B T A Handbook
B T A Handbook
B T A Handbook
1. 150 / 300 hours of Training:- Hours actually spend in Advance Training Groups
with an approved Trainer. These hours include weekly group meet, and
2. 25 hours of Supervision(BTA) :- Supervised training in TA, teaching with an
approved trainer.
3. 150 / 300 hours of Home Study : 5 hours a week of reading and writing.
4. Exposure to external faculty 25 hours (BTA) :- It is expected that trainee needs get
exposure to external faculty from the relevant field.
5. Attend 2 ICTA Annual conferences (NCTA).
6. Write three articles( 1 plus 2) and two book reviews(BTA).
7. Written exam submitted to ICTA : Question paper will be issued in advance to
the trainees by the trainer, and the answer sheets has to be submitted to ICTA
3 months before the exam date .
The written examination should be
o Word processed (in computer), in standard fonts at the size of 12’ (Times
new roman or Bookman Antiqua fonts )
o Presented on A4 size paper
o Printed only on one side of each page
o Each page should have good margins (2.54 cm), and must be numbered
consecutively throughout the document
o The eligibility for the diploma course is the candidate need to complete
the Transactional Analysis Basic Course by ICTA approved trainers of 12
hour duration preferably within one week.