Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Should Only Be Considered After Other Control Measures Have Been Found To Be Ineffective or Not Practicable
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Should Only Be Considered After Other Control Measures Have Been Found To Be Ineffective or Not Practicable
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Should Only Be Considered After Other Control Measures Have Been Found To Be Ineffective or Not Practicable
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) should only be considered after other control measures have been
found to be ineffective or not practicable.
Give reasons why PPE should be considered only after other control measures. (8)
There are lots of control measures to reduce and remove the risks, but PPE is the last one, the reasons
are as illustrated below:
(1) Elimination which could remove the hazards directly, it is the best way of control measures.
(2) Substitution which could replace the high risk with low risk, it can reduce the risk of activity
(3) Engineering control which could use safety device or isolate the hazards, it also can reduce the risk
(4) Administrative control which could develop safe system of work or reduce the exposure, it can
reduce the risk effectively.
(5) PPE which is the last way of control measures, it only reduces the consequence of accident, but it
cannot reduce the probability of an accident.
(6) PPE cannot reduce or remove the hazards directly, it is passive protection.
PPE needs training e.g. how to put it on correctly, how to remove it, and how to clean it properly.
PPE is uncomfortable to wear and will be removed by the user after some time.
Question 2
Identify factors to be considered to reduce the risks to workers required to work alone away from the
workplace. (8)
Score 1/8
You have not answered the question. It clearly ask’s you to reduce the risks to workers but most of your
answer’s are hazards.
Provide the worker with a mobile phone to contact the office when needed
Base office to contact the worker several times a day to check that he is not in difficulty
A worker has received serious injuries from being struck by a reversing vehicle in a loading bay.
Outline the information that should be included in the investigation report. (8)
An accident investigation report should contain all the information related to the accident, which
(1) Time, the time when the accident happened is an important information.
(2) Location, the location where the accident happened should also be noted.
(3) Information of the injured person, the information of the injuries should be clearly noted, for
example, name, sex, age, position, department.
(4) Description of accident, this tells the whole story of the accident.
(5) Direct reasons of the accident, they are the direct cause of the accident. What does this mean?
(6) Rooted reasons of the accident, they the deep reason which cause the accident.
(7) Information of the investigation team, it includes the name, position and department of the
(8) Punishment of the person who should be responsible for this accident, they would be punished based
on the mistakes they made of the accident. As investigator’s we do not punish. Management can
make the decision to punish.
(9) Evidences the investigators collected from the witness or accident site.
Score 7/8
Outline how the orgainsation can help to ensure that this work is carried out safely. (8)
The organization and the contractors should help each to ensure the work is carried out safely, so the
organization should:
(1) Provide all the information about the work, for example, underground pipes map, it will help the
contractors to make a detailed work plan.
(2) Provide welfare to the workers who carry out the work, for example, drinking water, it will make
the workers feel better. This is the contractor’s responsibility not the client i.e. the organisation
(3) Ask a supervisor of the organization to monitor the work process, it will make the workers follow the
(4) Review the work plan before working, it will help the contractor to perfect their plan. How?
(5) Help the contractors to identify the hazards of the maintenance work.
(6) Help the contractors to find the control measures of these hazards.
(7) Provide the instruction book of the maintenance work.
(8) Provide a better working environment to the contractors, for example, light condition, temperature
Score 2/8
Answer’s 4, is good but gives no detail how you review, e.g. the risk assessments are to be reviewed
and implemented, any short comings mean they are to be improved by the contractor before work
Answers 2,5,6,7,8 are all the responsibility of the contractor, e.g. you would not hire a contractor who
did not know their own hazards.
Weekly meetings between the organisation and contractor to plan the work.
Carry out weekly health and safety inspections as the work is in progress.
Exchange of phone numbers of the focal point of both the organiasation and the contractor.
Inspection of the condition of equipment brought onto site by the contractor.
PTW inspections carried out for compliance with the PTW document.
Question 5
Outline ways in which an organisation could encourage workers to be involved in setting and
maintaining high standards of health and safety. (8)
Health and safety is the fundamental part of managing an organization as it impacts on all the
functions within the organization, setting and maintaining high standards of health and safety is very
important for the organization, in order to achieve high standards, the organization should:
(1) Provide health and safety training to the workers. How does this encourage workers to be involved?
Generic statement which attracts no marks.
(2) Frequently arrange meetings to discuss with the workers about how to improve the health and
safety standards.
(3) Award the workers who have a significant contribution to build health and safety culture.
(4) Require the senior managers to demonstrate the commitment in the HSE management system.
(5) Require the management level to set a good example of involving in setting and maintaining high
standards of health and safety.
(6) Organize health and safety knowledge games periodically and award the winners, for example,
once in half year and award cell phones to winners.
(7) Invite workers to participate in the audit team or accident investigation team.
(8) Ask for suggestions from the workers about making new work procedures.
(9) Follow the corrective measures of the hazards reported by the workers.
Score 8//8