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Ekolu 2019

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Volume 21, Number 1, 2019 © WIETE 2019

Global Journal of Engineering Education

Reliability of assessments in engineering education using Cronbach’s alpha, KR

and split-half methods
Stephen O. Ekolu & Harry Quainoo
University of Johannesburg
Auckland Park, South Africa

ABSTRACT: An attempt to apply reliability measurements to module assessments in engineering degree programmes is
presented in this article. Three techniques for estimating internal consistency - the Cronbach’s alpha, KR 21 and split-
half methods - were employed in the study. Ten-year data of examination marks were used. The data comprised 13
modules of small- to medium-size classes involving 723 students taught at the university to BSc/BEng engineering
degree level. Overall, a majority of modules gave acceptable reliability coefficients of 0.4 to 0.8, based on results
obtained from all three methods. A strong correlation was found between Cronbach’s alpha and the split-half method.
Good correlation of KR 21, with alpha coefficient and split-half methods, occurred only for alpha values exceeding 0.3.
It was shown that internal consistency measurement can provide meaningful evaluations of module examinations or
assessments in engineering study programmes.

Keywords: Engineering education, assessments, Cronbach’s alpha, KR 21, split-half, reliability coefficient


There are different types of reliability measurement methods [1][2]. Of interest in the present work are the internal
consistency measurement methods of Cronbach’s alpha, Kuder-Richardson formulae 20/21, and the split-half method.
Equation (1) gives the formula for Cronbach’s alpha (α). The method can be used for both the dichotomous and
polytomous scoring of items, of which the latter employs a Likert scale [3].
N. C
α= _ _
ν + ( N − 1). C

where: N - number of test items or questions;

v - the average of all variances of the test items;
C - average of all covariances between the paired test items.

Of the two types of Kuder-Richardson (KR) formulae, i.e. KR 20 and KR 21, the latter gives a direct estimation of
reliability using a minimal set of data, requiring only the number of test items, mean and variance, as given by
Equation (2) [4].

 _ _

N  X (N − X  (2)
KR21 = 1−
N − 1  N.σ 2 

 
where: X - the mean of all results or scores;
N - the number of test items or questions;
σ2 - variance of all results or scores.

In applying the KR formula, it is assumed that all the test items are of the same level of difficulty. KR 21 gives reliability
index values lying between 0 and 1, as does Cronbach’s alpha. For the split-half method, a set of measurements are divided

into two tests, typically by splitting the number of test items into even items for one test half and odd items for the other
test half. Reliability is then estimated as the Pearson-moment correlation coefficient (PMCC), rxy, between the scores or
results of the even and odd items. Equation (3) gives the PMCC formula for calculating the split-half reliability.
Since the number of test items/questions is less than the full length of the test, e.g. three hours, an adjustment is made in
the split-half test calculations, to allow for the shorter test length. The Spearman-Brown formula given in Equation (4) is
used to calculate the adjusted reliability rp.

rxy =
∑ xy (3)
N − 1(SD x )(SD y )

where: SD x =
∑x 2
, SD = ∑y 2
N −1 N −1

N - the number of respondents;

x - the residual (score-mean) on all even items for each respondent;
y - the residual (score-mean) on all odd items for each respondent;
SDx and SDy - standard deviations for the even and odd items, respectively;


2.rx y
rp = (4)
1 + rxy


The reliability methods described in the foregoing above are used to measure the internal consistency of test items,
basically indicating how interrelated the test items or questions may be [5]. The more interrelated (unidimensional)
the items are, the higher the calculated reliability coefficient. However, there is no clear agreement on the specific
criteria for interpreting Cronbach’s alpha [6]. A common interpretation of the coefficient is α < 0.5 for low reliability,
0.5 < α < 0.8 for moderate (acceptable) reliability, α > 0.8 for high (good) reliability. A low alpha value may result from:

• a small number of test items or questions;

• heterogeneity of items which measure more than one concept, construct or knowledge area;
• poorly interrelated items.

It may be noted that aiming for high reliability would make the items more similar and less unique in assessing different
knowledge areas of the domain. Consequently, content validity can be adversely affected by high reliability coefficients.
This aspect can be an important consideration in preparing examination item questions for engineering modules.

