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Power Reading 2

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© future & Introduction ‘The purpose of this three level reading series is to develop students’ reading skills and to familiarize students with the it Toe!l tests. Each book in the seties contains various styles of readings designed to help students improve their English comprehension. By answering the questions, students immerse themselves in topics of general and academic interest. CSM onssD Key words from the reading are listed. By matching each word with its definition, students can expand their vocabulary and prepare for readings. ED Exposing students to a variety of academic contexts helps them grasp English Awide range of areas seize student irterest from the beginning. eT variety of multiple-choice questions are designed to check understanding of the reading's main ideas, details, orgenization, and more. Through a series of pre-reading, md reading, and post-reading activities, students can improve their reading skills. SITET By reviewing the vocabulary from Vocabulary Check, students can elaborate their mastery of the vocabulary. Six summarizing approaches help students understand the readings in various contextual ways, € Contents 1 Coca-Cola ~ Unit 4 unt 2 Giant Stars ~ 8 unt 3. Sensitive Computing Use 4 The Rocky Mountains Unt 5 Black Hawk ~ » enn Unit 5 unt 6 Ins nt 7 Albert Einsteir — ut 8 Canada — Ea Unt 9 TarSands 3 Unit 10 Unité~10 48 Forests ti wnt ait Unit Unit 1 ‘Animal “Languages? =----o-s-- 1 Climate Change ~ 78 ‘Are You a Good Listener? - 2 ‘The Three Branches of the US Government — 86 VOCABULARY CHECK Match tt repeal 2 significantly specialize 4 temperance 5 outlaw 6 stimulate 7 pharmacist 8 catchon 4 > ower Content Reading 2 sds with thei to make illegal, to ban tobe skiliful in a certain subject or field ‘meaningfully, importantly a person skilled in making or selling medicine a to remove something, especially a law to become popular avoidance of alcoholic drink to make excited, to give energy Before 1. What is your favorite soft drink? 2. What do you think makes Coca-Cola so popular? You Rane [° not surprising that the birthplace of cola was the hot and humid American Sovth. This region had long specialized in creating delicious soft drinks. A druggist in Atlanta, Georgia named John Pemberton crcated the most well-known drink brand in the world in the 1880s. However, it seems clear that he had no idea how big it would become. Like many American pharmacists of the day, Pemberton was opposed to the Grinking of alcohol and wanted to produce a mulating soft drink. First, he made “the French Wine of Coca,” made from the coca leaf. Then he began to experiment? with the cola nut, Eventually, he managed to make a combination of the two that he thought was sweet, but not too sweet. Deciding that “the two C’s would look well in advertising,” he named it Coca-Cola, Pemberton’s invertion eaught on fairly quickly. By 1905, “Coke” was being advertised all over the country as “The Great Natural Temperance Drink.” The drink enjoyed additiona’ success since there was a large and popular temperance ‘movement in the US at that time. In the 1920s, alcohol was outlawed, and sales of Coke rose significantly. However, they continued to rise even after the law was repegled. Another reason for Coke's popularity was good business sense. A year after he invented it, Pemberton had sold Coca-Cola to Asa Griggs Candler for only $283.26! Candler was a marketing genius, and by the time he sold the Coca-Cola Company in 1919, \: was worth $25 million. Unit 01 5 READING COMPREHENSION 1 Which of the following would be good title for the reading? ‘8, The Invention and History of Coca-Cola bb, Why Cola is the World's Most Popular Soft Drink ‘c. John Pemberton and Coca-Cola 4. Coca-Cola and the Temperance Movement 2 According to the reading, the birthplace of Coca-Cola is "not surprising” because 2, almost all Southemers were opposed to alochol b. the South had a history of inventing soft drinks cc. most pharmacists came from the South . Coca-Cola means the South 3 The word ‘it’ refers to 2. sense 4 Which of the following is responsitle for Coke's additional success? ‘2, The temperance movement b, Its great taste ‘c. Pemberton’s good business sense d. Itsname 5 Which of the following happened LAST? 2. Asa Candler sold the company. b. Coke was advertised as the "Great National Temperance Drink.” «. John Pemberton sold Coca-Cola 4. Alcohol was outtewed. 6 It can be inferred that sales of Coks increased during the 1920's because . ®. people could not drink alechot b. it had become cheaper c. the government encouraged it 4d. the sales of other soft drinks were outlawed in America £6) Power Content Reading 2 VOCABULARY REVIEW ‘Q Fill in the blank with the right form of the word from the box. catch on specalize stimulate pharmacist significantly ___ repeal One argument used by supporters of was violence caused by alcohol, The law was so unpopular that-he governmenthadto i, The doctor gave me & prescription, so now | need to visit the Pediatricians are doctors that_________in treating children. on on | hope my idea for a four-day school week will 6 My father says that he drinks ecffee in order to his mornings, a Complete the exercise by selecting the answer choices below. One of them will NOT be used, c a. the Coca-Cola Company outlawed bs bought Coca-Cola {named his invention Coca-Cola look well in advertising 9. worth $25 million < 4. The Great Natural Temperance Drink John Pemiberton was @ druggis: whe invented a new drink. He \ 7 ——______. Asa Griggs Candler. 7 from John Pemberton just one vear later. Candler advertised Coke as ” _" The Coca-Cola Company grew to bo ie - ——___—-—____ In 1819, “andler sold, OU -, , CecaCola continued to growin sopuaty attr alcohol was vn or £7) 8 VOCABULARY CHECK the words witht gravitational 2. to.use fuel, energy, or time evolve ». to put force or physical pressure on something estimate to discover something or find by careful search 4 wobble 4. relating to oF resulting from the force of gravity radius z. the distance between center ofa citcle to its edge 6 detect to move or rotate with an uneven or rocking motion 7 exert «. ‘to gradually change and develop over a period of time S consume fi, to say what you think an amount or value will be Power Content Reading 2 1, Do you think we could live on another planet besides Earth? 2. Have you ever used a telescape to look at the stars? What did you see? T he Sun is huge compared to Earth, but i's not the largest type of stax L. The biggest stars are called, appropriately, giants. Giants are old, dying stars, and are many times larger than our Sun. [A] One of the most surprising discoveries in recent astronomy was a giant star, about 13 times the radius of the Sun with a planet in orbit around \\. This is the first time a planet has been found orbiting a giant star. Until this discovery, scientists were not sure that it was even possible since planets are usually ‘consumed when a star expands into a giant. ‘The star is called Jota Draconis, and it is one hundred light years from Earth, [5] Astronomers found the planet using the “wobble technique.” This is detecting and measuring the gravitational pull exerted by the planet on the star. It actually ‘causes the star to wobtle slightly! They have estimated that the planet's mass is about nine times that of Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system. (C] Another reason for the high level of interest in this news is that the Sun will also someday evolve into a giant star comparable in size to lota Draconis. [D] OF course, this wrill not happen for several billion years. Scientists used to be certain that Earth would be destroyed by the Sun’s expansion. Now we know that there is at least a chance for Earth to survive! Ut 02 READING COMPREHENSION q o ‘What is the topic of the passage? a, Stars that are larger than the Sun b. Arecent astronomical discovery ©. Differences between the Sun and fota Draconis, . The planets of our solar system. Which is the best place for the following sentence? obody knows wincther Eorth can survive this change. alll b. (B) eI 4.001 Which of the following is true of lota Draconis? a, It is the largest giant star ever fourd. Iti the largost planet found in orbt around a giant star. «. Iti the frst giant star found with an orbiting plant. <. Its the first planet found orbiting @ giant star. What does the "wobble technique’ measure? 2, The mass of a star 'b. Aplanet’s gravitational pull on a star ., The distance of a planet from Earth d. The shape of a planet's orbit ‘The word ‘it’ refers to a. discovery b. giant star e. Sun . planet It can be inferred that «2. life on Earth will definitely survive for several kilion years b. giant stars always have planets orbiting therm ¢. Earth might survive the Sun’s expansion 4. without question, the Sun will burn up every piznet in the solar system 10) Power Content Reading 2 ' VOCABULARY REVIEW Fill in the blank with the right form of the word from the box. ational radius consume detect estimate exert 1 The of this wheel is 30cm. 2 His sports car__ much more gas than an average car, so he sod it 3 | gave the poles a slight end whole tent fell down. 4. Raderis used to enemy eteratt 5 Alter shutting down, the satelite fell to Earth because of the________pull, 6 Ifyouwereto ‘your influence, they might change their decision. SUMMARY ca Complete the exercise by selecting the correct and important answer choices, ‘Two of them will NOT be usec. (Ca, lota Draconis is one hundred light years from Earth ay B the Sunn the gest ye of star «Recently astronomers fount a giant siar wit a plane orbiting i Ce. tistorically, it has been coramon to find planets around giant stars CA) e:The planet orbiting lota Dreconis is nine times larger than Jupiter £. Younger, newer stars are many thes bigger than the sun oD 9 y igo eu cu cy cu ou ou Cx unto i) dy VOCABULARY CHECK Match the words with their definitions. 1 limit virtual buddy assignment indicate posture equip interpret 12) Power entent Reading 2 a b “ e 9 he job, task, or duty afriend almost real, realistic pretend to decide what the meaning of something is to provide objects that are necessary for a purpose the way in which someone stands ‘to show that something will happen restrict 1. Can computers really understand human emotions? 2, Are computers that can sense your emotion a good idea? Why or why not? omputers can do a lot of wonderful things, but they cannot understand how you are feeling, That may soon change however. Computer engineers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.LT) are ‘working on the new field of “sensitive computing.” They are designing computers and software that can ifentify your mood and emotions as you work on them. A “virtual buddy” on the screen will then be able to respond appropriately. It will tell ‘you a joke if you are bored, cheer you up if you are sad, and offer help if you are having trouble writh an assignment. To sense your feelings, a computer should be able to hear, see, and touch its users, So far, the sensitive computers at M.LT. can do two out of three, ‘The cameras watch your facial expressions, eye movements and posture. Sensors on ‘the mouse measure the pressure of your hand and how much your palm is sweating, [A] Equipping computers with sensors is easy, but teaching them to interpret the information is the real challenge. Clicking the mouse very hard several times, probably indicates anger, but other signals are more difficult. [3] While it may take, years, the engineers are quite sure that they can solve such problems. ‘Moreover, virtual buddies may not be limited to computers. (C]It is possible ‘that someday, your MP3 player will “know” when you are feeling worried and choose a relaxing song, Or, pertiaps your cell phone will sense that you are lonely and call your best fitend for you. [D] Unit 03 B READING COMPREHENSION Which of the following is the best title for the passage? ‘a. Recent Discoveries at M.LT. b. Computers That Act Like Friends . Computers That Control Your Emotions d. Sensors on Computers, MP3 Playe’s and Cell Phones 2 What is a virtual buddy? ‘a, An engineer who works in the field of sensitive computing b. A person wha sends jokes and other messages to your computer ‘c. An onscreen friend created by software on a sensitive computer d, Abuddy you can meet regularly 3 Which is the best place for the following sentence? A frown can mean you are unkoppy, or7t can simply mean that you ar a. (Al b 1B) el é 101 4 The word ‘ihem’ refers to 1. computers and software b. mood and emotions ©. engineers d, things 5 Itcan be inferred that so far, the sensitive computers are NOT able to a. see », hear ©. touch 4. calculate 8 According to the passage, which of the following is true? a. [tis difficult to equip computers wih sensors b, Engineers have already completed their work on sensitive computers ©. Engineers have also made virtual bdies for MPS players and cell phones. d, Virtual buddies may not be limited “0 computer. TA) PovwerContent Reading 2 VOCABULARY REVIEW ‘ Fill in the blank with the right form of the word from the box. virtual interpret pasture 11 The coolest new videogames arein__reality! 