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Shrteasyrtualebk Roohanimadad For Self

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(Copyright reserved by www.roohanimadad.com)

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Table of Contents
About this e-book ................................................................................................................ 1

Basic Spiritual Instructions ................................................................................................. 2

Basic rules ........................................................................................................................... 3

Food Diet and Instructions of Habits During Conjuration Rituals. .................................... 5

Amal/Ritual 1 : Mawakal Angelic Forces of Bismillah Sharif within 3 days only ............ 7

Amal/Ritual 2 : Simple Ritual of Mawakil Angelic Force - 3 days only ........................... 8

Amal/Ritual 3 : Jinnat Ritual for 7 days only ................................................................... 10

Amal/Ritual 4 : Spirits group conjuring within 3 days ..................................................... 11

Amal/Ritual 5 : How to meet a faerie/female djinn within 14 days ................................. 12

Amal/Ritual 6 : Angelic khodam servant within 3 days only ........................................... 13

Amal/Ritual 7 : Hamzad/Ghost twin brother rituals for 7 days without food diet easy .. 14

Amal/Ritual 8 : Ghost hamzad twin brother within 7 days .............................................. 15

Amal/Ritual 9 : Darood Taj 11 days mawakal angelic ritual ........................................ 16

Amal/Ritual 10 : King jinn conjuring within 1 day .......................................................... 17

Amal/Ritual 11 : Meet a spirit or dead person in dream ................................................... 18

Amal/Ritual 12 : Mirror amal Hazerat of djinn king in 21 days ..................................... 19

Amal/Ritual 13 : Angelic Quranic force by talisman ....................................................... 20

Amal/Ritual 14 : Angelic mawakla khadima .................................................................... 21

Amal/Ritual 15 : Jinn ritual of Chehal Kaaf ..................................................................... 22

Amal/Ritual 16: Hazerat Sulemani Djinn mirror ritual within 11 days ........................... 23
Amal/Ritual 17 : How to Remove Spiritual Blockages .................................................... 24

Amal/Ritual 18 : Spiritual Development for those who have failed in conjuring rituals . 25

Amal/Ritual 19 : Secret Method from South Asian saint Hazrat khawaja Mohiuddeen
Chishti RA ........................................................................................................................ 26

Amal/Ritual 20 : Support by 7 angelic king mawakals without conjuring ....................... 28

Amal/Ritual 21 : Awakening inner powers ...................................................................... 35

Amal/Ritual 22 : Only one day angelic servant amal ....................................................... 36

Amal/Ritual 23 : Amal Sulemani - mawakal angelic force and djinn .............................. 37

Amal/Ritual 24 : Hazerat ritual 22 days - easy and powerful ........................................... 38

Amal/Ritual 25 : Amal Hazerat Zyarat Rasool Allah Peace Be Upon Him .................... 40

Amal/Ritual 26: Easy Hazerat ......................................................................................... 41

Amal/Ritual 27: Only 3 days Amal of Djinn king of surah jinn ..................................... 42

Amal/Ritual 28 : 7 nights easy Djinn ritual to meet jinns in sleep .................................. 43

Amal/Ritual 29 : To Know Hidden Knowledge 17 days only, jamali and jalali diet ....... 44

Amal/Ritual 30 : Conjure Lunar Spirits in 1 night, easy ritual ......................................... 45

Amal/Ritual 31 : Djinn Ritual for 3 days only, strange hard and powerful ...................... 46

Last words ......................................................................................................................... 47

About this e-book
We are publishing this e-book to give our visitors and members good collection of easy,
short, well-tested rituals and methods to develop their spiritual level.

In the last 5 years I have been meeting people who have tried a lot of spiritual rituals or
djinn or ghost conjuring methods and never seen or experienced anything.

Like our other e-books on topic of angelic forces, hamzad or jinn and third eye we are
again publishing some new rituals and amals. In this e-book we will only focus on well
testified, short and easy rituals from Sufi Islamic way. We are also explaining all rules
and methods as much as possible in easy and clear words so that even a person with no
spiritual background will understand.

This e-book is different because rituals are mostly no longer than 7 days. And
methods are not impossible for those who really want something special in their life and
changing their life to Sufi style of living.

I pray to Allah that my knowledge which I am sharing will not be misused by people. I
hope those who are against spirituality and peace will not get any success. People who
want to help others will only get success.

www.roohanimadad.com Email: roohanimadad@gmail.com

Page 1
Basic Spiritual Instructions
Reason for this e-book is to help those who have been trying to reach some spiritual level
but may not get enough success. We want to write clear instruction and small easy rituals
so that everyone, with just some dedicated hard work, can get success.

Before guiding the rituals we want to give some advice which a student must follow. If
they don’t follow these instructions, results may not be perfect and one may suffer certain
bad effects or negative consequences by doing strong rituals.

 We strongly suggest that those who want to do any of these rituals from our
website must find a good murshid or a spiritual teacher.

 Person who want to do rituals should follow their religious rules or sharia strictly.
Please note that black magic and white magic never can be combined. Our
ebook should not be used by people who are doing black magic.

 During the ritual the practitioner should donate some sweets every Thursday night.
One should recite Quranic first surah Fateha and 3 times surah Ikhlas and give it
as a gift to prophet Mohammed, Hazrat Ali A.S and all Saints and Awliya Allah.

