A Generic Model For Sustainability
A Generic Model For Sustainability
A Generic Model For Sustainability
2 Related Work 5
2.1 Sustainability Modeling Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 Economic Domain: Balanced Score Card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.3 Definitions of Sustainability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.3.1 Frameworks for Defining Sustainability . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.3.2 Defining Sustainability in the Context of Software Engi-
neering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.4 Analyses: Relation between ICT and Sustainability . . . . . . . . 8
5.3.3 Social Sustainability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
5.3.4 Economic Sustainability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
5.3.5 Technical Sustainability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
5.4 First Validation via Common Positions on Sustainability . . . . . 27
8 Conclusion 47
8.1 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
8.2 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Chapter 1
Hilty et al. [1] provide an analysis of the relevance of information and commu-
nication technologies for environmental sustainability and conclude that there
is no such thing as a “general ICT policy for environmental sustainability” [1].
Especially for an adequate analysis of the latter, we need a tangible decom-
position of the concept of sustainability and supporting methods in requirements
engineering. These methods can then enable to include the concept of sustain-
ability during requirements engineering and help to develop such a general ICT
policy for environmental sustainability over time.
There is no guidance available describing how to decompose sustainability for
a concrete project and we are missing procedures for incorporating sustainability
as an explicit goal into requirements engineering.
Apart from the decomposition, we are also lacking a reference catalogue
of sustainability-improving activities linked to indicators they affect. These
activities and indicators would allow for a sustainability assessment in order to
evaluate whether the activities affect the sustainability of a project or company.
Chapter 2
Related Work
Strategy models Gu et al. [3] propose a green strategy model that pro-
vides decision makers with the information needed to decide on whether to
take “green” strategies and eventually how to align them with their business
strategies. They consider such strategies as “green” which achieve lower energy
consumption and perform a case study with Dutch data centers. In contrast,
the paper at hand considers a broader definition of sustainability and thus gives
a broader view on sustainable software engineering.
i-star modeling Cabot et al. [4] report on a case study for sustainability as
a goal for the organization of the ICSE’09 conference with i*-models to sup-
port decision making for future conference chairs. Stefan et al. [5] extend that
work for managing environmental sustainability with quantitative goal modeling
techniques. Both works provide model instances for specific case studies while
the work at hand also provides a generic reference model.
Goal Modeling Lamsweerde [7] decomposes business goals into system re-
quirements, but does not explicitly reflect on sustainability. His work relates
positive and negative influences between goals, but our work provides activities
for direct realisation.
2.3 Definitions of Sustainability
The background for the presented definition approach is structured into frame-
works for defining sustainability, the relation between ICT and sustainability,
and earlier approaches to defining sustainability in the context of software en-
opment to surpass the poverty line, however this development could overstrain the natural
conditions necessary to guarantee further development. [11]
2 http://www.naturalstep.org/
(w.r.t. the approach by Robèrt et al. [12]) a Formal Framework for Concep-
tions of Sustainability that intends to solve the problem of arbitrariness. The
framework consists of five modules that serve to help to elaborate the elements
answering the ‘what’ and ‘how’ questions. The modules are the sustainability
problem, the normative principle of justice, the descriptive principle of integra-
tion, the criteria for sustainability, and the transformation into practice.
present the impacts of ICT on environmental sustainability on different levels:
first order effects like increasing electronic waste streams, second order effects
such as improved energy-efficiency of production, and third order effects like
a product-to-service shift or rebound effects in transport. In their prospective
study, they present an analysis of the anticipated future (positive or negative)
environmental impacts of different types of ICT applications: ICT applications
supporting a product-to-service shift, for heating management, for passenger
transport efficiency, for mobile work, and for freight transport efficiency.
With a wider scope, the Smart 2020 report [21] by the Climate Group
presents a way of enabling the low carbon economy in the information age.
The book Vision 2050 [22] by Hiroshi Komiyama and Steven Kraines presents
a roadmap for a sustainable earth.
