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Finance 551 Autumn 2001

C. W. Haley 357 Mackenzie MTWTh 10:00-12:00 543-7697 chiph@u.--PROBLEMS IN BUSINESS FINANCE

Text: References:

Higgins, Analysis for Financial Management, 6th Edition (H) Case Packet--Bookstore Brealey & Myers Principles of Corporate Finance or the text you used in the finance core course.

General Information: This class deals with a broad range of problems in the financial management of business firms of importance to senior managers. The first half concerns working capital management and short term financing. Problems covered include financial statement analysis, forecasting, use of bank credit, liquid asset management, accounts receivable, and inventory decisions. The second half concerns long-term financial decisions and includes problems in valuation, public and private securities issues, and capital budgeting. The course is built around a series of case problems--some of which are available from the bookstore, three attached, and the rest, including some readings, are in the course packet Supplementary Cases and Readings to be distributed. Background reading assignments are to be used at the option of the student but are recommended. Daily assignments do not require written work to be handed in unless specifically indicated as such. Associated with each case are questions which are intended to help you in your analysis. They do not substitute for your own assessment of the problems and issues in the situation. You should take the situation as presented and (usually) come up with a recommended course of action or decision. That is your fundamental assignment for each case. Grades will be based on class discussion and written assignments weighted as follows: Class discussion Written assignments Team presentation There will be no exams. The data in the exhibits for most of the cases are available in the form of Excel worksheets on the course web page (us.badm.Washington.edu/Haley/F551). Students should copy the worksheets to their own computers. Use of a PC is highly recommended for this class. This is a relatively low cost opportunity for you to gain handson experience with spreadsheets in an applied setting where you have realistic problems to work on. Daily class preparation is essential for obtaining the maximum benefit from this course. It is not expected that students have the "right" answer coming into class, but that everyone is prepared to participate in an informed class discussion. The philosophy of the class is learning by doing. If you dont try to deal with the problems assigned, you dont learn. SECTION I - Financial Analysis and Forecasting 1. 10/1 Introduction: Unidentified Industries 35 % 60 % 5%

2. 10/3 Financial Analysis and Strategy Grieg Lumber Company (attached, Read: Higgins pp 3-22, Ch. 2, and attached Ratios note) a. b. Why does Mr. Grieg have to borrow money to support this profitable business? Does his business strategy have anything to do with the amount of funds needed? How large, in your opinion, should Griegs line of credit be?

3. 10/8 Introduction to Financial Planning: Grieg Lumber Company (Read: H Ch. 3) c. d. Assuming 1995 sales are $3.5 million, how much money will Grieg need to be borrowing from the bank on December 31, 1995? (Hint: Try forecasting Grieg's balance sheet as of this date.) As a financial advisor to Mr. Grieg, would you recommend that he continue his growth strategy or not?

4. 10/10 Forecasting, Planning, and IPO's: Netscape Communications, Inc (HO) a. b. Why has Netscape been so successful to this point? What appears to be its strategy? How risky is it? What must it do to be successful in the long run? Does Netscape need to go public to meet its capital needs? How much money do you think that it will need over the next 3-5 years? In answering this question you might find the following assumptions useful although you are free to use others if you have good reasons to do so: Cost of revenues and R&D maintain their current percentages of total revenues 10.4% and 36.8% respectively. Other operating expenses decline as a straight-line percentage of revenues from 80.9% in 1995 to 20.9% in 2001 which would give Netscape operating income to revenues about equal to Microsoft at 34%. Capital expenditures decline from 45.8% of revenues in 1995 to 10.8% of revenues in 2001, again close to Microsoft. Depreciation each year is 13.6% of net property and equipment at the beginning of the year. (Compute ending net P&E = beginning net P&E + capital expenditures depreciation.) Two problems that you will need to consider are working capital requirements and revenue growth. One way to deal with the revenue growth problem is to make the annual growth rate a separate forecast variable and look at a range of values for this number; e.g. 30%, 50%, . Working capital requirements should be based on your assessment as to the minimum levels needed. Remember excess cash is not part of the requirements. c. What other sources of financing other than the IPO might be available? How much money will the underwriters be raising for Netscape at a price of $28 per share? How does this number compare with the needs figures from b) above. What is your assessment of the underwriters proposal?