 One should do the ritual at the same time and place. Best time is half hour
before evening prayer/salat/namaz of maghrib at sunset time. During rituals
do not share any information with anyone other than your spiritual teacher.

 One should practice meditation and zikers as much as possible. Ziker and
meditation develop and help everything in life and specially spirituality.

 Try to keep your spiritual knowledge secret from common people. If you want to
help someone then guide them to adopt and practice deeds, human values etc.

 Work with your own will power.

 Don’t think about doing spiritual rituals if you don’t have faith on

 Avoid doing rituals or hazeerat in places where people are having problems with
jinns etc… ( haunted places so on..).

 Focus only at one thing at one time. If one doesn’t learn to focus on something at
a time no ritual will give any result.

 During rituals purity of body and food is very important. Avoid also sexual
activities and all kind of addiction – drugs, smoking, etc.

www.roohanimadad.com Email: roohanimadad@gmail.com

Page 2
Basic rules

 Spiritual student should recite daily 5 time prayers/salat/namaz and Tahajjud/night

prayers regularly. Non-muslim should practice their religious rituals as much as

 Student must have clean deeds/amaal/karma and avoid sins and forbidden activates
depending on their religion. Before doing any strong conjuration or ritual clean your

 Cleanse your heart and mind from hate, bad thoughts and all negative energies. If
your spirit and your spiritual body is not clean and pure you will not get
friendship with pure helpful spirits.

 Wear white clean clothes and use clean place.

 Avoid all kind of drugs, alcohol or any bad habits.

 Avoid sexual activities during ritual. Control your desires. Self-pressure is forbidden.
If during ritual it happens it may make problems with health or mind.

 If the practitioner is a victim of magic or patient having evil effects he or she

must clean and cure from it before doing high level rituals.

 Avoid doing rituals at haunted places.

 Avoid doing treatment of sick people before getting enough experience with spirits.

 Love all creations and respect other religions. Avoid too much talk or debates.

 Speak, eat and sleep less. Use more time on remembering God.

 Trust and have complete faith on Creator than on any creation.

 Trust yourself more than any spirit.

 Don’t try to command or control spirits. Make friendship and deal friendly. Avoid
fight and force using.

 Fast 18 hours ot your birthday weekly. If you are born on Thursday try to fast 18
hours every week. Eat less and just drink water or eat light food.

www.roohanimadad.com Email: roohanimadad@gmail.com

Page 3
 Try to eat vegetarian food during ritual days. Better to keep diet one week before

 Start ritual with new Islamic month when moon is new (new moon day).

 Student need to take shower every day before ritual. And use ittar like jasmine oil or
non-alcoholic perfume.

 Burn bakhoor incense during rituals. Use loban, zafran, rose, jasmine and sandal if

 Use always a separate room where you can be alone during ritual. Nobody must talk
or come to you during rituals.

 Do rituals without electricity. Spirits and djinn sometime dislike light and electricity.

 Trust on yourself and God. Don’t get scared of anything. People with weak heart
should avoid djin or ghost rituals.

 Always make security/protective prayers before rituals. If you don’t know security
hisar prayers send us email at roohanimadad@gmail.com

 Donate some food to the poor before any amal or ritual to get support and success.

 If one don’t get success first time. Try again. Minimum three times. If you don’t get
any success then do six month meditation course from us and all rituals from third eye
e-book from roohanimadad.com. After completing rituals and course try again. By
God’s will you will get success 100 %.

 Don’t share this ebook with other people without asking us. If somebody exchange or
sell our rituals or ebook without asking us they may get trouble.

 We are giving permissions to do all rituals to buyer of this ebook.

 Don’t do two or many different rituals at one time.

 Don’t do rituals in other Islamic months than muharam, safar, rajab and shawal. If
someone does conjuring rituals in Islamic month rabi alawal, jamad awal,
shaban or zil qad he may get rujjat and become crazy.

 Before and after ritual recite blessing prayers salawat darood minimum100 times.

These rules and instruction are very important to follow. We are not responsible for
anything if user does not follow our instructions.

www.roohanimadad.com Email: roohanimadad@gmail.com

Page 4
Food Diet and Instructions of Habits During Conjuration
By parheez or diet restrictions we mean avoiding/abstinence or not to perform these
things. There are many valid reasons as to why in spiritual practices we need to follow
these rules strictly. Please note that there are two kind of diets : Jalali and Jamali.

Jalali Parheeez/Diet - You should avoid and follow the following:

1. Eggs, things made up of oils.

2. Make food yourself. Use clean water for food making.
3. Alternatively, make food from a person who is very clean and religious
4. Meat, chicken and products from animals and all kind of salt or spicy chilies are not
5. Abstain from things such as tobacco, hookah, cigarette, and onions etc that emanate a
foul smell.
6. Stay away from intoxicating substances such as wine, whisky, brandy, rum, scotch,
beer, cocaine, marijuana, betel leaves or paan etc.- all kinds of addictions.
7. Use a pleasant smelling Ittar/perfume oils but avoid perfumes with alcohol.
8. Wear open clothes. Avoid tight clothes.
9. Avoid sex. Control on physical desires and ego.
10. Avoid talking unnecessarily and in futile. Speak only truth and talk less/short.
11. Keep yourself mostly alone. Avoid meeting people.
12. Don’t see movies or listen to music.
13. Sleep few hours. Use most of time in prayers.
14. Don’t argue or fight. Keep yourself calm.
15. Don’t eat too much food.