Chapter 3
Dimensions of
Sustainability in Software
This chapter presents the dimensions of sustainability that serve to identify the
stakeholder for sustainability in Chapter 4 and represent the dominant decom-
position means for the generic sustainability model in Chapter 5. Furthermore,
this chapter discusses their relations, and introduces the concept of value that
is also a building block for the generic sustainability model.
Economic sustainability Economic sustainability aims at maintaining as-
sets. Assets do not only include capital but also added value. This requires
to define income as the amount one can consume during a period and still be
as well off at the end of the period, as it devolves on consuming added value
(interest), rather than capital [23].
These five dimensions are used in the sustainability model to decompose sus-
tainability into more tangible units.
The dimensions Social, Economic, Environmental and Technical can be an-
alyzed on a mirco as well as on a macro level. The decision on which level they
are investigated depends on the scope of the system under analysis.
These five dimensions are not necessarily encompassing. One can argue,
for example, for considering politics & law as separate dimension instead of
including it in the social dimension. On the other hand, the government can
be considered as institutionalization of society and therefore can be treated as
subdimension of the social dimension.
However, for the analysis scope of software systems, we believe the five given
dimensions to be an adequate representation as they serve only as structuring
means for the to-be-derived model.
Economic Sustainability Technical Sustainability
Social Sustainability
Human Sustainability
Environmental Sustainability
Environmental Sustainability How does software affect the environment dur-
ing development and maintenance [25]?
Human Sustainability How can software be created and maintained in a way
that enables developers to do their job happily over a long range of time?
These questions are meant to be starters for further discussion and research.
They are questions that build upon the definitions of the sustainability domains
and are based on the values we consider important for the domain.
Plato According to Plato, objects that are attributed values can be distin-
guished into objects with intrinsic value and objects with instrumental value.
An intrinsically valuable thing is worth having for itself. [26]
In the context of our research, we understand a value as intrinsic, indepen-
dent of a specific justification.
Chapter 4
Stakeholders for
This chapter details on the stakeholders for sustainability, their interests, and
their relation to the sustainability dimensions introduced in the preceeding chap-
4.1 Motivation
When discussing sustainability in the IT context very often people ask: Who
are the stakeholders1 for sustainability? This question is motivated from two
1. Domain-Knowledge: The stakeholders of a certain domain usually has
widespread knowledge in this field. This leads to the point that the stake-
holder can judge whether or not a certain indicator is a good approx-
imation for a value, if suggested activies can be put in place, how the
activities relate to the indicators, etc. For example, when discussing the
impact of establishing use of green data centers, software developers, fi-
nance and advertising stakeholders should discuss the costs and benefits
of this avtivity.
4.2 Overview of General Stakeholder Classes
Values differ by the community under analysis. When facing Sustainability in
Software Engineering we usually refer to this community in terms of stakehold-
ers, thereby including customers, users, developers and anybody else who has
an interest in the system under analysis.
Exemplary classes of stakeholders in software engineering for the sustain-
ability dimensions introduced in Chapter 3 are:
dimensions and understanding which stakeholders are possibly affected by this
dimension. In the following we will give a generic, very reusable list for possible
stakeholders. This list is just a rough overview and in no means complete.
• Economic Sustainability:
– CEO: The chief executive officer (CEO) is the highest-ranking execu-
tive of a company. The CEO has to integrate the sustainabilty goals
into the company’s vision.
– Project manager: Especially when instantiating a product-specific
sustainability model, it is important to have the project manager
agree in what ways the project should support sustainble aspects.
– Finance responsible: As sustainable software engineering affects many
parts of the company, among others, many financial decisions have
to be made to implement a sustainable software engineering model
in a company.
• Technical Sustainability
– Admin: The administrator of a software system has a very strong
motivation for long-running, low-maintenance systems as it makes
his work easier.
– Maintenance
– Customer/User: Users are often interested in persistency of the sys-
tems they are using []. This regards to user interface and required
soft- and hardware. Many users, however, are interested in gaining
features with updates.
• Human Sustainability
– Customer/User: The user must be able to use a certain system.
– Developer: The developer is heavily involved in creating the system.
This process needs to be careful about sustainable pace and growth
of the developer.
– Employee representative: The mental and physical safety of individ-
uals during the development of a product needs to be maintained.