2. Bob and | have been great___for years, 3 Our__-___tor this weekend is to read three chapters in Maby Dick. 4 Poor_____ can lead to problems with your bones later in life. 5 This caris________with the latest safety options, 6 Ican't_____ the rreaning of your poern. What are you trying to say? SUMMARY @ Complete the exercise by selecting the answer choices below. ‘One of them will NOT be used » 8 acon other electronics d. interpreting that information OY beto gather information «sense and respond to the user's Feelings, ¢. cannot understand how you are feeling Sensitive computers use cameras and sensors However, is more cifficult. Engineers at M.LT. are improving sensitive computers to better . Similar work may be done ‘such as MP3 players and cell phones. Unie os. (75) ch the words with their d nitions, Poner Content Readlng 2 to become less intense, to fall to a lower level strong push ‘a break in the rock layers of the Earth's crust caused by stress to make up the whole of something a violent meeting of objects; crash a wide area of flat land without trees to move ina slow, smooth way a liquid state of a solid due to great heat pete eNYou. Read - How do you think mountains are formed? . What are some famous mountain ranges on Earth? T © understand how the Rocky Mountains formed, we need to understand plate tectonics, f how fice ws ‘changes. According to this theory, the surface of the Earth is made up of a series of continental and oceanic plates, cach of which moves over the molten rock under the surface of the entire planet. Two hundred million years ago, all the continents comprised one large land mass known as Pangaea. Slowly, this giant continental plate broke zpart and the nev, smaller continents began to drift. ‘At one time, the North American Plate was moving to the west and the Pacific Plate was moving to the north, These plates violently hit each other at Jeast twice in history, creating the Rocky Mountains. The first collision occurred about 175 million years ago, It caused a shock wave that moved east, forcing dhuge masses of rock to crack and slide up over their neighbors. This is known as ‘thrust faulting. The shock wave gradually formed the mountain ranges across Western Canada and the United Siates. The second collision occurred around 85 iillion years ago. The force behind this collision provided the energy needed to complete the Rockies and the foothills. Eventually, the force subsided as it approached Calgary, and the prais were left flat. Unit 04 7 8 READING COMPREHENSION i o on Which of the following is the best ‘tle for the passage? ‘a, Pangaea and the Rockies », The Theory of Plate Tectonics ©. Basic Facts about the Reckies d, Plate Tectonies and the Rockies Why does the author include the information the Earth's surface moves and changes? 1a. To explain the meaning of plate tectonics bb. To introduce the topic of the passage c. To indicate that plate tectonic theory has not been proven <4. To explain why the formation of tne Rockies is hard to understand The word ‘which’ refers to_____. surface Earth plates series It can be inferred from the passage that Calgary does not have very high mountains Calgary has very high mountains the second shock wave was larger than the first ‘the second shock wave was smaller than the first Which of the sentences below best expresses the information in the second underlined sentence in the passage? 1. The shock wave produced by the collision moved large pieces of rock to the east. b, The collsion's shack wave moved east and caused large eracks in the Earth's surface. o. As it moved east, the force of the collision caused large pieces of Earth to break and move upward. i. The collision formed the Rockies as it moved east. ‘The passage indicates all of the following EXCEPT that 1a. the Rockies were formed by collsions between two plates b, the Rockies are located in both Canad and the US ©. the first colsion resulted in thrust faulting d. the foothills of the Rockias were formed by the frst collision Power Content Reading 2 VOCABULARY REVIEW ‘G Fill in the blank with the right form of the word from the box, molten faut collision thrust comprise 1 Ash, dust, end____rock poured out of tha voleano. The class is____ mainly of Italian and French students, ‘There has been a/an ‘on the motorway, RON ‘The rockets provide extra to help the plane take off 5 As the pain inmy foot___, 1 was able to walk to the car. 6 On the way back home, we saw sheep in the SUMMARY (a Complete the exercise by selecting the answer choices below. ‘Two of them will NOT be used. a. the Pacific plate beyan maving east the North American plate began moving west c. the North American and Pacific plates collided 4. the North American plate stepped drifting cea shock wave resulted in thrust faulting Oy) fe the Foothills of the Rockies were formed First, Pangaea broke apart Second, seeeeteeeeeees Next, CY fg, of co, Feat vse (® VOCABULARY CHECK [Match the words with their definitions. 3 regain 2 chief 2 inreturn 4 command 7 discouraged f 3 dignity 20) Power Content Reading 2 b, self-respect, pride, nobility to happen ina strong or violent way to get again, to have returned to feel unwilling to continue; frustrated tthe ruler of a tribe in exchange to give someone an order someone's life story written by another person. -pefore You Rem 1. What do you know about Native Americans? 2, What happened during the battles between Europeans avid Native Americans? 2 B lack Haws’ was the name of a great Native American wartior in the early days of the United States. Black Hawk was the chief of the Sauks, a tribe of natives that wanted to keep their lands away from white settlers. When the Americans went to war with Britain in 1812, the British wanted 5) Black Hawk to help them. In return, the British promised to return the lands that ‘had been stolen from the natives. [A] During the War of 1812, Black Hawk commanded a large army of native soldiers, and fought mary battles with the American general Henry Procter. As the war raged on, Black Hawk became more discouraged with the losses of life. He xo decided to sign a peace treaty in 1816 to stop the war. Unfortunately, the British broke their promise and refused to give the natives back their land. [B] ‘Throughout the 1820s and 1830s, Black Hawk battled the United States Army all over the county. In 1892, the Black Hawk War began. Once again, Black Hawk fought to regain the natives’ lost lands. The war was long and 45 difficult, and many of Black Hawk's soldiers were killed in battle, (C] Black Hawk might bave been forgotten by history, but in 1833, he got the opportunity to tell his life story to a government interpreter, Black Hawk's biography was the first Native American biography published in the United States. Finally, the American people were able to see Black Hawk's dignity and 29 courage for themselves. [D] Unit 05 (21 READING COMPREHENSION 1 What is the best ttle of the passage? a, The Most Fierce Battle in American History b, Native Indians Were Battered in America ‘c. Who Killed Native Indians in America? 4d. An Extraordinary Warrior PS How did Black Hawk become famous? Ho was the last surviving member of the Sauk tribe. His biography was published. He became a great politician. He was an important American army general 3 The word ‘thern’ refers to a. Indians b. Americans, ©. British 6. lands 4 Which is the best place for the following sentence? Black Hawk wos now knowa os 4 great leader as well as @ great war a Al ». 181 et 4.101 5 The author mentions the underlined sentence in order to 8. stress how many events were forgotten in history b. state that his achievement may not be that significant «. explain why he was forgotten by history 4, stress the importance of his biography © Which of the following is NOT true? a. Black Hawk was the chief of the Sauks. bb. Black Hawk battled the British Army for America 6. Black Havik's biography was the frst Native American biography in America d. Black Hawk was betrayed by the English. {D) PowerComtentfentng 2 VOCABULARY REVIEW Fill in the blank with the right form of the word from the box. regain chief in return biography dignity command discouraged ‘1 hope my favorite tennis star wil hor tile after losing it last year 2. America helped the rebels. ‘or their promise to support democracy, 3 He__ ‘that the ‘toops move on and rode to lead them. 4 Thefluis______inocal schools, & | keep failing my driver's test. rr to try again. 6 Heisamanof____and caim determination SUMMARY 1g Complete the exercise by selecting the answer choices below, One of them will NOT be used. 2. the Black Hawk War began b. England asked Black Hawk tc help them to fight against America «. Black Howk beceme the first published Native American 4. the Britlsh betrayed Black Hawk ¢. Black Hawk battled the British Army for America First, America went to wer with Britain, Second, oo Next, So, Ce Finally, cu ves @) 2 Choose the words that are closest in meaning to the underlined words. (1 ~ 5) 7 Ha government repeals a law, the law no longer has any legal force. a. makes b. abolishes ©, alters d. demands ny ‘The new law will outlaw smokirg in public places. ban b. allow ©. enforce cl honor 3 The officer commanded his men to shoot. a. persuaded b. protected cc. condemned d. ordered 4 Due to our standard of living, we consume 25 percent of the world's oil. produce use retain change aege 5 Some sounds cannot be detected by the human ea. a, detained b. remained c. discovered 4 made NNR) one cotetend2 1 | | Choose the correct word for each definition. (6 ~ 10) 10 "rot using alcohol for reasons of personal beliof ‘2 person who mixes and prepares medicines serious and controlled behavior thet makes people respect you the liquid state of things that are usually sold at room temperature the distance between the center of a circle and its outer edge ‘2 Complete the sentence with the right form of the word from the box. (11 ~ 15) " 2 B " 6 equip specialize “exert interpret rage She's hited a lamyor who in amily matters. That GPS device won't work until yout “The party wes a John will need to__ more efforf he wants to graduate, Ajury should not __the silence of a defendant as a sign of gut 2 Choose the opposite word for each. (16 ~ 20) discouraged virtual pacify. broaden ———__._ nave: actual stpported Vocabulary lin-One (25) permanent purify diabetes absorb inject relieve ‘transplant waste away ‘26 Power ContencReacing 2 tions, 2, an operation in which a new organ is put into someone's body to become very thin and weak c, tomake pain less unpleasant . totake something in . a disease interrupting the level of sugar in the blood to puta liquid into a person's body using a needle «. lasting forever fh, tomake something clean 1. Do you know anybody who has an illness or disability? 