Jamali Parheez/Diet - You should avoid and follow the following:

1. Dairy products and all those things which have fats in it.
2. Eat only vegetarian food. Best to eat cooked food.
3. Make food yourself or from a person who is very clean and religious. Use clean water
for food making.
4. Abstain from things such as tobacco, hookah, cigarette, and onions etc that emanate a
foul smell.
5. Stay away from intoxicating substances such as wine, whisky, brandy, rum, scotch,
beer, cocaine, marijuana, betel leaves or paan etc.
6. Use a pleasant smelling ittar/perfume oils but avoid perfumes with alcohol.

www.roohanimadad.com Email: roohanimadad@gmail.com

Page 5
7. Keep body and clothes clean but avoid beautifying yourself using various cosmetics
or creams and so on and changing clothes or making shape etc to have good luck etc.
Wear very simple and easy clothes.
8. Change clothes only if they are not clean.
9. Wear open clothes. Avoid tight clothes.
10. Avoid sex. Control on desire and ego.
11. Avoid futile talk. Speak only truth and talk short.
12. Keep yourself mostly alone. Avoid meeting people.
13. Don’t see movies, TV programs or listen to music
14. Sleep few hours. Use most of time in prayers.
15. Don’t argue or fight. Keep yourself calm.
16. Don’t eat too much food.

www.roohanimadad.com Email: roohanimadad@gmail.com

Page 6
Amal/Ritual 1 : Mawakal Angelic Forces of Bismillah
Sharif within 3 days only
Time: Fast for three days.
Food diet: Drink only white pure milk. Nothing else.
Security/protection: Make hisar/Protective circle around you by reciting Ayatul
Kursi from Quran 11 times.

Ritual: Recite bismillah al-rahman al-rahim 45 thousand times every day.

Benefits:19 angelic mawakal will come in front of you. Make promise and ask
method for recall.

Important: never misuse energies to do anything bad. Keep away from bad things
after success. And recite sometimes Bismillah verse regularly. Minimum 786 times

Prayer in Arabic : ِ ‫الرِح‬

‫يم‬ َّ ‫الر ْحم ِن‬ ِ ‫بِس ِم‬
َّ ‫اهلل‬ ْ

www.roohanimadad.com Email: roohanimadad@gmail.com

Page 7
Amal/Ritual 2 : Simple Ritual of Mawakil Angelic Force -
3 days only
Time: 3 days fast from first Thursday in Islamic calendar after sighting new moon.
Food diet: Vegetarian food without any smell.
Security/protection: Ayat ul kursi and last 4 quls while standing.
Benefits: Mawakal angelic force will support after reciting Allah 41 times.

Azeemat or Ritual Prayers:

Recite ritual prayer 3 times while standing at one place.

Faryad faryad badargahe tobadosti Mustafa salay allah alehe
wasalim wa badosti Ali Murtaza karam Allahwajho wa
Hassane Mujtaba wa Hussain shaheed karbala. Ancha
matloobe me waram beansaram rasa badaho.
3 times while standing and then make security hisar protection prayers
by reciting 11 times and make circle around with finger while standing
7 times.

Secuirty prayers are Aytul Kursi and the last 4 quls as given below.

Ayatul Kursi

'Allahu laaa 'ilaaha 'illaa Huu. 'Al-Hayyul-Qayyuum. Laa ta'-khuzuhuu

sinatunw-wa laa nawm. Lahuu maa fissamaawaati wa ma fil-'arz. Man-
zallazii yashfa-'u'indahuuu 'illaa bi-'iznih? Ya'-lamu maa bayna
'aydiihim wa maa khalfahum. Wa laa yuhiituuna bi-shay-'im-min
'ilmihiii 'illaa bimaa shaaa'. Wasi-'a Kursiyyu-hus-Samaawaati wal-'arz;
wa laa ya-'uuduhuu hifzu -humaa wa Huwal-'Aliyyul-'Aziim. 11 times
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Page 8
Surah ikhlas
Qul Huwa-llahu ‘Ahad
Lam Yalid Wa Lam Yulad
Walam Yakul-La-Hu-Kufuwan ‘Ahad. 11 times

Surah Falaq
Qul ‘A’udhu Bi-Rabbil-Falaq
Min Sharri Ma Khalaq
Wa Min Sharri Ghasiqin ‘Idha Waqab
Wa Min Sharri-Naffathati Fil-‘Uqadi
Wa Min Sharri Hasidin ‘Idha Hasad “. 11 times

Surah Al-Kafiroun
Qul ya ayyuhal-Kafiroun
La ‘a-budu ma ta’-bu-doun
Wa la antum ‘abidouna ma ‘a-bud
Wa la ana ‘abidum-ma ‘abadttum
Wa la antum ‘abiduna ma ‘a-bud
Lakum deenukum wa li-ya deen “. 11 times

Surah Nas
Qul ‘A’udhu Bi-Rabbin-Nas
Al-Ladhi Yuwas-wisu Fee Sudurin-Nas
Mina Al-Jinnati Wan-Nas “ 11 times

And after completing it

Recite 4000 times ya Allah while standing.
If a person is relaxed and focused angelic khudam will come and make promise
within 3 days. Don’t talk before ritual is finish.

www.roohanimadad.com Email: roohanimadad@gmail.com

Page 9
Amal/Ritual 3 : Jinnat Ritual for 7 days only
Time: 7 days vegetarian jalali fast from first Thursday of Islamic calendar after sighting
new moon.
Food diet: Vegetarian food without any smell.
Security/protection: Ayat ul kursi and last 4 quls 11 times.
Benefits: Jinns will obey all commands.
Important : never show off to any one that you have conjured djinns.
Donate food to 41 people before ritual. Don’t talk with djinns before ritual is complete.
Ritual prayer and amount: darood prayer 11 times and ritual prayer 700 times after Isha
prayers. Don’t get scared from djinn’s faces and show them respect and be kind.