Employee representatives watch the rights of the employees involved.
– Legislation (individual rights): Systems must respect the right of
their users. Hence, a legislation representative must respresent the
privacy and data protection laws that are in place.
• Social Sustainability
– Legislation (state authority): The state has a strong interest in un-
derstanding a systems influence on the society. In contrary to the
individual rights legislation representative, the state authority repre-
sentative speaks from the perspective of the state as a whole.
– Community representative: In addition to the state authority, other
communities such as the local government (e.g. the mayor) or non-
government clubs might be affected by a software system. A complete
analysis must take their views into account.
– Customer Relationship Manager (CRM): The CRM wants to estab-
lish long-term relationships with their customers and create a positive
image for the company.
– Corporate Social Responsibiliy (CSR) manager: Some companies
created a special position that initiates and implements a company-
specific vision of its social responsibility.
• Environmental Sustainability
– Legislation (state authority): Environment protection laws are in
place to ensure sustainability goals. These laws must be reflected in
the model.
– CSR manager: The CSR manager is often also responsible for envi-
ronmental aspects.
– Nature conservation activists and lobbyists (e.g., WWF, Greenpeace,
Chapter 5
This chapter describes the generic sustainability model built upon the concepts
introduced in the previous chapters.
Our proposed approach comprises the generic sustainability reference model
(M1 level1 ), the respective meta model behind it (M0 level), and the instances
(M2 level) that are derived from the reference model. These can be derived
either for the development process in a specific software company or for a specific
software system or product.
1 is aspect of 1..*
Goal Dimension
1..* *
affects approximates contributes to
1..* 1..* *
Hypotheses The following hypotheses have been made for the meta model:
1. A dimension can be represented by a set of values.
2. A value can always be approximated by indicators. They may be quanti-
tative or qualitative.
<Activity> optimize <Activity>
resource Activity
long-term Restoration
strategy consumption
5.2.1 Dimensions
A dimension is an aspect of or viewpoint on sustainability, for example, envi-
ronmental sustainability. As described in Sec. 3.1, there are five dimensions to
be considered when analyzing sustainability for software systems engineering.
A dimension is detailed in a set of values.
5.2.2 Values
A value is a moral or natural good that is perceived as an expression of a specific
dimension. Each of the five dimensions is represented by a set of values. Values
do not necessarily belong exclusively to one dimension but can be considered
for a number of dimensions, for example, healthy environment, which applies for
both the environmental as well as the human dimension.
5.2.3 Indicator
An indicator is a qualitative or quantitative metric that expresses a specific
degree or score with regard to a value, for example, satisfaction indices as
qualitative metric and carbon emissions or return on investment as quantitative
metrics. A set of indicators thereby approximates a value.
For the indicators, there are catalogues by, e.g., Bell and Morse [29] and the
ESI [30].
5.2.4 Regulation
A regulation is an optional element that supports and/or enforces a value, for
example, emission regulations. Regulations commonly set limits for a specific
indicator to be of legal use.
Many values belonging to the different dimensions are heavily regulated,
either supported or restricted in order to protect them. For example, freedom
of the individual is supported by the human rights, and healthy air is supported
by the European Union’s directive on carbon emissions.
5.2.5 Activity
An activity is a measure taken to contribute to a specific value or a set of values,
for example, use train for mid-distance traveling instead of aircraft. The impact
of these activities on a value is measured by the indicators it influences. For
the travel example, using a train instead of an aircraft improves the emissions
account of the traveler. For each value, there is a number of activities that
can be implemented to support a value. Thereby, the impact of an activity is
measured by the indicators it influences.
Whenever we say “good” in activities, the degree can be measured by the
The generic sustainability model is intended to serve as reference and as a
basis for the instantiation of company- or system-specific instances.
