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Volume 64, Issue 1, 2020

Journal of Scientific Research

Institute of Science,
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India.

Amharic Phrase Chunking with Conditional

Random Fields
Alemebante Mulu1*, Vishal Goyal1

1 Department of Computer Science, Punjabi University Patiala, India. alembantemulu184@gmail.com, vishal.pup@gmail.com

Abstract: This paper particularly presents a Conditional Random Having clear opinions, the combination of two or more
Field (CRF) based phrase chunking system for Amharic language. phrases in a sentence is very useful to construct the full
Chunking is the series of actions which has divided or segmented sentences and phrases by themselves for a variety of Natural
the sentence into phrase by the arrangements of correlated word
Language Processing (NLP) application, and the process which
groups. Therefore, chunking is recognized by the identity of chunk
directly labels the small group of words is called phrase
labels and the boundary that describes chunks. In this research
work, our goal is to develop chunking for Amharic language by
chunking. Grover &Tobin (2006) states that considers chunking
using different tagging schemes for identifying the chunk is able to be used a practical for Named Entity Recognition
boundaries and incorporate the tangs in form of contextual attentively.
information. Therefore we have identified the problem, common Chunking is one of Natural Language Processing (NLP) task
stetting, solution and improvement of chunking as well. In addition that have been used to allocate phrases by their label group of
to this, we have also constituted the special word, Part-of-Speech contiguous words. We can say that it’s important input for
(POS) tagging information, morphological analysis as an input to constructing a sentence as well as identifying the grammatical
increase the performance of the system. Totally, we are using
classes. Whereas, Part of Speech (POS) is used as an input and it
400,000 tagged words and have evaluated the result by the
needs to help in developing the chunking system, especially to
combination boundary identification and labeling. Since we are
using large amount of tagged data for Part of Speech tagging, it
get a better accuracy. In addition to this, the task of it helps to
although performs good results with chunking. Finally, the average make it easier for improving the efficiency of the subsequent
accuracy of the system is reached to 94.2%. processing like parsing and grammar chucker. Part of Speech
tagging (POS) and phrase chunking are carried out almost with
Keywords: Chunk, CRF, HMM, NLP, POS. the same piece of work that performs, the only difference is part
of speech tagging which has as an essential feature of word
I. INTRODUCTION categorization and chunking is the place in a particular phrase
A. Background level category.
Natural language processing (NLP is one large area or sub Chunking is very useful for identifying the phrase level under
the Natural Language Processing (NLP) application for a diverse
field of computing science that can be written, spoken, read and of language, and the task labels the phrase to categorize under
listened by human beings for sending or receiving information the system. Therefore, chunking application can consist in
via computer devices (Lise & Ben, 2007). The pleasing dividing the sentence in to phrase level in syntactically
communication between human beings and computer machine is correlated parts of the word (Ibrahim & Assabie, 2013).“The
performed with the help of Natural Language Processing (NLP) syntactic level deals with analyzing a sentence that generally
technology and its application to the human-computer consists of segmenting a sentence into words and recognizing
syntacticelements and their relationships within a structure”
interaction is most easy (Jackson & Moulinier, 2007). Natural
(Ibrahim & Assabie, 2014, p.297).
Language processing (NLP) understands the requirement and the Phrase chunking is the stream order that helps to identify and
general language structure of text at phonological, at analyze well organized data. In addition to this it is used for
morphological, at syntactical, at semantical, at discourse and further investigation under the natural language processing
pragmatic levels (Jurafsky & H.Martin, 2019) to make, increase application development like grammar checker, information
the instance and performance of NLP applications that have been extraction, information retrieval, name entity recognition and
done at different levels.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.37398/JSR.2020.640135 253

