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Clinical Photography Manual

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Clinical Photography Manual

by Kris Chmielewski

Dental photography requires basic knowledge

about general photographic rules, but also proper
equipment and a digital workflow are important. In
this manual you will find practical information about
recommended equipment, settings, and accessories.

For success with clinical photo documentation,

consistency is the key. The shots and views presented
here are intended as recommendations. While
documenting cases, it is very important to compose
the images in a consistent manner, so that the results
or stages of the treatment can easily be compared.
Don’t stop documenting if a failure occurs. It’s even
more important to document such cases because of
their high educational value.

Dr. Kris Chmielewski, DDS, MSc

Educational Director of Dental Photo Master

About the author

Kris Chmielewski is a dentist and professional

photographer. Highly experienced in implantology
and esthetic dentistry, he has more than 20 years
experience with dental photography. He is also a
freelance photographer and filmmaker, involved with
projects for the Discovery Channel.


Equipment 4
Camera 5
Initial camera settings for dental photography 7
Lens 8
Flash 10
Brackets 14

Retractors 15
Mirrors 16
Contrasters 17

Camera & instrument positioning 18

Intraoral photography
Recommended settings 22
Frontal views 23
Occlusal views 23
Lateral views 24

Recommended settings 26
Views 27

Post-production 29

How to prepare pictures for lectures and for print 30



For dental photography, you need a camera with

a dedicated macro lens and flash. The equipment
presented in these pages is intended to serve as a
guide that can help with selection of similar products
from other manufacturers.

Equipment | Camera


The best results can be achieved with a digital single Custom shooting mode
lens reflex (DSLR) camera. This type of camera has
interchangeable lenses, providing great flexibility. To This option allows you to record and save the settings
choose the proper body for dental photography, that are used most often. For dental photography,
important elements to consider include size, weight, settings for capturing intraoral images can be saved
custom shooting modes, sensor type and size, built-in so that the camera is always ready, no matter who
wireless controller, and manufacturer. is using it or when. Some cameras have more than
one custom shooting mode. This makes it possible to
record and save one mode for intraoral photography
Size and weight and a second one for portraits. Some Canon cameras
have three modes available. In Nikon models there
A mid-size camera is easy and comfortable to hold, are two modes: U1 and U2. Please refer to your
even with one hand. The total weight will include the specific camera’s manual to go through the process of
camera, lens, and flash. Each of these components can recording your favorite settings to the user modes.
influence the total weight.

DSLR camera body with interchangeable lens Two custom shooting modes: U1 and U2

This manual reflects the author’s experience with certain camera brands and is not necessarily the opinion of Dentsply Sirona. The inclusion
of these experiences does not constitute an endorsement, guarantee, warranty or recommendation of, and Dentsply Sirona make no
representations and/or warranties about, any of the camera brands mentioned herein.

Equipment | Camera


DSLR Sensor – type and size Wireless controller

In general, DSLRs have one of two types of sensors: Some cameras have built-in wireless controllers. This
full-frame sensors or APS-C sensors. The first is feature enables communication between the camera
bigger. A full-frame DSLR has a sensor that is the and a wireless external flash without any additional
same size as a frame of traditional 35mm film, wires. The user only must set the communication
measuring 36x24mm. The more popular APS-C sensor between the wireless flash and the camera.
cameras have much smaller 22x15mm sensors. This
means a full-frame sensor has over 2.5 times the Cameras that have built-in wireless controllers include:
surface area of an APS-C sensor. Nikon:
D70, D70s, D80, D90, D200, D300, D300s, D7000,
Both types can have the same number of pixels and D7100, D7200, D600, D610, D700, D750, D800/
resolution. The size of the pixels is crucial to image D800E and D810.
quality. In dental photography, the difference in quality Canon:
of the final photograph is not recognizable. - Canon EOS 600D (Rebel T3i / Kiss X5)
- Canon EOS 650D (Rebel T4i / Kiss X6i)
The advantage of a full-frame camera is mostly - Canon EOS 700D (Rebel T5i / Kiss X7i)
noticeable in portrait photography with shallow depth - Canon EOS 750D (Rebel T6i / Kiss X8i)
of field. The advantage of an APS-C sensor is bigger - Canon EOS 760D (Rebel T6s / EOS 8000D)
depth of field and lower price. - Canon EOS 60D
- Canon EOS 70D
- Canon EOS 7D
- Canon EOS 7D Mark II