Azeemat/ ibarate amal / ritual prayer

Ya tahsosa ya shamosa ya shakhyosa ya shayoyosa ya

mahoteysa ya shaymosa ya mahneisa ya mahjlenisa ya elbaleila
leya ya arhman alrahemin

www.roohanimadad.com Email: roohanimadad@gmail.com

Page 10
Amal/Ritual 4 : Spirits group conjuring within 3 days
Time: 3 days jalali fast
Diet food: Eat only olives and arab dates.
Security/protection: Ayat ul kursi and last 4 quls 11 times.
Important: no electricity in room during ritual. Just use an oil lamp with jasmine oil for
light. Sleep in the same room after finishing ritual
Benefits: Whenever spirits comes just say salam. Don’t stop ritual before finish. Make
security hisar for protection. Make agreement when ritual is finish.

Azeemat ritual prayer.

Recite 11 times darood salawat prayer then 535 times this prayer

535 times :
Besatlein saltein baslitaqin tahkeranin behaqe arqashin shamleikh
leyakhin sherhemin ahdaein yatlan ajib ya taqa taqa qawasin anzala
behaze hazehi alisma lazi aqsamto alaikum anzala ya ayohal arwah
alrohaniya belazi hadeykum wa abnakum feekum wa inaho laqasman lo
taleemona azeem. Wa ina ho bismillah ir rehman alraheem al taloo ala
wa atoni muslemin. 535 times

www.roohanimadad.com Email: roohanimadad@gmail.com

Page 11
Amal/Ritual 5 : How to meet a faerie/female djinn within
14 days
Time: 14 days vegetarian jalali fast from start of Islamic month new moon.
Benefits: Faerie will teach whatever knowledge one want.
Method: First 3 days recite surah jinn from Quran 301 times each night.
Then recite this azeemat faerie conjuring prayer 1000 times in 11 days every night. Sleep
at same room after ritual.


Ya haleitonash etlmosi.
1000 times every night in 11 nights.

www.roohanimadad.com Email: roohanimadad@gmail.com

Page 12
Amal/Ritual 6 : Angelic khodam servant within 3 days
Time: 3 days vegetarian fast jalali and jamali
Incense bukhoor: Gogal, red Sandalwood, luban, sundres and zaker.
Important: You should do this ritual in an empty house, alone. Don’t meet people for 3
Benefits: Mawakal khudam will make written promise at third day of ritual.
Method: Recite 1000 times surah kausar and once this azeemat with each 5 times
prayers 3 days.

Azeemat :

Allahuma ini ma asaluka bemajobate rehmatika wa azeim magferatika

ini taskharli khudame hazahi alsurah abdika abdul kareem ila ma
ahbat wa samaat walmaat behaqe sheikh ( 2 times) mardeekh ( 2 times)
behaqe man kaleem musa takleema al toor silna. Alwaha( 3 times)
alajal ( 3 times) asaat ( 3 times) barik Allah feeka wa elaika.

www.roohanimadad.com Email: roohanimadad@gmail.com

Page 13
Amal/Ritual 7 : Hamzad/Ghost twin brother rituals for 7
days without food diet easy
Time: 7 night of new Islamic month new moon. Must have same time and place.
Diet food: no diet.
Benefits: Ghost or twin angel which will be looking just like will come in your room
during ritual. Make promise and agreement which is easy for you.

Method: Make a naqsh and look it during ritual. If you don’t know how to write
naqsh talisman send me email and pay 20 dollars. You will get talisman by post
with in few days.


Recite azeemat 1000 times while looking at black box in talisman.

Ya lateefo talatufo walutfo fee lotfo fi lotofikum ya lateef. 1000 times

1000 times.

www.roohanimadad.com Email: roohanimadad@gmail.com

Page 14
Amal/Ritual 8 : Ghost hamzad twin brother within 7 days
Time: 7 days jalali and jamali fast. Ritual time after Isha night prayer.
Diet: only vegetarian food.
Benefit: Twin brother or ghost will obey caller and make agreement to obey commands

Amount 350 times after isha

Azeemat calling prayer:

Azmato aleikum ya maisheral jinn wa inse wal arwah behaqe suleman

ibne daowd alehesalam ahdaro ahdaro ahdaro ya hamzad hadar shoo
behaqe ya hayoo ya qayoom ya arhamal raheemin.

www.roohanimadad.com Email: roohanimadad@gmail.com

Page 15
Amal/Ritual 9 : Darood Taj 11 days mawakal angelic
Time: start from first Thursday in Islamic month.
Diet: One should avoid meat and keep vegetarian diet if possible
Benefits: Angelic khudam will let the practitioner visit any saint or holy place to make
prayers. One will also get near contact with saints and prophets

Method : For 11 days recite darood taj 170 times after isha in an open area.
Then recite 3 nights after Isha Darood Taj 41 time and in the morning fajar
prayers 7 times. Continue reciting darood Taj 3 times regularly.

