journal homepage: www.cell.com/heliyon
Research article
Keywords: Renewable energy has been seen as a viable solution to the problems of environmental degra
Globalization dation and the energy crisis. This study examines the long – and short–run linkages between
Economic growth economic globalization, foreign direct investment (FDI), economic growth, and renewable elec
Trade openness
tricity consumption in China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) countries. Therefore, this study uses
Foreign direct investment
the Pooled Mean Group (PMG) autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) technique to measure the
Renewable electricity consumption
Belt and road initiative relationship between constructs based on data collected from 2000 to 2020. The overall results
show the collaborative integration of Belt and Road (BRI) countries in terms of globalization,
economic growth, and renewable electricity utilization. The results show that there is a long-term
positive relationship between FDI and renewable electricity consumption, but a negative rela
tionship in the short term. Furthermore, economic growth is positively correlated with renewable
electricity consumption in the long run and negatively correlated in the short run. This study
suggests that the governments of BRI countries should encourage globalization by improving
technology and knowledge related to renewable electricity consumption in all areas.
1. Introduction
Preservation of energy could be the key to economic development [1]. China’s share in global consumption of energy is 2.9% and
6.1% per year since 2016–2017 and 2000–2017, respectively [2]. The Chinese economy has consistantly ranked higher than the US
since 2009 in terms of energy consumption. Quantitatively, China consumed 871 Mtoe in 1990 and 3105 Mtoe in 2017 EIA [3]. While,
recovering from the COVID-19 crisis, China’s electric power consumption rose by 3.1% and held 29% of the world’s electric power
consumption in 2020 EnerData [4]. In 2018, nearly 60% of China’s coal use was accounted for by the electricity sector, with the
balance coming from industry EIA [5]. China’s average daily electricity consumption rose from 17.1 to 205.1 (100 million kW-h) from
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: gulcute327@gmail.com (G. Tariq), shp797@163.com (H. Sun), unai.fernandez@ehu.eus (U. Fernandez-Gamiz), sofia@uop.
edu.pk (S. Mansoor), amjadalipasha@gmail.com (A.A. Pasha), sajjadalikhan619@ujs.edu.cn (S. Ali), sohailkhan8688@gmail.com (M.S. Khan).
Received 23 May 2022; Received in revised form 1 March 2023; Accepted 13 March 2023
Available online 16 March 2023
2405-8440/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
G. Tariq et al. Heliyon 9 (2023) e14635
1990 to 2019 [6]. Moreover, such an increase in energy consumption transmuted China to an energy importer from an energy exporter.
Therefore, an affordable and stable energy supply is crucial for economic growth and national security [7–10], such an increase in
foreign energy supply has given China a perilous position [11–13].
China began to open its economy and sign several regional trade treaties in the early 1980s. In the meantime, on December 11,
2001 association of China with the World Trade Organization (WTO) began, which underwent another wave of trade, thereby
increasing the collective stock from 1085.29 billion to 203.14 billion dollars until 2014. China took the initiative towards BRI (belt and
road initiative) during their visit to Kazakhstan and Indonesia in 2013. The primary focus of this initiative was to invest in education,
railways, infrastructural investment, the power grid, automobiles, iron, real estate, and highways. At present, 68 countries are
contributing to BRI. It was established for the strong relationship between countries, financial development, and excellent connectivity
among different countries. Scholars nowadays endeavor to study the link amongst economic growth and energy usage [14,15]. In
recent studies, the focus of academics changed from energy use to electricity usage, as obtaining and measuring data is more
manageable than energy consumption [16]. Energy consumption analysis is more precisely revealed by electricity consumption
analysis [17]. Previously, it was reported that trade openness and FDI create jobs, increase output, and increase real wage growth and
technology spillovers [18–21]. In addition, it is easy to state that globalization has been the main factor in modernizing the economy in
recent decades. Without a consistent supply of energy, globalization is impossible [22,23].
