Using Geonode
Using Geonode
Using Geonode
In GeoNode many contents are public so unregistered users have read-only access to
public maps, datasets and documents. In order to create maps, add datasets or
documents, edit the data and share these resources with other users, you need to sign
This section will guide you through account registration, updating your account
information and preferences, connections with social networks and email addresses.
You can update these information anytime from your Profile page which is accessible
from the user menu.
So, click on your profile picture in the top right of the screen. A drop-down list will show.
Click on Profile to enter the Profile settings page.
Link to your profile
The Profile page looks like the one shown in the picture below.
Creating a New Account
To take full advantage of all the GeoNode features you need a user account. Follow
these step to create a new one.
1. From any page in the web interface, you will see a Register link. Click that link, and
the register form will appear
The registrations in GeoNode must be open, in case you don’t see the register
link then it’s not possible to register unless the administrator of the site does that
for you.
Register Link
2. On the next page, fill out the form. Enter a username and password in the fields.
Also, enter your email address for verification.
Registering for a new account
3. You will be automatically logged in and redirected to the Profile page. An email will
be sent confirming that you have signed up. If no errors occur during the registration,
the following alerts will appear on the screen:
To log out click on the Log out link of the user menu.
Logout link
You can also invite external users to join your GeoNode. In order to do that, click on Invite
Users in the Profile page (see Updating the Profile) or in the About menu in the Home page.
You can invite your contacts typing their email addresses in the input field as shown in the
picture below. Click on Submit to perform the action.
Invite users to join GeoNode
A message will confirm that invitations have been correctly sent.
To see information about other users on the system, click the People link of the About menu
in Home page.
About menu - People link
You will see a list of users registered on the system.
Contacting other users
GeoNode allows you to communicate by message with other registered users and groups.
To send a message to some user and/or groups you can follow the link Message User from
your Profile page (see Updating the Profile) or from the Profile details page (see the previous
section Viewing other users information) of that user.
Send message to users and groups
Insert your content, type a subject and click on Send message to send the message to the users
and groups you have selected.
Your message
The Inbox page
You can view your conversations in your Inbox page, reachable through the Back to
inbox button (see the picture above) or from the Inbox link of the user menu.
Inbox link
The picture below shows how your Inbox page should look like.
Inbox page
In Inbox all the unread messages are listed. You haven’t received any message yet so
your Inbox is empty. If you switch to the All tab you can see all the conversations you
are involved in.
Data Types
GeoNode welcome page shows a variety of information about the current GeoNode
You can explore the existing data using many search tools and filters (see Finding Data)
or through the links of the navigation bar at the top of the page.
There are three main types of resources that GeoNode can manage:
1. Documents
2. Datasets
3. Maps
Datasets, Documents and Remote Services can be accessed from the Data menu of
the navigation bar. The Maps menu lets you filter only maps in the available resource.
This applies to other existing menu items like GeoStories .
GeoStories and Dashboards In the screenshot below are GeoApp resouce types which
are added by the client.
Data menu
Finding Data
This section will guide you to navigate GeoNode to find datasets, maps and documents and
other resource types by using different routes, filters and search functions.
The Search box in the navigation bar (see the picture below) let you type a text and find
all the data which have to deal with that text.
It is possible to search and filter data by Text, Types, Categories, Keywords, Owners, Regions
or Extent.
Try to set some filter and see how the resulting data list changes accordingly. An
interesting type of filter is EXTENT: you can apply a spatial filter by moving or zooming
a map within a box as shown in the picture below.
Uploading Documents
GeoNode allows to share reports, conceptual notes, posters, spreadsheets, etc. A wide
range of documents files can be hosted on the platform, including text files
(.doc, .docx, .txt, .odt), spreadsheets (.xls, .xlsx, .ods), presentations (.ppt, .pptx, .odp),
images (.gif, .jpg, .png, .tif, .tiff), PDF, zip files (.rar, .zip, .gz), SLD, XML or QML files.
The Document Upload page looks like the one shown in the picture below.
