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Exercises On Noun Phrase

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Chapter 4

4.3 Determiners, predeterminers, Postdeterminers

Directions: Determiners are the, a, an, and words that can replace them. Pre- and
postdeterminers are colsed-systems that come respectively before and after
determiners. Circle the determiners, underline the predeterminers once, and under-
line the postdeterminers twice.
Example : All the other voters have cast their ballots.
1. Each woman carried some placards.
2. Neither parent recognized either child.
3. Whose dog is that dachshund?
4. Which car has enough gas?
5. Does any car have much gas?
6. Every other day Hubert goes fishing.
7. They couldn’t eat half those fish they caught.
8. All her brothers are here.
9. Both her contact lenses were lost.
10. It made souble the work.
11. He made one-third th mistakes I did.
12. We’ll take these two magazines.
13. There is no second bell.
14. Let’s have a last dance.
15. The next meeting is tomorrow.

Directions : Arrange each group of words into a coherent noun phrase.

16. a fresh little milk ________________________________

17. days few next sunny the ________________________________
18. a deal extra great of time ________________________________
19. both buildings other tall the two ________________________________
20. answers few last our wrong ________________________________

4.4 Quantifiers
Direction : Quantifiers are expressions that specify the number or amount of the
following noun, count or noncount. Circle the quantifier that is most appropriate.
1. I’ll bet I’ve got fewer / less cavities than you.
2. Wyoming has fewer / less population per square mile than Nebraska.
3. Are there many / much more students here this year than last?
4. Is there many / much more news?
5. All the refrigerator has in it is a little / several carrots.
6. Every Chinese meal needs a little / several rice along with it.
7. To paint the room wood take only a few / few hours and a little / little effort.
8. You can’t help because we have a few / few brushes and a little / little paint.
Directions: Phrasal quantifiers are word groups ending with of. Some phrasal
quantifiers allow noncount nouns to be counted. Fill the blanks with appropriate
words to make phrasal quantifiers.
9. Waldo’s term paper showed _____________ of imagination, but it also had
________________ of mistakes.
10. Charlotte has two ________________ of news for you.
11. My roomate wants to borrow a ___________________ of paper.
12. To make a sandwich, he puts a ________________ of meat between two
_____________________ of bread.
13. For breakfast he had three ______________ of coffee and a ___________
of porridge.
14. He puts a _________________ of salt and several _____________ of
butter in his soft-boiled eggs.
15. In her bag she carries a ________________ of scissors and many
___________ of thread.
16.The farm has a hundred ______________ of cattle.

4.5 Specific and Generic Reference

Directions: Some noun phrases have specific referents:

A/The dog is on the porch. (The) dogs are on the porch.
Generic noun phrases refer to a type or class:
A/The dog is man’s best friend. Dogs are man’s best friend.
Indicate whether each italicized noun phrase has specific (S) or generic (G)
reference by writing the appropriate letter in the parentheses.
Example: Two tigers ( S ) are sleeping in the cage; tigers ( G ) are dangerous.
1. The whale ( ) is a mammal ( ).
2. Yesterday the sailor ( ) spotted a whale ( ).
3. Some theater-goers ( ) prefer comedy ( ) to tragedy ( ).
4. This comedy ( ) will appeal to theater-goers ( ).
5. Only the brave ( ) deserve the fair ( ).
6. Only the brave ( ) is smoking his peace pipe ( ).
7. The good ( ) is what philosophers ( ) try to discover.
8. I know an Irishman ( ) who thinks the Irish ( ) are peaceful.
9. Eat your spinach ( ) because spicach ( ) is good for you.
10. There is a bird nest ( ) in the tree ( ) over there.

Direction: Notice the aspect of the verb in these sentences:

Generic The tiger is a carnivore. A tiger hunts.
Specific The tiger is being fretful. A tiger is hunting.
That tiger is fretful. The tiger hunt.
11. Which aspect of the verb can be used with specific reference, but not with
generic? _______________________________________________________

