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BIG VI North Moluccas 7

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Edition 7.0, July 2018


VI. NORTH MOLUCCAS (incl. Seram, Sula)

VI. NORTH MOLUCCAS ............................................................................................................................... 13
VI.1. Halmahera, Bacan, Waigeo, Molucca Sea ......................................................................................... 13
VI.2. Banggai, Sula, Taliabu, Obi ............................................................................................................... 33
VI.3. Seram, Buru, Ambon ......................................................................................................................... 43

This chapter VI of Bibliography Ed. 7.0 deals with the northernmost part of the Indonesian Archipelago. It contains
67 pages, with 423 titles, and is divided into three sub-chapters.

The North Moluccas are a geologically complex region with a number of active volcanic arcs, non-volcanic 'outer
arcs', fragments of remnant arcs, microcontinents, and deep basins floored by oceanic crust.

VI.1. Halmahera, Bacan, Waigeo, Yapen, Molucca Sea

Sub-chapter VI.1. contains 155 references on the geology of the Halmahera region.

Figure VI.1.1. Early geologic map of Halmahera- Bacan- Waigeo (Verbeek 1908)

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 1 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

This area of N Indonesia is in the realm of the western Pacific Ocean (Philippine Sea Plate). The western part
is the Molucca Sea complex, where Molucca Sea Plate oceanic crust is subducting in two directions, under
Halmahera in the East and the Sangihe arc in the West. The S side is bordered by the Sorong Fault zone, a
major strike slip zone separating the W-moving Pacific from a N-moving Australia- New Guinea plate.

Islands are composed of fragments of Late Cretaceous- M Eocene and younger island arc volcanics, intruded
into and overlying collisional complexes with Jurassic or Cretaceous-age ophiolites. With the exception of
parts of islands in the Sorong fault zone complex, no Pre-Tertiary sediments or continental crust material have
been reported.

The K-shaped island of Halmahera may be viewed as a similar, smaller and younger edition of Sulawesi. In
both islands the western arms represent a Neogene volcanic arc system, while the central region and eastern
arms contain large ophiolite complexes and interlayered sediments, while the arms are separated by young
extensional basins.

Figure VI.1.2. Simplified geologic map of Halmahera island, showing Tertiary- Quaternary volcanics-dominated
west half, and widespread ultramafic rocks in the eastern half (purple).

The West Halmahera Arc is composed of Late Miocene- Quaternary andesites with subordinate basalts, and is
a response to the East-ward subduction of the Molucca Sea Plate at the Halmahera Trench (Hakim and Hall

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 2 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

Molucca Sea
The Molucca Sea is a rare modern-day example of a 'double-dipping' oceanic plate, dipping westward under
the Sangihe Trench/Arc in the West and eastward under the West Halmahera Trench/Arc in the East (Figures
VI.1.3.and VI.1.4 ). Most of the Moluccas Sea oceanic crust has actually been consumed, and the Molucca
Sea floor is an area of an arc-arc collision-in-progress (Silver and Moore 1978, 1981, Cardwell , Hamilton
1979, McCaffrey 1982, 1991).

The collision zone is composed of two accretionary complexes of opposing vergence, with slivers of ophiolites.
The Talaud Islands represent an uplifted part of the accretionary/ melange complex of the collision zone
(Atmadja, and R. Sukamto, 1979, Sukamto 1980).

Figure VI.1.3. Map of Molucca Sea region, showing five active subduction trenches, Quaternary volcanoes of
North Sulawesi- Sangihe and Halmahera Arcs (black triangles). Purple lines represent contours of
subducting Molucca Sea slabs (Clor et al. 2005).

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Figure VI.1.4. Schematic W-E cross section through the Sangihe Arc- southern Molucca Sea- Halmahera,
showing subduction of the Molucca Sea plate beneath the Halmahera arc to the east and the Sangihe arc to
the West.

Figure VI.1.5. Interpretation of the structure of the Molucca Sea collision zone: (a) Reconstruction at time of
initial collision of the opposing subduction complexes; (b) Present structure of the collision zone, with
(c) Expanded view of collision complex (Silver and Moore 1978).

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Figure VI.1.6. W-E cross-section farther North, from Celebes Sea- Sangihe Arc across northern Molucca Sea
to Philippine Sea, showing multiple subduction zones (Pubellier et al. 1999).

The Talaud Islands are exposed parts of the N-S trending Central Ridge, which is entire composed of an
imbricated accretionary prism/ melange complex, with ophiolitic blocks in a scaly clay matrix, (Soeria-Atmadja
and Sukamto 1979, Moore et al. 1980, 1981).

Suggested reading- Halmahera area (not a complete list of all relevant references)
Halmahera General, Verbeek 1908, Wanner 1913, Brouwer 1923, Soeria Atmadja 1981,
Tectonics Sukamto et al. 1981, Morris et al. 1983, Hall 1987, 1999,
Hall et al. 1988, 1990, 1995, Hakim and Hall 1991, Sukamto 1989
Ali et al. 2001, Sodik et al. 1993.
Molucca Sea Silver and Moore 1978, 1981, McCaffrey et al. 1980, 1982, 1991,
Moore and Silver 1983, Widiyantoro 2003, Widiwijayanti et al. 2003, 2004
Talaud islands Roothaan 1928, Sukamto and Suwarna 1976, 1979,
Soeria-Atmadja and Sukamto 1979, Sukamto 1980,
Moore et al. 1980, 1981, Bader and Pubellier, 2000
Sangihe Arc Wichmann 1921, Morrice 1982, MacPherson et al. 2003.

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VI.2. Banggai, Sula, Taliabu, Obi
Sub-chapter VI.2. contains 79 references on the geology of the Banggai and Sula archipelagoes. This group of
islands west of the Birds Head of West Papua is generally believed to represent one or more microcontinental
plates, that sliced off the northern margin of New Guinea in Jurassic time.

Early geological investigations on the Sula islands included Boehm (1904, 1907, 1912) and Brouwer (1921). Early
papers on the nearby Obi islands are by Brouwer (1924). The Obi islands appear to contain some Jurassic
sediments overlying Triassic- Jurassic? ophiolites and matamorphics.

Figure VI.2.1. Early geologic map of Banggai- Sula islands (Verbeek 1908).

The Sula islands lent their name to the 'Sula Spur' of Klompe (1954, 1956), who viewed the Banggai, Sula and
Obi islands region as the remnants of the western termination of the Australian-New Guinea Paleozoic
('Tasmanide') fold belt, and which acted as the leading edge of the Australia-New Guinea plate during during
Tertiary colllisional movements. Structure of the main Sula islands (Taliabu, Mangoli) is rather simple (some
block faulting, gentle N-ward dip).

Basement of the Banggai-Sula block consists of Paleozoic metamorphic rocks, overlain by Triassic arc
volcanics (Mangole Fm) and intruded by co-magmatic granite batholiths (Banggai granite; K-Ar ages around
225 Ma). These Triassic intrusives and volcanics form part of a long Permo-Triassic arc system that continues
East to New Guinea Birds Head (Netoni, Anggi granites), to terranes in northern Papua New Guinea
(Idenburg, Kubor, Strickland granites; all ~220-240 Ma) and all along the East Australian active margin
(Amiruddin 2000, 2009, Ding et al. 2011).

Gravity data suggest the Banggai- Sula Archipelago is is composed of blocks of severely attenuated
continental crust (9-22 km thick; Sardjono 1999, Sardjono and Mirnanda 2007).

Outcrops of late Middle-Late Jurassic- Cretaceous marine sediments are relatively widespread, and the Sula
Islands have long been famous for the richest Jurassic ammonite, belemnite and mollusc faunas in Indonesia
(see also Garrard et al. 1988):
- the basal ('syn-rift'?) transgression is probably of Middle Jurassic age (Toarcian?; Bajocian; Panuju 2011),
and consists of the non-marine Bobong Formation, which contains some thin coal beds (Kusnama et al.
2007, 2008, Septriandi et al. 2012);
- the (late-rift?) Middle Jurassic- Lower Cretaceous (Hauterivian?; Garrard et al. 1998) open marine Buya
Formation is ~1200m thick and its suggested age include: Late Toarcian- Tithonian by Sato et al. (1978;
macrofossils), Bathonian and younger (Westermann and Callomon 1988; ammonites). and Bathonian- Early
Tithonian (Lelono and Nugrahaningsih 2012; dinoflagellates);
- the overlying Cretaceous bathyal pelagic carbonates of the Tanamu Formation appear to be restricted to
Late Cretaceous age (Coniacian- Late Paleocene; Pigram et al. 1985, Garrard et al. 1998, Coniacian-
Campanian?; Panuju et al. 2011).

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Pigram et al. (1985) noted that the Mesozoic stratigraphy of the Sula Platform was closer to that of Central
Papua New Guinea between 141°-145° than to West Papua, implying a westward displacement of >2500 km.

An apparent significant mid-Cretaceous between (>30-40 Myrs?) between clastic Buya Formation and the
overlying Tanamu Fm pelagic carbonates was interpreted as a breakup unconformity by Garrard et al. (1998).
This is significantly later event than the suggested Middle- Late Jurassic breakup event in Buru and Seram?
(e.g. Pigram and Panggabean 1983).

Most of the Jurassic and Cretaceous was eroded in Early Paleogene time from the Banggai archipelago in the
West. This event was followed by a likely Late Eocene trangression (with Lacazinella in Tiaka wells and at
several localities in the Tomori area of East Sulawesi (Handiwiria 1990) that initiated widespread Late Eocene-
Middle Miocene carbonate deposition of the pre-collisional Salodik Formation (Garrard et al. 1998).

Classic paleontological monographs on the Sula Jurassic macrofaunas include Boehm (1904-1912), Kruizinga
(1921, 1926, belemnites, ammonites) and Challinor and Skwarko (1982; belemnites) and Westermann and
Callomon 1988 (ammonites).

Banggai- Sula- East Sulawesi collision

The western edge of the Banggai-Sula plate collided with East Sulawesi, probably in Late Miocene time, by
'underthrusting' of the East Sulawesi ophiolite complex. Imbricated packages that were scraped off the
downgoing Banggai Sula plate can be studied in outcrop in the Tomori area of the south side of the East Arm
of Sulawesi.

Figure VI.2.2. Late Miocene-Pliocene collision zone between western edge of Banggai-Sula plate and the East
Arm of Sulawesi, which is mainly composed of ophiolite. Imbricated Cretaceous- Middle Miocene carbonate-
rich series south of the Batui Thrust represent off-scraped distal sedimentary cover of Banggai-Sula plate.

The foredeep subsidence that preceded the collision set up favorable conditions for maturation and trapping of
hydrocarbons. Initial subsidence created a backstepping series of Miocene carbonate platform and buildup
facies. After burial by collisional and post-collisional 'Sulawesi molasse' these became the oil-bearing
reservoirs of the Tiaka, Senoro fields in the Tomori Basin and adjacent onshore East Sulawesi (Figure VI.2.2).

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Figure VI.2.3. Late Miocene-Pliocene collision zone between western edge of Banggai-Sula plate and the East
Arm of Sulawesi, same area as Figure VI.2.2 , but as surface geology map of Kundig (1956).

Suggested reading- Banggai-Sula area (not a complete list of all relevant references)
General, Tectonics Verbeek 1908, Wichmann 1914, Brouwer 1915, 1921, 1926,
Koolhoven 1930, Klompe 1954, 1956, Sukamto 1975,
Pigram et al. 1985, Ryacudu et al. 1993, Kadarusman et al. 1994,
Natawidjaja, and Kadarusman 1994; Garrard et al. 1998,
Walperdorf et al. 1998, Sardjono 1999, 2007, Amiruddin 2000,
Nasution et al. 2008
Jurassic stratigraphy/ Boehm 1904, 1907, 1912, Jaworski 1921, Kruizinga 1921, 1926,
paleontology Sato et al. 1978, Westermann et al. 1978, Challinor and Skwarko 1982,
Westermann and Callomon 1988, Sukamto and Westermann 1992,
Francis and Westermann 1993, Oloriz, and. Westermann 1998,
Pessagno and Meyerhoff Hull 2002, Kholiq et al. 2011, Panuju 2011
Lelono and Nugrahaningsih 2012, Septriandi et al. 2012
Obi Martin 1904, Wanner 1913, Brouwer 1924, Kuenen 1942,
Permana 1987, Soeria-Atmadja et al. 1988, Agustiyanto 1998,
Dipatunggoro 2011, Khadafi et al. 2013, Rahmalia et al. 2017

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VI.3. Seram, Buru, Ambon
Sub-chapter VI.3. contains 189 references on the geology of Seram and nearby islands Buru and Ambon.

Seram and the chain of islands continuing in E/ SE direction all share a very complex fold-thrust belt geology,
with N-directed thrusting and with fragments of continental blocks, metamorphic rocks and ophiolite
complexes. Deformation is less intense West of Seram, on Buru island. Large ophiolite bodies and
metamorphic complexes are present in SW Seram and Buru.

Figure VI.3.1. Early geologic map of Seram (Rutten 1929; from Rutten and Hotz, 1920)

Counterclockwise rotation of the Buru-Seram microplate has been suggested by paleomagnetic data (Haile
1978, 74° since Late Miocene) and structural analysis (Linthout et al. 1991; 45° since Early Pliocene).

Seram is home to three or four metamorphic complexes (Kobipoto, Saku, Tehoru, Taunusa; Sopaheluwakan
et al. 1992). Interpretation of these has always been difficult, partly due to the wide range of radiometric ages,
most of which are suspect (Davies and Tommasini, 2000). Some of the metamamorphics are presumably of
pre-Late Triassic age, some have Miocene- Pliocene colling ages and were thought to have formed during
Miocene ophiolite obduction (Helmers et al. 1989, Sopaheluwakan 1994). Recent re-interpretations by Pownall
et al. (2013-2018) explain much of the metamorphic complexes as result of young hyper-extensional mantle
exhumation during the opening of the Banda Sea and roll-back of the Banda Arc slab.

Paleozoic metamorphics are overlain by folded Late Triassic (Carnian-Norian) Kanikeh Fm flysch-type clastics,
composed of micaceous sands and shales with plant fragments, Monotos salinaria, etc. This series has been
interpreted as the basal part of a Late Triassic intra-cratonic rift sequence.

The clastics are capped by (partly interbedded with?) latest Triassic reefal and deepwater limestones of the
Manusela and Saman Saman Formations (late Norian- Rhaetian; Al-Shaibani et al 1983). Reefal facies are
rich in calcareous sponges corals and hydrozoans. The Late Triassic limestone of Seram is frequently
reported as of Jurassic age, an idea started by Van der Sluis (1950) and Van Bemmelen (1949), although all
paleontological evidence points to latest Triassic ages only (Wanner et al. 1952, Martini et al., 2004, Charlton
and Van Gorsel 2014).

Above the Late Triassic the Early-Middle Jurassic is either highly condensed limestone (e.g. Wanner and
Knipscheer 1951; 60 cm) or is missing completely and Late Jurassic marine Kola Shale directly overlies the
Triassic. This hiatus/unconformity was suggested to represent a 'post-breakup unconformity' and signify onset
of nearby oceanic spreading (Pigram and Panggabean 1984).

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The latest Jurassic-Eocene interval is represented by reddish pelagic limestones (Nief Fm), devoid of any
clastic material, and probably representing the oceanic drift or very distal passive margin stage of the Buru-
Seram microplate. The basal radiolarian chert-rich limestones contain locally abundant latest Jurassic-earliest
Cretaceous calpionellids (mainly Stomiosphaera moluccana; Wanner 1940), and are overlain by Upper
Cretaceous limestones without chert and with Globotruncana and above this also Paleo-Eocene planktonics,
including Globorotalia velascoensis and Hantkenina (Germeraad 1946).

Similarities in stratigraphy and structure between Seram and Timor have been noticed by many authors. There
are also similarities with the Triassic stratigraphy of nearby Misool, but the Jurassic- Paleogene of Seram-
Buru is in more distal facies, and lack the rich macrofossil faunas of Misool. There is also evidence of
consumed oceanic crust between Misool and Seram, so the present-day proximity is not necessarily the same
as the paleo-position(s).

Widespread folding and thrusting of Eocene and older rocks, with the formation of the 'Salas Block Clay'
olistostrome or melange, suggests a major collisional event, but the exact age of this remains uncertain. It is
probably related to ophiolite obduction at the S/SW side of Seram, which have a Late Miocene onset of
exhumation age (around 8 Ma; Linthout et al. 1996).

Figure VI.3.2. N-S cross-sections through NW Seram, showing N-directed folding and thrusting of
metamorphics- granite (pink-red) complex over folded Mesozoic sediments (mainly Late Triassic; light brown
'flysch' and blue limestones) (Rutten and Hotz, 1919).

This Plio-Pleistocene North Seram fold-thrust belt outcrops on North Seram and continues offshore for up to
~100 km (e.g. Teas et al. 2009), where it looks like a continuation of the Banda Arc accretionary complex. This
foldbelt is commonly described as merely a zone of young thrusting between Misool/ Birds Head and Seram
Island (e.g. Pairault et al. 2003, Granath et al. 2011, Patria and Hall 2017). However, like the Timor Trough, it
probably makes more sense to interpret the Seram Trough and the young North Seram imbricated complex as
a subduction trench- accretionary prism complex, and a continuation of the (now mostly locked and extinct)
eastern Banda Arc subduction zone (Figure VI.3.3; O'Sullivan et al. 1985, Jongsma et al. 1989, etc.):
- the width of the offshore imbricated belt implies 100's of kilometers of shortening;

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 10 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

- the imbricated complex can be tied to a South-dipping subducted slab below Seram that is clearly imaged by
seismic tomography and deep earthquake distributions;
- remnants of a Late Pliocene-Pleistocene volcanic arc are present South of Seram (Ambon; Priem et al. 1978,
Honthaas et al. 1999, Hammarstrom et al. 2013).

Figure VI.3.3. Block diagram with schematic regional S to N cross-sections, showing Seram as a separate
plate from the subducting Birds Head plate (O'Sullivan et al. 1985).

Deep marine marls as young as Early Pleistocene outcrop on Seram island and suggest about 2 km of
Pleistocene-Recent uplift in SW Seram (De Smet et al., 1989).

Oil has been produced from Plio-Pleistocene sands in NE Seram since 1897 (Bula Field), and is believed to be
sourced from Late Triassic bituminous shale. Much later oil was also discovered in fractured Late Triassic
limestones (Oseil field). Oils from surface seeps and the Oseil and Bula oil fields were sourced from Late
Triassic basinal limestones- calcareous shales, derived from Type II marine algae (no terestrial organic
material), deposited in anoxic conditions (Peters et al. 1999, Wahyudiono et al. 2018).

The geology of Buru Island shows very similar Triassic- Eocene stratigraphy to Seram but is in a less complex
tectonic setting (Wanner 1907, Hummel 1923, Tjokrosapoetro and Budhitrisna 1982, 1983, etc.)

Of particular interest is the presence of Late Triassic 'asphalt shale' in outcrops near Bara-Bai, rich in
ammonites and with 23% organic matter (Kossmat 1906, Von John 1906, Krumbeck 1913).

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 11 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

Suggested reading- Seram- Buru area (not a complete list of all relevant references)
Seram General, Tectonics Wanner 1907, 1923, Verbeek 1908, Brouwer 1919, Rutten and Hotz 1918-
1920, De Jong 1923, Rutten 1927, Germeraad 1946, Valk 1945,
Van der Sluis 1950, Audley-Charles and Carter 1977, Haile 1978,
Audley-Charles et al. 1979,Tjokrosapoetro and Budhitrisna 1982,
De Smet et al. 1989, Linthout et al. 1989, 1996, Kemp and Mogg 1992,
Sopaheluwakan et al. 1992, 1994, Supandjono 1994, O'Sullivan et al. 1985,
Hadiwisastra et al. 1996, Kemp et al. 1996, Monnier et al. 2003, Hill 2005,
Bachri 2011, Hill 2012, Pownall et al. 2013, 2014, 2015,2017, 2018,
North Seram fold-thrust belt Audley Charles and Carter 1977, Jongsma et al. 1989, Pairault et al. 2003,
Teas et al. 2009, Riadini et al. 2010, Darman and Reemst 2012,
Sapiie et al. 2012, 2013, Adlan et al. 2016, Patria and Hall 2017
Paleontology,stratigraphy Boehm 1905, 1908, 1910, Wanner 1907, 1928, 1949, Gerth 1909,
Deninger 1918, Fischer 1921, Krumbeck 1923, Welter 1923, Pia 1924,
Koch 1925, Jaworski 1927, Wilckens 1937, Wanner and Knipscheer 1951,
Al-Shaibani 1983, Pigram and Panggabean 1984,
Triassic limestone Wilckens 1937, Wanner et al. 1952, Kemp 1992, Al-Shaibaini et al. 1983,
1984, Martini et al. 2004, Charlton and Van Gorsel 2014
Oil field(s) Zillman and Paten 1975ab, Kemp 1992, Moyle et al. 2000,
Nilandaroe et al. 2001, Lapulisa et al. 2012
Source rocks, Oils Price et al. 1987, Peters et al. 1999, Adlan et al. 2018,
Wahyudiono et al. 2018

Buru Martin 1902, 1903, Kossmat 1906, Von John 1906, Wanner 1907, 1923,
Gerth 1910, Krumbeck 1913ab, Henny 1922, Hummel 1923,
Fortuin et al. 1988, Harahap 2002, Hakim and Harahap 2003,
Harahap and Poedjoprajitno 2006
Ambon Verbeek 1899, 1900, 1905, Boehm 1905, 1908, Brouwer 1925, 1927,
Jaworski 1927, Kuenen 1949, Priem et al. 1978, Menzie et al. 1997,
Honthaas et al. 1999, Hammarstrom et al. 2013.

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 12 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

VI.1. Halmahera, Bacan, Waigeo, Molucca Sea
Anderson, C.D. (1999)- Cenozoic motion of the Philippine Sea Plate; new paleomagnetic data from eastern
Indonesia. Masters Thesis, University of California at Santa Barbara, p. 1-164. (Unpublished
(Halmahera, Waigeo and other islands constitute largest land area of Philippine Sea Plate. New paleomagnetic
results from 24 sites. Halmahera region motion three segments: 0-25 Ma moved N and rotated 40° CW; no
rotation or latitude translation 25-40 Ma; 50° CW rotation and slight S-ward translation 40-50 Ma. Two
Cretaceous sites indicate another 90° CW rotation between ~73-50 Ma, but interpretation speculative)

Anonymous (1981)- Gag Island nickel outlook not promising. Mining Magazine 144, 4, p. 287-289.
(Study by Pacific Nickel of weathered ultrabasic laterite of Gag Island in N Moluccas suggests 160 Million
metric Tons of ore at 1.64% Nickel, 0.12% Cobalt, 37% Iron (BHP dropped Gag Island project in 2008))

Apandi, T. & D. Sudana (1980)- Geologic map of the Ternate Quadrangle, North Maluku, 1: 250,000. Geol.
Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung.
(Geologic map of central part of Halmahera, 1:250,000 scale. Includes large Pretertiary Ultrabasic complex,
overlain by Paleogene conglomerates with ultrabasic clasts, Paleogene limestone and younger Tertiary
sediments (in NE Halmahera ophiolite also overlain(?) by Upper Cretaceous sediments with Globotruncana))

Bader, A.G. (1997)- Deformation de la croute oceanique lors de la fermeture d'un bassin marginal. Exemple de
la Mer des Moluques (Philippines-Indonesie). Doct. Thesis Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris VI, p.
(Unpublished) ('Deformation of oceanic crust during the closing of a marginal basin. Example of the Molucca
Sea (Philippines-Indonesia).)

Bader, A.G. & M. Pubellier (2000)- Forearc deformation and tectonic significance of the ultramafic Molucca
Central Ridge, Talaud islands (Indonesia). The Island Arc 9, 4, p. 653-663.
(Molucca Sea basin S of Mindanao underlain by N-S ophiolitic ridge, representing outer ridge of Sangihe
subduction zone, and outcrops on Talaud Islands. Forearc sediments uncomformably on (1) dismembered
ophiolitic series and (2) thick melanges. Two deformation events. Earlier direction (N20°E) is thrusting event
affecting ophiolitic basement associated with edge of Celebes Sea. Incipient Sangihe subduction around 15 Ma
uplifted deformed crust and buried melanges beneath forearc sediments. Recent E-W shortening during
subduction of Snellius Plateau reactivated melanges within thrusts cutting forearc series)

Bader, A.G., M. Pubellier, C. Rangin, C. Deplus & R. Louat (1999)- Active slivering of oceanic crust along the
Molucca Ridge (Indonesia-Philippine): implication for ophiolite incorporation in a subduction wedge. Tectonics
18, 4, p. 606-620.
(online at: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/1999TC900004/epdf)
(Marine geophysical survey in N Molucca Sea shows structure of classic active convergent margin, from W to
E: Sangihe volcanic arc, Molucca Ridge forearc basin resting on outer ridge, accretionary wedge, and Snellius
Ridge- Philippine Sea composite downgoing plate. Strong negative gravity anomaly above wedge suggests
basement deepening and rupture of 700 km-long subducting lithosphere. S Snellius Ridge separated recently
from S Philippine Basin by incipient Philippine Trench, deforming forearc region with backthrusting)

Baillie, M.C. & G.C. Cock (2001)- Weda Bay nickel/cobalt project- resource definition and the development of
a project concept. Proc. Indonesia Mining Conf. Exhibition, Jakarta, p. 2B1-2B22.

Baker, S.J. (1997)- Isotopic dating and island arc development in the Halmahera region, Eastern Indonesia.
Ph.D. Thesis University of London, p. 1-316. (Unpublished)
(Halmahera area in zone of complex tectonics at junction between Eurasian margin, Philippine Sea and
Australian plates. Continental metamorphic rocks of probable Paleozoic age, derived from New Guinea, are
found on Bacan and Obi. Ophiolitic rocks from Halmahera, Obi, Gag are of Philippine Sea plate origin, formed
an intra-oceanic forearc-arc-backarc system of Jurassic age. Intrusives into ophiolitic rocks on Halmahera and
Obi two phases of arc-related plutonic activity in Middle to Late Cretaceous

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 13 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

Baker, S. & J. Malaihollo (1996)- Dating of Neogene igneous rocks in the Halmahera region: arc initiation and
development. In: R.Hall & D. Blundell (eds.) Tectonic evolution of Southeast Asia, Geol. Soc., London, Spec.
Publ. 106, p. 499-509.
(K-Ar ages of igneous rocks from Halmahera show history of intra-oceanic arc development since late M
Miocene, due to E-directed subduction of Molucca Sea plate under Philippine Sea plate. N-ward migration of
volcanic activity in Late Miocene- E Pliocene. Arc volcanism began around 11 Ma on Obi, with subduction
thought to have started around 15-17 Ma. No Neogene volcanism younger than 8 Ma in Obi area; on Bacan
volcanism ceased at 2 Ma. Late Pliocene crustal deformation caused 30-40 km W-ward shift of volcanic front.
Formation and propagation of Halmahera arc consequence of CW rotation of Philippine Sea plate)

Ballantyne, P. (1990)- The petrology of the ophiolitic basement rocks of eastern Halmahera, Indonesia. Ph.D.
Thesis, University of London, p. 1-263. (Unpublished)

Ballantyne, P. (1991)- Petrological constraints upon the provenance and genesis of the East Halmahera
ophiolite. J. Southeast Asian Earth Sci. 6, 3-4, p. 259-269.
(E Halmahera dismembered ophiolite petrology. Cumulus mineralogy comparable with cumulates of Papuan
and Marum ophiolites of New Guinea. Ophiolitic rocks formed in supra-subduction zone environment. Volcanic
rocks not abundant in E Halmahera, but distinct suites, of boninitic, island arc and oceanic island /seamount

Ballantyne, P. (1992)- Petrology and geochemistry of the plutonic rocks of the Halmahera ophiolite, eastern
Indonesia; an analogue of modern oceanic forearcs. In: L.M. Parson, B.J. Murton & P. Browning (eds.)
Ophiolites and their modern oceanic analogues, Geol. Soc., London, Spec. Publ. 60, p. 179-202.
(Halmahera ophiolite tectonically dismembered but all elements of complete ophiolite present, except sheeted
dyke complex. Ophiolite formed in supra-subduction zone setting before Late Cretaceous and interpreted to
represent forearc of Mesozoic arc whose remnants now found near margins of Philippine Sea Plate)

Ballantyne, P.D. & R. Hall (1990)- The petrology of the Halmahera Ophiolite, Indonesia; an early Tertiary
forearc. In: J. Malpas et al. (eds.) Ophiolites; oceanic crustal analogues, Proc. Symposium 'Troodos 1987', Geol.
Survey Cyprus, Nicosia, p. 461-475.

Bering, D. (1986)- The exploration of the Kaputusan copper-gold porphyry (Bacan Island, Northern Moluccas).
Federal Inst. Geosciences Natural Resources (BGR), Hannover, Report 099386, p. 1-140.
(Kaputusan copper-gold porphyry mineralization discovered on Bacan during joint Indonesian-German (BGR)
regional exploration program in late 1970's, with follow-up exploration work by BGR in 1983-1984. Hosted by
Miocene tonalite porphyry stocks)

Bessho, B. (1944)- Geology of the Halmahera islands. J. of Geography, Tokyo, 56, 6, p. 195-203.
(online at: www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jgeography1889/56/6/56_6_195/_pdf)
(In Japanese. Brief review of Halmahera geology, with one geologic map and cross-section))

Brata, K. (1989)- Petrography and provenance of Neogene sandstones of South Halmahera, East Indonesia.
M.Phil. Thesis, University of London, p. . (Unpublished)

Brouwer, H. (1921)- Geologische onderzoekingen op de Sangi-eilanden en op de eilanden Ternate en Pisang.

Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 49 (1920), Verhandelingen 2, p. 3-68.
('Geologic investigations on the Sangi islands and on the islands Ternate and Pisang'. Mainly descriptions of
various active volcanoes of Sanghi islands (Ruang, Tagoelandang, Makalehi, Mahengetang), Ternate and
Pisang (SE of Halmahera) islands)

Brouwer, H. (1923)- Geologische onderzoekingen op het eiland Halmaheira. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch
Oost-Indie 50 (1921), Verhandelingen 2, p. 5-72.

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 14 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

(‘Geological investigations on Halmaheira Island’. Includes thin section photos of deep marine U Cretaceous
Globotruncana limestones and shallow marine limestones of Eocene (Nummulites-Alveolina-Discocyclina) and
Miocene (Lepidocyclina) ages (forams brief description by Douville 1923 in same volume))

Brouwer, H. (1923)- Bijdrage tot de geologie van het eiland Batjan. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-
Indie, Verhandelingen 50 (1921), Verhandelingen 2, p. 73-106.
(‘Contribution to geology of the island of Bacan’. Bacan mostly schists and igneous rocks, including diorites,
gabbros, peridotites and andesites. Also Miocene Lepidocyclina limestone, associated with coal fragments)

Burgath, K., M. Mohr & W. Simanjuntak (1983)- New discoveries of blueschist metamorphism and mineral
occurrences in the Halmahera Gag ophiolite belt. Bull. Direct. Min. Res. Indonesia 13, 1, p. 1-19.

Carlile, J.C., G.R. Davey, I. Kadir, R.P. Langmead & W.J. Rafferty (1998)- Discovery and exploration of the
Gosowong epithermal gold deposit, Halmahera, Indonesia. J. Geochemical Exploration 60, 3, p. 207-227.
(Gosowong epithermal gold deposit low-sulphidation epithermal quartz vein in Halmahera Neogene magmatic
arc. Not much on geologic setting)

Chandra, J. & R. Hall (2016)- Tectono-stratigraphic evolution and hydrocarbon prospectivity of the South
Halmahera Basin, Indonesia. Proc. 40th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA16-46-G, 19p.
(S Halmahera Basin influenced by Cretaceous- Oligocene and Pleistocene arc history, collision with Australian
(New Guinea) continental margin in E Miocene from ~25 Ma, Neogene strike-slip faulting, etc. Rifting in Late
Eocene formed W-E backarc basin with Late Eocene terrestrial-marginal marine clastic sediments, followed by
limestone and deep marine turbidites. E Miocene arc-continent collision caused uplift and major unconformity
above which widespread Miocene limestones were deposited. Two sub-basins formed in late Neogene, a
response to formation of Halmahera volcanic arc to W and strike-slip movements along Sorong Fault Zone to S.
Oil seep from Halmahera and similarities to productive Salawati Basin suggest petroleum potential)

Charlton, T.R., R. Hall & E. Partoyo (1991)- The geology and tectonic evolution of Waigeo Island, NE
Indonesia. J. Southeast Asian Earth Sci. 6, 3-4, p. 289-297.
(Waigeo ophiolitic basement of possible Late Jurassic age, overlain by Paleogene forearc sediments. Basement
and sedimentary cover deformed by Late Oligocene S-directed thrusting, probably collision of arc with
continental block (New Guinea?))