Tau-equivalent is a condition requiring that all test items must measure the same trait, aversion or ability. It is also
referred to as a unidimensional assumption [7]. However, it has been shown that violation of this assumption may not
severely affect reliability estimates. Actually, multidimensional tests can have an alpha value that is similar or higher
than results from the same form of unidimensional tests. These observations have led researchers to consider Cronbach’s
alpha as a measure that may not be confined to internal consistency only [5]. Since most test measurements are
inherently heterogeneous, the tau-equivalent assumption is often violated. As such, the alpha value calculated is
considered to be the lower limit estimate of reliability [5].

The length of a test influences the value of alpha calculated. Longer test lengths, such as those with a large number of
test items, give higher alpha values. A small number of test items would violate tau-equivalence and give a lower
reliability coefficient [5][8]. Some researches [6][7][9] indicate 20 or more test items as the required minimum number
for internal consistency measurements. Also, it can be expected that each group of test-takers would have different
characteristics and performance levels, each of which should give a different reliability value [10]. Therefore, it is
evident that reliability is not only a property of the test items but also of the test group. In some cases, it may be useful to
have a control test group as a reference. It is preferred that a heterogeneous test group be used in measurements as this
leads to an improved reliability coefficient [1][5][7].

It has been suggested that the difficulty of items selected should be such that 40% to 60% of respondents would give
a correct response [1]. While deciding on item difficulty - which may be easier in psychometric tests - it has to be
carefully considered with respect to formative or summative assessments in academic studies, such as engineering.


In an earlier associated article, a detailed discussion was given on the structure of examination assessments for
engineering modules [2]. The structure of these assessments tends to conflict with the requirements for internal

consistency measurement. While an internal consistency test evaluates a close association among test items, engineering
examination assessments are heterogeneous as they usually cover diverse knowledge areas. Also, essay-type test items of
varied levels of difficulty and lengths are typically used. These test items may also attract different marks.

Four carefully selected test questions are usually sufficient for a summative assessment or examination lasting three
hours. This small number of test items used in the examinations falls short of the minimum 20 questions recommended
(in some literature) for psychometric tests [6][9]. The examination assessments for engineering modules rarely use
multiple choice items or a large number of test questions. Accordingly, summative assessments for engineering modules
usually violate the homogeneity assumption required in internal consistency tests. Fortunately, heterogeneity may not
lower the calculated reliability value. This is consistent with suggestions in the literature that Cronbach’s alpha also
appears to measure characteristics other than internal consistency. Tan showed that the alpha coefficient of
a heterogeneous test measurement would be incorrect if calculated as a composite [7]. They found that the KR 20 for
a set of 237 test questions, made of seven subtests, gave a reliability coefficient higher than those calculated for each
subtest. Yet according to the nature of internal consistency measurement, using the composite to calculate KR 20 should
give a lower coefficient than those obtained using subtests. Other similar studies have reported the same result [11][12].

Indeed, various researches have shown that using a large number of test items has an overriding effect of increasing
alpha, whether the items are homogeneous and unidimensional or not [13-15]. Panayides conducted a study involving
272 high school students on a 20-item mathematics test, 20-item English test and 6-item mathematics self-esteem test
[13]. By calculating the alpha coefficient for a varied number of test items and for various two-factor or three-factor
models, Panayides found that all the models gave higher alpha coefficients as the number of test items increased [13].
Interestingly, other researches have also indicated that a small number of test items can, too, give high alpha coefficients
[16]. These observations underscore the lack of consensus relating to the suitable number of test items [17].


The data for the present study consisted of summative examination marks of students who undertook the four-year
BSc/BEng degree programmes in civil engineering. The data were acquired over a 10-year period. Altogether, the
summative assessment data were taken from 13 second- to fourth-year modules involving 723 students, as shown in Table 1.
The class sizes for each module varied from 15 to 106 students. These classes fall within the category of small- to-medium
size. There is no strictly standardised grouping of class sizes, so various researches use different class size groupings
[18-20]. For the purposes of the present study, class sizes that were under 20 students were considered small, those with 20
to 90 students were medium, and those with more than 90 students were considered large class sizes [18]. Heterogeneity of
the class groups was evident in the assessment results [2][21]. The marks always showed a normal distribution, thereby
indicating a properly composed group. Reliability coefficients were calculated for each module assessment.