4.6 Use of the Articles

Directions: Fill each blank with the most appropriate of the following articles:
the, a, an. Put an X in any blank wjere mp article seems appropriate. If there is
more than one possibility in a blank, be prepared to discuss what, if any, difference
of meaning is involved.
1. ___________ human body is composed mainly of ____________ water.
2. ___________ races are not always won by __________ swift.
3. ___________ Swiss, _________ Australians, and ___________ Dutch speak
____________ Germanic languages.
4. He likes _____________ hollandaise sauce on ___________ asparagus.
5. Have you ever listened to __________ Japanese music or watched __________
Chinese operas?
6. There is ________ squirrel in _______ next tree, eating ______ nuts; ________
squirrel got _______ nuts from ________ tree in our yard.
7. ________ newspaper today has ________ story about _______ Kentucky
8. They went down ________ river either by ________ canoe or on _______
9. Shall we have _______ supper at________ restaurant or at _______ home?
10.Philbert is studying to be _________ mortician.
11.Prunella wanted to be ________ first woman on ________ moon.
12.They elected him __________ president ________ four times.

Directions : Fill each blank with the article that best expresses the meaning in
parentheses. Put an X in any blank where no article seems appropriate.
13._________ bird is eating from our feeder. (specific bird, though I don’t expect
you to know about it)
14._________ bird is building a nest. (specific bird that I expect you to know
15._________ birds are related to reptiles. (all members of the class)
16.Would you like to have ________ bird as pet? (some members of the class)
17._______ woodpecker is insectivorous. (the class as a whole)
18.Eloise wants to be ___________ editor. (occupation she aims at)
19.Eloise wants to be ___________ editor. (particular job she wants)
20.Eloise wants to be ___________ Editor. (title of particular job she wants)

4.8 Number : Subject Concord, Invariable Nouns

Directions : The number of a noun functioning as subject may be reflected in the
form of the verb (subject concord). Some nouns, which may be either singular or
plural in form, do not have numbr contrast but are invariable. Some take singular
verbs, others plural. Circle the form of the verb that is most appropriate to the
subject. In some sentences either form is possible; choose the one that seems most

Example: Linguistic is / are the study of language.

1. The newspaper is / are full of stories about a new space probe.

2. The stories has / have been repeated over TV as well.
3. All of the milk was / were ready to adjourn.
4. All on the committee was / were sour.
5. The news about the storms has / have filally reached us.
6. Measles is / are preventable nowadays.
7. Mathematics was / were my favourite subject.
8. Dominoes is / are a very old game.
9. Dominoes is / arescttered all over the table.
10.The United States has / have been independent since 1776.
11.The scissors needs / need to be sharpened.
12.The Middle Ages was / were full of variety.
13.Campaingn headquarters opens / open next week.
14.The environs of the city is / are getting crowded.
15.The police has / have been called.
16.Our thanks goes / go to an anonymous correspondent.
17.The unschooled is / are a small minority of the populace.
18.The funiture was / were all in disorder.
19.The Palisades is / are along the Hudson River.
20.The waterworks is / are on the other side of town.

13.1 Complex Noun Phrases (1)

Direction: Combine the sentences in each set into a single sentence with a
complex noun phrase as subject.

Example The girl is Mary Smith. The girl is standing in the corner.
The girl is pretty. The girl is standing alone.
The pretty girl standing alone in the corner is Mary Smith._____

1. The house was being painted. The house was wooden.

The house was old. The house was nearby.

2. The man signed his name. The man was dressed casually.
The man was wearing glasses. The glasses had stell rims.

3. A landslide buried the hut. The landslide was on Bald Mountain.
A hunter started the landslide. The landslide was destructive.

4. The sweater had a tear in it. She was wearing the sweater.
The sweater was cashmere. The sweater was her sister’s
The sweater was blue. The sweater was from Bergdorf’s.


5. The telephone was ringing. The telephone was in the lobby.

The telephone was free. I was waiting in the lobby.
The telephone was public. The telephone was new.

6. The puzzle had a piece missing. The puzzle was Chinese.
The puzzle was difficult. He was working the puzzle.
The puzzle was of rings. He was without success.


13.2 Complex Noun Phrases (2)

Directions : Circle the head in each complex noun phrase, then write the simple
sentences that are implied by the complex phrase.

Example the young girl in the corner who became angry

The girl was young.
The girl was in the corner.
The girl became angry.

1. an old silent movie from the twenties starring Rudolph Valentino

2. the bright new copper penny that he found
3. the highly recommended Chinese doctor from Chicago whom he consulted, an
4. a soft white knitted shawl, fringed with blue

13. 3 Restrictiveness and Permanency

Directions : Indicate whether the italicized modifier is restrictive (R) or
nonrestrictive (N) by writing the appropriate letter in the blank. Then punctuate the
nonrestrictive modifiers with commas.

