Keywords: Multi-component high resolution seismic reflection data were acquired at the Uppsala University field test site in
Groundwater Marsta, Sweden, in March 2019 with the aim of obtaining an improved understanding of the subsurface structure
Seismic reflection in the area. An advantage of the site is that a number of boreholes have been drilled there for both hydro
Converted waves
geological and geophysical purposes, allowing surface geophysics to be compared with downhole information.
Reflection data processing
The presence of a low velocity layer above the water table generates significant processing challenges due to
Modeling trapped waves. A further complication with the data is that the upper part of this layer was frozen at the time of
the survey, resulting in the sediments just below the surface having a significantly higher velocity than those
below. By analyzing and processing both the vertical and radial component data it was possible to build a ve
locity model that is consistent with the observed data. A strong PS converted reflection allows the bedrock to be
imaged on the radial component stacks to much higher resolution than on the vertical component stacks. Both
common conversion point binning and pre-stack depth migration were used to process the radial component
data. We confirmed that our processing strategy was effective by generating synthetic data that were processed in
a similar manner as the real data. The PS images indicate a step in the bedrock of about 2 m, with depth to it
increasing from about 15 m to 17 m close to one of the boreholes. This step is not observed on the PP stacks, due
to their lower resolution.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: christopher.juhlin@geo.uu.se (C. Juhlin).
Received 11 August 2020; Received in revised form 18 January 2022; Accepted 10 February 2022
Available online 19 February 2022
0926-9851/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
R. Sun et al. Journal of Applied Geophysics 198 (2022) 104572
Fig. 1. Receiver (blue triangle) and borehole (B, red dots) locations in the study area Marsta, Sweden (red star in the inset). Stations 1–120 correspond to the
landstreamer with 0.5 m spacing, and stations 121–157 are 1C units with 1 m spacing. Sources were activated at 1 m distance to the west of each receiver location.
(For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Fig. 2. Quaternary map Marsta, Sweden. Blue rectangle shows the location of the study area. Modified from SGU https://apps.sgu.se/kartvisare/kartvisare-jordarter
-25-100.html. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
R. Sun et al. Journal of Applied Geophysics 198 (2022) 104572
Fig. 3. Groundwater reservoir properties near the Marsta test site. Modified from SGU https://apps.sgu.se/kartvisare/kartvisare-grundvattenmagasin.html.
Fig. 4. Depth to bedrock near Marsta, Sweden. Map modified from SGU; (https://www.sgu.se/produkter/kartor/kartgeneratorn/).
1995; Li, 2003). PS images provide information on polarization of be extended. There are several differences between PS and PP data. (1)
seismic events (Guevara and Stewart, 1998), contribute to investigating The conversion of P to S moves the energy to larger wave numbers. Due
vp/vs ratios to identify lithology (Miller, 1996; Ogiesoba and Stewart, to the higher wave numbers in the PS reflection, absorption affects the
2005; Li and Zhang, 2011) and help to delineate particle displacement at PS data more significantly than the P data (Vermeer, 2002), thus the
specific azimuths using different wave components for fracture detec bedrock can be characterized more completely when PS information is
tion (Li, 1997; Brodic, 2018). The PS converted wave has a different path included. (2) For dense receiver geometries, the illumination range by
from the P-wave, converting to an upcoming S-wave at different points each common conversion point (CCP) gather in the PS data is broader
on an interface, allowing the range that the interface can be mapped to than that by each common midpoint (CDP) gather in the PP data, leading
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R. Sun et al. Journal of Applied Geophysics 198 (2022) 104572
High resolution seismic data were acquired in March 2019 along a N- An example source gather (Fig. 6a, located at point 1 in Fig. 1b)
S striking profile (Fig. 1). A fertilizer tank and a building are located at displays three visible velocities, estimated at around 800 m/s, 1600 m/s
the north and south ends of the seismic profile, respectively (as shown in and 5500 m/s, respectively (Table 3). In the radial component record
Fig. 1). The fertilizer tank is about 60 m away from the northernmost only the 800 m/s direct wave can be observed (Fig. 6b). This arrival is
geophone (Fig. 1, receiver 1) and the building is about 20 m away from poorly seen in the vertical component source gather, but becomes visible
the southernmost geophone (Fig. 1, receiver 157). A gravel road east of in the vertical component after sorting the data into the common
the seismic profile runs parallel to it. These structures give rise to un receiver gather domain. Fig. 6c shows the amplitude spectra of the
wanted reflections in our seismic records. vertical and radial component source gathers. The time window [0-100
ms] of the vertical component shows a dominant frequency of 60 Hz
R. Sun et al. Journal of Applied Geophysics 198 (2022) 104572
Fig. 7. Synthetic seismograms for the models given in Table 4 and comparison with the field data. Column 1 shows the vertical and radial components for a raw
source-gather at 0 m along the survey line. Column 2 shows the corresponding synthetic gathers for Model 1 in Table 4. Column 3 shows the corresponding synthetic
gathers for Model 2 in Table 4. In the figure ‘R', ‘M' and ‘S' denote the low velocity (Vrms ≈ 215 m/s) reflection, multiples and surface waves respectively. The red
curve in the vertical component field data shows the expected arrival time for a reflection off the top of the groundwater level for Model 1. (For interpretation of the
references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Table 4
Estimated velocities from the field data. Model 2 assumes that the first break
velocity of 800 m/s represents the velocity in the entire unsaturated zone while
Model 1 assumes that the normal velocity in the unsaturated zone is 250 m/s and
only the upper 1 m has a velocity of 800 m/s due to the ground being frozen.
