Rowlatt Satyagrah Notes
Rowlatt Satyagrah Notes
Rowlatt Satyagrah Notes
In the previous Unit we have discussed the emergence of Gandhi in Indian politics
with reference to his contributions to the peasants’ and workers’ movements at
Champaran in Bihar and Kheda and Ahmedabad in Gujarat. Next important event
towards the growth of national movement in India and the leadership role played
by Gandhi was the Rowlatt Satyagraha of 1919. The enactment of the Rowlatt
Act in 1919 by the British government empowering the state with arbitrary powers
to suppress voices against the British government evoked sharp reactions from
Indian people. Gandhi’s experience in South Africa of fighting against the
government by using the technique of Satyagraha encouraged him to give a call
for Satyagraha against the Rowlatt Act. We will explain in this unit the background
of launching the Rowlatt Satyagraha, and how in different provinces people
belonging to different classes, castes and communities responded to Gandhi’s
call, and the violence that broke out following the movement in some parts of
India. Gandhi withdrew the movement because of violence and the movement
failed to repeal the Rowlatt Act. Still the Rowlatt Satyagraha through its mass
mobilisation marked the beginning of a new phase in Indian national movement
and Gandhi took the centre stage of national politics.
Resource Person – Prof. Swaraj Basu 25
National Movement – major administrative reforms to meet the expectations of Indian people. However
The Mass Phase-I
the reform initiated by the Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms Act of 1919 was of
very limited nature and therefore the leadership of the nationalist movement was
critical of this reform. This was also the time when India witnessed the outbreak
of revolutionary activities particularly in Bengal, Maharashtra and the Punjab to
fight for freedom of India through violent means. The British government on its
part along with the path of limited reform wanted to suppress any activities by
Indians which in their opinion are against the interest of the British government
in India. During the course of the First World War the British government took
recourse to extraordinary powers to deal with the ‘revolutionary’ activities. Once
the War was over they appointed a committee under the chairmanship of Sidney
Rowlatt to suggest legislative measures to curb revolutionary activities in India.
On the recommendation of the Rowlatt committee the Government in India
prepared two draft bills to enable the government to check anti-state activities
and to empower the government with discretionary power to deal with political
crime. In spite of the unanimous opposition by Indian members in the Imperial
Legislative Council the government pushed through the legislation. It is also
believed that through the Rowlatt Act the government in India wanted to assure
those in Britain who felt that the reform proposals of Montagu would affect the
British interests in India. The Rowlatt Act authorised the government to bring in
amendment in the Indian Penal Code to ensure the security of the state and to
short-circuit ‘the processes of law in dealing with revolutionary crime’. Gandhi
was very much opposed to such repressive act and considered this an open
challenge by the British government to Indian people. In a letter to V. S. Srinivasa
Shastri (the liberal leader) Gandhi wrote, ‘If we succumb we are done for. If we
may prove our word that the government will see an agitation such that they
never witnessed before, we shall have proved our capacity for resistance to
autocracy or tyrannical rule….For myself if the Bills were to be proceeded with,
I feel that I can no longer render peaceful obedience to the laws of a power that
is capable of such a devilish legislation as these two Bills, and I would not hesitate
to invite those who think with me to join me in the struggle’. (9 February, 1919,
Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi, Vol. XV). Gandhi believed that the Rowlatt
legislation was very much against people’s democratic right and the constitutional
reforms appear to be a mockery. He understood the prevailing social discontents
and the political situation in India correctly. Gandhi communicated his decision
to the government of India to defy the new law and also signed a pledge along
with his disciples to disobey the Rowlatt Act. Then Gandhi addressed an open
letter to ‘the People of India’ urging them to join the Satyagraha launched against
the Rowlatt Act. There was already growing Indian political opinion reflected
through the Home Rule movement and the efforts made through the Lucknow
Pact for united opposition against the British rule. But it was Gandhi who brought
new techniques of mass protest through Satyagraha and non-violent method.