A long-run asymmetric link between FDI, trade, and energy usage was also accessed in previous studies [24]. Previous studies
reported that FDI upturns energy consumption in host economies [25–27]. Renewable energy use, FDI, and trade openness all
contribute to economic development [28]. However, the long-term relationship between globalization, economic growth, and
renewable electricity has not been well established by previous scholars [29–32]. Therefore, this study seeks to determine the rela
tionship between globalization, economic growth, FDI, and renewable electricity consumption, not only in the short run but also in the
long term. This will help decision-makers have a strong understanding of core relationships and facilitate long – and short–term
strategic decision-making.
Moreover, this study has made numerous contributions to the literature of energy/electricity economics: (i) this study adds to the
current body of knowledge by investigating the dynamic link between renewable and non-renewable electricity usage, where elec
tricity from fossil fuels is considered non-renewable electricity consumption. Foreign direct investment and economic growth potential
are also evaluated in the energy demand function to avoid the specification problem. (ii) The second-generation unit root test was used
to investigate variable integration (iii) The Pedroni and Kao co-integration approach was applied to examine co-integrating between
renewable electricity consumption and its determinants. (iv) PMG ARDL model was applied to examine the impacts of globalization
and economic growth on renewable electricity usage; BRI countries were also evaluated according to their regions. (v) To check the
causal association among renewable electricity consumption and its factors, the rolling panel causality test is employed.
This study will assist policymakers in developing inclusive energy policies to ensure long-term development. Overall, the results
show the cointegration among renewable electricity consumption, trade openness, economic development, and FDI.
The study is structured as follows: Section 2 evaluates the previous work concerning numerous phases of renewable electricity
consumption. Part 3 defines the data, methodology, and model. Part 4 explains the findings, and Part 5 discusses the conclusion and
policy implications.
2. Relevant literature
Many existing works on the link between FDI, economic growth, trade openness, and energy consumption neglected the potential
connection among renewable electricity usage, economic growth, trade openness, and FDI in BRI economies. Thus, this negligence may
produce misleading results for different countries. Before establishing prior anticipations on these variables, this study discusses the
bilateral relation between FDI and renewable electricity consumption, as well as the connection among economic growth and
renewable electricity consumption and trade and renewable power consumption. The majority of the existing literature examines the
causal relationship between energy/electricity consumption and economic growth using annual data [33–40]. Using a 24-year annual
dataset, Acheampong [41] clarified that economic expansion has no influence on global and regional energy consumption.
Apergis et al. [42] focused on a specific geographic region; Eurasia covered the period of 1992–2007 and showed the reaction
theory held for renewable power consumption. Apergis and Payne studied Central America and clarified the long-term and short-term
feedback and growth consequences of renewable energy. By employing 35 years of panel data, Wolde-Rufael and Yemane discovered
the connection among economic development and electricity depletion [43]. Many scholars attempted to explore the connection
among economic development and energy/electricity ingesting at the monthly [44–46] or quarterly [17,47–49]. Huang et al. [50]
selected 82 countries from 1972 to 2002 by four income groups and reported no confirmation for the growth hypothesis. Omri [51]
acquired data from 65 countries from 1990 to 2011 using per capita income and confirmed growth and feedback theory in low-income
and middle-income states.
Phrakhruopatnontakitti et al. [52] sustained the existence of two-way connections in Malaysia. Nugraha et al. [53] and Farabi [54]
for Indonesia supported a neutral cause among energy consumption and economic development. From 1980 to 2012, Hassine et al.