2, How is their life different from yours? he discovery of Insulin was the result of experiments by a Canadian doctor named Frederick Banting. [A] He had served in World War I, and had seen many horrible things. When he retuned to Canada, Banting wanted to do work that would reieve human suffering. {B] Banting worked with a medical student named Charles Best, [C] With Best's help, he discovered tha: diabetes is caused by the Jack of a hormone called insulin, [0] This was the first hormone ever discovered. Insulin is made in the pancreas by cells called islet cells, and its fumtion is to help the body absorb carbohydrates in food that give it energy. If the body doesn't make insulin, it gradually starves to death. Before Banting's discovery, the best method for treating this condition was a strict diet. Unfortunately, the diet was only a ‘temporary solution. Most people still wasted away and died very young. Banting and Best discovered a way to make insulin from islet cells in cows and pigs. Then they purified it and injected it into patients. When properly used, the insulin allows cells in the body to absorb carbohydrates. It is not a cure, but it allows many people with diabetes to live Jong and almost normal lives. Today, researchers are experimenting with Islet cell transplants in order to find a permanent cure, However, none of ir research would be possible without the discoveries made by Banting and Best. Unik 05 a a READING COMPREHENSION 1 or Which of the following is the best title for the passage? a. An Important Medical Discovery , The First Hormone c. The Causes of Diabetes d. The Career of Frederick Banting The word ‘thet refers to discoveries people trensplants researchers Which is the best place for the following sentence? He become a research dactor and kegan working on a cure for ciabctes. a (Al b. Bl oI 4. (0) It is NOT stated in the passage that ‘2, people with diabetes cannot eat carbohydrates b. @ strict diet used to be the main treatment for diabetes cc. cows and pigs also have islet calls that produce insulin d. research is being done on islet cel transplants. ‘Why does the author include the information It is not a cure, but itallows many people with diabetes to live long and almost normal lives? a, To give a reason for Banting's interest in insulin, b. To explain that there will never be a cure for diabetes. ‘¢. To explain the significance of Banting’s discovery d. To emphasize that diabetes is no longer a dangerous disease It can be inferred from the passage that 2. the important discovery was actually made by « medical student . Banting made his discavery while serving in World War | ©. diabetes prevents the body from absorbing carbohydrates d. Banting discovered other hormones after insulin, Power Content Reading 2 (maminanenemnanialans nacional VOCABULARY REVIEW © Fill in the blank with the right form of the word from the box. transplant diabetes waste away purify inject rel a permanent 11 She became too ill to eat and began to 2. The only way to save his lf is to ry a heart 5 Use this sponge to ‘the water you spilled. 6 One of the functions of the kidneys is to. the blood. SUMMARY a Complete the exercise by selecting the answer choices below. One of them will NOT be used. CX) a The boty has energy 7) Banting wanted to help suffering people «lasulin From islet cells in cows and pigs is used as treatment 2 4. Banting performed an Islet cell transplant de The body starves eu 1 Banting saw much pain in the war. Cw. Effoct> 5 cou 2. Banting and Best discover insulin, ou 2 3. The body absorbs carbohydrates in food. oy ce 4 The body does not produce insulin, QR > ust os (28 i he 0 2 patent, 3. equation supplement theoretical © relativity investigation breakthrough Power Content Rezding 2 dealing with ideas or speculation ‘an important new discovery ‘an examination or questioning of something a first version of something written the relationship between time, space, and motion something used to replace something else |. amathematical sentence .. an exclusive right to make of sell an invention onl | } pefore You Read 1. What is Albert Einstein famous for? 2, What do you do when you face a problem? n 1905, Albert Einstein was a recent university graduate who had married a fellovr student and was working as a patent clerk in Bern, ‘Switzerland. He was having trouble getting promoted and was not entirely satisfied with his job, bat at least it allowed him leisure time to spend in pubs stalking with friends, taking long walks, and thinking, (Al Even as a child, Finstein had always enjoyed working out physics problems. He had published a few physics articles as a student though none made much of an impression on the scentific community. Hovrever, Einstein continued to think about problems in theoretical physics. [B] 0 One day in the spring of 1905, Einstein went for a stroll with his best friend, “Michele Besso, He told Michele that he felt very close to some kind of breakthrough ‘though his ideas were not entirely clear yet. He went to bed that night feeling uneasy, but woke up the next moming feeling, as he wrote later, “the greatest excitement.” [C] Over the next several weeks, he wrote the first draft of the article that introduced the world to the theory of relativity. Soon after sending iv to a physics journal for publication, 2 realized that he had forgotten something. He mailed a three-page supplement to the journal, explaining “a very interesting conclusion” ‘to which his investigations had led him. Near the end of the supplement appeared 2. the equation that would change the world: E = mc. [D] Unie o7 GT | | \ READING COMPREHENSION 1 ‘Which of the following would te a good title for the reading? 2. The Life of Albert Einstein b. Albert Einstein's Breakthrough . Einstein's Theory of Relativity 4. Albert Einstein and Michele Basso Which of the following was trus of Einstein in 1905? He was married. He did nat have a job, He had published several impartant physics articles. He was a professer. Einstein went to bed “feeling uneasy" because. ‘2. he was worried that his ideas were wrong b. hhis breakthrough had not happened yet c. he was wortied about gatting promoted d. his friend had cisagreed with sim Which is the best place for the following sentence? Now, Einstein could answer the questions that had been bothering him. 2 (Al b. IB] {Cl 4. 101 The word ‘it’ refers to a world relativity theory draft It can be inferred from the reading that Einstein did not consider E=mo? an important part of his article Einstein continued thinking atout his ideas efter writing the article Einstein later wrote at least one more draft of the article Einstein didn't know the impertance of the equation {32> Power Conten Reading 2 VOCABULARY REVIEW I Fill in the blank with the right form of the word from the box. relativity draft supplement investigation breakthrough, theoretical 1. The development of the microscope was a/an in the field of medicine. 2 Always write at loast two_________of an essay before you turnit in to the teacher. 3 Alexander Graham Bell was giver a/en_____for his invention of the telephone. 4. We associate Einstein with the tieory of 5 ltis____that fe exists on other planets. 6 Heis taking an expensive vitzmin_____to regain his health, SUMMARY ta Complete the exercise by selecting the answer choices in order. ‘One of them will NOT be used. Uy a He sent his new ideas to a physies journal b. He told Michele Besso he was close to a breakthrough He realized he hac! forgotten something in his article He sent a supplement to the journal with E=met € He published a few physics articles F.ln 1908 Albert Einstein was 2 recent university professor 1 Einstein began working out physics problems. ©) 3 He graduated from university. var @ w VOCABULARY CHECK OMat maintain 2 emphasize military a ally © acquire 5 maritime 7 seize 8 distinct Power Contant Reading 2 h the war vith th ions, to take something and hold it togive Importance to something to keep up, to continue clearly separate and different from something else near the sea or coast to get something through an effort armed forces ._ acountry that helps another in times of war 1. Have you ever traveled to Canada? Do you know anyone who has? 2, How do you think Canade is different from your country? anada is a young country. It became a country in 1867, but it has _— changed a lot since then. Many western provinces didn’t join Canada until 1905, and some maritime provinces didn’t join until 1949, Nunavut did not Join until 1999, This means that Canada as a whole country is very young indeed! 5 ‘Throughout Canada’s history, it has been very concemed about its neighbor to the south, the United States. Like the US, Canada began as a colony of England. It acquired home rule in 1867, partly because Canadians worried that the Americans would try to conquer their country after the American Civil War. Early Canadians pressed westward because they feared that the United States would try 26 to seize that land first. ‘Canada and the United States have a peacefill relationship and are among the closest allies in the world. Stil, Canada remains worried about the influence of the US. Canadians worry that there is too much American TV, movies, and culture in Canada, They also worry that the rest of the world cannot differentiate tlie 5 culture from American culture. However, Canada also depends heavily on the United States for economics and trade. Canada tries very hard 19 emphasize the ait 0 countries and maintain a distinet identi i ‘maintaining a friendly relationship. The US threat to Canada may not be military, but Canada stil feels the pressure from America in a real and constant way. ‘nit 08 35 \ READING COMPREHENSION i o Which of the following is the Lest title for the passage? a. The Early History of Canada b. American Culture in Canada . ACompatison of Canadian ard American Culture d. Canada and Its View of the US Which of the following is true of Canada, according to the passage? fa, Itwas once a part of the United States. , Itwas ruled by England until 1867. cc. It fought a war for independence from England. 4d. It was heavily involved in the American Civil War. ‘The word ‘thei refers to i TV, movies, end culture Canadians United States allies It can be inferred from the passage that Canada and the US often cisagree on military matters Canadians want their country to be more like the US Canadian culture and American culture are the same trade relations are an important part of the Canads-US relationship Which of the following is NOT true of Canadians, according to the passage? 8, They want to continue being close ally of the United States, b. They settled western Canada in order to prevent Americans from doing so. 6. They want the world to see that they are different from Americans. . They watch only American TY and movies Which of the sentences below best expresses the information in the underlined sentence in the passage? 2. Canada tries to be different from the US because it worries about American influence. bb, Canada is trying to establish friendship with the United States so that it can maintain a seperate identi . Canada wents to stay friends with the US while keeping its identity separate. 4, Canada's close relationship with the US prevents it from having its ovin identity 6) Power Content Reading 2 VOCABULARY REVIEW 1 Fill in the blank with the right form of the word from the box. maritime ‘emphasize seize riltary acquire maintain 1. The temperature change in winter is less in_______erees. 2° Donna has__________ four new paintings at the auction. is pH NGOAINGU-DHOS 3 He______the child before she ran out into the street, Noun By Phasing Zon 4 During World War I, Turkey anc Germany were “ygi2210707 5 think you needto_______your theory more in your thesis paper. 6 Engineering and technology are_____ from one another. SUMMARY @ Complete the exercise by selecting the correct and important answer choices. ‘Two of them will NOT be used. OX) 4 Canada last grew 25 9 country in 1999 i yb The USA will conquer Conace in the near future «Canada became its own country to defend itsett from the USA Cd Today, Canad and the USA have a peaceful retationship 1 @. Canadians are happy to adost American eutture {However Canadian culture often feels Uwrestened by US culture unit 08 G7) VOCABULARY CHECK use up alternative combination obtain rest on method crude potential possible to get something to spend all of something a different choice; an option . ‘acertain way of doing something to lean on something mixture of two or more things natural, raw or rough 1. What do we use oil for? 2, What are some of the dangers of using oil? ‘rude oil is removed from the earth by drilling into the ground and drawing it cut through a well. As the world’s supply of this kind of oil is disappearing, tar sands are being explored as an alternative source of oil. ‘Tar sands are not sand made of tar. Rather, they are a combination of clay, sand, water, and bitumes, Bitumen is a very thick form of oil that, unlike crude, does not flow easily. For this reason, it is much more difficult to remove from the ground, It must be obtained by either strip mining or by putting chemicals and hhot water into the ground (| force the bitumen to flow into oil wells. ‘The first ‘technique destroys the landscape, while the second uses up large amounts of water and pollutes the environment. However, scientists are working toward finding better methods, One potential solution is to use hot air to draw the Ditumen out of the ground. This is a less damaging process. Up to 66% of the world’s remaining oil supply may lie in tar sands. They are located all over the world, but the biggest tar sands are in Venezuela and Alberta, Canada. Alberte's Athabasca Tar Sands, which hold at least 1.7 trillion barrels, are the world’s largest. Since only 1.75 trillion barrels of crude oil remain worldwide, itis possible -hat the future of the oil industry rests on developing this resource, Unit 08 39) i READING COMPREHENSION I 1 Which of the following is the best title for the passage? a. Sources of Crude Oi b. Meeting the Needs of the Future ©. Oil and the Environment ¢. Alberta's Oil Supply Which of the following is NOT true? ‘2, Bitumen can be removed by strip mining b, Tar sands contain crude ci ©, Tar sands contain water, sand, clay, and a form of ol 4d, Bitumon is harder to obtain then crude oll ‘The word ‘which' refers to ways chemicals chemicals and hot water wells Which of the sentences below best expresses the information in the first underlined sentence? 