<Value> <Value>
environmental preservation
health of diversity
resources <Activity> <Activity>
conservation restoration
<Activity> <Activity>
reduce reuse <Activity>
<Activity> recycle
places&where&they&can&be& <Activity> <Activity> <Activity> <Activity>
powered&by&renewable& reduce reduce energy reuse old recycle
energy&sources. waste consumption hardware packaging
One option for realising feewr emissions is the activity place computer centers
where they can be powered by renewable energy sources., for example, to place
data centers in islands that have a high geothermal activity, e.g., iceland. Pow-
ering data centers with geothermal energy on iceland reduces the production of
Sustainability <Value>
<Value> curiosity
human <Value>
<Value> freedom
health <Value> <Value> self-
human <Value> <Value>
acceptance development empower
capital happiness dignity
/ respect / growth ment
mental <Value>
health education
<Value> <Value> human rights
physical creativity safety
The model excerpt for human sustainability is depicted in Figure 5.4. Here,
one value is happiness, with the sub-value creativity.
The implementing activity creating can, for example when instantiating the
model for a software company, be translated into the creativity in the developing
processes of the software engineers. If they experience a certain degree of cre-
ative freedom in their work, this is likely to increase their happiness. This also
has side effects on their productivity and thereby on the economic dimension,
but this influence is not depicted in the figure.
5.3.3 Social Sustainability
<Activity> <Activity>
<Activity> <Activity>
<Activity> provide for equal science
spend time reveal wages <Activity> <Activity>
work on good chances
together in create long- arts,
communication <Activity>
intense <Activity> term theater,
execute legal preserve
situations perspectives music
actions traditions
<Activity> <Activity>
communication <Activity> university
rules <Activity> perform collabor-
<Activity> <Activity>
prosecute appraisal ations
rethoric team building
seminar events mobbing interviews
Figure 5.5 depicts the excerpt for social sustainability. Some of the central
values are tolerance, trust, fairness, and culture. Trust can, for example, be
built up during team events where the members spend time together in intense
situations as the respective activity suggests.
Tolerance requires openness, which can be supported by work on good com-
munication. One action to improve communication in a software development
company can be to set up rules for positive, open, and efficient communication.
Social sustainability in a company might best be supported via a company
culture that builds on the above named values.
<Value> <Value> <Value> <Value>
security fairness safety trust
<Indicator> <Value>
continuous <Value> <Value> <Value>
<Regulation> reliability
ROI financial job image
workers' rights
security security
<Regulation> transparency
competition law
<Activity> <Activity>
long-term good
strategy infrastructure <Activity> <Activity> <Activity>
long-term <Activity> communicate image
job strategy fair trade honestly creation
invest in <Activity> <Activity>
<Activity> establish
society technology <Activity> pay fair good
risk wages working <Activity>
<Activity> analysis
invest in <Activity> conditions invest in
academia location charity
Another possibility that brings future prospects, but might also have a cross-
influence on risk management, is investing in startups.
On the right hand side of Figure 5.6, the value of trust is decomposed into
the subvalues reliability, transparency, and image, where the latter is realised
via image creation, for example, be investments in charity.
<Indicator> standards
quality of
<Activity> practice <Activity>
document design
properly <Activity>
establish good user
<Activity> interfaces
<Activity> good
clean code architecture
Therefore, the activity of designing a good user interface will strongly influence
the technical sustainability of such a software system.
Happy Planet Index The happy planet index [31] is a global measure of
sustainable well-being that relates how much resources a country has to how
happy its inhabitants are. This relates the social dimension to the economic
one and can also be modeled in the proposed model.
Chapter 6
Process: Instantiation of
the Generic Model
The generic model gives an idea of what sustainability means in general. How-
ever, the concrete ideas of sustainability in a given company or project highly
depend on the values existent in this context. Therefore, it is inevitable to to
evaluate, instantiate and maybe also extend these values with the stakeholders
to create a common sustainability model for a company or a project. These
models may then be used to create discussion for newly forming teams, which
is especially important in cross-cultural projects (see for example [32] on issues
in cross-cultural projects).
As the sustainability model highly depends on team members as well as
project goals, it can be instantiated for development processes (companies) and
for software systems (products). For the former, a sustainability goal model
that represents the goals of the company is created; for the latter, this instan-
tiation happens during the requirements engineering phase of each product.
The method for developing the sustainability model, however, stays the same.
