Cash and Cash Equivalents
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Window dressing
Petty cash and other imprest cash accounts are
usually presented in financial statements with other cash
Due to materiality considerations, under current rules these
need not be set forth in a separate caption unless so desired.
Transaction Imprest system Fluctuating system
Establishment of PCF ----- xx PCF ----- xx
fund Cash in bank -----xx Cash in bank -----xx
Disbursement No entry Expenses ----- xx
PCF --------------xx
Replenishment Expenses ----- xx PCF ----- xx
Cash in bank -----xx Cash in bank -----xx
If fund is not Expenses ----- xx No entry
replenished at the PCF --------------xx
end of the reporting (reversing entry is required
period beginning of the next
accounting period)
Cash is generally valued at face amount.
Proforma Reconciliation