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CPA in Transit Reviewer: Law on Sales 1 

2017-2018 ed. RFBT

Nature of Obligation Created
A contract where one party obliges himself
a.)  For the SELLER: To transfer
to transfer ownership and to deliver a
ownership and to deliver possession
determinate thing and the another party to
of the subject matter
pay a price certain in money or its
b.)  For the BUYER: to pay the price
Elements of a Contract of Sale
Sale as a Title
1.  Essential Elements
Contract of sale DOES NOT transfer the
a.  Consent
ownership of the subject matter. It is merely
b.  Determinate object
a title that creates the obligation to transfer
c.  Price certain in money
ownership and a mode thereof.
2.  Natural Elements
a.  Warranty against eviction
The contract of sale transfers no real rights.
b.  Warranty against hidden
Ownership and position is transferred
defects and encumbrances
through delivery or tradition.
3.  Accidental Elements- refer to the
stipulations of the contracting
Characteristics of a Contract of Sale
1.  Consensual- perfected by mere Sale Donation
consent Onerous Gratuitous
2.  Principal- capable of standing alone Perfected by mere Perfected by
without the need of another consent donee’s acceptance
3.  Bilateral- there is a reciprocal Donation is an act of liberality whereby a
obligation between the parties person disposes gratuitously of a thing or
4.  Onerous- valuable consideration is right in favor of another, who accepts it.
given by both parties
5.  Commutative- the consideration B)  BARTER
exchange are of equivalent values Sale Barter
6.  Nominate- has a name given by law Cause or Cause or
consideration is in consideration is
Stages of a Contract of Sale money another thing

1.  Preparation/Conception- the time By contract of barter or exchange, one of the

the contracting parties shows parties binds himself to give one thing in
interest in the contract. consideration of the other’s promise to give
2.  Perfection/birth- concurrence of the another thing. [Art. 1638]
essential elements of the sale
3.  Consummation/death- begins when Note: Consideration is partly in money and
the parties perform their respective partly in another thing.
undertakings, resulting in the
extinguishment thereof.

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CPA in Transit Reviewer: Law on Sales 2 
2017-2018 ed. RFBT
The type of contract is determined under E)  CONTRACT TO SELL
the following hierarchy; Contract of sale Contract to sell
a.  Manifest intention of the parties Ownership is Ownership is
b.  If intention is not clear, the transferred upon transferred upon full
following rules shall apply: delivery payment
i.  Thing is more valuable than Non-payment is a Full payment is a
money- barter resolutory positive suspensive
ii.  Money is equal or more than condition condition
to the value of the thing- sale Sale is already
No perfected sale yet
C)  CONTRACT FOR PIECE OF WORK Subsequent buyer is Subsequent buyer is
Sale Contract for Piece of presumed to be in presumed to be in
Work bad faith good faith
Ordered in the Made specially for Vendor loses and
ordinary course of the customer upon cannot recover Title remains in the
the business his special order ownership of the vendor if the vendee
Thing transferred thing sold until does not comply
Thing transferred
already existed and contract of sale is with the conditions
existed due to the
can be a subject of resolved and set of the contract
order of the party
sale to other aside
desiring it.
Within the statues Not within the Contract to sell cannot be considered as a
of fraud statues of fraud contract of sale because the first element
(consent) is lacking. The prospective seller
When each product or system executed is does not consent until the happening of an
always UNIQUE and could not mass- event. The seller only agrees is to fulfill his
produce the product because of its very promise to sell the subject when full
nature, such is a contract for a piece of work. payment is made.
[Commissioner vs. Engineering Equipment and
Supply Co., 1975] F)  AGENCY TO SELL
Sale Agency to Sell
D)  DACION EN PAGO Agent receives goods
Sale Dacion en Pago Buyer receives
of the principal who
No pre-existing goods as owner
Pre-existing debt retains ownership
debt Agent delivers the
Creates an Extinguishes an Buyer pays the price price which he got
obligation obligation from his buyer
Freedom in Price is value of the Buyer, as a general
determining price thing given Agent can return the
rule, cannot return
The cause or Cause is the the object sold
consideration is extinguishment of Seller warrants the Agent makes no
the price and the the obligation and thing sold warranty
delivery of the the delivery of the Agent can deal with
object object the thing received as
Buyer can deal with
long as it is within
the thing sold
his authority given
by the principal

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2017-2018 ed. RFBT
G)  KINDS OF CONTRACT OF SALE Goods which may be Object of Sale
1)  Absolute- sale is not subjected to
a.  Existing Goods- goods owned or
any condition and the title
possessed by the seller
immediately passes to the
b.  Future Goods- goods to be
purchaser upon delivery
manufactures, raised or acquired by
2)  Conditional- ownership of the
the seller after the perfection of the
object remains with vendor until
contract. These are things which are
fulfillment of condition/s.
Conditional Contract Contract to Sell Objects must be within the commerce of
of Sale men. If the subject is illicit, contract is VOID
Sale is already Sale is not and cannot be ratified.
perfected perfected Instances of sale of things not actually or
Upon fulfillment Upon fulfillment already owned by seller at time of sale
of condition, of condition, 1.  Sale of thing having potential
ownership ownership does existence
automatically not automatically 2.  Sale of future goods
transfers to the transfers to the 3.  Contract for the delivery at a certain
buyer buyer price of a thing the vendor produces
in the ordinary course of the
H)  LEASE business or for the general market.
Sale Lease
Ownership LICIT
No transfer of
transferred by
ownership The thing is licit when:
Seller must be the 1)  It is within the commerce of man
Lessor need not be
owner at the time 2)  When right is transmissible
the owner
of delivery 3)  It does not contemplate a future
inheritance, unless expressly
One person binds himself to grant authorized by law
temporarily the use of the thing or to render
Example of properties not within the
some service to another who undertakes to
commerce of man:-
pay some rent.-
a)  Public property
III. OBJECT/SUBJECT MATTER a.  Property for public use
b.  Intended for public service
Requisites of a Valid Subject Matter c.  Intended for development of
national wealth
a.  For Things: b)  Church
1.  Licit/ lawful c)  Narcotics or drugs
2.  Should not be impossible
3.  Determinate or determinable Kinds of Illicit Things
b. For Rights: 1)  Per Se- of its nature
1. Transmissible 2)  Per Accidens- due to provisions of
2. Licit law declaring it illegal

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Examples of illicit sale: Mere Hope or expectancy (Emptio Spei)
a.  Sale of Future inheritance
The sale of a mere hope or expectancy is
b.  Sale of animals suffering from
deemed subject to the condition that the
contagious disease
thing contemplated or expected will come
c.  Sale of animal to be used for a
into existence.
service stated in a contract, and they
have found to be unfit therefor. The Sale it self is valid even if the thing
d.  Sale or transfer of land to aliens hoped or expected does not come into
existence, unless if such hope or expectancy
EXISTING, FUTURE, CONTINGENT is in vain, such sale is VOID.
Goods which form the subject may either
Emptio Rei Speratae Emptio Spei
Sale of an expected Sale of the hope
1)  Existing
thing itself
2)  Goods to be manufactures, raise or
Subjected to the Sale produces effect
acquired by the seller
condition that the even if the thing does
3)  Things having potential existence
thing will come into not come into
4)  Sale of specific things
existence existence
5)  Fungible goods
6)  Undivided interest Uncertain with
Uncertain with the
regard to quantity
existence of the
Future Goods (Emptio Rei Speratae) and quality of the
It is in the form of a present sale, is valid Object is a future Object is a present
only as an executory contract to be fulfilled thing thing
by the acquisition and delivery of the
goods specified. Upon the acquisition of Note: In case of doubt, presumption is in
goods, either party may demand the favor of emptio rei speratae since it is more in
execution of the contract. keeping the commutative character of the
Example of future things: contract.
1.  Goods to be manufactured or
2.  To be raised or future agricultural
products A)  Sale of Things in Litigation
3.  To be acquired by seller after the Entered into by defendant, without
perfection of the contract knowledge and approval of the litigants
4.  Things whose acquisition depends or the court is rescissible. [Art. 1381 (4)]
upon a contingency
Rescission will not take place when the
Potential Existence thing legally is in the possession of a 3rd
Goods not existing at the time can be an person who acted in good faith. [Art. 1385
object as long as it has a potential or (2)]
possible existence, that is, it is reasonably
certain to come into existence, and the title B)  Sale of Undivided Interest
will vest in the buyer the moment the thing Makes the buyer a co-owner of the
comes into existence. thing. The co-owner can dispose his
share even without the consent of the
other co-owner/s.

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2017-2018 ed. RFBT
C)  Sale of undivided share of a
Specific Mass of Fungible Goods It is the sum stipulated as equivalent of the
thing sold and also every incident taken into
The sale of an undivided share in a
consideration for the fixing of the price put
specific mass of fungible goods makes
to the debit of the buyer and agreed to by
the buyer a co-owner of the entire mass
in proportion to the amount he bought.
If later on it was discovered that the
1.  Certain or ascertained at the time of
mass of fungible goods contain less than
what was agreed upon, the buyer
2.  In money or its equivalent
becomes owner of whole mass and
3.  Real, not fictitious
seller must make up for the difference.
D)  Sale of Things Subject to a
Resolutory Condition Price must be certain, otherwise the sale
If the resolutory condition happens, the is void by reason of absence of meeting
vendor cannot transfer ownership of of minds.
what he sold since there is no object.
Price can be determined or certain when:
a.)  Parties have fixed or agreed upon a
A)  Determinate definite price
A thing is determinate when it is Fixing of price cannot be left to the
particularly designated or physically discretion of one of the parties unless if
segregated from all others of the same such was accepted by the other, therefor
class. the sale is perfected.
b.)  If it be certain with reference to
B)  Determinable another thing certain
c.)  Determination is left to the
A thing is determinable when it is
judgement of a specified person
capable of being made determinate at
the time the contract was entered Price fixed by 3rd persons designated by
without the necessity of a new or further the parties is binding upon them.
agreement between the parties. Exemptions
1.  If unable or unwilling: sale is
inefficacious unless parties
o  Failure to state the exact location of the
subsequently agree about the
land does not make the object
indeterminate, so long as it can be
2.  If in bad faith/by mistake: Courts
may fix the price.
o  The fact that the exact area of the land
3.  If 3rd person is prevented from fixing
specified in the contract of sale is
price by fault of seller or buyer:
subjected to the result of the survey does
Innocent party may avail of
not make the object indeterminate.
remedies through recession or
fulfillment of obligation, with

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2017-2018 ed. RFBT
B)  INADEQUACY OF PRICE 2.  Simulated Price (Absolute
Gross inadequacy of price does not Simulation)
affect the contract of sale except that it Price stated in the contract is not
may indicate a defect in consent. intended to be paid. Parties never
intended to be bound. Contract is
1.  Voluntary Sales void and inexistent.
• General rule: Mere inadequacy of
the price does not affect validity of D)  FAILURE TO DETERMINE
the sale. PRICE
1.  Where contract executory- contract is
• Exceptions: without effect. There is no
a.)  When low price indicates vice of obligation created.
consent, sale may be annulled
b.)  Where the price is so low as to be 2.  Where delivery has been made- buyer
“shocking to conscience”, sale must pay a reasonable price.
may be set aside
c.)  Where the parties did not intend Reasonable Price
to be bound at all, sale is VOID What is a reasonable price is a question
of fact dependent on the circumstances
2.  Involuntary Sales of each case.
• General Rule: Mere inadequacy of It may be determined on the basis of a
the price is not a sufficient ground company’s balance sheet showing the
for the cancellation of the sale if book or fair value of its shares.
property is real.
Generally, reasonable price is the
• Exceptions:
market price at the time and place fixed
1.  Where the price is so low as to be
by the contract or by law for delivery of
shocking to the moral
conscience, judicial sale will be
set aside. E)  EARNEST MONEY
2.  In the event of resale, a better Partial payment of the purchase price &
price can be obtained. considered proof of the perfection of
the contract.
Earnest Money Option Money
If the price is simulated, the contract
Part of purchase Separate and distinct
is void for the lack of cause or
price from purchase price
consideration, but can be shown as a
Given only when
donation or some other contract. Given when sale in
there is already a
Disagreement on the matter of payment not yet perfected
is tantamount to a failure on the price
Buyer is bound to Would-be-buyer is
pay the balance not required to buy
1.  False Price (Relative Simulation)
In case of non- In case of non-
Price stated in the contract is not the payment, specific payment, there can
true price parties intended to be performance or be an action for
bound rescission can be specific
filed performance.

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2017-2018 ed. RFBT
NOTE: Expenses for the execution and Kinds of Promises
registration of the sale shall be borne by 1.  Unilateral promise to sell- promise
the vendor, unless there is a stipulation to elects to buy
the contrary. 2.  Unilateral promise to buy- promise
Remedies of vendor to unpaid price elects to sell
3.  Bilateral promise to buy and sell-
1.  Exact fulfillment
either parties choose to exact
2.  Cancel the sale, should vendee
failed to pay two or more
3.  Foreclose the chattel mortgage. VI. ACCEPTANCE
The acceptance referred to which
a.)  Must be a contract of sale determines consent is the acceptance of the
b.)  Object is personal property offer, and not of the goods delivered.
c.)  Sale must be in installments
Does not apply for sale for cash or straight
1.  It must be absolute
2.  Must be plain and unconditional
3.  To bind the offeror, the offeree
V. OFFER must comply with the conditions of
the offer.
• General Rule: Offer may be withdrawn at
any time without even communicating VII. PERFECTION
such withdrawal to the interested buyer
Contract of sale is perfected at the moment
• Exception: When the offeror has allowed of the meeting of the minds of the parties.
the offeree a certain period to accept, may
be withdrawn at any time before acceptance From the moment of perfection, parties
by communicating such withdrawal. may reciprocally demand performance.
Exception to the exception: Cannot be Requirements for Perfection
withdrawn within a certain period if found 1. When parties are face to face, when an
under a consideration. offer is accepted without conditions and
without qualifications. If negotiation is
OPTION CONTRACT made through a phone, it is as if the parties
are face to face.
An accepted unilateral promise to buy or
2. When contract is through a
sell supported by a consideration distinct
correspondence or thru telegram, there is
from the price. It secures the privilege to
perfection when the offeror receives or has
knowledge of the acceptance by the
Option Contract Sale offeree.
Unilateral Bilateral 3. When sale is made subject to a
Sale of right to suspensive condition, perfection is when
Sale of Property
purchase from the moment the condition is fulfilled.
An option without consideration is VOID
and the effect is the same as if there was no

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2017-2018 ed. RFBT
Statute of Fraud Effect of Perfection
The following transaction must be in After perfection, parties must now comply
writing, otherwise contract is unenforceable. with their mutual obligations. In the
Unless ratified by failure to object to oral meantime, buyer has personal rather than
acceptance of benefits under the contract. real right. Hence if seller sells again a parcel
of land to a stranger in good faith, the
1.  Sale of property at price not less
proper remedy of the buyer would be to sue
than P500.00
for damages for he cannot recover
2.  Sale not to be performs within one
ownership over something he had never
owned before.
3.  Sale of real property or interest
NOTE: Applicable only to executory
contracts and not to contracts which are
All persons who can bind themselves by
totally or partially performed.
contract have also legal capacity to buy and
Sale by Auction
Perfected when the auctioneer accepts the Kinds of Incapacity
bid by the falloff the hammer, gavel, or in 1.  Absolute Incapacity- persons cannot
any other customary manner. bind themselves at all
If the auction is announced “without a.  Minors
reserved”, goods cannot be withdrawn from b.  Insane or Demented
sale after the bid is made. c.  Deaf-mutes who do not know
how to write
By taking part in the auction, the buyer d.  Civil Interdiction
voluntarily submitted to the terms and 2.  Relative Incapacity- only with
condition of the auction. regards to certain persons and
certain class of property
Sale Of Goods By Description
Seller sells things as being a particular kind, Husband and Wife
and buyer has not seen the article sold and • General Rule: Husband and wife cannot
relies on the description given by the sell to each other
• Exception:
Sale by Sample
1)  When separation of property was
Parties contracted solely with reference to agreed
the sample, with the understanding that the 2)  There was a judicial separation of
bulk was like it. The vendor warrants the property
thing sold will conform with the sample in
kind, character, and quantity. It is the sole Relative Incapacity
basis or inducement of the sale.
The following persons cannot acquire
NOTE: goods must satisfy all the warranties. property by purchase, even at a public
Otherwise, contract may be rescind. auction, either in person or through the
mediation of another:
1)  Guardian, with respect to the
property of his ward

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2)  Agents, the property whose •  After delivery: buyer bears the risk.
administration or sale may have Unless delivery was delayed
been in trusted to them, unless through the fault of either parties,
consent of principal is given the risk is with the party in fault; and
3)  Executors and administrators, when the ownership of the goods
property of estate under his has been retained by the seller.
4)  Public officers and employees, with
respect to the properties of the X. OBLIGATIONS OF THE
government, political subdivisions, VENDOR
or GOCCs, entrusted to them.
5)  Judges, justice, prosecuting 1)  Transfer ownership
attorney, clerks of court, etc., with 2)  Deliver the thing, with its accessions
respect to the property in custogia and accessories, if any
legis. 3)  Warrant against eviction and
6)  Other persons disqualified by law against hidden defects
4)  To take care of the thing, pending
Effect of violation delivery, with proper diligence
a.  With respect to 1-3: VOIDABLE 5)  To pay the expenses of the deed of
Reason: only private rights, which sale, unless there is stipulation to the
are subject to ratification are contrary
b.  With respect to 4-6: NULL & VOID XI. DELIVERY
Reason: violation of public policy
cannot be subjected to ratification Ownership, as a consequence of certain
contracts such as sale, shall be transferred
IX. LOSS AND DETERIOTAION to the vendee upon actual or constructive
Res Perit Domino
The concept that owner bears risk of loss Intention to Transfer Ownership
and deterioration because ownership is not In all forms of delivery, the act of delivery
transferred until delivery. shall be coupled with the intention of
Rule on Risk of Loss and Deterioration: delivering the thing. The act without the
intention is insufficient.
•  Before Perfection: Seller bears the Requisites of Delivery
1.  Identity
•  At the time of perfection: Contract is 2.  Integrity
VOID or inexistence 3.  Intentional
•  At the time of sale: if entirely lost,
contract is VOID or inexistence. If When vendor is not bound to deliver
partially lost, vendee may elect 1.  Vendee has not paid the price
between withdrawing or demanding 2.  No period for payment has been
the remaining part. fixed
•  After perfection but before delivery: 3.  Even if a period for payment has
risk of loss is shifted to the buyer but been fixed, if the vendee has lost the
stipulations in the contract will right to make use of the same

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Kinds the risk of loss. The buyer must comply with
express or implied conditions otherwise,
1.  Actual or real- placing the thing
the sale becomes absolute.
under the control and possession of
the buyer
Sale on Approval or Trial
2.  Legal or constructive- delivery is
represented by other signs or acts Title remains with seller notwithstanding
indicative thereof delivery of the goods. It is in nature of an
3.  Quasi-tradition- delivery of rights, option to purchase. Sale is dependent on
credits or incorporeal property, the quality of the goods; it is a sale with
made by (i) placing titles of suspensive condition. Buyer become owner
ownership in the hands of the when:
buyer or (ii) allowing the buyer to
make use of rights 1)  Buyer signifies his approval or
4.  Tradition by operations of law acceptance to seller
2)  Does any other act adopting the
Kinds of Constructive or Legal Delivery transaction
a)  By Legal Formalities- sale is made 3)  Retains the goods without giving
through public instrument. Gives notice of rejection after the time
rise only to a prima facie presump- fixed has expired; it no time has
tion of delivery. been fixed, after the expiration of a
b)  Symbolic Delivery (tradition reasonable time
simbolica)- delivery of keys or
depository where the movable is Sale or Return Sale on Trial
kept or stored. Subject to a
Subject to a
c)  Traditio Longa Manu- delivery of a resolutory
suspensive condition
movable by mere consent or condition
agreement. Pointing at the thing Depends on the
Depends on the will
d)  Traditio Brevi Manu- buyer simply character or quality
of the buyer
continues in possession of the thing of the goods
but under ownership. Applies to Ownership remains
movables only. Happens when in the seller until
Ownership passes
buyer already has possession of the buyer signifies his
to buyer on delivery
thing sold before the sale. approval (meeting of
e)  Traditio Constitutum Posessorium- the minds)
seller continues to be in possession Risk of loss or Risk of loss and
of the property sold but not as a injury rest with the injury remains with
owner but in some other capacity. buyer seller

Sale or Return Goods Delivered Through Carrier

• General Rule: Delivery to carrier is deemed
Property is sold, but the buyer has the
to be delivery to the buyer.
option to return it to the seller instead of
paying the price. It depends on the • Exception: Where the right of possession
discretion of the buyer; it is a sale with a or ownership of specific goods sold is
resolutory condition. reserved.
It is a kind of sale with condition
subsequent. Buyer, being the owner, bears

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Seller’s Duty After Delivery to Carrier 4.  Purchase in a merchant’s store, fairs
1.  To enter on behalf of buyer into or markets (art. 559)
such contract reasonable under the 5.  When a person who is not the owner
circumstances sells and delivers a thing,
2.  To give notice to buyer regarding subsequently acquires title thereto.
necessity of insuring the goods. 6.  When the seller has a voidable title
which has not been avoided at the
Instances Where Seller Is Still The Owner time of sale.
Despite Delivery
1.  Sale on trial, approval or satisfaction Place of Delivery
2.  Contrary intention appears by the 1.  Where there is an agreement: Place
terms of the contract specified
3.  Implied reservation of ownership 2.  Where there is no agreement: Place of
a.  Goods are shipped, but by delivery determined by usage of
the bill of landing goods are trade
delivered to seller or his 3.  Where there is no agreement and no
agent or their order prevalent usage: seller’s place of
b.  Bill of landing is kept by the business
seller or his agent 4.  In any other case: seller’s residence
c.  When the buyer does not
honor the bill of exchange by Payment of the Purchase Price
returning the bill of landing
to seller. • General Rule: Seller is not bound to deliver
unless the purchase price has been paid.
Sale by one having a Voidable Title • Exception: The Seller is bound to deliver
even if the price has not been paid, is a
If the seller has only a voidable title, buyer period of payments has been fixed.
acquires a good title to the goods provided
he buys them: Goods Delivered Less Than Quantity
a)  Before the title of the seller has been Agreed
avoided 1.  Buyer may reject; or
b)  In goods faith for value 2.  Buyer may accept and pay at the
c)  Without notice of the seller’s defect contract rate
of title
Quantity More Than Agreed Upon
Sale of Goods by a Non-owner 1.  Buyer may reject all; or
• General Rule: Buyer acquires no title even 2.  Buyer may accept the goods agreed
if in good faith or for value. Nemo dat quid upon and reject the rest; or
non habet (“You cannot give what you do not 3.  Buyer may accept all and must pay
have”). for them at the contract rate
• Exceptions: Goods Mixed With Goods Of Different
1.  Owner is estopped or precluded by Description
his conduct
2.  Sale is made by the registered owner Buyer may accept the goods which are in
or apparent owner accordance with the contract and reject the
3.  Sales sanctioned by judicial or rest.
statutory authority

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Indivisible Goods Classes of Documents of Title
If the subject is indivisible, in case of a)  Negotiable Documents of title- stated
delivery of a large quantity of goods or a that goods can be delivered to
mixed goods, the buyer may reject the bearer, or to the order of a person.
whole of the goods. b)  Non-negotiable Instrument of Title-
Right of rejecting the whole of the goods stated that goods are to be delivered
delivered is given only if the subject matter to a specified person.
is indivisible.
Negotiation of negotiable document of
Rights of Vendee to the Fruits title
1.)  By Delivery
Vendee has the right to the fruits of the 2.)  By indorsement plus delivery
thing sold from the time obligation to
deliver arises. Generally at time of Forms of Indorsement
perfection, however parties may modify it
by agreement. a)  Blank Indorsement- consist of
signature of the indorser without
XII. DOCUMENT OF TITLE specifying the name of the indorsee.
b)  To bearer- where the indorsement
A document of title in which is stated that states that the goods are deliverable
the goods referred to therein will be to bearer.
delivered to the bearer, or to order of any c)  Special Indorsement- name of
person named in such document is a indorsee is specified.
negotiable instrument of title.
Negotiable Document of title marked
Document is negotiable if: “Non-negotiable”
1.)  Goods are deliverable to bearer
2.)  Goods are deliverable to the order of Such mark will have no effect on the
a certain person instrument and remains to be negotiable.

Common forms of document of title Who may negotiate negotiable document

a)  Bill of Landing- contract or receipt of title
for the transport of goods and their 1.  By the owner
delivery to the person named 2.  By the person to whom the
therein, to order or bearer. possession or custody of the
b)  Dock Warrant- given by dock owners document has been entrusted by the
to an importer of goods recognizing owner.
the latter’s title of the said goods
c)  Warehouse Receipt- contract or Rights of the Holder
receipt for goods deposited with a 1.  Title of the person negotiating the
warehouseman containing the document, over the goods covered
latter’s undertaking to hold and by the document;
deliver the said goods to a specified 2.  Title of the person to whose order by
person, to order or bearer. the terms of the document the goods
were to be delivered, over such
3.  The direct obligation of the bailee to
hold possession of the goods for

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him, as if the bailee had contracted Bailee
to him directly. The bailee has the direct obligation to hold
NOTE: Mere transfer foes not acquire possession of the goods for the original
directly the obligation of the bailee. To owner. The goods cannot be attached or
acquire it, he must notify the bailee. levied and bailee cannot be compelled to
deliver the goods unless the document be
Rights of the Transferee first surrendered or its negotiation
The rights of a transferee, tot whom a prohibited by court.
document is transferred but not negotiated, Failure of bailee or previous indorsers to
are not absolute as it is subjected to the fulfill their obligations
terms of the agreement.
Indorser hall not be liable for any failure on
1.  Title of the goods as against the
the part of the bailee or previous indorsers
to fulfill their respective obligation.
2.  Right to notify the bailee of the
transfer thereof; Effect of typographical or Grammatical
3.  Right, thereafter, to acquire the Error
obligation of the bailee to hold It does not destroy the negotiability of the
goods for him. document of title, for what should be
considered is the intent.
Transfer for Value by Delivery
If a negotiable document of title is
transferred for value by delivery, and
Unpaid seller is one who has not been paid
indorsement is essential for negotiation,
the whole amount of the price or one who
The right of the transferee are:
received a negotiable instrument and it has
1.  Right to the goods as against the been dishonored, buyer is insolvent, or
transferor; otherwise.
2.  Right to compel the transferor to
indorse Rights of the Unpaid Seller
Negotiation shall take effect as to the time 1)  Right to lien of goods or the rights to
when indorsement is actually made. retain them for the price while he is
in possession of them
Warranties on sale of document 2)  Right of stoppage in transit
1.  Document is genuine 3)  Right of resale
2.  He has a legal right to negotiate or 4)  Right to rescind the sale
transfer it
3.  He has knowledge of no fact which RIGHT TO LIEN
would impair the validity or worth Right to retain possession of goods until
of the document payment or tender of the whole price, or
4.  He has the right to transfer the title unless he agrees to sell on credit
to the goods and that goods are
merchantable or fit for a particular A)  When available:
purpose 1.)  Goods sold without stipulation
as to credit
2.)  Goods are sold on credit, but
credit term has expired
3.)  Buyer becomes insolvent

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B)  Lien on Partial Delivery: seller refused to received them
When unpaid seller made partial back.
delivery of the goods, he may C)  How to exercise:
exercise his lien on the remainder, 1.)  By obtaining actual possession
unless such part delivery shows an of the goods.
intent to waive the lien or right of 2.)  By giving notice of his claim to
retention. the carrier or bailee.
C)  When lien is lost: Such notice may be given in to the
1.)  Delivers the goods to a carrier or person in actual possession or to his
other bailee for the purpose of principal. But if given to the
transmission to the buyer principal, it must be given at such
without reserving the ownership time and under such circumstances
in the goods or the right of to be effectual so the principal can
possession thereof; prevent delivery.
2.)  Buyer or his agent lawfully D)  Effects of exercise:
obtains possession of the goods; 1.)  Goods are no longer in transit
3.)  By waiver thereof 2.)  Carrier shall be liable as
depositary or other bailee.
RIGHT OF STOPPAGE IN TRANSITU 3.)  Carrier must redeliver the goods
to, or according to the
An extension of the lien for the price; instructions of the seller
entitles unpaid seller to resume possession E)  When goods are no longer in transit:
of the goods while they are in transit before 1.)  After delivery to the buyer or his
the goods come in possession of the vendee agent in that behalf;
A)  When available: 2.)  Buyer obtains delivery of the
1.)  Buyer must be insolvent; goods before arrival at the
2.)  Seller must be unpaid appointed destination
3.)  Goods are in transit 3.)  Carrier or bailee acknowledges
4.)  Seller must actually take to hold the goods on behalf of
possession of the goods sold or the buyer
give notice of his claim to the 4.)  Carrier or other bailee
carrier or other person in wrongfully refuses to deliver the
possession. goods to the buyer or his agent.
5.)  Seller must surrender the
document of title, if any, issues RIGHT OF RESALE
by the carrier or bailee; A)  When available:
6.)  Seller must bear the expenses of 1.)  Seller has the right to lien or
delivery after the exercise of the stoppage in transitu.
right 2.)  Under the following cases:
B)  When goods are considered in transit: a.  Goods are perishable by
1.)  After delivery to carrier or other nature
bailee and before the buyer or b.  Right to resell is
his agent takes delivery of them; expressly reserved
2.)  Goods are rejected by buyer, and c.  Buyer delays in payment
carrier or bailee continues to be for an unreasonable time
in possession of them, even if

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B)  Effects of resale Exceptions:
1.)  Seller is not liable to the buyer 1.)  Seller has given his consent
for any profit 2.)  When purchaser or buyer is a
2.)  If sells for less than the price, purchaser for value in good faith of
seller has right to sue for the a negotiable document of title.
balance from buyer
3.)  New buyer acquires good title as IX. SALE OF REAL ESTATE
against the original buyer
Unit Price Contract
RIGHT TO RESCIND THE SALE Payment will be made only on the basis of
Return of the title over the undelivered contractual items actually performed. The
goods to the seller, and right to recover amount agreed upon is merely an estimate.
damages for breach of contract Price is depending upon the quantities
A)  When available: performed multiplied by the unit prices
1.)  Seller has the right to lien or previously agreed upon.
stoppage in transitu
2.)  Under either of the 2 situations: Sale of Real Estate by the Unit
a.  Right to rescind is The vendor must deliver the entire property
expressly reserved agreed upon. The immovable property
b.  When buyer delays in the must be of the quality specified in the
payment of the price for contract.
an unreasonable time.
B)  Effects of rescission If the entire area could not be delivered,
1.)  Seller resumes ownership of the then the object of the contract is not
goods delivered. Hence the vendee is entitled to
2.)  Seller shall not be liable to the rescind it. But he may, however, enforce the
buyer upon the contract contract with the corresponding decrease in
3.)  Buyer may be held liable to the price.
seller for damages for any loss
occasioned by the breach of When Vendee is Entitled to Rescind Sale
contract of Real Property
C)  How seller may rescind: 1.)  If the lack of area is at least 1/10th
by notice to the buyer or by some than that stated or stipulated.
overt act showing an intention to 2.)  If the deficiency in the quality
rescind. specified in the contract exceeds
Communication to buyer of rescission is not 1/10th of the price agreed upon
always necessary but giving/failure to give 3.)  If the vendee would not have bought
notice is relevant in determining the immovable had he known of its
reasonableness of time given to the buyer to smaller area or inferior quality.
make good his obligation under contract.
Where immovable of a greater area or
Effect if Buyer Sold the Goods number
Generally, the unpaid seller's right of lien or Vendee may accept the area included in the
stopage in transitu remains even if the contract and reject the rest. The vendee may
buyer has sold or otherwise disposed of the not withdraw from the contract.

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Lump Sum Sale (A Cuerpo Cierto) 2.)  Double Sale of Real Property
Sates the full purchase price based on the a.  First registrant in good faith
estimate or where both area and boundaries b.  First possessor in good faith
are stated. c.  Person with oldest title in
good faith
Mentioning the boundaries of the land is The requirement of the law then is two-fold:
indispensable in every conveyance of real acquisition in good faith and registration in
estate. The vendor is bound to deliver all good faith. Good faith must concur with the
that is included within the said boundaries. registration. If it would be shown that a
The area of which, even if lesser or grater buyer was in bad faith, the alleged
than what is stipulated, is immaterial. registration they have made amounted to
no registration at all.
Real property not in Vendor's Possession
The failure of a person to take the ordinary XI. CONDITIONS
precautions, specially in buying a piece of
land in the actual, visible and public An uncertain event or contingency on the
possession of another person, other than happening. Conditions may be:
the vendor, constitutes gross negligence 1.)  Waived; or
amounting to bad faith. One who purchases 2.)  Considered as warranties
real property which is in the actual
possession of another should, at least make Effect of non-fulfillment of Condition
some inquiry concerning the right of those 1.)  If the obligation of either party is
in possession. He can scarely, in the absence subjected to any condition and such
of such inquiry, be regarded as a bona fide condition is not fulfilled, such party
purchaser as against such possessors. may;
a.  Refuse to proceed with the
Prescription of Action contract
The action for either recission of the or b.  Proceed the contract,
reduction of the price must be brought 6 waiving the performance of
months from the day of delivery. the condition
2.)  If condition is in nature a promise
X. DOUBLE SALE that it should happen, the non-
performance of such condition may
Requisites of Double Sale be treated by the other party as a
1.  Two or more valid contract of sale; breach of warranty.
2.  Two or more buyers ;
3.  They must pertain exactly to the XII. WARRANTIES
same object; and
4.  They must be bought from the It is a promise that a fact is true. In a sale, it
same seller. is a statement of fact abut the quality or
character of the goods sold to induce the
Rules of Preference sale relied upon by the buyer. Breach or
violation of it gives rise to a suit for damages.
1.)  Double Sale of Movables Warranty is enforceable only against the
-  who first takes possession in good immediate vendor of the party
faith dispossessed.

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Warranty vs Condition Implied Warranty
Warranty Condition It is a natural, not an essential element of a
Goes into the contract, and is deemed incorporated in the
performance of an contract of sale. It is inherent.
Affects the existence
obligation and may, Its reason is to protect naïve and
of the obligation
in itself, be an unsuspecting buyers from scrupulous
obligation sellers from running away from their
Stipulation or wrongful doings.
Must be stipulated
operation of law
Non-fulfillment Non-happening does It may be modified or suppressed by
constitutes breach not breach the agreement of the parties. Unless waived, the
of contract contract warranties stay.
May attach to the
Always relate to the Implied Warranties in sale
seller’s duty to
subject matter or the 1.  Warranty as to seller’s title
deliver or some
seller’s obligations 2.  Warrant against hidden defects
other circumstances
3.  Warranty as to fitness or
Kinds of Warranties merchantability
1.)  Express Warranty
2.)  Implied Warranty When Implied Warranty not Applicable
1.)  “As is and where is” sale
Express of Opinion 2.)  Sale of secondhand articles
A mere expression of opinion by the seller 3.)  Sale by virtue of authority in fact or
does not import a warranty unless: law
1.)  Seller is an expert; and
2.)  Opinion was relied upon by the SUBSECTION 1
buyer Warranty Against Eviction
Not every false representation voids the
contract, only those matters substantially Eviction
affecting the buyer’s interest Vendee is deprived of the whole or part of
the thing purchased. (art. 1548)
Express Warranty
Warranty against Eviction
It is an affirmation of fact or any promise by
the seller about the subject matter where Seller guarantees that he has the right to sell
the natural tendency of it is to induce the the thing sold and to transfer ownership to
buyer to purchase the thing and the buyer the buyer who shall not be disturbed in his
purchases the thing relying on such legal and peaceful possession thereof. If
affirmation or promise. evicted, vendor is liable thereof.
An express warranty can be made by and Elements of Warranty Against Eviction
also be binding on the seller even in the sale
of a second hand article. 1.)  Vendee has been deprived in whole
or in part of the thing purchased
2.)  Deprived by virtue of final

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3.)  Judgement is based on right prior to
the sale or act imputable to the Eviction in Part
vendor Buyer may either enforce vendor’s liability
4.)  Vendor was summoned in the suit for eviction or he may demand rescission of
for eviction at the instance of the the contract provided in article 1556, if the
vendee buyer lose, by eviction, a part of the thing
5.)  There is no waiver on the part of the sold of such importance that he would not
vendee have bought it without said part.
NOTE: Rescission is not a remedy against 2.  Intencionada
total eviction. Rescission contemplates that a.  Made by vendee with
the one demanding it is able to return knowledge of risk of eviction
whatever he has received under the and assumption of its
contract. Since the buyer can no longer consequences
return the thing sold to the seller, rescission b.  Vendor not liable unless
cannot be carried out. acted in bad faith
Rights and liabilities
Prescription In case eviction occurs, the vendee shall
Where one acquires ownership and other have the right to demand of the vendor the
real right through the lapse of time in the following:
manner and conditions prescribed by law. 1.  Return of value of thing
2.  Income or fruits of thing
a.  Completed before sale- vendee can
3.  Cost of the suit
enforce warranty against eviction
4.  Expenses of the contract
b.  Completed after sale- vendor is not
5.  Damages and interest, and
liable for eviction. (art. 1550)
ornamental expenses, if sale is made
in bad faith. (art. 1555)
Effect of Waiving Warranty in Bad Faith
a.  Vendor in bad faith- cannot be SUBSECTION 2
exempted from warranty. Because Warranty Against Hidden Defects of, or
he has knowledge beforehand of a Encumbrances upon, the Thing Sold
presence of a fact giving rise to
eviction. (art. 1553) Requisites for Warranty against Hidden
b.  Vendee in bad faith- not entitled to Defects
warranty against eviction nor right 1.  Defect must be important or serious;
to recover damages. He proceeded 2.  Must be hidden
to the sale with the assumption of 3.  Must exist at the time of sale
the risk of eviction. (art. 1554) 4.  Vendee must give notice of defect to
vendor within reasonable time
Kinds of Waiver 5.  Action for rescission or reduction in
1.  Consciente price must be brought within 6
a.  voluntarily made by the months from delivery or 40 days in
vendee without the case of animals
knowledge and assumption 6.  No waiver of warranty on the part of
of the risks of eviction. vendee
b.  Vendor shall only pay the
value of the thing sold at the
time of eviction

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When defect important Effects of Thing loss due to hidden defects
a)  Renders the thing sold unfit for its a.)  Vendor aware of hidden defect- he
intended use; shall bear the lost due to bad faith.
b)  Diminishes its fitness for such use Vendee may recover:
1.  Price paid
NOTE: The use contemplated must be that 2.  Expenses of the contract
which is stipulated, and in absence of 3.  Damages
stipulation, that which is adopted to the b.)  Vendor is not aware- since he acted in
nature of the thing, and to the business of good faith, he shall be obliged only
the buyer. to return:
1.  Price
Implied Warranty of Fitness 2.  Interest
3.  Expenses of the contract paid
Generally, there is no implied warranty of
by vendee
fitness for any particular purpose except
under the following:
Lost due to fault of Vendee
a)  Buyer expressly or impliedly
manifest to the seller the particular If the thing sold had any hidden defects at
purpose of the goods acquired the time of sale, and it is lost through the
b)  Buyer relies upon the seller’s skill or fault of the vendee, vendor shall be liable
judgement for the price paid less value of the thing had
when it was lost. (art. 1569)
There is an implied warranty that the goods
are reasonably fit for such special purpose.
Implied Warrant of Merchantability
Redhibitory vice or defect
It’s a warranty that goods are reasonably fit
for the general purpose for which the same A defect which the seller is bound to
are sold. warrant in animals, the following special
rules shall apply:
Ignorance of Vendor of Hidden Defects
1.  Defect must be hidden
Ignorance does not relieve the vendor from 2.  Must be of such nature that expert
liability. Good faith cannot be availed of as knowledge is not sufficient to
a defense by the vendor. discover it
a)  Doctrine of Caveat Venditor
Vendor is still liable even is he is not Veterinarian is liable if he fails to discover
aware due to this doctrine. It is based or disclose the hidden defect through
on the principle that a sound price ignorance or bad faith. (art. 1576)
warrants a sound article.
Seller liable if animal dies within 3 days
after its purchase due to a disease that
Alternative Remedies of the Buyer
existed at the time of sale.
Vendee has the option to either:
1.  Accion redhibitoria (withdraw from Limitation of the action: Rehibitory action
the contract) must be brought 40 days from the date of
2.  Accion quanti minoris (reduction in their delivery to the vendee. (art. 1577)

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No warranty against hidden defects When Vendee’s rights can’t be exercised
1.)  When servitude is apparent
1.  Animals sold at public fairs or public
2.)  If non-apparent servitude is
2.  Livestock sold as condemned
3.)  If vendee has knowledge of the
Void Sale of Animals encumbrance, registered or not
a)  animals sold are suffering from
contagious disease; or XIV. OBLIGATIONS OF THE
b)  found unfit for the use or service VENDEE
stated in the contract.
Animal died with Vices Principal Obligations of the Vendee
If loss is caused for fortuitous event or by 1.)  Accept delivery
fault of vendee and animal has vices, the 2.)  Pay the price
buyer may either: 3.)  Bear expenses for the execution and
1.  withdraw from the contract; or registration of the sale and putting
2.  demand a reduction in price. the goods in a deliverable state, if
such is the stipulation
Pertinent Rules:
Easement or servitude is an encumbrance 1. Vendor not required to deliver the thing
imposed upon an immovable for the benefit sold until the price is paid nor the vendee to
of another immovable owned by a different pay the price before the thing is delivered in
person. the absence of an agreement to the
Kinds of easement or servitude contrary; (art. 1524)
a)  Apparent easement- expressly made 2. If stipulated, vendee is bound to accept
b)  Non-apparent easement- no external delivery and to pay the price at the time and
indication of its existence place designated;
Requisites for Vendor’s Liability for 3. If there is no stipulation as to the time and
Immovable sold with Easement place of payment and delivery, the vendee
1.)  Must be non-apparent is bound to pay at the time and place of
2.)  Not indicated in the agreement delivery;
3.)  Must be of such nature that the
vendee would not have acquired the 4. In the absence of stipulation as to the
immovable had he been aware place of delivery, it shall be made wherever
thereof. the thing might be at the perfection of the
contract (art. 1251); and
Remedies & Right of Vendee 5. If only the time for delivery has been fixed
1.)  Within 1 year from execution of the the vendee is required to pay even before
deed of sale: the thing is delivered to him; (art. 1524)
a.  Rescission; or
b.  Damages. Delivery in installments (art. 1583)
2.)  After one (1) year from of execution •  General Rule: Buyer is not bound to
of deed of sale: accept delivery or pay the price thereof
a.  Damages, within a period of by installments.
one (1) year from discovery of •  Exception: If there is a stipulation
easement or servitude

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Right of Buyer to Examine Goods
•  General Rule: Buyer has the right to a
reasonable opportunity to examine the 2)  Buyer unjustifiably refuses
goods before accepting them. (art. 1584) a)  Title passes to the buyer,
•  Exception: (1) When there is an unless there is stipulation and
agreement; (2) stipulation that the goods seller reserved the ownership
shall not be delivered to buyer until he b)  Obliged to pay the price
paid the price (C.O.D.). (art. 1588)
If seller refused to allow an opportunity for Time and place for payment of price
inspection, buyer may recind or recover the a.  Time and place stipulated
price paid. b.  Time and place of delivery of thing,
in absence of stipulation
NOTE: the right to examine the goods is a
condition precedent to the transfer of
ownership. When Vendee is liable for interest
Buyer shall pay interest for the period
When there is Acceptance of Goods between delivery and payment of price in
1.  Express acceptance the following cases:
2.  Buyer does an act which only an 1.  If there is stipulation
owner can do 2.  Thing sold produces fruits or
3.  Failure to return after reasonable income
lapse of time 3.  If he is in default, from the time
judicial or extrajudicial demand for
Effect of acceptance on vendor’s liability payment of price. (art. 1589)
for breach of warranty Suspension of Payment (art. 1590)
•  General Rule: Seller is not discharged 1.  When buyer may suspend payment
from liability for breach of warranty by a.  If he is disturbed in the
the acceptance of the goods possession or ownership of thing
•  Exception: (1) If there is an agreement, bought; or
express or implied; (2) if buyer fails to b.  If he has a well-grounded fear
give notice to seller of breach of that his possession or ownership
warranty within a reasonable time after would be disturbed by a
buyer knows of such breach. (art. 1586) vindicatory action or foreclosure
of mortgage.
Effects if buyer refuses to accept delivery 2.  When buyer may NOT suspend
1)  Buyer justifiably refuses payment
a)  Buyer has no duty to return a.  Vendor give security for the
the goods return of the price;
b)  Title does not pass b.  It has been stipulated;
c)  Not be obliged to pay the c.  Vendor has caused the
price disturbance or danger to cease;
d)  If he constitute himself as a d.  Disturbance is a mere act of
depositary, he shall be liable trespass;
as such e.  Vendee has fully paid the price.
e)  Obligation to notify the seller
of such refusal (art. 1587)

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When Vendor may Rescind the Sale b.  When buyer manifested his
1)  Sale of immovable- seller must have a inability to perform his
reasonable ground to fear the: obligation; and
a.  Loss of the immovable c.  When buyer has committed a
property; AND breach in the contract.
b.  Loss of the price. Action by the Buyer
If one or both grounds do not exist, 1.  Bring an action for specific
the vendor may choose between: performance, if the seller has broken
a.  Fulfillment with damages; the contract to deliver specific or
b.  Rescission with damages. ascertained goods.
NOTE: Rescission of real property is not 2.  In case of breach of warranty by
automatic. Demand is needed before seller:
rescission may take place. Demand is for a.  Accept the goods and ask to
the rescission and not for the payment reduce or extinguish the price
of the price. b.  Accept goods and maintain an
action for damages
2)  Sale of Movables- rescission of the c.  Refuse to accept the goods and
sale of movable shall take place at maintain an action for damages
the option of the vendor, if at the d.  Rescind the contract by the
time fixed for the delivery of the return of goods and recover of
thing, the vendee: price
a.  does not accept delivery
b.  does not pay the price, unless When rescission by Buyer not allowed
a longer period of payment is 1.  If buyer accepted the goods knowing
stipulated of the breach of warranty without
XV. BREACH OF CONTRACT OF 2.  If he fails to notify the seller within a
SALE OF GOODS reasonable time
3.  Fails to return or offer to return the
Actions by the Seller goods to the seller in substantially as
1.  Action for payment of price good condition as they were in the
a.  Ownership has passed to buyer time of delivery
and he wrongfully neglects or
refuses to pay the price; Rights and Obligation in Rescission
b.  Price is payable on a certain day 1.  Buyer
and buyer did not pay, even if a.  Obliged to return the goods, and
there is no transfer of title; or cease to be liable for the price;
c.  If the goods can’t be readily be b.  If paid the price or any part
resold for a reasonable price and thereof, he may recover it;
buyer wrongfully refuses to c.  Right to hold the goods as bailee
accept them before ownership if the seller refuse the return of
has passed. goods;
2.  Action for damages d.  Right to have a lien of the goods
3.  Action for rescission for any portion of price paid, as if
a.  When buyer repudiated the he were an unpaid seller.
contract of sale;

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2.  Seller reserved the right to reacquire the thing
When seller may rescind before sold, provided that he:
delivery 1.  Return to the vendee:
a.  When the buyer repudiated the a.  The price paid
contract of sale; b.  Expenses of the contract and
b.  When buyer manifested his other legitimate payments
inability to perform his made thereof
obligation c.  Necessary and useful expenses
c.  When buyer committed a made on the thing sold.
breach of the contract. 2.  Comply with other stipulations

XVI. EXTINGUISHMENT OF SALE NOTE: the seller a retro must pay for useful
improvements introduced by the buyer a
Sales are extinguish by: retro; otherwise, the latter may retain
1.  By the same causes as all obligations: possession of the land until reimbursement
a.  Payment/performance is made.
b.  Prescription
c.  Loss of thing due Period of Redemption
d.  Annulment a.)  No agreement : 4 years from date of
e.  Novation contract
f.  Condonation/remission b.)  There is agreement: should not
g.  Confusion or merger exceed 10 years. The time in excess
h.  Compensation of 10 years shall be null and VOID.
i.  Rescission c.)  Civil Action between the parties: 30
j.  Resolutory Conditions days after final judgement was
2.  by the various causes of made, provided that the contract
extinguishment in title VI (sales): was a true sale with a right to
a.  Cancellation of sale of personal repurchase.
property in installments (art.
1484) Effect of Failure to exercise right of
b.  Resale of the goods by unpaid repurchase
seller (art. 1532) Ownership shall be consolidated in the
c.  Rescission of the sale by unpaid vendee. In case of real property, a judicial
seller (art. 1534 order is required for the purpose of
d.  Rescission by the buyer in case recording the consolidation in the registry
of partial eviction (art. 1556) of property after the vendor has been duly
e.  Rescission by buyer in case of heard. (art. 1607)
breach of warranty against
hidden defect (art. 1567) Who may Exercise the right to
f.  Rescission by buyer in sale of Repurchase
animals with redihibitory 1.  Vendor a retro
defects (art. 1580) a.  Vendee, who acquired the whole
3.  By redemption undivided interest, may compel
the vendor, who only sold part
A.) CONVENTIONAL REDEMPTION thereof, to redeem the whole
Also called the right to redeem or property.(art. 1611)
repurchase, takes place when the vendor

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b.  Property sold by co-owners 2.  Vendor remains in possession as
jointly and in the same contract lessee or otherwise;
may exercise the right in respect 3.  Extension for period of right to
to his share only. (art. 1612) repurchase;
c.  In the case above (b), vendee 4.  Purchases retains for himself a part
cannot be compelled to consent of the purchase price;
to a partial redemption, he may 5.  Vendor binds himself to pay the
demand all vendors or co-heirs to taxes of the thing sold;
agree to repurchase the whole 6.  When the real intention of the
thing sold. (art. 1613) parties is to secure the payment of an
2.  Creditors of the Vendor
a.  They cannot make use of the right NOTE: in case of doubt, a contract
of redemption until after they purporting to be a sale with right to
have exhausted the property of repurchase (pacto de retro sale) shall be
the vendor. (art. 1610) construed as an equitable mortgage.