In the following, we describe this method for developing a sustainability goal
model first and give examples for both company-specific and product-specific
instantiations afterwards.
The process consists of two phases: the analysis and the application & assess-
ment phase. Various roles are partaking in developing a specific sustainability
model within these phases.
quirements Engineer or the Process Engineer, depending on whether we create
a project or company-specific instance.
For application we need two different roles: For one, the Sustainability Ar-
chitect overviews the set of actions in total. Additionally each action needs an
Sustainability Activity Responsible, who organizes and instruments one concrete
Lastly, the assessment is performed by a Quality Engineer, who organizes
evaluation and assessment of the indicators. He also reports to the Management
regarding the status quo of the project or company. This life cycle is depicted
in Fig. 6.1.
Analysis is aspe
ct of
is asp
is asp
ect is aspect ofect
is aspec
t of
to rep
... ... ... ... ...
contributes to
s to
s to
contributes to
subactivity vity
exemplary and incomplete
Sustainability Model
is aspe
ct of
of is aspec aspe
t of ct of
is aspec
t of
In charge for
is as
influence influence influence influence
contributes to
s to
s to
contributes to
& Assessment
subactivity vity
s to
exemplary and incomplete
Responsibles Activities Indicators
Quality Engineer 1" 2" 3" 4" 5" Management
6.2 Modelling Process
Applying sustainability modeling within a company usually consists of two al-
ternating phases: the analysis and the application & assessment phase.
Whereas the analysis phase mainly concretizes the definition of sustainability
in the present context, the application & assessment phase starts the selected
activities and supervises whether the activities are working successfully. Even
though these are two separated phases we expect these phases to be alternating,
thus refining and tuning the specific instance of the goal model iteratively over
During the whole process the model guides the tailoring of values, indicators
and activities to the context (company- or project-specific) by structuring the
goals and giving examples and suggestions.
1. For each dimensions the architect needs to instantiate the generic values
that are provided by the generic goal model into context-specific goals.
These goals need to be prioritized to help solving conflicts between poten-
tially contradicting goals.
2. Afterwards the architect defines activities to implement the goals and
defines indicators that make it possible to assess the state of this goal at
the moment as well as in future situations. In this step he might find trade-
offs between indicators that are more exact with respect to this value and
indicators that are easier to apply. For example, the architect might have
to decide whether we want to measure our resource consumption by weight
or by item number (which can probably be automated). The generic goal
model serves as a reference for selecting activities and indicators.
3. When values and indicators for a certain dimension are selected, the ar-
chitect can now relate the activities that have a positive impact on the
indicators. For example, he could find reusable items in this project and
set up policies that enforce this reuse.
Indicators and activities are usually developed iteratively. The engineer can
choose whether it is more adequate for them to start with defining activities or
to list the most important indicators for a specific sustainability assessment.
This way we instantiated the generic model with goals, indicators and ac-
tivities specific to a company or a product.
How to instantiate a Sustainability Goal Model Legend
Sustainability Influences
... Supports
for each <Dimension> <Dimension> <Dimension>
Environm. Economic Social ...
Sustainability Sustainability Sustainability Dimension
<Value> <Value> <Value>
instantiate Regulation
company- company- company-
specific goal specific goal specific goal
<Indicator> <Activity>
energy agile
consumption practices
select <Activity> management
activities optimize <Activity> - educational offers
resource long-term - best practices
consumption strategy - mentoring
- culture of trust
- building - business plan
- infrastructure - long-term
- equipment investors
- waste
6.2.2 Application & Assessment Phase
After formalizing the company’s or product’s specific sustainability goal model,
two parallel tasks are needed: First of all, each activity needs a Sustainability
Activity Responsible who is in charge for this concrete activity. Together, the
sustainability architect and the activity responsible’s support and enforce the
implementation of the previously selected activities. Second, the Quality En-
gineer needs to continuously monitor the company’s state with respect to its
sustainability model. He can do this by assessing the list of indicators that are
defined concretely in the model. The results of this assessment are reported to
the management and the sustainability architect, so that changes or adjustments
can be made accordingly. The iteration time between assessments should be as
short as possible to maximize the transparency of the current state. However, it
heavily depends on the automation potential of the company-specific indicators
and the investment the company or project is willing to make.