Clark, L.V. (2012)- The geology and genesis of the Kencana epithermal Au-Ag deposit, Gosowong Goldfield,
Halmahera Island, Indonesia. Ph.D. Thesis University of Tasmania, p. 1-260.
(online at: https://eprints.utas.edu.au/17493/2/Whole-Clark-_thesis.pdf)
(Kencana Au-Ag low-sulfidation epithermal deposit in Neogene magmatic arc of Halmahera is 2002 discovery
in Gosowong goldfield on E side of NW arm of Halmahera, which is composed of four superimposed volcanic
arcs (subduction of Molucca Sea plate beneath Halmahera since Paleogene). Epithermal mineralization hosted
by U Miocene Gosowong Fm volcaniclastics andesitic flows and diorite intrusions. Andesite emplacement at
3.73 Ma followed by diorite intrusion at ~3.50 Ma. Epithermal mineralization with 40Ar/39Ar age of
hydrothermal adularia of ~2.93 Ma)

Clark, L.V. & J.B. Gemmell (2018)- Vein stratigraphy, mineralogy, and metal zonation of the Kencana low-
sulfidation epithermal Au-Ag deposit, Gosowong goldfield, Halmahera Island, Indonesia. Economic Geology
113, 1, p. 209-236.
(Kencana Au-Ag low-sulfidation epithermal deposit in Neogene magmatic arc of NW Arm of Halmahera, with
resource of 4 Moz Au. Part of the Gosowong Goldfield, with Gosowong and Toguraci deposits. NW arm of
Halmahera composed of four superimposed volcanic arcs. Epithermal mineralization in Pliocene Gosowong
Fm of volcaniclastic rocks, ignimbrites, andesitic flows and diorite intrusions. Andesite emplacement at 3.73
Ma followed by diorite intrusion at ~3.50 Ma. Kencana epithermal mineralization at ~ 2.93 Ma)

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 15 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

Clor, L.E., T.P. Fischer, D.R. Hilton, Z.D. Sharp & U. Hartono (2005)- Volatile and N isotope chemistry of the
Molucca Sea collision zone: tracing source components along the Sangihe Arc, Indonesia. Geochem. Geophys.
Geosystems 6, 3, 20p.
(online at: https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1029/2004GC000825)
(Volcanic gases from Sangihe Arc analyzed for trace chemistry and nitrogen isotope variations. Increased slab
contribution in northernmost arc, possibly by slab melting as collision stalls progress of subducting plate)

Cock, G.C. & J.E. Lynch (1999)- Discovery and evaluation of the Weda Bay nickel/ cobalt deposits, central
Halmahera, Indonesia. In: G. Weber (ed.) Proc. PACRIM '99 Congress, Australasian Inst. of Mining and
Metallurgy (AusIMM), Parkville, 4-99, p. 197-206.
(Weda Bay nickel- cobalt laterite deposits on Halmahera first drilled in 1996. Laterites have developed by
weathering over pre-Cretaceous serpentinised harzburgites and dunites)

Coupland, T., D. Sims, V. Singh, R. Benton, D. Wardiman & T. Carr (2009)- Understanding geological
variability and quantifying resource risk at the Kencana underground gold mine, Indonesia. Seventh Int. Mining
Geology Conference, Australasian Inst. Mining Metallurgy (AusAIMM), Melbourne, p. 169-186.
(Kencana underground gold mine on Halmahera with two large epithermal vein deposits. Rel. simple planar
geometry, dipping 25 to 45° to East and extend 400-600 m along strike and down dip. True width 1-20m)

Davey, G.R., J.C. Carlile, D.J. Olberg & R P, Langmead (1997)- Discovery of the Gosowong epithermal quartz-
adularia vein gold deposit, Halmahera, eastern Indonesia: In: Proc. New generation gold mines ’97 Conf., Perth,
Australian Mineral Foundation, p. 3.1-3.15.
(see also Carlile et al. 1998)

Di Leo, J.F., J. Wookey, J.O. Hammond, J.M. Kendall, S. Kaneshima, H. Inoue, J.M. Yamashina & P. Harjadi
(2012)- Deformation and mantle flow beneath the Sangihe subduction zone from seismic anisotropy. Physics
Earth Planetary Interiors 194-195, p. 38-54.
(Sangihe subduction zone is where Molucca Sea microplate is subducting W beneath Eurasian plate.
Anisotropic structure suggested by shear wave, probably caused by aligned cracks, possibly melt-filled beneath
the volcanic arc, and fossil anisotropy in overriding plate. Three regions of anisotropy: (1) within overriding
lithosphere, (2) along slab-wedge interface, (3) below subducting Molucca Sea slab)

Djaswadi, S., B. Tjahjono & T. Sudharto (1990)- Penjajagan mineral logam di Maluku Utara. Proc. 19th Ann.
Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Bandung, 1, p. 302-324.
('Metallic minerals exploration in the North Moluccas'. Rreview of deposits of copper (Obi, Bacan,
Halmahera), nickel (E Halmahera), chromite (E Halmahera), etc.)

Douville, H. (1923)- Sur quelques foraminiferes des Moluques orientales et de la Nouvelle Guinee. Jaarboek
Mijnwezen Nederlandsch-Indie 50 (1921), Verhandelingen 2, p. 107-116.
('On some foraminifera from the eastern Moluccas and from New Guinea'. Brief description of Eocene larger
forams in samples collected by Brouwer in Halmahera (Nummulites, Discocyclina, Alveolina), Roti (large
Nummulites, Discocyclina), Seram (E Miocene Lepidocyclina in breccia with reworked angular clasts of Upper
Cretaceous pelagic limestone), New Guinea, Kai Besar (rounded fragments of Eocene Lacazina in quartz
sandstone, etc. No location info)

Electricia, K.S., M.F. Rosana, E.T. Yuningsih, I. Syafri & S.N. Viqnoriva (2017)- Quartz vein infill structure
mode in Kencana deposit, Gosowong goldfield, Indonesia. Bull. Scientific Contr. (UNPAD) 15, 1, p. 35-44.
(online at: http://jurnal.unpad.ac.id/bsc/article/view/11743/pdf)
(Gosowong gold-siver mine on Halmahera is low sulphidation epithermal veining system, hosted in Quaternary
andesitic volcanics. Kencana epithermal vein system two main sub-parallel NW trending vein zones)

Evans, C.A., J.W. Hawkins & G.F. Moore (1983)- Petrology and geochemistry of ophiolitic and associated
volcanic rocks of the Talaud Islands, Molucca Sea collision zone, northeast Indonesia. In: T.W.C. Hilde & S.

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 16 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

Uyeda (eds.) Geodynamics of the western Pacific-Indonesian region, American Geophys. Union (AGU),
Geodynamic Series 11, p. 159-172.
(Much of Talaud islands tectonic melange with up to 5km wide blocks of ophiolite, preserving complete oceanic
crustal sections. Pillow basalts associated with bedded chert and pelagic limestones with Eocene radiolaria.
Miocene basaltic andesites not considered part of ophiolitic rocks.

Fiddin, T. & A. Hendratno (2012)- Karakteristik batuan ultrabasa di Pulau Halmahera, Provinsi Maluku Utara.
J. Teknik Geologi (UGM), 1, 4, 5p.
(online at: http://lib.geologi.ugm.ac.id/ojs/index.php/geo/article/view/18)
('Characteristics of ultrabasic rocks on Halmahera, North Moluccas'.Ultramafic rocks of Halmahera island
belong to dunite, harzburgite and serpentinite types. Chemically part of tholeiite series, low in K2O and high in
MgO, and formed in mid-ocean ridge setting (N-MORB), in depleted mantle ~60-80 km above upper mantle)

Finch, E.M. & S.J. Roberts (1993)- An integrated Tertiary biozonation scheme for the Halmahera region,
Eastern Indonesia. In: T. Thanasuthipitak (ed.) Int. Symposium Biostratigraphy of mainland Southeast Asia:
facies and paleontology (BIOSEA), Chiang Mai 1993, p. 455. (Abstract only)
(Outcrop samples from Halmahera includes E-M Eocene volcanoclastics. Late M Eocene (45 Ma) regional
unconformity, overlain by Late Eocene limestones and Oligocene volcanoclastics. Second regional
unconformity at ~25 Ma, marking arc-Australian continent collision. Halmahera arc initiated in Late Miocene)

Fitzpatrick, N., A. Harris, F. MacCorquodale & D. Wardiman (2015)- The Gosowong goldfield- a world-class
epithermal gold-silver district in Indonesia. In: Proc. PACRIM 2015 Congress, Hongkong, Australasian Inst. of
Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM), Melbourne, Publ. Ser. 2/2015, p. 235-242. (Extended Abstract)
(Gosowong epithermal Au-Ag deposits in NW arm of Halmahera discovered in 1994. With subsequent
brownfields discoveries reserves of >6 Moz Au. Main deposits named Gosowong, Toguraci and Kencana.
Epithermal mineralization in Pliocene andesitic-basaltic arc volcanics of Gosowong Fm (zircon ages 3.9-3.5
Ma) and Ar/Ar age for hydrothermal alteration of 2.9 Ma. Mineralisation in multistage veins, breccias and
stockwork veins. Four major types of hypogene alteration)

Flett, D., R. Hall & N. Wagimin (2011)- The geology and hydrocarbon potential of the Weda Bay area, S.W.
Halmahera, Eastern Indonesia. Proc. SE Asia Expl. Soc. (SEAPEX) Expl. Conf., Singapore 2011, Presentation
19, 31p.
(New seismic data over undrilled Weda Bay Basin, SE of Halmahera, indicates >7km of Tertiary sediment.
Source rocks believed to be present, with potential to generate oil and gas. Hydrocarbon expulsion features on
many lines. Basin flanks currently within oil and gas generative window. Potential play types both reefs and
stacked clastics in compressional structures)

Forde, E.J. (1997)- The geochemistry of the Neogene Halmahera Arc, Eastern Indonesia. Ph.D. Thesis
University of London, p. 1-268. (Unpublished)
(Halmahera arc is N-S intra-oceanic arc cutting across the islands of Halmahera and Bacan and is result of
eastward subduction of Molucca Sea Plate. K/Ar dating revealed migration of volcanism along length of
Halmahera arc. Oldest volcanics (~11 Ma) in S from Obi, where volcanism now extinct. To N in Bacan, ages
from 7 Ma- Quaternary, in C Halmahera from 6- 2 Ma. Volcanic rocks from Obi, C Halmahera and N Bacan
typical intra-oceanic arc lavas. Volcanic rocks from W and S Bacan suggest assimilation of continental
component and supports hypothesis of overthrusting of Philippine Sea Plate ophiolitic and Australian plate
continental material, due to collision in Early Miocene)

Gemmell, J.B. (2007)- Hydrothermal alteration associated with the Gosowong epithermal Au-Ag deposit,
Halmahera, Indonesia; mineralogy, geochemistry, and exploration implications. Economic Geology 102, 5, p.
(Gosowong epithermal Au-Ag deposit discovered in 1994 in NW arm Halmahera. Host rocks Miocene shallow
marine, intermediate-basic volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks of Gosowong Fm. 40Ar/39Ar dating of adularia
grains from vein zone yielded late Pliocene age (2.4-2.9 Ma))

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 17 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

Georgiades Bey, A. (1918)- Untersuchungen uber Eruptivgesteine der Insel Halmahera (Djilolo) im Archipel
der Molukken. Inaugural Dissertation University of Zurich, p. 1-46. (Unpublished)
('Investigations of volcanic rocks of Halmahera Island (Djilolo) in the Moluccas Archipelago'. Petrographic
study of basalts, diorites, trachydolerites, andesites, etc., collected by E. Gogarten in Halmahera. Little or no
locality information. First geologic thesis by student from Turkey; Sengor 1988)

Gogarten, E. (1918)- Geologie van Noord-Halmahera; voorlopige mededeeling. Verhandelingen Geologisch-

Mijnbouwkundig Genootschap Nederland Kol., Geol. Serie 2, p. 267-280.
(‘Geology of North Halmahera, preliminary communication’. Summary of 1911 geological reconnaissance
along N coast of Halmahera. Not very useful, except for presence of belemnite in sandstone at SE Morotai
island (but fossil lost in transport to Germany))

Gogarten, E. (1918)- Die Vulkane der nordlichen Molukken. Zeitschrift Vulkanologie 4, p. 211-305.
('The volcanoes of the northern Moluccas')

Hakim, A.S. (1989)- Tertiary volcanic rocks from the Halmahera Arc, Indonesia: petrology, geochemistry and
low temperature alteration. M.Phil. Thesis, University of London, p. 1-292. (Unpublished)

Hakim, A.S. & R. Hall (1991)- Tertiary volcanic rocks from the Halmahera arc. J. Southeast Asian Earth Sci. 6,
3-4, p. 271-287.
(onine at: http://searg.rhul.ac.uk/pubs/hakim_hall_1991_halmahera.pdf)
(In W Halmahera Arc Quaternary and Late Neogene andesites and subordinate basalts. Probably no arc
volcanic activity during most of Miocene: Neogene volcanic arc initiated at beginning of Late Miocene by E-
ward subduction of Molucca Sea Plate at Halmahera Trench. Basalts of Oha Fm in SW belt older than Late
Miocene (Late Cretaceous-Eocene suspecte) and probably products of Late Mesozoic or E Tertiary subduction
within Pacific, evolved by olivine, plagioclase and clinopyroxene fractionation. With extensive sub-greenschist
facies alteration reflecting deep burial and/or high heat flows, producing zeolites, chlorites, smectites etc.)

Hall, R. (1987)- Plate boundary evolution in the Halmahera Region, Indonesia. Tectonophysics 144, p. 337-352.
(online at: http://searg.rhul.ac.uk/pubs/hall_1987%20Plate%20boundaries%20Halmahera.pdf)
(Halmahera stratigraphy links to E Philippines and records history of Molucca Sea subduction. Halmahera- E
Mindanao basement part of Late Cretaceous-E Tertiary arc and forearc and part of single plate since Late
Eocene- E Oligocene. No evidence of Oligo-Miocene arc: Pliocene arc on E Tertiary arc basement. Arc
volcanism ceased briefly in Pleistocene and shifted W after deformation episode. Present arc built on deformed
Pliocene arc. Diachronous collision at W edge Philippine Sea Plate which began in Mindanao in Late Miocene
impeded Philippine Sea Plate movement and further motion achieved by strike-slip along Philippine Fault,
subduction at Philippine Trench and subduction of Molucca Sea lithosphere under Halmahera)

Hall, R. (1999)- Neogene history of collision in the Halmahera region, Indonesia. Proc. 27th Ann. Conv. Indon.
Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, G014, 8p.
(Molucca Sea Plate almost entirely subducted remnant of double subduction system, with Sangihe Arc in W,
Halmahera Arc in E. In N Molucca Sea Halmahera Arc entirely overridden by Sangihe forearc, and in few
million years time entire Halmahera arc may have disappeared)

Hall, R., J.R. Ali & C.D. Anderson (1995)- Cenozoic motion of the Philippine Sea plate: palaeomagnetic
evidence from eastern Indonesia. Tectonics 14, p. 1117-1132.
(online at:
(New paleomagnetic data N and S of Sorong Fault record S-ward movement in Eocene and N-ward movement
in Neogene. All sites N of Sorong Fault (Halmahera- Kasiruta- Waigeo) clockwise declinations. Neogene rocks
small deflections, Oligocene- M Eocene rocks clockwise declination deflections of ~40°. Declinations of lower
Eocene rocks indicate ~90° of CW rotation. Sorong Fault originated after Australia- Philippine Sea plate
collision at ~25 Ma. Area N of Sorong Fault always part of Philippine Sea Plate)

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 18 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

Hall, R., J.R. Ali, C.D. Anderson & S.J. Baker (1995)- Origin and motion history of the Philippine Sea Plate.
Tectonophysics 251, p. 229-250.
(Halmahera-Waigeo good Mesozoic- Tertiary stratigraphic record indicating long arc history for S part of
plate. Regional unconformities in Middle Eocene and base Miocene (~25 Ma))

Hall, R., M.G. Audley-Charles, F.T. Banner, S. Hidayat & S.L. Tobing (1988)- The basement rocks of the
Halmahera region, eastern Indonesia: a Late Cretaceous-Early Tertiary arc and fore-arc. J. Geol. Soc. London
145, p. 65-84.
(W Halmahera active volcanic arc. E Halmahera basement dismembered ophiolites with slices of Mesozoic and
Eocene sediments, unconformably overlain by M Oligocene and younger sediments and volcanics. Mesozoic-
Eocene sediments similar to Marianas fore-arc. E Halmahera basement interpreted as pre-Oligocene fore-arc
lacking accretionary complex. Mesozoic- Tertiary sediments imbricated with igneous and metamorphic rocks
represent deeper parts of fore-arc during Late Eocene plate reorganization. S Bacan basement continental
metamorphic rocks associated with deformed ophiolitic complex, different from E Halmahera. Metamorphic
rocks interpreted to be part of N Australian continental margin basement, separated from Halmahera by splay
of Sorong Fault system. Deformed ophiolite complex of Bacan may represent magmatism in fault zone)

Hall, R., M.G. Audley-Charles, F.T. Banner, S. Hidayat & S.L. Tobing (1988)- Late Palaeogene- Quaternary
geology of Halmahera, Eastern Indonesia: initiation of a volcanic island arc. J. Geol. Soc. London 145, p. 577-
(Halmahera rel. complete M Oligocene- Recent sedimentary section unconformable on ophiolitic complex,
part of Late Cretaceous- E Tertiary forearc. After volcanic arc activity ceased in Eocene, former fore-arc
terrane uplifted and eroded in Late Paleogene. Clasts of Eocene reefal limestone with Discocyclina in
?Oligocene- E. Miocene Jawati conglomerate. Widespread Late Oligocene- Miocene carbonates. No evidence
of arc volcanism in C Halmahera between Eocene and Pliocene. Oligo-Miocene volcanism in nearby regions
interpreted as related to Sorong Fault system. Rapid subsidence in E Pliocene (tied to initiation of subduction
of Molucca Sea) lead to basinal marls deposition, followed by siliciclastic turbidites with increasing amounts
of calc-alkaline volcanic debris from W Halmahera Pliocene arc. Deformation in Pleistocene at junction of E
and W Halmahera. Third Halmahera arc (Quaternary) active in N part of the islands since 1 Ma)

Hall, R., P.D. Ballantyne, A.S. Hakim & G.J. Nichols (1996)- Basement rocks of Halmahera, eastern Indonesia:
implications for the early history of the Philippine Sea. In: G.P. & A.C. Salisbury (eds.) Trans. 5th Circum-
Pacific Energy and Mineral Resources Conference, Honolulu 1990, Gulf Publishing, Houston, p. 301-317.
(Oldest rocks on Halmahera are 'supra-subduction zone' ophiolites, overlain by Late Cretaceous and Eocene
arc volcanics and sediments. Late Cretaceous- Eocene age plutonic rocks intrude ophiolites. Shallow marine
Eocene limestones unconformably overlain by Neogene sediments. Halmahera basement many similarities to
submarine plateaus and ridges of Philippine Sea and E Philippines basement terranes, suggesting existence of
extensive Late Cretaceous and Eocene volcanic arc(?) systems on Mesozoic ophiolitic basement)

Hall, R., M. Fuller, J.R. Ali & C.D. Anderson (1995)- The Philippine Sea plate: magnetism and reconstructions.
In: B. Taylor & J.H. Natland (eds.) Active margins and marginal basins: a synthesis of Western Pacific drilling
results, American Geophys. Union (AGU) Monogr. 88, p. 371-404.
(online at:
(Paleomagnetic results from ocean drilling and from land on Philippine Sea Plate indicate progressive N-ward
translation of plate during Tertiary. ODP Leg 126 showed large CW declination shifts of up to -90° since E
Oligocene. Similar large declination shifts at land sites at E margin of plate, similar changes in inclination as
ocean drilling sites, and explained as result of entire plate rotation, marginal basin opening, and/or local
tectonic deformation at plate edge. Propose plate rotated clockwise since E Tertiary by 5.5° between 0- 5 Ma,
34° between 5- 25 Ma, 50° between 40-50 Ma)

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 19 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

Hall, R. & G.J. Nichols (1990)- Terrane amalgamation in the Philippine Sea margin. Tectonophysics 181, p.
(Philippine Sea plate includes plateaus of thickened crust, separated by thinner oceanic crust. Arrival of
plateaus at subducting SW margin of Philippine Sea plate caused Philippine Trench to propagate S-ward in
increments and caused transfer of terranes to Philippine margin. New data from the Halmahera region indicate
plate boundaries strongly influenced by heterogeneous character of Philippine Sea plate. At present the
Philippine Trench terminates at oceanic plateau which is structurally continuous with old forearc and ophiolite
terrane on Halmahera. Position of this terrane caused Philippine Sea plate- Eurasia convergence to be
transferred from subduction at Philippine Trench to Molucca Sea Collision Zone through NE-SW dextral
transpressional zone across Halmahera)

Hall, R. & G. Nichols (1991)- Exploration in basins of the western Pacific margin: reducing the risk. In: J.W.
Cosgrave & M.E. Jones (eds.) Neotectonics and resources, Belhaven Press, London, p. 243-256.
(Mainly on Halmahera geology)

Hall, R., G. Nichols, P. Ballantyne, T. Charlton & J. Ali (1991)- The character and significance of basement
rocks of the southern Molucca Sea region. J. Southeast Asian Earth Sci. 6, p. 249-258.
(Pre-Neogene basement rocks in S Molucca Sea region include ophiolitic rocks, arc volcanics and continental
rocks. Ophiolitic complexes, interpreted as oldest parts of Philippine Sea Plate, overlain by U Cretaceous and
Eocene sediments and volcanics. Plutonic rocks of island arc origin intruding ophiolites yield Late Cretaceous
radiometric ages; amphibolites with ophiolitic protoliths yield Eocene ages. Ophiolites speculated to have
originated during mid-Cretaceous plate reorganization. Late Cretaceous-Paleogene arc volcanics in basement
of Morotai, W Halmahera and Bacan overlain by shallow water Eocene limestones and Oligocene rift sequence
with basaltic pillow lavas and volcaniclastic turbidites. Mid Eocene-Oligocene extension synchronous with
opening of central W Philippine Basin)

Hammarstrom, J.M., B.T. Setiabudi, D.N. Sunuhadi, G.R. Robinson, C.L. Dicken, S. Ludington, A.A.
Bookstrom & M.L. Zientek (2013)- Porphyry copper assessment for Tract 142pCu7202, Halmahera Arc, North
Molucca Islands- Indonesia. In: J.M. Hammarstrom et al., Porphyry copper assessment of Southeast Asia and
Melanesia, U.S. Geol. Survey, Scient. Invest. Rep. 2010-5090-D, Appendix K, p. 175-185.
(online at: http://pubs.usgs.gov/sir/2010/5090/d/sir2010-5090d_text.pdf)
(Assessment of porphyry copper deposits in ~400 km long Neogene Halmahera island arc, along western parts
of Morotai, Halmahera, Bacan, Obi, etc. With Kaputusan porphyry copper deposit on Bacan (with 77 Mt at
0.33% copper and 0.25 g/t gold; exact age unknown))

Handayani, L. (2004)- Seismic tomography constraints on reconstructing the Philippine Sea plate and its
margin. Ph.D. Thesis Texas A&M University, College Station, p. 1-144.
(online at: http://txspace.tamu.edu/bitstream/1969.1/1497/1/etd-tamu-2004C-GEOP-Handaya.pdf)
(High velocity mantle anomalies coincident with Wadati-Benioff zones. N-ward movement of Philippine Sea
Plate, WNW subduction of Pacific Plate since Eocene (~50 Ma), and N-ward subduction of Indian/ Australian
Plate best explain subducted slab anomalies. E plate boundary originated as transform zone that evolved into
subduction zone a few million years before Pacific Plate movement change. Initiation of this subduction zone
may be one of triggers of Pacific Plate motion changes. 90° rotation of Philippine Sea Plate suggested in Hall
(2002) reconstruction not supported by slab distribution beneath Philippine Sea region. Minimal rotation of
Philippine Sea Plate assumed in reconstruction model)

Hanyu, T., J. Gill, Y. Tatsumi, J.I. Kimura, K. Sato, Q. Chang, R. Senda, T. Miyazaki, Y. Hirahara, T.
Takahashi & I. Zulkarnain (2012)- Across- and along-arc geochemical variations of lava chemistry in the
Sangihe arc: various fluid and melt slab fluxes in response to slab temperature. Geochem. Geophys. Geosystems
13, 10, Q10021, p. 1-27.
(online at: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2012GC004346/epdf)
(Sangihe oceanic arc N of NE Sulawesi 500km long, with >25 Quaternary volcanoes. Is W half of active arc-
arc collision. In S arc, volcanic front lavas enriched in fluid-mobile elements, while rear arc lavas more
enriched in melt-mobile elements. Proportion of sediment versus altered oceanic crust in slab component only

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 20 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

∼20% but larger than other arcs in W Pacific, suggesting more subduction of thick sediments in narrowing
Molucca Sea. Lavas from dormant N Sangihe arc similar to Quaternary rear arc rather than Quaternary
volcanic front lavas in S arc, possibly related to advanced collision in N arc that could have slowed subduction)

Hartadi, E.T., R. Mjos, S.I. Midtbo, P.T. Allo, G. Toxopeus, S. Hay, N. Pickard et al. (2013)- Early insights into
the exploration of the Halmahera Basin, East Indonesia. Proc. 37th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA),
Jakarta, IPA13-G-092, p. 1-6.
(Preliminary results of geologic fieldwork on islands bordering S and E rim of Halmahera II basin prior to
drilling (Kofiau, Boo, Klaarbeck; compared to other islands and sole exploration well in area, Bantanta A-1x))

Hase, T., K. Yonezu, T. Tindell, Syafrizal & K. Watanabe (2015)- Mineralization characteristics of the Kencana
deposit, Gosowong mining area, Halmahera, Indonesia. Proc. IGC 2015 (2nd Int. Conf. and 1st Joint Conf. Fac.
Geology Universitatas Padjadjaran and Fac. Sci. Nat. Res. University Malaysia Sabah), p. 205-212.
(online at: http://seminar.ftgeologi.unpad.ac.id/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Mineralization-Characteristics-of-
(Gosowong gold mining area in N-C Halmahera with three deposits: Gosowong (1994), Togurachi (2000) and
Kencana (2003). Kencana deposit three veins in Neogene andesites of Halmahera volcanic arc; classified as
low-sulfidation Au-Ag epithermal deposit with chalcopyrite, electrum, Au-Ag-Te minerals, galena, sphalerite)

Jaffe, L.A., D.R. Hilton, T.P. Fischer & U. Hartono (2004)- Tracing magma sources in an arc-arc collision
zone: Helium and carbon isotope and relative abundance systematics of the Sangihe Arc, Indonesia. Geochem.,
Geoph. Geosystems, AGU, 5, 4, p. 1-17.
(Sangihe Arc presently colliding with Halmahera Arc in NE Indonesia, forming only extant example of arc-arc
collision zone. He and C data suggest variations in primary magma source characteristics along strike of arc,
which may be caused by greater volumes of sediment subduction in N, variability in subducted sediment
composition, or enhanced slab-derived fluid/melt production. Northern volcanoes high contribution of CO2
from carbonate associated with subducting slab)

Kanig, M., T. Soeprapto & G. Friedrich (1990)- Die Bindungsformen von Si, Mg, Fe, Al, Mn, Cr, Ni und Co in
Saprolit und Laterit uber Serpentinit, Insel Gebe, Indonesien. Issue Zeitsch. Pflanzenernahrung und
Bodenkunde 153, 6, p. 425-431.
('The fixation of Si, Mg, Fe, Al, Mn, Cr, Ni and Co in saprolite and laterite above serpentinite, Gebe island,
Indonesia' Gebe Island part of Halmahera group. In laterite, most of extractable Si, Al, Cr and Ni bound to
goethitic Fe-hydroxide. In saprolite and laterite Co bound to Mn-oxides)

Kraeff, A. (1954)- De geologie van de chrysotiel- asbest voorkomens van de Oost-arm van Halmaheira.
Djawatan Geologi, Bandung. Report K54-1, p. 1-40. (Unpublished)
(‘The geology of chrysotile-asbestos occurrences in the East Arm of Halmahera’)

Kuenen, P.H. (1932)- Een geologische verkenningstocht op Morotai. Tropisch Nederland 5, 18, p. 275-283.
('A geological reconnaissance on Morotai'. Notes on 1930 trip to Morotai Island N of Halmahera by geologist
of Snellius Expedition. W coast rocks mainly composed of old volcanic rocks with enclosed blocks of limestone.
Mainly travelog, not much on geology)

Kuenen, P.H. (1933)- Een geologische verkenningstocht op Morotai- II (Slot). Tropisch Nederland 5, 19, p.
('A geological reconnaissance on Morotai- part 2 of 2'. Notes on 1930 trip to Morotai. No geology.

Kusnama (1989)- Petrography and provenance of Neogene sandstones of South Halmahera, East Indonesia.
M.Phil. Thesis, University of London, p. (Unpublished)

Kusnama (2008)- Karakteristik batubara daerah Patani, Halmahera Timur, Maluku Utara. Proc. 37th Ann. Conv.
Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Bandung, 1, p. 745-760.

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 21 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

('Characteristics of coal in the Patani area, E Halmahera, N Moluccas'. Around 1m thick Paleocene coals in
Dorosagu Fm of Patani area in two blocks: Paniti Blocks autochthonous coal with vitrinite reflectance Rv 0.42-
0.54%; Bicoli Block allochthonous deltaic coal deposits with clay partings and average Rv 0.36- 0.43)

Kusnama & D. Sukarna (1996)- The provenance of Neogene sandstones South Halmahera, East Indonesia. Bull.
Geol. Res. Dev. Center, Bandung, p. 181-201.
(Two provenance areas in Late Neogene Weda Group: in W mainly derived from andesitic volcanics, in E
mainly foraminiferal limestones?. With 3 paleogeographic maps for Late Miocene, E Pliocene, Late Pliocene)

Kusworo, A., L.D. Santy & A.J. Widiatama (2017)- Karakteristik ichnofosil pada endapan turbidit karbonat-
silisiklastik Formasi Weda, Pulau Halmahera. Proc. Joint Conv. HAGI-IAGI-IAFMI-IATMI (JCM 2017),
Malang, 5p.
('Characteristics of ichnofossil in carbonate-siliciclastic deposits of the Weda Formation, Halmahera Island'.
Two deep marine trace fossils associations in 60m of Late Miocene Weda Fm turbiditic series in Lili River:
Thalassinoides and Zoophycos-Chondrites)

Lallemand, S.E., M. Popoff, J.P. Cadet, A.G. Bader, M. Pubellier, C. Rangin, & B. Deffontaines (1998)-
Genetic relations between the central and southern Philippine Trench and the Sangihe Trench. J. Geophysical
Research 103, p. 933-950.
(On junction between C and S Philippine Trench and Sangihe Trench near 6°N. Model favors N extension of
Halmahera Arc up to 8°N, with three segments offset left-laterally along NW-SE transform faults. Accretion of
N segment to Mindanao Island at 4-5 Ma resulted in failure in Philippine Sea Plate. Sangihe deformation front
recognized up to 7°N, but seems active only S of 6°N)

MacPherson, C.G., E.J. Forde, R. Hall & M.F. Thirlwall (2003)- Geochemical evolution of magmatism in an
arc-arc collision; the Halmahera and Sangihe Arcs, eastern Indonesia. In: R.D. Larter & P.T. Leat (eds.) Intra-
oceanic subduction systems; tectonic and magmatic processes, Geol. Soc. London, Spec. Publ. 219, p. 207-220.
(Molucca Sea Collision Zone site of collision of two active subduction systems. Both Halmahera subduction
zone in E and Sangihe zone in W have subducted oceanic Molucca Sea Plate, now consumed. Both volcanic
arcs active since Neogene and show increased evidence for sediment recycling as collision progressed)

Malaihollo, J.F.A. (1993)- The geology and tectonics of the Bacan region, East Indonesia. Ph.D. Thesis
University of London, p. 1-406. (Unpublished)

Malaihollo, J.F.A. & R. Hall (1996)- The geology and tectonic evolution of the Bacan region, East Indonesia.
In: R. Hall & D.J. Blundell (eds.) Tectonic evolution of SE Asia, Geol. Soc. London, Spec. Publ. 106, p. 483-
(Bacan near convergence Eurasian, Philippine Sea and Australian plates. Old? Sibela metamorphics with
young isotope ages juxtaposed against Sibela ophiolite with Cretaceous isotope age with Oligocene-Miocene
overprint. N Bacan oldest rocks low metamorphic U Eocene Bacan Fm arc volcanics and turbiditic
volcaniclastics. Similar Lower Miocene sequence in S Bacan. Major Lower Miocene (~22 Ma) unconformity,
representing Australian continent- Philippine Sea plate collision, overlain by shallow marine E-M Miocene
limestones with interbeds of Amasing Fm volcaniclastic sands. U Miocene- Pleistocene Kaputusan Fm arc
andesites from four eruption centres, shallow marine pyroclastic rocks and fringing coastal reef limestones.
Volcanic rocks produced by E-ward subduction of Molucca Sea plate. Quaternary basalts related to movement
along Sorong fault. Most of Bacan part of Philippine Sea plate since Cretaceous. Evidence for continental crust
of Australian origin in Bacan area by E Miocene)

Matsuoka, K. (1981)- Dinoflagellate cysts and pollen in pelagic sediments of the northern part of the Philippine
Sea. Bull. Fac. Liberal Arts, Nagasaki University Natural Science 21, 2, p. 59-70.