NOTE: Vendor may ask for reformation, or

Rights of Parties as to the Fruits of Land to correct the instrument to express the true
1.  If there were fruits at the time of sale intent of the parties.
and vendee paid for them, he must
be reimbursed. C.) LEGAL REDEMPTION
2.  If vendee did not pay for the fruits, The right to be subrogated, upon the same
no reimbursement for those existing terms and conditions stipulated in the
at the time of redemption. contract, in the place of one who acquires a
3.  No fruits at the time of same and thing by:
some exist at time of redemption, it (1) purchase or
is to be distributed proportionately (2) dation in payment, or
to the vendor and vendee, giving the
latter a share in proportion to the (3) by any other transaction whereby
time he possessed the property ownership is transferred by onerous
during the last year counted from title.
the anniversary from the date of sale May be effected against movables or
to compensate the vendee for his immovables. It must be exercised within
expenses. (art. 1617) thirty (30) days from the notice in writing by
the vendor.
One which lacks the proper formalities of a NOTE: Written notice under is mandatory
mortgage, but shows the intention of the for the right of redemption to commence.
parties to make the property subject of the
contract as security for a debt. Right of Legal Redemption of Co-owners
The following are the requisites for the right
A contract may be presumed to be an to exist:
equitable mortgage under the following 1.  There must be co-ownership;
cases: (applies only to absolute sale) 2.  There must be alienation of all or
1.  Unusually inadequate purchase any of the shares of the other co-
price; owners;

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3.  The sale must be to a third person or Rights of Adjacent Owner of URBAN
stranger; Lands
4.  The sale must be before partition; The owners may exercise two (2) rights,
5.  The right must be exercised within right of pre-emption or right of redemption.
the period provided; The following are the requisites in order to
6.  Vendee must be reimbursed for the exercise such right:
price of the sale. 1.  Land must be urban;
2.  One exercising the right must be an
Against whom the right may be exercised adjacent owner;
The right of legal redemption is not granted 3.  The land sold must be so small and
solely and exclusively to the original co- so situated that a major portion
owner but applies to those who thereof cannot be used for any
subsequently acquire their respective share practical purpose within a
while the co-ownership subsist. In other reasonable time;
words, the right cannot be exercised against 4.  Such urban land was bought by its
another co-owner but rather it is exercised owner merely for speculation; and
against the buyer who bought the share. 5.  It is about to be resold, or that its
resale has been perfected.
Legal Redemption of Adjacent Owners of NOTE: If two or more owner wish to
RURAL Lands exercise their rights, the one whose
The following are the requisites for the right intended use of the land appears best
to exist: justified shall be preferred. (art. 1622) Co-
1.  The land must be rural; owners are preferred over adjacent owners.
2.  Land must be adjacent; (art. 1623, par 2)
3.  There must be alienation;
4.  Rural land alienates must not Pre-emption
exceed 1 hectare; It is the act of purchasing before others. If
5.  Vendee must already own some exercised, they will have preference over
rural land; and other potential buyers.
6.  Rural land sold must not be
separated by brooks, drainage, Pre-emption vs Redemption
ravines, roads and other apparent Pre-emption Redemption
servitudes from the adjoining lands. Arises before the
Arises after sale
NOTE: Legal right of redemption of rural No rescission There can be
land refers to land used for agriculture because no sale as rescission of the
rather than residential purposes. [Fabia vs yet exist original sale
Intermediate Appellate Court, Nov. 21, 1984] The action is
Action is directed
directed against the
If two or more adjoining owners desire to against the buyer
prospective buyer
exercise the right of redemption May attach to the
1.  Owner of the smaller area shall be Always relate to the
seller’s duty to
preferred. subject matter or the
deliver or some
2.  If both lands have same area, the one seller’s obligations
other circumstances
who first requested the redemption
shall be preferred. (art. 1621)

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Period which Right may be Exercised NOTE: Art. 1626 stresses “knowledge” rather
The period shall be exercised within 30 days than when notice is received.
from the notice in writing by the
prospective vendor, or by the vendor. Accessory Rights Included in Assignment
If notice is not given, the 30-day period has The assignment of a credit does not only
not even begun to run. [Vda. De Cangco v. includes the credit but also all accessory
Escudibo] However, no specific form of thereto. It includes the following: (art. 1627)
written notice is required. 1.  Guaranty
2.  Mortgage
The 30-day notice in writing should be
3.  Pledge
counted from notice, not of the perfected
4.  Preference
sale, but of the actual execution and
delivery of the document of sale. [Doromal v. NOTE: this inclusion is based on the rule
COA L-36083, Sept. 5, 1975] that accessory follows the principal. (art.
XVII. ASSIGNMENT OF CREDITS Warranties of Assignor (art. 1628)
AND OTHER INCORPOREAL RIGHTS 1.  When a creditor assigns his credit,
he warrants only at the perfection of
Assignment of credit is a contract where one the contract the:
person (creditor/assignor) transfers to a.  Existence; and
another his rights and actions against a b.  Legality of the credit.
third person (debtor) to another person NOTE: He is not liable of credit was
(assignee) in consideration of a price certain sold as doubtful.
in money. 2.  There is no warranty as to the
An assignment of credit not only entitles the solvency of the debtor unless:
assignee to the credit, but also the power to a.  There is a stipulation; or
enforce it against the debtor of the assignor. b.  The insolvency was already
existing and of public
Forms of assignment of credit
knowledge at the time of sale.
1.  Between parties
a.  May be in any form, oral or
Liability for breach of warranty
written. So long as the law does
1.  In good faith
not require a specific form for
a.  Price received
its validity.
b.  Expenses of the contract
2.  To be binding against 3rd persons
c.  Other legitimate payments by
a.  If personal property- public
reason of assignment
2.  In bad faith
b.  If real property- public
a.  Price received
instrument must be recorded
b.  Expenses of the contract
in the Registry of Property.
c.  Other legitimate payments by
reason of assignment
Effects of payment by debtor to
d.  Damages
creditor/assignor after assignment
1.  No knowledge of assignment-
Released from obligation. (art. 1626)
2.  With knowledge of assignment- not

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CPA in Transit Reviewer: Law on Sales 27 
2017-2018 ed. RFBT
Duration of Assignor’s Warranty 4.  Right must be exercised 30 days
1.  Period Stipulated from the date assignee demands
2.  If no period stipulated, 1 year from payment from him. (art. 1634)
date of maturity or assignment,
which ever comes later. Exceptions to debtor’s right to legal
Sale of successional or hereditary rights The debtor’s right to legal redemption is not
The seller only warrants the fact that he is available when the assignment of the right
an heir if sold without specification of in litigation is made to a: (art. 1635)
properties. He does not warrants the objects 1.  Co-heir or co-owner
which makes up the inheritance. 2.  Creditor in payment of his credit;
3.  Possessor of property in question.
Unless stipulated, the vendor is liable to
deliver the fruits of the inheritance; if <- - - - - - - END - - - - - - ->
consumed, he must reimburse them; if sold,
he must deliver the price of sale. (art. 1632)
The vendee must reimburse the vendor the
Civil Code of the Philippines. (n.d.).
debts and charges on the estate paid by the De Leon, H. S., & De Leon, Jr., H. M. (2013). The
latter. (art. 1633) Law on Sales, Agency and Credit
NOTE: Since vendor already sold the Transactions (2013 ed.). Manila: Rex Book
inheritance, he should not profit except, of Store.
course, insofar as the price is concerned. Domingo, A. D. (n.d.). RFBT MCQ CPA Reviewer
(2017 ed.). Benguet: Coaching for Results
Sale of whole of certain rights, rents, or
Paras, E. (2013). Civil Code Volume V (Special
products Contracts) (17th ed.). Rex Book Store.
Vendor only warrant the legitimacy of the Pineda, E. L. (2010). Sales and other Special
WHOLE and not obliged to warrant each of Contracts. Central Booksupply Inc.
the various parts of which it may be San Beda College of Law. (n.d.). Memory Aid in
composed. Vendor is liable for eviction for: Civil Law.
1.  The whole of the thing; or Soriano, F. R. (2016). Notes in Business Law (2016
2.  Part of the grater value. (art. 1631)
UP Law Bar Operations Comission. (2016). UP
College of Law Bar Reviewer- Civil Law
Legal redemption in sale of credit or other (2016 ed.).
rights in litigation Villanueva, C. (2004). Law on Sales (2004 ed.). Res
Requisites before the right can be exercised: Books Store.
1.  There must be a sale or assignment  
of a credit
2.  There must be a pending litigation
at the time of assignment

3.  Debtor must pay the assignee:

a.  Price paid by him
b.  Judicial cost incurred.
c.  Interest on the price from the
date of payment

Ver. 1.07 | BY: R.M.P 

SALES  b. Illicit object 
  6. Presence or absence of conditions: 
Q: What is a sale?  a. Absolute 
  b. Conditional 
A:  Sale  is  a  contract  where  one  party  (seller)  7. Wholesale or retail: 
obligates himself to transfer the ownership of and  a. Wholesale 
to  deliver  a  determinate  thing,  while  the  other  b. Retail 
party  (buyer)  obligates  himself  to  pay  for  said  8. Proximate inducement for the sale: 
thing  a  price  certain  in  money  or  its  equivalent.  a. Sale by description 
(Tolentino, p.1, 2000 ed.)  b. Sale by sample 
  c. Sale by description and sample 
I. INTRODUCTION  9. When the price is tendered: 
  a. Cash sale 
A. DEFINITION OF THE CONTRACT OF SALE  b. Sale on installment plan 
Q: What is a contract of sale?  AS TO PRESENCEOR ABSENCE OF CONDITION 
A: By the contract of sale, one of the contracting  ABSOLUTE SALE 
parties  obligates  himself  to  transfer  the   
ownership of and to deliver a determinate thing,  Q: When is a sale absolute? 
and  the  other  to  pay  therefor  a  price  certain  in   
money or its equivalent. (Art. 1458, NCC)   A:  The  sale  is  absolute  where  the  sale  is  not 
  subject  to  any  condition  whatsoever  and  where 
KINDS OF SALES  the title passes to the buyer upon delivery of the 
  thing sold. (De Leon, p. 15) 
Q: What are the different kinds of sales?   
  Q: When is a deed of sale considered absolute in 
A: As to:  nature? 
1. Nature of the subject matter:   
a. Sale of real property;  A: A deed of sale is considered absolute in nature 
b. Sale of personal property  where  there  is  neither  a  stipulation  in  the  deed 
2. Value of the things exchanged:  that  title  to  the  property  sold  is  reserved  in  the 
a. Commutative sale;  seller until the full payment of the price, nor one 
b. Aleatory sale  giving the vendor the right to unilaterally resolve 
3. Whether  the  object  is  tangible  or  the  contract  the  moment  the  buyer  fails  to  pay 
intangible:  within a fixed period.  
a. Sale  of  property  (tangible  or   
corporeal);  CONDITIONAL SALE 
Note: A tangible object is also called  Q: When is a sale conditional? 
chose in possession 
A: It is conditional where the sale contemplates a 
b. Sale  of  a  right  (assignment  of  a 
contingency, and in general, where the contract is 
right,  or  a  credit  or  other 
subject  to  certain  conditions,  usually  in  the  case 
intangibles  such  as  copyright, 
of  the  vendee,  the  full  payment  of  the  agreed 
trademark, or good will); 
purchase price and in the case of the vendor, the 
fulfillment of certain warranties. (De Leon, p. 15) 
Note:  An  intangible  object  is  a 
chose in action. 
4. Validity or defect of the transaction: 
a. Valid 
b. Rescissible 
c. Voidable 
d. Unenforceable 
e. Void 
5. Legality of the object: 
a. Licit object 

Q:  Distinguish  a  conditional  sale  from  an  B. ESSENTIAL REQUISITES  
absolute sale  OF A CONTRACT OF SALE 
A:  Q: What are the elements of a contract of sale? 
One where the title to  A: ANE  
One where the seller is  the property is not  1. Accidental  elements  –  dependent  on 
granted the right to  reserved to the seller or  parties’ stipulations; Examples: 
unilaterally rescind the  if the seller is not  a. Conditions 
contract predicated on  granted the right to  b. Interest 
the fulfillment or non‐ rescind the contract  c. time & place of payment  
fulfillment, as the case  based on the fulfillment  d. penalty  
may be, of the  or non‐fulfillment, as the 
prescribed condition.  case may be, of the 
2. Natural  elements  –  those  that  are 
prescribed condition. 
inherent  even  in  absence  of  contrary 
Contracts, first the 
contract to sell (which is 
conditional or  E.g. warranties 
preparatory sale) and   
Contract executed  3. Essential elements – for validity: 
second, the final deed of 
between the seller and  a. Consent 
sale or the principal 
the buyer  b. Determinate subject matter 
contract which is 
executed after full  c. Consideration 
payment of the purchase   
price  Q: What is the effect and/or consequence of the 
  absence of consent of the owner in a contract of 
Q: What is the effect of the non‐performance of  sale of said property?  
the  condition  or  if  the  condition  did  not  take   
place?  A:  The  contract  of  sale  is  void.  One  of  the 
  essential requirements of a valid contract of sale 
A:  Where  the  obligation  of  either  party  to  a  is the consent of the owner of the property.  
contract of sale is subject to any condition which   
is  not  performed,  such  party  may  refuse  to  FORMALITIES REQUIRED 
proceed  with  the  contract  or  he  may  waive   
performance  of  the  condition.  Unlike  in  a  non‐ Q: Is there a formal requirement for the validity 
fulfillment of a warranty which would constitute a  of a contract of sale? 
breach of the contract, the non‐happening of the   
condition,  although  it  may  extinguish  the  A:  
obligation  upon  which  it  is  based,  generally  does  GR:  No  form  is  required.  It  is  a  consensual 
not amount to a breach of a contract of sale.  contract. (Pineda, p. 78) 
Q: In a sale with assumption of mortgage, is the  XPN:  Under  Statute  of  Frauds,  the  following 
assumption  of  mortgage  a  condition  without  contracts  must  be  in  writing;  otherwise,  they 
which  there  will  be  no  perfected  contract  of  shall be unenforceable:  
sale?  1. Sale of personal property at a price not 
  less than P500; 
A: Yes. In sales with assumption of mortgage, the  2. Sale  of  a  real  property  or  an  interest 
assumption  of  mortgage  is  a  condition  to  the  therein; 
seller’s  consent  so  that  without  approval  by  the  3. Sale  of  property  not  to  be  performed 
mortgagee,  no  sale  is  perfected  (Ramos  v.  Court  within a year from the date thereof; 
of Appeals, G.R. No. 108294 Sept. 15, 1997)  4. When  an  applicable  statute  requires 
  that the contract of sale be in a certain 
  form. (Art. 1403, par.2) 
  Note:  Statute  of  Frauds  applies  only  to  executory 
  contracts  but  not  to  partially  executed  contracts. 
  (Pineda, p.81) 


Q:  Are  there  instances  where  the  Statute  of  B. OPTION CONTRACT 

Frauds  is  not  essential  for  the  validity  of  a   
contract of sale?  Q: What is an option contract? 
A: Yes.  A:  A  contract  granting  a  privilege  in  one  person, 
1. When  there  is  a  note  or  memorandum  for which he has paid a consideration, which gives 
in writing and subscribed to by the party  him  the  right  to  buy  certain  merchandise  or 
or his agent (contains essential terms of  specified  property,  from  another  person,  at 
the contract);  anytime within the agreed period, at a fixed price. 
2. When  there  has  been  partial  Note:  Consideration  in  an  option  contract  may  be 
performance/execution  (seller  delivers  anything  or  undertaking  of  value,  unlike  in  sale 
with  the  intent  to  transfer  title/receives  where it must be a price certain in money. 
3. When  there  has  been  failure  to  object  Q: What is the nature of an option contract? 
to  presentation  of  evidence  aliunde  as   
to  the  existence  of  a  contract  without  A: It is a preparatory contract in which one party 
being in writing and which is covered by  grants  to  another,  for  a  fixed  period  and  at  a 
the Statute of Frauds;  determined  price,  the  privilege  to  buy  or  sell,  or 
4. When  sales  are  effected  through  to decide whether or not to enter into a principal 
electronic commerce. (Villanueva, p. 92)  contract.  It  binds  the  party  who  has  given  the 
  option  not  to  enter  into  the  principal  contract 
C. STAGES OF A CONTRACT OF SALE  with  any  other  person  during  the  period 
  designated,  and  within  that  period,  to  enter  into 
Q:  What  are  the  3  stages  involved  in  the  such contract with the one whom the option was 
formation of a contract of sale?  granted,  if  the  latter  should  decide  to  use  the 
  option. It is a separate and distinct contract. 
1. Negotiation/ Policitation  Note: If the option is perfected, it does not result in 
2. Perfection  the  perfection  or  consummation  of  the  sale.  (Diaz, 
3. Consummation  p.7) 
1. NEGOTIATION/PREPARATORY  Q: What is the period within which to exercise 
the option? 
Q: What are the rules in the conception stage 
1. Within the term stipulated 
about the offer? 
2. If there is no stipulation, the court may 
fix the term 
RULE  Notes: An action for specific performance to enforce 
the option to purchase must be filed within 10 years 
AND IT IS:  from the time the cause of action accrues. 
Prior to acceptance, may be 
Offer is  withdrawn at will by offeror but no  The  implied  renewal  of  the  lease  on  a  month‐to‐
floated  authority to modify it  month basis did not have the effect of extending the 
life  of  the  option  to  purchase  which  expired  at  the 
Must be accepted within the period,  end of the original lease period. The lessor is correct 
otherwise, extinguished at the end of  in refusing to sell on the ground that the option had 
With a  period and may be withdrawn at will  expired. (2001 Bar Question) 
period  by offeror but must not be arbitrary, 
otherwise, liable for damages  Q: How is an option exercised? 
Extinguished by happening/ non‐  
With a 
happening of condition  A: A notice of acceptance must be communicated 
to offeror even without actual payment as long as 
without  Continues to be valid depending upon  payment is delivered in the consummation stage. 
period/  circumstances of time, place and   
condition  person   
With a   
counter‐ Original offer is extinguished   

Q: What is the effect of a separate consideration  Q:  NDC and Firestone entered into a contract of 
in an option contract?  lease  wherein  it  is  stipulated  that  Firestone  has 
  the  right  of  first  refusal  to  purchase  the  leased 
A:  property  "should  lessor  NDC  decide  to  sell  the 
1. With separate consideration:   same”.  After  the  rumor  that  NDC  will  transfer 
a. Contract is valid  the lot to PUP, Firestone instituted an action for 
b. Offeror  cannot  withdraw  offer  specific  performance  to  compel  NDC  to  sell  the 
until after expiration of the option  property  in  its  favor.  PUP  moved  to  intervene 
c. Is  subject  to  rescission  &  damages  arguing  that  the  Memorandum  issued  by  then 
but not specific performance  President  Aquino  ordered  the  transfer  of  the 
  whole  NDC  compound  to  the  Government, 
2. Without separate consideration:  which  in  turn  would  convey  it  in  favor  of  PUP. 
a. the  option  contract  is  not  deemed  Can Firestone exercise its right of first refusal? 
b. offer  may  be  withdrawn  at  any  A:  Yes.  It  is  a  settled  principle  in  civil  law  that 
time prior to acceptance  when  a  lease  contract  contains  a  right  of  first 
  refusal,  the  lessor  is  under  a  legal  duty  to  the 
Note:  However,  even  though  the  option  was  not  lessee  not  to  sell  to  anybody  at  any  price  until 
supported  by  a  consideration,  the  moment  it  was  after he has made an offer to sell to the latter at a 
accepted, contract of sale is perfected. (Art. 1324)  certain price and the lessee has failed to accept it. 
  The  lessee  has  a  right  that  the  lessor's  first  offer 
Q:  What  is  the  effect  of  acceptance  and  shall be in his favor. (PUP v. CA, G.R. No. 143513, 
withdrawal of the offer?  Nov. 14, 2001) 
A:  If  the  offer  had  already  been  accepted  and  Q:  In  a  20‐year  lease  contract  over  a  building, 
such  acceptance  has  been  communicated  to  the  lessee  is  expressly  granted  a  right  of  first 
before  the  withdrawal  is  communicated,  the  refusal should the lessor decide to sell both the 
acceptance  creates  a  perfected  contract,  even  if  land  and  building.  However,  the  lessor  sold  the 
no consideration was as yet paid for the option.   property to a third person who knew about the 
  lease  and  in  fact  agreed  to  respect  it. 
In which case, if the offeror does not perform his  Consequently, the lessee brings an action against 
obligations under the perfected contract, he shall  both  the  lessor‐seller  and  the  buyer  (a)  to 
be  liable  for  all  consequences  arising  from  the  rescind  the  sale  and  (b)  to  compel  specific 
breach  thereof  based  on  any  of  the  available  performance  of  his  right  of  first  refusal  in  the 
remedies  such  as  specific  performance,  or  sense  that  the  lessor  should  be  ordered  to 
rescission with damages in both cases.  execute  a  deed  of  absolute  sale  in  favor  of  the 
  lessee  at  the  same  price.  The  defendants 
C. RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL  contend  that  the  plaintiff  can  neither  seek 
  rescission  of  the  sale  nor  compel  specific 
Q: What is the right of first refusal?  performance  of  a  "mere"  right  of  first  refusal. 
  Decide the case. 
A:  It  is  a  right  of  first  priority,  all  things  and   
conditions being equal; identity of the terms and  A: 
conditions  offered  to  the  optionee  and  all  other  a. The  action  filed  by  the  lessee,  for  both 
prospective  buyers,  with  optionee  to  enjoy  the  rescission  of  the  offending  sale  and 
right of first priority. It creates a promise to enter  specific performance of the right of first 
into  a  contract  of  sale  and  it  has  no  separate  refusal  which  was  violated,  should 
consideration.   prosper. The ruling in (Equatorial Realty 
  Development,  Inc.  v.  Mayfair  Theater, 
Note: A deed of sale executed in favor of a 3rd party  Inc., G.R. No. 106063, Nov. 21, 1996), a 
who  cannot  be  deemed  a  purchaser  in  good  faith,  case  with  similar  facts,  sustains  both 
and  which  is  in  violation  of  the  right  of  first  refusal  rights of action because the buyer in the 
granted to the optionee is valid but rescissible. (Arts.  subsequent  sale  knew  the  existence  of 
1380, 1381 [1]) 
right of first refusal, hence, in bad faith.  
  b. The  action  to  rescind  the  sale  and  to 
  compel the right of first refusal will not 
prosper.  (Ang  Yu  Asuncion  v.  CA,  G.R. 


No.  109125,  Dec.  2,  1994).  The  court  Note: It is applicable only to executory contracts and 

ruled that the right of first refusal is not  not  to  contracts  which  are  totally  or  partially 
founded upon a contract but on a quasi‐ performed. 
delictual  relationship  covered  by  the   
principles of human relations and unjust  If  a particular  form  is  required under the  Statute  of 
enrichment  (Art  19,  et  seq.  Civil  Code).  Frauds:  sale  is  valid  &  binding  between  the  parties 
Hence, the only action that will prosper  but not to 3rd persons. 
according  to  the  Supreme  Court  is  an   
action  for  damages  in  a  proper  forum  Q: May the right of first refusal be waived? 
for the purpose. (1998 Bar Question) 
A:  Yes.  Like  other  rights,  the  right  of  first  refusal 
Note: The offer of the person in whose favor the right 
of first refusal was given must conform with the same  may  be  waived  or  when  a  party  entered  into  a 
terms and conditions as those given to the offeree.   compromise agreement. (Diaz, p. 55)  

Q: Andres leased his house to Iris for a period of  Q:  Differentiate  an  option  contract  from  a  right 

2 years, at the rate of P25, 000 monthly, payable  of first refusal. 
annually in advance. The contract stipulated that 
it  may  be  renewed  for  another  2‐year  period  A: An option contract is a preparatory contract in 
upon  mutual  agreement  of  the  parties.  The  which  one  party  grants  to  another,  for  a  fixed 
contract also granted Iris the right of first refusal  period and at a determined price, the privilege to 
to purchase the property at any time during the  buy or sell, or to decide whether or not to enter 
lease,  if  Andres  decides  to  sell  the  property  at  into  a  principal  contract.  It  binds  the  party  who 
the  same  price  that  the  property  is  offered  for  has  given  the  option  not  to  enter  into  the 
sale to a third party. Twenty‐three months after  principal  contract  with  any  other  person  during 
execution of the lease contract, Andres sold the  the period designated, and within that period, to 
house to his mother who is not a third party. Iris  enter  into  such  contract  with  the  one  whom  the 
filed an action to rescind the sale and to compel  option was granted, if the latter should decide to 
Andres  to  sell  the  property  to  her  at  the  same  use  the  option.  It  is  a  separate  and  distinct 
price.  Alternatively,  she  asked  the  court  to  contract.  
extend  the  lease  for  another  two  years  on  the   
same terms.  In a right of first refusal, while the object may be 
determinate,  the  exercise  of  the  right  would  be 
Q:  Can  Iris  seek  rescission  of  the  sale  of  the  dependent  not  only  on  the  grantor’s  eventual 
property to Andres’ mother?  intention to enter into a binding juridical relation 
with  another  but  also  on  terms,  including  the 
A:  Iris  can  seek  rescission  because  pursuant  to  price, that are yet to be firmed up. (Diaz, p. 54) 
Equatorial Realty Co. v. Mayfair Theater rescission   
is a relief allowed for the protection of one of the 
contracting  parties  and  even  third  persons  from  OPTION RIGHT OF FIRST 
all  injury  and  damage  the  contract  of  sale  may  CONTRACT  REFUSAL 
cause or the protection of some incompatible and  Principal contract;  Accessory; cannot stand
stands on its own  on its own 
preferred right. 
Needs separate  Does not need separate 
consideration  consideration 
Q:  Will  the  alternative  prayer  for  extension  of 
There must be subject 
the lease prosper?  Subject matter & price 
matter but price not 
must be valid 
A: No, the extension of the lease should be upon 
Not conditional Conditional
the  mutual  agreement  of  the  parties.  (2008  Bar 
Not subject to specific   Subject to specific 
performance  performance 
Q: Is it necessary that the right of first refusal be   
embodied in a written contract?     
A: Yes, the grant of such right must be clear and 

 D. POLICITATION/MUTUAL PROMISE TO BUY  interest  on  the contract  to  the  time  the  contract 
AND SELL/  comes  into  existence  the  perfection  stage  upon 
  the  concurrence  of  the  essential  elements 
Q: What is policitation?  thereof.  (Sps.  Raet  &  Sps.  Mitra  v.  CA,  G.R.  No. 
  128016, Sept. 17, 1998) 
A:  Policitation  is  defined  as  an  unaccepted   
unilateral promise to buy or sell. This produces no  Q:  Severino  executed  two  deeds  when  he  sold 
judicial effect and creates no legal bond. This is a  his property to Henry so that Henry can obtain a 
mere offer, and has not yet been converted into a  loan  with  Philam  Life.  He  also authorized  Henry 
contract.  It  covers  the  period  from  the  time  the  to file an ejectment suit against the lessees and 
prospective  contracting  parties  indicate  interest  when  the  prayer  for  ejectment  was  granted, 
in  the  contract  to  the  time  the  contract  is  Henry took possession of the property. Severino 
perfected. (Villanueva, p. 6).  now  claims  ownership  over  the  property 
  claiming that the sale is fictitious therefore there 
Q:  Is  there  a  legal  bond  already  created  in  the  was no sale to speak of. Is Severino’s contention 
negotiation stage?  correct? 
A:  None.  In  negotiation  (policitation)  stage,  the  A: No. There is a perfected contract of sale due to 
offer is floated as well as the acceptance.        the  second  deed  of  sale  in  this  case.  The  basic 
characteristic  of  an  absolutely  simulated  or 
fictitious contract is that the apparent contract is 
Q: When is a contract of sale deemed perfected?  not  really  desired  or  intended  to  produce  legal 
  effects or alter the juridical situation of the parties 
A:   in  any  way.  However,  in  this  case,  the  parties 
GR:  It  is  deemed  perfected  at  the  moment  already  undertook  certain  acts  which  were 
there  is  meeting  of  minds  upon  the  thing  directed  towards  fulfillment  of  their  respective 
which  is  the  object  of  the  contract  and  upon  covenants under the second deed, indicating that 
the price. (Art.1475, par.1)  they  intended  to  give  effect  to  their  agreement. 
  Further,  the  fact  that  Severino  executed  the  two 
XPN: When the sale is subject to a suspensive  deeds,  primarily  so  that  Henry  could  eject  the 
condition by virtue of law or stipulation.   tenant  and  enter  into  a  loan/mortgage  contract 
with  Philam  Life,  is  a  strong  indication  that  he 
Q:  Spouses  Raet  and  Mitra  negotiated  with  intended to transfer ownership of the property to 
Gatus about the possibility of buying his rights to  Henry. For why (Hernando R. Penalosa v. Severino 
certain units at a subdivision developed by Phil‐ Santos, G.R. No. 133749, Aug. 23, 2001) 
Ville  for  them  to  be  qualified  to  obtain  loans   
from GSIS. They paid an amount for which Gatus  Q:  What  is  the  effect  of  Severino’s  and  Henry’s 
issued  them  receipts  in  her  own  name.  GSIS  failure  to  appear  before  the  notary  public  who 
disapproved  their  loan  application.  Phil‐Ville  notarized the deed? 
advised them to seek other sources of financing.   
In  the  meantime,  they  were  allowed  to  remain  A:  None.  The  non‐appearance  of  the  parties 
in the subject premises.  Is there a perfected and  before the notary public who notarized the deed 
enforceable  contract  of  sale  or  at  least  an  does  not  necessarily  nullify  nor  render  the 
agreement  to  sell  over  the  disputed  housing  parties'  transaction  void  ab  initio.  Article  1358, 
units?  NCC on the necessity of a public document is only 
  for convenience, not for validity or enforceability. 
A: None. There was no contract of sale perfected  Where a contract is not in the form prescribed by 
between  the  private  parties  over  the  said  law, the parties can merely compel each other to 
property, there being no meeting of the minds as  observe  that  form,  once  the  contract  has  been 
to terms, especially on the price thereof. At best,  perfected.  
only  a  proposed  contract  to  sell  obtained  which   
did  not  even  ripen  into  a  perfected  contract  due  Note:  Contracts  are  obligatory  in  whatever  form 
they  may  have  been  entered  into,  provided  all 
at  the  first  instance  to  private  respondents' 
essential requisites are present. (Penalosa v. Santos, 
inability  to  secure  approval  of  their  GSIS housing 
G.R. No. 133749, Aug. 23, 2001) 
loans.  As  it  were,  petitioners  and  private 
respondents  have  not  hurdled  the  negotiation 
phase of a contract, which is the period from the 
time  the  prospective  contracting  parties  indicate 


Q: When is an auction sale perfected?  D. OBLIGATIONS CREATED 
A:  A  sale  by  auction  is  perfected  when  the  OBLIGATIONS OF THE BUYER 
auctioneer announces its perfection by the fall of   
the hammer, or in other customary manner. (Art.  Q: What are the obligations of the buyer? 
1476, par.2)   
Q:  Does  the  seller  have  the  right  to  bid  in  an  1. Payment of the price 
auction sale?  GR: Seller is not bound to deliver unless 
  the purchase price is paid   
A:  Yes.  The  seller  has  the  right  to  bid  provided  XPN:  A  period  of  payment  has  been 
that such right was reserved and notice was given  fixed 
to that effect. (Pineda, p. 53)  2. Accept delivery of thing sold 
  3. Pay for expenses of delivery 
Q: When is a sale of foreign exchange considered   
perfected?  Note:  A  grace  period  granted  the  buyer  in  case  of 
  failure  to  pay  is  a  right  not  an  obligation.  Non‐
A:  A  sale  of  foreign  exchange  is  considered  payment  would  still  generally  require  judicial  or 
perfected  from  the  moment  the  Bangko  Sentral  extrajudicial demand before default can arise. 
ng  Pilipinas  authorizes  the  purchase,  even  if  the   
foreign  bank  has  not  yet  honored  the  letter  of  Q: What are the other obligations of the buyer? 
credit.  (Pacific  Oxygen  and  Acetylene  Co.  v.   
Central Bank, G.R. No. L‐21881, Mar. 1, 1968)  A:  
1. To  take  care  of  the  goods  without  the 
3. CONSUMMATION  obligation  to  return,  where  the  goods 
are  delivered  to  the  buyer  and  he 
Q:  How  does  the  consummation  stage  in  a  rightfully refuses to accept; 
contract of sale take place?   
  Note: The goods in the buyer’s possession 
A:  It  takes  place  by  the  delivery  of  the  thing  are at the seller’s risk. 
together with the payment of the price.    
  2. To  be  liable  as  a  depositary  if  he 
Q:  A  and  PDS  Development  Corp.  executed  a  voluntarily constituted himself as such; 
contract  to  sell a  parcel  of  land.  A  died  without  3. To  pay  interest  for  the  period  between 
having  completed  the  installment  on  the  delivery  of  the  thing  and  the  payment 
property.  His  heirs  then  took  over  the  contract  of the price in the following cases: 
to sell and assumed his obligations by paying the  a. should it have been stipulated; 
selling price of the lot from their own funds, and  b. should the thing sold and delivered 
completed  the  payment.  To  whom  should  the  produces fruits or income; or 
final Deed of Absolute Sale be executed by PDS?  c. should  he  be  in  default,  from  the 
  time  of  judicial  or  extra‐judicial 
A: Having stepped into the shoes of the deceased  demand  for  the  payment  of  the 
with  respect  to  the  said  contract,  and  being  the  price. 
ones who continued to pay the installments from   
their  own  funds,  A’s  heirs    became  the  lawful  OBLIGATIONS OF THE SELLER 
owners of the said lot in whose favor the deed of    
absolute  sale  should  have  been  executed  by  Q: What are the obligations of the seller? 
vendor  PDS.  (Dawson  v.  Register  of  Deeds  of   
Quezon City, G.R. No. 120600 Sept. 22, 1998)  A: DDTWTP 
  1. Deliver the thing sold; 
  2. Deliver  fruits  &  accessions/accessories 
  accruing from perfection of sale; 
  3. Transfer the ownership; 
  4. Warranties; 
  5. Take care of the thing, pending delivery, 
  with proper diligence; 
  6. Pay for the expenses of the deed of sale 
  unless  there  is  a  stipulation  to  the 

Consideration is giving  Consideration is 
Q:  What  are  the  characteristics  of  a  contract  of 
of money as payment  giving of a thing 
If consideration consists party in money & partly by 
thing–look at manifest intention;  
A:   If intention is not clear – Art. 1468 
1. Consensual  Value of thing is equal  Value of thing is more 
2. Bilateral  or less than amount of  than amount of money = 
3. GR: Commutative  money = Sale  Barter 
  Both are governed by law on sales 
XPN:  Aleatory  –  In  some  contracts  of   
sale, what one receives may in time be   
greater  or  smaller  than  what  he  has  3. Agency to Sell 
given. (Tolentino, p. 2, 2000 ed)  SALE  AGENCY TO SELL 
4. Principal 
Agent not obliged to pay 
5. Title  and  not  a  mode  of  acquiring  Buyer pays for price  for price; must 
ownership  of object  account for the 
6. Onerous   proceeds of the sale. 
7. Reciprocal   Principal remains the 
8. Nominate  Buyer becomes  owner even if the 
  owner of thing  object delivered to 
Q:  Is  a  contract  of  sale  identified  as  such  based  agent 
on  the  nomenclature  given  to  the  contract  by  Agent assumes no personal 
the parties?  Seller warrants  liability as long as 
  within authority given 
A:  No.  Contracts  are  not  defined  by  the  parties  May be revoked 
Not unilaterally 
but by principles of law. To determine the nature  unilaterally even w/o 
of  the  contract,  the  courts  are  not  bound  by  the  ground 
name  or  title  given  to  it  by  the  contracting  Seller receives profit  Agent not allowed to profit 
parties.  It  is  the  intention  of  the  parties  which  Real contract  Personal contract 
controls.  (Diaz,  Law  on  Sales  as  expounded  by   
Jurisprudence, 2006 ed., p.1)  4. Dacion en Pago 
Q:  What  are  the  factors  to  be  considered  in 
determining the nature of the contract?  No pre‐existing  Contract where property is 
A:  credit  alienated to extinguish pre‐
1. Language of the contract   existing credit/debt 
2. Conduct of parties  Buyer‐seller  Novates creditor‐debtor 
  relationship into seller‐buyer 
Q: Distinguish Sale from the following:  SALE  LEASE 
  Use of thing is for 
1. Donation.  Obligation to absolutely 
specified period only 
  transfer ownership of 
with obligation to 
Onerous  Gratuitous/onerous  Consideration is the 
Consideration is the price 
Consensual  Formal contract rental 
Seller needs to be owner of 
Law on Sales  Law on Donation thing to transfer 
    Lessor need not be 
  Note: Lease with option to  owner 
  buy – really a contract of 
  sale but designated as 
  lease in name. 


G.  CONTRACT TO SELL                   document  entitled  "Receipt  of  Down  Payment" 

  in  favor  of  Alcaraz  for  the  purchase  of  their 
Q: What is a contract to sell?  house  and  lot,  with  the  condition  that  Ramona 
will  make  a  down  payment  upon  execution  of 
A:  It  is  one  form  of  conditional  sale  where  the  document.  The  Coronels  would  then  cause 
ownership  or  title  is  retained  by  the  seller  until  the  transfer  of  the  property  in  the  name  of 
the fulfillment of a positive suspensive condition,  Ramona and will execute a deed of absolute sale 
normally  the  payment  of  the  purchase  price  by  in  favor  of  Ramona.  Ramona  paid  the 
the buyer in the manner agreed upon. (Gomez v.  downpayment  as  agreed.  Is  there  a  perfected 
CA, et. al., G.R. 120747, Sept. 21, 2000)  contract of sale or a mere contract to sell? 
Q:  Distinguish  a  contract  to  sell  from  a  contract  A: The agreement could not have been a contract 
of sale.  to sell because the sellers herein made no express 
reservation  of  ownership  or  title  to  the  subject 
parcel  of  land.  The  Coronels  had  already  agreed 
to sell the house and lot they inherited from their 
As regards transfer of ownership
father,  completely  willing  to  transfer  full 
Ownership is transferred 
ownership  of  the  subject  house  and  lot  to  the 
to the buyer upon  Ownership is 
buyer  if  the  documents  were  then  in  order. 
delivery of the object to  transferred upon full 
him.  payment of the  However,  the  TCT  was  then  still  in  the  name  of 
Note: Vendor has lost  purchase price.  their father, that is why they caused the issuance 
and cannot recover  Note: Prior to full  of  a  new  TCT  in  their  names  upon  receipt  of  the 
ownership until and  payment, ownership is  down payment. As soon as the new TCT is issued 
unless the contract is  retained by the seller.  in  their  names,  they  were  committed  to 
resolved or rescinded  immediately  execute  the  deed  of  absolute  sale. 
As to numbers of contracts involved Only  then  will  the  obligation  of  the  buyer  to  pay 
There are two contracts: the  remainder  of  the  purchase  price  arise.    This 
1. The contract to sell  suspensive  condition  was  fulfilled.  Thus,  the 
  conditional  contract  of  sale  became  obligatory, 
Note: Conditional or  the  only  act  required  for  the  consummation 
preparatory sale  thereof  being  the  delivery  of  the  property  by 
There is only one 
  means  of  the  execution  of  the  deed  of  absolute 
contract executed 
2. The deed of absolute  sale  in  a  public  instrument,  which  they 
between the seller and 
sale  unequivocally  committed  themselves  to  do  as 
the buyer. 
evidenced  by  the  "Receipt  of  Down  Payment." 
Note: The principal 
(Coronel,  et  al.  v.  CA,  G.R.  No.  103577,  Oct.  7, 
contract is executed 
after full payment of the 
purchase price. 
Q:  Instead  of  executing  a  deed  of  Absolute  Sale 
Payment as a condition
in  favor  of  Ramona,  the  Coronels  sold  the 
Full payment of the 
Non‐payment of the  price is a positive 
property  to  Catalina  and  unilaterally  and 
price is a resolutory  suspensive condition.  extrajudicially  rescinded  the  contract  with 
condition. Vendor loses  Note: Failure to fully  Ramona.    Ramona  then  filed  a  complaint  for 
ownership over the  pay the price is not a  specific  performance.    Will  Ramona’s  action 
property and cannot  breach but an event  prosper? 
recover it until and  that prevents the 
unless the contract is  obligation of the vendor  A:  Yes.  Under  Article  1187,  the  rights  and 
resolved or rescinded.  to convey title from  obligations  of  the  parties  with  respect  to  the 
becoming effective.  perfected  contract  of  sale  became  mutually  due 
Remedies available and  demandable  as  of  the  time  of  fulfillment  or 
1. Specific  occurrence  of  the  suspensive  condition.    Hence, 
2. Performance  1. Resolution  petitioner‐sellers'  act  of  unilaterally  and 
3. Rescission  2. Damages  extrajudicially  rescinding  the  contract  of  sale 
4. Damages  cannot  be  justified,  there  being  no  express 
  stipulation  authorizing  the  sellers  to 
extrajudicially  rescind  the  contract  of  sale. 
Q:  Having  agreed  to  sell  property  which  they 
(Coronel,  et  al.  v.  CA,  G.R.  No.  103577,  Oct.  7, 
inherited from their father, which was then still 
in their father’s name,  the Coronels executed a 

Q: What are the instances when what is involved  a. when a separation of property was 
is a contract to sell?  agreed  upon  in  the  marriage 
  settlements; or 
A:   b. when  there  has  been  a  judicial 
1. Where subject matter is indeterminate  separation  of  property  agreed 
2. Sale of future goods  upon between them  
3. Stipulation  that  deed  of  sale  &   
corresponding  certificate  of  sale  would  B. ABSOLUTE INCAPACITY  
be issued only after full payment   
  Q: Who are those absolutely incapacitated to 
II. PARTIES TO A CONTRACT OF SALE  enter into a contract of sale?  
Q: Who are the parties to a contract of sale?  A:
  1. Unemancipated minors(Art. 1327, NCC);  
A:   2. Insane or demented persons, and deaf‐
1. Seller – one who sells and transfers the  mutes  who  do  not  know  how  to  write 
thing and ownership to the buyer  (Art. 1327, NCC) 
2. Buyer  –  one  who  buys  the  thing  upon   
payment  of  the  consideration  agreed  Q:  May  a  capacitated  person  file  an  action  for 
upon  annulment  using  as  basis  the  incapacity  of  the 
  incapacitated party? 
A:  No.  He  is  disqualified  from  alleging  the 
Q: Who may enter into a contract of sale?   incapacity of the person whom he contracts (Art. 
  1397, NCC); 
GR:  Any person who has capacity to contract  Q:  In  a  defective  contract,  where  such  defect 
or  enter  into  obligations,  may  enter  into  a  consists  in  the  incapacity  of  a  party,  does  the 
contract of sale, whether as party‐seller or as  incapacitated  party  have  an  obligation  to  make 
party‐buyer.  restitution? 
XPN:    A:  
1. Minors,  insane  and  demented  persons  GR: he incapacitated person is not obliged to 
and  deaf‐mutes  who  do  not  know  how  make any restitution. 
to write  XPN: insofar as he has been benefited by the 
2. Persons  under  a  state  of  drunkenness  thing  or  price  received  by  him.  (Art.  1399, 
or during hypnotic spell  NCC) 
3. Husband  and  wife  ‐  sale  by  and   
between spouses  C. RELATIVE INCAPACITY 
Note: Contracts of sale entered by such legally 
Q:  Who  are  those  relatively  incapacitated  to 
incapacitated  persons  are  merely  voidable, 
enter into a contract of sale? 
subject  to  annulment  or  ratification.  However, 
the  action  for  annulment  cannot  be  instituted   
by  the  person  who  is  capacitated  since  he  is  A: 
disqualified  from  alleging  the  incapacity  of  the  1. Spouses (Art. 1490, NCC) 
person with whom he contracts.  2. Agents,  Guardians,  Executors  and 
  Administrators,  Public  Officers  and 
However, status of prohibited sales between  Employees,  Court  Officers  and 
spouses is not merely voidable, but null and  Employees,  and  others  specially 
void.  disqualified by law. (Art. 1491, NCC) 
XPN to XPN:   Note:  Under  Art.  1490  of  the  NCC,  spouses  cannot 
  sell property to each other, except: 
1. Where  necessaries  are  sold  and   
delivered  to  a  minor  or  other  person  a. When  a  separation  of  property  was 
without  capacity  to  act,  he  must  pay  a  agreed in the marriage settlements; or 
reasonable price therefor.  b. When there has been a judicial separation 
2. In case of sale between spouses:  of property agreed upon between them. 


Q : What is the status of the following contracts  XPN:  Even  when  the  property 

of sale?  regime prevailing was the conjugal 
  partnership  of  gains,  the  Supreme 
A:   Court held the sale by the husband 
1. That entered into by minors:  of a conjugal property without the 
a. Merely  voidable,  subject  to  consent  of  the  wife  is  void,  not 
annulment or ratification  merely  voidable  under  Art.  124  of 
b. Action  for  annulment  cannot  be  the Family Code since the resulting 
instituted  by  the  person  who  is  contract  lack  one  of  the  essential 
capacitated since he is disqualified  elements  of  full  consent.  (Guiang 
from  alleging  the  incapacity  of  the  v.  CA,  G.R.  No.  125172,  June  26, 
person  with  whom  he  contracts  1998) 
(with partial restitution in so far as    
the  minor  is  benefited)  where  3. Between  Common  Law  Spouses  ‐  also 
necessaries  are  sold  and  delivered  null and void.  
to a minor or other person without   
capacity  to  act,  he  must  pay  a  In  Calimlim‐Canullas  v.  Fortun,  the 
reasonable price (Art. 1489)  Court  decided  that  sale  between 
  common  law  spouses  is  null  and  void 
2. Sale by & between spouses (Art. 1490):  because  Art.  1490  prohibits  sales 
a. Status of prohibited sales between  between  spouses  to  prevent  the 
spouses:   exercise  of  undue  influence  by  one 
GR: Null and void  spouse  over  the  other,  as  well  as  to 
    protect the  institution of marriage. The 
XPN:  In  case  of  sale  between  prohibition applies to a couple living as 
spouses:  husband  and  wife  without  the  benefit 
of marriage, otherwise, the condition of 
i. When  a  separation  of  those  incurred  guilt  would  turn  out  to 
property  was  agreed  upon  in  be  better  than  those  in  legal  union. 
the marriage settlements; or   (Calimlim‐Canullas v. Fortun, et. al., G.R. 
ii. When  there  has  been  a  No. L‐57499, June 22, 1984) 
judicial separation of property   
agreed upon between them  But  when  the  registered  property  has 
  been conveyed subsequently to a third‐
Reasons:   party buyer in good faith and for value, 
i. Prevent defrauding creditors  then  reconveyance  is  no  longer 
ii. Avoid  situation  where  available  to  common‐law  spouse‐seller, 
dominant  spouse  takes  since  under  the  Torrens  system  every 
advantage  over  the  weaker  buyer  has  a  right  to  rely  upon  the  title 
spouse  of his immediate seller. (Cruz v. CA, G.R. 
iii. Avoid  circumvention  on  No. 120122, Nov. 6, 1997) 
prohibition  of  donation 
between spouses   Q: Who has the right to assail the validity of the 
  transaction between spouses?  
b. Contract of sale with 3  parties:        
GR:  Under  the  law  on  sales,  it  A: The following are the only persons who can 
would  seem  that  a  spouse  may,  question the sale between spouses: 
without  the  consent  of  the  other  1. The  heirs  of  either  of  the  spouses  who 
spouse,  enter  into  sales  have been prejudiced; 
transactions  in  the  regular  or  2. Prior creditors; and 
normal  pursuit  of  their  profession,  3. The  State  when  it  comes  to  the 
vocation or trade. (in relation with  payment of the proper taxes due on the 
Art. 73, Family Code)  transactions 

Q: Who are the persons with relative incapacity to be the vendee in a contract of sale? 
Property entrusted to them for 
administration or sale 
XPN: When principal gave his 
Can be ratified after the 
inhibition has ceased 
Property of the ward during 
period of guardianship 
Reason: the only wrong that 
    subsists is the private wrong 
Note: Contracts entered by  Voidable  to the ward, principal or 
Guardian  guardian in behalf of ward are  estate; and can be condoned 
rescissible if ward suffers lesion  by the private parties 
by more than ¼ of the value of  themselves 

Executors and  Property of the estate under 
administrators  administration 
Property and rights in litigation or 
Court officers and  Cannot be ratified 
levied upon on execution before 
the court under their jurisdiction   
Void  Reason: It is a private wrong. 
Others specially 
    (Villanueva, Law on Sales, p. 
disqualified by law 
Pubic officers and  Property of the State entrusted to  30‐31) 
employees  them for administration 
Note: Prohibitions are applicable to sales in legal redemption, compromises and renunciations. 
In the case of Rubias v. Batiller (51 SCRA 120), it sought to declare the difference in the nullity between contracts 
entered into by guardians, agents, administrators and executors, from the contracts entered into by judges, judicial 
officers, fiscals and lawyers. 



Q: Who are those persons specially disqualified 
by law to enter into contracts of sale? 
1. ALIENs who are disqualified to purchase 
private agricultural lands (Art. XII Secs. 3 
& 7) 
2. Unpaid  seller  having  a  right  of  lien  or 
having stopped the goods in transitu, is 
prohibited from buying the goods either 
directly or indirectly in the resale of the 
same  at  public/private  sale  which  he 
may make (Art. 1533 [5]; Art. 1476 [4]) 
3. The  Officer  holding  the  execution  or 
deputy  cannot  become  a  purchaser  or 
be  interested  directly  or  indirectly  on 
any  purchase  at  an  execution.  (Sec.  21 
Rule 39, Rules of Court) 
4. In  Sale  by  auction,  seller  cannot  bid 
unless  notice  has  been  given  that  such 
sale is subject to a right to bid in behalf 
of the seller. (Art. 1476) 
Q:  Atty.  Leon  G.  Maquera  acquired  his  client’s 
property  as  payment  for  his  legal  services,  then 
sold  it  and  as  a  consequence  obtained  an 
unreasonable  high  fee  for  handling  his  client’s 
case. Did he validly acquire his client’s property?  
A:  No.  Article  1491  (5)  of  the  New  Civil  Code 
prohibits  lawyer’s  acquisition  by  assignment  of 
the  client’s  property  which  is  the  subject  of  the 
litigation  handled  by  the  lawyer.  Also,  under 
Article  1492,  the  prohibition  extends  to  sales  in 
legal  redemption.  (In  Re:  Suspension  from  the 
Practice  of  Law  in  the  territory  of  Guam  of  Atty. 
Leon G. Maquera, B.M. No. 793, July 30, 2004)  

III. SUBJECT MATTER OF SALE  Note: Where land is sold for a lump sum and not so 
  much  per  unit  of  measure  or  number,  the 
A. REQUISITES OF A VALID SUBJECT MATTER  boundaries  of  the  land  stated  in  the  contract 
determine the effects and scope of the sale, not the 
  area thereof. The vendors are obligated to deliver all 
Q: What are the requisites of a proper object of  the  land  included  within  the  boundaries,  regardless 
sale?  of  whether  the  real  area  should  be  greater  or 
  smaller  than  that  recited  in  the  deed.  This  is 
A:  particularly  true  where  the  area  is  described  as 
1. Things  "humigit kumulang," that is, more or less. (Semira v. 
a. Determinate or determinable  CA, G.R. No. 76031, Mar. 2, 1994) 
b. Lawful  (licit),  otherwise  contract  is   
void  Q: Can rights be the objects of sale? 
c. Should  not  be  impossible  (within   
the commerce of men)  A:  Yes, if they are transmissible. (Art. 1347)  
2. Rights  
GR: Must be transmissible.   
XPN:   Q: What may be objects of sale? 
a. Future inheritance   
b. Service  –  cannot  be  the  object  of  A: 
sale.  They  are  not  determinate  1. Existing  Goods  –  owned/  possessed  by 
things  and  no  transfer  of  seller at the time of perfection 
ownership is available but it can be   
the object of certain contracts such  2. Future  Goods  –  goods  to  be 
uas  contract  for  a  piece  of  work.  manufactured, raised, acquired by seller 
(Pineda, Sales, 2002 ed., p. 13)  after  perfection  of  the  contract  or 
  whose  acquisition  by  seller  depends 
Q: Rodriguez first purchased a portion of a Lot A  upon a contingency (Art. 1462) 
consisting  of  345  square  meters  located  in  the   
middle  of  Lot  B,  which  has  a  total  area  of  854  Note:  Sale  of  future  goods  is  valid  only  as  an 
executory  contract  to  be  fulfilled  by  the  acquisition 
square  meters,  from  Juan.  He  then  purchased 
& delivery of goods specified. 
another  portion  of  said  lot.  As  shown  in  the 
3. Sale of Undivided Interest or Share 
receipt,  the  late  Juan  received  P500.00  from 
a. Sole  owner  may  sell  an 
Rodriguez  as  "advance  payment  for  the 
undivided interest. (Art. 1463) 
residential  lot  adjoining  his  previously  paid  lot 
Ex. A fraction or percentage of 
on three sides excepting on the frontage. Juan’s 
such property 
heirs  now  contests  the  validity  of  the 
b. Sale of an undivided share in a 
subsequent  sale,  alleging  that  the  object  is  not 
specific  mass  of  fungible 
determinate or determinable. Decide. 
goods  makes  the  buyer  a  co‐
owner  of  the  entire  mass  in 
A:  Their  contention  is  without  merit.  There  is  no 
proportion  to  the  amount  he 
dispute that Rodriguez purchased a portion of Lot 
bought. (Art. 1464) 
A consisting of 345 square meters. This portion is 
c. A  co‐owner  cannot  sell  more 
located in the middle of B, which has a total area 
than  his  share  (Yturralde  v. 
of  854  square  meters,  and  is  clearly  what  was 
referred  to  in  the  receipt  as  the  "previously  paid 
lot." Since the lot subsequently sold to Rodriguez 
4. Sale of Things in Litigation 
is said to adjoin the "previously paid lot" on three 
a. Sale  of  things  under  litigation 
sides  thereof,  the  subject  lot  is  capable  of  being 
is rescissible if entered into by 
determined  without  the  need  of  any  new 
the  defendant  ,  without  the 
contract.  The  fact  that  the  exact  area  of  these 
approval of the litigants or the 
adjoining residential lots is subject to the result of 
court (Art. 1381) 
a survey does not detract from the fact that they 
b. No rescission is allowed where 
are determinate or determinable. Concomitantly, 
the  thing  is  legally  in  the 
the object of the sale is certain and determinate.  rd
possession  of  a  3   person 
(Heirs  of  San  Andres  v.  Rodriguez,  G.R.  No. 
135634, May 31, 2000) 


who  did  not  acted  in  bad  A. SALE BY A PERSON WHO DOES NOT OWN THE 

faith.  THING SOLD 
5. Things  subject  to  Resolutory  Condition.  Q: What is the status of a sale by a person who 
Ex.  Things  acquired  under  legal  or  does not own the thing subject of the sale? 
conventional  right  of  redemption,  or   
subject to reserva troncal. (Art. 1465)  A: It depends upon the stage of the sale. 
  1. When  seller  is  not  owner  at  perfection 
6. Indeterminate  Quantity  of  Subject  stage – the sale is valid. 
Matter  Ownership of the subject matter by the 
a. The  fact  that  the  quantity  is  seller  at  this  stage  is  not  an  essential 
not  determinate  shall  not  be  requirement for the validity of sale. It is 
an  obstacle  to  the  existence  necessary  at  the  time  of  delivery. 
of  the  contract  provided  it  is  Hence, a valid contract of sale can cover 
possible  to  determine  the  subject matter that is not yet existing or 
same,  without  need  of  a  new  even  a  thing  having  only  a  potential 
contract. (Art. 1349)  existence  at  the  time  of  perfection;  or 
  even  a  thing  subject  to  a  resolutory 
 TO TRANSFER OWNERSHIP                             Note: If the seller later acquires title thereto 
  and delivers it, title passes by operation of 
Q: Should the seller be the owner at the time of  law. 
perfection of the contract?   
  2. When  seller  is  not  owner  at 
A:   consummation stage  
GR: No. Seller must have the right to transfer  a. Old  view  –  the  contract  of  sale  is 
ownership  at  the  time  of  delivery  or  valid,  but  the  transfer  of  title  is 
consummation  stage.  He  need  not  be  the  void.  (Mindanao‐Academy,  Inc.  v. 
owner  at  the  time  of  perfection  of  the  Yap,  G.R.  No.  L‐17681,  Feb.  26, 
contract.   1965) 
  b. New  view  –  the  sale  by  a  non‐
XPN: Foreclosure sale wherein the mortgagor  owner  of  the  subject  property  is 
should be the absolute owner.  void  instead  of  treating  the 
  tradition/delivery  aspect  as  having 
Q:  EJ  was  subjected  to  a  buy‐bust  operation  no  effect  on  transferring 
where  police  officers  posed  to  buy  500  pesos  ownership  to  the  buyer.  (DBP  v. 
worth  of  “S”.  She  was  then  charged  with  a  CA, G.R. No. 110053, Oct. 16, 1995) 
violation  of  the  Dangerous  Drugs  Act  for   
trafficking drugs.  EJ uses as defense her lack of    Note: Nemo dat quod non habet – you 
possession  of  the  object  of  the  sale.  Would  her  cannot give what you do not have, properly 
contention free her from liability?  applicable to the consummation of a sale. 
A:  No.  Though  she  was  not  in  possession  of  the  Q:  What  is  the  legal  effect  of  sale  by  a  non‐
object  of  sale,  Article  1459  merely  requires  that  owner? 
the  vendor  must  have  the  right  to  transfer   
ownership  of  the  object  sold  at  the  time  of  A:    
delivery.    In  the  case  at  bar,  though  Beth  is  not  GR:  The  buyer  requires  no  better  title  to  the 
the  owner,  she  had  the  right  to  dispose  of  the  goods  than  the  seller  had;  caveat  emptor 
prohibited  drug.    Ownership  was  thereafter  (buyer beware). 
acquired upon her delivery to the men in the alley   
after  her  payment  of  the  price.  (People  v.  XPN: 
Ganguso, G.R. No. 115430, Nov. 23, 1995)  1. Estoppel  –  when  the  owner  of  the 
  goods is by his conduct precluded from 
  denying the seller’s authority to sell 
  2. When  the  contrary  is  provided  for  in 
  recording laws 

3. When the sale is made under statutory  existence as long as 
power  of  sale  or  under  the  order  of  a  the hope itself validly 
court of competent jurisdiction  existed. (eg. lotto) 
4. When  the  sale  is  made  in  a  merchant’s  Note: The presumption is Emptio Rei Speratae 
store  in  accordance  with  the  Code  of   
Commerce and special laws  Q:  Jose,  as  co‐owner,  sold  the  entire  land  in 
5. When  a  person  who  is  not  the  owner  favor  of  his  minor  daughter,  Ida.  Alleging  that 
sells  and  delivers  a  thing,  and  Jose  had  fraudulently  registered  it  in  his  name 
subsequently acquired title thereto  alone,  his  sisters,  sued  him  for  recovery  of  2/3 
6. When  the  seller  has  a  voidable  title  share  of  the  property.  Ida  did  not  pay  for  the 
which has not been avoided at the time  land. Is the sale valid? 
of the sale   
7. Sale by co‐owner of the whole property  A:  No.  Jose  did  not  have  the  right  to  transfer 
or a definite portion thereof  ownership  of  the  entire  property  to  petitioner 
8. Special rights of unpaid seller  since 2/3 thereof belonged to his sisters. Also, Ida 
  could not have given her consent to the contract, 
Q:  What  are  the  instances  when  the  Civil  Code  being  a  minor  at  the  time.  Consent  of  the 
recognizes  sale  of  things  not  actually  or  already  contracting  parties  is  among  the  essential 
owned by the seller at the time of sale?  requisites  of  a  contract,  including  one  of  sale, 
  absent  which  there  can  be  no  valid  contract. 
A:  Moreover, Ida admittedly did not pay any centavo 
1. Sale  of  a  thing  having  potential  for  the  property,  which  makes  the  sale  void. 
existence (Art.1461, NCC)  Article 1471 of the Civil Code provides: If the price 
2. Sale of future goods (Art. 1462, NCC)  is simulated, the sale is void, but the act may  be 
3. Contract  for  the  delivery  at  a  certain  shown  to  have  been  in  reality  a  donation,  or 
price  of  an  article,  which  the  seller  in  some other act or contract. (Labagala v. Santiago, 
the  ordinary  course  of  business  G.R. No. 132305, Dec. 4, 2001) 
manufactures/ procures for the general   
market, whether the same is on hand at   
the time or not (Art. 1467, NCC)  V. PRICE  
Q: What is the effect of a sale made by the seller  Q: What is a price? 
with voidable title over the object?   
  A:  Price  signifies  the  sum  stipulated  as  the 
A:   equivalent  of  the  thing  sold  and  also  every 
1. Perfection stage: valid – buyer acquires  incident taken into consideration for the fixing of 
title of goods  the price put to the debit of the buyer and agreed 
2. Consummation stage: valid – If the title  to by him. (Villanueva, p. 52) 
has not yet been avoided at the time of   
sale and the buyer must buy the goods  B.   REQUISITES FOR A VALID PRICE                       
under the following conditions:   
a. In good faith  Q: What are the requisites of price? 
b. For value   
c. Without notice of seller’s defect of  A: Must be:  
title   1. Real 
  2. In money or its equivalent 
EMPTIO REI SPERATAE  EMPTIO SPEI 3. Certain  or  ascertainable  at  the  time  of 
Sale of thing having  Sale of mere hope or  the perfection of the contract 
potential existence  expectancy   
Uncertainty is w/ regard  Uncertainty is w/ regard  C.  HOW PRICE IS DETERMINED 
to quantity & quality  to existence of thing   
Contract deals w/  Q: When is price certain? 
Contract deals w/ future 
present thing – hope   
or expectancy  A:  
Sale is valid only if the  Sale is valid even though 1. If there is a stipulation 
expected thing will  expected thing does  2. If  it  be  with  reference  to  another  thing 
exist.  not come into  certain 


3. If  the  determination  of  the  price  is  left  Q:  What  is  the  effect  on  the  contract  of  sale  in 
to the judgment of specified person(s)   case  of  a  breach  in  the  agreed  manner  of 
4. By  reference  to  certain  fact(s)  as  payment? 
referred to in Art. 1472 (Art. 1469)   
  A: None. It is not the act of payment of price that 
Note: If the price is based on estimates, it is  determines  the  validity  of  a  contract  of  sale. 
uncertain.  Payment  of  the  price  has  nothing  to  do  with  the 
  perfection  of  the  contract,  as  it  goes  into  the 
D. GROSS INADEQUACY OF THE PRICE  performance  of  the  contract.  Failure  to  pay  the 
  consideration  is  different  from  lack  of 
Q: What is the effect of gross inadequacy of  consideration.  Failure  to  pay  such  results  in  a 
price?  right to demand the fulfillment or cancellation of 
  the obligation under an existing valid contract. On 
A:  the other hand, lack of consideration prevents the 
GR: It does not affect the validity of the sale if  existence  of  a  valid  contract.  (Sps.  Bernardo 
it is fixed in good faith and without fraud  Buenaventura  and  Consolacion  Joaqui  v.  CA,  GR 
  No. 126376, Nov. 20, 2003) 
XPN:  CoRDS   
1. If  Consent  is  vitiated  (may  be  annulled  Q: Is payment of the purchase price essential to 
or presumed to be equitable mortgage)  transfer ownership? 
2. If  the  parties  intended  a  Donation  or   
some other act/ contract  A: Unless the contract contains a stipulation that 
3. If the price is so low as to be “Shocking  ownership  of  the  thing sold  shall  not  pass  to  the 
to the conscience”  purchaser  until  he  has  fully  paid  the  price, 
4. If  in  the  event  of  Resale,  a  better  price  ownership of the thing sold shall be transferred to 
can be obtained  the  vendee  upon  the  actual  or  constructive 
  delivery thereof. (Diaz, p. 48) 
GR: The validity of the sale is not necessarily affected    E. WHEN NO PRICE IS AGREED UPON BY THE 
where the law gives the owner the right to redeem  PARTIES 
because  the  lesser  the  price,  the  easier  it  is  for  the 
owner to effect redemption. 
Q: What is the effect of failure to determine the 
XPN: While there is no dispute that mere inadequacy 
of the price per se will not set aside a judicial sale of   
real property, nevertheless, where the inadequacy of  A: 
the  price  is  purely  shocking  to  the  conscience,  such  1. Where  contract  is  executory  – 
that the mind revolts at it and such that a reasonable  ineffective 
man would neither directly or indirectly be likely to  2. Where  the  thing  has  been  delivered  to 
consent to it, the same will be set aside. (Cometa v.  and  appropriated  by  the  buyer  –  the 
CA 351 SCRA 294)  buyer  must  pay  a  reasonable  price 
Q: What is the effect if the price is simulated?   
  Note:  The  fixing  of  the  price  cannot  be  left  to  the 
A:   discretion of one of the parties. However, if the price 
GR: Contract of sale is void.  fixed by one of the parties is accepted by the other, 
  the sale is perfected. 
XPN: The act may be shown to have been in     
reality a donation or some other act or 
Q: What is considered reasonable price? 
A: Generally the market price at the time and 
place fixed by the contract or by law for the 
delivery of the goods.    