[55] investigated the causality between real GDP, financial development, trade, and renewable energy ingesting in Gulf countries;
renewable energy depletion increases economic development in Gulf countries. Cetin et al. [56] used the VECM Granger causality
approach to investigate the causality between trade openness, economic development, and energy usage, for upper-middle-income
nations from 1971 to 2014. Tariq et al. [57,58] found positive long-run associations among trade openness, energy consumption,
and economic development. Sun et al. [59] found a positive association among globalization and environmental pollution in SAARC
countries. In Pakistan and India, Tariq et al. [60] examined associations among FDI, economic growth, and trade openness and found
G. Tariq et al. Heliyon 9 (2023) e14635
3.1. Model
Prior research found numerous links between power use, trade openness, and economic development. Smyth et al. [76] explained
that the variation might be due to industrial characteristics, economic approaches, variable selection, model specification, and time
period selection. To improve these distresses, the following model has been developed:
REC = f (FDI, TO, GDP) (1)
Where REC is renewable electricity consumption, FDI is the flow of foreign direct investment, TO is trade openness used as a proxy
forglobalization, and GDP is the real income per capita used as a control variable. The following equation was obtained after applying
the linear transformation to empirical investigations on Eq. (1):
RECit = β1 + β2 FDIit + β3 TOit + β4 GDPit + εit (2)
where t denotes time and μt represents Gaussian errors. Eq. 2 β’s denotes long-run elasticity. This description also measures the as
sociation among electricity consumption and economic growth where technology improvements arise due to increased FDI and trade
openness [67].
In our framework, trade openness was the second determinant of electricity consumption. Previous literature shows that FDI and
trade openness are other useful determinants for renewable electricity consumption, but economic growth and trade openness increase
renewable electricity consumption, so β2 is positive in Eq. (2).
The increase in exports increases renewable electricity consumption to meet foreign requirements, directly influencing trade
openness. Higher exports require extra raw materials and more exporting goods; which increases renewable electricity consumption.
This expects the sign β3 to be positive in Eq. (2), reflecting the positive association among electricity and trade openness. The purpose
of this study is to look into the relationship between economic growth, FDI, trade openness, and electricity usage. The literature reveals
that the nexus between growth and energy highly depends upon economic development [57]. The positive β4 in Eq. (2) denotes the
positive correlation between economic growth and renewable electricity usage. Currently, no reported work shows the exact sign of β3
and β4 in BRI. Therefore, the major goals of this study is to reduce the uncertainty associated with electricity use and increase trade
G. Tariq et al. Heliyon 9 (2023) e14635
3.2. Data
This research covers the annual observations of BRI from 2000 to 2020 due to the availability of data. To further find out the
association between different sub-panels of countries, BRI is divided according to the geographical region named as, the Middle East
and Africa (MEA), Central and Western Asia (CWA), South Asia (SA), Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), South East Asia (SEA). Data for
trade, economic growth per capita, and FDI are sourced from the World Development Indicators [76]. Trade (as a percentage of GDP) is
used as a proxy for trade openness or globalisation, whereas GDP per capita growth annual percentage is used as a proxy for economic
growth, FDI is net inflows of foreign direct investment (BoP, current US$). Data related to renewable electricity consumption (REC) is
extracted from Our World in Data [79]. All the data is transformed into a natural log. Figs. 1–5 depict data trends according to region.
3.3. Methodology
This study began with the baseline model and tested the cross-sectional dependency of variables using the Pesaran CD, Pesaran
scaled LM, and Breusch-Pagan LM tests. The next step is to investigate variable stationarity in panel data in the case of cross-sectional
dependency. According to Kasman et al. [80], each panel unit root test has strengths and weaknesses. Four unit root trials, namely
Levin Lin and Chu [81], Breitun J. [82], lm Pesaran and Shin [83], and Phillips-Perron (PP) tests, are applied in this study for
increasing robustness. The panel unit root test developed by Levin Lin and Chu [79] is an extension of the augmented Dickey-Fuller
test, which is given as
ΔBit = δit ψi +gBit− 1 + δikBi,t− k +ωit (3)
Where g represents autoregressive coefficients, δit indicated individual deterministic variables, m is lag order, and ω representing error
It is assumed in the Levin Lin and Chu [81] test that g remain constant across countries. Levin Lin and Chu [81] the test is prolonged
from lm Pesaran and Shin [83] test, which lets g to vary among countries. Breitun J [82]. is a test that corrects for bias produced by the
LLC [81] and IPS [83] tests, as well as gave following equation:
Bit = φit + βij ait− t + εit (4)
According to (Hlouskova and Narayan [84,85]), the LPS [82] test has some limitations plus advantages too. The best benefit is that
it has the highest power and the smallest sample size biases, whereas the limitation is that the autoregressive coefficient remains the
same across countries.