The most common brands used in dental photography

are Canon and Nikon. The main reason for this is
their long presence on the photo market with a full
portfolio of cameras, lenses, flashes, and accessories
used by both professionals and amateurs. New models
are available every year, but used equipment is also
available at reasonable prices. Other companies such
as Sony, Pentax, Sigma, Olympus, and others also
offer some options but are not as common in dental

Full frame sensor size Recommended camera bodies for

36 mm x 24 mm dental photography

These models have features that will help to make

your dental photography an easy and pleasant
APS-C sensor size experience.
22,5 mm x 15 mm APS-C Sensor:
- Canon EOS 7D Mark II ,
- Canon EOS 70D,
- Nikon D7100
- Nikon D7200
Full Frame Sensor:
- Canon EOS 6D
- Nikon D750
Dimensions of the full-frame and APS-C sensors.

Equipment | Initial camera settings for dental photography

Initial camera settings for dental photography

When you buy the camera, you should get familiar

with your new equipment. The best approach is to
read the manual carefully, but the reality is often very
different. Initial settings will influence management
of your files and the quality of the pictures. In the
majority of camera models, access to these settings is
achieved through the Menu.

Here is the short list of the recommended settings

that you should apply: Change color space
to Adobe RGB

 et correct date and time

 hange color space to Adobe RGB

• Image quality: RAW + jpg (Canon),

NEF + jpg (Nikon)

 hite balance: flash or 5500K

• ISO 200

 etering mode: evaluative metering (Canon),
3D Matrix (Nikon) Image quality:
RAW + jpg (Canon),
 elect single Auto Focus point NEF + jpg (Nikon)

White balance:
flash or 5500K

Set correct
date and time ISO 200

Equipment | Lens


On the market you can buy system macro lenses Image stabilization
such as Nikon and Canon (meaning that the lens and
camera are produced by the same company). Or Newer lenses have built-in systems that can
lenses can be purchased from independent companies compensate for image blur caused by small,
such as Sigma, Tamron, or Tokina. Lenses generally involuntary movements known as camera shake.
are not inexpensive, but it should be possible to find In dental photography, this feature doesn’t have
one that will fit your budget. a big impact because the shutter speeds vary
in the range from 1/60 to 1/250 of a second. If
A few features to consider before buying the lens are your lens has an image stabilization system, you
the desired focal length, magnification ratio, image should read the lens manual carefully to know the
stabilization, and lens speed. criteria for using it. These lenses are more expensive.
Every company has a different acronym for image
Focal length stabilization (e.g. Nikon-VR, Canon-IS, Sigma-OS,
In photography we can differentiate between prime
lenses and zoom lenses. A prime lens has a fixed focal Tip: when you shoot from a tripod, please switch off
length and is described in mm. the image stabilization mode on your lens to avoid
When you select the lens, please be aware that lenses blurry images. Otherwise your lens by default will try
can have different mounts. Before you buy your lens, to detect shaking and can give a false reading.
make sure it has the connection that will fit your
camera. Although a prime lens has only one focal Lens speed
length, it can come in lengths ranging from wide angle
ones through longer telephoto ones. Two features influence the so-called lens speed. First
A zoom lens has a range of focal lengths available to is the maximum lens opening described with the
the photographer in one lens; it is described as the aperture number, such as f/2.8. This means that the
focal range in mm for instance: 70-200mm. specific lens is not built to open more than the size
of the aperture. The aperture number influences the
amount of light that comes into the lens barrel and
Magnification ratio the camera and, ultimately, how easy it is for you to
look through the camera’s viewfinder and see a bright
For dental photography, the best lens is a macro image that is easy to compose.
lens with a magnification ratio of 1:1. This means that
with minimum focusing distance, which is the closest Second is the auto focus speed. More expensive
distance from the lens to the object to get a still sharp lenses have ultrasonic motors built-in. They allow for
image, you can capture a real life 1cm object with the very fast and accurate adjustment of the focus to get
same size on your sensor. Be careful. While lenses with a sharp image when you are shooting in auto focus
the “macro” description can be found on the market, mode.
that doesn’t mean they always have a 1:1 magnification

