PDF Materiales Magnet
PDF Materiales Magnet
PDF Materiales Magnet
Research article
Keywords: Several metals and metalloids (e.g., As, Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn) are toxic at low concentrations, thus their presence in
Sediments sediments can raise environmental concern. However, these elements can be of economic interest, and several
Magnetic separation techniques have been used for their recovery and some of them have been widely applied to mining or to in
dustrial soils, but not to sediments. In this work, wet high-intensity magnetic separation (WHIMS) was applied
for As, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn recovery from polluted sediments. A composite sample of 50 kg was taken in the Avilés
Circular economy estuary (Asturias, North Spain) with element concentrations above the legislation limits. Element distribution
was assessed using wet-sieving and ICP-MS analysis, revealing that the 125–500 μm grain-size fraction accounts
for the 62 w% of the material and that element concentration in this fraction is lower than in the other grain size
fractions. Subsequently, WHIMS was applied at three different voltage intensities for the 125–500 μm and <125
μm fractions, revealing excellent recovery ratios, especially for the coarser material. Furthermore, magnetic
property measurements coupled to microscopy analysis revealed that the success of the technique derives from
concentrating metal-enriched iron oxides particles (ferro- and para-magnetic material) in a mixture of quartz and
other minerals (diamagnetic particles). These results indicate the feasibility of the magnetic separation for metal
and metalloid recovery from polluted sediments, and thus offer a double benefit of coastal area restoration and
valuable material recovery in the context of a circular economy.
1. Introduction environments.
Some metals and metalloids (e.g., As, Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn) are toxic even
Coastal areas have great ecological value and economic importance at low concentrations (Li et al., 2022; Xu and Fu, 2022). Although they
as they are home to several autochthonous plants and animals, including exist naturally in the Earth’s crust, their presence is often a consequence
numerous migratory birds, several species of fish, and a considerable of anthropogenic activities such as mining and industry (Liu et al., 2020;
number of mammals (Anbuselvan et al., 2018; Jha et al., 2019). More Wu et al., 2018). These elements can be released to different environ
over, coastal areas offer favourable conditions for the industry and mental compartments from natural or anthropogenic sources (Xu et al.,
human settlements due to the abundance of fresh water and fertile land, 2015), such as industrial emissions, coal combustion, non-ferrous metal
inexpensive transportation facilities by ship, and their potential for production, or mining activities (Fernández et al., 2020; Forján et al.,
tourism and recreational activities (Mossinger et al., 2013). These fea 2019). Their accumulation in these environments can cause loss of
tures have made them preferred places for human settlement and, thus, wildlife habitats, biomagnification, degradation of plankton pop
they are frequently drastically altered by industrial activities, naviga ulations, and it can even affect human health by direct exposure or by
tion, agriculture, and municipal uses, even waste disposal (Kennish, the consumption of contaminated animals (Li et al., 2020). Therefore,
2002, 2017). These activities may affect sediment quality, interfering their presence in sediments pose a severe risk for human health and the
with wildlife and even posing a threat to human health. Several types of environment due to their non-degradative nature, persistence, and
pollutants - including metals and metalloids - can be present in coastal long-term effects.
* Corresponding author. School of Mines and Energy Engineering, University of Cantabria, Blvr. Ronda Rufino Peón 254, 39300 Torrelavega, Cantabria, Spain.
E-mail address: diego.baragano@unican.es (D. Baragaño).
Received 4 January 2023; Received in revised form 17 February 2023; Accepted 4 April 2023
Available online 16 April 2023
0301-4797/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
D. Baragaño et al. Journal of Environmental Management 339 (2023) 117884
To resolve the problems associated with polluted sediments, several total concentrations of As, Cd, Cu, Fe, Hg, Pb, and Zn in the digested
treatment technologies have been developed over the last decades, such material were determined by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical
as dredging, in situ immobilisation, capping methods, chemical injec Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES) at the accredited (ISO 9002) Bureau
tion, physical separation, thermal treatments, or biological technologies Veritas Laboratories (Vancouver, Canada).
