Ap 3
Ap 3
Ap 3
stratified media. We also provide an open-source NFFT one is able to calculate the electromagnetic field (E,H) on the
toolbox,25 which retrieves the far-field radiation diagrams box. (E,H) can be either
from the knowledge of the permittivities and permeabilities • for J 2 = 0, the scattered field induced by the
of the layers (assumed uniform and isotropic) of the stratified inhomogeneities and obtained as the difference between
structure and of the near-zone field that can be obtained with the total field and the background field (which is
virtually any Maxwell’s equation solver on a closed surface generated by the source J1 illuminating the stratified
surrounding the local inhomogeneity. medium in the absence of the inhomogeneities);
To be more precise, let us consider a planar stratified
• for J1 = 0, the total field generated by the source J2 that
medium, in which a few scatterers are embedded (see Figure
illuminates the embedded scatterers (this situation
1a). We further consider a parallelepipedic box that fully
represents a typical extraction problem encountered
with light-emitting devices);
• any linear combination of the two previous cases.
For all cases, (E,H) on the box is formed only by outgoing
(regarding the “box”) plane waves and outgoing guided modes
(no incoming fields), and the present NFFT method and open-
source toolbox may accurately retrieve the far-field radiation
diagrams for guided and free-space modes from the sole
knowledge of (E,H) and the permittivities and permeabilities of
the layers (assumed uniform and isotropic) of the stratified
structure. The approach is very general, as it applies to
inhomogeneities with arbitrary shapes, any materials, and any
thin-film stack, even for lossy dielectric or metallic materials.
The only requirement is that all material must be reciprocal, i.e.,
ε = εT and μ = μT, where the superscript “T” denotes the
transpose operator.
This article is organized as follows. First, we briefly describe a
general NFFT method for calculating the free-space radiation
diagrams. Then, as the main contribution of the present work,
the formulation of a novel and substantially analytical method
to retrieve guided-mode radiation diagrams is proposed. Third,
the efficiency and applicability of the numerical tool is
exemplified by studying some basic light scattering/emission
problems in stratified media, and the validity and accuracy of
the open-source code is tested. In the last section, the usage of
the open-source tool and the conditions under which the tool
may be used safely are summarized.
orthogonal polarizations are independently retrieved, in the structure may be launched in all in-plane directions [i.e., 0 < φ
following we consider purely TE- or TM-polarized waves to < 2π].
reduce cumbersome notations. Before going to details, we would like to briefly address the
It is convenient to first consider the upward-going plane following question: bearing in mind the NFFT method for free-
wave (either TE- or TM-polarized) that propagates away from space waves described in the former section, can we extract the
the scatterers in the directions defined by (θ, φ); see the inset guided-mode radiation diagram by performing, similarly to eq
in Figure 1a. The plane wave is denoted by 2, an overlap integral on the closed “box” Σ between the field
+ +
(E0̂ , Ĥ 0 ) exp[i(ux + vy + χz)], with the superscript “+” of (E,H) and the field of the associated incident guided mode
+ + propagating in the direction φ, i.e., replacing the incident plane
E0̂ and Ĥ 0 labeling upward-going waves (a minus sign is used − −
wave (E ̂ , Ĥ ) by an incident guided mode with an in-plane
hereafter for downward-going waves), and wavevector parallel to the azimuthal direction φ? The answer
u = k 0 ε1μ1 sin(θ ) cos(φ), v = k 0 ε1μ1 sin(θ ) sin(φ), and that can be easily derived from the Lorentz reciprocity theorem
χ = k 0 ε1μ1 cos(θ), with k0 denoting the wavenumber in a is yes for nonlossy materials, but the treatment is problematic
vacuum. In an horizontal plane at z = z1 in the upper half-space, for lossy modes because one needs to handle exponentially
(E,H) can be expanded as large fields.