McCaffrey, R. (1982)- Lithospheric deformation within the Molucca Sea arc-arc collision- evidence from
shallow and intermediate earthquake activity. J. Geophysical Research 87, p. 3663-3678.

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 22 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

(Local earthquake survey in Molucca Sea arc-arc collision zone. Concentration of earthquake foci in 10- 50km
depth range in limited region under Talaud-Mayu Ridge suggests convergence between arcs proceeds by
shortening within basement of intervening Molucca Sea plate)

McCaffrey, R. (1983)- Seismic-wave propagation beneath the Molucca Sea arc-arc collision zone, Indonesia.
Tectonophysics 96, p. 45-57.

McCaffrey, R. (1991)- Earthquakes and ophiolite emplacement in the Molucca Sea collision zone, Indonesia.
Tectonics 10, 2, p. 433-453.
(Earthquakes indicate high-angle (30-60°) thrust faults beneath Talaud-Mayu Ridge in Central Molucca Sea,
penetrating at least 15 km into upper mantle and elevate pieces of crust and upper mantle at rapid rate. These
pieces likely include thick ophiolites detached from Molucca Sea lithosphere. High seismic activity consistent
with Molucca Sea accommodating much of Philippine-Eurasian convergence)

McCaffrey, R., E.A. Silver & R.W. Raitt (1980)- Crustal structure of the Molucca Sea collision zone, Indonesia.
In: D.E. Hayes (ed.) The tectonic and geologic evolution of Southeast Asian seas and islands 1, American
Geophys. Union (AGU), Geophys. Monograph 23, p. 161-178.
(online at: http://web.pdx.edu/~mccaf/pubs/mccaffrey_mol_sea_agu_1980.pdf)
(Scripps 1976-1977 Molucca Sea seismic refraction profiles showing thick low-velocity collision complex.
Gravity models suggest steep upthrusted (up to 6 km) oceanic basement slab under Talaud- Mayu Ridge)

Micklethwaite, S., S. Feig, T. Falloon & S. Meffre (2012)- Subduction polarity reversal, complex slab
interactions and rapid changes to arc extension: Halmahera island arc, Indonesia. In: Cause and effects of
deformation in the lithosphere, Specialists Group in Tectonics and Structural Geology (SGTSG) Conf., Waratah
Bay, Geol. Soc. Australia, v. 102, p. 89. (Abstract only)
(Active island arc of Halmahera located at polarity reversal between subducting Molucca and Philippines Sea
Plates. Majority of active volcanic arc tied to subducting Molucca Sea Plate but in N arm of Halmahera arc
diverges towards tip of Philippines subduction zone. Thrust faulting of Oligocene- Miocene rocks in S and C
Halmahera, but not in N. Pliocene volcanism when subduction of Philippines Sea Plate initiated and interacted
with subducting Molucca Sea Plate, also leading to high-grade epithermal gold deposits at Gosowong)

Micklethwaite, S. & D. Silitonga (2011)- Transient kinematic changes in epithermal systems: Toguraci deposit,
Halmahera. In: Proc. 11th Biennial Conf. SGA, Townsville 2011, p.
(On Late Pliocene epithermal vein systems in Toguraci Au-Ag deposit of Gosowong goldfield, N Halmahera.
Host rocks bimodal basaltic to andesitic volcanic lavas, volcaniclastics and diorites with zircon U-Pb isotopic
ages of ~3.1-3.7 Ma. Epithermal mineralisation dated as 2.8-2.9 Ma)

Milsom, J., R. Hall & T. Padmawidjaja (1996)- Gravity fields in eastern Halmahera and the Bonin Arc;
implications for ophiolite origin and emplacement. Tectonics 15, 1, p. 84-93.
(Classic large ophiolite bodies generally associated with large gravity anomalies. No large anomalies in
ophiolitic fragmented terranes like E Halmahera-Waigeo terrane. Ophiolites probably Jurassic age and
associated with Cretaceous- M Eocene island arc volcanics. Crust at least 20km thick, probably thickening in
intra-oceanic island arc. Waigeo also has Oligocene volcanoclastics)

Milsom, J., L. Parson, D. Massom, G. Nichols, N. Sikumbang & B. Dwiyanto (1996)- Tectonics of the Palau-
Halmahera- Waigeo triangle. In: G.P. & A.C. Salisbury (eds.) Trans. 5th Circum-Pacific Energy and Mineral
Resources Conference, Honolulu 1990, Gulf Publishing, Houston, p. 385-395.
(Region E of Halmahera occupied by number of blocks of thickened island-arc crust and regions of deeper
water underlain by oceanic crust. Geological history still obscure. East Philippine Sea Arc formed in Eocene;
had E-W strike in Oligocene, now N-S alignment after rotation of Philippine Sea Plate. In earliest Miocene, a
second arc terrane, wich also included Eocene volcanics, welded onto New Guinea which at that time was
2000km S of present position)

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 23 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

Moore, G.F., D. Kadarisman, C.A. Evans & J.W. Hawkins (1981)- Geology of the Talaud Islands, Molucca Sea
collision zone, northeast Indonesia. J. Structural Geol. 3, p. 467-475.
(Talaud Islands at N margin of collision zone between Sangihe and Halmahera island arc systems. Oldest rock
units are dismembered ophiolites and Early Miocene(?) tectonic melange with blocks of serpentinite, M Eocene
radiolarian chert, etc. Overlain by folded, W-verging M Miocene-Pleistocene marine sediments)

Moore, G.F., D. Kadarisman & Sukamto (1980)- New data on the geology of the Talaud Islands, Molucca Sea.
Bull. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre 13, p. 5-12.
(Talaud islands at N end of Molucca Sea with E-dipping slabs of ophiolite in tectonic melange, associated with
M Eocene cherts and limestones. Overlain by moderately deformed, very deep marine M Miocene- Pliocene
sediments. Talaud ophiolites interpreted as fragments of Eocene or older oceanic crust and mantle, emplaced
into forearc terrane in Early Miocene. Talaud Island block uplifted >2000m since Pliocene)

Moore, G.F. & E.A. Silver (1983)- Collision processes in the northern Molucca Sea. In: D.E. Hayes (ed.) The
tectonic and geologic evolution of Southeast Asian seas and islands 2, American Geophys. Union (AGU),
Geophys. Monograph 27, p. 360-372.
(Collision zone between two facing island arcs. W Mindanao Arc collided in mid-Tertiary with E Mindanao
Arc. Thick sediments, presently being deformed in Molucca Sea collision zone, eroded from New Guinea and
Halmahera in S and from collision zone in Mindanao. Substantial strike-slip motion during collision. Two new
subduction zones at Cotabato and Philippine trenches are propagating S-ward)

Morrice, M.G. (1982)- Mineralogy, petrology and geochemistry of the Sangihe Arc; volcanism accompanying
arc- arc collision in the Molucca Sea, Indonesia. Ph.D. Thesis University of California, Santa Cruz, p. 1-363.

Morrice, M.G. & J.B. Gill (1986)- Spatial patterns in the mineralogy of island-arc-magma series-Sangihe-Arc,
Indonesia. J. Volcanology Geothermal Res. 29, p. 311-353.
(500km long Sangihe arc is W part of two colliding arcs in NE Indonesia. Andesites dominate. Plagioclase
basalts at S volcanic front evolve to two-pyroxene andesites. Augite basalts behind volcanic front and to N
where collision more complete, evolve to hornblende andesites. Percentage of mantle fusion highest at S
volcanic front)

Morrice, M.G., P.A. Jezek, J.B. Gill, D.J. Whitford & M. Monoarfa (1983)- An introduction to the Sangihe arc:
volcanism accompanying arc-arc collision in the Molucca Sea, Indonesia. J. Volcanology Geothermal Res. 19,
p. 135-165.
(In Molucca Sea region Sangihe and Halmahera arcs presently colliding (earth's only example of collision
between facing volcanic arcs). Collision more advanced in N Molucca Sea where back-arc thrusting occurs
along Cotobato and Philippine trenches and volcanic centers are inactive and dissected. Sangihe Arc ~500 km
long, from NE tip of Sulawesi to Mindanao, Philippines, with 25 Quaternary volcanic centers. Active volcanic
belt 70 km wide, 100-180 km above top of W-dipping Benioff zone. Rockes range from basalt to rhyolite, mainly
andesites. Tholeiitic suites confined to S volcanic front. Calcalkaline suites throughout arc. S to N increase in
LIL-elements without corresponding changes in Sr-isotopes interpreted as decreasing partial melting N-ward)

Morris, J.D., P.A. Jezek, S.R. Hart & J.B. Gill (1983)- The Halmahera island arc, Molucca Sea collision zone,
Indonesia: a geochemical survey. In: D.E. Hayes (ed.) The tectonic and geologic evolution of Southeast Asian
seas and islands, 2, American Geophys. Union (AGU), Geophys. Monograph 27, p. 373-387.
(W Halmahera volcanic arc above 45° E-dipping Benioff zone, present down to 230 km. Three regions with
distinct chemistry and tectonic setting. Most volcanoes part of calc-alkaline oceanic segment. Continental suite
on Bacan reflects intersection of oceanic arc with continental fragment. Origin of alkaline rocks on inactive
volcanic islands along Sorong Fault zone unclear)

Nichols, G.S. & R. Hall (1991)- Basin formation and Neogene sedimentation in a backarc setting, Halmahera,
eastern Indonesia. Marine Petroleum Geol. 8, p. 50-61.
(Halmahera Basin formed by subsidence of thickened crust of imbricated Mesozoic-Paleogene arc and
ophiolite rocks. In Miocene basement complex formed thickened crust on which reef and reef-associated

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 24 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

sediments were deposited, similar to Philippine Sea Plate plateaux and ridges. Late Miocene convergence
between Philippine Sea Plate- Eurasian margin resulted in formation of Halmahera Trench to W. Subduction of
Molucca Sea Plate at trench caused development of volcanic island arc. Subsidence in back-arc area produced
sedimentary basin filled by clastics eroded from arc and uplifted basement and cover rocks. Basin asymmetric,
thickest sediments on W side, against volcanic arc. Halmahera Basin modified by Plio-Pleistocene E-W
compression as Molucca Sea Plate was eliminated by subduction).

Nichols, G., R. Hall, J. Milsom, D. Masson, L. Parson, N. Sikumbang, B. Dwiyanto & H. Kallagher (1990)-
The southern termination of the Philippine Trench. Tectonophysics 183, p. 289-303.
(Philippine Trench in process of propagating S and some of ESE-WNW convergence is transferred via broad
NE-SW zone of dextral strike-slip across N Halmahera into Molucca Sea Collision Zone. E Halmahera-Waigeo
Ophiolite Terrane area of shallow water and islands underlain by ophiolitic basement between Halmahera and
Sorong Fault Zone. Halmahera is in diffuse boundary zone at margin of Philippine Sea Plate)

Nichols, G., Kusnama & R. Hall (1991)- Sandstones of arc and ophiolite provenance in a backarc basin,
Halmahera, eastern Indonesia. In: A.C. Morton, S.P. Todd & P.D.W. Haughton (eds.) Developments in
sedimentary provenance studies, Geol. Soc., London, Spec. Publ. 57, p. 291-303.
(Late Neogene backarc basin on Halmahera distinctive detrital sandstones mineral assemblages. Quartz
extremely rare, indicating no input from continental sources. Two provenance areas: volcanics in W half of
basin and black sands of ultrabasic origin interbedded with carbonate mudstones in E of basin. These reflect
nature of terrains which bordered Halmahera Basin)

Olberg, D.J. (2001)- Ore shoot targeting in the Gosowong vein zone, Halmahera, Indonesia. M. Econ. Geol.
Thesis, University of Tasmania, p. 1-227.
(online at: http://eprints.utas.edu.au/11602/2/Whole-Olberg%2C_2001_thesis.pdf)
(Gosowong gold mineralization in N arm of Halmahera low-sulfidation epithermal quartz vein deposit with
strike length of ~400m, hosted in two S-plunging ore shoots in ?Late Miocene Gosowong Fm andesitic-dacitic
volcanics, along E-dipping normal fault.)

Olberg, D.J., J. Rayner, R.P. Langmead & J.A.R. Coote (1999)- Geology of the Gosowong epithermal gold
deposit, Halmahera, Indonesia. In: G. Weber (ed.) Proc. PACRIM '99 Congress, Bali 1999, Australasian Inst. of
Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM), Parkville, Publ. 4/1999, p. 179-185.
(Gosowong deposit classic low-sulphidation epithermal copper-gold porphyry in Neogene Halmahera
magmatic arc. Elongate dome formed by magma intrusion. Host rocks ?Late Miocene intermediate-basic
volcanics and volcaniclastics. Multiphase epithermal quartz-adularia and quartz-chlorite fissure veins,
breccias, and stockworks)

Palmer, M.R. (1991)- Boron- isotope systematics of Halmahera arc (Indonesia) lavas: evidence for involvement
of the subducted slab. Geology 19, 3, p. 215-217.
(Sediments and altered oceanic crust are enriched in boron and cesium relative to uncontaminated mantle
products. Combination of B-isotopes and Cs concentrations in Halmahera arc lavas suggests influence by fluids
derived from dehydration or melting of subducted slab)

Permanadewi, S., J. Wahyudiono & A. Tampubolon (2017)- Cebakan nikel laterit di Pulau Gag, Kabupaten
Raja Ampat, Provinsi Papua Barat. Bul. Sumber Daya Geologi 12, 1, p. 55-70.
(online at: http://buletinsdg.geologi.esdm.go.id/index.php/bsdg/issue/archive)
('Lateritic nickel deposit on Gag Island, Raja Ampat Regency, West Papua Province'. Lateritic nickel (Ni, Co,
Fe) deposits cover 2/3 of Gag island, derived from weathering of ultramafic rocks (serpentinite, harzburgite
and pyroxenite). Ophiolite complex oceanic crust tectonically emplaced onto continental margin and island arc.
Secondary nickel ore garnierite. Lateritic zone with 1.2% Ni. Iron >30% Fe in limonitic layer)

Priadi, B., H. Permana, R. Binns & I. Zulkarnain (2006)- Maselihe Volcano: a new discovery submarine
volcano in the Sangihe Arc, Eastern Indonesia. Volcano International Gathering, Yogyakarta 2006, p.

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 25 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

Priadi, B., I. Zulkarnain, R. Binns, H. Permana, I. Prasetyo et al (2004)- Oceanic-island alkaline volcanism
among submarine volcanoes along the Sangihe Arc, Eastern Indonesia. Proc. Asia Oceania Geoscience
Seminar, Singapore 2004, p.

Prihatmoko, S., H. Lubis & E. Suherman (2013)- Mineral district of Bacan Island, North Maluku: geology and
gold-copper exploration status. In: Papua & Maluku Resources, Indonesian Soc. Econ. Geol. (MGEI) Ann.
Conv., Bali, p. 65-88.
(Same paper as below)

Prihatmoko, S., H. Lubis & E. Suherman (2014)- Mineral district of Bacan Island, North Maluku: geology and
gold-copper exploration status. Majalah Geol. Indonesia 29, 3, p. 199-224.
(Bacan islands SSW of Halmahera several tectonic domains and magmatic arcs since pre-Eocene. Incl. Eocene-
E Miocene Bacan Fm volcanic arc (N-ward subduction of Australian Plate under Philippine Sea Plate).
Collision of Australian continental fragment (Sibela Metamorphics) with volcanic arc in M Miocene. Late
Miocene- Pliocene Kaputusan Fm arc volcanics, produced by E-ward subduction of Molucca Sea Plate under
Halmahera, and Quaternary volcanics. Mineralization types in Bacan Fm include porphyry copper-gold, skarn
metasomatism and polymetallic veins. High-sulphidation epithermal mineralization in Kaputusan Fm)

Prihatmoko, S. & F.E. Nugroho (1998)- Tertiary volcanic and intrusive rocks in Obi Island, Maluku Indonesia
and related hydrothermal mineralization. Proc. 27th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Sumberdaya
Mineral Energi, Yogyakarta, p. I 29-I 45.
(Obi islands between two strands of Sorong Fault zone. Pre-Tertiary with Triassic- Jurassic micaceous
sandstones with Pentacrinus and Eocene-Miocene volcanics more similar to W Papua Birds Head than to W
Halmahera volcanic arc. Three mineralized prospects)

Pringle, I.J. (1989)- Exploration for epithermal gold mineralisation in West Halmahera- Bacan island area,
North Maluku Province. In: B. Situmorang (ed.) Proc. 6th Regional Conf. Geology Mineral and Hydrocarbon
Resources of Southeast Asia (GEOSEA VI), Jakarta 1987, IAGI, p. 291-299.
(Stream sampling located 16 gold/ metal anomalies in W Halmahera and Bacan, hosted by Tertiary andesitic
lavas. Bacan Island mainly Tertiary volcanics with uplifted core of Sibela Fm high-grade metamorphics)

Pubellier, M., A.G. Bader, C. Rangin, B. Deffontaines & R. Quebral (1999)- Upper plate deformation induced
by subduction of a volcanic arc: the Snellius Plateau (Molucca Sea, Indonesia and Mindanao, Philippines).
Tectonophysics 304, 4, p. 345-368.
(N Molucca Sea incipient subduction of composite oceanic- arc volcanic block (Snellius-Halmahera- SHB)
beneath Sangihe Arc outer ridge. In Mindanao, convergence generated shortening of forearc basin and
backthrusting of SHB. Classic system of paired subduction (Philippine Trench) and strike-slip fault (Philippine
Fault) was installed. Transition from lithospheric subduction to crustal overthrusting where Philippine Trench
s.s. begins, coinciding with offshore extension of Philippine Fault. Reversal of thrusts from E-ward vergence in
Molucca Sea to W-ward vergence in Mindanao at latitude where forearc is uplifted and downgoing SHB crust
deepens, resulting in strong gravity low above accretionary wedge)

Pudjowalujo, H. & D. Bering (1982)- Rock multi element geochemistry at the copper- gold anomaly in
Kaputusan (Bacan Island), Moluccas, Indonesia. In: S.T. Watson (ed.) Trans. Third Circum-Pacific Energy and
Mineral Resources Conference, Honolulu 1982, AAPG, p. 303-324.
(Gold-copper anomaly 12 km NE of Kaputusan village (Bacan Island, W of Halmahera) tied to presence of
porhyry copper mineralization. Bacan Island composed mainly of Oligo-Miocene intermediate volcanics)

Pudjowaluyo, H. & N. Suryono (1982)- Mineralisasi logam tembaga di Hulu S. Kaputusan, P. Bacan, Maluku
Utara. Geologi Indonesia (IAGI) 9, 1, p. 28-35.
(Copper mineralization at Kutusupan, Bacan island)

Purwanto, H.S. & S. Agustini (2014)- Lateritisasi nikel Pulau Pakal, Kabupaten Halmahera Selatan, Provinsi
Maluku Utara. J. Ilmiah Magister Teknik Geologi (UPN) 7, 1, p..

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 26 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

(online at: http://jurnal.upnyk.ac.id/index.php/mtg/article/view/268/231)
(Nickel lateritization of Pakal Island, South Halmahera Regency, North Maluku Province'. Nickel laterite study
in weathered ultramafic rocks in S part of Pakal island. Weathering of non-serpentinized rocks faster than
serpentinites. Enriched Ni >1.5 % in saprolite zone and transition zone)

Rangin, G., D. Dahrin, R. Quebral & The MODEC Scientific Party (1996)- Collision and strike-slip faulting in
the Northern Molucca Sea (Philippines and Indonesia): preliminary results of a morphotectonic study. In: R.
Hall & D. Blundell (eds.) Tectonic evolution of southeast Asia, Geol. Soc., London, Spec. Publ. 106, p. 29-46.
(N Molucca Sea survey reveals presence of almost complete Sangihe arc and forearc, etc.)

Richards, T.H. & B.D. Priyono (2004)- Discovery of the Toguraci epithermal Au-Ag deposits, Gosowong
Goldfield, Halmahera Island, East Indonesia. In: Proc. PACRIM 2004 Conf., Adelaide 2004, Australasian Inst.
of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM), Melbourne, 5/2004, p. 359-366.
(Toguraci low sulfidation epithermal gold vein deposits 2 km WSW of Gosowong mine, part of Gosowong
Goldfield in Neogene magmatic arc on Halmahera)

Richards, T.H., I.K.G. Suyadnya, N. Tyasmudadi, D. Darmawan & A. Muryanto (2005)- The discovery of the
Kencana low sulfidation epithermal deposit, Gosowong goldfields, Halmahera, Island, East Indonesia. In: Proc.
NewGen Gold Conference, Perth, p. 151-167.

Roberts, S.J. (1993)- The foraminiferal biostratigraphy and biofacies of the Neogene sediments of the
Halmahera region, NE Indonesia. Ph.D. Thesis University of London, p. 1-287. (Unpublished)

Roothaan, H.P. (1928)- Geologische en petrografische schets der Talaud en Nanusa eilanden. Jaarboek
Mijnwezen Nederlandsch-Indie 54 (1925), Verhandelingen II, p. 174-220.
(‘Geologic and petrographic sketch of Talaud and Nanusa Islands’. Islands mainly composed of igneous core,
of mainly gabbros and peridotites, with thin sediment cover (probably Mesozoic radiolarian chert, breccias,
overlain by presumably Tertiary unfossiliferous sandstones and marls). With 1:200,000 map)

Ryan, M., H. Butcher, T. Halvorsen, L.W. Kuilman, J. Demichelis, Sayentika, A. Jansson et al. (2012)- An
early look at the hydrocarbon prospectivity of the Halmahera Basin, Eastern Indonesia. Proc. 36th Ann. Conv.
Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA12-G-078, p. 1-14.
(On Halmahera II PSC in Halmahera frontier basin acreage. Prospective plays Oligocene/Miocene carbonate
reefal buildups and Miocene re-deposited carbonates. Potential source rocks source rock marine Miocene
Klamogun and Klasafet-equivalent formations (but see also Yustiana et al. 2016)

Sartono, S. & S. Hadiwisastra (1989)- Ophiolitic melange in Gebe Island and its olistostromal origin. In: B.
Situmorang (ed.) Proc. 6th Regional Conf. Geology Mineral Hydrocarbon Resources of Southeast Asia
(GEOSEA VI), Jakarta 1987, IAGI, p. 157-169.
(Gebe Island between Halmahera and Waigeo with nickel-chromite deposits. Chaotic basement complex
overlain by U Miocene-Pliocene bioclastic limestones. Basement probably olistostrome, with ultrabasic and
metamorphic clasts and probably Eocene- E Miocene age)

Setyanta, B. & I. Setiadi (2011)- Model struktur subduksi kerak di perairan Laut Maluku dan vukanisme
berdasarkan analisis gaya berat dan kegempaan. J. Sumber Daya Geologi 21, 4, p. 213-223.
(online at: http://jgsm.geologi.esdm.go.id/index.php/JGSM/article/view/148/144)
('Model of crustal subduction structure in Molucca Sea waters and volcanism by analysis of gravity and
seismicity'. N-S Bouguer anomalies of -100 to 260 mGal. Gravity modelling indicates subducting slab under
Halmahera steeply dipping E, while in W part (below N arm of Sulawesi) it is not visible)

Silitonga, D. (2013)- Characteristics of Gosowong goldfields epithermal deposits. Proc. Indonesian Soc. Econ.
Geol. (MGEI) Annual Conv. 2013, Papua & Maluku Resources, Bali, p. 115-124.

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 27 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

Silitonga, P.H., H. Pudjowalujo & H. Mollat (1981)- Geological reconnaissance and mineral prospecting on
Bacan Island (Moluccas, Indonesia). In: A.J. Barber & S. Wiryosujano (eds.) The geology and tectonics of
eastern Indonesia, Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung, Spec. Publ. 2, p. 373-381.
(Bacan Island oldest rocks intensely deformed mica schists and amphibolites and associated ultrabasic rocks of
unknown age and NNE-SSW foliation. Oldest dated rocks probably Late Oligocene- Early Miocene age
submarine andesites intruded by granodiorites and with intercalated coral limestones. Volcanic series overlain
byE-M Miocene marine clastics with common volcanic detritus, overlain by Late Tertiary- Quaternary Young
volcanics. Recent coral reefs raised to 700m above sea level)

Silver, E.A. & J.C. Moore (1978)- The Molucca Sea collision zone, Indonesia. J. Geophysical Research 83, B4,
p. 1681-1691.
(Same as Silver & Moore 1981. N- trending Sangihe and Halmahera volcanic arcs face each other and
underlain by opposing Benioff zones. Talaud-Mayu Ridge between arcs consists exclusively of deformed rocks,
and underlain by at least 8-10 km of low-density material. Length of lithosphere subducted by colliding arcs
>1000 km (length of Benioff zones). Obduction of melange and ophiolite belts against island arcs or continental
margins. Central part of mostly submarine Talaud-Mayu ridge 1-3 km higher than flanking troughs. Two
opposing vergence directions in rocks of collision complex: (1) during subduction, verging away from arcs, (2)
during present phase of collision, verging towards arcs)

Silver, E.A. & J.C. Moore (1981)- The Molucca Sea collision zone. In: A.J. Barber & S. Wiryosujono (eds.)
The geology and tectonics of Eastern Indonesia, Proc. CCOP-IOC SEATAR Working Group Mtg., Bandung
1979, Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung, Spec. Publ. 2, p. 327-340.
(Scripps 1977 seismic profiles across Molucca Sea. Molucca Sea zone of crustal collision bordered by N
trending Sangihe and Halmahera volcanic arc underlain by opposite-dipping Benioff zones. Length of Benioff
zones suggest at least 1000km of subducted lithosphere. At least 8-10 km of low-density collisional melange
material, now exposed on Talaud, Mayu, Tifoe islands)

Sodik, A., M.G. Rukmiati & J. Purnomo (1993)- Hydrocarbon potential of frontier Weda Basin, South East
Halmahera. Proc. 22nd Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Bandung, 2, p. 653-663.
(Southernmost Halmahera metamorphic terrane is microcontinent derived from Irian Jaya (Kemum?), moved
W along Sorong FZ. E arms of Halmahera are Jurassic-age ophiolite terrane. Up to 5000m of sediment in
Weda basin, offshore SE Halmahera, with Miocene carbonates as main potential play)

Soeria Atmadja, R. (1981)- Ophiolites in the Halmahera paired belts, East Indonesia. In: A.J. Barber & S.
Wiryosujano (eds.) The geology and tectonics of eastern Indonesia. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre Indonesia, Spec.
Publ. 2, p. 363-372.
(Halmahera is connected double arc. N and S arms are W volcanic arc, mainly Quaternary volcanics, Neogene
marine sediments and Oligo-Miocene volcanics. NE and SE arms large ophiolite belt (subduction zone
ophiolite) with ultramafic rocks imbricated with Mesozoic deep water sediments and E Tertiary rocks)

Soeria-Atmadja, R. & R. Sukamto (1979)- Ophiolitic rock association on Talaud islands, East Indonesia. Bull.
Geol. Res. Dev. Centre 1, p. 17-35.
(Ophiolite rocks as isolated blocks in melange complex, with scaly clay matrix)

Suasta, I.G.M. & G. Hartono (2011)- Kaputusan porphyry copper-gold project, Bacan island. Proc. 36th HAGI
and 40th IAGI Ann. Conv., Makassar, JCM2011-096, 19p.
(Kaputusan copper-gold porphyry prospect on Bacan Island comprised of volcanic rocks intruded by three
types of Neogene intermediate intrusive rocks)

Sukamto, R. (1980)- Tectonic significance of melange on the Talaud islands, Northeastern Indonesia. In: T.
Kobayashi et al. (eds.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia 21, Symposium Tsukuba 1978, University
of Tokyo Press, p. 291-302.
(Talaud Islands part of N-S trending non-volcanic outer arc between Sangihe and Halmahera island arcs in
Molucca Sea N of E Sulawesi. Melange basement of intensely tectonized peridotites, gabbros, pillow basalts,

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 28 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

metamorphic rocks, greywacked and red pelagic sediments (blocks in matrix of scaly clay). Overlain by M
Miocene- Pliocene marine sediments)

Sukamto, R. (1989)- Halmahera, a typical Cainozoic volcanic island arc in eastern Indonesia. Geologi Indonesia
(IAGI) 12, 1 (Katili volume), p. 177-191.
(Halmahera volcanic in W, related to subduction of Molucca Sea in W. Eastern province non-volcanic,
characterized by common ophiolites imbricated with Late Jurassic- Cretaceous deep water sediments. Western
arc three magmatic cycles: Late Oligocene- E Miocene, Plio-Pleistocene and Holocene.

Sukamto, R., T. Apandi, S. Supriatna & A. Yasin (1981)- The geology and tectonics of Halmahera Island and
surrounding areas. In: A.J. Barber & S. Wiryosujano (eds.) The geology and tectonics of eastern Indonesia.
Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung, Spec. Publ. 2, p. 349-362.
(Halmahera area three sub-parallel N-S ‘arcs’: (1) E Halmahera- Waigeo non-volcanic arc with imbricated
Jurassic-age ophiolites and Late Jurassic- E Cretaceous deep sea sediments, overlain by Paleogene flysch-type
rocks with ultramafic clasts and limestones with Eocene Ta-Tb forams. In SE arm also coal interbeds (2) W
Halmahera- Obi volcanic arc, intermittently active since Oligocene and (3) Talaud- Tifore Ridge in Molucca
sea composed of imbricated ?Eocene ophiolites and melange)

Sukamto, R. & N. Suwarna (1976)- Melange di daerah Kepulauan Talaud, Indonesia Timurlaut. Proc. 5th Ann.
Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Yogyakarta, Geologi Indonesia 2, p. 19-27.
('Melange in the Talaud Islands region'. See also Sukamto 1980)

Sukamto, R. & N. Suwarna (1979)- Tectonic significance of melange on the Talaud Islands, Northeastern
Indonesia. Bull. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre 2, p. 7-19.
(Talaud-Tifore Ridge is zone of collision between two island arc systems, Sangihe to W, Halmahera to E.
Talaud island melange basement consists of blocks of serpentinized peridotite, gabbro, pillow basalt,
metamorphic rocks, greywackes, chert, limestone, etc., all tectonized in pervasively sheared mass. Overlain by
M Miocene- Pliocene marine sediments)

Sukamto, R. & N. Suwarna (1986)- Geologic map of the Talaud Quadrangle, 1:250,000. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre
(GRDC), Bandung.
(Also 2nd Edition, 1995. Geologic map of Talaud islands in Molucca Sea, NE of NE Sulawesi. Mainly intensely
faulted Neogene sediments (ENE-dipping faults) and Karakelang melange, with large blocks of ultramafic rocks
(Kabaruang Fm) (= uplifted accretionary prism?). Overlain by Oligo-Miocene Pampini Volcanics and E
Miocene Tifore Fm marine sediments)

Suparan, P., R.A.C. Dam, S. van der Kaars & T.E. Wong (2001)- Late Quaternary tropical lowland
environments on Halmahera, Indonesia. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclim. Palaeoecology 171, p. 229-285.