1a, Both methods of obtaining bitumen from tar sands are polluting. b. Putting chemicals and hot water into the ground is environmentally damaging. c. Strip mining destroys the environment by using up water and putting chemicals into the ground. d, Tha methods of removing bitumen ruin natural scenery, waste water, and cause pollution. It can be inferred from the passage that it is not exactly known how much of the world's cil isin tar sands ol from tar sands is worth more than other forrns of oll tar sands are located in every country on Earth there is a greater supply of crude oil than of bitumen Why does the author include the information only 1.75 trilion barrels of crude oll remain. worldwide ? 2. To emphasize how much ail lies in Alberta's tar sands b. To show how large the oil industry is ¢. To show the increasing importance of tar sands To emphasize that the worc's energy needs are increasing Power Content Reading 2 VOCABULARY REVIEW Fill in the blank with the right form of the word from the box. use up alternative combination crude method rest on ‘ 1 Mybrother_____all of the toothpaste this morning and didn't tell anyone, 2 AjAn____of treciness and boredom caused me to fall asleep, 3 In the second experiment, theyhave___a very clear result 4. This writing is pretty . but maybe we can try to save it 5. The naw teaching encourage children to think for themselves. 6 The region has ahuge _______ for economic development. SUMMARY a Complete the exercise by selecting the answer choices below, One of them will NOT be used, a. the landscape and the envisonment are damaged bo. lie in tar sands can alternative source of oil 4. remove from the greund ) ea combination of clay, sand, water, and bitumen Ter sands are being exploredas___ Tar sands aro Bitumen is a very thick form of oll end is ebtained in a wayinwhich Up t0 6896 ofthe ‘world's remaining oil supply may 0 this, resource is increasingly important. oi 41 2 VOCABULARY CHECK = Match : forbid surround reinforcements account criminal volunteer reward © retreat PowerCcntent Reading 2 to go away froma place a report or spoken description of an event to not allow, to make something impossible to give something to show thanks todo something without being forced to do it additional soldiers . to encircle something completely alawbreaker 1. Do you think coffee is a popular drink? 2, What are some of the side effects of coffee on the body? (O offee drinking began around the 9® century in the Arab world, \\—. probably North Africa. The Arabs believed it gave them special energy. They were careful to keep it a secret from their enemics, especially Europeans. Perhaps Jam forbi ‘ing alcohol, coffee became a 5 ‘ite stimulating denk ut the Musli i he ‘Middle Fast, Turkey, and parts of India The first coffee shop is thought to have ‘opened in the Turkish cepital of Istanbul in 1475. ‘The drink did not become well known in Europe until 1683 when the Turks ‘were trying to conquer Austria, The Turkish army surrounded Vienna. The Viennese xo needed someone to get out of the city to bring refnfurcements, or they would be defeated. According to one account, a criminal volunteered to ty in exchange for his freedom. As he was sneaking through the cnemy camp, he smelled some coffee and decided to taste it, It gave him energy, so he stole some of the beans. He was thus able to get through the Turkish army and get help. The city was 5 saved. ‘When the Turks retreated, they left behind bags of the green coffee beans, The King wanted to reward the criminal, so he said the man could have anything ‘he wanted, ‘The criminal asked for the beans and a place where he could sell the drink that had helped him save Vienna, |/\/s became the first European coffee shop. The drink quickly became so popular throughout Europe that during the 18% century, there were more coffee shops in London than there are today. rit 10.43) READING COMPREHENSION 1 Which of the following is the 2est title for the passage? a. The Popularity of Cotfes », An Important Events in the History.of Coffee ©. Coffee in the Arab World 4, Why Europe Loves Coffee 2 According to the passage, which of the following is true? a. The Turks gave a man his freedom in exchange for coffee. b, Coffee was well known in Venna before the Turkish army arrived. c. Actiminal escaped from prison to get reinforcements. d. Coffee was important in saving Vienna from the Turks. 3 The word ‘This’ refers to a. drink b. place ©. energy , Vienna 4 Which of the sentences below best expresses the information in the underlined sentence in the passage? 2. Allover the Muslim world, people drank coffee for stimulation insteed of alcohol which was not allowed. b, Since Muslims were not allowed to drink alcohol, they enjoyed many stimulating drinks like coffee. ©. To the Muslims of the Middl East, Turkay, and India, coffee was a better drink then alcoho! d, Because the Muslims of the Middle East, Turkey, and India drank alcohol, they needed a different ‘stimulating drink. 5 Itcan be inferred from the passage that in the $ century, a. Notth Africe was not part ofthe Muslim world b, Arabs considered Europeans their enemies ¢. much of Europe was Muslim 4. coffee was already popular in Europe 6 Which of the following Is NOT true? 2. Acriminal opened the first E.ropean coffee shop. bb. The Turkish army didn't succeed in conquering Vienna, ©. Coffee became popular in Europe in the 18h century 4d. The frst coffee shop wes in Vienna. Power Content Reading 2 — VOCABULARY REVIEW ‘O Fill in the blank with the right form of the word from the box. 1 The law will, __ the sale of cigarettes to people under the age of 16 2. He found my purse and retumec it to me, so 1 him with $50, 3. Twenty heroes held off the invading army unt_ arrived. 4. He gave a dotalod ‘of what heppened that night. 5 thought he might be a/an becouse of his shifty eyes. 6 The enernies’ attack forced the troops to______ fram the city. SUMMARY a Complete the exercise by selecting the answer choices below. One of them will NOT be used. C2 a gave them special energy get reinforcements b. originated in North Africa e. discovered by sneaking through Ff. spread to Coffee probebly________in the 800s and a © the resto the Muslim werk, twas a Viennese man who was ou the Turkish army to_________in 1688. The ou Cay Mano saved Venn used Tks caf beans open to fst Ewopen cates shop. U ite B) Choose the words that are closest in meaning to the underlined words. (1 ~ 5) “During this period, he acquired a reputation for making good films. a. contaminated | b, erected f 6. obtained 4. honored | 2 Political instability helped the army to seize power. I a. lose b. capture ©. change od, make ‘The military is ordering a hundrad new tanks for the war effort. 2. armed forces b, peace movement i ¢. missionary services d. media He emphasized that all the people taking part in the research were young students. a. stayed b. told ©. stressed d ‘conformed rm on duty unti! 2 p.m., and then Peter is coming to relieve me. 2. find b. comfort c. attack 4d. replace 46 PowerContentReaing 2 Choose the correct word for each definition. (6 ~ 10) | ally account rewarel potential | 6 __ tte passibie result fora person or event | 7 ______apertner who will act in one's defense | 8 retelling of a particular story or series of events i 9 ________ unfinished, in 2 rough state of being 10 _____ agit given as a token of gratitude Complete the sentence with the right form of the word from the box. (11 ~ 15) inject retreat criminal transplant volunteer 41 The soldiers were already in__ when mare soldiers arrived. 12 Lam going to {at the Students’ Union, 13. The way we waste this planet's resourees is 14 Thedoctor wil______the child with a vaccine, 15 Doctors are planning to_____ a mechenieal heart into a fifty-year old man. Choose the opposite word foreach. (16 ~ 20) | forbid purify obtain distinct permanent 6 sinlar ee ] pene Ce 199 _______ temporary 20 _—————_ contaminate Vocabulary Alli VOCABULARY CHECK compete to break, to destroy excavate to happen, to occur ‘embarrassing to try to be more successful than someone else bribe to find something that has been lost or hidden uncover the amount of material thata train can hold i take place todig out trainload ._ to make someone do something by giving them money | smash uncomfortable, upsetting | | 1. When do you think competition is healthy? 2, When do you think it is unhealthy? \ JL any scientists argue about dinosaurs today, but one of the most AL'VE. famous arguments took place over 100 years ago. Two American scientists named Othniel Charles Marsh and Edward Drinker Cope fought all the ‘time. They competed with each other to be the greatest scientist, ‘The two men actually started out as friends. Cope was working at a place where a company was excavating minerals. He asked the company to call him whenever they discovered bones. There were many bones there, so Cope was becoming very famous for finding fossils. Marsh came to visit Cope and see how he was doing, but he secretly bribed the company to tell him when they found hones. When Cope foun! out, he was very angry and the two became enemies, Both men tried very hard to discover the most dinosaurs. They wanted to uncover dinosaur bones very fast, so they used dynamite to remove dirt. Unfortunately, “i probably destroyed many valuable fossils. Each man stole bones from the other, and one time, Cope actually stole a whole trainload of fossils. i shout Cope fi 1¢ bones th shed them there. . The two men found more dinosaur bones than anyone in the history of digging up fossils. Cope found 56 kinds of dinosaurs while Marsh found 64. However, their fighting also destroyed many fossils and was very embarrassing for other scientists in the United States. Unit 11 9 & READING COMPREHENSION 1 What is the best title of the passage? ‘The Biggest Dinosaur Dinosaurs Disappeared A Silly Battle Cope Won over Marsh Which of the following is NOT true about the compatition between Cope and Marsh? It helped them find more bones. Many fossils were ruined. It broke their friendship. They made a lot of money. The word ‘this’ refers to fossil dinosaur using dynamite uncovering dinosaur bones very fast Why did Cope and Marsh become enemies? ‘@. Cope found more bones than Marsh, b, Marsh bribed the company which was working with Cope. c. Cope became famous for finding fossils. d, Marsh became famous for findng fossils. ‘The author mentions the underlined sentence in order to . state that finding fossils was so important prove that they were angry pecple show that their competition wes destructive describe why they became enemies ‘What can be inferred from the reading? 2. Cope and Marsh found few bones. b. They used dynamite to find bones because other scientists also used it. Cc. They stole bones from other scientist. 4. Although Cope and Marsh found many bones, many others were destroyed. Power Content Reading 2 VOCABULARY REVIEW Fill In the blank with the right form of the word from the box, smash take place embarrassing bribe uncover trainload 1 Tomorrow, we will begin to____the third temple. 2 He___ immigration officiels and entered the country illegally 3. Digging in her garden last week, she __an old toy from the 1960. 4 When and where will the wedding? 