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WTH 3F[% ^ Honours Your Trust Mahotsav

R.ef:.HO/HRM/TRG/2023-24/^6 f^TRTDate: 19.06.2023


Subject: Certificate Examination on KYC-AAAL & Compliance for UCO Bank

Empioyees througti IIBF, AAumbai.

We. invite reference to our earlier letter no HO/HRM/TRG/2022-23/213 doted

21/12/2022 and HO/HRM/TRG/2022-23/317 dated 28/02/2023 vide wtiich
department issued detailed modalities for conduction of certificate Exam on KYG-
AML & Compliance for UCO Bank Employees througti IIBF, Mumbai.

It has been decided to conduct next batches of above examination in Remote

Proctored Mode as per the details given below:

Date of Batch Time Registration Date

path July, 2023 10.00 A.M. to 12.00P.M. 22th June, 2023 to 28th June, 2023
22th July, 2023 10.00 A.M. to 12.00P.M. 04th July, 2023 to 10th July, 2023

As the examination in mandatory in nature for all the employees of the Bonk so all
are requested to register themselves at the earliest as examination is available in
first cum first serve basis due to limited availability of the seats on the particular

Interested participants can register themselves through the URL:


Those who ore undergoing exam on 24"^ December, 2022, 15^^ January and 29*^
January, 2023 need not to apply again.

Login ID and Password for regisfrofion on IIBF Porfol will be as The Login ID is: 176 and
Password is: sxAAiptaF.

E-book of the said examination is available in Bank's LMS Portal in Catalogue

Course Section, Course Code-296 [AML-KYC and Compliance) from wherej-cTT"
porficiponfs con prepare fhemselves for the examination.
' -.\
• •• i

V \^ -
MISSION: "To create a culture of learning, innovation and team work."
yiSION: "To be recognized as a preferred employer and provider of innovative and result oriented human resources H.O
services, policies and systems."
:tTTa^ WSFT TTtsR" ttumon Resource Management Dept. ttstr wrfw Head Office ttRtot Training Cell
TW, 10, f4.4.^. TTTTift, +l^+idl-700 001, 4"'Floor, 10, BTM Sarani, Koikafa-700 001,
Phone: 033- 4455-8435; 033-4455-7971 %iRT Fax: 033-22354759 f 4?! e-maii: ho.frainina@ucobank.co.in
Honours Your Trust Amnt[(/|ahotsaV

other details along with requirements for the Remote Proctored examination ore
attached herewith for your ready reference.

Aii the Offices / HO Departments / Zonal offices ore requested to kindly bring in
notice of oil the employees working under their respective Offices /Departments/
Zones and instruct them to register themselves for the above examination.

CMonish Kumar)
General Manager
HRM, PSD, Training & OL

Ends: SOP/ Guidelines/ Procedure for the Remote Proctored examination on KYC-
AML & Compliance for UCO Bonk Employees through ilBF, Mumboi.

MISSION:"To create a culture ot learning, Innovation and team work."

VISION:"To be recognized as a preferred employer and provider of Innovative and result oriented tiuman resources
services, policies and systems."
Traw ftwT ttuman Resource Management Dept. +Nf^'i ttead Office Training Celi
Tra', 10, TTOift, +t^+MI-700 001, 4"'Floor, 10, BTM Sarani, KoIkata-700 001,
Phone: 033- 4455-8435; 033-4455-7971 Fax: 033-22354759 f ^ e-moll: ho.tralnina@ucobank.co.ln

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