1. Milton who is their best friend will help them. _____________

2. Anyone who can’t bluff shouldn’t play poker. _____________
3. They saw the Luigi who runs a pizza parlor on Main. _____________
4. They saw Luigi who never eats at his own restaurant. _____________
5. The twin who was born first looks more like her mother. _____________
6. The elder twin who looks more like her mother is Mary. _____________
7. The finger on which she wears the ring is the little finger
of her right hand. _____________
8. She broke the little finger of her right hand on which
she wears the ring. _____________
9. Our waiter who was wearing a red coat has disappeared. _____________
10. The food that we ordered must be ready now. _____________

Directions: Indicate whether the italicized modifier is temporary (T) or permanent

(P) by writing the appropriate letter in the blank.

11. The librarian is alone. ____________

12. The solitary librarian is busy. _____________
13. The neighbors are nearby. _____________
14. The nearby neighbors are away. _____________
15. The next house is brick . _____________
16. The brick house is next. _____________
17. The stars are agleam like candles tonight. _____________
18. The gleaming stars are fading in the dawn. _____________
19. The assignment is complete now. _____________
20. The complete assignment will take a while. _____________

13.4 Restrictive Relative Clauses

Directions: Combine the two sentences by inserting the second into the first as a
restrictive relative clause. Use the relative that whenever possible, but put that in
parentheses if the relative might be omitted. Be prepared to discuss what other
relatives might be used in the sentences.
Example The boy is Richard. We met him.
The boy ( that ) we met is Richard.
1. The newsboy is collecting. He brings the morning paper.
____ The newsbo who/that brings… is
2. The tires are steel-belted. We just bought them.
3. The job was at a hardware store. The job appealed to her.
4. Someone handed me a rose. I never saw him before.
5. The table had been recently painted. He put the book on it.
6. The person knew all the details. We heard the story from him.
7. Monday is the day. He plays golf on that day.
8. The reason is simple. Ice floats for a reason.
9. Rain was the cause. The game was called for a cause.
10. You are welcome to share such food. We have such food.

13.5 Nonrestrictive Relative Clauses

Directions: Combine the two sentences by inserting the second into the first as a
nonrestrictive relative clause. Use one of the relative who, whom, whose, which,
where, when, why.
Example: Then he met Mary. She invited him to a party.
Then he met Mary, who invited him to a party.
1. The radio needs batteries. It is a portable.
2. Hume was a Scotsman. He broughr empiricism to its logical conclusion.
3. Men and monkeys are distinguished by the power of speech. They are
biologically kin.
4. The Sphinx asked Oedipus a riddle. The Sphinx has a lion’s body and a
woman’s head.
5. Secretariat won the triple crown. Secretariat is one of racing’s fastest horses.
6. The movie was filmed in black and white. Its director was a Swede.
7. Pandora was very curious. The box was given to her.
8. New York is the largest American city. The UN is located in New York.
9. The Renaissance was a time of great literacy activity. Shakespeare wrote during
the Renaissance.
10.He stand on his head while he studies. That amuses her.

13.6 Relative And Appositive Clauses

Directions: Combine the two sentences by inserting the second into the first as a
relative (R) or appositive (A) clause. Indicate which kind of clause the second
sentence becomes by writing the appropriate letter in the blank.
Exsample: The belief is well founded. It is that no one is infallible. ____A____
The belief that no one is infallible is well founded.
1. The answer surprised us. He gave the answer. __________
________the anser that he gave surprised us
2. The answer surprised us. The answer was that he didn’t know. __________
3. The pilot made an announcement. It was that we were landing. __________
4. The pilot made an announcement. It calmed the passengers. __________
5. He sent in a request. It was that they play “Melancholy Baby.” __________
6. He sent in a request. It could not be filled. __________
7. The best suggestion was made by Tim. It was that the
committee disband. __________
8. The best suggestion was made by Tim. It also pleased us __________
9. He has orders. They are that he is to leave. __________
10. He has orders. He is to leave the orders. __________

13.7 Postmodification by Nonfinite Clauses.

Directions: Rephrase each sentence so that it has a nonfinite clause as
Example: The man who was writing the obituary is my friend.
The man writing the obituary is my friend.
1. The man who reports the weather is a meteorologist.
2. Quigly Throckmorton, who were jodhpurs, was the center of attention.
3. The train that will be arriving tonight will be the last this month.
4. The piano that is being tuned is an upright.
5. Books that are sold on the newsstand are not available in the library.
6. The front door, which is hedden by shrubbery, is hard to see.
7. The book that you need to read is this new spy story.
8. The subject that Lisa should study is ikebana.
9. The way in which one ought to eat sukiyaki is with chopsticks.
10.Laputa, which is to be admitted to UN next month, is unstable.
11.The suggestion that we should play pool was made by Harold.
12.The best motion, that the meeting should adjourn, came last.