In summary, the main goal of the application & assessment phase is putting
activities into play and monitoring how the company or product is performing
with regards to its own definition of sustainability.
the project build the indispensable foundation for the successful integration of
embedded systems to cyber-physical systems.
The project is structured in 6 sub-projects: scenarios and requirements, con-
tinuous development method, system design, hardware, software, and demon-
strators. Results that are common to all application domains are captured in the
so-called Domain Common. Our research group has the academic sub-project
lead in “scenarios and requirements” together with AUDI as industrial lead.
Within that subproject, sustainability was identified as a cross-cutting con-
cern we needed to analyse.
The scenario’s story is depicted in Figure 6.3. Ms Rosemarie Weber plans
to spend the next Christmas break with her two children at her mother’s, Ms
Pauline Mayer. The Weber family lives in Munich, Ms Mayer lives in Sandvika
near Oslo. Ms Weber’s intention is to pick up her children from school and
from there to travel directly to her mother. In the scenario Ms Weber plan is
worked out. Ms Weber enters departure time as well as from and to locations, a
maximum cost amount for the entire route as well as passengers’ names in her
smart device. The mobile device is connected to various providers and to Ms
Weber’s private cloud, and makes her suggestions for the trip from her home
to pick up her children at their school in the city centre and onward to her
mother. Ms Weber decides to use public transportation to the school, from
there to continue with her children to the airport with a hybrid car-sharing
vehicle (CSV) with autonomous driving capabilities, and finally to reach Oslo
by plane, as this is the most energy-efficient and least expensive alternative. The
necessary travel documents such as public transport ticket, CSV authorization
and flight ticket are transmitted to the mobile device of Ms Weber. Further
profile details are automatically taken into account; e.g., preferences concerning
meals on board are directly transmitted from Ms Weber’s private cloud to the
Analysis Phase In the analysis phase (see Sec. 6.2.1), we started with the
dimension of environmental sustainability, as depicted in Figure 6.4.
The goal instantiated for the values of preserve scarce resources and clean
air (cf. Fig. 5.3) is reduce resource consumption.
There are four major indicators that can be taken into account for assessing
the effectiveness of activities: energy footprint, carbon emissions, bought items
list, and physical waste.
Activities to achieve the goal of reducing resource consumption in the smart
mobility service are, for example, to make owning cars superfluous for the ser-
vice, to offer older vehicles for lower rates, to include car sharing into the busi-
ness model, and to minimize the energy consumption of the participating mobility
Smart Mobility Service Example Instance Legend
Sustainability Influences
instantiate value <Value>
as goal Reduce Regulation
<Indicator> <Indicator> energy
physical carbon footprint
waste emissions
items list
select <Activity>
activities <Activity> <Activity> minimize
reduce include private energy
waste cars in fleet consumption
by service
reuse old <Activity> <Activity>
hardware make owning minimize
cars <Activity>
energy minimize
superfluous for consumption
service energy
of participating consumption
mobility in journey
offer older
vehicles for
lower rate <Activity>
<Activity> <Activity>
minimize minimize include car
energy energy sharing into
consumption consumption business
SW HW model
Chapter 7
Application: Instances of
the Sustainability Model
• CEO of BMW: The CEO makes sure that the sustainability model is in
accordance with the company’s general goals. As such his goals are the
1 http://tinyurl.com/9fc8yl3
Figure 7.1: Sustainability stakeholders of the DriveNow projects.
– Survive, succeed, prosper of company ([8])
– Financial success
– Positive image for company
– Customer satisfaction
• DriveNow Project Manager: The project manager’s primary focus is the
project itself. His goals are consequently:
– Survive, succeed, prosper of project
– Visibility of project
– Big user community
• Finance of BMW: The BMW finanzing section is interested in the finanzial
benefits of the project. Their goals are:
– Financial success
– Correct accounting
• Admin of the Software Solution: The administrators needs to watch the
running software solution over the next few years. Hence, they care for a
long-lasting infrastructure.
