printed electrode
Peristaltic pump
recycle the electrodes. The electrode surface was washed with MiliQ water and polished mechanically
with alumina between two independent measurements.
Using this cleaning cycle NaCl (0.5 mM) was detected forty times. The signal decreased with
increasing number of measurements. However relative standard deviation was below 11 %. These
electrodes can be used for more than tens measurements without considerable lost in height of peak of
interest. Cost per one analysis of chlorides in sample is thus markedly reduced. In addition new
possibilities of proposing of easy to use and low cost instruments for on-line monitoring of
environment are opened.
Based on the above mentioned results we choose Britton-Robinson buffer (pH 1.8) as supporting
electrolyte. It follows from the voltammograms shown in Figures 2 and 3 that the highest current
response was detected within the range of potentials from 150 to 250 mV. Due to the change in the
electrode system we investigated on the influence of applied potential (from 100 to 900 mV) on
chloride ion peak height. The hydrodynamic voltammogram obtained is shown in Figure 7A. Marked
enhancement of chloride ions peak was observed from 350 mV. The highest peaks were measured at
600 mV. Under potentials higher than 650 mV, current response decreased (Figure 7A). It clearly
follows from the results obtained that the most suitable potential for detection of chloride ions was 600
Under the most suitable experimental conditions (Britton-Robinson buffer, pH 1.8 and working
electrode potential 600 mV) we studied the effect of different chloride ions concentration on its
response. Characteristic amperometric responses are shown in Figure 7B. Before two independent
measurements the electrode was polished as mentioned above and, moreover, we had to wait to
establish base line. The whole process didn’t take more than 5 min. A typical calibration curve is
Sensors 2008, 8 5628
shown in Figure 7C. Concentrations higher than 500 µM form multilayers on the working electrode
surface, which results in a slight decrease in peak height. The calibration curve obtained within the
range from 5 to 500 µM was strictly linear with the following equation y = 0.2534x + 5.011; R2 =
0.9969, relative standard deviation 7.5 %. The limit of detection (3 S/N) was estimated as 500 nM
Figure 7. Chloride ion detection using screen printed electrodes. (A) Hydrodynamic
voltammogram of chloride ions (100 µM). (B) Amperometric signals of chloride ions
(1000, 500, 250, 125, 63, 32, 15 and 7 µM). (C) Calibration curve.
A 100 C
Hydrodynamic voltammogram
Peak height (µA)
Peak height (µA)
Ch 80
e 40
Electrochemical signal
n ce
nt 40
tio 0
0 100 200 300 400 500
50 µA
4. Conclusions
From the electrodes used for detection of chloride ions screen printed ones connected to
miniaturized potentiostat is the most sensitive. This instrument also represents easy-to-use and well
portable device for monitoring of chloride ions concentration in various types of samples. Environment
is polluted with many toxic compounds contained chloride ions such as persistent organic pollutants
(POPs), detergents, and other chemicals.
POPs are chemical substances that persist in the environment, bioaccumulate through the food web,
and pose a risk of causing adverse effects to human health and the environment. In light of evidence of
long-range transport of these substances to regions where they have never been used or produced,
several international communities and organizations have called for urgent global actions to reduce and
Sensors 2008, 8 5629
eliminate releasing of these chemicals. Their cycle in environment is well established. In the latter half
of the 20th century these compounds presented considerable technological progress. One of the most
“famous” POP molecules is DDT (Dichloro-Diphenyl-Trichloroethane), a general-purpose insecticide
toxic to most insect pests. DDT was used with great effect to control mosquitoes responsible for
spreading malaria, typhus, and other insect-borne diseases among populations. Nevertheless, after
long-lasting exposition it has been demonstrated that POPs may cause may cause cancer and that their
agricultural use was a threat to wildlife, particularly birds. Based on these findings usage of POPs has
been banned in most of all countries on the world [79-85]. Nowadays, POPs still persist in planetary
cycle with continuing entries from various sources (Figure 8).
Figure 8. Schematic of the POP cycle in the environment. POPs are released from local
sources and transported via atmosphere. They enter locally into water ecosystems
(particularly plankton); plankton is subsequently consumed by fish. Predators including
humans are also affected because they stand in the top of food chain. The second way is
surface contamination of plants.
Regional transports
Planetary transports
Sensors 2008, 8 5630
Recently, it was published that enzymatic cleavage of these POPs into the corresponding
hydrocarbon and halide can be successfully utilized for indirect detection of these toxic compounds
[30]. The enzymes used for this purposes are involved in biochemical pathways enabling bacteria to
utilize halogenated compounds via releasing halogen ion from the molecule of halogenated
hydrocarbon [86-92]. A scheme of a biosensor using dehalogenase and our miniaturized instrument is
shown in Figure 9.
Environment analysis
Electrochemical biosensors
X dehalogenase
Financial support from MSMT INCHEMBIOL 0021622412 is greatly acknowledged. The authors
wish to express their thanks to Jan Hradecky for excellent technical assistance.
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