To remove this difficulty, we formulate a novel and
E(x , y , z1) = ∬ cf+(θ , φ)E0̂ + exp[i(ux + vy + χz1)] du substantially analytical approach that allows one to evaluate
the radiation diagram of guided modes with a high accuracy, for
dv (1.1) lossy (dielectric or metallic) stratified structures. The method
requires only the knowledge of the field (E,H) on the closed
box Σ and of the guided-mode profile. All the derivation steps
H(x , y , z1) = ∬ cf+(θ , φ)Ĥ 0+ exp[i(ux + vy + χz1)] du are provided hereafter, with some technical details being
documented in the SI.
dv (1.2) Cylindrical Waveguide Modes. We start by expanding
where c+f (θ, φ) denotes the plane-wave amplitude coefficient. In the radiated field (E,H) using waveguide modes of the stratified
principle, c+f (θ, φ) can be found with inverse Fourier transform. structure defined in a cylindrical coordinate system (r, φ, z);
However, this requires the knowledge of the radiated field in see Figure 2. When solving source-free Maxwell’s equations
the entire (infinite) plane z = z1, which is not suitable for
numerical calculations.
Indeed, according to Lorentz reciprocity theorem, c+f (θ, φ)
can be obtained by computing a surface integral on a closed
“box” Σ surrounding the local inhomogeneities (see Figure 1b):
k 0Z0μ1
c f+(θ , φ) =
8π 2 + −
χE0̂ ·E0̂
∮Σ (E × Ĥ − − E−̂ × H) dS
− −
where Z0 denotes the vacuum impedance and (E ̂ , Ĥ )
represents the field that is created by a downward plane wave
− −
(E0̂ , Ĥ 0 )exp[−i(ux + vy + χz)] impinging onto the stratified
medium (without the inhomogeneities). The flux density at
direction (θ, φ) can be found as Figure 2. Domain Ω with its boundaries. ΣA (vertical black dashed
1 +
ε0ε1/(μ0 μ1) |c f+(θ , φ)|2 |E0̂ |2 . In passing, we emphasize lines) defines a cylindrical surface of radius r that extends from z =
− − −∞ to + ∞, ΣB is a closed “box” that encloses the inhomogeneity, and
that, because the vectorial field (E ̂ , Ĥ ) induced by a plane ΣC corresponds to the upper and lower horizontal surfaces (blue
wave in a stratified structure can be calculated rather easily with dashed lines) of the cylinder at |z| = ∞. ΣA and ΣC together form the
2 × 2 matrix products for every incidence and polarization,22,26 outer boundary of the volume Ω, and ΣB is the inner boundary. The
the overlap integral of eq 2 can be computed in parallel for all outward surface normal of Ω is denoted by n.
directions and the c+f (θ, φ) coefficients can be computed very
efficiently (see Technical Remarks). (eigenmode problems) of stratified planar waveguides, the
We do not provide a demonstration of eq 2 with the Lorentz eigenmodes can be written as the product of functions with
reciprocity theorem hereafter; it is technical and essentially separated variables, z, φ, and r, with the r-dependent part
echoes the classical NFFT techniques based on the field expressed with Hankel functions (see SI). Hereafter, the mth-
equivalence principle,21 without explicitly considering the order TE- or TM-polarized modes with propagation constants
equivalent current sources. + +
km will be denoted as Φ+m , n = (Em̂ , n exp(inφ), Ĥ m , n exp(inφ))
azimuthal harmonics with the same propagation constant km but For that, we define the inner product between two modes
σ σ
with different azimuthal pattern determined by exp(±inφ). The Φσm , n = (Em̂ , n exp(σinφ), Ĥ m , n exp(σinφ)) and
explicit expressions of mode profiles (including both the ξ ξ
general expression and asymptotic expression at r → ∞) are Φξp , q = (Ep̂ , q exp(ξiqφ), Ĥ p , q exp(ξiqφ)) (here we use σ and
provided in the SI for TE and TM modes. ξ to label the propagation direction, i.e., σ = ±1 and ξ = ±1) as
Mode Expansion. As in the previous section, we assume 2π
that the modes are either TE- or TM-polarized. The total
electric field E can be decomposed into a set of outgoing
Φσm , n ⊗ Φξp , q = ∫0 exp[iφ(σn + ξq)]
guided cylindrical modes and a continuum of radiation modes: σ ξ ξ σ
dφ × ∫−∞ (Em̂ , n × Ĥ p , q − Ep̂ , q × Ĥ m , n)·
E(r , φ , z) = ∑ ∑ cm+,nEm̂ +,n(kmr , z) exp(inφ)
m n
n r r dz (6)
+ continuum (3) where ⊗ denotes the inner product operator. Equation 6 is also
defined for a vertical infinite cylindrical surface, as for eq 5. On
where c+m,n denotes the amplitude of the nth azimuthal harmonic the basis of the Lorentz reciprocity theorem, we establish the