(Gao et al., 2021; Mulligan et al., 2001a; Wang et al., 2018). The most Furthermore, a preliminary mineralogical analysis of milled samples
common treatment is sediment dredging, although, when the sediments was obtained by X-Ray diffraction analysis (XRD). Powder X-Ray
cannot be reused, they are disposed of in landfills (Norén et al., 2020). diffraction (PXRD) patterns were measured on a PANalytical X’Pert Pro
Moreover, dredging is an essential technique to maintain proper water MPD diffractometer with Cu kα1 radiation (1.540598 Å) to determine
depths in ports (Crocetti et al., 2022). To diminish the size of these the mineralogical composition. After determining the position of Bragg
landfills, alternative treatments have been studied. Physical separation peaks observed over the range of 2θ = 5–90◦ , the minerals were iden
was found to be a cleaner way of polluted sediment management, tified using databases of the International Centre for Diffraction Data.
reducing the quantity of polluted materials (Mulligan et al., 2001b; Peng
et al., 2009). Furthermore, with increasing metal prices, higher landfill 2.3. Wet high-intensity magnetic separation
costs, and cheaper metal recovery techniques, the metal extraction from
polluted sediments is an opportunity to recover valuable metals, it For the finer fractions, dry magnetic separation is not effective. When
contributes to a circular economy, and reduces the need for their mining soil particles are extremely fine (even <63 μm), wet high-intensity
(Norén et al., 2020; Pell et al., 2021). magnetic separation (WHIMS) is a suitable technique that can sepa
Although several physical separation processes have been used for rate paramagnetic and non-magnetic materials and avoids dust gener
cleaning polluted sediments, mainly screening (Peng et al., 2009), ation. In this work, the OUTOTEC Laboratory WHIMS 3X4L was used.
flotation (Cauwenberg et al., 1998), ultrasonic-assisted extractions Feed sediment samples were prepared previously by mixing 50 g of the
(Kyllönen et al., 2004; Meegoda and Perera, 2001) or hydrocyclones grain size fraction of <125 or 125–500 μm with 200 g of water. Then,
(Mulligan et al., 2001a, 2001b), magnetic extraction has not been suc the pulp was fed into the apparatus passing through a matrix canister
cessfully applied so far (Akcil et al., 2015; Mulligan et al., 2001a). filled with magnetized steel spheres 12.7 mm in diameter; this is where
However, this approach has been effectively tested in soil remediation the separation occurs. The sediment mixture retained in the matrix
(Baragaño et al., 2021; Dermont et al., 2008; Sierra et al., 2014b). In this represented the magnetic fraction (MF), while the non-magnetic fraction
context, the main objective of this work is to test the feasibility of (NMF) passed through the matrix and was collected in a pan. Finally, the
high-intensity magnetic separation for recovering arsenic and metals magnetic field was reduced to zero, and the MF was obtained by washing
from a polluted sediment using geochemical, mineralogical and mag the spheres. The magnetic voltages used in the tests were 10, 30 and
netic tools. 50% of the maximum output voltage. After separation, both MF and
NMF samples were air-dried and, subsequently, subjected to chemical
2. Methodology analysis (described in the previous section) and magnetic analysis.
D. Baragaño et al. Journal of Environmental Management 339 (2023) 117884
ration due to its usual ferromagnetic contribution to the particles. Thus, studies were performed at the Geological Survey of Spain and at the
a separation efficiency parameter was determined according to the University of Oviedo.
following formula (Chen, 2011):
( ( ) ) 3. Results and discussion
[Fe]F • [Fe]H
E = WRMF • 1 − ( ) (5)
[Fe]MF • [Fe]H − [Fe]F
3.1. Sediment and grain-size characterization
where, [Fe]F and [Fe]MF are the Fe concentration in the feed and MF
The ICP-OES analyses revealed that As, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn concen
respectively, and [Fe]H is the maximum iron concentration of hematite
trations in the sediment exceed the Probable Effect Levels (PELs)
(70% Fe). Note that Fe concentration is expressed in percentage, thus E
established by the Canadian Guidelines for Protection of Aquatic Life
is within the range of 0–100.
