s5 Econ (Development of Agriculture and Industry)
s5 Econ (Development of Agriculture and Industry)
s5 Econ (Development of Agriculture and Industry)
A cooperative is “an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common
economic, social, cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically controlled
• To provide marketing facilities for agricultural produce and animal husbandry products of its
members within and outside the country.
• To promote facilities for better farming, procurement of better price for agricultural produce
and achieving better living conditions.
• To create funds or advance money to its members for short or intermediate periods at the
minimum applicable to such lending.
• To co-ordinate generally the activities between its members and various other societies by
keeping them in touch with the marketing and production units.
• To provide transport to its members whenever necessary.
• To pool the produce of the members as well as of the non-members on such terms as may be
settled between the parties.
• To purchase agricultural implements, seeds, livestock or other articles intended for agriculture
and for the purpose of supplying them to its members.
• To collect, store, sell the agricultural products of the members and providing sorting out,
packing and transportation facilities of the agricultural products of the affiliated societies.
• To utilize the services, assistance and obtain advice of various departments of the State
Government and of various local bodies for furtherance of the objectives of the Co-operative.
INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT; This refers to the planning and building of new industries in
special areas.
INDUSTRIALISATION; this refers to the transition of an economy from primary agrarian to one
based mainly on manufacturing and industry.
OR: It refers to the process of change by which an economy becomes based on industrial
production rather than on agriculture.
• To create more employment opportunities. The established industries will hire many people to
perform the different industrial processes.
• To attain price stability since prices of industrial products are more stable. This is so
because industrial products are not influenced by natural factors, and therefore their supply can
be regulated which will help to stabilise their prices.
• To facilitate development of infrastructure. The roads, railways, power facilities will be
developed to facilitate transportation of raw materials to industrial sites and finished products to
the markets.
• To increase output and economic growth/ promote resource utilisation. This is so because
the established industries will lead to increased output of industrial products to satisfy the
domestic market.
• To encourage production of high quality products/output. This is so because industries will
involve the use modern machines and skilled manpower which will lead to improvement in the
quality of such products.
• To improve the balance of payment position/to increase foreign exchange earnings. This
so because industrialisation will lead to increased output for exports which will lead to
increased foreign exchange earnings, at the same time it will reduce dependence on formerly
industrial goods which will reduce foreign exchange expenditure on them, thus improve the
balance of payment position.
• To provide revenue to the government through taxation. Government will tax the industrial
products, profits and the incomes that will be earned by the employees of the industries.
• To diversify the economy. This is because industrialisation will widen the range of economic
activities undertaken in the country which will lead to economic diversification.
• To improve terms of trade. This is because industrial products will have value added which
enable them to command higher prices in the international market in relation to the prices of
imported industrial products.
• To encourage technological development/Research/innovation. The investors will ensure that
they use modern technology to produce high quality products and in large quantities.
• To promote development of entrepreneurial skills. Many people will be attracted to invest in
the industrial sector so as to make profits, since industrial products command higher and
relatively stable prices.
• To improve labour skills. The industries will compel people to train and acquire different
skills needed so as to be able to get jobs in the industries.
• For purposes of attracting capital inflow/foreign investment. Foreign investors will be
attracted to come with foreign capital in order to invest in the industrial sector and earn profits.
• To promote linkages/ to widen market. The agro-based industries will create market for the
agricultural sector by using its products as raw materials in such industries.
• To promote self reliance/sufficiency. Industrialisation will lead to increased domestic
production of the formerly imported industrial products which will help the country to reduce
reliance on imported industrial goods hence promoting self reliance.
• The level of technological development. Presence of advanced technology leads to high level
of industrialisation in the economy since more advanced technology raises productivity and
efficiency of firms, enabling industrialists to earn more profits. On the other hand, low level
technological development limits industrialisation because it leads to low level of productivity
and efficiency of firms which limits profitability and thus discouraging industrial development.
• The availability of skilled labour. Presence of highly skilled labour promotes industrial
development; this is so because such labourers engage in various industrial processes leading to
high level of efficiency in the industrial sector, this attracts many people to invest in the
industrial sector. On the other hand, limited skilled labour discourages industrial development;
this is so because such labourers cannot perform the different industrial tasks or processes
This refers to the strategy that involves establishing/encouraging the local manufacturing industries to
produce goods which were previously/formerly imported.