of the mth outgoing mode for the polarization considered. The unconjugated form of mode orthogonality relation (see SI)
second term, “continuum”, in eq 3 corresponds to a summation
over the continuum of radiation modes of the stratified Φσm , n ⊗ Φξp , q = δσm , −ξpδn , qNm , n (σ = ±1, ξ = ±1)
waveguide; we provide some additional discussions in the SI (7)
about the orthogonality and normalization of radiation modes. From eq 3 by using the orthogonality relation of eq 7, we find
Asymptotic Behavior and Radiation Diagram. The
electric field of the mth outgoing mode can be expressed as a cm+, n = (E, H) ⊗ Φ−m , n
summation of all the relevant azimuthal harmonics, i.e., 2π
+ 1
Em(r , φ , z) = ∑n =−∞ cm+, nEm̂ , n(kmr , z) exp(inφ). The asymp- =
Nm , n
∫0 exp( −inφ) dφ
totic behavior at r → ∞ can be found with asymptotic forms of
Hankel functions, and for a TM mode, for instance, we have − −
∫−∞ (E × Ĥ m , n − Em̂ , n × H)·n rr dz
Em(r → ∞ , φ , z)
As the orthogonality and normalization relations are both r-
= fm (φ) exp(ikmr )/ r [eL(z)n r , 0nφ, e T(z)nz] (4) independent (see SI), eq 8 is r-independent as long as the
cylindrical surface, such as ΣA shown in Figure 2, fully
where fm (φ) = ∑n =−∞ cm+, n exp[−i(2n + 1)π /4] 2/(πkm) surrounds the inhomogeneity.
Nevertheless, eq 8 is not suitable for numerical implementa-
exp(inφ) tion, since it requires an integral over the entire transverse
describes the angular distribution of the amplitude of the mth direction, −∞ < z < +∞. Thus, we consider a closed source-f ree
mode in the far zone and eL(z) and eT(z) represent the volume Ω with its boundary Σ formed by three surfaces, ΣA, ΣB,
longitudinal and transverse electric field components of the z- and ΣC; see Figure 2. Applying (E,H) and Φ−m,n to the Lorentz
dependent mode profile (see SI). |f m(φ)|2 characterizes the reciprocity theorem (see SI or ref 27) for the volume Ω, a
angular intensity distribution in the far zone, i.e., the guided- simple but vital relation can be found as
− −
mode radiation diagram. ∮Σ exp(−inφ)(E × Ĥ m , n − Em̂ , n × H)·n dS = 0, owing to the
If the stack materials are lossless, the total power carried by fact that (E,H) and Φ−m,n share the same permittivity and
the mth mode can be found by summing the power of all permeability distribution in Ω. Furthermore, as we consider the
azimuthal harmonics as Pm = ∫ 2π 0 |f m(φ)| dφ = 4/|km|∑n=−∞|
2 +∞
mth mode to be a bound mode with a field that exponentially
c+m,n|2, provided that the modes are normalized in such a way as vanishes at z = ±∞,
Nm,n = (−1)n 16/km, with Nm,n denoting the normalization
coefficient of Φ±m,n defined as (see SI)
∮Σc exp(−inφ)(E × Ĥ m−,n − Em̂ −,n × H)·n dS = 0 (9)
2π +∞ + − − +
Nm , n = ∫0 dφ ∫−∞ (Em̂ , n × Ĥ m , n − Em̂ , n × Ĥ m , n)·n rr and we get
− −
dz (5) ∫Σ A
exp(−inφ)(E × Ĥ m , n − Em̂ , n × H)·n dS
The integral in eq 5 runs over a vertical cylindrical surface of − −
radius r with an infinite transverse cross-section from z = −∞ =− ∮Σ exp(−inφ)(E × Ĥ m , n − Em̂ , n × H)·n dS
to z = +∞ (e.g., surface ΣA in Figure 2), and noticeably it B
involves both the ingoing and the outgoing modes. It is The left-hand side of eq 10 is the same as the integral in eq 8,
independent of r even in the presence of absorption. A similar and therefore finally eq 8 can be replaced by
normalization approach for guided modes can be found in ref
1 − −
Calculation of the Mode Amplitude. Here we will
cm+, n =
Nm , n
∮Σ B
exp(−inφ)(E × Ĥ m , n − Em̂ , n × H)·(−n)
demonstrate that the amplitude coefficient cm,n of the mode (11)
Φ+m,n in eq 3 can be found with a simple overlap integral [see dS
eq 11] involving (E,H) and the ingoing mode Φ−m,n on the Equation 11 constitutes the main result of the present analysis,
closed “box” ΣB defined in Figure 2. and it can be computed easily on a surface with a finite size (in
398 DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.5b00559
ACS Photonics 2016, 3, 395−402
ACS Photonics Article
Figure 3. Plane wave scattering by a silicon (n = 3.5) nanosphere (radius R = 285 nm) in air at a wavelength of 1.5 μm. (a) The silicon sphere is
illuminated by an x-polarized plane wave propagating along the +z direction. (b and c) Radiation diagrams of the scattered field in the x−y plane and
the y−z plane. Results obtained with the numerical tool and Mie theory are plotted with red curves and black circles.