5 Onaverage, afan_______ of coal leaves the mine every hour. 6 Rioters ran through the city center windows and burning cars. SUMMARY a Complete the exercise by selecting the answer choices below. One of them will NOT be used 2, Marsh jealously bribed Cope’s company for bones '. many valuable fossils were destroyed «Marsh and Cope became enemies °) a, Marsh nd Cope found more dinosaur bones than anyone in the history CX) ©. Cope became famous for finding bones ou In the beginning, Marsh and Cope were friends ou However, cu CU. Forthis reason, ou Asaresult, ou Unfortunately, R uit GP disposal carry out demand * exploitation 5. reform distribution employment manufacture i 52) Power Content Reading 2 VOCABULARY CHECK Match the words with their definitions, 1 a r © tomake, to produce sharing, division the process of getting rid of something misuse, abuse ,. todo something that you were asked job, work . to make again, to change \. to insist, to strongly desire Before ou Rend 1. Can you imagine what life was like before machines and factories? 2. What would be the advaniages and disadvantages to this life? he fastest period of technological change in history was during the second half of the 18% century. This period is known as the Industrial Revolution. During this time, changes began to happen in the way people made and provided goods. These goods were being made at an increasingly rapid rate. ‘These changes came about because of the development of machinery and the use of steam, followed by ekctrical power, all of which allowed goods to be made on a large scale in factories. Before this time, goods had been made mostly by hand in people’s homes. ‘This kind of manufacturing is known as “cottage industry.” The cottage industries could not compete with the development of large, power-driven machinery that could do the work of several people at once, Society began to rely less on farming, and cottage industry for survival, and more on the cities where most manufacturing was carried out: During the Industrial Revolution, the lives of people changed quickly. The bigger towns and ports Te ro find ‘employment in_new city factories. This move ftom the country to the city was also due to improvements in the technology used on farms. Fewer people were needed for farm work as more powerful machinery was used. However, crowding in the cities led to the exploitation of workers and poor living conditions including problems with pollution and waste disposal. These conditions, along with an unequal distribution of wealth and resources, gave rise to popular demands for social reform. Technology will continue to develop and change society. People will continue to be concerned about how such changes may affect our quality of life. Unt 12 33) READING COMPREHENSION 1 Which of the following is the best title for the passage? a, Inventions ofthe Industral Revolution b, Effects of the Industral Revolution ©. The Origin of the Industrial Revolution 4. The Story of the Industrial Revolution 2 Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as a problem resulting from the Industrial Revolution? Unclean living conditions b. Poor treatment of workers ©. Poor health care . Crowding 3 The word ‘which’ refers to power use . machinery, steam, and electrical power development 4 Why does the author include the information that could of several at on 2, To indicate the power of the new machinery b. To show that most manufacturing required more than one worker c. To show that the Industrial Revolution created many new jobs 4d. To indicate how many people moved from cottage industry to menufacturing a tt can be inferred from the passage that in 1701, steam wes widely used electrical power was not in use very few goods were manufactured . crowding in the cities led to the exploitation of workers: 6 Which of the sentences below best expresses the information in the second underlined sentence? ‘a, Many people went to the bigge" towns and ports to build factories for manufacturing. b. Most people left the countryside because of the lack of factory jobs there. Large numbers of people moved from the country to ities to find manufacturing jobs. d. Large towns and ports first devaloped because people moved there to look for work. » Power Content Reading 2 VOCABULARY REVIEW ‘Q Fill in the blank with the right form of the word from the box. ‘exploitation carry out reform ‘employment ‘manufacture disposal demand distribution 1 This factory used to_cars hefore it was closed. 2 Nigelis_____ research on early Greek art. 3) Marx wrote about the ‘of workers. 4 The government has made important. in education. 5 Fromthis__________center, goods are sent to all of our stores. 6 If you give in to alll of the child's. __, You may spoil her. SUMMARY Q Complete the exercise by selecting the answer choices in order ‘Two of them will NOT be used. (Cy a Society began to change dramatically, and some people felt it was for the worst 1, This move began as a result of machines replacing all of the farmers in the country ©. The Industrial Revolution was one of the fastest periods of technological change a. Many people left the country and moved into the ety 2) © Many pottages were built using large power-driven machinery x) Fi Machinery powered by steam and later electricity made the revolution possible ay) ce € oe @ 3. Changes in how and where people lived bogan to take place. 4 5 oy 6 Asa result, people began demanding social reform. Unit 12. (55 VOCABULARY CHECK Match the words with their definition } evergreen series, variety 2 equator bb. an imaginary line drawn around the middle of Earth 5 range tobe likely to 4 annually. an area of the far north 5. temperate 2, once every year, yearly 6 deciduous £ neither very hot nor very cold 7 boreal 2. plants that lose their leaves each fll 8 tend to fh, a tree that has green leaves all the year round 56) PowerContent Reading 2 2 1. Do you enjoy taking walks in the woods? 2. What kind of trees and animals can you see in a forest? T here are three basic types of forest. Tropical forests have the greatest variety of plants. They are found in the hot regions near the equator the only seasons are the rainy and dry seasons. However, rain can fall there any time of year, and topical forests receive more than 200 centimeters of rain annually. In fact, they are so wet that they are sometimes called rainforests. Trees in tropical forests are evergreen and never lose their leaves. There are many other i 1 flowers, vines, fems, mosses. and palms. [A] ‘The second type of forest is called the temperate forest. These are found ‘mostly in eastem Nort America, northeastern Asia, and western and central Europe. Temperate forests see the full range of seasons: spring, summer, winter and fall. [B] There is less rainfall than in tropical forests, with an average between 100 and 150 centimeters per year. Temperate forests also show less variety as they consist mostly of deciduous trees like oak, hickory, beech, hemlock, maple, basswood, cottonwood, alm and willow. {C] ‘The largest forests are the boreal forests of Siberia, westem Asia (also called Eurasia), Alaska, and westem Canada, Temperatures tend to be low, and winters are long, Rainfall is also low, with an average of 40-100 centimeters per year, ‘mostly in the form of snow. There is also less tree variety in these forests, mostly evergreen trees with needles, such as pine, fir and spruce. These forests have very few smaller plants, They are the most popular sources of wood for construction. (D) Unie 13, 7 READING COMPREHENSION 1 Which of the following is the best title for the passage? a. The Defirtion of a Forest b, Temperate and Boreal Forests ©. Types of Trees d. Kinds of Forests 2 Which of the following is NOT true of tropical forests? a. They only receive rain during the rainy season, bb. They are found only in hot cimatas, They receive the most rainfall 4d, They have many different types of plants. 3) The word ‘where’ refers to a. variety ©, forests ©. regions 4. types 4 Which is the best place for the following sentence? ‘Smaller plants here are mastly heibs. 3 Al b. (Bl eI 4. (01 5 Which of the sentences below best expresses the information in the underlined sentence? Tropical forests consist of trees, orchids, vines, ferns, paims, and mosses. Both trees and many types of tropical plants are found in tropical forests, Tropical forests have mostly evergreen trees, although there are several other types of trees as well Tropical forests consist of evergisen trees and many kinds af smaller tropical plants. 6 _ Itcan be inferred from the passage that temperate forests are larger ther boreal forests temporate forests have fewer evergreen troos than boreal forests boreal forests are located on all continents boreal forests do not get any rain 58 Power Content Reading 2 VOCABULARY REVIEW Fill in the blank with the right form of the word from the box. deciduous equator boreal annually temperate range evergreen tend to 1. Singapore lies on the 2 | need to pay my taxes Tho____zone estends from the Tropic of Cancer to the Artie Circle, NAn___tree loses its leaves in autumn and grows new ones in the spring The bleck-billed cuckoo is alan songbird that lives in the northern forests. ean w We ______prefer a simple life here in the country. SUMMARY a Complete the exercise by selecting the answer choices below. ‘Two of them will NOT be used. CR) shave 8 rainy season f may average 125 centimeters of rain per year b. have the least rainfall g. are found in colder climates than the other ou c have the fewest evergreens ‘two types CD dare found in Europe and South America‘. have an equal number of deciduous and >) einelude,the greatest variety of small plants €vergFeen trees cud Boreal Forests c ‘ cw CX) 2 Temperate Forests 3. Tropical Forests wit 13 VOCABULARY CHECK Match the words with their defiritions, release 2 justice 3. imprison struggle race 6 apartheid 7 kick out & rebel (60) Power Content Reading 2 h a fairness in the way that people are treated under the law to put someone in jail a political system where only white people had political rights a difficult trial, @ hard effort to force someone to leave a person trying to change authority by using force 3 group of people with the same skin color or other physical features tolet go, tofree ‘Before! YousRend 1. Have you ever been judged by the way you look? 2. Who are your heroes? Why do you think so? F or 27 years. the great South African champion of democracy, Nelson Mandela lived in a prison cell on a small island. He had to perform difficult labor with the rest of the prisoners. It was a homrible life for a great man, However, while he was imprisoned, people began to find out more and more about his struggles for democracy and justice. When he was finally released in 1990, he was a worldwide hero. [A] Nelson Mandela was bom in a small village in South Africa, He grew up in a poor family and was the first child in the family to go to school. He became interested in politics almost immediately and was kicked out of his first university for protesting. [B] At the time, South Africa was suffering ftom apartheid. That meant that the black and white residents of South Aftica were separated from each other. People had to cany identity cads with their race on it, and black and white people were not allowed to many each other. [C] ‘Mandela saw how terrible this condition was and decided to fight against it. He joined a rebel grou and attacked government and military targets. He was arrested in 1962 and imprisoned for the next 27 years. [D] Once he was relecsed, he continued to fight against the naling government. Finally, in 1994, Mandela's struggles were successful. He became the first ‘the past, units 6 READING COMPREHENSION ‘What is the best title of the passage? a. Slaves Finally Freed b. The New Ares of Black Movernent In America c. A Hero Struggling for His Nation 4. Mandela Became President ‘Why was Nelson Mandela arrested? 8. For robbery . For fighting against the government ©. For mixing with white people d. For geiting involved in polities The word ‘it’ refers to a. the government b. race ©. card d. identity Which of the following is NOT the rule of apartheid? 3, Black people were not allowed to carry money with them. b, Black people and white people could not marry each other. cc. Everyone had to carry identity cards. G. Different races could not socialize in the same places. Which is the best piace for the following sentence? Block people and white people couldn't even eat ot the same restaurants. a IA b IBl ©. (cl dO) Which of the sentences below best expresses the information In the underlined sentence? ‘2, The new South African government introduced apartheid. '. Because the president of South Afrca was democratically elected, apartheid was gone. ©. Mandela removed apartheid after becoming president. . Presidents usually don't like apartheid, @) ronson ety 2 VOCABULARY REVIEW Fill in the blank with the right form of the word from the box, justice "apartheid imprison release struggle rebel kick out race 11 | couldn't eat at this white restaurant with my black friend during 2 Johnny was _of class for fighting, 3. Getting children to eat their vegerables can be a/an 4 You shouldn't pick up that beby duck! itnow! 