During amal or ritual look at a black dot at your hand. One will be blessed with
zyarat of prophet.

www.roohanimadad.com Email: roohanimadad@gmail.com

Page 16
Amal/Ritual 10 : King jinn conjuring within 1 day
Time: if one has spirituality on high level then person is able to get success on first night.
If one don’t see anything with first try then repeat ritual 2 more times on same night.
If no success, continue two more nights in start of Islamic month. Otherwise one may
awaken spiritual powers inside by meditation and other third eye ritual first.
Diet: If possible fast at day time and eat light vegetarian food at evening.

Method: burn a candle and stare at candle's flame in meditative relaxing status.
Recite 231 times slowly these words

Ajib ya Saqaeil behaqe Allaho samad.

If you see a man in fire flame say salam to king jinn. Ask whatever you want. The
answer may come after few minutes. Don’t get scared.

www.roohanimadad.com Email: roohanimadad@gmail.com

Page 17
Amal/Ritual 11 : Meet a spirit or dead person in dream
Time: within 3 thursday nights. Start from new Islamic month.
Diet: nothing special.
Important: Try to meet a saint and avoid evil dead people.

Method: 100 times Darood Ibrahimi and two rakat prayers.

Non-muslims can pray according to their religion.

Recite first surah Fateha once.

Surah ikhlas 7 times.

11 times darood e radawiyya and sleep without talking.


www.roohanimadad.com Email: roohanimadad@gmail.com

Page 18
Amal/Ritual 12 : Mirror amal Hazerat of djinn king in 21
Many people who are not able to see anything by their eyes get success by medium like
mirror etc.
Time: 21 days diet with vegetarian food jamali fast.

Method: Make a dot in a new clean mirror. Place it in an empty room

not used by other people. Ritual time is 24/ 12 pm midnight.

Prayer: Recite 1000 times Allaho samad while starring at dot in mirror.
Sit in front of mirror and relax while doing ritual. Darood prayer 11
times before and after.

Benefits. In start one may see ugly and scary faces. At last djinn king
will visit and make friendship.

www.roohanimadad.com Email: roohanimadad@gmail.com

Page 19
Amal/Ritual 13 : Angelic Quranic force by talisman
First recite surah rehman 7 times with darood salawat prayer 11 times before and
after, below on sweet cakes and donate to children.

Then recite 7 times surah rehman and stare at talisman naqsh.

If you see an old man from naqsh ask him what you want to know.

Those who cannot make talisman can order it from us by paying 30 dollars.

Naqsh copy for user:

www.roohanimadad.com Email: roohanimadad@gmail.com

Page 20
Amal/Ritual 14 : Angelic mawakla khadima

Method: First Thursday night of new Islamic month buy some white sweets and recite 7
times surah Al-Qiyamah from Quran.
Darood ibrahimi 11 times before and after as hadiya gift to Lady Fatima al Zahra
(peace be upon her) daughter of prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him). Give these
sweets to small girls under 12 years.

Then recite 7 times surah Al-Qiyamah and stare at talisman minimum

10 minuttes without closing eyes. After few minutes one will see a face
of a powerful mawakila women. Talk with respect and ask solution for
your problems. Let some bakhoor burn.

One will get 100 % correct answers.

Naqsh talisman is here

www.roohanimadad.com Email: roohanimadad@gmail.com

Page 21
Amal/Ritual 15 : Jinn ritual of Chehal Kaaf
Times: Within 10 days in last 10 days of Ramadan.
Diet/ food: Vagterian food only.
Fast: Jalali and jamali
Benefits: Jinn will serve all important legal works

Amount: Darood salawat prayers 11 times before and after.

Chehal kaaf dua 500 times in wadu.

Chehal kaaf prayer

Kagaka rabuka kam yakfika wa kifatan kefaka faha

kakameine kana min kuloka takaro kara kakaral karfi kabade
take mashkska kalakleki kalakan kafaka mabi kafakal kafo
kurba yako kaba kunta tahake kokabal falak.

www.roohanimadad.com Email: roohanimadad@gmail.com

Page 22
Amal/Ritual 16: Hazerat Sulemani Djinn mirror ritual
within 11 days

Time: 11 days fast jalali and and jamali vegetarian food only.

Amount: 11 times darood salawat before and after then recite the invocation prayer
742 times.

Method: Stare at mirror while reciting in an empty room. Then after 11 days
whenever you want to do hazerat and call stare at mirror and recite prayer only 11

Hazerat jinn call prayer:

Ya ila behurmatika kun kun fayakun fatah berabilakhsanul khalaqeina
mustaheido behaqe Hazrat Sulemane bin daoud alehe salam.

www.roohanimadad.com Email: roohanimadad@gmail.com

Page 23
Amal/Ritual 17 : How to Remove Spiritual Blockages
If someone or any spirit have blocked your third eye and after doing many rituals in many
years you still are not able to get improvement then you may try this talisman.