Figure 4. Emission of two dipole sources inside a dielectric slab waveguide at a wavelength of 1 μm. (a) Sketch of the slab waveguide. The core layer
(thickness 200 nm and refractive index 1.5) is surrounded by two semi-infinite media with indices 1 (above) and 1.2 (below). The dipole coordinates
are (−100 nm, 0, 0) and (50 nm, 0, 0). (b) 3D free-space radiation diagram. The upper spherical (lower three-armed) part corresponds to radiation
into the superstrate (substrate). (c and d) Radiation diagrams of TE0 and TM0 guided modes. Results obtained with the numerical toolbox and
(semi)analytical calculation are shown with red curves and black circles, respectively.
contrast to eq 8). It implies that the amplitude of an outgoing polarized plane wave at a wavelength of 1.5 μm; see Figure 3a.
mode can be formally computed by sending its associated The radiation diagram of the scattered field is calculated with
ingoing mode into the stratified medium, as in the former COMSOL on a rectangular “box” that surrounds the
section (i.e., the retrieval approach for free-space radiation nanosphere and with the present numerical toolbox. The
diagram). We emphasize that the closed “box” ΣB that fully results are displayed with the red curves in Figure 3b and c and
encloses the local inhomogeneity has finite dimensions. Its are compared with radiation diagrams obtained with Mie
surface normal n is directed inward; see Figure 2. theory28 that are shown with black circles. The excellent
We remark that, because the r-dependent profiles are agreement between the fully numerical approach and the
depicted by Hankel functions that diverge at r = 0, both analytical solution corroborates the accuracy of the numerical
Φ+m,n and Φ−m,n diverge at r = 0; however their sum Φ+m,n + tool for retrieving the free-space radiation diagram.
Φ−m,n remains finite. According to eq 7, one can easily find that Example 2: Emission of Two Dipole Sources in a
in eqs 8 and 11 Φ−m,n can be replaced by Φ+m,n + Φ−m,n, i.e., cm,n
Dielectric Slab Waveguide. In example 2, we consider a
= (E,H) ⊗ (Φ+m,n + Φ−m,n). We emphasize that this more intricate problem, in which two electric dipole sources are
replacement, which is strictly rigorous from a mathematical placed in a high-index dielectric slab waveguide (see Figure 4a)
standpoint, is crucial for numerical calculations (additional deposited on a substrate with a low refractive index. The
details can be found in the SI). polarizations of the two electric dipole sources are J1 = (√2/2,
In this section, four examples are analyzed to show the
0, √2/2) and J2 = (0, 1, 0), respectively. The dipoles are
separated by 150 nm in the x direction. At the radiation
wavelength of 1 μm, the waveguide supports only two modes,
capability of the open-source numerical toolbox based on the TE0 (neff = 1.24) and TM0 (neff = 1.20), with all higher order
proposed retrieval approach. Additionally, the validity and modes being cut off. The near-field distribution on a
accuracy of the numerical tool are tested in examples 1 and 2, rectangular “box” that encloses the two sources is obtained
for which the radiation diagrams retrieved by the numerical tool with COMSOL and is used with the numerical toolbox to
from the near-field obtained with COMSOL multiphysics are compute the free-space and guided-mode radiation diagrams.
compared to diagrams obtained analytically. Examples 3 and 4 The results are shown in Figure 4b and 4c,d with red curves. As
present two emblematic examples in the area of nanoantennas. the refractive index of the substrate is larger than the one of the
Also, implementations of the examples 1 and 2 are provided in superstrate (air), light is dominantly radiated into the substrate.