Gandhi urged upon the followers of politics of prayer and petition that ‘the
growing generation will not be satisfied with petitions….Satyagraha is the only
National Movement –
The Mass Phase-I Speech on Satyagraha Movement
March 25, 1919
…You know the Rowlatt Bills perhaps as much as I do. I need not explain
them. You all want them to be withdrawn. The Indian councillors in the
Imperial Council tried their best to have this legislation withdrawn. They
failed. The Bills are bad, but this flouting of the unanimous voice of the
Indian members is worse and it is for you and for me, whose representatives
those councillors are, to right this double wrong. How can it be righted?
When the governors of a country do a great wrong to the people whom they
govern, history teaches us that they have resorted to violence, sometimes
with apparent success, often they have been defeated; but violence can
only result in violence, as darkness added to darkness really deepens it.
The doctrine of violence is of the earth, earthy, merely material, and can be
no guide for a human being who at all believes in the existence of the soul.
If, as I am sure you will reject the doctrine of violence, you have to consider
other means for seeking redress, and that, as I would translate, would mean
shatham prati satyam ….
The Bills have violated the national conscience, and resistance to those
commands which are in violation of one’s conscience is a sacred privilege
and a beauty, and it is not this law or this command of the governor that we
resist, but it is our duty, it is open to us to resist all his commands which are
not moral commands, and when we respectfully disobey wrongful things
of these governors, we serve not only them but the whole nation. I have
been asked wherever I have gone what law, what other laws, shall we
disobey. The only answer I am able to give you today is that it is open to us
to disobey all the laws which do not involve any moral sanction. That being
so, it is totally unnecessary for you to know what laws we shall disobey.
The aim of a satyagrahi is to invite upon his own devoted head all the
suffering that he is capable of undertaking. Those of you, therefore, who
disapprove of the Rowlatt legislation and who have faith in the efficacy of
satyagraha, I have come to invite in order that you might sign this Pledge,
but I will ask you to consider a thousand times before signing the Pledge. It
is no discredit to you that you do not sign the Pledge, either because you do
not disapprove of the legislation or you have not got the strength and the
will, and it is not open to any satyagrahi to resent your refraining from
signing the Pledge….
You might have seen from today’s papers received here that I have addressed
to the Press a letter embodying some suggestions. I will, however, repeat
them this evening. My first suggestion is, that on Sunday week, i.e., 6th
day of April, we shall all observe a 24 hours’ fast. It is a fitting preliminary
for satyagrahis before they commence civil disobedience of the laws. For
all others, it will be an expression of their deep grief over the wrong
committed by the Government. I have regarded this movement as a purely
religious movement and fast is an ancient institution amongst us. You will
not mistake it for a hunger- strike (Laughter.) nor will you consider it as
designed for exerting any pressure upon the Government. It is a measure of
self-discipline, it will be an expression of the anguish of the soul, and when
The Turning Point
the soul is anguished, nobody could resist. I hope that all adults will take
up the task unless they are prevented from doing so by ill-health or religious
conviction. I have also suggested that on that Sunday all work should be
suspended, all markets and all business places should be closed. Apart from
the spiritual value of these two acts, they will form an education of first-
class value for the masses. I have ventured to include in my suggestions
even public servants, because I think that we have to credit them with
conscience as also their independence and ability and privilege to associate
themselves with wrongs which the nation may want to resent. It is right
that they should not take part in political meetings and political discussions,
but their individual conscience must have full and free play. My third
suggestion in which public servants may not take part is that on that day,
we should visit every hamlet, if we can, and hold meetings and pass
resolutions asking the Secretary of State for India to veto this legislation. I
would not ask you to resort to these public meetings and resolutions, but
for one reason, and the reason is that behind these meetings and resolutions
lies the force of satyagraha to enforce the national will. In these three
suggestions, whether you are satyagrahis or not, so long as you disapprove
of the Rowlatt legislation, all can join and I hope that there will be such a
response throughout the length and breadth of India as would convince the
Government that we are alive to what is going on in our midst….