• Software maintenance of the Developed Software: The software mainte-
nance wants to be able to change the car sharing software and fix bugs
that appear during its life time. Their goals are:
– Automated registration and management
– As little effort as possible
• Vehicle maintenance of BMW Drive Now Cars: The people who repair
the DriveNow cars are interested in having long-living vehicles with low
maintenance at the vehicle. This means:
– Little abrasion
– Little mending
• Employee representatives of BMW: The employee representatives are elected
to represent the workers rights. Consequently their goals include:
– Good working conditions
– Safety
• Driver (Customer): The customer is the person that pays for the DriveNow
service. In order to use the service, he expects:
– Easily understandable user interface
– Quick registration and simple billing
– Economic mobility services
• Software programmer at BMW CarIT (Developer): The programmer needs
to create the software. Inter alia his goals are:
– Good interface definitions
– Successful development
– Sleek code ;)
• Legislation of German Government: The german government is in charge
for the traffic in their cities. They represent the society and the interests
of the country as a whole. Among others, they focus on:
– Safety
– Minimal environmental impact
• CRM: The CRM wants to establish long-term relationships with their
customers. The CRM’s goals are:
– Positive image for company
– Customer satisfaction
– Long-term profitable customers
• Mayor of Munich (Community representative): The Mayor is a repre-
sentative of the inhabitants of Munich. He focusses on the goals of the
community in Munich.
– Beautiful city
– Traffic reduction
– Good reputation
– Increased percentage of public transportation
• CSR manager: The CSR manager
– Positive image with regard to environmental impact and conservation
• Greenpeace (Nature conservation activists): Because nature does not have
a representative to speak out for it, lobbyists and activists from Green-
peace and similar organizations act as their representatives. Hence, their
goals include:
– Conservation of nature
– Reduction of emissions and waste
Legend Product-specific Example Instance
Influences Sustainability
Goal <Dimension> dimension
Dimension Sustainability
instantiate value
as goal
Regulation <Value> indicators
Activity environmental <Activity>
impact use green
data center
Figure 7.2: Example instances of the generic sustainability model for the prod-
uct DriveNow (M2).
how well our activities are performing and whether or not we work towards the
company-specific sustainability goals.
The first industrial case study for a company-specific instance is currently
under development in a small software development company (jambit GmbH2 ,
50 developers) in a series of workshops that are accompanied by a Master’s
<Dimension> Goal
Sustainability Dimension
instantiate value
as goal
Reduce resource
define consumption by 30%
indicators within 12 months
waste <Indicator>
energy bill
items list <Activity>
waste <Activity> choose
<Activity> design energy-
reuse old partially efficient
hardware offline patterns
incentives for
packaging for
less resource
own shipping
Figure 7.3: Example instance of the generic sustainability model for a company
2 http://www.jambit.com
3 http://tinyurl.com/9xdpqgc
7.3 Requirements Engineering Conference 2013
The model depicted in Figure 7.4 - 7.8 is used by the organizing committee of
the International Requirements Engineering Conference 2013.
Contributes Sustainability
Goal Human
<Value> <Value>
<Value> <Value>
Regulation Human Development
Curiosity Dignity
Health / Growth
Figure 7.4: Example instance for the human dimension of the Requirements
Engineering Conference (M2).
Contributes Sustainability
Goal Social
<Value> <Value> <Value>
Regulation Community
Fairness Trust Tolerance
<Activity> Ensure the conf helps
<Indicator> <Indicator> people to discover the
Create open
Number of Questionnaire on Brazilian people and
returning subjective culture
attendees Impression
regaring value <Activity>
Ensure Conf has a
positive impact on
people working for us
there (fair trade)
educate on
<Activity> discussion <Activity>
Make fairness Watch
attendees want discussion
to return fairness
Figure 7.5: Example instance for the social dimension of the Requirements
Engineering Conference (M2).