Pedroni [86,87] developed panel and group co-integration tests. Panel rho-Statistics, Panel v-Statistics, Panel pp-Statistics, and
Panel ADF-Statistics are all within dimension approaches used by the panel test. It also contains between dimension approaches: Group
ADF-Statistics, Group PP-Statistics, and Group rho-Statistics Pedroni’s [84,85] cointegration assessment assumes that H0: No
co-integration among variablesThese all seven tests, which are asymptotically dispersed as regular standard, are defined as the ex
pected residuals from the long-run model shown below.
G. Tariq et al. Heliyon 9 (2023) e14635
Bit = φi + λi + βik Akit + εit (5)
G. Tariq et al. Heliyon 9 (2023) e14635
variables using the PMG ARDL approach. This approach was adopted to allow the mixed order of integrated variables used under the
unified framework. Optimal lag length selection also alleviates spurious regression. This broad-based strategy establishes a long-term
link between variables. In addition, the structure of lag provides consistent findings and mitigates the issue of serial correlation in the
presence of endogenous regressors. It also gives exceptionally consistent long-run and short-run values. The PMG AR distribution lag
represents Eq. (2) as follows:
lRECit = δ1 lTOit + δ2 lTOi,t− 1 + δ3 lGDPit + δ4 lGDPi,t−
+δ5 lFDIit + δ6 lFDIi,t− 1 + φlRECi,t− 1 + μi + υi
G. Tariq et al. Heliyon 9 (2023) e14635
dependency, and the time and size of the cross-section relative to each other are unimportant. This test presents two separate dis
tributions: asymptotic and semi-asymptotic. When T is greater than N, the asymptotic distribution is used; when N is greater than T, the
semi-asymptotic distribution is used. In panel data, the following model finds DH causality:
J ∑
Zit = αi + τJii Zi,t− J + βJii Xi,t− J + εi,t (10)
j=1 j=1
Where Xi,t and Zi,t are the observations of two stationary variables for individual I in period t, j is the lag length, τJi is the autoregressive
parameter, and βJi is the regression coefficient that changes across groups. With a balanced panel, it is believed that lag order J is the
same for all people. This is a fixed-type test that produces a fixed coefficient model. It enables heterogeneity while preserving normal
The mean, maximum, and standard deviation of trade openness, renewable power consumption, economic growth, and FDI are
shown in Table 1.
The highest renewable electricity consumption (2212.54) is recorded in China, while Turkmenistan had the lowest renewable
electricity consumption (0.0003) in 2019. China and Lebanon have the greatest (2.116522893) and lowest (− 21.11600443) GDP per
capita values. Singapore (320.5635138) is at the top in globalization or trade openness.
This research started with the baseline model presented in Table 2 and used the Breusch-Pagan LM, Pesaran scaled LM, and Pesaran
CD tests to examine the cross-sectional dependency of variables. As the probability is < 0.5, the null hypothesis is rejected as H0:
Variables do not have a serial correlation.
Due to serial correlation, four tests are utilized in this work to establish the sequence of data integration: Levin and Lin, Breitung, Im
Pesaran and Shin [79–81], and Fisher-PP. Table 3 shows the results of second-panel unit root testing. According to the results, the
dataset has a unit root at level and is stationary at the first difference.
To analyze the co-integration of variables, this study used two co-integration tests developed by Pedroni [84,85] and Kao [86]. The
results of the co-integration tests are summarized in Table 4. This study observed three homogenous statistics and two heterogenous
statistics of Pedroni [86,87] are statistically significant at 1% in BRI countries and its regions; this demonstrates that the alternative
hypothesis about the existence of co-integration is accepted.
Furthermore, the co-integration test statistics provided by Kao [88] demonstrated that the null hypothesis was rejected and
accepted alternative hypothesis of cointegration. As a result, both co-integration checks disclose that the globalization index’s
renewable power consumption, economic growth, trade openness, and FDI are co-integrated and have a long-term connection.
G. Tariq et al. Heliyon 9 (2023) e14635
Table 1
Descriptive statistics.