(Table 1), indicating adverse effects on biota (CCME, 2001). Further
On the other hand, the feasibility of the approach has been also
more, Table 1 summarizes the results of the grain-size analysis for the
tested from an economical point of view. In this sense, three different
three obtained fractions, as well as the element concentrations in each of
scenarios were compared to determine the economic impact of the
them. The finest (<125 μm) and the coarsest (500–2000 μm) fractions
magnetic separation during the site restoration process. In the first
represent the 38 w% of the material, while the 62 w% is formed by
scenario, the economic cost of excavation and transport of the
particles from the 125–500 μm grain-size fraction. Therefore, the <125
contaminated material to a waste landfill was determined, taking into
μm and 125–500 μm fractions were selected for WHIMS experiment
account real data provided by private companies from the region to
since the 500–2000 μm fraction only represents 8 w% of the material.
calculate the operational costs of the restoration actions. In the second
Pollutant concentrations were high in the finest grain-size fraction, and
scenario, the cost of the magnetic separation technique and the transport
high concentrations were also found in the coarse grain-size fraction. On
of the magnetic fraction to the waste landfill is incorporated, along with
the other hand, the screening of the sediment revealed that a great
the associated costs. In the last scenario, the second one is modified to
amount of material (the 125–500 μm fraction, which is 62 w% of the
eliminate the transport of the polluted material to the landfill, and the
total) did not present significant As, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn concentrations,
revaluation is estimated to recover the Zn present in this material.
although their concentration values were still slightly higher than PELs,
with the exception of Cu.
2.5. Magnetic characterization Pollutant distribution indicates that different materials were mixed
in the study area (Baragaño et al., 2022). These materials included sand
WHIMS uses the most intense magnetic field among the experiments, from the beach (with a grain-size distribution of 125–500 μm), slag
thus it makes it possible to separate the ferro-, ferri- and paramagnetic particles with large grain sizes, and finer particles probably deposited
particles from the diamagnetic ones. To evaluate the separation, mag from dust emission. It is also noteworthy that Fe content in the polluted
netic hysteresis loops were obtained for the feed sediment and sediment grain-size fractions (i.e., the 500–2000 μm and the <125 μm fractions) is
fractions (MF and NMF) obtained by WHIMS using a Microsense EV9 considerably higher than in the unpolluted fraction (125–500 μm),
vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM). The magnetization (M) was which suggests that the pollutants are probably linked to Fe-enriched
measured as a function of the magnetic field (H) in a complete cycle particles, and therefore to ferromagnetic particles of the sediment.
between 20 kOe and − 20 kOe at room temperature. Regarding sediment mineralogy, XRD patterns of the <125 and
The saturation magnetization (σs) and the high-field susceptibility 125–500 μm fractions (Fig. 1) reveal similar composition. Quartz and
(κ) of each sample were determined by fitting the measured data of the glauconite are the main mineral phases, although their concentration is
high-magnetic field region (5–20 kOe) according to the following higher in the 125–500 μm fraction than in the one <125 μm. Both phases
expression (Baragaño et al., 2021): are minerals typically found in marine sedimentary environments
a b
) (Nukazawa et al., 2021; Wang et al., 2018). Secondary minerals are
σ = σS 1 − − 2 + κH (6) calcite and fluorspar; iron oxide, dolomite, and Zn–Mn iron oxide were
identified in minor amounts. Other detected chemical products are
calcium arsenide and lead hydroxide, which might come from the Zn
2.6. Mineralogical approach and electron microprobe smelter close to the site (Baragaño et al., 2022). Taking XRD results into
account, and in accordance with Fe concentrations, the feasibility of the
After the chemical analysis, the magnetic fractions (MF) were magnetic separation looks promising since ferromagnetic materials,
selected for a mineralogical and petrographic study, which formed the such as iron oxides, could be easily separated from the main phases, i.e.,
basis of the characterization process and made it possible to identify the quartz and glauconite (diamagnetic materials).
pollutant bearing phases. An OpM (Leica DM 6000 polarization micro
scope), a SEM (JEOL JSM-5600 SEM, using W-Filament, acceleration
voltage of 20 kV and Inca Energy-200 software) and a Cameca SX-100 3.2. Metallurgical accounting
electron microprobe (EMPA) equipped with five WDS spectrometers
and one EDS spectrometer were used. All the experimental runs and For a chemical evaluation of the magnetic separation, the separation
Table 1
Grain size distribution and element concentration of the bulk and initial grain-size fractions. PEL = Probable Effect Levels (CCME, 2001). Results are the average values
of three measurements with a standard error < 5%.