F. MANNER OF PAYMENT  Q:  Distinguish  the  failure  to  pay  the 
  consideration from lack of consideration. 
Q:  What  is  the  effect  of  a  breach  of  the  agreed   
manner of payment to the contract of sale?  A:  
A:  None.    A  contract  of  sale  being  a  consensual  CONSIDERATION  CONSIDERATION 
contract,  it  becomes  binding  and  valid  upon  the  As to validity of contract of sale 
meeting of the minds as to price.   It is not the act of payment 
1. If there is such meeting of the minds as  of price that determines 
to  price,  the  contract  of  sale  is  valid,  the validity of a contract of 
despite  the  manner  of  payment,  or  sale. 
Lack of consideration 
even  the  breach  of  that  manner  of   
prevents the 
payment.   Note: Payment of the price 
existence of a valid 
has nothing to do with the 
2. If  the  real  price  is  not  stated  in  the  contract. 
perfection of the contract. 
contract,  then  the  contract  of  sale  is 
Instead, it goes into the 
valid but subject to reformation.  
performance of the 
3. If there is no meeting of the minds as to  contract. 
the price because the price stipulated in  As to resultant right 
the  contract  is  simulated,  then  the  Failure to pay the 
contract  is  void,  in  accordance  with  consideration results in a  The contract of sale is 
Article  1471  of  the  Civil  Code.  (Sps.  right to demand the  null and void and 
Buenaventura  v.  CA,  G.R.  No.  126376,  fulfillment or cancellation  produces no effect 
Nov. 20, 2003)  of the obligation under an  whatsoever 
  existing valid contract. 
Note:  A  definite  agreement  on  the  manner  of   
payment  of  the  price  is  an  essential  element  in  the  G. EARNEST MONEY VIS‐A‐VIS OPTION MONEYY 
formation  of  a  binding  and  enforceable  contract  of   
sale. (Co v. CA, G.R. No. 123908, Feb. 9, 1998)  OPTION MONEY 
Q:  In  an  action  for  specific  performance  with  Q: What is the effect of failure to determine the 
damages, X alleged that there was an agreement  price? 
to purchase the lot of Y. As regards the manner   
of  payment,  however,  Y’s  receipts  contradicted  A: 
the  testimony  of  X.  The  receipts  failed  to  state  1. Where  contract  is  executory  – 
the  total  purchase  price  or  prove  that  full  ineffective 
payment  was  made.  For  this  reason,  it  was  2. Where  the  thing  has  been  delivered  to 
contended  that  there  was  no  meeting  of  their  and  appropriated  by  the  buyer  –  the 
minds  and  there  was  no  perfected  contract  of  buyer  must  pay  a  reasonable  price 
sale. Decide.  therefore 
A:  The  question  to  be  determined  should  not  be  Note:  The  fixing  of  the  price  cannot  be  left  to  the 
whether there was an agreed price, but what that  discretion of one of the parties. However, if the price 
agreed  price  was.  The  sellers  could  not  render  fixed by one of the parties is accepted by the other, 
invalid  a  perfected  contract  of  sale  by  merely  the sale is perfected. 
contradicting the buyer’s obligation regarding the   
price,  and  subsequently  raising  the  lack  of  Q: What is an option money? 
agreement  as  to  the  price.  (David  v.  Tiongson,   
G.R. No. 108169, Aug. 25, 1999)  A: The distinct consideration in case of an option 
  contract.  It  does  not  form  part  of  the  purchase 
  price  hence,  it  cannot  be  recovered  if  the  buyer 
  did not continue with the sale. 
  Q: When is payment considered option money? 
  A: Payment is considered option money when it is 
  given  as  a  separate  and  distinct  consideration 
  from  the  purchase  price.  Consideration  in  an 
  option  contract  may  be  anything  or  undertaking 
of value. 


EARNEST MONEY  Simeon suddenly has a change of heart, claiming 
  that  the  deal  is  disadvantageous  to  him  as  he 
Q: What is an earnest money or “arras”?  has found out that the property can fetch three 
  times  the  agreed  purchase  price.  Bert  seeks 
A:  This  is  the  money  given  to  the  seller  by  the  specific  performance  but  Simeon  contends  that 
prospective buyer to show that the latter is truly  he  has  merely  given  Bert  an  option  to  buy  and 
interested in buying the property, and its aim is to  nothing  more  and  offers  to  return  the  option 
bind the bargain. (Pineda, p. 75)  money which Bert refuses to accept. 
Q:  What  is  the  effect  of  giving  an  earnest  1. Will  Bert's  action  for  specific 
money?  performance prosper? Explain. 
  2. May  Simeon  justify  his  refusal  to 
A: It forms part of the purchase price which may  proceed  with  the  sale  by  the  fact  that 
be deducted from the total price. It also serves as  the  deal  is  financially  disadvantageous 
a  proof  of  the  perfection  of  the  contract  of  sale.  to him? Explain. 
The  rule  is  no  more  than  a  disputable   
presumption  and  prevails  only  in  the  absence  of  A:  
contrary  or  rebuttable  evidence.  (PNB  v  CA,  262  1. Bert's  action  for  specific  performance 
SCRA 464, 1996)  will  prosper  because  there  was  a 
  binding  agreement  of  sale,  not  just  an 
Note: Option money may become earnest money if  option contract. The sale was perfected 
the parties so agree.   upon  acceptance  by  Simeon  of  10%  of 
  the  agreed  price.  This  amount  is  in 
Q:  When  is  payment  considered  an  earnest  reality  an  earnest  money  which,  under 
money?  Art.  1482,  "shall  be  considered  as  part 
  of  the  price  and  as  proof  of  the 
A:  When  the  payment  constitutes  as  part  of  the  perfection  of  the  contract."  (Topacio  v. 
purchase price. Hence, in case when the sale did  CA,  G.R.  No.  102606,  July  3,  1992; 
not  happen,  it  must  be  returned  to  the  Villongco Realty v. Bormaheco, G.R. No. 
prospective buyer.   L‐26872, July 25, 1975). 
Q:  Distinguish  option  money  from  earnest  2. Simeon  cannot  justify  his  refusal  to 
money.  proceed  with  the  sale  by  the  fact  that 
  the  deal  is  financially  disadvantageous 
A:  to  him.  Having  made  a  bad  bargain  is 
OPTION MONEY  EARNEST MONEY not  a  legal  ground  for  pulling  out  of  a 
Money given as  binding contract of sale, in the absence 
distinct  Forms part of the  of  some  actionable  wrong  by  the  other 
consideration for  purchase price  party  (Vales  v.  Villa,  G.R.  No.  10028, 
an option contract  Dec.  16,  1916),  and  no  such  wrong  has 
Applies to a sale  Given only when there is  been  committed  by  Bert.  (2002  Bar 
not yet perfected  already a sale  Question) 
Prospective buyer is  When given, the buyer is   
not required to  bound to pay the 
buy.  balance. 
If buyer does not  If sale did not materialize,
Note: see Introduction, Stages of Contract of Sale 
decide to buy, it  it must be returned.  pp. 230‐234 
cannot be  (Villanueva, p. 87,     
recovered.  Pineda, p.77) 
Q:  Bert  offers  to  buy  Simeon's  property  under 
the  following  terms  and  conditions:  P1  million 
purchase  price,  10%  option  money,  the  balance 
payable  in  cash  upon  the  clearance  of  the 
property  of  all  illegal  occupants.  The  option 
money  is  promptly  paid  and  Simeon  clears  the 
property of all illegal occupants in no time at all. 
However,  when  Bert  tenders  payment  of  the 
balance  and  asks  for  the  deed  of  absolute  sale, 

VII. TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP  this  case,  the  subject  motor  vehicle)  the  thing 
  sold  remained  at  the  seller’s  risk.  The  Union 
A. MANNER OF TRANSFER  Motor  should  therefore  bear  the  loss  of  the 
  subject  motor  vehicle  after  its  agent  allegedly 
Q: What is the effect of delivery?  stole the same. (Union Motor Corp. v. CA, G.R. No. 
  117187, July 20, 2001) 
GR: Title /ownership is transferred   Q: How may the buyer accept the delivery of the 
  thing sold? 
XPN:  Contrary is stipulated as in the case of:   
1. Pactum  reservatii  in  domini  –  A:  
agreement  that  ownership  will  remain  1. Express  –  he  intimates  to  seller that  he 
with  seller  until  full  payment  of  price  has accepted 
(Contract to sell);  2. Implied   
2. Sale on acceptance/approval;  a. Buyer  does  not  act  inconsistent 
3. Sale on return;  with  ownership  of  seller  after 
4. There  is  implied  reservation  of  delivery 
ownership;  b. Retains without intimating to seller 
  that he has rejected 
Note: Seller bears expenses of delivery.   
  Q:  What  is  the  effect  if  the  buyer  refuses  to 
Q:  Spouses  Bernal  purchased  a  jeepney  from  accept despite delivery of the object of the sale? 
Union  Motor  to  be  paid  in  installments.    They   
then  executed a  promissory  note  and  a deed  of  A:  Delivery  is  completed.  Since  delivery  of  the 
chattel mortgage in favor of Union Motor which  subject matter of the sale is an obligation on the 
in  turn  assigned  the  same  with  Jardine  Finance.  part  of  the  seller,  the  acceptance  thereof  by  the 
To effectuate the sale as well as the assignment  buyer  is  not  a  condition  for  the  completeness  of 
of  the  promissory  note  and  chattel  mortgage,  the delivery. (Villanueva, p. 117) 
the  spouses  were  required  to  sign  documents,   
one  of  which  was  a  sales  invoice.  Although  the  Note:  Thus,  even  with  such  refusal  of  acceptance, 
Spouses  have  not  yet  physically  possessed  the  delivery  (actual/constructive),  will  produce  its  legal 
vehicle,  Union  Motor’s  agent  required  them  to  effects.  (e.g.  transferring  the  risk  of  loss  of  the 
sign the receipt as a condition for the delivery of  subject  matter  to  the  buyer  who  has  become  the 
the vehicle. It was discovered that the said agent  owner thereof) (Villanueva, p. 117) 
stole the vehicle even prior to its delivery to the   
spouses.  Was  there  a  transfer  of  ownership  of  Under Art. 1588, when the buyer’s refusal to accept 
the subject vehicle?  the  goods  is  without  just  cause,  the  title  thereto 
passes  to  him  from  the  moment  they  are  placed  at 
his disposal. (Villanueva, p. 117) 
A:  No.  The  issuance  of  a  sales  invoice  does  not 
prove  transfer  of  ownership  of  the  thing  sold  to 
Q: Is payment of the purchase price essential to 
the  buyer;  an  invoice  is  nothing  more  than  a 
transfer ownership? 
detailed  statement  of  the  nature,  quantity  and 
cost  of  the  thing  sold  and  has  been  considered 
A: Unless the contract contains a stipulation that 
not a bill of sale. 
ownership  of  the  thing sold  shall  not  pass  to  the 
purchaser  until  he  has  fully  paid  the  price, 
The registration certificate signed by the spouses 
ownership of the thing sold shall be transferred to 
does  not  conclusively  prove  that  constructive 
the  vendee  upon  the  actual  or  constructive 
delivery  was  made  nor  that  ownership  has  been 
delivery thereof. (Diaz, p. 48) 
transferred  to  the  respondent  spouses.    Like  the 
receipt  and  the  invoice,  the  signing  of  the  said 
Q:  What  are  the  effects  of  a  sale  of  goods  on 
documents was qualified by the fact that it was a 
requirement  of  Union  Motor  for  the  sale  and 
financing contract to be approved.  In all forms of 
delivery,  it  is  necessary  that  the  act  of  delivery, 
1. Goods  must  be  delivered  in  full  except 
whether  constructive  or  actual,  should  be 
when stipulated 
coupled with the intention of delivering the thing.  
The  act,  without  the  intention,  is  insufficient. 
Inasmuch  as  there  was  neither  physical  nor 
constructive  delivery  of  a  determinate  thing,  (in 


2. When not examined by the buyer – it is  c.  when  the  seller  of  the 

not accepted until examined or at least  goods draws on the buyer for 
had reasonable time to examine  the  price  and  transmits  the 
  bill of exchange and the bill of 
Q: When may the buyer suspend payment of the  lading  to  the  buyer  ,  and  the 
price?  latter  does  not  honor  the  bill 
  of  exchange  by  returning  the 
A:   bill of lading to the seller 
GR:  4. When sale is not VALID 
1. If  he  is  disturbed  in  the  possession  or  5. When the seller is not the owner of the 
ownership of the thing bought  goods 
2. If  he  has  well‐grounded  fear  that  his  XPNs: 
possession  or  ownership  would  be  a. Estoppel:  when  the  owner  is 
disturbed  by  a  vindicatory  action  or  precluded  from  denying  the 
foreclosure of mortgage.  sellers authority to sell 
  b. Registered  land  bought  in 
Note:  These  grounds  are  not  exclusive.  It  can  good  faith:  Ratio:  Buyer  need 
only  be  exercised  if  the  price  or  any  part  not  go  beyond  the  Torrens 
thereof has not yet been paid and the contract  title 
is  not  yet  consummated.  (Art.  1590)  If  the  c. Order of Courts in a Statutory 
disturbance is  caused by  the  existence  of  non‐ Sale 
apparent servitude, the remedy is rescission.  d. When  the  goods  are 
  purchased  in  a  Merchant’s 
XPN:  store,  Fair  or  Market  (Art. 
1. Seller gives security for the return of the  1505) 
price in a proper case;   
2. A  stipulation  that  notwithstanding  any  SALE ON TRIAL, APPROVAL OR SATISFACTION 
such contingency, the buyer must make   
payment;  Q: What is sale on trial, approval or satisfaction? 
3. Disturbance  or  danger  is  caused  by  the   
seller;  A:  It  is  a  contract  in  the  nature  of  an  option  to 
4. If  the  disturbance  is  a  mere  act  of  purchase if the goods prove to be satisfactory, the 
trespass;  approval  of  the  buyer  being  a  condition 
5. Upon full payment of the price.  precedent. 
  Q:  What  are  the  rules  in  case  of  sale  on  trial, 
B. WHEN DELIVERY DOES NOT TRANSFER TITLE  approval or satisfaction? 
Q: When does delivery does not transfer title?  A: 
A:   Title  Remains with seller 
1. Sale on Trial, Approval, or Satisfaction 
GR: Borne by seller 
2. When  there  is  an  EXPRESS  XPN: 
RESERVATION  Risk of Loss  1. Buyer is at fault 
a. If  it  was  stipulated  that  2. Buyer agreed to 
ownership  shall  not  pass  to  bear the loss 
the  purchaser  until  he  has 
GR: Buyer must give goods a 
fully paid the price (Art. 1478)  trial 
3. When  there  is  an  IMPLIED  As to trial  XPN: Buyer need not do so if 
RESERVATION  it is evident that it cannot 
a. a.  When  goods  are  shipped,  perform the work. 
but  the  bill  of  lading  states 
When period 
that  goods  are  deliverable  to  It runs only when all the parts 
within which buyer 
the  seller  or  his  agent,  or  to  essential for the operation of 
must signify his 
the  order  of  the  seller  or  his  the object has been delivered 
acceptance runs 
b. b.  When  the  bill  of  lading  is 
retained  by  the  seller  or  his 

Validity of  b. Allowing  buyer  to  make  use  of 
stipulation that a  rights  
Valid, provided the 3  person 
3rd person must  4.   Tradition  by  operation  of  law  – 
is in good fath 
satisfy approval or  Execution  of  a  public  instrument  is 
satisfaction  equivalent  to  delivery.  But  to  be 
If the sale is made  effective,  it  is  necessary  that  the  seller 
to a buyer who is  Generally, it cannot be  have  such  control  over  the  thing  sold 
an expert on the  considered a sale on approval  that, at the moment of sale, its material 
object purchased  delivery could have been made.  
C. KINDS OF DELIVERY  GR: There is presumption of delivery 
Q: What are the different kinds of delivery?  XPN: 
  a. Contrary stipulation; 
A:   b. When  at  the  time  of  execution, 
1. Actual  –  thing  sold  is  placed  under  the  subject  matter  was  not  subject  to 
control and possession of buyer/agent;  the control of seller; 
2. Constructive  –  does  not  confer  physical  c. Seller  has  no  capacity  to  deliver  at 
possession  of  the  thing,  but  by  time of execution; 
construction of law, is equivalent to acts  d. Such  capacity  should  subsist  for  a 
of real delivery.  reasonable  time  after  execution  of 
a. The  seller  must  have  control  over  Note:  Delivery  should  be  coupled  with  intention  of 
the thing  delivering  the  thing,  and  acceptance  on  the  part  of 
b. The  buyer  must  be  put  under  the  buyer  to  give  legal  effect  of  the  act.    Without 
control  such intention, there is no such tradition. 
c. There must be intention to deliver   
the  thing  for  purposes  of  Q:  Susan  invested  in  commodity  futures 
ownership  trading  in  OCP,  which  involves  the  buying  or 
  selling  of  a  specified  quantity  and  grade  of  a 
i. Tradicion Symbolica – delivery  commodity  at  a  future  date  at  a  price 
of  certain  symbols  established  at  the  floor  of  the exchange.  As  per 
representing the thing  terms of the trading contract, customer's orders 
ii. Tradicion  Instrumental  –  shall be directly transmitted by OCP as broker to 
delivery  of  the  instrument  of  its principal, Frankwell Enterprises, which in turn 
conveyance.  must place the customer's orders with the Tokyo 
iii. Traditio  Longa  Manu  –  Exchange.  In  this  case,  however,  there  is  no 
Delivery  of  thing  by  mere  evidence  of  such  transmission.  When  Susan 
agreement; when seller points  withdrew  her  investment,  she  was  not  able  to 
to  the  property  without  need  recover  the  entire  amount.  She  thus  filed  a 
of actually delivering  complaint  and  the  trial court  ruled in her  favor, 
iv. Tradicion Brevi Manu – Before  saying that the contract is a species of gambling 
contract of sale, the would‐be  and therefore void. Is the court’s ruling correct? 
buyer  was  already  in   
possession  of  the  would‐be  A: Yes. A trading contract is a contract for the sale 
subject matter of sale  of  products  for  future  delivery,  in  which  either 
v. Constitutum Possessorium – at  seller  or  buyer  may  elect  to  make  or  demand 
the  time  of  perfection  of  delivery  of  goods  agreed  to  be  bought  and  sold, 
contract,  seller  continues  to  but  where  no  such  delivery  is  actually  made.  In 
have  possession  merely  as  a  this  case,  no  actual  delivery  of  goods  and 
holder  commodity  was  intended  and  ever  made  by  the 
  parties.  In  the  realities  of  the  transaction,  the 
3.   Quasi‐tradition  –  delivery  of  rights,  parties  merely  speculated  on  the  rise  and  fall  in 
credits  or  incorporeal  property,  made  the price of the goods/commodity subject matter 
by:  of  the  transaction.  If  Susan’s  speculation  was 
a. Placing  titles  of  ownership  in  the  correct,  she  would  be  the  winner  and  OCP,  the 
hands of the buyer;  loser, so OCP would have to pay her the "margin". 


But if she was wrong in her speculation then she  2. FOB  (Free  On  Board)  –  when  goods  are 

would  emerge as  the  loser  and OCP,  the  winner.  delivered  at  the  point  of  shipment, 
OCP  would  then  keep  the  money  or  collect  the  delivery  to  carrier  by  placing  the  goods 
difference  from  her.  This  is  clearly  a  form  of  on vessel is delivery to buyer 
gambling  provided  for  with  unmistakable  3. CIF (Cost, Insurance, Freight) –  
certainty  under  Article  2018.  (Onapal  Phils.  a. When  buyer  pays  for  services  of 
Commodities, Inc. vs. CA and Susan Chua, G.R. No.  carrier,  delivery  to  carrier  is 
90707, Feb. 1, 1993)  delivery  to  buyer,  carrier  as  agent 
  of buyer; 
Note:    Futures  Commission  Merchant/Broker  refers  b. When buyer pays seller the price – 
to  a  corporation  or  partnership,  which  must  be  from  the  moment  the  vessel  is  at 
registered  and  licensed  as  a  Futures  Commission  the  port  of  destination,  there  is 
Merchant/Broker  and  is  engaged  in  soliciting  or  in  already delivery to buyer 
accepting  orders  for  the  purchase  or  sale  of  any  4. COD  (Collect  On  Delivery)  –  the  carrier 
commodity  for  future  delivery  on  or  subject  to  the  acts  for  the  seller  in  collecting  the 
rules of the contract market and that, in connection  purchase  price,  which  the  buyer  must 
with  such  solicitation  or  acceptance  of  orders, 
pay to obtain possession of the goods. 
accepts  any  money,  securities  or  property  (or 
extends  credit in  lieu  thereof)  to margin,  guarantee 
or  secure  any  trade  or  contract  that  results  or  may 
Q:  What  are  the  seller’s  duties  after  delivery  to 
result therefrom.  the carrier? 
Q:  Given  that  actual  possession,  control  and  A:  
enjoyment  is  a  main  attribute  of  ownership,  is  1. To  enter  on  behalf  of  the  buyer  into 
symbolic delivery by mere execution of the deed  such  contract  reasonable  under  the 
of  conveyance  sufficient  to  convey  ownership  circumstances; 
over property?  2. To  give  notice  to  the  buyer  regarding 
  necessity of insuring the goods.  
A:  Yes,  possession  is  also  transferred  along  with   
ownership  thereof  by  virtue  of  the  deed  of  Q: Where is the place of delivery? 
conveyance.  The  mere  execution  of  the  deed  of   
conveyance in a public document is equivalent to  A: 
the  delivery  of  the  property,  prior  physical  1. That agreed upon 
delivery or possession is not legally required. The  2. Place determined by usage of trade 
deed operates as a formal or symbolic delivery of  3. Seller’s place of business 
the  property  sold  and  authorizes  the  buyer  or  4. Seller’s residence 
transferee  to  use  the  document  as  proof  of  5. In  case  of  specific  goods,  where  they 
ownership. Nothing more is required. (Sps. Sabio  can be found 
v.  International  Corporate  Bank,  Inc.  et.  at.  G.R.   
No. 132709, Sept. 4, 2001)  Q: When should the object be delivered? 
Q: Can delivery be effected through a carrier?  A:  
  1. Stipulated time 
A:   2. If there is none, at a reasonable hour. 
GR: Yes, if the seller is authorized. Delivery to   
carrier is delivery to the buyer.  Q:  What  are  the  effects  of  a  sale  of  goods  on 
1. A contrary intention appears  A:  
2. Implied reservation of ownership under  1. Goods  must  be  delivered  in  full  except 
Art. 1503, pars 1, 2, 3.  when stipulated 
  2. When not examined by the buyer – it is 
Q: What are the kinds of delivery to carrier?  not accepted until examined or at least 
  had reasonable time to examine 
1. FAS (Free Along Side) – when goods are     
delivered  alongside  the  ship,  there  is 
already delivery to the buyer 

Q:  When  is  the  seller  not  bound  to  deliver  the  property  had  not  been  delivered  to  Ten  Forty; 
thing sold?  hence,  it  did  not  acquire  possession  either 
  materially  or  symbolically.  As  between  the  two 
A:  buyers,  therefore,  respondent  was  first  in  actual 
1. If the buyer has not paid the price;  possession  of  the  property.  (Ten  Forty  Realty  & 
2. No period for payment has been fixed in  Dev’t.  Corp.  v.  Cruz,  G.R.  No.  151212,  Sept.  10, 
the contract;  2003) 
3. A  period  for  payment  has  been  fixed  in   
the  contract  but  the  buyer  has  lost  the  Q: Explain the principle of prius tempore, potior 
right to make use of the time.  jure. 
D. DOUBLE SALE  A: Knowledge by the first buyer of the second sale 
  cannot defeat the first buyer’s rights except when 
Q: When is there a double sale?  the  second  buyer  first  registers  in  good  faith  the 
  second sale. Conversely, knowledge gained by the 
A:  There  is  double  sale  when  the  same  object  of  second  buyer  of  the  first  sale  defeats  his  rights 
the sale is sold to different vendees.   even if he is first to register, since such knowledge 
  taints  his  registration  with  bad  faith  to  merit  the 
Note: Requisites:  protection  of  Art.  1544  (2   par.),  the  second 
1. Same subject matter  realty  buyer  must  act  in  good  faith  in  registering 
2. Same immediate seller  his deed of sale. (Diaz, p. 125) 
3. Two or more different buyers    
4. Both sales are valid  Note: Where one sale is absolute and the other is a 
  pacto  de  retro  transaction  where  the  period  to 
Q: What is the rule on double sale?  redeem has not yet expired, Art. 1544 will not apply. 
    (Pineda, p. 223) 
A: First in time, priority in right   
  Q:  Juliet  offered  to  sell  her  house  and  lot, 
Note: Rule on Double Sale regarding immovables:  together  with  all  the  furniture  and  appliances 
GR: Apply Art.1544  therein, to Dehlma. Before agreeing to purchase 
XPN:  Sale  of  registered  lands  –  apply  Torrens  the  property,  Dehlma  went  to  the  Register  of 
System  Deeds to verify Juliet’s title. She discovered that 
  while  the  property  was  registered  in  Juliet’s 
Q:  What  are  the  rules  according  to  Article  1544  name  under  the  Land  Registration  Act,  as 
of the Civil Code?  amended by the Property Registration Decree, it 
  was mortgaged to Elaine to secure a debt of P80, 
A:  000.  Wanting  to  buy  the  property,  Dehlma  told 
c. Movable – Owner who is first to possess  Juliet  to  redeem  the  property  from  Elaine,  and 
in good faith  gave  her  an  advance  payment  to  be  used  for 
d. Immovable –   purposes  of  releasing  the  mortgage  on  the 
d. First to register in good faith  property.  When  the  mortgage  was  released, 
e. No  inscription,  first  to  possess  in  Juliet executed a Deed of Absolute Sale over the 
good faith  property  which  was  duly  registered  with  the 
f. No  inscription  &  no  possession  in  Registry  of  Deeds,  and  a  new TCT  was  issued in 
good  faith  –  Person  who  presents  Dehlma’s  name.  Dehlma  immediately  took 
oldest title in good faith  possession  over  the  house  and  lot  and  the 
  movables  therein.  Thereafter,  Dehlma  went  to 
E. PROPERTY REGISTRATION DECREE  the  Assessor’s  Office  to  get  a  new  tax 
   declaration  under  her  name.  She  was  surprised 
Q:  Ten  Forty  Realty  purchased  from  Galino  a  to  find  out  that  the  property  was  already 
parcel  of  land.  However,  the  Deed  of  Sale  was  declared  for  tax  purposes  in  the  name  of  XYZ 
not  recorded  in  the  Registry  of  Deeds.  Bank which had foreclosed the mortgage on the 
Subsequently, Galino  sold  the same  property  to  property before it was sold to her. XYZ Bank was 
Cruz  who  immediately  took  possession  of  the  also the purchaser in the foreclosure sale of the 
said  property.    Who  has  a  better  right  between  property.  At  that  time,  the  property  was  still 
Ten Forty and Cruz?  unregistered  but  XYZ  Bank  registered  the 
A: In the absence of the required registration, the  Sheriff’s Deed of Conveyance in the day book of 
law  gives  preferential  right  to  the  buyer  who  in  the  Register  of  Deeds  under  Act  3344  and 
good  faith  is  first  in  possession.  The  subject  obtained a tax declaration in its name. 


Was Dehlma a purchaser in good faith?  Knowledge  gained  by  the  second  buyer  of  the 

  first  sale  defeats  his  rights  even  if  he  is  first  to 
A:  Yes,  Dehlma  is  a  purchaser  in  good  faith.  She  register  the  second  sale,  since  such  knowledge 
learned  about  the  XYZ  tax  declaration  and  taints  his  prior  registration  with  bad  faith  (Art. 
foreclosure  sale  only  after  the  sale  to  her  was  1544) (Uraca, et. al v. CA, G.R. No. 115158, Sept. 
registered. She relied on the certificate of title of  5, 1997) 
her  predecessor‐in‐interest.  Under  the  Torrens   
System,  a  buyer  of  registered  lands  is  not  VIII. RISK OF LOSS 
required  by  law  to  inquire  further  than  what  the   
Torrens  certificate  indicates  on  its  face.  If  a  Q: When is a thing considered lost? 
person proceeds to but it relying on the title, that   
person is considered a buyer in good faith.  A: It is understood that the thing is lost when it: 
  1. perishes, or 
The  “priority  in  time”  rule  could  not  be  invoked  2. goes out of commerce, or 
by  XYZ  Bank  because  the  foreclosure  sale  of  the  3. disappears  in  such  a  way  that  its 
land in favour of the bank was recorded under Act  existence  is  unknown  or  cannot  be 
3344,  the  law  governing  transactions  affecting  recovered. (Art. 1189, 2  par.) 
unregistered  land,  and  thus,  does  not  bind  the   
land.  Q: What is deterioration? 
Q: Who as between Dehlma and XYZ Bank has a  A:  Deterioration  is  the  lowering  of  the  value  or 
better right to the house and lot?  character of a thing. It normally occurs by reason 
  of ordinary wear and tear. (Pineda, Credit, p. 20) 
A: Between Dehlma and the bank, the former has   
a better right to the house and lot.  Q: Who bears the risk of loss or deterioration? 
Q: Who owns the movables inside the house?  A: 
A:  Unless  there  is  a  contrary  stipulation  in  the  Res  perit  domino  –  Seller  is  the 
absolute deed of sale, Dehlma owns the movables  owner so seller bears risk of loss  
covered by the Deed of Sale and her ownership is   
perfected by the execution and delivery of public   
document  of  sale.  The  delivery  of  the  absolute  Res perit domino
deed of sale is a symbolical delivery of the house   
and lot, including the contents of the house. This  AT  Contract shall be without any 
PERFECTION  effect – the seller bears the loss 
is  an  obligation  to  deliver  a  specific  thing,  which 
since the buyer is relieved of his 
includes  the  delivery  of  the  specific  thing  itself 
obligation under the contract 
and  all  of  its  accessions  and  accessories  even 
Two Views: 
though  they  may  not  have  been  mentioned  (Art. 
Paras: Buyer, except:  
1166, CC). (2008 Bar Question)    1. when object sold consists of 
  fungible goods for a price fixed  
Q: Does prior registration by the second buyer of  AFTER  2. when seller is guilty of fraud, 
a  property  subject  of  a  double  sale  confer  PERFECTION  negligence, default, or 
ownership  or  preferred  right  in  his  favor  over  BUT   violation of contractual terms; 
that of the first buyer?   BEFORE  or  
  DELIVERY  3. when object sold is generic. 
A:  Prior  registration  of  the  disputed  property  by   
the  second  buyer  does  not  by  itself  confer  Tolentino: Seller;      
ownership  or  a  better  right  over  the  property.  Deterioration  &  fruits  –  Buyer 
Article  1544  requires  that  such  registration  must  bears loss 
be coupled with good faith.   Res perit domino
Knowledge  gained  by  the  first  buyer  of  the  Buyer becomes the owner so 
second sale cannot defeat the first buyer's rights  AFTER  buyer bears risk of loss 
except where the second buyer registers in good 
Delivery  extinguish  ownership  vis‐
faith  the  second  sale  ahead  of  the  first,  as 
a‐vis  the  seller  &  creates  a  new 
provided by the Civil Code.   one in favor of the buyer 

Q:  What  is  the  effect  of  the  loss  of  the  thing   
subject of the contract at the time of sale?  Q:  Who  may  negotiate  a  Negotiable  Document 
  of Title? 
1. Total loss – contract is void & inexistent  A:  
2. Partial  loss  –  buyer  may  elect  between  1. Owner 
withdrawing  from  the  contract  or  2. Person to whom the possession pr 
demanding  the  remaining  part,  paying  custody of the document has been 
its proportionate price  entrusted by the owner 
  a. If  bailee  undertakes  to 
E. When Ownership is Transferred  deliver the goods to such 
See Transfer of Ownership. p. 247  b. If  document  is  in  such 
  form  that  it  may  be 
  negotiated by delivery. 
  Non‐Negotiable Documents of Title 
Q: What is a Document of Title?   
  Q: What are Non‐negotiable documents of title? 
A:  A  document  used  in  the  ordinary  course  of   
business in the sale or transfer of goods , as proof  A: 
of  the  possession  or  control  of  the  goods  ,  or  1. They  are  delivered  only  to  a 
authorizing  or  purporting  to  authorize  the  specified person 
possessor of the document to transfer or receive ,  2. Carrier will not deliver the goods to 
either  by  endorsement  or  by  delivery  ,  goods  any  holder  of  the  document  or  to 
represented by such document (Art. 1636).  whom  such  document  may  have 
   been endorsed by the consignee 
Q:  What  is  the  purpose  of  the  Documents  of  3. Must  present  the  deed  of  sale  or 
Title?  donation in his favour 
A:   Q:  What  are  the  warranties  of  seller  of 
1. Evidence  of  possession  or  control  of  documents of title? 
goods described therein   
2. Medium  of  transferring  title  and  A: 
possession  over  the  goods  described  1. Genuiness of the Document 
therein  without  having  to  effect  actual  2. Legal right to negotiate or transfer 
delivery (Villanueva, 2009 ed.)  3. No  knowledge  of  fact  which  would 
3. The custody of a negotiable warehouse  impair  the  validity  or  worth  of  the 
receipts  issued  to  the  order  of  the  document 
owner, or to bearer, is a representation  4. Right  to  transfer  Title  to  the  goods  and 
of  title  upon  which  bona  fide  merchantability  or  fitness  for  a 
purchasers for value are entitled to rely  particular  purpose,  whenever  such 
, despite breaches of t rust or violations  warranties  would  have  been  implied 
of  agreement  on  the  part  of  the  had  the  contract  transfer  the  goods 
apparent  owner  (Siy  Cong  Bieng  v.  without a document. 
HSBC, 56 Phil 598)   
  Rules Regarding Levy and Garnishment of Goods 
Negotiable Documents of Title   
  Q:  What  does  a  person  to  whom  a  non‐
Q: What is a Negotiable Document of Title?  negotiable  instrument  has  been  transferred  but 
  not  negotiated,  acquire  as  against  the 
A:  A  document  of  title  which  states  that  the  transferor? 
goods  referred  therein  will  be  delivered  to  the   
bearer,  or  to  the  order  of  any  person  named  in  A: He acquires: 
such document (Art. 1509, NCC).  1. Title to the goods, subject to the terms 
  of any agreement with the transferor; 
  2. Right  to  notify  the  bailee  who  issued 
  the  document  of  the  transfer  thereof, 


and  thereby  to  acquire  the  direct  X. REMEDIES OF AN UNPAID SELLER          

obligation  of  such  bailee  to  hold   
possession  of  the  goods  for  him  A. DEFINITION OF UNPAID SELLER           
according  to  the  terms  of  the   
document.  Q: Who is an unpaid seller? 
Q: How may the transferor’s creditor defeat the  A: The seller of goods is deemed to be an unpaid 
aforementioned rights of the transferee?  seller either: 
   1. when  the  whole  of  the  price  has  not 
A:  Prior  to  the  notification  to  such  bailee  by  the  been paid or tendered; or 
transferor  or  transferee  of  a  non‐negotiable  2. when  a  bill  of  exchange  or  other 
document  of  title,  the  title  of  the  transferee  to  negotiable  instrument  has  been 
the goods and the right to acquire the obligation  received  as  conditional  payment,  and 
of  such  bailee  may  be  defeated  by  the  the  condition  on  which  it  was  received 
transferor’s creditor by the levy of an attachment  has  been  broken  by  reason  of  the 
or execution upon the goods. (Art. 1514, NCC)  dishonor  of  the  instrument,  the 
  insolvency of the buyer, or otherwise.  
Q:  If  the  goods  are  delivered  to  a  bailee  by  the   
owner or by a person whose act in conveying the  Note: It includes an agent of the seller to whom the 
title  to  them  to  a  purchaser  in  good  faith  for  bill  of  lading  has  been  indorsed,  or  consignor  or 
value  and  a  negotiable  instrument  was  issued  agent who has himself paid, or is directly responsible 
for  them,  can  the  said  goods  be  attached,  for  the  price,  or  any  other  person  who  is  in  the 
garnished or levied upon?  position of a seller.  
GR:  No,  the  goods  cannot  be  attached,   
garnished  or  levied  upon  while  they  are  in  Q: What are the remedies of an Unpaid Seller? 
the bailee’s possession.   
XPN:   I. Ordinary 
1.  When  the  document  is  first   
surrendered; or  1. Action for Price 
2. When its negotiation is enjoined.  Exercised when: 
  a. ownership has passed to buyer; 
Note: The bailee shall in no case be compelled  b. price is payable on a day certain 
to  deliver  the  actual  possession  of  the  goods  c. goods  cannot  readily  be  resold  for 
until the document is:  reasonable  price  and  Art.  1596  is 
1. Surrendered to him; or  inapplicable 
2. Impounded by the court.    
(Art. 1519, NCC)  2. Action  for  Damages  –  In  case  of 
  wrongful neglect or refusal by the buyer 
Q:  What  are  the  rights  of  a  creditor  whose  to accept or pay for the thing sold 
debtor is the owner of a negotiable document of   
title?  II. Special 
A:  He  is  entitled  to  such  aid  from  courts  of  1. Possessory  Lien  –  Seller  not  bound  to 
appropriate jurisdiction by:  deliver  if  buyer  has  not  paid  him  the 
1. injunction;  price.  It  is  exercisable  only  in  following 
2. attaching such document;  circumstances: 
3.  as  regards  property  which  cannot  be  readily  a. goods  sold  without  stipulation  as 
attached or levied upon by ordinary legal process  to credit 
‐ satisfying the claim by means allowed by law or  b. goods  sold  on  credit  but  term  of 
equity. (Art. 1520, NCC)  credit has expired 
  c. buyer becomes insolvent 
  Note: When part of goods delivered, may 
  still exercise right on goods undelivered 

2. Stoppage in Transitu  Q: When are goods considered to be in transit? 
Requisites: I‐SENT‐U   
a. Insolvent buyer  A:   
b. Seller  must  Surrender  the  1. After  delivery  to  a  carrier  or  other 
negotiable document of title, if any   bailee and before the buyer or his agent 
c. Seller  must  bear  the  Expenses  of  takes delivery of them; and 
delivery  of  the  goods  after  the  2. If  the  goods  are  rejected  by  the  buyer, 
exercise of the right.  and  the  carrier  or  other  bailee 
d. Seller  must  either  actually  take  continues  in  possession  of  them.  (Art. 
possession  of  the  goods  sold  or  1531, par. 1) 
give  Notice  of  his  claim  to  the   
carrier  or  other  person  in  Q:  When  are  goods  deemed  to  be  no  longer  in 
possession  transit? 
e. Goods must be in Transit    
f. Unpaid seller  A:   
  1. After delivery to the buyer or his agent 
  2. If the buyer/agent obtains possession of 
3. Special Right to Resell the Goods  the  goods  at  a  point  before  the 
      Exercised when:  destination originally fixed; 
a. Goods are perishable,  3. If the carrier or the bailee acknowledges 
b. Stipulated  the  right  of  resale  in  that he holds the goods in behalf of the 
case of default, or  buyer/ his agent; 
c. Buyer  in  default  for  unreasonable  4. If  the  carrier  or  bailee  wrongfully 
time   refuses  to  deliver  the  goods  to  the 
  buyer or his agent. (Villanueva, p. 181) 
4. Special Right to Rescind   
a. Expressly  stipulated  OR  buyer  is  in   
default for unreasonable time  A.  SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY. 
b. Notice needed to be given by seller   
Note:  Ownership  of  goods  already  with  buyer  but  INSTALLMENT SALES LAW 
seller may still rescind; ownership is destroyed even   
without court intervention but in ordinary sale, need  Q: What is the Installment Sales Law? 
to go to court.    
  A:  Commonly  known  as  the  Recto  Law.  It  is 
Q: What are the instances when possessory lien  embodied in Art. 1484 of the NCC which provides 
is lost?  for  the  remedies  of  a  seller  in  the  contracts  of 
  sale of personal property by installments. 
1. Seller  delivers  without  reserving  Note:  Art.  1484  of  the  NCC  incorporates  the 
ownership  in  goods  or  right  to  possess  provisions  of  Act  No.  4122 passed  by the  Philippine 
them  Legislature  on  Dec.  9,  1939,  known  as  the 
2. Buyer  or  agent  lawfully    obtains  "Installment  Sales  Law"  or  the  "Recto  Law,"  which 
possession of goods  then amended Art. 1454 of the Civil Code of 1889. 
3. Waiver   
  Q: To what does the Recto Law apply? 
Note: Seller loses lien when he parts with goods (but   
still, stoppage in transitu can be exercised)  A:  This  law  covers  contracts  of  sale  of  personal 
  property by installments (Act No. 4122). It is also 
Q: What is the right of stoppage in transitu?  applied  to  contracts  purporting  to  be  leases  of 
  personal  property  with  option  to  buy,  when  the 
A: The seller may resume possession of the goods  lessor  has  deprived  the  lessee  of  the  possession 
at  any  time  while  they  are  in  transit,  and  he  will  or  enjoyment  of  the  thing.  (PCI  Leasing  and 
then become entitled to the same rights in regard  Finance  Inc.  v.  Giraffe‐  X  Creative  Imaging,  Inc., 
to  the  goods  as  he  would  have  had  if  he  had  G.R. No. 142618, July 12, 2007) 
never  parted  with  the  possession.  (Art.  1530,   


Q: What are the alternative remedies in case of  payable  on  installments.  The  law  declares  as 

sale of personal property in installments?  "public policy to protect buyers of real estate on 
  installment  payments  against  onerous  and 
A:  oppressive conditions. 
1. Specific  Performance:    Exact  fulfillment   
should the buyer fail to pay   Note: The purpose of the law is to protect buyers in 
  installment against oppressive conditions. 
GR:  If  availed  of,  the  unpaid  seller   
cannot  anymore  choose  other  Q:  What  are  the  transactions/sale  covered  by 
remedies;   the Maceda Law? 
XPN:  if  after  choosing,  it  has  become  A:  The  law  involves  the  sale  of  immovables  on 
impossible, rescission may be pursued  installment (Maceda Law, R.A. 6552). 
  1. Coverage:  Residential  Real  Estate 
2.     Rescission:  Cancel  the  sale  if  buyer  fails  (Villanueva, p. 431) 
to pay 2 or more installments  2. Exclude: 
  a. Industrial lots 
Deemed chosen when:  b. Commercial  buildings  (and 
a. Notice of rescission is sent  commercial lots by implication) 
b. Takes possession of subject matter  c. Sale to tenants under agrarian laws 
of sale   
c. Files action for rescission  Q: What are the rights granted to buyers? 
3. Foreclosure:  Foreclose  on  chattel  A: 
mortgage if buyer fails to pay 2 or more  1. Buyer paid at least 2 years installment 
installments  a. Pay  w/o  interest  the  balance 
  within grace period of 1 month for 
GR:  Actual  foreclosure  is  necessary  to  every year of installment payment. 
bar recovery of balance   Grace  period  to  be  exercised  once 
- Extent  of  barring  effect:  every 5 years. 
purchase price  b. When  no  payment  –  cancelled; 
  buyer  entitled  to  50%  of  what  he 
XPN:  Mortgagor  refuses  to  deliver  has  paid  +  5%  for  every  year  but 
property to effect foreclosure; expenses  not  exceeding  90%  of  payments 
incurred in attorneys fees, etc.  made 
Q:  When  the  lessor  of  the  property  chose  to  Note: Cancellation to be effected 30 
deprive  the  lessee  of  the  subject  personal  days from notice & upon payment of 
property,  can  the  former  recover  any  unpaid  cash surrender value. 
rentals from the latter?   
  2. Buyer paid less than 2 years installment 
A:  In  choosing,  through  replevin,  to  deprive  the  a. Grace  period  is  not  less  than  60 
respondent  of  possession  of  the  leased  days from due date 
equipment,  the  petitioner  waived  its  right  to   b.  Cancellation  if  failure  to  pay  w/in 
bring  an  action  to  recover  unpaid  rentals  on  the  60 days grace 
said leased items.    c.   30  days  notice  before  final 
  Note: buyer can still pay w/in the 30 
 RULES ON SALE OF REAL PROPERTY  days period with interest.  
REALTY INSTALLMENT BUYER ACT  Q: What are the other rights granted to a buyer? 
Q: What is the Realty Installment Buyer Act?  A: 
  1. Sell or assign rights to another 
A:  Commonly  known  as  the  “Maceda  Law.”  It  is  2. Reinstate  contract  by  updating  within 
embodied in R.A. 6552 which provides for certain  30 days before and cancellation 
protection  to  particular  buyers  of  real  estate  3. Deed of Sale to be done by notarial act 

4. Pay  full  installment  in  advance  the  Bernie  discovered  that  DEVLAND  had  failed  to 
balance of price anytime w/o interest  develop  the  subdivision  in  accordance  with  the 
5. Have  full  payment  annotated  in  approved  plans  and  specifications  within  the 
certificate of title  time frame in the plan. He thus wrote a letter to 
  DEVLAND  informing  it  that  he  was  stopping 
Note: Applies to contracts even before the law was  payment. Consequently, DEVLAND cancelled the 
enacted. Stipulation to the contrary is void  sale  and  wrote  Bernie,  informing  him  that  his 
  payments are forfeited in its favor. 
Q: What are the so‐called “Maceda” and “Recto”  1. Was  the  action  of  DEVLAND  proper? 
laws  in  connection  with  sales  on  installments?  Explain. 
Give the most important features on each law.  2. Discuss  the  rights  of  Bernie  under  the 
A:  The  Maceda  Law  (R.A.  6552)  is  applicable  to  3. Supposing  DEVLAND  had  fully 
sales of immovable property on installments. The  developed  the  subdivision  but  Bernie 
most important features are:  failed to pay further installments after 
  4  years  due  to  business  reverses. 
1. After  having  paid  installments  for  at  least  Discuss  the  rights  and  obligations  of 
two  years,  the  buyer  is  entitled  to  a  the parties.  
mandatory grace period of one month for   
every year of installment payments made,  A: 
to  pay  the  unpaid  installments  without  1. Assuming    that    the    land    is    a  
interest.  residential  subdivision  project  under 
  P.D.  No.  957  (The  Subdivision  and 
If the contract is cancelled, the seller shall  Condominium  Buyers  Protective 
refund  to  the  buyer  the  cash  surrender  Decree),  DEVLAND's  action  is  not 
value  equivalent  to  fifty  percent  (50%)  of  proper because under Section 23 of said 
the  total  payments  made,  and  after  five  Decree, no installment payment shall be 
years  of  installments,  an  additional  five  forfeited  to  the  owner  or  developer 
percent (5%) every year but not to exceed  when  the  buyer,  after  due  notice, 
ninety  percent  (90%)  of  the  total  desists from further payment due to the 
payments made.  failure  of  the  owner‐developer  to 
  develop  the  subdivision  according  to 
2. In  case  the  installments  paid  were  less  the approved plans and within the time 
than 2 years, the seller shall give the buyer  limit for complying with the same. 
a grace period of not less than 60 days. If   
the buyer fails to pay the installments due  2. Under  the  same  Section  of  the  Decree, 
at  the  expiration  of  the  grace  period,  the  Bernie  may,  at  his  option,  be 
seller  may  cancel  the  contract  after  30  reimbursed  the  total  amount  paid 
days  from  receipt  by  the  buyer  of  the  including  amortization  interests  but 
notice  of  cancellation  or  demand  for  excluding  delinquency  interests  at  the 
rescission by notarial act. (Rillo v. CA, G.R.  legal rate. He may also ask the Housing 
No. 125347 June 19, 1997)  and Land Use Regulatory Board to apply 
  penal  sanctions  against  DEVLAND 
The  Recto  Law  (Art.1484)  refers  to  sale  of  consisting of payment of administrative 
movables payable in installments and limiting the  fine  of  not  more  than  P20.000.00 
right of seller, in case of default by the buyer, to  and/or imprisonment for not more than 
one of three remedies:  20 years. 
1. Exact fulfillment;   
2. Cancel  the  sale  of  two  or  more  3. Under  R.A.  No.  6552  (Maceda  Law), 
installments  have not been paid;  DEVLAND  has  the  right  to  cancel  the 
3. Foreclose  the  chattel  mortgage  on  the  contract but it has to refund Bernie the 
things sold, also in case of default of two  cash  surrender  value  of  the  payments 
or  more  installments,  with  no  further  on  the  property  equivalent  to  50%  of 
action  against  the  purchaser.  (1999  Bar  the  total  payments  made.  (2005  Bar 
Question)  Question) 
Q:  Bernie  bought  on  installment  a  residential     
subdivision  lot  from  DEVLAND.  After  having 
faithfully  paid  the  installments  for  48  months, 


Q: What is a warranty?  Q: What are implied warranties? 
A:  A  statement  or  representation  made  by  the  A: Warranties deemed included in all contracts of 
seller  of  goods,  as  part  of  the  contract  of  sale,  sale by operation of law. (Art. 1547) 
having reference to the character, quality, or title,   
of  the  goods,  and  by  which  he  promises  or  1. Warranty  that  seller  has  right  to  sell  – 
undertakes to insure that certain facts are or shall  refers  to  consummation  stage.  Not 
be as he then represents.  applicable  to  sheriff,  auctioneer, 
  mortgagee, pledge 
Note: May either be express or implied.   
  2. Warranty against eviction 
Q: What is the effect of a breach of warranty?   
    Requisites: JPENS 
A: Buyer may:  a. Buyer is Evicted in whole or in part 
1. Refuse to proceed with the contract; or  from the subject matter of sale 
2. Proceed  with  the  contract;  waive  the  b. Final Judgment 
condition.  c. Basis  of  eviction  is  a  right  Prior  to 
  sale or act imputable to seller 
Note: If the condition is in the nature that it should  d. Seller  has  been  Summoned  in  the 
happen,  the  non‐performance  may  be  treated  as  a  suit  for  eviction  at  the  instance  of 
breach of warranty.  buyer;  or  made  3rd  party 
  defendant  through  3rd  party 
Q:  What  are  the  kinds  of  warranties?  complaint brought by buyer 
Distinguish.  e. No waiver on the part of the buyer 
A:   Note:  For  eviction  –  disturbance  in  law  is 
i. Express  required and not just trespass in fact. 
ii. Implied   
  3. Warranty  against  encumbrances  (non‐ 
Q: What are express warranties?  Requisites: 
  a. immovable  sold  is  encumbered 
A:  Any  affirmation  of  fact  or  any  promise  by  the  with  non‐apparent  burden  or 
seller relating to the thing if the natural tendency  servitude  not  mentioned  in  the 
of  such  affirmation  or  promise  is  to  induce  the  agreement 
buyer  to  purchase  the  same,  and  if  the  buyer  b. nature  of  non‐apparent  servitude 
purchases the thing relying thereon. (Art. 1546)  or  burden  is  such  that  it  must  be 
  presumed  that  the  buyer  would 
Q:  What  are  the  requisites  of  express  not  have  acquired  it  had  he  been 
warranties?  aware thereof 
A: AIR  XPN:  warranty  not  applicable  when 
1. It  must  be  an  Affirmation  of  fact  non‐apparent  burden  or  servitude  is 
relating to the subject matter of sale  recorded  in  the  Registry  of  Property  – 
2. Natural  tendency  is  to  Induce  buyer  to  unless there is expressed warranty that 
purchase subject matter  the  thing  is  free  from  all  burdens  & 
3. Buyer  purchases  the  subject  matter  encumbrances 
Relying thereon   
  4. Warranty against Hidden Defects 
Q: What is the liability of the seller for breach of    
express warranties?  Requisites: HENNAS 
  a. Defect is important or Serious 
A: The seller is liable for damages. (Villanueva, p.  i. The  thing  sold  is  unfit  for  the 
249)  use which it is intended 
  ii. Diminishes its fitness for such 
  use  or  to  such  an  extent  that 
the  buyer  would  not  have  Q:  What  is  covered  by  a  warranty  against 
acquired it had he been aware  eviction? 
b. Defect is Hidden  A: It covers eviction by a final judgment based on 
c. Defect Exists at the time of the sale  a right prior to the sale or an act imputable to the 
d. Buyer gives Notice of the defect to  vendor, the vendee is deprived of the whole or of 
the seller within reasonable time  a part of the thing purchased.  
e. Action for rescission or reduction of   
the  price  is  brought  within  the  The  vendor  shall  answer  for  the  eviction  even 
proper period   though  nothing  has  been  said  in  the  contract  on 
i. 6  months  –  from  delivery  of  the subject. (Art. 1548, NCC) 
the thing sold     
ii. Within  40  days  –  from  the  Q:  What  is  the  effect  of  a  breach  of  warranty 
delivery in case of animals  against eviction? 
f. There  must  be  No  waiver  of   
warranty on the part of the buyer.  A:  The  buyer  shall  have  the  right  to  demand  the 
Q: When is implied warranty not applicable?   
  1. The return of the value which the thing 
A: ASAP  sold had at the time of the eviction, be 
1. “As is and where is” sale  it greater or lesser than the price of the 
2. Sale of second hand articles  sale 
3. Sale by virtue of authority in fact or law  2. The  income  or  fruits,  if  he  has  been 
4. Sale  at  public  auction  for  tax  ordered  to  deliver  them  to  the  party 
delinquency  who won the suit against him 
  3. The  costs  of  suit  which  caused  the 
C. EFFECTS OF WAIVER OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES  eviction, and, in a proper case, those of 
  suit  brought  against  the  vendor  for  the 
Q: What are the effects of waiver of an implied  waranty 
warranty?  4. The  expenses  of  contract  if  buyer  has 
  paid them 
A:  5. The  damages  and  interests  and 
1. Seller  in  bad  faith  &  there  is  waiver  ornamental  expenses  if  sale  was  made 
against eviction –void  in bad faith. 
2. When  buyer  w/o  knowledge  of  a   
particular  risk,  made  general  Note: Vendor is liable for any hidden defect even if 
renunciation  of  warranty  –  is  not  a  he is not aware. (Caveat Venditor)  
waiver but merely limits liability of seller   
in case of eviction   Purchaser must be aware of the title of the vendor. 
3. When  buyer  with  knowledge  of  risk  of  (Caveat Emptor) 
eviction  assumed  its  consequences  &   
made  a  waiver  –  seller  not  liable  Q: What are the rights of buyer in case of partial 
(applicable  only  to  waiver  of  warranty  eviction? 
against eviction)   
WARRANTY AGAINST EVICTION  1. Restitution  (with  obligation  to  return 
  the thing w/o other encumbrances than 
Q: What is a warranty against eviction?  those which it had when he acquired it) 
  2. Enforcement  of  warranty  against 
A:  In  a  contract  of  sale,  unless  a  contrary  eviction (Paras, p. 153 and Art. 1556) 
intention  appears,  there  is  an  implied  warranty   
on the part of the seller that when the ownership  WARRANTY AGAINST HIDDEN DEFECT 
is to pass, and that the buyer shall from that time   
have and enjoy the legal and peaceful possession  Q: What is a hidden defect? 
of the thing. (Art. 1547, 1  paragraph)   
    A:  A  hidden  defect  is  one  which  is  unknown  or 
  could not have been known to the buyer. (Diaz, p. 