Variables Mean Max. Min. SD Obs.
REC 0.449357 3.310323 − 3.948913 1.129932 1002
GDP 3.95578 49.48028 − 38.41823 4.460221 1002
FDI 9.207394 11.46379 5.997877 0.834617 1002
TO 1.934765 2.640806 1.403227 0.212714 1002
REC 0.520552 2.295484 − 1.744727 0.765510 344
GDP 4.153678 12.99696 − 14.46433 3.678390 344
FDI 9.218194 10.96456 7.525536 0.662621 344
TO 2.005775 2.280347 1.665460 0.138831 344
REC 0.272340 1.814461 − 3.948913 1.246526 194
GDP 15.31567 33.03049 − 13.51939 5.188496 194
FDI 8.883112 10.23606 6.668569 0.687224 194
TO 1.891455 2.243909 1.465268 0.154345 194
REC − 0.285949 2.114630 − 3.00 1.309214 170
GDP 1.143672 49.48028 − 38.41823 5.996282 170
FDI 9.376639 10.34335 7.812202 0.576680 170
TO 1.905971 2.283013 1.480676 0.180914 170
REC 0.937635 2.459650 − 0.326979 0.739914 112
GDP 4.314932 17.03122 − 2.243643 2.526166 112
FDI 8.701855 10.70424 5.997877 1.145838 112
TO 1.677881 2.066511 1.403227 1.145838 112
REC 0.887780 3.310323 − 2.6989891 1.212902 181
GDP 4.554989 13.63582 − 3.784520 2.877514 181
FDI 9.692274 11.46379 6.648487 0.932703 181
TO 2.035158 2.640806 1.554975 0.271759 181
Max. denotes maximum, Min. represents minimum, and SD signifies Standard Deviation.
Table 2
Results of the base line model.
***Indicates significant at the 1%, ** Indicates significant at the 5%, and * significant at the 10% level is shown.
This study may now examine the short and long-term associations because co-integration among the variables has been proven. For
this objective, the panel PMG ARDL approach is initially used in this work. Tables 5 and 6 show the predicted outcomes of the panel
PMG approach. The short-run results of Eq. (9) are reported in Table 5. Based on the optimal structure, lag 1 is used. The acquired
results reported that FDI is negative and insignificant with respect to renewable electricity consumption in BRI, CWA, MEA, and SEA
countries. The 1% increase in FDI reduces 0.01% of renewable electricity consumption. Prior studies [25,31,59,86] have found a
significant effect on energy use. The energy-conserving techniques brought by FDI also reduced renewable electricity consumption
[66,90–93]. Renewable electricity consumption might be higher during the planning phase [94]. Su et al. [95] reported that weak
absorptive capacities could prevent firms from adopting energy-efficient technology.
Economic growth in the short run was negatively correlated with renewable electricity consumption in BRI, CWE, CEE, and MEA
countries. The result showed that a 1% escalation in growth lowers renewable electricity depletion by 0.039%, 0.034%, 0.0325%, and
0.00042% respectively. It can be explained that as income per capita increases, the capacity to purchase durable technology with
efficient energy consumption increases, due to which renewable electricity consumption decreases. Trade openness is positively
correlated with renewable electricity consumption in BRI, CWA, CEE, and SA countries. A 1% upsurge in globalization enhanced
renewable electricity use by 0.015% in BRI countries. Negative ECT verified the association between trade openness, FDI, economic
growth, and renewable electricity consumption for all regions in the short-run. ECT in BRI countries also revealed that an 8% decrease
in renewable electricity consumption is rectified in the near term by deviations from long-run equilibria.
Table 6 shows the long-run elasticities. For BRI, CEE, and SA economies, there is a positive and strong relationship between FDI and
G. Tariq et al. Heliyon 9 (2023) e14635
Table 3
Unit Root tests.