5. 10/15 Forecasting Seasonal Financial Needs: Playtime Toy Company (HO) (It is highly recommended that you use Excel in developing an answer to part b. We will spend most of the class discussing this problem.) a. b. c. *6. 10/17 What factors should Mr. King consider in deciding whether or not to adopt the level production plan? Estimate the funds required and their timing if the level production plan is adopted. Use pro-forma balance sheets (as compared to a cash budget) following the format used in the case. Evaluate your results. If you were Playtime's banker, would you have any concerns about making the indicated loans to this firm?

Forecasting the Effects of Financial Leverage: Sealed Air Corporation' Leveraged Recapitalization (Reading: Brealey and Myers, Chapter 18 "How Much Should a Firm Borrow") Written Assignment, parts b and c only 2-3 pages plus exhibits-20 points (10%) a. Why did Sealed Air undertake a leveraged recapitalization? Was it a good idea? For whom? What has happened to the company's "financial slack" (per Brealey and Myers) Using 1987 and 1988 data from Exhibit 5, try to predict the impact of a $40 per share dividend in 1989 financed by debt (less the corporate cash reductions stated on page 6) at an average cost of 12% per year. Forecast income statements and balance sheets using long-term debt as the balancing item for 1989, 1990, and 1991. Do your forecasts indicate that the company could have serious problems in paying required principal and interest? How much slack does the company have? Compare your forecast for 1989 with the actual figures shown in Exhibit 5. What were the significant differences, if any? In other words, was the "strong cash flow" described at the end of the case predictable using historical data? What kinds of companies might benefit from a significant increase in their leverage? What kinds of companies might be hurt by it? SECTION II - Financing Strategies




7. 10/22

Financing an AcquisitionDebt vs Equity: Continental Carriers, Inc (HO, Read: H: Ch. 6) a. b. As Ms. Thorp, treasurer of CCI, appraise the costs of the bond issue and the stock issue. What is the significance of Exhibit 3? How was it constructed? How should the acquisition of Midland Freight be financed, taking into consideration all relevant factors (FRICTO).

8. 10/24

Introduction to Options: (Reading: "Introduction to Options" HO) This class is going to be a lecture\discussion of options focusing on the assigned reading. You may wish to look at the section in the Wall Street Journal showing traded options prices. We will spend some time looking at these data.

9. 10/29

Financing Growth through Bank Loans and Private Equity: Advanced Cardiovascular Systems (HO, Read: Note on Bank Loans) a. b. c. What do you think Mr. Haskins' primary objectives for ACS are and how do those objectives affect his management of ACS? Does the existence of Lillys option have anything to do with Haskins objectives? How much money will ACS need by year-end 1988 assuming that sales grow at 30% and current operating strategies are maintained? What business strategies would have to change to make this a "bankable" loan situation? What terms or conditions would have to be imposed? (The terms must protect the bank and yet permit ACS to operate in a manner consistent with management's objectives.)

10. 10/31

Convertible Bonds: Boston Chicken Convertible Bonds (HO, Read: "Options in Corporate Finance" pages 1-6, H: Ch 5) This case walks you through the valuation of a convertible bond issue from the perspective of an investor. Please work through the case, trying to answer the questions posed along the way. By the way, why is BC issuing convertible bonds so soon after its IPO?

*11. 11/5

Written Case TBA SECTION III - Capital Budgeting and Valuation of Businesses

12. 11/7

Introduction to Valuation: Lockheed Tri Star (L1011) (Readings: Options in Corporate Finance pp 7-13 and H Ch 7) Answer the questions at the end of the case.

13. 11/12 14. 11/14

Holiday Cash Flows and Investment Decisions I: Antron Corporation (HO) a. b. Analyze the banana starch investment proposal for Antron making whatever assumptions you feel are appropriate. What would you recommend? What are the strategic implications for the Crantwell Division of not making the investment? If you were Crantwell management, how would you feel about a rejection of the proposal? Are there any elements to this decision that have not been addressed? Should Virginia Wu approve the banana starch project? If not, how would you communicate the decision to Crantwell Division management?

c. 15. 11/19

Cash Flows and Investment Decisions II: Empirical Chemicals Ltd (A) a. b. c. What changes, if any, should Frances Trelawney ask Jim Hawkins to make in his discounted-cash flow analysis? Why? What should Trelawney be prepared to say to the Transport Division, the director of Sales, and her assistant plant manager? How attractive is the Merseyside project? By what criteria? Should Trelawney continue to promote the project for funding?