Equipment | Lens

Recommended lenses for a Nikon DSLR


 ikon AF-S VR Micro-NIKKOR 105mm f/2.8G IF-ED

Other macro lenses available for a Nikon

DSLR camera:

 ikon AF-S DX Micro NIKKOR 85mm f/3.5G ED VR
 igma 105mm f/2.8 EX DG OS HSM Macro Lens for

 okina 100mm f/2.8 AT-X M100 AF Pro D Macro
Autofocus Lens for Nikon

 amron 90mm f/2.8 SP AF Di Macro Lens for Nikon

 amron 90mm f/2.8 SP Di MACRO 1:1 VC USD Lens
for Nikon
 amyang 100mm f/2.8 ED UMC Macro Lens for

 okinon 100mm f/2.8 Macro Lens for Nikon F

Recommended lenses for a Canon DSLR


 anon EF 100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM Lens

 anon EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro USM Lens

Other macro lenses available for a Canon:

 igma 105mm f/2.8 EX DG OS HSM Macro Lens
for Canon EOS Cameras

 amron 90mm f/2.8 SP Di MACRO 1:1 VC USD Lens
for Canon EOS
Canon EF 100mm
 amron SP 90mm f/2.8 Di Macro Autofocus Lens for f/2.8L Macro IS
Canon EOS USM Lens

 amyang 100mm f/2.8 ED UMC Macro Lens
for Canon EF

Equipment | Flash


In dental photography, flash is used to illuminate the

oral cavity and the patient’s face. When choosing flash
equipment, consideration should be given to the type
of flash, availability of a wireless option, and optional

Flash types

For dental applications, macro flashes are

recommended, especially for intraoral photography.
Their construction allows the source of light to be
positioned close to the subject and the lens.

A ring flash is mounted on the front of the lens with

dedicated mount rings. It is available with wireless

A dual flash is more advanced, and with the help of

additional accessories like brackets it enables control
over the distance of the flash head from the lens.

External flash is a very good choice for portrait


Ring Flash Dual Flash External Flash

Equipment | Flash


For surgery, a ring flash is the top A dual flash can also be used A ring flash has more limitations
choice. Its compact size and the during surgical procedures, but for documenting prosthetic
position of the flash tubes next essential in this case is the close procedures. The straight direction
to the lens makes it possible to position of the flash heads next to of the light creates a “flat” picture
perfectly illuminate all the areas in the lens axis. Such a position can flooded with light. The glossy
the limited space of the oral cavity. be set on the dedicated mount surface of tooth enamel reflects
ring for the specific flash models the light, and the information on
(Canon MT-24EX and Nikon R1C1) such a picture is limited (like color,
or with brackets. transparency and texture). A better
choice is dual flash on a bracket.
By controlling the distance and
flash head position, you can easily
capture many more details.

Portraits – external flash with


Equipment | Flash


Recommended flashes for Canon

Ring Flash

 anon MR-14EX II Macro Ring Lite

 etz 15 MS-1 Macro Ringlight (wirelessly controlled

List of Canon models with wireless controller built-in:

- Canon EOS 600D (Rebel T3i / Kiss X5)
- Canon EOS 650D (Rebel T4i / Kiss X6i)
Canon MR-14EX II
- Canon EOS 700D (Rebel T5i / Kiss X7i) Macro Ring Lite
- Canon EOS 750D (Rebel T6i / Kiss X8i)
- Canon EOS 760D (Rebel T6s / EOS 8000D)
- Canon EOS 60D
- Canon EOS 70D
- Canon EOS 7D
- Canon EOS 7D Mark II
All other Canon models need the Canon Speedlite
Transmitter ST-E2 to control the Metz flash.

Dual Flash

 anon MT-24EX Macro Twin Lite Flash

 anon Speedlite 270EX II. You need two of them + Canon MT-24EX
bracket. Macro Twin Lite
If your camera doesn’t have a built-in wireless
controller, you will need a Canon Speedlite Transmitter

External Flash

 anon Speedlite 600EX-RT

 anon Speedlite 430EX II

Canon Speedlite Transmitter ST-E2 with 2 Canon flashes 270EX II

Equipment | Flash

Recommended flashes for Nikon

Ring Flash:

 etz 15 MS-1 Macro Ring light Digital Flash
(wirelessly controlled flash)

Nikon models with a wireless controller built-in

D70, D70s, D80, D90, D200, D300, D300s, D7000,
D7100, D7200, D600, D610, D700, D750, D800/
D800E and D810. If you have one of them, than you
do not need any other equipment to work with the Nikon D7100 with
mounted Metz 15
Metz 15 MS-1 flash. Other camera models require
MS-1 flash
Nikon’s SU-800 Wireless Speedlight Commander.