Note: Seller does not warrant patent defect; Caveat  3. If the contrary has been stipulated, and 
emptor (buyer beware)  the vendor was not aware of the hidden 
  faults  or  defects  in  the  thing  sold.  (Art. 
Q: What is a redhibitory defect?  1566) 
A:  It  is  a  defect  in  the  article  sold  against  which  Q:  What  is  the  effect  of  a  breach  of  warranty 
defect  the  seller  is  bound  to  warrant.  The  vice  against hidden defects? 
must  constitute  an  imperfection,  a  defect  in  its   
nature, of certain importance; and a minor defect  A:  It  would  depend  on  whether  the  seller  had 
does  not  give  rise  to  redhibition.  (De  Leon,  knowledge of such defect and whether there has 
Comments  and  Cases  on  Sales  and  Lease,  2005  been a waiver of the warranty. 
ed, p. 318)    
  1. If  the  thing  should  be  lost  in 
Q: What is a redhibitory defect on animals?  consequence  of  the  hidden  faults,  and 
  seller was aware of them – he shall: 
A: If the hidden defect of animals, even in case a  a. bear the loss, 
professional inspection has been made, should be  b. return the price and 
of  such  a  nature  that  expert  knowledge  is  not  c. refund the expenses of the contract 
sufficient  to  discover  it,  the  defect  shall  be  with damages 
considered as redhibitory.    
  2. If  the  thing  is  lost  and  seller  was  not 
Q: When is the sale of animal void?  aware of the hidden faults – he shall: 
  a. return the price and interest  
A: The sale is void if animal is:  b. reimburse  the  expenses  of  the 
1. Suffering from contagious diseases;  contract  which  the  buyer  might 
2. Unfit  for  the  use  or  service  for  which  have  paid,  but  not  for  damages. 
they were purchased as indicated in the  (Villanueva,  Law  on  Sales,2004  ed, 
contract  pp. 548‐549)  
Q:  When  is  a  vendor  responsible  for  hidden  Q: What are the remedies of the buyer in case of 
defects?  sale of things with hidden defects? 
A: If the hidden defects which the thing sold may  A: The vendee may elect between: 
have:  1. Withdrawing from the contract, or 
1. Render it unfit for the use for which it is  2. Demanding  a  proportionate  reduction 
intended, or   of  the  price,  with  damages  in  either 
2. Diminish its fitness for such use to such  case.  
an  extent  that,  had  the  vendee  been   
aware  thereof,  he  would  not  have  Q:  Is  there  a  waiver  of  warranty  against  hidden 
acquired it or would have given a lower  defects  when  the lessee  inspected  the premises 
price for it. (Art. 1561)  and pushed through with the contract? 
Q:  Up  to  what  extent  does  the  seller  warrant  A:  Yes.  Under  Arts.  1561  and  1653  of  the  Civil 
against hidden defects?  Code,  the  lessor  is  responsible  for  warranty 
  against  hidden  defects,  but  he  is  not  answerable 
A: The seller is responsible to the vendee for any  for patent defects or those, which are visible. Jon 
hidden  faults  or  defects  in  the  thing  sold,  even  de  Ysasi  admitted  on  cross‐examination  that  he 
though he was not aware thereof.   inspected the premises three or four times before 
  signing  the  lease  contract.  During  his  inspection, 
Q:  When  is  the  seller  not  answerable  for  the  he  noticed  the  rotten  plywood  on  the  ceiling, 
defects of the thing sold?  which in his opinion was caused by leaking water 
  or  termites.  Yet,  he  decided  to  go  through  with 
the lease agreement. Hence, respondents cannot 
1. For  patent  defects  or  those  which  are  be  held  liable  for  the  alleged  warranty  against 
visible, or  hidden  defects.  (Jon  and  Marissa  De  Ysasi  v. 
2. Even  for  those  which  are  not  visible  if  Arturo  and  Estela  Arceo,  G.R.  No.  136586,  Nov. 
the buyer is an expert who, by reason of  22, 2001) 
his  trade  or  profession,  should  have   
known them (Art. 1561), or 

IMPLIED WARRANTIES IN CASE OF SALE OF  are  inscribed  on  the  face  of  certificate  of  title. 
GOODS  (Pineda sales, p. 275) 
Q:  What  are  the  specific  implied  warranties  in  Q: Does caveat emptor apply in judicial sales?  
sale of goods?   
  A: Yes. The purchaser in a judicial sale acquires no 
A:  higher  or  better  title  or  right  than  that  of  the 
1. Warranty of fitness  judgment debtor. If it happens that the judgment 
  debtor has no right, interest, or lien on and to the 
GR: No implied warranty  property  sold,  the  purchaser  acquires  none. 
  (Pineda sales, p. 280)  
a. Buyer  manifests  to  the  seller  the  D. REMEDIES IN CASE OF BREACH OF WARRANTY             
particular  purpose  for  which  the   
goods are required; and  Q: What are the remedies of the buyer in case of 
b. Buyer  relies  upon  the  seller’s  skill  breach of warranty? 
or judgment   
2. Warranty  of  merchantability  –  That  1. Accept  goods  &  set  up  breach  of 
goods are reasonably fit for the general  warranty  by  way  of  recoupment  in 
purpose for which they are sold.  diminution or extinction or the price. 
  2. Accept goods  & maintain action against 
CAVEAT EMPTOR  seller for damages 
  3. Refuse  to  accept  goods  &  maintain 
Q: What does the principle of caveat emptor  action against seller for damages 
mean?  4. Rescind  contract  of  sale  &  refuse  to 
  receive  goods/return  them  when 
A:  It  literally  means,  ‘Let  the  buyer  beware’.  The  already received. 
rule  requires  the  purchaser  to  be  aware  of  the   
supposed  title  of  the  vendor  and  one  who  buys  Q:  Are  the  remedies  of  the  buyer  in  case  of 
without  checking  the  vendor’s  title  takes  all  the  breach of warranty absolute? 
risks  and  losses  consequent  to  such  failure.   
(Agcaoili, p. 184)  A:  No.  The  vendee's  remedies  against  a  vendor 
  with  respect  to  the  warranties  against  hidden 
Q:  In  what  particular  sale  transactions  does  defects  of  or  encumbrances  upon  the  thing  sold 
caveat emptor apply?  are not limited to those prescribed in Article 1567 
  where  the  vendee,  in  the  case  of  Arts.  1561, 
A:  1562,  1564,  1565  and  1566,  may  elect  either  to 
1. Sales of animals (Art. 1574)  withdraw  from  the  contract  or  demand  a 
2. Double sales (Art. 1544)  proportionate  reduction  of  the  price,  with 
3. In sheriff’s sales (Art. 1570)  damages in either case. 
4. Tax sales (Art. 1547, last paragraph)   
  The vendee may also ask for the annulment of the 
Note: In the above sales, there is no warranty of title  contract  upon  proof  of  error  or  fraud,  in  which 
or  quality  on  the  part  of  the  seller.  The  purchaser  case  the  ordinary  rule  on  obligations  shall  be 
who buys without checking the title of the vendor is  applicable.  Under  the  law  on  obligations, 
assuming all risks of eviction.  
responsibility arising from fraud is demandable in 
all  obligations  and  any  waiver  of  an  action  for 
In sheriff’s sales, the sheriff does not guarantee the 
title  to  real  property  and  it  is  not  incumbent  upon 
future  fraud  is  void.  Responsibility  arising  from 
him  to  place  the  buyer  in  possession  of  such  negligence  is  also  demandable  in  any  obligation, 
property. (Pineda sales, p. 275)  but such liability may be regulated by the courts, 
  according to the circumstances.  
Q:  Is  caveat  emptor  applicable  in  sales  of   
registered land?  The  vendor  could  likewise  be  liable  for  quasi‐
  delict under Article 2176 of the Civil Code, and an 
A:  No.  The  purchaser  of  a  registered  land  under  action  based  thereon  may  be  brought  by  the 
the Torrens system is merely charged with notice  vendee. While it may be true that the pre‐existing 
of the burdens and claims on the property which  contract  between  the  parties  may,  as  a  general 


rule,  bar  the  applicability  of  the  law  on  quasi‐ XIII. BREACH OF CONTRACT 
delict,  the  liability  may  itself  be  deemed  to  arise   
from  quasi‐delict,  i.e.,  the  acts  which  breaks  the  A. REMEDIES OF THE SELLER 
contract  may  also  be  a  quasi‐delict.  (Coca‐Cola  Note: see Recto and Maceda Law (XI. Performance of 
Bottlers  Philippines,  Inc.  v.  CA,  G.R.  No.  110295,  Contract) p. 258 
Oct. 18, 1993)   
Q:  What  are  the  instances  when  the  buyer   
cannot rescind the sale in case there is a breach    Q: What are the remedies of the buyer? 
of warranty?   
A:  A: 
1. If he knew of the breach of warranty   I. Immovables in general 
2. If  he  fails  to  return  or  offer  to  return  1. Disturbed  in  possession  or  with 
goods  to  seller  in  substantially  as  good  reasonable grounds to fear disturbance 
condition  as  they  were  at  time  – Suspend payment 
ownership was transferred  2. In case of subdivision or condo projects 
3. If  he  fails  to  notify  the  seller  within  a  – If real estate developer fails to comply 
reasonable  time  of  his  election  to  with  obligation  according  to  approved 
rescind  plan: 
  a. Rescind 
E.  CONDITION VIS‐À‐VIS WARRANTY                        b. Suspend  payment  until  seller 
Q:  What  is  the  effect  of  non‐fulfillment  of  a  II. Movables 
condition?  1. Failure  of  seller  to  deliver  –  Action  for 
  specific performance without giving the 
A:  If  imposed  on  the  perfection  of  contract  –  seller the option of retaining the goods 
prevents  the  juridical  relation  itself  from  coming  on payments of damages 
into existence  2. Breach  of  seller’s  warranty  –  The  buyer 
  may,  at  his  election,  avail  of  the 
The other party may:  following remedies: 
1. Refuse to proceed with the contract  a. Accept  goods  &  set  up  breach  of 
2. Proceed  w/  contract,  waiving  the  warranty by way of recoupment in 
performance of the condition  diminution  or  extinction  or  the 
Q:  What  is  the  difference  between  a  condition  b. Accept  goods    &  maintain  action 
and a warranty?  against seller for damages 
  c. Refuse to Accept goods & maintain 
A:  action against seller for damages 
CONDITION  WARRANTY d. Rescind  contract  of  sale  &  refuse 
Purports to the  to  receive  goods/return  them 
Purports to the  when already received. 
performance of 
existence of obligation     
Need not be stipulated; Note:  When  the  buyer  has  claimed  and  been 
Must be stipulated to  granted a remedy in any of these ways, no other 
may form part of 
form part of the  remedy  can  thereafter  be  granted,  without 
obligation by provision 
obligation  prejudice to the buyer’s right to rescind, even if 
of law 
Relates to the subject  previously  he  has  chosen  specific  performance 
May attach itself to  when  fulfillment  has  become  impossible. 
matter itself or to 
obligation of seller to  (Villanueva,  p.  389  in  relation  with  Art.  1191, 
obligation of the seller 
deliver possession &  NCC) 
as to the subject matter 
of the sale 
  3. Disturbed  in  possession  or  with 
  reasonable grounds to fear disturbance 
  – Suspend payment 

XIV. EXTINGUISHMENT OF SALE  Q:  What  is  the  difference  between  pre‐emption 
  and redemption? 
Q:  What  are  the  causes  for  extinguishment  of  PRE‐EMPTION REDEMPTION 
sale?  Arises before sale Arises after sale 
  There can be rescission 
Rescission inapplicable 
A: A contract of sale is extinguished by:  of original sale 
  Action is directed against  Action is directed 
1. Same  causes  as  all  other  obligations,  prospective seller  against buyer 
a. Payment or performance  B. PERIOD OF REDEMPTION 
b. Loss of the thing due   
c. Condonation  or  remission  of  the  Q: What is the period of redemption? 
d. Confusion  or  merger  of  the  rights  A: 
of creditor and debtor  1. No  period  agreed  upon  –  4  years  from 
e. Compensation  date of contract 
f. Novation  2. When  there  is  agreement  –  should  not 
g. Annulment  exceed  10  years;  but  if  it  exceeded, 
h. Rescission  valid only for the first 10 years. 
i. Fulfillment of resolutory condition  3. When  period  to  redeem  has  expired  & 
j. prescription  there  has  been  a  previous  suit  on  the 
2. Causes stated in the preceding articles;  nature  of  the  contract  –  seller  still  has 
3. Conventional Redemption; or  30  days  from  final  judgment  on  the 
4. Legal redemption  basis  that  contract  was  a  sale  with 
  pacto de retro:  
B.  REDEMPTION                         
  Rationale:  no  redemption  due  to 
Q: What is redemption?  erroneous  belief  that  it  is  equitable 
  mortgage which can be extinguished by 
A:  It  is  a  mode  of  extinguishment  wherein  the  paying the loan. 
seller  has  the  right  to  redeem  or  repurchase  the   
thing sold upon return of the price paid.   4. When  period  has  expired  &  seller 
  allowed  the  period  of  redemption  to 
Q: What are the kinds of redemption?  expire  –  seller  is  at  fault  for  not  having 
  exercised  his  rights  so  should  not  be 
A:  granted a new period 
1. Legal   
2. Conventional  Note: Tender of payment is sufficient but it is not in 
  itself  a  payment  that  relieves  the  seller  from  his 
Q: Should the right to redeem be incorporated in  liability to pay the redemption price.  
every contract of sale?   
  Q:  When  does  period  of  redemption  begin  to 
A: The right of the vendor to redeem/ repurchase  run? 
must  appear  in  the  same  instrument.  However,   
parties may stipulate on the right of repurchase in  A: 
a  separate  document  but  in  this  case,  it  is  valid  1. Right  of  legal  pre‐emption  or 
only  between  the  parties  and  not  against  third  redemption shall be exercised within 30 
persons. (Pineda, p. 333)  days from written notice by the buyer – 
  deed  of  sale  not  to  be  recorded  in 
  Registry  of  Property  unless 
  accompanied by affidavit that buyer has 
  given notice to redemptioners 
  2. When  there  is  actual  knowledge,  no 
  need  to  give  written  notice;  period  of 
redemption  begins  to  run  from  actual 


D. EXERCISE OF THE RIGHT TO REDEEM  property which he ought not, in equity and good 
  conscience,  hold  and  enjoy.  It  has  been  broadly 
Q:  Is  written  notice  mandatory  for  the  right  of  ruled  that  a  breach  of  confidence,  although  in 
redemption to commence?  business  or  social  relations,  rendering  an 
  acquisition  or  retention  of  property  by  one 
A:  Yes,  the  notice  must  be  in  writing  stating  the  person  unconscionable  against  another,  raises  a 
execution of the sale and its particulars. It may be  constructive trust. It is raised by equity in respect 
made in a private or public document. (Pineda, p.  of property, which has been acquired by fraud, or 
400)  where,  although  acquired  originally  without 
  fraud,  it  is  against  equity  that  it  should  be 
Q:  Is  there  a  prescribed  form  for  an  offer  to  retained  by  the  person  holding  it.  (Arlegui  v.  CA 
redeem?  G.R. No. 126437, Mar. 6, 2002) 
A:  There  is  no  prescribed  form  for  an  offer  to  Note:  "A  constructive  trust  is  substantially  an 
redeem  to  be  properly  effected.  Hence,  it  can  appropriate  remedy  against  unjust  enrichment.  It  is 
either  be  through  a  formal  tender  with  raised  by  equity  in  respect  of  property,  which  has 
consignation  of  the  redemption  price  within  the  been acquired by fraud, or where, although acquired 
prescribed  period.  What  is  paramount  is  the  originally  without  fraud,  it  is  against  equity  that  it 
availment  of  the  fixed  and  definite  period  within  should be retained by the person holding it." (76 Am. 
which to exercise the right of legal redemption.  Jur. 2d, Sec. 222, p. 447 cited in Arlegui v. CA G.R. No. 
126437, Mar. 6, 2002) 
Note:  Art.  1623  does  not  prescribe  any  distinctive 
method for notifying the redemptioner.  D. CONVENTIONAL REDEMPTION 
Q:  Is  tender  of  payment  necessary  for  Q: What is conventional redemption? 
redemption to take effect?   
  A:  Seller  reserved  the  right  to  repurchase  thing 
A:  Tender  of  payment  is  not  necessary;  offer  to  sold coupled with obligation to return price of the 
redeem is enough.  sale,  expenses  of  contract  &  other  legitimate 
  payments  and  the  necessary  &  useful  expenses 
Q: What is the effect of failure to redeem?  made on the thing sold 
A: There must be judicial order before ownership  Note:  Right  to  repurchase  must  be  reserved  at  the 
time of perfection of sale. (Pineda, p. 333) 
of  real  property  is  consolidated  to  the  buyer  a 
Q: What is legal redemption? 
Q: What is a trust de son tort? 
A:    Also  referred  to  as  “retracto  legal”,  it  is  the 
right to be subrogated upon the same terms and 
A:  It  is  a  trust  created  by  the  purchase  or 
conditions stipulated in the contract, in the place 
redemption  of  property  by  one  other  than  the 
of one who acquires the thing by purchase or by 
person  lawfully  entitled  to  do  so  and  in  fraud  of 
dation  in  payment  or  by  other  transaction 
the other. 
whereby  ownership  is  transmitted  by  onerous 
Q: Do constructive trusts arise only out of fraud 
or duress? 
Q: What are the instances of legal redemption? 
A: No. A constructive trust, otherwise known as a 
trust ex maleficio, a trust ex delicto, a trust de son 
1. Sale  of  a  co‐owner  of  his  share  to  a 
tort, an involuntary trust, or an implied trust, is a 
stranger (Art. 1620) 
trust by operation of law which arises contrary to 
2. When a credit or other incorporeal right 
intention  and  in  invitum,  against  one  who,  by 
in litigation is sold (Art. 1634) 
fraud,  actual  or  constructive,  by  duress  or  abuse 
3. Sale of an heir of his hereditary rights to 
of confidence, by commission of wrong, or by any 
a stranger (Art. 1088) 
form  of  unconscionable  conduct,  artifice, 
4. Sale  of  adjacent  rural  lands  not 
concealment,  or  questionable  means,  or  who  in 
exceeding 1 hectare (Art. 1621) 
any  way  against  equity  and  good  conscience, 
either  has  obtained  or  holds  the  legal  right  to 
5. Sale  of  adjacent  small  urban  lands  extending  the  period  of  redemption  or 
bought  merely  for  speculation  (Art.  granting a new period is executed 
1622)  4. Purchaser  Retains  for  himself  a  part  of 
  the purchase price  
Q:  Are  there  other  instances  when  the  right  of  5. Seller binds himself to pay the Taxes on 
legal redemption is also granted?  the thing sold  
  6. In  any  other  case  where  the  real 
A:  intention  of  the  parties  is  that  the 
1. Redemption of homesteads  transaction shall Secure the payment of 
2. Redemption in tax sales  a debt or the performance of any other 
3. Redemption by judgment debtor  obligation. 
4. Redemption in extrajudicial foreclosure  7. Art.  1602  shall  also  apply  to  a  contract 
5. Redemption  in  judicial  foreclosure  of  purporting to be an Absolute sale. (Art. 
mortgage  1604) 
Q: When does legal redemption period begin to  Note:  In  case  of  doubt  in  determining  whether  it  is 
run?  equitable  mortgage  or  sale  a  retro  (with  right  of 
  repurchase);  it  shall  be  construed  as  equitable 
A:  The  right  of  legal  redemption  shall  not  be  mortgage.  
exercised  except  within  30  days  from  the  notice   
in  writing  by  the  prospective  seller,  or  seller,  as  Remedy is reformation. 
the  case  may  be.  The  deed  of  sale  shall  not  be  An equitable mortgage is one which although lacking 
in  some  formality,  or  form  or  words,  or  other 
recorded  in  the  Registry  of  Property  unless 
requisites  demanded  by  a  statute,  nevertheless 
accompanied by an affidavit of the seller that he 
reveals  the  intention  of  the  parties  to  charge  real 
has  given  written  notice  thereof  to  all  possible  property as security for a debt, and contains nothing 
redemptioners. (Art. 1623, NCC)  impossible or contrary to law. 
C. EQUITABLE MORTGAGE               Q:  Does  inadequacy  of  price  constitute  proof 
  sufficient  to  declare  a  contract  as  one  of 
Q: What is an equitable mortgage?  equitable mortgage? 
A: One which lacks the proper formalities, form or  A: Mere inadequacy of the price is not sufficient. 
words or other requisites prescribed by law for a  The  price  must  be  grossly  inadequate,  or  purely 
mortgage, but shows the intention of the parties  shocking to the conscience. (Diaz, p. 186) 
to  make  the  property  subject  of  the  contract  as   
security  for  a  debt  and  contains  nothing  Q: X transferred three parcels of land in favor of 
impossible or contrary to law  Y.  The  transaction  was  embodied  in  two  Deeds 
  of  Absolute  Sale  for  the  price  of  P240,  000.  The 
Q: What are the essential requisites of equitable  titles  of  said  lots  were  transferred  to  Y. 
mortgage?  However,  X  failed  to  vacate  and  turn  over  the 
  purchased  lots.  This  prompted  Y  to  file  an 
A:   ejectment  suit  against  X.  X  claimed  that  the 
1. Parties entered into a contract of sale   transactions  entered  between  them  were  not 
2. Their  intention  was  to  secure  an  actually  sales,  but  an  equitable  mortgage.  Does 
existing debt by way of a mortgage.  the  transaction  involve  an  absolute  sale  or  an 
  equitable mortgage of real property? 
Q:  What  is  the  rule  on  the  presumption  of  an   
equitable mortgage?  A:  It  is  an  absolute  sale.  Decisive  for  the  proper 
  determination  of  the  true  nature  of  the 
A:    A  sale  with  conventional  redemption  is  transaction  between  the  parties  is  the  intent  of 
deemed  to  be  an  equitable  mortgage  in  any  of  the  parties.  There  is  no  conclusive  test  to 
the following cases: (Art. 1602) AIR‐STAR  determine whether a deed absolute on its face is 
1. Price  of  the  sale  with  right  to  really a simple loan accommodation secured by a 
repurchase is unusually Inadequate  mortgage. To determine whether a deed absolute 
2. Seller  Remains  in  possession  as  lessee  in  form  is  a  mortgage  in  reality,  the  court  is  not 
or otherwise  limited  to  the  written  memorials  of  the 
3. Upon or after the expiration of the right  transaction. This is so because the decisive factor 
to  repurchase  Another  instrument  in  evaluating  such  agreement  is  the  intention  of 


the  parties,  as  shown  not  necessarily  by  the  operation, he was required to execute a deed of 

terminology  used  in  the  contract  but  by  all  the  sale over a parcel of land in favor of Eulalia. She 
surrounding  circumstances,  such  as  the  relative  sold the property to her grandniece Jocelyn who 
situations  of  the  parties  at  that  time;  the  thereafter  instituted  an  action  for  ejectment 
attitudes,  acts,  conduct,  and  declarations  of  the  against  the  Spouses  Bandong.      To  assert  their 
parties;  the  negotiations  between  them  leading  right,  Spouses  Bandong  filed  an  action  for 
to  the  deed;  and  generally,  all  pertinent  facts  annulment  of  sale  against  Eulalia  and  Jocelyn 
having  a  tendency  to  fix  and  determine  the  real  alleging that there was no sale intended but only 
nature  of  their  design  and  understanding.  As  equitable  mortgage  for  the  purpose  of  securing 
such,  documentary  and  parol  evidence  may  be  the shortage incurred by Domeng in the amount 
submitted and admitted to prove the intention of  of P70, 000.00 while employed as “biyahero” by 
the parties. (Sps Austria v. Sps Gonzales, G.R. No.  Eulalia.  Was the deed of sale between Domeng 
147321, Jan. 21, 2004)  and  Eulalia  a  contract  of  sale  or  an  equitable 
Q:  Ceballos  was  able  to  borrow  from  Mercado   
certain  sum  of  money  and  as  security,  she  A:  It  is  an  equitable  mortgage.  In  executing  the 
executed  a  Deed  of  Real  Estate  Mortgage  over  said  deed  of  sale,  Domeng  and  Eulalia  never 
the subject property. The said mortgage was not  intended the transfer of ownership of the subject 
registered.    Ceballos  defaulted.  Thereafter,  a  property  but  to  burden  the  same  with  an 
Deed of Absolute Sale was executed by Ceballos  encumbrance  to  secure  the  indebtedness 
and  her  husband  whereby  the  mortgaged  incurred  by  Domeng  on  the  occasion  of  his 
property  was  sold  to  Mercado  for  the  price  of  employment  with  Eulalia.  The  agreement 
P16,  500.00.  Ceballos  offered  to  redeem  the  between Dominador and Eulalia was not avoided 
property  from  Mercado  for  the  price  of  P30,  in  its  entirety  so  as  to  prevent  it  from  producing 
000.00  but  the  latter's  wife  refused  since  the  any legal effect at all. Instead, the said transaction 
same was already transferred in their names by  is an equitable mortgage, thereby merely altering 
virtue  of  the  Deed  of  Absolute  Sale.    As  a  the  relationship  of  the  parties  from  seller  and 
consequence, Ceballos filed the case contending  buyer,  to  mortgagor  and  mortgagee,  while  the 
that  the  Contract  should  be  declared  as  an  subject  property  is  not  transferred  but subjected 
equitable  mortgage.      Is  the  contention  of  to a lien in favor of the latter. (Sps. Raymundo, et 
Ceballos correct?  al. v. Sps. Bandong, G.R. No. 171250, Jul. 4, 2007)  
A: No. The instances when a contract, regardless  G. DISTINGUISHED FROM 
of  its  nomenclature,  may  be  presumed  to  be  an  OPTION TO BUY 
equitable  mortgage  are  enumerated  in  Art.  1602   
of  the  Civil  Code.  Here,  none  of  those  Q:  On  May  19,  1951,  the  spouses‐sellers 
circumstances  were  present.  The  original  executed a public instrument of absolute sale in 
transaction was a loan. Ceballos failed to pay the  favor  of  the  buyer  for  a  consideration  which  is 
loan;  consequently,  the  parties  entered  into  sufficiently adequate. A few days thereafter, the 
another agreement — the assailed, duly notarized  buyers executed in favor of the sellers an option 
Deed of Absolute Sale, which superseded the loan  to  buy  within  one  year,  the  property  subject  of 
document.  Ceballos  had  the  burden  of  proving  the  absolute  sale,  which  option  was  extended 
that  she  did  not  intend  to  sell  the  property  and  for a month. Prior to the expiration of said one‐
that  Mercado  did  not  intend  to  buy  it;  and  that  year  period,  the  buyer  sold  said  property  to  a 
the  new  agreement  did  not  embody  the  true  third person. 
intention  of  the  parties.  (Ceballos  v.  Intestate   
Estate  of  the  Late  Emigdio  Mercado,  G.R.  No.  If  the  spouses‐sellers  would  file  an  action  for 
155856, May 28, 2004)  reformation  of  instrument  where  they  seek 
  reformation  of  the  absolute  sale  into  one  of 
Q: Eulalia was engaged in the business of buying  equitable mortgage, will said action prosper? 
and  selling  large  cattle.  In  order  to  secure  the   
financial capital she advanced for her employees  A:  No,  it  will  not  prosper.  If  a  seller  has  been 
(biyaheros)  she  required  them  to  surrender  TCT  granted  merely  an  option  to  buy  (not  a  right  to 
of  their  properties  and  to  execute  the  repurchase) within a certain period, and the price 
corresponding  Deeds  of  Sale  in  her  favor.  paid by the buyer is adequate, the sale is absolute 
Domeng  Bandong  was  not  required  to  post  any  and cannot be construed nor presumed to be one 
security  but  when  Eulalia  discovered  that  he  of  equitable  mortgage,  even  if  the  period  within 
incurred  shortage  in  cattle  procurement  which to exercise the option has been extended. 

(Villarica,  et.  al.  v.  CA,  G.R.  L‐19196,  Nov.  29,  7. solicitation of a sale; 
1968)  8. offer  to  sell,  directly  or  by  an  agent,  or 
  by  a  circular,  letter,  advertisement  or 
Note: SC held that in this case, there was no sale  otherwise; and 
a  retro  and  that  the  right  of  repurchase  is  not  a  9. a.  privilege  given  to  a  member  of  a 
right granted the seller by the buyer in a separate  cooperative,  corporation,  partnership, 
instrument.  Such  right  is  reserved  by  the  vendor  or any association and/or  
in the same instrument of the sale as one of the  b. the issuance of a certificate or receipt 
stipulations in the contract.  evidencing  or  giving  the  right  of 
  participation  in,  or  right  to,  any  land  in 
Also,  once  the  instrument  of  absolute  sale  is  consideration  of  payment  of  the 
executed,  the  seller  can  no  longer  reserve  the  membership fee or dues. (Deemed sale)  
right  of  repurchase  and  any  right  thereafter 
granted the seller by the buyer cannot be a right  Q:  How  are  the  terms  “buy”  and  “purchase” 
of  repurchase  but  some  other  rights,  like  that  of  defined under the Decree? 
an option to buy. 
  A: Shall include any contract to buy, purchase, or 
XV. LAW ON SALE OF SUBDIVISION AND  otherwise  acquire  for  a  valuable  consideration  a 
CONDOMINIUM (PD 957)  subdivision  lot,  including  the  building  and  other 
  improvements, if any, in a subdivision project or a 
SCOPE OF APPLICATION  condominium unit in a condominium project.   

Q: Are sales or dispositions of subdivision lots or  Q: What is a subdivision project? 
condominium units prior to the effectivity of the 
decree  exempt  from  compliance  with  the  A: A tract or a parcel of land registered under Act 
requirements stated therein?  No.  496  which  is  partitioned  primarily  for 
residential  purposes  into  individual  lots  with  or 
A:  No.  It  shall  be  incumbent  upon  the  owner  or   without  improvements  thereon,  and  offered  to 
developer  of  the  subdivision  or  condominium  the public for sale, in cash or in installment terms.  
project  to  complete  compliance  with  his  or  its 
obligations  as  provided  in  the  decree  within  two  Note:  It  shall  include  all  residential,  commercial, 
years from the date of effectivity of the  Decree,  industrial  and  recreational  areas  as  well  as  open 
spaces and other community and public areas in the 
unless  otherwise  extended  by  the  Authority  or 
unless an adequate performance bond is filed.   
Q: What is a subdivision lot? 
Note:  Failure  of  the  owner  or  developer  to  comply 
with  the  obligations  under  this  and  the  preceding 
A:  Any  of  the  lots,  whether  residential, 
provisions  shall  constitute  a  violation  punishable 
under Sections 38 and 39 of the Decree.    commercial,  industrial,  or  recreational,  in  a 
subdivision project.   
Q: What is a complex subdivision plan? 
Q:  How  is  “sale”  or  “sell”  defined  under  the 
Decree?  A: A subdivision plan of a registered land wherein 
a street, passageway or open space is delineated 
A: Shall include:  on the plan.   

1. Every  disposition,  or  attempt  to  Q: What is a condominium project? 

dispose, for a valuable consideration, of 
a  subdivision  lot,  including  the  building  A: The entire parcel of real property divided or to 
and other improvements thereof, if any,  be divided primarily for residential purposes into 
in  a  subdivision  project  or  a  condominium  units,  including  all  structures 
condominium  unit  in  a  condominium  thereon.   
Q: What is a condominium unit? 
2. contract to sell; 
3. contract of purchase and sale; 
A:  A  part  of  the  condominium  project  intended 
4. exchange; 
for  any  type  of  independent  use  or  ownership, 
5. attempt to sell; 
including one or more rooms or spaces located in 
6. option of sale or purchase; 
one or more floors (or part of parts of floors) in a 


building or buildings and such accessories as may  the building or buildings included in the 
be appended thereto.    condominium  project  in  accordance 
with  the  National  Building  Code  (R.A. 
Q: Define the following terms:  No. 6541).   
3. The  subdivision  plan,  as  so  approved, 
1. Owner.   shall then be submitted to the  Director 
A: Registered owner of the land subject  of Lands for approval. 
of  a  subdivision  or  a  condominium  4. In  case  of  complex  subdivision  plans, 
project.    court  approval  shall  no  longer  be 
2. Developer.   5. The  condominium  plan  as  likewise  so 
A:  person  who  develops  or  improves  approved,  shall  be  submitted  to  the 
the subdivision project or condominium  Register of Deeds of the province or city 
project  for  and  in  behalf  of  the  owner  in which the property lies and the same 
thereof.  shall  be  acted  upon  subject  to  the 
  conditions  and  in  accordance  with  the 
3. Dealer.   procedure prescribed in Section 4 of the 
A:  any  person  directly  engaged  as  Condominium Act (R.A. No. 4726).   
principal  in  the  business  of  buying, 
selling  or  exchanging  real  estate  Q:  Part  of  the  required  documentary 
whether  on  a  full‐time  or  part‐time  attachments to the application is a certificate of 
basis.  title  to  the  property  which  is  free  from  all  liens 
  and  encumbrances.  Does  this  bar  an  owner  of 
4. Broker.   mortgaged  property  from  engaging  in 
A:  any  person  who,  for  commission  or  subdivision  or  condominium  project  while  the 
other  compensation,  undertakes  to  sell  mortgage is in force? 
or  negotiate  the  sale  of  a  real  estate 
belonging to another.  A: No. In case any subdivision lot or condominium 
  unit is mortgaged, it is sufficient if the instrument 
5. Salesman.   of  mortgage  contains  a  stipulation  that  the 
A:  person  regularly  employed  by  a  mortgagee  shall  release  the  mortgage  on  any 
broker to perform, for and in his behalf,  subdivision  lot  or  condominium  unit  as  soon  as 
any  or  all  functions  of  a  real  estate  the full purchase price for the same is paid by the 
broker.    buyer.   

REGISTRATION AND LICENSE TO SELL  Q:  When  is  a  subdivision  or  condominium 

project deemed to be registered? 
Q: Upon what agency is exclusive jurisdiction to 
regulate real estate trade and business vested?  A:  Upon  completion  of  the  publication 
A: National Housing Authority 
Note:  The  fact  of  such  registration  shall  be 
Q: What must a registered owner of a parcel of  evidenced by a registration certificate to be issued to 
land do if he wishes to convert said property into  the applicant‐owner or dealer.   
a subdivision or condominium project? 
Re:  Publication  requirement:  This  is  complied  with 
A: He shall:  when  the  NHA  has  caused  to  be  published  a  notice 
of  the  filing  of  the  registration  statement,  at  the 
1. Submit  his  subdivision  plan  to  the  expense  of  the  applicant‐owner  or  dealer,  in  two 
Authority  which  shall  act  upon  and  newspapers  general  circulation,  one  published  in 
approve  the  same,  upon  a  finding  that  English and another in Pilipino, once a week for two 
the plan complies  with the Subdivision  consecutive  weeks,  reciting  that  a  registration 
statement  for  the  sale  of  subdivision  lots  or 
Standards'  and Regulations  enforceable 
condominium  units  has  been  filed  in  the  National 
at the time the plan is submitted.  
Housing Authority;  
2. If  the  conversion  desired  involves  a 
condominium  project,  the  same     
procedure  shall  be  followed  except 
that, in addition, the NHA shall act upon 
and  approve  the  plan  with  respect  to 

Q:  After  issuance  of  the  registration  certificate,  to  work  a  fraud  upon  prospective 
may the owner or dealer already sell subdivision  buyers.   
lots or condominium units? 
Q: When may a license to sell or registration of a 
A:  No.  He  must  first  obtain  a  license  to  sell  the  subdivision or condominium project be revoked? 
project within two weeks from the registration of 
such project.    A:  The  Authority  may,  motu  proprio  or  upon 
verified  complaint  filed  by  a  buyer  of  a 
Q:  What  is  the  purpose  of  the  requirement  of  subdivision  lot  or  condominium  unit,  revoke  the 
posting of a performance bonds before a license  registration  of  any  subdivision  project  or 
to sell may be issued?  condominium  project  and  the  license  to  sell  any 
subdivision  lot  or  condominium  unit  in  said 
A:  It  is  to  guarantee  the  construction  and  project by issuing an order to this effect, with his 
maintenance  of  the  roads,  gutters,  drainage,  findings  in  respect  thereto,  if  upon  examination 
sewerage, water system, lighting systems, and full  into  the  affairs  of  the  owner  or  dealer  during  a 
development  of  the  subdivision  project  or  the  hearing,  it  shall  appear  there  is  satisfactory 
condominium  project  and  the  compliance  by  the  evidence that the said owner or dealer:   
owner  or  dealer  with  the  applicable  laws  and 
rules and regulations.    1. is insolvent; or   
2. has violated any of the provisions of this 
Q:  Is  a  license  to  sell  and  performance  bond  Decree  or  any  applicable  rule  or 
required  in  all  subdivision  and  condominium  regulation  of  the  Authority,  or  any 
projects?  undertaking  of  his/its  performance 
bond; or   
A:  No.  The  following  transactions  are  exempt  3. has  been  or  is    engaged  or  is  about  to 
from said requirements:    engage in fraudulent transactions; or   
4. has made any misrepresentation in any 
1. Sale  of  a  subdivision  lot  resulting  from  prospectus,  brochure,  circular  or  other 
the  partition  of  land  among  co‐owners  literature  about  the  subdivision  project 
and co‐heirs.    or  condominium  project  that  has  been 
2. Sale  or  transfer  of  a  subdivision  lot  by  distributed to prospective buyers; or   
the  original  purchaser  thereof  and  any  5. is of bad business repute; or   
subsequent sale of the same lot.    6. does  not  conduct  his  business  in 
3. Sale  of  a  subdivision  lot  or  a  accordance  with  law  or  sound  business 
condominium unit by or for the account  principles.  
of  a  mortgagee  in  the  ordinary  course 
of business when necessary to liquidate  Note: Where the owner or dealer is a partnership 
a bona fide debt.    or  corporation  or  an  unincorporated  association, 
it  shall  be  sufficient  cause  for  cancellation  of  its 
Q: When may a license to sell be suspended?  registration certificate and its license to sell, if any 
member  of  such  partnership  or  any  officer  or 
A:  director  of  such  corporation  or  association  has 
been guilty of any act or omission which would be 
1. Upon verified complaint by a buyer of a 
cause  for  refusing  or  revoking  the  registration  of 
subdivision lot or a condominium unit in 
an individual dealer, broker or salesman. 
any interested party, the Authority may, 
in  its  discretion,  immediately  suspend  DEALERS, BROKERS AMD SALESMEN 
the  owner's  or  dealer's  license  to  sell 
pending  investigation  and  hearing  of  Q:  What  is  the  duration  of  the  registration  of 
the case.  dealers, brokers and salesmen? 
2. The NHA may motu proprio suspend the 
license  to  sell  if,  in  its  opinion,  any  A:  On  the  thirty‐first  day  of  December  of  each 
information  in  the  registration  year. 
statement  filed  by  the  owner  or  dealer 
is  or  has  become  misleading,  incorrect,  However,  in  the  case  of  salesmen,  their 
inadequate or incomplete or the sale or  registration  shall  also  cease  upon  termination  of 
offering  for  a  sale  of  the  subdivision  or  their employment with a dealer or broker. 
condominium project may work or tend 


Note:  Renewal  of  registration  for  the  succeeding  must be presented in such manner that 

year  shall  be  granted  upon  written  application  will  not  tend  to  mislead  or  deceive  the 
therefore  made  not  less  than  thirty  nor  more  than  public. 
sixty  days  before  the  first  day  of  the  ensuing  year  2. The  owner  or  developer  shall 
and  upon  payment  of  the  prescribed  fee,  without  answerable  and  liable  for  the  facilities, 
the  necessity  of  filing  further  statements  or  improvements,  infrastructures  or  other 
information,  unless  specifically  required  by  the  forms  of  development  represented  or 
promised  in  brochures,  advertisements 
and  other  sales  propaganda 
All  applications  filed  beyond  said  period  shall  be 
treated as original applications.    disseminated  by  the  owner  or 
developer  or  his  agents  and  the  same 
Q:  When  can  there  be  refusal  or  revocation  of  shall  form  part  of  the  sales  warranties 
registration as dealers, brokers or salesmen?  enforceable  against  said  owner  or 
developer, jointly and severally.  
A: Such registration may be refused or revoked by 
the NHA if, after reasonable notice and hearing, it  Note:  Failure  to  comply  with  these  warranties 
shall  determine  that  such  applicant  or  registrant  shall  also  be  punishable  in  accordance  with  the 
has:    penalties provided for in this Decree.   