16. 11/21

No class the day before Thanksgiving

17. 11/26

Discount Rates, Cash Flows and Valuation: The Ertsberg Project. (HO) a. Review the financing and operating characteristics of the Ertsberg project. If Freeport invested $120 million in this project as an ordinary business investment without all the complicated legal and financial arrangements, how risky would project be for the company? Looking at the four Approaches to analysis, which one seems to be the best method of evaluating the value of this project to Freeport? Why do you think so? Can you think of any other approach that might be especially useful in dealing with this sort of problem? Is there any difference here between evaluating Ertsberg as a project as compared to valuing Freeport Indonesia as a business? If Ertsberg is up and running, what is the value of Freeport Indonesia? Should Freeport undertake the Ertsberg projectstartup Freeport Indonesia?


c. d. 18. 11/28

Estimating Discount Rates: Proctor and Gamble: Cost of Capital (Read H. Ch. 8) a. b. Critically evaluate Mary Shiller's analysis. Evaluate each of the six points in Ron Emory's memo to Mary Shiller. Does it make sense to look at companies other than P&G? Why? Is Emory's method of computing yield to maturity correct? What is your opinion of other ke methods relative to CAPM? Should the cost of retained earnings be part of the cost of capital? Is anything lost if Mary's recommendation is written in terms of IRR rather than NPV? Since Clorox has less leverage than P&G, would you expect that its cost of capital to be higher or lower than P&G's? Why? Based on your assessment of these points, what is your estimate of P&G's cost of capital. What is your estimate of Clorox's cost of capital?

c. d. *19. 12/3

Merger/Acquisition Team Project: Written: 2-3 pages plus exhibits and 8-10 minute Presentation: (Read Higgins pp 335-349)

This project can be performed as a team of two or three people. It involves selecting an actual merger/acquisition that has been consummated and evaluating it. In order to have sufficient information to make the evaluation it is suggested (but not required) that the deal have the following characteristics: 1. Publicly traded companies are involved so that you have data on stock price reactions and disclosure of financial data. It is also desirable that the buyer not be so much larger than the seller that the deal has little impact on the combined corporation. Note that even in a merger of equals one companys management is usually dominant; e.g., BoeingMcDonnell Douglas or Nations BankBank of America (even though the B of A name was given to the combined corporation, it is pretty clear who acquired whom!). 2. The deal took place long enough ago so that you have information on the combined (consolidated) corporation. For most companies, this means that the deal should have occurred prior to 2000. The exceptions here would be a company whose fiscal year ended before 12/31/00 and the deal took place before the end of the fiscal year or one which has already released its 2000 annual report. An advantage of choosing one that occurred prior to 2000 is that you should be able to evaluate the success or lack of from the deal. (See Kissing Toads in Higgins, page 339 and #4 below.)

You may choose your own, or I will provide suggestions. I need to approve your choice so that we dont have too many duplications. I would not want to have more than three independent evaluations of the same deal. The following is a general guideline as to the information/questions you should be trying to answer. 1. What strategic or other benefit was supposed to be derived from the acquisition? In your opinion was the deal creating value and what was the source of that value? How did the stock market react when the deal was announced? Evaluate the terms of the deal? Who seemed to benefit the mostthe stockholders of the selling firm or the stockholders of the buying firm? In a technical sense, if V is the value created by combining the two firms, how was it distributed? What kind of fees were paid to the investment bankers? How did the buyer finance the deal? If cash, where did it come from? If through an exchange of securities what was the package? What was the ultimate impact of the deal on the financial structure of the combined corporation? In retrospect, was the deal successful? Were the expected strategic benefits realized? Were there some unanticipated costs or problems? For recent deals, it may be a little early to tell and even for ones taking place several years ago, this may not be an easy question to answer. Comments/conclusions, any special features or interesting observations. Using DCF Analysis to Evaluate Marketing Strategies: Glaxo ItaliaSpA: The Zinnat Marketing Decision (Note that a Glaxo spreadsheet is available.) a. b. c. d. 21. 12/10 What are the relative advantages and disadvantages of co-marketing arrangements versus direct sales? Why is Glaxo considering co-marketing Zinnat? Critically evaluate Glaxos decision-making criteria regarding marketing strategies (payback and internal rate of return). How would you compare these with the net present value approach? Evaluate the forecasts. Are all relevant cash flows present? Are the assumptions reasonable? You should modify the forecasts to reflect your views of the appropriate analysis. What would you recommend?





