BFP Adoption Shopee Pay
BFP Adoption Shopee Pay
BFP Adoption Shopee Pay
Every year, internet users continue to increase worldwide, with 196.71 million recorded at
the end of the second quarter of 2019 in Indonesia (APJII, 2021). The increasing number of internet
users also significantly impacts people's behaviour in making payment transactions from offline to
online. One form of digital payment in Indonesia is the e-wallet. According to Snapcart (2021),
data on the number of e-wallet users in March 2021 for Shopee Pay, GOPAY, OVO, Dana, and
LinkAja are 76%, 57%, 54%, 49%, and 21%, respectively. Apart from the data on the largest
number of e-wallet users, the frequency of use in the last three months for Shopee Pay, OVO,
Dana, GOPAY and LinkAja were 10.7x, 7.3x, 7.2x, and 7.1x, respectively. Shopee Pay managed to
excel in terms of total users and frequency of use even though it was officially launched in
November 2018. It is relatively new compared to other earlier e-wallets, such as GOPAY, OVO,
and Dana.
The dominance of Shopee Pay, which quickly outperforms its competitors, is inseparable
from its users' good acceptance of something new. Technological diffusion theory explained how
innovation is adopted over time by examining decisions that affect its adoption among members
of a social system (Rogers, 2003). Moreover, the technology adoption model and innovation
diffusion theory are suitable for predicting user demand to adopt new technology (Zarmpou et al.,
2012). Roger (2003) further stated that the decision to adopt an innovation can be affected by
relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability, and observability. Besides these five
attributes, perceived risk in mobile banking research needs to be added due to the potential for
doubts that users feel when using new technology (Al-Jabri and Sohail, 2012). According to Ram
and Sheth (1989), perceived risk is an attribute that refers to the level of risk in using innovation.
Kusdibyo et al. (2017) stated that relative advantage, compatibility, and observability had a
positive and significant effect, while complexity had an insignificant effect on e-learning adoption.
Intani and Brady (2020) stated that relative advantage, complexity, compatibility, observability,
trialability and perceived risk affect mobile payment adoption. Meanwhile, Sukma and Endang
(2019) stated that relative advantage, compatibility, trialability and observability affect technology
adoption, as opposed to complexity. There is still little research related to mobile payments,
specifically those using the theory of innovation diffusion for various types of technology, one of
which is a financial technology (Intani and Brady, 2020). This research aims to analyze the factors
that significantly affect the adoption level of Shopee Pay digital payment services in Jakarta by
using the five innovation characteristics in the innovation diffusion theory model and adding the
perceived risk variable.
Digital Payment
According to Saputra (2019), digital payment is a financial system that uses electronic
media, such as SMS, internet, mobile, and e-wallet banking. Therefore, all these activities can be
carried out only with the help of electronic devices, namely smartphones. In making payment
transactions using digital payments, the following are some of the several advantages obtained:
a. Transactions are easier and more practical.
b. Safer transactions.
c. Convenience in transacting.
d. Transaction speed.
e. Can be used for various services
An e-wallet or electronic wallet is a digital payment instrument that uses server-based
electronic media. Currently, it is a server-based application with the use process requiring a
connection with the publisher first (Mulyana and Wijaya, 2018). It can also be defined as a digital
currency, which provides convenience in shopping without the need to carry physical money
(Megadewandanu et al., 2016). Some examples of e-wallet are Go-Pay, OVO, DANA, LinkAja,
Shopee Pay, etc.
Innovation Diffusion
Diffusion is a process in which an innovation can be communicated, adopted and utilized
by a particular community (Basri, 2014). Solomon (2017) stated that innovation is an idea,
exercise, or product developed by producers to attract certain consumers or groups and add value
to their needs. The result of the innovation-decision process by Rogers (2003) was a process in
which individuals move from first knowledge of an innovation to forming attitudes toward the
innovation, to a decision to adopt or reject an innovation. Daryanto (2014:136) explained that the
innovation diffusion process consists of four stages, namely:
1. Knowledge: individual awareness of the innovation’s existence and function;
2. Persuasion: individual's attitude in accepting or rejecting the innovation;
3. Decision: the role of the individual in determining the choice to adopt or reject an innovation;
4. Confirmation: the role of the individual in seeking flexible opinions that strengthen decisions
when the innovation’s messages are contradictory to one another.