1. violated any provision of this Decree or  Q:  Within  what  period  must  the  owner  or 

any rule or regulation made hereunder;  developer  construct  and  provide  the  facilities, 
or    improvements,  infrastructures  and  other  forms 
2. made  a  material  false  statement  in  his  of  development,  including  water  supply  and 
application for registration; or    lighting  facilities,  which  are  offered  and 
3. been  guilty  of  a  fraudulent  act    in  indicated  in  the  approved  subdivision  or 
connection  with  any  sale  of  a  condominium  plans,  brochures,  prospectus, 
subdivision lot or condominium unit; or    printed  matters,  letters  or  in  any  form  of 
4. demonstrated  his  unworthiness  to  advertisement? 
transact  the  business  of  dealer,  broker, 
or salesman, as the case may be.    A:  

Note:  In  case  of  charges  against  a  salesman,  GR:  Within  one  year  from  the  date  of  the 
notice  thereof  shall  also  be  given  the  broker  or  issuance of the license for the subdivision or 
dealer employing such salesman.    condominium project 

Pending  hearing  of  the  case,  the  Authority  shall  XPN:  Such  other  period  of  time  as  may  be 
have  the  power  to  order  the  suspension  of  the  fixed by the Authority.   
dealer's,  broker's,  of  salesman's  registration; 
provided, that such order shall state the cause for 
the suspension.  
Q: What is the rule if the owner desires to make 
alterations in the approved subdivision plan? 
The  suspension  or  revocation  of  the  registration 
of  a  dealer  or  broker  shall  carry  with  it  all  the 
suspension or revocation of the registration of all 
his salesmen.    GR:  No  owner  or  developer  shall  change  or 
alter the roads, open spaces, infrastructures, 
facilities for public use and/or other form of 
subdivision development as contained in the 
Q: In making advertisements, does the owner or 
approved  subdivision  plan  and/or 
developer make warranties relative to such? 
represented in its advertisements 
A: Yes. 
XPN:  If  he  has  obtained  the  permission  of 
1. Advertisements  that  may  be  made  the  Authority  and  the  written  conformity  or 
through  newspaper,  radio,  television,  consent  of  the  duly  organized  homeowners 
leaflets,  circulars  or  any  other  form  association,  or  in  the  absence  of  the  latter, 
about  the  subdivision  or  the  by  the  majority  of  the  lot  buyers  in  the 
condominium  or  its  operations  or  subdivision.   
activities must reflect the real facts and 


Q: May payment made by a buyer be forfeited in  Q:  When  can  there  be  a  Take‐Over 

favor  of  the  owner  or  developer  in  case  the  Development? 
buyer  desists  from  further  payment  due  to  the 
failure of the owner or developer to develop the  A:  The  NHA  may  take  over  or  cause  the 
subdivision or condominium project according to  development  and  completion  of  the  subdivision 
the approved plan within the time limit provided  or  condominium  project  at  the  expenses  of  the 
for  such?  What  is  the  buyer’s  remedy  in  this  owner or developer, jointly and severally, in cases 
case?  where  the  owner  or  developer  has  refused  or 
failed to develop or complete the development of 
A: No, such forfeiture is not allowed. Such buyer  the project as provided for in the Decree.  
may,  at  his  option,  be  reimbursed  the  total 
amount  paid  including  amortization  interests  but  Note:  The  Authority  may,  after  such  take‐over, 
excluding  delinquency  interests,  with  interest  demand,  collect  and  receive  from  the  buyers  the 
thereon at the legal rate.    installment payments due on the lots, which shall be 
utilized for the development of the subdivision.   
Q: Does a defaulting buyer have any right under 
the Decree?   
A: Yes. The rights of the buyer in the event of this   
failure  to  pay  the  installments  due  for  reasons  PRELIMINARIES 
other than the failure of the owner or developer   
to  develop  the  project  shall  be  governed  by  Q: What is a condominium? 
Republic Act No. 6552.     
A:  It  is  an  interest  in  real  property  consisting  of 
Where  the  transaction  or  contract  was  entered  separate  interest  in  a  unit  in  a  residential, 
into  prior  to  the  effectivity  of  Republic  Act  No.  industrial  or  commercial  building  and  an 
6552  on  August  26,    1972,  the  defaulting  buyer  undivided  interest  in  common,  directly  or 
shall  be  entitled  to  the  corresponding  refund  indirectly, in the land on which it is located and in 
based  on  the  installments  paid  after  the  other common areas of the building. 
effectivity  of  the  law  in    the  absence  of  any   
provision in the contract to the contrary.    Note: It may include, in addition, a separate interest 
in other portions of such real property.  
Q:  What  is  the  owner  or  developer’s  obligation   
in  case  the  lot  bought  and  fully‐paid  by  the  Q: What comprises a real right in condominium? 
buyer is mortgaged?   
A:  The  real  right  in  condominium  may  be 
A: In the event a mortgage over the lot or unit is  ownership  or  any  other  interest  in  real  property 
outstanding  at  the  time  of  the  issuance  of  the  recognized  by  law,  on  property  in  the  Civil  Code 
title  to  the  buyer,  the  owner  or  developer  shall  and other pertinent laws. 
redeem  the  mortgage  or  the  corresponding   
portion  thereof  within  six  months  from  such  Q: What is a condominium unit? 
issuance in order that the title over any fully paid   
lot  or  unit  may  be  secured  and  delivered  to  the  A:  It  is  a  part  of  the  condominium  project 
buyer in accordance herewith.    intended  for  any  type  of  independent  use  or 
ownership,  including  one  or  more  rooms  or 
Q:  May  the  parties  waive  compliance  with  the  spaces  located  in  one  or  more  floors  (or  part  or 
decree?  parts of floors) in a building or buildings and such 
accessories as may be appended thereto. 
A:  No.  Any  condition,  stipulation,  or  provision  in   
contract  of  sale  whereby  any  person  waives  Q: What is a condominium project? 
compliance with any provision of the Decree or of   
any rule or regulation issued thereunder shall be  A:  It  is  the  entire  parcel  of  real  property  divided 
void.    or  to  be  divided  in  condominiums,  including  all 
structures thereon, 


Q: What are common areas?  corporation  shall  constitute  the 

  management body of the project.  
A:  The  entire  project  excepting  all  units   
separately granted or held or reserved.  Q:  What  are  the  incidents  of  a  condominium 
Q: What is meant by “to divide” real property?   
  A:  Unless  otherwise  expressly  provided  in  the 
A:  To  divide  the  ownership  thereof  or  other  enabling  or  master  deed  or  the  declaration  of 
interest  therein  by  conveying  one  or  more  restrictions, the incidents of a condominium grant 
condominiums  therein  but  less  than  the  whole  are as follows: 
  1. The  boundary  of  the  unit  granted  are 
Q:  What  is  the  rule  as  regards  acquisition  of  the  interior  surfaces  of  the  perimeter 
ownership over common areas?  walls,  floors,  ceilings,  windows  and 
  doors thereof.  
A: Transfer or conveyance of a unit or apartment,   
office or store or other space therein shall include  Note:  The  following  are  not  part  of 
the  transfer  or  conveyance  of  the  undivided  the unit bearing walls, columns, 
interests  in  the  common  areas  or,  in  a  proper  floors,  roofs,  foundations  and 
case,  the  membership  or  shareholdings  in  the  other  common  structural 
condominium corporation  elements of the building: 
a. lobbies,  stairways,  hallways, 
Q:  Are  there  any  restrictions  as  regards 
and  other  areas  of  common 
ownership of condominium units provided under  use,  
the Condominium Act?  b. elevator  equipment  and  shafts, 
  central heating,  
A:  c. central refrigeration and central 
1. As regards individuals:  air‐conditioning equipment,  
GR: None.  d. reservoirs,  tanks,  pumps  and 
  other  central  services  and 
XPN:  where  the  common  areas  in  the  facilities,  
condominium project are owned by the  e. pipes,  ducts,  flues,  chutes, 
owners  of  separate  units  as  co‐owners  conduits, wires and other utility 
thereof,  no  condominium  unit  therein  installations,  wherever  located, 
shall  be  conveyed  or  transferred  to  except the outlets thereof when 
persons other than:  located within the unit. 
1. Filipino citizens, or   
2. Corporations  at  least  sixty  2. There  shall  pass  with  the  unit,  as  an 
percent  of  the  capital  stock  of  appurtenance  thereof,  an  exclusive 
which belong to Filipino citizens  easement  for  the  use  of  the  air  space 
  encompassed  by  the  boundaries  of  the 
XPN  to  the  XPN:  in  cases  of  hereditary  unit  as  it  exists  at  any  particular  time 
succession.   and as the unit may lawfully be altered 
  or reconstructed from time to time.  
2. As regards corporations:   
Where  the  common  areas  in  a  Note:  Such  easement  shall  be 
automatically  terminated  in  any  air 
condominium  project  are  held  by  a 
space upon destruction of the unit as 
corporation,  no  transfer  or  conveyance 
to render it untenantable. 
of  a  unit  shall  be  valid  if  the   
concomitant  transfer  of  the  3. Common  areas  are  held  in  common  by 
appurtenant  membership  or  the  holders  of  units,  in  equal  shares, 
stockholding  in  the  corporation  will  one  for  each  unit,  unless  otherwise 
cause  the  alien  interest  in  such  provided. 
corporation  to  exceed  the  limits   
imposed by existing laws.  4. A  non‐exclusive  easement  for  ingress, 
    egress  and  support  through  the 
Note:  Whenever  the  common  areas  in  a 
common  areas  is  appurtenant  to  each 
condominium  project  are  held  by  a 
condominium  corporation,  such 

unit and the common areas are subject   
to such easements.  2. damage  or  destruction  to  the 
  project  has  rendered  one‐half  or 
5. Each  condominium  owner  shall  have  more  of  the  units  therein 
the exclusive right to paint, repaint, tile,  untenantable  and  that 
wax,  paper  or  otherwise  refinish  and  condominium  owners  holding  in 
decorate the inner surfaces of the walls,  aggregate more than thirty percent 
ceilings,  floors,  windows  and  doors  interest  in  the  common  areas  are 
bounding his own unit.  opposed to repair or restoration of 
  the project; or 
6. Each  condominium  owner  shall  have   
the  exclusive  right  to  mortgage,  pledge  3. the project has been in existence in 
or  encumber  his  condominium  and  to  excess  of  fifty  years,  that  it  is 
have the same appraised independently  obsolete  and  uneconomic,  and 
of  the  other  condominiums  but  any  that  condominium  owners  holding 
obligation  incurred  by  such  in  aggregate  more  than  fifty 
condominium owner is personal to him.  percent  interest  in  the  common 
  areas  are  opposed  to  repair  or 
7. GR:  Each  condominium  owner  has  also  restoration  or  remodeling  or 
the  absolute  right  to  sell  or  dispose  of  modernizing of the project; or 
his condominium.   
XPN:  If  the  master  deed  contains  a  4. the  project  or  a  material  part 
requirement  that  the  property  be  first  thereof  has  been  condemned  or 
offered  to  the  condominium  owners  expropriated  and  that  the  project 
within  a  reasonable  period  of  time  is  no  longer  viable,  or  that  the 
before  the  same  is  offered  to  outside  condominium  owners  holding  in 
parties;  aggregate  more  than  seventy 
  percent  interest  in  the  common 
Q:  May  common  areas  be  divided  through  areas  are  opposed  to  continuation 
judicial partition?  of  the  condominium  regime  after 
  expropriation  or  condemnation  of 
A:   a material portion thereof; or 
GR:  Common  areas  shall  remain   
undivided, and there shall be no judicial  5. the conditions for such partition by 
partition thereof.  sale  set  forth  in  the  declaration  of 
  restrictions,  duly  registered  in 
XPN:  Where  several  persons  own  accordance  with  the  terms  of  the 
condominiums  in  a  condominium  Act, have been met. 
project,  an  action  may  be  brought  by   
one  or  more  such  persons  for  partition  Q:  What  is  the  rule  regarding  issuance  of 
thereof by sale of the entire project, as  certificate of title where the enabling or master 
if  the  owners  of  all  of  the  deed  provides  that  the  land  included  within  a 
condominiums in such project were co‐ condominium  project  are  to  be  owned  in 
owners of the entire project in the same  common by the condominium owners therein? 
proportion  as  their  interests  in  the   
common areas:  A: The Register of Deeds may, at the request of all 
  the condominium owners and upon surrender of 
Note:  However,  a  partition  shall  be  all  their  "condominium  owner's"  copies,  cancel 
made only upon a showing that:  the certificates of title of the property and issue a 
  new  one  in  the  name  of  said  condominium 
1. three  years  after  damage  or  owners as pro‐indiviso co‐owners thereof. 
destruction  to  the  project  which   
renders  material  part  thereof  unit  Q:  How  are  deeds,  declarations  or  plans  for  a 
for  its  use  prior  thereto,  the  condominium project construed? 
project  has  not  been  rebuilt  or   
repaired  substantially  to  its  state  A:  
prior to its damage or destruction,  1. Liberally,  to  facilitate  the  operation  of 
or  the project 


2. Provisions  shall  be  presumed  to  be  risks,  and  for  bonding  of  the 
independent and severable.  members  of  any  management 
DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS  c. Provisions for maintenance, utility, 
  gardening  and  other  services 
Q:  When  should  a  declaration  of  restrictions  be  benefiting  the  common  areas,  for 
registered and what is the effect of such?  the  employment  of  personnel 
  necessary  for  the  operation  of  the 
A:  The  owner  of  a  project  shall,  prior  to  the  building, and legal, accounting and 
conveyance of any condominium therein, register  other  professional  and  technical 
a  declaration  of  restrictions  relating  to  such  services; 
project.  d. For purchase of materials, supplies 
  and  the  like  needed  by  the 
Such restrictions shall constitute a lien upon each  common areas; 
condominium  in  the  project,  and  shall  insure  to  e. For  payment  of  taxes  and  special 
and bind all condominium owners in the project.   assessments which would be a lien 
  upon the entire project or common 
Note: Such liens, unless otherwise provided,  areas, and for discharge of any lien 
may  be  enforced  by  any  condominium  or encumbrance levied against the 
owner in the project or by the management  entire  project  or  the  common 
body of such project.   areas; 
  f. For  reconstruction  of  any  portion 
Q:  What  should  a  declaration  of  restrictions  or  portions  of  any  damage  to  or 
provide?  destruction of the project; 
  g. The  manner  for  delegation  of  its 
A: The declaration of restrictions shall provide for  powers; 
the management of the project by anyone of the  h. For entry by its officers and agents 
following management bodies:   into  any  unit  when  necessary  in 
1. a condominium corporation,   connection  with  the  maintenance 
2. an  association  of  the  condominium  or  construction  for  which  such 
owners,   body is responsible; 
3. a  board  of  governors  elected  by  i. For  a  power  of  attorney  to  the 
condominium owners, or   management  body  to  sell  the 
4. a  management  agent  elected  by  the  entire project for the benefit of all 
owners  or  by  the  board  named  in  the  of  the  owners  thereof  when 
declaration.   partition  of  the  project  may  be 
5. voting majorities,   authorized  under  Section  8  of  the 
6. quorums,   Condominium  Act,  which  said 
7. notices,   power  shall  be  binding  upon  all  of 
8. meeting date, and   the  condominium  owners 
9. other  rules  governing  such  body  or  regardless of whether they assume 
bodies.  the  obligations  of  the  restrictions 
  or not. 
Q:  What  may  a  declaration  of  restrictions   
provide?  2. The  manner  and  procedure  for 
  amending  such  restrictions: Provided, 
A:  Such  declaration  of  restrictions,  among  other  That the vote of not less than a majority 
things, may also provide:  in interest of the owners is obtained. 
  3. For  independent  audit  of  the  accounts 
1. As to any such management body;  of the management body; 
a. For  the  powers  thereof,  including  4. For  reasonable  assessments  to  meet 
power to enforce the provisions of  authorized  expenditures,  each 
the declarations of restrictions;  condominium  unit  to  be  assessed 
b. For  maintenance  of  insurance  separately  for  its  share  of  such 
policies,  insuring  condominium  expenses  in  proportion  (unless 
owners  against  loss  by  fire,  otherwise  provided)  to  its  owners 
casualty,  liability,  workmen's  fractional  interest  in  any  common 
compensation  and  other  insurable  areas; 

5. For  the  subordination  of  the  liens  Q: May the management body may acquire and 
securing  such  assessments  to  other  hold,  for  the  benefit  of  the  condominium 
liens  either  generally  or  specifically  owners,  tangible  and  intangible  personal 
described;  property  and  dispose  of  the  same  by  sale  or 
6. For  conditions,  other  than  those  otherwise? 
provided for in Sections 8 and 13 of the   
Act, upon which partition of the project  A:  Yes,  unless  otherwise  provided  for  by  the 
and  dissolution  of  the  condominium  declaration of restrictions. 
corporation may be made.   Note:  The  beneficial  interest  in  such  personal 
  property  shall  be  owned  by  the  condominium 
Note: Such right to partition or dissolution  owners  in  the  same  proportion  as  their  respective 
may be conditioned upon:  interests in the common areas.  
a. failure  of  the  condominium  owners   
to rebuild within a certain period;  A  transfer  of  a  condominium  shall  transfer  to  the 
b. specified  inadequacy  of  insurance  transferee  ownership  of  the  transferor's  beneficial 
proceeds;   interest in such personal property. 
c. specified  percentage  of  damage  to   
d. a decision of an arbitrator; or   
e. upon  any  other  reasonable  Q: What is a condominium corporation? 
  A:  A  corporation  specially  formed  for  the 
Q:  What  is  the duty  of  the  Register  of  Deeds  as  purpose, in which the holders of separate interest 
regards this declaration of restrictions?  shall  automatically  be  members  or  shareholders, 
  to  the  exclusion  of  others,  in  proportion  to  the 
A: The Register of Deeds shall enter and annotate  appurtenant  interest  of  their  respective  units  in 
the declaration of restrictions upon the certificate  the common areas. 
of  title  covering  the  land  included  within  the   
project, if the land is patented or registered under  Note:  As  regards  title  to  the  common  areas, 
the Land Registration or Cadastral Acts.  including  the  land,  or  the  appurtenant  interests  in 
  such  areas,  these  may  be  held  by  a  condominium 
  Q:  What  is  the  term  of  a  condominium 
Q: What are the restrictions imposed by the law  corporation? 
upon  corporations  which  is  also  the   
management body of the condominium project?  A:  Co‐terminus  with  the  duration  of  the 
  condominium  project,  the  provisions  of  the 
A: The restrictions are as follows:  Corporation Law to the contrary notwithstanding. 
1. The  corporate  purposes  of  such  a   
corporation shall be limited to the:  Membership 
a. holding  of  the  common  areas,   
either  in  ownership  or  any  other  Q: What are the rules regarding membership in a 
interest in real property recognized  condominium corporation? 
by law,   
b. management of the project, and   A:  Membership  in  a  condominium  corporation, 
c. to  such  other  purposes  as  may  be  regardless  of  whether  it  is  a  stock  or  non‐stock 
necessary, incidental or convenient  corporation,  shall  not  be  transferable  separately 
to  the  accomplishment  of  said  from  the  condominium  unit  of  which  it  is  an 
purposes.  appurtenance.  
2. The articles of incorporation or by‐laws   
of the corporation shall not contain any  Note: When a member or stockholder ceases to own 
provision  contrary  to  or  inconsistent  a  unit  in  the  project  in  which  the  condominium 
with the:  corporation  owns  or  holds  the  common  areas,  he 
a. provisions of the Act;  shall  automatically  cease  to  be  a  member  or 
b. enabling or master deed; or  stockholder of the condominium corporation. 
c. declaration  of  restrictions  of  the   


Q:  May  a  condominium  corporation  sell,  superior  rights  of  the  corporation 
exchange,  lease  or  otherwise  dispose  of  the  creditors.  
common  areas  owned  or  held  by  it  in  the   
condominium project?  Note:  Such  transfer  or  conveyance  shall 
  be  deemed  to  be  a  full  liquidation  of  the 
A:  interest of such members or stockholders 
GR: During its existence, it cannot do so.  in the corporation.  
XPN: If authorized by the affirmative vote of  2. After  such  transfer  or  conveyance,  the 
all the stockholders or members.  provisions  of  this  Act  governing 
  undivided  co‐ownership  of,  or 
Q:  Is  the  so  called  appraisal  right  under  the  undivided  interest  in,  the  common 
Corporation  Code  available  to  stockholders  or  areas  in  condominium  projects  shall 
members of a condominium corporation?  fully apply. 
A:   Q:  When  may  voluntary  dissolution  of  a 
GR: Not available. The law provides that “the  condominium corporation be allowed? 
by‐laws  of  a  condominium  corporation  shall   
provide  that  a  stockholder  or  member  shall  A: A condominium corporation may be voluntarily 
not  be  entitled  to  demand  payment  of  his  dissolved only: 
shares or interest in those cases where such  1. when  the  enabling  or  the  master  deed 
right  is  granted  under  the  Corporation  Law  of  the  project  in  which  the 
xxx”  condominium  corporation  owns  or 
  holds the common area is revoked; and  
XPN: If said stockholder or member consents  2. upon a showing that: 
to sell his separate interest in the project to  a. three  years  after  damage  or 
the  corporation  or  to  any  purchaser  of  the  destruction to the project in which 
corporation's choice who shall also buy from  the  corporation  owns  or  holds  the 
the  corporation  the  dissenting  member  or  common  areas,  which  damage  or 
stockholder's interest.   destruction renders a material part 
  thereof  unfit  for  its  use  prior 
Note:  In  case  of  disagreement  as  to  price,  the  thereto,  the  project  has  not  been 
procedure  set  forth  in  the  appropriate  rebuilt  or  repaired  substantially  to 
provision  of  the  Corporation  Law  for  valuation  its  state  prior  to  its  damage  or 
of shares shall be followed.   destruction; or 
The  corporation  shall  have  two  years  within  b. damage  or  destruction  to  the 
which  to  pay  for  the  shares  or  furnish  a  project  has  rendered  one‐half  or 
purchaser of its choice from the time of award.   more  of  the  units  therein 
  untenantable  and  that  more  than 
All  expenses  incurred  in  the  liquidation  of  the  thirty  percent  of  the  members  of 
interest  of  the  dissenting  member  or  the  corporation,  if  non‐stock,  or 
stockholder shall be borne by him. 
the  shareholders  representing 
more  than  thirty  percent  of  the 
capital  stock  entitled  to  vote,  if  a 
Dissolution and Liquidation 
stock  corporation,  are  opposed  to 
the repair or reconstruction of the 
Q:  What  is  the  effect  of  involuntary  dissolution 
project, or 
of  a  condominium  corporation  for  any  of  the 
causes provided by law? 
c. the project has been in existence in 
excess  of  fifty  years,  that  it  is 
obsolete  and  uneconomical,  and 
1. The  common  areas  owned  or  held  by 
that more than fifty percent of the 
the  corporation  shall,  by  way  of 
members  of  the  corporation,  if 
liquidation,  be  transferred  pro‐indiviso 
non‐stock,  or  the  stockholders 
and in proportion to their interest in the 
representing  more  than  fifty 
corporation  to  the  members  or 
percent  of  the  capital  stock 
stockholders  thereof,  subject  to  the 
entitled  to  vote,  if  a  stock 
corporation,  are  opposed  to  the 

repair or restoration or remodeling  the  corporate  and  of  individual  condominium 
or modernizing of the project; or  creditors. 
d. the  project  or  a  material  part  Q: What should the Court do if, in an action for 
thereof  has  been  condemned  or  partition  of  a  condominium  project  or  for  the 
expropriated  and  that  the  project  dissolution  of  condominium  corporation  on  the 
is  no  longer  viable,  or  that  the  ground  that  the  project  or  a  material  part 
members  holding  in  aggregate  thereof  has  been  condemned  or  expropriated, 
more  than  seventy  percent  the  Court  finds that  the conditions provided  for 
interest  in  the  corporation,  if  non‐ in the Condominium Act or in the declaration of 
stock,  or  the  stockholders  restrictions have not been met? 
representing  more  than  seventy   
percent  of  the  capital  stock  A:  The  Court  may  decree  a  reorganization  of  the 
entitled  to  vote,  if  a  stock  project, declaring which portion or portions of the 
corporation,  are  opposed  to  the  project shall  continue as a condominium project, 
continuation  of  the  condominium  the  owners  thereof,  and  the  respective  rights  of 
regime  after  expropriation  or  said  remaining  owners  and  the  just 
condemnation  of  a  material  compensation, if any, that a condominium owner 
portion thereof; or  may  be  entitled  to  due  to  deprivation  of  his 
e. the  conditions  for  such  a   
dissolution  set  forth  in  the  Note:  Upon  receipt  of  a  copy  of  the  decree,  the 
declaration  of  restrictions  of  the  Register of Deeds shall enter and annotate the same 
project  in  which  the  corporation  on the pertinent certificate of title. 
owns  or  holds  the  common  areas,   
have been met.  Assessment, Notice thereof and Lien Created 
Note:  action  for  voluntary  dissolution  is  that  under  Q:  If  real  property  has  been  divided  into 
Rule 104 of the Rules of Court.  condominiums,  how  will  it  be  assessed  for 
  taxation purposes? 
Q:  May  the  members  or  stockholders  of  a   
condominium  corporation  dissolve  such  A:  Each  condominium  separately  owned  shall  be 
corporation?  separately assessed, for purposes of real property 
  taxation  and  other  tax  purposes  to  the  owners 
A:  Yes,  by  the  affirmative  vote  of  all  the  thereof  and  the  tax  on  each  such  condominium 
stockholders or  members thereof at a general or  shall constitute a lien solely thereon. 
special  meeting  duly  called  for  the   
purpose: Provided,  that  all  the  requirements  of  Q: Who should pay for an assessment upon any 
Section  62  of  the  Corporation  Law  are  complied  condominium  made  in  accordance  with  a  duly 
with.  registered declaration of restrictions? 
Q:  What  is  the  consequence  of  voluntary  A: It is an obligation of the owner thereof at the 
dissolution of a condominium corporation?  time the assessment is made.  
A:   Q:  What  are  the  rules  as  regards  the  notice  of 
GR: The corporation shall be deemed to hold  assessment? 
a power of attorney from all the members or   
stockholders  to  sell  and  dispose  of  their  A: The notice: 
separate interests in the project.  1. is  to  be  registered  with  the  Register  of 
XPN:  Unless  otherwise  provided  for  in  the  Deeds  of  the  city  or  province  where 
declaration of restrictions  such condominium project is located.  
  2. shall state the following: 
Q:  How  is  a  condominium  corporation  a. amount  of  such  assessment  and 
liquidated?  such other charges thereon as may 
  be authorized by the declaration of 
A: Liquidation of the corporation shall be effected  restrictions, 
by a sale of the entire project as if the corporation  b. a  description  of  the  condominium 
owned the whole thereof, subject to the rights of  unit  against  which  same  has  been 
assessed, and  


c. the  name  of  the  registered  owner  Q:  What  are  the  rules  as  regards  labor 
thereof.  performed or services or materials furnished? 
3. Such  notice  shall  be  signed  by  an   
authorized  representative  of  the  A: 
management  body  or  as  otherwise  1. If  with  the  consent  of  or  at  the  request 
provided  in  the  declaration  of  of a condominium owner or his agent or 
restrictions.   his contractor or subcontractor: 
  GR:    it  shall  not  be  the  basis  of  a  lien 
Q:  What  is  the  effect  if  the  management  body  against  the  condominium  of  any  other 
causes  a  notice  of  assessment  to  be  registered  condominium owner 
with the register of deeds?  XPN: such other owners have expressly 
  consented  to  or  requested  the 
A:  The  amount  of  any  such  assessment  plus  any  performance of such labor or furnishing 
other  charges  thereon,  such  as  interest,  costs  of such materials or services.  
(including  attorney's  fees)  and  penalties,  as  such   
may  be  provided  for  in  the  declaration  of  Note:  Such  express  consent  shall  be 
restrictions, shall be and become a lien upon the  deemed  to  have  been  given  by  the 
condominium assessed.   owner  of  any  condominium  in  the 
  case  of  emergency  repairs  of  his 
Note:  Effect  of  payment:  Upon  payment  of  said  condominium unit.  
assessment  and  charges  or  other  satisfaction   
thereof,  the  management  body  shall  cause  to  be  2. If  performed  or  furnished  for  the 
registered a release of the lien.  common areas and if duly authorized by 
  the management body provided for in a 
Q: What are the rules as regards the lien created  declaration of restrictions governing the 
in case of unpaid assessments, etc?  property:  shall  be  deemed  to  be 
  performed  or  furnished  with  the 
A:   express  consent  of  each  condominium 
GR:  Such  lien  shall  be  superior  to  all  other  owner.  
liens  registered  subsequent  to  the   
registration of said notice of assessment   Q:  How  may  an  owner  of  any  condominium 
XPNs:   remove his condominium from a lien against two 
1. real property tax liens are superior;  or more condominiums or any part thereof? 
2. when declaration of restrictions provide   
for  the  subordination  thereof  to  any  A:  By  payment  to  the  holder  of  the  lien  of  the 
other liens and encumbrances.  fraction  of  the  total  sum  secured  by  such  lien 
  which is attributable to his condominium unit. 
Q:  What  is  the  rule  as  regards  enforcement  of   
the lien?   
A:  Such  liens  may  be  enforced  in  the  same   
manner  provided  for  by  law  for  the  judicial  or   
extra‐judicial  foreclosure  of  mortgages  of  real   
Q:  Can  the  management  body  bid  in  the   
foreclosure  sale  based  on  the  lien  for  unpaid   
GR:  No,  the  management  body  shall  have 
power to bid at foreclosure sale.  
XPN:  Unless  otherwise  provided  for  in  the 
declaration of restrictions, 
Note:  The  condominium  owner  shall  have  the 
same right of redemption as in cases of judicial or 
extra‐judicial foreclosure of mortgages. 

I. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS IN GENERAL  Q: What is a technology transfer arrangement? 
A. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS  A:  Contracts  or  arrangements  involving  the 
  transfer  of  systematic  knowledge  for  the 
Q:  What  are  covered  by  intellectual  property  manufacture  of  a  product,  the  application  of  the 
rights?   process,  or  rendering  a  service  including 
  management  contracts,  and  transfer,  assignment 
A:   or  licensing  of  all  forms  of  intellectual  property 
1. Copyright and Related Rights  rights,  including  licensing  of  computer  software 
2. Mark (trade, service and collective)  except  computer  software  developed  for  mass 
3. Geographic indications  market. (Sec. 4.2, IPC) 
4. Industrial designs   
5. Patents  Q: What is undisclosed information? 
6. Layout  designs  (Topographies)  of   
Integrated Circuits  A:  It is an information which: 
7. Protection  of  Undisclosed  Information.   
(Sec.  4.1,  Intellectual  Property  Code  1. Is a secret in the sense that it is not, as a 
[IPC])  body  or  in  precise  configuration  and 
  assembly  of  components,  generally 
B. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN COPYRIGHTS  known  among,  or  readily  accessible  to 
TRADEMARKS AND PATENT  persons within the circles that normally 
  deal  with  the  kind  of  information  in 
Q:  What  are  the  distinctions  among  trademark,  question. 
patent and copyright?   
  2. Has  commercial  value  because  it  is  a 
A:   secret 
PROPERTIES  3. Has been subjected to reasonable steps 
Any visible sign capable of  under the circumstances, by the person 
distinguishing the goods  lawfully in control of the information, to 
(trademark) or services (service  keep  it  a  secret.  (Article  39,  TRIPS 
mark) of an enterprise and shall  Agreement) 
include a stamped or marked   
container of goods.  Q:  What  is  the  nature  of  undisclosed 
The name or designation  information/trade secret? 
Tradename  identifying or distinguishing an   
A: Those trade secrets are of a privileged nature. 
Literary and artistic works which  The  protection  of  industrial  property  encourages 
are original intellectual creations 
investments  in  new  ideas  and  inventions  and 
Copyright  in the literary and artistic domain 
stimulates  creative  efforts  for  the  satisfaction  of 
protected from the moment of 
human needs.  It speeds up transfer of technology 
their creation. 
Any technical solution of a 
and  industrialization,  and  thereby  bring  about 
problem in any field of human  social  and  economic  progress.   Verily,  the 
Patentable  activity which is new, involves an  protection  of  industrial  secrets  is  inextricably 
Inventions  inventive step and is industrially  linked  to  the  advancement  of  our  economy  and 
applicable. (Kho v. CA, G.R. No.  fosters  healthy  competition  in  trade.  (Air 
115758, Mar. 11, 2002).  Philippines Corporation v. Pennswell, Inc., G.R. No. 
  172835, Dec. 13, 2007)  
Q: What is a geographic indication?   
A:  It’s  an  indication  which  identifies  a  good  as   
originating in the territory, where a given quality,  Q: What is a patent? 
reputation  or  other  characteristic  of  the  good  is   
essentially  attributable  to  its  geographical  origin.  A:  A statutory grant which confers to an inventor 
(Art.  22,  Trade‐Related  Aspects  of  Intellectual  or his legal successor, in return for the disclosure 
Property Rights)  of  the  invention  to  the  public,  the  right  for  a 



limited  period  of  time  to  exclude  others  from  Q:  What  is  meant  by  “made  available  to  the 
making,  using,  selling  or  importing  the  invention  public” and what are its effects? 
within the territory of the country that grants the   
patent.  A: To be “made available to the public” means at 
  least one member of the public has been able to 
A. PATENTABLE INVENTIONS  access  knowledge  of  the  invention  without  any 
  restriction  on  passing  that  knowledge  on  to 
Q: What are the patentable inventions?  others. 
A: Any technical solution of a problem in any field  GR:  When  a  work  has  already  been  made 
of  human  activity  which  is  new,  involves  an  available  to  the  public,  it  shall  be  non‐
inventive step and is industrially applicable. It may  patentable for absence of novelty.  
be, or may relate to, a product, or process, or an   
improvement of any of the foregoing. (Sec. 21)  XPN:  Non‐prejudicial  disclosure  –  the 
  disclosure  of  information  contained  in  the 
Q: What are the conditions for patentability?  application during the 12‐month period before 
  the  filing  date  or  the  priority  date  of  the 
A: NIA  application if such disclosure was made by: 
1. Novelty  –  An  invention  shall  not  be   
considered  new  if  it  forms  part  of  a  1. The inventor; 
prior art. (Sec. 23, IPC)   
  2. A patent office and the information was 
2. Involves  an  inventive  step  –  if,  having  contained: 
regard to prior art, it is not obvious to a  a. In  another  application  filed  by  the 
person  skilled  in  the  art  at  the  time  of  inventor and should have not have 
the  filing  date  or  priority  date  of  the  been disclosed by the office, or  
application claiming the invention.  b. In  an  application  filed  without  the 
  knowledge  or  consent  of  the 
3. Industrially  Applicable  –  An  invention  inventor  by  a  third  party  which 
that  can  be  produced  and  used  in  any  obtained  the  information  directly 
industry,  shall  be  industrially  applicable  or indirectly from the inventor; 
(Sec. 27, IPC).   
  3.  A  third  party  which  obtained  the 
Q: What is prior art?  information  directly  or  indirectly  from  the 
  inventor. (Sec. 25, IPC) 
1. Everything  which  has  been  made  Q:  Who  has  the  burden  of  proving  want  of 
available  to  the  public  anywhere  in  the  novelty of an invention? 
world,  before  the  filing  date  or  the   
priority date of the application claiming  A:  The  burden  of  proving  want  of  novelty  is  on 
the invention   him  who  avers  it  and  the  burden  is  a  heavy  one 
  which is met only by clear and  satisfactory proof 
2. The  whole  contents  of  a  published  which  overcomes  every  reasonable  doubt. 
application,  filed  or  effective  in  the  (Manzano v. CA, G.R. No. 113388.  Sept. 5, 1997) 
Philippines, with a filing or priority date   
that  is  earlier  than  the  filing  or  priority  Q: What is inventive step? 
date  of  the  application.  Provided,  that   
the  application  which  has  validly  A:  
claimed  the  filing  date  of  an  earlier  GR: An invention involves an inventive step if, 
application under Section 31 of the IPC,  having regard to prior art, it is not obvious to 
there  shall  be  a  prior  art  with  effect  as  a  person  skilled  in  the  art  at  the  time  of  the 
of  the  filing  date  of  such  earlier  filing  date  or  priority  date  of  the  application 
application:  Provided  further,  that  the  claiming the invention. (Sec. 26, IPC) 
applicant  or  the  inventor  identified  in   
both  applications  are  not  one  and  the  XPN: In the case of drugs and medicines, there 
same. (Sec. 24, IPC)  is  no  inventive  step  if  the  invention  results 
  from the mere discovery of a new form or new 
  property of a known substance which does not 

result  in  the  enhancement  of  the  known  some  or  all  of  the  interconnections  of 
efficacy  of  that  substance.  (Sec.  26.2,  as  an  integrated  circuit,  or  such  a  three‐
amended by R.A. 9502)  dimensional disposition prepared for an 
  integrated  circuit  intended  for 
Q: What is the test of non‐obviousness?   manufacture.    Registration  is  valid  for 
  10 years without renewal counted from 
A: If any person possessing ordinary skill in the art  date of commencement of protection. 
was  able  to  draw  the  inferences  and  he   
constructs that the supposed inventor drew from  4. Utility  model  –  A  name  given  to 
prior art, then the latter did not really invent.  inventions in the mechanical field  
Q: Who is considered a person of ordinary skill?  Q:  When  does  an  invention  qualify  as  a  utility 
A:  A person who is presumed to:    
1. Be  an  ordinary  practitioner  aware  of  A: If it is new and industrially applicable. A model 
what  was  common  general  knowledge  of  implement  or  tools  of  any  industrial  product 
in the art at the relevant date.   even  if  not  possessed  of  the  quality  of  invention 
2. Have  knowledge  of  all  references  that  but which is of practical utility. (Sec. 109.1, IPC) 
are  sufficiently  related  to  one  another   
and  to  the  pertinent  art  and  to  have  Q: What is the term of a utility model? 
knowledge  of  all  arts  reasonably   
pertinent  to  the  particular  problems  A:  7  years  from  date  of  filing  of  the  application 
with which the inventor was involved.   (Sec. 109.3, IPC). 
3. Have  had  at  his  disposal  the  normal   
means  and  capacity  for  routine  work  B. NON‐PATENTABLE INVENTIONS 
and  experimentation.  (Rules  and   
Regulations on Inventions, Rule 207)  Q: What are not patentable inventions?  
Q:  What  are  other  forms  of  patentable  A: PAD‐SCAD 
  1. Discoveries,  scientific  theories  and 
A:  mathematical methods 
1. Industrial  design  –  Any  composition  of   
lines or colors or any three‐dimensional  2. In  the  case  of  Drugs  and  medicines, 
form,  whether  or  not  associated  with  mere  discovery  of  a  new  form  or  new 
lines  or  colors.    Provided  that  such  property  of  a  known  substance  which 
composition  or  form  gives  a  special  does  not  result  in  the  enhancement  of 
appearance to and can serve as pattern  the efficacy of that substance 
for  an  industrial  product  or  handicraft.   
(Sec. 112, IPC)  3. Schemes,  rules  and  methods  of 
  performing  mental  acts,  playing  games 
Note: Generally speaking, an industrial design is the  or  doing  business,  and  programs  for 
ornamental  or  aesthetic  aspect  of  a  useful  article.  computers 
(Vicente  Amador,  Intellectual  Property   
Fundamentals, 2007)  4. Methods for treatment of the human or 
  Animal body 
2. Integrated circuit – A product, in its final   
form, or an intermediate form, in which  5. Plant  varieties  or  animal  breeds  or 
the elements, at least one of which is an  essentially  biological  process  for  the 
active  elements  and  some  of  all  of  the  production  of  plants  or  animals.  This 
interconnections  are  integrally  formed  provision  shall  not  apply  to  micro‐
in and or on a piece of material, and in  organisms  and  non‐biological  and 
which  is  intended  to  perform  an  microbiological processes 
electronic function.   
  6. Aesthetic creations 
3. Layout  design/topography  –  The  three   
dimensional  disposition,  however 
expressed, of the elements, at least one 
of  which  is  an  active  element,  and  of 



7. Anything  which  is  Contrary  to  public  to the patent shall belong to the person 

order  or  morality.  (Sec.  22,  IPC  as  who  filed  an  application  for  such 
amended by R.A. 9502)  invention, or  
  2. Where  two  or  more  applications  are 
Q: Are computer programs patentable?  filed  for  the  same  invention,  to  the 
  applicant  whi  has  the  earliest  filing 
A:   date. (Sec. 29, IPC) 
GR:  Computer  programs  are  not  patentable   
but are copyrightable.  Q:  Cheche  invented  a  device  that  can  convert 
  rainwater  into  automobile  fuel.  She  asked 
XPN:  They  can  be  patentable  if  they  are  part  Macon,  a  lawyer,  to  assist  in  getting  her 
of a process (e.g. business process with a step  invention  patented.  Macon  suggested  that  they 
involving the use of a computer program).  form  a  corporation  with  other  friends  and  have 
  the corporation apply for the patent, 80% of the 
C. OWNERSHIP OF A PATENT  shares  of  stock  thereof  to  be  subscribed  by 
  Cheche  and  5%  by  Macon.  The  corporation  was 
Q: Who is entitled to a patent?  formed  and  the  patent  application  was  filed. 
  However, Cheche died 3 months later of a heart 
A:   attack.  Franco,  the  estranged  husband  of 
1. Inventor, his heirs, or assigns.   Cheche,  contested  the  application  of  the 
  corporation and filed his own patent application 
2. Joint  invention  –  Jointly  by  the  as  the  sole  surviving  heir  of  Cheche.  Decide  the 
inventors. (Sec. 28, IPC)   issue with reasons. 
3. 2  or  more  persons  invented  separately  A:  The  estranged  husband  of  Cheche  cannot 
and  independently  of  each  other  –  To  successfully  contest  the  application.  The  right 
the person who filed an application;  over  inventions  accrue  from  the  moment  of 
  creation and as a right it can lawfully be assigned. 
4. 2  or  more  applications  are  filed  –  the  Once the title thereto is vested in the transferee, 
applicant  who  has  the  earliest  filing  the  latter  has  the  right  to  apply  for  its 
date  or,  the  earliest  priority  date.  First  registration. The estranged husband of Cheche, if 
to file rule. (Sec. 29, IPC)   not disqualified to inherit, merely would succeed 
  to the interest of Cheche. (1990 Bar Question) 
5. Inventions  created  pursuant  to  a   
commission  –  Person  who  commissions  Q: Who may apply for a patent? 
the  work,  unless  otherwise  provided  in   
the contract. (Sec. 30.1, IPC)  A:  Any  person  who  is  a  national  or  who  is 
  domiciled  or  has  a  real  and  effective  industrial 
6. Employee  made  the  invention  in  the  establishment in a country which is a party to any 
course of his employment contract:  convention,  treaty  or  agreement  relating  to 
a. The  employee,  if  the  inventive  intellectual  property  rights  or  the  repression  of 
activity  is  not  a  part  of  his  regular  unfair  competition,  to  which  the  Philippines  is 
duties  even  if  the  employee  uses  also  a  party,  or  extends  reciprocal  rights  to 
the time, facilities and materials of  nationals of the Philippines by law. (Sec. 3, IPC)  
the employer.   
b. The  employer,  if  the  invention  is  Q:    What  are  the  steps  in  the  registration  of  a 
the  result  of  the  performance  of  patent? 
his  regularly‐assigned  duties,   
unless there is   an  A: The procedure for the grant of patent may be 
agreement,  express  or  implied,  to  summarized as follows: 
the contrary. (Sec. 30.2, IPC)  1. Filing of the application 
  2. Accordance of the filing date 
Q: What is the “first to file” rule?  3. Formality examination  
  4. Classification and Search 
A:   5. Publication of application 
1. If  two  (2)  or  more  persons  have  made  6. Substantive examination 
the  invention  separately  and  7. Grant of Patent 
independently  of  each  other,  the  right  8. Publication upon grant 

9. Issuance of certificate (Salao, Essentials  Q: What are the conditions in availing of priority 
of  Intellectual  Property  Law:  a  date? 
Guidebook  on  Republic  Act  No.  8293   
and Related Laws., 2008)  A: 
  1. The  local  application  expressly  claims 
 Q: How is disclosure made?  priority;  
A: The application shall disclose the invention in a  2. It  is  filed  within  12  months  from  the 
manner sufficiently clear and complete for it to be  date the earliest foreign application was 
carried out by a person skilled in the art.   filed; and  
Q: What is a claim?  3. A  certified  copy  of  the  foreign 
  application  together  with  an  English 
A:  Defines  the  matter  for  which  protection  is  translation is filed within 6 months from 
sought. Each claim shall be clear and concise, and  the date of filing in the Philippines. (Sec. 
shall be supported by the description.  31, IPC)  
Q: What is an abstract?  Q:  Leonard  and  Marvin  applied  for  Letters 
  Patent  claiming  the  right  of  priority  granted  to 
A:  A  concise  summary  of  the  disclosure  of  the  foreign  applicants.  Receipt  of  petitioners’ 
invention  as  contained  in  the  description,  claims  application  was  acknowledged  by  respondent 
and merely serves as technical information.  Director on March 6, 1954. Their Application for 
  Letters  Patent  in  the  US  for  the  same  invention 
Q: What is unity of invention?  indicated that the application in the US was filed 
  on  March  16,  1953.  They  were  advised  that  the 
A:  The  application  shall  relate  to  one  invention  "Specification"  they  had  submitted  was 
only  or  to  a  group  of  inventions  forming  a  single  "incomplete"  and  that  responsive  action  should 
general  inventive  concept.  (Sec.  38.1)  If  several  be  filed  with  them  four  months  from  date  of 
independent  inventions  which  do  not  form  a  mailing,  which  was  August  5,  1959.  On  July  3, 
single  general  inventive  concept  are  claimed  in  1962,  petitioners  submitted  two  complete 
one application, the application must be restricted  copies  of  the  Specification.  Director  of  patents 
to a single invention. (Sec. 38.2, IPC)  held  that  petitioners'  application  may  not  be 
  treated as filed. Is the director correct? 
Q:  What  is  the  concept  of  divisional 
applications?  A:  Yes,  it  is  imperative  that  the  application  be 
  complete  in  order  that  it  may  be  accepted.  It  is 
A:  Divisional  applications  come  into  play  when  essential to the validity of Letters Patent that the 
two  or  more  inventions  are  claimed  in  a  single  specifications  be  full,  definite,  and  specific.  The 
application but are of such a nature that a single  purpose  of  requiring  a  definite  and  accurate 
patent may not be issued for them. The applicant,  description of the process is to apprise the public 
is  thus  required  to  “divide”,  that  is,  to  limit  the  of  what  the  patentee  claims  as  his  invention,  to 
claims  to  whichever  invention  he  may  elect,  inform the Courts as to what they are called upon 
whereas  those  inventions  not  elected  may  be  to  construe,  and  to  convey  to  competing 
made  the  subject  of  separate  applications  which  manufacturers and dealers information of exactly 
are  called  “divisional  applications”.  (Smith‐Kline  what  they  are  bound  to  avoid.  To  be  entitled  to 
Beckman  Corp.  v.  CA,  GR  No.  126627,  Aug.  the  filing  date  of  the  patent  application,  an 
14,2003)  invention  disclosed  in  a  previously  filed 
  application  must  be  described  within  the  instant 
Q: What is priority date?  application  in  such  a  manner  as  to  enable  one 
  skilled  in  the  art  to  use  the  same  for  a  legally 
A:    An  application  for  patent  filed  by  any  person  adequate  utility.  (Boothe  v.  Director  of  Patents, 
who  has  previously  applied  for  the  same  G.R. No. L‐24919, Jan. 28, 1980) 
invention  in  another  country  which  by  treaty,   
convention,  or  law  affords  similar  privileges  to  Q:  What  are  the  rights  conferred  by  a  patent 
Filipino citizens, shall be considered as filed as of  application after the first publication? 
the date of filing the foreign application. (Sec. 31,   
IPC)  A:  The  applicant  shall  have  all  the  rights  of  a 
  patentee  against  any  person  who,  without  his 



authorization,  exercised  any  of  the  rights  Q: What if the ground/s for cancellation relate to 

conferred  under  Section  71  in  relation  to  the  some of the claims or parts of the claim only?  
invention  claimed  in  the  published  patent   
application,  as  if  a  patent  had  been  granted  for  A:    Cancellation  may  be  effected  to  such  extent 
that invention, provided that the said person had:   only. (Sec. 61.2, IPC) 
1. Actual  knowledge  that  the  invention   
that  he  was  using  was  the  subject  Q:  What  are  the  grounds  for  cancellation  of  a 
matter of a published application; or  utility model? 
2. Received  written  notice  that  the 
invention  was  the  subject  matter  of  a  A: 
published application being identified in  1. The  invention  does  not  qualify  for 
the said notice by its serial number  registration as a utility model 
  2. That  the  description  and  the  claims  do 
Note: That the action may not be filed until after the  not  comply  with  the  prescribed 
grant  of  a  patent  on  the  published  application  and  requirements 
within four (4) years from the commission of the acts 
3. Any  drawing  which  is  necessary  for  the 
complained of (Sec. 46, IPC). 
understanding  of  the  invention  has  not 
been furnished 
Q: When shall the patent take effect? 
4. That  the  owner  of  the  utility  model 
registration  is  not  the  inventor  or  his 
A:  A  patent  shall  take  effect  on  the  date  of  the 
successor in title. (Sec. 109.4, IPC) 
publication  of  the  grant  of  the  patent  in  the  IPO 
Gazette. (Sec. 50.3, IPC) 
Q:  What  are  the  grounds  for  cancellation  of  an 
industrial design? 
Q: What is the duration of a patent, utility model 
and industrial design? 
1. The  subject  matter  of  the  industrial 
design is not registrable; 
1. Patent – 20 years from date of filing of 
2. The subject matter is not new; or 
application  without  renewal.  (Sec.  54, 
3. The  subject  matter  of  the  industrial 
design  extends  beyond  the  content  of 
the  application  as  originally  filed  (Sec. 
2. Utility  Model  –  7  years  from  the  filing 
date  of  the  application  without 
renewal. (Sec. 109.3, IPC) 
3. Industrial  Design  –  5  years  from  the 
Q:  What are the remedies of persons not having 
filing date of the application, renewable 
the right to a patent? 
for  not  more  than  two  (2)  consecutive 
periods  of  five  (5)  years  each.  (Sec. 
A:  If a person other than the applicant is declared 
118.2, IPC)   
by final court order or decision as having the right 
to  a  patent,  he  may  within  3  months  after  such 
decision has become final: 
Q: What are the grounds for the cancellation of 
1. Prosecute the application as his own  
2. File a new patent application  
3. Request    the  application  to  be  refused;  
1. The invention is Not new or patentable; 
4. Seek cancellation  of the patent. 
2. The  patent  does  not  Disclose  the 
invention  in  a  manner  sufficiently  clear 
Q: What is the remedy of a true inventor? 
and complete for it to be carried out by 
any person skilled in the art; or 
A: He may only ask the court to substitute him as 
3. Contrary  to  public  order  or 
a  patentee  or  to  cancel  the  patent  and  ask  for 
morality.(Sec. 61.1, IPC) 
damages  when  the  application  of  the  false 
4. Patent  is  found  Invalid  in  an  action  for 
inventor  is  granted.  He  may  not  the  IPO  of 
infringement (Sec. 82, IPC) 
processing the false application. 

F. RIGHTS CONFERED BY A PATENT  act  includes  testing,  using,  making 
  or  selling  the  invention  including 
Q: What are the rights conferred by a patent?   any data related thereto, solely for 
  purposes reasonably related to the 
A:  development  and  submission  of 
1. Subject  matter  is  a  product  –  Right  to  information  and  issuance  of 
restrain,  prohibit  and  prevent  any  approvals  by  government 
unauthorized  person  or  entity  from  regulatory agencies required under 
making,  using,  offering  for  sale,  selling  any  law  of  the  Philippines  or  of 
or importing the product.  another country that regulates the 
  manufacture,  construction,  use  or 
2. Subject  matter  is  a  process  –  Right  to  sale of any product.(Sec. 72.4, IPC) 
restrain  prohibit  and  prevent  any   
unauthorized  person  or  entity  from  e. Where  the  act  consists  of  the 
manufacturing,  dealing  in,  using,  preparation  for  individual  cases,  in 
offering  for  sale,  selling  or  importing  a  pharmacy  or  by  a  medical 
any  product  obtained  directly  or  professional,  of  a  medicine  in 
indirectly  from  such  process  (Sec.  71,  accordance  with  a  medical 
IPC).  prescription. (Sec. 72.5, IPC) 
3. Right  to  assign  the  patent,  to  transfer  f. Where the invention is used in any 
by succession, and to conclude licensing  ship,  vessel,  aircraft,  or  land 
contracts. (Sec. 71.2, IPC)  vehicle  of  any  other  country 
  entering  the  territory  of  the 
G. LIMITATION OF PATENT RIGHTS  Philippines  temporarily  or 
  accidentally. (Sec. 72.5, IPC) 
Q:  What  are  the  exceptions  to  the  rights   
conferred by a patent?  2. Prior  user  –  Person  other  than  the 
  applicant,  who  in  good  faith,  started 
A:  using the invention in the Philippines, or 
1. In general  undertaken serious preparations to use 
  the  same,  before  the  filing  date  or 
a. GR:  If  put  on  the  market  in  the  priority  date  of  the  application  shall 
Philippines  by  the  owner  of  the  have  the  right  to  continue  the  use 
product,  or  with  his  express  thereof,  but  this  right  shall  only  be 
consent.  transferred or assigned further with his 
  enterprise or business. (Sec. 73, IPC) 
XPN:  Drugs  and  medicines  ‐  . 
introduced  in  the  Philippines  or  3. Use  by  Government  –  A  government 
anywhere  else  in  the  world  by  the  agency  or  third  person  authorized  by 
patent  owner,  or  by  any  party  the  government  may  exploit  invention 
authorized  to  use  the  invention  even  without  agreement  of  a  patent 
(Sec.  72.1,  as  amended  by  R.A.  owner where: 
  a. Public  interest,  as  determined  by 
b. Where  the  act  is  done  privately  the  appropriate  agency  of  the 
and  on  a  non‐commercial  scale  or  government, so requires; or 
for  a  non‐commercial  purpose.  b. A  judicial  or  administrative  body 
(Sec. 72.2, IPC)  has determined that the manner of 
  exploitation  by  owner  of  patent  is 
c. Exclusively  for  experimental  use  of  anti‐competitive. (Sec. 74, IPC) 
the  invention  for  scientific   
purposes  or  educational  purposes  4. Reverse reciprocity of foreign law – Any 
(experimental  use  provision).  (Sec.  condition,  restriction,  limitation, 
72.3, IPC)  diminution, requirement, penalty or any 
  similar burden imposed by the law of a 
d. Bolar  Provision  ‐  In  the  case  of  foreign country on a Philippine national 
drugs  and  medicines,  where  the  seeking  protection  of  intellectual 



property  rights  in  that  country,  shall  2. Regional  exhaustion  –  allows  the 
reciprocally  be  enforceable  upon  possibility of importing into the national 
nationals  of  said  country,  within  territory a patented product originating 
Philippine jurisdiction. (Sec. 231, IPC)  from  any  other  member  state  of  a 
  regional trade agreement. 
Q: Who is a parallel importer?   
  3. National  exhaustion  –  limits  the 
A:  One  which  imports,  distributes,  and  sells  circulation  of  products  covered  by 
genuine products in the market, independently of  patent in one country to only those put 
an  exclusive  distributorship  or  agency  agreement  on  the  market  by  the  patent  owner  or 
with the manufacturer.   its  authorized  agents  in  that  same 
country.  In  this  case,  there  can  be  no 
Note:  Such  acts  of  “underground  sales  and  parallel importation. 
marketing”  of  genuine  goods,  undermines  the   
property rights and goodwill of the rightful exclusive  4. Modified  exhaustion  –  all  respect 
distributor.    Such  goodwill  is  protected  by  the  law  identical to the International exhaustion 
on unfair competition. (Solid Triangle v. Sheriff, G.R.  except  for  the  allowance  of  the 
No. 144309, Nov. 23, 2001)  restriction  of  the  extent  of  exhaustion 
through  explicit  contractual  terms. 
Q: What is the doctrine of exhaustion?  (Carlos  Correa,.  “Internationalization  of 
  the  Patent  System  and  New 
A:  Also  known  as  the  doctrine  of  first  sale,  it  Technologies”.  International  Law 
provides that the patent holder has control of the  Journal, Vol. 20. No.3 , 2002) 
first sale of his invention. He has the opportunity   
to receive the full consideration for his invention  H. PATENT INFRINGEMENT 
from his sale. Hence, he exhausts his rights in the   
future control of his invention.   Q: What constitutes infringement of patent? 
It  espouses  that  the  patentee  who  has  already  A: 
sold his invention and has received all the royalty  1. Making,  using,  offering  for  sale,  selling 
and consideration for the same will be deemed to  or  importing  a  patented  product  or  a 
have  released  the  invention  from  his  monopoly.  product  obtained  directly  or  indirectly 
The  invention  thus  becomes  open  to  the  use  of  from a patented process; or 
the purchaser without further restriction. (Adams  2. Use  of  a  patented  process  without 
v. Burke, 84 U.S. 17, 1873)  authorization  of  the  owner  of  the 
  patent (Sec. 76, IPC) 
Q: How does the Doctrine Exhaustion of apply in   
Philippine jurisdiction?  Q: What are the tests in patent infringement? 
A:  A: 
GR: Patent rights are Exhausted by first sale in  1. Literal  infringement  Test  –  Resort  must 
the Philippines (Domestic exhaustion).  be had, in the first instance, to words of 
  the claim.  If the accused matter clearly 
XPN: Except however on drugs and medicines:  falls  within  the  claim,  infringement  is 
first  sale  in  any  jurisdiction  exhausts  committed.   
(International exhaustion) (R.A. 9502).    
  Minor  modifications  are  sufficient  to 
Q: What are the different kinds of exhaustion?  put  the  item  beyond  literal 
  infringement. (Godines v. CA, G.R. No. L‐
A:   97343, Sept. 13, 1993) 
1. International  exhaustion  –  allows  any   
party  to  import  into  the  national  2. Doctrine  of  Equivalents  –  There  is 
territory  a  patented  product  from  any  infringement  where  a  device 
other country in which the product was  appropriates  a  prior  invention  by 
placed  on  the  market  by  the  patent  incorporating  its  innovative  concept 
holder or any authorized party.  and,  although  with  some  modification 
  and  change,  performs  substantially  the 
same function in substantially the same 

way  to  achieve  substantially  the  same  contributory infringer.  It must be proven that the 
result. (Ibid.)  product  can  only  be  used  for  infringement 
  purposes.    If  it  can  be  used  for  legitimate 
3. Economic  interest  test  –  when  the  purposes, the action shall not prosper. 
process‐discoverer’s  economic  interest   
are compromised, i.e., when others can  Q:  What  are  the  remedies  of  the  owner  of  the 
import  the  products  that  result  from  patent against infringers? 
the  process,  such  an  act  is  said  to  be   
prohibited.  A: 
  1. Civil  action  for  infringement  –  The 
Q: Does the use of a patented process by a third  owner may bring a civil action  with the 
person  constitute  an  infringement  when  the  appropriate  Regional  Trial  Court  to 
alleged infringer has substituted, in lieu of some  recover  from  infringer  the  damages 
unessential part of the patented process, a well‐ sustained by the former, plus attorney’s 
known mechanical equivalent."  fees  and  other  litigation  expenses,  and 
  to  secure  an  injunction  for  the 
A:  Yes,  under  the  doctrine  of  mechanical  protection of his rights. 
equivalents,  the  patentee  is  protected  from   
colorable  invasions  of  his  patent  under  the  guise  2. Criminal action for infringement – If the 
of  substitution  of  some  part  of  his  invention  by  infringement  is  repeated,  the  infringer 
some  well  known  mechanical  equivalent.  It  is  an  shall  be  criminally  liable  and  upon 
infringement  of  the  patent,  if  the  substitute  conviction, shall suffer imprisonment of 
performs the same function and was well known  not  less  than  six  (6)  months  but  not 
at  the  date  of  the  patent  as  a  proper  substitute  more than three (3) years and/or a fine 
for the omitted ingredient. (Gsell v. Yap‐Jue, G.R.  not less than P100,000.00 but not more 
No. L‐4720, Jan. 19, 1909)  than P300,000.00 
Q: What is meant by “equivalent device”?  3. Administrative  remedy  –  Where  the 
  amount  of  damages  claimed  is  not  less 
A:  It  is  such  as  a  mechanic  of  ordinary  skill  in  than  P200,000.00,  the  patentee  may 
construction  of  similar  machinery,  having  the  choose  to  file  an  administrative  action 
forms,  specifications  and  machine  before  him,  against the infringer with the Bureau of 
could  substitute  in  the  place  of  the  mechanism  Legal  Affairs  (BLA).  The  BLA  can  issue 
described  without  the  exercise  of  the  inventive  injunctions,  direct  infringer  to  pay 
faculty.  patentee  damages,  but  unlike  regular 
  courts,  the  BLA  may  not  issue  search 
Q:  What  is  the  “doctrine  of  file  wrapper  and  seizure  warrants  or  warrants  of 
estoppel”?  arrest.   
A:  This  doctrine  balances  the  doctrine  of  Q:  What  are  the  limitations  to the  civil/criminal 
equivalents.  Patentee  is  precluded  from  claiming  action? 
as part of patented product that which he had to   
excise  or  modify  in  order  to  avoid  patent  office  A:  
rejection, and he may omit any additions that he  1. No  damages  can  be  recovered  for  acts 
was  compelled  to  add  by  patent  office  of  infringement  committed  more  than 
regulations.  four  (4)  years  before  the  filing  of  the 
  action for infringement. (Sec. 79, IPC) 
Q:  What  is  the  “doctrine  of  contributory   
infringement”?  2. The  criminal  action  prescribes  in  three 
  (3)  years  from  the  commission  of  the 
A:  Aside from the infringer, anyone who actively  crime. (Sec. 84, IPC)   
induces the infringement of a patent or provides   
the  infringer  with  a  component  of  a  patented  Q: Who can file an action for infringement? 
product  or  of  a  product  produced  because  of  a 
patented  process  knowing  it  to  be  especially  A:  
adapted for infringing the patented invention and  1. The  patentee  or  his  successors‐in‐
not  suitable  for  substantial  non‐infringing  use  is  interest  may  file  an  action  for 
liable jointly and severally with the infringer as a  infringement. (Creser Precision Systems, 



