Sew Moteur
Sew Moteur
Sew Moteur
ground connection are secure. In order to effectively This operating instruction covers AC brake voltages
protect the motor from overloads, appropriate motor with the following brake control components. If the
protection must be provided. Fuses do not always brake voltage is DC, or if the brake control components
provide adequate motor protection. For motors differ from those listed below, an additional operating
which are required to operate with a very high start- instruction must be consulted for connection informa-
stop frequency, the overload heater type motor pro- tion.
tection is insufficient. It is advisable in such applica-
tions to provide the motor with temperature sensors SEW-Eurodrive fail-safe mechanical brakes are DC con-
(thermistors) in the windings. Monitor the thermis- trolled. Standardly, a brake rectifier (halfwave) is pro-
tors by means of an external trip device. In this way, vided to convert the AC line voltage to the DC voltage
the motor will be fully protected against practically required to drive the brake. 24VDC brakes do not
all possible overloads. include a rectifier. When voltage (VB) is applied to the
brake, it will release. When voltage (VB) is removed
When using motors outdoors or in washdown appli-
cations the cable entries into the terminal box must Brake Control (Rectifier) Part Number
be directed downward to prevent water from enter- BG1.5 825 384 6
ing the conduit box. The unused cable entries must BG3.0 825 386 2
be closed off properly. BGE1.5 825 385 4
BGE3.0 825 387 0
Lubrication and Maintenance
The motor bearings are sealed and the grease con- from the brake, it will set. The brake rectifier can be
tent is adequate for the life of the bearing. wired either for normal brake reaction time (setting,
stopping) or fast brake reaction time. The fast brake
Brake Connection (AC Voltage) reaction time will set the brake more quickly which will
SEW-Eurodrive motor brakes can be connected in a provide a shorter and more repeatable stopping dis-
number of different ways. In order to connect the tance. There are two basic types of brake rectifiers, BG
brake for each application, it is important to refer to and BGE. The BG brake rectifier is standard on motor
the data on the motor nameplate that describes the sizes DT71 - DT100. The BGE rectifier is standard on
brake system. The brake fields are: brake voltage, motor sizes DV112 - DV225. The BGE rectifier can be
brake torque and brake control. ordered with motor sizes DT71 - DT100 and will pro-
vide faster brake release times allowing the motor to
cycle more frequently.
document 01 805 42 US
Motor wired for low voltage. Motor wired for high voltage. Motor wired for high voltage.
Brake voltage matches low Brake voltage matches low Brake voltage matches high
motor voltage. motor voltage. motor voltage.
Example: 230/460V Motor Example: 230/460V Motor Example: 230/460V Motor
Motor wired 230V Motor wired 460V Motor wired 460V
Brake voltage 230V Brake voltage 230V Brake voltage 460V
Motor wired for low voltage. Motor wired for high voltage. Motor wired for high voltage.
Brake voltage matches low Brake voltage matches low Brake voltage matches high
motor voltage. motor voltage. motor voltage.
Example: 230/460V Motor Example: 230/460V Motor Example: 230/460V Motor
Motor wired 230V Motor wired 460V Motor wired 460V
Brake voltage 230V Brake voltage 230V Brake voltage 460V
document 01 805 42 US
Motor wired for low voltage. Motor wired for high voltage. Motor wired for high voltage.
Brake voltage matches low Brake voltage matches low Brake voltage matches high
motor voltage. motor voltage. motor voltage.
Example: 200/346V Motor Example: 220/380V Motor Example: 220/380V Motor
Motor wired 200V Motor wired 380V Motor wired 380V
Brake voltage 200V Brake voltage 220V Brake voltage 380V
Re-Adjusting the Brake Air Gap Motor Size Brake Size Min. Disc (26) Thickness
A properly adjusted brake air gap is critical for correct DT71 - DT100 BM05 - BM4 0.354” (9mm)
operation. The following table indicates the required DV112 - DV225 BM8 - BM62 0.394” (10mm)
air gap measurement.