It's very easy to use it. Just print out talisman and roll it. Then burn from one side
and smell the smoke. Then meditate for half hour. By God's will all spiritual
blockages will be removed from your aura.

www.roohanimadad.com Email: roohanimadad@gmail.com

Page 24
Amal/Ritual 18 : Spiritual Development for those who
have failed in conjuring rituals

www.roohanimadad.com Email: roohanimadad@gmail.com

Page 25
Amal/Ritual 19 : Secret Method from South Asian saint
Hazrat khawaja Mohiuddeen Chishti RA
To improve spiritual development recites these prayers from first day till fifth day
100 times on morning. On 6th day start recitation of day 1 again. These prayers will
make a person’s contact with saint and blessing from God and spiritual

These prayers are not only helpful for spiritual development

but also to get daily problems solved without any diet.

1. day:
La ilaha ilallaho wahdaho ka sharika laho laho mulk walho alhamd
yohayo wo yomayato wa howa la yomayato beidehi alkhaeiro wa
howa alla kulle sheyan qadeer.
2. day:
Ashadu ana la ilaha ilallaho wahadaho la shareeka lLaho waheda
ahada samada faradah
wetaralam yatakhezo sahibataho wala walada.
3. day:
Ashadu ana la ilaha ilallaho wahadaho la shareeka lLaho waheda
samada lam yalid walam
yolad walam yakon Allaho kufwan ahad.
4. day:
Ashadu ana la ilaha ilallaho wahadaho la shareeka iLaho llaho
mulko walaho hamdo yohayo
wa yomayato beideho alkheero wa howa alla kulle sheyan qadeer.
5. day
Hasbee Allaho wa kafa wa sama Allaho laman duaho walaysa
waraa allmontaha subhana man lam yazallo kareeman wala yazalo

www.roohanimadad.com Email: roohanimadad@gmail.com

Page 26
The same ritual is given in Arabic and urdu:

www.roohanimadad.com Email: roohanimadad@gmail.com

Page 27
Amal/Ritual 20 : Support by 7 angelic king mawakals
without conjuring
One doesn’t need to conjure any djinn, spirit or angelic khadim. Just recite prayer of
each days and jinn mawakalat will support you.

In some cases djinns may dislike it then better to recite aytul kursi daily with each prayer
11 times. It’s a well tested most easy method. You will get people around you from
everywhere. Whatever you want will happen fast.

If someone is sharing this knowledge with someone without asking they may get
serious attacks by spirits. Never share it with black magicans.

First one need to recite dua barhatiya 11 times with darood before and after.

Burn some bakhoor and then recite mawakal call prayer of each day 100 times
minimum. At end of prayer tell your problem in short way. Use also name and
mother name of target.

www.roohanimadad.com Email: roohanimadad@gmail.com

Page 28
Dua Barhatiyah

wa tawakalu askharli kaloobe jameeio almakhloqat wa yahazeroli min

kulli oladan adama wa banate hawa, almaskhurate walhazerati ela hazza
almakafi, wa jalubo jameeo almanafe,wa wasto alrizqi wa daemo al
fatoho, wa dafae jameeo almazrati ani wa aan ma yahwatehi shafqatee,
behaqe isme allaho alazaam, ahtareqa min esmaAllaho naba almawaqadah,
aqsamto alaikum hazahee alasma lato ahadatum, beha anda babe al hakeel
alkabeer, wa behaqi ahyan, ashrahyan, azoni asbaoso aalee shadaya, wa
enaho laqasamun lo taalamoona azeem, hayan alwaha, hayan alwaha,
alajal alajal, asaat asaat asaat, barak Allaho feekum wa alaikum

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Page 29
Monday mawakal king
ajibo ya morata behaqee tahsha, tahshotee, tahshoh, jaroshin jaroshin,
janjarosha janjarosha, habshirohun ajib ya maratan behaqee saam,
behaqee saam, belazee tajala lehabale fajaalaho dakawa khara moosa
saeqon, alajal alajal, alwaha alwaha asaat asaat ( say your need ).

Tuesday mawakal king

Ajib ya aba mohaze alahmara behaqee altaafaf altaafaf, ajlafafajlafaf,
shafaf shafaf, leyatashla leyatashla, shaladon shaladon, lillah
lillah, halal halal, fafashhal fafashhal, jahlafaf jahlafaf, mohlakaq
mohlakaq,halsas halsas, halhalaas halalaas, shahlayes shahlayes,
namohan namohan, damlaikh damlaikh, ajib ya ahmaro behareha elaika
behaqe almalaqo alghaleeb elayka sasmaeil wa tawaqulo ( say your
problem) alajal alajal, alwaha alwaha, asaat asaat

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Page 30
Wednesday mawakal king
Ajib ya borkano behaqe hat, Ajib ya borkano behaqe hat, madadat
madadat, yolas yolas, alwalahe alwalahe, yohin yohin, halyon halyon,
yahe yahe, hayos hayos, taltalos taltalos, haya haya, laos laos,
ahyash khalqa allah leyle wal nahara karabeel ahya ashrahyan azonaye
asbaoso alshadaye tawakalo ya burqano ( say your need) behaqee
almawakelo beka mekaeil allazee latasrao lekhidmate alajal alajal,
alwaha alwaha, asaat asaat.

www.roohanimadad.com Email: roohanimadad@gmail.com

Page 31
Thursday mawakal king will have conjuring call on
Wednesday evening.
ajib ya shamhorash behaqe almawakal bekaalaze altasra bekhidmatehe
sarfayaeil wa behaqe shatatash shatatash, shathash shathash, malaqe
aahrash, malaqe aahrash, beahrash beahrash, habqa habqa, ajib ya
shahorash behaqee dardamish, ajib ya shahorash behaqee dardamish,
wabehaqee mani lohe maktobo an natawakola ( say your problem) alajal
alajal, alwaha alwaha, asaat asaat.