5 The ‘00k over the capital and set up a new government. 6 Hewas in 1995 for attempted murder. SUMMARY a Complete the exercise by selecting the answer choices below, One of them will NOT he used. >, democratically elected 4. oparthetd (oy. bewere separated from each otter «his struggles for democracy nd justice «to fight against During apartheid, the black and white residents of South Africa - Nelson Mandela fought against this unjust social situation, He was Gu = arrested in 1962 and imprisoned for the next 27 years. People began to find out more and mu CO prove about Once he was, cy roleased, he continued =the ruling government. Finaly, in 1984, cy . Mandele became the first president of South Africa cw Unit 14 (63) a VOCABULARY CHECK [i Mateh the words wi i clefinit 1 fertilize to make a plant or an animal start to produce a baby rot 1. asweet liquid produced in the flowers scent to get worse, to decay reproduce 4. to produce young animals or plants organ s. very clever and skillful pollen # apart ofa body or plant which has a special function 7 nectar 4. smell, fragrance ingenious |, @ powder produced by flowers Power Content Reading 2 spoefore You Reed 1. What are some of your favorite flowers? 2, What value do you think flowers have in nature? hile mos: of us think of flowers as beautiful and sweet-smelling, there is more to them than that. Thanks to an ingenious design, ‘the flower’s pretty looks end scent allow plants to reproduce. ‘The flowers of mos: plants have both male and female reproductive organs. ‘These are called “perfect flowers.” Roses, for example, are perfect flowers. “Imperfect : se found o1 mt Both perfect and imperfect flowers usually have leafy structures called petals, These are often bright and colorful, and contain sweet-smelling nectar to attract animals, especially bees and other insects. As an insect takes nectar from a flower with male organs, a powder called pollen sticks to the insect. Pollen contains the male cells ef the plant, The insect then moves on to other flowers. When it goes insite a flower with female organs, the pollen from the insect fertilizes that flower’s ovule. The ovule is the female cell of the plant, and itis like the egg of an animal. The fertilized ovule will eventually become a seed. Once a seed forms, a protective covering forms around it. This is the fruit. In this sense, fruits inclule not only the familiar apples, oranges, and so on, but also tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, corn, nuts, grains and many more. When the seed is ready, the fruit falls to the ground. It rots away or is caten and allows the seed to enter the ground and grow into a new plant, Unit 15. (65) READING COMPREHENSION ‘1 What is the passage mainly about? , How plants reproduce b. The parts of a plent . The purpose of pollen 4. Why insects are attracted to flowers 2 The word ‘These’ refers to. mele end female organs flowers plants 3 Which of the sentences below bes: expresses the information in the first underlined sentence? ‘8, Cucumber plants are imperfect because they do not have male or fernale reproductive organs, ', Cucumber flowers are "imperfect flowers” which have only male or only female organs. ¢. The cucumber plant is unusual because it can be either male or female. d. Cucumber plants have flowers that are both male and female, so they are called “imperfect flowers.” 4 Which of the following is true? Roses are either male or female, Bees go inside flowers in order to get pollen, Porfect flowers ere more beautiful than imperfect flowers. Insects are attracted by nectar. 5 Why does the author include the irformation The ovule is the female cell of the plant. and itis. like the egg of an animal? 2. To give the definition of ovule for eadors' beter understanding b. To add an interesting detail to the description of a flower c. To give an example of how flowers are animals: d. To emphasize that flowers are important in plant reproduction © It can be inferred from the passage that 7 all flowers have an ovule all flowers have pollen insects are important for all plants’ reproduction all plants with flowers produce fruit £65 Power Content Roading 2 VOCABULARY REVIEW Fill in the blank with the right form of the word from the box. scent rat reproduce orgen pollen fertil nectar ingenious 1. Johnny is s0 How did he solve this problem? 2. How can you tell ifthe chicken's sggs have been 3. Some creatures were better at surviving and___ themselves than others. 4. Hay feveris caused by an allergy to 5 These birds live mainly on 6 Rain has gotten in end____away the woodwork SUMMARY 1 Complete the exercise by selecting the answer choices below. One of them will NOT be used. CV a. Aflower's ovule is fertilized d. The seed is protected CX) b-Aflower has both male and female organs —_¢. The seed goes into the ground Insects are attracted to flowers ey Cause 1 Flowers contain nectar. OY cetocts 5 ow 2. An insect carries poten to a flower. ou ~ ou 3 Fruit forms around the seed. ch - ou 4 The fruit rots away. oO > vis @ Vocabulary Allein © Choose the words that are closest in meaning to the underlined words, (1 ~ 5) 1 or Itis important in a free society to maintain justice in the court system. 2. freedom b, ajuy c. fairness: 4. best effort \We will heal the eagle's broken wing and release It back to the wild. a. letit go bb. rent again ©. putonaleash d. destroy The investigation uncovered evidence of a large-scale illegal trade in wild birds. a. kept secret b found ©. retained d. protected A great deal of water is used in the manufacture of plastic. aside 0 y i b. factory e. produetion 4. Gistribution ‘The hospital is carrying out tests to find out what's wrong with her. doing conforming transforming eaore delaying (68) FowerContent Reading 2 Q Choose the correct word for each definition, (6 ~ 10) 6 ° 0 exploitation embarrassing employment disposal mu] . pol egiatc — the line eividing the globe into northern and southern hemispheres ‘causing a fealing of shyness and shame using someone with an unfair benefit toward the user threwing something away, waste removal havng a job, getting paid for the work one does [Complete the sentence with the right form of the word from the box, (11 ~ 15) l " 2 1B 1” 6 imprison reproduce: struggle race rebel ‘| I've been ____to understand this article all afternoon. People often confuse a person's. -with their culture, out they are different. He wasa__________in his youth, but now he’s a politician. He was ___in 2006 for a bank robbery. Rabbits__________at a very fast rate. Choose the opposite word for each. (16 ~ 20) 168 v7 18 19 Tate temperte——ecenate ingenious) unineinatve poison i bath presene buy VOCABULARY CHECK Match the words with their definitions. 1 strait migration current wave genetic findings determine expose (70) Powe contern Reading 2 a up to date, modern information obtained from research to figure out, to find out an incoming group of people relating to genes the act of moving from one area to another touncover something a narrow body of water joining larger bodies of water “Before You Rad 1. Who do you think are the ancestors of Americans? 2, When did the Indians move to America? 5 he world’s northem regions were once covered by giant glaciers. These glacie-s extended south to what is now Pennsylvania in North ‘America and covered much of northern Europe. So much of the planet's water was contained in these glaciers that the floor of the Bering Strait, which Ties between Alaska and Northeastem Asia, was sometimes exposed. [A] This meant that there was a “land bridge” connecting the continents during these periods. Scientists believe this happened from about 40,000 to 32,000 years ago and again ‘between 20,000 andl 10,000 years ago. [B] Did the first Amerizans simply walk the fifty miles or so of this land bridge from Asia to the New World? Some archaeologists think the answer is yes, but others think that ticy could have walked across glaciers or traveled in boats during the summer, Researchers are eager to leam exactly how Asian immigrants first came to America in order to determine when and how many times the migrations occurred. [C] A popular current theory about the migrations of these early Indians is based on archeological findings, comparisons of American and Asian languages, and, genetic studies of modem Native Americans and Asians. This theory states that the first Americans errived in three separate waves, which occurred at widely ~spaced times and involved three unrelated populations. The first wave came across the land bridge approximately 30,000 years ago and the second in boats about 8,000 years ago. [D] The third wave came between 10,000 and 5,000 years ago. units (Zi QR READING COMPREHENSION q 2 Which of the following would be a good title for the reading? a. American Geography in Ancient Times b. Migration of the First Americans c. Characteristics of the First Americans d. The Relationship between Asians and the First Americans Why are scientists interested in leering how the first Americans traveled? ‘a. It will help them discover when the first Americans arrived. . It will help them discover why the first Americans moved. . It will help them discover how many Indians lived in America, 4d. It will help them ciscover how the first Americans ruled their society Which is the best place for the following sentence? These two groups of migrants appear to have blended with one another. a Al >. [BI ce. Ic) d. 1D] According to the “papular theory" described in the reading, which of the following is true? a. Not all of today's groups of Native Americans are geneticelly related to each other, b. All of the ancestors of today's Natve Americans came to North America over the land bridge. ¢. Not all of the ancestors of today’s Native Americans came from Asia 4, The first Americans arrived in two separate waves. The word ‘they’ refers to 7 a. others b. miles c. archeologists d. first Americans All of the following can be inferred from the reading EXCEPT that ‘a, some of the ice that covered the northern regions has melted b. the floor of the Bering Strait is not exposed today cc. there is no “land bridge” connecting North America and Asia anymora 4d. the populer current theory is proven Power Content Reading 2 VOCABULARY REVIEW G Fill in the blank with the right form of the word from the box. findings determine genetic expose migration wave strait 1 The __issue o' my favorite magazin was released yesterday. ‘She took off her dark glasses to tired, red eyes, The cause of the fire has not been ‘The ____of the geese takes them around 5,000 miles from their starting point, ‘There wasa____of Southern European immigrants to the US. om kh wn ‘An estimated 1,600 ships pass through this every year, SUMMARY © Complete the exercise by selecting the answer choices below. One of them will NOT be used a, they walked over the land bridge a land bridge «. through a lot of boats find out more about the first Americans «. three waves of migrations Because of gleciers at certain times in history, there wes between Asia and North Ametica. In order to CO scientists ate tying to learn whether (or traveled in some a : * other way. A popular theory based on archeological findings, lamguages, and genetic evidence stetes that arrived at different times in different ways. unit 16 VOCABULARY CHECK &Matsh the words with their definitions. 1 complex note signal elaborate combine warn away dialect analyze 74) Power Content Reading 2 G a. he complicated, difficult to make others aware of certain dangers to join, to mix together detailed, precise to sign, to gesture, to indicate to study or examine something the sound ofa certain pitch a regional variety of language Bafore | 1. In which way do you think animals communicate each other? 