OR: This refers to a strategy of producing internally the formerly/previously imported industrial
• To improve on the Balance of payment (B.O.P) position/ to save scarce foreign exchange. This so
because expenditure on imported industrial goods will be reduced since they will be produced
domestically and thus will lead to reduction in their inflow.
• To increase foreign exchange in the long run. This is so because of the increase in production of
the formerly industrial goods, part of which will be exported which will help in earning foreign
exchange in the long run.
• To diversify the economy. This is because it will lead to increased industrialisation on top of other
economic activities in the economy.
• To reduce the external resource dependence/ to attain self-sufficiency. It will reduce the extent of
foreign dependence by reducing importation of certain industrial commodities that will be
produced locally.
• To widen the tax base/ generate revenue for the government. Government will tax the industrial
products, profits and the incomes that will be earned by the employees of such industries.
• To promote growth of the industrial sector. It will lead to expansion of the manufacturing
sector/industrialisation because it will encourage production of the formerly imported industrial
• To create more employment opportunities. The strategy will lead to setting up of industries to
produce the formerly imported industrial products; these will employ many people, to perform
the different industrial processes.
• To facilitate exploitation/utilisation of the country’s idle resources. This is because the industries
established will utilise more of the domestic resources as their raw materials to produce the
different industrial products.
• To increase economic growth rates. This is so because the established industries will lead to
increased output of industrial products to satisfy the domestic market.
• To develop local skills. The strategy will compel people to train and acquire different skills
needed so as to be able to get jobs in the industries.
• To promote local entrepreneurship. The strategy will attract many people to see an opportunity to
invest in the industrial sector.
• To encourage the development of local technology / transfer of technology. The investors will
ensure that they use modern technology to produce high quality products in large quantities so
as to satisfy the domestic market for industrial products.
• To control (imported) inflation/ to stabilise prices. The strategy will control imported inflation
since the country will no longer rely on imported industrial goods, as the strategy will lead to
increased domestic production of industrial products which will reduce the need to import from
other countries which may be suffering from inflation.
• To promote infrastructural development. The roads, railways, power facilities will be developed
to facilitate transportation of raw materials to industrial sites and finished products to the
• To encourage (foreign) investment / to encourage capital inflows. Foreign investors will be
attracted to come with foreign capital in order to invest in the industrial sector and earn profits.
• To create linkages within the sectors/ to create market. The strategy will attract development of
other economic activities within the industrial sector due to presence of the necessary inputs
from the industries that will be established or will be to provide market for other industries for
supply of inputs to the industries in existence
• It subjects nationals to highly priced products/goods. This is because such firms tend to be
high cost firms.
• Poor quality products are produced. Citizens are usually subjected to low quality products
due to protectionism accorded to such industries by the government. This creates sheltered
monopoly which reduces the competition and thus results into the evils of monopoly such as
poor quality goods.
• It leads to technological unemployment. This is because the adoption of capital intensive
techniques of production by such industries in order to improve the quality and at the same time
increase the output produced.
• It tends to concentrate on production of consumer goods, thus ignoring capital goods thereby
perpetuating dependence of developing countries on developed countries for capital goods.
• It leads to limited variety of goods in the market. People have limited range of products to
choose from since the industries do not have competitors, the would be competing products are
blocked out by the prohibitive tariff and non tariff barriers in international trade.
• Firms operate at excess capacity due to limited domestic market, limited capital etc. Most of
such industries produce below the installed capacity and this raises their average costs and thus
compels them to charge high prices in order to cover their costs.
• It is associated with income and profit repatriation/capital outflow. This is so because many
investors are foreign and are in most cases allowed to take their profits instead of reinvesting
them for further growth of the economy.
• Increases income inequalities in the country. This is so because there are a few people
employed in such industries who are highly paid compared to others in the country. This
worsens the negative impact of income inequalities in the economy.
• Leads to rural urban migration and its associated evils. This is so because the import
substituting industries are majority located in urban areas. People are attracted to urban areas
with hope of getting better paying jobs in such industries, but majority of such people fail to get
those jobs worsening the open urban unemployment problem and other social evils.
