Part III - Approaches in Teaching Mathematics
Part III - Approaches in Teaching Mathematics
Part III - Approaches in Teaching Mathematics
City of Masbate
The term “Guided Discovery” refers to a teaching and learning environment where students are actively
participating in discovering knowledge. The goal of discovery is to facilitate deep learning on the part of the
students – learning that has its basis in fundamental understanding and often arises from viewing a problem from
multiple perspectives. The pedagogical underpinning is that if the students discover the knowledge, they will, in the
process, have created and added to their own scaffolded understanding. They will have formulated and evaluated
hypotheses, rejected those that don’t seem to explain observations, confronted misconceptions, encountered
surprises and finally come to an understanding that comports with experiment. By re-creating knowledge which
already exists but is heretofore unknown to them, students will progress in learning how to create new knowledge,
and they will have training in inductive reasoning – the method used to create most human knowledge.
The main advantage of the guided discovery approach is that it fosters learners’ autonomy,
curiosity and critical thinking. Since GD implies a series of exercises/ questions that bring students to the
understanding of the target language, it is extremely learner-centered, encouraging learners’ autonomy
and critical thinking to grasp TL understanding. 4
Even though it is more time consuming during the lesson itself (compared to the deductive
approach), it is believed that learners achieve long lasting learning since they discover rules on their own.
This is achieved by following hints and relating new content to previous one (activation of schemata). For
most people, it is easier to remember something you figured out yourself rather than it being just
explained to you by the teacher. Besides, the target language is contextualized in each lesson, making it
more meaningful and memorable for learners. As Ellis (2002) states “a rule that has been ‘discovered’ is
more memorable than one that has simply been presented”.
3. Positive examples:(Positive examples contain attributes of the concept to be taught) i.e., 5+5, 11-1,
10x1, 3+4+4, (4x2) +2, 12-2, 15-5, 9+1,
4. Negative examples: (for examples choose facts that do not have 10 as the answer) i.e., 6+6,
3 +3, 12-4, 3 x3, 4x4, 16 -5, 6x2, 3+4+6, 2+ (2x3), 16-10,
5. Designate one area of the chalkboard for the positive examples and one area for negative examples. A
chart could be set up at the front of the room with two columns-one marked YES and the other marked
with NO.
6. Present the first card by saying, “This is a YES.” Place it under the appropriate column.i.e. 5+5 is YES.
7. Present the next card and say, “This is NO.” Place it under the NO column. i.e.6+6 is a NO.
8. Repeat this process until there are three examples under each column.
9. Ask the class to look at the three examples under the YES column and discuss how they are alike
(i.e.,5+5,11-1, 2x5, ) Ask “What do they have in common?”.
10. For the next three examples under each column. Several students will have identified the concept but it is
important that they not tell it out loud to the class. They can however show that they have caught on by
giving an example of their own for each column. At this point, the examples are student-generated. Ask
the class if anyone else has the concept in mind. Students who have not yet defined the concept are still
busy trying to see the similarities of the YES examples. Place at least three more examples under each
column that are student-generated.
11. Discuss the process with the class. Once most students have caught on, they can define the concept.
Once they have pointed out that everything under the YES column has an answer of 10, then print a new
heading at the top of the column (10 facts). The print a new heading for the NO column (Not 10 facts).
How can we adapt it?
This activity can be done on the chalkboard, chart paper or overhead projector to a large or small
group. It also works well as one-on-work. Rather than starting with the teacher’s concept, use a student’s
concept. Concept attainment can be used to introduce or conclude unit of study.
Variations on the Concept Attainment Model
1. Present all of the positive examples to the students at once and have them determine the essential
2. Present all of the positive and negative examples to the students without labeling them as such. Have
them group the examples into the two categories and determine the essential attributes.
3. Have the students define, identify the essential attributes of, and choose positive examples for a concept
already learned in class.
4. Use the model as a group activity.
Assessment and Evaluation Considerations
Have the students:
1. Write the definition from memory.
2. Determine positive and negative examples from a given group.
3. Create their own examples of the concept.
4. “Think aloud”.
5. Write a learning log.
6. Do an oral presentation.
7. Create a web, concept map, flow chart, illustrations, KWL chart, T chart.
1. Helps to make connections between what students know and what they will be learning.
2. Learn how to examine a concept from a number of perspectives.
3. Learn how to sort out relevant information.
4. Extends their knowledge of a concept by classifying more than one example of that concept.
5. Students go beyond merely associating a key term with a definition.
Task No. 4
For your activity for these approaches, I want you to read this “Teaching mathematics through
Guided Discovery Approach” by clicking this link:
Mathematics-through-Guided-Discovery-37105 and to further understand how guided discovery learning
approach used and apply kindly read the link below:
Scale Criteria
1 The main idea is not stated or is not correct. Supporting details are not relevant or
a remising. How the evidence supports the main idea is not clear, not reasonable,
and/or not explained.
3 The main idea is stated. Supporting details are mostly relevant. How the evidence
supports the main idea is mostly clear and reasonable. Some explanation is given.
5 The important main idea is clearly stated. Supporting details are relevant and
convincing. How the evidence supports the main idea is clear, reasonable, and
explained in detail.