ref 25. We additionally see that the radiation diagrams of TE and TM
Example 1: Scattering by a Silicon Nanosphere in modes are very different. We have also calculated the radiation
Free Space. We consider a silicon (n = 3.5) nanosphere of diagrams with an analytical expression for the field radiated by a
radius R = 285 nm placed in air and illuminated by an x- dipole source in a stratified medium using Green’s dyadics
399 DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.5b00559
ACS Photonics 2016, 3, 395−402
ACS Photonics Article
approaches.23,29,30 The results shown with black circles are in dominantly launched toward the x-direction, parallel to the
quantitative agreement with those obtained with the numerical incident polarization.
toolbox. Similar agreement has been obtained for the free space Example 4: Dipole Emission inside a Metal Patch
radiation diagram (not shown). In addition, we have checked Nanoantenna. Figure 6a−c depict a metal nanoantenna,
the energy conservation with a relative error of <1%, by
comparing the total power radiated by the source doublet
computed either directly by the total Poynting flux on a surface
surrounding the doublet or indirectly from the radiation
diagrams, summing over all free-space and guided modes.
The excellent agreement between the analytical calculations
(black circles) and the fully numerical results (red curves)
confirms the effectiveness of the present tool for treating guided
modes of the stratified substrate.
Example 3: Scattering at a Metallic Hole. The launching
of surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) by metallic holes or slits
has been widely studied in plasmonics.15,16,18−20 In the third Figure 6. Dipole emission inside a metal nanoantenna. (a) 3D sketch
example, we consider the light scattering by a finite-depth of the nanoantenna. A silver nanocube (65 × 65 × 65 nm) with a 3 nm
rectangular metallic air hole etched in a semi-infinite metal polymer coating is placed above a gold substrate covered by a 5 nm
substrate (z < 0) and illuminated by a normally incident plane polymer (8 nm spacer in total). (b and c) Side and top views of the
wave; see the inset in Figure 5a. The hole creates a nanoantenna. A z-polarized electric dipole source shown with a red dot
lies midway between the silver cube and gold substrate and is located
near the edge of the cube. (d) Radiative (γrad/γtot) and plasmonic
(γSPP/γtot) quantum-yield spectra. The top-left inset (red solid) shows
the free-space radiation diagram in the x−z plane at λ0 = 650 nm. The
top-right inset (blue dashed) shows the SPP radiation diagram in the
horizontal x−y plane at the same wavelength. In simulation, the
refractive index of the polymer is 1.4; for the relative permittivities of
silver and gold, a Drude model εAg = 1 − ω2Ag/(ω2 − iωΓAg) and a
Drude−Lorentz model εAu = 8.1 − ω2Au/(ω2 − iωΓAu) − 0.7ω2L/(ω2 −
ω2L − 2iωΓL) are adopted, with ωAg = 1.3 × 1016 s−1, ΓAg = 1.6 × 1014
s−1, ωAu = 1.3 × 1016 s−1, ΓAu = 4.13 × 1013 s−1, ωL = 4.1 × 1015 s−1,
and ΓL = 4.7 × 1014 s−1.
different decay channels (γtot, γrad, and γSPP) in such a device can (3) Mode orthogonality and normalization. (4) Remov-
be found in ref 36 as a function of the gap thickness, together ing the singularity of Hankel functions at r = 0. (5)
with a thorough analysis of why quenching does not impose Relation with the field equivalence principle (PDF)
severe limitations on the quantum efficiency.
We have developed a general method for computing far-field
Corresponding Authors
*E-mail: jianji.yang.photonique@gmail.com.
free-space and guided-mode radiation diagrams of local *E-mail: jean-paul.hugonin@institutoptique.fr.
inhomogeneities in stratified media. The far-field retrieval *E-mail: philippe.lalanne@institutoptique.fr.
requires only the knowledge of the near-zone electromagnetic Present Address
field (obtained by a Maxwell’s equation solver) on a closed #
Department of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University,
surface that envelops the local inhomogeneity. Moreover, the Stanford, California 94305, United States.
retrieval is based on rigorous mode decomposition. The
accuracy of the tool has been corroborated by comparisons
The authors declare no competing financial interest.
between fully numerical results and analytical results for two
simple examples, and its range of applicability has been further
illustrated with two examples taken from the recent literature
on nanoplasmonics. Additionally, we have already successfully Part of the study was carried out with financial support from
applied this numerical tool to various problems, including light “the Investments for the Future” Programme IdEx Bordeaux-
extraction with optimized nanoparticles,5 broadband absorb- LAPHIA (ANR-10-IDEX-03-02).