Panel Countries
*** Indicates significant at the 1%, ** Indicates significant at the 5%, and * significant at the 10% level is shown.
renewable electricity use. For BRI countries, empirical results revealed that an increase in FDI upsurges 0.04% renewable electricity
use while holding other things constant; this finding is consistent with the findings of Phrakhruopatnontakitti et al. [71]. When in
vestment increases in the economy, energy consumption also increases, affecting renewable electricity consumption. Moreover,
governments of different countries struggle with the diffusion of old technology with new energy-efficient technology.
Table 4
Panel Co-integration tests.
G. Tariq et al. Heliyon 9 (2023) e14635
Table 5
Short run estimates.
REC is the dependent variable
*** Indicates significant at the 1%, ** Indicates significant at the 5%, and * significant at the 10% level is shown.
Table 6
Long run estimates.
REC is the dependent variable
*** Indicates significant at the 1%, ** Indicates significant at the 5%, and * significant at the 10% level is shown.
By holding all other variables fixed, a 1% rise in economic growth is associated with a 0.69% increase in renewable electricity
usage. These optimistic associations in BRI, CEE, and CWA countries are consistent with the results reported previously [96,97].
During 1980 and 1990, smaller unity coefficients indicated energy inefficiency in the labor-intensive industry [30,95]. Moreover, it
also provides indirect proof for the growth decomposition effect [98,99]. If the composition effect surpasses the scale effect, we
consider its efficiency in renewable electricity utilization, but in this study the composition effect falls belowunity, sp we believe it is
inefficient utilization of energy [100].
In the long term, there is a significant positive association among renewable electricity usage and trade openness in BRI, CEE, CWA,
MEA, and SEA countries. The outcome is in line with Shahbaz [62], Ang [105] and Jalil [106]. Tables 5 and 6 suggest that the
Table 7
Panel causality test.
***Indicates significant at the 1%, ** Indicates significant at the 5%, * significant at the 10% level is shown, ⇔ indicates bidirectional causality, and
⟹ indicates unidirectional causality.
G. Tariq et al. Heliyon 9 (2023) e14635
difference in results is due to different policies and economic situations in the region. Hence, ECT in all panel countries is negative and
significant, showing the model’s accuracy.
The DH panel causality test results shown in Table 7 revealed that trade openness and renewable electricity consumption have two-
way causality in BRI and MEA countries and unidirectional causality in CEE, CWA, SA, and SEA countries. Economic development and
renewable electricity intake have unidirectional causality among SEA and SA nations, while in MEA countries have bidirectional
causality. Results also reveal unidirectional causality among FDI and renewable electricity consumption in BRI, CEE, MEA, and SA
5. Discussion
This is essential to determining if the variables in this study are stationary before applying the panel cointegration test since
nonstationary data frequently provides erroneous regression findings. The same autoregressive parameter assumption and the
different autoregressive parameter assumption tests are two of the four primary types of panel unit root tests. In this study, four tests
are conducted: the Levin-Lin-Chu (LLC), Breitung t-stat, Im-Pesaran-Shin (IPS), and Phillip Perron (PP) tests. The LLC test is a widely
used method for testing the same assumption about an autoregressive parameter, while the IPS test is a well-liked method of testing an
assumption about an alternative assumption about an autoregressive parameter. It is apparent that although all variables are stationary
at the initial difference I(1), the majority of data series are nonstationary at level I(0). As a result, all of the variables included in this
study are stationary at the point of first difference I(1). The results of the Pedroni and kao co-integration tests are statistically sig
nificant at 1% in BRI countries and their regions. As a result, both regionally and across panels, the findings of the panel cointegration
tests support the existence of cointegration links among the consumption of renewable electricity, trade openness, foreign direct in
vestment, and economic growth. Panel PMG ARDL model represents short and long run results for BRI nations and their regions. When
compared to long-term connections, short-term relationships between variables are distinct. In CEE, SA, and CWA countries, as well as
the BRI nations as a whole, trade openness has positive and negative effects on the use of renewable power, but it has negative
consequences in MEA and SEA countries. The consumption of renewable power per capita will rise in the short term in BRI countries by
1.53%, 5.80% in CEE countries, 2.35% in CWA countries, and 0.60% in SA countries if trade openness grows by 1%. Though few
studies have focused on the connection between renewable energy and trade openness, the majority of them indicated that trade
openness had a favorable influence on the use of renewable energy [62, 105, 106], which was consistent with our findings. The
empirical findings of Alam et al. [61] and Azam et al. [63], who conducted research in Turkey and the OECD nations, respectively, are
comparable to the empirical results of the short-run negative association between economic growth and renewable electricity use.