• It leads to retaliation/revenge by trading partners. This arises due to the problem of over
protectionism/beggar my neighbour policy.
• Management contracts are usually expensive to maintain. This is due to use of foreign
manpower; this increases the cost of production since such manpower is very expensive.
• Leads to social costs such as pollution. This is because such industries emit toxic gases to the
atmosphere which are hazardous to people’s lives.
• It leads to irrational use of resources. Such industries use large quantities of raw materials
which lead to over exploitation of the existing natural resources thus leading to their quick
• It leads in fall of government revenue. This is due to a decline in import duty in the short run
since the quantity of goods and services that are imported reduces as people resort to the
domestically produced goods.
• It leads to increased government expenditure to support such industries. This is by way of
subsidies and other concessions given to the investors.
• Limited capital/ low income levels. This is so because of low levels of saving in most
developing countries, this limits the amount of money necessary to purchase the inputs such
as land, capital goods as well as the hiring the skilled labour force
• Limited skilled labour to operate industrial machinery. Industries need highly skilled labour
force to be used in the different industrial process but such skilled labour force is insufficient
in most developing countries thereby making it difficult to implement such a strategy
• Limited market size. This discourages industrial development because the entrepreneurs fear
to remain with unsold output that would lead to losses.
• Poor infrastructural development. Such infrastructure underdeveloped infrastructure limits
the transportation of raw materials industrial sites and finished products to the market thereby
discouraging industrial development.
• Limited entrepreneurial skills. This implies that few businesses are initiated and sustained in
the industrial sector thus limiting the import substitution strategy
• Limited supply of raw materials. This necessitates relying on raw materials from other
countries which makes the production process very costly and less profitable thus
discouraging investment in such industries.
• Low levels of technological development. The low technological development implies
production of low volume and low quality industrial products which limits the market thus
making it less profitable and thus discouraging investment in such a strategy.
• Political instability in some areas. This scares off the potential investors in the industrial
sector due to fear of loss of lives and property.
• Poor land tenure system. This limits accessibility to land by potential investors and thus
limiting development of the import substitution strategy of industrial development
• Price and foreign exchange instabilities. This discourages savings and investment and thus
limiting investment in the industrial sector.
• Low levels of accountability. Government officials ask for bribes from the potential investors,
this discourages investment and thus limits development of the import substitution industrial
development strategy.
• Poor government policy on investment e.g. high taxes/ Limited investment incentives. This
increases costs of production which makes the products less competitive in the market leading
less profit earned and thus discouraging investment in the industrial sector.
This refers to a strategy of promoting domestic manufacturing sector with a view to increase the
exports of the manufacture goods.
• To increase foreign exchange earnings. This is so because promotion of the export industrial
development strategy will lead to attraction of more buyers of the country’s exports which
enables such a country to earn more foreign exchange.
• To improve the country’s balance of payments position. This will be due to the expanded
foreign market which will increase the volume of the country’s exports and thus increase
foreign exchange from the increased sales.
• To diversify the economy. This is because the strategy will lead to development of the industrial
sector and thus widen the range of economic activities in the economy.
• To widen the tax base of the country. This is intended to widen industrial products on which the
government will be able to impose tax.
• To expand market for the country’s goods and services. This is because the strategy will lead
to improvement in the quality of the products and thus attract more buyers in the foreign market
• To create more employment opportunities. The expanded industrial sector will create more
employment opportunities at home because industries require different categories of workers to
perform the different industrial processes.
• To facilitate the exploitation and utilisation of idle resources. This is because industrial
development will promote exploitation of formerly/previously redundant resources because
more resources will be used to increase the production of goods for export.
• To reduce dominance of subsistence production and promote commercial production. The
strategy will promote production for the export market which necessitates production for
commercial purposes so as to earn more foreign exchange in the export market.
• To increase economic growth/Growth Domestic Product (GDP)/output. The strategy will lead
to better utilisation of resources in order to increase volume of goods meant for the external
• To promote growth of the industrial sector. The strategy will call for industrial development so
as to add value to the agricultural products and other semi-processed products in order to attract
more buyers in the external market.