20. 12/5

Valuing a Business : Chromos Molecular Systems, Inc (Read: H Ch 9 also the Rocky Mountain Advanced Genome case serves as a reference on methods of estimating terminal values and illustrates the DCF method of valuation.) As Jaysen Smalley, what value range would you present to Peter Hoffman on Monday morning? How was this derived?

22. 12/12

Venture Capital: The Knot (HO) (Read: Note on VC Valuation) a. b. Has The Knot been a success story to date? What appears to be its strategy? How risky is it? What must it do to be successful in the long run? Do you agree with its business plan? What might be a basis for valuing this company? What would you say to a venture capitalist that would encourage investment of $10 million for 25%?

c. d. 23. 12/17

Do you think that Hummer Windblads offer of $3 million for 50% is acceptable? David Liu has some questions at the end of the case. How would you answer them?

Written Case is due TBA

Read The Economist "Survey of Corporate Finance: The Party's Over" Handout. Be prepared to discuss the following questions and have questions of your own. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Why would debt "be good for you"? In what sense have lenders "sold a put option to stockholders"? Why should this create a problem if it is true? What is going on in "Chart 3"? What does it say about the bond market? Explain why 3G investments by European telecoms are a problem. What is wrong with buying other companies? Can't acquisitions enhance shareholder value? Cisco has been doing a lot of this and the stockmarket seems think it's cool. In the article "Shareholder Value", what are the underlying assumptions regarding the economics of value and value creation? Why are employee stock options being "villainized"blamed for a lot of problems? How would you summarize the conclusions of the survey?

HINTS ON WRITTEN CASE ASSIGNMENTS These comments apply primarily to the two major write-ups--midterm and final. (1) Do not summarize the case situation in any great detail. The reader should be assumed to be familiar with the general situation. Usually the assignments are some sort of report to management who will know whats going on. However you may wish to highlight aspects of the situation that might not be obvious to the reader or that you believe are especially important to your analysis. Identify the basic problem or problems for which recommendations are needed. Summarize the issues or factors that must be analyzed in order to come to recommendations. Try to anticipate questions that might be asked. A semi-outline form for numbers (2) and (3) above is an acceptable way to present them. However, the write-up overall should be standard exposition. Perform your analysis and discuss your conclusions. Quality of this analysis is important. Make recommendations which are consistent with your analysis. One possible format for presentation is to make the write-up a report to management in the case. However, it is not necessary to "jazz" things up with "letters of transmittal" or similar devices. A one-page (or less) "executive summary" of the report is optional. If you wish to get some practice writing these, I encourage you to do so. It is slightly more desirable for you to take a objective view of the problem and your recommendations than to try to "sell" your solution unless it is clearly suggested in the assignment--see (11) below. You should try to present a clear and concise discussion. The page limitations on case write-ups are intended to be reasonable guidelines -- try to stay within them. They do not include graphs, tables, financial statements, or other significant (in size) exhibits. Such exhibits may be included within the body of the paper or at the end depending on your own preferences and the extent to which you want the reader to refer to them. However, its usually better to put large exhibits (half page or more) at the end and small ones (2 5 lines) in the body of the paper. I am not grading you on the quality of your exposition unless it is confusing to the reader although I can be influenced slightly by nice presentations. Read the assignment carefully and follow the guidelines, especially as they specify the role you are supposed to take. You should adopt that role. You will be preparing a report to management. If you are in doubt as to what is expected, ask before you write the paper. These are not set up as purely academic exercises. They are intended to develop your skills in a low cost environment. You can make mistakes here without serious consequences that would be a big-time hurt if this was for real $.