2, Do you think that some animals might be able to communicate like humans? N early all animals have some kind of communication system, One d ‘type of crab for example, uses claw-waving movements to signal to ther crabs. [A] Some spiders have a similar kind of gesture-based language. The male spider performs a complex series of movements to inform the female that he 5 is apotential mate. [B] Bindcalls and bird songs are also ways of communicating, They are even like human language in that there may be various “dialects.” Birdealls are signals of one or more short notes. They are used to give information about danger, food, nesting, and so on, Longer and more elaborate pattems of notes are called bird 10 songs. Many people buy tapes or CDs of bird songs both for enjoyment and to learn the different sounds. These songs serve to warn away rivals and to attract possible mates. While bin songs can, therefore, be said to have meaning, there seems to be no structure to \/):y:. That is, the songs are only meaningful as a whole and cannot be anslyzed into meaningful parts like human sentences and 35 words can be. They are also limited in the number and type of meanings that they can communicate, Unlike humans, birds do not combine signals in new and creative ways to send new kinds of messages. [Cl When one bee finds a source of food, it returns to the hive and performs ‘a “dance” to pass along the information to the other bees. [D] The dances differ 20 according to the quality of the food source and its distance from the hive. Thus, bees are able to communicate many messages, but the messages are all about where to find food. niet? 75 16 READING COMPREHENSION 5 Which of the following best states the main idea of the reading? ‘8. Birds, bees, and other animals can communicate, but their systems of communication are limited. b. Birds, boos, and other animals can communicate in ways very similar to human language. ‘. Crabs, spiders, birds, and bees have very complex systems of communication. 4. Crabs, spiders, birds, and bees can only communicate a very small number of messages. Which is the best place for the following sentence? Simitor limits are found in the cornmanicarion system of honeybees. 2 1A) ». IB] ©. (cl 41D) What is the difference between birdcalls and bird songs? Birdcalls are mare complex. Bird songs are more complex. Birdcalls are communicative, while bird songs are not. Bird songs are communicative, while birdcalls are not The word ‘ver’ refers to a, structure b, birds ©, songs d. meanings How is bird communication similar to human communication? Both kinds have dialects Both kinds can be analyzed into meaningful parts. Both kinds can combine signals innnew and creative ways. Both kinds are beautiful aoce Which of the following sentences does NOT belong in the reading? a. Birdealls are signals of one or more short notes. 'b, Many people buy tapes or CDs of bird songs both for enjoyment and to learn the different sounds. cc. These serve to warn away rivals, and to ettract possible mates, d. Unlike humans, birds do not combne signals in new end creative ways to send new kinds of messages, Power Content Reading 2 VOCABULARY REVIEW Fill in the blank with the right form of the word from the box. signal elaborate dialect complex 1. te was hard to understand him die to his 2. Dorothy is trying to classical music end jazz to make a new kind of music. 3 Thatjet engin is fr more than the engine in my lawnmower 4. think you ae singing the wrong_______. That sounds horrible, 5 Theyre making some very ______ preparations for the wedding 6 Hohold up his handto____ “stop.” SUMMARY a Complete the exercise by selecting the answer choices below. ‘One of them will NOT be used. >) a. limited in the number and type of meanings \, , b.gesture and movements ¢- attract possible mates C72 4. information about food > e.be analyzed into meaningful pats information about danger, foe, nesting Nearly all animals have some kind of communication system such es Birdealls are used to give land so on. Bird songs serve to wamn away rivals and to Unlike hurnan language, however, they cannot lke human sentences and words. Honeybees’ communication system, “dance,” is used to () passalong______________to the other bees. Unit 177 VOCABULARY CHECK drought link, factor skeptical variation alter 7 trap atmosphere 78> PoverComenn Resting 2 tomake changes differences in amount, number, level, form, etc. to capture something in a place unwilling to believe; doubtful relationship, connection along period of very dry weather the air around the Earth or another planet a cause, an element Before You Read 1. What causes climate change? 2. How do we know that the climate is changing? Cc imate change has various causes which include both intemal and ‘e 8) (cl 4.10) The Word 'This' refers to natural gas carbon dioxide oil alr eoge According to the reading, which of the following is true? 8. Droughts have occurred in the American Midwest every year since the 1870's. . Changes in the Earth's orbit have besn proven to cause ice ages. ©. Human activity has been altering the environment for many years. 4. People have raraly changed the environment. tt can be inferred from the reading that before the industrial age 8. greenhouse gases did not exist, b, less greenhouse gas was released ©. human beings did not affect the envionment 4G, the environment did net change 80. Power Content Reading 2 VOCABULARY REVIEW © Fill in the blank with tha right form of the word from the box. alter drought 1 Being il for long time can link skeptical factor variation atmosphere trap ‘your appearance. 2. People can't breathe on the mocn because it has no 3 The teacher looked 4 We wanted to 5 like a wide 6 There is definitely afan ‘when | told her my dog had eaten my homework. the mouse rather than kil it ‘of music. | love classical, but | like pop and rap too. between smoking and several deadly diseases, SUMMARY ca Complste the exercise by selecting the correct and important answer choices, ‘Two of them will NOT bs used 2. Human actions may be the cause of climate change through pollution .A Serbian mathematician solved the problem of climate change . There may be many causes for climate change 4. Greenhouse gases include nitrous oxide and chlorofluorocarbons (*.) e.Hamans con be biamed for both internal and external factors | f.The distance of the Earth to the sun might influence elimate Unie 18 (87) VOCABULARY CHECK Match the words with their definitions. 1 misconception 2. opportunity 3. conflict 4 intent 5 empathy 6 nonverbal 7 pretend 8 insult (82) Power Content Reading 2 tomake believe, to act aplan in one’s mind to do something a chance, a possibility a misunderstanding of something the ability to understand another person's feelings to say or do something rude or offensive a disagreement ora clash ot using words Ber pve tou Rea 1, What is the difference between listening and hearing? 2. What is the most effective way of listening? Y ou may think that listening is the same as hearing, but that is a dangerous misconception. One study has estimated that the average = his_or her tim listening yet on! sffgctive listener. Failure to listen well can Iead to conflicts, misunderstandings and lost opportunities. The good news is that effective listening is a skill that can be learned, Awareness of your listening behavior is the first step toward improvement. Experts have identified three levels of listening. [A] Level one listeners are effective listeners who view the speaker with respect ‘and empathy. [B] They see the conversation as an opportunity to gather interesting and uscful information. As they listen, they make an effort to see the it of view, to predict what le or she will say next, to pay attention speaker's pi to body language, and to ask questions when necessary. At level two, a person may appear to be listening but makes little effort to truly understand what is being said. He or she is focusing on the words of the ‘message, but not on nonverbal cues and the intent of the speaker. Level two listeners may make sounds of agreement and nod while the speaker talks, but ‘they fail to ask questions to ensure good communication. {C] Level three listeners “tune out” speakers. In other words, they pretend to be listening while they a:e actually daydreaming or thinking about something entirely different. In this case, the speaker may feel insulted, and the result can be ‘an argument or even a breakdown of the relationship. [D] Unit 18 8 READING COMPREHENSION o Which of the following would be a good title for the reading? 2. The Different Levels of Listening », The Benefits of Being a Good Listener ‘. Three Steps to Becoming a Good Lstener . Why Some People Don't Listen According to the reading, listening is different from hearing because of all of the following EXCEPT. 3, listening is a skill b. listening requires effort «. listening has several levels 4d. listening is quite easy Which is the best place for the following sentence? This can give the specker a false sense of being understood, a tal » Bl e. IC] 6. According to the reading, how may a level three listener insult a speaker? a. by disagreeing with hinvher b. by not paying attention ©. by chenging the subject 4d. by asking too many questions The words she" refer to 2, level one listener b. listener c. speaker 4. the author The author mentioned the underlined sentence in order to e 2, indicate that listening is the same as hearing ‘5. show that psople spend too much time at work ©. prove that there are too many effective listeners 4, show that most people have some problems with listening Power Content Reading 2 VOCABULARY REVIEW © Fill in the biank with the right form of the word from the box. estimate misconception intent nonverbal 1 Children ike to play games in which they__________to be grownup, 2 The words sounded rough, but their_____——_was kind. | 3 I'm not trying to hurt you. Where did you get that____? 4 It's ike you have no______. Don’t you realize treating me like that is painful? 5, The eyes can be usedfor______ communication. 6 Ifyou donot accept the gift, it may_______the giver. SUMMARY @ Complete the exercise by selecting the answer choices below. | One of them will NOT be used. 2. focuses on the words only 4. pays attention to nonverbal cues has empathy for the speaker «- makes predictions «. tunes out the speaker ‘understands everything they hear 1 Level one listener 2 Level two listener 3 Level three istenar Unie 19 85) VOCABULARY CHECK {Match the words with their definitions. 1 abuse official representative approve constitution enforce appoint federal 85) PowerContentReading 2 of the central government of a nation toagtee to, to permit, 2 set of basic laws or principles for a country to make people obey a law or regulation 2 person who is chosen to act for a group to use something in a bad or harmful way to put someone into a position formal, licensed 1. What type of government does your country have? 2. What is the advantage and disadvantage of this type of government? W hen the Isaders of it i nit to creat government. They also strongly believed in placing limits on that government so that it could not abuse ts power. The three separate branchés of goverment created by the Constitution were designed to achieve both goals. Congress is the legislative branch where laws are written, debated, and voted on by elected members. It consists of two houses, an upper called the Senate, and a lower called the House of Representatives. The Senate has two members from each of tke fifly states, In addition to its legislative duties, ii has the power to approve ot reject appointments made by the President and to approve or reject treaties, The number of representatives in the House of Representatives from eack: state depends on the state's population. The executive branch, which enforees the laws, is headed by the President. ‘The President is chosen by a nationwide election every four years. One of the President's most important powers is the veto, the power to reject a law. Even if a Jaw has been passed by Congress, it does not become official until the President signs it, The President also appoints the heads of the government's major departments and acts as the commander of the nation's military. The judicial branch is the court system. Its job is to interpret the laws. At the top of the judicial branch is the Supreme Court. Unlike lower courts, the Supreme Court decides whether federal and state laws are constitutional or not. The nine members, or justices of tie Supreme Court are appointed by the President and approved by the Senate. Unit 2087 READING COMPREHENSION | Which of the following best states the main idea of the reading? a. Of the three branches of the US goversment created by the Constitution, the executive is the most powerful. bb. Each of the three branches of the US government has different powers and they are all important. c. The writers of the Constitution had two goals: to create a strong central government and to put limits ‘on that government G. Inthe US government, the Congress makes the laws, and the Supreme Court decides whether they are constitutional. Which of the following is a power of the President? 