• To promote specialisation. The strategy calls for investment in particular industrial products and
will promote specialisation in specific products meant for the export market.
• To promote technological development. The country that opts for export promotion will
inevitably ensure that her industries use modern technology to produce high quality products in
large quantities in order to compete favourably in the export market.
• To promote international cooperation. This is so because trade thrives on good bilateral
relations between countries, so a country that wants to promote her exports will be obliged to
make as many friends as possible so as to have markets for its export.
• To promote entrepreneurship/innovations and inventions. The strategy will attract many
people to see an opportunity to invest in the industrial sector, which will promote
entrepreneurial skills in the country.
• To promote infrastructural development. This will lead to infrastructural development because
without sound infrastructural base the industrial sector cannot prosper, since such infrastructure
will ease the movement of raw materials to the industries and also finished products to the
• To produce high quality products. The strategy will call for production of high quality
industrial products so as to be able to compete favourably in the export market
Limitations to the adoption of the export promotion industrial development strategy:
• Production of low quality products. These cannot favourably compete at the foreign market.
This discourages development of the export promotion strategy since the producers fear to
remain with unsold out products that would result into losses.
• Inadequate capital to set up the industries. This is so because of low levels of saving in most
developing countries, this limits the amount of money necessary to purchase the inputs such
as land, capital goods as well as the hiring the skilled labour force.
• Production of expensive products. This is due to the fact that such industries are still in their
infancy and thus have not yet started enjoying economies of scale this makes it hard for such
industries to set low competitive prices in the export market.
• Protectionist policies of the developed countries such as tariffs, total ban etc. limit the
market for our exports, thereby discouraging development of such industries.
• High cost of advertising, market research in order to create better products and widen market
make it hard for developing countries to implement such a strategy since there is limited
capital in such countries.
• Limited market among the developing countries. This is due to the fact that such countries
produce similar products and thus cannot effectively trade among themselves which
discourages development of the export promotion strategy of industrial development.
• Limited natural resources to be used in production and this implies relying on natural foreign
resources which makes the production process very costly and thereby making our exports
less competitive in the foreign market.
• Limited labour skills to carry out production. Industries need highly skilled labour force to
be used in the different industrial process but such skilled labour force is insufficient in most
developing countries thereby making it difficult to implement such a strategy.
• Limited infrastructure in the low developed countries e.g. in terms of roads, power facilities.
Such infrastructure is not properly developed which limits the transport of raw materials and
finished products.
• Low levels of technological development. This is due to limited research in developing
countries. The low technological development implies production of low quality output
making such output less competitive in the international market.
• Political instabilities in some developing countries. This scares off the potential investors due
to fear of loss of lives and property.
• Limited entrepreneurial skills. This implies that few investments are initiated and sustained
thereby making it hard to implement the export promotion strategy.
• Low of accountability. Government officials ask for bribes from the potential investors, this
discourages investment and thus limits development of the export promotion industrial
development strategy.
• Poor land tenure system. This limits accessibility to land by potential investors and thus
limiting development of the export promotion industrial development strategy.
• Limited export promotion facilities/ institutions. This limits facilitation and coordination of
the development of the country’s exports.
• Stabilizing prices/ fighting inflation. This is reducing the cost of production which is
encouraging many people to invest in the industrial sector due to increasing profits.
• Modernizing agriculture. This is increasing the supply of raw materials which is
encouraging the establishment and expansion of agro based industries.
• Improving entrepreneurship skills. This is encouraging inventions and innovations which
is promoting industrial development.
• Further privatisation of Public assets or enterprises is being undertaken. This is
encouraging people to invest in the industrial sector since they are not scared of their
businesses being nationalized.
• Improving techniques of production. This is reducing the cost of production and
increasing efficiency in production which is attracting many people to invest in the
industrial sector.
• Strengthening specialized institutions to improve performance of the sector e.g.
Uganda Investment Authority. This is facilitating investment projects, attracts foreign
investors, provides relevant information, advocating for a competitive business environment
and providing serviced land in the industrial parks.
• Carrying out international campaigns to attract investors. This is creating awareness
about the investment opportunities in the country which is attracting many foreign investors
to invest in the industrial sector.