Class 10 HHW - Compiled
Class 10 HHW - Compiled
Class 10 HHW - Compiled
“Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than
anybody else expects of you.” - Henry Ward Beecher
Dear Students,
Summer vacation is something you eagerly await each year. This year your travelling may be
curtailed but here are some suggested activities to keep you engaged, enhance your knowledge and be
• Watch some critically acclaimed movies and read good books by different authors. One such book
you all must read is the classic “A Tale of Two Cities” by Charles Dickens. It’s available free
• Read the newspapers on a daily basis to remain updated and aware.
• Practice some caring and sharing. Reach out with a helping hand to those in need.
• Be sensitive to the needs of the creatures around you. A bowl of fresh water and food for birds
and animals everyday would make a world of difference to them. Make it a daily habit.
• Maintain a diary of your reflections on these. It will remind you of the small things that brought
you happiness and the learning that happened.
• Take good care of yourself. Be physically active. Eat well and drink plenty of fluids.
1. ततााँरा - वामीरो कथा अं डमान - कनकोबार द्वीप -समू ह की कथा है कुछ अन्य कथाओ की जानकारी एककत्रत
कीकजए तथा ककसी एक कथा का सकित्र वर्गन कीकजए।
2. डार्यरी का एक पन्ना -पाठ में अनेक स्वतंत्रता सैनाकनर्यों का वर्गन ककर्या र्र्या है । एक भारत श्रेष्ठ भारत के सन्दभग
में सभी भारतीर्य वीरोंके नाम एवं कार्यों का वर्गन करते हुए सकित्र पी. पी टी का कनमागर् कीकजए।
Watch 2 films (any language). Write their résumé in French language.
Over the past few decades, technology has been developing very fast and one of the things that has everyone either
captivated or even a bit scared is artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is one of the many branches of
computer science. It is used to build intelligent computers capable of performing tasks that would typically require
human intelligence; that is, it is a simulation of human intelligence, and these machines are programmed to think and
act like humans. Speech recognition, decision-making, and visual perception are some features that an ‘AI’ would
possess. The main goal of artificial intelligence has always been for these machines to be able to learn, reason, and
perceive as human beings without any human help.
These days, AI is more common than one may think, as it is being used worldwide across multiple industries,
including health care and finance. Intelligent assistants like Alexa and Siri, self-driving cars, conversational
bots, email spam filters, and Netflix’s recommendations are some examples of artificial intelligence, so it
would be safe to say that one may contact an AI daily.
Students must do the research in A.I and apply their creativity to Make chart or Make a model on any
one of the topics:
AI Domains - Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision,
Data Science
AI Applications
AI Ethics
Every student has to compulsorily undertake one project on
• Consumer Awareness
• Social Issues
• Sustainable Development
• Create awareness in them about Consumer Rights.
• Ensure their participation in consumer awareness programs.
• Ensure their participation in disaster mitigation plans.
• Enable them to create awareness and preparedness among the community.
• The Project work should also help in enhancing the Life Skills of the students.
The Project File must contain: The Cover Page, Index, Acknowledgement, Introduction of the topic chosen,
Explanation of the Topic, Disaster Mitigation, and Suggestive/Preventive Steps, Conclusion and Bibliography
Prepare a brief write up on the following concept of chapter Management of Natural Resources in your
Portfolio in the context of Andaman and Nicobar Islands OR Lakshadweep islands. You are also
requested to do this work in A3 sheet and make your holiday homework presentable using images or
sketching on your own.
1. Climate change in past ten years.
2. How climate change affected the forest and wildlife.
3. What practices are adopted by people of Andaman and Nicobar Islands OR Lakshadweep for
sustainable development.
Practical 1: Make a suitable play material for children between birth to 5 years
Points to be considered:
The toy should be age appropriate.
It should cater to at least 3 developmental domains of human development.
It should be handmade, using easily available resources.
It should have multiple uses.
Practical 2: Write a report on any five malpractices you have observed in the market and
write your responsibilities as a consumer in each context.
Indigenous Cultures and Examine the Mathematical Tools Utilized for Navigation
• Develop a project focused on the indigenous cultures of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, as well as the
Lakshadweep Islands, exploring the mathematical concepts embedded in their traditional counting and
measurement system.
• Additionally, investigate navigation and geometry, considering the rich history of seafaring on these islands.
(Make a chart on an A-3 size sheet.)
• Within this project, examine the mathematical tools utilized for navigation such as maps, compasses and
sextants. (Make a model of any one tool.)
The Project File must contain- The Cover Page, Index, Acknowledgement, Introduction of the topic,
Explanation of the topic, Suggestive/Preventive Steps, Conclusion and Bibliography.
Note: Every group has to prepare a project file along with a chart and model.
Group 1
Make a game chart or wheel chart related to HCF and LCM for the class students while
showcasing the game.
Group – 2
Draw a Sierpinski triangle and colour it to create a beautiful pattern. Study how the concept of
Similar triangles is applicable to Sierpinski’s triangle.
Group – 3
Present the trigonometric ratios using the hand rule trick using a chart, model, etc.