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The key takeaways are to enjoy yourself, practice with intention, let go of judgements, and get better each day by listening to your body.

Some guidelines for optimal performance are to practice with intention, let go of judgements, get better each day, and listen to your body.

Methods described for engaging the nervous system and increasing muscle size include long duration isometrics and tempo/slow eccentric training.





Training is about self-exploration, gaining

knowledge, building confidence and
expanding skill sets.

Enjoy yourself no matter what happens.



Judgmental labels usually lead to

emotional reactions and then to
Understanding what you’re doing tightness, trying too hard, self-
and why you’re doing it will condemnation… which interferes
provide your body with the right with the fluidity required for
stimulus it requires to change. optimal performance.
Before you begin each exercise,
make a mental note of what you The first skill to learn is the art of
want to accomplish. letting go the human inclination
to judge ourselves and our
Remember this: a great intention performances as either “good” or
leads to a great outcome. “bad”. When we unlearn how to be
judgmental, it is possible to
achieve spontaneous and focused

I want to be clear about this:

letting go of judgements doesn’t
mean ignoring errors. It simply
means seeing events as they are
and not adding anything to them.

Wake up every day and set an intention

that aligns with your goal and then
consistently work towards it. Each day,
just focus on getting 1% better in whatever
it is you’re trying to improve.

Don’t expect to get everything right the

first time.

Be intentional and stay committed to



Learn to listen to your body. Adapt reps,

sets, time under tension if needed.

passive element Titin, and fast twitch

fibers tend to display greater Titin-
based stiffness than slow twitch
muscle fibers” (Beardsley, 2019). The
residual effects of this type of
training seems to last longer than
You are on your own for the warm other types of training.
ups. Give yourself permission to be
creative. Sprint, throw something
heavy, crawl, get the brain involved,
use vision or stimulate the vestibular

Just move around until you feel

ready to go. There is no right or Long duration isometrics (especially
wrong. done at longer muscle lengths)
reduce muscle oxygenation and
metabolite clearance which
potentially leads to a greater
TEMPO/SLOW ECCENTRIC recruitment of Type II muscle fibers
with improved ability to increase
cross-sectional area and force
production, and trigger anabolic
This method of strength training hormones that contribute to
triggers the hormone MTOR which is hypertrophy adaptations. “Isometric
linked to muscle protein synthesis. training should be implemented
Recruits a greater amount of type II when increasing muscle size and
muscle fibers compared to normal improving tendon, and other
tempo, but also does not maximally connective tissue health is of utmost
recruit motor units. “Eccentric-only importance,” (Oranchuk, 2019). For
training might permit preferential the long duration isometrics to be
increases in fast twitch muscle fiber most effective, they must be hard,
size, because an element of the meaning you should be very close to
mechanical loading during eccentric failure by the end of the set.
contractions is produced by the

This means that on each rep, you’ll

include a pause. The duration of the
pause will vary on each rep. You’ll
perform 7 repetitions:

Rep 1 = 12 second pause

Rep 2 = 10 second pause
Rep 3 = 8 second pause
Rep 4 = 6 second pause
Rep 5 = 4 second pause
Rep 6 = 2 second pause
Rep 7 = no pause


This means the rhythm of the

repetitions will vary during the set
from slow to explosive. You’ll perform
sets of 8 repetitions:

Reps 1 and 2 = 6040 tempo (down in 6

seconds, up in 4 seconds)
Reps 3 and 4 = 20X0 tempo (down in
2 seconds, up as fast as possible)
Reps 5 and 6 = 6040 tempo
Reps 7 and 8 = 20X0 tempo


There are multiple ways to program progressive overload, I’ll provide a few examples below. The
goal here is to apply an overload on week 5 + 6 + 7 and 8.

Lifting the same load for increased distance (range of motion).

Lifting the same load with better form, more control and less effort.
Lifting heavier loads.
Lifting the same load and volume with less rest time in between sets.
Lifting a load with more speed and acceleration.
Doing more work in the same amount of time.
Doing the same work in less amount of time.
Doing more sets with the same load and repetitions.