The Hindu, 27-3-1919.
(Source: Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi, Vol. XV)
Gandhi was not very sure of the success and consequences of the movement.
Still he went ahead and decided to launch the movement with the nation-wide
hartal (strike) on 6 April 1919. Gandhi was arrested on 9 April 1919 and there
was mass agitation in different parts of India which soon took a violent turn.
Although the movement was most effective in cities and larger towns but followers
of Gandhi also reached out to smaller towns and rural areas. Even with very
little formal organisation and much beyond of his calculation the Rowlatt
Satyagraha succeeded in creating passions among masses. We will now discuss
the regional spread of this Satyagraha movement.
Lahore on the eve of the Rowlatt Satyagraha had enough reasons for
disillusionment with the British government. The thinking of Islam in danger
because of the British attitude towards Turkey after the First World War, the
decision of reparation of Bengal, distress caused by inflationary prices, were
enough to agitate the mind of people of Lahore. Gandhi’s appeal to observe
hartal on 6 April in protest to the Rowlatt legislation got positive support from
the people of Lahore. The Provincial Congress Committee extended support to
the call for Satyagraha and many prominent citizens also came forward to support
the movement. The crowd comprising of different social groups gathered in large
numbers and was in rebellious mood. Leaders addressed the gathering on the
importance of the hartal and a resolution was passed against the Rowlatt Act.
There were protests in the streets of Lahore against local government officials
who tried to oppose hartal. On behalf of the government, warning was issued to
citizens asking to maintain public order but the mood in the city was of defiance.
The leaders of Lahore used the festival of Ram Navmi on 9 April inviting Hindus The Turning Point
and Muslims to join hands and a procession of about 20,000 people, Hindus and
Muslims, travelled in different parts of the city. In the procession there was a
visible mood of protest against the government. Rumours of Gandhi’s arrest on
the way to Punjab and the deportation of local leaders of Amritsar like Kitchlew
and Satyapal caused strong popular resentment resulting in massive protest against
the government in the city. The government on its part resorted to police firing
which aggravated the crisis further. Lahore witnessed a massive gathering of
about 35,000 people consisting of different religious communities and social
classes protesting the government action. On the suggestion of a local leader a
Popular Committee was formed to act on behalf of the citizens of Lahore. Seeing
no other way the local government tried to negotiate with the People’s Committee
to enforce law and order in the city. But the general mood was so much against
the government action that the leaders of the People’s Committee failed to get
support for the termination of the hartal. Seeing the popular discontent the
government imposed martial law in the city and forced to withdraw the movement.
Analysing the Rowlatt Satyagraha in Lahore Ravinder Kumar summed up, ‘All
that was required in April 1919 to launch a popular movement against the British
Government was an issue which would provide a channel of expression for the
discontents which affected various classes and communities in Lahore. By
initiating a Satyagraha against the Rowlatt Act, Gandhi provided such an issue,
and he thereby set afoot a movement whose intensity surprised the local
administration no less than it surprised the local leaders of Lahore’.
The worst happened in Amritsar. There was general discontent among people in
the Punjab, particularly the Sikhs, because of actions of the British government
and the activities and trials of the Ghadrites. On 6 April 1919 Amritsar witnessed
a hartal in protest against the Rowlatt legislation. However the government action
of deporting local leaders, Kitchlew and Satyapal, and the ban on Gandhi’s entry
to Punjab led to popular discontent. There was a protest march by local people
of Amritsar against the government decision of the deportation of the two leaders.
The protesters were stopped and fired upon near the railway foot-bridge. The
police firing on 10 April in Amritsar was followed by attacks on government
institutions by the common people. To bring the situation in control martial law
was enforced by General Dyer. The city was quiet for two days and on 13 April
which was the day of annual Baisakhi festival peasants from villages around
Amritsar came to visit the Golden Temple. On that day a public meeting was
organised in the afternoon in Jallianwala Bagh, a place near to the Golden Temple.