(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)



(10) (11)

The Case of the Unidentified Industries There are many ratios that are useful in evaluating the financial aspects of a business, especially if the historical trend in these ratios is examined. However, it is also important to compare the value obtained for a given ratio with some standard to determine whether the company is performing well. Unfortunately, there is no single standard that is appropriate to all industries, and even within a specific industry, ratios may vary significantly among companies. Nevertheless, the operating and competitive characteristics of a companys industry greatly influence its investment in the various types of assets, the riskiness of these investments, and the financial structure of its balance sheet. Try to match the following seven types of companies with their corresponding balance sheets and financial ratios, shown in Exhibit 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Electric utility Trading company (Japan) Retail clothing chain Computer software company Aero-space manufacturer Supermarket chain Telecommunications company

In doing this exercise, consider the operating and competitive characteristics of the industry and their implications for (1) the collection period, (2) inventory turnover, (3) asset composition, (4) the appropriate financial structure, and any other ratios that might serve to distinguish one industry from another. Then identify which one of the six sets of balance sheets and financial ratios best matches your expectations. (Hints: This was a year in which the aero-space manufacturer had a significant decrease in sales from the prior year. The retail clothing chain has its own, proprietary credit card. The telcom has grown rapidly by acquisitions.) EXHIBIT 1 Unidentified Industries
A Balance Sheet Percentages Cash Accounts Receivable Inventories Other current assets Property and equipment (net) Other assets Total Assets Notes payable Accounts payable Other current liabilities Long-term debt Other liabilities Owners equity Total Liabilities and Equity Selected Ratios Net profits/Net sales Net profits/Total assets Net profits/Owners equity Net sales/Total assets Collection period (days) Inventory turnover Total liabilities/Total assets Long-term debt/Owners equity Current assets/Current liabilities Quick ratio 12.8% 5.0 48.0 3.6 22.1 8.5 100.0% 0.0% 21.6 28.2 8.0 8.3 33.9 100.0% 0.02 0.01 0.04 0.7 27.5 2.0 0.66 0.24 1.4 0.4 B 0.8% 5.4 2.8 0.1 83.0 7.9 100.0% 1.8% 3.2 2.2 29.6 17.8 45.4 100.0% 0.16 0.06 0.13 0.38 52.0 11.0 0.55 0.65 1.3 0.9 C D E 1.0% 6.3 0.0 4.1 31.4 57.2 100.0% 5.5% 2.8 10.6 14.4 10.4 56.3 100.0% 0.11 0.04 0.08 0.41 56.5 N/A 0.44 0.26 0.6 0.4 F 0.9% 32.7 22.9 2.5 40.4 0.6 100.0% 8.5% 10.2 11.8 13.4 4.1 52.1 100.0% 0.04 0.06 0.12 1.51 77.6 4.5 0.48 0.31 1.9 1.1 G 37.6% 12.6 1.0 4.2 26.2 18.4 100.0% 0% 12.0 22.0 0 0 66.0 100.0% 0.25 0.42 0.64 1.74 37.3 20.0 0.34 0 1.6 1.2 13.5% 7.2% 5.8 60.3 35.8 8.7 4.1 7.3 23.6 4.3 17.2 12.2 100.0% 100.0% 4.5% 14.6 10.6 15.8 8.5 46.0 100.0% 50.8% 15.2 5.7 22.7 1.3 4.3 100.0%

0.014 0.01 0.07 0.01 0.15 0.13 5.6 2.1 3.0 106.0 12.0 23.0 0.54 0.96 0.34 5.3 2.0 1.0 0.8 0.9

19. 12/3 20. 12/5 21. 12/10

Valuing a Company (MRC) OR CASE CO? Valuing a Company in an IPO: Chromos Molecular Systems (Reading: H Ch. 9) Mergers and Acquisitions: Team project to be assigned

22. 12/12

Venture Capital: The Knot (HO) a. b. c. d. Has The Knot been a success story to date? What appears to be its strategy? How risky is it? What must it do to be successful in the long run? Do you agree with its business plan? What might be a basis for valuing this company? What would you say to a venture capitalist that would encourage investment of $10 million for 25%? Do you think that Hummer Windblads offer of $3 million for 50% is acceptable? David Liu has some questions at the end of the case. How would you answer them? Written Case TBA


Exam Period

Highly Leveraged Transactions and Warrants: John Case Company a. b. Should Mr. Johnson and the other managers seriously consider buying Case? How much money does Mr. Johnson still have to raise from external sources? What terms and conditions should he attempt to obtain on the external financing? What should he be willing to settle for? Are the conditions on the present commitments satisfactory? How are they going to service all this debt? If they go through with the purchase, how and when should they try to cash in?



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