Document Upload page
Through the Share Link shown in the menu it is possible to manage the document share
options. it opens a form where set up who can:
After making changes, always save them with the Save Link in the menu
Changing the Document share options
om your disk, make sure they are valid raster or vector spatial data. You can also
change the default Share options settings (see Share Options for further information on
how to set share options).
Select the charset, then click on Upload files to start the process or click Clear to remove
all the loaded files form the page.
In this example the ne_10m_airports_vufl8s3 ESRI Shapefile, with all its mandatory files
(.shp, .shx, .dbf and .prj), has been chosen. A progress bar shows the operation made
during the dataset upload and alerts you when the process is over. When the process
ends click the dsataset name in the table to check the dataset has been correctly
Dataset uploading finished
There are lot of free spatial dataset available in the Internet. In this example, an extract
of the Berlin city center roads map from the BBBike extracts OpenStreetMap dataset
has been used.
In the next paragraphs you will learn how to create a dataset from scratch, how to set
share options, how to explore the dataset properties and how to edit them.
Total upload size exceeds 100.0 MB. Please try again with smaller files.
This means that there is an upload size limit of 100 MB. An user with administrative
access can change the upload size limits at the admin panel for size limits.
In order to create the new Dataset you have to fill out the required fields:
Geometry type
Geometry types
Usually the datasets features should have some Attributes that enrich the amount of
information associated with each of them. Through the Add Attribute button you can add
new attributes.
New Dataset creation from scratch
At this time you can also change the default Share options settings, see Share
Options to learn how.
Once the form has been filled out, click on Create . You will be redirected to the Dataset
Page (see Dataset Information). Now your Dataset is created but is still empty, no
features have been added yet. See the Dataset Editing section to learn how to add new
Next Previous
Click on the Remote Services link of the Data menu in the navigation bar.
Remote Services link
The page that opens will contain the list of the available services.
Remote Services
In order to modify the Dataset Share options settings, On the detail page of the dataset
click the Share link in the menu.
Change Dataset Share options
Through the Share options Settings Panel you can add or remove options for users and
groups. The picture below shows an example.
Dataset Share options settings for users and groups
Dataset Information
In this section you will learn more about datasets. In the Finding Data section we explain how to
find datasets, now we want to go more in depth showing you how to explore detailed information
about that.
From the resource list page, filter with datasets, click on the dataset you are interested in. The
overview page will be shown on the right, Then click on View dataset, The dataset detail page
will open.
The Dataset page has a menu which helps us to view and update dataset attributes.
Dataset Menu
Dataset Info
When you click the Info link in the menu, a new page will be opened on right.
The Info tab is active by default. This tab section shows some dataset metadata
such as its title, the abstract, date of publication etc. The metadata also indicates the
dataset owner, what are the topic categories the dataset belongs to and which
regions are affected.
Dataset Infor tab
The Attributes tab shows the data structure behind the dataset. All the attributes are
listed and for each of them some statistics (e.g. the range of values) are estimated (if
Downloading Datasets
At the top of the Dataset Menu there is an Export link . It provides access to the ability to
extract geospatial data from within GeoNode.
You will be able to select from a list of options of the supported export file formats.
Downloading Datasets
Dataset Editing
The Edit link in the menu of the Dataset Page opens a list of options like ones shown in
the picture below.
1. Edit Metadata
2. Edit Styles
3. Edit Data
In this section you will learn how to edit a Dataset, and its data. See Datasets
Metadata to learn how to explore the dataset Metadata, how to upload and edit them.
The Styles will be covered in a dedicated section, see Dataset Styling.
When your new feature has a multi-vertex shape you have to double-click the last
vertex to finish the drawing.
Create New Feature
Delete Features
If you want to delete a feature you have to select it on the Attribute Table and click
on .
You can edit the shape of an existing geometry dragging its vertices with the mouse.
A blue circle lets you know what vertex you are moving.
Features can have multipart shapes. You can add parts to the shape when editing it.
When you are in Edit Mode you can also edit the attributes values changing them
directly in the corresponding text fields. You can achieve this by going into the edit
mode and double click in the values.
Once you have finished you can end the Editing Session by clicking on
the .
Editing Metadata
Metadata contains all the information related to the dataset. They provide essential information
for its identification and its comprehension. Metadata also make the dataset more easily
retrievable through search by other users.
