Blok 6 Roa
Blok 6 Roa
Blok 6 Roa
Client: GEOLOGY DEPT - PT. IFISHDECO Tbk.Address: Site Tinangge, Konawe Selatan, Sulawesi Tenggara- Indon
Report Notes:
Samples were received in the pellet form. We conduct no verification on representativeness and homogenity of the received samples.
XRF01 XRF determination of Lateritic Nickel ore concentration on fused bead sample and reported as oxides. XRF02 XRF determination of Lateritic Nickel ore concent
pressed pellet sample and reported as oxides. P10 Total preparation package from wet/raw materials up to the final 75 micro meter size - ready to test sample
P20 Partial preparation package from wet/raw materials up to the final 75 micro meter size - ready to test sample P30 Drying of sample(s) in oven at 105 ± 5 oC until conditi
P40 Sample(s) crushing up to -10mm size
P50 Sample(s) pulverizing to 75 micro meter
ENL Sample(s) Exist but Not Listed
LNE Sample(s) Listed but Not Exist
NA Not Available
TBA To Be Advised
Scheme XRF02 XRF02 XRF02 XRF02 XRF02 XRF02 XRF02 XRF02 XRF02
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BLK5-08-022 „'
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lïJ BLK5-08-025 *|
Total Sample: Sample Request By
Waktu Masuít Oven: Geoïogist
XRF determination of Lateritic Nickel ore concentration on
r size - ready to test sample
rying of sample(s) in oven at 105 ± 5 oC until condition ready for