Supriatna, S. (1980)- Geologic map of the Morotai Quadrangle, North Maluku. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre
(GRDC), Bandung, p.
(Geologic map of N part of Halmahera, 1:250,000 scale. NW Arm mainly Quaternary volcanics. NE Arm with
Pretertiary Ultrabasic complex, overlain(?) by Upper Cretaceous sediments with Globotruncana and Oligo-
Miocene Bacan Fm andesitic volcanics with limestones with Miogypsina)

Supriatna, S., T. Apandi & W. Simandjuntak (1977)- Geologic map of Waigeo Quadrangle, Irian Jaya,
1:250,000. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung, p.
(Geologic map of Waigeo and Gebe islands, NW of West Papua Birds Head. Also as 1995 second edition.
Intensely folded structure, with widespread Jurassic? ultramafic rocks, overlain by Late Jurassic? Tanjung
Bomas Fm deep marine greywacke, shale and chert with Calpionella and Microglobigerina)

Sutisna, D.T., D.N. Sunuhadi, A. Pujobroto & D.Z. Herman (2006)- Perencanaan eksplorasi cebakan nikel
laterit di daerah Wayamli Teluk Buli, Halmahera Timur sebagai model perencanaan eksplorasi cebakan nikel
laterit di Indonesia. Bul. Sumber Daya Geologi 1, 3 p. 48-56.

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 29 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

(online at: www.bgl.esdm.go.id/publication/index.php/dir/article_detail/554)
(Planning of nickel laterite exploration in Wayamli area, Buli Bay, East Halmahera, as a planning model of
laterite nickel exploration in Indonesia)

Swift, L.R. & M. Alwan (1990)- Discovery of gold-silver mineralization at Binabase, Sangihe Island,
Indonesia. Proc. Pacific Rim Congress (PACRIM90), Australian Inst. Mining Metallurgy (AusIMM), Parkville,
p. 533-540. (Extended Abstract)
(Gold prospect on Sangihe Island (see also Wisanggono et al. 2012))

Syafrizal (2009)- Morphology and geologic structure control of nickel laterite deposition: case study nickel
laterite deposit in the Gee Island and Pakal Island, East Halmahera, North Maluku. In: L.D. Setijadi et al. (eds.)
Int. Conf. Earth Science and Technology, Yogyakarta 2009, p. 219-226.
(Laterite is weathering product of ultramafic rocks. Maxumum thickness of soil on Gee Island 9m, on Pakal
island up to 17m)

Syefriandi & W. Akhmad F. (2013)- Tertiary Halmahera carbonate outcrop and the implications for the
Halmahera Basin petroleum system. Proc. 37th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA13-G-
031, p. 1-13.
(Limestone outcrops in SE arm of Halmahera, on Cretaceous peridotite basement. Two different ages: (1)
Batugamping Fm Eocene reef limestones with Pellatispira, Nummulites, and (2) Weda Fm E-M Miocene
detrital limestone with Miogypsina?)

Totok, D. & G. Friedrich (1988)- Chromite potential of the nickel laterite deposit of Gebe/ Mollucas
(Indonesia). Erzmetall 41, 11, p. 564-569.
(Up to 19m thick laterite profile on ultramafic rocks of Gebe Island rich in Cr, Ni)

Umbgrove, J.H.F. (1938)- Corals from an elevated marl of Talaud (East Indies). Zoologische Mededelingen,
Leiden, 20, p. 263-274.
(online at: www.repository.naturalis.nl/document/150648)
(Corals collected by Kuenen during Snellius expedition from marine marl near Mahammale, Talaud Island.
Well preserved, 15 species, all still living, so young, probably Pleistocene- Holocene age)

Uneputty, H., S. Supriatna & F. Hehuwat (1991)- Evaluasi stratigrafi wilayah Halmahera dan kaitannya dengan
potensi hidrokarbon. Proc. 19th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Bandung 1990, 1, p. 52-68.
(‘Evaluation of Halmahera stratigraphy and relation to hydrocarbon potential’. In East ?Jurassic-age
ophiolitic rocks overlain by U Cretaceous carbonates and Paleo-Eocene clastics. Weda Bay possibly 6000m of

Van der Ent, A., A.J.M. Baker, M.M.J. van Balgooy & A. Tjoa (2013)- Ultramafic nickel laterites in Indonesia
(Sulawesi, Halmahera): mining, nickel hyperaccumulators and opportunities for phytomining. J. Geochemical
Exploration 128, p. 72-79.
(Sulawesi and Halmahera have some of largest surface exposures of ultramafic bedrock in world, with proven
and potential for phytomining. Phytomining extracts residual nickel from stripped land)

Vening Meinesz, F.A. (1961)- Orogeny in the New Guinea, Palao, Halmaheira area (geophysical conclusions).
Proc. Kon. Nederl. Akademie Wetenschappen, Amsterdam, B64, p. 240-244.
(Mountain range of New Guinea not essentialy folded, but is huge block overthrust from N with some E-ward
displacement. Deforming stress believed to mantle current rising under Asia, moving to ~N160°E), in New
Guinea diverging to ~N135°E. No current radiating from Australian continent)

Verbeek, R.D.M. (1908)- Halmahera. In: Molukken Verslag, Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 37
(1908), Wetenschappelijk Gedeelte, p. 154-176.
(First significant geologic survey of Halmahera in 1899, describing main patterns of island geology with
abundant Mesozoic or older ultrabasics in C and E part of island, mainly andesitic volcanics in W. Presence of

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 30 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

Eocene alveolinid limestone in float at E coast reported by Van Nouhuys (1903), Miocene Lepidocyclina
limestone, etc.)

Verstappen, H.T. (1964)- Some volcanoes of Halmahera (Moluccas) and their geomorphological setting.
Tijdschrift Kon. Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Ser. 2, 81, p. 297-316.
(Brief descriptions of some of the active volcanoes in the N-S curved belt of NW and W Halmahera. NE and SE
peninsulas part of non-volcanic arc)

Wanner, J. (1913)- Zur Geologie der Inseln Obimajora und Halmahera in den Molukken. Neues Jahrbuch
Mineral. Geol. Palaont., Beilage Band 36, p. 560-585.
(‘On the geology of Obi and Halmahera islands in the Moluccas’. Halmahera with many localities with
ultrabasic rocks and andesitic volcanics. Little known Obi Island S of Halmahera with in SW corner along
Akelamo River claystones with M Jurassic ammonites Phylloceras, Stephanoceras and Macrocephalites. Also
Miocene limestone with Lepidocyclina and Miogypsina, gabbro and peridotites, granites, andesites, etc. Raised
young coral reefs to ~300m)

Wicaksono, A., W.A. Faridsyah & F.D. Priasmara (2012)- Depositional facies and structural analysis based on
field observation of Fritu Area, Halmahera Island. Proc. 36th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA),
Jakarta, IPA12-SG-010, p. 1-14.
(Fieldwork on SE Halmahera encountered peridotites and sediments, incl. M Eocene reefal limestone with
Pellatispira and E Miocene(?) limestone)

Wichmann, A. (1898)- Petrographische Studien uber den Indischen Archipel. III. Gesteine von der Insel Gagi,
IV. Gesteine von der Insel Banua Wuhu. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift Nederlandsch-Indie 57, 2, p. 196-220.
(online at: )
(‘Rocks from the island Gagi and the island Banua Wuhu'. Gagi (Gag) island (E of Halmahera and W of
Waigeo) with lherzolite/ serpentinite at SE coast and diabase. Banua Wuhu new andesitic volcano N of N

Wichmann, A. (1921)- Die Vulkane der Sangi-Inseln. Verhandelingen Kon. Akademie Wetenschappen,
Amsterdam (2), 22, 1, p. 3-52.
(‘The volcanoes of the Sangi Islands’, between Molucca Sea and Celebes Sea)

Widiwijayanti, C., V. Mikhailov, M. Diament, C. Deplus, R. Louat, S. Tikhotsky & A. Gvishiani (2003)-
Structure and evolution of the Molucca Sea area: constraints based on interpretation of a combined sea-surface
and satellite gravity dataset. Earth Planetary Sci. Letters 215, p. 135-150.
(online at: www.ifz.ru/fileadmin/user_upload/subdivisions/507/articles/Widiwijayanti-etal-EPSL.pdf)
(Gravity interpretation of Molucca Sea area, NE of Indonesia. Bouguer anomalies show extension of Sangihe
Trench to N to 5.5°N, joining it to Pujada and Miangas ridge in S Mindanao. Also clear outline of Talaud
Archipelago ophiolite body and bounding thrust zones. Results support hypothesis that Talaud Archipelago
formed as uplifted Central Ridge block, partly caused by compression of docking of Snellius Plateau. Docking
shifted Philippine Trench E-ward and underthrust slivers of forearc lithosphere below Talaud Islands)

Widiwijayanti, C., C. Tiberi, C. Deplus, M. Diament, V. Mikhailov & R. Louat (2004)- Geodynamic evolution
of the northern Molucca Sea area (Eastern Indonesia) constrained by 3-D gravity field inversion.
Tectonophysics 386, 3-4, p. 203-222.
(online at: http://www.gm.univ-montp2.fr/spip/IMG/pdf/tiberi2004tectono.pdf)
(N Molucca Sea dominated by interaction between ophiolitic ridges, sedimentary wedges and rigid blocks of
Philippine Sea Plate. Large density variations in C part of N Molucca Sea. N-S trending density structures
along C Ridge and W dipping thrust faults on W side of region clearly imaged. In E part of region several
blocks, especially Snellius Plateau, split into two parts. We interpret this as oceanic plateau with thicker crust
that previously belonged to Philippine Sea Plate, now trapped between Molucca Sea complex collision zone and
Philippine Trench, due to development of new subduction zone at E side)

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 31 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

Widiyantoro, S. (2003)- Complex morphology of subducted lithosphere in the mantle below the Molucca
collision zone from non-linear seismic tomography. Proc. ITB J. Engineering Science 35 B, 1, p. 1-10.
(online at: http://journal.itb.ac.id/index.php?li=article_detail&id=37)
(As presented in earthquake distributions studies, new tomographic P-wave model shows two opposing
subducted slabs of Molucca Sea plate. W-ward dipping slab penetrates into lower mantle as folded slab,
possibly caused by shift of whole subduction system in Molucca region toward Eurasian continent due to W-
ward thrust of Pacific plate combined with left-lateral movement of Sorong fault)

Wisanggono, A., P. Abaijah, K. Akiro, D. Pertiwi & R.A. Sauzy (2011)- Supergene enriched, intrusion related
low sulphidation deposit Binebase-Bawone, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. In: N.I. Basuki (ed.) Proc. Sulawesi
Minerals Resources 2011, Manado, MGEI/IAGI, p. 131-144.

Wisanggono, A., P. Abaijah, K. Akiro, D. Pertiwi & R.A. Sauzy (2012)- Supergene enriched, intrusion related
low suphidation deposit, Binebase-Bawone, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. J. Geologi Indonesia 7, 4, p. 241-253.
(online at: http://jgi.bgl.esdm.go.id/index.php/JGI/article/view/38/30)
(Same paper as Wisanggonono et al. 2011, above. Gold mineralization at Binebase Prospect on Sangihe Island
similar to mineralization typical of other young Pacific Rim intrusion related low sulphidation systems)

Yasin, A. (1980)- Geologic map of the Bacan Quadrangle, North Maluku, 1:250,000. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre
(GRDC), Bandung, 9p.
(Bacan Island off S Halmahera with core of thick Sibela Fm metamorphics with NW-SE and W-E trending
foliation. Unconformably overlain by Late Oligocene- earliest Miocene Bacan Fm volcanics and clastics and
later Miocene- Pliocene clastics- volcanoclastics)

Yustiana, F., C. Zwach, D. Rahmalia & P.T. Allo (2016)- Halmahera Basin, Eastern Indonesia- hydrocarbon
prospectivity in a frontier basin. Proc. IPA 2016 Technical Symposium, Indonesia exploration: where from-
where to, Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, 34-TS-16, p. 1-23.
(Halmahera II PSC SE of Halmahera is in Tertiary deep water, undrilled frontier basin, now considered area
with very high subsurface risk and lack of follow-up prospectivity. Basement most likely ophiolites and
volcanics. Potential Miocene carbonate buildups now interpreted to be Oligocene thrust complexes. Clastic
reservoir provenance likely dominated by volcanic rocks. No indications of active hydrocarbon system)

Zhang, Q., F. Guo, L. Zhao & Y. Wu (2017)- Geodynamics of divergent double subduction: 3-D numerical
modeling of a Cenozoic example in the Molucca Sea region, Indonesia. J. Geophysical Research, Solid Earth,
122, 5, p. 3977-3998.
(Molucca Sea subduction zone in NE Indonesia in SE Asia is unique Cenozoic example of 'divergent double
subduction' (DDS). Asymmetrical shape. DDS probably associated with closure of narrow and short oceanic
plate; large-scale double subduction is rare in nature)

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 32 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

VI.2. Banggai, Sula, Taliabu, Obi
Agustiyanto, D.A. (1996)- The geology and tectonic evolution of the Obi region, Eastern Indonesia. M. Phil.
Thesis, University of London, p. 1-220. (Unpublished)
(Obi located within strands of Sorong Fault system at Australian-Philippine Sea plate boundary. Oldest rocks
metamorphic complex of phyllites, schists and gneisses, probably Paleozoic in age, in greenschist- amphibolite
facies. Overlain by Triassic and Jurassic micaceous sandstones and black shales, considered derived from
Australian continental margin. Ophiolitic rocks, of supposed Jurassic age, form basement of most of Obi
region, are unconformably overlain by Cretaceous volcaniclastic rocks, limestones and mudstones.
Juxtaposition of the ophiolitic and continental rocks in south Obi probably in Late Neogene)

Agustiyanto, D.A. (1998)- Geology of the Obi islands, Eastern Indonesia. J. Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral, 8,
81, p. 2-9.
(Obi islands consist of rocks from Australian (SW) and Philippine Sea (N)plates, juxtaposed in SW part of Obi
Majora (in Oligocene or later?). Oldest rocks on Obi island Paleozoic or older 'Australian' Tapas metamorphic
complex, regional metamorphic phyllites, mica- schists and gneisses in greenschist to amphibolite facies.
Overlain by Triassic- Jurassic Soligi Fm (with Jurassic Pentacrinus) and Kumumu Fms micaceous sandstones
and black shales (with Jurassic ammonites in float; Wanner 1913, M-U Jurassic palynomorphs). Most of Obi is
'Philippine Sea' plate with basement of?Jurassic ophiolite, unconformably overlain by U Cretaceous
Leleobasso Fm deep water volcanoclastics, limestones and mudstones and Oligocene Anggai River Fm
volcanoclastics. Unconformably overlain by E-M Fluk Fm limestone and unconformably overlain by Guyuti Fm
M-L Miocene clastics and Woi Fm volcanics and clastics)

Ali, J.R., R. Hall & S.J. Baker (2001)- Palaeomagnetic data from a Mesozoic Philippine Sea Plate ophiolite on
Obi Island, Eastern Indonesia. J. Asian Earth Sci. 19, p. 535-546.
(Paleomag of Jurassic(?) age Halmahera ophiolite exposed on SW Obi Island suggest position close to equator
in middle Mesozoic. K-Ar ages of ophiolite 96±10 Ma and 103±13 Ma regarded as minimum ages. Diorite
intrusions Late Cretaceous ages)

Ali, J.R. & R. Hall (1995)- Evolution of the boundary between the Philippine Sea plate and Australia:
paleomagnetic evidence from eastern Indonesia. Tectonophysics 251, p. 251-275.
(Paleomagnetic data from Taliabu Coniacian-Santonian pelagic limestones suggest paleolatitude at 19°± 6°,
similar to Misool, suggesting Sula/Taliabu and Misool part of single microcontinent, >10° farther N than
expected if attached to Australia, and implying region separated from Australia before Late Cretaceous)

Amiruddin (2000)- Peraluminous and metaluminous Permian-Triassic granitoids of the Banggai-Sula

microcontinent and the Northern Australia continent in the Bird Head Papua. J. Sumber Daya Geologi 10, 110,
p. 2-15.
(Permian- E Triassic granites on Banggai, Obi and Birds Head. Banggai granite (~225-245 Ma; Triassic) on
Taliabu intruded into Carboniferous (~305 Ma) schists, gneiss amphibolite. Anggi granite (~225-295 Ma) in
Kemum Terrane metasediments (metamorphosed at 222-258 Ma; Late Permian-Triassic. Netoni granite (225-
245; M-L Triassic) in Sorong fault zone of Birds Head intruded low-middle metamorphic rocks. Banggai and
Anggi granites mostly S-type, Netoni I-type. All are peraluminous and metaluminous and could be tin granites.
Plutons part of magmatic arc extending from E Australia, PNG, W Papua to Banggai-Sula Archipelago)

Boehm, G. (1904)- Die Sudkusten der Sula-Inseln Taliabu und Mangoli. I. Grenzschichten zwischen Jura und
Kreide. Palaeontographica, Suppl. IV, Beitr. Geologie Niederlandisch-Indien 1, p. 1-46.
('The South coast of the Sula islands Taliabu and Mangoli: 1- Transitional beds between Jurassic and
Cretaceous'. First systematic descriptions of rich Sula islands ammonite-dominated Jurassic- Cretaceous
macrofaunas. Incl. ammonites (Hoplites spp., Himalayites, Phylloceras strigile) and bivalves (Mytilus, Nucula).
Noticed great similarities with 'Spiti-Fauna' Himalayan assemblages)

Boehm, G. (1907)- Die Sudkusten der Sula-Inseln Taliabu und Mangoli, 2. Der Fundpunkt am oberen Lagoi auf
Taliabu. Palaeontographica, Suppl. IV, Beitr. Geologie Niederlandisch-Indien I, p. 47-58.

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 33 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

('The South coasts of the Sula islands Taliabu and Mangoli: 2- The fossil locality at the upper Lagoi on
Taliabu'. Rich Late Jurassic belemnite assemblage of Belemnites gerardi group (B. alfuricus n.sp.))

Boehm, G. (1907)- Die Sudkusten der Sula-Inseln Taliabu und Mangoli. 3. Oxford des Wai Galo.
Palaeontographica Suppl. Vol. IV, Beitr. Geologie Niederlandisch-Indien 1, p. 59-120.
('The South coasts of the Sula islands Taliabu and Mangoli: 3- Oxfordian of the Galo River, Taliabu. Common
ammonites (Phylloceras spp., Macrocephalites spp., Perisphinctes spp., Peltoceras), abundant belemnites (B.
alfuricus, B. galoi, B. moluccanus, etc.), Inoceramus (I. galoi, etc.) and brachiopods (Rhynchonella))

Boehm, G. (1912)- Die Sudkusten der Sula-Inseln Taliabu und Mangoli. 4. Unteres Callovien.
Palaeontographica, Suppl. IV, Beitr. Geologie Niederlandisch-Indien 1, p. 121-179.
('The South coasts of the Sula islands Taliabu and Mangoli: 4- Lower Callovian. Belemnites mainly Dicoelites,
ammonites mainly Macrocephalites (= Gondwanan-Tethyan or Himalayan bioprovince of later workers;

Brouwer, H.A. (1915)- Over de geologie der Soela-eilanden (voorlopig reisbericht). Tijdschrift Kon.
Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap 32, p. 509-512
('On the geology of the Sula islands (preliminary travel report'. First, brief summary of 1915 survey, reporting
widespread Jurassic outcrops, locally intensely folded, but not showing complicated thrust tectonics of Timor,
Ceram, etc. Also granites and metamorphic rocks

Brouwer, H.A. (1921)- Geologische onderzoekingen op de Soela eilanden I. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch
Oost-Indie, Verhandelingen 49 (1920), p. 69-158.
('Geological investigations on the Sula islands-1'. Intensely folded crystalline schists, unconformably overlain
by M Jurassic quartz sandstones, at least partly derived from granitic rocks. Overlain by Callovian- Oxfordian
marine shales with ammonites and Cretaceous pelagic limestones. Tertiary clastics with thin coaly beds and
rare loose material of Miocene limestone. Also various types of granites, probably pre-Jurassic age.)

Brouwer, H.A. (1921)- Studien uber Kontaktmetamorphose, IX. Hornfelse von der Insel Taliabu (Sula-Inseln).
Centralblatt Mineralogie Geologie Palaont. 1921, p. 417-422.
(online at: www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/204060#page/443/mode/1up)
('Studies on contact-metamorphism, 9. Hornfels from Taliabu Island, Sula Islands'. Granitic-dioritic rocks with
biotite widespread in W and C Taliabu, with red feldspars similar to Banggai island granites, but not Mangoli
granites. Many types of contact-metamorphic rocks: andalusite-, biotite-, epidote-, amphibole-, garnet-
diopside-, etc. hornfels, possibly reflecting various Jurassic sedimentary protoliths, but actual contacts with
granite not seen)

Brouwer, H.A. (1924)- Bijdrage tot de geologie der Obi-eilanden. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch-Indie 52
(1923), Verhandelingen, p. 5-62.
('Contribution to the geology of the Obi Islands'. Mesozoic rocks reminiscent of those from Sula, Buru, Misool.
Possibly Triassic micaceous sandstones, M Jurassic phyllitic shales and marls with ammonites on SW Obi
Besar, possibly Cretaceous pelagic limestones, E Miocene shallow carbonates, etc. Also serpentinites,
crystalline schists and various igneous rocks)

Brouwer, H.A. (1926)- Geologische onderzoekingen op de Soela eilanden- II. Jaarboek Mijnwezen
Nederlandsch Oost-Indie, Verhandelingen 54 (1925), 1, p. 3-11.
('Geological investigations on the Sula islands-2'. Brief descriptions of traverses on Taliabu and Mangoli
islands. Outcrops mainly Jurassic- Lower Cretaceous, with common ammonites. Oldest rocks Upper Liassic.
With table of macrofossil distribution at different localities by Kruizinga)

Challinor, A.B. & S.K. Skwarko (1982)- Jurassic belemnites from Sula Islands, Moluccas, Indonesia. Geol.
Res. Dev. Centre, Seri Paleontologi 3, p. 1-89.

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 34 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

(17 belemnite species from M-L Jurassic of Sula Islands. Assemblages dominated by species of Belemnopsis,
Dicoelites and Hibolithes, which, with absence of Tethyan genus Duvalia, suggest it is not low-latitude Tethyan,
but higher latitude ‘Austral’/’peri-Gondwanan’ assemblage)

Ding, J., S.G. Zhang, Z.F. Xu & X.L. Qin (2011)- Geological and geochemical characteristics and genesis of
the Sn-Fe polymetallic deposit in Taliabu Island, Indonesia. Acta Geoscientica Sinica 32, 3, p. 313-321. (in
Chinese, with English abstract)
(online at: www.cagsbulletin.com/dqxbcn/ch/reader/create_pdf.aspx?file...)
(Large Sn-Fe polymetallic deposit in C Taliabu, Banggai-Sula islands, sourced from Triassic monzogranite
derived from partial crustal melting. Mineralization in contact zone between granite and Carboniferous
metasediments, including skarn type iron ore in contact with Carboniferous marble. Ore deposit belongs to E
Australia metallogenic belt that moved to SE Asia)

Dipatunggoro, G. (2011)- Survey tinjau bahan galian nikel daerah Soligi, Kecamatan Obi Selatan, Kabupaten
Halmahera Selatan, Maluku Utara. Bull. Scientific Contr. (UNPAD) 9, 2, p. 97-106.
(online at: http://jurnal.unpad.ac.id/bsc/article/view/8266/3813)
('Survey of nickel in Soligi area, South Obi, North Maluku'. Pretertiary ophiolite and metamorphics are oldest
rock in W and S Obi Island. Nickel and cobalt-bearing laterite weathering zones at tops of hills)

Diria, S.A., W. Permono, J. Anwari, H. Purba & J.T. Musu (2017)- Uses of satellite gravity to map subsurface
condition (case study : WK Sula II). Proc. Joint Conv. HAGI-IAGI-IAFMI-IATMI (JCM 2017), Malang, 6p.
(Gravity modeling of E Sula basin area suggests E Sula (Taliabu) island on continental crust, with oceanic
crust to N and S. Basement depth in block from -954 to -10245m, gradually deepening to S. E-M Jurassic rift
fill clastics (Bobong Fm) in N-S trending grabens)

Ferdian, F. (2015)- Frontier exploration using an integrated approach of seafloor multibeam, drop core and
seismic interpretation- a study case from North Banggai Sula. Berita Sedimentologi 32, p. 27-34.

Ferdian, F., R. Hall & I. Watkinson (2010)- A structural re-evaluation of the North Banggai-Sula area, Eastern
Indonesia. Proc. 34th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA10-G-009, 20p.
(2D seismic interpretation N of Banggai-Sula. No evidence of continuous E-W-trending N Sula-Sorong Fault)

Francis, G. & G.E.G. Westermann (1993)- The Kimmeridgian problem in Papua-New Guinea and other parts of
the Indo-Southwest Pacific. In: G.J. & Z. Carman (eds.) Proc. 2nd PNG Petroleum Convention, Port Moresby,
p. 75-93.
(Sula Islands most complete Jurassic ammonite sequence in W Pacific. Oxfordian 3 zones. Lower zone in
Wanaea spectabilis dinoflagellate zone, middle zone with upper W. spectabilis and upper zone with Wanaea
clathrata dinozones. Ammonite-rich zone overlain by ammonite-poor zone, then latest Tithonian- earliest
Berriasian assemblage with P. iehiense dinos. Uncertainties of correlation of Kimmeridgian due to scarcity of
age-diagnostic Kimmeridgean ammonites)

Garrard, R.A., J.B. Supandjono & Surono (1988)- The geology of the Banggai-Sula microcontinent, Eastern
Indonesia. Proc. 17th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, p. 23-52.
(Comprehensive overview of Banggai-Sula microcontinent stratigraphy and M Miocene- Pliocene collision with
NE Sulawesi. Carboniferous-age metamorphic basement intruded by Late Permian- Triassic granite intrusives.
Locally thick Mangole Fm Triassic volcanics affected by block faulting and unconformably overlain by Early
Jurassic redbeds, then M Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous Buya Fm marine section and Late Cretaceous Tanamu
Fm chalky pelagic marine sediments. Unconformably overlain by Eocene- M Miocene Salodik Fm platform
carbonates. No record of Mio-Pliocene ‘Sulawesi Molasse’. Raised Quaternary reefal carbonates up to 1000m.
Wet gas seep in N Mangole, possibly tied to Jurassic coaly source)

Jaworski, E (1921)- Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Untersten Doggers von Taliabu (Sula-Inseln). Jaarboek
Mijnwezen Nederlandsch-Indie 49 (1920), Verhandelingen 2, p. 191-206.

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 35 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

('A contribution to the knowledge of the basal Dogger (= Middle Jurassic) of Taliabu, Sula islands'. Relatively
poorly preserved molluscs (Rhynchonella, Pecten spp., Lima, Arca, etc.), Belemnites and ammonite fragment
(Hammatoceras), indicative of Dogger/ Aalenian age)

Kadarusman, A., N.L. Basuki & R. Suria-Atmadja (1994)- Komplek batuan dasar Kepulauan Sula: sebuah studi
pendahuluan. Proc. 30th Anniv. Symposium, R&D Centre for Geotechnology LIPI, V.1, p. 106-127.
('The basement complex of the Sula Islands: a preliminary study')

Kadarusman, A. & D.H. Natawidjaja (1995)- Komplek malihan di Kepulauan Sula, Maluku- suatu interpretasisi
sejarah struktur dan metamorfisma. In: Proc. Seminar Sehari Geoteknologi dalam indistrialisasi, Puslitbang
Geoteknologi LIPI, Bandung, p. 76-93
('The metamorphic complex in the Sula Islands, Moluccas; a historical interpretation of structure and
metamorphism'. On Paleozoic(?) regional metamorphic rocks in outcrops on Mangole (amphibolite, granulite),
Taliabu and Sulabesi (greenschist))

Khadafi, B.M., C. Danisworo & H.S. Purwanto (2013)- Potensi nikel sulphida daerah IUP Harita di Pulau Obi,
Kabupaten Halmahera Selatan, Provinsi Maluku Utara. J. Ilmiah Magister Teknik Geologi (UPN) 6, 2, 8p.
(online at: http://jurnal.upnyk.ac.id/index.php/mtg/article/view/262/224)
('Potential of nickel sulphides in the PT Harita area on Obi Island, S Halmahera, N Maluku Province')
(NW part of Obi Island mainly Mesozoic ultramafic rocks, overlain by Oligocene- E Miocene Bacan Fm
andesitic volcanoclastics. Four areas on Obi Island with potential for nickel sulphide deposits and two for other

Kholiq, A., R. Widiastuti, T. Bambang S.R. & I. Firdaus (2011)- Zonasi foraminifera plangtonik Kapur Akhir
dari Formasi Tanamu, Desa Parigi, Taliabu Timur, Kepulauan Sula. Proc. Joint. 36th HAGI and 40th IAGI Ann.
Conv., Makassar, JCM2011-108, 11p.
(Upper Cretaceous planktonic foraminifera zonation of the Tanamu Fm, Parigi Village, East Taliabu, Sula
Islands'. Planktonic foraminifera zones in Tanamu Fm (unconformably on Upper Jurassic?) indicative of Lower
Coniacian-Campanian: Dicarinella primitiva, D. concavata, D. asymetrica, Globotruncanita elevata and
Globotruncana ventricosa zones. Good correlation with nannoplankton)

Klompe, T.H.F. (1954)- The structural importance of the Sula Spur (Indonesia). Indonesian J. Natural Science
(Majalah Ilmu Alam untuk Indonesia) 110, p. 21-40.
(Summary of geology of N Moluccas, Ceram, Buru and Sula Spur (Banggai, Sula, and Obi islands region). Sula
spur is remnant of western termination of Australian-New Guinea Variscan (Paleozoic) fold belt, which acted
as obstacle during Tertiary crustal movements and caused the double loop in Banda fold arcs)

Klompe, T.H.F. (1956)- The structural importance of the Sula Spur (Indonesia). Proc. 8th Pacific Science
Congress, Philippines 1955, 2A, p. 869-889.
(Same as Klompe 1954)

Koenadi, H.S. (1995)- Gempabumi tektonik di Selat Obi, Maluku Utara. J. Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 5, 44,
p. 12-24.
('Tectonic earthquakes in Obi Straits, N Moluccas')

Koolhoven, W.C.B. (1930)- Verslag over een verkenningstocht in den Oostarm van Celebes en de Banggai
Archipel. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch-Indie 1929, Verhandelingen, p. 187-228.
(‘Report of a reconnaissance survey in the East arm of Sulawesi and the Banggai Archipelago’. Banggai
islands basement crystalline schists intruded by granodiorites, unconformably overlain by E Miocene
micaceous sandstones and limestones with Spiroclypeus and Miogypsina, unconformably overlain by ?Plio-
Pleistocene Peling Limestone. M or Late Miocene folding event and up to 1000m Quaternary uplift)

Kruizinga, P. (1921)- De belemnieten uit de Jurassische afzettingen van de Soela eilanden. Jaarboek Mijnwezen
Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 49 (1920), Verhandelingen 2, p. 161-189.

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 36 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

(The belemnites from the Jurassic deposits of the Sula Islands'. Jurassic belemnites collected by Brouwer,
mostly float material. No confident age conclusions, possibly Callovian- Oxfordian. Mainly Belemnopsis
gerardi Oppel (includes forms formerly described as Belemnites taliabicus, B soelarum, B. moluccanus and B.
galoi by Boehm), Belemnopsis alfoericus, Belemnopsis indicus n.sp., Belemnopsis rumphii n.sp., Hibolites
brouweri n.sp., H. lagoicus, H. verbeeki n.sp., Dicoelites sp.)