ers,37 and emission in metal nanogap structures36 and metallic
patch antennas.38 Thus, we are confident that the tool can be
widely used for various light emission and scattering problems
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E2 H1 E1 H2 dS
, (S2a)
iH1 H2 22 11 iE1 E2 11 22 H1 M2 E2 J1 H2 M1 E1 J2 dV
where denotes a surface enclosing the domain , which contains the source terms (J1, J2, M1,
and M2). If the domain is source-free, Eq. (S2a) becomes
Generally, when solving the source-free Maxwell‟s equations of a stratified waveguide in a cylindrical
coordinate r , ,z , the mode profile can be casted into independent functions of z , , and r .
The z-dependent profiles correspond to the usual mode profiles obtained in Cartesian coordinates
that are derived in all textbooks with an invariance along one of the longitudinal directions , see
Fig. S1. Due to the revolution symmetry, the -dependence is simply exp in (n = 0, ±1 …). And
finally, the r-dependence is characterized by Hankel functions. The propagation constant (along the
radial direction r) is the same as the one obtained in Cartesian coordinate.
m,n Eˆ m ,n expin,H
ˆ expin , where Ê ( Ĥ ) depends on z and r.
m ,n m, n m, n
The explicit expressions of TM- and TE-mode profiles and their asymptotic expressions as
r are provided in the following Eqs. (S3a)-(S3d), where we drop exp in for the sake of
simplicity and organize the field components with the usual sequence e r , e , e z ,hr , h , hz .
ˆ expin and the qth azimuthal harmonic of the pth mode
m,n Eˆ m,n ,H m,n p,q E p,q , H p,q exp iq ,
ˆ ˆ
with 1 and 1 dictating the mode propagation direction (with „+‟ and „–‟ corresponding to
outgoing and ingoing modes, respectively).
We define the inner product of two modes as
m,n p,q 0 expin q Eˆ m,n H
ˆ Eˆ H
p,q p,q m,n r
ˆ n rdzd , ( 1 , 1 ) (S4)
where denotes the inner product operator and nr is the normalized radial vector of the cylindrical
basis. Note that the integral in Eq. (S4) runs over a cylindrical surface of radius r from z to
z , such as the surfaces 1 or 2 sketched in Fig. S2. If two modes have different polarizations,
they are orthogonal to each other because the cross-products are null. In Section 3.2, we additionally
show the orthogonality relation for two modes with the same polarization
where N m,n denotes the normalization coefficient of mode m,n (see Section 3.3)
(b) Cross-sectional view. Cylindrical surfaces 1 (r = r1, vertical green lines) and 2
(r = r2, vertical red lines) are the outer and inner surfaces of the compact domain . 3
(shown with four horizontal blue lines) presents the horizontal boundaries of at
z .
3.1 Radial independence of Eqs. (S5) and (S6) for guided modes
In this sub-section, we will demonstrate the r-independence property of Eqs. (S5) and (S6); this
independence is important for establishing the mode orthogonality and normalization in Section 3.2.
Yet we consider two modes, m,n and p,q ( 1 and 1 , labeling the propagating
direction), and a cylindrical-shell volume shown in Fig. S2. Since modes are solution of
source-free Maxwell‟s equations, we can inject m,n [as solution 1 (E1,H1)] and p,q [as solution 2
(E2,H2)] into Eq. (S2b) (Lorentz reciprocity theorem) for the source-free domain . We easily obtain
1 2 3 E2 H1 E1 H2 dS 0 . Furthermore, if the modes are truly guided modes that are
the minus sign resulting from the orientation of the normal vectors of the surfaces. According to
Eq. (S4), it is straightforward to find that
where m,n p,q r and m,n p,q r represent inner products performed at cylindrical surfaces
1 2
r = r1 and r = r2. By substituting Eqs. (S8a) and (S8b) into Eq. (S7), we find that
θm,n p,q σm,n p,q , (S9)
r1 r2
indicating that the orthogonality and normalization relations given by Eqs. (S5) and (S6) are
simplicity we may derive the mode orthogonality relation Eq. (S5) by considering r . Referring to
Eqs. (S3a)-(S3d), we calculate m,n p,q for r using the asymptotic expressions for the
m,n p,q
exp i k m k p r exp i 2n q 4
kmk p . (S10)
0 expin q d e m,T h p,T e p,T hm,T nr dz
To show that Eq. (S10) leads to Eq. (S5), we consider several cases:
(a) Different mode polarization: From the asymptotic expressions of TM and TE modes, one easily
finds Eˆ TE ˆ TM ˆ TM ˆ TE
m,n H p,q E p,q Hm,n 0 . Therefore, TE
m,n p,q 0
for two modes with different
(b) Different azimuthal indices: For n q , 0 expin q d 0 and hence m,n p,q 0 .