Journal of Scientific Research, Volume 64, Issue 1, 2020

other related tasks decidedly, chunking has begun to be an language is different in nature for morphological analysis,
interesting alternative of one or more things to full parsing. The constricting grammatical phrases, alphabet (fidel) representation
arrangement of the sentence is categorized on the habit the and statement formation (Amare, 2009).
linguistic structure or phrase chunking and its one big task is Therefore, the indicative purpose of this research work is to
natural language processing. Hence, we describe the above develop Amharic phrase chunker and for growing up the
statement that aim of phrase chunking is to divide a sentence in transformation of technology specifically for Amharic language.
to certain syntactic units phrase level. For example, the sentence In this research work, we are required to manipulate the
“ትትትትትትትትትትትትትትት” “The big man has gone by bus”. language technology gap problem, particularly for Ethiopian
Here, the sentence can be divided as follows. A Noun Phrase people. Make an initial plan for this research work approach is
[NP “ትትትትትት”, the big man], a Verb Phrase [VP “ትት”, using Conditional Random Field (CRF).A lot of approaches
gone], a Prepositional Phrase [PP “ትትትት”, by big] and another have already been conducted to automate chunking application
Noun Phrase [NP “ትትት”, Bus](Amare, 2009; Yimam, 2009). for English and other languages. When we are talking of the
Therefore, all those tasks are above the intermediate step to fulfil natural language processing technology, chunker has the
the phrase chunking application. As a part of the NLP, a Part of important component in a variety of applications, especially for
speech tagging (POS) and chunker data for Amharic language is information extraction, named entity identification, search, and
designed by using deep learning approach. The training in machine translation. The task of chunking is ideally suited for
annotated data for POS is 450,000 words. Out of those, all machine learning and deep learning because of robustness and
annotated data 210 000 was provided by WALTA information relatively easy training.
center and Ethiopian News Agency (ENA). Hence, the aim of
C. Problem of the Statement
this paper work is to deal with the development of phrase
The seriousness of challenge of in this research work is
chunking for Amharic language by using conditional random
Amharic phrase chunking not having have the well-organized
field with the complete and highly accurate system for chunking.
data like other different languages. There is not enough
B. Motivation annotated corpus that has been prepared by the language experts.
The intensity of motivation is made physical or mechanical Like other languages, Amharic chunking or base phrase
being moved to act in particular doing something. On the other recognizer have not been available languages recognized such as
hand it is the way began to identify the entire problem and move Noun Phrase (NP), Verb Phrase (VP), Prepositional Phrase (PP),
to solve the problem as well to give the directions for solution. Adjectival Phrase (AdjP) and Adverbial Phrase (AdvP) with
Therefore, the first movement of putting the solution is the their correct and sequential logical order. However, text
existence of the problem and to perceive the significance of that chunking developed system for Amharic language are not yet
problem. Comparison with the fact that the problem is to go with available yet. Therefore, text chunker that considers the special
one by drawing to motivate and find the entire solution. characteristics of the language and that achieved the stated
In the application of scientific knowledge to many of the NLP specify compulsory needs to be developed for Amharic. In this
applications these have been managing for different languages study, we will carry out a systematic study of problems and
for different purposes such as Morphological Analysis, Text limitations of Amharic text chunking, the consequence of
Prediction, Part of Speech tagging, Named Entity Recognition, developing text chunking, and try to develop the phrase
Parser, Chunking, Clause Boundary Identification, Information chunking.
Extraction, Grammar Checker etc for English and other related
D. Objective
languages (Ibrahim & Assabie, 2013). The interest of Natural
The objective of this paper is to develop chunking system for
Language Processing (NLP) research area for local languages
Amharic language by using Conditional random Field (CRF)
such as Amharic has been done not long ago. Amharic language
is an official language of Ethiopian government that is spoken
by more than 50 millions of people. The number of speakers of E. Previous Work
the language is greater in number to compare as other local Development of chunking system is not an easy task, and it’s
languages because of two reasons. First, it is the working also needs further investigation. Therefore, we had to study other
language of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, a languages in chunking system for example English, Hindi,
country with more than 110 million people. Second, Amharic Punjabi, Hebrew, Chinese and other languages that have been
studied previously. “Since most of the resources are texts they
language is different from other African languages. It is because
have morphological analysis of texts are crucial for deeper
Amharic language has its own alphabets, the availability of analysis and performing further NLP tasks on them” (Kutlu &
written materials, actively being used every day in newspapers Cicekli, 2016).All these languages have the efficient chunk
and other related media. The name of the alphabets is known as system as well. Different methods have been investigated for
“fidel” (Alphabets) which come from Ge'ez script and also the developing a chunker such as rule based approach, statistical
approach and hybrid approach by using a lot of different

