Lesson Plan Grade IV - Disguishing Fact From Opinion
Lesson Plan Grade IV - Disguishing Fact From Opinion
Lesson Plan Grade IV - Disguishing Fact From Opinion
Department of Education
I- Objective:
At the end of the lesson the pupils must be able to:
Distinguish fact from opinion. EN4LC-IVa-1
III- Procedure:
1. Preliminary Activities
A. Prayer
- Requesting everybody to please stand for an opening prayer
B. Checking of Attendance
- The class secretary will check the attendance
C. Setting of Agreement
(Introduce the rules by using the three senses: ears, eyes, and mouth)
D. Review:
Say: Yesterday we have learned a story. What was the title of our
story? Dolphins
How dolphins communicate with each other? The dolphins used
whistles to communicate with others.
What do you think that dolphins are mammals? Dolphins are
mammals because they have teeth, they breath air and warm-
2. Lesson Proper
A. Motivation:
Teacher will flash a pictures that shows about Fact and Opinion
Luksong-tinik is a fun game. Vegetables provide nutrients good for the health.
A bicycle has two wheels. Blue is the most attractive color.
B. Unlocking of difficulties
Fact - is a statements that is true and can be verified objectively or
Opinion- is only a belief. It is also an expression of a person’s feelings. It is
not always true and cannot be proven. Clue words like think,
believe, feel, probably, never, all, none, most, least, best, greatest,
worst or seems signal an opinion.
C. Presentation:
Say: Now, let us read the sentences taken from the story “Dolphins”
Which of these sentences are true and can be proven and which are
not true or just a belief?
Sentences that are true and can be proven are Fact and sentence
That are not true or just a belief are Opinion.
Dogs have two ears.
Fish swim in the water.
Flowers are part of a plant.
Opinion is only a belief. It is also an expression of a person’s
feelings. It is not always true and cannot be proven.
Clue words like think, believe, feel, probably, always,
never, all, none, most, least, best, greatest, worst or seems.
Math is the hardest subject.
Cakes are delicious.
Sunday is the best day of the week.
D. Modeling:
The teacher will read the paragraphs.
E. Activity:
The teacher will give another activity , the pupils will distinguish
weather it is a fact or opinion.
F. Guided Practice:
Now Let’s play “ Deal or No deal”
Direction: Analyze the given sentences or statements. Say Deal if the sentence
or statement is fact and No deal if the sentence or statement is opinion.
1. Jose P. Rizal is our national hero.
2. Sun is the center of the solar system.
3. There are 12 months in a year.
4. Vegetables are good for the body.
5. Pizza is the most delicious food.
G. Independent Practice
Group activity:
Group 1 : Fill in the basket challenge
Group 2 : Spaghetti challenge
Group 3: Color challenge
H. Generalization:
Say: Who can differentiate fact from opinion?
IV. Evaluation:
Direction: Write F on the blank if the statement is a fact and O if the statement is an
V. Assignment:
Write two sentences that states fact and two sentences that states opinion.
Teacher III