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Rubric Romeo and Juliet

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Non-Verbal No movement Actor’s head, eye, Actor’s movements Actor performs Actor’s
Expression of body and hand are minimal and with confidence; performance
8 pts movements do not under rehearsed. head, eye, and reflects well-
match the script or Some evidence of hand movements rehearsed,
engage the either eye contact engage audience expressive
audience. with others or and enhance movements,
gestures. characterization. enthusiastic
rendering of
character. Head,
eye, and hand
movements engage
performance and
show exceptional
Voice Monotone Voice pace, Voice pace, Actor’s voice Actor’s voice
Expression voice; audience expression, and expression, and shows thoroughly masters
and Volume could not volume gives “flat” volume understanding of the
8 pts understand delivery with little communicate one character. Pace, characterization.
most of actor’s regard to emotion. emotion. Voice is expression, and Pace, expression,
dialogue. Voice is barely either too soft or volume vary to and volume vary
audible. too loud, but is accurately dramatically and
audible throughout demonstrate skillfully
performance. character’s demonstrate
emotions. Voice is character’s
clearly audible emotions. Voice is
throughout clearly audible
performance. throughout
Dialogue Read directly Required frequent Lines were Lines were well Perfect
Fluency from script line prompts or read memorized, but memorized, but memorization and
8 pts throughout much of the lines required 3-5 lines required 1 to 2 line delivery of lines.
performance from the script prompts. prompts.
during the
Costumes No costume. Costume does not Actor dressed like Actor dressed like Actor completely
8 pts fit the personality of self, but has added self, but has added dressed in costume
the character or 1 piece for at least 2 pieces and make up to
match the script. costume; costume for costume; look like character.
piece fits the costume pieces fit Costume matches
character’s the character’s the script well.
personality and personality and Costume makes
matches the script. matches the script. character more
0 1 2 3 4
Props No props used Play uses at least 1 Play uses at least 2 Play uses at least 3 Play uses 6 or more
4 pts in the play. prop, but is not a props that help props that help different props that
high quality, hand- audience audience enhance audience
made item. understand the plot understand the understanding of
of the play, but plot of the play. At plot. At least half of
may not be high least one of the the props are high
quality, hand-made props is a high quality, hand-made
items. quality, hand- items.
made item.
Backdrop No backdrop Play uses one 4 x 8 Play uses one 4 x 8 Play uses one 4 x 8 Play uses one 4 x 8
Flat flat used in backdrop; does not backdrop; flat that backdrop flat that backdrop flat that
4 pts play. match the script. suggests setting. helps audience makes the play
Scenery is painted understand setting setting instantly
somewhat neatly of play. Flat has recognizable. Flat
on the flat. neatly painted has neatly and
scenery. creatively painted

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