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approaches (Ali & Hussain, 2010; Xu, Zong, & Zhao, 2006) like Transition Feature Function g(x, /iy/, /k/) and its one possible
Conditional Random Field (CRF), Support Vector transition feature function Indicates /k/ followed by /iy/.
Machine(SVM) and Hidden Markov model (HMM) (Pranjal,
Delip & Balaraman, 2006). .On the other hand different A. Approach
methods have also been investigated particularly on boundary Most of the time Natural Language Processing (NLP)
identification and chunk labeling. Most of the earliest chunking application has been connected by the flexible series chain.
systems have used standard HMM based tagging methods in Along with the combination of application can form by putting
modeling the chunking process. English chunking system has
parts together. When the developer train to the Part of Speech
been done by (Church K, 1988) and it is used by HMM tagging
methods with statistical approach. In this work, I have used the (POS) tagger application for Amharic language it may use the
special word and part of speech and tagged text is used as an Amharic morphological analyzer, tokenization and properly
input. In addition to this we implement by using the CRF based tagged taring corpus to get the root-word and possible POS tags
Chunking mechanism. For further clarification this research for every word in the corpus. By using tokenization they can by
work has focused on identification of the tag set types.Inside, or constricting the root-word, morphological analyzer and suggest
Outside of the given chunk has become the de-facto standard for
other POS tags information like prefix, infix, suffixes, word
this task (Yoav, Michael & Meni, 2006).The combination of
words, special word and POS tags that gives the best result for length indicator, sentence boundary, punctuation mark identifier
this research work. Also, different methods are used and and presence of special characters which is added to the training
compared in order to get best results for labeling the chunks. The data. The POS tag assigned to every token is used to discover
observation of fact in practical contact can be used to develop these positions as well it could be the most desirable input to
Chunkers for other languages as well. develop excellent chunking application for every language.
Before we implement the system for chunking system, it needs
to manage the system on unannotated input which, a similar data
The degree of recognizability in outline of a Conditional (corpus) and has to be prepared before the system can predict.To
Random Field (CRF) is CRFs based on the idea of Markov recognize the chunks, it is required to be found the place where a
Random Fields or the extension of HMM and Maximum-
chunk can start the new chunk and ending of the chunk can be
Entropy Models. Conditional Random Field (CRF) is a form of
recognized modelling that has been successfully used in completed (Himanshu & Anirudh, 2006). In addition to this, the
different spheres such as part of speech tagging and other system is used for two training phase approaches. The chunking
Natural Language Processing tasks.“Point out that each of the set of rules is to be followed into two phases, namely: Chunk
random variable label sequences Y conditioned on the random boundary identification and Chunk label identifier. We first
observation sequenceX” (Xu,Zong & Zhao, 2006, pp. extract chunk boundary recognizer and chunk label recognizer
87293).Generally the bottom-up process of conditional random for each word in the corpus. In the first phase chunk tags (Chunk
field is applicable on the combination of multiple features of the Boundary Recognizer-Chunk Label Recognizer) are designated
data and it can be putting together the probability of sequential to each single distinct meaningful element in the training data
order in the given data can be represented as P (Sequence | and the data is trained to predict the corresponding CB-CL tag.
Data). Therefore the conditional random field is to be able to In the second phase, we teach a particular skill for the system on
represent a graph G = (V, E), but not consider a chain. Then, it’s
the above feature template to make known beforehand the chunk
conditioned on X, observation sequence variable and each node
represents a value Yv of Y output label. Let G be a factor graph boundary recognizer (CB). Finally chunk label recognizer (L)
of Y, then P (Y|X) is a conditional random field where y is a from the first phase and the chunk boundary recognizer from the
label, and x an observation sequence (Avinesh, 2007; Himanshu second phase are combined together to obtain the chunk tag. To
& Anirudh, 2006). Based on the above concept the premises of identify the Chunk Boundary Recognizer (CB) by itself we
Hammersley-Clifford theorem states that a random field is an classify it in to four main parts, namely:
MRF if it can be described in the form below. The exponential is BGN (Beginning the chunk word),
the sum of the clique potentials of the undirected graph
exp ∑𝑡(∑𝑖 λ𝑖 f𝑖 (𝑥, y𝑡 ) + ∑𝑗 μ𝑗 g 𝑗 (x, y𝑡 , y𝑡−1 )) ISD (Inside the chunk word),
𝑃(𝑌|𝑋) = STP (Stop the chunk word),
BGN-STP (Beginning-Stop the chunk word) and
For further explanation we try to give a detail of each symbol
OSD (Outside the chunk word)
as appointed to member of the above formula. Therefore, the
The second chunk label recognizer is Chunk Label Recognizer
symbol “λ” is represented by the State Feature Weight λ=10 and
(CL) and it can be divided into five parts, namely:
its one possible weight value for this state feature is strong, the
NP (Noun Phrase),
symbol “f” is represented by the State Feature Function f ([x is
VP (Verb Phrase),
stop], /t/) and its one possible state feature function for our
AdjP (Adjective Phrase),
attributes labels, the symbol “μ” is represented the Transition
AdvP (Adverb Phrase) and
Feature Weight μ=4 and its one possible weight value for this
PP (Prepositional Phrase)
transition feature and the final symbol “f” can be represented the