Dual Flash on the bracket:

 ikon R1C1 Wireless Close-Up Speedlight System


 ikon SB-910 AF Speedlight

 ikon SB-700 AF Speedlight

Nikon R1C1 Wireless Close-Up Speedlight System mounted on the

Photomed bracket with LumiQuest Pocket Bouncers

Equipment | Brackets


Brackets are used to mount the flash heads at a

distance from the lens and camera body. The bracket
is mounted to the tripod socket of the camera body
with the fixing screw. The arms can be positioned in
various ways and enable control over the distance and
angulation of the light source from the object and the

The most common suppliers on the market are

Photomed and Agno’s.

When choosing a bracket, pay attention to the

system compatibility. The mounts for Nikon flash
heads SB-R200 and for Canon differ.

Photomed bracket

Agno’s bracket

Accessories | Retractors


Accessories for dental photography help to get

better pictures. They include retractors, mirrors, and
contrasters. Because they come in contact with the
patient’s oral cavity, they all should be autoclavable.


Retractors are used to lift the lips away and give

better access to the oral cavity. They can be made of
plastic or metal. Two main types exist: self-retracting
retractors and single sided retractors. They come in
different shapes and sizes.
Self-retracting retractors are used mostly for frontal
views and also for occlusal shots.
Single sided retractors are mostly used for lateral

Recommendation Self-retracting
Plastic retractors are more comfortable for the retractor

Single sided retractor

Accessories | Mirrors



Mirrors are used to capture the reflection of the teeth. Recommendation

They can be made from different materials and with Buy mirrors in different sizes to fit different individuals.
different techniques. The most common mirrors are For some mirror shapes, separate handles are offered.
made of polished metal or glass coated with a highly This is helpful in holding and positioning the mirror.
reflective surface. Depending on the surface coating
type, a different reflection percentage will result.

A chromium coating reflects 65% of the light, rhodium

75%, titanium 75%, and dielectric coatings such
as Ultrabright reflect 99%. All reflective surfaces
will scratch over the time; because of this, mirrors
should be replaced from time to time. The coating
material does not influence the final picture unless it is
scratched or distorted. A less reflective surface needs
more energy from the flash to get a proper exposure.
Chromium coated mirrors are most common and are
cheaper than the others.
Mirrors come in different shapes and sizes, however
in daily practice, two shapes are used most often:
occlusal and lateral.

Occlusal mirror

Lateral mirror

Accessories | Contrasters


Contrasters allow photos of the teeth to be taken

with a black background. They come in different
shapes and sizes. They are made from black anodized
aluminum or from metal plates covered with soft black
silicone. Three types are available: anterior, occlusal,
and lateral.

Select contrasters coated with black silicone. It’s more
durable, will not scratch, and is more pleasant for the
patient. The anterior contraster is used most often.

Anterior contraster

Occlusal contraster

Lateral contraster

Camera & instruments positioning

Camera and instrument positioning

Correct positioning of instruments such as mirrors,

retractors, and contrasters is very important for good
access and to avoid obstacles interfering with the
photo axis. Instruments can be held by the patient
but also by the assistant or photographer. To avoid
distortion of portraits and images of the teeth, the
photo/lens axis should be perpendicular to the teeth.

Correct position of the photographer and the patient. The axis of the lens is at the eye level of the patient.

Camera & instruments positioning

Positioning of the camera for

intraoral photography in the front

The axis of the lens is

perpendicular to the front teeth.

Positioning of the anterior

contraster for shooting upper front

Camera & instruments positioning

Positioning of the anterior

contraster for shooting lower
front teeth.

Positioning of the occlusal mirror

for a lower occlusal photo.

The camera axis is at a 45° angle

to the surface of the mirror.

Camera & instruments positioning

Example of positioning the occlusal

mirror for an upper occlusal arch

The camera axis is at a 45° angle

to the surface of the mirror.

Positioning of the buccal mirror

and retractor for a lateral/buccal

Intraoral photography | Settings

Intraoral photography

Camera and Flash Settings

Camera settings in Aperture Priority Mode

Mode: A (Aperture priority mode.

In Canon it is described with the
letters Av.
In Nikon cameras, it’s with A.)
Aperture f22 or higher – depends on
the construction of the lens.
Shutter Speed: Will be set automatically by the
(in Nikon by default it is 1/60 of a
second; in Canon cameras you have to
change the Flash Synchronization
speed in Av Mode to the fixed value
of 1/200th of a second).
Flash setting: TTL mode (fully automatic mode –
camera will measure and calculate
the proper amount of light for the
exposure). With some of the flashes,
Manual mode is necessary and
requires individual tests to determine
which settings will be appropriate for
the final exposure.