The crowd was mostly local residents and the village peasants who were not
aware that public meeting was banned in the city. General Dyer without giving
any warning to the crowd in that enclosed ground opened fire and according to
government estimate 379 persons were killed and 1200 were injured. On the
following day martial law was clamped on several other towns of Punjab. In
protest to the brutality of the British repression Rabindranath Tagore renounced
the ‘Knighthood’ given to him by the British. Apart from Lahore and Amritsar
districts of Gujranwala, Gujarat and Lyallpur in Punjab were seriously affected
by the Anti-Rowlatt movement. There were attacks on government buildings
and institutions to express people’s anger against the government. The government
on its part took recourse to force to suppress the movement.
Seeing the cruelties perpetuated at Amritsar the Congress decided to hold the
next Congress annual session at Amritsar to express its solidarity with the people
National Movement – of the Punjab. Paying tribute to those who were killed in Amritsar and elsewhere
The Mass Phase-I
in the Punjab the Congress condemned the most shameful barbarities. Resolution
was passed urging the government for immediate removal of General Dyer and
immediate recall of the Viceroy, Lord Chelmsford. It was also decided to acquire
the site of Jallianwalla Bagh and to build a memorial to perpetuate the memory
of those who were killed.
‘It is a matter of the deepest humiliation and regret for me. I see that I over
calculated the measure of permeation of Satyagraha amongst the people. I
underrated the power of hatred and ill will. My faith in Satyagraha remains
undiminished, but I am only a poor creature just as liable to err as any other. I am
correcting the error. I have somewhat retracted my steps for the time being. Until
I feel convinced that my co-workers can regulate and restrain crowds, and keep
them peaceful, I promise to refrain from seeking to enter Delhi or the other parts
of the Punjab. My satyagraha, therefore, will, at the present moment, be directed
against my own countrymen.’ (14 April 1919, CWMG , Vol. XV).
Seeing the tone of India’s national movement in the years 1920 to 1942 under
Gandhi’s leadership it is not difficult to assume that the Rowlatt Satyagraha
provided the ideology and the method of political struggle. Gandhi being a firm
believer in the ideology of non-violence never hesitated in spite of criticism to
call off the movement whenever it turned violent. The movement also helped
Gandhi in gaining the centre stage of national politics and the commanding
position in the Congress.
The Rowlatt Satyagraha is considered as the turning point in the movement against
the British Raj. In response to India’s support to the British war effort the British
government promised to bring certain reforms but at the same time the British
government was not fully confident to assuage the growing discontent among
Indians against the British. This prompted them to pass the repressive Rowlatt
legislation empowering the British government to curb anti-British agitation.
Gandhi from his successful intervention through Satyagraha to redress the
grievances of peasants and workers of Champaran, Kheda and Ahmedabad found
an opportunity in the Rowlatt legislation to mobilize public opinion at the national
level against the British government. He took the organisational support from
the Home Rule Leagues, Pan-Islamist groups in India and the Satyagraha Sabha
that he formed to organise Satyagraha against the Rowlatt Act. People in various
parts of India who were aggrieved for various reasons found in this Satyagraha
an opportunity to express their discontent against the British. In spite of Gandhi’s
appeal for not to resort to violence in some places because of police firing and
instigation violence broke out and innocent people lost their life. This forced
Gandhi to call off the movement. The movement failed to compel the British
government to repeal the Rowlatt Act. But the kind of mass mobilisation cutting
across caste, class and community identities witnessed during the movement
was unprecedented. The movement was a lesson for many to mobilise common
people against the British and paved the way for Gandhi’s commanding position
over the Congress and national politics.
1) In what sense can the events described in this Unit can be said to form a
turning point in Indian nationalist politics?
2) Write a note on the events related to the Jallianwala Bagh.
3) What was Rowlatt Act? Why was it unpopular among the nationalists?