Kruizinga, P. (1926)- Ammonieten en eenige andere fossielen uit de Jurassische afzettingen der Soela eilanden.
Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 54 (1925), Verhandelingen 1, p. 13-85.
('Ammonites and some other fossils from the Jurassic deposits of the Sula islands'. M-L Jurassic cephalopods
from Brouwer collection. Basal M Jurassic (Aalenian) in neritic facies, Bajocian- Tithonian in pelagic facies)

Kuenen, Ph.H. (1942)- Obilatoe, Kisar and Siboetoe. Contributions to the geology of the East-Indies from the
Snellius Expedition II. Geologie en Mijnbouw 1942, 4, p. 81-90.
(Geological observations from short visits to islands of Obilatu, Kisar and Sibutu with 1929 Snellius
Expedition. Obilatu composed mainly of basic-ultrabasic igneous rocks and some tuffs, similar to NW part of
Obimajor. Evidence of recent submergence)

Kusnama (2008)- Fasies dan lingkungan pengendapan Formasi Bobong berumur Jura sebagai pembawa lapisan
batubara di Taliabu, Kepulauan Sanana-Sula, Maluku Utara. J. Geologi Indonesia 3, 3, p. 161-173.
(online at: www.bgl.esdm.go.id/publication/index.php/dir/article_detail/229)
('Facies and depositional environment of the Jurassic Bobong Fm at the Taliabu coalfield, Sula islands, North
Moluccas'. E-M Jurassic Bobong Fm lower part conglomerate facies, followed by fluvial quartz sandstone with
claystones, changing to shallow marine claystone-mudstone. Upper section well exposed in W and N Taliabu
Island. Coal beds in upper Bobong Fm of N Taliabu. Two seams 30-40 cm and 100-120 cm thick, sulfur 3-5%,
fixed carbon 46-54%, ash 8-16%, subbituminous to high volatile bituminous rank)

Kusnama, E. Partoyo & Rusmana (2007)- Batubara Formasi Bobong Pulau Taliabu, Maluku Utara. Majalah
Geologi Indonesia (IAGI) 21, p.
('Coal of the Bobong Formation, Taliabu Island, North Moluccas'. On E-M Jurassic coal of Sula Islands)

Lelono, E.B. & Nugrahaningsih (2012)- Australian palinomorphs from the Buya Formation of the Sula Island.
Scientific Contr. Oil Gas, Lemigas, 35, 3, p. 115-127.
(online at: www.lemigas.esdm.go.id/id/pdf/scientific_contribution/…)
(Palynology of 1200m thick section of Jurassic marine Buya Fm of Mahigo River near Modafumi, Mangole
Island, Sula Islands. Three microflora zones, from old to young: Contignisporites cooksoniae, Murospora
florida and Retitriletes watheroensis zones. Four dinoflagellate zones, from old to young: Caddasphaera
halosa, Wanaea clathrata- Wanaea indotata, Dingodinium swanense and Criboperidinium perforans zones.
Omatia montgomeryi shown as ~Oxfordian-Kimmeridgean. Both zonations suggest age of Buya Fm Bathonian-
E Tithonian, Middle- Late Jurassic. Palynomorph succession very similar to Australian NW Shelf)

Malod, J.A., J. Clermonte, J.P. Rehault, S. Burhanuddin, L. Sarmili, M. Villeneuve et al. (1993)- The South
Sula fracture zone; a reactivated southern arm of the Sorong Fault (East Indonesia). In: 10th anniversary of the
French-Indonesian cooperation in oceanography; ocean research, technology and maritime industry, Jakarta
1992, Ambassade de France en Indonesie, Adiwarna Citra, Bandung, p. 103-107

Martin, K. (1904)- Jungtertiare Kalksteine von Batjan und Obi. Sammlungen Geol. Reichs-Museums Leiden,
ser. 1, VII, p. 225-230.
(online at: www.repository.naturalis.nl/document/552413)
(Young Tertiary limestones from Bacan and Obi'. Occurrence of probably Early Miocene age limestone with
common Lithothamnium, Lepidocyclina and Heterostegina in SW Bacan (associated with coal beds?). N-
Central Obi limestones with same fauna (occurrences not reported by Verbeek 1899)

Nainggolan, D.A. (2015)- Pola anomali geomagnet daerah Pulau Taliabu dan Pulau Mangole, Maluku Utara. J.
Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 16, 2, p. 93-102.

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 37 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

(online at: http://kiosk.geology.esdm.go.id/artikel/pdf/pola-anomali-geomagnet-daerah-pulau-taliabu...)
('Geomagnetic anomaly pattern in the Taliabu and Mangole Islands, North Maluku'. Areas of unusually high
magnetic anomalies in S)

Nasution, F.A., B. Nugroho, A. Krisyunianto & A. Bachtiar (2008)- Overview petroleum system of Taliabu-
Mangole synrift in Sula sub basin. Proc. 37th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Bandung, 1, p. 761-772.
(Triassic-Jurassic Taliabu-Mangole N-S trending synrift basin with gas seeps and oil odor indicating mature
hydrocarbons. Surface mapping, seismic interpretation and evaluation of two wells suggest Jurassic Buya Shale
and E-M Jurassic Bobong Coal potential source rocks and mature, but dominantly gas prone. On Taliabu Shelf
source rock is immature, offshore Mangole source is mature. Bobong sand and fractured basement potential
reservoirs, Buya Shale is regional seal. Common thrust anticlinal structural traps. No figures?)

Natawidjaja, D.H. & A. Kadarusman (1994)- The structural natures of the Pre-Tertiary rock complexes of the
Sula Islands and their tectonic significances: a preliminary view. Proc. 23rd Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol.
(IAGI), Jakarta, 1, p. 433-446.
(Foliation in pre-Jurassic metamorphic rocks of Banggai-Sula islands variable with two or more deformation
phases. Different orientations between Taliabu-Mangole Islands and Sulabesi may be due to 90° CCW rotation
of Taliabu- Mangole. Most granitoids altered and brittle-fractured; Pre-Tertiary sediments only slightly folded.
Tectonic events: (1) Paleozoic Pre-rift structures and metamorphism; (2) Triassic- Jurassic synrift (N-S?)
extensional structures; (3) U Cretaceous- Miocene drift structures with rotations; (4) Late Miocene collisional
structures; (5) post-colisional compressional deformation and uplift of Sula islands)

Ngadenin (2016)- Kajian geologi, radiometri, dan geokimia Granit Banggai dan Formasi Bobong untuk
menentukan daerah potensial uranium di Pulau Taliabu, Maluku Utara. Eksplorium 37, 1, p. 13-26.
(online at: http://jurnal.batan.go.id/index.php/eksplorium/article/view/2669/pdf)
('Geological, radiometrical and geochemical studies of Banggai granites and Bobong Formation to determine
potential uranium areas in Taliabu Island, North Maluku'. Late Permian-Triassic Banggai granite is potential
uranium source, E-M Jurassic fluvial-deltaic sandstone of Bobong Fm is potential host rock)

Oloriz, F. & G.E.G. Westermann (1998)- The perisphinctid ammonite Sulaites n. gen. from the Upper Jurassic
of the Indo-Southwest Pacific. Alcheringa 22, p. 231-240.
(New genus Sulaites comprises Oxfordian group of 'Perisphinctes' sularus and moluccanus, described from
Sula Islands, and Late Oxfordian-?E Kimmeridgian 'Pseudoparaboliceras aramaraii' group described from W
Papua. Genus Sulaites also known from W Papua, PNG and probably New Zealand and Nepal)

Panjaitan, S. & Subagio (2014)- Pola anomali gayaberat daerah Taliabu- Mangole dan laut sekitarnya terkait
dengan prospek minyak bumi dan gas. J. Geologi Kelautan 12, 2, p. 65-78.
(online at: http://ejournal.mgi.esdm.go.id/index.php/jgk/article/view/247/237)
('Gravity anomaly pattern of Taliabu- Mangole area and surrounding seas, related to oil and gas prospectivity')

Panuju (2011)- Pre-Tertiary nannoplankton biostratigraphy of Bobong, Buya and Tanamu Formations, Banggai-
Sula basin. Proc. Joint 36th HAGI and 40th IAGI Ann. Conv., Makassar, JCM2011-053, 12p.
(Nannoplankton from three M Jurassic- Cretaceous outcrop sections of Sula islands (no locality details), each
through different formations. Babong Fm contains zone NJ9 (Bajocian, M Jurassic; with Watznaueria
brittanica, Diductius constans). Buya Fm zone NJ17 (Tithonian, Late Jurassic, with Zeugrhabdotus embergeri
at bottom, Stepanolithion bigotii at top). Tanamu Fm zones CC13-CC17 (Coniacian- Campanian, Late
Cretaceous, with Marthasterites furcatus at bottom, Quadrum gartneri at top))

Panuju, Irwansyah & E.B. Lelono (2011)- The Jurassic- Cretaceous paleogeography of the Sula area, North
Maluku. Lemigas Scientific Contr. 34, 1, p. 67-83.
(7 depositional sequences in Jurassic-Cretaceous succession of Sula area. Sequences 1 (Bobong Fm), 2, 3 and
4 (Buya Fm) of Jurassic age, sequences 5, 6 and 7 (Buya Fm) attributed to Cretaceous. General deepening of
depositional environment to North. Deepest environment is outer neritic (100m-200m). Jurassic-Cretaceous
depocenter in N part of study area)

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 38 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

Permana, H. (1987)- Ofiolit daerah Akelamo, Pulau Obi, Maluku Utara. J. Riset Geologi Pertambangan (LIPI)
8, 1, p. 13-24.
('Ophiolite in the Akelamo area, Obi Island, North Moluccas'. Melange complex of SW Obi (presumably post-
Jurassic), with basic-ultrabasic rocks (peridotite, gabbro with dikes of plagiogranite and basalt), crystalline
limestone, etc. Overlain by Oligocene volcanoclastics and younger sediments)

Pertamina/BPPKA (1996)- Petroleum geology of Indonesian basins, VI-IX Eastern Indonesian Basins, VI-
Banggai, Jakarta, p. 1-24.

Pessagno, E.A. & D. Meyerhoff Hull (2002)- Upper Jurassic (Oxfordian) radiolaria from the Sula Islands (East
Indies): their taxonomic, biostratigraphic, chronostratigraphic, and paleobiogeographic significance.
Micropaleontology 48, 3, p. 229-256.
(L-M Oxfordian radiolarians from Buya Fm mudstones of Mangole Island with common Praeparvicingula and
rare pantanelliids and association with Austral ammonites suggest assemblage from outside Central Tethyan
Pantanellidae realm, but belongs to Northern Austral Province Parvicingula- Praeparvicingula Realm (>30°S
paleolatitude), in keeping with Gondwana origin of Sula. New species Bigrumpta moluccaenis, Crucella
capaluluensis, C. hamiltoni, C. taliabuensis, C. westermanni, Grumpta australis, Acanthocircus tansinhoki, A.
waigaloensis, etc.)

Pigram, C.J., Surono & J.B. Supandjono (1985)- Geology and regional significance of the Sula Platform, East
Indonesia. Bull. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung, 11, p. 1-13.
(Sula Platform basement Paleozoic slates-schists (K-Ar age 305 Ma) and Late Permian-Triassic granitoids-
acid volcanics. Unconformably overlain by E Jurassic non-marine Kabauw Fm clastics, grading upward into
fossiliferous Buya Fm M Jurassic- E Cretaceous bathyal black shale, overlain by Late Cretaceous Tanamu Fm
calcilutites. Unconformably overlain by Miocene shallow marine limestones. Sula stratigraphy correlates
poorly with W Irian Jaya stratigraphy, but most similar to central PNG. May be detached from PNG in
Jurassic. Unlikely to be transported to E Indonesia by transcurrent faults, which in PNG did not develop before
Late Oligocene)

Pigram, C.J., Surono & J.B. Supandjono (1985)- Origin of the Sula Platform, Eastern Indonesia. Geology 13, p.
(Similar to paper above. Sula Platform stratigraphy closer to Central PNG between 141°-145° than to W New
Guinea, implying E to W displacement of >2500 km. Sula stratigraphy characterized by Paleozoic low-grade
metamorphics, Permo-Triassic granitoids and rel. complete marine Jurassic section, similar to PNG.
Cretaceous on Sula is bathyal Late Cretaceous carbonates only, different from PNG which has more complete
Cretaceous section, suggesting separation of Sula Platform in Early Cretaceous?)

Rahmalia, D., P.T. Allo, C. Zwach, R. Heggland & S.I. Midtbo (2017)- Hydrocarbon prospectivity in the South
Obi Basin. Proc. 41st Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA17-119-G, 15p.
(Seismic data in deepwater basin between Obi and Bacan/ S Halmahera, formed as pull-apart basin along
Sorong fault zone. Indications of Miocene Kais carbonate buildups and potential gas chimneys)

Rudyawan, A. & R. Hall (2012)- Structural reassessment of the South Banggai-Sula area: no Sorong fault zone.
Proc. 36th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA12-G-030, p. 1-17.
(New seismic data suggests strands of Sorong Fault can be traced from New Guinea towards Sula Islands, but
no through-going Sorong Fault Zone traceable to S of Banggai-Sula block. Absence of through-going strike-slip
fault zone along S Taliabu Shelf indicates Banggai-Sula block not transported to W by Sorong Fault Zone)

Rutten, L.M.R. (1927)- De noordelijke Molukken en de Radja-Ampat groep. In: L.M.R. Rutten (1927)
Voordrachten over de geologie van Nederlandsch Indie, Wolters, Groningen, p. 761-782.
(Review of geology of Northern Moluccas (Sula Islands, Obi, Bacan, Misool) and Radja Ampat Group (Waigeo,
Batanta, Salawati))

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 39 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

Ryacudu, R., T. Wibowo & Y.E. Handiwiria (1993)- Exploration for carbonate reservoirs in the Banggai-Sula
microcontinent, Eastern Indonesia. Proc. 22nd Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Bandung, 2, p. 679-692.
(Banggai-Sula microcontinent with carbonates in U Cretaceous (bathyal, tight), and Eocene-Miocene shallow
marine carbonates with good reservoir potential)

Sardjono (1999)- Gravity field and structure of the crust of the Banggai Island region, Eastern Indonesia,
implications for tectonics and hydrocarbon prospects. J. Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 9, 99, p. 16-29.
(Rel. high gravity over Banggai Islands suggest attenuated continental crust (22km), thinning to 9km in Tomori
Basin to S, and dipping gently to N, with drowned carbonate platforms. In E arm of Sulawesi gravity suggests
exposed ultramafic rocks do not extend to any great depths (<1 km, except on Poh Head, where it may extend
~5km into root zone). In Molucca Sea tectonic melange up to 8km thick on oceanic crust)

Sardjono & E. Mirnanda (2007)- Gravity field and structure of the crust beneath the East Arm of Sulawesi and
the Banggai Archipelago. Proc. 31st Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA07-G-024, 11p.
(Gravity suggests Banggai- Sula Archipelago composed of blocks of severely attenuated continental crust)

Sartono, S., K.A.S. Astadiredja, H. Mirwanto, K. Pontjomokono & B. Suprapto (1991)- Banggai microplate
Sunda subduction zone collision. Proc. 20th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), p. 376-395.

Sato, T., G.E.G. Westermann, S.K. Skwarko & F. Hasibuan (1978)- Jurassic biostratigraphy of the Sula Islands,
Indonesia. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre Bull. 4, 1, p. 1-28.
(Sula Islands Jurassic section rich in fossils, probably <1500m thick. Mainly calcareous shales, some
conglomerate and sandstone. Typical 'Indo-Pacific' series with Lower Callovian Macrocephalites fauna,
Oxfordian Mayaites, U Tithonian Blanfordiceras, etc. Age range Late Toarcian- Tithonian, but Aalenian and
M-U Callovian missing)

Schmid, K. (1934)- Biometrische Untersuchungen an Foraminiferen (Globorotalia menardii (d'Orb.)-

Globorotalia tumida (Brady) und Truncatulina margaritifera Brady- Truncatulina margaritifera granulosa
Fischer) aus dem Pliocaen von Ceram (Niederl.-Indien). Eclogae Geol. Helvetiae 27, 1, p. 45-134.
(online at: http://retro.seals.ch/cntmng?type=pdf&rid=egh-001:1934:27::574&subp=hires)
('Biometric investigations on foraminifera (…) from the Pliocene of Seram'. Extensive measurements on
selected planktonic and smaller benthic forams from ?Pliocene Fufa Beds foram marls from Wai Wahai
hinterland of N Central Seram. Most of samples collected by Weber. (not overly useful))

Septriandi, I. Syafri, Y. Adriana S. & F. Ferdian (2012)- Jurassic sandstone characteristic of Bobong Formation
in Taliabu Island, Eastern Indonesia: outcrop and petrography observations. Proc. 36th Ann. Conv. Indon.
Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA12-SG-068, p. 1-13.
(E-M Jurassic Bobong Fm sandstone on Taliabu (Sula Islands) in alluvial fan, fluvial and beach facies.
Provenance from continental block (Banggai granite and low grade metamorphics). Porosity 9-19%)

Silver, E.A. (1977)- The Sula Spur enigma. Geol. Soc. America (GSA), Abstracts with programs 9, 7, p. 1175-

Smit Sibinga, G.L. (1933)- Heeft de Banggai-Archipel in Jongtertiairen tijd een afwijkende ontwikkeling
gehad? Onhoudbaarheid der Pliocene Molukkenbrug? Tijdschrift Kon. Nederlands Aardrijkskundig
Genootschap 50, p. 227-238.
('Did the Banggai Archipelago have a different development in Late Tertiairy time? Untenability of the
Pliocene Moluccas land bridge?'. Discussion of Koolhoven (1930) conclusions on relation/ differences between
Late Tertiary of the Banggai Archipelago and Sulawesi. S.S. argues in favor of zoogeograpic connection)

Soeria-Atmadja, R., M.E. Suparka & Y.S. Yuwono (1988)- Petrology of the Pre-Tertiary and Tertiary volcanic
rocks from Obi, North Molucca. Majalah Geologi Indonesia (IAGI) 13, 1, 10p.

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 40 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

(Obi Island Pretertiary melange basement with blocks of ultrabasic rocks, basalts and Jurassic ammonite-
bearing sediments in foliated clay matrix. Overlain by less-deformed Tertiary shallow marine clastics with
intercalations of andesitic arc volcanics, and in upper part with reefal limestones)

Sudana, D., A. Yasin & K. Sutisna (1994)- Geological map of the Obi sheet, Maluku. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre
(GRDC), Bandung, 1: 250,000.
(Obi Island composed of Triassic-Jurassic ultramafics and metamorphic rocks, overlain by Late Oligocene- E
Miocene Bacan Fm andesitic volcanics and volcanoclastics and Miocene- Pliocene clastics-carbonates.
Original mapping in 1975-1976)

Sukamto, R. (1975)- Geologi daerah Kepulauan Banggai dan Sula. Geologi Indonesia 2, 3, p. 23-28.
(‘Geology of the Banggai and Sula islands region’. Includes two broad K-Ar ages for Mangole Volcanics on
Mangole Island: radiometric ages of 330± 90 Ma and 210± 25 Ma (?). Basal metamorphic complex
radiometric age 305 ± 6 Ma (Late Carboniferous), Banggai granite radiometric ages 235 ± 10 Ma to 245 ± 25
Ma (Triassic))

Sukamto, R. & G.E.G. Westermann (1992)- Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. In: G.E.G. Westermann (ed.)
The Jurassic of the Circum-Pacific, Cambridge University Press, p. 181-193.
(With summary of Jurassic stratigraphy of Banggai-Sula Platform: 1000-2500m thick Jurassic section exposed
on Sula islands, with richest Jurassic ammonite faunas of Indonesia. Basal part terrestrial- shallow marine
Kabauw, Bobong and Nanaka Fms, mainly coarse clastics with some coal. Overlain by open marine sediments,
with Macrocephalites assemblages in M Jurassic, Mayatites- Perisphinctes in Late Jurassic, etc.)

Supandjono, J.B. & E. Haryono (1993)- Geological map of the Banggai Quadrangle, Sulawesi-Maluku,
1:250,000. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung, 13p.
(Geologic map of Taliabu, Banggai and E Peleng islands (W part of Banggai Sula islands). With M-L Jurassic
marine Buya Fm rich in macrofossils: ammonites (Irianites moermanni, Stephanoceras, Macrocephalites spp.,
Mayaites), belemnites (Belemnopsis spp.), and bivalves. Underlying E-M Jurassic Bobong Fm thics 'redbeds'
with coal, unconformable on metamorphic and igneous basement (incl. Late Triassic Banggai granite; K/Ar
ages ~225Ma))

Supandjono, J.B. & Surono (1987)- Stratigraphic correlation between Banggai- Sula Platform and Irian Jaya.
Proc. 16th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), p.

Surono & D. Sukarna (1993)- Geological map of the Sanana Quadrangle, Maluku, 1:250,000. Geol. Res. Dev.
Centre (GRDC), Bandung.
(Geologic map of Manggole, Sanana and E Talibu islands (E part of Banggai Sula islands). Buya Fm M-L
Jurassic rich in macrofossils: ammonites (Blanfordiceras, Himalayites, Stephanoceras, Macrocephalites),
belemnites (Belemnopsis stolleyi, B. mangolensis), bivalves (Inoceramus, Malayomaorica))

Van Nouhuijs, J.W. (1910)- Bijdrage tot de kennis van het eiland Taliaboe der Soela groep (Moluksche Zee).
Tijdschrift Kon. Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap (2), 27, p. 945-976 and p. 1173-1196.
(‘Contribution to the knowledge of Taliabu island of the Sula Group’. Report on first collections of famous
Jurassic ammonites and belemnites in 1900 (with Boehm) and 1904, by navy officer Van Nouhuijs. Fossils from
folded dark shales underlain by crystalline schist. Including famous Keeuw locality at Wai Miha River,
described by Boehm (1912))

Walpersdorf, A., C. Vigny, P. Manurung, C. Subaraya & S. Sutisna (1998)- Determining the Sula block
kinematics in the triple junction area in Indonesia by GPS. Geophysical J. Int. 135, p. 351-361.
(Triple junction of three major plate boundaries (Australia- Eurasia- Philippines) is transition zone that
includes Sula domain, which shows clockwise rotation)

Wanner, J. (1913)- Zur Geologie der Inseln Obimajora und Halmahera in den Molukken. Neues Jahrbuch
Mineral. Geol. Palaont., Beilage Band 36, p. 560-585.

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 41 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

(‘On the geology of islands Obi Besar and Halmahera in the Moluccas’ Along Akelamo River of SW Obi: (1)
serpentinized peridotite, (2) Pliocene marine marls and (3) black shales with concretions with M Jurassic
ammonites Phylloceras, Stephanoceras and Macrocephalites, similar to ‘Coronatenschichten’ of Sula. E-M
Miocene limestone with Miogypsina and Lepidocyclina near S coast near Ngutenute. Also andesitic volcanics,
etc. Young raised coral reef terraces up to 320m elevation along S coast)

Watkinson, I.M., R. Hall & F. Ferdian (2011)- Tectonic re-interpretation of the Banggai-Sula-Molucca Sea
margin, Indonesia. In: R. Hall, M.A. Cottam & M.E.J. Wilson (eds.) The SE Asian gateway: history and
tectonics of Australia-Asia collision, Geol. Soc. London, Spec. Publ. 355, p. 203-224.
(New bathymetric and seismic data from area N of Banggai-Sula Islands provide new insight into boundary
between E Sulawesi ophiolite, Banggai-Sula microcontinent and Molucca Sea collision zone. Previously
interpreted major faults such as Sula Thrust and N Sula-Sorong Fault, are not seen. Gently dipping strata of
Banggai-Sula microcontinent margin can be traced N-wards beneath younger rocks)

Westermann, G.E.G. & J.H. Callomon (1988)- The Macrocephalitinae and associated Bathonian and early
Callovian (Jurassic) ammonoids of the Sula islands and New Guinea. Palaeontographica A, 203, p. 1-90.
(Five Bathonian- Early Callovian ammonite assemblages on S Taliabu. Also from Bathonian at PNG Strickland
River. East Indian faunas dominated by Macrocephalitidae, many of which are species unknown outside
Indonesia- New Guinea (one other SW Pacific occurrence in New Zealand). Because of high endemicity at
species level in Macrocephalitinae and at genus level in Satoceras and Irianites, E Indonesia and PNG may be
considered as separate ammonite faunal province or subprovince, perhaps part of Maorian/SW Pacific
Province during Late Bajocian- E Callovian. Diversity and compositions of ammonite faunas suggest Sula was
in warmer waters than Birds Head Peninsula)

Westermann, G.E.G., T. Sato & S.K. Skwarko (1978)- Brief report on the Jurassic biostratigraphy of the Sula
Islands, Indonesia. Newsletters Stratigraphy 7, 2, p. 96-101.
(Classic ammonite localities on Taliabu and Mangole reexamined. U Toarcian sst with Hammatoceras overlain
by thick Bajocian micaceous marly shales (Fontannesia, etc.). No evidence for Aalenian. Overlying thick marly
claystones with E Callovian 'Keeuw fauna' (Macrocephalites, etc.) and 'Wai Galo fauna' with E-M Oxfordian
ammonite assemblages (Mayaitidae, Perisphinctes, etc.). No new evidence for Bathonian or higher Callovian.
Thick Kimmeridgian-M Tithonian argillaceous sequence in belemnite-bivalve facies (Belemnopsis, Inoceramus,
Malayomaorica). Upper Tithonian claystones again rich ammonite fauna (Haplophylloceras, Blanfordiceras,

Wichmann, A. (1914)- On some rocks of the Island of Taliabu (Sula-Islands). Proc. Kon. Nederl. Akademie
Wetenschappen, Amsterdam, 17, 1, p. 226-239.
(online at: www.dwc.knaw.nl/DL/publications/PU00012640.pdf)
(Description of granites and other igneous rocks, metamorphics, Jurassic iron oolite with belemnites. Oldest
rocks are highly folded phyllites)

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 42 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

VI.3. Seram, Buru, Ambon
Adlan, Q., S.M. Kartanegara. A.H.P. Kesumajana & E.A. Syaripudin (2016)- Explanation of Seram Island’s
more prolific oil potential compared to its offshore area using palinspastic and basin modeling approaches.
Proc. 40th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA16-294-G, 15p.
(Structural restoration of SW-NE seismic line in Seram Trough E of Seram. Compressional deformation in
imbricated thrust belt began at ~5 Ma, with peak of shortening at 3.5 Ma. Some Lengkuas 1 well data)

Adlan, Q., A.H.P. Kesumajana & E.A. Syaripudin (2016)- Impacts of fold-thrust belt forming on hydrocarbon
occurrence in Seram Trough: Outer Banda Arc foreland system. Proc. 40th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum
Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA16-58-G, 14p.
(Basin modeling of petroleum systems in deepwater Seram fold-thrust belt and Seram Trough foreland basin, S
of Misool-Onin-Kumawa Ridge. Hydrocarbon shows in Jurassic of Lengkuas-1 (SSW of South Onin 1 well)
indicates oil accumulation before Plio-Pleistocene tectonic event)

Adlan, Q., J. Wahyudiono, A. Susilo, B. Salimudin, A.K. Gibran & E.S. Wiratmoko (2018)- Petroleum system
potential of Lofin and Banggoi area, Seram Island. Proc. 42nd Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA),
Jakarta, IPA18-250-G, 6p.
(Brief review, showing highly variable porosity and TOC in Triassic Kanikeh Fm outcrop samples)

Al-Shaibani, S. (1983)- The micropalaeontology of the Middle Triassic to Upper Miocene sediments of Seram,
Eastern Indonesia. Ph.D. Thesis Imperial College, University of London, p. 1-469.
(online at: https://spiral.imperial.ac.uk/handle/10044/1/36159)
(Planktonic foraminifera of Nief Beds indicate deposition during Cretaceous, Paleocene, Eocene and Miocene
in deep bathyal environment. Corroded radiolaria in U Jurassic- Lower Cretaceous part of Nief Beds indicate
deposition close to silica compensation depth at ~4000m. Fine grain-size and radiolaria-dominated microfauna
of Saman Saman Lst indicate deposition in very deep marine water. Microfaunas of Late Triassic Asinepe Lst
reveal deposition during Norian in reefal- sublagoonal environment)

Al-Shaibani, S., D.J. Carter & L. Zaninetti (1983)- Geological and micropaleontological investigations in Upper
Triassic (Asinepe Limestones) of Seram, Outer Banda Arc, Indonesia. Archives Sciences Geneve 36, 2, p. 301-
(Foraminifera from U Triassic Asinepe Fm tropical-reefal carbonates of Seram show Norian- Rhaetian age.
Two distinct foram facies associations: (1) muddy lagoonal facies dominated by Involutinidae, with Triasina
hantkeni, Aulatortus spp., etc. and (2) near-reefal facies dominated by porcellaneous forams. No location maps,
stratigraphy, etc.)

Al-Shaibani, S., D.J. Carter & L. Zaninetti (1984)- Microfaunes associees aux Involudinidae et aux
Milioporidae dans le Trias superieur (Rhetien) de Seram, Indonesie: precisions stratigraphiques et
paleoecologie. Archives Sciences Geneve 37, 3, p. 297-313.
(Upper Triassic microfaunas from Asinepe Fm reefal and lagoonal platform limestone, Seram with Rhaetian
index foram Triasina hantkeni. Many similarities with U Triassic Tethyan faunas in Europe and Asia)

Aquantino, S., N. Nastiti & A.S. Dradjat (2012)- Penggunaan metoda "the look ahead VSP survey" untuk
pencitraan target Formasi di bawa mata bor pada sumur pemboran eksplorasi Lofin 1. Proc. 41st Ann. Conv.
Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Yogyakarta, 2012-E-30, 5p.
('The use of the "look ahead VSP survey" method for imaging targets during drilling of exploration well Lofin
1'. Lofin-1 exploration well ~70km W of Oseil 2. Target Manusela Lst deeper than pre-drill predictions;not
reached at TD of 10957' (in Upper Nief Fm). Look-ahead VSP used to help predict target depths (Lofin 1 ST
penetrated ~500' of gas-oil bearing fractured Manusela Fm limestone below ~14000'; JTvG))

Audley-Charles, M.G. & D.J. Carter (1977)- Interpretation of a regional seismic line from Misool to Seram:
implications for regional structure and petroleum exploration. Proc. 6th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc.
(IPA), Jakarta, 2, p. 3-12. (also in Oil and Gas Journal 23, 1, p. 20-23)

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 43 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

(Misool to Seram regional seismic shows imbricate zone at boundary of Seram island arc with New Guinea
continental shelf. S wall of Seram Trough is like N wall of Timor Trough, interpreted as foothills-type fold belt.
This may be regarded as an A-zone (Bally, 1975), representing margin between Banda Arc developing fold belt
and Australian craton. Benioff subduction zone interpreted between non-volcanic Outer Banda arc and
volcanic Inner Arc. A- and B-zones can be traced around Banda Arcs from Seram to Timor and beyond)

Audley-Charles, M.G., D.J. Carter, A.J. Barber, M.S. Norvick & S. Tjokrosapoetro (1979)- Reinterpretation of
the geology of Seram: implications for the Banda arcs and northern Australia. J. Geol. Soc. London 136, p. 547-
568. (also in: Geology and Tectonics of eastern Indonesia, GRDC Spec. Publ. 2, 1981, p. 217-237).
(Remarkable similarities between Mesozoic-Miocene deep-water ‘para-autochthonous’ and shallow water
‘allochthonous’ successions of Seram and Timor. Triassic limestones in ‘Australian facies’ mostly planktonic
facies Saman Saman Lst in ‘para-autochthonous’, structurally overlain by ‘Asian facies’Asinepe Lst in

Bachri, S. (2011)- Tectonostratigraphy and structures of Eastern Seram. J. Geologi Indonesia 6, 2, p. 85-93.
(online at: www.bgl.esdm.go.id/publication/index.php/dir/article_detail/305)
(Seram geology re-interpreted in E Timor-analog tectonic complexes. Most of E Seram is 'Para-autochthonous
complex', with Permian Kobipoto metamorphics, overlain by Triassic-Jurassic Kanikeh Fm flysch and age-
equivalent Manusela Fm massive limestone, overlain by Cretaceous- Miocene pelagic deposits. 'Allochthonous'
overthrusted sequence of ultrabasic rocks comparable to Timor Banda allochton (called Permian age in text,
Jurassic-Cretaceous in Fig. 3; JTvG). Salas Complex is M Miocene- M Pliocene deep water olistostrome,
similar to Timor Bobonaro Complex. Thrusting Neogene age and verging to NE)

Baroncini Turricchia, G. & and A. Benassi (2012)- Cave and karst prospecting within Seram Island (Maluku
province) Indonesia), 23 May-22 June 2012. Rome, p. 1-31.
(online at: www.circolospeleologicoromano.it/csr/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Seram2012.pdf)

Beckinsale, R.D. & S. Nakapadungrat (1979)- A Late Miocene K-Ar age for the lavas of Pulau Kelang, Seram,
Indonesia. In: S. Uyeda, R.W. Murphy & K. Kobayashi (eds.) Geodynamics of the Western Pacific, Proc. Int.
Conf. Geodynamics Western Pacific-Indonesian Region, J. Physics of the Earth 26, Suppl. 6, p. 199-202.
(K-Ar determinations for 10 samples of pillow basalts of Kelang island, W Seram (with paleomagnetic analysis
by Haile) gave Late Miocene ages of 4.7- 10.6 Ma (average 7.6 Ma, Late Miocene))

Boehm, G. (1905)- Uber Brachiopoden aus einem alteren Kalkstein der Insel Ambon. Jaarboek Mijnwezen
Nederlandsch-Indie 34, Wetenschappelijk Gedeelte (Verbeek Ambon report), p. 88-93.
('On brachiopods from an older limestone of Ambon Island'. Brachiopods from dark, mica-bearing, impure
limestone in sandstone series in Batu Gantung River are all new species, probably of Early Paleozoic age,
possibly Triassic. Probably same faunas determined as Late Triassic by Jaworski 1925)