(c) Different propagation constant (km ≠ kp): Note that in Eqs. (S3a)-(S3d), the mth outgoing ( 1 )
and ingoing ( 1 ) modes have the same value of propagation constant km, but their propagation
directions (i.e., being outgoing or ingoing) is discriminated by the notation „±‟ in front of km. When
km ≠ kp, a simple relation e m,T hp,T e p,T hm,T nr dz 0 can be found [4], which is the
unconjugated form of mode orthogonality relation for planar waveguides in a Cartesian coordinate,
(d) The same value of propagation constant km = kp and the same propagation direction (i.e., ):
In this case, we have
e m,T hp,T e p,T hm,T nr dz e p,T hp,T e p,T hp,T nr dz 0 ,
ˆ exp in . By substituting the two modes into Eq. (S5), we find that
m,n Eˆ m ,n , H m, n
m,n m,n 1
n 1 8
em,T hm,T nr dz .
e m,T hm,T nr dz 2 ,
If the planar waveguide is non-lossy [i.e., Im(km) = 0], a planar mode normalized according to Eq. (S12)
In the former sub-sections, mode orthogonality and mode normalization have been established for
guided modes, which are of main interest in practice. Here, we make a short remark on the extension
of orthogonality and normalization issue to radiation modes. According to Eq. (3) in the main text, the
total field is expanded into the waveguide mode basis that includes both a discrete set of truly guided
modes (bound states) and a continuum of radiation modes. Therefore, mode orthogonality has to be
established for all the modes, especially the orthogonality between bound and continuum states
should be established. Such orthogonalities can be derived directly from Maxwell‟s equations with a
formalism based on the Lorentz reciprocity theorem. The formalism and its difficulties to handle
leakage of continuum states are documented in textbooks of optical waveguides [4]. Moreover it was
generalized to periodic waveguides in [5], by introducing complex spatial coordinate transforms [6] ─ a
sort of perfectly matched layer (PML) ─ that map the open problem with its associated continuum of
radiation states to an approximated closed problem with a countable number of discrete states, called
quasi-normal Bloch modes. For brevity, the introduction of complex spatial coordinate transforms
allows one to handle the orthogonality and normalization issues for both guided and radiation modes
of stratified waveguides that is treated in the current work. The PML-assisted approach has been
effectively applied in several theoretical studies on waveguides, such as the computation of scattering
loss at waveguide terminations [7], the coupling of quantum emitters with photonic crystal waveguides
[8], and the localization lengths of periodic waveguides with tiny imperfections [9].
Hankel functions have singularity at r = 0. This results in difficulty to numerically implement the
calculations of Eqs. (8)-(11) in the main text. Note that, H n r H n r 2J n r is finite and therefore
m,n m,n does not diverge at r = 0. According to the mode orthogonality relation given by Eq. (7)
in the main text or Eq. (S5), one can easily find m,n m,n 0 and then
N m, n m , n m, n m, n m, n m, n . (S14)
So in Eq. (8) of the main text, m,n can be replaced by m,n m,n to compute the excitation
coefficient, i.e., c m ,n E, H m,n E, H m,n m,n . Furthermore, this important replacement is
applied into Eqs. (8)-(11) of the main text to avoid any singularity in numerical calculations.
cm ,n
Nm,n B
exp in Eˆ m,n J Hˆ m,n M dS ,
with electric surface current J n H and magnetic surface current M n E . Converting Eq. (11)
to Eq. (S15) amounts to casting E, H on B into fictitious sources according to the field equivalent
principle. Note that the amplitude of an outgoing mode excited by local sources is determined by the
corresponding ingoing mode and the same sources, as the modes conforms to the unconjugated form
of orthogonality, see for instance the dipole emission in a periodic waveguide in Ref. [5].
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