Model Depth P velocity S velocity Quality Material
no. (m) (m/s) (m/s) factor Q
0–1 800 100 50
frozen clay
1–4 250 100 5
1 clay
Saturated clay &
4–15 1600 100 25
15–105 5500 3000 200 Granitoid
0–1 800 100 50
frozen clay
1–4 800 100 5
2 frozen clay
Saturated clay &
4–15 1600 100 25
15–105 5500 3000 200 Granitoid
(green line in Fig. 6c), while the time window [140-250 ms] of the radial
component has a dominant frequency of 30 Hz (blue line in Fig. 6c). The Fig. 8. The velocity model used for ray tracing and seismic field
blue arrow on Fig. 6c shows high frequencies in the range 160-400 Hz data processing.
caused by a strong air wave (also visible in the source gather).
processing. Below we describe how we obtained the starting Vp and Vs
velocity models for the seismic processing.
4.1. Velocity estimation
Velocity model building is an important step in seismic imaging,
including data processing, static corrections and migration (Jones,
In this study we are mainly interested in obtaining initial Vp and Vs
2010, 2012; Opara et al., 2018; Law and Trad, 2018.). There are many
models for the reflections seismic imaging. These models are then
different methods to obtain near-surface velocity models, including:
updated during the velocity analysis so that the velocities which give the
surface wave analysis (Socco et al., 2010), first arrival tomography (Shi
clearest images are used. Note that these processing velocities most
et al., 2015; Wo et al., 2020), waveform inversion (Plessix, 2008; Virieux
likely do not represent the best estimate of the subsurface velocities,
and Operto, 2009), layer-by-layer inversion (Yilmaz, 2001), and multi-
they are simply the velocities which give the best images in the
R. Sun et al. Journal of Applied Geophysics 198 (2022) 104572
Fig. 9. Vertical component (a-b) and radial component source gathers (c-d). The calculated traveltimes based on the model in Fig. 8 are overlain in b and d. The
colors and corresponding reflections are explained in the legend below the figure. The reflections are coded as trefp1 is the PP reflection off the water table, trefp2 is
the PP reflection off the bedrock, trefc1 is the PS reflection off the water table, trefc2 is the PS reflection off the bedrock, trefs1 is the-SS reflection off the water table,
trefs2 is the SS reflection off the bedrock. AW represents the air wave, and GR the ground roll.