Boehm, G. (1908)- Vorjurassische Brachiopoden von Ambon. In: Geologische Mitteilungen aus dem Indo-
Austratrischen Archipel VI, Neues Jahrbuch Mineral. Geol. Palaont., Beilage Band 25, 2, p. 293-303.
(‘Pre-Jurassic brachiopods from Ambon’. New species of Spiriferina, Athyris, Rhynchopora, Dielasma from
Batu Gantung valley near town of Ambon. Age uncertain, probably Late Paleozoic- Triassic. (Deninger 1918,
p. 30: similar to Late Triassic of Seram))

Boehm, G. (1910)- Zur neuen obertriadischen Fauna aus den Molukken. Centralblatt Mineralogie Geologie
Palaont. 1910, 6, p. 161-163.
(online at: www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/192869#page/185/mode/1up)
(‘On the new Upper Triassic fauna from the Moluccas’. Brief note commenting on Krumbeck (1909) note on
highly folded Upper Triassic asphalt beds near Fogi (W Buru) and Bara Bay (NW coast Buru), containing
Daonella indica and ammonites. Buru U Triassic limestones in bivalve-cephalopod facies, different from
'athyrid facies' of Misool (mainly brachiopod-coral facies))

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 44 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

Brouwer, H.A. (1919)- Geologische onderzoekingen in Oost-Ceram. Tijdschrift Kon. Nederlands
Aardrijkskundig Genootschap 36, 6, p. 715-751.
(Geological survey of E Seram. Folded Late Triassic ‘flysch-type’, locally bituminous, calcareous sandstones-
shales, with interbeds of 80-100m thick, dark brachiopod and coral limestones. Sandstones locally common
plant fragments and muscovite (look like immature, delta-front turbidite sands, from granitic-metamorphic
terrane; JTvG). These are thought to be thrusted over ‘Nief Series’ (as exposed in Wai Nief canyons). Nief
series at base different Triassic limestone: massive, oolitic, poor in age-diagnostic macrofossils, similar to
rocks from Timor (but not Misool), and overlain by ?Jurassic, Cretacous and Tertiary cherty pelagic limestones
and foram marls. Mesozoic of Ceram succession remarkably poor in macrofossils compared to Misool. Gas and
oil seeps in Triassic rocks near Bula and Wai Nief)

Brouwer, H.A. (1925)- Over insluitsels en cordierietgehalte van bronziet-dacieten van het eiland Ambon.
Verhandelingen Geologisch-Mijnbouwkundig Genootschap Nederland Kol., Geol. Serie 8 (Verbeek volume), p.
('On inclusions and cordierite content of bronzite-dacites on Ambon island'. Common inclusions of gneiss, some
with cordierite phenocrysts)

Brouwer, H.A. (1927)- Over Mesozoische afzettingen en eenige vulkanische gesteenten van het eiland Ambon.
Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch-Indie 55 (1926), Verhandelingen III, p. 233-245.
('On Mesozoic deposits and some volcanic rocks of Ambon island'. Reinterpretation of Verbeek (1908)
conclusions and reiterates similarities of Ambon with NE part of W Timor. Upper Triassic sandstones, similar
to Seram, with common quartz, possibly derived from mix of granites and schists. Also Upper Triassic dark grey
limestones with crinoids, sponges, foraminifera and 11 species of brachiopods (Jaworski 1927), similar to
Seram. Radiolarites of uncertain age)

Charlton, T.R. & J.T. van Gorsel (2014)- The Manusela Limestone in Seram: Late Triassic age for a ‘Jurassic’
petroleum play. Berita Sedimentologi 31, p. 57-69.
(online at: www.iagi.or.id/fosi/files/2014/12/BS31-Biostratigraphy_SEAsia_Part3.pdf)
(No biostratigraphic evidence to support a Jurassic age for Manusela Limestone, which forms oil reservoir in
the‘Jurassic Limestone hydrocarbon play’ of Oseil oilfield in NE Seram. Many paleontological studies on
outcrops and wells instead document only Late Triassic macro- and microfaunas and microfloras)

Davies, G.R. & S. Tommasini (2000)- Isotopic disequilibrium during rapid crustal anatexis: implications for
petrogenetic studies of magmatic processes. Chemical Geology 162, 2, p. 169-191.
(online at: https://flore.unifi.it/retrieve/handle/2158/224189/2816/2000ChemGeolv162_DisMelting.pdf)
(Rapid crustal anatexis may prevent full isotopic equilibration. Dating metamorphic rocks using mineral-
whole rock or mineral-mineral pairs may yield erroneous ages, as observed in pre-Triassic metasediments of
Seram where ages range from ~15 to 201 Ma, despite anatexis at 6 Ma. Consequently, some age estimates in
literature may be incorrect)

Darman, H. & P. Reemst (2012)- Seismic expression of geological features in Seram Sea: Seram Trough,
Misool-Onin Ridge and sedimentary basin. Berita Sedimentologi 23, p. 28-34.
(online at: www.iagi.or.id/fosi/)

De Jong, H. (1923)- Studien uber Eruptiv- und Mischgesteine des Kaibobogebietes (West Ceram). In: L. Rutten
& W. Hotz (eds.) Geological, petrographical and palaeontological results of explorations 1917-1919 in the
Island of Ceram, First Ser., Petrography, 1, Amsterdam, p. 1-87.
(Petrographic descriptions of igneous rocks from Kaibobo area, W Seram: granites/ gneissess (incl. cordierite
granites), peridotites/ serpentinites, gabbros, etc.))

Deninger, K. (1914)- Morphologische Ubersicht der Insel Seran. Petermanns Geogr. Mitteilungen 60, 2, p. 16-
('Morphological overview of Seram island'. Brief geographic description with little or no geology)

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 45 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

Deninger, K. (1915)- Geographische Ubersicht vom West-Seran. Petermann Geogr. Mitteilungen 61, p. 385-
('Geographical overview of West Seram'. Mainly brief review of Seram population. Very little geology)

Deninger, K. (1918)- Zur Geologie von Mittel-Seran (Ceram). Palaeontographica, Suppl. IV, Beitr. Geologie
Niederlandisch-Indien III, 2, p. 25-58.
(‘On the geology of Central Seram’. Report on four N-S traverses of C Seram during 'Second Freiburger
Moluccas Expedition' of 1911. With geologic map, cross-sections. Pre-Triassic metamorphic rocks overlain by
Late Triassic micaceous sands and shales with Monotis salinaria, Hallorella, plant material, etc., becoming
more sandy in W direction. Grade upwards into Late Triassic- M Jurassic limestones (~150m thick), with
brachiopod Misolia, 'Pharetronen' (= calcareous sponges), corals and hydrozoans. Overlain by massive grey
and white limestones, locally cherty, also with Misolia. Overlain by ~20m 'Fatjet-shale' with Inoceramus and
belemnites, then (~100m) red-white Late Jurassic- Cretaceous 'Fatjet-limestone', rich in Inoceramus, forams (in
upper part common 'Discorbinen' = U Cretaceous Globotruncana; JTvG), radiolarians and rare canaliculate
belemnites. Overlain by ~100-150m Tertiary Globigerina marls. Seram Jurassic-Cretaceous deeper marine
facies than comparable series on Misool. Overlain by ~400m Tertiary massive limestone with orbitoids,

De Smet, M.E.M. & A.J. Barber (1992)- Report on the geology of Seram. University of London SE Asia
Research Group Report 109, p. 1-103. (Unpublished)
(Overview of early work and stratigraphy. Extensive metamorphic complexes probably mainly Permian- E
Triassic age. Kabipoto Complex metamorphics of S/SW Seram associated with ultramafic rocks, may be result
of 4-5 Ma ophiolites obduction of ophiolites that once may have covered large part of Seram. Late Triassic
Manusela oolitic Lst facies is large lens-like bodies in Kanikeh Fm clastics sequence, not from separate
terranes as argued by earlier authors. Seram is thrustbelt composed of material from microcontinent that
collided with Banda Arc in Late Miocene-Pliocene)

De Smet, M.E.M., P.A. Sumususastro, I. Siregar, L.J. van Marle, S.R. Troelstra & A.R. Fortuin (1989)- Late
Cenozoic geohistory of Seram, Indonesia. Geologie en Mijnbouw 68, p. 221-235.
(online at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7j8bPm9Cse0N1hmWGFtRUYxVm8/view)
(SW Seram Plio-Pleistocene basin on top of Paleozoic metamorphics records up to 1500m of Late Pliocene- E
Pleistocene subsidence after Late Miocene compressional deformation and uplift. Subsidence followed by 1-2
km of Late Pleistocene (~1 Ma) uplift)

Djoehanah, S. (1997)- Foraminifera Pra-Tersier dan Paleogen di daerah Saleman- Sawai, Seram Utara. Jurnal
Teknologi Mineral (ITB) 4, 1, p.
(‘Pre-Tertiary and Paleogene Foraminifera from Saleman- Sawai area, North Seram’. Triassic benthic
foraminifera in Manusela Limestone: Glomospira, Glomospirella, Diplotremina, and Meandrospira. Upper
Cretaceous Sawai Fm only planktonics: Globotruncana, Hedbergella, Heterohelix, Globotruncanella,
Rugoglobigerina and Rotalipora sp. Lisabata Fm has Paleogene (Oligocene?; JTvG) planktonics such as
Catapsydrax dissimilis, C. unicava, Globigerina eocenica, G. tripartita, G. venezuelana, G. selli, etc.)

Douville, H. (1923)- Sur quelques foraminiferes des Moluques orientales et de la Nouvelle Guinee. Jaarboek
Mijnwezen Nederlandsch-Indie 50 (1921), Verhandelingen 2, p. 107-116.
('On some foraminifera from the eastern Moluccas and from New Guinea'. Brief description of Eocene larger
forams in samples collected by Brouwer in Halmahera (Nummulites, Discocyclina, Alveolina), Roti (large
Nummulites, Discocyclina), Ceram (E Miocene Lepidocyclina in breccia with reworked angular clasts of Upper
Cretaceous pelagic limestone), New Guinea, Kai Besar (rounded fragments of Eocene Lacazina in quartz
sandstone, etc. No location info)

Dradjat, A.S. & C.S. Patandung (2012)- Geomechanical approach for cores analysis of Jurassic Manusela
carbonate fractured reservoir from Oseil Field. AAPG Workshop Fractured carbonate reservoirs, Bali 2012,
Search and Discovery Art. 201489, p. 1-17.
(online at: www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2012/20149dradjat/ndx_dradjat.pdf)

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 46 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

Dradjat, A.S., X. Hu & R. Primasari (2012)- Application of pre-stack seismic anisotropy for fracture detection,
in Oseil Field carbonate reservoir, Seram Island, Eastern Indonesia. Presentation AAPG Workshop Fractured
Carbonate Reservoirs, Bali 2012, Search and Discovery Art. 20157, p. 1-17.
(online at: www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2012/20157dradjat/ndx_dradjat.pdf)
(Geophysical study of fracture intensity in Oseil field, East Indonesia, is fractured carbonate in Manusela Fm)

Dradjat, A.S. & C.S. Patandung (2012)- Geomechanical approach for rock strength and litholoy anisotropy of
Jurassic carbonate Manusela fracture reservoir from Oseil field. Proc. 41st Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol.
(IAGI), Yogyakarta, 2012-EG43, p.
(On geomechanical relationship between lithology and rock strength in fractured limestone of Oseil field,
Seram. Higher rock strength has fewer fractures and less porosity. In E Nief-1 well, compacted dolostone core
has highest rock strength, is less fractured and non-reservoir, while oolitic limestone has lower rock strength,
more fractures and good reservoir. In Oseil-1 and 4 wells oolitic limestone and dolostone both highly fractured
and highly porous)

Dwijanto, B., T.A. Soeprapto & K. Budiono (1992)- Marine geology and geophysics of Ambon Bay. J. Sumber
Daya Geologi Indonesia(GRDC) 2, 12, p. 1-16.

Everwijn, R. (1874)- Marmer op het eiland Amboina. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 3, 1, p.
('Marble on Ambon Island'. Brief note on samples of light grey, grey and black marble. Age unknown)

Fischer, P.J. (1921)- Eine Pliocanfauna von Seran (Molukken). Centralblatt Mineralogie Geologie Palaont.
1921, 8, p. 242-251 and p. 278-286.
(online at: www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/204060#page/568/mode/thumb)
('A Pliocene fauna from Seram (Moluccas). Listings of marine molluscs (158 species of gastropods and
bivalves) and smaller benthic foraminifera (54 species). Molluscs Indo-Pacific assemblages, 74 species still
extant (47%); many new species. No figures? (see also Fischer (1927))

Fischer, P.J. (1927)- Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Pliozanfauna der Molukkeninseln Seran und Obi. Palaeontologie
von Timor, Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, 15, 25, p. 1-179.
(‘Contribution to the knowledge of the Pliocene fauna of the Moluccan islands of Seram and Obi’. Mainly on
molluscs from Fufa valley outcrop collected by Wanner in 1902 and from well near Bula, Seram. Also molluscs
and foraminifera from Akalamo valley on Obi, incl. Amphistegina wanneriana n.sp.)

Flugel, E. (1981)- Paleoecology and facies of Upper Triassic reefs in the Northern Calcareous Alps. In: D.F.
Toomey (ed.) European fossil reef models, SEPM Spec. Publ. 30, p. 291-359.
(Review of faunal and facies distributions of U Triassic reefs in Alps. Mentions Seram (p. 351): up to 150m
limestone, many calcareous sponges corals, hydrozoans; believed to be of Late Norian age)

Fortuin, A.R., M.E.M. de Smet, P.A. Sumasusatro, L.J. Van Marle & S.R. Troelstra (1988)- Late Cenozoic
geohistory of NW Buru, Indonesia and plate tectonic implications. Geologie en Mijnbouw 67, 1, p. 91-105.
(Buru stratigraphy: Paleozoic? metamorphics overlain by >2500m Triassic clastics with bituminous shale near
top, unconformably overlain (break-up ?) by Late Jurassic (with basaltic volcanics) and Cretaceous- Eocene
pelagic marls, limestones, cherts. Oligocene unconformity (folding, uplift) overlain by deep water Late
Oligocene and E Miocene. Andesitic lavas present in E Miocene. Mid-Late Miocene unconformity.

Gafoer, S., Suwitodirjo & Suharsono (1994)- Geological map of Bula and Watubela Islands Quadrangle, Seram,
1: 250,000. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung, 13p.
(Oldest rocks in Seram outcrops are presumably Permian age metamorphics, overlain by Triassic Kanikeh Fm
flysch and Manusela Fm limestone, overlain by Cretaceous pelagic calcilutite/ shale. Salas melange complex

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 47 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

formed in Mio-Pliocene, and is unconformably overlain by Pliocene Wahai Fm marls and Pleistocene Fufa Fm
coarser clastics)

Germeraad, J.H. (1946)- Geology of Central Seran. In: Geological, petrographical and palaeontological results
of explorations carried out from September 1917 till June 1919 in the Island of Ceram by L. Rutten and W.
Hotz, 3rd Ser., Geology, 2, Amsterdam, p. 1-135.
(The geology of Central Seram, compiled from notes and study of rocks collected by Rutten & Hotz 1918-1920.
Metamorphic rocks overlain by Late Triassic greywacke/ flysch, Late Triassic platform carbonates, etc.)

Gerth, H. (1909)- Echte und falsche Hydrozoen aus Niederlandisch-Indien. Sitzungsberichte Niederrheinischen
Gesellschaft Natur und Heilkunde, Bonn, 1909, A, p. 17-25.
('Real and fake hydrozoans from Netherlands Indies'. Includes first record from Indonesia of ?pelagic Late
Triassic hydrozoan Heterastridium from Seram, collected by Verbeek from Teri Mountain, East Seram (also
locally common on Timor, see Gerth 1915; JTvG). New Cretaceous coral genus from Langkat, N Sumatra:
Actinacis sumatrensis)

Gerth, H. (1910)- Fossile Korallen von der Molukkeninsel Buru nebst Bemerkungen uber die polygenetischen
Beziehungen der Gattung Alveopora. Neues Jahrbuch Mineral. Geol. Palaeont. 1910, 2, p. 16-28.
('Fossil corals from the Moluccas island of Buru, with remarks on the polygenetic relations with the genus
Alveopora'. Descriptions of Late Triassic corals from Buru, incl. Alveopora deningeri n.sp. from Miocene. Also
U Triassic Lovcenipora intabulata from Tifu at S coast (formerly described as Pachypora intabulata Wanner
1907 from Seram))

Godefroy, W. (1897)- Verslag van een onderzoek naar petroleum nabij de Boela-Baai op noordoostelijk Ceram.
Kolff & Co, Batavia, p.
('Report of an investigation into petroleum near Bula Bay on NE Seram'. With map of oil and gas localities)

Grosch, P. (1910)- Zur Geologie des indo-australischen Archipels, VI. Uber eine riffbildenden Koralle aus
Nord-Ost Serang (Ceram). Centralblatt Mineralogie Geologie Palaont. 1910, p. 391-395.
('On a reef-building coral from NE Seram'. Colonial coral collected by Wanner in 1902 in float of Fufa River,
11 km from mouth, described as Prionastraea cf. verbeeki (=Favites?, species originally described by Dollfus
(1908) from Verbeek collection from Plio-Pleistocene? of Daweloor Island, Babar islands; JTvG))

Guntoro, A. (2000)- Structural, sedimentary and tectonic evolution of the Buru Island, central Molucca,
Indonesia; in relation to the hydrocarbon prospect. AAPG Int. Conf., Exhib., Bali 2000, American Assoc.
Petrol. Geol. (AAPG) Bull. 84, 9, p. 1432 (Abstract only)
(Buru Island part of non-volcanic outer Banda Arc and is microcontinent derived from Australian continent.
Mesozoic sediments similar to Seram. Low gravity anomaly in center of island. Gravity models show deep
crustal structure and provide a better understanding of basin evolution)

Hadiwisastra, S., S. Djoehanah, D. Mulyadi & D. Trisukmono (1996)- Sedimentasi batuan Pra-Tersier dan
Tersier di daerah busur tektonik aktif, Seram Utara. In: Sampurno et al. (eds.) Pros. Seminar Nasional
Geoteknologi III, LIPI, Bandung, p. 347-373.
('Sedimentology of Pretertiary and Tertiary rocks in the area of an active tectonic arc, North Seram'. Geology
of Seram similar to Timor. Study of Triassic massive Manusela Limestone, Cretaceous calcilutites, etc.)

Haile, N.S. (1978)- Paleomagnetic evidence for the rotation of Seram, Indonesia. In: S. Uyeda et al. (eds.)
Geodynamics of the Western Pacific, Proc. Int. Conf. Geodynamics of the Western Pacific- Indonesian Region
J. Physics Earth 26, Suppl. 6, p. 191-198.
(Upper Triassic shale with Halobia spp. from near S coast of C Seram indicates paleolatitude 12 ± 7° S (=
probably farther North than Australia NW Shelf and New Guinea at that time) and CCW rotation of 98° since
Late Triassic. Late Miocene (~7.6 Ma) pillow basalt from Kelang Island, W of Seram, indicates paleolatitude
5°S and 74° CCW rotation since Late Miocene)

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 48 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

Hakim A.S. & B.H. Harahap (2003)- Review on the stratigraphy of Buru Island, Maluku Eastern Indonesia.
Buletin Geologi (ITB) 34, 3, Special Ed. (Prof. Soejono Martodjojo volume), p. 141-156.

Hall R., A. Patria, R. Adhitama, J.M. Pownall & L.T. White (2017)- Seram, the Seram Trough, the Aru Trough,
the Tanimbar Trough and the Weber Deep: a new look at major structures in the eastern Banda Arc. Proc. 41st
Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA17-91-G, 19p.
(Seram Trough began to form in Late Pliocene due to loading by Seram fold-thrust belt. Tanimbar Trough
originated in Late Miocene as elongate extensional structure within Australian continental margin. Weber deep
is major young extensional feature. None of troughs are subduction zones. Etc.)

Hammarstrom, J.M., B.T. Setiabudi, D.N. Sunuhadi, G.R. Robinson, C.L. Dicken, S. Ludington, A.A.
Bookstrom & M.L. Zientek (2013)- Porphyry copper assessment for Tract 142pCu7201, Ambon Arc, Central
Molucca Islands- Indonesia. In: J.M. Hammarstrom et al., Porphyry copper assessment of Southeast Asia and
Melanesia, U.S. Geol. Survey, Scient. Invest. Rep. 2010-5090-D, Appendix J, p. 164-174.
(online at: http://pubs.usgs.gov/sir/2010/5090/d/sir2010-5090d_text.pdf)
(Assessment of porphyry copper deposits in Pliocene-Quaternary Ambon island arc. Two suites of island-arc
magmas: (1) 5- 3.2 Ma, low-K calc-alkaline basalts, andesites, dacites and rhyolites, evolved from basaltic
magmatism from mantle melting above W Irian Jaya Plate as it subducts along Seram Trough; (2) 2.3-1 Ma,
high-K calc-alkaline andesites, dacites, rhyolites and granites (incl. ambonites= cordierite-bearing dacites) and
granites, representing magmas that assimilated continental crust. Hila porphyry Cu-Au prospect on Ambon
Island (3.6 Ma))

Harahap, B.H. (2002)- Stratigraphy of the Duna River Buru Island, Maluku: hydrocarbon indications. Bull.
Geol. Res. Dev. Centre 22, p. 1-18.
(Duna River section near NW coast of Buru shows ~1500m Triassic- Pleistocene sediments overlying Permian
metamorphics. Rel. thick M-U Triassic unconformably overlain by thin Jurassic Mefa Fm lavas, interbedded
with belemnite-rich clastics, overlain by Late Cretaceous- Eocene Kuma Fm pelagic limestone, unconformably
overlain by Plio-Pleistocene coarse clastics. Oil seeps from Triassic Geghan Fm calcilutite and shale)

Harahap, B.H. & S. Poedjoprajitno (2006)- The stratigraphy and lithology of the Kuma River area, Buru Island,
Maluku. J. Sumber Daya Geologi 16, 2 (152), p. 62-74.
(Stratigraphy of Kuma River area, from old to young: (1) Triassic Dalan Fm well-bedded clay-sand turbidites;
(2) Jurassic Duna Fm interbedded pelagic limestone and ammonites-belemnites-rich beds; (3) Upper
Cretaceous- Eocene Kuma Fm well-bedded pelagic limestone with abundant planktonic forams, (4) Oligocene-
Miocene Waeken Fm micaceous mudstone, (5) Wakatin Fm massive reefal limestone; (6) Pleistocene Leko Fm
conglomerate. Structuring related to block faulting)

Helmers, H., J. Sopaheluwakan, S. Tjokrosapoetro & E. Surya Nila (1989)- High-grade metamorphism related
to peridotite emplacement near Atapupu, Timor with reference to the Kaibobo peridotite on Seram, Indonesia.
In: J.E. van Hinte et al. (eds.) Proc. Snellius II Symposium, Jakarta 1987, Netherlands J. Sea Research 24, 2/3,
p. 357-371.
(On metamorphism associated with ophiolites obduction on Seram and N coast of Timor.)

Henny, G. (1922)- Eerste verslagen der Boeroe Expeditie, A: Geologisch onderzoek. Maatschappij ter
bevordering van het Natuurkundig Onderzoek der Nederlandsche Kolonien, Amsterdam, Bull. 78, p. 1-24.
(‘First reports of the Buru Expedition, A: geology investigation'. Brief report with first geological results of
1921-1922 expedition to Buru island, Moluccas. Mainly on traverses from S coast (Tifoe, etc.) to Rana Lake)

Henny, G. & L.J. Toxopeus (1922)- Eerste verslagen der Boeroe-expeditie. Tijdschrift Kon. Nederlands
Aardrijkskundig Genootschap 39, p. 42-64.
(‘First reports of the Buru Expedition’. Extract of Henny (1922) on travel, geological and biological
observations during 1921 SW Buru Expedition. Not much detail on stratigraphy/ fossils. Interesting find of
white Nummulites-Discocyclina limestone N of Wai Ekin, not reported on later GRDC geologic maps)

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 49 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

Hill, K.C. (2005)- Tectonics and regional structure of Seram and the Banda Arc. Proc. 30th Ann. Conv. Indon.
Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, 1, p. 559-578.
(Tectonic reconstruction assuming Permian age of Banda Sea oceanic crust. Suggests Seram Triassic Kanikeh
Fm flysch was sourced from E (New Guinea) (Conflicts with pre-WWII Rutten field observations suggesting
Triassic more sandy and coarser to W, and derived from metamorphic/ volcanic arc terrane; JTvG))

Hill, K.C. (2012)- Tectonic and regional structure of Seram and the Banda Arc. Berita Sedimentologi 23, p. 5-
(online at: www.iagi.or.id/fosi/ )
(Same paper as above)

Honthaas, C., R.C. Maury, B. Priadi, H. Bellon & J. Cotten (1999)- The Plio-Quaternary Ambon arc, Eastern
Indonesia. Tectonophysics 301, 3-4, p. 261-281.
(Pliocene- Quaternary N Banda Arc at Ambon, S Seram, Kelang, Haruju, Saparua, Ambelau and Banda Api
with low-K arc volcanics, but on Ambon also high-K cordierite dacites-granites, probably derived from low-K
magmas with massive assimilation of overlying Seram-Ambon continental crust. Two magmatic pulses: 5- 3.2
Ma and 2.3- 1 Ma. Active subduction of New Guinea crust below Ambon-Seram supported by volcanism,
earthquakes, etc., but N Banda slab not connected to S Banda Arc Wetar-Manuk segment)

Hummel, K. (1923)- Geologische Ergebnisse der Reisen K. Deninger's in den Molukken. II. Die Oxford-Tuffite
der Insel Buru und ihre Fauna. Palaeontographica Suppl. IV, 4, p. 113-184.
(‘Geological results of K. Deniger's travels in the Moluccas, 2: The Oxfordian tuffites of Buru islands and its
fauna'. Descriptions of Late Jurassic fossils from 9 localities at SW coast and NW Buru, collected by Boehm
and Deninger in 1907, 1912. These are from reddish 'Mefa Beds tuffites', 200-300m thick?, most fossiliferous
near top. Almost everywhere overlain by thick, latest Jurassic- Cretaceous deep water Buru Limestone, and
probably directly overlying U Triassic Lovcenipora limestone or bituminous shale. Fossils mainly ammonites
(Phylloceras spp., Harpoceras, Oppelia, Perisphinctes), rare belemnites (to be described by Stolley), thick-
walled bivalves (Opis, Pecten, Alectryonia; no Inoceramus), ribbed brachiopods (Rhynchonella spp.), etc.. Age
believed to be E Oxfordian. Facies rel. shallow marine compared to generally bathyal facies of age-equivalent
rocks in Moluccas (Sula, Seram). Faunal affinities with Mediterranean-Caucasian Realm)

Idrus, A., Fadlin, I. Setiawan, S. Abdullah & B. Smith (2012)- Preliminary study on primary gold
mineralization in Buru Island, Moluccas Province, Indonesia. In: N.I. Basuki (ed.) Proc. Banda and Eastern
Sunda arcs, Indonesian Soc. Econ. Geol. (MGEI) Ann. Conv. 2012, Malang, p. 233-242.
(Gold nuggets from quartz vein mineralization hosted by mica schist of Carboniferous-Permian Wahlua
Metamorphic Complex, discovered in 2012 around Gunung Botak, E Buru Island. Two types: (1) early quartz
veins, discontinous and low in gold; (2) Quartz veins in ‘mineralized zone’ ~100m wide and ~1000m long. Ore
mineralization characterized by pyrite, native gold, pyrrhotite and arsenopyrite. Mineralizing hydrothermal
fluid CO2-rich, Temperature 300-400 ºC and low salinity (0.36- 0.54% NaCl eq). Mineralization in Buru Island
meets characteristics of ‘mesothermal’ gold deposit type or ‘orogenic’ gold deposit type)

Idrus, A., S. Prihatmoko, Ernowo & Franklin (2013)- Update of metamorphic rock-hosted gold mineralization
in Buru Island, Moluccas Province. In: Proc. Papua and Maluku Resources, Indonesian Soc. Econ. Geol.
(MGEI) Ann. Conv., Bali, p. 89-98.

Idrus, A., S. Prihatmoko, H.G. Hartono, Fadlin, Ernowo, Moetamar & I. Setiawan (2014)- Some key features
and possible origin of the metamorphic rock-hosted gold mineralization in Buru Island, Indonesia. Indonesian J.
Geoscience 1, 1, p. 9-19.
(online at: http://ijog.bgl.esdm.go.id/index.php/IJOG/article/view/172/172)
(Buru primary gold deposits mainly in 2 localities Gogorea and Gunung Botak in E half of island, Two types of
gold-bearing quartz veins in micaschists of U Carboniferous- Lw Permian Wahlua Fm metamorphic complex
(similar to Bombana in Pompangea complex, E Sulawesi).Mineralization may be controlled by N-S of NE-SW
trending strike-slip faults)

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 50 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

Jaworski, E. (1927)- Obertriadische Brachiopoden von Ambon (Molukken). Jaarboek Mijnwezen
Nederlandsch-Indie 55 (1926), Verhandelingen III, p. 201-229.
('Upper Triassic brachiopods from Ambon (Moluccas)'. Brachiopods from dark limestones (locally bituminous)
intercalated in several 100m thick sandy-shales series. With Rhynchonella, Spiriferina spp., Spirigera, etc.,
indicating Late Triassic age)

Juhanah, S. (1987)- Foraminifera plankton Plio-Plestosen dari Pulau Ambon. LIPI/ IAGI? 13p.
(Plio-Pleistocene planktonic foraminifera from Ambon island')

Kemp, G. (1992)- The Manusela Formation- an example of a Jurassic carbonate unit of the Australian Plate
from Seram, Eastern Indonesia. In: C.T. Siemers et al. (eds.) Carbonate rocks and reservoirs of Indonesia: a
core workshop, Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, Core Workshop Notes 1, p. 11/1-11/31.
(Manusela Fm high energy skeletal and oolitic grainstones deposited on NW margin of Australian Plate in
Pliensbachian-Bathonian (E-M Jurassic) (more likely U Triassic?; JTvG), before onset of Callovian breakup
and sea-floor spreading. Subsequent N-ward movement of Australian plate and collision with Eurasian/
Pacific-Philippine Plates in Late Miocene, resulted in development of detached thrust belt and formation of
Seram island. Matrix and fracture porosity in Manusela. East Nief-1 with uncommercial hydrocarbons)

Kemp, G., R. Barraclough, W. Mogg, E. Budhiman & N. Heriyanto (1996)- Seram Basin. In:
Pertamina/BPPKA (eds.) Petroleum geology of Indonesian Basins VIII, p. 1-33.
(Review of Seram geology and hydrocarbons)

Kemp, G. & W. Mogg (1992)- A re-appraisal of the geology, tectonics, and prospectivity of Seram Island,
eastern Indonesia. Proc. 21st Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta), p. 499-520.
(Distinguish ‘Australian’ (Triassic- U Miocene) and ‘Seram’ Series (U Miocene-Recent). ‘Australian’ series E
Triassic and older pre-rift), E Triassic- M Jurassic intracratonic syn-rift, latest M Jurassic- E Cretaceous
continental breakup and E Cretaceous- Late Miocene post-breakup/ passive margin sequence. Late Miocene-
Present Seram Series strongly influenced by interaction of Australian, Pacific-Philippine and Eurasian plates,
which led to periods of thrusting, uplift and erosion and are reflected in structural style)

Kemp, G., W. Mogg & R. Barraclough (1995)- Exploration in the Mesozoic in the Seram PSC, eastern
Indonesia: recent developments in geological knowledge. Symposium & Workshop on the Mesozoic of Eastern
Indonesia, Jakarta 1995, Pertamina, 26p. (Unpublished).