It may be noted that the modules had the same test length, i.e. the same number of questions; however, the test items/
questions were not of the same level of difficulty. Normal distribution characteristics and linearity are a requirement for
data that is used for alpha reliability estimation. It has been shown that alpha is affected by even small deviations from
normal distributions [17]. This emanates from the effect which tails in skewed distributions have on variance.

Table 1: Data of summative examination assessments for various engineering modules.













Class size 65 56 15 60 79 71 58 106 38 48 42 46 39

Number of questions 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Marks per question (%) 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

All the test items/questions employed in the module assessments were essay-type questions, as mentioned earlier.
The data were employed in estimating internal consistency using each of the three methods, viz Cronbach’s alpha, split-
half and the KR 21 formula. The type of scoring and mark allocations used in the module assessments was not
dichotomous but rather a continuous variation (polytomous) assigned from 0 to 25 marks per test item. The Likert type
scale was used in the Cronbach’s alpha calculations. Two different scale widths, the 25-level and 5-level Likert scales
were used and their effects assessed. The 5-level Likert scale consisted of marks assigned as 1 = 0 to 5 marks, 2 = 6 to
10 marks, 3 = 11 to 15 marks, 4 = 16 to 20 marks, 5 = 21 to 25 marks.


Cronbach’s Alpha

Cronbach’s alpha was calculated for the 25-level and 5-level Likert scales. Figure 1a shows the effects of different
Likert scale widths. There was a slight decrease in the alpha coefficient for values α > 0.40, when the Likert scale width
was reduced from 25 to 5. When the alpha values were either negative or lower than 0.40, the 5-level Likert scale gave

higher reliability coefficients than did the 25-level Likert scale. However, the differences in results obtained using the
two scale widths, were small and negligible. These results are consistent with the findings of Voss et al who reported
that wider scales give greater variance, which increases the alpha value [22]. The values of Cronbach’s alpha were found
to fall between 0.40 and 0.70 for a majority of the modules - see Figure 1a.

Figure 1: Cronbach’s alpha coefficients; a) calculated using different Likert scale levels; b) showing the influence of
item interrelatedness.

In the literature, alpha values 0.50 < α < 0.80 are regarded to be of moderate reliability [7]. Considering that
engineering examination assessments are not homogeneous, as discussed earlier, the alpha values for properly
constructed test items in these examinations should be low or moderate. As seen in Figure 1a, the modules M215, M214,
V314 and U314 gave alpha values that were lower than 0.40, while modules S415 and V315 gave negative alpha values
which, in turn, are not meaningful.

Figure 1b shows the inter-item correlation coefficient to be below 0.20 for all modules with an alpha value less than
0.30. These observations do not necessarily suggest that the assessments were not properly constructed but rather they
imply that the test items of these modules were less interrelated, which is possible in modules that may include
knowledge domains that are not closely linked. Spiliotopoulou indicated that for tests that measure broad constructs of
an assessment, the inter-item correlation should be between 0.15 to 0.20, while for narrow or unidimensional constructs,
it should lie between 0.4 and 0.5 [17]. In the present study, the positive inter-item correlation varied from 0.1 to 0.3,
which underscores the multidimensionality of the data used. It has also been suggested that using low alpha values
should be considered acceptable provided it is based on an informed understanding of the data characteristics, rather
than applying perfunctory benchmarking, such as mere adoption of α > 0.7 [17][21].

Figure 1b also shows that the inter-item relatedness increases non-linearly with an increase in the alpha coefficient.
Again, the low or negative alpha coefficient does not imply that these were flawed assessments but rather, it may
indicate that these modules had some topics that were largely independent of each other, as previously discussed. It is
also evident in Figure 1b that the width of Likert scale used in reliability estimation had no effect on the relation
between pairwise inter-item correlation and alpha. Similarly, class size, i.e. the size of test group, had no influence on
the alpha coefficient.

Kuder-Richardson’s KR 21

The KR 21 coefficient was calculated for each of the modules, using the reliability formula given in Equation (2).
Unlike Cronbach’s alpha which involves applying the Likert scale for polytomous scoring, the KR 21 does not require
the scores for each test item/question to be known, rather the overall mark/score achieved by the test-taker in
an assessment is sufficient. KR 21 is the most direct statistic of internal consistency. It uses a simple, basic statistical
procedure to generate a reliability coefficient. In the present study, values of KR 21 for each of the modules were found
to lie between 0.4 and 0.8, except for one module - M215 - that gave a very high KR 21 > 0.97, a value which appears to
be misleading. This module had a small class size of 15 and also gave a poor Cronbach’s alpha of 0.23. Clearly, there
appear to be some distinct factors that differently influence the two methods. This observation is further seen with
modules U314, S415, V315, which had very low or negative alpha coefficients while the corresponding KR 21 values
0.53, 0.58, 0.60 were reasonably good.