Be patient and choose one or two ways to overload your training.


1 2 3

RPE or the "rate of If you want to measure the Don’t think about it during
perceived exertion" is a intensity of your workouts, the set. Just execute the
scale used to identify the get familiar with the set. Focus on your
intensity of your exercise numbers. In simple terms, technique. Progress not
based on how hard you the numbers correspond perfection. If you can’t rate
feel or perceive your effort to the intensity of exercise. perfectly, you can still
to be. The RPE scale See table below. derive benefits from the
typically runs from 0 to 10, system. Plus you’ll get
with zero being literally better with practice.
nothing and 10 being the
hardest you could possibly
exert yourself. RPE allows
to auto-regulate the load.
That is to say it lets the
load adjust to fit your

10 Maximal effort You couldn't do anything more.

9.5 Extremely hard You couldn't have done more reps,

but maybe could've done a bit
more weight.

9 Almost limit effort You could do 1 more rep.

8.5 Very hard You could do 1 more rep. Maybe two.

8 Hard You could do 2 more reps.

7.5 Fairly hard You could do 2 more reps. Maybe 3.

7 Somewhat demanding You could do 3 more reps.

5-6 Comfortable You could do 4-6 more reps.

1-4 Very easy It feels like a warm-up.

A1 Zercher box squats RPE 8-9 2 HEAVIEST 5
A2 Depth drop
A3 Adductor squeeze 2 1 MINUTE
B1 Deficit split squats 3 SLOW ECCENTRIC
C1 Partial Nordic curls 3 6-12
D1 Split squat iso
D2 Slow breathing
E1 DB side bend 3 10-15 (ES)
F1 Exhaled breath hold 10 MINUTES

Zercher box squats: Work up to 2 heavy sets of 5; leaving 1-2 reps in the tank; focus on
accelerating as fast as you possibly can; let your knee drop in toward the big toe;
allow your foot to open and spread across the floor; stack ribs above each other.
Depth drop: Perform 3 repetitions in between each work up and working set; the
intent here is to land as stiff as possible in the desired position; no sinking down; hold
the position in balance for 2-3 seconds.
Deficit split squats: Lower down in 6 seconds for 6-10 repetitions; after your last set,
rest 10 seconds, then immediately perform as many reps as possible to failure with
the same weight.
Partial Nordic curls: Perform 3 sets of 6-12 repetitions; focus on keeping the pelvis
Split squat iso: Perform 1 set till failure; the goal is to resist gravity and fail in an
eccentric manner; aim for 3 to 5 minutes with bodyweight only; stay calm and use
your breathing to signal the brain that you're okay in this position; remember that
you’re in control; direct your focus and consciously choose how to measure your time;
use D2 for recovery in between legs.
Slow breathing: The goal is to use your breath to calm yourself down; using the nose
only; inhale for 2-4 seconds (focusing on expanding the ribcage front to back and
side to side), hold for 1 second, exhale for 4-8 seconds and hold for 1 second; repeat.
Dumbbell side bend: Push your hip sideways; separate your ribs from your pelvis as
much ass possible; then compress them into each other.
Exhaled breath hold: The goal is to train your body to tolerate CO2 (also called the
"stress messenger"); the higher your blood CO2 levels, the easier it is for your body to
“absorb” oxygen; aim for 10-40 second exhaled breath holds.

A1 Banded bench press RPE 8-9 2 HEAVIEST 5
A2 Depth drop to deep push up

A3 Weighted chin up RPE 8-9 2 HEAVIEST 8
B1 Weighted dips 3 CONTRAST SET
B2 DB eccentric external rotation 3 6-10
B3 DB internal rotation 3 6-10
C1 Lateral raise iso 2 FAILURE
D1 Banded 4 way neck 2 1 MINUTE