Research Framework
Figure 1. Framework
Research Model, Adopted from Al-Jabri & Sohail (2012)
Research Hypothesis
Based on the background, the problem formulation, and the framework developed for
this research, the proposed hypotheses are as follows:
H1: Relative advantage, complexity, compatibility, observability, trialability, and perceived risk
have a significant effect on the adoption of Shopee Pay digital payments.
H2: Relative advantage affects the adoption of Shopee Pay digital payment.
H3: Complexity significantly affects the adoption of Shopee Pay digital payment.
H4: Compatibility significantly affects the adoption of Shopee Pay digital payment.
H5: Observability significantly affects the adoption of Shopee Pay digital payment.
H6: Trialability significantly affects the adoption of Shopee Pay digital payment.
H7: Perceived risk significantly affects the adoption of Shopee Pay digital payment.
Research Design
Table 1
Research Design
Research Design Elements
1 Purpose Statement Casual research
2 Techniques Deductive
3 Methodology Quantitative research
4 Research Strategy Survey
5 Unit Analysis Individual
6 Research involvement Non intervene and manipulation
7 Research correlation Non contrived settings
8 Timeline Cross sectional
Population and Sample
The research respondents were selected from a population of Shopee Pay digital
payment users in Jakarta City. The convenience method of non-probability sampling technique
was used to determine the number of samples using the Cochran equation, which totalled 100.
Data Collection
The data collection technique used was a questionnaire. Data were collected from primary
and secondary sources by distributing online and offline questionnaires from 30 th May to 5th June
2022. The questionnaire questions use a Likert scale of 1 to 5.
Data Analysis
The descriptive statistical and data analyses using Smart PLS software were used for data
analysis. This process was carried out in some stages, including outer and inner model analysis as
well as hypothesis testing.
Respondents’ Characteristics
In this research, the respondents were users of Shopee Pay digital payment services in
Jakarta. Their characteristics were divided based on domicile, gender, age, last education, occupation,
monthly income, and the year they started using Jenius. The sample comprises 100 respondents with
the majority 41%, 74%, 63%, 41%, 51%, 36% and 72% indicating domiciled in the East Jakarta
Region, female, aged 17-25 years, have an undergraduate education, private employees, monthly
income of IDR 1,000,000 – IDR 3,000,000, and used Shopee Pay since 2020, respectively.
Descriptive Statistical Analysis
Descriptive analysis in this research is used to determine the percentage of respondents'
answers regarding the effect of relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability,
observability, and perceived risk on the adoption level of Shopee Pay digital payment services in
Table 2
Descriptive Analysis
No Variable Total Score Ideal Score Percentage Category
1. Relative Advantage 1.682 2.000 84% Very Good
2. Compatibility 1.485 2.000 75% Average
3. Complexity 1.734 2.000 87% Very Good
4. Trialability 1.241 2.000 83% Good
5. Observability 1.663 2.000 83% Good
6. Perceived Risk 1.473 2.000 74% Average
7. Adoption 1.647 2.000 82% Good
Relative Advantage and Complexity result were very good which Complexity is highest percentage
87% compare to Relative Advantage. Compatibility and Perceived Risk result were good which
Perceived Risk is lowest percentage 74% compare to overall variables.
Inner Model
R-square with Smart PLS tools is used in the inner model analysis stage to determine the
coefficient of the endogenous construct. R-square has strong, moderate and weak effects when its
values are 0.67, 0.33, and 0.19, respectively.
Variable R-Square
Adoption 0.721
The table shows the R-square of the latent variable adoption, which has a value of 0.721,
interpreted as 72.1%. This means relative advantage, complexity, compatibility, observability, and
trialability affect adoption by 72.1%. Furthermore, the remaining percentage is affected by other
factors outside the variables mentioned.
Table 6
The results of the Coefficient and T-Statistic Path Obtained
Original Sample Deviation T Statistics (| P-
Variable Sample (O) Mean (M) (STDEV) O/STDEV|) Value
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