If the brake disc (26) is worn below the measurement
Motor Size Brake Size Air Gap
given, it must be replaced. If the thickness is greater
DT71 - DT100 BM(G)05 - BM(G)4 0.010”-0.024” (0.25-0.6 mm)
than the specification above, the brake disc is still
DV112 - DV225 BM(G)8 - BM31 0.012”-0.047” (0.3-1.2 mm)
usable and the brake can be re-adjusted.
BM32 - BM62
DV180 - DV225 0.016”-0.047” (0.4-1.2 mm)
Double Disc
The Hand Release Mechanism
Prolonged use of the brake will wear the brake disc lin- Most of our brakes are supplied with a hand-operated
ing. This wear increases the air gap. When the air gap release lever. This allows opening of the brake without
approaches its maximum value, the brake must be re- applying power, allowing for adjustments on the driven
adjusted. To re-adjust the brake, follow the procedure machinery.
There are two brake release mechanisms available:
1. Remove the fan cover (14), fan snapring, fan (17),
rubber seal (2), and any accessories at the fan end. The “BMHR” (4) type requires a lever to be inserted
2. Insert a feeler gauge between the brake coil body into the release arm. To open the brake, pull the lever
(21) and the stationary disc (22), tighten the adjust- away from the motor. It will re-engage automatically,
ing nuts (19) until the minimum value for the air once the lever is released. The lever, when not used, is
gap is reached equally around the brake. With attached to the motor’s cooling fins with clamps.
motor size 160L and up (brakes BM30 to BM62) first
screw the threaded bushings (24) into the endshield. The screw-type “BMHF” (5) arrangement requires a
After set-ting the air gap, lock the bushings (24) hexagon key which, when turned clockwise, opens the
against the coil body. brake.
3. Ensure a play of 0.06” to 0.08” (1.5 to 2 mm) in the
releasing arm. See “THE HAND RELEASE MECHA- Since the stationary disc (22) will move away from the
NISM.” coil body during the brake’s operation, it is vital that
there is free play (floating clearance) on the release
Replacement of the Brake Disc (26) arm of 0.060”-0.080” (1.5-2.0 mm). The springs (11)
Extended operation of the brake may wear the brake should be placed between the arm (7) and the nuts (12)
disc (26) beyond acceptable limits. The thickness of the to eliminate noise.
brake disc can be measured to determine if this has
occurred. The brake release mechanism is not used to change the
brake’s torque setting. There must always be clear-
ance on the lever.
document ZU.TSE.01e
Exploded view of the BM and BMG single-disk brake (motor sizes 71-160M)
Exploded view of the BM single-disk and double-disk brake (motor sizes 160L-225)
BM30 - BM62
document ZU.TSE.01e
Motor not connected for proper voltage. Check connection diagram in conduit box
Motor will not start or starts cover and correct the wiring.
sluggishly. Large voltage and/or frequency fluctuation at Ensure stable power supply.
For reduced voltage starting, Start motor directly in Delta Connection if
motor will not start in Star Insufficient torque in Star Connection.
possible. Otherwise use a larger motor.
Connection but will start in
Delta Connection. Faulty contact in Star/Delta starter. Correct fault condition.
Motor hums and draws high Faulty or defective winding. Have motor repaired by qualified service
current. Rotor dragging. shop.
Short circuit in power supply conductors or in Correct the fault condition.
the motor.
Fuses blow or motor overcurrent Motor has ground fault or winding to Have motor repaired by qualified service
protection trips immediately. winding short circuit. shop.
Check connection diagram in conduit box
Motor improperly connected.
cover and correct the wiring.
Motor runs in wrong direction. Motor supply leads misconnected. Switch two supply leads.
Note: If after proceeding through the Troubleshooting Chart the motor is found to be defective, contact your nearest
SEW-Eurodrive Assembly Plant for warranty assistance or replacement parts.