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Easy to perceive putting chunk label identifier in specifying, a B. Chunking

chunk that has been a part of markers at pre terminals. “Chunking is the task of identifying and segmenting the text
into syntactically correlated word groups” Dhanalakshmi,
III. EXPERIMENT Padmavathy, Anand, K.M., Soman, & S, 2009, pp. 436-438).
We make an effort to achieve the chunk tags using contextual In this research work we apply two basic processes and these
information. This research work is being used by morphological are used to help accomplish the chunking system. First, the POS
analysis, special word, POS tagger and we implement by using annotated corpus is made ready for use and the second step is
two phases, namely:Chunk boundary identification and Chunk prepared as basic arrangement or sequence of process (Chandan,
Vishal & Umrinderpal, 2015). Those processes are the Chunk
The starting point of this research work is carried out by the
Boundaries (CB), Chunk Label (CL) and both Chunk Boundary-
combination of morphological analysis, POS tagger and
Chunk Label (CB-CL) chunk tags. Let’s say, Part of Speech
chunking tag using CRF of the chunk tag schemes are discussed
(POS) tags is represented by the tag set “T” and the chunked
in the beginning section. Therefore we use the arrangement of
data is represented by “C”, then Tn = (t1, t2,…, tn), ti∈T where T
chunk tags considered by special word, POS-Tag: Chunk-Tag,
is a sequence of t1 to tn of POS tag set and Cn= (c1, c2,…cn), ci∈C
which are to make adequate by capable of successfully reaching
where C is a sequence of c1 to cn chunk tags. Therefore, the
the intended target.
problem can be solved by the cooperation of chunk tag sequence
A. Part of Speech (POS)Tagger (C) and the sequence of POS tag sequence (T). Since we are
First of all POS tagger is the greatest significance task to using the Conditional Random Field (CRF) approach, the
develop chunking and it needs the train corpus either for probabilistic model is solve corresponding sequence of Part of
developing POS tagger system or the chunking system. Speech (POS).
Therefore the POS tagging corpus should be trained with a basic The best for identification of Chunk Boundary is combination
template. For this reason the language expert doing process of<POS word_POS><chunk_tag><POS_tag> and the
manually tagged data for corpus preparation as well. The second subsequent conversion to 2-tag set gives better results (Ashish,
step for developing POS tagger is to recognize the error and try Arnab&Sudeshna,2005).
to handle the base problem like morphological analysis for Since we stand to solve the problem we try to identify the
recognizing the root-word. By nature Amharic language is basic skeleton of the solution and it should be the sequentially.
morphologically rich and sometimes it has attached the right The basic skeleton of this research wok is Problem, common
way to the word, it was felt to be used for prefix or suffix setting, solution, improvement and the output of the chunking
information. Prefix is put together for every word as the first two system
or three characters and suffixes were put together for every word Problem Small vocabulary
as the last two or three characters of the word. When we Common SettingInput sentence: words
compare the Amharic language to the other one like English Input/output tags: POS
language, the words that are categorized under proper nouns are Solution Input sentence: POS
used for capitalization and that needs to help to recognize them. Input/output tags: POS + Chunks
However, there is no such mark is done in Amharic language ImprovementInput sentence: Special words + POS
and we watch attentively such kind of problem can be solved by Input/output tags: Special words + POS + Chunks
using very modern application like Amharic Horn-Morphism. ChunkingInput sentence: POS
For being associated with this research work we used the POS Input/output tags: Chunks
tag set that has been developed by using “The Annotation of
Amharic News Documents” project at the Ethiopian Language (wi . pi, wi . chi)w i∈ W s
fs(wi . pi,chi)=
Research Center. The determination of the project was to (pType
wi i , pi,.equation
chi) where.
i ∉Ws