Inc.  v.  CA,  G.R.  No.  118708,  Feb.  2,  1. The Director of Legal Affairs may grant a 

1998)  license  to  exploit  a  patented  invention, 
  even  without  the  agreement  of  the 
2. Any  foreign  national  or  juridical  entity  patent  owner,  in  favor  of  any  person 
who  meets  the  requirements  of  Sec.  3  who has shown his capability to exploit 
and  not  engaged  in  business  in  the  the invention (Sec. 93, IPC). 
Philippines, to which a patent has been   
granted or assigned, whether or not it is  2. R.A.  9502  (Universally  Accessible 
licensed  to  do  business  in  the  Cheaper  and  Quality  Medicines  Act  of 
Philippines. (Sec. 77, IPC)  2008) however amended Sec. 93 so that 
  it is the Director General of the IPO who 
Q:  What  are  the  defenses  in  an  action  for  may grant a license to exploit patented 
infringement?  invention  under  the  grounds 
  enumerated therein.  
1. Invalidity of the patent; (Sec. 81, IPC);  Note:  Clarification  either  by  legislation  of 
2. Any  of  the  grounds  for  cancellation  of  judicial  interpretation  as  to  who  has 
patents:  jurisdiction  should  be  made  to  avoid 
a. That  what  is  claimed  as  the  confusion.  (Salao,  Essential  of  Intellectual 
invention is not new or patentable  Property  Law:  a  Guidebook  on  Republic 
b. That  the  patent  does  not  disclose  Act No. 8293 and Related Laws, 2008) 
the  invention  in  a  manner   
sufficiently  clear  and  complete  for  Q:  What  are  the  grounds  for  compulsory 
it  to  be  carried  out  by  any  person  licensing and the period for filing a petition? 
skilled in the art; or    
c. That  the  patent  is  contrary  to  A:  
public  order  or  morality.    (Sec.  61,  1. National emergency 
  2. Where  the  public  interest,  at  any  time 
I. LICENSING  after the grant of the patent 
Q:  What  are  the  modes  of  obtaining  license  to  3. Where a judicial or administrative body 
exploit patent rights?  has  determined  that  the  manner  of 
  exploitation by the owner of the patent 
A:  or his licensee is anti‐competitive at any 
1. Voluntary licensing (Sec. 85, IPC) and  time after the grant of the patent 
2. Compulsory licensing (Sec. 93, IPC)   
  4. In case of public non‐commercial use of 
Q: What is voluntary licensing?  the  patent  by  the  patentee,  without 
  satisfactory reason at any time after the 
A:  The  grant  by  the  patent  owner  to  a  third  grant of the patent 
person  of  the  right  to  exploit  a  patented   
invention.  5. If  the  patented  invention  is  not  being 
  worked  in  the  Philippines  on  a 
Q: What are the rights of a licensor in voluntary  commercial  scale,  although  capable  of 
licensing?  being  worked,  without  satisfactory 
  reason  after  the  expiration  of  4  years 
A: In the absence of any provision to the contrary  from the date of filing of the application 
in the technology transfer arrangement, the grant  or  3  years  from  the  date  of  the  patent 
of  a  license  shall  not  prevent  the  licensor  from  whichever is later. (Sec. 93 in relation to 
granting further licenses to third person nor from  Sec. 94) 
exploiting  the  subject  matter  of  the  technology   
transfer arrangement himself (Sec. 89, IPC).  6. Where  the  demand  for  patented  drugs 
  and  medicines  is  not  being  met  to  an 
Q: Who can grant a compulsory license?  adequate  extent  and  on  reasonable 
  terms,  as  determined  by  the  Secretary 
A:   of  the  Department  of  Health  (Sec.  10, 
R.A. 9502) 
Q:  Grounds  for  cancellation  of  the  compulsory  J. ASSIGNMENT AND TRANSMISSION OF RIGHTS 
A:  Q: What are the forms of assignment? 
1. Ground for the grant of the compulsory   
license  no  longer  exists  and  is  unlikely  A: 
to recur;  1. Total  –  assignment  of  entire  right,  title 
  or interest in and to the patent and the 
2. Licensee  has  neither  begun  to  supply  invention covered thereby. 
the  domestic  market  nor  made  serious  2. Partial 
preparation therefore;  a. Separate  rights  –  assignment  of  a 
  specific right (ex: right to sell)b. 
3. Licensee  has  not  complied  with  the  b. Pro  Indiviso  –  assignment  of  an 
prescribed terms of the license.  aliquot  part  which  results  in  co‐
Q: Cezar works in a car manufacturing company   
owned  by  Joab.  Cezar  is  quite  innovative  and  Q: How is the transfer of rights effected? 
loves  to  tinker  with  things.  With  the  materials   
and parts of the car, he was able to invent a gas‐ A:  
saving  device  that  will  enable  cars  to  consume  1. By inheritance or bequest 
less  gas.  Francis,  a  co‐worker,  saw  how  Cezar  2. License contract 
created the device and likewise, came up with a   
similar  gadget,  also  using  scrap  materials  and  Q:  What  is  the  effect  of  an  assignment  of  a 
spare  parts  of  the  company.  Thereafter,  Francis  patent? 
filed an application for registration of his device   
with  the  Bureau  of  Patents.  Eighteen  months  A: The assignment works as an estoppels by deed, 
later,  Cezar  filed  his  application  for  the  preventing the assignor from denying the novelty 
registration  of  his  device  with  the  Bureau  of  and utility of the patented invention when sued y 
Patents.  the assignee for infringement. 
Q: Is the gas‐saving device patentable? Explain.  Q What should be the form of an assignment? 
A:  Yes  because  it  is  new,  it  involves  an  inventive  A:  
step and it is industrially applicable.   1. In writing 
  2. Acknowledged  and  certified  before  a 
Q: Assuming that it is patentable, who is entitled  notary public or other officer authorized 
to the patent? What, if any, is the remedy of the  to perform notarial acts 
losing party?  3. Recorded in the IPO 
A:  Francis  is  entitled  to  the  patent,  because  he  Q:  What  is  the  effect  if  the  assignment  was  not 
had the earlier filing date. The remedy of Cezar is  recorded in the IPO? 
to  file  a  petition  in  court  for  the  cancellation  of   
the patent of Francis on the ground that he is the  A:  A  deed  of  assignment  affecting  title  shall  be 
true  and  actual  inventor,  and  ask  for  his  void  as  against  any  subsequent  purchaser  or 
substitution as patentee. (2005 Bar Question)  mortgagee  for  valuable  consideration  and 
  without  notice  unless,  it  is  so  recorded  in  the 
Q:  Supposing  Albert  Einstein  were  alive  today  Office,  within  three  (3)  months  from  the  date  of 
and he filed with the Intellectual Property Office  said  instrument,  or  prior  to  the  subsequent 
(IPO)  an  application  for  patent  for  his  theory  of  purchase or mortgage. Even without recordal, the 
relativity  expressed  in  the  formula  E=mc2.  The  instruments are binding upon the parties. 
IPO  disapproved  Einstein's  application  on  the   
ground  that  his  theory  of  relativity  is  not  Q:  May  a  licensee  maintain  a  suit  for 
patentable. Is the IPO's action correct?  infringement? 
A:  Yes,  the  IPO’s  action  is  correct.    Section  22  of  A: 
the Intellectual Property Law expressly states that  GR:  Only  the  patentees,  his  heirs,  assignee, 
discoveries,  scientific  theories  and  mathematical  grantee  or  personal  representatives  may  bring 
methods are among those matters which are not  an action for infringement. 
patentable. (2006 Bar Question)   



    XPN:  If  the  licensing  agreement  provides  that  tradename  in  the  Philippines  and  that  it  had 
the  licensee  may  bring  an  action  for  been  using  the  same  in  its  restaurant  business. 
infringement  or  if  he  was  authorized  to  do  so  Shangrila  Corporation  counters  that  it  is  an 
by  the  patentee  through  a  special  power  of  affiliate  of  an  international  organization  which 
attorney.   has  been  using  such  logo  and  tradename 
  "Shangrila"  for  over  20  years.  However, 
III. TRADEMARKS  Shangrila  Corporation  registered  the  tradename 
  and  logo  in  the  Philippines  only  after  the  suit 
  Which of the two corporations has a better right 
Q:  What  is  a  trademark  and  how  does  it  differ  to use the logo and the tradename? Explain. 
from a trade name?    
  A:  S  Development  Corporation  has  a  better  right 
A:  Any  visible  sign  capable  of  distinguishing  the  to  use  the  logo  and  tradename,  since  it  was  the 
goods (trademark) or services (service mark) of an  first to register the logo and tradename. 
enterprise. A trade name is a name or designation   
identifying or distinguishing an enterprise.    Alternative Answer: 
  S  Development  Corporation  has  a  better  right  to 
TRADEMARK  TRADE NAME use  the  logo  and  tradename,  because  its 
A natural or artificial  certificate  of  registration  upon  which  the 
Goods or services 
offered by a proprietor 
person who does  infringement  case  is  based  remains  valid  and 
business and produces  subsisting for as long as it has not been cancelled. 
or enterprise are 
or performs the goods  (Shangrila International Hotel Management v. CA, 
designated by 
or services designated  G.R.  No.  111580,  June  21,  2001)  (2005  Bar 
trademark (goods) or 
by trademark or service  Question) 
service marks (services). 
Refers to business and  Q:  How  does  the  international  affiliation  of 
Refers to the goods. 
its goodwill. 
Shangrila Corporation affect the outcome of the 
Acquired only by 
Need not be registered.  dispute? Explain. 
A: Since Shangrila Corporation is not the owner of 
Q: What is a collective mark? 
the logo and tradename but is merely an affiliate 
of  the  international  organization  which  has  been 
A: A "collective mark" or collective trade‐name" is 
using them it is not the owner and does not have 
a mark or trade‐name used by the members of a 
the rights of an owner. (Sec. 147, IPC) 
cooperative,  an  association  or  other  collective 
group or organization. (Sec. 40, R.A. 166) 
Alternative Answer: 
The  international  affiliation  of  Shangrila 
Q: What are the functions of trademark? 
Corporation shall have no effect on the outcome 
of  the  dispute. Section  8  of  the  Paris  Convention 
provides  that  "there  is  no  automatic  protection 
1. To  point  out  distinctly  the  origin  or 
afforded an entity whose tradename is alleged to 
ownership  of  the  articles  to  which  it  is 
be  infringed  through  the  use  of  that  name  as  a 
trademark  by  a  local  entity."  (Kabushi  Kaisha 
Isetan  v.  IAC,  G.R.  No.  75420,  Nov.  15,  1991) 
2. To  secure  to  him  who  has  been 
(2005 Bar Question) 
instrumental  in  bringing  into  market  a 
superior article or merchandise the fruit 
Q:  What  are  the  salient  features  of  the  Paris 
of his industry and skill 
convention of trademarks? 
3. To  prevent  fraud  and  imposition. 
(Etepha  v.  Director  of  Patents,  G.R.  No. 
1. National  Treatment  Principle  –  foreign 
L‐20635, Mar. 31, 1966) 
nationals  are  to  be  given  the  same 
treatment  in  each    of  the  member 
Q:  S  Development  Corporation  sued  Shangrila 
countries  as  that  country  makes 
Corporation  for  using  the  "S"  logo  and  the 
available in its own citizens. 
tradename "Shangrila". The former claims that it 
was  the  first  to  register  the  logo  and  the 
2. Right  of  Priority  –  any  person  who  has  Pilsen  in  Czechoslovakia.  Pilsen  is  a  primarily 
duly  filed  registration  for  trademark  geographically  descriptive  word,  hence,  non‐
shall  enjoy  a  right  of  priority  of  6  registrable  and  not  appropriable  by  any  beer 
months (Rule 203, Trademark Rules)  manufacturer  (Asia  Brewery,  Inc.  v.  CA,  G.R.  No. 
  103543, July 5, 1993). 
3. Protection against Unfair Competition   
  Q:  Who  may  file  an  opposition  to  trademark 
4. Protection  of  Tradenames  –  protected  registration and on what ground? 
in  all  countries  without  obligation  of   
filing or registration.  A:  Any  person  who  believes  that  he  would  be 
  damaged by the registration of a mark may, upon 
5. Protection of Well‐Known Marks   payment of the required fee and within thirty (30) 
  days  after  the  publication  referred  to  in 
B. ACQUISITION OF OWNERSHIP OF MARK  Subsection  133.2,  file  with  the  Office  an 
  opposition to the application. (Sec. 134, IPC) 
Q: How are marks acquired?   
  Q:  Laberge,  Inc.,  manufactures  and  markets 
A: Marks are acquired solely through registration.  after‐shave  lotion,  shaving  cream,  deodorant, 
(Sec. 122, IPC)  talcum  powder  and  toilet  soap,  using  the 
  trademark  “PRUT”,  which  is  registered  with  the 
Q: What marks may be registered?  Phil.  Patent  Office.  Laberge  does  not 
  manufacture  briefs  and  underwear  and  these 
A:  Any  word,  name,  symbol,  emblem,  device,  items  are  not  specified  in  the  certificate  of 
figure,  sign,  phrase,  or  any  combination  thereof  registration.  JG  who  manufactures  briefs  and 
except those enumerated under Section 123, IPC.  underwear,  wants  to  know  whether,  under  our 
  laws,  he  can  use  and  register  the  trademark 
Q:  What  are  the  requirements  for  a  mark  to  be  “PRUTE”  for  his  merchandise.  What  is  your 
registered?  advice? 
A:  A:  Yes,  he  can  use  and  register  the  trademark 
1. A  visible  sign  (not  sounds  or  scents);  “PRUTE”  for  his  merchandise.  The  trademark 
and  registered in the name of Laberge Inc. covers only 
2. Capable  of  distinguishing  one’s  goods  after‐shave  lotion,  shaving  cream,  deodorant, 
and services from another.  talcum powder and toilet soap. It does not cover 
  briefs and underwear. The limit of the trademark 
Q: What is the doctrine of secondary meaning?  is stated in the certificate issued to Laberge Inc. It 
  does not include briefs and underwear which are 
A:  This  doctrine  is  to  the  effect  that  a  word  or  different  products  protected  by  Laberge’s 
phrase  originally  incapable  of  exclusive  trademark.  JG  can  register  the  trademark 
appropriation with reference to an article on the  “PRUTE”  to  cover  its  briefs  and  underwear 
market,  because  it  is  geographical  or  otherwise  (Faberge Inc. v. IAC, G.R. No. 71189, Nov. 4, 1992) 
descriptive, may nevertheless be used exclusively  (1994 Bar Question) 
by  one  producer  with  reference  to  his  article  so   
long  as  in  that  trade  and  to  that  branch  of  the  C. ACQUISITION AND OWNERSHIP OF TRADE 
purchasing  public,  the  word  or  phrase  has  come  NAME 
to mean that the article was his product. (G. and   
C. Merriam Co. v. Saalfield, 198 F. 369, 373, cited  Q: How are trade names acquired? 
in  Ang  v.  Teodoro,  G.R.  No.  L‐48226,  Dec.  14,   
1942)  A:  Trade  names  or  business  names  are  acquired 
  through  adoption  and  use.  Registration  is  not 
Q:  Is  there  an  infringement  of  trademark  when  required. (Sec. 165, IPC) 
two  similar  goods  use  the  same  words,  “PALE   
A:  No,  because  “pale  pilsen”  are  generic  words   
descriptive  of  the  color  (pale)  and  of  a  type  of   
beer (pilsen), which is a light bohemian beer with   
strong  hops  flavor  that  originated  in  the  City  of   



D. NON‐REGISTRABLE MARKS  designate  the  goods  or  services  in 

  everyday  language  and  established 
Q: What marks may not be registered?  trade practice 
A:   10. Consists  exclusively  that  may  serve  in 
1. Consists  of  immoral,  deceptive  or  trade  to  designate  the  kind,  quality, 
scandalous  matter  or  falsely  suggest  a  quantity,  intended  purpose,  value, 
connection  with  persons,  institutions,  geographical  origin,  time  or  production 
beliefs, or national symbols  of  the  goods  or  rendering  of  the 
  services,  or  other  characteristics  of  the 
2. Consists  of  the  flag  or  coat  of  arms  or  goods or services 
other  insignia  of  the  Philippines  or  any   
of  its  political  subdivisions,  or  of  any  11. Consists  of  shapes  that  may  be 
foreign nation  necessitated  by  technical  factors  or  by 
  the  nature  of  the  goods  themselves  or 
3. Consists of a name, portrait or signature  factors that affect their intrinsic value 
identifying  a  particular  living  individual   
except  by  his  written  consent,  or  the  12. Consists  of  color  alone,  unless  defined 
name,  signature,  or  portrait  of  a  by a given form; or 
deceased  President  of  the  Philippines,   
during  the  life  of  his  widow  except  by  13. Is  contrary  to  public  order  or  morality. 
written consent of the widow  (Sec. 123) 
4. Identical  with  a  registered  mark  E. PRIOR USE OF MARK AS A REQUIREMENT 
belonging  to  a  different  proprietor  or  a   
mark  with  an  earlier  filing  or  priority  Q: Is the prior use of the mark still a requirement 
date, in respect of:  for registration? 
1. The same goods or services, or   
2. Closely  related  goods  or  services,  A:  No.  Actual  prior  use  in  commerce  in  the 
or  Philippines has been abolished as a condition for 
3. If  it  nearly  resembles  such  a  mark  the registration of a trademark. (RA 8293) 
as  to  be  likely  to  deceive  or  cause   
confusion;  Q: When is non‐use excused? 
5. Is identical with an internationally well‐ A:   
known  mark,  whether  or  not  it  is  1. If  caused  by  circumstances  arising 
registered  here,  used  for  identical  or  independently of the will of the owner. 
similar goods or services  Lack of funds is not an excuse. 
  2. A use which does not alter its distinctive 
6. Is identical with an internationally well‐ character  though  the  use  is  different 
known  mark  which  is  registered  in  the  from the form in which it is registered. 
Philippines  with  respect  to  non‐similar  3. Use  of  mark  in  connection  with  one  or 
goods  or  services.  Provided,  that  the  more  of  the  goods/services  belonging 
interests of the owner of the registered  to  the  class  in  which  the  mark  is 
mark  are  likely  to  be  damaged  by  such  registered. 
use  4. The use of a mark by a company related 
  to the applicant/registrant. 
7. Is  likely  to  mislead  the  public  as  to  the  5. The  use  of  a  mark  by  a  person 
nature,  quality,  characteristics  or  controlled  by  the  registrant.  (Section 
geographical  origin  of  the  goods  or  152, IPC) 
8. Consists  exclusively  of  signs  that  are   
generic  for  the  goods  or  services  that   
they seek to identify   
9. Consists  exclusively  of  signs  that  have   
become  customary  or  usual  to 

F. TEST TO DETERMINE CONFUSING SIMILARITY  misleading  similarity  in  general  appearance,  not 
BETWEEN MARKS  similarity  of  trademarks.  (Converse  Rubber  Co.  v. 
  Jacinto  Rubber  &  Plastics  Co.,  G.R.  Nos.  27425, 
Q:  What  are  the  tests  in  determining  whether  30505, Apr. 28, 1980) (1996 Bar Question) 
there is a trademark infringement?   
  Q:  What  is  the  so‐called  “related  goods 
A:  principle”?  
1. Dominancy  test  –  Focuses  on  the   
similarity  of  the  prevalent  features  of  A: Goods are related when they; 1) belong to the 
the  competing  marks.  If  the  competing  same  class  or  have  the  same  descriptive 
trademark  contains  the  main  or  properties;  2)  when  they  possess  the  same 
essential  or  dominant  features  of  physical  attributes  or  essential  characteristics 
another,  and  confusion  is  likely  to  with reference to their form, composition, texture 
result,  infringement  takes  place.  (Asia  or quality.  
Brewery  v.  CA,  G.R.  No.  103543,  5  July   
1993)   Q: What is the rule of idem sonans? 
2. Totality  or  holistic  test  –  Confusing  A:  Two  names  are  said  to  be  "idem  sonantes"  if 
similarity  is  to  be  determined  on  the  the  attentive  ear  finds  difficulty  in  distinguishing 
basis  of  visual,  aural,  connotative  them  when  pronounced.  (Martin  v.  State,  541 
comparisons  and  overall impressions  S.W. 2d 605) 
engendered  by  the  marks  in   
controversy as they are encountered in  Note: Similarity of sound is sufficient to rule that the 
the marketplace.    two  marks  are  confusingly  similar  when  applied  to 
  merchandise  of  the  same  descriptive  properties. 
Note:  The  dominancy  test  only  relies  on  visual  (Marvex Commercial v. Director of Patent, G.R.  No. 
comparisons  between  two  trademarks  whereas  the  L‐19297, Dec.  22, 1966) 
totality  or  holistic  test  relies  not  only  on  the  visual   
but  also  on  the  aural  and  connotative  comparisons  Q:  What  are  the  types  of  confusion  that  arise 
and  overall  impressions  between  the  two  from  the  use  of  similar  or  colorable  imitation 
trademarks.  (Societe  Des  Produits  Nestl,  S.A.  v.  CA,  marks? 
G.R. No. 112012, Apr. 4, 2001)    
Q:  N  Corporation  manufactures  rubber  shoes  1. Confusion of goods (product confusion); 
under  the  trademark  “Jordann”  which  hit  the  and 
Philippine  market  in  1985,  and  registered  its  2. Confusion  of  business  (source  or  origin 
trademark  with  the  Bureau  of  Patents,  confusion).  (McDonald’s  Corporation  v. 
Trademarks  and  Technology  in  1990.  PK  L.C. Big Mak Burger, Inc., et al., G.R. No. 
Company  also  manufactures  rubber  shoes  with  143993,  Aug. 18, 2004) 
the  trademark  “Javorski”  which  it  registered   
with BPTTT in 1978. In 1992, PK Co adopted and  Note:  While  there  is  confusion  of  goods  when  the 
copied  the  design  of  N  Corporation’s  “Jordann”  products are competing, confusion of business exists 
rubber  shoes,  both  as  to  shape  and  color,  but  when  the  products  are  non‐competing  but  related 
retained  the  trademark  “Javorski”  on  its  enough to produce confusion of affiliation. 
products.  May  PK  Company  be  held  liable  to  N   
Co? Explain.  Q: What is colorable imitation? 
A:  PK  Co  may  be  liable  for  unfairly  competing  A:  Such  a  close  or  ingenious  imitation  as  to  be 
against  N  Co.  By  copying  the  design,  shape  and  calculated to deceive ordinary persons, or such a 
color  of  N  Corporation’s  “Jordann”  rubber  shoes  resemblance  to  the  original  as  to  deceive  an 
and  using  the  same  in  its  rubber  shoes  ordinary  purchaser  giving  such  attention  as  a 
trademarked  “Javorski,”  PK  is  obviously  trying  to  purchaser  usually  gives,  as  to  cause  him  to 
pass  off  its  shoes  for  those  of  N.  It  is  of  no  purchase  the  one  supposing  it  to  be  the  other. 
moment  that  the  trademark  “Javorski”  was  (Societe  des  Produits  Nestlé,  S.A.  v.  CA,  G.R.  No. 
registered  ahead  of  the  trademark  “Jordann.”  112012, Apr. 4, 2001) 
Priority in registration is not material in an action   
for  unfair  competition  as  distinguished  from  an   
action for infringement of trademark. The basis of   
an action for unfair competition is confusing and   



G. WELL‐KNOWN MARKS  Q:  What  are  the  rights  of  a  registered  mark 

Q:  What  constitutes  an  internationally  well‐  
known mark?  A: 
  1. Protection  against  reproduction,  or 
A:   imitation  or  unauthorized  use  of  the 
1. Considered  by  the  competent  authority  mark (infringement of mark) 
of  the  Philippines  to  be  “well‐known”  2. To stop entry of imported merchandise 
international  and  in  the  Philippines  as  into  the  country  containing  a  mark 
the  mark  of  a  person  other  than  the  identical  or  similar  to  the  registered 
applicant or registrant  mark 
2. Need  not  be  used  or  registered  in  the  3. To transfer or license out the mark. 
3. Need  not  be  known  by  the  public  at  I. USE BY THIRD PARTIES OF NAMES, ETC. 
large  but  only  by  relevant  sector  of  the  SIMILAR TO REGISTERED MARK 
  Q:  What  is  the  effect  of  use  of  Indications  by 
Q:  What  does  the  law  provide  as  regards  third  parties  for  purposes  other  than  those  for 
internationally‐well known marks?  which the mark is used?  
A:   A: Registration of the mark shall not confer on the 
GR:  Prohibition  on  subsequent  registration  registered  owner  the  right  to  preclude  third 
does  not  include  services  and  goods  of  parties  from  using  bona  fide  their  names, 
different nature or kind.  addresses, pseudonyms, a geographical name, or 
  exact  indications  concerning  the  kind,  quality, 
XPN:  quantity,  destination,  value,  place  of  origin,  or 
1. If the internationally well‐known mark is  time of production or of supply, of their goods or 
not  registered  in  the  Philippines,  the  services.  
application  for  registration  of  a   
subsequent  or  similar  mark  can  be  J. INFRINGEMENT AND REMEDIES 
rejected  only  if  the  goods  or  services   
specified  in  the  application  are  similar  Q: What is trademark infringement? 
to  those  of  the  internationally  well‐  
known mark  A:  The  use  without  consent  of  the  trademark 
  owner  of  any  a)  reproduction,  b)  counterfeit,  c) 
2. If  the  internationally  well‐known  mark  copy  or  d)  colorable  imitation  of  any  registered 
is  registered  in  the  Philippines,  the  mark  or  tradename  in  connection  with  the  sale, 
application  for  registration  of  a  offering  for  sale,  or  advertising  of  any  goods, 
subsequent  or  similar  mark  can  be  business  or  services  on  or  in  connection  with 
refused  even  if  the  goods  or  services  which  such  use  is  likely  to  cause  confusion  or 
specified  in  the  application  are  not  mistake  or  to  deceive  purchasers  or  others  as  to 
identical  or  similar  to  those  of  the  the source or origin of such goods or services, or 
internationally well‐known mark  identity  of  such  business;  or  reproduce, 
  counterfeit,  copy  or  colorably  imitate  any  such 
H. RIGHTS CONFERRED BY REGISTRATION  mark or tradename and apply such reproduction, 
  counterfeit, copy or colorable limitation to labels, 
Q:  What  is  the  duration  of  a  certificate  of  signs,  prints,  packages,  wrappers,  receptacles  or 
trademark registration?   advertisements  intended  to  be  used  upon  or  in 
  connection with such goods, business or services 
A: 10 years, renewable for a period of another 10  (Esso  Standard  Eastern  v.  CA,  G.R.  No.  L‐29971, 
years.    Each  request  for  renewal  must  be  made  Aug. 31, 1982)   
within 6 months before or after the expiration of   
the registration.   

Q:  What  are  the  elements  to  be  established  in  presumed  if  a  letter  R  within  a  circle  is 
trademark infringement?  appended)  and  stop  him  permanently 
  from using the mark.  
1. The validity of the mark  2. Criminal — the owner of the trademark 
2. The plaintiff’s ownership of the mark  may  ask  the  court  to  issue  a  search 
3. The  use  of  the  mark  or  its  colorable  warrant  and  in  appropriate  cases, 
imitation by the alleged infringer results  remedies available shall also include the 
in  “likelihood  of  confusion.”  seizure,  forfeiture  and  destruction  of 
(McDonald’s Corporation v. L.C. Big Mak  the  infringing  goods  and  of  any 
Burger,  Inc.,  G.R.  No.  143993,   Aug  18,  materials  and  implements  the 
2004)  predominant  use  of  which  has  been  in 
  the commission of the offense. 
Q: What is meant by non‐competing goods?   
  3. Administrative  —  This  remedy  is  the 
A:  Those  which,  though  they  are  not  in  actual  same as in patent infringement cases. If 
competition,  are  so  related  to  each  other  that  it  the  amount  of  damages  claimed  is  not 
might reasonably be assumed that they originate  less  than  P200,000.00,  the  registrant 
from one manufacturer.  may choose to seek redress against the 
Non‐competing goods  may  also  be  those  which,  infringer  by  filing  an  administrative 
being entirely unrelated, could not reasonably be  action  against  the  infringer  with  the 
assumed to have a common source. In the case of  Bureau of Legal Affairs. 
related  goods,  confusion  of  business  could  arise   
out of the use of similar marks; in the latter case  Q:  How  is  the  amount  of  damages  in  a  civil 
of  non‐related  goods,  it  could  not.  The  vast  action for infringement ascertained?  
majority  of  courts  today  follow  the  modern   
theory  or  concept  of  "related  goods" which  the  A:    The  owner  of  a  trademark  which  has  been 
court  has  likewise  adopted  and  uniformly  infringed is entitled to actual damages: 
recognized  and  applied.  (Esso  Standard  Eastern,   
Inc. v. CA, G.R.  No. L‐29971, Aug. 31, 1982)  1. The  reasonable  profit  which  the 
  complaining  party  would  have  made, 
Q:  Is  there  infringement  even  if  the  goods  are  had the defendant not infringed his said 
non‐competing?  rights; or 
  2. The profit which the defendant actually 
A:  made out of infringement; or 
GR: No.  3. The  court  may  award  as  damages  a 
  reasonable  percentage  based  upon  the 
XPN: If it prevents the natural expansion of his  amount of gross sales of the defendant 
business  and,  second,  by  having  his  business  of  the  value  of  the  services  in 
reputation  confused  with  and  put  at  the  connection  with  which  the  mark  or 
mercy  of  the  second  user.  (Ang  v.  Teodoro,  trade name was issued.  
G.R. No. L‐48226, Dec. 14, 1942)   
  Q: What court has jurisdiction over violations of 
Q:  What  are  the  remedies  of  the  owner  of  the  intellectual property rights? 
trademark against infringers?   
  A:  It  is  properly  lodged  with  the  Regional  Trial 
A:  Court  even  if  the  penalty  therefore  is 
1. Civil  —  both  civil  and  criminal  actions  imprisonment of less than six years, or from 2 to 
may  be  filed  with  the  Regional  Trial  5  years  and  a  fine  ranging  from  P50,000  to 
Courts.  The  owner  of  the  registered  P200,000. 
mark  may  ask  the  court  to  issue  a   
preliminary  injunction  to  quickly  Note:  R.A.  8293  and  R.A.  166  are  special  laws 
prevent  infringer  from  causing  damage  conferring  jurisdiction  over  violations  of  intellectual 
to  his  business.  Furthermore,  the  court  property  rights  to  the  Regional  Trial  Court.  They 
will require infringer to pay damages to  should therefore prevail over R.A. No. 7691, which is 
the  owner  of  the  mark  provided  a  general  law.  (Samson  v.  Daway,  G.R.  No.  160054‐
defendant  is  shown  to  have  had  notice  55, July 21, 2004) 
of the registration of the mark (which is   



Q:  What  are  the  limitations  on  the  actions  for  Q: Who are guilty of unfair competition? 
A:   1. Any person, who is selling his goods and 
1. Right  of  prior  user  –  registered  mark  gives  them  the  general  appearance  of 
shall  be  without  affect  against  any  goods  of  another  manufacturer  or 
person  who,  in good  faith,  before  filing  dealer,  either  as  to  the  goods 
or priority date, was using the mark for  themselves  or  in  the  wrapping  of  the 
purposes  of  his  business.  (Sec  159.1,  packages  in  which  they  are  contained, 
IPC)  or  the  devices  or  words  thereon,  or  in 
  any  other  feature  of  their  appearance, 
2. Relief  against  publisher  –  injunction  which  would  be  likely  to  influence 
against  future  printing  against  an  purchasers  to  believe  that  the  goods 
innocent infringer who is engaged solely  offered  are  those  of  a  manufacturer  or 
in  the  business  of  printing  the  mark.  dealer,  other  than  the  actual 
(Sec. 159.2, IPC)  manufacturer  or  dealer,  or  who 
  otherwise  clothes  the  goods  with  such 
3. Relief  against  newspaper  –  injunction  appearance  as  shall  deceive  the  public 
against  the  presentation  of  advertising  and  defraud  another  of  his  legitimate 
matter  in  future  issues  of  the  trade,  or  any  subsequent  vendor  of 
newspaper,  magazine  or  in  electronic  such  goods  or  any  agent  of  any  vendor 
communications  in  case  the  engaged in selling such goods with a like 
infringement  complained  of  is  purpose; 
contained  in  or  is  part  of  paid   
advertisement  in  such  materials.  (Sec.  2. Any  person  who  by  any  artifice,  or 
159.3, IPC)  device,  or  who  employs  any  other 
  means  calculated  to  induce  the  false 
K. UNFAIR COMPETITION  belief  that  such  person  is  offering  the 
  services  of  another  who  has  identified 
Q:  What  distinguishes  infringement  of  such services in the mind of the public; 
trademark from unfair competition?    or 
A:  3. Any  person  who  shall  make  any  false 
INFRINGEMENT OF  UNFAIR statement in the course of trade or who 
TRADEMARK  COMPETITION  shall  commit  any  other  act  contrary  to 
The passing off of one’s  good  faith  of  a  nature  calculated  to 
Unauthorized use of a 
goods as those of  discredit the goods, business or services 
another.  of another. (Sec. 168.3) 
Fraudulent intent is  Fraudulent intent is   
unnecessary.  essential.  Q: Is the law on unfair competition broader than 
Prior registration of the  Registration is not  the law on trademark? 
trademark is a  necessary. (Del Monte   
prerequisite to the  Corp. v.  CA, G.R. No.  A: Yes. For the latter (trademark infringement) is 
action.  78325, Jan. 23, 1990) 
more  limited  but  it  recognizes  a  more  exclusive 
  right  derived  from  the  trademark  adoption  and 
Q:  What  is  the  right  protected  under  unfair  registration  by  the  person  whose  goods  or 
competition?  business is first associated with it. Hence, even if 
  one  fails  to  establish  his  exclusive  property  right 
A: A person who has identified in the mind of the  to  a  trademark,  he  may  still  obtain  relief  on  the 
public the goods he manufactures or deals in, his  ground  of  his  competitor’s  unfairness  or  fraud. 
business  or  services  from  those  of  others,  Conduct  constitutes  unfair  competition  if  the 
whether or not a registered mark is employed, has  effect is to pass off on the public the goods of one 
a property right in the goodwill of the said goods,  man  as  the  goods  of  another.  (Mighty 
business  or  services  so  identified,  which  will  be  Corporation  v.  E.  &  J.  Gallo  Winery,  G.R.  No. 
protected  in  the  same  manner  as  other  property  154342, July 14, 2004) 
rights. (Sec. 168.1, IPC)   
Q: What are the elements of an action for unfair  Q:  What  are  the  limitations  on  use  of  trade 
competition?  name or business name? 
A:  A: A person may not: 
1. Confusing  similarity  in  the  general   
appearance of the goods; and   1. Use    any  name  or  designation  contrary 
  to public order or morals  
Note: The confusing similarity may or may   
not result from similarity in the marks, but  2. Use  a  name  if  it  is  liable  to  deceive 
may  result  from  other  external  factors  in  trade  circles  or  the  public  as  to  the 
the  packaging  or  presentation  of  the  nature  of  the  enterprise  identified  by 
goods.  that name. (Sec. 165.1, IPC) 
2. Intent to deceive the public and defraud  3. Subsequently use a trade name likely to 
a competitor.   mislead the public as a third party. (Sec. 
  165.2, b, IPC) 
Note:  The  intent  to  deceive  and  defraud   
may  be  inferred  from  the  similarity  in  4. Copy  or  simulate  the  name  of  any 
appearance  of  the  goods  as  offered  for  domestic  product  (for  imported 
sale to the public. Actual fraudulent intent 
need  not  be  shown.  (McDonald’s 
Corporation v. L.C. Big Mak Burger, Inc., et 
5. Copy  or  simulate  a  mark  registered  in 
al., G.R. No. 143993, Aug. 18, 2004) 
accordance  with  the  provisions  of  IPC 
(for imported products). 
Q:  The  NBI  found  that  SG  Inc. is  engaged  in  the 
reproduction  and  distribution  of  counterfeit 
6. Use  mark  or  trade  name  calculated  to 
"playstation  games"  and  thus  applied  with  the 
induce  the  public  to  believe  that  the 
Manila  RTC  warrants  to  search  respondent's 
article  is  manufactured  in  the 
premises  in  Cavite.  RTC  granted  such  warrants 
Philippines, or that it is manufactured in 
and thus, the NBI served the search warrants on 
any  foreign  country  or  locality  other 
the  subject  premises.  SG  Inc.  questioned  the 
than  the  country  or  locality  where  it  is 
validity  of  the  warrants  due  to  wrong  venue 
in fact manufactured. 
since  the  RTC  of  Manila  had  no  jurisdiction  to 
issue  a  search  warrant  enforceable  in  Cavite.  Is 
Note:  Items  4,  5  and  6  only  applies  to 
the contention of SG Inc. correct? 
imported  products  and  those  imported 
articles  shall  not  be  admitted  to  entry  at 
A:  No,  unfair  competition  is  a  transitory  or  any  customhouse  of  the  Philippines  (Sec. 
continuing offense under Section 168 of Republic  166, IPC). 
Act No. 8293. As such, petitioner may apply for a 
search warrant in any court where any element of 
Q: How is the change in the ownership of a trade 
the alleged offense was committed, including any 
name made? 
of  the  courts  within  Metro  Manila  and  may  be 
validly  enforced  in  Cavite.  (Sony  Computer   
Entertainment  Inc.  v.  Supergreen  Inc.  G.R.  No.  A:  It  shall  be  made  with  the  transfer  of  the 
161823, Mar. 22, 2007)  enterprise  or  part  thereof  identified  by  that 
  name. (Sec. 165.4, IPC) 
Q: What is a trade name or business name?    
  Q: What is a collective mark? 
A:  Any  individual  name  or  surname,  firm  name,   
device  nor  word  used  by  manufacturers,  A: A "collective mark" or “collective trade‐name" 
industrialists,  merchants,  and  others  to  identify  is a mark or trade‐name used by the members of 
their  businesses,  vocations  or  occupants  a  cooperative,  an  association  or  other  collective 
(Converse  rubber  Corp.  vs.  Universal  Rubber  group or organization. (Sec. 40, R.A. 166) 
Products,  GR  No.  L‐27425,  L‐30505,  April  28,   



Q: What should an application for registration of  c. If  its  registration  was  obtained 

a collective mark contain?  fraudulently  or  contrary  to  the 
  provisions of the IPC; 
A:  d. If the registered mark is being used 
1. The application shall designate the mark  by,  or  with  the  permission  of,  the 
as a collective mark  registrant  so  as  to  misrepresent 
2. Accompanied  by  a  copy  of  the  the source of the goods or services 
agreement, if any, governing the use of  on or in connection with which the 
the collective mark (Sec. 167.2, IPC)  mark is used; 
  e. Non‐use  of  the  mark  within  the 
Q: What are the grounds for the cancellation of  Philippines,  without  legitimate 
collective marks?  reason,  for  an  uninterrupted 
  period of 3 years. 
1. The  Court  shall  cancel  the  registration  IV. COPYRIGHTS 
of  a  collective  mark  if  the  person   
requesting  the  cancellation  proves  that  Q: What is copyright? 
only  the  registered  owner  uses  the   
mark,  A:    A  right  over  literary  and  artistic  works  which 
  are  original  intellectual  creations  in  the  literary 
2. Or  that  he  uses  or  permits  its  use  in  and  artistic  domain  protected  from  the  moment 
contravention  of  the  agreements  of creation.  (Sec. 171.1, IPC) 
referred to in Subsection 166.2,   
3. Or  that  he  uses  or  permits  its  use  in  a   
manner liable to deceive trade circles or  Q: What are the elements of copyrightability? 
the  public  as  to  the  origin  or  any  other   
common characteristics of the goods or   
services concerned (Sec 167.3).  A:  
1. Originality – Must have been created by 
Note:  The  registration  of  a  collective  mark,  or  an  the  author’s  own  skill,  labor,  and 
application  therefor  shall  not  be  the  subject  of  a  judgment  without  directly  copying  or 
license contract.  evasively imitating the work of another. 
(Ching  Kian  Chuan  v.  CA,  G.R.  No. 
N. CRIMINAL PENALTIES  130360, Aug. 15, 2001) 
Q:  What  are  the  criminal  penalties  for  unfair 
2. Expression  –  Must  be  embodied  in  a 
competition,  infringement,  false  designation  of 
medium  sufficiently  permanent  or 
origin and false representations? 
stable  to  permit  it  to  be  perceived, 
reproduced  or  communicated  for  a 
A:  A  penalty  of  imprisonment  from  2  years  to 
period more than a transitory duration. 
5and  a  fine  ranging  from  P50,000  to  P200,000 
(Sec. 170, IPC.) 
Q: What are the elements of originality? 
Q: Can trademark registration be cancelled? 
1. It  is  independently  created  by  the 
A: Yes, by any person who believes that he will be 
author, and 
damaged by the registration of the mark: 
2. It  possesses  some  minimal  degree  of 
1. Within  5  years,  from  the  date  of  the 
registration of the mark; or 
Q: When does copyright vest? 
2. At any time; 
A:  Works  are  protected  from  the  time  of  their 
a. If the registered mark becomes the 
creation,  irrespective  of  their  mode  or  form  of 
generic  name  for  the  goods  or 
expression, as well as of their content, quality and 
services,  or  a  portion  thereof,  for 
which it is registered; 
b. If the mark has been abandoned; 

B. COPYRIGHTABLE WORKS  Q: P&D was granted a copyright on the technical 
  drawings  of  light  boxes  as  "advertising  display 
Q: What are copyrightable works?  units".  SMI,  however,  manufactured  similar  or 
  identical  to  the  light  box  illustrated  in  the 
A:   technical  drawings  copyrighted  by  P&D  for 
1. Literary and Artistic Works   leasing out to different advertisers.  Was this an 
  BOLD‐MAN‐GAS‐PAP‐CO  infringement  of  P&D’s  copyright  over  the 
  technical drawings? 
a. Books,  pamphlets,  articles  and   
other writings  A:  No,  P&D’s  copyright  protection  extended  only 
b. Lectures,  sermons,  addresses,  to the technical drawings and not to the light box 
dissertations  prepared  for  Oral  itself.  The  light  box  was  not  a  literary  or  artistic 
delivery,  whether  or  not  reduced  piece  which  could  be  copyrighted  under  the 
in writing or other material form  copyright  law.  If  SMI  reprinted  P&D’s  technical 
c. Letters  drawings  for  sale  to  the  public  without  license 
d. Dramatic, choreographic works  from  P&D,  then  no  doubt  they  would  have  been 
e. Musical compositions  guilty  of  copyright  infringement.  Only  the 
f. Works of Art  expression  of  an  idea  is  protected  by  copyright, 
g. Periodicals and Newspapers  not  the  idea  itself.  If  what  P&D  sought  was 
h. Works  relative  to  Geography,  exclusivity  over  the  light  boxes,  it  should  have 
topography,  architecture  or  instead  procured  a  patent  over  the  light  boxes 
science  itself.  (Pearl  and  Dean  Inc.  v.  Shoe  Mart  Inc.,  GR 
i. Works of Applied art  No. 148222, Aug. 15, 2003) 
j. Works  of  a  Scientific  or  technical   
character  Q:  What  is  the  difference  between  collection  of 
k. Photographic works  work and collective work? 
l. Audiovisual  works  and   
cinematographic works  A: 
m. Pictorial  illustrations  and  COLLECTION OF WORK  COLLECTIVE WORK 
n. Computer programs; and  It is not necessary that  There is an agreement 
o. Other  literary,  scholarly,  scientific  there is an agreement.  whereby the authors 
Individual  contribution  bound themselves not to 
and artistic works. (Sec. 172.1, IPC) 
is capable of copyright  be identified with the 
protection.  work. 
2. Derivative Works 
Q:  Juan  Xavier  wrote  and  published  a  story 
a. Dramatizations,  translations, 
similar  to  an  unpublished  copyrighted  story  of 
adaptations,  abridgements, 
Manoling Santiago. It was, however, conclusively 
arrangements,  and  other 
proven that Juan Xavier was not aware that the 
alterations  of  literary  or  artistic 
story  of  Manoling  Santiago  was  protected  by 
copyright.  Manoling  Santiago  sued  Juan  Xavier 
for  infringement  of  copyright.  Is  Juan  Xavier 
b. Collections of literary, scholarly, or 
artistic  works  and  compilations  of 
data and other materials which are 
A:  Yes.  Juan  Xavier  is  liable  for  infringement  of 
original  by  reason  of  the  selection 
copyright.  It  is  not  necessary  that  Juan  Xavier  is 
or  coordination  or  arrangement  of 
aware  that  the  story  of  Manoling  Santiago  was 
their contents. (Sec. 173) 
protected  by  copyright.  The  work  of  Manoling 
Santiago  is  protected  from  the  time  of  its 
Note: Derivative Works shall be protected 
as  new  works,  provided  that  such  new  creation. (1998 Bar Question) 
work  shall  not  affect  the  force  of  any   
subsisting  copyright  upon  the  original  Note:  There  will  still  be  originality  sufficient  to 
works employed or any part thereof, or be  warrant copyright protection if “the author, through 
construed to imply any right to such use of  his skill and effort, has contributed a distinguishable 
the original works, or to secure or extend  variation  from  the  older  works.”  In  such  a  case,  of 
copyright  in  such  original  works.  (Sec.  course,  only  those  parts  which  are  new  are 
173.2, IPC)  protected  by  the  new  copyright.  Hence,  in  such  a 
  case, there is no case of infringement. Juan Xavier is 



no  less  an  “author”  because  others  have  preceded  prosecutor  to  dismiss  the  case  for  lack  of 
him.   probable  cause.  Was  the  decision  of  the  DOJ 
  Secretary correct? 
  A: Yes, the format of a show is not copyrightable. 
Q: What are the subjects not protected?  The copyright law enumerates the classes of work 
  entitled  to  copyright  protection.The  format  or 
A:   mechanics of a television show is not included in 
1. Idea,  procedure,  system,  method  or  the  list  of  protected  works.  For  this  reason,  the 
operation,  concept,  principle,  discovery  protection  afforded  by  the  law  cannot  be 
or mere data as such  extended  to  cover  them.  Copyright,  in  the  strict 
2. News  of  the  day  and  other    items  of  sense of the term, is purely a statutory right. It is 
press information  a  new  or  independent  right  granted  by  the 
3. Any  official  text  of  a  legislative,  statute,  and  not  simply  a  pre‐existing  right 
administrative or legal nature, as well as  regulated  by the statute.  Being a statutory grant, 
any official translation thereof  the  rights  are  only  such  as  the  statute  confers, 
4. Pleadings  and  may  be  obtained  and  enjoyed  only  with 
5. Decisions  of  courts  and  tribunals  –  this  respect  to  the  subjects  and  by  the  persons,  and 
refers  to  original  decisions  and  not  to  on  terms  and  conditions  specified  in  the  statute. 
annotated  decisions  such  as  the  SCRA  The  copyright  does  not  extend  to  the  general 
or SCAD as these already fall under the  concept  or  format  of  its  dating  game  show. 
classification of derivative works, hence  (Joaquin v. Drilon, G.R. No. 108946, Jan. 28, 1999) 
6. Any  work  of  the  Government  of  the  Q:  Rural  is  a  certified  public  utility  providing 
Philippines   telephone  service  to  several  communities  in 
  Manila.  It  obtains  data  for  the  directory  from 
GR:  Conditions  imposed  prior  the  subscribers,  who  must  provide  their  names  and 
approval  of  the  government  agency  or  addresses  to  obtain  telephone  service.  Feist 
office wherein the work is created shall  Publications,  Inc.,  is  a  publishing  company  that 
be  necessary  for  exploitation  of  such  specializes  in  area‐wide  telephone  directories 
work  for  profit.  Such  agency  or  office,  covering  a  much  larger  geographic  range  than 
may,  among  other  things,  impose  as  directories  such  as  Rural's.  Feist  extracted  the 
condition the payment of royalties.  listings it needed from Rurals’s directory without 
  its consent. Are directories copyrightable? 
XPN:  No  prior  approval  or  conditions   
shall  be  required  for  the  use  of  any  A:  No,  directories  are  not  copyrightable  and 
purpose  of  statutes,  rules  and  therefore  the  use  of  them  does  not  constitute 
regulations,  and  speeches,  lectures,  infringement.  The  Intellectual  Property  Code 
sermons,  addresses,  and  dissertations,  mandates  originality  as  a  prerequisite  for 
pronounced, read, or rendered in courts  copyright  protection.  This  requirement 
of  justice,  before  administration  necessitates  independent  creation  plus  a 
agencies, in deliberative assemblies and  modicum  of  creativity.  Since  facts  do  not  owe 
in meetings of public character. (Section  their  origin  to  an  act  of  authorship,  they  are  not 
176, IPC)  original,  and  thus  are  not  copyrightable.  A 
  compilation  is  not  copyrightable  per  se,  but  is 
7. TV  programs,  format  of  TV  programs  copyrightable only if its facts have been "selected, 
(Joaquin v. Drilon, G.R. No. 108946, Jan.  coordinated,  or  arranged  in  such  a  way  that  the 
28, 1999)  resulting  work  as  a  whole  constitutes  an  original 
8. Systems of bookkeeping; and  work  of  authorship."  Thus,  the  statute  envisions 
9. Statutes.  that  some  ways  of  selecting,  coordinating,  and 
  arranging  data  are  not  sufficiently  original  to 
Q:  BJ  Productions,  Inc.  (BJPI)  is  the  trigger  copyright  protection.  Even  a  compilation 
holder/grantee  of  a  copyright  of  “Rhoda  and  that  is  copyrightable  receives  only  limited 
Me”,  a  dating  game  show  aired  from  1970  to  protection,  for  the  copyright  does  not  extend  to 
1977.  Subsequently,  however,  RPN  aired  the  facts  contained  in  the  compilation.    (Feist 
game show “It’s a Date”, which was produced by  Publications,  Inc.  v.  Rural  Telephone  Service  Co., 
IXL  Productions,  Inc.  (IXL).  As  such,  an  499 U.S. 340) 
information for copyright infringement was filed   
against  RPN.  The  DOJ  Secretary  directed  the 
D. RIGHTS OF A COPYRIGHT OWNER  own  creation  or  in  a  distorted 
  version of his work. (Sec.193, IPC) 
Q: What is the presumption of authorship?   
  3. Droit  de  suite  (Right  to  proceeds  in 
A: The natural person whose name is indicated on  subsequent  transfers  or  follow  up 
a work in the usual manner as the author shall, in  rights)  –  This  is  an  inalienable  right  of 
the  absence  of  proof  to  the  contrary,  presumed  the author or his heirs to receive to the 
to  be  the  author  of  the  work.  This  is  applicable  extent  of  5%  of  the  gross  proceeds  of 
even  if  the  name  is  a  pseudonym,  where  the  the sale or lease of a work of painting or 
pseudonym leaves no doubt as to identity of the  sculpture  or  of  the  original  manuscript 
author. (Sec. 219.1, IPC)  of a writer or composer, subsequent to 
  its first disposition by the author. 
The  person  or  body  corporate,  whose  name   
appears  on  the  audio‐visual  work  in  the  usual  The following works are not covered: 
manner  shall,  in  the  absence  of  proof  to  the  a. Prints 
contrary,  be  presumed  to  be  the  maker  of  said  b. Etchings 
work. (Sec. 219.2, IPC)  c. Engravings 
  d. Works of applied art 
Q: What are the rights of an author?  e. Similar  works  wherein  the  author 
  primarily  derives  gain  from  the 
A:   proceeds  of  reproductions.  (Sec. 
1. Economic rights – The right to carry out,  201, IPC) 
authorize or prevent the following acts:   
  Q:  ABC  is  the  owner  of  certain  musical 
a. Reproduction  of  the  work  or  compositions  among  which  are  the  songs 
substantial portion thereof  entitled:  "Dahil  Sa  Iyo",  "Sapagkat  Ikaw  Ay 
b. Carry‐out  derivative  work  Akin," "Sapagkat Kami Ay Tao Lamang" and "The 
(dramatization,  translation,  Nearness  Of  You.”  Soda  Fountain  Restaurant 
adaptation,  abridgement,  hired  a  combo  with  professional  singers  to  play 
arrangement  or  other  and  sing  musical  compositions  to  entertain  and 
transformation of the work)  amuse  customers.  They  performed  the  above‐
c. First  distribution  of  the  original  mentioned  compositions  without  any  license  or 
and each copy of the work by sale  permission  from  ABC  to  play  or  sing  the  same. 
or  other  forms  of  transfer  of  Accordingly, ABC demanded from Soda Fountain 
ownership  payment  of  the  necessary  license  fee  for  the 
d. Rental right  playing  and  singing  of  aforesaid  compositions 
e. Public display  but  the  demand  was  ignored.  ABC  filed  an 
f. Public performance  infringement  case  against  Soda  Fountain.  Does 
g. Other  communications  to  the  the  playing  and  singing  of  musical  compositions 
public.  inside  an  establishment  constitute  public 
  performance for profit? 
2. Moral  rights  –  For  reasons  of   
professionalism  and  propriety,  the  A: Yes. The patrons of the Soda Fountain pay only 
author has the right:  for  the  food  and  drinks  and  apparently  not  for 
a. To  require  that  the  authorship  of  listening  to  the  music,  but  the  music  provided  is 
the  works  be  attributed  to  him  for  the  purpose  of  entertaining  and  amusing  the 
(attribution right)  customers  in  order  to  make  the  establishment 
b. To  make  any  alterations  of  his  more attractive and desirable. For the playing and 
work  prior  to,  or  to  withhold  it  singing  the  musical  compositions  involved,  the 
from publication  combo  was  paid  as  independent  contractors  by 
c. Right to preserve integrity of work,  Soda  Fountain.  It  is  therefore  obvious  that  the 
object to any distortion, mutilation  expenses  entailed  thereby  are  added  to  the 
or other modification which would  overhead  of  the  restaurant  which  are  either 
be  prejudicial  to  his  honor  or  eventually  charged  in  the  price  of  the  food  and 
reputation; and  drinks or to the overall total of additional income 
d. To  restrain  the  use  of  his  name  produced by the bigger volume of business which 
with respect to any work not of his  the  entertainment  was  programmed  to  attract. 
Consequently,  it  is  beyond  question  that  the 



