Victoria Flores
What's More
1. Describe entrepreneurship.
It is about the execution of ideas in order to build a
business. It is also an act of a person also known as an
entrepreneur that always seeks something new ideas that
are crucial in gaining vital opportunities in a way of facing
the riskiness and uncertainty of the enterprise. Entrepreneurship
refers also to the idea of establishing and running a business
through a business attempt in order to increase profits. In line with this,
it is typically involves greater risk than is typical when beginning a business,
and this risk may involve considerations other than just financial ones.
An enterprise can be built on an existing concept but give rise to a new business.
-This means existing concepts can be the root of building a new business. The concept of
enterprise development lies in investing knowledge and time, attracting investment, building business
linkages, and employing more people for an enterprise to compete in the global economy. But building it
using an existing concept can possibly happen but in a way that this is also giving a way to rise new
business in order for it to be successful.
4. What are the entrepreneurial traits? Discuss its importance to the success of the business venture.
Entrepreneurial traits, skills, and ways of thinking are typically seen in successful entrepreneurs.
Although some businesspeople are born with certain qualities, others can acquire them. However,
having initiative, being proactive, persevering, solving problems, persuading, being self-assured,
being self-critical, and being a good planner are the traits that the majority of entrepreneurs had. In
addition, in line with critical thinking, being a risk taker, creative, having a business-like attitude,
relation skills, communication skills and ability to make decisions are also the qualities/traits of an
entrepreneur. These above-mentioned traits and qualities are crucial in keeping the enterprise or
business in line because they are the main component of why innovations are created. These traits
are important as a product because without traits you cannot gain a successful business like in a
business without a product you cannot have income. How you will know the flows and weaknesses of
your business venture where in the first place your are not possessing entrepreneurial traits.
Entrepreneurial traits are important because they will lead your business venture into a successful
one. Possessing these traits means having a strong stand towards your business.
5. What are the relevance of entrepreneurship? Discuss how important it is in the country.
Entrepreneurship has greatly contributed to the world of economics this probably included our
country because this is the main core of every successful innovation. Since entrepreneurship usually
creates new jobs and generates income for a family, entrepreneurship can also help improve your
standard of living. As the COVID-19 pandemic entered our world entrepreneurship takes a large
responsibility in making the country stand against global economic recession because we all know
that entrepreneurship is for planned and rapid economic expansion. In line with this,
entrepreneurship is a strategy for creative thinking, social transformation, and business society in
every country - it is a crucial element of success. In certain settings, entrepreneurship may be helpful
in reducing economic and developmental inequalities. Lessening economic disparity is made
possible by entrepreneurs who are willing to take the risk of starting new enterprises in these areas.
What I Have Learned
1. Entrepreneurship is a science of converting Ideas into business.
3-6. Entrepreneur derived from the French verb enterprendre which means “to UNDERTAKE”. They are
innovators, willing to take RISKS and generate new IDEAS to create UNIQUE and potentially profitable
solutions to modern-day problems.
9. Entrepreneurship helps in making a wide variety of goods and services available to the society which
results into higher STANDARD OF LIVING for the people.
10. Entrepreneurship involves creation and use of innovative ideas, maximization of output from given
resources, and development of managerial skills. All these factors are essential to the DEVELOPMENT of
a country
What's More
Activity 2. Screening Time! Instruction: Write your answers in the space provided.
Sales Manager
-A sales manager is a qualified individual who guides a group of sales agents toward meeting
the company's sales objectives. They create and implement sales plans, manage the education and
training of the sales personnel, and use sales data analysis to make wise choices.
-Fundraiser performs important work planning events, engaging in outreach efforts, and raising
awareness for their specific missions. Fundraiser is someone who raises money for a specific purpose
such as for donations for a place that was devastated and other related situations. Also, they could
create marketing materials and raise awareness of the objectives and financial requirements of an
-A teacher is one who instructs its students in the planning and resolution of business issues.
Also, make plans for future growth and learn how to manage a business successfully. However, many
business educators have experience teaching as well as working in the business sector, which enables
them to impart the knowledge and skills needed by students to succeed as business professionals.
Teachers have a responsibility to teach everyone who wants to absorb knowledge coming from the
Talent Recruiter
-A person that has been tasked with finding, luring, hiring, interviewing, and onboarding new
personnel for a business. It is a person with a keen understanding of both people and business. It is also
a human resources specialist responsible for locating and recruiting individuals for possible job openings.
They may work directly for a company or organization, or they may perform services for another
company, such as a staffing firm.
Business Reporter
-These are people who write articles about local business issues, innovations, productivity,
quality, and service. Also, a business reporter is a strong writer in both sharing information and
captivating an audience. They also know a lot about the world of business which leads them to track
down and build contacts that are willing to be sources for the next big story.