Kendrick, D. & N. Nilandaroe (2004)- Fracture characterization from outcrop data, Manusela Formation, Seram
Island, Indonesia. 7p.
(online at: www.3d-geo.com/publications)
(Well-developed fracturing in 'Jurassic' Manusela Fm in Nief Gorge outcrop is possible analog to fracture
porosity in Oseil oilfield, ~10km to NW)

Koch, R. (1925)- Eine jungtertiaren Foraminiferenfauna aus Ost-Seran. Eclogae Geol. Helvetiae 19, p. 207-213.
(online at: https://www.e-periodica.ch/digbib/view?pid=egh-001:1925-1926:19#220)
'A Young Tertiary foraminifera fauna from East Seram'. Marl sample collected by Muhlberg in 1902 along
Kasama River in 9 km W of Waru in NE Seram contains rich Pliocene shallow marine foraminifera fauna with
85 species)

Kossmat, F. (1906)- Bemerkungen uber die Ammoniten aus den Asphaltschiefern der Bara-Bai (Buru). Neues
Jahrbuch Mineral. Geol. Palaont., Beilage Band 22, p. 686-691.
(‘Remarks on the ammonites from the asphalt shales of Bara Bay, Buru’. Float collected by Boehm in Wai Sifu
River at Bara Bay, NW coast of Buru, contains Jurassic 'Buru Limestone' with inoceramids and belemnites.
Also common flat pieces of dark bituminous shales with numerous ammonites, incl. generally crushed Tissotia
weteringi. This ammonite was interpreted by Kossmat to signify Upper Cretaceous age, but was subsequently
re-identified as Neotibetites of Late Triassic (Norian) age by Krumbeck 1909, 1913)

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 51 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

Krumbeck, L. (1909)- Kurze vorlaufige Mitteilung uber eine neue obertriadische Fauna aus den Molukken.
Centralblatt. Mineral. Geol. Palaont., 1909, p. 561-562.
('Brief preliminary communication on a new Upper Triassic fauna from the Moluccas'. Ammonites from Buru
interpreted as Cretaceous by Kossmat (1909) are Upper Triassic in age)

Krumbeck, L. (1913a)- Obere Trias von Buru und Misol. A. Die Fogi-Schichten West Burus. Palaeontographica
Suppl. IV, 2, Beitrage Geologie Niederlandisch-Indien II, 1, p. 1-119.
('Upper Triassic of Buru and Misool. A. The Fogi Beds of West Buru'. Macrofaunas collected by Boehm and
Wanner from the lower Norian? Fogi-Beds of W Buru. Distal, but not very deep marine dark marls and
limestones with bituminous limestone interbeds (up to 19% bitumen). Rich in fossils: mainly bivalves
(Pseudomonotis, Pinna, Lima, Pecten, Placunopsis, Alectryonia, Nucula, Myophoria, Cardita, ?Megalodon,
Protocardia, Burmesia, etc.), also ammonites (Sibirites, Sagenites, Tibetites, Neotibetites weteringi) and
brachiopods (Misolia). Faunas similar to Juvavites Beds of Spiti, N India Himalayas)

Krumbeck, L. (1913b)- Obere Trias von Buru und Misol. B. Die Asphaltschiefer am Sifu (N.W.-Buru).
Palaeontographica, Suppl. IV, 2, Beitr. Geologie Niederlandisch-Indien II, 1, p. 120-127.
('Upper Triassic of Buru and Misool. B. The asphalt beds at Sifu (NW Buru)'. Macrofaunas collected by Boehm
and Wanner from Triassic (Lower Norian?) asphalt beds of NW Buru: bivalves (Pecten), ammonites
(Neotibetites weteringi), fish scales. Age similar to Fogi Beds)

Krumbeck, L. (1923)- Geologische Ergebnisse der Reisen K. Deninger's in den Molukken. III. Brachiopoden,
Lamellibranchiaten und Gastropoden aus der oberen Trias der Insel Seram (Mittel-Seram). Palaeontographica,
Suppl. IV, Beitr. Geologie Niederlandisch-Indien III, 5, p. 185-246.
('Geological results of Deniger’s 1912 trip in the Moluccas, III. Brachiopods, bivalves and gastropods from the
Upper Triassic of Seram island (Central Seram)'. On Carnian Halobia shales of Wai Isana near Manusela with
Halobia spp., Norian Kanikeh Beds with Myophoria, Cardita, Trigonia, etc., and Monotis bed at Wai Ehana
(typical Monotis limestone rich in Monotis salinaria). Also Misolia Limestone)

Krumbeck, L. (1923)- Zur Kenntnis des Juras der Insel Timor, sowie des Aucellen-Horizontes von Seran und
Buru. In: J. Wanner (ed.) Palaeontologie von Timor 12, 20, Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, p. 1-120.
('On the knowledge of the Jurassic of Timor, as well as the Aucella horizon of Seram and Buru'. Includes first
description of Upper Jurassic 'Aucella' (=Malayomaorica) malayomaorica from Seram, also known from
Timor, Buru, etc.)

Kuenen, P.H. (1949)- Ambon and Haroekoe. Contributions to the geology of the East Indies from the Snellius
Expedition III. Verhandelingen Nederl. Geologisch Mijnbouwkundig Genootschap, Geol. Serie 15, p. 44-62.
(Brief description of parts of Ambon and Haruku Islands. Presence of folded Triassic sediments on crystalline
schists, peridotites, granites and ‘ambonites’ volcanics)

Kusnida, D., T. Naibaho & Y. Firdaus (2016)- Depositional modification in Seram Trough, Eastern Indonesia.
J. Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 17, 2, p. 99-106.
(online at: http://jgsm.geologi.esdm.go.id/index.php/JGSM/article/view/22/22)
(Seismic profiles at Seram Trough show avalanches of Pliocene- Quaternary base-of slopes material in front of
Seram accretionary prism)

Lapulisa, A.K., R. Andrianto & A.S. Dradjat (2012)- Seismic to geological modeling workflow, an integrated
approach to determine the reservoir quality of a fractured limestone: Oseil Field example. Berita Sedimentologi
23, p. 47-52.
(online at: www.iagi.or.id/fosi/)
(On the use of seismic attributes to predict fracture porosity in 'Jurassic' Manusela Lst heavy oil reservoir.
Oolitic, partly dolomitized limestones with low matrix porosity. Early extensional faulting, followed by SW-NE
directed compression)

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 52 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

Lopulisa, A.K., R. Andrianto & A.S. Dradjat (2012)- Seismic to geological modeling workflow, an integrated
approach to determine the reservoir quality of a natural fractured limestone reservoir: Oseil Field example
AAPG Workshop Fractured Carbonate Reservoirs, Bali 2012, Search and Discovery Art. 20144, p. 1-26.
(online at: www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2012/20144lopulisa/ndx_lopulisa.pdf)

Linthout, K. & H. Helmers (1994)- Pliocene obducted, rotated and migrated ultramafic rocks and obduction-
induced anatectic granite, SW Seram and Ambon, Eastern Indonesia. J. Southeast Asian Earth Sci. 9, p. 95-109.
(SW Seram and Ambon ultramafics obduction minimum age ~4.4 Ma. Obducted oceanic lithosphere was
created at ~14.5 Ma. Obduction probably simultaneous with strong anticlockwise rotation of Seram)

Linthout, K., H. Helmers & P.A.M. Andriessen (1991)- Dextral strike-slip in Central Seram and 3-4.5 Ma Rb/Sr
ages in pre-Triassic metamorphics related to Early Pliocene counterclockwise rotation of the Buru-Seram
microplate (E. Indonesia). J. Southeast Asian Earth Sci. 6, p. 335-342.
(Major WNW trending right-lateral strike slip fault in SW Seram. Pre-Triassic metamorphics show Pliocene
radiometric ages, possibly resetting from ophiolite obduction. Structural analyses suggest 45° counter
clockwise rotation and radiometric age resetting between 4.5- 3 Ma, and final ~30° rotation in last 3 Ma)

Linthout, K., H. Helmers, J. Sopaheluwakan & E. Surya Nila (1989)- Metamorphic complexes in Buru and
Seram, northern Banda Arc. In: J.E. van Hinte et al. (eds.) Proc. Snellius II Symposium, Jakarta 1987,
Netherlands J. Sea Research 24, 2/3, p. 345-356.
(SE Buru Wahlua and C Seram Tehoru metamorphic complexes similar pre-Triassic metamorphic history, and
probably originated in same belt. Mylonites in N Tehoru indicate right-lateral, N300E directed strike-slip along
transcurrent fault between metamorphics in S and non-metamorphic block in N, caused by anticlockwise
rotation of Seram since Late Triassic. Kaibobo metamorphics T up to 740°C, caused by overriding ultramafic
sheet in Late Miocene- E Pliocene. K/Ar ages of 4-5 Ma of micas from Wahlua and Tehoru complex explained
by re-heating of pre-Triassic mica due to overthrusting by hot mantle slabs, now largely eroded. Average uplift
of ~0.1 cm/yr during last 4-5 Ma in SE Buru and C Seram. Thrusting of metamorphics over non-metamorphics
in 'median' Seram and of ultramafic sheet in SW Seram also related to Seram anticlockwise rotation)

Linthout, K., H. Helmers, J.R. Wijbrans & J.D.A.M. van Wees (1996)- 40Ar/39Ar constraints on obduction of
the Seram ultramafic complex: consequences for the evolution of the southern Banda Sea. In: R. Hall & D.J.
Blundell (eds.) Tectonic Evolution of SE Asia. Geol. Soc. London, Spec. Publ. 106, p. 455-464.
(On Kaibobo (SW Seram) obduction of hot oceanic lithosphere produced high-grade metamorphism and
granite in overthrust continental crust. Ages from sole 5.65- 6.0 Ma and 5.4 Ma. Post-emplacement exhumation
began < 8 Ma ago. Undoing 8 Ma of migration back-tracks Kaibobo to site where obduction ended: near SE
corner of Banda Sea plate. Similarities between Kaibobo and N Timor ophiolites suggests E Miocene slow
spreading in oceanic lithosphere S Banda Sea, S of current volcanic arc)

Liu, Z.Y.C. & R.A. Harris (2013)- Discovery of possible mega-thrust earthquake along the Seram Trough from
records of 1629 tsunami in eastern Indonesian region. Natural Hazards, February 2013, p. 1-18.
(online at: http://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2Fs11069-013-0597-y.pdf)
(Most likely source of mega-thrust earthquake that caused 15m high tsunami in 1629 at Banda Islands is Seram
Trough, ESE of Seram Island. Mega-thrust earthquakes of magnitude needed to produce tsunami observed in
Banda Islands have rupture lengths of >500 km)

Martin, K. (1888)- Ein Ichthyosaurus von Ceram. Sammlungen Geol. Reichs-Museums Leiden, Ser. 1, 2, p. 70-
(online at: www.repository.naturalis.nl/document/552431)
('An Ichthyosaurus from Seram'. Skull/ jaw fragment of large Mesozoic (Jurassic?) Ichthyosaurus ceramensis n.
sp., probably collected at E Seram South coast)

Martin, K. (1888)- Ein Ichthyosaurus von Ceram. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 17 (1888),
Wetenschappelijk Gedeelte, p. 3-18.
(('An Ichthyosaurus from Seram'. Same as Martin (1888) paper above)

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 53 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

Martin, K. (1901)- Over de geologie van West-Seran (Ceram). Handelingen 8e Nederlandsch Natuur-
Geneeskundig Congres, Rotterdam 1901, p. 301-304.
('On the geology of West Seram'. Old, brief summary of W Seram. Widespread 'Archean' metamorphics, locally
associated with peridotites, Paleozoic greywackes and limestones, steeply dipping Mesozoic chert-bearing
globigerinid-radiolarian limestone, overlain by brightly colored Globigerina limestone. No maps or figures)

Martin, K. (1901)- Reise Ergebnisse aus den Molukken. Centralblatt Mineralogie Geologie Palaont. 1901, p.
(online at: www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/196149#page/379/mode/1up)
('Travel results from the Moluccas'. Summary of geological observations on Seram. No figures. More detail in
Martin (1903))

Martin, K. (1902)- Reise Ergebnisse aus den Molukken. 3. Ein Profil durch Buru. Centralblatt Mineralogie
Geologie Palaont., 1902, 15, p. 460-464.
(online at: www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/192789#page/476/mode/1up)
('Travel results from the Moluccas, 3, a traverse through Buru'. Brief, early description of Buru stratigraphy
across N-S traverse. No figures, fossils)

Martin, K. (1903)- Reisen in den Molukken, in Ambon, den Uliassern, Seran (Ceram) und Buru. Geologischer
Teil. Brill, Leiden, p. 1-296.
(‘Travels in the Moluccas, in Ambon, the Uliassers, Seram and Buru- Geologic part’. Early reconnaissance of
Moluccas islands. First N-S traverse through Buru Island, etc.)

Martini, R. L. Zaninetti, B. Lathuilliere, S. Cirilli, J.J. Cornee & M. Villeneuve (2004)- Upper Triassic
carbonate deposits of Seram (Indonesia): palaeogeographic and geodynamic implications. Palaeogeogr.
Palaeoclim. Palaeoecology 206, 1-2, p. 75-102.
(Seram Upper Triassic limestones of Gondwanian-Australian type in ‘Parautochthonous’ and of Laurussian-
Asian type in ‘Allochthonous’. Carnian-Norian to Rhaetian Asinepe Lst (=Manusela Fm) part of allochthonous
series. Four reefal facies: (1) boundstone forming buildup cores with calcisponges and calcareous algae,
<20% coral; (2) oncolitic grainstones; (3) foraminiferal packstone-grainstones; (4) foraminiferal-megalodont
mudstones. Geochemical and geodynamic interpretations placed Seram-Buru Block as derived from New
Guinea. Palynology suggests Seram-Buru Block more tropical than Sulawesi/ Kolonodale Block, but cooler
than Timor/ NW Shelf. Foraminifera suggest Seram, E Sulawesi, Wombat Plateau and Sinta Ridge all part of
same N Australian margin marine bioprovince)

Menzie, W.D., D.A. Singer, N. Karangan & H. Tresnadi (1997)- The Hila Prospect: a recently discovered
copper occurrence on Ambon Island, Republic of Indonesia. U.S. Geol. Survey (USGS) Open-File Rept. 97-86,
p. 1-17.
(online at: http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/1997/0086/report.pdf)
(Mineral prospect in part of Indonesia with no previously reported mineralization. Hila Prospect, SE of Hila
village, NW Ambon, with copper sulfide minerals in Pliocene (4.4 Ma) Ambon volcanics. Host rocks andesite,
dacites, breccia and tuff locally intruded by biotite and biotite-cordierite granite. Geologic setting, alteration,
sulfide minerals, and geochemistry suggest possible periphery of porphyry copper-gold deposit)

Milsom, J. (1979)- Preliminary gravity map of Seram, eastern Indonesia. Geology 5, p. 641-643.
(Steep gravity gradients in survey area, related to transition from continental to oceanic crust and existence of
root zone of ultramafic thrust sheet S of islands. Positive anomaly over rel. small area of ultramafic outcrop
near Kaibobo, mainland Seram)

Milsom, J.S. (1979)- Origin of the Uliasser Islands, Eastern Indonesia. J. Geol. Soc. 136, 5, p. 581-582.
(Seram segment of Banda Arc appears to conform to structure of typical arc, but geology of area reveals a
number of deviations. Late Tertiary or Quaternary volcanoes forming Uliasser Islands mark S margin of

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 54 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

extensional zone, and intruded along localized transform fault. Interpretation of geology of Seram area
simplified if Uliasser volcanics are not regarded as subduction-related)

Monnier, C., J. Girardeau, J.P. Rehault et al. (2002)- The Seram ophiolites complexe (Central Indonesia):
geochemical evidences for Early Miocene arc-splitting, 19e RST Nantes, p. 181-182. (Abstract)

Monnier, C., J. Girardeau, J.P. Rehault, H. Permana & H. Bellon (2003)- Dynamics and age of formation of the
Seram-Ambon ophiolites (Central Indonesia). Bull. Soc. Geologique France 174, 6, p. 529-543.
(online at: http://documents.irevues.inist.fr/handle/2042/282)
(Seram-Ambon peridotites-gabbros mostly back arc basin characteristics, with 20-15 Ma K/Ar ages. Formed in
small Early Miocene transtensional basin, bordered in E by active margin and in W by passive continental
margin over which it was later obducted towards SW, in Late Miocene, 9-7 Ma)

Moss, S.J., J. Milsom & M.E.J. Wilson (1996)- The geology of Buru Island, Eastern Indonesia. London
University, Southeast Asia Research Group, Report 150, 22p. (Unpublished)
(Late Paleozoic metamorphics overlain by >1000m Triassic sediments. Two facies: sandy slope turbidites and
carbonate/ bituminous shale with reefal facies. Triassic unconformably overlain by ~1000m deep water Late
Jurassic- Paleogene calcilutes/ marls, with ~100m of Late Jurassic submarine basaltic volcanics. Late
Oligocene marls overlain by thick, folded Early Miocene marine sediments with earliest Miocene arc volcanics.
Pliocene NE- prograding fan-delta sediments above major unconformity. Quaternary reefs and terraces up to
750m above sea level. No complex thrusting like Seram. Buru-Seram microcontinent originally part of ‘Greater
Sula Spur’, separated from N Australia margin (Bonaparte Gulf?) by mid-Jurassic)

Moyle, I. P., S. Dyer, D.G.S. Lamb & W.G. Mogg (2000)- Experiences in underbalanced drilling and testing
low gravity oil from a high productivity reservoir in Seram Island, Maluku Province, Indonesia. Proc. 27th Ann.
Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, p. 1-36.
(Oseil 2 and 4 wells drilling. Oseil 2 720’ of oil column in Manusela Fm fractured carbonate, testing up to 650
BOD of 22°API oil. Oseil 4 410’ of oil pay, testing 2200 BOD of 16.1° API oil)

Muliani, R. (2005)- Haruku base metal deposits, Maluku. In: S. Prihatmoko et al. (eds.) Indonesian mineral and
coal discoveries, Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI) Spec. Issue, p. 118-136.
(Haruku Island, between Ambon and Saparua, with some poorly known Cu-Pb-Zn-Ag-Au high-sulphide
mineralization prospects, with galena, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, etc.., hosted by U Miocene- Lower Pliocene?
brecciated andesitic-dacitic volcanics)

Munasri, H. Permana & S. Siregar (1999)- Is Seram island the mirror image of Timor island? In: I. Busono &
H. Alam (eds.) Developments in Indonesian tectonics and structural geology, Proc. 28th Ann. Conv. Indon.
Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Jakarta, 1, p. 51-61.
(In Indonesian. Many similarities in tectonostratigraphies of Seram and Timor. Cretaceous Sawai Fm of N
Seram (Albian- Campanian) and Nakfunu Fm (Berriasian- Aptian) on Timor show differences in lithology and
radiolaria biostratigraphy)

Munasri, S. Siregar & D. Mulyadi (1999)- Studi geodinamika sedimentasi satuan batuan sedimen di Pulau
Seram dan korelasinya dengan yang di Pulau Timor. Laporan Penelitian Puslitbang Geoteknologi-LIPI,
1998/1999, p. 45-60.
('Study of geodynamics of sedimentation of sedimentary rock units of Seram Island and correlation with Timor'.
Micropaleontological, petrographic and sedimentological analysis of Triassic- Tertiary series suggest Timor is
mirror image of Seram)

Nilandaroe, N. (2005)- Relationship between facies and fracturing- a comparison of fractured carbonate
reservoirs on Seram Island, Indonesia and Southern Italy. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA) Newsletter 2005, 11,
p. 20-24.
(online at: www.ipa.or.id/download/news/IPA_Newsletter_11_2005_10.pdf)

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 55 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

(Brief comparison of fracturing in 'Jurassic' Manusela Fm in Seram fold-thrust belt and fractured carbonates in
Apennines. Larger fractures better developed in coarser-grained facies (oolitic grainstones) than in muddier
facies of Manusela Fm carbonates)

Nilandaroe, N., W. Mogg & R. Barraclough (2001)- Characteristics of the fractured carbonate reservoir of the
Oseil Field, Seram Island, Indonesia. Proc. 28th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, p. 439-456.
(Oseil oil field reservoir is fractured 'E-M Jurassic' Manusela carbonate (recrystallised oolitic grainstone,
dolomites, wackestones). Reservoir extensively fractured with pervasive, open, near-vertical fractures,
preferentially striking in NNE-SSW orientation. Fracture porosity <5-8%; negligible matrix porosity due to
complex diagenesis)

Noor, M.K., A. Tonggiroh & A. Maulana (2016)- Type of gold hydrothermal deposits on metamorphic rock,
District Buru, Province Maluku. Int. J. Engineering and Science Applications (UNHAS) 3, 1, p. 39-45.
(online at: http://pasca.unhas.ac.id/ojs/index.php/ijesca/article/view/276/160)
(Gold-bearing quartz veins in greenschist facies metamorphic rocks (muscovite schist and phyllite; probably
metasediments) at Gunung Botak, Buru, reflect epithermal- high sulphidation gold mineralization)

Oemar, S. & C.H. Remington (1993)- A new view on the petroleum geology of the Buru Island, Eastern
Indonesia. Proc. 22nd Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geologists (IAGI), Bandung, 2, p. 693-703.
(Brief summary of Pertamina fieldwork on Buru. Main sedimentary basin in S part of island, but gravity study
suggests W and N parts of island may also have enough sediments for hydrocarbon accumulation)

O’Sullivan, T.D., D. Pegum, & J. Tarigan (1985)- Seram oil search, past discoveries and future oil potential.
Proc. 14th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, 1, p. 3-20.
(Bula oilfield in E Seram discovered in 1897, produced >13 million barrels of oil have been produced, mainly
form Pleistocene Fufa Fm. Seram is imbricate accretionary prism formed by subduction of Australian Plate.
Shale diapirism and regional left-lateral wrenching important roles in structural development)

Panuju, J.S. Hadimulyono & J. Anwari (2015)- Hydrocarbons resource assessment of the eastern offshore area
of Seram Island, Indonesia. Proc. 39th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA15-G-196, 15p.

Pairault, A.A., R. Hall & C.F. Elders (2003)- Tectonic evolution of the Seram Trough, Indonesia. Proc. 29th
Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, 1, IPA03-G-013, p. 1-16.

Pairault, A.A., R. Hall & C.F. Elders (2003)- Structural styles and tectonic evolution of the Seram Trough,
Indonesia. Marine Petroleum Geol. 20, 10, p. 1141-1160.
(Study of recent 2D seismic lines across Seram Trough in N part of Banda Arc, between Birds Head of New
Guinea and Seram Island. Formerly interpreted as (1) subduction trench, (2) intra-continental thrust zone and
foredeep, and (3) strike-slip fault zone. E Pliocene inversion of Misool-Onin anticlinorium produced angular
unconformity, which truncates sediments as old as M Jurassic, later folded and now dippping S towards Seram
Trough. Contraction in Trough occurred after E Pliocene and continues to present day. This work suggests
Seram Trough is not subduction trench but foredeep within Australian continental margin, produced in
response to loading by Seram fold-thrust belt. (This ignores dipping subducting slab as imaged by tomography,
earthquake epicenters, also >100km wide accretionary prism, etc.; JTvG))

Patria, A. & R. Hall (2017)- The origin and significance of the Seram Trough, Indonesia. Proc. 41st Ann. Conv.
Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA17-19-G, p. 1-19.
(Seram Trough commonly interpreted as accretionary wedge/ subduction zone beneath Seram, but is shallower
than typical subduction zone and marks deformation front of fold-thrust belt resulting from young oblique
convergence between Outer Banda arc and Birds Head. Fold-thrust belt zone narrower in W (with thrusting
cesing thrusting ceases at E edge of Buru oceanic basin) and widens to SE. Thrusting at the trough started in
Late Pleistocene)

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 56 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

Pertamina/BPKKA (1996)- Petroleum geology of Indonesian basins, vols. VI-IX Eastern Indonesian Basins,
VIII- Seram, p. 1-33.

Pia, J. (1924)- Einige Dasycladaceen aus der Ober-Trias der Molukken. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch
Oost-Indie 52 (1923), Verhandelingen, p. 137-149.
(First record from Indonesia of U Triassic (probably Norian) dasyclad algae from (1) NE Seram: Bula river,
Macroporella sondaica n.sp. from limestone breccia interbed in Monotis-bearing flysch-like Upper Triassic
series; (2) SW Buru: S of Tifu, massive U Triassic limestone with Lovcenipora and Macroporella irregularis
n.sp.; (3) NW Buru: Wai Tina 'Fatu Lst', possibly Jurassic. Few species, all new)

PND- Patra Nusa Data (2006)- Northern offshore Seram. Inameta J. 2, p. 26-29.
(online at: www.patranusa.com) (Brief overview of Seram geology and prospectivity)

PND- Patra Nusa Data (2006)- Misool and Seram Basin. In: Indonesia Basin Summaries (IBS), PT Patra Nusa
Data, Inameta Series, Jakarta, p. 392-409.
(Brief summary of hydrocarbon system elements of Misool-Seram region. Saman Saman- Manusela Limestone
Formations of Seram shown as Late Triassic- Middle Jurassic in age)

Pownall, J.M. (2014)- Neogene tectonometamorphic evolution of Seram, eastern Indonesia. Ph.D. Thesis, Royal
Holloway, University of London, p. 1-538. (Unpublished)

Pownall, J.M. (2015)- UHT metamorphism on Seram, eastern Indonesia: reaction microstructures and P-T
evolution of spinel-bearing garnet-sillimanite granulites from the Kobipoto Complex. J. Metamorphic Geol. 33,
9, p. 909-935.
(Seram Kobipoto Metamorphic Complex with Mio-Pliocene granulite facies migmatites and less common
granulites. Migmatites associated with ultramafic rocks of lherzolitic composition, exhumed by lithospheric
extension beneath low-angle detachment faults. Post-peak evolution of granulites may be related to published
U-Pb zircon and 40Ar/39Ar ages of ~16 Ma. Kobipoto Complex granulites demonstrate how UHT conditions
may be achieved by extreme lithospheric extension, in this case driven by slab rollback of Banda Arc)

Pownall, J.M., R.A. Armstrong, I.S. Williams, M.F. Thirlwall, C.J. Manning & R. Hall (2018)- Miocene UHT
granulites from Seram, eastern Indonesia: a geochronological-REE study of zircon, monazite and garnet. In: S.
Ferrero et al. (eds.) Metamorphic geology: microscale to mountain belts, Geol. Soc. London, Spec. Publ. 478, p.
(Ultra-high T (>900°C) garnet-sillimanite granulites of Seram formed by extensional exhumation of hot mantle
rocks behind rolling-back Banda Arc. Miocene age confirmed by ~16 Ma zircons and monazites U-Pb ages.
These geochronometers date retrograde overprints. Zircons shielded within garnet with 216–173 Ma ages (Late
Triassic- E Jurassic. UHT conditions very short-lived and very rapid exhumation of granulite complex)

Pownall, J.M., M.A. Forster, R. Hall & I.M. Watkinson (2017)- Tectonometamorphic evolution of Seram and
Ambon, eastern Indonesia: insights from 40Ar/39Ar geochronology. Gondwana Research 44, p. 35-53.
(Two main phases in Seram Neogene tectonic evolution: (1) 16 Ma episode of extreme extension that exhumed
hot lherzolites from subcontinental lithospheric mantle and drove UHT metamorphism and melting of adjacent
continental crust (kyanite-grade metamorphic event of Tehoru Fm across W and C Seram); and (2) 5.7, 4.5 and
3.4 Ma episodes of extensional detachment faulting and strike-slip faulting that further exhumed granulites and
mantle rocks across Seram and Ambon. Events interpreted to be result of W Seram ripping off from SE
Sulawesi, extended, and dragged E by Banda Slab subduction rollback)

Pownall, J.M. & R. Hall (2014)- Neogene extension on Seram: a new tectonic model for the northern Banda
Arc. Proc. 38th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA14-G-305, 17p.
(Neogene tectonic evolution of Seram not dominated by thrusting and shortening due to collision of N Banda
Arc with Australian passive continental margin, but peridotites represent subcontinental lithospheric mantle
rapidly exhumed beneath low-angle detachment faults during extreme crustal extension. KobipotoMts of C
Seram with peridotites intimately associated with granulite facies migmatite, recording ultrahigh P/T of 25-30
km depth. Granitoids emplacement across Seram and Ambon from 16 Ma (Kobipoto Mts) until 3.5 Ma

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 57 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

(Ambon). Seram experienced extreme extension by detachment faulting best explained by E-ward rollback of
Banda slab since 16 Ma)

Pownall, J.M., R. Hall & R.A. Armstrong (2017)- Hot lherzolite exhumation, UHT migmatite formation, and
acid volcanism driven by Miocene rollback of the Banda Arc, eastern Indonesia. Gondwana Research 51, p. 92-
(N Banda Arc (Seram) exposes upper mantle lherzolites and lower crust granulite facies migmatites of
'Kobipoto Complex‘. Granulites experienced ultrahigh-T (> 900˚C) at 16 Ma due to heat supplied by lherzolites
exhumed during slab rollback in Banda Arc. Ages of detrital zircons from Kobipoto Complex 3.4 Ga- 216 Ma,
suggesting W Papua/ W Australian Archean protolith and post-Late Triassic metamorphism. Zircons in
granulites 3 later growth episodes: 215-173 Ma (= subduction beneath Birds Head and Sula Spur?), 25-20 Ma
(collision between Sula Spur and N Sulawesi?), and ~16 Ma. 16 Ma zircon rims grew during M Miocene
metamorphism and melting of Kobipoto complex rocks beneath Seram under HT–UHT conditions. Extension
during continued slab rollback exhumed both lherzolites and adjacent granulites beneath extensional
detachment faults in W Seram at 6.0-5.5 Ma, and on Ambon at 3.5 Ma. Ambonites and dacites sourced mainly
from melts generated in Kobipoto Complex migmatites erupted on Ambon from 3.0-1.9 Ma.)