The Metadata of a dataset can be changed through a Edit Metadata form which involves four
steps, one for each type of metadata considered:
You can open the Metadata form of a Dataset by clicking the Edit Metadata link from
the Edit options on the Dataset Page.
Basic Metadata
The first two steps are mandatory (no datasets will be published if the required
information are not provided) whereas the last two are optional.
Basic Dataset Metadata
In the first step the system asks you to insert the following metadata:
Dataset Styling
Maps are helpful because they allow you gain a deeper understanding of your data by
allowing you to visualize it in many different ways. So you can tell different stories
depending on how the data is presented. For any given data or dataset, you should
explore different styling options and choose the best style for that.
Managing Maps
Maps are sets of datasets displayed together on an interactive web map. Maps can be
composed in the map composer and saved as GeoNode resources. Maps can also be
associated with metadata, ratings, and comments.
In this section, you will learn how to create a new map and share it.
Creating Maps
Map Information
Maps Metadata
Share Options
Exploring Maps
Creating Maps
In this section, we’ll create a Map using some uploaded datasets, combine them with
some other datasets from remote web services, and then share the resulting map for
public viewing.
The Create map listed after clicking the Create new link on the menu above the
resources list page.
The new Map will open in a Map Viewer like the one in the picture below.
The Map Viewer
If you followed the steps above, you have just created your first Map. Now you should
see it in the Explore Maps page, see Map Information for further details.
Map Information
As mentioned in the Finding Data section, in GeoNode you can see your maps and all the
published maps through the filtering feature on the resource page.
Click on the title of the Map you are interested in to open its overview, then click on View Map, it
should looks like the following.
Map Detail page
The Map Detail Page shows the Map with very basic functionalities:
Map Sharing
The Share link on the detail page provides the link for the map to share.
Map Sharing
Maps Metadata
Maps Metadata can be Edited by clicking the Edit Metadata link from the Map
Detail page.
Basic Metadata
Basic Map Metadata
In the first step the system asks you to insert the following metadata (required fields
are highlighted with red outlines):
Share Options
In GeoNode the share options management system is indeed more complex.
Administrators can choose who can do what for each map. Users can manage only the
maps they own or the maps which they are authorize to manage.
By default only owners can edit and manage maps, and anyone can view them.
In order to modify the Map Share Options settings you can click the Share link in
the Map Detail Page.
Through the Share Options Settings Panel you can add or remove options for users and
groups. The picture below shows an example.
Map Share options settings for users and groups
You can set the following options:
When assigning options to a group, all the group members will have that option. Be
careful in case of editing them.
Exploring Maps
In this section, we are going to explore all tools provided on the Map View page. From
the list of available maps, you can select the map you are interested in and click View
map, THe map vie will look like this.
Publishing Data
In GeoNode, each resource can be published in order to share it with other people.
Resource publishing
GeoStory is a MapStore tool integrated in GeoNode that provides the user a way to
create inspiring and immersive stories by combining text, interactive maps, and other
multimedia content like images and video or other third party contents. Through this tool
you can simply tell your stories on the web and then publish and share them with
different groups of GeoNode users or make them public to everyone around the world.
To build a new GeoStory go to Create new option on the resource page and choose
option Create geostory.
Now you landed on the GeoStory edition page that is composed of the following
New GeoStory Apps option
The GeoStory content is organized in Sections, that can be added with the
button in the Container area. In particular, the user can add to the story the following
kind of sections:
For more information on these specific section please follow the official MapStore
Title Section
Banner Section
Paragraph Section
Immersive Section
Media Section
Web Page Section
Add GeoNode content to GeoStory
With GeoNode you can add content to your GeoStory using internal GeoNode
documents and maps as well external sources. This ability to add internal GeoNode
content makes the GeoStory creation a very usefull feature.
To add GeoNode content to your GeoStory use the button on top of your GeoStory
From here you can add Images , Videos and Maps . To enable GeoNode internal
catalog, on Services dropdown choose GeoNode as shown in picture down. On the left
you get a list of media documents available with a complementary text filter feature on