Friday mawakal king

ajib ya abeez ya zobaahbehaqee alamalikeal mawakale beqa enayaeel
alaze tasra ela khidmate wa behaqe damosa abihen beshimli
jarhatatasboh ezalamtat ya abeez wa ela aarezoha ala alnare ajib wa
asra wa tawakulo ( say your need) bareek allaho fekawa alayka

www.roohanimadad.com Email: roohanimadad@gmail.com

Page 32
Saturday mawakal king
Ajib ya aba nookh wa behaqe almalike almawakal beqa alaze latasra ila
khidmatehi kasfayaeil wa behaqe ezali izdaro atafahash halkma
kaslatash kalasat lataha nafaeim beshamkhalees alshaqash mehraqash
aksamakash sakmonahash irkashalikh kayaq, bekashlikh almash lehash,
namohin ajib ya memon ya ama nokh wa tawakulo ( say your
problem)behaqee ma aqsamto behi elayka, alajal alajal, alwaha alwaha,
asaat asaat.

www.roohanimadad.com Email: roohanimadad@gmail.com

Page 33
Sunday mawakal king
ajib ya mazhabo ma azama sultane allahe, ahtaruqo min asa allaha
benareh almawqadatan, ahna ahna, tahen tahen, khanokhin khanokhin,
ahyaan ashrahyan adranaee asbaros aloshadayee, yahin yahin, saboh
saboh, ma aaza sabotal qadeem alazalee ya mazhubo behaqee, sabohun
sabohun, qaduson qaduson, rabe almalaikate wa alrooh, rabe
almalaikate wa alrooh, alwaha alwaha, alajal alajal, asaat asaat, (
say your need)

www.roohanimadad.com Email: roohanimadad@gmail.com

Page 34
Amal/Ritual 21 : Awakening inner powers
Some people are doing rituals to conjure but they don’t work on their own spirituality.
Even after conjuring they are not able to get work from spirits. And sometimes jinn etc
gives wrong information. This happens because of lack of inner power and knowledge.

We strongly suggest for those who are seeking powers to join our spiritual course
before starting conjuring rituals. If they don’t have possibility then at least at a
minimum do some spiritual power development rituals.

Recite this every night minimum 41 days before amaliyat or conjuring rituals.

Amount: 505 times every night. Darood prayers 11 times before and after.

Time: unlimited days or minimum 41 days.

Ya Hadio ya Khabeero ya Mateeino ya Aalam ulgayoob.

InshAllah one will not fail in conjuring rituals.

www.roohanimadad.com Email: roohanimadad@gmail.com

Page 35
Amal/Ritual 22 : Only one day angelic servant amal
Time: Fast on first Thursday of Islamic month.
Food: red color dry fruit or dates only. black colour dates are best
Clothes: White open clothes and black turban.
Method: After Isha night prayers recite two rakat prayer for success - namaz hajjat.
A man with sword who is mawakal will make promise and give black stone.

Then recite surah kahf once and 10 thousand times this prayer.

Ya lutif ya khafiyoal latafa adrikni belutfika alkhafi alazi min tufata behi kafa.

To send mawakal back recite this prayer once.

Allah huma ini tabarat min howli wa quwati walqayto beoleka wa

quwatika farni ejalib sane lotofika berahmatika ya arhmal rahemin.

www.roohanimadad.com Email: roohanimadad@gmail.com

Page 36
Amal/Ritual 23 : Amal Sulemani - mawakal angelic force
and djinn
Time: from one day till 21 days.
Method: Find a white clean cup. Put some black ink or mark a dot inside.

Prayer: Recite darood salawat prayers before and after 11 times.

Recite the prayer below 101 times every day and stare in cup.

Azmato alaikum ya maisherel jinne wal inse walarwah behaqe hazrat

suleman bin daud alehe salam hadaro ahdaro ahdaro ya qaume
hazerat wa jinnat hazar shoo behaqe ya hayyo ya qayom berahmatika
ya arhamal raheemin.

www.roohanimadad.com Email: roohanimadad@gmail.com

Page 37
Amal/Ritual 24 : Hazerat ritual 22 days - easy and
Write 11 talisman given below everyday in11 days and place it in wheat flour balls
and throw in a sea or river. Use same pen. Much better to use zafran or black ink

Then recite this prayer 11 days 1100 times and stare on black dot while reciting.
Darood salawat prayer 101 times before and after.

Aozo billah minal sheytan nirajeem. Bismillah irehman niraheem. Ya Allah madad
kun. Ya Allah madad kun jala jalalho.Allahuma eyaka nabodo wa eyaka nastaein.
Ehdi nasratu mustaqeem. Behaqe malike yome deen. Ya Allah madad kun ya
Allah madad kun.

Ishallah in this time one will see everything in black dot by just staring and reciting
invocation prayer.

www.roohanimadad.com Email: roohanimadad@gmail.com

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Invocation prayer in Arabic:

www.roohanimadad.com Email: roohanimadad@gmail.com

Page 39
Amal/Ritual 25 : Amal Hazerat Zyarat Rasool Allah
Peace Be Upon Him
Write this talisman according to the correct method of writing talisman which is given
in good planetary hour. Suggested to write after first hour of Thursday or Friday morning

If you don’t know how to write talisman fully send us an order for 30 us dollars
and we will make it for you.