Environmental health
<Indicator> <Indicator> <Indicator>
water <Value> individual number of used
consumption clean water assessment
<Indicator> garbage bags
at venue
<Value> <Value>
clean air less waste
less emissions
paper folder
<Activity> (no bag) for
educate <Activity> <Activity> conference
people about walk to use materials at
saving water conference <Activity> sustainable registration
<Activity> dinner suggest to catering
put stickers buy emission (university?)
to sinks compensation <Activity> <Activity>
for flight use local food recycled
<Activity> production <Activity> paper for
get water bottles with register for program and
<Activity> printed
filters for tab water mass transport <Activity> <Activity> flyers
www.waterbobble.com conference
from airport Smart Venue that minimize materials
saves energy (smart waste by using
mgmt of light, real plates &
<Activity> ventilation...) cutlery
shared rides
via skype <Activity>
no 1-use
plastic cups
Figure 7.6: Example instance for the environmental dimension of the Require-
ments Engineering Conference (M2).
RE'13 Submodel Economic Sustainability
<Activity> <Activity>
Create "fair"
choose use cheap <Activity>
economic accomodation support
venue (e.g. hostel) regular
<Activity> of attendees
choose economic
option (yet
original/typical) <Activity>
for conference <Activity> Student
banquet Create stipends for "helping
people who need hands"
it, e.g. students,
"poor scientists"
Figure 7.7: Example instance for the economic dimension of the Requirements
Engineering Conference (M2).
Contributes <Goal>
Influences Sustainability
Goal <Dimension>
Regulation Conservation of
Number of
<Activity> Create a Workshop
Create and for transferring
use a wiki knowledge
between chairs
Figure 7.8: Example instance for the technical dimension of the Requirements
Engineering Conference (M2).
7.4 Assessment: Evaluation and Discussion
The previous examples already show both benefits as well as problems and
future work for modeling with the generic sustainability model.
7.4.1 Benefits
First, we can see the purpose of the sustainability goal model: Many elements of
the model (such as the physical waste indicator) reappear in various instances.
Hence, we can imagine a process for modeling sustainability where much of the
modeling can be reused and only needs to be selected.
Second, we can directly see during the modeling how sustainability, a rather ab-
stract concept, is turned into a concrete and measurable property of a company
or a product. By making these implicit definitions explicit via the model, it is
possible to discuss and evaluate a company’s or product’s impact on sustain-
7.4.2 Issues
While creating the instances we were faced with the question of how to measure
the impact of the proposed improvement activities for a product that does not
yet exist. For example, when taking a product design decision such as using
green data centers, there is no “before” that could be compared to an “after”
situation as the system does not exist yet. Consequently, we can only compare
to “standard design”, but this is a less convincing alternative.
In that case, the model can still serve well in a constructive way for decomposing
sustainability goals and selecting activities to realise them, but the analytic
phase after implementation reveals less concrete results.
Chapter 8
8.1 Results
The approach we suggest consists of a meta-model, a generic sustainability
model and an approach on how to develop company- and project-specific sus-
tainability models. In oder to explain how to repeat this instantiation we give
examples for sustainability modelling for BMW Drive Now, for a Munich-based
company and for the upcomming RE2013 conference.
When instantiating the sustainability models we realized the high potential
for reuse. We understood that large parts can be reused, which argues for cre-
ating a reusable sustainability model. Nevertheless, various decisions towards
sustainable development of systems and sustainable companies have to respect
the specialities of these projects and companies. Hence, the sustainability model
must be tailored to solve the conflicts between the different goals of the stake-
holders. The resulting sustainability models are still very scarce but already
serve as a good basis for discussion of goals, actions and performance.
in indicators for economical vs. indicators for technical sustainability). How-
ever, more challenging is the question whether there are conflicts that are not
as obvious and how to track them down if they do not relate to same indicators
in the first place.
The other major issue is to understand and quantify the reuse potential of
instances (how systems-specific are they really?) and the gradual extension of
the reference model by knowledge gained from instantiating the model for pro-
cesses and products in various companies. We expect continuous improvement
by evolving the model over time in the ongoing cooperation with our industrial
We would like to thank Susanne Klein, Oliver Feldmann, and Jonas Eckhardt
for helpful comments on drafts of this paper as well as Debra Richardson and
Bill Tomlinson for feedback on early ideas.
ToDo: include further reviewers
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