R. Sun et al. Journal of Applied Geophysics 198 (2022) 104572
Table 5 Model 1 contains a low velocity (250 m/s) layer (unfrozen dry clay)
Field data processing flows for vertical and radial component data. below the frozen surface layer (v = 800 m/s). At the time of the survey in
Step Process March the study area had experienced low temperatures during the
winter months and the uppermost ground was frozen. Comparison of
Vertical component Radial component
source gathers from Model 1 (Fig. 7b), Model 2 (Fig. 7c) and the raw
1 Convert SEGD/SEG2 to SEGY format Read SEGD data to SEGY format data shows that Model 1 has characteristics that are more similar to the
2 Trace edit
3 Add geometry/CDP binning Add geometry/CCP binning
real data than Model 2. The Model 2 seismogram does not agree well
4 Trace balance [full trace] with the field data in terms of the reflection time and the interference by
5 Deconvolution the first arrivals with later P-wave reflections. Red curve on Fig. 7 dis
6 Band-pass filter [50–80–180-200 Hz] Band-pass filter [20–40–120- plays the ray tracing traveltime for the reflector at depth of 4 m, based
200 Hz]
on Model 1. Ignoring the air wave impact on the field data (Fig. 7a), the
7 Trace balance [full trace]
8 Geometrical spreading amplitude compensation synthetic source gather in Fig. 7b matches quite well with the field data
9 Median filter [velocity = 330 m/s] in in terms of reflection interference, both including the reflection with
10 AGC 50 ms low RMS velocity and some multiples. The main difference between the
11 Surgical mute [front/bottom] Surgical bottom mute observed and modeled data is the lack of a clear first arrival at far offsets
12 CDP sort bin spacing 0.25 CCP sort bin spacing 0.175
13 Residual statics Residual statics
on the radial component field data. This is likely due to the background
14 Median filter [− 170 m/s] N/A surface wave noise impacting the radial component more than the ver
15 Velocity analysis [0 ms-400 m/s, 40 ms- Velocity analysis [140 ms-700 tical component, thus masking the first arrivals.
1100 m/s] m/s]
4.1.2. Shear wave velocity
17 Stack Stack
18 FX-Deconvolution FX-Deconvolution Observed surface wave velocities (VR) range between 70 m/s and
19 N/A FK mute 150 m/s while the P-wave velocity for the unfrozen unsaturated up
20 Time-depth conversion [0 ms-400 m/s, Time-depth conversion [140 permost layer is estimated to VP = 250 m/s. These values are consistent
40 ms-1100 m/s] ms-210 m/s] with a shear wave velocity of about 100 m/s according to the empirical
formula vs = vR/0.9 and vs = 0.4vp for unconsolidated sediments (Burger,
1992). These estimates provide shear wave velocity constraints for the
upper unsaturated zone at the site (Fig. 8). An average shear wave ve
locity of 100 m/s for the sediments can also be found by modeling the
traveltimes from the strong reflection in the field radial component
(Fig. 9c). Assuming it is a converted wave off the top of the bedrock, then
the calculation of its traveltime is consistent with a shear wave velocity
of 100 m/s. A shear wave velocity of 100 m/s in the saturated clay and
moraine implies a Vp/Vs ratio of 16 for this layer, a very high value.
High values have been reported in the literature (e.g. Bailey et al., 2013),
even values approaching 16 (Salas-Romero et al., 2021). The high values
can be explained by the very low shear strength of sediments even when
they are water saturated. It may be that we are overestimating the shear
wave velocity in the unsaturated zone and underestimating it in the
saturated zone. Regardless, we need very high Vp/Vs ratios in the sed
Fig. 10. Conversion point of PS converted wave. ACP: Approximate Conversion
Point, CMP: Common-Mid-Point, CCP: Common Conversion Point. iments to explain the arrival time of the PS converted reflection off the
top of the bedrock. If we were to use a higher S-wave velocity to model
the PS converted wave arrival we would need to reduce the P-wave
geophysical methods to control velocity building (Mantovani, 2016).
velocity considerably to match the PS converted wave traveltimes. Such
When clear branches in the apparent velocities are present in the first
a reduced P-wave velocity model would be inconsistent with the P-wave
breaks it can be better to use crossover distances as a guide in the model
first arrival times which we consider to be robust. Future borehole
building rather than more advanced tomographic inversion. This is the
seismic experiments will allow more direct measurement of the shear
case for the P-wave arrivals in our data. For the shear wave velocity
wave velocity and potential verification of our assumptions. Fig. 8 shows
estimation we rely on analysis of the surface wave velocity and the
the preferred model at B6 at the site based on all available information.
arrival times of the PS converted reflection off the bedrock.