Now place this talisman under your pillow and recite these holy names 92 times in
clean bed with clean body and white clean clothes. Then sleep.

User must be following islamic shariya and pray 5 times salat. And should also have
real love for our prophet and his ahlulbayt. Otherwise person can get problems.

Ya Mukamelo alkamal alalimo alkaafi albasito alsalimo almohammed


www.roohanimadad.com Email: roohanimadad@gmail.com

Page 40
Amal/Ritual 26: Easy Hazerat


Write this talisman in good planetary hour and correct method for writing
Then sit in meditation and recite ya Khoteer 866 times with darood
11 times before and after.

Stare all time in black box. Do this ritual until you start getting hazerat.
This can also be used on children under age of 12 by reciting on them and
use them as a medium for communication. 100 % correct replies.
Time depend on your spirituality level.
Food - Better to avoid animal products but no strict diet.

www.roohanimadad.com Email: roohanimadad@gmail.com

Page 41
Amal/Ritual 27: Only 3 days Amal of Djinn king of surah

Fast for 3 days jalali and jamali.

Eat only vegetables.

Recite 333 times each day surah Jinn. Complete 1000 times within 3

Wear open white clothes and avoid contact with people.

Last night jinn king or prince will visit you.

Don’t take gold or anything just ask support and friendship for you and
poor people.

www.roohanimadad.com Email: roohanimadad@gmail.com

Page 42
Amal/Ritual 28 : 7 nights easy Djinn ritual to meet jinns
in sleep

Just fast vegetarian at day times and recite surah jinn 7 times with
darood salawat 11 times before and after.

Think about your problem or wish to get friendship with jinn world and
sleep without talking.

Within 7 nights jinns will visit you in dream. Don’t get scared.

Don’t recite ayat kursi in these 7 times. Keep yourself in clean bed with
clean clothes.

www.roohanimadad.com Email: roohanimadad@gmail.com

Page 43
Amal/Ritual 29 : To Know Hidden Knowledge 17 days
only, jamali and jalali diet
Time: 17 days vegetarian jalali fast from first thursday of Islamic calendar after sighting
new moon.
Food diet: Vegetarian food without any smell.
Security/protection: Ayat ul kursi and last 4 quls 11 times.
Benefits: Will get knowledge and imagine clear picture while looking at water in a glass.
Important : Its better to do these rituals before conjuring. Don’t share ritual with others.
Keep secret.
Ritual prayer and amount: Recite this azeemat 700 times with darood 11 times
before and after near a river while watching water for 17 days.

Azmato alaikum ya mashire jinne wal inse tabi dale wa zale tabi dale wa
zale tabi dale wa zale behaqe jebrail alehesalam behaqe mekaeil
alehesalam behaqe israfeil alehesalam behaqe izraeil alehesalam
behaqe suleman bin daud alehesalam behaqe ya baduho hazir baba
hazir baba hazir baba. ( 700 times)

www.roohanimadad.com Email: roohanimadad@gmail.com

Page 44
Amal/Ritual 30 : Conjure Lunar Spirits in 1 night, easy
Time: lunar eclipse when sky is clear.
Food diet: No diet- but should by light food.
Security/protection: Ayat ul kursi and last 4 quls 11 times.
Benefits: spirits from sky and moon will meet in dream.
Important : Keep yourself clean while sleeping. Place bottle under open sky. Place
talisman in a bottle which is locked. Do not drink water.

Method: Write talisman in a good planetary hour with zafran and rose water as ink.
Put talisman in bottle with water. Place black or blue paper around bottle. Next day
put a few drops from it in your eyes and sleep.
Benefits: Spirits will guide and communicate.

Talisman copies are with direction chart and talismans text together. Write on blue
or black paper and place it in bottle.

If you are not able to write talismans correctly ask me to send you talisman. Pay 30
US dollars for work and post.

“We have tested this ritual our self.”

www.roohanimadad.com Email: roohanimadad@gmail.com

Page 45
Amal/Ritual 31 : Djinn Ritual for 3 days only, strange
hard and powerful
Time: 3 days vegetarian jalali fast from first Tuesday of Islamic calendar after sighting
new moon.
Food diet: Vegetarian food without any smell.
Security/protection: Ayatul kursi and last 4 quls 11 times.
Benefits: Jinns will obey all commands.
Important : Never show off to any one that you have conjured djinns.
Donate food to 41 people before ritual. Don’t talk with djinns before ritual is

Ritual prayer and amount Recite surah jinn in dark empty room 333 times. One
should remember surah jinn by heart. On the last day third day complete reciting so
total will be 1000 times. Wait for hazeri on last night.

Benefits: Don’t get scared. It is confirmed that if one do it in correct month and follow
instructions then one will get contact with jinn world. Make agreement with Jinn prince
and ask for friendship.

Tested with 4 people and 3 of them got benefits, but one felt scared and stopped.

www.roohanimadad.com Email: roohanimadad@gmail.com

Page 46
Last words
I have done almost all these rituals and found them true.
Actually spirituality is not just to collect many different rituals
but use it by your own will power and inner energy.

Spiritual path is hard but it has no limits. My last words for my

readers are don’t learn knowledge to destroy but learn it to
progress and spread peace.

Wasalam and talibe dua

Amil sahab.

www.roohanimadad.com Email: roohanimadad@gmail.com

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