Element Unit Detection limit Bulk sediment Grain-Size fractions PEL
WRc % 100 8 62 30
As ppm 2 142 398 54 141 41.6
Cd ppm 0.5 18.9 17 6.6 41.1 4.21
Cu ppm 1 132 70 61 292 108
Fe % 0.01 2 3 0.95 3.18
Pb ppm 2 469 575 149 960 112
Zn ppm 2 5100 1851 1840 12,700 271
D. Baragaño et al. Journal of Environmental Management 339 (2023) 117884
Fig. 1. X-ray diffraction patterns of the polluted sediment of grain size 125–500 μm (blue) and <125 μm (orange). Characteristic peaks of main crystalline phases are
shown: quartz (Q), glauconite (G), calcite (C), and fluorspar (F).
D. Baragaño et al. Journal of Environmental Management 339 (2023) 117884
Fig. 3. Hysteresis loops for the feed, MF and NMF. Loops obtained for different separation voltages are represented by different colours: orange (10% Vmax), yellow (30% Vmax) and grey (50% Vmax).
Fig. 3 shows hysteresis loops obtained from magnetic measurements
for the feed sediment (both grain size fractions, <125 and 125–500 μm)
and the magnetic and non-magnetic soil fractions (MF and NMF). Based
on the hysteresis loop patterns, ferromagnetic behaviour was detected in
the <125 μm fraction of the feed material, while the 125–500 μm
fraction showed diamagnetic behaviour (Fig. 3). The saturation
magnetization of the <125 μm fraction was around 0.25 emu/g
(Table S2), however, this value dropped to 0.04 emu/g in case of the
125–500 μm fraction, suggesting that higher percentage of ferromag
netic particles are present among the finest particles of the sediment.
Considerable differences were detected between the two grain-size
fractions. The <125 μm fraction of both MF and NMF (Fig. 3a-b)
revealed a ferromagnetic material pattern; however, the 125–500 μm
fraction of NMF showed a diamagnetic material pattern (Fig. 3c), in
accordance with the chemical analysis (see Fe concentration described
above). In this sense, the magnetic characterization suggests that in the
coarse material, the metal (loid) source is mainly anthropogenic, with a
high affinity to Fe particles. Therefore, when magnetic separation was
applied, the geogenic quartz particles from the beach and dunes area
were reported to the NMF, showing the distinctive diamagnetic pattern.
Increasing the separation voltage, higher volume of ferro- and para
magnetic particles were reported to the MF, thus saturation magneti
zation was decreased due to dilution effects. On the other hand, lower
differences were found regarding NMF when separation voltage was
The study of the magnetic fractions revealed the presence of As, Cu,
Pb, and/or Zn enriched particles (Fig. 4). Although the bulk composition
was given by common silicates and oxides (XRD characterization, see
section 3.1) that are rather resistant to leaching, the presence of sulphur,
such in sphalerite particles (Fig. 4a), indicated a potential increase of the
solubility of these metals. The sphalerite found in MF probably comes
from the feed material used in the Zn smelter located close to the sam
pling area. After a more detailed analysis, hematite was found around
the particles, probably produced by oxidation and alteration of the
sphalerite surface. Moreover, chalcopyrite inclusions were observed,
which justifies the presence of Cu in the samples. These types of sul
phurs, recovered by the magnetic separation, are a potential source for
metal recovery by secondary metallurgical processes.