This model is taken as the reference in our data processing. The P-wave
velocity profile is based on the first breaks and the modeling shown in
4.1.1. P-wave velocity
Fig. 7 (along with Model 1 in Table 4). The S-wave velocity profile is
First arrival information (Fig. 7 and Table 3) allows us to estimate a
based on the surface wave velocities and the traveltimes for the PS
starting 3-layer model for forward modeling. We then iteratively adjust
converted wave reflection along with an assumption that the Vp/Vs ratio
the velocities layer by layer to better match the field records. Observa
in the bedrock is on the order 1.8–1.85.
tions are primarily from the upper 50 ms in the vertical component
source gathers. A potential shallow reflection with an RMS velocity of
4.1.3. Ray tracing
215 m/s can be seen at a traveltime of about 21 ms (at the location
We are aware that the Vs estimation outlined above is rather ad hoc,
marked by ‘R' in Fig. 7a). However, the measured direct wave has a
but it serves as a starting point for the PS processing. There is significant
higher velocity of 800 m/s. In order to determine an appropriate ve
uncertainty in using a constant value of 100 m/s for all of the sediments.
locity model for the shallow layers, two velocity models are compared
It may well be that there is a gradient in Vs with values less than 100 m/s
(Table 4). Model 2 is based on the first break arrival times, and model 1
at the shallowest levels and values greater than 100 m/s deeper down.
is an adjustment of model 2, by combining the first break information
Therefore we have performed ray tracing (crewes.org, ray tracing tools)
and the potential reflection with a 215 m/s RMS velocity. Therefore
R. Sun et al. Journal of Applied Geophysics 198 (2022) 104572
Fig. 11. Stacked time domain images; (a) PP image; (b) PS image.
R. Sun et al. Journal of Applied Geophysics 198 (2022) 104572
Fig. 12. (a) PP depth section; (b) PS depth section based on CCP binning; (c) PS image after pre-stack depth migration.
R. Sun et al. Journal of Applied Geophysics 198 (2022) 104572
5. Numerical study
Fig. 13. 2D P-wave velocity model for synthetic modeling (see Table 6 for To verify our processed images, we implement 2D elastic modeling
details). The model is based on the information obtained from the seismic field by using a 2D elastic finite difference code (Juhlin, 1995) from the
data (Fig. 12). Seismic Unix Software Package (www.cwp.mines.edu). We use the ve
locity model given in Fig. 13 based on the processing information for the
final images (Fig. 12). A 2 m vertical step is set at 30 m lateral location.
Table 6
The increase in depth from 15 m down to 17 m is similar to what is
2D velocity model used in synthetic modeling.
observed in the bedrock interpretation in the PS sections (Fig. 12b-c).
Depth P-velocity (m/s) Depth P-velocity (m/s) S-velocity (m/s) However, the main purpose of the modeling is to test our processing flow
(m) (distance 0-30 (m) (distance 30-60 (distance 0-60
and determine if the step can be better imaged using the PS reflections.
m) m) m)
That is, the objective is to examine how much improvement can be
1 800 1 800 100 expected with PS processing compared to PP processing with a 2 m step
2–4 250 2–4 250 100
4–15 1600 4–17 1600 100
at about 15 m depth. The details of the model are given in Table 6.
15–105 5500 17–105 5500 3000 A Gaussian wavelet derivative having a dominant frequency of 90 Hz
was used as a source along with a source spacing of 1 m. In total, 120
records were generated and the wavefield recorded on 120 channels
on the preferred model (Fig. 8) to see how well we can match the PP and spaced at 0.5 m. The general appearance of the synthetic gathers is
PS reflections from the water table (at 4 m depth) and bedrock (at 15 m similar to the field data, both in the radial and vertical components
depth). In Fig. 9a-b we see that the P-wave reflections from the water (Fig. 14). The PS converted wave reflection in Fig. 14a is clearly visible,
table (red curve, Fig. 9b) and bedrock (green curve, Fig. 9b) are while the PP reflection from the bedrock is less obvious. Note again that
consistent, while these events in the radial component (Fig. 9c-d) are not the poor visibility of the P-wave first arrival in the field data radial
clearly visible and only the assumed PS converted wave arrival (purple component compared to the synthetic data. We attribute this to the
curve, Fig. 9d) is matching with the strong event in the field data. The greater level of surface wave noise on the radial component compared to
good match for the PS reflection off the bedrock gives us some confi the vertical component. By applying a similar processing flow as given in
dence that using a Vs of 100 m/s is a reasonable starting assumption for Table 5, we obtain the time domain images shown in Fig. 15a-b and use
the seismic processing. them for comparison with the field data.