8. The power to decide whether laws are constitutional b. The power to make laws ©. The power to interpret the laws ©. The power to reject a law Which of the following has members who are NOT elected? a, The House of Representatives b. The Senate ©. The Supreme Court President The word ‘\" refers to a. Senate b. House of Representatives c. Congress «4, branch What can be inferred from the reading? 1, The Senate can be limited by the jucicial branch. b. The three separate branches of government make the government strong but limited. cc. The president acts as the commander of the nation's military only during a wer. dl. The Supreme Court checks the executive branch by revising laws. © Which of the sentences below best expresses the information in the underlined sentence in the passage? 8. The leaders of the new United States met in 1787 to create a strong centrel government. b. A strong central government was barn in 1787 by the leaders of the new United States. ©. The leaders of the new United States wanted to create a strong central govemment in writing the Constitution. , The leaders of the new United States created @ strong central government to write the Constitution 8B) Power ContentReading 2 appoint abuse representative official constitution enforce federal approve 1 Weneedto___another researcher to the development team, 2 Itis easy to make laws against drugs, but is difficultto_______those laws, 3. Should the laws passed by the government override state law? 4 The ABC Company is sending a/an ‘to discuss their new plans. 5 Itis not clear whether the Senate will the President's choice. 6 Thisis clearly alan of executive power. SUMMARY a Complete the exercise by selecting the answer choices below. One of them will NOT be used. YL) A designed to achieve both goas ey enforces the ams €. writes, debates, and! votes on acinterprets the lows and decides ‘Ce appointments made by the President Cy frisicet o low and appoints the heads ou ‘The three separate branches of government were designed to create a strong central government and pice limits on that government. The lgisative branch Ov laws. talso has the power to apprave or reject Eee ce ‘and to approve or reject treaties. The executive branch a CU ____________ts ned, the president, has the power to CV __of tne goveinment's major departments, The judicial branch ou —_____ whether they are constitutional or not. Unit 20. £89) Choose the words that are closest in meaning to the underlined words. (1 ~ 5) 1 ‘The president will need to appoint smeone to represent him at the UN. 2. choose b. ask ©. force . purchase Water samples taken from streams were analyzed for contamination by chemicals. included sold contaminated investigated ‘We've had to alter some of our plans. a. create b. change ce. make d. eliminate It was not my intent to hurt her feelings, but sometimes the truth Is harsh. 2. nudeness », offense ©. purpose d. attack ‘Your health is determined in part by what you eat, condemned supported rejected decided 90) oer Coment Reading 2 ( ____ Glacier findings migration opportunity } 6 2 stifting piece of ice moving toward lower ground 7 mowing from one location to another, usually as a group B ____upte date; trena 9 ____theresuits of research or scientific experiment 10 ___acance to take advantage of something good Complete the sentence with the right form of the word from the box. (11 ~ 15) [oar 11 These are the baseballs used in the 2008 Home Run Challenge. 12 Doyour parents _of you attending university overseas? 18 These normally harmless substances _______ to form a highly poisonous gas. 14 Thad a splendid sandcastle untila came up on shore and destroyed it 15 This computer virus is designed to ‘spam ernails Choose the opposite word for each. (16 ~ 20) nonverbal | 1% resotution. WO covarup 1% CC indference 199 spon ite Vocabulary Alki-One (97 © future & Introduction The purpose of this three level reading series is to develop students’ reading skills and to familiarize students with the ibt Toe! tests. Each book in the series contains various styles of readings designed to help students improve their English comprehension. RTIERTS By answering the questions, students immerse themselves in topics of general and academic interest. Key words from the reading are listed. By matching each word with its definition, students can expand their vocabulary and prepare for readings. COTE Exposing students to a variety of academic contexts helps them grasp English. Awwide range of areas seize student interest from the beginning. A variety of multiple-choice questons are designed to check understanding of the reading’s main ideas, details, organizetion, and more. Through a series of pre-reading, reading, and post-reading activities, students can improve their reading skills. EE By reviewing the vocabulary from Vocabulary Check, students can elaborate their mastery of the vocabulary. ~ Six summarizing approaches help students understand the readings in various contextual ways. The Blues 6 unt 7 The American Crow 8 ‘The Fisher King unt 9. The dackatope Uni 10 Three Lessons from Aesop mo a2 Unit 610 Unit 11 Hieronymus Eosch 7 ~ 48 Uni 12 Lower Water Levels at Lake Vietoia ~ 2 at 13° Ultrasound -—-m- ig st 14 Gatting a Batter Lock ~ 6 Unit 1115 Uni 16 Abistory of Dogs ~ — 70 wot 17 Two Englishes ~ 4 unit 18 unt 19 vist 20. Stonehenge — Stn VOCABULARY CHECK (Match the words with their definitions. philosopher 2 previous 3. emotional 4 poet 5 privilege 6 socialism 7 revolution 8 feminism 4) PowerConten eating 3 h ‘person who writes poems someone who studies the meaning of things earlier, before, prior a political system based on state plans and controls causing of expressing feelings a right given to an individual or a select few a movement supporting women's rights an attempt to change the political system by force spefore You Rent Bef 1, What do you feel when you see art? What do you think about? 2, Do you think art and poetry are important in our lives? Why? D © you love romantic stories? Maybe you will say “Yes, I love them.” Or maybe you will say “Yuck, they're terrible!” Before you answer though, you should ask what that question means, It doesn’t always mean love stories. 5 ‘There was a time in western history called the “Romantic Period,” Writers and phil jophers of this time are called “Romantics.” They had different beliefs than the people from previous times. The word “Romantic” comes from the word “Roman.” This means “enything to do with the people of ancient Rome.” The Romantics believed that ancient Rome was the greatest time for artists. Artists 10 tried to make paintings and sculptures like the Romans, Musicians made lighter, more emotional music. Everyone believed that emotions were the most important thing in art. ‘Writers and philosophers believed that the Romans loved nature and the countryside. The Romantics looked at country people as having the best life, It 35 _was a natural life. They were closer to nature. Poets loved to write about the people, Philosophers alse wrote about the people, but in a different way. They. believed people had righ's and privileges. They didn't believe that some people, like kings and queens, were better than others. This kind of thinking led to many changes in Europe. The Fiench and American Revolutions, feminism and socialism °° all happened in part beccuse of Romantic thinking, The next time someone asks ‘you if you like Romantic stories, you'd better ask them what kind of story they amean unit or (5, 6 READING COMPREHENSION ‘| Which of the following is the besttitle for the passage? ‘8, The Romantic Period: Not Always Remantio b. Opinions about Romantic Stories: Good or Bad ©, From the French Revolution to Socialism 4, Before You Answer the Question, Consider It Again! 2 According to the reading, which of the following is the true? Romantics wrote poerns about revolution. In ancient Rome, everyone had ¢ romantic quality. Romanticism had an effect on western history. ‘Some Romanticists believed tha: differences existed among social levels. 3 The word ‘They’ in the passage refers to a. Romantics b. country people cc. natural life d. posts 4 The author mentioned the underined sentence in order to ‘explain that there ere more interesting stories than Romantic stories ‘stress that many people like Romantic stories ‘advise not to ask if someone likes Romantic stories summarize that there are two kinds of Romantic stories 5 According to the reading, which of the following is the true? 1, There wore conflcts between posts and philosophers in the Romantic Period. bb. Every romanticist thought that ratureis the most important thing ‘c. The French Revolution was influenced by Romantic ideas. 4, Romans liked romantic literature. 6 Itcan be inferred from the passege that a, one idea has a great effect on cther idees 1b, only good ideas can be handed down from generation to generation c. evaty revolution is influenced by every other d. every word has two different meanings Power Content Reading 3 VOCABULARY REVIEW Fill in the blank with the right form of the word from the box. privilege previous post philosopher emoti feminism revolution 1 Modern _______ofte1 write for greetings card companies. 2 ______have though: about the meaning of life for centuries. Many people fear a move toward inthe west. My doctor said the problem was more________than physical Senior students are usualy allowed_____that other students are not, oan wo ‘The spread of ______has changed the way men and women interact. SUMMARY G Complete the exercise by selecting the answer choices in order. ‘Two of them will NOT be used, OX) @-This resulted in mony changes in Europe and America ~, , b. The Romantics also believed that people had rights and privileges «. The Romans were the most romantic people ever to have lived 4, "Romantics" are the philosophers and writers of this time 2 Artists in the Romantic Period became interested! in all things Roman 7x) F The Romans believed that kings and queens were better than other people ‘The “Romantic Period” was an interesting time in history for many reasons. They believed that the ancient Rome was the greatest time for artists. ‘They believed that Roman art was emotional and made their art emotional too, vor @ VOCABULARY CHECK Match the words with their definitions. spiritual religious slavery kidnap abolish holler talented code {8 Power Content Reading 3 a b. to hold someone prisoner illegally relating to a formal belief system asystem of words used for secrecy the act of forcing people to work against their will to stop, to putan end to antistic, gifted ‘song sung in praise of one’s beliefs to shout loudly Be fers You Read 1, Have you ever listened to any blues music? 2. What types of music do you like to listen t0? EF Iton John’s song, The Blues, is about being in love. However, the ‘musical style known as “blues” originally had very little to do with love. It was mostly about very real pain and suffering. Blues has its roots in ‘Aftica, Traditionally, African music has a lot of rhythm and singing. [A] This style of music came to the United States because of the slave trade. Slave traders kidnapped Hack Africans and sold them as slaves in America, These slaves were forced to work in fields all day and were rarely allowed to speak or ‘express themselves in any way. They began singing to each other as a means of communication, and they used religious music as a secret code to tell other slaves, how to escape, The songs also kept their spirits up and reminded them of Africa. B) Once stavery was abolished, former slaves had to find jobs. Is was very hhard for them since many of the white people feared and hated them. However, talented individuals could sometimes find work as singers, musicians and ‘entertainers, [C] Some of these musicians used a type of spiritual called the “field holler." In a field holler, cne person sings and another responds. Black musicians changed the field holler so that a singer sings a line and the guitar responds thus creating blues. [D] They tried adding different instruments and rhythms. These Shanges made blues one of the most important styles of music in North America. thas influenced and beer influenced by jazz, country, rock and roll, and hip hop. Even today, however, the most important influence on blues remains the music that slaves sang in the fielis over 150 years ago. Unie 02 9

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