Bank Al-Habib
Bank Al-Habib
Bank Al-Habib
Management- Round 1
Bank Al- Habib
About Us
Nationalisation act was amended and 23 new banks were
licensed in the country. Our founding sponsors have
history in banking from back in the 1920’s so it is safe to
say that they have seen it all, the struggle, efforts, and all
it takes to overcome the problems faced by private
sector banks in this country. We are looking for a fresh
innovative take on a technological expansion.
Labuan Branch,
Wholesale Branch,
Manama, Kingdom of
Marketing Office,
Johar Bahru –
DUBAI, Malaysia
21st Century Challenges Faced by
The Pakistani Banking Industry
Growing Revenue
85% of banking global decision-makers
are pursuing or have plans to pursue
digital transformation
Despite the adaptations that Bank Al Habib has made to this trend, they are still not
quite there and now that the market is beaming with competition towards which
younger customers are flocking, you are to come up with ideas and strategies regarding
their implementation to bring more change to the banking system on the customer’s
end. Keep customer demographics in mind while doing this and come up with ways to
increase customer numbers nationwide especially for women and more rural
You have to solve the case and make a presentation in PowerPoint format
Maximum number of slides is 10
Your file should be emailed by 11.55pm on 25th December 2022
The time allotted to your presentation is 2.5 minutes
This will be followed by a 2 minute long Q&A session