We process the multi-component high-resolution seismic data to We interpret the high amplitude reflection at 42 ms (PP) and 150 ms
obtain both PP and PS reflection images. The processing flow for the -170 ms (PS) in Fig. 11 to mark the transition from unconsolidated
vertical and radial components are shown in Table 5. Strong surface sediments to consolidated bedrock. A near-vertical step can be inter
waves at near offsets are suppressed by bandpass filtering and a surgical preted in the PS image at a distance of about 30 m along the profile, but
cone mute (steps 6 and 11). Frequency filters of 50–80-180-200 Hz for it is difficult to see any small corresponding increase in time in the PP
enhancing the PP reflections and 20–40-120-200 Hz for enhancing PS image. The synthetic modeling shows similar results (compare Fig. 15
reflections were chosen. Then an optimum window (Hunter et al., 1982) with Fig. 11), no clear increase in the traveltime of the bedrock reflec
was chosen for a suitable surgical mute. The muted regions were tion is observed on the PP section while a clear increase is observed on
determined by overlaying the curves obtained via ray tracing on the the PS section. This is likely due to the P-wave's lower resolution. At 60
source gathers (Fig. 9). A dip dependent median filter with a velocity of Hz the wavelength for P-waves in the sediments above the bedrock is
330 m/s helped to suppress the air waves. Deconvolution reduces
R. Sun et al. Journal of Applied Geophysics 198 (2022) 104572
Fig. 14. Comparison of seismic field data and synthetic data. (a) Radial component field data; (b) Vertical component field data; (c) Radial component synthetic
data; (d) Vertical component synthetic data. The dashed lines mark the assumed PS (a and c) and PP (b and d) reflections from the bedrock layer.
about 25 m (assuming Vp = 1600 m/s), while the wavelength of S-waves arrival of the direct wave through the uppermost 800 m/s layer is most
(assuming Vs = 100 m/s) is about 1.5 m. This explains why the PS clearly seen on the radial component data (Fig. 14a). It is not easily seen
reflection shows the bedrock interface and its structure much better than in the vertical component (Fig. 14b). This provides an additional
the PP section, both on the field and synthetic data. If only vertical incentive to record multi-component data for near surface studies. If the
component sensors had been used in the survey then an image of this survey had been carried out in the summer we would expect that the
step in the bedrock would not have been obtained. The step is also not sediments above the groundwater table (0-4 m depth) to all have a P-
visible on the refraction data in the first break arrivals so it would not be wave velocity of 250 m/s.
possible to interpret it from tomography, nor first break processing.
The PS image shows that the interpreted step in the bedrock is close 7. Conclusion
to the location of the B6 borehole. Bedrock is found in the borehole at 15
m depth, suggesting that the borehole penetrates the bedrock on the The present study along with that of Brodic et al. (2017) are initial
northern side of the step. This interpretation is supported by B9 (Figs. 1 steps to a better understanding of the near-surface structure in the
and 5), located just 10 m south of B6 and which shows a bedrock depth Marsta area and can form the basis for integrated studies with hydro
of 18 m. At present, the borehole measurements are consistent with the geology. In the current study, we processed high resolution seismic 3C
bedrock topography in Fig. 12b-c, although changing the S-wave ve data with two major goals: 1) velocity estimation based on the field data
locity by 10–15% could change the depths by a few meters. Future and 2) imaging the bedrock surface. By means of first break analysis and
borehole measurements of the S-wave velocity and surface wave anal forward modeling, an initial model was obtained. Ray tracing according
ysis will provide better constraints on the S-wave structure at the site to the estimated model helped understand PP and PS events on the field
and the best velocity model to use for seismic processing. We hope with recorded vertical and radial component source gathers. Acquisition of
these future studies to be able to verify the high Vp/Vs ratios that our the radial component data allowed more detailed velocity estimation
interpretation implies to be present at the site. than if only vertical component data had been obtained. Observed sur
It is interesting to note that in order to simulate some of the char face wave velocities and traveltimes of the PS converted wave imply
acteristics of the field data it is necessary to include a low velocity layer very high Vp/Vs ratios at the site. We aim to verify these high ratios by
below the uppermost layer (Fig. 7). Setting the upper 1 m to a P-wave future borehole seismic measurements.
velocity of 800 m/s, as observed in the first breaks, and the 3 m thick The processed stacked PS images display a small step (2 m) in the
layer below to 250 m/s shows the importance of carefully analyzing the bedrock surface at a lateral location of about 30 m along the profile,
recorded seismograms. The change in properties in the near surface deepening from 15 m to 17 m, close to the location of borehole B6. The
during winter conditions would need to be accounted for in any PS image is supported by processing of data generated by 2D forward
refraction survey carried out during this season. Note also that the elastic modeling that includes a step discontinuity at 30 m along the
R. Sun et al. Journal of Applied Geophysics 198 (2022) 104572
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