Camera settings in the Manual Mode

Mode: M
Aperture: f22 or higher
Shutter Speed: 1/200s
Flash: Stay with TTL

Intraoral photography | Views

Frontal views Occlusal views

Equipment: Equipment:

 SLR Camera set with 100mm macro lens and ring •D
 SLR Camera set with 100mm macro lens and ring
flash or dual flash flash or dual flash

Accessories: Accessories:

 elf-retracting retractor • Self-retracting retractor

 nterior contraster • Occlusal mirror

Advice: Advice:

 old the camera with the back of the camera parallel •4
 5 degree angle between the mirror and the camera
to the plane of the front teeth. for occlusal shot is recommended.

 ocus on the front teeth. •F
 ocus on the occlusal surface of the first bicuspids
 ull arch should be visible from the central incisors
 etracted view in the MIP position: upper and lower to the mesial of the second molars.
teeth are in the full contact. Upper and lower teeth •E
 liminate the fog on the mirror
are visible at least from first molar to first molar. (air blow or heat the mirror).
 etracted view with teeth apart.
 pper teeth from canine to canine
(with and without contraster). • Full upper arch

 ower teeth from canine to canine • Full lower arch
(with and without contraster).

Intraoral photography | Views

Lateral views


 SLR Camera set with 100mm macro lens and ring
flash or dual flash


 ingle sided retractor

 uccal mirror


 pper and lower teeth should be visible from the
central incisors to the mesial of the second molars.

 ocus on the canine (cuspid)

 liminate the fog on the mirror
(air blow or heat the mirror)


 ight lateral retracted view in the MIP position:
upper and lower teeth are in full contact.

 ight lateral retracted view with teeth apart:
upper and lower teeth are not in contact.

 eft lateral retracted view in the MIP position:
upper and lower teeth are in full contact.

 eft lateral retracted view with teeth apart:
upper and lower teeth are not in contact.

Intraoral photography | Views

Upper & lower teeth  Maxillary anterior teeth Maxillary anterior teeth
MIP position / retracted view retracted view retracted view with contraster
f>22, 1/200s f>22, 1/200s f>22, 1/200s

Upper & lower teeth  Mandibular anterior teeth Mandibular anterior teeth
mouth open / retracted view retracted view retracted view with contraster
f>22, 1/200s f>22, 1/200s f>22, 1/200s

Maxillary arch / occlusal view  Right lateral MIP view Left lateral MIP view
retracted view with mirror retracted view with mirror retracted view with mirror
f>22, 1/200s f>22, 1/200s f>22, 1/200s

Mandibular arch / occlusal view  Right lateral open view Left lateral open view
retracted view with mirror retracted view with mirror retracted view with mirror
f>22, 1/200s f>22, 1/200s f>22, 1/200s

Portraits | Settings


In portrait photography, the main goal is to capture

the full face from the top of the head to the neck in
3 basic positions: lips together, mouth open, and full
smile. These types of pictures are used to analyze the
esthetics and symmetry of the face.

Camera and flash settings

Mode: Aperture Priority Mode: A (Nikon),

Av (Canon) or Manual (M)
Aperture f11 Shutter Speed: will be set automatically
by the camera in A/Av Mode. In Manual Mode, set the
speed to 1/200s
Flash setting: TTL mode
Auto Focus mode

Portraits | Views

Portrait views


 SLR Camera set with 100mm macro lens and
external flash


 olid/uniform background (black, white, or grey)

 lash diffuser


 ull face from the top of the head to the neck

 atient should look into the lens or straight ahead
(in 45- and 90-degree positions)

 uto focus on the eye


 ront views in 3 positions (lips together, apart,
and full smile)
 5-degree views (left and right) in 3 positions
(lips together, apart, and full smile)

 0-degree views (left and right) in 3 positions
(lips together, apart, and full smile)

Portraits | Views

Frontal view / not smiling Frontal view / mouth open Frontal view / full smile
f/11, 1/200s f/11, 1/200s f/11, 1/200s

45° right profile / not smiling 45° right profile / mouth open 45° right profile / full smile
f/11, 1/200s f/11, 1/200s f/11, 1/200s