playing  and  singing  of  the  combo  in  defendant‐ Note:  The  person/s  to  be  charged  with  the 
appellee's restaurant constituted performance for  posthumous  enforcement  of  moral  rights  shall  be 
profit.  (FILSCAP  v.  Tan,  G.R.,  No.   L‐36402,  Mar.  named  in  writing  to  be  filed  with  the  National 
16, 1987)  Library.  In  default  of  such  person  or  persons,  such 
  enforcement  shall  devolve  upon  either  the  author's 
Q: Malang Santos designed for Ambassador Neri  heirs, and in default of the heirs, the Director of the 
for his personal christmas greetings for the year  National Library. (ibid.) 
1959  a  christmas  card  depicting  a  Philippine   
rural  Christmas  time  scene.  The  following  year  Q: What are the exceptions to moral rights? 
McCullough  Printing  Company,  without  the   
knowledge  and  authority  of  Santos,  displayed  A:  
the  very  design  in  its  album  of  Christmas  cards  a. Absent any special contract at the time 
and offered it for sale. Santos filed for copyright  creator licenses/permits another to use 
infringement  contending  that  the  publication  of  his work, the following are deemed not 
his design was limited as it was intended only for  to  contravene  creator’s  moral  rights, 
Ambassador  Neri’s  use,  hence,  it  could  not  be  provided  they  are  done  in  accordance 
used  for  public  consumption.  Is  there  copyright  with reasonable customary standards or 
infringement?  requisites of the medium: 
  a. Editing 
A: No. If there were a condition that the cards are  b. Arranging 
to  be  limitedly  published,  then  Ambassador  Neri  c. Adaptation 
would  be  the  aggrieved  party,  and  not  Santos.  d. Dramatization 
And  even  if  there  was  such  a  limited  publication  e. Mechanical  and  electric 
or  prohibition,  the  same  was  not  shown  on  the  reproduction 
face of the design. When the purpose is a limited   
publication,  but  the  effect  is  general  publication,  b. Complete  destruction  of  work 
irrevocable  rights  thereupon  become  vested  in  unconditionally transferred by creators. 
the public, in consequence of which enforcement  (Sec. 197, IPC) 
of  the  rights  under  a  copyright  becomes   
impossible.  (Malang  v.  McCullough  Printing  Q: Can moral rights be waived? 
Company, G.R. No. L‐19439, Oct. 31, 1964)   
Q:  May  an  author  be  compelled  to  perform  his  GR:  Moral  rights  can  be  waived  in  writing, 
contract?  expressly so stating such waiver. 
A: An author cannot be compelled to perform his  XPN: Even in writing, waiver is not valid if: 
contract to create a work or for the publication of  1. Use the name of the author, title of his 
his  work  already  in  existence.  However,  he  may  work,  or  his  reputation  with  respect  to 
be  held  liable  for  damages  for  breach  of  such  any  version/adaptation  of  his  work, 
contract. (Sec. 195, IPC)  which  because  of  alterations, 
  substantially  tend    to  injure 
Q: What is the nature of moral rights?  literary/artistic  reputation  of  another 
A:  These  are  personal  rights  independent  from   
the economic rights. Being a personal right, it can  2. Use  name  of  author  in  a  work  that  he 
only be given to a natural person. Hence, even if  did not create 
he  has  licensed  or  assigned  his  economic  rights,   
he  continues  to  enjoy  the  above‐mentioned  Q: What are the neighboring rights? 
moral  rights.  (Amador,  Intellectual  Property   
Fundamentals, 2007)  A:  These  are  the  rights  of  performers,  producers 
  of  sound  recording  and  broadcasting 
Q: What is the term of moral rights?  organizations. 
A:  It  shall  last  during  the  lifetime  of  the  author   
and  for  fifty  (50)  years  after  his  death  and  shall   
not be assignable or subject to license. (Sec. 198,   
Q: What is the scope of a performer’s rights?  Q:  When  are  performers  entitled  to  additional 
  remuneration on their performance? 
A:  Performers  shall  enjoy  the  following  exclusive   
rights:  A:  The  performer  shall  be  entitled  to  an 
  additional remuneration equivalent to at least 5% 
1. As regards their performances, the right  of  the  original  compensation  he  received  for  the 
of authorizing:  first  communication  or  broadcast  in  every 
a. The  broadcasting  and  other  communication  to  the  public  or  broadcast  of  a 
communication  to  the  public  of  performance  subsequent  to  the  first 
their performance; and  communication  or  broadcast,  unless  otherwise 
b. The  fixation  of  their  unfixed  provided in the contract. (Sec. 206, IPC) 
  Q: What is the scope of the rights of producers 
2. The  right  of  authorizing  the  direct  or  on sound recordings? 
indirect  reproduction  of  their 
performances fixed in sound recordings,  A:  Producers  of  sound  recordings  shall  enjoy  the 
in any manner or form;  following exclusive rights: 
  1. The  right  to  authorize  the  direct  or 
3. The  right  of  authorizing  the  first  public  indirect  reproduction  of  their  sound 
distribution of the original and copies of  recordings,  in  any  manner  or  form;  the 
their  performance  fixed  in  the  sound  placing  of  these  reproductions  in  the 
recording  through  sale  or  rental  or  market and the right of rental or lending 
other forms of transfer of ownership;   
  2. The  right  to  authorize  the  first  public 
4. The right of authorizing the commercial  distribution of the original and copies of 
rental  to  the  public  of  the  original  and  their  sound  recordings  through  sale  or 
copies  of  their  performances  fixed  in  rental  or  other  forms  of  transferring 
sound  recordings,  even  after  ownership; and 
distribution  of  them  by,  or  pursuant  to   
the authorization by the performer; and  3. The  right  to  authorize  the  commercial 
  rental  to  the  public  of  the  original  and 
5. The  right  of  authorizing  the  making  copies  of  their  sound  recordings,  even 
available  to  the  public  of  their  after  distribution  by  them  by  or 
performances fixed in sound recordings,  pursuant  to  authorization  by  the 
by wire or wireless means, in such a way  producer. (Sec. 208, IPC) 
that  members  of  the  public  may  access   
them from a place and time individually  Note:  Fair  use  and  limitations  to  copyrights  shall 
chosen by them. (Sec. 203, IPC)  apply  mutatis  mutandis  to  performers.  (Sec.  210, 
Q: What are the moral rights of performers?   
  Q:  What  is  the  scope  of  the  rights  of 
A:  The  performer,  shall,  as  regards  his  live  aural  broadcasting organizations? 
performances  or  performances  fixed  in  sound   
recordings, have the right to claim to be identified  A:  Broadcasting  organizations  shall  enjoy  the 
as  the  performer  of  his  performances,  except  exclusive  right  to  carry  out,  authorize  or  prevent 
where the omission is dictated by the manner of  any of the following acts: 
the use of the performance, and to object to any  1. The rebroadcasting of their broadcasts 
distortion, mutilation or other modification of his  2. The  recording  in  any  manner,  including 
performances  that  would  be  prejudicial  to  his  the  making  of  films  or  the  use of  video 
reputation.  tape,  of  their  broadcasts  for  the 
  purpose of communication to the public 
Q: When are performer’s rights lost?  of television broadcasts of the same 
  3. The  use  of  such  records  for  fresh 
A: Once a performer has authorized broadcasting  transmissions  or  for  fresh  recording. 
or fixation of his performance. (Sec 205, IPC)  (Sec. 211, IPC) 
Note:  Fair  use  and  limitations  to  copyrights  shall   
apply mutatis mutandis to performers. (Ibid.)   



Q: When are neighboring rights not applicable?  irrespective  of  the  nationality  or 

  residence of the authors. (Sec. 221, 
A:   IPC) 
1. Exclusive  use  of  a  natural  person  for   
own personal purposes  2. For perfomers 
2. Short  excerpts  for  reporting  current  a. Performers  who  are  nationals  of 
events  the Philippines; 
3. Sole use for the purpose of teaching or  b. Performers  who  are  not  nationals 
for scientific research  of  the  Philippines  but  whose 
4. Fair use of the broadcast  performances: 
  i. Take  place  in  the  Philippines; 
Q:  What  are  the  term  of  protection  given  to  or 
performers,  producers  and  broadcasting  ii. Are  incorporated  in  sound 
organizations?  recordings  that  are  protected 
  under IPC; or 
A:   iii. Which  has  not  been  fixed  in 
1. For  performances  not  incorporated  in  sound  recording  but  are 
recordings, 50 years from the end of the  carried  by  broadcast 
year  in  which  the  performance  took  qualifying  for  protection 
place; and  under IPC. (Sec. 222, IPC) 
2. For  sound  or  image  and  sound  3. Of sound recordings 
recordings  and  for  performances  a. Sound recordings the producers of 
incorporated therein, 50 years from the  which  are  nationals  of  the 
end  of  the  year  in  which  the  recording  Philippines; and 
took place.  b. Sound  recordings  that  were  first 
  published  in  the  Philippines.  (Sec. 
3. In case of broadcasts, the term shall be  223, IPC) 
20  years  from  the  date  the  broadcast   
took  place.  The extended  term shall  be  4. For broadcast 
applied  only  to  old  works  with  a. Broadcasts  of  broadcasting 
subsisting  protection  under  the  prior  organizations  the  headquarters  of 
law. (Sec. 215, IPC)  which  are  situated  in  the 
  Philippines; and 
Q:  To  whom  are  the  rights  granted  to  b. Broadcasts  transmitted  from 
copyrightable  works  applicable  (points  of  transmitters  situated  in  the 
attachment)?  Philippines. (Sec. 224, IPC) 
A:   Note:  The  provisions  of  IPC  shall  also  apply  to 
1. For  literary  and  artistic  works  and  works,  performers,  producers  of  sound 
derivative works  recordings  and  broadcasting  organizatins  that 
a. Works  of  authors  who  are  are  to  be  protected  by  virtue  of  and  in 
nationals of, or have their habitual  accordance  with  any  international  convention 
residence in, the Philippines;  or  other  international  agreement  to  which  the 
Philippines  is  a  party.  (Sec.  221.2  and  224.2, 
b. Audio‐visual works the producer of 
which  has  his  headquarters  or 
habitual  residence  in  the 
c. Works  of  architecture  erected  in 
Q: Who owns copyright? 
the  Philippines  or  other  artistic 
works incorporated in a building or 
other  structure  located  in  the 
1. Author  –  Original  literary  and  artistic 
works. (Sec. 178.1, IPC) 
d. Works  first  published  in  the 
Philippines; and 
2. Co‐authors – Works of joint authorship; 
e. Works  first  published  in  another 
in  the  absence  of  agreement,  their 
country  but  also  published  in  the 
rights shall be governed by the rules on 
Philippines  within  thirty  days, 
  Q: Distinguish collective work from joint work. 
Note:  If  work  of  joint  authorship  consists   
of parts that can be used separately, then  A: 
the  author  of  each  part  shall  be  the 
original owner of the copyright in the part 
that he has created. (Sec. 178.2, IPC)  Elements remain 
Separate elements merge 
  unintegrated and 
into a unified whole. 
3. In  the  course  of  employment,  the  disparate. 
copyright shall belong to:  Work created by 2 or 
  more persons at the 
a. The  employee,  if  not  a  part  of  his  initiative and under the 
Work prepared by 2 or 
regular  duties  even  if  the  direction of another 
more authors with the 
employee  uses  the  time,  facilities  with 
intention that their 
and  materials  of  the  employer.  the understanding that 
contributions be merged 
(Sec. 178.3, IPC)  it will be disclosed by 
into inseparable or 
the latter under his 
b. The  employer,  if  the  work  is  the  independent parts of the 
own name and that of 
result  of  the  performance  of  his  unitary whole. 
the contributions of 
regularly‐assigned  duties,  unless  natural persons will 
there  is  an  agreement,  express  or  NOT be identified 
implied, to the contrary. (ibid.)  Each author shall enjoy  Joint authors shall be co‐
  copyright to his own  owners. Co‐ownership 
4. The  person  who  commissioned  the  contribution  shall apply. 
work  shall  own  the  work  but  the  The work will be 
copyright thereto shall remain with the  attributed to the 
creator  –  In  cases  of  work  pursuant  to  person under whose  Joint authors shall be 
commission,  unless  there  is  a  written  initiative and direction  both entitled to the 
stipulation  to  the  contrary.  (Sec.  178.4,  it was created unless  acknowledgment as 
IPC)  the contributor  authors of the work. 
  expressly reserves his 
5. GR:  Producer,  the  author  of  the  right. 
scenario,  the  composer  of  the  music,   
the film director, and the author of the  Q:  BR  and  CT  are  noted  artists  whose  paintings 
work so adapted – audiovisual work.  are  highly  prized  by  collectors.  Dr.  DL 
  commissioned them to paint a mural at the main 
XPN:  The  producers  shall  exercise  the  lobby  of  his  new  hospital  for  children.  Both 
copyright to an extent required for the  agreed  to  collaborate  on  the  project  for  a  total 
exhibition  of  the  work  in  any  manner.  fee  of  two  million  pesos  to  be  equally  divided 
(Sec. 178.5, IPC)  between  them.  It  was  also  agreed  that  Dr.  DL 
  had to provide all the materials for the painting 
6. Writer – in respect of letters subject to  and  pay  for  the  wages  of  technicians  and 
the provisions of Article 723, Civil Code.  laborers  needed  for  the  work  on  the  project. 
(Sec. 178.6, IPC)  Assume  that  the  project  is  completed  and  both 
  BR  and  CT  are  fully  paid  the  amount  of  P2M  as 
7. GR:  Publishers  –  deemed  artists'  fee  by  DL.  Under  the  law  on  intellectual 
representatives of the author in case of  property,  who  will  own  the  mural?  Who  will 
anonymous and pseudonymous works.  own the copyright in the mural? Why? Explain.  
XPN:  When  the  contrary  appears  or  A:  Under  Sec.  178.4  of  the  Intellectual  Property 
where the pseudonym or adopted name  Code, in case of commissioned work, the creator 
leaves  no  doubt  as  to  the  author’s  (in  the  absence  of  a  written  stipulation  to  the 
identity; or author discloses his identity.  contrary)  owns  the  copyright,  but  the  work  itself 
  belongs  to  the  person  who  commissioned  the 
8. In case of collective works – contributor  creation.  Accordingly,  the  mural  belongs  to  DL. 
is  deemed  to  have  waived  his  right  However,  BR  and  CT  own  the  copyright,  since 
unless  he  expressly  reserves  it.  (Sec.  there is no stipulation to the contrary. (1995 Bar 
196, IPC)  Question) 



Q:  What  is  the  principle  of  “automatic  1. Performance  of  a  work,  once  it  has 
protection”?  been  lawfully  made  accessible  to  the 
  public,  if  done  privately  and  free  of 
A:  Works  are  protected  by  the  sole  fact  of  their  charge  or  for  a  charitable  or  religious 
creation  irrespective  of  their  content,  quality  or  institution or society.  
purpose.    Such  rights  are  conferred  from  the   
moment of creation.  2. The  making  of  quotations  from  a 
  published  work  if  they  are  compatible 
Q: What is the term of protection of copyright?  with  fair  use  and  only  to  the  extent 
justified for the purpose.  
3. Communication  to  the  public  by  mass 
media  of  articles  on  current  political, 
TYPE of WORK  DURATION  social,  economic,  scientific  or  religious 
Lifetime of the creator  topic,  lectures,  addresses  and  other 
Single creation  and for 50 years after  works of the same nature  
his death   
Lifetime of the last  4. As part of reports of current events (e.g. 
surviving co‐creator and  music  played  or  tunes  on  the  occasion 
Joint creation  of a sporting event and such tunes were 
for 50 years after his 
death.  picked up during a new coverage of the 
50 years after the date  event). 
of their first publication;   
except where before  5. For  teaching  purposes,  provided  that 
the expiration of said  the  source  and  of  the  name  of  the 
period, the author’s  author,  if  appearing  in  the  work,  are 
Anonymous or 
identity is revealed or is  mentioned. 
pseudonymous work 
no longer in doubt, the   
1st two mentioned rules  6. Recording  made  in  educational 
shall apply; or if 
institutions  of  a  work  included  in  a 
unpublished, 50 years 
broadcast  for  the  use  of  such 
from their making. 
educational  institutions,  provided  that 
Work of an applied art 
such recording must be deleted within a 
of an artistic creation 
  reasonable  period  after  they  were  first 
with utilitarian functions 
or incorporated in a 
useful article whether 
25 years from the time  7. The making of ephemeral recordings by 
made by hand or 
of the making.  a  broadcasting  organization  by  means 
produced on an 
industrial scale  of  its  own  facilities  and  for  use  in  its 
Audio‐visual works  own broadcast. 
including those   
produced by process  8. The use made of a work by or under the 
50 years from date of 
analogous to 
publication and, if 
direction or control of the government, 
photography or any  by  the  National  Library  or  by 
unpublished, from the 
process for making  educational,  scientific  or  professional 
date of making. 
audio‐visual recordings  institutions  where  such  use  is  in  the 
Lifetime of the author  public  interest  and  is  compatible  with 
Newspaper Article  and 50 years after. (Sec.  fair use. 
213, IPC)   
  9. The  public  performance  of  a  work,  in  a 
F. LIMITATIONS ON COPYRIGHT  place  where  no  admission  fee  is 
Q:  What  are  the  general  limitations  on   
copyright?  10. Public  display  of  the  original  or  a  copy 
  of  the  work  not  made  by  means  of  a 
A:  The  following  acts  shall  not  constitute  film, slide, television image or otherwise 
infringement of copyright:  on  screen  or  by  means  of  any  other 
  device  or  process  (e.g.  Public  display 

using  posters  mounted  on  walls  and  materials; 
display boards).   d. A  computer  program  except  as 
  provided in Section 189; and 
11. Any use made of a work for the purpose  e. Any  work  in  cases  where 
of  any  judicial  proceedings  or  for  the  reproduction  would  unreasonably 
giving  of  professional  advice  by  a  legal  conflict  with  a  normal  exploitation 
practitioner.  of  the  work  or  would  otherwise 
  unreasonably  prejudice  the 
Q: What are the other limitations on copyright?  legitimate  interests  of  the  author. 
  (Sec. 187, IPC)  
1. The  fair  use  of  a  copyrighted  work  for  4. Any  library  or  archive  whose  activities 
criticism,  comment,  news  reporting,  are  not  for  profit  may,  without  the 
teaching  including  multiple  copies  for  authorization of the author of copyright 
classroom  use,  scholarship,  research,  owner,  make  a  single  copy  of  the  work 
and  similar  purposes  is  not  an  by reprographic reproduction: 
infringement  of  copyright.  (Sec.  185,  a. Where  the  work  by  reason  of  its 
IPC)  fragile  character  or  rarity  cannot 
  be lent to user in its original form; 
Note:  Decompilation,  which  is  the  b. Where  the  works  are  isolated 
reproduction  of  the  code  and  translation  articles  contained  in  composite 
of the forms of the computer program to  works  or  brief  portions  of  other 
achieve  the  inter‐operability  of  an  published  works  and  the 
independently created computer program  reproduction is necessary to supply 
with  other  programs,  may  also  constitute  them,  when  this  is  considered 
fair  use  (e.g.  the  software  program  for  expedient,  to  persons  requesting 
Windows  7  will  be  disassembled  by  a 
their loan for purposes of research 
skilled  programmer  in  order  to 
or  study  instead  of  lending  the 
understand  much  of  the  structure  and 
operation of the program). 
volumes or booklets which contain 
  them; and 
2. Copyright in a work of architecture shall  c. Where the making of such a copy is 
include the right to control the erection  in  order  to  preserve  and,  if 
of  any  building  which  reproduces  the  necessary  in  the  event  that  it  is 
whole or a substantial part of the work  lost,  destroyed  or  rendered 
either in its original form or in any form  unusable,  replace  a  copy,  or  to 
recognizably  derived  from  the  original,  replace,  in  the  permanent 
provided, that the copyright in any such  collection of another similar library 
work  shall  not  include  the  right  to  or  archive,  a  copy  which  has  been 
control  the  reconstruction  or  lost,  destroyed  or  rendered 
rehabilitation  in  the  same  style  as  the  unusable  and  copies  are  not 
original  of  a  building  to  which  that  available with the publisher.  
copyright relates. (Sec. 186, IPC)   
   But  it  shall  not  be  permissible  to 
3. The private reproduction of a published  produce  a  volume  of  a  work  published 
work  in  a  single  copy,  where  the  in  several  volumes  or  to  produce 
reproduction  is  made  by  a  natural  missing tomes or pages of magazines or 
person  exclusively  for  research  and  similar  works,  unless  the  volume,  tome 
private  study,  shall  be  permitted,  or part is out of stock. (Sec. 188, IPC) 
without the authorization of the owner   
of  copyright  in  the  work  but  shall  not  5. The  reproduction  in  one  back‐up  copy 
extend to the reproduction of:  or  adaptation  of  a  computer  program 
a. A work of architecture in the form  shall  be  permitted,  without  the 
of building or other construction;  authorization of the author of, or other 
b. An  entire  book,  or  a  substantial  owner  of  copyright  in,  a  computer 
part  thereof,  or  of  a  musical  work  program,  by  the  lawful  owner  of  that 
in  graphic  form  by  reprographic  computer  program,  provided,  the  copy 
means;  or adaptation is necessary for: 
c. A  compilation  of  data  and  other 



a. The  use  of  the  computer  program  Q:  What  are  the  factors  that  should  be 
in conjunction with a computer for  considered in order to determine “fair use”? 
the purpose, and to the extent, for   
which  the  computer  program  has  A: 
been obtained; and  1. The  purpose  and  character  of  the  use, 
b. Archival  purposes,  and,  for  the  including  whether  such  use  is  of  a 
replacement of the lawfully owned  commercial  nature  or  is  for  non‐profit 
copy  of  the  computer  program  in  educational purpose; 
the  event  that  the  lawfully  2. The nature of the copyrighted work; 
obtained  copy  of  the  computer  3. The  amount  and  substantiality  of  the 
program  is  lost,  destroyed  or  portion  used  in  relation  to  the 
rendered unusable. (Sec. 187, IPC)  copyrighted work as a whole; and 
  4. The effect of the use upon the potential 
6. The importation of a copy of a work by  market  for  or  value  of  the  copyrighted 
an  individual  for  his  personal  purposes  work. 
shall  be  permitted  without  the   
authorization of the author of, or other  Note:  The  fact  that  a  work  is  unpublished  shall 
owner  of  copyright  in,  the  work  under  not  by  itself  bar  a  finding  of  fair  use  if  such 
the following circumstances:  finding  is  made  upon  consideration  of  all  the 
a. When  copies  of  the  work  are  not  above factors. (Sec. 182.2, IPC) 
available in the Philippines and:   
i. Not  more  than  one  copy  at  one  Q: What is the “must carry rule”? 
time  is  imported  for  strictly   
individual use only; or  A:    Must‐carry  rule  is  another  limitation  on 
ii. The  importation  is  by  authority  copyright.  It  obligates  operators  to  carry  the 
of  and  for  the  use  of  the  signals  of  local  channels  within  their  respective 
Philippine Government; or  systems. This is to give the people wider access to 
iii. The  importation,  consisting  of  more  sources  of  news,  information,  education, 
not more than three such copies  sports  event  and  entertainment  programs  other 
or likenesses in any one invoice,  than  those  provided  for  by  mass  media  and 
is  not  for  sale  but  for  the  use  afforded  television  programs  to  attain  a  well 
only  of  any  religious,  charitable,  informed,  well‐versed  and  culturally  refined 
or  educational  society  or  citizenry  and  enhance  their  socio‐economic 
institution  duly  incorporated  or  growth.  (ABS‐CBN  Broadcasting  Corporation  v. 
registered,  or  is  for  the  Philippine  Multimedia  System,  G.R.  No.  175769‐
encouragement  of  the  fine  arts,  70, Jan. 19, 2009) 
or  for  any  state  school,  college,   
university,  or  free  public  library  Q:  Ford  contracted  with  H&R  Publishing  to 
in the Philippines.  publish  his  unwritten  memoirs.  The  agreement 
  gave  H&R  the  exclusive  first  serial  right  to 
b. When  such  copies  form  parts  of  license  prepublication  excerpts.  As  the  memoirs 
libraries  and  personal  baggage  were nearing completion, H&R, as the copyright 
belonging  to  persons  or  families  holders,  negotiated  a  prepublication  licensing 
arriving from foreign countries and  agreement  with  Time  Magazine.  Shortly  before 
are not intended for sale, provided,  the  Time  article's  scheduled  release,  an 
that  such  copies  do  not  exceed  unauthorized  source  provided  The  Nation 
three. (Sec. 190, IPC)  Magazine with the unpublished Ford manuscript. 
  An  editor  of  The  Nation  produced  an  article 
Q: What is the doctrine of “fair use”?  which  consisted  of  verbatim  quotes  of 
  copyrighted  expression  taken  from  the 
A: “Fair use” permits a secondary use that “serves  manuscript which were the gist of the memoirs. 
the  copyright  objective  of  stimulating  productive  As  a  result,  Time  refused  to  pay  H&R  as  agreed 
thought  and  public  instruction  without  upon  in  the  prepublication  agreement.  H&R 
excessively  diminishing  the  incentives  for  brought  an  action  for  infringement  against 
creativity”.   Nation  Magazine.    Nation  magazine  contended 
  that  the  article  it  published  constitutes  fair  use 
  and  thus  it  cannot  be  held  liable  for 
infringement. Is the contention correct? 
A:  No,  the  article  does  not  constitute  fair  use.   
Taking  into  account  the  factors  as  especially  A: It may be assigned in whole or in part. Within 
relevant  in  determining  fair  use,  leads  to  the  the  scope  of  the  assignment,  the  assignee  is 
conclusion that the use in question here was not  entitled  to  all  the  rights  and  remedies  which  the 
fair.  First  of  all,  the  purpose  or  character  of  the  assignor  had  with  respect  to  the  copyright.  (Sec. 
use  was  commercial  (to  scoop  a  competitor),  180.1, IPC) 
meaning  that  The  Nation's  use  was  not  a  good   
faith  use  of  fair  use  in  simply  reporting  news.  Q: Is copyright similar with the material object? 
Also,  although  the  verbatim  quotes  in  question   
were  an  insubstantial  portion  of  the  Ford  A: No, the copyright is distinct from the property 
manuscript,  they  qualitatively  embodied  Mr.  in the material object subject to it. Consequently, 
Ford's  distinctive  expression,  and  played  a  key  the  transfer  or  assignment  of  the  copyright  shall 
role in the infringing article. And lastly, the effect  not  itself  constitute  a  transfer  of  the  material 
of  the  use  on  the  potential  market  for  the  value  object.  Nor  shall  a  transfer  or  assignment  of  the 
of  the  copyrighted  work  was  also  great,  because  sole copy or of one or several copies of the work 
the  Nation's  liberal  use  of  verbatim  excerpts  imply  transfer  or  assignment  of  the  copyright. 
posed  substantial  potential  for  damage  to  the  (Sec. 181, IPC) 
marketability  of  first  serialization  rights  in  the   
copyrighted  work.  (Harper  &  Row  v.  Nation  Q:  What  are  the  requisites  for  a  transfer  of 
Enterprises, 471 U.S. 539, 1985)  copyright to take effect? 
Q: What are published works?  A:  
  1. If inter vivos, must be in writing; and 
A:  Those  works  which,  with  the  consent  of  the  2. Filed  in  National  Library  upon  payment 
authors, are made available to the public by wire  of prescribed fees. (Sec. 182, IPC)   
or wireless means in such a way that members of   
the  public  may  access  these  works  from  a  place  Q:  Is  filing  of  the  assignment  or  license  of 
and  time  individually  chosen  by  them:  provided,  copyright a mandatory requirement? 
that  availability  of  such  copies  has  been  such,  as   
to  satisfy  the  reasonable  requirement  of  the  A:  No,  Section  182  uses  the  permissive  word 
public,  having  regard  to  the  nature  of  the  work.  “may”  in  reference  to  the  filing  of  the  deed  of 
(Sec. 171.7, IPC)  assignment  or  transfer  of  copyright,  this  filing 
  should  not  be  understood  as  mandatory  for 
Q:  What  is  the  difference  between  public  validity  and  enforceability.  The  filing  is  entirely 
performance  and  communication  to  the  public  optional  for  the  parties  and  may  be  useful  only 
of a performance?   for  evidentiary  and  notification  purposes. 
  (Amador,  Intellectual  Property  Fundamentals, 
A:  2007) 
COMMUNICATIONS TO  Q: What is the limitation regarding submission of 
THE PUBLIC OF A  a  literary,  photographic  or  artistic  work  to  a 
PERFORMANCE  newspaper,  magazine  or  periodical  for 
Performance at a  publication? 
The transmission to the 
place or at places 
public, by any medium, 
where persons  A:  Unless  a  greater  right  is  expressly  granted, 
otherwise than by 
outside the normal  such submission shall constitute only a license to 
broadcasting, of sounds of 
circle of a family and  make a single publication. (Sec. 180.3, IPC) 
a performance or the 
that family’s closest   
representations of sounds 
social acquaintances  Note: If two or more persons jointly own a copyright 
fixed in a sound recording. 
are or can be present.  or  any  part  thereof,  neither  of  the  owners  shall  be 
The communication can be  entitled  to  grant  licenses  without  the  prior  written 
It is performed at a 
accessed through wired or  consent of the other owner or owners. (Ibid.) 
specific time and 
wireless means at a time   
place. (e.g. The 
and place convenient to  Q: What is copyright infringement? 
the viewer (e.g. The 
Match in Dallas Texas 
Pacquiao‐Clottey Match 
Stadium)  A:  It  is  the  doing  by  any  person,  without  the 
watched via YouTube) 
consent  of  the  owner  of  the  copyright,  of 
anything  the  sole  right  to  do  which  is  conferred 
Q: May a copyright be transferred/assigned? 
by statute on the owner of the copyright. The act 



of lifting from another’s book substantial portions   
of  discussions  and  examples  and  the  failure  to  Q:  What  are  the  available  remedies  in  case  of 
acknowledge  the  same  is  an  infringement  of  copyright infringement? 
copyright.  (Habana  v.  Robles,  G.R.    
No. 131522, July 19, 1999)  A: 
  1. Injunction 
Q: What does substantial reproduction mean?  2. Damages,  including  legal  costs  and 
  other  expenses,  as  he  may  have 
A:  It  is  not  necessarily  required  that  the  entire  incurred due to the infringement as well 
copyrighted work, or even a large portion of it, be  as  the  profits  the  infringer  may  have 
copied.  If  so  much  is  taken  that  the  value  of  the  made due to such infringement 
original  work  is  substantially  diminished,  there  is  3. Impounding during the pendency of the 
an  infringement  of  copyright  and  to  an  injurious  action  sales  invoices  and  other 
extent, the work is appropriated. It is no defense  documents evidencing sales 
that  the  pirate  did  not  know  whether  or  not  he  4. Destruction  without  any  compensation 
was  infringing  any  copyright;  he  at  least  knew  all infringing copies 
that  what  he  was  copying  was  not  his,  and  he  5. Moral  and  exemplary  damages  (Sec. 
copied  at  his  peril.  In  cases  of  infringement,  216.1); or 
copying  alone  is  not  what  is  prohibited.  The  6. Seizure  and  impounding  of  any  article, 
copying  must  produce  an  “injurious  effect”.  which  may  serve  as  evidence  in  the 
(Habana  v.  Robles,  G.R.  No.  131522,  July  19,  court proceedings. (Sec. 216.2) 
  Q:  What  are  the  criminal  penalties  in  case  of 
Q: What is plagiarism?  copyright infringement? 
A: It is the practice of claiming or implying original  A:  
authorship  of  (or  incorporating  material  from)  1. Imprisonment  of  one  (1)  year  to  three 
someone else’s written or creative work, in whole  (3)  years  plus  a  fine  ranging  from  Fifty 
or  in  part,  into  one’s  own  without  adequate  thousand  pesos  (P50,000)  to  One 
acknowledgment.  hundred  fifty  thousand  pesos 
  (P150,000) for the first offense. 
Q:  What  is  the  difference  between  copyright  2. Imprisonment  of  three  (3)  years  and 
infringement and plagiarism?  one  (1)  day  to  six  (6)  years  plus  a  fine 
A:  ranging  from  One  hundred  fifty 
COPYRIGHT  thousand  pesos  to  Five  hundred 
INFRINGEMENT  thousand  (P500,000)  for  the  second 
The unauthorized use of  offense. 
copyrighted material in a  3. Imprisonment  of  six  (6)  years  and  one 
The use of another’s 
manner that violates one of  day to nine (9) years plus a fine ranging 
information, language, 
the copyright owner’s  from  Five  hundred  thousand  pesos 
or writing, when done 
exclusive rights, such as the  (P500,000)  to  P1,500,000  for  the  third 
without proper 
right to reproduce or  offense. 
acknowledgment of 
perform the copyrighted 
the original source.   
work, or to make derivative 
4. In  all  cases,  subsidiary  imprisonment  in 
works that build upon it. 
cases of insolvency. 
Copyright infringement is a 
very broad term that 
describes a variety of acts.  Q: What is affidavit evidence? 
Plagiarism is specific as 
It may be duplication of a 
it refers only to using  A:  An affidavit made before the notary public in 
work, rewriting a piece, 
someone else’s work  actions  for  infringement,  reciting  the  facts 
performing a written work 
without proper  required to be stated under the IPC. (Sec. 216.1) 
or doing anything that is 
normally considered to be 
the exclusive right of the  Note: As a prima facie proof, the affidavit shifts the 
copyright holder.  burden  of  proof  to  the  defendant,  to  prove  the 
ownership of the copyrighted work. 
Public documents can 
There is no copyright 
be plagiarized so long 
infringement on public 
as it is not 

Legal Primer on the Bouncing Checks Law

by adminin Uncategorizedon Posted onJanuary 7, 2023

Bouncing Checks Law (B.P. 22)

“An Act Penalizing the Making or Drawing and Issuance of a Check Without Sufficient
Funds or Credit and For Other Purposes”

What acts are penalized under the law?

A. Drawing a Check Without Sufficient Funds (Sec. 1)

1. A person makes or draws and issues any check

2. The check is made or drawn and issued to apply on account or for value
3. The person who makes or draws and issues the check knows at the time of issue that he
does not have sufficient funds in or credit with the drawee bank for the payment of such
check in full upon its presentment
4. The check is subsequently dishonored by the drawee bank for insufficiency of funds or
credit, or would have been dishonored for the same reason had not the drawer, without
valid reason, ordered the bank to stop payment

B. Failing to Keep Sufficient to Cover a Check Issued (Sec. 1, par. 2)

1. A person has sufficient funds in or credit with the drawee bank when he makes or draws
and issues a check
2. He fails to keep sufficient funds or maintain a credit to cover the full amount of the check
if presented within 90 days from the date appearing
3. The check is dishonored by the drawee bank

What are the essential elements to be liable for violation of B.P. 22?

To be liable for violation of B.P. 22, the following essential elements must be present:

▪ The making, drawing, and issuance of any check to apply for account or for value;
▪ The knowledge of the maker, drawer, or issuer that at the time of issue he does not have
sufficient funds in or credit with the drawee bank for the payment of the check in full
upon its presentment; and
▪ The subsequent dishonor of the check by the drawee bank for insufficiency of funds or
credit or dishonor for the same reason had not the drawer, without any valid cause,
ordered the bank to stop payment.

Who is liable for violating the bouncing checks law?

Any person who makes, draws or issues a worthless check is liable. This includes an
“accommodation party,” or one who signed the check without receiving value in exchange or who
issues said check for the purpose of lending his name to some other person. The accommodation
party is liable even though the holder of the check knew him to be a mere accommodation party
who did not receive any value therefor.

When the check is issued in behalf of the corporation or other legal entity, the person whose
signature appears on the check is liable.

When is the drawer of the check presumed to know there is insufficient funds in or credit
with the drawee bank?

The making, drawing and issuance of a check payment of which is refused by the drawee because
of insufficient funds in or credit with such bank, when presented within ninety (90) days from the
date of the check, shall be prima facie evidence of knowledge of such insufficiency of funds or
credit unless such maker or drawer pays the holder thereof the amount due thereon, or makes
arrangements for payment in full by the drawee of such check within five (5) banking days after
receiving notice that such check has not bee paid by the drawee.

What should the drawee do once the check bounces? (Sec. 3)

It shall be the duty of the drawee of any check, when refusing to pay the same to the holder thereof
upon presentment, to cause to be thereon, or attached thereto, the written, printed, or stamped in
plane language reason for drawee’s dishonor or refusal to pay the same: Provided, That where
there are no insufficient funds in or credit with such drawee bank, such fact shall always be
explicitly stated in the notice of dishonor or refusal. In all prosecutions under this Act, the
introduction in evidence of any unpaid and dishonored check, having the drawee’s refusal to pay
stamped or written therefor or attached thereto, with the reason therefor as aforesaid, shall be prima
facie evidence of the making or issuance of said check, and the due presentment to the drawee for
payment and the dishonor thereof, and that the same was properly dishonored for the reason
written, stamped or attached by the drawee on such dishonored check.

Notwithstanding receipt of an order to stop payment, the drawee shall state in the notice that there
were no sufficient funds in or credit with such bank for the payment in full of such check, if such
be the fact.

Is a notice of dishonor an indispensable requirement in a prosecution for violation of B.P.


A notice of dishonor is not indispensable as it is not an element of the offense. However, evidence
that a notice of dishonor has been sent to and received by the accused is actually sought as a means
to prove the second element, such that the absence of sufficient proof of receipt thereof can be
fatal in the prosecution’s case. (Jesusa T. Dela Cruz v. People, G.R. No. 163494, August 3, 2016)

Based on Section 2 of B.P. 22, the presumption that the issuer had knowledge of the insufficiency
of funds is brought into existence only after it is proved that the issuer had received a notice of
dishonor and that within five days from receipt thereof, he failed to pay the amount of the check
or to make arrangements for its payment. The presumption or prima facie evidence as provided in
this section cannot arise, if such notice of non-payment by the drawee bank is not sent to the maker
or drawer, or if there is no proof as to when such notice was received by the drawer, since there
would simply be no way of reckoning the crucial 5-day period. (Yu Oh v. CA, 451 Phil. 380 (2003)

This requirement cannot be taken lightly because Section 2 provides for an opportunity for the
drawer to effect full payment of the amount appearing on the check, within five banking days from
notice of dishonor. The absence of said notice therefore deprives an accused of an opportunity to
preclude criminal prosecution. In other words, procedural due process demands that a notice of
dishonor be actually served on petitioner. (Yu Oh v. CA, 451 Phil. 380 (2003)

How should a notice of dishonor be served on the drawer?

This may be done personally or by mail. However, note that when the notice of dishonor is served
by mail, it is not enough to simply present the letter with a registry receipt or return card as
evidence that a notice of dishonor has been served.

What evidence is needed to prove receipt of notice of dishonor?

It is not enough for the prosecution to prove that a notice of dishonor was sent to the petitioner. It
is also incumbent upon the prosecution to show “that the drawer of the check received the said
notice because the fact of service provided for in the law is reckoned from receipt of such notice
of dishonor by the drawee of the check.” (Alferez v. People, et al., 656 Phil. 116 (2011)

Registry return cards must be authenticated to serve as proof of receipt of letters sent through
registered mail. Mere presentation of a copy of the demand letter, together with the registry receipt
and the return card, allegedly sent to petitioner, when no attempt was made to authenticate or
identify the signature on the registry return card, is not enough. Receipts for registered letters and
return receipts do not by themselves prove receipt; they must be properly authenticated to serve as
proof of receipt of the letter, claimed to be a notice of dishonor. To be sure, the presentation of the
registry card with an unauthenticated signature, does not meet the required proof beyond
reasonable doubt that petitioner received such notice. (Alferez v. People, et al., 656 Phil. 116

If the prosecution failed to authenticate the signature on the return card but the drawer of
the check nevertheless made efforts to settle the payment subsequent to the dishonor, is
knowledge of the insufficiency of funds in or credit with the drawee nevertheless established?

Yes. In Ma. Rosario P. Campos v. People, et al., G.R. No. 187401, September 17, 2014, the
accused maintained that her personal receipt of the notice was not sufficiently established,
considering that only a written copy of the letter and the registry return receipt covering it were
presented by the prosecution.

The Court, however, considers Campos’ defense that she exerted efforts to reach an amicable
settlement with her creditor after the checks which she issued were dishonored by the drawee bank,
BPI Family Bank. Campos categorically declared in her petition that, “[she] has in her favor
evidence to show that she was in good faith and indeed made arrangements for the payment of her
obligations subsequently after the dishonor of the checks.” Clearly, this statement was a
confirmation that she actually received the required notice of dishonor from FWCC. The evidence
referred to in her statements were receipts dated January 13, 1996, February 29, 1996, April 22,
1998 and May 26, 1998 issued by FWCC to Campos for payments in various amounts ranging
from P2,500.00 to P15,700.00. Campos would not have entered into the alleged arrangements
beginning January 1996 until May 1998 if she had not received a notice of dishonor from her
creditor, and had no knowledge of the insufficiency of her funds with the bank and the dishonor
of her checks.

When should a complaint for violation of B.P. 22 be filed?

The criminal complaint for violation of B.P. 22 must be filed within four (4) years from the time
the checks have been dishonored.

What is the penalty for violation of B.P. 22?

The penalty for violation of B.P. 22 is imprisonment of at least 30 days but not more than one (1)
year, or a fine of at least double the amount of the check but not to exceed PHP 200,000.00.
However, under Supreme Court Administrative Circular No. 12-2000, the Supreme Court
recommended that fines be imposed instead of a prison sentence for verdicts involving B.P. 22.
This was later clarified in Supreme Court Administrative Circular No. 13-2001 that imprisonment
is still possible under B.P. 22 verdicts and that if the accused is unable to pay the fine imposed,
subsidiary imprisonment may still attach.

Source: Dela Calzada Legal, https://www.delacalzadalegal.com/uncategorized/legal-primer-on-

on., Last accessed on June 01, 2023.

Data Privacy Act (RA 10173)

Bar Review Notes (2019)
Prepared by: Atty. Arnel D. Mateo

The Data Privacy Act (Act) protects the right to privacy of an individual with regard
to his personal data. It imposes upon any person processing personal data the
obligation to implement security measures aimed at ensuring the confidentiality,
integrity, and availability of an individual’s personal data.

A. Personal Information vs. Sensitive Personal Information

Personal information
- refers to any information whether recorded in a material form or not, from
which the identity of an individual is apparent or can be reasonably and
directly ascertained by the entity holding the information, or

(Ex. Name, photo, signature, biometric data)

- when put together with other information would directly and certainly identify
an individual.

(Ex. username, password, IP address, location, cookies, birthday)

Sensitive personal information refers to personal information:

(1) About an individual’s race, ethnic origin, marital status, age, color, and
religious, philosophical or political affiliations;

(2) About an individual’s health, education, genetic or sexual life of a person,

or to any proceeding for any offense committed or alleged to have been
committed by such person, the disposal of such proceedings, or the sentence
of any court in such proceedings;

(3) Issued by government agencies peculiar to an individual which includes,

but not limited to, social security numbers, previous or current health records,
licenses or its denials, suspension or revocation, and tax returns; and

(4) Specifically established by an executive order or an act of Congress to be

kept classified.

Other important terms to remember:

Privileged information refers to any and all forms of data which under the Rules of
Court and other pertinent laws constitute privileged communication.

Consent of the data subject refers to any freely given, specific, informed indication
of will, whereby the data subject agrees to the collection and processing of his or her
personal, sensitive personal, or privileged information. Consent shall be evidenced
by written, electronic or recorded means. It may also be given on behalf of a data
subject by a lawful representative or an agent specifically authorized by the data
subject to do so;

Data subject refers to an individual whose personal, sensitive personal, or privileged

information is processed;

Data sharing is the disclosure or transfer to a third party of personal data under the
custody of a personal information controller or personal information processor. In the
case of the latter, such disclosure or transfer must have been upon the instructions
of the personal information controller concerned. The term excludes outsourcing, or
the disclosure or transfer of personal data by a personal information controller to a
personal information processor;

Personal information controller refers to a person or organization who controls the

collection, holding, processing or use of personal information, including a person or
organization who instructs another person or organization to collect, hold, process,
use, transfer or disclose personal information on his or her behalf. The term

(1) A person or organization who performs such functions as instructed by

another person or organization; and

(2) An individual who collects, holds, processes or uses personal information

in connection with the individual’s personal, family or household affairs.

Personal information processor refers to any natural or juridical person qualified to

act as such under this Act to whom a personal information controller may outsource
the processing of personal data pertaining to a data subject.

Processing refers to any operation or any set of operations performed upon

personal information including, but not limited to, the collection, recording,
organization, storage, updating or modification, retrieval, consultation, use,
consolidation, blocking, erasure or destruction of data.

B. Scope


The Act and these Rules apply to the processing of personal data by any natural and
juridical person in the government or private sector. They apply to an act done or
practice engaged in and outside of the Philippines if:

a. The natural or juridical person involved in the processing of personal data is

found or established in the Philippines;

b. The act, practice or processing relates to personal data about a Philippine

citizen or Philippine resident;

c. The processing of personal data is being done in the Philippines; or

d. The act, practice or processing of personal data is done or engaged in by

an entity with links to the Philippines, with due consideration to international
law and comity, such as, but not limited to, the following:

1. Use of equipment located in the country, or maintains an office,

branch or agency in the Philippines for processing of personal data;

2. A contract is entered in the Philippines;

3. A juridical entity unincorporated in the Philippines but has central

management and control in the country;

4. An entity that has a branch, agency, office or subsidiary in the

Philippines and the parent or affiliate of the Philippine entity has access
to personal data;

5. An entity that carries on business in the Philippines;

6. An entity that collects or holds personal data in the Philippines.

This Act does not apply to the following:

(a) Information about any individual who is or was an officer or employee of a

government institution that relates to the position or functions of the individual,

(1) The fact that the individual is or was an officer or employee of the
government institution;

(2) The title, business address and office telephone number of the

(3) The classification, salary range and responsibilities of the position

held by the individual; and

(4) The name of the individual on a document prepared by the

individual in the course of employment with the government;

(b) Information about an individual who is or was performing service under

contract for a government institution that relates to the services performed,
including the terms of the contract, and the name of the individual given in the
course of the performance of those services;

(c) Information relating to any discretionary benefit of a financial nature such

as the granting of a license or permit given by the government to an
individual, including the name of the individual and the exact nature of the

(d) Personal information processed for journalistic, artistic, literary or research


(e) Information necessary in order to carry out the functions of public authority
which includes the processing of personal data for the performance by the
independent, central monetary authority and law enforcement and regulatory
agencies of their constitutionally and statutorily mandated functions. Nothing
in this Act shall be construed as to have amended or repealed Republic Act
No. 1405, otherwise known as the Secrecy of Bank Deposits Act; Republic
Act No. 6426, otherwise known as the Foreign Currency Deposit Act; and
Republic Act No. 9510, otherwise known as the Credit Information System Act

(f) Information necessary for banks and other financial institutions under the
jurisdiction of the independent, central monetary authority or Bangko Sentral
ng Pilipinas to comply with Republic Act No. 9510, and Republic Act No.
9160, as amended, otherwise known as the Anti-Money Laundering Act and
other applicable laws; and

(g) Personal information originally collected from residents of foreign

jurisdictions in accordance with the laws of those foreign jurisdictions,
including any applicable data privacy laws, which is being processed in the

Protection afforded to Data Subjects.

a. Unless directly incompatible or inconsistent with the preceding sections in

relation to the purpose, function, or activities the non-applicability concerns,
the personal information controller or personal information processor shall
uphold the rights of data subjects, and adhere to general data privacy
principles and the requirements of lawful processing.

b. The burden of proving that the Act and these Rules are not applicable to a
particular information falls on those involved in the processing of personal
data or the party claiming the non-applicability.

c. In all cases, the determination of any exemption shall be liberally

interpreted in favor of the rights and interests of the data subject.

Protection Afforded to Journalists and Their Sources. – Nothing in this Act shall
be construed as to have amended or repealed the provisions of Republic Act No. 53,
which affords the publishers, editors or duly accredited reporters of any newspaper,
magazine or periodical of general circulation protection from being compelled to
reveal the source of any news report or information appearing in said publication
which was related in any confidence to such publisher, editor, or reporter.

Extraterritorial Application. – This Act applies to an act done or practice engaged

in and outside of the Philippines by an entity if:

(a) The act, practice or processing relates to personal information about a

Philippine citizen or a resident;

(b) The entity has a link with the Philippines, and the entity is processing
personal information in the Philippines or even if the processing is outside the
Philippines as long as it is about Philippine citizens or residents such as, but
not limited to, the following:

(1) A contract is entered in the Philippines;

(2) A juridical entity unincorporated in the Philippines but has central

management and control in the country; and

(3) An entity that has a branch, agency, office or subsidiary in the

Philippines and the parent or affiliate of the Philippine entity has access
to personal information; and

(c) The entity has other links in the Philippines such as, but not limited to:

(1) The entity carries on business in the Philippines; and


(2) The personal information was collected or held by an entity in the


C. Processing of Personal Information

General Data Privacy Principles. – The processing of personal information shall be

allowed, subject to compliance with the requirements of this Act and other laws
allowing disclosure of information to the public and adherence to the principles of
transparency, legitimate purpose and proportionality.

a. Transparency. The data subject must be aware of the nature, purpose,

and extent of the processing of his or her personal data, including the risks
and safeguards involved, the identity of personal information controller, his or
her rights as a data subject, and how these can be exercised. Any information
and communication relating to the processing of personal data should be easy
to access and understand, using clear and plain language.

b. Legitimate purpose. The processing of information shall be compatible

with a declared and specified purpose which must not be contrary to law,
morals, or public policy.

c. Proportionality. The processing of information shall be adequate, relevant,

suitable, necessary, and not excessive in relation to a declared and specified
purpose. Personal data shall be processed only if the purpose of the
processing could not reasonably be fulfilled by other means.

General principles in collection, processing and retention.

a. Collection must be for a declared, specified, and legitimate purpose.

1. Consent is required prior to the collection and processing of personal

data, subject to exemptions provided by the Act and other applicable
laws and regulations. When consent is required, it must be time-bound
in relation to the declared, specified and legitimate purpose. Consent
given may be withdrawn.

2. The data subject must be provided specific information regarding the

purpose and extent of processing, including, where applicable, the
automated processing of his or her personal data for profiling, or
processing for direct marketing, and data sharing.

3. Purpose should be determined and declared before, or as soon as

reasonably practicable, after collection.

4. Only personal data that is necessary and compatible with declared,

specified, and legitimate purpose shall be collected.

b. Personal data shall be processed fairly and lawfully.

1. Processing shall uphold the rights of the data subject, including the
right to refuse, withdraw consent, or object. It shall likewise be
transparent, and allow the data subject sufficient information to know
the nature and extent of processing.

2. Information provided to a data subject must always be in clear and

plain language to ensure that they are easy to understand and access.

3. Processing must be in a manner compatible with declared, specified,

and legitimate purpose.

4. Processed personal data should be adequate, relevant, and limited

to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are

5. Processing shall be undertaken in a manner that ensures

appropriate privacy and security safeguards.

c. Processing should ensure data quality.

1. Personal data should be accurate and where necessary for

declared, specified and legitimate purpose, kept up to date.

2. Inaccurate or incomplete data must be rectified, supplemented,

destroyed or their further processing restricted.

d. Personal Data shall not be retained longer than necessary.

1. Retention of personal data shall only for as long as necessary:

(a) for the fulfillment of the declared, specified, and legitimate

purpose, or when the processing relevant to the purpose has
been terminated;

(b) for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims; or

(c) for legitimate business purposes, which must be consistent

with standards followed by the applicable industry or approved
by appropriate government agency.

2. Retention of personal data shall be allowed in cases provided by


3. Personal data shall be disposed or discarded in a secure manner

that would prevent further processing, unauthorized access, or
disclosure to any other party or the public, or prejudice the interests of
the data subjects.

e. Any authorized further processing shall have adequate safeguards.

1. Personal data originally collected for a declared, specified, or

legitimate purpose may be processed further for historical, statistical, or
scientific purposes, and, in cases laid down in law, may be stored for
longer periods, subject to implementation of the appropriate
organizational, physical, and technical security measures required by
the Act in order to safeguard the rights and freedoms of the data

2. Personal data which is aggregated or kept in a form which does not

permit identification of data subjects may be kept longer than
necessary for the declared, specified, and legitimate purpose.

3. Personal data shall not be retained in perpetuity in contemplation of

a possible future use yet to be determined.

General Principles for Data Sharing. Further Processing of Personal Data

collected from a party other than the Data Subject shall be allowed under any of the
following conditions:

a. Data sharing shall be allowed when it is expressly authorized by

law: Provided, that there are adequate safeguards for data privacy and
security, and processing adheres to principle of transparency, legitimate
purpose and proportionality.

b. Data Sharing shall be allowed in the private sector if the data subject
consents to data sharing, and the following conditions are complied with:

1. Consent for data sharing shall be required even when the data is to
be shared with an affiliate or mother company, or similar relationships;

2. Data sharing for commercial purposes, including direct marketing,

shall be covered by a data sharing agreement.