Pownall, J.M., R. Hall, R.A. Armstrong & M.A. Forster (2014)- Earth’s youngest known ultra high temperature
granulites discovered on Seram, eastern Indonesia. Geology 42, 4, p. 279-282.
(late Early Miocene (16 Ma) ultrahigh-T (≥900 °C) granulite metamorphics in Kobipoto Mountains, Seram,
youngest at Earth surface. Slab rollback-driven lithospheric extension caused core complex-style exhumation of
hot subcontinental lithospheric mantle)

Pownall, J.M., R. Hall & I.M. Watkinson (2013)- Extreme extension across Seram and Ambon, eastern
Indonesia: evidence for Banda slab rollback. Solid Earth 4, 2, p. 277-314.
(online at: www.solid-earth.net/4/277/2013/se-4-277-2013.pdf)
(Seram island in N part of Banda Arc previously interpreted as fold-and-thrust belt formed during arc-continent
collision, with ophiolites intruded by granites. New geological mapping and re-examination of field relations
suggest recent N-S extension caused high-T exhumation of mantle peridotites and granites (Kobipoto Complex)
beneath low-angle lithospheric detachment faults)

Price, P.L., T. O’Sullivan & R. Alexander (1987)- The nature and occurrence of oil in Seram, Indonesia. Proc.
16th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, 1, p. 141-172.
(First Seram oilfield Bula in 1897, with oil produced from Pleistocene clastics and Late Triassic- E Jurassic
carbonates. Oil from carbonat source, probably Late Triassic, but no source rock identified)

Priem, H.N.A., P.A.M. Andriessen, N.A.I.M. Boelrijk et al. (1978)- Isotopic evidence for a Middle to Late
Pliocene age of the cordierite granite on Ambon, Indonesia. Geologie en Mijnbouw 57, 3, p. 441-443.
(online at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7j8bPm9Cse0aXVNVFJuSnAxVlk/view)
(Rb-Sr dating of cordierite-biotite granite from Ambon yields age of 3.3 ± 0.1 Ma and K-Ar age of biotite of 3.8
± 0.2 Ma, both suggesting Middle-Late Pliocene age for associated ‘ambonite’ basaltic magmatism. Initial
87Sr/ 86Sr = 0.7221. Geology of Ambon related to SW subduction from Seram Trough)

Rittmann, A. (1931)- Gesteine von Kellang und Manipa. Geological, Petrogr. and Palaeont. results of
explorations carried out from September 1917 till June 1919 in the Island of Ceram by L. Rutten and W. Hotz,
First Ser., Petrography, 2, De Bussy, Amsterdam, p. 1-135.
(Petrographic descriptions of rocks from Manipa and Kellang Islands between Buru and Seram. Primarily
igneous (peridotites/ serpentinites, gabbros, basalts) and metamorphic rocks (primarily contact metamorphism
from ultramafics and gabbro intrusions). Sediments ony in central syncline of Kellang: Triassic sandstones rich
in feldspars, muscovite and plant remains and shales and grey-red limestone lenses with corals and
brachiopods, all similar to those found in W Seram)

Roques, D. (1999)- The metamorphic core of Buru. University of London SE Asia Research Group, Report 204,
p. 1-49. (Unpublished)

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 58 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

(Buru phyllites/ schist/quartzites usually interpreted as Late Carboniferous-E Permian metamorphosed flysch.
Amphibolite facies corresponds to burial depth of 20-25 km. Metamorphics overlain by unmetamorphosed
Triassic. Young cooling ages reflect uplift/ exhumation between 5- 2.5 Ma, removing >6 km of sediment)

Rutten, L.M.R. (1918)- Uit het eerste verslag over de geologische expeditie naar Ceram. Tijdschrift Kon.
Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Ser. 2, 35, p. 112-121.
(First of series of ten reports by Rutten-Hotz on the geological expedition to Seram from August 1917- June
1919, sponsored by 'Maatschappij tot Bevordering van Natuurkundig Onderzoek der Nederlandse Kolonien'
and the Netherlands Geographic Society. Mainly summaries of travel, but with geological observations.
Unfortunately, no other documentation from this extensive fieldwork was published, except in the Rutten (1927)
chapter on Seram and in in late 1940’s theses by Rutten's Ph.D. students Germeraad, Valk and Van der Sluis)

Rutten, L.M.R. (1918)- De geologische expeditie naar Ceram- tweede verslag (13 Aug.- 11 Sept. 1917).
Tijdschrift Kon. Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Ser. 2, 35, p. 228-234.
('The geological expedition to Seram- Report 2')

Rutten, L.M.R. (1918)- De geologische expeditie naar Ceram- derde verslag (12 Sept.-11 Nov. 1917).
Tijdschrift Kon. Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Ser. 2, 35, p. 368-378.
('The geological expedition to Seram- Report 3')

Rutten, L.M.R. (1918)- De geologische expeditie naar Ceram- vierde verslag (12 Nov. 1917- 4 Jan. 1918).
Tijdschrift Kon. Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Ser. 2, 35, p. 547-555.
('The geological expedition to Seram- Report 4')

Rutten, L.M.R. (1919)- De geologische expeditie naar Ceram- vijfde verslag (4 Jan.- einde Maart 1918).
Tijdschrift Kon. Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Ser. 2, 36, p. 36-42.
('The geological expedition to Seram- Report 5')

Rutten, L.M.R. (1919)- De geologische expeditie naar Ceram- zesde verslag (April- Mei 1918). Tijdschrift Kon.
Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Ser. 2, 36, p. 42-48.
('The geological expedition to Seram- Report 6'. Traverses in East Ceram. Visit to Nief Gorge, the only place
where Rutten observed oil seeps on Seram)

Rutten, L.M.R. (1919)- De geologische expeditie naar Ceram- zevende verslag (Juni- Juli 1918). Tijdschrift
Kon. Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Ser. 2, 36, p. 199-207.
('The geological expedition to Seram- Report 7')

Rutten, L.M.R. (1919)- De geologische expeditie naar Ceram- achtste verslag. Tijdschrift Kon. Nederlands
Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Ser. 2, 36, p. 460-466.
('The geological expedition to Seram- Report 8')

Rutten, L.M.R. & W. Hotz (1919)- De geologische expeditie naar Ceram- negende verslag (medio September-
medio December 1918). Tijdschrift Kon. Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Ser. 2, 36, p. 559-579.
('The geological expedition to Seram- Report 9')

Rutten, L.M.R. & W. Hotz (1920)- De geologische expeditie naar Ceram- tiende verslag (medio September-
medio December 1918). Tijdschrift Kon. Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Ser. 2, 37, p. 17-31.
('The geological expedition to Seram- Report 10')

Rutten, L.M.R. (1920)- De geologische expeditie naar Ceram- elfde (laatste) verslag. Tijdschrift Kon.
Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Ser. 2, 37, p. 32-42.
('The geological expedition to Seram- Report 11 (final)')

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 59 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

Rutten, L.M.R. (1927)- Ceram, Ambon, Boeroe en de kleinere eilanden in hunne omgeving. In: L.M.R. Rutten
(1927) Voordrachten over de geologie van Nederlandsch Indie, Wolters, Groningen, p. 716-749.
(Review of geology of Seram, Ambon, Buru and adjacent small islands)

Sachse, F.J.P. (1906)- Toelichtingen bij de schetskaart van de afdeelingen Wahai en West-Seran op het eiland
Seran. Tijdschrift Kon. Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap (2) 23, 3, p. 439-450.
('Explanatory notes with sketch-map of the districts of Wahai and West Seram on Seram island'. Early
geographic description)

Sapiie, B. & M. Hadiana (2014)- Analogue modeling of oblique convergent strike slip faulting and application
to the Seram Island, Eastern Indonesia. Indonesian J. Geoscience 1, 3, p. 121-134.
(online at: http://ijog.bgl.esdm.go.id/index.php/IJOG/article/view/189/181)
(Sandbox modeling to understand deformation of Seram Island. Best matched as oblique convergent strike-slip
transpressional regime)

Sapiie, B., M. Hadiana, M. Patria, A.C. Adyagharini, A. Saputra, P. Teas & Widodo (2012)- 3D structural
geology analysis using integrated analogue sandbox modeling: a case study of the Seram thrust-fold belt. Proc.
36th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA12-G-045, p. 1-14.
(Offshore+onshore Seram fold-thrust belt broad deformation zone >400 km long, ~100 km wide. Peak
deformation in last 3 My. Fault pattern changes along strike (trends in W mainly E-W, middle NW-SE, and E
(SE) mainly N-S), accompanied by change in dip of faults from NE to SW. Large amounts of shortening. Left-
lateral strike-slip component in deformation, suggesting oblique convergent system)

Schneider, C.F.A. (1852)- Geognostisch uitstapje naar de zuidkust van Ceram. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift
Nederlandsch-Indie 3, 1, p. 101-107.
(online at: )
('Geognostic excursion to the south coast of Seram'. Early description of rock types encountered along S coast
of Seram. Not much detail, no maps)

Schroeder van der Kolk, J.L.C. (1895)- Mikroskopische Studien uber Gesteine aus den Molukken. 1. Gesteine
von Ambon und den Uliassern. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch-Indie 24 (1895), p. 1-57.
('Microscopic studies of rocks from the Moluccas, I. Rocks from Ambon and the Uliasser islands')

Schroeder van der Kolk, J.L.C. (1900)- Mikroskopische Studien uber Gesteine aus den Molukken, 2. Gesteine
von Seran. Sammlungen Geol. Reichs-Museums Leiden, ser. 1, 6, p. 1-39.
(online at: www.repository.naturalis.nl/document/552397)
('Microscopic studies of rocks from the Moluccas, 2. Rocks from Seram'. Petrographic descriptions of rocks
collected by K. Martin, incl. granite (with and without cordierite), diorite, peridotite, Augite-andesite, cordierite
gneiss, amphibolite, mica schist, greywacke and breccia))

Schroeder van der Kolk, J.L.C. (1902)- Mikroskopische Studien uber Gesteine aus den Molukken, 3. Gesteine
von Buru. Sammlungen Geol. Reichs-Museums Leiden, ser. 1, 6, p. 77-127.
(online at: www.repository.naturalis.nl/document/552389)
('Microscopic studies of rocks from the Moluccas, 3. Rocks from Buru'. Petrographic descriptions of rocks
collected by K. Martin, incl. granite from N coast near Waepote, andesites from 2 localities, gneiss from
Batubua and Lumaiti, mica schists, phyllites and quartz schists from several localities, graywackes,
conglomerate and limestone)

Setyanta, B. & I. Setiadi (2007)- Anomali gaya berat dan tataan tektonik sekitar perairan Laut Banda dan Pulau
Seram. J. Sumber Daya Geologi 17, 6 (162), p. 408-419.
(online at: http://jgsm.geologi.esdm.go.id/index.php/JGSM/article/view/319/287)
(Gravity anomalies of Banda Sea and Seram Island used to build crust structure model. Banda Sea mainly
composed of basaltic crust. Banda Sea basaltic crust under volcanic Banda Island, while granitic crust is under
Pre-Tertiary sediments at Seram)

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 60 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

Setyanta, B. & I. Setiadi (2010)- Pola struktur dan geodinamika Cekungan Bula, berdasarkan anomali gaya
berat. J. Sumber Daya Geologi 20, 1, p. 41-55.
(online at: http://jgsm.geologi.esdm.go.id/index.php/JGSM/article/view/161/156)
('Structure and geodynamics of the Bula Basin, based on gravity anomaly data'. Seram. Gravity shows two
regional fault structures, horizontal faults trending NE-SW and E-W)

Setyawan, W.B., B. Wijaya & A. Guntoro (2000)- Mengurai perkembangan tektonik Pulau Seram dan Ambon.
Proc. 29th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Bandung, 4, p. 33-45.
(Analysis of the tectonic development of Seram and Ambon islands')

Siagian, H.P., B.S. Widijono, J. Nasution, B. Setyanta, Nurmaliah, K. McKenna & A. Noetzli (2016)- High
resolution magnetic anomaly modelling and its implication for petroleum prospectively on Seram Island,
Maluku, Indonesia. Proc. 25th Geophys. Conf. Exhib. ASEG-PESA-AIG 2016, Adelaide, p. 207-210.
(online at: http://www.publish.csiro.au/ex/pdf/ASEG2016ab173)
(Airborne magnetic survey over Seram- Buru in 2012 shows high anomalies mainly in W part of survey area
and small anomalies in SE of island, interpreted as Paleozoic Taunusa Fm. Medium anomaly range in E, NE
and WNW of Seram reflects occurrence of Mesozoic rocks from Kanikeh Fm. Low magnetic anomalies in C and
NE reflect 'Jurassic' Manusela Fm. Modelling of magnetic anomalies indicates folds, thrust fault structures,
basement fractures and thickness of (Triassic) Kanikeh Fm source (~2623m), Jurassic seal rocks (~1166m))

Sopaheluwakan, J. (1994)- Basement evolution of the Buru- Seram microplate and its bearing on hydrocarbon
occurrences. In: J.L. Rau (ed.) Proc. 30th Sess. Comm. Co-ord. Joint Prospecting Mineral Resources in Asian
Offshore Areas (CCOP), Bali 1993, 2, p. 17-32.
(Two types of metamorphic rocks comprise Buru- Seram crystalline basement: (1) Paleozoic low-grade schist of
continental character on Buru and S Seram; (2) W Seram low- to high-grade (greenschist to granulite)
metamorphic sole at base dismembered ophiolite is Neogene re-metamorphism of Paleozoic during obduction
of hot Weber Deep materials)

Sopaheluwakan, J., K. Linthout, H. Helmers & H. Permana (1992)- Peridotite- metamorphite relation in West
Seram: constraints to vertical movements of the North Banda Arc. Proc. 21st Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol.
(IAGI), Yogyakarta, 2, p. 599-609.
(W Seram Three or 4 metamorphic complexes (Kobipoto, Saku, Tehuru, Taunusa). Paleozoic low-grade
metamorphics overthrusted in Pliocene from ESE by peridotite, a hot mantle slab of NW Weber Deep origin,
forming metamorphic sole with granulite-facies mylonite near contact. Surprisingly young Rb-Sr age of 3-4.5
Ma (K-Ar 4-6 Ma). Same age as cordierite granite on Ambon (3.3Ma), which may be product of melting of
continental crust below peridotite)

Supandjono, R.J.B. (1994)- Geologi daerah Lofin, Seram Tengah. Proc. 23rd Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol.
(IAGI), Jakarta, 1, p. 112-122.
('Geology of the Lofin area, C Seram'. Most of area ~1500m M-L Triassic Kanikeh Fm sands, shale and coaly
beds. Overlain by ~500m Late Triassic- E Jurassic Manusela Lst (with Halobia, Montivaltia, Lovcenipora=
Triassic? JTvG) bedded, nodular calcilutites with radiolaria and bituminous lenses. In S unconformably
overlain by ~300m latest Oligocene-E Miocene Lisabata Lst (with Spiroclypeus, Miogypsina). In N ~250m of
latest Miocene- Pliocene (N18-N19, NN11) marine Wahai Fm clastics directly on folded Triassic Kanikeh
clastics. Two major N-directed thrust faults)

Susilo, A., I. Budiman, I. Setiadi & T. Padmawijaya (2006)- High gravity anomaly around the Kelang Island,
Maluku. Proc. Jakarta 2006 Int. Geosc. Conf. Exhib., Indon. Petroleum Assoc., Jakarta06-PNS-07, 4p.
(High gravity anomaly around Kelang Island, W of Seram, is expression of N end of Banda Sea basaltic ultra-
basic crust and it continues to peak to S and SW (S of Buru)).

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 61 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

Sykora, J.J. (2000)- The buried fold-thrust belt of offshore Seram. AAPG Int. Conf. Bali 2000, AAPG Bull. 84,
p. 1502. (Abstract only)

Tjokrosapoetro, S. (1977)- The regional structure of Seram island as interpreted from satellite imagery. Proc.
13th Sess. Comm. Co-ord. Joint Prospecting Mineral Resources in Asian Offshore Areas (CCOP), Kuala
Lumpur, p. 366-377.

Tjokrosapoetro, S., A. Achdan, K. Suwitodirdjo, E. Rusmana & H.Z. Abidin (1993)- Geological map of the
Masohi quadrangle, Maluku, scale 1:250,000. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung.
(Geological map of Central Seram. N part of island folded Kanikeh Fm Triassic/Jurassic 'flysch' interfingering
with Manusela Fm limestones, overlain by pelagic limestones and red shale (Nief Beds of older authors?) of
Upper Cretaceous (Sawai Fm) and Paleo-Eocene age (Hatuolo Fm) and Oligo-Miocene Lisabata shallow
marine limestone with Spiroclypeus, Miogypsina, etc. Unconformably overlain by Miocene-Pliocene Salas
Complex 'block clay' and Plio-Pleistocene Wahai and Fufa sediments. South part of island mainly ?Permian-
Triassic Tehoru-Saku metamorphic complexes, commonly associated with ?Jurassic-Cretaceous ultramafics, all
thrusted to N over Triassic rocks)

Tjokrosapoetro, S. & T. Budhitrisna (1982)- Geology and tectonics of Northern Banda Arc. Bull. Geol. Res.
Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung, 6, p. 1-17.
(Comparison of Buru, Seram and Misool, mainly based on stratigraphy. Buru geology similar to Misool in Late
Paleozoic- Miocene. Seram more complicated with overthrusts, mantle rocks, etc., and similarity with Timor. In
M Miocene- Present Buru displaced SW along Buru Fracture between Buru and Seram. Pliocene S-dipping
subduction below Seram terminates in W by Buru Fracture)

Tjokrosapoetro, S., T. Budhitrisna & E. Rusmana (1993)- Geology of the Buru Quadrangle, Maluku, scale
1:250,000. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung, 24p. + map.
(Second edition of 1981 map. Buru much less structured than Seram. Widespread outcrops of probable Late
Carboniferous- Permian metamorphics. Unconformably overlain by Triassic turbiditic clastics of Dalan Fm
(with clasts of quartz and metamorphics), probably overlain by up to 2000m of Ghegan Fm (limestones and
bituminous marls with Triassic Halobia, etc.= Fogi beds of Wanner 1922). Unconformably overlain by Late
Jurassic- Paleo-Eocene Kuma Fm deep water calcilutites. Near contact Ghegan-Kuma rel. small outcrops of
~100m Mefa Fm basalts and marly tuffs with (Late?) Jurassic ammonites. In S Buru Kuma Fm and Triassic
rocks ?unconformably overlain by sandy-marly Waeken Fm of latest Oligocene- E Miocene age. Folded Oligo-
Miocene sediments unconformably overlain by Pliocene marine sediments. Pliocene andesites (dated as 4.5
Ma) similar to Ambon)

Tjokosapoetro, S., E. Rusmana & Suharsono (1994)- Geology of the Ambon Sheet, Maluku, 1:250,000. Geol.
Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung, 15p. + map.

Umbgrove, J.H.F. (1924)- Report on Pleistocene and Pliocene corals from Ceram. In: L. Rutten & W. Hotz
(eds.) Geological, petrographical and palaeontological results of explorations, carried out from September 1917
till June 1919 in the island of Ceram, 2nd ser., Palaeontology, p. 1-22.
(Corals collected by Rutten from 13 localities in C and E Seram. 25 species identified, about 80 Recent species,
probably all Late Pliocene or younger age)

Usna, L. (1977)- Note on a seismic reflection profile across the Seram Trough. Newsl. Indonesian Geol. Survey
9, 16, p. 193-194.

Valk, W. (1945)- Contributions to the geology of West Seran. Doct. Thesis University of Utrecht. In:
Geological, petrographical and palaeontological results of explorations carried out from September 1917 till
June 1919 in the Island of Ceram by L. Rutten and W. Hotz, De Bussy, Amsterdam, 3rd ser., Geology, 1, p. 1-
(Geology of W Seram, compiled from notes and study of rocks collected during Rutten & Hotz (1918-1920)
Seram fieldwork. Pre-Upper Triassic metamorphics (folded schist, phyllite, gneiss, amphibolite) more common

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 62 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

than in E Seram. Upper Triassic more sandy than in C and E Seram: greywacke sandstones composed mainly
composed of detritus of schists, phyllites and andesites and are probably of Norian- Carnian age. Overlying
shales Upper Norian. Also U Triassic coralline limestone, U Eocene conglomerates with Discocyclina, non-
metamorphic peridotites, etc.)

Van der Sluis, J.P. (1950)- Geology of East Seran. Doct. Thesis University of Utrecht. In: Geological,
petrographical and palaeontological results of explorations carried out from September 1917 till June 1919 in
the Island of Ceram by L. Rutten and W. Hotz, De Bussy, Amsterdam, 3rd ser., Geology, 3, p. 1-71.
(The geology of East Seram, compiled from notes and study of rocks collected during Rutten & Hotz (1918-
1920) Seram fieldwork. Mainly listings of rock types and faunas (crystalline schists and phyllites, Triassic
limestone, Upper Cretaceous-Paleocene cherty limestone, Eocene marl, Plio- Pleistocene marls, etc.) (Upper
Triassic Lovcenipora limestone was re-interpreted as being to Late Jurassic age, a suggestion accepted by Van
Bemmelen (1949) but disputed by Wanner (1952) and subsequent authors; JTvG))

Van Gogh, F.A.A. (1913)- Geologisch onderzoek in Noord Oost Ceram van 15 Juni tot 15 September, 1913.
BPM Report 4575, p. (Unpublished)
('Geological investigations in NE Seram, from 15 June to 15 September 1913'. Unpublished BPM report)

Van Gogh, F.A.A. (1914)- Geologische beschrijving der vergunningen tot het verrichten van mijnbouwkundige
opsporingen Nos. 101, 102, 103, 104, Exploratieterreinen Boela Bai en Nief, Oost Ceram. BPM Report No.
4623, p. (Unpublished BPM report)
('Geologic description of the permits to carry out mining exploration numbers 101, 102, 103, 104, exploration
areas Bula Bay and Nief, East Ceram' (Price et al. 1986: oils from Triassic Nief /Manusela carbonate sequence
of different origin from that of Fufa oils)

Van Marle, L.J. (1989)- Recent and fossil benthic foraminifera and late Cenozoic palaeobathymetry of Seram,
Eastern Indonesia. In: J.E. van Hinte et al. (eds.) Proc. Snellius II Symposium, Jakarta 1987, Netherlands J. Sea
Research 24, 4, p. 445-457.
(Two M Pliocene- Pleistocene (N19-N22) outcrop sections in SW Seram, directly on Paleozoic metamorphics,
suggest paleobathymetries between 400- 1100m (probably 600-900m) and >2 km of post E Pleistocene uplift)

Verbeek, R.D.M. (1899)- Over de geologie van Ambon- I. Verhandelingen Kon. Akademie Wetenschappen,
Amsterdam, sect. 2, 6, 7, p. 3-26.
(online at: www.dwc.knaw.nl/DL/publications/PU00011831.pdf)
('On the geology of Ambon-1'. Ambon composed of two peninsulas, Hitoe and Leitimor. Complex geology,
including granites, perodotites, metamorphic rocks, Triassic sandstone- limestone interbeds, younger volcanics
and Pliocene or younger reefal limestone terraces up to 500m above sea level, etc.)

Verbeek, R.D.M. (1900)- Over de geologie van Ambon- II. Verhandelingen Kon. Akademie Wetenschappen,
Amsterdam, sect. 2, 7, 5, p. 3-9.
(online at: www.dwc.knaw.nl/DL/publications/PU00011896.pdf)
('On the geology of Ambon-2'. Continuation of paper above. Age of Banda Sea is Early Miocene or younger)

Verbeek, R.D.M. (1905)- Geologische beschrijving van Ambon. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-Indie
34, Wetenschappelijk Gedeelte, p. 1-308.
('Geological description of Ambon'. On geology and rock types of Ambon. With four maps, cross sections)

Von Huene, F. (1931)- Ichthyosaurier von Seran und Timor. Neues Jahrbuch Mineral. Geol. Palaont., Beilage
Band 66, B, p. 211-214.
('Ichthyosaurus fossils from Seram and Timor'. Collected by BPM geologist Weber: vertebrae of Eurypterygius
from E Jurassic? of Bula, NE Seram, and material from Triassic? of Basleo, W Timor)

Von John, C. (1906)- Ueber die chemische Beschaffenheit der Asphaltschiefer der Bara Bai (Buru). Neues
Jahrbuch Mineral. Geol. Palaont., Beilage Band 22, p. 691-692.

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 63 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

(‘On the chemical properties of Bara Bai asphalt shales of Buru’. Ammonite-rich Late Triassic bituminous
shales from Bara Bai, NW Buru, with 23% organic matter)

Von Rosenberg, H. (1860)- Aardolie van Ceram. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift Nederlands-Indie 21, p. 336, (also
vol. 22, p. 366 and 412.
('Petroleum from Seram'. Short communication on bottle of oil, collected from active seep at N coast of Seram,
E of Wahai. First report on oil from Seram. No locality details or map)

Wahyudiono, J., A. Susilo, R. Adlan, B. Salimudin, A.K. Gibran & E.S. Wiratmoko (2018)- Integrated field
mapping, organic chemistry and subsurface geological interpretation of Kanikeh Formation as potential source
rock in Seram Island. Proc. 42nd Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA18-247-G, 6p.
(Outcrop samples of Kanikeh Fm clastics on Seram with Triassic (Carnian-Norian) Halobia spp. and gas-prone
Type III kerogen. Analysis of seven oil samples from Oseil and Bula oil fields suggest no terrestrial organic
source material; hydrocarbons from Type II marine algae in carbonate rocks deposited in reducting conditions)

Wanner, J. (1907)- Zur Geologie und Geographie von West-Buru. Neues Jahrbuch Mineral. Geol. Palaont.,
Beilage Band 24, 1907, p. 133-160.
(Summary of 3-week reconnaissance geological survey in Fogi region of West Buru in 1904. Various types of
Mesozoic deep marine rocks. Also limestone breccia with clasts of white Buru Limestone with chert (=
Cretaceous?; HvG) and with Eocene alveolinids and Discocyclina in matrix)

Wanner, J. (1907)- Triaspetrefakten der Molukken und des Timorarchipels. Neues Jahrbuch Mineral. Geol.
Palaont., Beilage Band 24, p. 159-220.
(’Triassic fossils from the Moluccas and Timor Archipelago’. Late Triassic molluscs, corals, ammonites faunas
from Misool (Carnian dark shales with Daonella), Seram (typical Tethys-Mediteranean Norian molluscs
Monotis salinaria, Amonotis and brachiopod Halorella). From Seram limestone come corals Thecosmilia aff.
clathrata and Montlivaltia molukkana and Pachypora intabulata (= Lovcenipora). Also Triassic fossils from
Timor-Roti- Savu (generally deeper water facies, but potentially similar ‘alpine’ character with mainly
Halobia, Daonella, but also ‘Pacific’ mollusc Pseudomonotis ochotica). Timor/Roti/ Savu Triassic reminiscent
of North Sumatra Upper Triassic described by Volz, 1899. First author to recognize Alpine/ Tethyan affinities
of Late Triassic bivalves and ammonites of Seram and Timor)

Wanner, J. (1923)- Geologische Ergebnisse der Reisen K. Deninger's in den Molukken. I. Beitrage zur Geologie
der Insel Buru, nach den Tagebuchern und Sammlungen K. Deniger's. Palaeontographica Suppl. IV, Beitr.
Geologie Niederlandisch-Indien III, 3, p. 59-112.
('Geological results of the travels of K. Deninger in the Moluccas, I. Contributions to the geology of Buru
island'. Summary of field notes of Deninger's 1912 Second Freiburg University Moluccas expedition. NE half of
Buru mainly schists and phyllite, overlain by Triassic flysch. Overlain by Fogi Beds bituminous limestones and
marls, rich in molluscs and ammonites (Lower Norian), grey Misolia limestone and Norian massive limestones/
dolomites with Lovcenipora. E-M Jurassic appears to be missing. Oldest Jurassic rocks red-brown marine
tuffites (Sasifu beds; upper Callovian or Lower Oxfordian), overlain by Oxfordian Mefa Beds green-brown
tuffites rich in ammonites, with age-equivalent volcanics at W coast. Youngest Jurassic beds probably
Oxfordian dense Kartina limestone with chert lenses. Cretaceous represented by pelagic limestones with red-
brown chert. Rare Eocene limestone with Discocyclina, Nummulites, alveolinids, etc., and also reworked
Cretaceous carbonate clasts near Fogi near W coast. More widespread E-M Miocene clastics and limestone)

Wanner, J. (1928)- Ueber einige Juvaviten von Ceram (Molukken). Wetenschappelijke Mededeelingen Dienst
Mijnbouw Nederlandsch-Indie 10, Bandung, p. 37-42.
('On some Juvavites from Seram (Moluccas)'. Description of ‘Tethyan’ ceratitid ammonites collected by Weber
from Late Triassic flysch of Wai Sabora in SE Seram. Probably of Norian age. Incl. Juvavites ceramensis n.sp.
and J. aff. continuus)

Wanner, J. (1949)- Lebensspuren aus der Obertrias von Seran (Molukken) und der Alpen. Eclogae Geol.
Helvetiae 42, p. 183-195.

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 64 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

(online at: http://retro.seals.ch/cntmng?type=pdf&rid=egh-001:1949:42::702&subp=hires)
('Trace fossils from the Upper Triassic of Seram (Moluccas) and the Alps'. On deep-water Palaeodictyon
seranense n.sp., Chondrites gonidioides n.sp. and other trace fossils from Norian flysch of E Seram)

Wanner, J. & H.C.G. Knipscheer (1951)- Der Lias der Niefschlucht in Ost-Seran (Molukken). Eclogae Geol.
Helvetiae 44, 1, p. 1-18.
(online at: https://www.e-periodica.ch/digbib/view?pid=egh-001:1951:44#5)
('The Liassic of the Nief Gorge in East Seram'. In Nief Gorge very thin (60 cm) glauconitic limestone with Middle
Liassic diverse brachiopods (Rhynchonella spp., Spririferina spp., Terebratula), cephalopods (Oxynoticeras,
Phylloceras, Lytoceras, Dactylioceras, etc.), bivalves and gastropods (Pleurotomaria, etc.), overlying (Triassic?)
massive oolitic limestone. Most species related to European Tethys faunas)

Wanner, J., H.C.G. Knipscheer & E. Schenk (1952)- Zur Kenntnis der Trias der Insel Seran (Indonesien).
Eclogae Geol. Helvetiae 45, 1, p. 53-84.
(online at: http://retro.seals.ch/cntmng?type=pdf&rid=egh-001:1952:45::440&subp=hires)
(‘On the knowledge of the Triassic of Seram’. Good documentation of NE Seram Late Triassic (Carnian-
Norian) ‘flysch’, limestones and macrofossils. Carnian dominated by clays, marls, quartz sandstones with plant
debris; Norian more platy limestones, marly limestones and calcareous sandstones. Upper Norian with lenses
of massive Lovcenipora- Halorella limestone. Lovcenipora coral limestones erroneously interpreted as Late
Jurassic in age by Van der Sluis (1949) and Van Bemmelen (1949). Similar Upper Triassic limestones in C
Seram, S Buru and Timor. Triassic macrofaunas dominated by Tethyan elements like Monotis salinaria,
Halobia spp. and Juvavites. Triassic overlain by Jurassic- Cretaceous deep water marls and limestones. Rare
loose fossil material suggests limited presence of E-M Jurassic. Upper Jurassic represented by marly
calcareous shales with Aucella malayomaorica and Belemnopsis gerardi)

Weber, F. (1926)- Eindrapport omtrent het geologisch onderzoek en den vooruitzichten van Oost Ceram. BPM
Report 9611, p. (Unpublished)
('Final report on the geological survey and the prospectivity of East Seram'. Unpublished BPM report.
Sediment series of E Seram starts with Upper Triassic; no older sediments present. Carnian-Norian flysch is
poor in fossils. On S coast of Seram Triassic sequence is locally complete and includes~100m thick late Norian
limestone, the base of which is bitumen-impregnated and has asphaltic joint fillings. In E part of S Mountains
300-400m thick oolitic limestone. E Seram folded/uplifted above sea level in E Eocene: in narrow strip N of the
S mountains is pink coarse lime-sandstone with Eocene Nummulites and Alveolina, and Cretaceous is missing.
Main folding- thrusting in Seram is towards end of Miocene)

Welter, O.A. (1923)- Bemerkungen uber die von Deninger gesammelten Ammoniten und Nautilidenreste von
Seran. Palaeontographica, Suppl. 4, III, 4, p. 245.
(‘Remarks on the ammonite and nautilid fossils collected by Deninger from Seram’. Appendix in Krumbeck
(1923) Seram brachiopod/mollusc paper. Fragments of Upper Triassic ammonites (Choristoceras, Anatomites,
Juvavites) and nautilids (Phoioceras) from C Seram resemble species known from Timor and of 'alpine' affinity)

Wichmann, C.E.A. (1898)- Der Wawani auf Amboina und seine angeblichen Ausbruche (parts 1-2). Tijdschrift
Kon. Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap (2), 15, p. 1-20 and p. 200-218.
('The Wawani on Ambon and its reported eruptions, parts 1-2)')

Wichmann, C.E.A. (1899)- Der Wawani auf Amboina und seine angeblichen Ausbruche (part 3). Tijdschrift
Kon. Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap (2), 16, p. 109-142.
('The Wawani on Ambon and its reported eruptions, part 3'. Wawani mountain on Ambon with diabase and
porphyric igneous rock, but is not a volcano)

Wilckens, O. (1937)- Korallen und Kalkschwamme aus dem obertriadischen Pharetronenkalk von Seran
(Molukken). Beitrage zur Palaontologie des Ostindischen Archipels 14, Neues Jahrbuch Mineral. Geol.
Palaeont., Beilage Band B77, p. 171-211.

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 65 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

('Corals and calcareous sponges from the Upper Triassic Pharetronen-limestone of Seram'. Triassic corals and
sponges of Seram and Timor have ‘alpine’ character. Includes new coral species Thecosmilia alfurica, Isastrea
seranica, etc., and new calcareous sponge genera Deningeria, Seranella, Cryptocoelia. Flugel (2002, p. 420)
suggested W Seram Late Triassic corals and sponges mostly endemic taxa or taxa known from Timor, but
Martini et al. (2004) found no endemic fauna, only species of Tethyan affinity. Flugel also suggests close
similarities with Timor Fatu Limestone)

Xi, Z., X. Hu, Y. Fang, X. Yin & H. Du (2016)- Tectonic evolution of North Seram Basin, Indonesia, and its
control over hydrocarbon accumulation conditions. China Petroleum Exploration 21, 6, p. 1-8.
(online at: www.cped.cn/CN/item/downloadFile.jsp?filedisplay=20161230153808.pdf)
(N Seram Basin evolution interpreted as four stages: E Triassic initial rifting, M Triassic- M Jurassic rifting,
Late Jurassic- M Miocene passive continental margin and Late Miocene-Quaternary thrusting of foreland
foldbelt (Seram and Birds Head viewed here as part of same continental block; no subduction/collision))

Zillman, N.J. & R.J. Paten (1975)- Geology and petroleum prospects of Seram island, eastern Indonesia.
Australian Petrol. Explor. Assoc. (APEA) J. 15, p. 73-80.
(Two main Pliocene- E Pleistocene basins in N and NE Seram (Bula and Wahai) with up to 1400/ 2800m of
sediment. Oil seeps common in Bula but not in Bahai basin. Bula field 1897 discovery in Pleistocene clastics;
producing horizons ~80-280m below SL. Folded Pre-Tertiary rocks regarded as basement by BPM and AAR.
Middle or Late Miocene folding preceded Early Pliocene renewed subsidence. Early Pleistocene uplift created
rel. subtle regional unconformity.

Zillman, N.J. & R.J. Paten (1975)- Petroleum prospects, Bula Basin, Seram, Indonesia. Proc. 4th Ann. Conv.
Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), 2, p. 129-148.
(Plio-Pleistocene Bula Basin with Early Pleistocene unconformity. Bula field 1897 BPM discovery below
surface oil seep in shallow Pleistocene sands, producing since 1913. Limited hydrocarbons and potential in
Mesozoic Nief limestone)

Bibliography of Indonesian Geology, Ed. 7.0 66 www.vangorselslist.com July 2018

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