Additionally, the short-term data indicate that in the BRI, MEA, and SEA nations, foreign direct investment has a negative influence on
the use of renewable power [66,90–93].
In terms of the long-term connection, the findings show that economic growth and trade openness greatly increase the consumption
of renewable power in BRI and CEE countries, but trade openness has the opposite impact in SA countries. The findings imply that
economic growth, foreign direct investment, and trade openness increase the long-term usage of renewable power in BRI nations. The
undeveloped economic sector in MEA, SA, and SEA nations might be the cause of the inverse relationship between economic growth
and renewable electricity use. For instance, low-quality entities and high production costs discourage investment in the infrastructure
and technology of renewable energy [31,35]. A major barrier to the expansion of renewable energy in BRI has been the ineffective
management of trade openness and foreign investments [44], and financial markets are ineffective in fostering the sector’s devel
opment. The BRI nations’ collective usage of renewable power is positively impacted by economic growth. This is because outdated
technology is being used, which uses more power. On the one hand, more energy, particularly renewable energy, will be consumed
once a nation or area has achieved economic growth in order to maintain the rate of expansion. While on the other side, economic
expansion may lead to the development of new renewable energy technologies that will help the industry thrive.
The above study looked at the strong connection among globalization, economic evolution and renewable electricity consumption
using the PMG ARDL approach in BRI countries and their regions during 2000–2020. Co-integration tests revealed long-run associ
ations among selected variables. In the long term, there is a positive association among FDI and renewable power consumption, while
in the short run, there is a negative relationship for BRI nations. Such findings might be interpreted as FDI between nations increasing
renewable power consumption and improving it in the long run, but decreasing it in the near term owing to technological
advancement. Economic development is positively related to renewable electricity usage in the long term and negatively related in the
short term. Furthermore, In both the long and short run, trade openness is positively related. The results showed an increase in trade
demands for higher production of electricity.
The empirical findings of this study revealed a number of policy implications. Initially, it is essential to remember that attracting
globalization increases the industrial sector’s constant upgrading and modifies the economy’s structure, which can be helpful to curtail
energy consumption and expand environmental quality. Moreover, mutual efforts should be enhanced between domestic industries
and globalization related to energy. These findings recommend that globalization improves energy/electricity efficiency and pro
ductivity and enhances the economies’ energy/electricity conservation concepts. The increase in globalization and economic growth
G. Tariq et al. Heliyon 9 (2023) e14635
significantly increases the renewable electricity consumption in BRI countries and their regions. In conclusion, we proposed that these
countries adopt sustainable energy-efficient technology instead of an erratic one, and the government must introduce the programs to
enhance the absorptive capacity of energy-intensive local firms. Investments in renewable energy projects should be encouraged while
using both equity and debt financing. A crucial method of luring financial resources into the renewable energy sector is through in
ternational finance.
This study has significant limitations, such as the fact that further research may be done on the consumption of power at the
corporate level and on various sources of renewable energy.
Gulzara Tariq: Conceived and design the analysis; Wrote the paper.
Huaping Sun: Analyze and interpret the data.
Unai Fernandez-Gamiz: Analyze and interpret the data.
Sofia Mansoor: Contributed analysis of data.
Amjad Ali Pasha: Contributed analysis of data.
Sajjad Ali: Contributed analysis of data.
Muhammad Sohail Khan: Analyze and interpret the data.
Funding statement
Huaping SUN was supported by the National Social Science Fund of China [21AZD067], and the National Natural Science
Foundation of China (72243005).
Unai Fernandez-Gamiz was supported by the government of the Basque Country [ELKARTEK21/10 KK-2021/00014 & ELKAR
TEK22/85 KK-2022/00043].
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