manually tag each Amharic word in its context (Abney, 1992). A

new POS tag set for Amharic has been obtained from this In practice: put the output of the chunking
project. In this project, the basic tag set are listed below. The tag system)Modification of the Input data (ENA train and test).
set has 11 basic classes and 63 derived tag sets : Nouns (N), Finally, our aim is to calculate the probability of POS tagging
Verbs (V), prepositions (PREP), adjectives (ADJ), adverbs (Tn), chunking (Cn) and word (Wn). Most probable chunks of the
(ADV), pronouns (PRON), conjunction (CONJ), interjection sequence Wn. The chunks are marked with chunk tag sequence
(INT), punctuation (PUNC), numeral (NUM) and UNC which Cn = (c1, c2,…,cn) where ci stands for the chunk tag
are in a particular position for unclassified words and used for corresponding to each word wi, ci∈C.
words which are difficult to place in any of the classes. Some of 1) Chunk Boundary Identification
these basic classes are further subdivided and a total of 63 POS Basically, this research work is to provide for consideration
tags have been identified. by extracting the chunk boundary identification and chunk Label

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markers for each word in the annotated corpus. We can classify Here, we merge the close similarity words and POS tags to
the chunk tag and chunk boundary identification in different obtain a sequence of new tokens Vn = (v1, v2,…,vn) where vi =
categories. Phrase chunking can be categorized as follows, like (wi, ti) ∈V. Thus the problem is to find the sequence Cn given the
Noun Phrases (NP), Verb Phrases (VP), Adjectival Phrases sequence of tokens Tn which make a greatest probability P (Cn |
(AdjP) and Prepositional Phrase (PP) (Yimam, 2009). In spite of Tn) = P (c1, c2,………,cn | t1, t2,………, tn), which is equivalent
that, there are seven boundaries in order to recognize the to great as possible P (Tn | Cn) P (Cn) .
boundaries of phrase chunk in the given sentences. These are 2) Chunk Labeling
BGN, ISD, STP, BGN-STP, OSD, < and >.The first formats Labeling the chunk is the second step that is used to identify
BGN are complete chunk representation which can identify the once the chunk boundaries are marked. Those components are
beginning phrases. The second formats ISD are complete chunk made easier to assign the label of chunk. Therefore, the labeling
representation which can identify the inside phrases. The third the chunk is used to complete successfully this research work at
formats STP are complete chunk representation which can the intended target. With regard to this research work the chunk
identify the stop phrases. The fourth formats BGN-STP are the label task in particular category according to the feature of the
chunk representation which can identify the combination of chunk. In our scheme for attaining the particular objective there
beginning and stop phrases. The fifth formats OSD are complete are 5 types of chunks– NP (Noun Phrase), VG (Verb Group), JJP
chunk representation which can identify the outside phrases. The (Adjectival Phrase) RBP (Adverbial Phrase) and BLK (others).
last format is < and > which represent the initial and final chunk We have tried to implement the machine learning based
words respectively. approach for deciding chunk labels.
C. Result of the Experiment
Suppose, we have a sentence as follow:
The results (precision values) which we acquire can be clearly
ትትትትትትትትትትትትትትትትትትትትትትትትትት, “The five
seen that for a relatively not smaller training data capable of
persons ate their lunch by using a big plate” it is the sequence of
models tend to do as well as make discriminative models. The
word Wn= (w1, w2,…w3), where W is the word set. Each word
beneficiary quality of Conditional Random Fields (CRF) can be
has its part of speech (POS) Tag:
regulated easily on large amount training data. As it is evident
from the results CRF performs better for chunking than it does