90° right profile / not smiling 90° right profile / mouth open 90° right profile / full smile
f/11, 1/200s f/11, 1/200s f/11, 1/200s

45° left profile / not smiling 45° left profile / mouth open 45° left profile / full smile
f/11, 1/200s f/11, 1/200s f/11, 1/200s

90° left profile / not smiling 90° left profile / mouth open 90° left profile / full smile
f/11, 1/200s f/11, 1/200s f/11, 1/200s



Post-production is the process that occurs after In the Library Mode, you can organize your pictures,
taking the photographs. It covers multiple actions like apply keywords, and organize other metadata. An
importing the pictures to the computer, managing the advanced search engine is incorporated. This is a very
files, developing the pictures, adjusting the exposure, important tool for quickly finding specific pictures
correcting the color, cropping, cleaning, and also among the thousands.
exporting the files for different media.
The Develop Mode has all the necessary tools for
In dental photography it is very important to establish correcting exposures, white balance, and color;
a digital workflow to help stay organized and maintain cropping; cleaning up dust and scratches; and making
control over file locations and security. For all of these, other improvements. One of the most important
proper hardware and software is essential. features of the Lightroom software is the way it treats
files. It is not destructive, meaning that when you
One of the best software packages available on develop your pictures, the software creates a recipe.
the market for this purpose is Adobe Photoshop It records all your actions, which are saved in the
Lightroom. The software was created for photo- history. Permanent changes are applied to the picture
graphers. Modules include Library, Develop, and when files are exported. But the original files remain
sharing modes such as Slideshow, Book, and Print. untouched, so you can always return to the original
Each of these modules is designed to meet the file in the file history.
photographer’s needs.
The software allows for working with different file
types, including RAW, jpg, TIFF, psd, and png.

How to prepare pictures for lectures and for print

How to prepare pictures

for lectures and for print

The size of the recorded picture is represented in the Optimal image settings for print:
number of pixels (points). The pixel is the smallest
single component of a digital image. Each pixel holds File settings for TIFF:
information about color. The number of pixels in an
image is sometimes called the resolution. • Format: TIFF (ask the editor or print house)

The average sensor of digital cameras used in dental • Compression: none

photography is close to 20 megapixels. • Bit depth: 16 bits/component
For different media, images must be optimized to
achieve the best results. Pictures should be prepared • Color space: Adobe RGB
differently for lectures and for print.
File settings for jpg:
If you are using dedicated software for photography
like Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, then the process • Format: .jpg
is very easy. If not, the rules are the same and are
• Quality: 100 (best)
applied to the image during export. In that case, the
information below can be used as a reference. • Limit files size: unchecked (no limit)

• Color space: Adobe RGB

Optimal image settings for lectures:
Image sizing:
File settings:
• Original size
 ormat: .jpg
• Resolution: 240 pixels per inch
 uality: 100 (best)
Output sharpening:
 imit files size to 500kb
• Sharpen for print for Matte Paper
 olor space: sRGB
• Amount: high
Image sizing:

 esize to fit: long edge 2000 pixels

 on’t enlarge

 esolution: 72 pixels per inch

Output sharpening:

• Sharpen for screen

 mount: high

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About Dentsply Sirona Implants About Dentsply Sirona

Dentsply Sirona Implants offers comprehensive solutions Dentsply Sirona is the world’s largest manufacturer of
for all phases of implant therapy, including Ankylos®, professional dental products and technologies, with a 130-year
Astra Tech Implant System® and Xive® implant lines, digital history of innovation and service to the dental industry and
technologies, such as Atlantis® patient-specific solutions and patients worldwide. Dentsply Sirona develops, manufactures,
Simplant® guided surgery, Symbios® regenerative solutions, and markets a comprehensive solutions offering including
and professional and business development programs, such as dental and oral health products as well as other consumable
STEPPS™. Dentsply Sirona Implants creates value for dental medical devices under a strong portfolio of world class brands.
professionals and allows for predictable and lasting implant As The Dental Solutions Company™, Dentsply Sirona’s products
treatment outcomes, resulting in enhanced quality of life provide innovative, high-quality and effective solutions to
for patients. advance patient care and deliver better, safer and faster
dentistry. Dentsply Sirona’s global headquarters is located in
York, Pennsylvania, and the international headquarters is based
in Salzburg, Austria. The company’s shares are listed in the
United States on NASDAQ under the symbol XRAY.

Visit www.dentsplysirona.com for more information

about Dentsply Sirona and its products.


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