Split-half Method

Calculation of the split-half reliability coefficient was done for each module using the PMCC formula given in Equation
(3) and the Spearman-Brown formula given in Equation (4). Here too, only the total scores obtained from test
items/questions are required in conducting the split-half reliability calculations. Most modules gave an rxy coefficient
falling between 0.40 and 0.80. However, low or negative coefficients of 0.09, -0.03, -0.04 were obtained for the

modules S415, U314, V315, respectively. Similar results of the Cronbach’s alpha were also obtained for these modules.
Based on these results, it may be deduced that the split-half method is sensitive to similar factors as Cronbach’s alpha,
unlike the KR 21 coefficient, the behaviour of which is quite different. The factors responsible for the different
behaviour of KR 21 relative to the alpha and split-half methods are not fully understood and require further

Comparison of Results

The relationships between results obtained using all three reliability methods are given in Figure 2. Generally, there is
good agreement between KR 21 and Cronbach’s alpha, but only for α > 0.3. It appears that KR 21 is more stable and
less affected by various factors, compared to the Cronbach’s alpha. Some researches indicate that for normally
distributed data, KR 20/21 should be used rather than Cronbach’s alpha [17].

The split-half method is strongly correlated with Cronbach’s alpha across the full range of values, while KR 21 only
correlates with α > 0.30 (Figure 2). It is known that Cronbach’s alpha is strongly affected by the number of test
items/questions. For the civil engineering programmes evaluated, the examinations consisted of four essay-type
questions. Interestingly, all the three methods gave meaningful reliability coefficients, despite the few test items used in
the examination assessments. The low reliability coefficients obtained for some modules appear to be explained by the
very low inter-item relatedness found in the test items.

Figure 2: Relationship between KR 21, split-half and Cronbach’s alpha.


The study was conducted to explore the possibility of measuring the reliability of summative examination assessments
usually given in the BSc/BEng engineering degree programmes. The internal consistency measurement techniques
employed comprised the Cronbach’s alpha, KR 21 and split-half methods. Ten-year summative examination data were
used in the study.

It was found that despite the heterogeneity and small number of test items in the summative examinations, all three
methods exhibited meaningful estimates of reliability coefficient, giving values between 0.4 and 0.8. However, the
Cronbach’s alpha and split-half methods also gave low or negative coefficients for some modules. The low values
obtained are attributed to poor inter-item relatedness of the test items.

The alpha and split-half coefficients were found to be strongly correlated. The KR 21 and alpha had a strong correlation
but only for alpha values exceeding 0.30. The relationship between the inter-item correlation and alpha coefficient is
non-linear. An inter-item relatedness coefficient exceeding 0.2 was required to give Cronbach’s alpha coefficient
exceeding 0.40. It appears Cronbach’s alpha values exceeding 0.3 indicate an assessment that has balanced and valid
test items/questions.


The work presented in this article was funded by the National Research Foundation (NRF) of South Africa, IPRR Grant
No. 96800. The authors are grateful for the financial support given by the NRF.


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Stephen O. Ekolu is an Associate Professor of concrete materials and structures, former Head
of the School of Civil Engineering and the Built Environment at the University
of Johannesburg, South Africa. He holds an MSc (Eng) with Distinction from the University
of Leeds, UK, and a PhD from the University of Toronto, Canada. Prof. Ekolu is
a professionally registered engineer and a rated researcher with more than 19 years of
academic/industry research experience. His research interests include concrete materials and
structures, cementitious materials, durability of concrete, service life modelling,
environmental science and engineering education.

Harry Quainoo is a Senior Lecturer of transportation engineering, urban planning and

construction management at the University of Johannesburg, South Africa. He obtained his
MSc and PhD degrees from the University of the Witwatersrand, and has more than 15 years
of teaching and research experience. His areas of expertise are transportation engineering and
project management, with interest in engineering education.


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