Fess 302
Fess 302
Fess 302
not included in a certain activity or group. We feel
hurt, angry, helpless or sad when friends or others
treat us in such ways. Have you ever wondered
why this happens?
In this chapter we will try and explore how such
experiences are related to the society we live in. We
will look at how they are connected to the inequalities
that exist around us.
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Creating Stereotypes
All of us are familiar with gender
differences. What does it mean to be a
boy or a girl? Many of you would say,
“We are born as boys and girls. It is a
given. What is there to think about?”
Let’s see if this is the case.
If we take the statement ‘’ They don’t they don’t cry.” As children grow up
cry”, you’ll see that this is a quality they start believing that boys do not
that is generally associated with boys cry so that even if a boy feels like
and men. As babies or children when crying he stops himself from doing so.
boys fall and hurt themselves, their He also believes that crying is a sign
parents and other family members of weakness. So, even though both
often console them by saying “Don’t boys and girls sometimes want to cry,
cry. You are a boy. Boys are brave, especially if they are angry or in pain,
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as they grow older boys learn or teach skills that are different from others.
themselves not to cry. If a grown boy They fit large numbers of people into
cries, then he feels that others will only one pattern or type. Stereotypes
either tease him or laugh at him, and affect all of us as they prevent us from
so he stops himself from doing so in doing certain things, that we might
front of others. otherwise be good at.
This is the way boys are and this is
Inequality and Discrimination
how girls are: these are statements we
hear constantly and accept without Discrimination happens when people
even thinking, and we start believing act on their prejudices or stereotypes.
that each one of us must behave If you do something to put other people
accordingly. We fit all boys and all girls down, if you stop them from taking
into an image that society creates part in certain activities and taking up
around us. jobs, or stop them from living in certain
neighbourhoods, prevent them from
You can take other statements such taking water from the same well or hand
as They are soft and gentle or pump, or not allow them to drink tea
They are well behaved and discuss in the same cups or glasses as others,
how these are applied to girls. Do you are discriminating against them.
girls possess these qualities at birth
or do they learn such behaviour Discrimination can take place
from others? What do you think because of several reasons. You
about girls who are not soft and probably recall from the previous
gentle and those who are naughty? chapter that Samir Ek and Samir Do
were different from each other in many
When we fix people into one
ways. For example, they belonged to
image we create a stereotype. When different religions. This is an aspect
people say that those who belong to a of diversity. However, this diversity
particular country, religion, sex, race can also be a source of discrimination.
or economic background are “stingy,” Groups of people who may speak a
“lazy,” “criminal” or “dumb,” they are certain language, follow a particular
using stereotypes. There are stingy and religion, live in specific regions etc.,
generous people everywhere, in every may be discriminated against as their
country, in every religion, in every customs or practices may be seen as
group whether rich or poor, male or inferior.
female. And just because some people
are like that it is not fair to think that Another difference between the
everyone will be the same. two Samirs was in their economic
backgrounds. Samir Do was poor. This
Stereotypes stop us from looking at difference, as you have read earlier, is
each person as a unique individual with not a form of diversity but of inequality.
his or her own special qualities and People who are poor do not have the
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In addition to the lower castes
being discriminated against,
there are also various other
communities that are subject to
Can you think of a few other
examples of discrimination.
Discuss the ways in which
persons with special needs might
be subject to discrimination.
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education as men did. Peasants and The writers of the Constitution also
tribals fought to release themselves said that respect for diversity was a
from the grasp of the moneylender significant element in ensuring equality.
and the high interest they were They felt that people must have the
charged. freedom to follow their religion, speak
their language, celebrate their festivals
When India became a nation in
and express themselves freely. They
1947 our leaders too were concerned
about the different kinds of
inequalities that existed. Those who
wrote the Constitution of India, a
document that laid out the rules by
which the nation would function,
were aware of the ways in which
discrimination had been practised
in our society and how people
had struggled against this. Many
leaders of these struggles such as
Dr Ambedkar had also fought for the
rights of the Dalits.
Some of the members who wrote the
So these leaders set out a vision and Constitution of India.
goals in the Constitution to ensure that
all the people of India were considered said that no one language, religion or
equal. This equality of all persons is festival should become compulsory
seen as a key value that unites us all for all to follow. They said that the
as Indians. Everyone has equal rights government must treat all religions
and opportunities. Untouchability is equally.
seen as a crime and has been legally
Therefore, India became a secular
abolished by law. People are free to
country where people of different
choose the kind of work they wish to
do. Government jobs are open to all religions and faiths have the freedom
people. In addition, the Constitution to practise and follow their religion
also placed responsibility on the without any fear of discrimination.
government to take specific steps to This is seen as an important element of
realise this right to equality for poor our unity – that we all live together and
and other such marginal communities. respect one other.
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b. The boy who won the drawing 2. to become an astronaut which she
competition went to the dias did.
c. One of the fastest athletes in the 3. to speak with her daughter who
world had just returned from school.
d. She was not that well-off but had 4. on a wheelchair to collect his prize.
a dream
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3. What does the Constitution say with regard to equality? Why do you think it is
important for all people to be equal?
4. Sometimes people make prejudiced comments in our presence. We are often not in a
position to do anything about this because it is difficult to say something right then
and there. Divide the class into groups and each group discuss what they could do in
one of the following situations:
Discuss in class what the different groups have suggested for the above situations,
and also talk about the problems that can come up when raising the issue.
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