<N>ትትትትት<VP>ትት<V> :: <PUNC>. The sequence of
for POS tagging with the training on large sized data only
corresponding part of speech (POS) tags Tn = (t1, t2,...,tn), ti∈T
because the number of outcomes for the former and we gate
where T is the POS tag set. Now, our aim is to create most
94.2% precision with a relative great size training data part of
probable chunks of the sequence Wn. The chunks are marked
speech tagging and chunking can be improved considerably.
with chunk tag sequence Cn = (c1, c2,……,cn) where ci stands for
the chunk tag corresponding to each word wi , ci∈C (Skut & Table 1. The precision values of result shown as below.
Brants, 1998). Here the representation of C is the chunk tag set Main Task SVM CRF
which depends upon different form of tagging arrangements:
Two – Tag: It consists of the set of symbols such as BGN and POS tagging 95.7% ----
chunking --- 94.2
Three– Tag: It consists of the set of symbols such as BGN,
ISD and STP.
Four– Tag: It consists of the set of symbols such as BGN, Fig. 1. Output of Amharic phrase chunking.
Five-Tag: It consists of the set symbols such as BGN, ISD,
Where those all tag schema stands for as follow:
BGN – It represents the chunk beginnings at this token.
ISD – It represented this token which is found inside of the
OSD– This token is found at the outstanding of the chunk.
STP – This token is found at the stop of the chunk.
BGN_STP – It represented this token position in a chunk of
its own beginning and stop.
The combination of corresponding words and POS tags is
used to get a new sequence token Vngives sequence of Cn which
maximizes the probability (Akshay, Sushma & Rajeev, 2005).

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CONCLUSION successfully. All the time, God made strong enough and this is
Text chunking is an isolated part of information which adds me everything, the valuable gift from him and it’s really beyond
more structure to the sentence used and also referred as part of my expectation. Big response, big thanks to all who supported
speech tagging and shallow parsing. Therefore Chunker divides me and all that is up until the present to come.
a solid piece of a sentence into phrase by using a label to each Next, I have to convey my thanks to the Ministry Education of
chunk. POS tag and chunk in a sentence are absolutely necessary Ethiopian government who have supported me by finance and
and in great demand for the capability of a computer to automate covering all educational expenses. Also, I would like to thank
for further investigation in many approaches in the area of NLP. my brother and friend, Mr. Sintayehu Hirpassa Starting from the
In this era, the area of NLP application has been conducted for scratch till to the completion of this work, he was very
different languages for different purposes such as Question cooperative and supportive all the time I feel obliged to stay in
Answering, Morphological Analysis, Text Prediction, Part of Punjabi University Patiala and get valuable suggestions
Speech tagging, Named Entity Recognition, Parser, Chunking, throughout this work.
Clause Boundary Identification, Information Extraction, Finally, I would like to thank my family especially for my
Grammar Checker for English and other related languages. In mom Zoma Mengistu. She has been lending many people and I
addition to this, it is used in different area like linguistic fell grateful them. Have always supported me during my
acquisition, Psychology, Sequence Learning, and Memory research work and I am very pleasing for that. Convey my
Architecture, etc. sincere and thankful gratitude to my adviser and other faculty for
In this research work, we have the target of acquiring extending enriched guidance and advice in accomplishing this
Conditional Random Field (CRF) based Amharic phrase gigantic task.
chunking. Our justification behind pick out as being CRF for
developing the chunker instead of other models such as HMM, REFERENCES
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