Banded bench press: Work up to 2 heavy sets of 5; leaving 1-2 reps in the tank; focus
on accelerating as fast as you possibly can.
Depth drop to deep push up: Perform 3 repetitions in between each work up and
working set; the intent here is to land as stiff as possible in the desired position; no
sinking down; hold the position in balance for 2-3 seconds.
Weighted chin ups: Work up to 2 heavy sets of 8; leaving 1-2 reps in the tank; pull
explosively from a dead stop.
Weighted dips: Perform a 10-second iso hold at 90 degrees + 2 normal reps + 2
explosive reps.
DB eccentric external rotation: On the last set of the last rep, hold the bottom
stretched position for as long as possible.
DB internal rotation: On the last set of the last rep, hold the bottom stretched position
for as long as possible.
B1 + B2 + B3: Cycle through each exercise for 3 sets.
Lateral raise iso: After your last set, rest 10 seconds, then immediately perform as
many reps as possible to failure with the same weight.
Banded 4 way neck: Perform sets of 1 minute in each position; accumulate as many
reps as possible.



A1 Paused trap bar deadlift RPE 8-9 2 HEAVIEST 3
A2 Split squat rotational box jump
A3 Standing hip flexor iso 2 1 MINUTE (ES)
B1 Landmine curtsy Zercher lunge 3 12 + RP
C1 GHD back extension iso
D1 Adductor raises 2 10-15
E1 BB Russian twist 3 8-10 (ES)
F1 Walking exhaled breath hold 10 MINUTES

Paused trap bar deadlift: Work up to 2 heavy sets of 3; leaving 1-2 reps in the tank;
pause 2 seconds at mid-shin level; focus on accelerating as fast as you possibly can
out of the pause.
Split squat rotational box jump: Perform 1 repetition in between each work up and
working set; continue pushing the height until you've reached a point where you can
no longer get any higher.
Landmine curtsy lunge: Perform 12 solid repetitions; leaving 1-2 repetitions in the
tank; rest 20 seconds (rest/pause method); do an additional 3-4 repetitions.
GHD back extension iso: Perform 5 minutes on a running clock; the goal is to resist
gravity and fail in an eccentric manner; If you stop during the exercise; take 2 slow
breaths using the nose only; then immediately go right back into the isometric hold;
stay calm and use your breathing to signal the brain that you're okay in this position;
remember that you’re in control; direct your focus and consciously choose how to
measure your time.
BB Russian twist: Focus on turning the outside foot in as the bar comes down; involve
the hip and the trunk together by turning the hips.
Walking exhaled breath hold: The goal is to train your body to tolerate CO2 (also
called the "stress messenger"); the higher your blood CO2 levels, the easier it is for
your body to “absorb” oxygen; aim for 10-40 second exhaled breath holds.

A1 Z press RPE 8-9 2 HEAVIEST 3
A2 Dead start lateral push up
A3 Chest supported row 2 TEMPO CONTRAST
B1 Push up iso 5 MINUTES
C1 BB biceps curl ISODYNAMIC
C2 BB tricep extension ISODYNAMIC

Z press: Work up to 2 heavy sets of 3; leaving 1-2 repetitions in the tank; focus on
accelerating as fast as you possibly can.
Split squat rotational box jump: Perform 1 repetition in between each work up and
working set; continue pushing the height until you've reached a point where you can
no longer get any higher.
Push up iso: Perform 5 minutes on a running clock; the goal is to resist gravity and fail
in an eccentric manner; If you stop during the exercise; take 2 slow breaths using the
nose only; then immediately go right back into the isometric hold; stay calm and use
your breathing to signal the brain that you're okay in this position; remember that
you’re in control; direct your focus and consciously choose how to measure your time.
BB biceps curl: Hold at mid-range position; arms at 90 degrees.
BB tricep extension: Hold at mid)range position; arms at 90 degrees.
C1 + C2 is a superset; both exercises are performed without taking any extra rest in
between; rest 90-120 seconds in between supersets.
Hang: Perform 7 minutes on a running clock; the intent here is to drive your arms as
straight as you possible to lengthen all the tissues; if you stop during the exercise;
take 2 slow breaths using the nose only; then immediately go right back into the

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