13.8 Postmodification by Prepositional Phrases

Directions: Reword each noun phrase so that the prepositional phrase is replaced
by a relative clause.
1. the picture on the wall
2. the TV program after the news
3. a novel like Tom Jones
4. the artist as a young man
5. a cat with white paws
6. a man of few pretensions
7. the only commercial, for a soap powder
8. the Mass in B Minor, by Bach

Directions: Reword each noun phrase as a sentence.

9. John’s fear of high places

10.the comedian’s imitation of the mayor
11.her reading of the play
12.their disagreement about the play

13.9 Minor Types of Postmodification

Directions: Underline the noun-phrase postmodifier and indicate whether it is an

adverbial modifier (Av), a postposed adjective (Aj), or a “mode” qualifier (M) by
writing the appropriate letter in the blank.

1. She is leaving on Monday, and he is arriving the day after. ________

2. She met someone new last night. ________
3. The inspector general is visisting soon. ________
4. The watchdog, little but fierce, attacked the burglar. ________
5. The house next door is for rent. ________
6. They served peas and potatoes lyonnaise. ________
7. Twenty-two of the tarot cards are the trumps major. ________
8. The trip there was a pleasant one. ________
9. Her dress. stylishly short, was pleated. ________
10. It is an epic à la Hollywood. ________

Directions Rewrite each sentence to reduce the relative clause to a minor type of
11. She left her book on the chair that is right here.
12. He asked the librarian for something that is entertaining.
13. They have proof that is positive of his innocence.
14. There are nations that are smaller than Rhode Island.
15. We are having shrimp that are cooked in the creole manner for supper.

13.10 Multiple Postmodification

Directions Combine the expressions into a single noun phrase with multiple
Example the woman in the corner the woman talking to John
the woman in the corner talking to John

1. the book that he needs to read the book from the library
2. the bus waiting at the stop the bus to town the top across the street
3. the lecture on hydrodynamics the lecture last week the reading
assignment on hydrodynamics the reading assignment last week
4. the stained-glass window with the crack the stained-glass window in the middle
5. the stained glass window with the crack the crack in the middle of the window
6. the rain that the weatherman predicted the rain that we were to have
7. the quickest way to go to Paris the quickest way that we have discovered
the quickest way other than flying
8. the book that we are supposed to read the instructor said that we are supposed
to read the book
9. the man who will be delivering the mail they think that man will be delivering
the mail

13.11 Premodification
Directions Omitting determiners, put parentheses around each premodifying item
(single word or word group) and indicate whether it is an adjective (Aj), participle (P),
genitive (G), noun (N), adverbial (Av), or clause (C) by writing the appropriate
abbreviation in the blank.
Example I visited his (delightful) cottage. ___Aj___
I visited his (scrumbling) cottage. ___P____
I visited his (fisherman’s) cottage. ___G____
I visited his (country) cottage. ___N____
I visited his (far-away) cottage. ___Av___
I visited his (pop-down-for-the-weekend) cottage. ___C____
1. San Francisco is a long way to go for supper. _________
2. He was known as the singing cabbie. _________
3. She wanted to go a girls’ school. _________
4. Just follow the gravel path through the park. _________
5. You mustn’t go down the up staircase. _________
6. He gave us one of those “I’ve got your number” looks. _________
7. The sound of the ringing bell woke him. _________
8. History is more than the study of long-ago wars. _________
9. Philippa joined a consumers’ cooperative recently. _________
10. That station plays ger-up-and –go music. ________
11. We have to wait for the dismissal bell to leave. ________
12. I had a funny dream yesterday. ________
13. She was wearing a blue peasant’s skirt. _________ ________
14. He is a once winner of the bridge tournament. _________ ________
15. He has another involved do-it-yourself project. _________ ________
16. He gave a long, lingering look at the pie. _________ ________
17. Have you tried bird’s nest soup? _________ ________

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