All About Alzheimer
All About Alzheimer
All About Alzheimer
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common type of dementia that targets the brain.
Ultimately, Alzheimer’s damages a person’s mental ability and can cause symptoms
such as memory loss in adults of all ages. Most cases are seen in individuals who are
sixty years of age and older.
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Alzheimer’sdisease may affect the day to day tasks and activities that someone
engages in. There are a few factors to consider when looking at the causes of
Alzheimer’s. The greatest influence is age, especially among people who are age sixty
and above. Other factors of this disease include genetics, the environment, and
lifestyle choices. In many cases, a combination of the three factors play a role in the
development of the disease. However, every individual is unique and these factors
may increase or decrease the risk of contracting the illness quite differently for each
1. What is Alzheimer’s Disease?
2. Causes/Risk Factors of Alzheimer’s Disease
3. Symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease
4. Early Stage Symptoms
5. Middle Stage Symptoms
6. Late Stage Symptoms
7. Alzheimer’s Disease Prevention
8. Diagnosis and Treatment
9. How NurseRegistry Can Help
10. Resources
An individual with Alzheimer’s has extraordinary levels of beta-amyloid in the brain.
It is known to be an extremely toxic protein that occurs naturally. High amounts of
this protein build upon one another forming plaques which interrupt normal cell
function by blocking neurons.
Causes/Risk Factors of Alzheimer’s Disease
Genetics is also a risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease. Genes in a parent’s DNA may be
passed down to children. If an individual carries the Alzheimer’s gene, it may be
inherited by that person’s offspring. Genes may also become mutated through
environmental factors, which can then be passed down through genetics.
Environmental factors include ultraviolet radiation from the sun, alcohol
consumption, smoking, lack of exercise, and poor nutrition. Mutations in an
individual’s genes may also occur during cell division when a parent’s DNA is
replicated into new cells.
Alzheimer’s disease usually occurs in three different stages, and these stages may be
different for each unique individual. Symptoms may worsen overtime. Yet, some
symptoms, such as problems with the brain, begin to form long before the person even
knows that they have the disease.
An individual in the early stage may notice small signs such as forgetting names,
words, or locations of items. Often, they may not notice any symptoms in the
Early symptoms include:
Memory Loss. Issues with remembering names and words may become a
Difficulty completing tasks. Issues may arise with completing daily or
work related tasks.
Forgetfulness. A person may begin to forget things they have just read or
learned about.
Lack of organization. Individuals may develop problems with keeping
track of events and items.
During this stage, the individual and other people will begin to notice some of the
issues related to Alzheimer’s.
Confusion. This could include confusion about the date, time, and where
that person is at a particular time.
Forgetfulness. An individual may forget parts of their past, upcoming
events, phone numbers, or events that they have participated in the past.
Mood swings. A person may get upset in social settings or when presented
with a mental challenge.
Difficulty with decisions. Choosing what to eat or wear on a particular day
or time may become an issue.
Changes in sleep. Mood and sleep patterns may begin to change very easily.
In this stage, people with Alzheimer’s will become very problematic. Communication
will become difficult with others. They will also experience problems with their
movement. Memory issues will get worse, as well as the ability to do daily tasks.
Although there is not a cure for Alzheimer’s, there are a few strategies to delay the
onset or slow the progression of symptoms. The most important step an individual
can do to try and prevent Alzheimer’s Disease is to be and act healthy. As they age, this
will become especially important.
The top five areas of health you should focus on are:
These are the steps that can be taken to determine if a person has Alzheimer’s.
There is no one treatment to cure Alzheimer’s Disease, yet much can be done to help
with cognitive and behavioral issues.
Medical foods such as coconut oil and caprylic acid are known
to cause brain growth by providing an alternative energy
source for cells in the brain that cannot use sugar anymore
due to Alzheimer’s.
If you know someone with Alzheimer’s or dementia, NurseRegistry can help. Our
skilled nurses often provide greater peace of mind than unskilled care can. We offer a
full range of services, including:
Wellness checks
Medication Management
Palliative Care
Case Management
Hospice Care
Respite Care
Caring for a loved one can be very challenging at times. Individuals with Alzheimer’s
disease can require a lot of attention and care. NurseRegistry can provide temporary
care for your loved so that you can have the break you deserve, whether that be for a
few hours or a weekend away. Each one of our nurses are licensed and experienced in
a variety of specialities. You can depend on our nurses to provide excellent care to
your loved ones.
Call (650) 462-1001 to speak with a Client Care Coordinator about care options for
your loved one. Or, visit us online at
For more information on Alzheimer’s prevention and clinical trials visit