(a) The data sharing agreement shall establish adequate

safeguards for data privacy and security, and uphold rights of
data subjects.

(b) The data sharing agreement shall be subject to review by the

Commission, on its own initiative or upon complaint of data

3. The data subject shall be provided with the following information

prior to collection or before data is shared:

(a) Identity of the personal information controllers or personal

information processors that will be given access to the personal

(b) Purpose of data sharing;

(c) Categories of personal data concerned;

(d) Intended recipients or categories of recipients of the personal


(e) Existence of the rights of data subjects, including the right to

access and correction, and the right to object;

(f) Other information that would sufficiently notify the data

subject of the nature and extent of data sharing and the manner
of processing.

4. Further processing of shared data shall adhere to the data privacy

principles laid down in the Act, these Rules, and other issuances of the

c. Data collected from parties other than the data subject for purpose of
research shall be allowed when the personal data is publicly available, or has
the consent of the data subject for purpose of research: Provided, that
adequate safeguards are in place, and no decision directly affecting the data
subject shall be made on the basis of the data collected or processed. The
rights of the data subject shall be upheld without compromising research

d. Data sharing between government agencies for the purpose of a public

function or provision of a public service shall be covered a data sharing

1. Any or all government agencies party to the agreement shall comply

with the Act, these Rules, and all other issuances of the Commission,
including putting in place adequate safeguards for data privacy and

2. The data sharing agreement shall be subject to review of the

Commission, on its own initiative or upon complaint of data subject.

Criteria for Lawful Processing of Personal Information. – The processing of

personal information shall be permitted only if not otherwise prohibited by law, and
when at least one of the following conditions exists:

(a) The data subject has given his or her consent;

(b) The processing of personal information is necessary and is related to the

fulfillment of a contract with the data subject or in order to take steps at the
request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract;

(c) The processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to

which the personal information controller is subject;

(d) The processing is necessary to protect vitally important interests of the

data subject, including life and health;

(e) The processing is necessary in order to respond to national emergency, to

comply with the requirements of public order and safety, or to fulfill functions
of public authority which necessarily includes the processing of personal data
for the fulfillment of its mandate; or

(f) The processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests
pursued by the personal information controller or by a third party or parties to
whom the data is disclosed, except where such interests are overridden by
fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject which require protection
under the Philippine Constitution.

Sensitive Personal Information and Privileged Information. – The processing of

sensitive personal information and privileged information shall be prohibited, except
in the following cases:

(a) The data subject has given his or her consent, specific to the purpose prior
to the processing, or in the case of privileged information, all parties to the
exchange have given their consent prior to processing;

(b) The processing of the same is provided for by existing laws and
regulations: Provided, That such regulatory enactments guarantee the
protection of the sensitive personal information and the privileged
information: Provided, further, That the consent of the data subjects are not
required by law or regulation permitting the processing of the sensitive
personal information or the privileged information;

(c) The processing is necessary to protect the life and health of the data
subject or another person, and the data subject is not legally or physically
able to express his or her consent prior to the processing;

(d) The processing is necessary to achieve the lawful and noncommercial

objectives of public organizations and their associations: Provided, That such
processing is only confined and related to the bona fide members of these
organizations or their associations: Provided, further, That the sensitive
personal information are not transferred to third parties: Provided, finally, That
consent of the data subject was obtained prior to processing;

(e) The processing is necessary for purposes of medical treatment, is carried

out by a medical practitioner or a medical treatment institution, and an
adequate level of protection of personal information is ensured; or

(f) The processing concerns such personal information as is necessary for the
protection of lawful rights and interests of natural or legal persons in court
proceedings, or the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims, or
when provided to government or public authority.

Subcontract of Personal Information. – A personal information controller may

subcontract the processing of personal information: Provided, That the personal
information controller shall be responsible for ensuring that proper safeguards are in
place to ensure the confidentiality of the personal information processed, prevent its
use for unauthorized purposes, and generally, comply with the requirements of this
Act and other laws for processing of personal information. The personal information
processor shall comply with all the requirements of this Act and other applicable

Extension of Privileged Communication. – Personal information controllers may

invoke the principle of privileged communication over privileged information that they
lawfully control or process.

Surveillance of Suspects and Interception of Recording of Communications.

The processing of personal data for the purpose of surveillance, interception, or
recording of communications shall comply with the Data Privacy Act, including
adherence to the principles of transparency, proportionality, and legitimate purpose.

D. Rights of data Subject

Rights of the Data Subject. – The data subject is entitled to:

a. Right to be informed.

1. The data subject has a right to be informed whether personal data

pertaining to him or her shall be, are being, or have been processed,
including the existence of automated decision-making and profiling.

2. The data subject shall be notified and furnished with information

indicated hereunder before the entry of his or her personal data into the
processing system of the personal information controller, or at the next
practical opportunity:

(a) Description of the personal data to be entered into the


(b) Purposes for which they are being or will be processed,

including processing for direct marketing, profiling or historical,
statistical or scientific purpose;

(c) Basis of processing, when processing is not based on the

consent of the data subject;

(d) Scope and method of the personal data processing;

(e) The recipients or classes of recipients to whom the personal

data are or may be disclosed;

(f) Methods utilized for automated access, if the same is allowed

by the data subject, and the extent to which such access is
authorized, including meaningful information about the logic
involved, as well as the significance and the envisaged
consequences of such processing for the data subject;

(g) The identity and contact details of the personal data

controller or its representative;

(h) The period for which the information will be stored; and

(i) The existence of their rights as data subjects, including the

right to access, correction, and object to the processing, as well
as the right to lodge a complaint before the Commission.

b. Right to object. The data subject shall have the right to object to the
processing of his or her personal data, including processing for direct
marketing, automated processing or profiling. The data subject shall also be
notified and given an opportunity to withhold consent to the processing in
case of changes or any amendment to the information supplied or declared to
the data subject in the preceding paragraph.

When a data subject objects or withholds consent, the personal information

controller shall no longer process the personal data, unless:

1. The personal data is needed pursuant to a subpoena;

2. The collection and processing are for obvious purposes, including,

when it is necessary for the performance of or in relation to a contract
or service to which the data subject is a party, or when necessary or
desirable in the context of an employer-employee relationship between
the collector and the data subject; or

3. The information is being collected and processed as a result of a

legal obligation.

c. Right to Access. The data subject has the right to reasonable access to,
upon demand, the following:

1. Contents of his or her personal data that were processed;

2. Sources from which personal data were obtained;

3. Names and addresses of recipients of the personal data;

4. Manner by which such data were processed;

5. Reasons for the disclosure of the personal data to recipients, if any;

6. Information on automated processes where the data will, or is likely

to, be made as the sole basis for any decision that significantly affects
or will affect the data subject;

7. Date when his or her personal data concerning the data subject
were last accessed and modified; and

8. The designation, name or identity, and address of the personal

information controller.

d. Right to rectification. The data subject has the right to dispute the
inaccuracy or error in the personal data and have the personal information
controller correct it immediately and accordingly, unless the request is
vexatious or otherwise unreasonable. If the personal data has been corrected,
the personal information controller shall ensure the accessibility of both the
new and the retracted information and the simultaneous receipt of the new
and the retracted information by the intended recipients thereof: Provided,
That recipients or third parties who have previously received such processed
personal data shall be informed of its inaccuracy and its rectification, upon
reasonable request of the data subject.

e. Right to Erasure or Blocking. The data subject shall have the right to
suspend, withdraw or order the blocking, removal or destruction of his or her
personal data from the personal information controller’s filing system.

1. This right may be exercised upon discovery and substantial proof of

any of the following:

(a) The personal data is incomplete, outdated, false, or

unlawfully obtained;

(b) The personal data is being used for purpose not authorized
by the data subject;

(c) The personal data is no longer necessary for the purposes

for which they were collected;

(d) The data subject withdraws consent or objects to the

processing, and there is no other legal ground or overriding
legitimate interest for the processing;

(e) The personal data concerns private information that is

prejudicial to data subject, unless justified by freedom of speech,
of expression, or of the press or otherwise authorized;

(f) The processing is unlawful;

(g) The personal information controller or personal information

processor violated the rights of the data subject.

2. The personal information controller may notify third parties who have
previously received such processed personal information.

f. Right to damages. The data subject shall be indemnified for any damages
sustained due to such inaccurate, incomplete, outdated, false, unlawfully
obtained or unauthorized use of personal data, taking into account any
violation of his or her rights and freedoms as data subject.

Transmissibility of Rights of the Data Subject. – The lawful heirs and assigns of
the data subject may invoke the rights of the data subject for, which he or she is an
heir or assignee at any time after the death of the data subject or when the data
subject is incapacitated or incapable of exercising the rights as enumerated in the
immediately preceding section.

Right to Data Portability. – The data subject shall have the right, where personal
information is processed by electronic means and in a structured and commonly
used format, to obtain from the personal information controller a copy of data
undergoing processing in an electronic or structured format, which is commonly used
and allows for further use by the data subject. The Commission may specify the
electronic format referred to above, as well as the technical standards, modalities
and procedures for their transfer.

Non-Applicability. – The immediately preceding sections are not applicable if the

processed personal information are used only for the needs of scientific and
statistical research and, on the basis of such, no activities are carried out and no
decisions are taken regarding the data subject: Provided, That the personal
information shall be held under strict confidentiality and shall be used only for the
declared purpose. Likewise, the immediately preceding sections are not applicable to
processing of personal information gathered for the purpose of investigations in
relation to any criminal, administrative or tax liabilities of a data subject.

Atty. Michelle G. Bernardo, LL.M. &

Atty. Jessa G. Bernardo
1. Basic pay
2. Overtime premium
3. Night shift differential
4. Holiday premium
5. 13th month pay
6. Leaves
7. Service incentive leave
8. Maternity leave
9. Paternity leave
10. Parental leave for solo parent
1. Definitions
2. Scope and coverage
3. Pension, retirement, and other benefits
4. Exemptions from tax, legal process, and lien
5. Employee’s and employer’s contributions
6. Contributions from self-employed member
7. Remittance of contributions
8. Method of collection and payment
9. Employment records and reports
10. Penal clauses
Presentation title 4

From the Labor Code of the Philippines and its Implementing Rules and
Wage paid to any employee shall mean the
remuneration or earnings, however designated, capable
of being expressed in terms of money, whether fixed or
ascertained on a time, task, piece, or commission basis,
or other method of calculating the same, which is
payable by an employer to an employee under a written
or unwritten contract of employment for work done or
WAGE to be done, or for services rendered or to be rendered
and includes the fair and reasonable value, as
determined by the Secretary of Labor and Employment,
of board, lodging, or other facilities customarily
furnished by the employer to the employee. “Fair and
reasonable value” shall not include any profit to the
employer, or to any person affiliated with the employer.
(Article 97[f], LC)
• Wage paid to any employee shall mean the
remuneration or earnings and includes the fair and
reasonable value of board, lodging, or other facilities
customarily furnished by the employer to the
• payable by an employer to an employee under a
written or unwritten contract of employment for
work done or to be done, or for services rendered
or to be rendered
• Remuneration or earnings
• However designated
• Capable of being expressed in terms of
• whether fixed or ascertained on a time, task,
piece, or commission basis, or other method
of calculating the same

• Fair and reasonable value of board, lodging, and

• Customarily furnished by the employer to the
• What is fair and reasonable is determined by
the DOLE Secretary. It shall not include any
profit to the employer or to any person
affiliated with the employer
Includes articles or services for the benefit of the
employee or his family

FACILITIES To form part of wage, facilities must be:

1. Customarily furnished by the employer and

2. For the benefit of the employee or his family
Granted and paid to an employee for his industry and
loyalty which contributed to the success of the
BONUS employer’s business and made possible the realization
of profits.
• Generally, not part of wages. Hence, not demandable
as a matter of right.

• Exceptions:
1. when it has ripened into a company practice
2. by agreement of the parties
4. when made part of the wage or salary or
→ if the amount would be a contingent one dependent
upon realization of profits, the bonus is not demandable
and enforceable and cannot be considered part of the

Wages Salaries

Compensation for skilled or unskilled manual Paid to white collar workers and denote a
labor paid at stated daily, weekly, monthly or higher grade of employment, a superior grade
seasonal periods. of services and a position of office.
• The normal hours of work of any employee shall not
exceed eight (8) hours a day for six (6) days.

• Exceptions:
1. Health personnel who hold regular office hours for
HOURS OF eight (8) hours a day, for five (5) days a week, and
2. Where the exigencies of service require that health
WORK personnel work for six days (6) or forty-eight hours
(48), then such health personnel shall be entitled to
an additional compensation
3. Compressed Work Week Scheme
(a) All time during which an employee is required to be
on duty or to be at a prescribed workplace; and
HOURS (b) All time during which an employee is suffered or
permitted to work.
***Rest periods of short duration during working hours
shall be counted as hours worked.
➢ When the country is at war or when any other
national or local emergency has been declared by the
National Assembly or the Chief Executive;

EMERGENCY ➢ When it is necessary to prevent loss of life or property

OVERTIME or in case of imminent danger to public safety due to
WORK an actual or impending emergency in the locality
caused by serious accidents, fire, flood, typhoon,
earthquake, epidemic, or other disaster or calamity;
➢ When there is urgent work to be performed or
machines, installations, or equipment, in order to
avoid serious loss or damage to the employer or some
other cause of similar nature;
OVERTIME ➢ When the work is necessary to prevent loss or damage
WORK to perishable goods; and

➢ Where the completion or continuation of the work

started before the eighth hour is necessary to prevent
serious obstruction or prejudice to the business or
operation of the employer.
➢ OVERTIME PAY. Work may be performed beyond
eight (8) hours a day provided that the employee is
paid for the overtime work, an additional
compensation equivalent to his regular wage plus at
least twenty-five percent (25%) thereof.
➢ OVERTIME PREMIUM. Work performed beyond
WORK eight hours on a holiday or rest day shall be paid an
additional compensation equivalent to the rate of the
first eight hours on a holiday or rest day plus at least
thirty percent (30%) thereof.
Presentation title 19


PHP 87.50 X 125% X 2 HRS (OT) = PHP218.75

REGULAR Shall include cash wage only,
without deduction on account of facilities provided by
WAGE the employer.
REST DAY Rest period of not less than 24 consecutive hours after
every 6 consecutive normal work days.
WHEN ➢ In case of actual or impending emergencies caused by
EMPLOYER serious accident, fire, flood, typhoon, earthquake,
epidemic or other disaster or calamity to prevent loss
MAY of life and property, or imminent danger to public
WORK ON ➢ In cases of urgent work to be performed on the
machinery, equipment, or installation, to avoid
A REST serious loss which the employer would otherwise
➢ In the event of abnormal pressure of work due to
WHEN special circumstances, where the employer cannot
ordinarily be expected to resort to other measures;
MAY ➢ To prevent loss or damage to perishable goods;

REQUIRE ➢ Where the nature of the work requires continuous

WORK ON operations and the stoppage of work may result in

irreparable injury or loss o the employer; and
➢ Under other circumstances analogous or similar to
DAY the foregoing as determined by the Secretary of Labor
and Employment.
➢ Where an employee is made or permitted to work on
COMPENSA- his scheduled rest day, he shall be paid an additional
compensation of at least thirty percent (30%) of his
TION FOR regular wage. An employee shall be entitled to such

REST DAY, additional compensation for work performed on

Sunday only when it is his established rest day.
➢ When the nature of the work of the employee is such
HOLIDAY that he has no regular workdays and no regular rest
days can be scheduled, he shall be paid an additional
WORK compensation of at least thirty percent (30%) of his
regular wage for work performed on Sundays and
➢ Work performed on any special holiday shall be paid
COMPENSA- an additional compensation of at least thirty percent
(30%) of the regular wage of the employee. Where
TION FOR such holiday work falls on the employee’s scheduled

REST DAY, rest day, he shall be entitled to an additional

compensation of at least fifty per cent (50%) of his
SUNDAY OR regular wage.

HOLIDAY ➢ Where the collective bargaining agreement or other

applicable employment contract stipulates the
WORK payment of a higher premium pay than that
prescribed under this Article, the employer shall pay
such higher rate.
➢ Every worker shall be paid his regular daily wage
during regular holidays, except in retail and service
establishments regularly employing less than ten (10)
RIGHT TO workers;

HOLIDAY ➢ The employer may require an employee to work on

PAY any holiday but such employee shall be paid a
compensation equivalent to twice his regular rate
Regular Special NOTE
New Year’s Day – January 1 Ninoy Aquino Day – Monday nearest In the event the holiday falls on a
Maundy Thursday – Movable Date (MD) August 21 Wednesday, the holiday will be observed
Good Friday – MD All Saints Day – November 1 on a Monday of the week. If the holiday
Eidul Fitr – MD Last Day of the Year – December 31 falls on a Sunday, the holiday will be
Eidul Adha – MD observed on Monday that follows:
Araw and Kagitingan – Monday nearest Provided, that for movable holidays, the
April 9 President shall issue a specific date shall
Labor Day – Monday nearest May 1 be declared as a nonworking holiday.
Independence Day – Monday nearest June
National Heroes Day- Last Monday of
Bonifacio Day – Monday nearest
November 30
Christmas Day – December 25
Rizal Day – Monday nearest December 30
• If an employee did not work, he/she shall be paid the 100% of his/her salary for that day, subject to
certain conditions under the implementing rules and regulations [(Daily rate + COLA) x 100%];

Eg: PhP 700 daily wage x 100% = PhP700

• For work done during the regular holiday, the employee shall be paid 200% of his/her regular salary
for that day for the first eight hours [(Daily rate + COLA) x 200%];

Eg: PhP 700 x 200% = PhP1,400

• For work done in excess of eight hours (overtime work), he/she shall be paid an additional 30% of
his/her hourly rate on said day [Hourly rate of the basic daily wage x 200% x 130% x number of
hours worked] Eg: PhP87.50 x 200% x 130% x 2hrs(OT) = PhP455 (for the excess hours)

• For work done during a regular holiday that also falls on his/her rest day, he/she shall be paid an
additional 30% of his/her daily rate of 200% [(Daily rate + COLA) x 200%] + [30% (Daily rate x
200%)]; Eg: [PhP700 x 200%] + [30%x (PhP700 x 200%)] = PhP1,820

• For work done in excess of eight (8) hours (overtime work) during a regular holiday that also falls on
the workers’ rest day, they shall be paid an additional 30 percent of their hourly rate on said day
(Hourly rate of the basic daily wage x 200 % x 130% x 130% x number of hours worked).
Eg: PhP87.50 x 200% x 130% x 130% x 2hrs = PhP591.50
• For work done during the special day, the workers shall be paid an additional 30 percent of their
daily rate on the first eight (8) hours of work. The Daily Rate x 130 percent plus COLA scheme will
be observed.
Eg. 700 x 130% = 910

• For work done in excess of eight (8) hours (overtime work), the workers will be paid an additional 30
percent of their hourly rate on said day. The computation will be: hourly rate of the basic daily wage
x 130 percent x 130 percent x number of hours worked.
Eg. 87.50 x 130% x 130% x 2 = 295.75
• For work done during a special day that also falls on the workers’ rest day, they shall be paid an
additional 50 percent of their daily rate on the first eight (8) hours of work, thus, the ‘Daily Rate x 150
percent + COLA’ computation will apply.
Eg. 700 x 150% = 1,050

• For work done in excess of eight (8) hours (overtime work) during a special day that also falls on the
workers’ rest day, they shall be paid an additional 30 percent of their hourly rate on said day, or a
computation of hourly rate of the basic daily wage x 150 percent x 130 percent x number of hours
Eg. 87.50 x 150% x 130% x 2 = 341.25
NIGHT- ➢ Every employee shall be paid a night shift differential
SHIFT of not less than 10% of his regular wage for each hour
of work performed between 10PM and 6AM.
Presentation title 35

Ordinary day Night Differential Pay
Night Differential Pay per hour = Hourly rate x 110%
= PHP87.50 x 110%
= PHP 96.25

Ordinary day Night Differential Overtime Pay

Night Differential Overtime Pay per hour = Hourly rate x 125% x 110%
= PHP87.50 x 125% x 110%
= PHP120.3125
Presentation title 36

Rest day OR Special non-working Holiday Night Differential Pay

Night Differential Pay per Rest day hour = Hourly rate x 130% x 110%
= PHP87.50 x 130% x 110%
= PHP125.125

Special non-working Holiday AND at the same time Rest day Night Differential
ND Pay per Special non-working Holiday Rest day hour = Hourly rate x 150% x
= PHP 87.50 x 150% x 110%
= PHP144.375
Presentation title 37

Regular Holiday Night Differential Pay

Night Differential Pay per Regular Holiday hour = Hourly rate x 200% x 110%
= PHP87.50 x 200% x 110%
= PHP192.50

Regular Holiday and at the same time Rest day Night Differential Pay
ND Pay per Regular Holiday Rest day hour = Hourly rate x 260% x 110%
= PHP87.50 x 260% x 110%
= PHP250.25

Double Holiday Night Differential Pay

Night Differential Pay per Double Holiday hour = Hourly rate x 330% x 110%
= PHP87.50 x 330% x 110%
= PHP 317.625
Double Holiday and at the same time Rest day Night Differential Pay
ND Pay per Double Holiday Rest day hour = Hourly rate x 390% x 110%
= PHP87.50 x 390% x 110%
= PHP375.375
➢ Every employee who has rendered at least one year of service shall be
entitled to a yearly service incentive leave of five days with pay.

➢ This provision shall not apply to those who are already enjoying the
benefit herein provided, those enjoying vacation leave with pay of at least

five days and those employed in establishments regularly employing less
than ten employees or in establishments exempted from granting this
benefit by the Secretary of Labor and Employment after considering the
INCENTIVE viability or financial condition of such establishment.

LEAVE ➢ The grant of benefit in excess of that provided herein shall not be made a
subject of arbitration or any court or administrative action.
Presentation title 45

1. The worker must have at 1. The worker is an employee at the 1. He/she rendered at least one
least 3 monthly time of the delivery (1) year of service, whether
contributions in the 12- 2. He is cohabiting with his spouse at continuous or broken
month period immediately the time that she gives birth or 2. He/she has notified his/her
preceding the semester of suffers a miscarriage employer that he/she will avail
childbirth, miscarriage, or himself/herself of it, within a
3. He has applied for paternity leave
emergency termination of reasonable period of time; and
with his employer within a
pregnancy. 3. He/she has presented to his/her
reasonable period of time from
the expected date of delivery by his employer a Solo Parent
2. She shall have notified her pregnant spouse, or within such Identification Card, which may
employer of her pregnancy period as may be provided by be obtained from the DSWD
and the probable date of company rules and regulations, or office of the city or
her childbirth by CBA municipality where he/she
4. His wife has given birth or suffered resides.
a miscarriage.
Presentation title 46



• 105 days with full pay and • 7 days of leave credits with • 7 Working days of leave
option to extend for full pay credits with full pay
additional 30 days without

• Qualified solo parent,

female employee is granted
an additional 15 days with
full pay
Presentation title 47


Republic Act No. 11199

Any person, natural or juridical, domestic or foreign,

who carries on in the Philippines any trade, business,
industry, undertaking, or activity of any kind and uses
the services of another person who is under his orders as
DEFINITIONS regards the employment.

Does not include the government

Self-employed person shall be both employee and

employer at the same time.

Any person who performs services for an employer in

which either or both mental or physical efforts are used
and who receives compensation for such services, where
there is an employer-employee relationship.
A self-employed shall be both employee and employer
at the same time.

1. The legal spouse entitled by law to receive support

from the member;
2. The legitimate, legitimated or legally adopted, and
illegitimate child who is unmarried, not gainfully
DEFINITIONS employed, and has not reached 21 years of age, or if
over 21 years of age, he is congenitally or while still a
minor has been permanently incapacitated and
incapable of self-support, physically or mentally; and
3. The parent who is receiving regular support from
the member

All actual remuneration for employment, including the

mandated cost-of-living allowance, as well as the cash
value of any remuneration paid in any medium other
than cash except that part of the remuneration received
DEFINITIONS during the month in excess of the maximum salary

The compensation base for contributions and benefits.

The maximum monthly salary credit to be considered

DEFINITIONS shall be PhP20,000.

1. The dependent spouse until he or she remarries,
2. the dependent legitimate, legitimated or legally
adopted, and illegitimate children, who shall be the
primary beneficiaries of the member
1. In their absence, the dependent parents
2. In the absence of all the foregoing, any other person
designated by the member as his/her secondary

→Dependent illegitimate children = 50% of the share of

DEFINITIONS the legitimate, legitimated or legally adopted children

→ If No dependent legitimate, legitimated or legally

adopted children of the member, illegitimate
children = 100% of the benefits

DEFINITIONS Retirement, death, disability, injury or sickness and

maternity of the member
1. The result obtained by dividing the sum of the last
sixty (60) monthly salary credits immediately
preceding the semester of contingency by sixty (60),
2. the result obtained by dividing the sum of all the
monthly salary credits paid prior to the semester of
DEFINITIONS contingency by the number of monthly
contributions paid in the same period,

→ Whichever is GREATER
→ Injury or sickness which caused the disability shall be
deemed as the permanent disability for the purpose
of computing the AMSC.

The result obtained by dividing the sum of the 6 highest

monthly salary credits in the 12-month period
immediately preceding the semester of contingency by

A period of 2 consecutive quarters ending in the quarter
of contingency.


A period of 3 consecutive calendar months ending on

the last day of March, June, September and December

For a member covered prior to January 1985

→ minus the calendar year for coverage plus the number of calendar
years in which 6 or more contributions have been paid from
January 1985 up to the calendar year containing the semester prior
to the contingency.

For a member covered in or after January 1985

DEFINITIONS → the number of calendar years in which 6 or more contributions
have been paid from the year of coverage up to the calendar year
containing the semester prior to the contingency

Net income before income taxes plus non-cash charges

such as depreciation and depletion appearing in the
regular financial statement of the issuing or assuming

Recurring expense such as amortization of debt

discount and rentals for leased properties, including
interest on funded and unfunded debt.

All employees including kasambahays or

domestic workers not over sixty (60) years
of age and their employers:


Spouses who devote full time to managing

the household and family affairs, unless
they are also engaged in other vocation or
employment which is subject to mandatory

All employees including kasambahays or domestic

workers not over sixty (60) years of age and their
employers, self-employed and OFWs

Spouses who devote full time to managing the

household and family affairs, unless they are also
engaged in other vocation or employment which is
subject to mandatory coverage
Compulsory coverage of the employer shall take effect
on the first day of his operation

Compulsory coverage of the employee shall be on the

COVERAGE day of his employment

Compulsory coverage of self-employed person shall take

effect upon his registration with the SSS
Effect of Separation from Employment

The employer’s contribution on account of the

employee and the employee’s obligation to pay
contributions arising from that employment shall cease
COVERAGE at the end of the month of separation, but said
employee shall be credited with all contributions paid
on his behalf and entitled to benefits under SSS Law.

He may, however, continue to pay the total

contributions to maintain his right to full benefit.
Effect of Interruption of Business or Professional

If the self-employed member realizes no income in any

given month, he shall not be required to pay
COVERAGE contributions for that month.

He may, however, be allowed to continue paying

contributions under the same rules and regulations
applicable to a separated employee member

• Refer to the Law

LAW ON SALES bidders the same are nearly invitations to
make proposals.

Sale by Auction Article 1476. In the case of a sale by

Is generally exercised by the auction:

sheriff in case of judicial sales arising Where goods are put up for sale by

from execution of foreclosure of auction in lots, each lot is the subject of a

mortgages. separate contract of sale.

Notaries public are also authorized A sale by auction is perfected when

to sell mortgage property foreclosed extra the auctioneer announces its perfection by the

judicially under article 3135 as amended. fall of the hammer, or in other customary

The sale by auction is perfected manner. Until such an announcement is made,

when the auctioneer announces its any bidder may retract his bid; and the

perfection by the fall of the hammer or auctioneer may withdraw the goods from the

any other customary manner. sale unless the auction has been announced to

As observed in a sale by auction be without reserve.

there are bids. the highest the bid is with A right to bid may be reserved

a smaller quantity, then it will win the expressly by or on behalf of the seller, unless

sale by auction. otherwise provided by law or by stipulation.

And if you are a bidder before the Where notice has not been given that

fall of the hammer, the bidder who made a sale by auction is subject to a right to bid on

the winning bid may retract his bid, behalf of the seller, it shall not be lawful for

Why? because there is no perfection yet. the seller to bid himself or to employ or induce

The Withdrawal is allowed because before any person to bid at such sale on his behalf or

the bid has been accepted, it is merely an for the auctioneer, to employ or induce any

offer to buy. The acceptance or ascent on person to bid at such sale on behalf of the

the part of the seller is signified by the seller or knowingly to take any bid from the

knocking of the hammer. seller or any person employed by him.

In the same token, The auctioneer Any sale contravening this rule may be

may withdraw the goods from the sale. treated as fraudulent by the buyer. (n)

The auctioneer cannot reject the winning

bid if the option has been announced to be Mode of acquiring ownership
without reserve which measures a As part of the obligations of the vendor,
reservation to withdraw the goods from The vendor must necessarily deliver and
sale with regard to advertisements for transfer ownership, delivery or tradition.
The term delivery here stands for the actual 3. Even if a period for payment
delivery. has been fixed, if the vendee has
Delivery - The thing sold shall be lost the right to make use of the
understood as delivered, when it is placed same
in the control and possession of the
vendee or buyer. This is found under Kinds of delivery:
article 1497. The article also refers to real 1. Actual delivery – involves physical
and actual delivery whereby the object of delivery of the thing like the
the sale is placed in the control and passing of a personal thing of a
possession of the vendee or his agent. personal property from one hand
- Ownership, as a consequence of to another. – actual physical
certain contracts such as sale, shall transfer of control and possession
be transferred to the vendee to the vendee-buyer. – A
upon actual or constructive stipulation designating the place
delivery and manner of delivery is
- Delivery in general is found in controlling on the contracting
article 1495. The vendor is bound parties because it is subjected to
to transfer the ownership of and stipulation.
deliver, as well as warrant the 2. Legal or constructive delivery
thing which is the object of the (under tradition) - delivery is
sale. This summarizes the represented by other signs or acts
obligations of the vendor. indicated thereof.
Intention to Transfer Ownership 3. Quasi-tradition - delivery of
In all forms of delivery, the act of delivery rights, credits or incorporeal
shall be coupled with the intention of property, made by: art 1501
delivering the thing. The act without (i) placing titles of ownership in
the intention is insufficient. the hands of the buyer, or
Requisites of Delivery (ii) allowing the buyer to make use
1. Identity of rights
2. Integrity 4. Traditions by operations of law
3. Intentional
Kinds of Constructive or Legal
When vendor is not bound to deliver Delivery
1. Vendee has not paid the price a) By legal formalities - sale is made
2. No period for payment has been through a public instrument. Gives
fixed rise only to a prima facie
presumption of delivery. (prima movable is kept or stored. – thru a
facie: sufficient to establish a fact public instrument and general. –
or raise a presumption unless delivering of keys for the purposes
disproved or rebutted). Art. 1498, of repairs, does not transfer
“When the sale is made through a ownership, so there must be a clear
public instrument, the execution intent on the part of the vendor to
thereof shall be equivalent to the deliver the object of the sale for the
delivery of the thing which is the purpose of transferring ownership
object of the contract, if from the deed to the vendee. Art 1498
the contrary does not appear or c) Traditio Longa Manu - delivery of
cannot clearly be inferred.” – a movable by mere consent or
ownership is deemed transferred agreement. Pointing at the thing.
through the execution of such a Art 1499
document. What makes it a public d) Traditio Brevi Manu - buyer
instrument is the Notarization Act simply continues in possession of
or Act of Notarization of the the thing but under ownership.
notary public Applies to movables only. Happens
Exception: If the parties have when the buyer already has
agreed that ownership shall not possession of the thing sold before
pass until certain acts shall have the sale. Art 1499 – can be applied
been fulfilled by the buyer. If the to immovables, when a lessee of
contrary intention appears from the land continues to possess the
the document, The execution of land after purchasing it from the
the public instrument will not owner.
tantamount to delivery. e) Traditio Constitutum
– the legal section that the Possessorium - seller continues to
execution of a public instrument in be in possession of the property
the case of immovables is sold but not as an owner but in
equivalent to delivery holds true some other capacity. Art 1500
only when there is no impediment
that may prevent the passing of the
property from the hands of the Article 1498 covers two kinds of
vendor into the hands of the constructive deliveries as delivery by legal
vendee. fiction: First paragraph speaks of delivery
b) Traditio Symbolica - delivery of thru public instrument, Second paragraph
keys or depository where the speaks of traditio symbolica, it requires
some requisites before it can affect the hands of third persons and he
transfer of ownership. agreed to take the necessary steps
Note: to take material possession of the
➔ Transfer of ownership and delivery thing.
are not essential elements . They ➔ The vendor does not have actual
are not piercing into the validity of possession of the thing he cannot
perfection of the contract of sale. transfer ownership by constructive
What is important is that at the delivery.
appointed time of delivery, the
seller has the right to transfer the In the case of Bucton versus Gabar, It was held
ownership of the thing which must that when the vendor sells something he does
be elicit or not prohibited by the not own yet, he is bound by the sale when he
law. acquires it later. However, these two acts are
➔ Symbolic delivery by public essential to consummate the sale. That’s why
instrument is just presumptive not it is very important to also know the phases or
conclusive. It can still be rebutted stages of the sale.
by strong evidence. It is equivalent
to actual delivery ONLY when the
object is subject to the control of
the vendor and there is no
impediment that prevents the
passing of the object from the
hands of the vendor into those of
the vendee. If the vendee cannot
enjoy the possession of the thing
because of the opposition of a third
person who is in actual possession,
legal fiction of symbolic delivery is
equivalent to actual delivery must
be sealed to reality?? Ndi q narinig.
In other words it is not enough for
the vendor to vest onto the vendee
ownership and rate of possession
over the property but it is
controlled unless the vendee is
aware of that possession in the
RA.NO. 6552: An Act to Provide the life of the contract and its

Protection to Buyers of Real Estate extensions, if any.

on Installment Payments. (b) If the contract is canceled, the

➔ "Realty Installment Buyer Act." seller shall refund to the buyer the

or the “Maceda Law.” cash surrender value of the

➔ It is hereby declared a public payments on the property equivalent

policy to protect buyers of real to fifty per cent of the total

estate on installment payments payments made, and, after five years

against onerous and oppressive of installments, an additional five

conditions. per cent every year but not to exceed

➔ In all transactions or contracts ninety per cent of the total payments

involving the sale or financing of made: Provided, That the actual

real estate on installment cancellation of the contract shall

payments, including residential take place after thirty days from

condominium apartments but receipt by the buyer of the notice

excluding industrial lots, commercial of cancellation or the demand for

buildings and sales to tenants under rescission of the contract by a

RA. 3844, as amended by RA. 6399, notarial act and upon full

[agrarian reform laws, the sale is made payment of the cash surrender

in a straight payment or one payment value to the buyer. [Why is that

only], where the buyer has paid at important? Bc in the case of Liano

least two years of installments versus court of appeals , if the buyer

[two years worth of installment], the was not given the cash surrender

buyer is entitled to the following value, then the contract is not yet

rights in case he defaults in the canceled, and since the contract is noy

payment of succeeding yet canceled, the buyer may reinstate

installments: the contract, meaning, he can pay the

(a) To pay, without additional unpaid installments within the grace

interest, the unpaid installments due period and the contract will still

within the total grace period earned continue to be effective. – as long as

by him which is hereby fixed at the the payment is done before the actual

rate of one month grace period for cancellation, 30 days from receipt of

every one year of installment the notice and full payment of the

payments made: Provided, That cash surrender value to the buyer]

this right shall be exercised by the Down payments, deposits

buyer only once in every five years of or options on the contract shall be
included in the computation of the ➔ This Act shall take effect upon its
total number of installment approval.
payments made.
➔ In cases where less than two years Note: the buyer has the right to pay in
of installments were paid, the advance, and this is the exception to the
seller shall give the buyer a grace rule of oblicon that the period should be
period of not less than sixty days respected because it is for the benefit of
from the date the installment the creditor and the debtor.
became due. - The buyer is allowed to pay in
If the buyer fails to pay the advance without any additional
installments due at the expiration interest
of the grace period, the seller may - The buyer is allowed to annotate or
cancel the contract after thirty have the repayments annotated on
days from receipt by the buyer of the certificate of title whether it is
the notice of cancellation or the of a condominium certificate,
demand for rescission of the transfer of certificate of title or
contract by a notarial act. original certificate of title, no
➔ Under Section 3 and 4, the buyer matter what kind of title he can
shall have the right to sell his have his payment annotated.
rights or assign the same to
another person or to reinstate the
contract by updating the account Rights of the Buyer and the
during the grace period and Remedies of the seller in case of a
before actual cancellation of the purchase of Personal Property (Cars,
contract. The deed of sale or
Watches, Shoes, etc.) on Installment
assignment shall be done by
notarial act.
➔ Any stipulation in any contract
Art. 1484. In a contract of sale of
hereafter entered into contrary to
personal property, the price of which is
the provisions of Sections 3, 4, 5
payable in installments, the vendor may
and 6, shall be null and void.
exercise any of the following remedies:
➔ If any provision of this Act is held
[remedies of a vendor who is not paid for the
invalid or unconstitutional, no
purchase of that personal property]
other provision shall be affected
(1) Exact fulfillment or specific rescission and it is granted
performance of the obligation, then the effect is the duty
should the vendee fail to pay; of mutual restitution,
➔ Specific Performance – a meaning, the parties now
remedy on the part of the have to return to each other
seller or creditor. whatever they may have
➔ The seller will now ask the received by virtue of the
court to compel the buyer contract. For example if
or the mortgagor to the buyer received the
specifically perform his thing like a car, he will now
obligation. The seller can have to return that car and
recover any deficiency the seller if he has received
because specific some installment payments,
performance is asking for he has to return those
the full payment. installment payments
(2) Rescission or cancel the sale or EXCEPT if there is a
contract, should the vendee's stipulation in the contract
failure to pay cover two or more stating that the installment
installments; payments previously paid
➔ Rescission. Rescission or before rescission shall be
cancellation of the contract forfeited. In case of
can only be availed of in forfeiture, then only the
case the buyer failed to pay buyer will have to return
two or more installments. the car and the installments
The creditor or seller or will be forfeited in favor of
mortgagee will be deemed the seller. The only time
to have chosen rescission when the clause on
or cancellation when he rescission is invalid if it is
either sends notice of unconscionable under
rescission to the buyer or if certain circumstances.
he takes possession of the (3) Foreclose the chattel mortgage on
thing which is sold or he the thing sold, if one has been
files an action for constituted, should the vendee's
rescission before the court. failure to pay cover two or more
In case the creditor or installments. In this case, he shall
seller or mortgagee asks for have no further action against
the purchaser to recover any ➔ is a conditional sale of personal
unpaid balance of the price. property as security for the
Any agreement to the contrary payment of a debt, or the
shall be void. (1454-A-a) performance of some other
Note: These remedies are obligation specified therein, the
ALTERNATIVE, meaning, the seller or condition being that the sale shall
the creditor can only pick one and he/she be void upon the seller paying to
cannot choose both remedies at the same the purchaser a sum of money or
time, if there are deficiency or balance left doing some other act named.
to be paid after he/she has chosen the ➔ a contract where personal
remedy wala na finish na. properties or moveables are
Exception to the rule that the remedies recorded in the chattel mortgage
are alternative: In case the seller or the register as security for
creditor or the mortgagee has chosen performance of an obligation,
specific performance and then specific meaning, it’s an accessory
performance becomes impossible, then contract of security. In other
the seller or the creditor or the mortgagee words, the creditor can go after
can still choose rescission. that contract when the principal
➔ Foreclose of the chattel mortgage, contract has been breached by the
in case the buyer has failed to pay debtor.
two or more installments. ➔ remember that there can be no
● Before foreclosure or public sale pactum commisorium or an
➔ The buyer has the right to make automatic appropriation by the
additional payments or pay in full , creditor of the thing pledged or
so he can still get back the mortgaged upon the failure of the
personal property, this is known as debtor to pay the principal
the equity redemption. The period obligation.
to exercise this is until the GENERAL RULE: There has to be
foreclosure sale because when the a public auction or a private one in
chattel mortgage has been foreclosed case the parties have to agree. The
and the property has been sold then property will be sold to the highest
the seller cannot recover any bidder in which case the creditor
balance or deficiency. can also bid and that is the only
time when he can legally become
● chattel mortgage the owner.
Note: If the creditor or seller or 2. Rescission in case the buyer fails to
mortgagee chooses to foreclose on the pay two or more installments
chattel mortgage right away, he can no 3. Or foreclosure of the chattel
longer foreclose on the real estate mortgage in case the buyer fails to
market, he can no longer go after any pay two or more installments
other guarantee, etc. note:
➔ This is the worst remedy of the ● These are ALTERNATIVE, so the
creditor and this is the last one creditor/seler/mortgagee can only
that he should choose because he PICK ONE.
will not be entitled to the ● As for the rights of the buyer, he is
deficiency and he cannot go after PROTECTED from the greedy
the other securities. creditor who after trying to
➔ If the seller assigns his credit to foreclose on the chattel mortgage
another person and that person will try to claim the deficiency .
now becomes the new creditor The buyer has a right to complain
then he is also bound by the same and not pay the deficiency because
law. that chattel mortgage answers for
➔ EXCEPTION: the full amount of his debt, even if
perverse buyer-mortgagor – If the there is a deficiency.
buyer refuses to surrender the
items to the seller. In case the This law is to prevent this practice
buyer hides the property or the (before): To remedy the abuses which are
chattel to prevent the seller from connected in connection with the
foreclosing it, then if the seller has foreclosure of chattel mortgages and to
to file extra actions to recover the prevent a creditor or mortgagee from
property like replevin or any other seizing the mortgage property. [they’ll get it
action, then the Supreme Court and then they’ll buy it at the foreclosure sale at
has held that the creditor may a very low price and then they’ll still file a suit
recover the expenses which he a case against the debtor or the mortgagor for
incurred in order to recover that the deficiency or the balance in what he has
property in order to foreclose it. failed to pay] – [where the debtor or the
mortgagor or the buyer will be unduly
TO SUM UP! These are the remedies of oppressed after he has lost the property which
the creditor: he/she has already made payments for where
1. specific performance he/she will still gonna pay for it… so, this is
what this law guards against.]
➔ applies only to a sale on Art. 1485. The preceding article shall be
installments because the buyer applied to contracts purporting to be
must have defaulted or failed to leases of personal property with option
pay at least two or more to buy, when the lessor has
installments in order for the deprived the lessee of the possession
creditor to be able to avail of the or enjoyment of the thing. (1454-A-a)
remedies of rescission or Art. 1486. In the case referred to in two
foreclosure preceding articles, a stipulation that the
➔ also applies to lease of personal installments or rents paid shall not be
property with the option to buy returned to the vendee or lessee shall be
such as the case where a car was valid insofar as the same may not be
allowed to be leased to a certain unconscionable under the circumstances.
person and then he was also given (n)
the option to buy that car after a
certain number of years. SALES: Nature, Kinds, &
➔ this law will NOT apply in the Distinctions Between Sales and other
following instances: similar contracts
(1) if the payment plan is
straight payment or one
Contract of Sale
payment. [Because it
● one of the contracting parties,
should also apply only to
namely the seller, obligates or
installment payments
binds himself to transfer the
where there are at least two
ownership and to deliver a
determinate thing and the other,
(2) Sales or mortgages of real
known as the buyer, to pay
property, meaning,
therefore a price certain in money
immovable properties
or its equivalent.
(houses, land) [the law will
● You see here that there is two
only apply to personal or
parties involved:
moveable property.]
1. One who is obligated to
(3) Replevin or an action to
transfer the ownership and
recover personal property
deliver a determinate thing
in the possession of
we refer to this person as
the vendor or seller and;
2. The other who is to pay a
price certain in money or
its equivalent is the buyer or ➔ Goods or merchandise cannot
the vendee. be the equivalent of money
because that will constitute
Essential Elements of Contract of barter

Sale: ➔ Mere estimates do not fix the

● We have essential elements, natural price

elements, and accidental elements. Note: Absent any of the above elements

● Those which are necessary for the the intended sale is VOID!!

validity of the sale, if they are absent

no valid sale can be generated. Sale is a TITLE not a MODE because
1. Consent or meeting of the the mode is the tradition or delivery
minds, that is consent to ➔ Title — legal basis by which
transfer ownership in ownership is affected, the sale by
exchange for the price; itself does not transfer ownership.
➔ Are the meeting of the minds What a sale does is to create the
of the seller and the buyer that obligation to transfer ownership. It
is the seller will deliver and is not a mode because a mode is the
transfer ownership and the legal means by which ownership is
buyer will pay the purchase either created, transferred, or
price therefore. destroyed.
2. Determinate subject ➔ Under the law there are seven
matter; and modes of acquisition of
➔ Is the object which is certain ownership:
and determinate so we are 1. Occupation
talking about the determinate 2. Law
subject matter. 3. Donation
3. Price certain in money or 4. Tradition or delivery
its equivalent. 5. Intellectual creation
➔ Is the price the which must be 6. Prescription
certain in money or its 7. Succession
equivalent Mode of transferring ownership: is the
➔ This is the cause of tradition or delivery.
➔ it need not be in money Characteristics:
➔ it can be in money or its The characteristics or features of the
equivalent contract of sale include by being
● Bilateral or Reciprocal - both of minds upon the thing which is
parties are obliged to fulfill the object of the contract to upon
reciprocal obligations to one the price. – This is usually seen in the
another. The seller will deliver and second phase of the contract of sale.
transfer a determinate thing to the
buyer and the latter will be at a Two Kinds of Sales
certain price or equivalent 1. Absolute Sale — is not subject to
therefore. - both parties may any condition and follows the
reciprocally demand performance GENERAL RULE: that ownership
subject to the provisions of the law or title is transferred or passed
governing the form of contracts. upon delivery. Whether actual or
● Consensual - it is perfected by mere constructive delivery. – [even if the
consent. contract of sale is perfected by mere
“mere consent” - consent as to the consent, ownership is transferred only
price and the manner of payment upon delivery.]
and object. 2. Conditional Sale — is one where
● Commutative - the thing sold is ownership is not transferred until
considered equivalent to the price the condition is fulfilled.
paid and the price paid is the
equivalent of the thing sold. How will we know if a sale is an
● Onerous - The thing sold is absolute sale or conditional sale?
conveyed in consideration of ➔ If the condition is imposed upon
purchase price and the purchase the obligation of the seller to
price is paid in consideration of transfer ownership then it is a
the conveyance of a thing conditional sale, meaning,
delivered. - the price is the valuable ownership will not be transferred until
consideration for the delivery and the happening of the condition. But if
transfer of ownership of the thing sold. the condition is simply imposed
● Principal - its existence does not upon the payment of the price
depend upon the existence and then that’s an absolute sale and the
validity of another contract. contract of sale is already
● Nominate - It has a specific or perfected, why? Because payment
particular name given by law. and any condition imposed upon
Consensual payment is part of the consummation
➔ Perfected by mere consent, that is, stage of the contract of sale. Since it's
at the moment there is a meeting in the consummation or
performance there is already a rise to the remedies of
perfected contract. The contract of either specific performance
sale already exists. or rescission with damages
➔ The LAW allows the parties to in either case.
stipulate that ownership shall not ● In a contract to sell, the perfection
pass to the buyer until the price is of the contract only results in a
fully paid. This is what leads to the reciprocal suspensive condition
contract to sell. which creates the obligation to
deliver on the part of the seller
Contract to Sell only if the buyer fully pays the
● It is a specie of conditional sales, price or if other conditions are
it is subject to the conditions that fulfilled.
must be fulfilled in order for it to ➔ The thing may be in the
give rise to an absolute contract of possession of the buyer but
sale. the title and the ownership
● It is a bilateral contract where the is reserved with the seller
ownership or title to the thing is and will only pass to the
retained with the seller despite buyer full payment by the
delivery to the buyer until buyer or fulfillment of
fulfillment of positive suspensive whatever else condition.
condition, usually the full payment ➔ The effect of failure to pay
of the purchase price. the full payment is not it
just prevents the obligation

Distinguishment of absolute sale of the seller to deliver from

from a contract to sell coming into existence. In

● In an absolute sale the perfection other words, the obligation

of the contract results in the of the seller does not exist ,

reciprocal obligations of the seller it does not have to deliver

having to deliver the thing and the ownership anymore.

buyer having to pay the price. ➔ The remedy of the seller in

➔ the title passes right away this case is merely an

upon delivery. action to recover

➔ In case there is failure to possession of the property.

pay the purchase price this

only results in the breach of
the obligations which give
Distinguishing contract of sale from ➔ In a contract of sale the

other different but similar seller warrants the thing, in

arrangements: an agency to sell there is no

1. Agency to Sell — a contract of sale warranty on the part of the

is different from an agency to sell. agent.

By the contract of agency, one ➔ In a contract of sale it

person binds himself to do cannot generally be

something or render some service unilaterally revoked, in an

on behalf of or in representation of agency to sell the principal

another with the consent or may unilaterally revoke the

authority of the latter. It means arrangement because it is a

that the agent is the extension of fiduciary relationship

the principal and he can perform which is founded upon

acts which bind the principal in trust.

case he acts within the scope of his ➔ In a contract of sale, at the

authority. effect of paying the

➔ It is different from a purchase price is that the

contract of sale because if buyer becomes the owner

the buyer pays the price and he can exercise the

then he becomes the owner, attributes of ownership

but in the agency to sell, such as the right to destroy,

the agent receives the price dispose, fruits, etc., but in

and he has to give it to the an agency to sell, the agent

principal, the principal still must act according to the

remains to be the owner instructions of the

and ownership does not go principal.

to the agent. 2. Donation — a contract of sale is

➔ In a contract of sale the different from donation. Sale is an

buyer cannot generally onerous contract and involves a

return the thing after valuable consideration while

consummation of the donation does not. The

contract. In an agency to consideration in donation is the

sell, if the agent is unable pure liberality of the donor

to sell the things he may because this is a gratuitous

return the things to the contract.

3. Dation in Payment (Dacion en
➔ Sales is the law that governs dacion
en pago but there are some
differences. Even though dacion en
pago is governed by a the law on
sales, a contract of sale does not Natural Elements
involve any pre-existing obligation, These are those which are inherent in the
but a dation in payment involves a contract and are deemed to exist together
pre-existing obligation which will in the contract of sale in the absence of
be extinguished by virtue of the clear contrary agreement. So apparently
dation the natural elements are WAIVABLE!!
➔ In a contract of sale obligations are ● Waivable – It is an act of voluntarily
created [obligation of the seller to giving up a right, and can apply to a
deliver and obligation of the buyer to variety of legal situations including
pay]. In dation obligations are knowingly giving up a legal right such
extinguished as a speedy trial, a jury trial, giving up
➔ In a contract of sale the cost for some rights in a settlement talk, or not
the buyer is to achieve or acquire enforcing a term of contract
the thing and the cost for the seller
is to obtain the price. The cost in The New Civil Code enumerates Two
dation is simply for the Natural Elements:
extinguishment of the obligation Those under WARRANTIES:
on the part of the debtor. 1. Warranty against eviction (found
➔ In a contract of sale there is much in article 1548) and;
more freedom to determine the 2. Warranty against hidden defects
price, while in dation there is less (found under article 1561).
freedom because it serves the thing
paid. It is meant to extinguish the
Accidental Elements
pre-existing obligation of the
These are those which are not essential or
natural, they may or may not exist, they
depend on the stipulations of the parties
4. Contract of Lease
just like conditions, payment of interest,
➔ 12;36
place and time of payment and the like..
The Phases that a contract goes longer unilaterally withdraw from

through may be summarized as the contract – if there is a change

follows: of heart of one of the parties, can

1. Preparation, conception, or he or she just simply withdraw

generation from the contract? NO, he cannot.

- which is the period of Unilateral withdrawal is not

negotiation and bargaining, allowed. If there is already a

ending at the moment of meeting of the minds, it has

the agreement of the already passed the meeting of the

parties. minds or perfection stage, and

2. Perfection or birth of a contract neither party can’t withdraw.

- This is where we will be EXEMPTION: only if they both

determining the existence consented to that.

of the essential elements, ➔ In a sale by auction, perfection is

and the consummation or when the auctioneer announces its

death, which is the perfection by the fall of the

fulfillment or performance hammer or in another customary

of the terms agreed upon in manner. – Sale by auction is found

the contract. in article 1476 of the New Civil


If you are asked, what if there is non

delivery of the item? Will that tantamount
to avoid a contract of sale? NO, it will not
because the fulfillment or performance of
the terms agreed upon in the contract is
found in the consummation stage. The
determination of the validity of the
contract is at the perfection stage.

Note: Delivery or non delivery or mistaken

delivery is NOT!! an essential element of a
contract of sale. (meeting of the mind, object,
price certain)

➔ If there is already a meeting of the Obligations of the Vendor includes:

minds, either of the parties can no ➔ To transfer ownership
➔ To deliver the thing and its parties can agree by stipulation,
accessories and accessions that ownership will be reserved
➔ To make warranties until payment of the price.
➔ To take care of the thing with the 2. The contracts to sell. Are
proper diligence pending the bilateral contracts which are
delivery of the object subject to suspensive conditions.
➔ Pay the expenses for execution The obligation to deliver and to
➔ Registration of the sale except of enter into a contract of sale, it is
course of there is stipulation to the subject to a suspensive condition
contrary usually full payment of the
➔ To give the buyer the right to purchase price.
examine the goods 3. The case of sales upon acceptance
➔ To enter into a contract with a trial approval or satisfaction,
carrier on the buyers behalf if a because in these kinds of sales the
reasonable under the ownership passes to the buyer only
circumstances when the buyer signifies his
➔ To notify the buyer of the necessity acceptance or approval or he
to ensure the goods if it is usual to performs an act adopting the
ensure such goods. transaction or if he does not
signify his acceptance or approval
Transfer of Ownership but he retains the goods without
Rule: ownership is transferred upon giving notice of his rejection and
delivery whether actual or constructive. then there is a period to set for
- payment does not affect ownership which he must give a notice then
because payment goes into the period expires or if there is no
consummation in failure to pay period fixed then upon expiration
and it's simply a breach, which of a reasonable time.
gives rise to the actions of specific Note: Sales on Acceptance are different
performance or a rescission. from Sales on Returns,
Exceptions: when ownership does not pass
on delivery
1. If there is a contractual
stipulation reserving ownership,
also called as “Pactum Reservati
Dominii” or the contractual
reservation of title. – So, the

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