Regarding the As source, some aggregates of particles were found
with higher contents of As, Fe, O and S. We hypothesize that As-enriched
sulphurs, such as arsenopyrite, had been present in the mineral para
genesis of the Zn smelter feed material, and, after metallurgical pro
cessing, these particles were oxidized. Finally, Pb oxide particles were
also found (Fig. 4b) that might have been produced during the Zn
metallurgical processes, since low S content was detected, but Zn con
centrations were significant (Table 3).
D. Baragaño et al. Journal of Environmental Management 339 (2023) 117884
Fig. 4. Optical microscope and SEM photomicrographs and analysis points for EMPA.
Table 3
Element concentrations determined using EMPA for the points marked in Fig. 4.
ID As Al Ba Ca Cd Cu Fe K Mg Mn Na O P Pb S Si Sr Zn
volume of polluted sediment and favours the possibility for metals re estimated on 28.6 M€, thus the unit cost was 55€/m3. For the second
covery. In this sense, an analysis of the feasibility of the magnetic sep scenario, the application of magnetic separation and the transfer of the
aration application over the study site was assessed. magnetic fraction (contaminated material) to a hazardous waste landfill
In 2001, an area located on the left bank of the Avilés Estuary was is taken into account. The application of magnetic separators could
restored for improving the chemical quality of the San Juan de Nieva reduce the polluted sediment mass 4 times at least, which means less
beach and dunes (Baragaño et al., 2021). During this activity, 180,000 than 120,000 t of polluted sediment. For the operating costs of the
m3 of polluted sediments were excavated, transferred and deposited on a physical separation, a treatment plant with a capacity of 500 tonnes per
hazardous waste landfill, and a sandy refill from a nearby submarine day supposes 10 €/t approximately (Drobe et al., 2021). Therefore,
deposit was used for completing the restoration. Taking into account the operating cost for the mineralurgical proccess is expected on 4.7 M€.
average density of the polluted sediments, 2.65 t/m3, 477,000 t were This cost could be drastically increased due to milling or sieving pro
removed from the site. cesses, but according to grain-size distribution, it should not be neces
For the economic assessment, three different scenarios were evalu sary for this case. This estimation is in accordance with other soil
ated. First one consisted on the excavation of the sediment and the washing approaches performed in EEUU and Belgium using magnetic
transfer to the hazardous waste landfill. The cost of this operation was separation for cleaning soils with similar capacity (NATO/CCMS, 1998;
D. Baragaño et al. Journal of Environmental Management 339 (2023) 117884
NJDEP, 2001). Furthermore, according to the unit cost for transferring Data availability
the 120,000 t of magnetic fraction to the landfill, the operating cost
would increase to 11.9 M€ (4.7 + 7.2 M€). However, for the third sce Data will be made available on request.
nario it was hypothesized that the Zn recovery could be performed from
the magnetic fraction in the framework of the circular economy context. Acknowledgements
Assuming an average concentration of 2% Zn, the mass of Zn in the
magnetic fraction would be 2400 t. For decreasing the operating costs, it We would like to thank the Electron Microscopy Unit, Fluorescence
is expected that Zn smelter close to the site could process these material, and Electron Microprobe Unit, X-Ray Diffraction Unit and Magnetic
achieving the Zn recovery of 55% at least. In this sense, the cost of Measurements Unit of the University of Oviedo for technical support.
transportation and transfer to the landfill would be decrease to 7 M€, Diego Baragaño would like to thank the European Union-
decreasing the total operating cost to 11.7 Mt. The economical benefit of NextGenerationEU, Ministerio de Universidades, and Plan de Recuper
Zn recovery would depend on the market price and the operating costs ación, Transformación y Resiliencia, through a call of the Universidad de
for the metallurgical processes performed by the Zn smelter. Oviedo for the Postdoctoral grant (Ref. MU-21-UP2021-030 32892642).
According to the three scenarios, the application of magnetic sepa Tímea Kovács is thanked for her review of the English in the manuscript.
ration for reducing the polluted sediment volume drastically impacts on
the operating cost of the restoration approach. The reprocessing of Zn at
Appendix A. Supplementary data
the Zn smelter also decreases the operating cost, although the analysis of
the metallurgical process needs to be addressed.
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
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